Test 7 & 8 BDS

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Anatomy Mcqs

The conus medullaris is the tapering point at the end of the spinal cord. It is located at
approximately __________.

 L 1/ L 2
 L 3/ L 4
 L 5/ L 6

The tail end of the spinal cord is not “hanging loose.” It is actually anchored via the
__________, which connects to the coccyx bone.

 cauda equina
 filum terminale
 conus medullaris

How many plexus groups branch off the spinal cord?

 3
 4
 5

Which of the following spinal cord regions are NOT involved with a plexus formation?

 cervical
 thoracic
 lumbar

The cauda equina are nerves that branch off the spinal cord in which of the following

 superior end
 lateral edges
 inferior end

What is the name of the structures that hold the spinal cord in position within the
vertebral foramen?

 filum terminale
 dorsal root ganglia
 denticulate ligaments

Which of the following transmits information from the spinal cord to the extremities of
the body?

 ventral roots
 dorsal roots
 dorsal root ganglia

Fasciculi are bundles of nerve tracts associated with __________.

 the gray matter of the spinal cord

 the white matter of the spinal cord
 the gray commissure of the spinal cord

The spinal cord consists of ascending tracts of axons and descending tracts of axons.
Which of the following are correct in reference to those tracts?

 The ascending tracts are found in the white matter and transmit sensory
information. The descending tracts are found in the gray matter and transmit motor
 The ascending tracts are found in the gray matter and transmit sensory
information. The descending tracts are found in the white matter and transmit motor

 Both tracts are found in the white matter. The ascending tract transmits sensory
information while the descending tracts transmit motor information.

2. The spinal cord is continuous with which part of the brain?

A. pons b. medulla oblongata
C. cerebellum D. midbrain
3. Does spinal nerves always form a link between the brain and the rest of the body?
A. yes  B. no
C. except cranial nerves D. except spinal nerves
 4. the spinal cord consist of which type of cell bodies?
A. sensory neurons B. motor neurons
C. connector neurons D. all of the above
5.  Which column of grey matter receives the sensory input for the body?
A. posterior column B. anterior column
C. lateral column D. both B and C
6. Match the following-
a. upper motor neuron (voluntary)        1.  has 3 elements
b. upper motor neuron(involuntary)     2. Anterior column of grey matter
c. lower motor neuron                               3. Below cerebrum
d. spinal reflexes                                         4. Primary motor area of cerebrum
A3, A4
B4, B3
7.  Where does receptors for pain, temp, touch lies?
A. muscles B. joints
C. tendons D. none of the above
8. Which neuron facilitates the involuntary muscle movements?
A. upper motor neuron B. lower motor neuron
c. connector neuron D. all of the above
9. Which of the following statement is true?
A. spinal reflexes has 4 elements
B. lower motor neurons has cell body in anterior column of grey matter
C. grey matter that lies transversely is lateral commissure
D. spinal cord has 3 equal parts
10.What includes the autonomic reflexes?
A. dilating of pupil B. contracting of pupil
C. dilating of iris D. contracting of iris

A 19 year old gang member presented in the ER with a stab wound of

the neck. Neurological examination revealed left hemiparesis with
complete loss of vibratory and joint position sense below C6 on the
same side as the weakness. Loss of pain and temperature sensation
was elicited on the left at C6 only and on the right below C6. An MRI of
the cervical spinal cord will reveal which of these findings?

Hemisection of the left spinal cord

Lesion of the dorsal column only on the left spinal cord

Complete transection of the spinal cord

Lesion of the left anterolateral white mater only of the spinal cord

Damage to the cervical dorsal roots at C6 on the left side only


During a play-off game, a college hockey player is struck hard on the back of
his neck with a hockey stick. A CT scan reveals a bone fragment lodged into
the medial aspect of his dorsal columns in the cervical spinal cord. Which of
the following functions will most likely be affected given this patient's

Touch, pressure, vibratory sense from ipsilateral leg

Pain and temperature sense from contralateral leg

Pain from ipsilateral face

Pain and temperature sense from contralateral arm

Touch, pressure, vibration of ipsilateral arm


A pain researcher wants to make a lesion to the Spinothalamic tract so that

his subjects feel no pain and temperature sensation from the right leg, but
leaves pain and temperature sensation rostral to the arm. Where would you
advise this researcher to make his lesion?

Lesion the right spinal tract of V

Lesion the most lateral aspect of the left spinothalamic tract

Lesion the most medial aspect of the left spinothalamic tract

Lesion the most lateral aspect of the right spinothalamic tract

Lesion the most medial aspect of the right spinothalamic tract

In which of the following funiculi would you find the dorsal
Lateral Funiculus
Posterior Funiculus
Anterior Funiculus
Medial Funiculus
Cuneate Funiculus
A patient has an injury that results in damage to the lower motor neurons.
Which of the following would you expect to see in the patient?

