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A Baby Gifted by Amitabha Buddha
繪圖:巫麗雪 Art: Wu Lixue
文字:淨開法師 Text: Dharma Master Jingkai
翻譯:淨土宗翻譯小組 English translation: Pure Land School Translation Team

淨土宗宗祖 善導大師畫像
前 言
Namo Amitabha Buddha


這一系列念佛漫畫集,便是朝以上的方向嘗試而得的初步成果。當然,若論其藝 說》而入佛門),何況是淨土宗這樣「指方立相」「執相住有」的法門呢?
人類自遠古以來就使用簡單的圖畫作為溝通工具。圖形具有比文字更直觀的傳達 表現力,讓人喜看、願看、看得開心、看得法喜。所配文字腳本也皆簡潔、流暢、生
印象功能。若是純文字,東方人看不懂西方人的字,西方人也看不懂東方人的字,由 動、有趣,反映了淨開法師、佛慈居士、笑笑佛力等數人深入淺出的法義理解及深厚
於地域之別,信息便隔膜了,然而若是圖畫形象,全世界人誰都能看得懂。 的文字功力。漫畫內容皆取材於慧淨法師、淨宗法師講法中常常引用的經典念佛案例、
的思想、思維、心情、意趣,故而迅速風靡世界。 這些漫畫,可惜過去一直只是發布在微信上,只能在手機上翻看,固然方便轉發,

宗這樣的「尚空說無」的教法都可以用漫畫形式來表達(我本人就是看蔡志忠畫的《禪 二○一六年十月
1 癡子罵佛 猶得解難
A Fool Curses Amitabha but Is Saved
...... 1

2 佛號一出 天明鬼去 ......15
Amitabha's Name Brings Daylight, Expels Ghosts

3 狗狗送暖 老婦獲救
Puppy Saviors

4 酒醉念佛 水鬼暈退 ......43
Averting Water Ghosts by Reciting "Amitabha"

5 念佛不斷 鬼退病癒 ......57

Recitation Repels Spirits and Cures Disease

6 念佛化解 殺生業力 ......71

Recitation Negates Negative Karma

7 一句佛號 嬰靈得度
The Name Delivers an Infant Spirit
癡子罵佛 猶得解難
8 彌陀恩賜佛寶寶 .............99
A Baby Gifted by Amitabha Buddha
A Fool Curses Amitabha but Is Saved

一陣秋風吹來 , 再度失業的黃春 , 像落葉
一樣在馬路上飄蕩著 , 神情非常落寞 。
An autumn breeze was blowing. Unemployed again, Huang Chun
shuffled along a road, like a fallen leaf. He was sad and lonely.
2 3
黃春從小就精神異常 , 時好時壞 , 因此飽受同學的欺負 。 孤苦伶仃的他 , 經常依偎在慈祥的奶奶身邊 , 祖孫倆一起
Huang Chun had had psychological problems since childhood. He had his ups and downs, and was 念佛 。 回想起來 , 那真是童年最美好的時光 。
often bullied by classmates.
When he felt lonely, he would snuggle in his grandma's arms. They recited the name of Amitabha
4 5
together. In retrospect, that was the happiest time of his childhood.
有 一 天 , 他 衝 回 家 裡 , 神 色 飛 揚 地 告 訴 奶 奶 :「 我 笨 我 不 原來 , 那天他去聽佛法講演了 。 他知道 , 就算全世界都拋
要緊 , 我也可以往生啊 !」 棄了他 , 阿彌陀佛會像家裡的老奶奶 , 永遠呵護他 。
One day, he hurried home and told his grandma excitedly,“It doesn't matter that I am foolish, I He had gone to a Dharma discourse that day. He learned that even if the whole world discarded
6 can still be reborn in the Pure Land!” him, Amitabha Buddha would always care for him. 7
可是 , 黃春又發病了 , 激動暴躁 , 跑出了家門 。 一覺醒來 ,他正躺在人家的墳頭上 ,四周黑漆漆的都是墳地 。
However, Huang Chun fell ill again. Excited and hot-tempered, he ran out of his house. When he woke, he found himself lying on a tombstone, in the dark burial ground around him.
8 9
「 阿彌陀佛 ,××××……」 他急得向天空大罵一聲 。 「 好香 ! 誰 , 是誰在燒香 ?」 濃郁的檀香朝他包圍過來 。
“Amitabha Buddha,××××……”He was worried and cursed loudly at the sky. “It smells good! Who is burning joss sticks?”He was surrounded by the pungent aroma of
10 11
這時,黃春濁亂的腦子已經完全清醒了,爬起身來直奔回家。 奶奶看他平安回來 , 鞋都來不及穿 , 高興地來擁抱他 。
At that moment, Huang Chun woke from his disordered thoughts. He stood up and hurried home. Seeing him return, Grandma was so elated that she ran to hug him happily. She didn't even have
12 time to put on shoes. 13
佛號一出 天明鬼去
黃 春 告 訴 奶 奶 :「 罵 了 佛 是 要 墮 地 獄 的 , 可 是 我 罵 了 佛 ,
Amitabha's Name Brings Daylight, Expels Ghosts
佛還保護我 、 帶我回家 , 阿彌陀佛真好 !」
Huang Chun told his grandma, “Anyone who curses the Buddhas should fall into hell. But I did it,
14 yet Amitabha Buddha still protected me and brought me home, How merciful he is!” 15
這一夜 , 一向天黑
子邊 , 忽然人潮湧
來 , 熱鬧得很呢 !
That night, the pool that's
usually deserted when dark
saw a flood of visitors, turning
it busy and vibrant.

