a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Since their discovery in the 1950s there has been an increasing
Received 4 April 2011 degree of interest in the hexagonal ferrites, also know as hexafer-
Received in revised form 5 March 2012 rites, which is still growing exponentially today. These have
Accepted 20 March 2012
become massively important materials commercially and techno-
Available online 11 April 2012
logically, accounting for the bulk of the total magnetic materials
manufactured globally, and they have a multitude of uses and
applications. As well as their use as permanent magnets, common
applications are as magnetic recording and data storage materials,
and as components in electrical devices, particularly those operat-
ing at microwave/GHz frequencies. The important members of the
hexaferrite family are shown below, where Me = a small 2+ ion
such as cobalt, nickel or zinc, and Ba can be substituted by Sr:
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1192 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
There exists a real confusion in the literature, with several different systems of units being used
even today. The most common system in the literature is CGS (centimetre-gram-second system),
and this is still used by many authors today, even though the accepted international standard has been
the SI system for decades now. All values in this text have been converted to SI units, but some figures
used may have CGS units.
Ms is the maximum magnetisation obtained in a sample when it is saturated by the applied mag-
netic field, and does not increase with a larger applied field. It has units of A m2 kg1 (=1 emu g1), the
same as magnetisation. If a plot is made of the measurement of magnetisation (M) against applied
magnetic field (either B or H), Ms will be the maximum magnetisation value obtainable for a sample.
If a reverse field is applied, the magnetisation will at some point be reduced to zero, and then increase
to a maximum of Ms again in the other direction. In ferro- or ferrimagnetic materials, the magneti-
sation will not pass through the origin however, and a symmetric ferroic hysteresis loop, or M–H loop,
is formed. As the M–H loop does not pass through the origin, at zero applied field the material will still
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1195
Tc Curie temperature
U Ba4Me2Fe36O60 ferrite
VSM vibrating sample magnetometer
W BaMe2Fe16O27 ferrite
Wb Webber, SI unit of magnetic flux
X Ba2Me2Fe28O46 ferrite
XRD X-ray diffraction
XRF X-ray fluorescence
Y Ba2Me2Fe12O22 ferrite
YIG yttrium iron garnet, Y3Fe5O12
Z Ba3Me2Fe24O41 ferrite
retain a magnetisation value, and this is Mr, the remnant magnetisation (at H = 0), also in A m2 kg1. Hc
is a measure of the magnetic field that has to be applied in a reverse direction to ‘‘coerce’’ the remnant
magnetisation back to zero (hence, it is called coercivity), and it is the H value when the hysteresis
loop crosses zero M, in units of A m1. As this value is equivalent to the magnetic flux density of
the magnet used to apply the field, Hc is often reported in units of tesla (T) or gauss (G), as well as
oersteds (Oe), where 1 T = 10,000 G = 10,000 Oe = 795,775 A m1. As the values of Hc tend to be large
in SI units, often units of kA m1 are used instead ( 1 T 796 kA m1).
A ferrite that has a high Hc is known as a hard ferrite, and these typically have large Mr values that
are about 50% of Ms in randomly oriented samples (i.e., the ratio of Mr:Ms is 0.5). With oriented do-
mains this Mr value can increase towards 100% of the Ms value, which results in a wide, ‘‘square’’ look-
ing M–H hysteresis loop, and these are sometimes called square ferrites. Ferrites with a low Hc are
known as soft ferrites, as they require only a small applied field to reduce their magnetisation to zero.
As a result, they tend to have smaller Mr values as the magnetisation is approaching zero already in
zero applied field, and produce narrow M–H hysteresis loops. These two kinds of ferrite both have very
different, but also very important, applications.
1. Introduction
Ever since Neolithic man first used a piece of suspended lodestone to navigate, mankind has used
magnetic materials of various kinds. However, it was not until the advent of electricity that the mag-
netic processes began to be understood. It is now known that lodestone is an iron ore, magnetite,
which is one of a wide range of magnetic ceramics based on iron(III)oxide, called the ferrites. Magne-
tite, Fe3O4, is in a structural class of compounds known as the spinels with the composition MeFe2O4
where Me is a divalent cation, Fe2+ in the case of magnetite. These compounds have a cubic structure,
but there are also a group of ferrites with a hexagonal crystal structure, also know as hexaferrites.
These have become massively important materials commercially and technologically, with BaM hexa-
ferrite alone accounting for 50% of the total magnetic materials manufactured globally, at over 300,000
tonnes per year, and they have a multitude of uses and applications [1].
As can be seen from Fig. 1, since their discovery in the 1950s there has been an exponentially
increasing degree of interest in the hexagonal ferrites, which is still growing today. A record number
of hexaferrite papers were published in 2011. As well as their general magnetic properties, uses as
magnetic recording and data storage materials, and a constant awareness of their MW properties,
there has been an explosion of interest in hexaferrites in the last decade for more exotic applications
(Fig. 2). This is particularly true as MW/GHz electronic components and EM absorbers (RAM), and as
composite materials. There is also a clear recent interest in nanotechnology and mixtures with CNTs,
magnetoelectric/multiferroic applications, and the development of orientation and alignment effects
in ferrite fibres, with a growth in articles on these themes in the last few years. Current developments
in these key areas will be discussed in detail in Sections 7–11 of this review, and for these reasons now
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1197
Fig. 1. Yearly number of hexaferrites publications from 1959 to 2011 (search using Scopus).
MW / GHz / radar 55
Composites 50
Nano 45
MF / ME / piezo 30
Fibre/Fiber 25
Fig. 2. Yearly number of hexaferrites papers by specialised theme since 1975 (search using Scopus).
1198 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
is the appropriate time for a fresh and critical appraisal of the synthesis, properties and applications of
hexagonal ferrites.
For the purposes of this review the interest shall be focused upon the hexagonal ferrites containing
barium and cobalt as divalent cations, although substituted or doped variations of these and ferrites
containing other cations will also be discussed, especially M, W, Z and Y ferrites containing strontium,
zinc, nickel and magnesium. When discussing the ferrites in general, the formula will be given with
Ba2+ as the large divalent cation and Me2+ representing the smaller divalent cation (e.g., Z fer-
rite = Ba3Me2Fe24O41), but the Ba2+ can be replaced by Sr2+, and often by Pb2+, with no change in basic
structure type. Unless otherwise stated, in this review assume that the large divalent ion will be Ba2+ –
if the ferrite is named Co2Z or Zn2W for instance, it will be barium. The hexagonal ferrites are all
ferrimagnetic materials, and their magnetic properties are intrinsically linked to their crystalline
structures. They all have a magnetocrystalline anisotropy (MCA), that is the induced magnetisation
has a preferred orientation within the crystal structure, and they can be divided into two main groups,
those with an easy axis of magnetisation, the uniaxial hexaferrites, and those with an easy plane (or
cone) of magnetisation, known as the ferroxplana or hexaplana ferrites. Although the practical mag-
netic properties of the ferrites shall be discussed here, further details regarding their magnetic char-
acteristics and the theory behind them can be found in the excellent review on microwave ferrites by
Özgür et al.[1] This review will concentrate on the synthesis and properties of bulk ceramic ferrites.
This is because the depth of research into thin film hexaferrites is enough for a review of its own.
The magnetic mineral magnetoplumbite was first described in 1925 [2], and in 1938 the crystal
structure was deduced as being hexagonal with the composition PbFe7.5Mn3.5Al0.5Ti0.5O19 [3]. The syn-
thetic form of magnetoplumbite was found to be PbFe12O19, or pure PbM, and a number of isomor-
phous compounds were suggested including BaFe12O19, although this material was not structurally
investigated until after the Second World War, when Philips Laboratories led the way in developing
ferrites under the direction of Snoek. BaFe12O19 is known by many names, including barium ferrite,
hexaferrite, barium hexaferrite, ferroxdure, M ferrite and BaM, and was also shown to consist of a hex-
agonal structure by Went et al. [4]. Investigations of the BaO–Fe2O3 system by Wijn and Braun then
produced more complex hexagonal compounds, in which there were both divalent and trivalent iron
species (BaFe18O27) [5,6], and further compounds were also discovered by Jonker, Wijn and Braun
when the ternary BaO–Fe2O3–MeO system was heated at 1200–1400 °C, where Me = a small divalent
cation [7]. Detailed reports of all the main hexaferrite phases were published by Philips Laboratories in
the 1950s, culminating in Smit and Wijn’s excellent book ‘‘Ferrites’’, published in 1959 [8]. BaM and
the cubic MeFe2O4 spinel appear as the end members of this system, with zero populations of Me
and Ba respectively. The physical characteristics of M ferrites and the cobalt-hexagonal ferrites, as cat-
egorised by their discoverers, are shown in Table 1.
All of these compounds were found to have a hexagonal crystal structure, with two crystalline lat-
tice parameters: a, the width of the hexagonal plane, and c, the height of the crystal (Fig. 3). All had a
Table 1
The physical characteristics of the main hexagonal ferrites at room temperature [8].
Ferrite Formula Molecular mass (g) q (g cm3) c (Å) Magnetisation at room temp
BaM BaFe12O19 1112 5.28 23.18 uniaxial
SrM SrFe12O19 1062 5.11 23.03 uniaxial
Co2Y Ba2Co2Fe12O22 1410 5.40 43.56 in plane
Co2Z Ba3Co2Fe24O41 2522 5.35 52.30 in plane
Co2W BaCo2Fe16O27 1577 5.31 32.84 in cone
Co2X Ba2Co2Fe28O46 2688 5.29 84.11 in cone
Co2U Ba4Co2Fe36O60 3624 5.31 38.16a in plane
Note that here the c parameter of Co2U is given for a unit cell that consists of only one molecular unit, as it was described in
the past when Ref. [8] was written. These days it is more typically taken to be three molecular units, with a c value three-times
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1199
Fig. 3. A hexagonal crystal, showing the two lattice parameters a and c, and a SEM image by the author of a Co2Z hexaferrite
preferred direction of magnetisation when placed in a magnetic field, giving them an MCA, which was
often parallel to the c-axis, coming out of the basal plane of the hexagonal crystal. This uniaxial anisot-
ropy in effect fixes the magnetisation in the direction of the c-axis, and the magnetisation can only be
moved out of this direction at the expense of the high anisotropic energy.
However, some compounds containing a divalent cation, especially those containing cobalt, were
found to have a plane of spontaneous magnetisation in the basal plane, perpendicular to the c-axis.
These compounds were named the ferroxplana ferrites, and are now known also to include com-
pounds which have a cone of magnetisation at an angle 0 < h < 90° to the c-axis. While the direction
of magnetisation can easily rotate within the plane or cone through an angle of 360°, the magnetisa-
tion is still locked in this plane or cone by a high magnetic anisotropy energy.
The compound BaM, BaFe12O19, was known to exist for many years, with a melting point of 1390 °C
confirmed in 1936 [9]. However, the structure was not confirmed as being isomorphous with the hex-
agonal magnetoplumbite until it was first studied and characterised magnetically in the early 1950s
by Philips [4]. BaM was initially named ferroxdure, to distinguish it from the spinel ferrite which was
named ferroxcube [10]. At the time it was considered an unusual ferrite as it contained no cobalt or
nickel, yet it was magnetically hard, with a coercivity of 160–255 kA m1. Although it had a lower sat-
uration magnetisation than the existing alloy magnets, it was much cheaper to produce, had a high
electrical resistivity of 108 X cm and the high magnetic uniaxial anisotropy along the c-axis [8]. The
molecular mass of BaM is 1112 g and the maximum density is 5.295 g cm3 [11], although in reality
the ceramic material often has a density as low as 90% of theoretical density. The hardness of BaM in
the c-axis has been calculated to be 5.9 GPa [12], and measured as 6.0 GPa [13].
SrM, in which the barium has been replaced by the smaller strontium atom, has a density of
5.101 g cm3 [11] and molecular mass of 1062 g, but resembles BaM in most other physical properties
[14]. The Pb2+ ion is sized in between Ba and Sr, but lead is a much heavier atom than barium, and so
PbM has a molecular mass of 1181 g and a density of 5.708 g cm3 [11]. Undoped CaM has never been
seen as a pure phase, but it has been formed in glass by the glass crystallisation method [15]. A de-
tailed study of the thermal properties of polycrystalline M ferrites has been made [16], and the values
are shown in Table 2. The Tc values are lower than those published for single crystal ferrites, and were
taken from peaks in the standard molar heat capacity plots.
1200 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Table 2
Some physical and thermal values and properties for polycrystalline M ferrites. d = density in g cm3 [11]. Tm = melting point in K,
aa, ac and av = average thermal expansion coefficients for a axis, c axis and volume, in 106 K1. a and c = lattice parameters in A, and
v = cell volume in A3 , from RT XRD. Tc = Curie temperature, in K, from standard molar heat capacity plots.
d Tm aa ac av a c V Tc
SrM 5.101 1692 8.62 16.08 33.50 5.8844 23.0632 691.6 732
BaM 5.295 1611 10.74 16.29 38.16 5.8876 23.1885 696.2 725
PbM 5.708 1538 10.80 18.34 40.46 5.8941 23.0984 694.9 718
W ferrites have the formula BaMe2Fe16O27, where Me is usually a first row transition metal or some
other divalent cation, and the barium can be substituted by another group two metal. The first re-
ported W ferrite was Fe2W (BaFe2Fe16O27) [4], but it was initially only made as a mixed phase with
M and X ferrites. Single phase Fe2W was found to have an easy axis of magnetisation in the c-axis
of the hexagonal crystal structure, but had a much higher electrical conductivity than BaM due to
the Fe2+ ions. It has a calculated hardness of 5.5 GPa in the c-axis [12].
All of the W ferrites have uniaxial anisotropy, except Co2W ferrite (BaCo2Fe16O27) [7], which has a
molecular mass of 1581 g and a density of 5.31 g cm3 [8]. This has a cone of easy magnetisation at a
constant angle of 70° to the c-axis from 273 °C to 180 °C, at which point this anisotropy rotates to-
wards the c-axis with increasing temperature until it becomes uniaxial at 280 °C, and the magnetisa-
tion remains in the c-axis with a further rise in temperature [17].
The X ferrites were first reported in 1952 as a mixed phase with M or W ferrite, and have the chem-
ical formula Ba2Me2Fe28O46, where Me is a divalent first row transition metal or some other divalent
cation. The first reported X ferrite was Fe2X, in which Me = Fe2+ [18], and this was also found to have a
uniaxial magnetic anisotropy along the c-axis and density of 5.29 g cm3 [8]. All the X ferrites have
this uniaxial anisotropy at room temperature, except for Co2X (molecular mass = 2688 g), which has
a cone of magnetisation at an angle of 74° to the c-axis [19]. Like the W ferrite it resembles, this cone
changes to adopt an orientation parallel to the c-axis at a higher temperature, in this case 143 °C [20].
The Y ferrites were the first ferroxplana ferrites to be discovered, and it is now known that nearly
all Y ferrites have a preferred plane of magnetisation perpendicular to the c-axis at room temperature
[7]. The formula of the Y ferrites is Ba2Me2Fe12O22, where Me is a small divalent cation, and the first
two to be made were Zn2Y and Co2Y. The molecular mass of Co2Y is 1410 g, and it has a density of
5.40 g cm3 [8].
Co2Y has a planar magnetic anisotropy at room temperature, but this changes to a cone of magnet-
isation below 58 °C. From this temperature to the Curie point the anisotropy remains in the pre-
ferred plane [7]. Cu2Y is the only Y ferrite that has been found to have a preferred uniaxial
direction of magnetisation [21].
The Z ferrites have the composition Ba3Me2Fe24O41, and they were discovered at the same time as
the ferroxplana Y ferrites [7]. Co2Z has a molecular mass of = 2522 g and a maximum density of
5.35 g cm3 [8]. The Z ferrites all have a uniaxial anisotropy parallel to the c-axis, except for Co2Z,
which is planar at room temperature but has a complex magnetic anisotropy, with at least four differ-
ent anisotropic states.
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1201
At low temperatures Co2Z has an easy cone of magnetisation, at an angle of 65° to the c-axis, and
this remains constant up to 103 °C. Between this temperature and 53 °C the angle increases to 90°,
and the preferred magnetisation remains in the basal plane until it switches to the c-axis at some tem-
perature between 207 and 242 °C [8,22].
The U ferrites, Ba4Me2Fe36O60, although identified at the same time as the other hexagonal ferrites
mentioned here, were not characterised much either structurally or magnetically until recently. The
densities of Co2U and Zn2U have been calculated as 5.44 and 5.31 g cm3.8 They all have uniaxial
anisotropy except Co2U, which has planar anisotropy at room temperature [23], and a molecular mass
of 3622 g.
Over 70 distinctive members of the hexagonal ferrites family have been discovered, related to
either the W or Z ferrites. Most of these are extremely large and complex compounds, and the largest
so far discovered has the formula Ba70Me86Fe444O802 and a molecular mass of 52 450 g (52.45 kg) [24].
All of the hexagonal ferrites have closely related, highly complex crystal structures [18], which can
be interpreted in various ways as summarised in Table 3. At a simple level, they can all be seen as
molecular combinations of the three ferrite compounds S (spinel, MeFe2O4), M (BaFe12O19) and Y (Ba2-
Me2Fe12O22). W ferrite, BaMe2Fe16O27, can be considered as M + 2S, X ferrite (Ba2Me2Fe28O46) =
W + M = 2M + 2S, Z ferrite (Ba3Me2Fe24O41) = M + Y, and U ferrite (Ba4Me2Fe36O60) = Z + M = 2M + Y.
HRTEM images of the stacking of these layers have been published by Sudakar et al. [25]. The other
larger hexagonal ferrites are similarly composed. The Ba2+ ion is large, as is the O2 ion, and the bar-
ium always replaces an oxygen atom somewhere in the oxygen lattice. As the barium ion is slightly
smaller than the oxygen ion, it distorts the lattice in its immediate vicinity. The barium ion can be
substituted by another divalent metal provided it is of sufficient size, such as strontium or lead, to
maintain the structure without too much distortion. Fe3+ and Me2+ are much smaller ions and insert
themselves in interstices between the oxygen positions, and as in inverse spinels, both divalent and
trivalent ions inhabit both octahedral and tetrahedral sites in the oxygen framework, as well as the
trigonal bipyramidal site that exists in hexaferrites that contain the R block.
To describe a hexagonal crystal four Miller indices h, j, k and l are needed. The principal axis is in
the (0 0 0 1) direction along the length of the crystal, and the three other axes are across the basal
(0 0 0 1) plane of the hexagonal polyhedron at angles of 120° to each other. The principal axis is named
the c-axis and its length is the c lattice parameter. In the ferrites the three axes of the hexagonal plane
are all equal, and so only one other parameter, a, is required to describe a regular hexagonal crystal,
which is the length of one of the sides of this plane. Therefore, only two lattice parameters, c and a, are
needed to give the dimensions of the crystal.
Table 3
Comparison of various descriptions of the molecular units of hexagonal ferrites. ⁄ = 180° rotation of that block around the c-axis.
Ferrite Molecular formula Molecular units Spinel plates and hexagonal layers Hexaferrite blocks
S CoFe2O4 S S1 1/2 S
M BaFe12O19 M M5 = B1S4 SR
W BaCo2Fe16O27 M + 2S W7 = M5S2 = B1S6 SSR
X Ba2Co2Fe28O46 2 M + 2S X12 = M5S2 M5 = B1S4B1S6 SRS⁄S⁄R⁄
Y Ba2Co2Fe12O22 Y Y6 = B2S4 ST
Z Ba3Co2Fe24O41 Y+M Z11 = Y6M5 = B2S4B1S4 STSR
U Ba4Co2Fe36O60 Y+2M U16 = M5Y6 M5 = B1S4B2S4B1S4 SRS⁄ R⁄S⁄T
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The structures can also be thought of as plates of cubic close packed oxygens with smaller metal
ions in octahedral and tetrahedral interstices, in the same arrangement as the spinel structure. The
spinel is a close-packed cubic structure, in which the positions of the layers of four oxygen atoms re-
peat every three vertical layers to form an ABCABC lattice, these layers being approximately 2.30 Å
apart. In the spinel structure, the interstices between these cubic layers are alternatively filled with
three octahedral sites and one octahedral and two tetrahedral sites per four oxygen atoms (Fig. 4).
The spinel layers form plates either four or six oxygen layers thick, and between the outer two layers
at both ends of the plates only octahedral sites are occupied by the metal atoms. The W structure con-
tains only six-layer plates (S6), the X structure consists of alternating six- and four-layer plates (S6 and
S4) and M, Y, Z and U of only S4 plates [18].
These spinel plates are joined together by two possible barium containing layers, which both have
a hexagonal close-packed structure which repeats every two vertical layers forming an ABAB lattice.
The B1 layer is a single hexagonal close-packed layer with 3-fold symmetry between two spinel plates,
in which one of the four oxygen atoms is replaced by a barium atom, with the remaining oxygen atoms
grouped in two sets of triangles. The metal atoms are in plane in the centre of one triangle and out of
plane at about half the layer distance above and below the centres of the other sets of triangles (Fig. 5).
These layers hold spinel plates so they always contain a mirror plane in the B1 layer, giving rise to a
sequence of hexagonal close packed layers. The B1 layer appears in M, W and Z ferrites, where the mir-
ror plane reflects the entire structure, and in X ferrite where it only reflects a limited number of adja-
cent layers [18].
The B2 layer consists of two hexagonal close-packed layers between two spinel plates, in which one
of the four oxygen atoms in each layer is replaced by a barium atom, giving two barium atoms in the
B2 layer. The barium atom in one layer is in contact with the three oxygen atoms of the other layer, and
the octahedral sites between the oxygen atoms contain the small metal ions. There are other metal
Fig. 4. Cross sectional view [8] of the spinel structure, showing the S block, Me2Fe4O8 (two units cells of spinel). The three S
blocks indicated here equate to six-layer plates (S6). The arrows represent the orientation of the magnetic moments of the
cations, and the vertical lines are axes of threefold symmetry.
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1203
Fig. 5. Cross sectional view of the B1 layer (top), perspective and cross sectional views of the B2 layer (middle), and cross
sectional view of the M5, Y6, and S2 units (bottom) [18].
ions sites at one layer distance above and below, and there are more just out of the plane opposite
each barium atom (Fig. 5). These B2 layers form a hexagonal close packed array with the adjacent spi-
nel layers only. They occur in Y ferrite, which contains only B2 layers, and Z ferrite, in which they alter-
nate with the B1 layers [18].
This rather confusing representation describes the structures of the hexagonal ferrites in terms of
mostly cubic plates separated by hexagonal layers. The relationships between the structures are better
demonstrated by combining the S and B layers into three distinct units which can be used to make any
of the hexagonal ferrites, S2 = two spinel layers, M5 = a B1 layer sandwiched between four spinel layers
(M ferrite), and Y6 = two B2 layers sandwiched between four spinel layers (Y ferrite), as depicted in
Fig. 5.
A superior way to describe the hexagonal structures is as being made out of three distinct blocks,
related to the units above, which better relate to their unit cells and chemical compositions [8,26]. The
blocks also have discrete magnetic characteristics that can be summed to give the saturation magnet-
isations of the whole ferrite, and these are discussed in chapter five. The structures of the blocks and
each ferrite are discussed separately in the following sections.
1204 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 6. Perspective view [26], space filling view [27] and ball-and-stick view [27] of the S, R and T blocks.
Table 4
Comparison of various descriptions of the unit cells of hexagonal ferrites. ⁄ = 180° rotation of that block around the c-axis.
Ferrite Unit cell Spinel plates and hexagonal layers Hexaferrite blocks
M 2M 2M5 = B1S4B1S4 SRS⁄R⁄
W 2W 2W7 = 2(M5S2) = B1S6B1S6 SSRS⁄S⁄R⁄
X 3X 3X12 = 3(M5S2M5) = B1S4B1S6B1S4B1S6B1S4B1S6 3(SRS⁄S⁄R⁄)
Y 3Y 3Y6 = B2S4B2S4B2S4 3(ST)
Z 2Z 2Z11 = 2(Y6M5) = B2S4B1S4B2S4B1S4 STSRS⁄T⁄S⁄R⁄
U U U16 = (M5Y6M5) = B1S4B2S4B1S4 SRS⁄R⁄S⁄T
The S block consists of two spinel units and therefore has the unit formula Me2Fe4O8, where Me = a
divalent metal ion, and is equivalent to the S2 unit (Fig. 6). Therefore, each S block consists of two lay-
ers of four oxygen atoms with three metal atoms between each layer, in four octahedral sites where
the cation is surrounded by six oxygen anions and two tetrahedral sites where four oxygen anions sur-
round the cation.
The R block consists of three hexagonally packed layers of four oxygen atoms each, but one of the
oxygen atoms in the centre layer is replaced by a similarly sized barium atom to give the unit formula
BaFe6O11. This is equivalent to the M5 unit with the top and bottom layers removed. The single barium
atom in the block creates an asymmetry in some of the cation sites, resulting in five octahedral sites,
no tetrahedral sites as they are pushed into octahedral sites by the bulky barium atom, and a five-
coordinate trigonal bipyramidal site in which the cation is surrounded by five oxygen anions, a unique
position only found in the R block (Fig. 6).
The T block is made of four oxygen layers, with a barium atom replacing an oxygen atom in the
middle two layers, to give the unit formula Ba2Fe8O14 (Fig. 6), and again this is the Y6 unit with the
top and bottom layers removed. Because there are two large barium atoms opposite each other in
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1205
Fig. 7. (a) Cross section view of the M ferrite (BaFe12O19) structure in which the vertical lines are axes of threefold symmetry
[8]. (b) [26] and (c) [28] Perspective views of the M unit cell. (d) The polyhedra of the M unit cell [29]. (e) The RSR⁄S⁄ stacking
sequence [30]. The arrows indicate the orientations of the magnetic moments of the cations relative to the c-axis, ⁄ = 180°
rotation of the block around the c-axis, m = mirror plane.
1206 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 8. (a) Cross section view of the W ferrite structure (BaMe2Fe16O27) in which the vertical lines are axes of threefold
symmetry [8]. The arrows indicate the orientations of the magnetic moments of the cations relative to the c-axis, ⁄ = 180°
rotation of the block around the c-axis, m = mirror plane. In Co2W the moments will be in the preferred cone of magnetisation,
at an angle to the c-axis at room temperature. (b) Perspective view of the W structure [26]. (c) W ferrite polyhedra (Me1–7
represent the seven different polyhedra in SrZnCoW) [31]. (d) 3-D model of a W ferrite unit cell.
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1207
adjacent layers, both the barium and cations which would have been in the five coordinate sites are
pushed away in opposite directions. This reduces the five-coordinate trigonal bipyramidal sites to
four-coordinate tetrahedral sites, resulting in two tetrahedral and six octahedral sites.
The actual unit cells of most hexagonal ferrites consist of multiples of the molecular ferrite, two
molecular units for M, W and Z ferrite, and three molecular units for X and Y ferrite, but only one molec-
ular unit for U ferrite. Due to the complex nature and large size of the unit cells, individual crystals of
these ferrites can be very large. The various depictions of the unit cell are summarised in Table 4.
The molecular unit of M ferrite is made of one S and one R block, with an overlap of hexagonally
and cubically packed layers. The basal plane containing the barium atom is a mirror plane, and the
two S blocks above and below the R block are therefore 180° rotations around the c-axis of each other.
A mirror R block, R⁄, is then required to continue the structure, and it is for this reason that the unit cell
requires two molecular M units, giving the unit cell formula SRS⁄R⁄, where ⁄ = a rotation of the block
through 180° around the c-axis (Fig. 7a) The lattice parameters of BaM are 23.17 Å for the c-axis length
and 5.89 Å for a, the width of the basal plane, and this a-parameter is constant for all the barium hex-
agonal ferrites [18]. The ratio of height to width is 3.94, so BaM has a large crystalline anisotropy,
which becomes even higher for the other hexagonal ferrites. Perspective views of the structure are
also shown in Fig. 7b and c, while the polyhedra of the M structure, including the bipyramidal site
of the R block, are shown in Fig. 7d. Fig. 7e depicts the stacking of the R and S blocks in the M structure.
SrM has smaller lattice constants due to the smaller size of the Sr2+ ion, giving the parameters
c = 23.03 Å and a = 5.86 Å. Otherwise it has the same structure and unit cell ordering as BaM [14].
The Pb2+ ion is also smaller than Ba2+, and the lattice parameters for PbM are c = 23.02 Å, a = 5.88 Å [3].
The molecular unit of W ferrite is composed of two S blocks and one R block, so it is similar to the M
structure but not identical. There are now two S blocks above and below the R block, but again there is
Fig. 9. Cross section view of the X ferrite (Ba2Me2Fe28O46) structure, in which the vertical lines are axes of threefold symmetry,
and the arrows indicate the orientations of the magnetic moments of the cations relative to the c-axis [26]. Note: this is not the
unit cell – that consists of three of these W + M sections.
1208 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
a mirror plane in the R block and the unit cell consists of two molecular W units to give SSRS⁄S⁄R⁄. The
cell length of Fe2W is 32.84 Å, it is a member of the space group P63/mmc, and the structure is shown
in Fig. 8 [18].
The X structure is very similar to that of W, being composed of one M and one W molecular units
(Fig. 9), to give the structure SRS⁄S⁄R⁄, with the blocks of the W section rotated through 180° relative
to the M section. The unit cell is constructed from three identical units to give the crystal structure
3(SRS⁄S⁄R⁄), c = 84.11 Å, and it is a member of the R3M space group [18].
