Ujmr 2020 - 4 - 24 - 30 PDF
Ujmr 2020 - 4 - 24 - 30 PDF
Ujmr 2020 - 4 - 24 - 30 PDF
UJMR, Volume 5 Number 1, June, 2020, pp 24 - 30 ISSN: 2616 – 0668
H37Rv for RIF) were used as resistant controls. resistant if the proportion of bacilli resistant to
The slopes were incubated at 37°C and read the critical concentration of a drug exceeded
after 4 and 6 weeks. An isolate was considered 1% (Canetti et al., 1963; Canetti et al., 1969).
Genotypic assays were carried out by the 120 seconds; followed by an additional 20
GenoType® MTBDRplus molecular line probe cycles of denaturation at 95 oC for 25 seconds,
assay according to the manufacturer’s annealing at 53 oC for 40 seconds, elongation at
specifications as follows: 70 oC for 40 seconds and final extension at 70 oC
DNA extraction for 8 minutes. The amplicons were used for
Sterile plastic loops (one per sample) were used further analysis.
to suspend colonies from the LJ slants into 2ml Denaturation of DNA
micro centrifuge tubes containing 100 µl The TwinCubator® (shaking water bath) was
molecular grade water and centrifuged at pre-warmed to 45 oC and 20μl of denaturation
10,000xg for 15 min. The supernatant was solution (NaOH) was added to each labeled well
discarded and the pellet re-suspended in of the TwinCubator® tray followed by the
molecular grade water, to ensure that the addition of 20μl of the amplicons respectively.
suspension of extracted DNA was free of The mixture was mixed gently by pipetting up
impurities that might inhibit the PCR. The re- and down five times and then incubated at
suspended solutions were vortexed until they room temperature for 5mins.
appeared slightly opaque (milky). The tubes Hybridization and detection
were arranged in floating racks, placed in One (1) ml of the pre-warmed hybridization
water bath and heated at 95 oC for 20 min. This buffer (HYB) was carefully added to the wells
was to kill the bacilli and partially lyse the using a pipette. The tray was then carefully
cells, thereby rendering the solution non tilted back and forth so that the purple
infectious and to obtain a higher yield of DNA. denaturation solution and green hybridization
The tubes were placed in ultrasonic bath and buffer were thoroughly mixed. The tray was
incubated for 15 min. The powerful ultrasonic placed on the TwinCubator® and the labeled
shockwaves created by the sonicator disrupted strips added to each well ensuring that the
the cell walls of the tubercle bacilli, causing strips were completely covered by the liquid.
further cell lyses, and releasing the DNA and This was incubated at 45 oC for 30mins. After
other cell debris into the molecular grade incubation, the glass panel lid was opened and
water. Finally, the tubes were centrifuged at the condensate that formed during the
maximum speed (10,000xg) to separate the incubation wiped off. The HYB buffer was
impure cell debris (containing the cell wall, aspirated completely from each well using a
proteins and other macromolecules) from the Pasteur pipette. One (1) ml of the pre-warmed
DNA. The heavier debris formed the pellet and red stringent wash buffer (STR) was dispensed
the lighter DNA (free from impurities) was into the tray using a multi-channel pipette
suspended in the supernatant. The avoiding the contact of the strips with the tips.
supernatants were transferred into clean After 15 minute incubation at 45 oC in the
labeled micro centrifuge tubes for further use. TwinCubator®, STR buffer was aspirated and
PCR amplification of the extracted DNA disposed of with a Pasteur pipette. The STR
The master mix was prepared in clean DNA-free buffer was washed off with 1 ml of Rinse
room. The master mix was made of five solution (RIN) for 1 minute. One (1) ml of the
components with a total volume of 45μl for Conjugate (CON) solution was dispensed into
each PCR reaction (35μl of the primer each well and the glass panel lid was closed
nucleotide mix (PNM), 5μl of buffer, 2μl of and incubated for 30 minutes on the
MgCl2, 3μl of molecular grade H2O and 0.2 μl of TwinCubator®. The strips were washed twice
Taq polymerase). The master mix was then well with 1 ml of Rinse solution (RIN) for 1 minute in
mixed and 45μl required for each specimen was the TwinCubator® to wash off the excess CON
transferred into the PCR tubes and 5μl of each solution. One (1) ml of sterile distilled water
sample was added to the corresponding tube was added to each strip-containing well, and a
containing 45 μl of master mix and then mixed 1 minute wash performed on the TwinCubator®
by gently pipetting up and down a few times. to wash off the RIN solution after which the
The tubes were mixed slightly and spun down distilled water was completely decanted. One
for 5 - 10 seconds in a mini-centrifuge before (1) ml of the Substrate solution was dispensed
they were placed into the thermal cycler for into each well and incubated for 15 minutes on
amplification. A 30 cycle (10 + 20) thermal the TwinCubator® after which the Substrate
cycler program was used for the amplification. solution was aspirated and the strips washed
This involved ten cycles of denaturation at 95 twice with sterile distilled water. A pair of
C for 30 seconds and elongation at 58 oC for clean tweezers was used to remove the strips
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research www.ujmr.umyu.edu.ng
UJMR, Volume 5 Number 1, June, 2020, pp 24 - 30 ISSN: 2616 – 0668
from the TwinCubator® tray and placed onto partially dried and transferred to the
absorbent paper. The developed strips were GenoType® MTBDRplus score sheet.
Table 1 shows the comparison of Geno Type such by the LJ Proportion method, one and two
MTBDRplus LPA and phenotypic LJ-proportion MDR-TB isolates respectively were
methods. The comparison showed that one characterized by genotypic and phenotypic
isolate was mono resistant to RIF and one was methods. The remaining isolates were found to
mono resistant to INH by LPA only and none of be pan susceptible by both methods.
Table 1: Comparison of Geno Type MTBDRplus LPA and phenotypic LJ-proportion methods
Susceptibility Geno Type MTBDRplus phenotypic LJ-proportion
RIF mono-resistance 1 0
INH mono-resistance 1 0
MDR-TB 1 2
Pan susceptible 37 38
Total 40 40
The banding patterns of mutations associated respectively. Rifampicin mono resistance with
with rifampicin and isoniazid resistance in band at rpoβ MUT3 corresponding to S531L was
multidrug resistant and mono-resistant strains found in one isolate. Also, isoniazid mono
detected by MTBDR plus is shown in Table 2. resistance was observed in one isolate with
One isolate was characterized as MDR with ihnA MUT2 band corresponding to A16G
bands at rpoβ MUT2A region and ihnA MUT2 mutation.
corresponding to H526Yand A16G mutations