16 17
四周黑鴉鴉的 ,張牙舞爪的林投樹下 ,孤零零一個戲棚子 , 班 主 賣 力 地 變 化 嗓 音, 給 手 上 舞 弄 著 的 布 袋 戲 偶 妝 扮 表
哐 , 正上演著好戲 。 情 , 讓底下高聲叫好 。
In the darkness and under the menacing umbrage of trees is a lone theatrical shed. A wonderful The troupe leader worked hard to transform his voice, giving life and emotions to the puppets he
18 play is unfolding, amid the din of stage sounds. was manipulating. The audience cried out its acclaim. 19
但 是 過 了 好 久 好 久 ……。「 怎 麼 搞 的 , 這 天 還 不 亮 ?」 整 戲 班 主 也 覺 得 奇 怪 :「 從 來 沒 遇 過 這 種 事 啊 ! 一 定 是 她 , 絕
班子的人精疲力盡 , 都張大嘴巴打哈欠 , 紛紛抱怨著 。 對和她有關係 !」
The play continued interminably ... “What's wrong? Why hasn't the day arrived?” The performers The troupe leader wondered, “It's never happened like this before! It must be her, definitely
20 were exhausted. They opened their mouths wide to yawn -- and complain. something to do with her!” 21
他想起好幾天前,有個化濃妝、穿戴精緻的女人來找他演戲。 「 演什麼都好 , 但是請演到天亮 。 還有 , 請絕對不要念 『 阿
He remembered that the other day, a well-dressed lady with thick makeup had approached him and 彌陀佛 』 這四字 !」 女人非常有禮貌地請求 。
asked to perform.
“I can perform whatever you like, but it must continue until daybreak. Also, never recite the four
22 23
characters, ‘Amitabha Buddha'!” She was polite with her request.
這時 , 班主看看天色 , 望望臺下振奮的人群 , 瞭解了那麼
他不管了 , 心頭一橫 , 奮力一喊 「 阿彌陀佛 」!
幾分 , 不覺手頭顫抖 , 腳尾發涼 。
Casting caution to the wind, he made up his mind and cried: “Amitabha Buddha”!
The troupe leader looked up at the sky to estimate the time, then down at the excited audience. He
24 25
seemed to have understood something. Inadvertently, his shivered from head to heels.
瞬間 ,「 轟 」的一聲 ! 戲棚垮了 ,觀眾不見了 。大太陽底下 ,
班主知道見鬼了 , 急急忙忙收拾道具 , 落荒而逃 。
一片荒涼 。
The troupe leader realized he had met a ghost. Quickly packing their props, the performers fled.
In an instant, after a booming sound, the play shed collapsed and audience vanished. The sun
26 shone upon a scene of desolation. 27
狗狗送暖 老婦獲救
「 南無阿彌陀佛 」真是威力無比 ,這讓村民主動立石刻字 , Puppy Saviors
供奉在水邊 , 永保平安 。
“Namo Amitabha Buddha” is extremely powerful. Local villagers set up a stone tablet and carved