The molecular unit of Y ferrite is one S and one T unit, with a total of six layers, the unit cell consists
of three of these units, with the length of the c-axis being 43.56 Å, and is a member of the space group
R3m [18]. The T block does not have a mirror plane, and therefore a series of three T blocks is required
to accommodate the overlap of hexagonal and cubic close packed layers, with the relative positions of
the barium atoms repeating every three T blocks. This gives the unit cell formula as simply 3(ST), and
the structure is shown in Fig. 10.
Fig. 10. Left: Cross section view of the Y ferrite (Ba2Me2Fe12O22) structure in which the vertical lines are axes of threefold
symmetry [8]. The arrows indicate the orientations of the magnetic moments of the cations relative to the c-axis. Right:
Perspective view of the Y structure [26].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1209
Fig. 11. (a) Cross section view of the Z ferrite (Ba3Me2Fe24O41) structure in which the vertical lines are axes of threefold
symmetry [8]. The arrows indicate the orientations of the magnetic moments of the cations relative to the c-axis, ⁄ = 180°
rotation of the block around the c-axis, m = mirror plane. In Co2Z the moments will be in the preferred plane of magnetisation,
perpendicular to the c-axis at room temperature. Right: (b) [26] and (c) [32] Perspective views of the Z structure, also showing
the ten Wyckoff positions for cations, Me1–Me10.
1210 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
The Z unit is composed of Y + M, and therefore consists of ST + SR, with a mirror plane in the R block
and a repeat distance of 11 oxygen layers. Therefore, two molecular units are required to form a single
unit cell of Z ferrite, one rotated 180° around the c-axis relative to the other, to give STSRS⁄T⁄S⁄R⁄, with
a c axis length of 52.30 Å (Fig. 11), and it is a member of the space group P63/mmc [18]. Perspective
views of the unit cell are also shown in Fig. 11.
The U ferrite structure has been found to consist of the molecular units Z + M, or M + Y + M, to give
the block structure SRS⁄R⁄S⁄T (Fig. 12). Unusually the unit cell was originally stated to consist of only
one molecular unit, where c = 38.16 Å [24], in which the R and S blocks of the Z section are rotated
through 180° relative to the M section. These days it is more usually stated as consisting of three
molecular units, with a = 5.88 and c = 113 Å [33]. HRTEM images have shown clearly the MMY stack-
ing sequence of U ferrite, as well as stacking faults where the crystal structure is interrupted by incor-
poration of additional Y blocks (Fig. 13) [33]. The repeating R, S and T blocks of Sr4Co2U can clearly
been seen in HAADF-STEM in Fig. 12. as the Sr2+ ion is smaller than Ba2+, the lattice parameters for
Sr4Co2U are a = 5.86 Å and c = 112.3 Å, with the R3m space group [34].
TEM evidence of the complex stacking of these various M and Y layers has been shown by Sudakar
et al. [25] for BaM, Ni2Y, Ni2W, Ni2Z, Ni2X and Ni2U (Fig. 14), and Lisjak et al. for Co2U Zn2U and Ni2U
Fig. 12. Left: Cross section view of the U ferrite (Ba4Me2Fe36O60) structure in which the vertical lines are axes of threefold
symmetry, and the arrows indicate the orientations of the magnetic moments of the cations relative to the c-axis [26]. (In this
case, one molecular unit is shown). Right: High-angle annular dark field scanning TEM (HAADF-STEM) image of Sr4Co2U along
the [110] direction, with a diagram of the corresponding structure. In HAADF-STEM the heavy Sr atoms show as bright spots [34].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1211
Fig. 13. HRTEM showing the MMY stacking sequence of U ferrite, as well as stacking faults where the crystal structure is
interrupted by incorporation of additional Y blocks [33].
[33]. Sudakar et al. also measured the height of the M, Y and W blocks to be 1.16, 1.45 and 1.68 nm,
respectively, along the c-axis [25]. Both investigations found evidence of stacking faults in the more
complex Z, X and U ferrites at higher temperatures up to 1350 °C. Despite this, the structures of at
least 61 different hexagonal ferrites have so far been established, including the ferrites mentioned
above. These are divided into two groups, and in the higher hexagonal ferrites the molecular unit
and unit cell are equivalent, as with Co2U. The M-S series has five members, basic M ferrite without
an S unit, and four others of the formula MnS, where n = 1, 2, 4 and 6. When n = 1 W ferrite is formed
and n = 2 is X ferrite. The end member of this group, M6S, has a molecular formula of Ba6Me2-
Fe76O122and a unit cell length of 223.4 Å. The other series is MnYp, in which n = 1, 2, 4, 6, or 8 and
p = up to 33, and there are 56 members of this group including Y (n = 0, p = 1), Z (n = p = 1) and U
(n = 2, p = 1). The highest ferrite so far reported is the enormous Ba70Me86Fe444O802 with the unit for-
mula M4Y33, in which the units are in the sequence MY6MY10MY7MY10, and this has the largest inor-
ganic unit cell ever seen at c = 1577 Å (0.16 lm!). The smaller Ba62Me54Fe420O746 is the most
structurally complex ferrite, with over 400,000 possible permutations for the sequence of the M8Y27
units. They occur in the sequence MMMY4MY7MYMYMY6MY8 and c = 1455 Å [24].
Although the hexagonal ferrites are good electrical resistors, if the bivalent ferrous (Fe2+) ion is
associated with the ferric (Fe3+) ion, even in small amounts, it lowers the resistance greatly as an
interchange (‘‘hopping’’) of electrons can occur very readily, generating a current [35]. This is why
magnetite is such a good electrical conductor for an oxide. There are two possible conduction mech-
anisms, n-type electron conduction and p-type hole conduction. In high resistance materials, if one
cation is replaced by another that seeks a lower valency level then p-type conduction occurs, if the
cation prefers a higher valency then it results in n-type. In ferrites excess iron (or oxygen deficiency
1212 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 14. HRTEM images of stacking sequences along the c-axis for BaM, Ni2Y, Ni2W, Ni2Z, Ni2X and Ni2U (a–f), and the insert in
each case contains the electron diffraction patterns. The indicated distances on each TEM image represent: (a) the M block, (b)
the Y block, (c) the W block, (d) the MY blocks, (e) the WM blocks and (f) the MMY blocks. Samples made from nanopowders
heated at 950 °C/24 h [25].
during sintering at high temperatures) promotes Fe2+ formation and n-type conduction results, but an
iron deficiency results in p-type conduction, which is very poor in ferrites [36]. Therefore, an excess of
iron should be avoided if the material is to have any electrical applications. Unfortunately, the high
sintering temperatures needed to promote a dense product also increase the proportion of Fe2+ in
the ferrite, although an addition of manganese or cobalt in amounts as small as 0.02% lowers resis-
tance by several orders of magnitude [37]. Furthermore, in polycrystalline ceramic ferrites, low
resistance grains are separated by highly resistive grain boundaries, creating an interfacial polarisation
that can lead to conductivity – this will be reduced in larger grained ferrites. It has been claimed that
in cobalt containing ferrites, the tendency of Fe3+ ? Fe2+ will be reduced by the reaction Fe2+ + Co3+ ?
Fe3+ + Co2+, and that other stable multivalent ions such as Mn will have a similar effect. It is thought
that Mn3+ will increase resistivity to a greater extent than Co3+, as it forms a localised stable pair
Mn3+–Fe2+, preventing electrons from leaving the Fe2+ for other ferric ions [38].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1213
Conduction mechanisms in W ferrites have been more studied than many due to their electrical
applications, and recent modelling has suggested that Fe2W is more conductive than Co2W because
it contains mixed valence ions (Fe3+ and Fe2+) in the 6g sites at the interface between the two S layers,
resulting in an electrically conductive layer. In Co2W this 6g site is occupies only by Co2+ ions, greatly
lowering the electron carrier density. This conduction is also anisotropic, with a much greater resis-
tivity along the c-axis, perpendicular to this conductive layer [39]. RT AC and DC conductivities have
been measured for Co2W as being 3 106 X1 cm1 and 5 106 X1 cm1, respectively, at low fre-
quencies (1 kHz), and they increase with increasing frequency or temperature [40]. Substituting Co
with Ni2+ or Cu2+ increases conductivity by several orders of magnitude. BaM has a reasonably high RT
conductivity of 2 104 X1 cm1, but this can be reduced greatly as (Co2+/Ti4+) is substituted for
Fe3+, decreasing by five orders of magnitude to 7 109 X1 cm1 for BaCo0.5Ti0.5Fe11O19 [41].
The common forms of iron(III) oxide are haematite (a-Fe2O3) and maghemite (c-Fe2O3). Haematite is
a hexagonal crystal based on hexagonal close packing of O2 with 2/3 of the in terstices filled with Fe3+,
each cation being surrounded by 6 O2 ions, and it can act as a nucleation site for the growth of other
hexagonal species such as a-FeOOH or a-Al2O3 [42]. The similar oxyhydroxide goethite (a-FeOOH)
has the Fe3+ ion occupying 1/2 of the sites, with each cation surrounded by 3 O2 and 3 OH ions.
Maghemite resembles the cubic magnetite (Fe3O4), which is an inverse spinel with Fe3+ ions occu-
pying some of the tetrahedral sites normally only inhabited by M2+ ions, but in maghemite cation
vacancies compensate for the oxidation state of the missing Fe2+ ions. This leaves the Fe3+ randomly
distributed over a mixture of tetrahedral and octahedral sites with only octahedral vacancies [43]. The
compound could better be thought of as Fe2.67h0.33O4, where h = a vacancy, and it is really a solid
solution with a variable cell parameter [44]. In the iron oxides the Fe3+ ion is always in the high spin
d5 state with all electrons unpaired, and has no preference for octahedral or tetrahedral sites [42].
The formation of the hexagonal ferrites is an extremely complicated process, and the mechanisms
involved are not fully understood despite having been investigated by many researchers for over
50 years [21,45–48]. If a non-stoichiometric mixture of BaOFe2O3CoO is heated the following prod-
ucts generally form and decompose in this order:
As can be seen (Fig. 16), the different hexagonal phases all overlap, and except for the M ferrites
they all need high temperatures of at least 1000 °C to become the major phase. This makes it extre-
mely hard to obtain single phase specimens of some of these ferrites, and their particle size tends
to be large due to the high temperatures required. At temperatures over 1200 °C an exaggerated
grown pattern is seen, in which some particles grow to a much greater extent and at a greater rate
than their neighbours, even in a single phase material. This morphology, containing a wide spread
1214 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
of particle diameters ranging up to many tens or even hundreds of lm, is named discontinuous grain
growth (DGG), and individual hexagonal grains up to 1 mm in diameter can occur. The solid state reac-
tions and synthesis methods of specific ferrites are examined in more depth in Section 4.
Standard ceramic techniques used to prepare the hexagonal ferrites involve heating a mixture of
oxide and barium carbonate powders to produce the desired phase. The ceramic product then usually
has to be milled and powdered to produce a finer material, and then sintered to increase density. The
high temperatures and long firing times required usually result in a coarse grain product, with average
grain sizes between 1 and 10 lm for the M ferrites, and up to 50 lm for the higher hexagonal phases,
such as Y, Z and W. However, if the starting materials are intimately mixed at the atomic or ionic level
before reaction, crystallisation occurs at lower temperature resulting in smaller particles and lower
sintering temperatures, and the fully densified material can often be produced in one step. This can
be achieved by high energy mechanochemical milling, typically in a high energy planetary ball mill.
Not only does this finely disperse powders which can be nanosized after long milling, but the actual
synthesis of compounds can occur through chemical assembly with greatly reduced activation ener-
gies due to the small particle size and energy from them milling process. The nature of hexaferrites
being assembled from pre-existing crystalline building blocks via topotactic reactions many make
them ideal for this type of synthesis, especially the more complex compounds. Converting the ferrites
into an ultrafine dispersed solid-state of nanoagglomerates or nanoclusters ‘‘allows nanoparticles to
participate in the thermal motion and provides for the possibility of their self-assembly into superstructures
by eventually finding the thermodynamic optimum.’’ [49]. However, there are many other methods to
prepare hexaferrites, and most of those discussed in the following sections are based on precipitation
of a ferrite precursor at some point, and achieve hexaferrite synthesis to varying degrees of success.
4.2. Coprecipitation
The chemical coprecipitation of salts with a base, resulting in a precipitate containing all the com-
ponents mixed at an ionic level, has been used to produce ferrites since the early 1960s [50,51]. It has
often been found that an iron deficient non-stoichiometric mixture must be used, for example with an
Fe:Ba ratio of 10–11 for BaM, instead of the correct ratio of 12 [52]. SrM from coprecipitates needs an
even lower Fe:Ba ratio of less than 9 to give pure M [53]. Using this process BaM can be formed at tem-
peratures between 750 and 900 °C with a submicron grain size, and the density of the product can be
increased if it is washed by centrifuge as opposed to decantation [54].
To improve homogeneity, a wet chemical process was developed in which an aqueous solution of
metal salts was precipitated with a strong base, and the resultant hydroxide oxidised by bubbling air
through the suspension to give a homogenous fine grained ferrite product [55]. In more recent work a
non-stoichiometric solution of iron(II) salts and barium salts are coprecipitated with NaOH at pH 14,
and the resultant hydroxides are oxidised with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and then washed to pH 7.
The dried hydroxides are then heated, producing pure BaM at the very low temperature of 600 °C
and with a grain size below 0.1 lm [56]. Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) has also been employed for
a similar purpose to produce BaM [56]. Co2Z has been made from the coprecipitation of very dilute
solutions of barium and cobalt chlorides and iron nitrate, the precipitates being reacted together with
acetic acid and an organic stabiliser, filtered, and then processed by normal ceramic routes to form
Co2Z [57].
In this technique a solution of metal chlorides is coprecipitated by NaOH, Na2CO3 or NaHCO3 and
then the salts NaCl and/or KCl are added to this mixture, which is then dried and heated to a flux be-
tween 600 and 1100 °C to give a mixture of the ferrite material and the alkaline metal salts on cooling
[58]. The original process was less sophisticated, involving just a mixture of the standard ceramic pre-
cursors BaCO3 and Fe2O3 heated in a flux of a NaCl–KCl mixture [59], but the coprecipitation stage
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1215
results in a superior product. The sodium and potassium salts can be easily removed from the ferrite
by washing with water or dilute acid, although there is inevitably some contamination of the ferrite
product with the alkaline metals. BaM with good magnetic properties has been made by this process
in a non-stoichiometric mixture with an Fe:Ba ratio of 10, and the submicron grain size and magnetic
properties can be varied by changing the compositions of the fluxing components [60]. The highly
insoluble sulphates are the cheapest and most abundant minerals of barium and strontium, and a
salt-melt consisting of these sulphates, Fe2O3 waste from steel pickling and Na2CO3 with the Fe:Ba ra-
tio of 11 has been used to make pure SrM and BaM over 860 °C [61].
A variation on this method is melt-flux precipitation, in which less fluxing material is added, so that
instead of a true liquid phase system forming there are only microregions of slightly melted salt in
which the crystallisation occurs. This has been employed to make BaCoTiM from mixtures of
c-Fe2O3, BaCO3, CoCO3, TiO2 and the fluxing agents 7BaCl23B2O3 [62]. When the melt-flux was heated
radiothermally by an electron beam instead of normal thermal heating, the pure ferrite was formed at
a lower temperature and with a grain size one third of the size at under 100 nm [63].
The compound KFe11O17, or b-ferrite, is isomorphous with the M ferrites, but has no magnetic mo-
ment [18]. A cobalt doped BaM with the formula BaFe11.5Co0.5O19 was made from the ion exchange of
Ba2+ for K+ in the compound b00 -ferrite, KFe10.5Co0.5O17, which was first synthesised from a stoichiom-
etric mixture of metal chlorides heated to 700 °C. This compound was then added to a salt-melt of
BaCl2 and KCl at 750 °C for 24 h, at the end of which a total substitution of Ba2+ for K+ had occurred
in 75% of the material, the rest remaining as b00 -ferrite. After annealing at 900 °C the grain size of
the M phase was 200 nm, and despite being 25% impure the magnetic properties were acceptable
as the b00 -ferrite is non-magnetic [64]. When the same synthesis was attempted in an aqueous solution
of nitrates instead of a salt-melt only a partially substituted M compound resulted, containing both
Ba2+ and K+ ions, which had poor magnetic properties [65]. SrM single crystals have also been pro-
duced from the ion exchange of b00 -ferrite single crystals [66].
4.5. Sol–gel
The sol–gel process mixes precursor particles, which can be inorganic or metallo-organic, on the
colloidal scale, this mixing being retained when the material is condensed to a gel, and fine grained
polycrystalline ferrites have been prepared by this method with a narrow size distribution. In aqueous
sol–gel synthesis, an aqueous solution of metal salts is coprecipitated by a base, but instead of then
drying and firing the precipitates are treated to form a colloidal sol, which can then be concentrated
to a gel and subsequently fired to give the ferrite [67]. The sol must be very basic if it contains precip-
itated Ba(OH)2 as this compound is only stable at a high pH, and such a sol cannot therefore be formed
by acid digestion and peptisation. An organic coordinating agent such as ethylene glycol is often added
to the hydroxide solution to produce a sol, which forms a gel structure upon evaporation of the water.
When BaM was made from a sol–gel route involving the evaporation of glycol containing coprecipi-
tated salts to give a homogenous gel, it was still found that a non-stoichiometric mixture was needed,
and a ratio of Fe:Ba of 10.5 gave M ferrite at 900 °C/1 h with a grain size of only 200 nm [68]. Only the
barium rich precursor yielded pure M without any a-Fe2O3 as a second phase, but with a ratio of less
than nine BaFe2O4 appeared as a secondary phase instead [69], indicating that there is only a narrow
compositional window for the formation of BaM by this method. An acid sol was produced by dissolv-
ing precipitated and washed iron(III) hydroxide in a citric acid solution at 60 °C, to which BaCO3 was
added in the ratio Fe:Ba = 11.6, and evaporated to form a viscous residue which formed a gel at 170 °C.
After prefiring to remove the organic components this produced single phase BaM at 750 °C which
consisted of hexagonal crystals in a narrow diameter range of 90–110 nm, and subsequent annealing
had little effect on the grain size [70].
Pullar et al. developed a novel aqueous sol–gel route for the preparation of a range of hexagonal
ferrites from stoichiometric precursors, by adding barium, strontium and cobalt salts to an acid-
peptised iron(III)hydroxide (FeOOH) sol. This was used to prepare BaM [71], SrM [72], Co2Y [73],
1216 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Co2W [74], Co2Z [75], Co2X [76] and Co2U [76] ferrites, which were also then blow-spun to produce
continuous fibres. Both halide and nitrate salts, and halide- and nitrate-stabilised sols, were investi-
gated. Stability of a sol, and how concentrated it can be made, is important for subsequent processing,
such as spin coating, thick films and fibre production. Both halide- and nitrate-stabilised undoped ir-
on(III) sols were very stable, with sol particle sizes of 4.7 and 6.8 nm respectively and low polydisper-
sity, but the sol stabilised by halide counterions was more stable, and it could be concentrated up to
35.5% Fe3+ with only water as a solvent, while the nitrate based iron(III) sol had a maximum concen-
tration of 23.5% Fe3+ [77]. This was attributed to the fact that NO 3 counterions are known to elongate
a-Fe2O3 particles to needles >100 nm, while Cl counterions form smaller spherical ions, and a similar
effect may be occurring in these amorphous FeOOH sols. Indeed, the upper limit of sol particle size
produced a much larger ‘‘tail’’ of up to 31.5 nm for the volume average in the nitrate sol, as opposed
to 20 nm for the halide sol [77], and a small number of larger particles is key in causing a sol to desta-
bilise and precipitate upon concentration. It was found that the sols were also more stable when bar-
ium halide salts were added, as opposed to barium nitrate, due to the relatively low solubility in water
of BaNO3, and even if barium halide salts were added to a NO 3 stabilised sol, it became unstable due to
the formation of BaNO3. This problem was not observed when SrNO3 was used, or when strontium ha-
lide salts were added to a nitrate-stabilised iron(III) sol, as SrNO3 is much more soluble in water. The
stoichiometric SrM precursor made from an NO 3 based sol was very stable with a monodisperse aver-
age sol particle size of only 8 nm which could be concentrated up to 17% Fe3+, while the BaM precursor
sol made from nitrates was polydisperse and much less stable, with an average sol particle size of
54 nm and an upper limit of 282 nm [77]. It was also found that the addition of a crown ether chelat-
ing ligand to the sol greatly increased the stability of all barium containing sols. Using a nitrate-free
sol–gel system, with the addition of a cobalt halide salt as well, very stable stoichiometric sol precur-
sors were made of all the hexagonal ferrites named above, with average sol particle sizes under 10 nm
in all cases, and all of these converted to the single phase compared hexaferrites upon heating to be-
tween 700 °C (SrM) and 1200 °C (Co2W and Co2Z) [71–76]. It was found to be impossible to make any
barium-containing sols using either any sulphate salts, or a SO2 2
4 or SO3 stabilised iron sol, due to the
almost total insolubility of barium sulphate.
In the synthesis of BaM from an organic sol–gel precursor, crystallisation occurs from 680 °C as the
iron oxide phases decompose, until single phase BaM is left at 1000 °C [78]. Using ethanol as the sol-
vent, iron(III) nitrate and barium metal were heated at 80 °C under N2 to make a sol, which when
heated to between 800 and 900 °C gave 150–200 nm BaM. Pure BaM could be formed with stoichiom-
etric mixtures, but the barium had to be between 0.72 and 0.95 wt.% of the precursor sol [79]. SrM has
been manufactured by the sol–gel process as a combusted foam and a spray roasted aerosol [80].
The stearic acid gel method is a sol gel method which avoids both coprecipitation and metallo-
organic compounds. A stoichiometric mixture of salts are dissolved in melted stearic acid and heated
at 80–120 °C/2 h to form a clear sol, which upon cooling forms a homogenous gel intermixed at the
atomic level. After combustion of the organic component at 450 °C this results in the formation of
nanocrystalline products at low temperatures. BaCoxTixFe122xO19, x = 0.6 with a grain size of 10–
20 nm at 750 °C by this process [81]. This has also been used to make more complex hexaferrites, such
as Co2X [82] and Co2U [83], at temperatures as low as 750 °C, and with nanocrystalline dimensions.
Ultrafine particles can be synthesised at low temperatures from decomposed citrates, the decom-
position reaction being violently exothermic, in which generation of CO2 results in a very porous prod-
uct with a high surface area. The is also known as the Pecchini process. To make BaM, a stoichiometric
solution of metal salts was mixed with citric acid in a ratio of cation:citrate = 1, and ammonia added to
raise the pH and form a homogenous solution. This was heated to 80 °C to drive off any ammonia
remaining and added to ethanol to form an iron/barium/citrate complex which precipitated out due
to alcohol dehydration, and this was then dried and decomposed at 425–470 °C/48 h. This amorphous
product, with a very small grain size of under 10 nm, was then heated to 600 °C to give BaM, although
a temperature of over 700 °C was required to obtain a fully crystalline sample with good magnetic
properties and a grain size of 60–80 nm [84]. Nanocrystalline SrM particles with a diameter of
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1217
42 nm have also been made from this technique at 800 °C [85]. Co2Z ferrite was made from citrates
that produced a sintered ceramic at only 1150 °C, and was stable up to 1270 °C, with 95% density
and good magnetic properties [86].
In hydrothermal synthesis a solution of metal salts and a base are autoclaved under pressure to
give the product. The product is often a mixed phase containing unreacted precursors, and sometimes
a-Fe2O3, which are removed by washing with dilute HCl. Ataie et al. studied the effects of using NaOH,
KOH, (C2H5)4NOH and NH4OH as bases on the synthesis of BaM and found that NaOH and KOH gave
micron-sized BaM platelets at 220 °C/5 h [87]. BaM was also made by autoclaving mixtures of the me-
tal nitrates and NaOH at 332 °C/5 h, which was then annealed at 900 °C to give the pure crystalline
product. It was found that an Fe:Ba ratio of 10–12 and an alkali ratio of OH : NO 3 ¼ 2:5—4 was
needed to give single phase BaM. Therefore, although this is also a coprecipitation technique the pure
phase of BaM can be made from stoichiometric mixtures of barium and iron [88]. More usually, very
non-stoichiometric, barium-rich precursor solutions are used, especially to make nanoparticles. In the
hydrothermal synthesis of BaM NPs from a c-Fe2O3-Ba(OH)2 precursor by Drofenik et al., with a very
Ba-rich Fe:Ba ratio of 4 and a low concentration of <1 wt% in a weak sodium hydroxide solution, pure
BaM was formed at 280 °C/5 h [89]. This was further improved upon by using a Fe:Ba ratio of 5 and a
large excess of OH1 ions ðOH : NO 3 ¼ 12Þ to male 10 nm BaM NPs at the extremely low synthesis
temperature of 150 °C [90]. Hydrothermal SrM was made with a Fe:Sr ratio of 8 [91]. Hydrothermal
synthesis has also been used to make more complex hexaferrites, such as Fe2Y at low temperatures,
but it decomposed into BaM and BeFe2O4 above 900 °C [92].
In the glass crystallisation method the ferrite is produced from raw materials mixed with a glass
flux, which is then cooled and heated to a temperature below the melting point of the glass to produce
the ferrite. A small grain is attainable with this process, as the ferrite is contained within an amor-
phous glassy matrix, which is then removed with acid to leave the polycrystalline ferrite product
[93]. BaM particles made from the glass crystallisation method using fine filaments of B2O3 glass pro-
duced hexagonal platelets less than 0.1 lm at 800 °C which grew to over 1 lm at 1000 °C [94].
BaCo0.77Ti0.77Fe10.46O19 was made from a mixture based on 34 mol% ferrite and 66 mol% glass made
from silica or boria. The mixture was melted at 1500 °C and quenched between rollers to give 30 mm
flakes, which were then heated at 500–900 °C to produce the ferrite and leached in acid to remove the
glass phase. B2O3 was found to be the superior glass, with M ferrite crystallising at 642 °C and giving a
pure phase product with a grain size of 57 nm, compared to 260 nm at 800 °C with silica [95].
In a variation on the citrate process, the solution of salts, ammonia and citric acid at pH 7 was evap-
orated to dryness on a hot plate, at which point a self propagating decomposition occurred. A foamy
mass swelled up and ignited in a violent exothermic reaction that propagated through the entire sam-
ple in 20 s, as the citric acid polymerised and evolved CO2 and the cations were completely converted
to a-Fe2O3 and BaCO3. The driving force of this extreme exothermic reaction was the combustion of
NH4NO3 formed in the neutralisation of the solution, and it produced a reaction temperature of
227 °C [96]. The speed of the reaction ensured that homogeneity was maintained and the evolution
of gas produced a very porous foam structure that yielded a loose agglomeration when powdered.
After firing to 700 °C the sample was mostly BaM with some a-Fe2O3 present, and it had formed pure
BaM at 1000 °C, but the material has poor magnetic properties, probably because of the small grain
size resulting in poor magnetic ordering [97]. This citrate-combustion process can proceed either
via direct combustion of an aqueous gel containing sufficient levels of oxidiser (Aqueous Combustion
Synthesis, ACS) or the ignition of a dried citrate gel powder (Low-temperature Combustion Synthesis,
LCS) [98]. It was found that a ratio of citrate:metal ions of 60.68 was required to enable the wet gel to
1218 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 15. Schematic diagram of the citrate-combustion process, in this case for Ba(MnTi)xFe122xO19, showing Aqueous
Combustion Synthesis (ACS) and Low-temperature Combustion Synthesis (LCS) [98].
ignite at 200 °C for the ACS method, and that for a ratio of 1:1 the gel had to be dried for 18 h at 120 °C
for combustion to occur (LCS). This was because higher levels of citric acid absorbed more water via
hydrogen bonding, inhibiting the reaction. A scheme for this process is shown in Fig. 15. Other organic
reducing agents have also been used, such as tetraformaltrisazine (TFTA, C4H12N6) and oxalic acid
dihydride (ODH, C2H6N4O2), which spontaneously ignite on dehydration and produce higher temper-
atures over 300 °C, to yield BaM with a grain size of 0.2 lm and good magnetic properties at 850 °C
[99]. Microwave heating can be used to induce combustion as well, where the interaction of the
microwaves with the materials itself generate the heat, usually at 2.45 GHz, the frequency at which
domestic microwave ovens operate. Single phase BaM nanopowders (50–100 nm) were obtained by
stirring a stoichiometric mixture of nitrates with citric acid in ethylene glycol (Acid:Fe = 1.5) and eth-
ylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA:Ba = 1.5), adjusted to pH 6.5 with ammonia solution, and with an
excess of the amount of ammonium nitrate required to oxidise all the chelating hydrocarbons. This
mixture was then freeze-dried, and auto combusted in a microwave oven, with a specially designed
quartz vessel and sintered ferrite support to maximise the heating conditions. This complicated prep-
aration resulted in single phase BaM nanopowder being formed directly from the auto combustion
reaction [100].
In this method once the reaction has been started, usually by a hot filament, the reaction enthalpy
drives the self-energetic reaction to completion. A propagation wave spreads out through the material
away from the initiation point at a velocity of 2 mm s1, causing rapid heating and cooling. SrM was
formed from a mixture of SrO2, which acted as the internal oxidising agent propagating the reaction,
and Fe2O3 which absorbs some of the energy of the reaction, reducing the synthesis temperature from
2110 °C to 950 °C and preventing the explosive ejection of material from the reaction sites. The pure
SrM was then annealed at 1200 °C to give a 1–2 lm product which had mediocre magnetic properties
[101]. Co2Z has also been made by this process from a gel precursor, producing grains several hundred
microns in diameter with reasonable magnetic properties, but the Z phase only forming at 1200 °C
after initial formation of the M, a-BaFe2O4 and Y phases in the SHS step [102].
