Deep Reinforcement Learning

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CSCI S-89C Deep Reinforcement Learning

Syllabus Spring 2021

Lectures: Online web conference, Wednesdays, 7:40-9:40 pm

Lectures will be live-streamed with the video being available via the course website within 24 hours.
Instructor: Dr. Dmitry Kurochkin, Senior Research Analyst, Harvard University
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: By request
Teaching Fellows: TBA e-mail: TBA

Introductory probability and statistics, multivariate calculus equivalent to MATH E-21a, and profi-
ciency in Python programming equivalent to CSCI E-7.
Note on the prerequisites:
We will be formulating value (cost) functions and performing optimization. Students are expected to be
comfortable taking derivatives. Basic knowledge of probability theory (in particular, conditional proba-
bility distributions and conditional expectations) is necessary. Understanding matrix vector operations
and notation is helpful but not required. All coding exercises are performed in Python. Students are
required to take a short pretest at the beginning of the course. The pretest score will not count toward
the final grade but will help you understand whether your background in calculus, probability theory,
as well as command of coding positions you for success in this course.

Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, 2nd ed.
ISBN: 978-0-262-03924-6
Electronic copy of the book is available at the author’s webpage (under “Full Pdf”)
Optional reading:
Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016
ISBN: 978-0-262-03561-3
HTML version of the book is available at

Course Description:
This course introduces Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL), one of the most modern techniques of ma-
chine learning. Deep RL has attracted the attention of many researches and developers in recent years
due to its wide range of applications in a variety of fields such as robotics, robotic surgery, pattern
recognition, diagnosis based on medical image, treatment strategies in clinical decision making, person-
alized medical treatment, drug discovery, speech recognition, computer vision, and natural language
processing. Deep RL is often seen as the third area of machine learning, in addition to supervised and
unsupervised algorithms, in which learning of an agent occurs as a result of its own actions and inter-
action with the environment. Generally, such learning processes do not need to be guided externally,
but it has been difficult until recently to use RL ideas practically. This course primarily focuses on
problems that emerge in healthcare and life science applications.
Tentative List of Topics:
I. Reinforcement Learning (RL)

◦ Markov Decision Processes (MDP): Value Functions and Policies

◦ Dynamic Programming (DP): Bellman Equation
◦ Monte Carlo (MC) Methods
◦ Temporal-difference (TD) Prediction and Control: SARSA and Q-learning
◦ n-step TD
◦ Approximation Methods: Stochastic-gradient, Semi-gradient TD Update, Least-squares TD
II. Deep Learning

◦ Neural Networks (NN): Classification & Regression

◦ Training NNs: Backpropagation
◦ Tuning NNs: Regularization
◦ Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)

III. Deep RL
◦ Value-based Deep RL: Q-network
◦ Policy-based Deep RL: REINFORCE
◦ Asynchronous Methods for Deep RL: Advantage Actor-Critic (A2C)
◦ Model-based Deep RL
Except when especially noted, homework assignments will be due each Sunday. The assignments will
be posted on Canvas website and will consist of series of programming exercises (solutions should be
implemented in Python) as well as analytical problems (knowledge of calculus and probability theory
should suffice) that help students enhance their understanding of the underlying theory. Solutions to
the programming exercises should be submitted via Canvas in a form of a single .ipynb (Jupyter Note-
book) file. The solutions to the theoretical problems should be submitted in a form of a single PDF
Note on the deadline and penalty:
Solutions to the assignments submitted later than 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 days after the due date will be
penalized by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 100%, respectively. In case you need an extension, please
coordinate with the instructor prior to the due day.

An online quiz will be due before each class, unless announced otherwise. The quiz will consist of ap-
proximately 5 basic questions on understanding of studied principals. No late quizzes will be allowed.

Midterm Exam:
The midterm exam will be released on March 10 (no lecture on March 10) and due March 17 at 7:40
pm (Eastern Time). The test will be similar to Homework exercises but cover topics studied up to this
date. Late midterm will not be accepted.

The final examination will be due at 11:59 pm (Eastern Time) on May 12 (no lecture on May 12). The
exam will be cumulative covering all topics studied. Late final will not be accepted.

Regular attendance (whether on campus or online) is expected but will not be taken. Recorded lectures
will be available via the course website within 24 hours after the lecture.

Although no credit is allocated for participation, everyone is encouraged to constructively participate
in class by asking relevant questions. It is important that you check the e-mail registered with Canvas
regularly and monitor course announcements and also participate in discussions on Piazza, the fo-
rum available at All technical and data science related
questions will be discussed on Piazza.

The semester average is calculated using the formula:

Grade = 0.25 · Homework + 0.20 · Quizzes + 0.25 · Midterm + 0.30 · Final

Student Learning Objectives:

◦ proficiency in building optimal NNs using Python
◦ understanding of RL including MDP, Bellman equation, and optimal policy

◦ firm understanding of Deep RL and getting comfortable with approximation methods used in
conjunction with RL
◦ hands-on experience on estimating the optimal policy and value functions

Academic Integrity:
You are responsible for understanding Harvard Extension School policies on academic integrity (www. and how to
use sources responsibly. Not knowing the rules, misunderstanding the rules, running out of time, sub-
mitting the wrong draft, or being overwhelmed with multiple demands are not acceptable excuses.
There are no excuses for failure to uphold academic integrity. To support your learning about academic
citation rules, please visit the Harvard Extension School Tips to Avoid Plagiarism (www.extension., where you’ll find links to
the Harvard Guide to Using Sources and two free online 15-minute tutorials to test your knowledge of
academic citation policy. The tutorials are anonymous open-learning tools.

Disability Accommodations:
The Extension School is committed to providing an accessible academic community. The Accessibil-
ity Office offers a variety of accommodations and services to students with documented disabilities.
More information can be found at

Dates of Interest:
◦ Harvard Extension School classes begin, January 25, 2021
◦ Pretest is due, January 29
◦ Last day to change the credit status, January 31
◦ Course drop deadline for full-tuition refund, January 31
◦ Quiz 1 is due, February 3
◦ Assignment 1 is due, February 7
◦ Course drop deadline for half-tuition refund, February 7
◦ Midterm Exam is due, March 17, 7:40 pm (Eastern Time)
◦ Withdrawal deadline, April 23
◦ Final Exam is due, May 12, 11:59 pm (Eastern Time)

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