“Namo Amitabha Buddha”on it. They enshrined it by the pool and worshiped it, so they would
28 forever be protected and safe. 29
的山間 , 時常有白雲橫過 , 讓
人心生嚮往 。
A Buddhist temple was hidden amid green
mountains, as white clouds floated by. Its beauty
was enchanting.
30 31
老太太剛步出山門 ,「 哎呀 ,大地震 !」群鳥從林梢竄出來 ,
王老太太是虔誠的佛弟子 , 千辛萬苦來到山上禮佛 。
驚慌亂飛 。
The elderly Mrs. Wang was a devout Buddhist. She painstakingly made her way to the temple to
pay respects before the Buddha statue. As soon as she stepped outside the temple's gate, she exclaimed: "Goodness, an earthquake!" Birds
32 fled from the woods, flying in a panic. 33
入 夜 了, 沒 有 月 光。 她 卡 在 兩 顆 巨 石 之 間, 動 彈 不 得。 一
才一下子 ,土石流從四面湧過來 ,推倒了寺廟 ,把她也捲跑了 。
個人 , 風正淒緊 ……。
In an instant, a surging stream of earth and rock knocked over the temple. The woman was carried away.
Night fell; there was no moonlight. She was stuck between two huge rocks, unable to move. She
34 35
was alone. The wind blew hard and mournfully.
「 好 可 怕 啊! 大 家 都 避 難 去 了, 我 下 半 身 又 埋 在 土 石 裡, 「 汪 ! 汪 ! 汪 !」黑夜裡毛絨絨的東西圍著她轉 ,定睛一看 ,
怎麼辦 ?」 是兩隻狗狗 。
"This is terrible! Everyone's gone for shelter. My lower body is buried in earth. What can I do?" "Woof! Woof! Woof!" Two fluffy shapes appeared and moved around the woman in the dark. She
36 37
took a closer look: a pair of puppies!
幸好白天狗狗會去找食物 ,鑽進隙縫裡 ,送到老太太嘴邊 。 狗狗還知道她會渴 , 不時跑過來舔舔她的嘴唇和臉 , 好善
At day time, luckily, the puppies went in search of food. Then they squeezed through the stone slits 解人意啊 !
to feed the old lady.
They even knew she was thirsty. Every now and then, they went over to lick her lips and face. How
38 39
這 時, 阿 彌 陀 佛 慈 愛 的 面 容 在 她 心 裡 浮 現, 白 天、 黑 夜, 撐 到 第 九 天 早 上, 虛 弱 的 老 太 太 終 於 聽 到 人 群 嘈 雜 的 聲
伴著她度過好長一段時間 。 音 : 是狗狗帶來了搜救隊 !
During those moments, the loving face of Amitabha Buddha would appear in her mind, seeing her On the morning of the ninth day, the frail old lady finally heard a noisy crowd. The puppies had
40 through a rough time. brought over a search & rescue team! 41
酒醉念佛 水鬼暈退
在救護車上 , 老太太一路向護士訴說這幾天的經歷 , 心中
Averting Water Ghosts by Reciting "Amitabha"
也烙印著那陌生卻感動的救命恩人 ──兩隻狗狗 。  