A recently developed variation is the Carbon Combustion Synthesis of Oxides (CCSO), which in-
volves the exothermic oxidation of 5 nm carbon NPs (‘‘carbon acetylene’’) to generate a self propagat-
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1219
ing thermal wave that passes through a mixture of solid reactants. The carbon is not incorporated into
the products, and is emitted as CO2 after reacting with O2 in a reaction with an enthalpy of
393 kJ mol1 [103]. This has recently been used to make BaM [104].
Fine hollow spheres of BaM have been made from the aerosolisation of a solution of metal nitrates,
which was atomised and sprayed in a N2 gas flow into a heated zone for only one second, after which
the mainly amorphous spheres were collected [105]. These hollow spheres were under 0.1 lm in
diameter, and they formed pure BaM with further annealing but had poor magnetic properties
[106]. An industrial method of manufacture is from the freeze drying of iron(III)oxalate and barium
acetate in cold pentane [107]. Highly homogenous 0.1–0.3 lm spheres of BaCoxTixFe11.62xO19
(x > 0.8) have also been produced by spray drying a sol–gel precursor, forming the ferrite phase when
subsequently heated to 850 °C [108].
The raw materials used to manufacture commercial M ferrites are a-Fe2O3, either natural or syn-
thesised from iron pyrite (FeS2), iron chloride or organometallic pigments, and barium or strontium
carbonates. Ferrites can be made from iron oxides recovered from waste steel pickling liquors, a cheap
source of raw material in a sulphuric acid liquor with a high Fe2+ content. Goethite, haematite and
magnetite have all been recovered successfully [111], and BaM with very good magnetic properties
has been manufactured from the iron oxide recycled materials [112,113]. The iron oxides are granu-
lated, mixed and presintered to form the M phase, milled again to improved homogeneity, pressed to
increase density and sintered at up to 1400 °C [114].
In the dry milling of BaM, Ms and Hc are decreased with milling time because of two factors, an in-
crease in lattice distortions from the induced stress and the formation of the magnetically weak BaO
and a-Fe2O3 phases. Milling the material in a low oxygen pressure or a vacuum can reduce the second
effect. Wet milling lowers the energy and gives a stress free powder, removing the source of lattice
distortions and preserving the structure of the M ferrite, but it also increases the rate of particle size
decrease and after 60 h M decomposes to the oxides. With increasing milling time Hc increases and Ms
and Mr decrease as the particle size is reduced, but if surfactants are added to the liquid a large Hc va-
lue is still obtained but the decrease of Mr is lessened and a material with a square loop and higher
energy results [115]. The ball milling of hydrated Ba(OH)2 and Fe2O3 in a hydrophilic solvent encour-
aged the formation of micro-agglomerates enhanced the homogeneity and reactivity of the compo-
nents, which sintered easily [116].
Ferrites can be granulated by the vacuum hot steam process, which gives a drier, denser, more
homogeneous and more abrasion resistant material than other granulation processes. The ceramic
is first homogenised and mixed in a high speed mixer by shearing forces, and then granulated by
1220 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
drying under vacuum as superheated steam is passed through the material [117]. In rubber isostatic
pressing M ferrite with a small addition of calcium stearate is pressed in an external magnetic field
and then sintered. This gives a highly dense (5 g cm3) material with improved magnetic orientation,
and if a fine grained ferrite is used both Mr and Hc can be optimised. For a high Mr material, 0.7 lm SrM
with 1 wt.% calcium stearate is fired to 1240 °C to give a 99% oriented material with a coercivity of
239 kA m1, and for a high Hc ferrite 0.3 mm SrM powder has 2 wt.% stearate added, and the ferrite
fired at 1200 °C to give a 96% oriented material with a coercivity of 238.7 kA m1 [118]. The optimum
mixture, to make a 71% SrM plastoferrite with 99% orientation by injection moulding, was found to be
95–98% 2–3 lm grains with 2–5% 100–600 nm grains [119].
A simple method of making small grain, high coercivity ferrites is mechanochemical processing, in
which mixtures of iron and barium chlorides, in a non-stoichiometric ratio of Fe:Ba = 10, and a large
excess of NaOH are milled together. A chemical reaction is induced giving a homogeneous mixture of
metal oxides/hydroxides and NaCl, which can be washed out after the powder has been annealed at
800 °C to give BaM grains 100 nm wide and 20 nm thick [120]. Ferrites with a high length to diameter
ratio are usually made by extrusion or isostatic pressing [121]. Flat bars and sheets of pure BaM are
made by pressing the dense pre-sintered ferrite perpendicular to the direction of extrusion, to give
a material with a grain size of 0.5–1.3 lm [122], and monodisperse powders are produced by spray
drying [123].
Many studies have been made of the solid state reactions of the BaOFe3O3MeO system using stan-
dard ceramic preparations from oxides and BaCO3. M.A. Vinnik constructed several phase diagrams
(Fig. 16) and obtained the X-ray spacings of BaM, Y, Z and W for samples containing more than 50%
Fe2O3. In samples which were heated to 1200 °C/2 h, pressed and then annealed at 1250 °C/4 h, no
Co2X or Co2U could be detected even at their stoichiometric compositions in polycrystalline samples
[46]. Also changes in the lattice parameters for compositions near the borders of the Z and W regions
in the phase diagram suggested that M, Y and W can dissolve in Z, and M dissolves in W better than Y
or Z, to form solid solutions at these border compositions. The magnetic hexagonal ferrites are often
mixed with BaFe2O4 which is also hexagonal but non-magnetic, but this can be removed by dissolving
in HCl, as the other phases dissolved much more slowly [18]. It was also found to be extremely difficult
to produce a single phase sample of polycrystalline Y, Z or W ferrite, and the first sample produced had
Fig. 17. The formation and stability temperature ranges for the hexagonal ferrites and their precursor compounds, when made
by standard ceramic methods [45]. F = a-Fe2O3 and S = spinel.
to be reduced to a single phase by grinding the grains down [18]. Single crystals several mm long of
Co2Y and Fe2W could easily be grown by the flux method, but the higher melting Co2W, Z, X and U
ferrites were more difficult to produce [124].
As can be seen in Fig. 17 from the study by Neckenburger, Severin et al., many of the different
phases involved coexist at the same temperatures, and all of the hexagonal ferrites overlap
[45,125]. a-Fe2O3 has a peak wt.% of 65% at 700 °C, the spinel phase peaks at 5% at 700–900 °C, Ba-
Fe2O4 has a peak of 25% at 800 °C, BaM = 75% at 800 °C, Y = 60% at 1100 °C, Z = 85% at 1300°C and
W = 60% at 1400 °C. The X and U phases are often indistinguishable from this background of mixed
phases, and as the hexagonal ferrites share the same basic building blocks in their structures, their
X-ray diffraction patterns and magnetic characteristics are often very similar as well. It must also
be remembered that this data is for a non-stoichiometric mix of oxides, and that an accurate stoichi-
ometry for the desired hexagonal composition in the starting materials improves the yield of that
phase, often enabling a single phase product to result. At temperatures over 1350 °C Fe3+ is reduced
to Fe2+, and this forms the solid solution Co2+1xFe2+xFe3+2O4 which leads to the decomposition of
the Y, Z and W phases [46]. Lotgering named the process by which the more complex hexaferrites
form from a rearranging of other plate-like hexaferrite precursors a topotactic (or topotactical) reaction,
and used this technique to produce oriented polycrystalline crystals by reaction of the oriented grains
of BaM with non-oriented grains of other non-magnetic components, to make oriented W, Y, Z and
substituted M ferrites [126]. This may partially account for the extreme step-like formations observed
in many hexaferrite ceramics by many authors (e.g., Fig. 18).
A detailed investigation into the formation of M, Y, Z and W ferrites was also undertaken using co
precipitated precursors by Castelliz et al. [21]. Nitrate salts were mixed with ammonium oxalate and
stirred in solution under an IR lamp until a critical concentration was reached, at which point the
simultaneous precipitation occurred, resulting in an intimate mixture of already partially decomposed
oxalates. These were then decomposed fully at 500°C, ground, calcined at 800°C, ground, pressed, and
finally fired at 1100–1400 °C. The spinel phase was seen to form at 650 °C and the BaM phase at
800 °C, both remaining until over 1100 °C. Manganese spinel ferrites are atmosphere sensitive at high
temperature, and MnO and Mn2O3 can precipitate out of the ferrite if the partial pressure of oxygen is
lowered [127]. Sudakar et al. made a highly detailed study of the BaO–NiO–Fe2O3 system synthesised
from a complex reaction of coprecipitated reactive gels at 80–90 °C, which produced nanopowder pre-
cursors which all contained the relevant hexaferrite phase when heated to 750 °C, and all formed the
single phase M, Y, Z, W, X or U ferrite when heated to 950 °C [25]. The precise details of each are dis-
cussed in their relevant section. In the same article, they also studied the crystal structure of the
1222 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 18. SEM images by the author of step formation attributed to the topotactic formation of Co2Z, involving the direct
alternate-stacking of pre-existing layers of BaM and Co2Y.
ferrites by TEM, and while they exhibited the expected, and mostly defect free, stacking sequences at
950 °C, they observed major ordering changes in the stacking of the component M, Y and S layers in
Ni2Z, Ni2X and Ni2U ferrites when heated above 1350 °C.
The BaOFe2O3 system was first investigated in depth in 1946 [128], and in this and other early
studies found many contradictory results, with the hexagonal BaFe2O4 phase sometimes being re-
ported as coexisting with a-Fe2O3 up to 1400 °C, and sometimes not forming at all. The confusion
may have arisen from other metastable phases that have since been identified. BaM and BaFe2O4
are mutually insoluble in each other as solids [129], and both form from 650 to 1000 °C, after which
point a third phase can also develop until the ternary mixture reaches its liquidus point at 1175 °C.
This third phase was identified as the metastable hexagonal Ba2Fe6O11, which is stable up to its melt-
ing point of 1350 °C, reverting to BaM and BaFe2O4 on cooling [130]. In standard ceramic preparations
the hexagonal BaFe4O7 phase can coexist with the BaM and BaFe2O4 phases below 1000 °C [131], and
there are also two different phases of BaFe2O4, b-BaFe2O4 existing up to 1000 °C and a-BaFe2O4 over
1000 °C [132]. BaM crystallisation was found to have an activation energy of 73.2 kcal mol1 at tem-
peratures above 735 °C [133]. Often BaCO3 exists in crystalline form as a precursor, either as a starting
material or a decomposition product, and if present this needs to decompose between <700 °C before
barium ferrites can form [52].
The products of BaCO3 and Fe2O3 heated at 750–1200 °C and in the ratios of Fe:Ba of 2–12 were
thoroughly investigated in 1973, and it was found that this ratio greatly affected the products. In
all ratios, BaM and BaFe2O4 coexisted below 1000 °C until they reacted to form Ba2Fe6O11 over this
temperature, but from 1000 °C to 1150 °C the products were Ba2Fe6O11 and BaFe2O4for the ratios 2
–3, and BaM and Ba2Fe6O11 up to a ratio of Fe:Ba = 12. The BaFe4O7 phase was never observed, and
all mixtures decomposed back to BaM and BaFe2O4 over 1150 °C [132]. There is much ambiguity over
the precise compositional solid solution range in which pure BaM can exist, with claims varying from
an Fe:Ba ratio of 10–12 [131] to 11.4–2, [129,134] 11.6–12 [135] or only at exactly 12 [136]. Some-
times it almost seems as though it is easier to make the more complex hexaferrites from their stoichi-
ometric precursors than the M ferrites. Another phase has been identified between 600 and 950 °C as
BaOnFe2O3 where n = 4–5.8, which has a very similar XRD pattern to the M ferrite, which may explain
some of these apparent discrepancies [137]. Lipka et al. claimed that the optimal Fe:Ba ratio for a cit-
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1223
rate gel is 10.8, starting to form at 600 °C and being single phase at 950–1100 °C, analysing the phases
by Mössbauer spectroscopy, with a-Fe2O3 and a-BeFe2O4 being reported as the secondary phases
when above or below this ratio [138]. Pullar et al. demonstrated that single phase SrM and BaM could
be made from stoichiometric aqueous sol–gel precursors, stabilised by either halide or nitrate coun-
terions [71,72,77]. Furthermore, they showed that neither BaFe2O4 nor c-Fe2O3 is necessary as a pre-
cursor phase, with the amorphous FeOOH-based sols crystallising into a-Fe2O3 by 400 °C which then
transformed directly into the M ferrite at 600–700 °C, resulting in single phase SrM and BaM between
700 and 1000 °C [139]. Rapid grain growth occurs above 1200 °C leading to DGG [140], and BaM melts
around 1500 °C, dissociating to the W and X phases [141].
As can be seen from the phase diagram of the ternary system (Fig. 16), M ferrite forms in regions
clustered around the stoichiometric point to make the intermixed phases M + a-Fe2O3,M + W, M + Z,
M + W + Z, and the pure phase is formed around 14.3% BaO–85.7% Fe2O3 [45]. The rate of the solid
state reactions can be enhanced by radiation effects, and the radio stimulated diffusion of Fe, Mn
and Zn ions is more than an order of magnitude faster than thermal diffusion in ferrite synthesis [142].
M ferrites produced from standard ceramic methods typically shrink by 20% in linear dimensions
during sintering and densification, and a further 1% upon cooling, and this is also true for magnetically
isotropic bulk specimens with no magnetic alignment of the individual particles. In magnetically
anisotropic samples however, in which the grains are all oriented with their c-axes parallel, the
shrinkage is also anisotropic during sintering, typically 23% parallel to the c-axis and 11.5% perpendic-
ular to it [143].
As BaM is the most commercially important hexagonal ferrite, its solid state chemistry has been
studied in much greater detail than that of the other hexagonal ferrites. The differences in reaction
and product are highly dependent upon the manufacturing process employed, and these differences
are summarised below.
800 °C for up to 50 h [146]. They found that a-Fe2O3crystallises at 290 °C, and that BaCO3 forms from
a reaction of some (not all) of the Ba(OH)2 with air. Below 500 °C their was no evidence of BaM for-
mation, but it begins to form from amorphous precursors at 500 °C. Then at 600 °C and above BaCO3
reacts with a-Fe2O3to form BaFe2O4, which in turn reacts with more a-Fe2O3 to form BaM – this is so
rapid, that after 700 °C/30 min no BaFe2O4 was present. In DTA measurements a crystallisation of BaM
was observed at 633 °C, but this is thermodynamic process and with longer firing times it can occur at
lower temperatures around 600 °C. This demonstrates that there are two distinct steps to the forma-
tion of BaM – even after 500 °C/50 h the co-precipitated powder had not fully transformed to BaM, as
the portion of barium which was carbonate could not react at this temperature, but after 600 °C/ 5 h or
700–800 °C/1 h it was all BaM. This two stage process, crystallising from both amorphous and crystal-
line precursors, leads to a broad particle size distribution, from nm sized irregular particles to hexag-
onal plates >100 nm diameter. A recent study of the precipitation of FeOOH at pH = 3–9 followed by
BaCO3 at pH 9 was carried out by Pashlova et al., using stoichiometric mixes of salts and ammonia.
They found that varying the pH between 3 and 9 for Fe3+ precipitation had virtually no effect, and that
BaM began for form at 800 °C, and was the major or only phase at 950 °C [147]. The measured the ef-
fects of pH on composition and % BaM yield, the fractal dimension of the gel, BaM particle size, and
magnetic properties (Fig. 19). It was found that the optimal pH for FeOOH precipitation to make high
purity BaM was 4.3, which coincided with the minimal fractal dimension of the dried gel, and a larger
final BaM particle size when calcined at 950 °C. These were monodisperse hexagonal platelets, with
good magnetic properties.
Lisjak and Drofenik have also investigated the use of ethanol instead of water as a solvent during
coprecipitation, to avoid problems of absorbed CO2 from the atmosphere in water forming BaCO3
[148]. They used stoichiometric iron ratios for chloride and acetate salts precipitated with NaOH in
a 3:1 ethanol:water solution, both in air and under a flow of Ar. They found that with chloride precur-
sors coprecipitated in both air and Ar, BaM had crystallised as low as 500 °C/10 h, although also with
poorly crystalline a- and c-Fe2O3 present, and it formed the pure BaM phase at 600 and 700 °C/10 h
respectively, for the samples coprecipitated in Ar and air. The sample made using acetates under Ar
had a similar crystallisation, but become single phase BaM only at 700 °C, while the sample made from
acetates in air was the only one to form BaFe2O4 as a precursor, and although BaM began to crystallise
Fig. 19. Top table: Effects of pH of FeOOH precipitation on phase composition at various firing temperatures for coprecipitated
BaM precursors (BHF = BaM). Plot a: % yield of BaM (left axis) when calcined at 800 °C (2) and 950 °C (1), and fractal dimensions
(right axis) of the gel died at 18 °C (3) and 120 °C (4), respectively. Plot b: final particle diameter with pH of FeOOH
precipitation, when calcined at 950 °C (1) and 1000 °C (2). Plot c: magnetisation loops of powders calcined at 1000 °C, prepared
at various pH values [147].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1225
at 600 °C/1 h, it never became the single phase in this sample until 800 °C/3 h. Therefore, it was clear
that formation of BaFe2O4 delayed the full crystallisation of BaM, and that either an Ar atmosphere or
the presence of chloride salts prevented the formation of BaFe2O4. This was attributed to an enhanced
diffusion rate in calcining due to the flux of NaCl (a side product of the coprecipitation from chlorides),
and by the improved homogeneity of the precipitates due to additional stirring by the Ar flow bub-
bling though the solution. An activation energy was calculated for the crystallisation of BaM as being
50 kcal mol1, in both air and under Ar. When sintered to 700 °C/1 h, the BaM samples had low Ms val-
ues <60 A m2 kg1, but all had high Hc 400 kA m1, due to the small grain size of the particles
(6100 nm). Although no BaCO3 was detected in the fresh precipitates, this was not true for precipi-
tates exposed to air for a day or more, suggesting that the amorphous Ba-precursor reacted with
the CO2 in the air over time to form the carbonate. In a later paper they concluded that to make
BaM at a low temperature of 500 °C it was best to use co-precipitates made with chloride salts in eth-
anol, although firing to 600–700 °C was need to obtain the optimum magnetic properties [149].
A novel approach was coprecipitation from an alkaline sodium ferrate(VI) solution with barium
chloride, which crystallised BaFe2O4 and BaM from the amorphous precursor at 620 °C, and formed
the single phase M ferrite above 710 °C with submicron grain sizes and reasonable magnetic proper-
ties [150,151]. Sudakar et al. formed BaM from a thermal gel-crystallisation process that crystallised
single phase M ferrite (grain size <100 nm) directly from a stoichiometric precursor at 750 °C, with c-
Fe2O3 seen as a transient intermediate phase at 650 °C [25].
non-magnetic phases was achieved by preheating the gel at 450 °C/5 h to eliminate any organic com-
pounds, with BaM forming at 750 °C, although the best magnetic properties were obtained at 950 °C
BaM [96].
Investigations into an acidic sol made with a citrate coordinating agent revealed that the prefiring
of the gel at 450 °C/5 h to remove the organic component is a crucial step, reducing the formation tem-
perature of pure BaM from 1050 °C to 750 °C, and consequently the grain size. Without the prefiring
step, when heated directly at a rate of 4.5 °C h1 BaM began to form at 550 °C, but coexisted with a-
Fe2O3 until the single phase product resulted at 750 °C. At 900 °C this had an average grain size of
129 nm, but it was found to consist of two distinct phases, 20–30 nm spherical a-Fe2O3 and 500 nm
hexagonal BaM. With prefiring BaM started to form at the higher temperature of 650 °C, but a-
Fe2O3 never formed, and the product’s average size was 101 nm, consisting of homogeneously sized
hexagonal platelets between 90 and 110 nm. BaFe2O4 was present as a minor phase in both specimens
between 650 and 750 °C. The determining factor was found to be the c-Fe2O3 phase, which was pres-
ent in both specimens at 500 °C but decomposed to a-Fe2O3 without prefiring. In the prefired samples
the c-Fe2O3 was more crystalline before BaM formation, and the deficient cubic spinel structure (Fe-
Fe1.67h0.33O4) resembles the S block and therefore may easily react with BaFe2O4 to form BaM [70].
BaM made by the stearic acid gel method formed as a single phase at 650 °C [81]. In a study of the
effect of various acid catalysts on the gelling of nitrates (Fe:Ba = 10.5), the organic stearic and acetic
acids where found to be most successful, producing pure BaM upon calcination at 700 °C and above.
Acetic acid gave large grain of 5 mm, while stearic acid produced fine, submicron powders at 1000 °C
The synthesis of BaM from an organic sol–gel precursor has been studied by neutron powder dif-
fraction. All the organic compounds were removed at 420 °C to leave crystalline c-Fe2O3 as the major
phase up to 680 °C, the crystallites growing from 15 nm at 150 °C to 30 nm at 600 °C. At this temper-
ature BaCO3 appears out of the amorphous background, and a-Fe2O3 and BaFe2O4 form soon after-
wards. BaM forms at 680 °C as the c-Fe2O3 decomposes, along with the other iron phases, until
single phase BaM is left at 1000 °C. It is suggested that the Ba2+ ion moves into the cation-deficient
spinel structure of c-Fe2O3 [78]. In an ethanol based sol made from iron(III) nitrate and barium metal
it was found that to form pure BaM the barium had to be 0.72–0.95 wt.% of the sol, and again c-Fe2O3
and BaFe2O4 appeared to be essential for the formation of BaM at 800 °C with a grain size of 150–
200 nm [79].
In their investigations into an organic-free, aqueous sol–gel based system, Pullar et al. showed that
BaM and SrM can be produced from stoichiometric precursors [71,72]. No BaFe2O4, c-Fe2O3 or any
other ferrite intermediate was observed in the M ferrite precursor powders, with the M ferrites form-
ing directly from a-Fe2O3 only [139], except in the case of BaM made from a halide stabilised sol,
where crystallised barium halide salts were also observed. This suggested that the initial formation
of c-Fe2O3 or BaFe2O4 are not necessary for the formation of M ferrites, although there was some
doubt that the presence of halides may have inhibited the formation of these precursors. Although ha-
lide-based sol precursors had been shown to be more stable, it was also seen that the halides persisted
until high temperatures (10 wt.% at 600°C), particularly chloride ions, delaying the onset of BaM for-
mation until 750/800 °C for SrM/BaM, and the single phase M ferrites were not obtained until 900/
1000 °C, at which point there was no halide remaining in the powder. This coincided with a weight
loss of 4–5% between 800 and 1000 °C, as the halides were driven off [155]. By contrast, in halide-free
sol precursors based on nitrates, the ferrites began to form directly from a-Fe2O3 at lower tempera-
tures of 650 °C for BaM, becoming the single phase at 750 °C, and no crystalline nitrate precursors
were observed. In halide-free SrM the transition was even more rapid, from a-Fe2O3 at 650 °C to single
phase SrM at 700 °C [139], absolutely proving that c-Fe2O3 or BaFe2O4 are not essential precursors to
the formation of the M phase.
ICI and Sumitomo have both used steaming processes to remove chlorides from aluminosilicate fi-
bres, and investigations were made into halide removal from BaM and SrM fibres made by the halide-
based aqueous sol–gel process via steaming during crystallisation and sintering. It was found that in
the steamed fibres the M phase began to crystallise at 600 °C, and they became single phase SrM and
BaM at only 700 °C, confirming the inhibitory effect of associated halides on ferrite formation [156].
The steamed ferrites sintered at 700 °C also had a much reduced grain size <100 nm compared to
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1227
the previous M ferrite fibres heated to 1000 °C, but similar magnetic properties. This agrees with other
findings: a small amount of chloride retained in M ferrite powders at high temperatures has been
shown to encourage grain growth, and levels up to 1 wt.% have also been claimed to promote crystal-
lisation and inhibit shrinkage [157], and in M ferrite powder which was heated at 1200 °C in an oxy-
gen atmosphere, 80% of the residual chloride was removed, and a product with a grain size of only
0.5 lm was made [158].
50% Fe2+ gave Fe3O4, not BaM, and they found the optimum Fe2+:Fe3+ ratio to be 2:8, which resulted in
mostly BaM with a small amount of a-Fe2O3 and no Fe3O4 at 250 °C/25 h. The totally Fe3+ precursor
gave more a-Fe2O3. The stated that a total Fe.Ba ratio of 10.5 was ideal, forming pure BaM after
250 °C/25 h, and that for ratios of 8 or less, BaFe2O4 formed as well, and that a small excess of Ba inhib-
its a-Fe2O3 formation. They then studied the effects of varying synthesis temperature and time, and
found that single phase BaM could be formed at 250 °C/2 h or 200 °C/4 h, when using a total Fe:Ba ra-
tio of 10.5 and a Fe2+:Fe3+ ratio of 2:8. The crystals formed as thin hexagonal plates, and as reaction
temperature or time was increased these grew and increased in crystallinity (Fig. 20a and b). They also
concluded that increasing the reaction temperature or time enabled the use of a higher Fe:Ba ratio or a
lower Fe2+:Fe3+ ratio to produce pure BaM. Their paper contains an excellent summary of much of the
previous work carried out on BaM hydrothermal synthesis, which nearly always seems to require a
barium excess, especially at lower temperatures, but they also state that a non-stoichiometric excess
of barium and the pre-formation of BaFe2O4 is always required in other preparation methods to form
BaM – as we have seen above, this is not true. A mixture of BaCl2 and FeCl2 only with KNO3 and NaOH
was studied with variation in OH:Cl ratio, reaction temperature and time for a stoichiometric BaM
solution. At 230 °C/10 h with a OH:Cl ratio of 2, 1 lm diameter hexagonal plates with peak coerciv-
ity were produced [162].
Drofenik et al. investigated the synthesis of BaM via hydrothermal synthesis, from a c-Fe2O3-
Ba(OH)2 precursor with very Ba-rich Fe:Ba ratio of 4, and a low concentration of <1 wt% in a sodium
hydroxide solution, that contained a massive excess of OH1 ions ðOH : NO 3 6 30Þ [89]. This was
heated in a sealed autoclave in a hydrothermal reaction at 280 °C/5 h to form a mixture of BaM and
BaCO3, and once BaCO3 was removed by washing with acid, only pure BaM NPs remained. However,
BaFe4O7 tended to form if Fe:Ba <4, and a-Fe2O3 if >4, and they also found that when the solution was
diluted to less than 1/4 of the original concentration, BaFe4O7 formed as well. In such a non-stoichi-
ometric reaction it seems strange that BaM should be formed at all as a major phase, as it relies on
Fig. 20. SEM images of hydrothermally synthesised M ferrites. (a and b): BaM with Fe:Ba ratio of 10.5 and Fe2+:Fe3+ ratio of 2:8,
reacted at (a) 200 °C/4 h and (b) 250 °C/4 h. (c and d): BaFe11.3Al0.7O19 with (Fe + Al):Ba ratio of 9.5 and Fe2+:Fe3+ ratio of 2:8,
reacted at (c) 230 °C/4 h and (d) 250 °C/4 h [161].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1229
12 Fe ions reacting with one Ba ion. The reaction was based on c-Fe2O3 being amphoteric, and reacting
in a strongly alkaline environment to form the tetrahydroxoferrate ion FeðOHÞ 4 (instead of the FeOOH
more commonly seen in hydroxide-based sol–gel synthesis). This tends to form iron rich aggregates,
½FeðOHÞ4 x
x , with x (the size of the aggregates) depending on the OH concentration. This can react
with Ba to form either BaM or BaFe4O7, with Fe:Ba ratios lower than 4 favouring BaFe4O7 formation,
but a ratio of 4 with a larger OH excess favours ½FeðOHÞ4 x
x complex ions big enough to produce BaM.
The reason why dilution beyond a critical point also yielded BaFe4O7, even with a ratio of 4, is that the
large ½FeðOHÞ4 x
x complex ions will have a much lower diffusion rate due to Graham’s law, and so in a
diluted solution their relative concentration needs to be increased to have enough collisions to react
and form BaM [89]. Some of the unreacted Ba2+ always reacted with air during the synthesis to form
BaCO3. Ba5Fe8O17 has also been reported as a product in the hydrothermal reaction of c-Fe2O3 and
Ba(OH)2 in an alkaline solution to make BaM, in certain mole ratios [163].
Mössbauer spectroscopy can be an excellent tool for detecting poorly magnetic phases such as a-
Fe2O3, a-FeOOH, BaFe2O4, and structurally similar phases such as Fe3O4 and c-Fe2O3. This technique
was applied to study the hydrothermal synthesis of BaM from a-FeOOH and Ba(OH)2 in a ratio of
Fe:Ba = 2.4. Only a-FeOOH was present after 260 °C/24 h, but this began to transform to a-Fe2O3 at
280 °C, and after 280 °C/20 h or 300 °C/10 h it was a mixture of a-Fe2O3 and BaM. The optimum tem-
perature for BaM was found to be 315 °C/20 h, which gave BaM hexagonal single crystals with a per-
fect TEM electron diffraction pattern, measuring 1 x 0.1 lm [164].
powder was mostly BaM with some a-Fe2O3, but on annealing to 850 °C pure, well crystallised BaM
resulted, with a particle size of only 35 nm [170].
