1-Communication and Globalization & World Englishes

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Communication and

Gerald Y. Mariano, LPT
§Airfare has become cheaper.
§ One can travel internationally
more than once.
§Many Filipinos have decided to work or
live abroad.
§ The free trade all over the world has
brought multinational companies.
a f f e c t e d
i o n h a s
b a l i z a t s!
§G l o u s w a y
n u m e r o
us i n
§ In short, it is imperative to be
aware of the differences between
our culture and the rest of the
world’s cultures.
§One can communicate internationally
in a matter of seconds.
§ One can read about different cultures,
and have access to films and academic
§One should know the difference
between the kind of English that
we write and speak.
§We should talk not of English but of
many Englishes, especially in Third
World countries.
§There has been a contest between the
forces of standardization and the forces
of localization in the written and
spoken English.
§All languages are equal in the sense
that each is suited to the
communication needs of its speakers.
§However, not all languages are
equal in prestige.
§For example, the social variety of
English called African American
English is stigmatized.
§M a n y m u l t i l i n g u a l c o u n t r i e s h a v e
developed varieties of English:
üSouth Africa
üHong Kong
ü Malaysia
§The two most well-known varieties of
E n g l i s h a re t h o s e o f t h e co l o n i a l
superpowers: British English and
American English.
Aspect American English (US) British English (UK)

Date March 2, 2017 2 March 2017

Spelling center, color, organize, centre, colour, organise,

program programme
Words elevator, pants, diaper Lift, trousers, nappy

Expression/Local Idiom ruffled feathers knickers in a twist

(agitated) (agitated)
Grammar Do you have that book? Have you got that book?

Pronunciation vase /vās/ - sounds like VEYZ vase /va:z/] – sounds like
§Every English-speaking nation has
its own set of English phrases and
§In other words, there is no wrong
way of speaking English as long as
those who speak it understand each
Crystal, D. (2003). English as a global languag (2nd Ed.).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

McCrum, R. Cran, W., & MacNeil, R. (1986, September 7).

Speak English. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved August 11,
2017 from http://articles:chicagotribune.com/1986-09-

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