Inside the ambulance, the lady told the nurse her experience of the past few days. She would
42 43
always remember her unexpected, touching saviors – the two puppies.
某一條河流的水面上 , 有一間間木板搭建
的房子 。
Near the surface of a river were many log cabins.

44 45
有天夜裡 , 一個工人正在窗下編竹器 , 無意間傳來詭異的 那是兩個水鬼 。 一個高興地對另一個說 :「 明天下午我就
聲音 , 他瞪大眼睛聽著 。 有替身了 , 終於可以走了 !」
One night, a worker was making bamboo wares by a window when he suddenly heard strange There were two water ghosts. "Tomorrow afternoon," said one excitedly to the other, "I'll have a
46 voices. He listened attentively. substitute. I can finally leave!" 47
果然第二天午後 , 有個喝得醉醺醺的人 , 挑了空擔子來到 他放下擔子 , 歪歪倒倒地蹲下來 , 捧起水要喝 。
河邊 。 He laid the pole on the ground and squatted groggily. Cupping his hands, he drank from the river.
48 49
The next afternoon, a drunkard duly reached the river bank,carrying a shoulder pole.
眼看著有個力量拽住他 , 差點掉到河裡去 。 正在上方房裡編竹器的工人 ,看到這一幕 ,簡直要嚇壞了 。
A force seemed to be pulling him down. He nearly fell into the water. The worker in the cabin above saw what happened. He was stunned.
50 51
可是 ……「 怎麼回事 , 這沒死啊 ? 一身輕便地就走啦 !」 工人很好奇 , 晚上又坐到窗邊 , 豎起耳朵仔細聽著 。
But… "What's going on? He did not die. He just walked away!" The worker was curious. In the evening, he sat by the window again, listening carefully.
52 53
一個鬼無奈地說:「 我幾乎把他拖下水了 ,哪知道他說『 阿 「 然 後 他 一 邊 喝 水, 又 念 了 好 幾 聲 佛, 嚇 得 我 眼 冒 金 星,
彌陀佛 , 水真好喝 』, 把我彈出兩三丈外 !」 根本就動彈不得 !」
54 A spirit said in despair, "I almost dragged him into the water. But he grumbled: 'Amitabha, the "He then drank more and spoke the Buddha's name several times. I was scared out of my wits and 55
water is so tasty.' And I was bounced several meters away!" couldn't move at all!"
念佛不斷 鬼退病癒
Recitation Repels Spirits and Cures Disease
念佛最能消除災難 , 有事沒事都應該念佛 。
Reciting Amitabha's name is the best way to avoid calamity. Busy or not, we should always recite.
56 57
他 叫 邵 聯 萼 , 眼 神 呆 滯 , 耳 邊 都 是 醫 生 的 話 :「 這 病 沒 藥
十九歲的生命 , 在病床上虛弱地躺著 。
醫啊 !」 心情一直盪在谷底 。
A boy, 19, lay weakly in the hospital bed.
His name was Shao Lian'e. His eyes were lifeless. The doctor's words echoed in his ear: "I'm afraid
58 your illness cannot be cured." He felt really depressed. 59
有一天晚上 , 燈火通明的病房出現一片陰影 , 黑壓壓的 , 「 哎呀 , 牛頭馬面 , 青面獠牙 !」
風一樣地往他的病床衝過來 。 "Dear me! The guardians of the underworld are here! They're so scary!"
One night, an oppressive dark shape appeared in the brightly lit ward and dashed towards the boy.
60 61
他 緊 張 地 跳 坐 起 來 ,「 南 無 阿 彌 陀 佛 、 南 無 阿 彌 陀 佛 、 南 瞬間 , 鬼怪都被他念佛的聲音嚇到了 , 急得團團轉 , 不敢
無阿彌陀佛 ……」 靠近 。
He jumped up in terror. "Namo Amitabha Buddha, Namo Amitabha Buddha, Namo Amitabha Immediately, the demons were startled by his recitation voice. They tread around him anxiously,
62 63
Buddha …" daring not to come close.
後 來, 連 閻 羅 王 也 現 身, 威 風 凜 凜 要 來
抓 他, 可 是 也 被 佛 號 擋 著, 一 步 也 跨 不
過來 。
Later, even King Yama showed up in a flourish. He tried to catch the
boy, but could not approach as the recitation of Amitabha's name
blocked his steps.