Carbon Combustion Synthesis of Oxides (CCSO) was recently used to make BaM, by adding up to
30 wt.% of 5 nm carbon NPs (80 m2 g1) with iron oxide and BaCO3, both reactants having particles
sizes of 50 nm [104]. After drying and mixing, the reactant were fed a flow of pure O2 at 10 l min1,
and the combustion initiated by an electrically heated coil. With 5 wt.% carbon the propagation was
unstable, and the front extinguished after 5 mm, but with 6.5–30 wt.% the propagation was stable
throughout the reactants, generating maximum temperatures of 900–1200 °C. With under 5 wt.%
no combustion occurred, and the reaction temperature and resulting particle size increased with
increasing carbon content (Fig. 21a). The progress of reaction temperature with time is shown in
Fig. 21b for carbon levels of 8, 10 and 12 wt.%, and the reaction lasted for about 180 s, proceeding
at a slow velocity of 1.3 mm s1 with 12 wt.% carbon. The oxygen flow rate also affects propagation
as it transports both oxidiser and heat to the reaction zone, and the minimum needed for complete
conversion to BaM was 5 min1 (Fig. 21c), with an increasing flow increasing the reaction temperature
up to 12 l min1. The activation energy for this was 98 kJ mol1 with 11 wt.% carbon, a low value lead-
ing the authors to suggest that Fe2O3 and BaCO3 may catalyse carbon combustion – the only effluent
gasses were CO2and O2, and the BaM only contained 0.1% C. with 8 wt.% carbon the end product was
mostly BaM with a degree of amorphous material, but with 11% the as-synthesised product was pure
phase BaM, as a friable and spongy mass with a porosity of 70%. This consisted of 50–100 nm rectan-
gular/irregular particles (Fig. 21d), with a mean diameter of 60 nm, and a surface area of 22 m2 g1.
Hollow spheres of BaM were made by spraying an aerosol of a solution of salts into a heated zone
for only one second, to give 90 nm spheres with a wall thickness of only 30 nm and a hollow centre.
Fig. 21. Details of the carbon combustion synthesis of BaM. (a) Influence of 5 nm carbon NP concentration on maximum
reaction temperature achieved. (b) Temperature evolution with time during the reaction with 8, 10 and 12 wt.% carbon. (c)
Effect of pure oxygen flow rate on the progress of combustion with 10 wt.% carbon. (d) TEM image of pure BaM nanopowder
made with 10 wt.% carbon [104].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1231
When made at 527 °C the spheres were mainly amorphous with some iron oxide and barium nitride
(an N2 gas jet was used), and although this became fully crystalline after annealing at 727 °C, it was
not BaM. When the spheres were produced at 1027 °C the product was a fully crystalline mixture
of oxides, nitrides and BaM, and this formed pure BaM upon annealing at 727 °C/3 h [106]. The elec-
trophoretic deposition of BaM has also been developed, using the careful control of a surfactant to sta-
bilised a suspension of BaM NPs, which can then be deposited as a thick film when an electric field is
applied [171].
Fig. 22. Top: Phase diagram of the SrO.Fe2O3 system for >33% Fe2O3. Bottom: close up view of the region which contains the
hexaferrites, derived by Langhof et al. [176]. SrM = 85.7 mol%.
1232 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
The SrO–Fe2O3 system resembles that of barium, with again a very narrow compositional range in
which the M phase can exist [172], but the Fe4+ ion is found more frequently in the strontium systems
[173]. SrFe2X has been seen as a minor product at 1420 °C after 2 h, but both this and the remaining
SrM decomposed to SrFe2W at 1435 °C which then melted at 1465 °C [174]. SrM was reported to be
made from a stoichiometric mix of oxides by the standard ceramic route at 1000 °C/12 h, and sintered
at 1300 °C/12 h [175]. A detailed study of the region around the SrO–6Fe2O3 system was made by
Langhof et al. in 2009, and a phase diagram produced (Fig. 22) [176]. They found no evidence of a
phase width in the composition of SrM, with the pure M phase forming only within a very narrow win-
dow of 85.71 mol% Fe2O3 ± 0.2%. With excess Fe2O3 at 87% (Fe:Sr = 6.69), a-Fe2O3 was a second phase
after heating at 1200 °C/24 h. With excess SrO, only pure SrM was identified by XRD down to 85.0%
Fe2O3 (Fe:Sr = 5.67), but with 84% Fe2O3 a second phase of Sr4Fe6O13 was observed when heated at
1200 °C/24 h – when pure, this impurity melts at 1250 °C. The lattice parameters of SrM were
c = 23.0511 Å and a = 5.8847 Å. They also found that SrM melts and forms Sr2Fe2X at 1418 °C, which
melts in turn to form SrFe2W at 1435 °C, and this melts to produce Fe3O4 at 1452 °C. Pure SrM reaches
a peak density at 1350 °C, but with 84% Fe2O3 the lower melting Sr4Fe6O13 phase forms a liquid phase
in the SrM at 1206 °C, exhibiting significant shrinkage at 1210 °C, and no increase in density after
1200 °C/4 h. The Fe-rich sample with 87% Fe2O3 showed maximum shrinkage at 1350 °C, at which
point it underwent a solid state transformation to form SrM and Sr2Fe2X.
An investigation of the synthesis of SrM from coprecipitated salts fired at 800–1100 °C showed that
the M phase only forms as a pure product in a non-stoichiometric mixture, with an Fe:Sr ratio no more
than 9, the best product requiring a ratio of 8 [53], which is lower than required to form BaM. It has
also been found that stoichiometric mixtures of standard ceramic powders never fully sinter, whereas
with a ratio of 11 the material is fully sintered by 1150 °C, and this is attributed to increased diffusion
rates in the non-stoichiometric mixes due to induced lattice defects [143]. However, when made from
a sol–gel precursor with a stoichiometric composition, the M phase was obtained mixed with a small
amount of a-Fe2O3 between 800 and 1000 °C, and the single phase material fired to 1200 °C had mag-
netic properties comparable to those found in standard ceramic materials [80]. Pullar et al. reported
the synthesis of SrM from a stoichiometric aqueous sol–gel precursor at temperatures as low as
700 °C [72,156]. In a citrate sol–gel process, c-Fe2O3 was first observed at 500 °C, and then along with
both a-Fe2O3 and SrM which were also detected at 600 °C, before pure SrM became the sole phase at
800 °C [177]. Another strontium-iron phase was found when, after SrM was treated with nitrogen and
hydrogen atmospheres, it decomposed to form iron oxides and Sr7Fe10O22 [178]. SrM was synthesised
by the citrate route, and the amorphous precursor began to crystallise as SrM at the very low temper-
ature of 550 °C with a grain size of only 42 nm, and had formed the pure M ferrite at 800 °C with grains
of only 116 nm. The material had a relatively high surface area of 10.12 m2 g1 indicating it was poorly
sintered, and this is a typical feature of this method of synthesis [85]. Citrate sol–gel derived single
phase crystalline SrM was obtained from a stoichiometric precursor at a temperature of only
250 °C, when fired in an oxygen atmosphere [179]. As has been discussed above, when made from
an aqueous sol–gel process, pure SrM formed directly from a-Fe2O3 at 700 °C with no other .interme-
diate ferrite precursors [139].
It was reported that hydrothermal synthesis of a stoichiometric slurry of Fe(OH)3 and Sr (OH)2 at
250 °C formed a mixture of SrM and a-Fe2O3 [159]. Hydrothermal synthesis of SrM by coprecipitation
in an autoclave at 130 °C formed a mixture of a-Fe2O3, a-FeO(OH) and SrFeO2.5, from which SrM began
to crystallise at 750 °C and was single phase at 800 °C [180]. Ataie et al. published a study of the effects
of OH : NO 3 ratio, hydrothermal synthesis time and temperature on the composition and magnetic
properties of SrM [181]. However, whether accidentally or not, they omitted the most important infor-
mation of the stoichiometry of their M ferrite precursor. They still published some useful details: with
a OH : NO 3 ratio of 2, SrM began to form after 30 min at 220 °C, and after 2 h the sample appeared to
be pure SrM. When synthesised at 220 °C/5 h, a OH : NO 3 ratio of 1.5 yielded mostly a-Fe2O3, but
with ratios of 2–7 the sample was mostly SrM with some a-Fe2O3 always present. All ratios gave thin
platy hexagonal crystals, with dimensions of 1.8 0.3 lm for ratios of 2–5, a maximum size of
5.8 1 lm for a OH : NO 3 ratio of 6, and then a smaller size of 4.5 0.6 lm for a ratio of 7. When
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1233
Fig. 23. SrM hydrothermally synthesised at 180 °C/24 h, with Fe:Sr = 8. (a) SEM of as-synthesised SrM; (b) TEM of as-
synthesised SrM; (c) SEM of SrM heated to 500 °C; (d) SEM of SrM heated to 1000 °C; (e) FT-IR spectra of hydrothermal SrM
(SrFe1.5) and standard ceramic SrM; (f) Magnetic hysteresis loops of as-synthesised SrM and SrM heated to 500 °C (over-lapped
as no change), and SrM heated to 1000 °C [91].
the ratio was 8 no magnetic product was produced, which indicated that above a ratio of 6 the excess
OH has a harmful effect on the reaction, possibly due to excess sodium ions from NaOH. Increasing
the synthesis temperature from 160 to 220 °C/1 h led to a continuous increase in particles size with a
ratio of 2. With a Fe:Sr ratio of 8, SrM was made at 180 °C/24 h by Jean et al., although with traces of
SrCO3 and a-Fe2O3 in the as-synthesised powder [91]. For a stoichiometric mix, only 36 wt.% of the
product was SrM, and with a large excess of Sr (ratio Fe:Sr = 12:5) Sr3Fe2(OH)12 was detected. For
1234 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
the ratio of 8, the as-synthesised SrM consisted of very thin hexagonal crystals 1–2.5 lm 75 nm
(Fig. 23a), and TEM demonstrated that each grain consisted of several crystallites (Fig. 23b), but that
these crystallites were all oriented with the c-axis perpendicular to the plane of the grain. A synthesis
temperature of at least 200 °C is required to make single-crystallite grains. After firing at 500 °C there
was very little change in grain size (Fig. 23c), and the sample still contained traces of SrCO3, but after
heating at 1000 °C the grains were clearly more crystalline, and although their diameter had not chan-
ged much they were now twice as thick (150 nm) and had less-sharp, more rounded hexagonal cor-
ners (Fig. 23d) [91]. The magnetic hysteresis loops of the as-synthesised and 500 °C samples are shown
in Fig. 23f. FT-IR spectra were also taken of the as synthesised SrM, and compared to that of standard
ceramic SrM in Fig. 23e. The bands at 447, 552, and 603 cm1 are assigned to SrM [182], and –OH
bands at 3420 and 1640 are often seen from surface hydroxy groups from the atmosphere.
It has been shown that a solid solution exists between BaM and SrM, with a steady change in lattice
constants, and magnetic properties with substitution [183]. PbM is less thermally stable than BaM or
SrM, decomposing at 1250 °C to a-Fe2O3 and melting at 1315 °C [184], and no complex hexaferrites
are seen due to the high vapour pressure of PbO [185]. A substitution of up to 70% of Ba with Ca
was reported whilst retaining the M structure by van Uitert in 1957 [186], and he found that an addi-
tion of 2 mol% La2O3or La2O3/Nb2O5 could stabilise the phase. Pure CaM stabilised by 4 mol% La2O3 has
since been reported by Narang and Hudiara [175], formed at 1000 °C/3 h and sintered at 1180 °C/4 h
from stoichiometric oxides by a standard ceramic route, as well as the series 0.96CaCoxTixFe122xO19–
0.04La2O3 where x = 0.1–1.0. Some rare earth metals have been totally substituted for strontium to
make REFe12O19, despite the difference in charge between Ba2+ and RE3+ [187]. An example is LaM,
although it is noted to be extremely difficult to make as a single phase, requiring a very limited
high-temperature window of 1380–1420 °C to be stable.
BaFe11.5Co0.5O19 has been made by ion exchange, forming the impure product at 750 °C. At 800 °C
the grains were 90 nm wide and 49 nm thick, growing to 200 nm by 130 nm at 900 °C, but maintain-
ing the ratio of length to thickness of 1.5 [64]. The formation of the chromium substituted M ferrites
BaFe10Cr2O19 and SrFe10Cr2O19 proved to be possible, but proceeded by two different mechanisms.
Heating 5Fe2O3, BaCO3 and Cr2O3 together formed a-Fe2O3, BaFe2O4 and BaCr2O4 as precursors, but
after 5 min at 1020 °C the M phase began to form. After 2 h, M ferrite was the major phase, and the
barium-containing precursor phases had gone, but a small amount of a-Fe2O3 persisted even after
6 h at this temperature. After 1300 °C/2 h single phase BaFe10Cr2O19resulted. With SrCO3, the precur-
sor phases are a-Fe2O3, SrCrO4 and SrFeO3x, and at 980°C SrM had already began to form. Some
SrCrO4 persisted up to 90 min at 980 °C, but after 6 h the sample was nearly all M ferrite with a trace
of a-Fe2O3. It appeared that the M phase formed initially as pure SrM, and the chromium slowly dif-
fused into the lattice to form SrFe10Cr2O19 over several hours, via the SrFe12xCrxO19 solid solution
The Al3+ ion can also be substituted into BaM ferrite up to BaFe4.2Al7.8O19 [189], and a complete so-
lid solution exists between SrM and SrAl12O19 [190]. When made by a citrate gel-auto combustion pro-
cess (at 80 °C), a maximum substitution of BaFe5Al7O19 was reported, and unusually Fe3O4 was seen as
a precursor at 500 °C, to be replaced by a-Fe2O3and M ferrite at 850 °C, probably due to the reductive
nature of the combustion process [191]. Liu et al. showed that for their hydrothermal synthesis of Ba-
Fe12xAlxO19, substitution with x P 6 was possible, although small amounts of BaCO3 and BaFe2O4
were seen for values of x > 0.9 in the as-synthesised product (suggesting that less Ba could be used)
[161]. They stated that the ideal ratio of (Fe + Al):Ba was reduced to 9.5, and that the M phase did
not form until 230 °C, and was not pure phase until reacted at 250 °C/4 h. As Al3+ substituted for
Fe3+, they found that they could use higher levels of Fe2+ precursor, to the extent that for the x = 6 sam-
ple the precursor consisted solely of Fe2+ and Al3+ ions, the Fe2+ all converting to Fe3+ during synthesis.
This was attributed to the fact that c-Al2O3 is also a spinel, and aided the formation of the M phase.
SEM images of the as-synthesised M crystals are shown in Fig. 20c and d. When Al-substituted SrM
was made across the entire substitution range, the morphology changed drastically from hexagonal
platelets 100 nm for SrM, to irregular and angular particles with up to 4 Al ions, and elongated rods
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1235
or needles 200 nm long with substitution levels above this [191]. Of the trivalent lanthanides Ga3+ and
La3+ have the highest solubility limit in BaM, and both lanthanide doped [192] and gallium doped
[193] hexaferrites have been made with total substitution of iron despite the large size of the La3+
ion. In3+ and Sc3+ ions have only been substituted for iron up to BaIn3.4Fe8.6O19 [194] and BaSc1.8-
Fe1.2O19 [195].
When Pb2Me2Y was attempted using mixtures of two small divalent metals such as Ni2+–Cu2+, or a
trivalent and a monovalent metal such as Li+–Yb3+, no Y phase was formed but two distinct M phases
were formed with different cell dimensions [21]. This suggested that the M structure will tolerate a
certain amount of solid solution of transition metals without collapsing, and this has been proven cor-
rect by the manufacture of a wide range of doped M ferrites, in which iron is substituted either by a
Me3+ or a mixture of M2+/M4+ ions, provided they have similar ionic radii to the substituted ions.
The most common substituted M ferrite is BaCoxTixFe122xO19, which has improved properties for
use in magnetic recording applications. A solid solution exists between iron(III) and titanium(IV) oxi-
des, in which Fe3+ is replaced by a pair of Fe2+ and Ti4+ ions, with a resulting increase in unit cell size, to
form titanospinels, magnetite and maghemite [42]. Therefore, if Ti4+ is added with a divalent metal
which can also form a solid solution with iron, such as Co2+, a simple substitution of Fe3+ can occur.
The a lattice parameter, grain size, saturation magnetisation, coercivity and remanence are all de-
creased with increasing x, but it was found that the Ti4+ ion had more effect on the grain size while
the Co2+ ion was mostly responsible for the change in magnetic properties [196]. It has been suggested
that the grain size is reduced with Ti4+ ions by enhancement of nucleation sites [197]. The a lattice
parameter is 5.89 Å, the same as for BaM, but the c-axis has been found to increase with substitution,
being 23.20 Å at x = 0.8 [198], 23.21 Å at x = 1.1 and 23.23 Å at x = 1.5 [199], because the average ra-
dius of Co2+/Ti4+ (0.627 Å) is larger than that of Fe3+ (0.550 Å).
For x = 1.1 when fired to 1150 °C the grains had grown to form 1 lm platelets, and these increased
to 50–150 lm between 1230 and 1290 °C [199]. However, in a sample of BaCoZrM made by the citrate
route the grains were only 5 lm even after heating to 1300 °C, and DGG was never observed [200].
Nickel–zinc–titanium substituted BaM was found to have a smaller grain size than BaCoTiM, consist-
ing of 100 by 10 nm platelets at 900 °C at x = 1 [201]. It is typical of these doped BaM systems that they
form even more acicular grains that usual, with a large width-to-thickness ratio. This was found to be
even more pronounced in BaCoSnM, forming very flat particles with a large surface area, but the fusion
between particles was reduced inhibiting grain growth [202]. When Ba(MnTi)xFe122xO19 (x = 0.5–2)
was made by a citrate combustion method, the as-prepared powders consisted of crystalline BaCO3
and c-Fe2O3 and no M ferrite, with the pure M phase forming at 800 °C/4 h [98].
An investigation of the BaOTiO2Fe2O3 system at 1240 °C revealed at least 12 different mixed com-
pounds, ranging from BaTi2O5 with 0.2 mol% Fe2O3 to Ba12Ti16Fe30O89, a hexagonal ferrimagnetic com-
pound [203]. In a study of BaCoTiM coprecipitated from chloride salts the mixture formed a-Fe2O3 at
500 °C, with BaCO3 and CoTiO3 also appearing at 600 °C. The M phase had formed as the major phase
with a-Fe2O3 at 750 °C, becoming pure M at 900 °C as hexagonal platelets 50–80 nm in diameter
[204]. BaCo0.6Ti0.6Fe10.8O19 made from the stearic acid gel method began to crystallise at 650 °C,
becoming single phase at 750 °C with very small 10–20 nm grains, growing to 100 nm at 1000 °C
and 500 nm at 1150 °C [81]. When BaCoxTixFe122xO19 was produced from the glass crystallisation
method it was found that TiO2 in the glass matrix acted as a nucleation agent and accelerated the crys-
tallisation of the M phase [196]. It has been claimed that BaCo0.8Ti0.8Fe10.4O19 was prepared by this
method to give platelets only 7.6 nm long and 2.4 nm thick [198].
RE substituted BaM was studied by Leccabue et al., using Gd, La, Lu and Sm as the RE3+ ion, and
balancing the charge with an accompanying Na+ ion, to make the Ba1xREx/2Nax/2M series [205]. It
was found that the general solubility limit for RE in the M structure was x = 0.1, determined by
Mössbauer spectroscopy. At 630–730 °C a-Fe2O3 and BaFe2O4 were present, and at 1100 °C there
was evidence of the REFeO3 perovskite as well. The pure M ferrite had formed 1300 °C for x = 0.1,
although for higher values of x it appeared that a-Fe2O3 and REFeO3 were also present. The substitu-
tion of RE/Na appeared to result in enlarged and more clearly defined hexagonal plates, even when the
ReFeO3 phase was present at x = 0.2, which may aid in the production of oriented ceramics (Fig. 24). A
similar series of results were later published by Wang et al., who appear to have doped SrM with a
variety of RE ions (Sm [206], Pr [207], La [208] and Nd) at RE:Sr ratios of 1/16–1/2, while maintaining
1236 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 24. SEM images of (a) pure BaM, (b) Ba0.9Lu0.05Na0.05M, (c) Ba0.9La0.05Na0.05M and (d) Ba0.8Lu0.1Na0.1M, sintered at 1300 °C/
6 h [205].
a constant Fe:Sr ratio of 8 (i.e., not actual substitution), and a OH : NO
3 ratio of 2 for the hydrother-
mal synthesis at 220 °C/3 h at a pressure of 25 bar. In all cases they found that although SrM could be
made with no RE ions (although usually with SrFeO3ximpurity), the RE ions did not fully substitute
into the M structure under synthesis conditions, and the as-synthesised powder always contained
a-Fe2O3 and RE oxides, in increasing amounts as the doping level increased. The as-synthesised com-
pounds consisted of micron-range thin hexagonal plates. Upon subsequent calcination to 1000 (Sm
and Nd), 1250 (Pr) and 1300 (La) °C/2 h, the RE could be fully substituted into the SrM, shown by
the absence of RE oxide in XRD patterns, but SrFeO3x nearly always formed as well as RE replaced
Sr in the M structure, due to the non-stoichiometry of the doped ferrites. The RE doped M ferrites
exhibited little change in grain size even when heated to higher temperatures, indicating that they in-
hibit grain growth, apart from La at higher temperatures.
It would seem that a non-stoichiometric, iron-deficient ratio of Fe:(Ba/RE) favours the formation of
single phase, RE-substituted M ferrites, if no Na+ counter ion is used to balance the charge. Yamamoto
et al. have made a series of RE substituted SrM and BaM ceramics, with RE such as lanthanum and neo-
dymium, made through coprecipitation methods. Some of these are iron-deficient, but others also par-
tially substitute Fe3+ with Me2+ to maintain oxygen stoichiometry, such as the (Ba/Nd)(Fe/Co)12O19
system, of which Ba0.99Nd0.118Co0.041Fe11.86O19 sintered at 1000 °C/2 h proved to have the optimum
magnetic properties [209]. This same paper suggests that in uncompensated, RE substituted BaM, a
ratio of Fe:Ba of 10.5 gives the optimum magnetic properties. A ratio of Fe:(Ba/RE) of 10.5 also seems
to be favoured by Stergiou et al., for example iron-deficient ferrites synthesised by coprecipitation
with substituted Dy and Gd, to make Ba1xRExFe10.5O16.75+x [210]. For Dy this was sintered at
920 °C/2 h, and for x = 0.05 the pure M phase was made, although for x = 0.1 and 0.2 it also contained
6% and 14% a-Fe2O3. With Gd it was sintered at 1000 °C/2 h, and for x = 0.1 the pure M phase was
made, but for x = 0.2 it contained 4% a-Fe2O3. Substitution of Fe3+ by Me2+ without a counter-ion
was also achieved, to make oxygen-deficient single crystals of BaFe10.5Me0.25O17.05 for Me = Mg, Cd,
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1237
Co, Ni and Zn, by ionic exchange in molten salts of non-magnetic b-ferrite/BaCl2 at 750 °C. The result-
ing hexagonal platelets were as small as 200 nm in diameter and 20 nm thick [211].
5.4. Y ferrite
Investigations of the BaOFe2O3CoO system showed that Y ferrite not only formed at the stoichiom-
etric point 20% BaO–20% CoO–60% Fe2O3, but over a region of compositions (2.5–45% BaO)–(5–45%
CoO)–(50–69% Fe2O3). Y coexists with the BaFe2O4, spinel, W and Z phases or a mixture of these
phases over this range, but to form single phase Y the mixture must be near the stoichiometric point
(Fig. 16) [46].
For stoichiometric mixtures made by coprecipitation the Y phase was found to begin to form at
950 °C, as a-Fe2O3 vanishes and the BaM and spinel phases drop to half their maxima, giving equal
proportions of M, Y and spinel phases at 970 °C. By 1000 °C the material was virtually all Y, reaching
a maximum at 1100–1300 °C. After this point Y rapidly decomposes to give mostly W and some spinel.
At 1300 °C Co2Y consisted of hexagonal grains 3–10 lm wide and 0.75– 2 lm thick [21]. Investigating
the use of ethanol instead of water as a solvent during coprecipitation, Lisjak and Drofenik [148] used
stoichiometric iron ratios for iron chloride and barium and cobalt acetate precipitated with NaOH in a
3:1 ethanol:water solution, both in air and under a flow of Ar. They found that BaCO3 formed as a pre-
cursor at 400 °C in both the samples precipitated under air and Ar, unlike for BaM, and that if left in air
the precipitate also absorbed CO2 to form BaCO3. a-Fe2O3 and BaFe2O4 crystallised at 600 °C, and at
680 °C the carbonate had decomposed and the CoFe2O4 had crystallised. At 700 °C the BaM and
Co2Y phases had formed alongside a-Fe2O3 and BaFe2O4, a very low temperature for the formation
of Y ferrite, and these remained as mixed phases when calcined at 700 °C/50 h and even 800 °C/
70 h, with samples from both atmospheres, although the proportion of Y ferrite increased with tem-
perature. The sample precipitated under Ar produced the pure Y phase after being calcined at 900 °C/
50 h or at 1000 °C/10 h, where as the sample precipitated in air only formed the single phase Y at
1100 °C/3 h. Once again, this shows that the Y phase cannot crystallise without the prior crystallisa-
tion of the M phase. Co2Y made from an aqueous sol–gel process using stoichiometric halide-based
precursors consisted of only crystalline a-Fe2O3 from 400 °C, until BaM, BaFe2O4 and CoFe2O4 replaced
this at 800 °C. At 1000 °C the powder was nearly completely Co2Y, with a trace of a-BaFe2O4 but no
BaM [73]. Using a combustion process based of EDTA complexes, it was found that a solution pH of
between 8 and 10 was best to form both a stable EDTA complex and a quality Co2Y product. All the
organics and nitrates had combusted by 700 °C, and from the precursor phasesBaFe2O4, CoFe2O4
and a-Fe2O3, and Co2Y began to form at 900 °C, being single phase at 1000 °C [212]. At pH values
<8 some of the precursors remained in the final product.
Zn2Y was made from the coprecipitation of hydroxides and barium carbonate, forming a-Fe2O3 at
350 °C, BaFe2O4 at 780 °C and Zn2Y at 1100 °C. This did not become the single phase material until
1200 °C with a grain size of 2 lm, and it decomposed at 1250 °C into ZnFe2O4, a-Fe2O3 and BaO
[213]. In a study of the effects of cation deficiency on the formation of the Y phase, it was seen that
for Ba2Zn0.6Co0.6Cu0.8Fe12xO221.5x the pure Y phase could form for values up to x = 1, and that for
x = 1.5 other phases were present as well, mainly BaFe2O4. This indicates an iron-non-stoichiometry
limit for the Y structure of around Ba2Me2Fe11O17.5 [214]. The deficiencies caused ion vacancies which
promote mass transfer and the sintering process, thus increasing the density of the deficient ferrites
compared to the pure Y at equivalent temperatures (e.g., 4.44 g cm3 for x = 0 and 5.01 g cm3 for
x = 0.5 at 975 °C). This also lead to DGG occurring in the deficient ferrites above 950 °C, trapping pores
inside and creating grains hundreds of microns in length.
Using Ba2+ as the large cation, pure Ni2Y, Zn2Y and Mg2Y have all been made successfully [7], and
Cu2Y was also produced, although only as a mixed phase with BaM ferrite [21]. Sudakar et al. formed
Ni2Y from a thermal gel-crystallisation process that crystallised as a mixture of Y, spinel, a-Fe2O3 and
BaFe2O4 phases (grain size <100 nm) directly from a stoichiometric precursor at 750 °C, and had
formed the single Y phase at 950 °C [25]. WhenZn2Y was made from a citrate combustion process,
is was found that the citrate mass was lost between 180 and 220 °C, with a combustion temperature
of 235 °C, and residual carbon was lost between 300 and 440 °C. At 850 °C c-Fe2O3, BaFe2O4 and BaM
were present along with Y, while at 950 °C the powder appeared to pure Zn2Y from XRD. However,
1238 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
magnetic measurements showed that this still contained small amounts of magnetic phases such as c-
Fe2O3 and BaM, but these could be prevented by thermal treatment at 650 °C before calcination at
950 °C, to remove any residual carbon, resulting in a magnetically softer Y ferrite [215]. In a study
of Ba–Sr and Ni–Co solid state interdiffusion in the BaxSr2xCo2yNiyY system at 1200 °C, it was found
that a maximum for the Ba–Sr interdiffusion coefficient existed at x = 1.4–1.5, and a maximum for the
Co–Ni interdiffusion coefficient existed at y = 1.0, when x and y were varied individually. The Ba–Sr
interdiffusion coefficient was several times larger with y = 0 (Co2Y) and than when y = 2 (Ni2Y), and
if both x and y were varied simultaneously, both the Ba–Sr and Co–Ni interdiffusion coefficients varied
exponentially with y (Ni content) [216]. Mg2Y, which is now known to be a MF ferrite, was made by a
citric acid combustion process, dried and self combusted at only 120 °C. When calcined at 1080 °C/5 h
the powders consisted of mostly Mg2Y, with some BaFe2O4 and MgFe2O4, and at 1170 °C the only
impurity was <2 wt.% MgFe2O4. Unlike in Zn2Y, where the Zn2+ ions occupy only tetrahedral positions,
in Mg2Y these authors found that Mg2+ was distributed throughout the cation positions [217].
