6 Exercises

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Exercise 1.


 Low-level network programming with sockets

 How to connect to a TCP server

Sockets are programming abstraction for network code. These are the endpoints for a communication
channel between two devices. To create a socket in python:
import socket s = socket.socket(addr_family, type)

addr_family can be:

socket.AF_INET # IPv4 socket.AF_INET6 # IPv6

while type can be:


An example of a TCP client requesting, saving and printing data:

from socket import *

s = socket(AFINET,SOCKSTREAM) # create socket
s.connect(("www.python.org",80)) # connect to network,host tuple
s.send("GET /index.html HTTP/1.0") # send request

chunks = [] # create an array to put data into

while True:
chunk = s.recv(16384) # receive 16384 bytes each iteration
if not chunk: break # if null is reached, break
chunks.append(chunk) # append each chunk to array
s.close() # close connection after null is reached
response = "".join(chunks) # join individual chunks to create string
print response # look at the output

In this exercise, we briefly look at how to establish connections to a TCP server.

(a) Connecting to a TCP Server

The HTTP protocol used by the web is based on TCP. Experiment with the protocol by manually
connecting to a web server, issuing a request, and reading the response.

>>> from socket import *

>>> s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM)
>>> s.connect(("www.python.org",80))
>>> s.send("GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
>>> chunks = []
>>> while True:
chunk = s.recv(16384)
if not chunk: break
>>> s.close()
>>> response = "".join(chunks)
>>> print response
... look at the output ...
This code is fairly typical for TCP client code. Once connected to a server, use send() to send request
data. To read a response, you will typically have to read data in chunks with multiple recv()
operations. recv() returns an empty string to signal the end of data (i.e., if the server closed its end of
the connection). Recall that using the string join() method is signficantly faster than using string
concatenation (+) to join string fragments together.

Exercise 1.2


 Experiment with TCP client and server connections

 Learn about the web

In this exercise, we experiment with setting up a network connection between two different Python

To do this exercise, you need to start a different Python interpreter than the one you are using with
IDLE. On Windows, go to the "Start" menu and run the "Python (command line)" program. For

This should pop up a command window where you can directly interact with a Python interpreter.
On Linux and Macintosh, open a new terminal window (e.g., xterm) and run Python at the command
line by typing 'python'.

(a) Waiting for a Connection

In the new Python interpreter that you just opened, type the following commands to create a very
simple network server:

>>> from socket import *

>>> s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
>>> s.bind(("",15000))
>>> s.listen(5)
>>> c,a = s.accept()# c is new socket created for this connection while a is the
network/port addr of client as a tuple

These statements create a server that is now waiting for an incoming connection. The accept()
operation blocks forever until a connection arrives---so, you won't be able to do anything else until that

(b) Making a Connection

Using IDLE, type the following statements to make a connection to your server program. Keep in
mind, these statements are being typed into a different Python interpreter than the one that's running in
part (a).

>>> from socket import *

>>> s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
>>> s.connect(("localhost",15000))
Immediately after you issue the connect() operation, your server program in part (a) should suddenly
return back to the Python >>> prompt. Type the following statements in the server to see the result.
>>> c
<socket._socketobject object at 0x10028d910>
>>> a
('', 62793)

The variable c returned by accept() is a socket object that's connected to the remote client. The
variable a is a tuple containing the IP address and port number of the remote client.

(c) Sending Some Data

In IDLE (the client), type the following statement to send a "Hello World" message to the server:

>>> s.send("Hello World")


In the server, type the following to receive the message:

>>> data = c.recv(1024)

>>> data
'Hello World'

Have the server send a message back to the client:

>>> c.send("Hello Yourself")


Have the client receive the server's response. In IDLE, type

>>> resp = s.recv(1024)

>>> resp
'Hello Yourself'

Observe that you are sending data back and forth between the two Python interpreters. Try more
send() and recv() operations if you want to send more data.

(d) Closing the Connection

In IDLE (the client), issue a recv() operation to wait for more data. This should block since the server
hasn't actually sent any additional data yet.

>>> s.recv(1024)

In the server, send a goodbye message and close the socket.

>>> c.send("Goodbye")
>>> c.close()

When the send() operation completes, the client should display the 'Goodbye' message. For example:

>>> s.recv(1024) (from before)


Try reading more data and see what happens:

>>> s.recv(1024)

You'll notice that the recv() operation returns with an empty string. This is the indication that the
server has closed the connection and that there is no more data. There is nothing more than the client
can do with the socket at this point.

(e) Listening for a new connection

After the server has closed the client connection, it typically goes back to listening by issuing a new
accept() command. Type this in the server:

>>> c,a = s.accept()# goes back to listening for more clients

Once again, the server now waits until a new connection arrives.

(f) Connecting with a Browser

Try connecting to your server program using your internet browser. Simply click on this link (or type it
into the navigation bar):


In your server program, you should see that the accept() operation has returned. Try reading the
browser request and print it out.

>>> request = c.recv(8192)

>>> print request
... look at the result ...

Send an HTML greeting back to the browser:

>>> c.send("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n")

>>> c.send("Content-type: text/html\r\n")
>>> c.send("\r\n")
>>> c.send("<h1>Hello World</h1>")
>>> c.close()

Congratulations! You have now made an extremely lame web server.

Exercise 1.3

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