64 65
於是 , 念佛愈來愈大聲的邵聯萼被移到另一個病房 , 一個
「 你太吵了 ,不要再念了,聽到沒有!」醫生不耐煩地對他說。
人用盡力氣 , 大聲呼喚 「 南無阿彌陀佛 」!
"You are making too much noise. Stop reciting! Can't you hear me?" said a doctor impatiently.
So Shao, whose recitations became louder and louder, was moved to another ward. He used all his
66 strength to call out, "Namo Amitabha Buddha!" 67
將 近 五 天 後, 一 顆 金 光, 像 流 星 落 下 來, 放 射 光 明, 把 整 阿 彌 陀 佛 這 時 候 就 站 在 金 色 的 光 明 裡 面, 慈 悲 地 向 他 微
座醫院照亮得如同白晝 , 除去了陰森森的氣氛 。 笑 , 給他安全感 , 好像媽媽懷抱裡那個新生的嬰兒 。
Nearly five days later, a golden light fell from the sky like a meteor. It shone brightly upon the The boy saw Amitabha Buddha standing in the golden radiance, smiling at him compassionately.
68 69
hospital, clearing away the spooky atmosphere. He felt safe, like a new-born baby being embraced by its mother.

隔天 , 興奮的邵聯萼依然不停地動嘴唇 , 歡歡喜喜出院去
念佛化解 殺生業力
了 。 他心想 :「 念佛真好 , 念佛真好 , 南無阿彌陀佛 、 南無 Recitation Negates Negative Karma
阿彌陀佛 ……」
The next day, Shao recovered and was discharged from the hospital. He was excited and joyful.
With his lips still moving ceaselessly, he thought, "Reciting Amitabha's name is so good, so good.
70 71
Namo Amitabha Buddha. Namo Amitabha Buddha …"
站在門邊的他呆了,鼓著兩頰,瞪大眼睛,懊惱於自己的疏忽。 黑亮的螞蟻大軍一波波挺進 , 旋風般攻陷了廚房 , 還傳送
著戰利品 , 高唱凱歌 。
Standing beside the door, he was dumbstruck, his cheeks bulging and eyes wide open. He was so
frustrated with his own carelessness. Marching in waves, an army of glossy black ants had captured the kitchen in no time. They seemed
72 to be showing off their trophies of war while singing a song of triumph. 73
Taking large strides, he hurriedly lifted the kettle. He poured hot water
on to the ground, angrily and vindictively.

74 75
滾燙的水劈哩啪啦落下 , 如地獄猛火 , 滅得螞蟻們幾乎全 來回幾次以後 , 他總算落了個悠哉 , 鄙視著劫餘的螞蟻搬
軍覆沒 , 發出無聲的哀叫 。 運牠們陣亡的同夥 。
The scalding water splashed down like hellfire, almost completely annihilating the ants. They After several rounds of this, he finally felt relieved. He looked contemptuously at the surviving ants
76 77
appeared to wail silently. and how they were carrying their dead companions.
可是 , 有個晚上 , 他夢見一片不懷好意的黑色海洋 , 瘋狂 「 哎呀 !」 他大吃一驚──在密密麻麻的黑色大顎下 , 他不
地把自己捲了進去 。 斷掙扎的手 、 腳都露出可怕的骨架 。
However, one night he dreamed of a malevolent black sea that dragged him in frantically. "Oh, my!" He was shocked— Amid big, black and densely packed jaws, he was struggling. His
78 hands and feet were revealing frightful skeletal structures. 79
其實幾天前 , 他已經發現身體紅腫發癢 , 疼痛難耐 , 像被 這下可好了 ! 身體沉重 , 卻不得不四處求醫 , 簡直像熱鍋
烙過一樣 。 上的螞蟻 。
Actually, several days before, he had found himself swelling and itching all over as if scalded by hot He had to drag himself around to seek treatment; he was as restless as ants on a hot pan.
80 81
哪還能得意什麼呢 ? 驚恐 、 噩夢 , 幾天下來他已經意志消 好在家裡來了一位師父 , 慈悲地給他講因果 , 叫他好好念
沉 , 病弱得又黑又瘦了 ……。 佛 , 迴向消災 。
What else could he have done? Having experienced days of fear and nightmares, his was in low Luckily, a Dharma master visited him at home. The monk compassionately explained to him the
spirits. His ailments made him weak; he was dark and thin. workings of cause and effect. And he was advised to recite Amitabha Buddha's name and dedicate
82 the merit towards removing negative karma. 83