Castelliz et al. found in 1969 that Co2Y and Ni2Y phases formed with up to 80% substitution of bar-
ium by strontium [21], and Perekalina et al. reported in 1970 [230] that fully substituted Sr2Zn2Y ex-
isted, albeit with a distorted lattice. Castelliz et al. also reported that when the Pb2+ ion was used as
the large cation, the Y structure was never formed for stoichiometric Y mixes, forming the W phase
instead. This W phase was pure for Cobalt and Zinc, but it was also mixed with the PbM phase for
Nickel, Copper and Manganese, and a similar lack of any Y phase was found with the smaller Sr2+ cat-
ion. However, the Co2Y and Ni2Y phases did form with up to 50% substitution of Barium by lead, with
the X phase also present as a small impurity in the nickel series. Therefore, the Y phase can only tol-
erate up to 50 mol% lead substitution of barium. In the pure Pb2Co2Y mixtures DGG had already begun
at only 1100 °C/3 h, with grains over 100 lm in diameter, and grain growth inhibitors or variations in
the heating cycle seemed to make little difference. This excessive growth of the PbM phase was attrib-
uted to its persistence, as the homogeneous mixture of oxides separates into fractions of differing
compositions, eventually forming W and X. The T block in Y ferrites requires the diffusion of a second
lead atom through the oxygen layers, but due to their low surface area diffusion of the large lead
atoms will be very slow. The structure of W and X resemble M more than Y, Z or U which all contain
the T block, so these phases are formed preferentially. The large M plates also had amorphous MeO
and PbO at their grain boundaries resulting in a deficiency of these in the structure, and possibly a so-
lid solution of M2+ in PbM ferrite, changing the lattice parameters [21].
5.5. Z ferrite
Z ferrites are difficult compounds to form. A temperature of at least 1200 °C is required, the Z phase
usually coexisting with some or all of the phases M, Y, W and spinel. It has been reported that 1225 °C
appears to be the optimum temperature, but the Z phase was only obtained as a major component
mixed with the W phase [218]. Single phase Z is notoriously hard to produce. However, in the phase
diagram (Fig. 16) Z extends over a wider range of compositions than Y ferrite, forming the regions
Y + Z, Z + BaFe2O4, M + Z, M + Z + W, Z + W, Y + Z + W, and pure Z near the stoichiometric region
17.65% BaO–11.73% CoO–70.60% Fe2O3 [46]. This may be because, unlike Y ferrite, the structure of Z
is related to both Y and M, and therefore all the hexagonal ferrites.
In experiments comparing the formation of Z from both salts and oxides, it was found that Z is
never formed directly, and must result from the topotactic reaction of the two previously formed M
and Y stages, irrespective of the starting materials [219]. With salt precursors the Z phase starts to
form at 1100 °C, and at 1200 °C the M and Y phases begin to decrease rapidly as the Z phase increases,
to form a maximum of 90 mol% Z at 1260 °C/2 h. Any longer at this temperature, or an increase in this
temperature, and the Z phase decomposes to the W phase. With oxides, the Z phase formed at the
same temperature, but the W phase forms simultaneously causing the Z phase to decompose as it
is being made, and resulting in a maximum yield of only 62 mol% Z. Assuming that the rate limiting
step is diffusion driven and the reaction occurs at the interface between the hexagonal faces, it was
suggested that two simultaneous stages must coexist. one decisive at low temperatures, one at high
temperatures. At 1100–1200 °C Z product accumulation between the M and Y reagent surfaces could
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1239
Fig. 25. SEM images by the author showing DGG and stepped grain growth in Co2Z ferrite fibres sintered at 1250 °C/2 h.
restrict the surface diffusion, and at temperatures over this the rate limiting step could be a topotactic
reaction at the M/Y interface [219]. The kinetics of this reaction have not so far been elucidated.
Above certain temperatures it is evident that some grains grow at an enormous rate relative to the
others, giving a material containing a wide range of grain sizes, and this seems concurrent with for-
mation of the Z phase at 1250 °C, resulting in the large platy grain morphology. This growth is much
greater in the direction of the hexagonal plane, perpendicular to the c-axis [220]. The grain size be-
comes even more exaggerated by DGG after 1260 °C/10 h, 1290 °C/10 h or 1300 °C/10 min, giving
huge plates tens or even hundreds of lm in diameter but still only a few lm thick, and with a corre-
sponding loss of density in the final product, probably as pores are enclosed within the grains [221].
No DGG was seen after heating a stoichiometric Co2Z mixture at 1220 °C for 24 h, but it had not
formed the single Z phase.
The decrease observed in bulk density accompanying this grain growth could be explained by sur-
face diffusion, but the rate of growth of individual grains was too great to be explained by solid state
diffusion alone. Electron microscopy showed the plates contained elevated layers (Figs. 18 and 25), a
typical feature of growth from vapour or melting. No evidence was seen for melting, but there were
signs of vaporisation/condensation and supersaturation mechanisms, as well as of solid state diffu-
sion. Some regions of higher energy on the surface, the result of dislocations, inhomogeneity or de-
fects, form points where material would be expected to escape as a vapour phase, which then
condenses on regions of lower energy as stacks of a spiral or circular shape, and this was also observed
on the interior in Co2Y grains. On the exterior of the Co2Z grains there were clear stacks of hexagonal
plates, and this is typical of slower growth from a lower degree of vapour supersaturation, as would be
expected for the outside of the grain. All the laminas were roughly the same thickness, of 0.1–0.5 lm,
and the same features were observed in Co2Y particles heated to 1250 °C [48].
When prefired Co2Z samples were sintered in a magnetic field to produce oriented samples, the ori-
ented particles were observed to grow at the expense of the unaligned grains. This resulted in an ori-
ented product, but the grains were no larger than in randomly aligned samples fired without an
external field. Some large grains 10–20 lm in diameter appeared after 1260 °C/24 h, and DGG oc-
curred at temperatures over 1290 °C [221]. The transport mechanism was suggested as being a mix-
ture of grain boundary and volume diffusion, but porosity data indicated that the densification
mechanism was via pore removal through a volume driven lattice diffusion process. The oriented sam-
ples were more sintered, with a density of 97% achieved [221]. It has been reported that if the stoichi-
ometric Co2Z phase precursor formed at 1080 °C by normal ceramic routes, consisting of a mixture of
BaM, Co2Y and CoFe2O4, was then wet milled in water for 1 h and subsequently calcined at 1230 °C/
2 h, a more pure Z phase was obtained, but this was still only 71% Z ferrite from XRD data. However,
when half of the barium was substituted by strontium to make Ba1.5Sr1.5Co2Z, this increased to 91% Z
phase, suggesting that the strontium substituted Z phase may have more favourable thermodynamics
1240 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
There have been several papers on the formation of Z ferrites from coprecipitation methods, typi-
cally using stoichiometric amounts of precursor, unlike for the formation of M ferrites. Hsiang and Yao
reported that BaM and Co2Y formed directly from BaCO3 and amorphous Fe2O3 when coprecipitating
Co2Z from stoichiometric nitrates, with no crystalline a-Fe2O3 or BaFe2O4 precursors detected, unlike
in other Z ferrite synthesis routes [223]. The only crystalline phase seen in the as-precipitated powder
was BaCO3. This BaCO3 decomposed to BaM at 700 °C, and Co2Y formed between 700 and 850 °C, a low
temperature for Y ferrite, and apparently without crystallisation of the intermediate CoFe2O4 spinel
phase, which is normally seen as a precursor to Co2Y. At 900 °C the powder consisted of a mix of
BaM and Co2Y, but at 1100 °C only Co2Y was observed in the XRD pattern. Clearly this cannot stoichio-
metrically be pure Co2Y, but a similar Co2Y-only precursor to Z formation (by a standard ceramic
route) was reported by other authors at 1200 °C, the XRD patterns showing a majority Co2Z phase
(with some Co2Y) at 1250 °C [32]. Hsiang and Yao show that this single Co2Y precursor phase con-
tained a large number of twinned grains in TEM images, and they suggest that the BaM diffused into
the Co2Y lattice structure, the stresses causing twinning, prior to Co2Z formation [223]. The Co2Z phase
began to form at a temperature of 1150 °C, and the single Z phase was present at 1200 °C, as thick hex-
agonal grains up to 10 lm wide and several lm high. This is a reasonably low temperature for single
phase Co2Z to form, reflecting the intimate mixing of the precursors in the coprecipitation process.
Other workers have also shown that high quality Co2Z with good magnetic properties can be made
at 1200 °C via a citrate combustion process, and again with the BaM phase disappearing before the
crystallisation of the Z phase, as shown in Fig. 26 [102].
When Co2Z was made from a stoichiometric aqueous halide-based sol–gel process, it had formed a-
Fe2O3 at 400 °C, and at 800 °C it had been replaced by BaM and CoFe2O4, but there was no observed
BaFe2O4, unlike in the Co2Y made by the same process. This was suggested to possibly be due to
the higher percentage of barium present in Co2Y (Fe:Ba = 6 for Y, 8 for Z). At 1000 °C the CoFe2O4
had been replaced by Co2Y, which as always coexisted with BaM in equal proportion prior to Co2Z for-
mation. The M and Y phases persisted to over 1100 °C, but as Co2Z began to form at 1200 °C the loss of
BaM was much more apparent that of Co2Y, and only the Y phase remained as a major secondary
phase until seemingly pure Co2Z was formed at 1250 °C [75]. This has also been reported previously,
but it remains unclear why the two precursor hexaferrites should not decrease at the same rate if the
formation process is indeed a topotactic reaction between the two phases. As usual, the Co2Z crystal-
lisation occurred along with DGG to form very wide hexagonal plates (Fig. 25), and the Z phase was
stable with no decomposition to Co2W up to 1300 °C, although there was even more DGG at these
higher temperatures. As with the M ferrites made by the same sol–gel process, the precursor powder
retained the halides until reasonably high temperatures, loosing 8% total weight between 400 and
1000 °C, as the weight% of chlorine decreased from 5.4 wt.% to 0.1 wt.%, and bromine from 5.9 wt.%
to 0.03 wt.% [155]. Once again the halides, and in particular chlorine, seemed to have a retardation ef-
fect on the formation of BaM, and in this case also on CoFe2O4, which did not form until a relatively
Fig. 26. Phase evolution with temperature of stoichiometric Co2Z made from a citrate self-propagating combustion process,
showing the loss of the BaM phase from XRD patterns prior to Z phase formation [102].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1241
Fig. 27. Grain structure of well sintered polycrystalline (a) Ba1.5Sr1.5Co2Z and (b) Sr3Co2Z [226].
high temperature of 800 °C when chlorine had reduced to 2.5 wt.%. It was also noted that in samples
with very high levels of Cl ions DGG never occurred, but also the Z phase never formed, supporting
evidence for both the retardation of ferrite formation by chlorine and the necessity of DGG for Z ferrite
formation to occur [155].
When made from a citrate based process, the Z phase never forms directly from combustion of the
citrates, as is sometime seen with M ferrites. When a stoichiometric citric acid:Co2Z precursor was
dries at 135 °C/10 h and heated, combustion occurred around 210 °C, and all hydrocarbons were com-
busted by 350 °C. When heated to 600 °C a-Fe2O3 and BaFe2O4 had crystallised, to be replaced by BaM
and CoFe2O4 at 800 °C, and the spinel was replaced by Co2Y at 1000 °C. At 1100 °C the formation of
Co2Z coincided with the loss of BaM but not Co2Y, as observed in some coprecipitation reactions as
well, and discussed earlier. Co2Z was very much the majority phase at 1150 °C, and was the only phase
detected by XRD at 1200–1250 °C, supported by the magnetic data. The grain size of the Co2Z plates
grew from a very small 50 300 nm after 1150 °C/6 h, to 3 lm diameter after 1250 °C/6 h, still a rel-
atively small grain size at this temperature [86]. The powder calcined at 1150 °C could also be sintered
at only 1200 °C/6 h to produce a ceramic >95% dense, although DGG had occurred.
Barium can be fully substituted by strontium in the Z structure. Sr3Zn2Z was reported in 1970
[230], and Pure Sr3Co2Z was first synthesised by Pullar and Bhattacharya from an inorganic sol–gel
precursor in 2001, forming the single Z phase at 1200 °C/3 h from SrM, a-Fe2O3 and CoFe2O4 precur-
sors [224], without formation of the Y phase as an intermediate, a feature that has always been ob-
served as a co-precursor in the formation of barium–Z ferrites. This raises questions about the
topotactic nature of Sr3Co2Z synthesis, which have yet to be answered. Since then a series of Sr-substi-
tuted (Ba1xSrx)3Co2Z was made with x = 0–0.8, sintered at 1250 °C/4 h and with high densities of
>5.1 g cm3 [225]. Takada et el. synthesised polycrystalline Ba1.5Sr1.5Co2Z and Sr3Co2Z from stoichiom-
etric oxides/carbonates by solid state methods, and were sintered at 1250 and 1210 °C, with oxygen
partial pressures of 101.3 and 21.3 kPa, respectively. This resulted in well sintered samples with den-
sities 93% and 95% of the theoretical maximum, and grains formed as hexagonal plates between 5 and
10 lm diameter and 1–2 lm thick (Fig. 27). Magnetically oriented pellets sintered for 16 h achieved
even higher densities of 98% and 97%, respectively [226]. A citrate route has also been used to make
Sr3Co2Z, from precursor powders pyrolised at 400–450 °C, and then calcined at 1200 °C/5 h in air. It
was found that single phase Sr3Co2Z had a very small thermal stability range for formation between
1195 and 1210 °C, and also contained the U phase at 1190 °C and W phase at 1220 °C [227]. In a study
of Ba–Sr interdiffusion in Ba3xSrxCo2Z, it was found that the interdiffusion coefficient reached a min-
imum at x = 1.5, and that the Z ferrites had larger Ba–Sr interdiffusion coefficients than the W or Y fer-
rites – two orders of magnitude larger than for W at 1200 °C. It was suggested that this was because
there are four oxygen layers between the Ba/Sr ions in the Z ferrite c-axis, but 6 layers in W ferrite. The
interdiffusion zones between SrCo2W and BaCo2W were 80 and 800 lm, after annealing at 1150 and
1200 °C/24 h, respectively, while between Sr3Co2Z and Ba3Co2Z they were much larger at 560 and
3100 lm, after annealing at 1150 and 1200 °C/24 h, respectively [228].
1242 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
The Z phase is sensitive to barium substitution with lead in a similar manner to Y, only able to
withstand up to 17 mol% substitution [21]. The Z structure can also only withstand a substitution of
Ba2+ by La3+ up to = 13 mol%, with a decreasing cell length with substitution [229], but it is much more
tolerant of substitution with strontium up to 100% [230]. ZnxCo2xZ was made for x = 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6
and 2 by a citrate sol–gel process, and formed the single phase Z ferrite at 1200 °C for all mixtures,
with little change in magnetic permeability [231]. When Ni2Z was formed from a thermal gel-crystal-
lisation process, it crystallised as a mixture of Z, spinel, a-Fe2O3 and BaFe2O4 phases (grain size
<100 nm) directly from a stoichiometric precursor at 750 °C, and had formed the single Z phase at
950 °C [25].
5.6. W ferrite
The W phase forms over a wide range of compositions to form the mixed phases W + CoFe2O4,
W + CoFe2O4 + a-Fe2O3, W + M, W + Z, W + M+ Z, W + Z + Y, W + CoFe2O4 + Y, and single phase Co2W
around 9.1% BaO–18.2% CoO–72.7% Fe2O3 [46]. It is the most iron rich of the hexagonal ferrites to con-
tain a small divalent ion, requiring a higher temperature to form than the other common hexagonal
phases, and it is often formed as a decomposition product of these. When made by standard ceramic
techniques from stoichiometric mixtures of oxides and barium carbonate, Co2W does not begin to
form until 1200 °C, as a mixed phase with BaM and the spinel ferrite, and forms the pure compound
over a narrow range from 1250 to 1300 °C, at which point DGG has begun and the grains grow to
60 lm. Over this temperature it begins to decompose to mixtures of W, BaM and spinel again, result-
ing in grains 90 lm in diameter containing traces of BaFe2O4 over 1350 °C, and finally fusing at
1440 °C. The ferrite material contains 7% FeO at 1400 °C, and the lattice parameter of the decomposi-
tion spinel is between those of magnetite and cobalt spinel indicating that a solid solution of the two
has formed, and this reduction may be a driving force for the decomposition [232].
Lisjak et al. compared the direct synthesis from oxides and the two step synthesis from previously
synthesised M and S phases for the synthesis of BaNiZnFe16O27 by co-precipitation [233]. When made
directly in one step, the amorphous co-precipitate formed spinel and M phases as expected, which re-
acted to form the W phase between 1200 and 1300 °C/3 h. However, even at the higher temperature,
some spinel phase remained. With the two-step synthesis, two separate BaM and Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 solu-
tions were co-precipitated. The spinel co-precipitate showed poorly crystalline spinel phase already in
the as-synthesised powder, whereas the amorphous BaM co-precipitate crystallised to BaM at 700 °C.
When these two separate phases were reacted the W phase did not form until a higher temperature of
1250 °C, but after 1250 or 1300 °C/3 h the pure W phase had formed. Therefore, at the very least a long-
er calcination time or higher temperature would be need for the single step synthesis to form the pure
W phase. These authors calculated that for the single step synthesis, the probability of making pure W
was 0.4, lower than that of making multiphase powders, whereas for the two-step synthesis the prob-
ability of making a single phase was 0.67, higher than that of forming a multiphase product.
Naiden et al. investigated the formation of BaCo0.7Zn1.3W by XRD. They made diagrams of compo-
sition evolution with sintering temperature for synthesis by a standard ceramic route (Fig. 28a), and
from ultradispersed oxide precursors (UDPs) with stated a particle size of 0.85 nm (no evidence is
Fig. 28. The phase evolution with time of BaCo0.7Zn1.3W made by (a) standard ceramic route, and (b) from ultradispersed oxide
precursors (UDPs). Note that on the original diagram the x axis was mislabelled as K, not °C [49].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1243
given for a such a tiny particle size, and I imagine that it is an error, and should be lm), made by mech-
anochemical activation from high energy ball milling for 20 min with a very high weight ratio of ball-
s:powder of 20 (Fig. 28b) [49]. As can be seen, the standard ceramic route consisted of mixtures of Y,
M, spinel (S) and a small amount of BaFe2O4 at 1000 and 1100 °C, with the amount of S increasing as Y
decreased. The W phase began to form at 1150 °C, and rapidly became the major phase above 1200 °C,
with the maximum W content of nearly 100% forming at 1300 °C, and no significant decomposition at
1350 °C. By comparison, after sintering at 1000 °C/6 h, the UDP powder was still mostly the UDP pre-
cursor, with small amounts of S and M, and no Y phase. The UDP precursor began to decompose at
1150 °C, when a trace of Z formed, and the M and S phases disappeared as the W phase formed rapidly,
being the major phase at 1200 °C (65%), but again peaking at 1300–1350 °C. Therefore, the UDP pre-
cursor began to form W at a lower temperature, but still required standard ceramic temperatures to
completely form the W phase.
Co2W made from a stoichiometric aqueous sol–gel precursor formed a-Fe2O4 at 400 °C, and at
800 °C was replaced by CoFe2O4 and BaM, which persisted as the sole phases up to 1150 °C, until sin-
gle phase Co2W was formed at 1200 °C. No BaFe2O4, Co2Y or Co2Z were observed as intermediate
phases, and Co2W remained as the sole phase up to 1300 °C, with no apparent decomposition [74].
The rapid conversion of BaM and CoFe2O4 to Co2W occurred along with DGG forming grain tens of mi-
crons wide, and this was even more extreme at 1300 °C.
Ni2W formed from a thermal gel-crystallisation process crystallised as a mixture of Y, spinel and a-
Fe2O3 phases (grain size <100 nm) from a stoichiometric precursor at 750 °C, and formed the single W
phase at 950 °C [25]. Like BaM ferrite, the W phase can withstand total replacement of barium with
strontium or lead, implying it is the T block which is sensitive to barium replacement, as shown in
the Y and Z ferrites [21]. Ba0.9La0.05Na0.05Zn2W showed the BaM, a-Fe2O3 and LaFeO3 precursors,
but the La-substituted M ferrite did not appear as a precursor to the W phase, which was pure at
1300 °C. At 1400 °C it had decomposed into X ferrite and a second unidentified magnetic phase, ob-
served by Mössbauer spectroscopy [205].
Langhof et al. found that SrFe2W formed between 1350 and 1440 °C, decomposing above this tem-
perature into Fe3O4, and it had lattice parameters of a = 5.8969 Å and c = 32.799 Å [176]. SrZn2W is the
most important W ferrite for its magnetic and microwave properties, usually when doped with an-
other divalent metal ion, and forms at a low temperature of 1100 °C [234]. The addition of sodium
to SrZn2W had the effect of lowering the grain size dramatically to only 0.5–1.5 lm at 1225 °C,
increasing to 1.8–4.0 lm after 1300 °C for only 30 min, and after 2 h at this temperature the grains
had undergone DGG to become 3–60 lm in diameter [235]. In a study of Ba–Sr and Ni–Co solid state
interdiffusion in the BaxSr1xCo2yNiyW system at 1250 °C, it was found that a minimum for the Ba–Sr
interdiffusion coefficient existed at x = 1.0–1.2, and a minimum for the Co–Ni interdiffusion coefficient
existed at y = 0.8–1.1, when x and y were varied individually [236]. This was the opposite trend to that
seen by the same authors in the Y ferrites (two maxima), and was attributed to the existence of the R
block in the W ferrites, which is not present in the Y ferrites.
5.7. X ferrite
The X ferrites are usually seen mixed with M and W phases, and are extremely hard to separate.
Fe2X was the first X ferrite to be produced as a pure single crystal sample only after 70 attempts,
and even then a section of BaM phase had to be ground out of the crystal [8]. Pure single crystal
Co2X has also been grown from a flux [19], as has Zn2X [20] and Cu2X [237]. Polycrystalline Fe2X
has been made from the coprecipitation of oxalates, the X phase forming at 950 °C and becoming pure
phase between 1000 and 1200 °C. Beyond this temperature it decomposed to BaM and a-Fe2O3, the
Fe2+ making the compound unstable at elevated temperatures [238]. Recently Co2X, Ni2X and Cu2X
have all been made from stoichiometric oxides at 1250 °C/5 h [239]. Despite this, Gu reported making
a series of X ferrites by standard ceramics routes from stoichiometric oxides, including Fe2X, Co2X,
Ni2X, Zn2X, Cu2X, Mn2X and Mg2X, all sintered at much higher temperatures between 1300 and
1400 °C/4 h [240]. Pullar et al. made what was presumed to be Co2X from a stoichiometric aqueous
sol–gel precursor, which exhibited at 1200 °C an XRD pattern similar to, but different from, M and
W ferrites, without DGG occurring [76], but as with their Co2W samples the only ferrite precursors
1244 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
were CoFe2O4 and BaM at 1000 °C. The composition was confirmed by XRF to be Ba1.98Co1.85Fe28O45.83.
Haijun et al. made Zn2X and Co2X ceramics from the citrate process which also formed the pure X
phase at 1200 °C, with grains under 5 lm [241]. Sudakar et al. formed Ni2X from a thermal gel-
crystallisation process that crystallised as a mixture of X, spinel and a-Fe2O3 phases (grain size
<100 nm) from a stoichiometric precursor at 750 °C, and had formed the single X phase at 950 °C
[25]. Xiong and Mai made Co2X NPs from a stoichiometric stearic acid sol–gel precursor, and when
the gel was heated to 650 °C it contained c-Fe2O3 and BaCO3. However, XRD and electron diffraction
from TEM showed this transformed into single phase Co2X at only 750 °C, with a very small particle size
of 19–23 nm, and a surface area of 49 m2 g1 [82]. This grain size had only increased to 245 nm even
upon heating to 1150 °C, and the surface of the NPs showed a highly non-stoichiometric composition.
Ba1.9La0.05Na0.05Zn2X showed the same precursors as with W, and again the La-substituted M ferrite
did not appear as a precursor to the X phase, which was not single phase until 1400 °C/6 h [205].
Sr2Fe2X was synthesised from stoichiometric oxides via standard solid state ceramic methods, but
sintered in both air and CO2 atmospheres. When sintered in air at 1300 °C it was a mixture of BaM and
a-Fe2O3, but became the X ferrite at 1350 °C. When sintered in CO2 it formed Sr2Fe2X at a lower tem-
perature of 1275 °C, and decomposed to SrFe2W at 1320 °C [242]. Sr2Zn2X was made by co-precipita-
tion from stoichiometric precursors, and when heated to 600 °C a-Fe2O3 had formed. The SrM phase
appeared above 600 °C, and by 900 °C only SrM and ZnFe2O4 were present. At 1200 °C The M and spi-
nel phases had reacted to make the W phase, which coexisted with M and a trace of spinel, and be-
tween 1200 and 1400 °C the M and W phases reacted to form the X ferrite, which single phase at
1400 °C/6 h [243]. A large grain growth coincided with X formation, and grains 10–15 lm diameter
were present in the end sample. Langhof et al. found that Sr2Fe2X formed at 1350 °C, had lattice
parameters of a = 5.8940 Å and c = 83.808 Å, and it decomposed at 1420 °C [176].
5.8. U ferrite
These are extremely hard to make as a pure polycrystalline material, and until recently had only
been seen as mixed phases with Z and Y ferrites. In 1968 Zn2U single crystals were grown from a flux,
and although they were mostly intermixed with Z and Y phases, some pure single crystals were iden-
tified and separated by their Curie point [23]. In 2001 Pullar et al. demonstrated the onset of Co2U for-
mation at 1000 °C, with a phase resembling, but different to, Z ferrite, and with no DGG occurring even
at 1200 °C, in a marked contrast to Z ferrite formation, in ferrites made from an aqueous sol–gel pro-
cess [76]. At 1000 °C the precursor resembled that of Z ferrite, with the BaM and Co2Y phases present,
but also with CoFe2O4 (not seen in their Co2Z precursor at this temperature, after Co2Y had formed)
and an unidentified Z-like phase, that was assumed to be the onset of Co2U formation. The composi-
tion was confirmed by XRF to be Ba4.30Co2.13Fe36O60.43. Lisjak et al. compared Co2U made from co-
precipitation and high-energy ball milling, both sintered at 1250 °C, and found that the milled
powders had a density of 4.2 g cm3, compared to only 3.6 g cm3 for the co-precipitated powders
[244]. Co2U NPs made from a stoichiometric stearic acid sol–gel precursor were c-Fe2O3 and BaCO3
at 650 °C, but became single phase Co2U at only 750 °C, with a very small particle size of 10–25 nm
(surface area = 53 m2 g1) [83]. As with the Co2X NPs made by the same process, the surface of the
NPs showed a highly non-stoichiometric composition, and grain size was only 180 nm at 1150 °C.
Fig. 29. The phase evolution with time of Co2U made by (a) standard ceramic route, and (b) from ultradispersed oxide
precursors (UDPs). Note that on the original diagram the x axis was mislabelled as K, not °C [49].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1245
Naiden et al. also investigated the formation of Co2U by XRD. They made diagrams of composition
evolution with sintering temperature for synthesis by a standard ceramic route (Fig. 29a), and from
ultradispersed oxide precursors (UDPs) with an incredibly small stated particle size of 0.55 nm
(I imagine that this is an error, and that it should be lm), made by mechanochemical activation from
high energy ball milling for 20 min with a very high weight ratio of balls:powder of 20 (Fig. 29b) [49].
As can be seen, the standard ceramic route consisted of mixtures of Y, M and spinel (S) (no BaFe2O4),
with a trace of the U phase already, at 1000 °C. At 1100 °C the U phase had begun to increase as the
amount of M, Y and S decreased. The U phase content peaked (60%) at only 1200 °C, as the M phase
reached zero, and already by 1250 °C the U phase had decomposed and the Z phase formed to equal
proportions of 50% each. As temperature further increased, the Z phase increased as the U phase lin-
early decreased, and traces of the W and X phases appeared. At 1350 °C the sample seems to consist of
60% Z with small (<10%) amounts of U, Z and W, and the missing % content is not accounted for or
identified. By comparison, after sintering at 1000 °C/6 h, the UDP powder was still mostly the UDP pre-
cursor (>80%), with 20% S. At 1100 °C a trace of the U phase had appeared, and the UDP precursor be-
gan to decompose above this temperature forming Z, X and U at 1150 °C, although the U content has
already reached a maximum of around 15%. At 1200 °C the UDP has nearly all decomposed, but to
form the X phase, not U, and by 1300 °C the U phase has nearly all gone, to form 95% Co2X. This sug-
gests that the stoichiometric Co2U UDP precursor actually thermodynamically favours X ferrite forma-
tion above 1150 °C, and unexpectedly this appears to be a very successful way of producing highly
pure Co2X.
Lisjak et al. reported in 2004 that in standard ceramic processing, U formation occurred between
1200 and 1400 °C resulting in mixed U and Z phases, whereas pure samples of Co2U, Zn2U and Ni2U
could be made between 1100 and 1300 °C by either high-energy ball milling the reactant oxides first,
or by topotactically reacting M and Y ferrites [245]. However, Ni2U was crystallised from a thermal
gel-crystallisation process as a mixture of U, spinel, a-Fe2O3 and BaFe2O4 phases (grain size
<100 nm) from a stoichiometric precursor at 750 °C by Sudakar et al., and this formed the single U
phase at only 950 °C [25]. In a recent publication Cu2U, Co2U, Fe2U, Mn2U and Mg2U where all synthes-
ised via a citrate route, and subsequently calcined twice at 1250 °C/5 h, with milling in between firings
[246]. These authors found that only Cu2U crystallised as a single U phase (although EDS should it to
be about 25% Cu deficient, nonetheless), the other phases coexisting with very minor amounts of Ba-
Fe2O4 (Mn2U and Fe2U), or a-Fe2O3 and Z ferrite (Co2U and Mg2U). They used 57Fe NMR spectra to
characterise the structure, and found that in Mn2U Fe3+ was substituted by Mn3+ in the octahedral
4a and 12k lattice sites.