Spastic paralysis

Increased muscle tone

Positive Babinski sign

Flaccid paralysis

Which of the following tracts is affected with syringomyelia?

Lateral Corticospinal

Dorsal Column fibers

Anterior Corticospinal

Spinothalamic Tract

Dorsal Spinocerebellar fibers


Which of the following would you find in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord?

Alpha motor neuron

Gamma motor neuron

Substantia gelatinosa

Sympathetic cell bodies

Clarke's nucleus
Which of the following would you primarily find in the lateral funiculus of the
spina cord?

Alpha motor neurons

Anterior Corticospinal tract

Fasciculus cuneatus

Medial Lemniscus

Lateral Corticospinal tract


A 22-year old athlete is complaining of a loss of 'touch and pressure sense

from his left lower limb. You know that axons carrying this type of information
are found in which of the following spinal cord regions?

Dorsal funiculus of the spinal cord

Ventral horn of the spinal cord

Lateral funiculus of the spinal cord

Dorsal horn of the spinal cord

Anterior funiculus of the spinal cord


Which Cranial nerve(s) come from the midbrain?




Which 2 cranial nerves come from the pontomedullary junction?

I & II


IX & V



Where do Cranial nerves 9,10 & 11 originate from?




Edinger Wesphal nuclei has fibers of what kind?

Postganglionic parasympathetic

Preganglionic parasympathetic
Postganglion sympathetic

Preganglionic sympathetic

What composes the facial colliculus?

Facial nerve

Optic nerve

Trigeminal nucleus

Abducens nucleus

Facial nucleus

Physiology MCQs

1. With respect to the clotting mechanism

a. Activated protein C inactivates VIIIa, Va and the inhibitor of tPA
b. The intrinsic system is activated by tissue thromboplastin
c. Ca is required for the activation of IX
d. V is required for the full activation of VII
e. XIIIa stabilizes thrombin

2. Immunoglobulins
a. Are produced in greatest quantities by activated memory B cells
b. There are 5 types of heavy chain
c. Fc portion mediates reactions initiate by antibodies
d. J chains are found in IgA and IgE
e. Variable segments are only found on the heavy chain

3. Haemoglobin F
a. α chains are replaced with delta chains
b. has a higher oxygen content at the same pO 2 as adults
c. has a higher affinity for 2,3, DPG
d. is replaced by adult Hb during adolescence
e. is able to displace oxygen from myoglobin
4. Given an Hb of 140g/L how many mLs of O2 is carried in 1L of 100%
a. 5mL
b. 100mL
c. 200mL
d. 500mL
e. 1L

5. In a healthy person in standard conditions with a pO 2 of 60mmHg which is the correct Hb

a. 75%
b. 90%
c. 95%
d. 57%
e. 85%

6. Which is true of CD4+ cells

a. Are derived from the bone marrow
b. Do not have Fc receptors
c. Have class MHC II receptors
d. Can be inactivated by cyclosporin
e. Are unaffected by cytokines

Regarding binding of oxygen with hemoglobin (Hb):

Oxygen loosely combines with 2 positive bonds of iron in Hb molecule
Oxygen firmly binds with 1 of the coordination bonds of iron atom
Oxygen is carried to the tissues in molecular form by Hemoglobin.
Oxygen is released by Hb into the tissues in ionic form
Oxygen firmly binds with 2 positive bonds of iron in Hb molecule

2. The 1st step of Heme synthesis takes place in the:

Golgi apparatus
Rough endoplasmic reticulum


3. Regarding the blood coagulation test “Prothrombin time”:

It is normally about 12 minutes
It indicates concentration of thrombin in blood
It involves intrinsic clotting pathway
It does not involve oxalation of removed blood
It shortens with rise in prothrombin concentration

4.A 24 year old African American man comes to the emergency room 3 hours after the onset of severe
back andchest pain which started when he was climbing up a mountain. He had an episode of same
symptoms five yearsago. His values are Hb: 11g/dL, TLC: 12,000/mm , Reticulocyte count: 25%. What is
the diagnosis of this patient?
Acute blood loss .
Sickle cell anemi
Anemia of chronic disease
End stage kidney disease
Chronic blood loss

5. Which of the following treatments would prevent a transfusion reaction?a.

Administration of plasma free blood 
Administration of washed erythrocytes
Treatment with immunoglobulins.
Treatment with mannitol.
Proper cross-matching of donor red cells with recipient plasma

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