現在 , 他只是靜靜地念佛 , 病痛也痊癒了 : 是阿彌陀佛的

一句佛號 嬰靈得度
大光明 , 讓敵人變朋友 , 也照破了他黑臭的心 , 緩緩流露 The Name Delivers an Infant Spirit
出芬芳和溫暖 。
Now he has recovered, merely by reciting Buddha's name. It was the great light of Amitabha
Buddha that turned enemies into friends. It also shone right through his dark, fetid mind to
84 85
generate fragrance and warmth.
小 天 使 的 喜 訊 從 產 檢 室 裡 傳 出 來, 可 是 她 的 世 界 一 下 子 廊道上的她,按著肚子,每個指尖都觸摸到寶寶悲泣的顫動。
失去了聲音 。 At the corridor, holding her underbelly, she could almost feel the tearful trembling of her unborn baby.
The happy sounds of newborns came out of the obstetric examination room. But a deathly silence
86 87
suddenly filled her world.
「 很 抱 歉 , 您 肚 子 裡 的 孩 子 已 經 沒 有 心 跳 了 !」 醫 師 憐 憫 滾滾淚珠把衣襟濕透了 , 但想起還在住院的公公 , 她強打
地說著 。 起精神 。
"I'm so sorry, but the baby you're carrying no longer has a heartbeat!" the doctor said with A stream of tears stained her clothes. Then she thought of her father-in-law, who was in hospital,
88 89
compassion. and struggled to regain her composure.
某個晚上 , 輪到她照顧公公 。 病房裡就她和公公倆人 , 氣 半 夜 , 寂 靜 之 中 ,「 喀 喀 喀 ……」 隔 床 怪 聲 連 連 , 她 驚 得 全
氛非常冷寂 。 身被電了一下 。
One evening, it had been her turn to care for her father-in-law. The in-patient ward was cold and In the midnight silence, strange, crackling noises came from the adjacent bed. She shivered as
90 91
desolate, with just the two of them there. though receiving an electric shock.
婆婆的話從腦門晃過 , 她立刻念起 「 南無阿彌陀佛 、 南無 整間病房愈來愈安詳 , 她不知不覺也在念佛聲中睡著了 。
阿彌陀佛 、 南無阿彌陀佛 ……」 但能起什麼作用 , 她一點也 The in-patient room gradually became peaceful. She wasn't aware she had fallen asleep while
不知道 。 reciting Amitabha's name.

Her mother-in-law's words flashed across her mind. She began to recite "Namo Amitabha Buddha,
92 Namo Amitabha Buddha, Namo Amitabha Buddha …" But she had no idea what the point was. 93
忽然 , 夢中的她處在一片七彩鮮
亮的光雲之中 , 一隻大手綿柔地
垂伸下來 。
In her dream, she was surrounded by colorful and
brilliant clouds. A large hand extended gently from

94 95
同時 , 虛空中有人說 :「 我把妳無緣的孩子帶走了 !」 聲音 回到家中 , 她看到婆婆拿著的彩雲佛像 , 才驚喜地發現 ,
那麼的熨貼 , 如春風催放了大片的花海 。 原來那是阿彌陀佛的手 。
At that moment, someone in the void said, "I have taken away your unborn child, who has no It wasn't until she returned home and saw her mother-in-law's figure of Buddha-amid-the-Clouds,
karmic connection with you." The voice was as comforting as the spring breeze that expedited the that she realized the big hand belonged to Amitabha Buddha.
96 blooming of a profusion of flowers. 97
A Baby Gifted by Amitabha Buddha
「 南無阿彌陀佛 ! 謝謝您一直在我身邊 , 成滿我的心願 !」
"Namo Amitabha Buddha! Thank you for always standing by me and fulfilling my wishes!"