Recently Meena et al. have made several U ferrites by the standard ceramic route from stoichiom-
etric precursors, sintered at 1250 °C/5 h. The series Ba4Co2xMnxFe36O60 was made in steps of x = 0.5,
and they all formed the single phase U ferrite with large grain sizes between 10 and 20 lm, but with-
out apparent DGG [247]. The density of these samples was low, 690% in all cases. Similarly the
Ba4Mn2xZnxFe36O60 series was made by the same methods, sintered at 1300 °C/4 h, with even lower
densities from 90% and 83% as x increased, and grain sizes between 10 and 20 lm, and >20 lm for
x = 1 [248]. When lanthanum was substituted for barium in (Ba13xLa2x)4Co2U (x = 0.1, 0.15 and
0.2), and sintered at 1250 °C/4 h, the pure U phase was maintained, although all lattice parameters re-
duced and the c:a ratio increased with increasing amounts of the smaller La3+ ion. The density also
decreased from 91.7% to 82.5% with increasing x, and the grain size was between 8 and 20 lm in
all cases [249]. The same authors have since reported BaLa2hCo2U (x = 0.25, h = vacancy) and P5+
substituted Ba4(Co15xP2x) U (x = 0–0.2), all of which reportedly form the single U phase when sintered
at 1250 °C/6 h, albeit with high porosity up to 19% and grains up to 20 lm [250]. This means that fully
P5+ substituted Ba4P0.8h1.2U (x = 0.2) was achievable.
In one of the most exciting developments in U ferrites, Sr4Co2U has just been characterised by
Okumura et al. [34] as exhibiting a RT ME effect, similar to that seen in Sr3Co2Z. The ferrite was made
from stoichiometric oxides precalcined at 1000 °C, and then sintered at 1250 or 1280 °C/16 h in air or
oxygen, and cooled down slowly to RT over 22 h in O2. Despite this laborious preparation, the authors
failed to obtain a totally pure phase U ferrite, as it contained M and X ferrites as minor phases, but
interestingly no Z ferrite. As shown in Fig. 12, TEM images showed the Sr4Co2U phase to be well de-
fined, with none of the stacking faults observed previously in Co2U (Fig. 13).
1246 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Many electronic components are made as multilayer chips or surface mounted devices, such as
multilayer chip inductors (MLCIs), many of which contain soft ferrites, and which often require hexa-
ferrites for high frequency applications. Such materials are made of layers of low-temperature co-fired
ceramics (LTCCs), where the various ceramics layers (thick or thin films) such as magnetic and dielec-
tric ceramics are co-fired with layers of metal paste or printed metal electrodes in a single chip. For
reasons of its high conductivity, lower cost, and lower electrical loses, silver is usually the most suit-
able internal electrode material, but as it melts at 961 °C, all of the components must co-sinter suffi-
ciently at temperatures below this, with 900 °C typically being the goal. Gold and platinum
(MPs = 1064 and 1768 °C) are higher temperature electrodes but are also much more expensive,
and copper (MP = 1084 °C) needs to be sintered in a reducing atmosphere to prevent oxidation prob-
lems. For this reason, there are many investigation into the use of sintering aids, additives that lower
the sintering temperature of hexaferrites, ideally to below 960 °C.
Many sintering aids involve either the formation of relatively low temperature glassy phases (e.g.
SiO2, B2O3, Bi2O3) between the particles of the ceramic compound, or the addition/substitution of a
low sintering oxide into the ceramic (e.g., CuO), to reduce the overall sintering temperature. For exam-
ple, an undoped sample of BaM with a grain size of 1–2 lm had a density of 67% at 1100 °C, 72% at
1200 °C and was still only 82% dense at 1300 °C. However, with an addition of 0.55% silica this was
drastically increased to 72% at 1100 °C, 91% at 1200 °C and 96% at 1300 °C [251], as the silica forms
a glassy intergranular phase above 1050 °C [252]. The addition of silica with CaO has also been claimed
to increase densification while reducing grain growth in M ferrites [253]. B2O3 has been found to help
densification of BaM through liquid phase sintering below 1000 °C, but only leads to enhanced grain
growth at levels exceeding 0.1 mol%. An addition of 0.1 mol% gave a 98% dense product at only
1000 °C, compared to 93% for undoped BaM with a grain size of 0.5 lm [254].
The densification of SrM is also enhanced by the addition of silica [255], and there are several pro-
posed mechanisms for this effect. It is known that SrO preferentially reacts with silica forming a low
viscosity liquid phase which aids sintering, but some strontium can be lost to the sample [256]. This is
unlikely to be a factor as the material is usually pure M phase at the temperatures required to melt
silica. Above 1075 °C Fe2+ ions appear in silica-doped SrM, and the conductivity increases sharply at
levels over 0.4 wt.% silica because of this. As the concentration of Fe2+ ions increases the number of
oxygen vacancies increase, and this in turn increases the rate of sintering, lowering the maximum den-
sification temperature [257].
Co2Z with 8 wt.% PbO–B2O3 glass added started to sinter at 800 °C, and the maximum densification
rate was achieved at 890 °C. After sintering at this temperature for 2 h, a dense (5 g cm3) single-phase
Z ferrite was produced, with excellent magnetic properties [258]. Pb2+ and Cu2+ substituted Ba2.4Pb0.6-
Co2Z and Ba3Co1.8Cu0.2Z ferrites were found to sinter at 1100 °C, but with reduced permeability
[259], whereas Wang et al. reported good quality Cu2+ substituted Co2Z with a substitution up to
Co1.4Cu0.6, which had a high density of 4.9 g cm3, high permeability and very good magnetic proper-
ties at 1150 °C [260]. It was also found that iron non-stoichiometry could lower the sintering temper-
ature of Z ferrites, with a reduction of the Fe:Co ratio from 12 to only 9.8 reducing the sintering
temperature of (Ba–Sr)3Co2Z ferrites [261]. In a very complex system involving a copper and bismuth
substituted (Ba–Sr) Z ferrite with such an iron deficiency, with the formula (2 + 3x)(Co0.6Cu0.4)
O3Ba0.833(1x)Sr0.167(1x)BixO(9.8–1.5x) Fe2O3 where x = bismuth substitution of 0.5–1.5 and pre-cal-
cined at 1140 °C, a very low sintering temperature for Z ferrite was achieved when further doped with
small amounts of Bi2O3 or LiBiO2 as glassy sintering aids. The authors claim to make a fully dense Z
ferrite at only 950 °C, with a density over the theoretical maximum for Co2Z, attributed to the bismuth
substitution, with grain size <2 lm, a low Ms (<37 A m2 kg1, attributed to non-magnetic Bi3+ replac-
ing Fe3+) and a Tc that increases with x to 460 °C [261]. It was found that an addition of 0.5 wt.% LiBiO2
could further increase density and permeability, with samples sintered at 925 °C having a density of
5 g cm3 and a permeability of 7 at 300 MHz, although it would be interesting to see if the highly com-
plicated and confusingly presented results of this article can be repeated.
Ba1.5Sr1.5Co2Z had 80 wt.% PbO–20 wt.% Cu2O glass added to it (as 0, 2, 5 and 10 wt.%), and it was
found that 2 wt% glass gave a 97% dense Z ferrite at 1150 °C. For the samples with 5 and 10 wt.% glass,
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1247
the ferrite sintered at only 1000 °C, but density then decreased above 1100 °C as oversintering and
DGG took place, and with 10 wt.% glass the M ferrite was always present as a second phase. All
glass-doped samples had the M phase present at 1150 °C [262]. Investigation of the Zn substituted
Ba3Co2(0.8x) Zn0.4Cu2xFe24O41 found that the limit of Cu substitution was x = 0.3, and that for x = 0.2
a reasonably dense Z ferrite with good magnetic properties was formed at 1125 °C/4 h [263].
Submicron Co2Z powders made by a citrate process, which normally sintered at 1150 °C, were
found to produce a seemingly single phase sintered Z ferrite at only 890 °C, with a permeability of
5, when 2 wt.% Bi2O3 was added [264]. Wang et al. made 1–4 wt.% Bi-doped, Cu-substituted Ba3-
Co2xCuxFe24O41 (x up to 0.6), synthesised by the citrate method and sintered to over 95% density
at only 900 °C for all samples, with extraordinarily high density and resistivity values of up to
5.2 g cm3 and 4.8 109 X cm, and grain sizes below 2 lm [265]. These samples even had good mag-
netic properties, equalling the best routinely processed ceramic samples.
Copper substituted Ba2Zn2(1xy)CoxCuyY was formed as a single phase Y ferrite at 950 °C when
y = 0.4, with good magnetic properties [266]. In further studies by the same authors, as the amount
of Cuy was increased to 0.4, nearly fully dense Y samples could be obtained at 1050 °C for All values
of Cox, and samples were over 95% dense at 1000 °C [267].
The grain growth in hexagonal ferrites is most likely a combination of grain boundary movement
and Ostwald ripening, and the latter seems the most likely process for the extreme growth seen during
DGG [268], which often results in extremely acicular platelets instead of regular hexagons. In micro-
structural studies of BaM films it was found that a higher Ba content led to higher nucleation rates and
lower growth rates, giving a finer grained product with smaller diameter:thickness ratios [269].
When up to 1 mol% B2O3 was added to BaM it was found to diffuse into the lattice over 1000 °C to
form BaFe12xBxO19, the material being a mixture of BaM, a-Fe2O3 and BaFe2O4 at temperatures below
this. However, over 750 °C BaFe2O4forms an intermediate with B2O3 which nucleates rapidly and
causes growth with long or high temperature sintering. This enhances crystallisation, promotes
BaM formation and reduces porosity of the system, but also forms acicular platelets which become lar-
ger and more elongated with increasing boria addition. With additions from 0.1 to 0.3 mol% the grain
size does not increase too much, being 2–10 lm at 1200 °C and still no larger than 10 lm at 1400 °C,
but with higher levels plates up to 50 lm long are formed. The acicular platelets form over 1250 °C,
but as the a parameter increases in one direction the c parameter decreases, reducing the length of
the c-axis but maintaining the cell volume. As the basal plane is no longer a regular hexagon, a third
lattice parameter, b, is required to describe the width of the cell in the non-elongated axis, perpendic-
ular to a. Thus as this elongated growth occurs the ratio of c:a decreases, and this may resemble the
undetermined processes involved in DGG. The largest c:a ratio is seen with an addition of 0.2 mol%
B2O3 or less, and the mechanism of boria addition to BaM is suggested to be the following: with boria
addition of only 0.1 mol% it is taken into the core of the lattice, promoting ferrite formation by homo-
geneous nucleation. With an increase of up to 0.3 mol% the extra boria behaves as a molten flux allow-
ing the transport of reaction species, so most of the additive is promoting reactions between crystals,
instead of their formation. With further addition the boria melt is thick enough to leave layers of B2O3
between reaction centres on the faces of the platy grains, but they will float on this layer and can grow
out sideways, forming the elongated grains [270]. Another investigation into the addition of smaller
amounts of boria to BaM agreed with these findings, with both 0.1 mol% and 0.2 mol% producing
0.5 lm grains at 1000 °C, but the large growth up to 10 lm at 1200 °C only occurred with 0.2% addi-
tion [254].
The doping of SrM with La3+ and Zn2+ to make Sr1xLaxFe12xZnxO19 was found to reduce the grain
size while still producing a sintered material. When x = 0.3 the product was 97% sintered at 1200 °C,
but with a grain size of only 0.8 lm, increasing to several lm over 1250 °C [271]. Nb2O5 acts as a very
1248 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
good grain growth inhibitor in the sintering of BaTiO3 when added in quantities over 0.5 wt.% [256],
and it has been used to produce nanocrystalline spinel ferrites [272].
Addition of Silica to BaM has been claimed to both promote and hinder grain growth in various
amounts. It seems that grain growth occurs with an addition of below 0.55 wt.% as this is below
the solubility limit of silica in BaM. Above this loading grain growth is suppressed even at 1250°C,
either because of the impurity drag of solid phases on grain boundaries slowing their movement, or
because the silica reduces Ostwald ripening by suppressing surface diffusion [273].
An addition of 0.2% Al2O3 to SrM inhibits grain growth even at temperatures of 1250 °C, giving a
material consisting of grains 2–5 lm in diameter, compared to the large grains present in the undoped
material from DGG at this temperature. Unfortunately the alumina also massively hinders densifica-
tion, giving a product full of pores of the same dimension as the grains which is only 66% dense [274].
It was found in the same investigation that B2O3 has the opposite effect, giving a duplex structure con-
sisting of smaller grains and pores under 10 lm wide interspersed with huge plates measuring 25 lm
and over. Although silica is normally considered to cause grain growth, it has been reported that silica
can reduce grain size in SrM, either by forming as a solid at grain boundaries, or by the drag of the
segregated silica between grains preventing them from joining [275]. In extruded alumina fibres, in
which an unwanted rapid formation of large a-alumina grains often occurs, SiO2, MgO, P2O3, B2O3
and ZrO2 have all been used as grain growth inhibitors [276]. Pullar et al. doped their sol–gel derived
Co2Z with an addition of 0.67 mol% CaO, equivalent to 1:10 Ca:Ba. Not only did this begin to form the Z
phase at a lower temperature of 1150 °C, but DGG was greatly suppressed, with the sample consisting
of equiaxed, less-platy looking hexagonal grains only 1–3 lm in diameter and 1 lm thick [75]. By the
time the single phase Co2Z had formed at 1200 °C at a lower than normal, DGG had occurred, although
the grains were still more equiaxed than usual, and the crystallite size from XRD was 100 nm, under
half the size of their conventional Co2Z at 1250 °C. They suggested that the rate of grain growth in the
hexagonal plane was impeded by the segregation of calcium at the grain boundaries, allowing growth
along the c-axis to ‘‘catch up’’, reducing DGG, until the calcium begins to dissolve into the lattice at
1200 °C.
All hexagonal ferrites contain at least one large metal 2+ ion (usually Ba2+ or Sr2+), which causes a
slight perturbation in the lattice due to size differences, and is responsible for the magnetocrystalline
anisotropy (MCA) in hexaferrites. The most common hexagonal ferrites have a preferred axis of mag-
netisation along the c-axis, so loose crystals in an applied field will align themselves with the c-axis
parallel to the field, showing a different XRD pattern to randomly oriented samples. The magnetic
properties are different if measured in the direction of alignment – Ms saturates at a lower applied
field and Hc is larger if the fields is applied parallel to the c-axis, compared to if a fields is applied per-
pendicular to this ‘‘easy’’ axis. The ratio of Mr/Ms for isotropic unaligned samples is around half that for
well oriented samples [8], and Tc is also higher in the direction of the c-axis in oriented samples [277].
The degree of this MCA is given by the crystalline anisotropy, HA, in A m1, and the anisotropy con-
stant K1 is a measure of the difficulty to move the magnetisation out of that direction in the crystal
lattice. MCA is connected to the energy needed to turn a magnetisation vector from the preferred
low energy, or easy direction, to a difficult, higher energy orientation, represented by the anisotropy
constants K1 and K2. For single hexagonal crystals the total anisotropy energy is given by the sum
P 2 4
K ¼ K o þ K 1 sin / þ K 2 sin / þ . . ., where K0 = the energy to magnetise the easy axis, and / = the an-
gle between the direction of magnetisation and the c-axis [278]. The higher order terms are not usu-
ally necessary for uniaxial ferrites, Ko has a low value as the easy axis is a low energy orientation, and
often even the second order term is not required. A high crystalline anisotropy is a prerequisite for a
high coercivity, for example the anisotropy constants (measured in 102 J m3) for BaM are K1 > 3000
and K2 = 0, making it a very magnetically hard material suitable for permanent magnets [8]. Therefore,
HA is proportional to K1 (which is positive), and it is the contribution of the spin from the iron atom in
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1249
the five-coordinate trigonal bipyramidal site which causes the large anisotropy in the uniaxial ferrites
However, most Y ferrites and all the Co2 ferrites are ferroxplana [7,280], with a preferred direction
of magnetisation either in the hexagonal basal plane, or in a cone at an angle to the c-axis. As in the
uniaxial ferrites the magnetisation is locked rigidly in this orientation, but in the ferroxplana ferrites it
can rotate within the plane or cone of magnetisation. The first order anisotropy constant, K1, is positive
for the uniaxial ferrites, but negative for the ferroxplana ferrites, indicating that the magnetisation is
out of the c-axis. However, the second and third order constants K2 and K3 become more important,
and often must be considered with the ferroxplana ferrites. The K2 constant is positive and relatively
large (but <K1) in ferroxplana ferrites with the easy axis in the basal plane, and therefore reduces the
total anisotropy effect when added to a negative K1, and with planar ferrites the anisotropy field in the
basal plane, HA, is proportional to (K1 + 2 K2). K2 is mostly attributed to the presence of Co2+ in octa-
hedral positions, as it is usually negligible in hexaferrites containing another divalent ions, except for
the Y ferrites where the absence of the five coordinate Fe3+ site accounts for the ferroxplana anisotropy
[184]. In ferroxplana ferrites with an easy cone of magnetisation the third order constant, K3, also be-
comes relevant, and increases with increasing amounts of Co2+, but although it is positive, it is 103
of the magnitude of K1. Therefore, the negative K1 usually still dominates in ferroxplana ferrites, indi-
cating an easy plane of magnetisation.
The anisotropy energy is required only to move magnetisation out of the plane or cone, and
although shape anisotropy will oppose rotation within the plane this is a weak energy compared to
the crystalline anisotropy, HA, which is high in all the hexagonal ferrites. Therefore, the magnetisation
is able to rotate freely within this plane, and as a result the ferroxplana ferrites are not good perma-
nent magnets, but the combination of high permeability and low coercivity makes them excellent soft
magnets for use in electrical devices, and they suffer low magnetic losses at high frequencies. The K1
constant dominates at lower temperatures and K2 becomes more important at higher temperatures,
resulting in the observed changes in anisotropy with temperature of the ferroxplana ferrites [184].
The MCA in ferrites originates from dipole–dipole interactions, which can be calculated from the
net magnetic moment of the lattice, and spin–orbit coupling in which the spin direction of an ion is
coupled to the lattice via the orbital momentum of the ion. This is difficult to calculate for BaM as
although the ground state Fe3+ ions have known orbital moments, there are also exited states mixed
into the ground state created by perturbations such as the unusual fivefold symmetry of the trigonal
bipyramidal site, and these must be major contributors to the anisotropy constants [281]. If the La3+
ion is substituted for barium to make LaM, one of the iron ions must become Fe2+ to compensate for
the trivalent ion, and Fe2+ has a large orbital moment and therefore larger spin orbit coupling. Because
of this, the anisotropy constant for LaM is greater than for BaM [282]. Co2+ ions also cause large in-
creases of anisotropy in spinels due to increased spin–orbit coupling, and this explains why the anisot-
ropy constants of the Co2 ferrites are so large [283].
The most important secondary form of magnetic anisotropy for hexagonal ferrites is induced uni-
axial anisotropy, achieved by applying a magnetic field to a randomly oriented polycrystalline mate-
rial as it cools down through the Curie point. A material with a high Tc is needed to allow ion or hole
diffusion, and this process is often used to manufacture oriented ferrite products. It is possible to pro-
duced a magnetically oriented sample of the ferroxplana ferrites, as the MCA perpendicular to the c-
axis is much greater than the shape anisotropy parallel to the c axis [18]. In the ferroxplana Co2 ferrites
the suggested mechanism is due to the anisotropic partition of cations and vacant cation sites, result-
ing in a textured product in which the basal planes of the particles are all aligned [284].
six octahedral and two tetrahedral moments, but again two of the octahedral moments are aligned
with the tetrahedral, giving a net of zero magnetic moments. The tetrahedral sites are formed by
the two barium atoms distorting two trigonal bipyramidal sites [8].
These net values are only true if all the cations are Fe3+, which has a magnetic moment of 5 lB. For
example in BaM, which consists of S + R, and therefore has a net magnetic moment of 4" = 20 lB
(Fig. 30) [8]. In ferrites other than M, and in doped M ferrites, some of the cations are other metals with
different magnetic moments, which may occupy different sites depending upon composition and tem-
perature, and may occupy on a fraction of the total number of a certain site. The opposing spins of the
T block, which is antiferromagnetic if all the ions are identical, lead to the lower magnetic saturation
values for the Y ferrites compared to the other hexagonal ferrites. This explains the many variations
seen in the magnetic properties of the hexagonal ferrites with temperature and composition, but it
also means that to calculate the magnetic moment of a compound the exact positions of all the cations
must first be known. However, the contribution towards the moment of each site in a compound can
still be summed up as:
These orientations are depicted in Figs. 7–12. It should be noted that these are the moments for the
molecular units of the ferrites, and not their unit cells. As all the Y ferrites and all Co2 ferrites are fer-
roxplana, their spins are opposed in the orientation of the plane or cone, and not parallel to the c-axis,
as shown for Y ferrite in Fig. 10 and the T block in Fig. 31.
Fig. 30. Cross section of the BaM structure with the c-axis vertical, and spin orientation of the iron atoms shown by arrows. Net
magnetic moment = 4" = 20 lB for BaM The layers containing barium atoms are mirror planes [8].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1251
Fig. 31. The superexchange (Me–O–Me) spin interactions in the R and T blocks [8].
In metals the spins are linked by exchange interactions between the magnetic moments of directly
neighbouring atoms, and this short range interaction is negligible over longer distances. However, in
ferrimagnetic ferrites the magnetic ions are separated from one another by oxygen atoms making
them too far apart for direct exchange, and there are also shielding effects from the oxygen lattice.
In 1948 the idea of superexchange was suggested, which involves the non-magnetic oxygen atoms
in the interactions [285]. The spins of opposing neighbouring ions are linked by interactions which
take place via the intermediate oxygen atom (Me1–O–Me2), and this process is called superexchange.
The superexchange interactions of the R and T blocks are depicted in Fig. 31. The magnitude of the
exchange can be estimated from the Me1–O–Me2 distance and the angle formed by this, with a shorter
distance and a larger angle strengthening the interaction.8 An angle of 180° gives the largest interac-
tion and an angle of 90° the smallest, and the effect decreases rapidly with distance, becoming negli-
gible over an Me–O distance of 3 Å [286]. It is these interactions which determine the spins of the ions
detailed above.
Fig. 32. (a) Single crystal BaM plate (1 lm thick) seen under a polarising microscope, in the virgin state. The stripes are
magnetic domains [8]. (b) The same plate after magnetising, with the domains aligned [8]. (c) Domain walls in BaM ferrite,
viewed along the c-axis. Colloidal suspensions of magnetite particles have been used to make the domain walls visible for this
image [290].
Table 5
Comparison of magnetic characteristics of BaM, SrM and Co2 hexagonal ferrites at room temperature, where n/a indicates the value
is not available, and no precise value is given for Hc as it varies too much with processing methods and grain size. Anisotropy
constants marked ⁄ are in fact K1 + K2 values. These values are taken from a number of sources, and represent what are generally
taken to be the correct values for these ferrites, often measured in single crystal form. More information on each hexaferrite, and
the variation in their reported properties, is given in the following sections.
Ferrite Formula Ms (A m2 kg1) Hc Isotropic Mr/Ms HA (kA m1) K1 (105 J m3) Tc (°C)
BaM BaFe12O19 72 High 0.50 1353 3.3 450
SrM SrFe12O19 92–74 High 0.50 1592 3.5 460
Co2Y Ba2Co2Fe12O22 34 Low 0.38 2228 2.6⁄ 340
Co2Z Ba3Co2Fe24O41 50 V.low n/a 1035 1.8⁄ 410
Co2W BaCo2Fe16O27 50 Low n/a 1687 3.5 to 5⁄ 490
Co2X Ba2Co2Fe28O46 57 V.low n/a 756 n/a 467
Co2U Ba4Co2Fe36O60 50 Low n/a n/a n/a 434
BaM has 20 lB and this gives it a high saturation magnetisation of 72 A m2 kg1 and a high Curie
temperature of 450 °C. It also has a high anisotropy constant, K1 = 3.3 106 erg cm3, which give
BaM a large crystalline anisotropy of 1352 kA m1 (17 kOe) along the c-axis [8]. This uniaxial character
gives BaM a large theoretical maximum coercivity of 594 kA m1, although the reported Hc values for
BaM prepared from standard ceramic methods are low, at around 159–255 kA m1, because of the
large grain sizes in such materials, but Ms = 70 A m2 kg1 which is close to the maximum value [4].
Typically, there is disagreement over the critical single domain size for BaM. It was initially reported
as being 1.3 lm [8], experimental estimates gave a larger 1.8 lm [291], others have reported it to be a
much smaller 460 nm [292], and if calculated from Kittle’s theory (assuming a spherical shape) it
should be between 0.3 and 0.9 lm [293] – it is usually assumed to be some where between 0.5 and
1 lm. However, all of these values are large, compared to 0.24 lm for cobalt metal and 28 nm for iron,
and unusually this domain size increases with temperature so that a multi-domain grain will have
fewer Bloch walls as temperature increases. This also means that the coercivity will increase with
temperature in a polycrystalline material, for example from 135 kA m1 at 200 °C to 255 kA m1
at 25 °C and peaking at 380 kA m1 at 250 °C, after which point Hc then decreases [4]. This was for
3 lm grains, but the coercivity can be up to 40 times smaller in grains as large as 1 mm. In a study
of the effect of sintering temperature (and hence grain size) on coercivity, BaM was made by a
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1253
Fig. 33. Change in Hc with sintering temperature, and therefore grain size, for BaM, and the direct relationship between Hc and
reciprocal grain size [294].
standard ceramic route and sintered between 1100 and 1350 °C, with an accompanying grain growth
from 0.5 lm to several lm, and was measured along with a large single crystal of BaM. Hc decreased
massively from 318 kA m1 to 102 A m1 in these samples, producing a soft ferrite (Fig. 33). In the
sample sintered at 1350 °C the XRD pattern resemble that of a textured M ferrite with stronger peaks
in the [001] direction, suggesting that DGG was occurring with preferential growth in the hexagonal
plane, perpendicular to the c-axis. There was a direct relationship between the reciprocal grain size
and Hc (Fig. 33), suggesting that the pinning of magnetisation at grain boundaries determines Hc,
but this disappears in large multi-domain grains, greatly lowering Hc [294].
Although coercivity will increase with a decrease in grain size, especially below the single domain
size [295], there is also a minimum grain diameter for maximum coercivity. This is 0.1 lm for BaM, as
at smaller diameters the coercivity decreases greatly as the ferrite tends towards the superparamag-
netic state, which has a coercivity of zero at around 10 nm [296]. Coercivity is not purely determined
by domain structure, but is also affected by shape and magnetic anisotropy effects, and for this reason
oriented samples can have increased coercivities. The effects of processing upon magnetic character-
istics has been studied in much greater detail for BaM than that of the other ferrites, and the findings
are summarised below.
In the standard ceramic preparation of BaM, iron oxide and barium carbonate are calcined at
1000 °C, ground, pressed and sintered at 1200–1400 °C in air. For the magnetic properties, the oxygen
content of the atmosphere is most critical during the cooling down process after sintering. This gives a
permanent magnet material with a high resistance for low losses, good chemical and thermal stability,
and a high coercivity.
BaM has been made by standard ceramic methods from magnetite, recovered from recycled pick-
ling liquors, to give a high coercivity product of 530 kA m1 after 1100 °C/3 h [297], and a sample
made from haematite by the same process had a similar coercivity but an extremely high Ms of
75 A m2 kg1 [113], which is actually higher than the usually accepted maximum value, and may be
due to some undetected impurities. A high coercivity of 517 kA m1 was also obtained in 1 lm
BaM, which was made from a precursor powder of BaM ground to under 10 nm and then resintered
at 1000 °C. The grains were still covered with a paramagnetic surface layer of amorphous grains 5–
10 nm in diameter, and while this raised the coercivity it also resulted in a low Ms of 55 A m2 kg1
Chemical coprecipitation usually gives a product at a lower temperature and with a smaller grain
size than standard ceramic methods, and BaM made by this process tends to have a higher Ms [51], up
to 64 A m2 kg1 for 0.1 lm grains [299]. In a stoichiometric mixture fired at 925 °C/5 h
Hc = 400 kA m1, but this can be increased by using iron deficient mixes, and with an Fe:Ba ratio of
10.6 a maximum coercivity of 475 kA m1 was achieved [52]. When coprecipitated iron(II) salts were
rapidly oxidised, extremely fine BaM was formed as 80 nm hexagonal plates with a reasonable Ms of
59 A m2 kg1, but the coercivity was only 374 kA m1 [300]. It has been claimed that a ratio of Fe:Ba of
1254 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
between 11 and 11.5 gives the best magnetic properties, as eliminates the presence of the non-mag-
netic a-Fe2O3 and BaFe2O4 intermediate phases that may remain at higher temperatures (in this case
950 °C), and that extended heating times from 1 to 5 h greatly improves the magnetic properties as
well [301]. Sudakar et al. formed single phase BaM from a stoichiometric precursor via their thermal
gel-crystallisation process at only 750 °C, which had a high Hc of 398 kA m1 but a very low Ms
<2 A m2 kg1, with a sub-domain grain size of 50 nm [302]. This is an extraordinarily high Hc for such
small particles (as the authors noted, but did not explain), and the Ms was said to be so low due to
surface demagnetisation effects dominating. This had grown to several hundred nm by 950 °C, with
excellent magnetic properties of Ms = 52.1 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 358 kA m1 for such a low temperature
Nanocrystalline BaM has also been made from an alkaline metal chloride salt-melt at low temper-
atures. The material was amorphous at 600 °C, with Ms = 5.3 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 270.6 kA m1, but by
650 °C some BaM had crystallised and Ms had risen to 26.8 A m2 kg1, and it was pure BaM at 700 °C
with small grains 100 nm wide and 40 nm thick, Ms = 61.5 A m2 kg1, Hc = 374 kA m1 [303]. BaM
made at the higher temperature of 900–1050 °C in a flux of only NaCl had vastly superior magnetic
characteristics, with coercivities up to 378 kA m1, a high Ms of 71.6 A m2 kg1 and a very high rem-
anence for an isotropic material giving an Mr/Ms ratio of 0.77 [60]. BaM single crystals made from the
ion exchange of b00 -ferrite by a salt-melt process also had a high Ms of 72 A m2 kg1 [66].