98 99
她失了神 , 在電腦影像前整個愣住了 。 醫師看圖說了一大串醫學名詞 ,總之「 機率只有萬分之一 ,
Sitting before the medical images on the computer, she was struck dumb with depression. 不可能生孩子了 !」
The physician explained the images with a long string of medical terms. In a word, she had "only a
100 ten-thousandth chance of pregnancy. It's almost impossible to conceive a baby." 101
她從影像預見家庭的陰天 , 悲嘆 、 冷漠 ……, 鍋灶碗筷洩了 在濃濃的憂鬱中 , 阿彌陀佛像一朵蓮花 , 自然從她心裡綻
氣 , 都失去了存在的意義 。「 天啊 , 我的人生在哪裡 ?」 放開來 。
From the images, she could foresee gloomy days at home, full of moans, apathy. Even kitchen Amid deep melancholy, a lotus flower bloomed in her heart. It was Amitabha Buddha.
102 103
fixtures and tableware lost their raison d'être. "Oh my, where is my life headed?"
「 對 啊 , 我 是 念 佛 人 , 不 求 佛 還 求 誰 呢 ?」 ── 佛 的 暖 香 熏 在她眼裡 , 每天忙碌的廚房變成道場 , 砧板 、 鍋鏟 、 碗盤 、
透了她的憂鬱 。 筷子都串成了念珠 , 她使勁撥珠子念佛 !
"Yes, I am an Amitabha-reciter. Who else could I turn to, if not Amitabha?” The Buddha's warmth In her eyes, the kitchen, where she busied herself every day, became a place of Dharma practice.
and fragrance permeated her depression. The chopping board, pots, spatulas, bowls, plates and chopsticks seemed strung together, like
104 recitation beads. She recited Amitabha's name while vigorously fingering her "beads"! 105
朋友知道她捨棄治療 ,都來勸這個勸那個的;殷勤的面貌 , 這天恰巧是阿彌陀佛生日 , 她正拜著佛呢 , 感覺阿彌陀佛
在她看著也是勸人念佛的念珠 ! 的手給她送來禮物 , 瀰漫著花香一般的喜悅 。
Her friends came to persuade her not to give up medical treatment. Their earnest faces also One day, which happened to be Amitabha Buddha's birthday, she prostrated herself before the
seemed to be recitation beads, urging her to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha! Buddha's image. She felt Amitabha handing her a gift. She was filled with a joy like the fragrance of
106 flowers. 107
帶著欣喜來到診間 , 沒想到檢測報告分明說著 : 小寶寶真 從此以後 , 她親手調製鮮美的蔬食 , 滋養彌陀寶寶 。
的來了 。 Thenceforth, she cooked delicious vegetable dishes to nourish the fetus sent by Amitabha Buddha.
It was with delight that she went to the doctor's office. The examination report clearly indicated: a
108 109
baby was on the way.
每天還讓 「 南無阿彌陀佛 」 佛號陪小寶寶做運動呢 ! 寶寶誕生了 ! 來自阿彌陀佛的活力 、 阿彌陀佛的光明 !
Every day, she exercised with her little darling while reciting "Namo Amitabha Buddha"! The baby was born, radiating the vitality and brightness of Amitabha Buddha!

110 111
淨土宗叢書 30 念佛感應錄 (三) 十方蓮友 淨宗法師

編號 書  名 著作者 編譯者 備註 31 決定往生集 慧淨法師 淨宗法師


32 回歸善導 慧淨法師 慧淨法師
1 淨土宗聖教集
33 淨宗略講 淨宗法師 佛恩居士
2 淨土三經
34 唯說念佛 淨宗法師 佛恩居士
3 佛說無量壽經
35 念佛勝易 淨宗法師 佛恩居士
4 《易行品》講要 慧淨法師 慧淨法師
36 《阿彌陀經》核心講記 淨宗法師 淨宗法師
5 《往生論註》分段對照本 曇鸞大師 慧淨法師
37 《阿彌陀經》譯註 淨土宗編輯部 淨土宗編輯部
6 往生論註 曇鸞大師 慧淨法師
38 善導大師語錄 善導大師 慧淨法師
7 安樂集 道綽大師 慧淨法師
39 印光大師法要 印光大師 智隨法師
8 善導大師全集 善導大師 釋慧淨等