BaM made from a non-stoichiometric aqueous sol–gel route at 900 °C/1 h with a grain size of only
200 nm had a high Hc of 470 kA m1 but a low Ms of only 55.7 A m2 kg1 [68]. Similarly sized BaM par-
ticles produced from an organic sol precursor at the same temperature had a much higher Ms of
70 A m2 kg1 and a large Mr/Ms ratio of 0.57, but a low coercivity of only 240 kA m1 [79]. It was
shown to be important to prefire sol–gel derived BaM powders containing organic compounds if a
high coercivity material is desired. In unprefired samples BaM was single phase at 1050 °C with a coer-
civity of 286 kA m1 and Ms of 70 A m2 kg1, but prefired samples gave BaM at a temperature 300 °C
lower and with a much reduced grain size, and their properties were optimised at 900 °C when
Hc = 474 kA m1 and Ms = 70 A m2 kg1 [67]. BaM was made as random polycrystalline fibres from
an aqueous sol–gel route using stoichiometric precursors fired to 1000 °C, and the halide-based sol
gave Ms = 63.8 kA m2 kg1 and Hc = 428 kA m1 [304], while the halide-free nitrate-based sol had low-
er values of Ms = 58.4 kA m2 kg1 and a higher Hc = 401 kA m1[77], with a submicron grain size.
When such BaM fibres were steamed to remove the halides, the halide-based BaM had vales of
Ms = 56.6 kA m2 kg1 and Hc = 389 kA m1 when steamed at only 700 °C/3 h, and the grains seemed
to form linear aligned ridges 200 nm wide along the fibre axis [156]. When cooled down to 50 K,
Ms increased to 87.7 and 83.0 kA m2 kg1 and Hc decreased to 349 and 361 kA m1 for BaM and
SrM random fibres, respectively [304]. Magnetic measurements of the as-synthesised hydrothermal
BaM hexagonal plates made by Liu et al. showed that Ms increased steadily with synthesis tempera-
ture and time, with Ms levelling out after 250 °C/15 h at 50 A m2 kg1 [161]. After reaction at 200 °C/
4 h Ms = 24.5 A m2 kg1, and it increased linearly with reaction time to 40 A m2 kg1 after 250 °C/4 h.
Hc was unaffected by reaction temperature, and remain around 110 kA m1 as the temperature in-
creased from 200 to 250 °C/4 h, although when reaction time was studied at a constant temperature
of 250 °C, Hc peaked after reaction for 4 h (115 kA m1), and then decreased slightly with prolonged
reaction. When sintered at 900 °C/2 h, Ms increased to 68.7 A m2 kg1, but Hc showed virtually no
change and remained small at 116 kA m1 [161]. By comparison, the hydrothermal BaM made by X
Liu et al. had Ms = 48 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 135 kA m1 (the peak Hc with 1.5 lm grains) as-synthesised
at 230 °C/48 h, with Ms and Hc increasing to 64 A m2 kg1 and 183 kA m1 when sintered at 1000 °C/
4 h [160].
An extremely fine grained BaM was made from citrate synthesis, having a grain size of only 50 nm
at 600 °C, but the magnetic properties were unexpectedly low for an apparently single phase material,
with a coercivity of only 46 kA m1 and Ms = 32.8 A m2 kg1. This was proved to be caused by the ex-
tremely small size of the particles, as with an increase to 60 nm at 650 °C the coercivity rose to
318 kA m1, although Ms was still very low and did not increase much with further heating [85].
The grain size was still below 100 nm at 800 °C, and the magnetisation values suggested that the fer-
rite, although no longer superparamagnetic, was still suffering from size effects such as demagnetisa-
tion, inhomogeneity effects and a non-magnetic surface layer [305]. BaM particles made from the glass
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1255
Table 6
Some typical characteristics of hexagonal ferrites: X-ray density, molecular mass, number of Bohr magnetons, measured Ms at
room temperature, calculated maximum Ms at zero Kelvin and Tc for a number of barium M, W, Y and Z ferrites, where n/a
indicates the value is not available, all summarised from Smit and Wijn [8].
Ferrite q (g cm3) Molecular mass (g) lB, Bohr magnetons Ms at RT (A m2 kg1) Ms at 0 K (A m2 kg1) Tc (°C)
BaM 5.28 1112 20 72 >100 450
Mn2W 5.31 1573 29.2 59 97 415
Fe2W 5.31 1575 28 78 98 455
NiFeW 5.32 1578 26.4 52 79 520
ZnFeW 5.34 1584 31.6 73 108 430
Mg2Y 5.14 1346 6.9 23 30 280
Mn2Y 5.38 1406 10.6 31 >40 290
Co2Y 5.40 1410 9.8 34 >40 340
Ni2Y 5.40 1414 6.3 24 24 390
Zn2Y 5.46 1428 18.4 42 72 130
Co2Z 5.33 2518 29.8 50 68 410
Cu2Z 5.37 2536 27.1 46 >60 440
Zn2Z 5.37 2539 38.4 58 >84 360
crystallisation method using fine filaments of B2O3 glass produced hexagonal platelets less than
0.1 lm at 800 °C which grew to over 1 lm at 1000 °C. Ms and Hc reached maximum values of
75 A m2 kg1 and 456 kA m1 at 900 °C [94]. Hollow spheres of pure BaM with diameters of only
90 nm were made from an aerosol spray, but they had poor magnetic properties of Ms = 38 A m2 kg1
and Hc = 49 kA m1 even after annealing for 48 h. This was because the walls of the spheres were only
30 nm thick, and a high proportion of the material existed as non-magnetic surface layers several nm
thick on both the inside and outside surfaces [106]. As-synthesised 60 nm BaM made by carbon com-
bustion synthesis with 11% carbon had Ms = 58 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 71.6 kA m1, and when this was
sintered as a compact at 1100 °C/3 h, Ms reduced to 50 A m2 kg1 and Hc increased greatly to
239 kA m1, with an AC conductivity of 107 S m1 at 10 MHz [104]. The Ms and Hc values for many
M ferrites are summarised and compared in Table 7.
Table 7
RT Ms and Hc values for many M ferrites.
Table 7 (continued)
Curie point was unaffected by the substitution. After heating to 800 °C Ms was 51 A m2 kg1 and the
coercivity was 151 kA m1, at 900 °C Ms was 62 A m2 kg1 Hc was 167 kA m1 and at 1000 °C
Ms = 65 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 175 kA m1, as grain size increased from 90 nm to 200 nm [64]. Zn–Ti sub-
stitutions for iron in BaFe11.62xZnxTixO19 sintered at 975 °C showed that, in a manner similar to the
BaCoTiM ferrites, Ms was maintained at 60 A m2 kg1 while Hc was reduced as low as 160 kA m1
for x = 0.6, while decreasing the Fe:Ba ratio to 10 decreased Ms and increased Hc, as the crystallite size
was <100 nm, below the domain size [310].
Lanthanide substituted BaM has been made with up to the total substitution of iron to give Ba-
La12O19 [192]. Lanthanum has also been added with an equal amount of a divalent ion to give the com-
pounds Ba1xLaxFe12xMexO19 (Me = Zn or Mg) [311] and LaMFe11O19 [312], and this increases both Ms
and Hc compared to the undoped ferrite. LaM has also been reported as having an extremely large low
temperature anisotropy of HA 3183 kA m1 (40 kOe) [282]. La–Zn substituted Ba1xLaxFe11.6xZnxO19
was made by a sol–gel route for x = 0–0.8, crystallising at 750 °C. When annealed at 975 °C it showed
little change in Ms from 62 A m2 kg1 for x = both 0 and 0.8, but with a peak of 65 A m2 kg1 for x = 0.4,
and a large decrease in Hc from 422 to 223 kA m1 with increasing x [313]. A study of RE3+/Na+ substi-
tuted BaM showed that for Ba0.9RE0.05Na0.05M, Ms was fairly constant between 61.4 and
65.0 A m2 kg1, HA was slightly lower than for BaM at 1265–1392 kA m1 (15.9–17.5 kOe), Tc was
slightly lower between 440 and 448 °C, and the in-plane anisotropy was higher, reflecting both the
lowering of HA and the more platy grain structure of the RE substituted M ferrites (Fig. 24) [205].
When coprecipitated iron-deficient BaM was doped with Nd2O3 and sintered at 1000 °C/2 h, more
than 7 mol% greatly reduced Hc, but had little effect on magnetisation [209]. Cobalt-substituted oxy-
gen-deficient BaFe10.5Co0.25O17.05, without a counterion for Co2+ and made by ionic exchange, had sur-
prisingly good values of Ms = 45 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 119 kA m1 after only 15 min of exchange. After
24 h of exchange, Ms had not changed much, but Hc had decreased to 83 kA m1, and after annealing
at 1100 °C/48 h this was further reduced to 49 kA m1, with an increased Ms of 60 A m2 kg1 [211].
Antimony doped BaM up to x = 1 made by a hydrothermal process had nanosized acicular grains
and a small coercivity (Hc = 36 kA m1), and maintained the uniaxial anisotropy of the M ferrite, but
the Ms was lowered by the formation of Sb2O3 as a minor product [314], and BaM doped with arsenic
and antimony made by a sol gel route also had drastically reduced magnetic properties and a grain
size up to 6 lm [315]. BaM single crystals were made doped with Ti3+, which exhibited perminvar
behaviour with a loop closed in the centre at an applied field of zero T but open between 0.5 and
0.8 T, caused by a relaxation of Fe2+/Ti4+ pairs [316].
Polycrystalline BaM was made by normal ceramic techniques with the addition of up to 1 mol%
B2O3 and the boria was found to exist in a molten state over 1000 °C, diffusing into the M structure
to form BaFe12xBxO19, and at temperatures over 1300 °C it caused large distortions in the lattice in
amounts over 0.3 mol%. With 0.2 mol% addition Ms was raised by 13% to 79 A m2 kg1, because the
non-magnetic B3+ ion substitutes for Fe3+ in tetrahedral sites, increasing the net spin. The boria also
had a huge effect on coercivity and remanence, both decreasing with 0.2 mol% to very low minimum
values of Hc = 400 A m1 (5 Oe) and Mr/Ms = 0.2 after 1400 °C, the thousand-fold decrease in coercivity
1258 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
transforming BaM into a soft ferrite [270]. At 1000 °C Hc = 223 kA m1, the extremely low coercivity
being associated with an increase in grain size up to 10 lm after 1400 °C/10 h, although these grains
were still relatively small compared to the Y, Z and W ferrites at equivalent temperatures. The addition
of 0.2–0.6% sodium to standard ceramic preparations increased density and coercivity slightly when
added before calcination, but lowered them both when added after calcination but before sintering
A silica dopant has been used to raise the energy product of BaM, and the magnetic properties of
SrM have also been improved by the addition of CaO and SiO2, dopants also used in doped W ferrites
[317], and an addition of 0.2% Al2O3 limits the grain size in SrM at high temperatures to under 5 lm,
thus increasing coercivity [274]. The addition of silica with CaO has been claimed to reduce grain size
and aid sintering in M ferrites, and a similar effect can be seen if BaO or SrO is used instead of CaO, but
in this case the c and a lattice parameters shrink equally, maintaining the anisotropy of the crystal
The magnetic properties of SrM have slightly higher values than those of BaM, and SrM has 20.6 lB.
The Curie point is around 470 °C [130] and the anisotropy constant is 3.5 106 erg cm3 giving a very
high HA of 1591 kA m1 (20 kOe) in the c-axis [318,319]. The saturation magnetisation of single crystal
SrM has been variously reported at values between 92.6 A m2 kg1 [130] and 74.3 A m2 kg1 [184] (for
single crystals), and the maximum coercivity is around 533 kA m1 [319], but polycrystalline samples
rarely approach these high values. As with BaM, the values first reported for the coercivity of polycrys-
talline SrM were very low due to the large grain size of the early samples, and Hc was typically re-
ported as 240 kA m1 [320]. SrM made with standard ceramic methods with a wide diameter range
of 0.5–50 lm has a reported coercivity of 286 kA m1 [321], and 0.1 lm specimens have been reported
with Hc = 517 kA m1 [322]. SrM made from the standard ceramic route but then treated in nitrogen
and hydrogen atmospheres before being recalcined in air gave a material with a much higher coerciv-
ity of 400 kA m1, and no loss of Ms, in a material with a grain size under 0.5 lm [178]. SrM sintered at
1200 °C/ 4 h had Ms = 101.3 A m2 kg1 at 5 K [176].
Recently a fine grained (0.2 lm) sample has been made from coprecipitated salts, which when fired
to 900–950 °C gave Ms and Hc which were both 94% of the single crystal values, at Ms = 87 A m2 kg1
and Hc = 501 kA m1 [53]. SrM has also been successfully made from a sol gel precursor, which con-
sisted of mixed phases with a-Fe2O3 as a minor product in the 800 °C and 1000 °C samples, but single
phase SrM at 1200 °C. At 800 °C the ferrite had a low Ms of 18 A m2 kg1 due to it being an impure
phase, and a very high Hc of 557 kA m1 because of the small grain size. At 1000 °C Ms had increased
to 56 A m2 kg1 and Hc decreased to 414 kA m1, and in the pure M phase at 1200 °C Ms = 70 A m2 kg1
and Hc = 263 kA m1 [80]. SrM made by a hydrothermal synthesis (Fe:Sr = 8) had Ms of 64.5 A m2 kg1,
Hc = 300 kA m1 and Mr/Ms of 0.5 when fired to 1050–1100 °C [208]. The extremely thin SrM platelets
made by Y Liu et al. (Fe:Sr = 8) had good as-synthesised values of Ms = 56 A m2 kg1 and
Hc = 84 kA m1, which remained identical after heating to 500 °C (Fig. 23f), but improved to
Ms = 76 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 150 kA m1 after heating to 1000 °C, with little grain growth [91]. Ataie
et al. reported that increasing the OH : NO3 ratio from 2 to 6 increased grain size with a correspond-
ing fall in Hc from 92 to 54 kA m1, which coincided with a peak Ms of 57.6 A m2 kg1 in the as-syn-
thesised SrM (5.6 1 lm platelets). Increasing the reaction temperature increased Ms and decreased
Hc as the grains grew, whilst after 2 h reaction time there was little change in properties with longer
synthesis [181]. When the SrM made at 220 °C/1 h (OH : NO 3 ratio = 2) was sintered at 1250 °C/1 h, it
was 91% dense, with a grain size of 7.8 mm, Hc = 102 kA m1, Ms = 67.3 A m2 kg1, and
HA = 1393 kA m1 (17.5 kOe).
SrM polycrystalline fibres were made via an aqueous sol–gel route using stoichiometric precursors
fired to 1000 °C, and the halide-based sol gave Ms = 63.3 kA m2 kg1 and Hc = 453 kA m1 [304], while
the halide-free nitrate-based sol had higher values of Ms = 65 kA m2 kg1 and a slightly lower
Hc = 440 kA m1 [77], perhaps because it developed SrM at a lower temperature. When such SrM fi-
bres were steamed to remove the halides, the halide-based SrM had vales of Ms = 55.1 kA m2 kg1
and Hc = 369 kA m1 when steamed at only 700 °C/3 h, and this increased greatly to
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1259
Ms = 81.4 kA m2 kg1 and Hc = 457 kA m1 when steamed between 400 and 800 °C/3 h, with none of
the aligned linear ridges observed in the steamed BaM, and a grain size <100 nm [156].
As with BaM, the low coercivities of standard ceramic specimens can be increased greatly by reduc-
ing the grain size of the ferrite. Size can be reduced by milling, but the harmful effect of milling on
coercivity is well established, and in SrM samples 2–3 lm in diameter Hc was reduced to only
159 kA m1 after milling for 24 h [323]. After 80 h of ball milling such structural disorder had been
imposed on the SrM that it had partially decomposed to a-Fe2O3, and superparamagnetic relaxation
effects had reduced Hc and Ms significantly [324]. SrM made from the coprecipitation of chloride salts
had a small grain size of 70 nm at 900 °C, and this resulted in very high coercivity in isotropic samples,
with Ms = 71.8 A m2 kg1. If a non-stoichiometric SrM was made with a small iron deficiency it was
found that the coercivity was raised even higher, peaking at Hc = 541 kA m1 with a Fe:Ba ratio of
11.6, compared to a theoretical maximum Hc of 597 kA m1 [325]. Nanocrystalline SrM made from cit-
rate precursors at 800 °C had a high coercivity and saturation magnetisation of 517 kA m1 and
67.7 A m2 kg1 respectively, in a material with a grain size of 116 nm [85]. A material was made with
the extremely high coercivity of 573 kA m1 but a lower Ms of 57 A m2 kg1 from a glass crystallisation
method, which involved rapid quenching from 1400 °C. After annealing at 700 °C and leaching of the
glass phase extremely small grains measuring 54 nm in the hexagonal plane and 41 nm in the c-axis
were obtained, but they were also highly non-stoichiometric with a Fe:Sr ratio of only 8.8 [326]. SrM
powder sized 0.5–50 lm was ball milled for 800 h to produce near-superparamagnetic sized powders
of around 13 nm, which produced ferrite with a coercivity of 398 kA m1 after being fired at 1000 °C/
4 h (with associated grain growth), despite the strain induced by the extended milling. After milling in
a vacuum the ferrite powder was even smaller, around 8 nm, and mixed with 3 nm magnetite crystals
Oriented SrM was produced using a standard ceramic sample milled to 0.8 lm, giving an oriented
product in which Ms = 70.7 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 441 kA m1 [253]. Over 75% oriented SrM was made by
pressing the submicron ferrite powder with 2–6% stearic acid in toluene, so that the hydrophobic end
of the stearate bonded with the solvent and the hydrophilic end with the ferrite. The finely dispersed
ferrite was then aligned and pressed in an external field before sintering. To achieve this degree of ori-
entation the coercivity of the product first had to be reduced by milling the precursor to confer lattice
strain, reducing Hc from 438 kA m1 to below 318 kA m1 in samples fired to 1180 °C [327].
SrM reached a maximum Hc of 300 kA m1 at 1100 °C, after which it decreased at grain growth
The La substituted samples showed similar maximum values and a peak Hc, but the temperature of
that peak increased with increasing La content, and for the ratio of 1:2, a much lower maximum Hc
value was obtained at 1250 °C of only 200 kA m1. Measurements of the anisotropy fields showed
that while there was little change in the MCA, shape anisotropy played an important role, as small
amounts of La substitution formed a microstructure which was favourable to coercivity, but for ratios
>1:4 a less favourable microstructure of wide platy crystals was formed (resembling more the hexa-
plana ferrites). Wang et al. reported that in all cases RE substitution in SrM had little effect on Ms, but
increased Hc in all cases by up to 18% (Sm), 14% (Pr), 11% (Nd) and 5% (La) [207]. The substitution of
SrM with La3+ and Zn2+ was found to enhance the magnetic properties, giving the compound Sr1xLax-
Fe12xZnxO19. The lattice constant decreased with x as the substituted ions were smaller than Sr2+ and
Fe3+, and for x = 0.3, K1 was lowered by 10%. However, after firing to 1200 °C the grains were still only
0.8 lm resulting in a large Hc of 374 kA m1, and Ms was increased by 4% [271]. Sr1xLaxFe12xCoxO19,
sintered at 1215 °C and with x = 0.05–0.25, showed a maximum Hc of 401 kA m1 for x = 0.15, and
maximum Ms of 73 A m2 kg1 for x = 0.18, while Tc decreased linearly to a minimum of 430 °C for
x = 0.25 [329].
Although PbM was the first M ferrite to be characterised, its magnetic properties are inferior to
those of SrM and BaM. The K1 anisotropy constant is only 2.2 106 erg cm3 giving an anisotropy
of 1090 kA m1 (13.7 kOe), which while high is considerably lower than the other M ferrites. PbM
has a lower net moment of 18.6 lB and Ms is also low at 56 A m2 kg1, but the Curie point is similar
to that of the other M ferrites at 452 °C [14]. Pure PbM has been made from the decomposition of a
sol–gel precursor at 900 °C to give a material with high Ms and Hc values of 54 A m2 kg1 and
398 kA m1 [330]. When PbM was doped with Ga3+ the compound PbGaxFe12xO19 was made up to
full substitution at x = 12. However, with increasing gallium substitution the magnetisation decreased
until the compound became totally non-collinear at x 6 with an Ms of zero [331].
The most important substituted M ferrites are the cobalt–titanium substituted ferrites, BaCoTiM
(BaCoxTixFe122xO19), of major commercial interest in the magnetic recording industry, and also for
their variable anisotropy and microwave properties. Although other substituted ferrites are looked
at in Section 5.6, the CoTiM ferrites deserve their own section under M ferrites, as they have become
so important. They were first synthesised in the 1960s as a way of lowering grain size and coercivity
considerably without much loss of Ms [332], and were commercially developed by Toshiba in the
1980s to give particles 50 nm wide and 15 nm thick with a coercivity of 159 kA m1 [333]. Since then
coercivity has been lowered considerably with further substitution to give a series of ferrites with the
formula BaCoxTixFe122xO19, which can be tuned with a variation in x to give the desired properties,
reducing Hc to a minimum value at x = 1.2 [184].
The axial anisotropy also reduces with substitution, until it becomes in-plane at x = 1.3 [334]. This
is because although the Ti4+ ion only substitutes in octahedral sites, the Co2+ ion substitutes in tetra-
hedral sites and the trigonal bipyramidal site, which is the major contributor to the uniaxial anisot-
ropy [335]. The Co2+ ions were shown to be in tetrahedral positions with a value of x < 0.8 [336],
and after this substitution level they begin to occupy the five-coordinate sites as well, and a cone of
magnetisation begins to develop as a result of this non-collinearity, and this also has an effect of
reducing Hc [337]. The angle of the cone was calculated to be 61° from the c-axis at room temperature
for a substitution level of x = 1 [280], and in a detailed neutron diffraction study on single crystals by
Kreisel et al., the angle and anisotropy where calculated for x = 0, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.1, and are shown in
Table 8 [30]. This study also showed the magnetic properties of Co-Ti substituted M ferrites to be tem-
perature sensitive, particularly with higher levels of substitution, and suggested that although Ti4+ has
no magnetic moment, the Ti4+ cation on the Fe(5) site interrupts the magnetic interactions in such a
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1261
Table 8
Anisotropy values calculated for BaFe122xCoxTixO19 single crystals from neutron diffraction and magnetic data [30].
x Anisotropy constants (105 erg g1) Anisotropy field HhA (kA m1) Type and angle Ms (A m2 kg1)
K1 K2 K3
0 5.38 0.07 0 1206 Axial, 0° 72
0.4 1.95 0.15 0.01 443 Axial, 0° 70
0.8 0.65 0.32 0.51 157 Cone, 25° 65
1.1 1.02 0.69 0.23 Weak Cone, 40° 60
way that the RS and R⁄S⁄ blocks become magnetically decoupled, resulting in helicoidal conical mag-
netic structures which become more pronounced at lower temperatures, contributing to the
The values for the magnetic properties vary with morphology, purity and processing method used,
but some values are mentioned for here for comparison. In standard ceramic specimens all heated at
1000 °C/5 h, for x = 0.5, Ms = 58.4 A m2 kg1, Hc = 176 kA m1 and Mr/Ms = 0.49; for x = 0.7,
Ms = 56.6 A m2 kg1, Hc = 45 kA m1 and Mr/Ms = 0.38; for x = 0.8 Ms = 54.0 A m2 kg1, Hc = 33 kA m1
and Mr/Ms = 0.35 [338]; and for x = 1.1, Ms = 56, and for x = 1.5, Ms = 48 A m2 kg1 [199].
A detailed study of non-stoichiometric BaCoxTixFe11.62xO19 made by the citrate route produce sub-
domain sized particles with good magnetic properties below 1000 °C. Grain size was found to decrease
with x, and Hc decreased linearly from 378 kA m1 for x = 0.2–80 kA m1 for x = 0.8, and a very soft fer-
rite was achieved for x = 1, while Ms values remained reasonably stable around 60–55 A m2 kg1 [339].
BaCoxTixFe122xO19 made from precipitated chloride salts and fired to 900 °C had comparable values
with standard samples, with Ms = 55 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 75 kA m1 at x = 0.6 and Ms = 56 A m2 kg1
and Hc = 25 kA m1 at x = 0.85. Even after firing the material at 900 °C for 24 h Ms only reached a max-
imum of 58 A m2 kg1 [325]. BaCoTiM has been made by melt-flux precipitation at 980 °C with a high
Ms of 58 A m2 kg1 and a coercivity of 64 kA m1 [62]. When made from a mixture of FeOOH, Ba(OH)2
and cobalt and titanium alkoxides, the M phase always existed with some minor haematite impurity.
None the less a good quality magnetic product was produced, with Ms = 49 A m2 kg1 and
Hc = 135 kA m1 at x = 0.5, Ms = 48 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 88 kA m1 at x = 0.7 and Ms = 45 A m2 kg1
and Hc = 16 kA m1 at x = 1 [340]. A nanosized BaCoTiM ferrite was made from the stearic acid gel
method, with a grain size of only 30 nm but a coercivity of 88 kA m1 for a substitution level of
x = 0.8 [341]. The glass crystallisation method resulted in more loss of Hc than in coprecipitated sam-
ples, probably through increased lattice diffusion, so that at x = 0.65, Ms = 60 A m2 kg1 and
Hc = 125 kA m1, at x = 0.85, Ms = 54 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 50 kA m1 [325], and at x = 0.9 Hc = 41 kA m1
Batlle et al. showed that the 4+ non-magnetic counter ion in CoMe4+M ferrites has a large effect on
how much of the Co2+ occupies tetrahedral sites, and thus how quickly substitution effects anisotropy
and Hc. Indeed, with Ti4+ the cobalt greatly prefers tetrahedral sites, which contribute little to reducing
anisotropy, where as other ions such as Sn4+ induce the cobalt into octahedral sites, causing a greater
change at lower doping levels [342]. Many doped ferrites analogous to the CoTiM ferrites have been
investigated, and CoZrM has been reported as having the largest drop in coercivity whilst maintaining
Ms [60]. CoZrM made from the citrate process had a very small coercivity of 12 kA m1 for an Ms of
48 A m2 kg1 when fired to 1300 °C [343]. The BaZnxTixFe122xO19 series has been investigated for
x = 0.1–0.8, and while Hc and grain size decrease with x, Ms peaked at x = 0.3 with a value of 59 A
m2 kg1. The formation temperature also increased with x, and the grains were extremely acicular,
having dimensions of 150 nm long and 10 nm thick for x = 0.5 at 800 °C [303]. These specimens were
made from the salt-melt method, but ZnTiM has also been made from a sol gel route at 850 °C, and at
x = 0.75, Ms = 49.8 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 15 kA m1 [69]. Ni–Zn–TiM had a constant Ms of 52.5 A m2 kg1
with increasing substitution, but Hc decreased from 115 kA m1 at x = 0.5 to 40 kA m1 at x = 1, and
1262 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
the anisotropy changed from uniaxial to planar [344]. There is also little loss of Ms with increasing
substitution in BaCoSnM, which had a coercivity of 42 kA m1 in coprecipitated samples at x = 1.4,
which were still uniaxial with Ms = 56.2 A m2 kg1 and a high Mr/Ms ratio of 0.39 [345]. BaCoSnM
was found to have a finer grain size but inferior magnetic characteristics than BaM. However, this
can be optimised in mixed BaCoTi–SnM ferrites, with superior magnetic properties than pure BaC-
oSnM but a finer product than BaCoTiM [338].
A detailed study of non-stoichiometric BaMxTixFe11.62xO19 (M = Zn or Sn, x = 0.1–1), synthesised by
the citrate route to produce sub-domain sized particles at 1000 °C, was made by Mendoza-Suárez et al.
[339]. They found that BaSnxTixFe11.62xO19 contained large amounts of a-Fe2O3 and poor crystallisa-
tion up to 950 °C, and for x = 0.2 small amounts of a-Fe2O3 still remained at 975 °C. The amount of
a-Fe2O3 present increased with x, and with x > 0.2 a-Fe2O3 was always detected even at 1000 °C. Hc
decreased from 278 kA m1 with x = 0.1 to 119 kA m1 at x = 0.4, after which there was little var-
iation with increasing x, and Ms exhibited a very large decrease from >60 to <10 A m2 kg1 with
increasing x, although it was still reasonably high at 50 A m2 kg1 for x = 0.4. BaZnxTixFe11.62xO19
showed good crystallinity from low temperatures, although there was still a very small amount of
a-Fe2O3 present up to 975 °C. Hc decreased a little bit with x, from 239 kA m1 for x = 0.1 to
159 kA m1 for x = 1, and Ms also showed a small decrease from 65 A m2 kg1 to 55 A m2 kg1.
In both cases grain size decreased with increasing x, but were always below 100 nm. It would seem
that Sn2+ substitution provokes an increase in the crystallisation temperature of BaM, and that it also
had a greater effect at reducing Hc with lower substitution levels than Zn2+ or Co2+.