印光大師說故事 印光大師 智隨法師

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10 觀經四帖疏 善導大師 釋慧淨等
42 淨土宗概論 淨宗法師 淨宗法師
11 淨宗要集 慧淨法師 整理中
43 《往生論註》核心講記 慧淨法師 慧淨法師
12 念佛金言錄 一遍上人 慧淨法師
44 善導大師的淨土思想 淨宗法師 淨宗法師
13 第十八願講話 慧淨法師 慧淨法師
45 往生集 蓮池大師 蓮池大師
14 第十八願淺釋 淨宗法師 淨宗法師
46 念佛感應錄(四) 十方蓮友 淨土宗編輯部
15 《淨土三經一論》大意 慧淨法師 淨宗法師
47 念佛感應錄(五) 十方蓮友 淨土宗編輯部
16 《阿彌陀經要解》略註 智隨法師 智隨法師
48 念佛感應錄(六) 十方蓮友 淨土宗編輯部
17 淨土宗判教史略要 智隨法師 智隨法師
49 念佛感應錄(七) 十方蓮友 淨土宗編輯部 整理中
18 淨土決疑 楊仁山等 慧淨法師
50 淨土宗特色述義 慧淨法師 慧淨法師
19 唐朝高僧善導大師 慧淨法師 慧淨法師
51 第十八願善導釋 慧淨法師 慧淨法師
20 淨土宗三祖師傳 野上俊靜 佛意居士
52 一半凡夫一半佛 淨宗法師 淨宗法師
21 慧淨法師書信集 慧淨法師 淨宗法師
53 有禪無淨土 十人九蹉路 淨土宗編輯部
22 慧淨法師講演集(一) 慧淨法師 淨慈居士
54 慧淨法師講演集(三) 慧淨法師 慧淨法師
23 慧淨法師講演集(二) 慧淨法師 淨慈居士
55 念佛癒病(一) 十方蓮友 淨土宗編輯部
24 人生之目的 慧淨法師 慧淨法師
淨 土漫畫系列 (中英對照版)
編號 書  名 文字 繪圖 譯者
27 無條件的救度 慧淨法師 慧淨法師
28 念佛感應錄(一) 十方蓮友 慧淨法師 1 阿彌陀魚的故事 淨開法師 巫麗雪 淨土宗翻譯小組
29 念佛感應錄(二) 十方蓮友 淨宗法師 2 彌陀恩賜佛寶寶 淨開法師 巫麗雪 淨土宗翻譯小組
編號 書  名 作、編、譯 者 備註 33 素素寶寶 頭好壯壯 淨土宗編輯部

34 念佛超薦儀軌 慧淨法師
1 念佛放光 慧淨法師、淨宗法師
35 慈悲的救度 慧淨法師
2 念佛度亡 慧淨法師、淨宗法師
36 淨土宗的戒律觀 慧淨法師、淨宗法師
3 真正的大孝 慧淨法師
37 臺灣奇案──民國以來真人實事 淨慧法師
4 人生之目的 慧淨法師
38 預知時至 佛聖來迎 陳秋玲等
5 彌陀的呼喚 慧淨法師
39 佛說無量壽經 康僧鎧
6 淨土宗之特色 慧淨法師
40 佛在何處 慧淨法師、淨宗法師
7 善導大師語錄 慧淨法師
41 彌陀十二光佛略解 慧淨法師
8 佛教的無常觀 慧淨法師
42 小怪李群仙 劉健群
9 略談三皈依 慧淨法師


《易行品》概說 慧淨法師
10 淨土法門的人間佛教觀 淨宗法師
44 淨土宗宗旨法語 慧淨法師
11 瀕死體驗 慧淨法師
45 略談佛教意義與淨土殊勝 慧淨法師
12 阿彌陀佛是怎樣一尊佛 慧淨法師
46 葫蘆娃往生記 佛依居士
13 淨土宗經論釋要文 慧淨法師
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14 印光大師精要法語 淨宗法師
48 念佛癒病 淨土宗編輯部
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49 淨土宗「四不」 慧淨法師
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