BaCo0.45Sn0.17Ti0.23Fe10.55O19 with a grain size of 50 nm by 20 nm had a low coercivity of 42 kA m1
and Ms of 55 A m2 kg1. However, after heating in a reduction atmosphere the magnetic properties
were greatly changed. After 280 °C/4 h the coercivity had increased greatly to 107 and Ms slightly
to 62 A m2 kg1, whereas after reduction at 380 °C/4 h the coercivity had dropped back down to pre-
vious levels at 48 kA m1 but the Ms has now increased to a massive 114 A m2 kg1. These changes
were due to the formation by reduction of cobalt metal at the lower temperature and a-iron at the
higher temperature, and the paramagnetic effects of the a-iron also interfered with the superexchange
interactions of the ferrite, changing the magnetic anisotropy from uniaxial to a cone at an angle to the
c-axis [469]. Titanium was found to inhibit the transformation through reduction. In Ba(MnTi)x-
Fe122xO19 made from a citrate combustion route and heated to 900 °C, as x increased from 0.5 to 2,
Ms, Mr and Hc all decreased from 62 to 36 A m2 kg1, 30.4 to 15.7 A m2 kg1 and 227 to 74 kA .1, respec-
tively [98].
In the compounds BaAxMexFe12xO19 where A = Ru4+ or Ir4+ and me = Co2+ or Zn2+, it was found that
the substitution level at which the anisotropy transforms from axial to planar could be reduced from
the value of x = 1.3 required for BaCoTiM. The A4+ ions substitute in the octahedral and tetragonal
bipyramidal sites and the Me2+ ions in the tetrahedral and tetragonal bipyramidal sites, rotating the
magnetisation from the c-axis to the hexagonal plane. Ti4+ ions only ever occupy the tetrahedral sites,
and this explains the quicker transformation to planar anisotropy in these materials [346]. The crys-
talline anisotropy reaches a minimum value at this transition point. For example, in BaZnRuM at
x = 0.25 K1 has a value of 1.4 106 erg cm3 and HA = 279 kA m1 (3.5 kOe), whereas at x = 0.35 the
anisotropy constant K1 has now changed sign to 0.9 106 erg cm3 indicating a planar anisotropy
and HA = 139 kA m1 (1.75 kOe). At the transition level of x = 0.30 the anisotropy is very weak and
K1 = 0.3 106 erg cm3, but there is little change in Ms and Tc over this transition. The transition level
is also x = 0.3 for BaZnRuM, at x = 0.5 for BaZnIrM and at x = 0.6 for BaCoIrM [347]. BaFe11.62xIrxCoxO19
was made by a sol–gel route for x = 0–0.8, showing a small decrease in Ms from 62 A m2 kg1 for x = 0
to 60 A m2 kg1 for x = 0.8, but a much larger decrease in Hc from 435 to 27 kA m1 with increasing x
[313]. This huge drop in Hc was attributed to a reduction of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy by Krie-
sel et al., who found that single crystals had assumed planar anisotropy at x = 0.65 after being uniaxial
at x 0 0.4. This fast change of the anisotropy with respect to other hexaferrites was correlated to the
Ir4+ substitution on the 4e bipyramidal Fe3+ site, which plays a key role in the magnetocrystalline
anisotropy of M ferrites. They also reported a decrease in Msfrom 71 to 61 A m2 kg1 as x went from
0 to 0.65, with a large drop from Ms = 68.5 A m2 kg1 for x = 0.4, when the ferrite was still more or less
uniaxial [348].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1263
Another system analogous to BaCoTiM is that of Ba BaCoxZrxFe122xO19, which for x = 0–1.2 was
shown to retain uniaxial anisotropy up to x = 0.6 (HA = 653 kA m1), after which the ferrite becomes
a softer ferrite, and at x = 1.2 it has planar anisotropy with HA = 398 kA m1. Ms is constant at around
68 A m2 kg1 for x 6 0.4, and then decreases with x to 33 A m2 kg1 for x = 1.2. a greater drop than in
BaCoTiM ferrites, while Hc also decreases greatly from 143 kA m1 for x = 0.2 to a minimum of
0.8 kA m1 at x = 0.8 [349]. SrMgxZrxFe122xO19 nanopowders (52–44 nm) were found to have a large
decrease in Hc with x, going from 193 kA m1 at x = 0, to 15.5 and 6 kA m1 for x = 0.5 and 1, respec-
tively [350]. The x = 0.5 sample also showed an increase in Ms to 68 A m2 kg1. In a study of an iron-
deficient BaCoxZrxFe11.52xO18.25 system, it was found that Hc decreased to 380, 298 and 158 kA m1
for x = 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 respectively, while Ms remained approximately constant between 55 and
57.7 A m2 kg1 [351].
Zn2+ and Nb5+ were used as a charge compensated substitution for Fe3+ to make Sr
(Zn0.7Nb0.3)xFe12xO19 for x = 0–1, with a non-stoichiometric Fe:Sr ratio of 11.6 using a sol–gel route.
The M phase was retained at all these levels, and Ms increased from 67 to a maximum of
73.3 A m2 kg1 for x = 0.8, while Hc progressively decreased with x from 517 to 183 kA m1, for sam-
ples heated to 900–950 °C/5 h. Tc increased slightly with x, and the temperature dependence of coer-
civity was slightly positive and decreased with x, so that for x = 1 there was almost no change in Hc
until near Tc, attributed to a non-collinear magnetic structure and local spin canting [352].
BaFe10Al2O19 has been found to have Ms = 30.2 A m2 kg1 and very high Hc = 692 kA m1 [353]. In
hydrothermally as-synthesised BaFe11.3Al0.7O19, a reaction time of at least 4 h was needed at 250 °C
to produce M ferrite, and as with the pure BaM from the same process, Ms increased with reaction time
and temperature, but never reaching the same value as the pure BaM. Coercivity was uniformly low
(<85 kA m1) in all conditions. Hc increased with temperature as more M phase was formed, but reac-
tion up to 25 h at 250 °C caused little increase in Hc. The reaction products had Ms = 35.5 A m2 kg1
and Hc = 80 kA m1 after 250 °C/4 h, Ms = 48.5 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 84 kA m1 after 250 °C/4 h, and after
sintering at 900 °C/2 h Ms = 66.2 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 77 kA m1 [161].
6.7. Y ferrites
The Y ferrites all have lower magnetisation than the M ferrites, the highest being for Zn2Y (18.4 lB,
Ms = 72 A m2 kg1 at 0 K) [8], and getting lower in the sequence Zn > Mn > Co > Ni [354]. At room tem-
perature, Zn2Y has Ms = 42 A m2 kg1, but the Curie point of Zn2Y is only 130 °C, and it has a low crys-
talline anisotropy of only 716 kA m1 (9 kOe) [8]. Ni2Y made by Sudakar et al. at only 950 °C was a
very soft ferrite, with Ms = 25.5 A m2 kg1, Hc = 16 kA m1 and a Tc of 387 °C [25], and it has a higher
HA of 1100 kA m1 (14 kOe) [8]. The magnetic properties of various Y ferrites are shown in Table 6.
Co2Y has the highest MCA of any hexagonal ferrite, uniaxial or ferroxplana, with a (K1 + 2 K2) value of
2.6 105 J m3, K3 = 80 J m3 and the crystalline anisotropy reported originally as HA = 2228 kA m1
(28 kOe) in the preferred plane and only 119 kA m1 in the c-axis, all at room temperature [8]. Co2Y
has a moment of 9.8 lB, the room temperature saturation magnetisation is 34 A m2 kg1 and the coer-
civity is small, with a relatively high Curie point of 340 °C [8]. Because of this large negative anisotropy,
from Tc to RT and below Co2Y has an easy plane of magnetisation at 90° to the c-axis, with HA peaking at
around RT. The Y ferrites may have larger negative K values because there is no five-coordinate site in the
T block, and therefore there is a lower spin–orbit coupling contribution to K [332]. The Co2+ ions are all in
octahedral positions, with the spin orientations 1.1" and 0.9; [355]. There is a huge decrease in the
anisotropy of Co2Y to almost HA = 0 at 215 K, below which temperature the (K1 + 2 K2) anisotropy be-
comes positive as the easy plane becomes a cone of magnetisation, the angle to the c-axis decreasing
from 90° at 215 K to <70° at 77 K, with a K3 value of 200 J m3 at that temperature (Fig. 34) [8]. This cone
is enough to induce a spontaneous magnetisation along the c-axis at low temperatures, making Co2Y a
hard magnet with a high Mr at 77 K. More recently sintered ceramic Co2Y has been reported by Obol and
Vittoria as having HA = 2944 kA m1, a volume magnetisation of 183 kA m1, and Hc = 4.4 kA m1, which
was increased further to HA = 3342 kA m1 and Hc = 5.3 kA m1 in oriented samples [356]. Randomly
oriented polycrystalline Co2Y fibres sintered at 1000 °C/3 h had Ms = 32.8 A m2 kg1, Mr = 9.2 A m2 kg1
and Hc = 30 kA m1 [357], and Co2Y made from an EDTA complex had Ms = 28.8–33.4 A m2 kg1, and
Hc = 15–6.7 kA m1 [212]. The RT magnetic properties of some Y ferrites are shown in Table 9.
1264 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 34. Left: Changes in Ms, HA and (K1 + K2) with temperature for Co2Y [8]. Right: Change in angle of magnetisation with
respect to the c-axis with temperature for Co2Y [8].
Table 9
RT Ms and Hc values for several Y ferrites.
180° domain walls were first demonstrated in Zn2Y [358], and since then Co2Y has also been shown
to contain stacked layers of domains of equal width separated by 180° walls (Fig. 35), giving the do-
mains a rectangular and not a hexagonal shape [359]. A single domain crystal has also been seen to
become split by a 180° domain wall as the magnetisation drops below Ms [19].
ME properties near room temperature when a field of 1–1.5 T is applied (x = 1.5). This step wise
change in Ms with applied magnetic field in a pure phase hexaplana ferrite appears to be an indication
of such a change in magnetic structure, and signals it out as of interest for future investigation. The
recent interest in these ME Y ferrites is discussed in Section 7.
In substitutions of Co with Zn to give the compound Co1xZnxY fired at 1000 °C/10 h, Tc falls linearly
from 340 °C (x = 0) to 100 °C (x = 1). The Ms values increased with addition, but they were lower than
expected with Ms = 26.6 (instead of 34) and 32.9 (instead of 42) A m2 kg1 for x = 0 and 1 respectively
[361]. Zinc weakens the super interactions and lowers Tc, but there is no change in the spin directions
so the net magnetic moment increases with addition. Ms showed a peak of 34.9 e A m2 kg1 at x = 0.75,
but this was attributed to thermal agitation of the x = 1 compound at room temperature as Ms showed
a steady increase at when measured at 77 K. The low Ms and Tc values also suggest that perhaps the
material was not single phase Y. When made from the coprecipitation of superparamagnetic d-FeOOH
and heated to 1200 °C, Zn2Y was produced in which the grain size = 2 lm, Ms = 32.7 A m2 kg1 and
Mr/Ms = 0.06 [213]. Other studies of the Co1xZnxY system showed similar trends in Ms values, and
Hc values decreasing steadily with x from 12.7 kA m1 for Co2Y to <4 kA m1 for Zn2Y [267].
Zn1.2Cu0.8Y sintered at 1050 °C (q = 5.12 g cm3) was reported has having Ms = 34.5 A m2 kg1,
Mr = 4.05 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 6.8 kA m1, and in Zn1.22xCo2xCu0.8Y these values increased slightly with
a small addition of Co2+ up to x = 0.1, as did the density [362].
ZnMnY was found to have a volume magnetisation of 183 kA m1, HA = 756 kA m1 and
Hc = 1.43 kA m1 [363]. Other substituted Y ferrites reported by the same authors, made by the flux
melt method in BaCO3/B2O3 glass at 1200 °C, include Co0.25Zn1.75Y (HA = 1151 kA m1, volume mag-
netisation of 159 kA m1, and Hc = 0.318 kA m1) and Mn0.25Co0.75ZnY (HA = 1958 kA m1, volume
magnetisation of 159 kA m1, and Hc = 318 kA m1), very soft ferrites with extremely small Hc values
6.8. Z ferrites
All the Z ferrites have a uniaxial anisotropy with spontaneous magnetisation in the c-axis, except
Co2Z which has a preferred plane at room temperature perpendicular to the c-axis [7]. Co2Z goes
through three major changes in MCA with temperature: Cone ? (220 K) Plane ? (480 K) Uniaxial.
Co2Z has a net magnetic moment of 31.2 lB, giving it an Ms of 69 A m2 kg1 at 0 K and 51 A
Fig. 35. Diagram of 180° domain structures in Y (left) and Z (right) ferrites [19].
1266 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
m2 kg1 at RT, with an extremely small coercivity and a high Curie point of 410 °C [8]. It is also
strongly anisotropic, with (K1 + 2 K2) = 1.8 105 J m3 and K3 = 12 J m3 at RT, and this gives a high
HA of 1035 kA m1 (13 kOe) in the plane [8], but an extremely low anisotropy of only 10 kA m1
(120 Oe) parallel to in the c-axis [199]. Below 220 K, when HA reaches a trough of <400 kA m1, the
easy plane becomes a preferred cone of magnetisation, and as temperature decreases both HA and
(K1 + 2 K2) increase, although the anisotropy constants never become positive, as they do with Co2Y
at low temperatures. After peaking around RT, at 480 K HA reaches a minimum of zero, and above this
temperature K1 becomes slightly positive as Co2Z becomes uniaxial, until it reaches the Tc (Fig. 36) [8].
These changes in anisotropy and variations in the anisotropy constants K1 and K2 are caused by a
strong temperature dependence of the choice of site of the cobalt ions. In the planar state the spin
alignments of the Co2+ ions are 1.08" and 0.92;, and they are all in octahedral sites, the same as in
Co2Y [22]. Despite going through at least three changes in anisotropy between 0 K and the Curie point,
Ms decreases steadily and evenly, without any jumps, to zero at Tc, and Co2Z remains a soft ferrite at all
In polycrystalline Co2Z at room temperature domains as large as 2 lm have been found in 50 lm
grains, and the domains are aligned in the plane perpendicular the c-axis, similar to Co2Y [19]. Unlike
in the Y ferrite however, the domains are not of even thickness, the structure consisting of alternating
thick and thin domains oriented opposite to each other, separated by 180° domain walls (Fig. 35) [19].
When Co2Z was made from a molten salt synthesis, an incredibly low coercivity was achieved as the
grains grew to form large hexagonal plates 10–25 lm in diameter, but without DGG seeming to have
occurred. This incurred in change in Hc from 48 kA m1 at 1100 °C to only 88 A m1 (1.1 Oe) at
1200 °C, an extremely soft ferrite, with almost no change in Ms of 43.5 A m2 kg1 [364]. Randomly ori-
Fig. 36. Change in Ms, HA and (K1 + K2) with temperature for Co2Z [8].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1267
Table 10
RT Ms and Hc values for some Z ferrites.
ented polycrystalline Co2Z fibres sintered at 1250 °C/3 h had Ms = 44.8 A m2 kg1, Mr = 9.2 A m2 kg1
and Hc = 19 kA m1, for a grain size of >10 lm in which DGG had occurred [357]. An addition of
0.67 wt% Ca to these fibres, to form the doped Ba3Ca0.3Co2Z, resulted in a single phase ferrite at
1200 °C with grains 2 lm diameter without DGG occurring, but largely unchanged magnetic prop-
erties of Ms = 45.7 A m2 kg1, Mr = 11.5 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 25 kA m1. Despite their small dimensions
(50 300 nm), the Co2Z powders made from a citrate route and heated to 1150 °C had excellent val-
ues of Ms = 47.2 A m2 kg1, Mr = 8.6 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 8.6 kA m1. When they were heated to 1250 °C,
with an increase in grain size to 3 lm, the only significant change was a reduction in Hc to 5.3 kA m1
Single crystals 3 mm 500 lm with the domains oriented exhibited a definite anisotropy of the
magnetisation, with a high Ms of 57 A m2 kg1 in the hexagonal plane, but a low Ms of 36 A m2 kg1
in the c-axis. There was almost no hysteresis loop in the plane, whereas in the c-axis coercivity was
higher but with a very low remanence, caused by the much higher number of domain walls to be
crossed in this direction [19]. Oriented polycrystalline samples have been produced from sintering
prefired Co2Z in a magnetic field at 1260 °C, which show a fan like texture as the hexagonal crystals
align their basal planes. This became more pronounced as the crystals grew with more sintering, with
the best orientation achieved after DGG occurred at 1320 °C giving grains up to 250 lm wide, and after
being fired at 1300 °C/24 h the oriented samples were denser than random samples [365]. A fibre-like
texture was also achieved by sintering the grains in a rotating magnetic field, and these produced a
denser product (97%) than the fan textured samples made in a static field, although density was
not improved by DGG [221]. Despite its supposedly uniaxial nature, the Ni2Z reported by Sudakar
et al., made at only 950 °C, was a fairly soft ferrite with Ms = 37.4 A m2 kg1, Hc = 54 kA m1 and a
Tc of 418 °C [25]. At RT, the uniaxial Zn2Z has a positive K1 value of 0.7 105 J m3, Ms = 58 A m2 kg1
and a lower Tc of 360 °C, while for Cu2Z Ms = 46 A m2 kg1 and Tc = 440 °C. The RT magnetic properties
of some Z ferrites are summarised in Table 10.
Fig. 37. The hysteresis loop of Sr3Co2Z fired at 1250 °C/3 h, showing an unusual two-step hysteresis loop which has recently
aroused interest in this ferrite as a potential multiferroic material (see Section 7) [224].
at 300 °C, and the ferrite became fully uniaxial at 400 °C [226]. However, in oriented polycrystalline
Sr3Co2Z the easy axis of MCA was in a cone at an angle of 52.3° to the c-axis at RT [367], and remained
so up to 200 °C, before rapidly decreasing further to 25° at only 250 °C, and moving fully to the c-axis
at the same temperature as the other Co2Z ferrites [226]. – so it is uniaxial at room temperature, de-
spite being a very soft ferrite. From neutron diffraction data, the ions filling the ten different possible
Wyckoff positions for iron and cobalt ions were obtained by Takada et al. This demonstrated that,
while in Sr1.5Ba1.5Co2Z cobalt occupies six sites (Me1(2a), Me2(4f), Me4(12k), Me5(4e), Me8(12k)
and Me10(2d)), in Sr3Co2Z cobalt only occupies the first four of these [226]. This means that Co2+ is
not present in the Me8(12k) or Me10(2d) positions – in other words, it is not present at all in the R
block of Sr3Co2Z at all, unlike in other Co2Z ferrites (Fig. 38). This also resulted in the magnetic moment
of the cobalt ions being quenched between 200 and 250 °C in Sr3Co2Z, 50–100 °C lower than the other
Co2Z ferrites. Takada et al. also observed the two-step magnetisation loop first reported by Pullar and
Bhattacharya, and noted that in oriented polycrystalline samples this effect was much more pro-
nounced when the applied field was measured along the easy direction (c-axis) [367]. Such features
were not seen in the Sr1.5Ba1.5Co2Z magnetisation loops.
Ba3(Co1xZnx)2Fe24O41 sintered at 1200 °C showed a small linear increase in Ms from 48.1 to
53.7 A m2 kg1 and linear decrease in Curie point from 410 °C to 386 °C as x (Zn content) increased
from 0 to 1, while remaining a very soft ferrite with small Hc < 3.5 kA m1 [368]. As zinc is substituted
for cobalt in the planar Co2Z, the anisotropy constants become less negative until HA 0 at x = 1.5, and
with more zinc the anisotropy becomes positive as the ferrite become unixial [8]. Zhang et al. also
made Ba3Co1.6xZnxCu0.4Fe24O41, which for x = 0.15 had a permeability of 9 and Ms = 53.3 A m2 kg1,
when sintered at 1125 °C/4 h [369]. Co2xCuxZ (x = 0–0.8) was made from a citrate route and sintered
to over 95% density at 1100–1150 °C, the sintering temperature decreasing with increasing x, and the
grain size was between 1 and 2 lm for all samples. There was a small increase in Ms with x, from 47 to
50 A m2 kg1, and an initial decrease in Hc from 8.6 kA m1 for x = 0 to 3.5 kA m1 for x = 0.4, before it
increased again with further Cu substitution [370]. Iron deficient (Ba/Sr)3Co2Z was doped with RE ions
using Tb4O7 and Gd2O3 oxides in a standard ceramic route. The systems 3(Ba0.5Sr0.5)O2CoO
0.05Gd2O310.8Fe2O3 and 3(Ba0.5Sr0.5)O2CoO0.05Tb4O710.8Fe2O3 produced a pure Z phase at
1200 °C, but with larger grains than the pure iron-deficient Co2Z at that temperature, and in the case
of the Tb doped Z DGG had begun [371]. The substituted Sr3Zn2Z shows a lattice distorted by the Sr2+
ion, reducing drastically the magnetic properties of the compound compared to Ba3Zn2Z [230], and the
Z structure collapses with substitution of the barium by lead [21]. Substitution with La3+ to give Ba3x-
LaxCo2Z can be made up to x = 0.4, with a peak Ms of 58 A m2 kg1 for x = 0.1 [229].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1269
Fig. 38. Distribution of cobalt ions in (a) Sr1.5Ba1.5Co2Z and (b) Sr3Co2Z, observed from the 110 direction [226].
6.9. W ferrites
The first W ferrite to be discovered, Fe2W, has a large saturation magnetisation (Ms = 78 A m2 kg1)
and coercivity, and the Curie point is also high at 455 °C. The crystalline anisotropy constant,
K1 = 3.0 106 erg cm3, is of a similar magnitude to that of BaM, but with contributions from the high-
er constants HA = 1512 kA m1 (19 kOe), greater than that of the M ferrites [8]. The uniaxial W ferrites
not only have large crystalline anisotropies, but also high saturation magnetisations, which are caused
by not just superexchange mechanisms across one oxygen atom (Fe–O–Fe), but also super-superex-
change processes across two oxygen atoms (Fe–O–O–Fe) [372]. It has also been reported that SrFe2W
has Ms 10% higher than SrM, and an almost-equal anisotropy field [282], and SrFe2W had
Ms = 100.2 A m2 kg1 at 5 K [176]. The magnetic properties of various W ferrites are shown in Table 6.
Relatively few values seem to have been reported for the saturation magnetisation of Co2W, per-
haps because of difficulties in preparing the pure material, although it has an established high Curie
point of 490 °C and is known to be a soft ferrite [17]. The HA of Co2W has been reported as being
1687 kA m1 (21.2 kOe) [373]. Hongying et al. report that Co2W made from a standard ceramic route
at 1250 °C/3 h has Ms = 54.78 A m2 kg1, Mr = 5.03 A m2 kg1 and a low coercivity of Hc = 467.5 A m1
(<6 Oe) [374]. Co2W has a magnetic anisotropy in a cone at an angle reported as 68.5° [375] to 70° [8]
from the c-axis at room temperature, but the large K1 constant variously reported as
5.0 106 erg cm3 [8] or 3.5 106 erg cm3 [17] would suggest the ferrite to have a planar anisot-
ropy. This deviation from the planar orientation is caused by the contribution of the two large and po-
sitive second and third order anisotropy constants, K2 = 0.8.0 106 erg cm3 and K3 = 0.9
106 erg cm3, and this is a particularly large value for the K3 constant [17]. The Co2+ ions are mostly
divided between the S block octahedral and tetrahedral sites, with 1.4 Co2+ in the octahedral S block
sites, and a few in the R block octahedral sites [17,376]. Randomly oriented polycrystalline Co2W fi-
bres sintered at 1250 °C/3 h had Ms = 44.2 A m2 kg1, Mr = 24.7 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 39 kA m1, for a
grain size of >10 lm in which DGG had occurred [357].
1270 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
The most important W ferrites for applications in electronic circuits are the Zn2W series, which
have a high Ms but a low Hc, despite being strongly uniaxial. Pure SrZn2W has a saturation magneti-
sation of up to 77 A m2 kg1 and a coercivity of around 40 kA m1, and Mr/Ms = 0.01 [377], while for
BaZn2W, Ms = 79 A m2 kg1, HA = 995 kA m1 (12.5 kOe) [378], Hc 8 kA m1 and Mr/Ms = 0.01 [381].
PbZn2W is a borderline hard magnetic material, with a high Ms of 53.99 A m2 kg1 but a high Hc of
88 kA m1; the Curie point is at 326 °C and HA = 939 kA m1 (11.8 kOe) [379]. BaNi2W also has a uni-
axial anisotropy, Ms 60 A m2 kg1 and Hc > 48 kA m1 [380], and the Ni2W made by Sudakar et al.
had Ms = 58.2 A m2 kg1, a large Hc of 143 kA m1 and a high Tc of 544 °C [25]. BaMg2W has also been
reported as being unixial [375].
Table 11
RT Ms and Hc values of some W ferrites.
volume remanence of, Hc = 189 kA m1, Tc = 493 °C, high anisotropy with K0 = 3.1 105 J m3 and
HA = 1303 kA m1, and a temperature dependence of HA which resembled that of M ferrite [386].
The RT magnetic properties of some W ferrites bare summarised in Table 11.
6.10. X ferrites
The first X ferrite discovered was the uniaxial Fe2X, and this was found to have a high anisotropy of
1233 kA m1 (15.5 kOe), a high Ms of 74.5 A m2 kg1 and a high Curie point at 522 °C in polycrystalline
samples [8]. When this was substituted with 0.3% Gd2O3 to BaO, Ms and Tc dropped slightly to
72.4 A m2 kg1 and 512 °C respectively, but HA increased to 1417 kA m1 (17.8 kOe). It was found that
instead of substituting for barium as intended, the smaller Gd3+ preferred the octahedral sites to the
Ba2+ positions in the oxygen lattice [238]. A detailed investigation of the magnetic properties of the X
ferrite system was made by Gu between 1991 and 1994 [240,387–389], who measured Fe2X, Co2X,
Ni2X, Zn2X, Cu2X, Mn2X and Mg2X, as well as the (Fe1xZnx)2X and (Zn1xCux)2X systems. He found that
for (Zn1xCux)2X, lB and Ms increased with x, although for Ms this was linear at RT, but non-linear for
x < 0.2 at 1.5 K, as initially Cu2+ ions entered both tetrahedral and octahedral sites, until for x > 0.2 they
entered octahedral sites only as the tetrahedral sites were saturated [388]. For (Fe1xZnx)2X he found
that at 1.5 K Ms increased linearly with x, but at RT Ms initially decreased to a minimum value for
x = 0.5 (FeZnX), and then increased again, but to a lower value than for x = 0. This minimum was attrib-
uted to a non-linear decrease in Tc with x being concurrent with a linear increase in lB with x [389].
The findings for the unsubstituted X ferrites are summarised in Table 12. Recent findings by Kamishi-
ma et al. give largely similar Ms values for Co2X, Ni2X and Cu2X, despite casting doubt on the purity of
Gu’s samples, with magnetisation plots from which RT Ms of 60–70 A m2 kg1 can be estimated, and
extremely narrow, soft magnetic loops observed [239]. Unfortunately, these authors only show the
plots, and do not give any actual values for Ms of Hc for direct comparison.
At RT, Co2X has been reported as having a preferred cone of magnetisation at an angle of 74° to the
c-axis, with a weaker anisotropy of 756 kA m1 (9.5 kOe), a high Ms of 57.1 A m2 kg1, and a very low
Hc of only 4 kA m1 in single crystal samples [19]. This easy plane/cone of magnetisation moves to a
1272 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Table 12
Magnetic properties of the Ba2Me2X ferrites from Gu [240,387–389], and Sr2Zn2X from Leccabue et al. [243].
uniaxial position in the c axis above 143 °C [20]. It also exhibits a sixfold magnetic symmetry with 60°,
120° and 180° domain walls [19]. The Curie point has been measured as 467 °C for Co2X and 435 °C for
Zn2X, the highest values for Co- and Zn-containing hexaferrites [20]. Polycrystalline Co2X fibres syn-
thesised at 1200 °C were reported to have Ms = 45 A m2 kg1, Hc = 68 kA m1 and Mr/Ms = 0.38 [76].
Ni2X has been reported by Sudakar et al. with Tc = 482 °C, Ms = 53.6 A m2 kg1, and a high coercivity
of 199 kA m1 [25]. Small single domain Co2X with a small grain size of 50 nm had Hc = 27.5 kA m,
and as the size increased to 250 nm, Hc decreased linearly to 1.6 kA m1, and Ms increased with grain
size from 41 to 64 A m2 kg1 [82]. However, these NPs had a highly non-stoichiometric surface, which
will effect the magnetic properties of such small particles, especially if it contained non-magnetic spe-
cies. In general, the wide variation in reported Hc values may be due to the presence of undetected
secondary phases, in this often difficult-to-make ferrite.
Sr2Fe2X had Ms = 100.2 A m2 kg1 at 5 K [176]. Sr2Zn2X was sintered at 1400 °C/6 h and found to
have Ms = 79.4 A m2 kg1 and very low Hc of 8 kA m1, with HA = 987 kA m1 (12.4 kOe) [243].
Mössbauer spectra were also measured, and the extremely low coercivity coincided with rapid grain
growth as the single X phase formed at the high temperature of 1400 °C. See Table 12 for other mag-
netic properties. The RE and sodium substituted Ba1.9La0.05Na0.05Zn2X had Ms = 79.7 A m2 kg1,
Hc = 8 kA m1, Tc = 400 °C and HA = 1003 kA m1 (12.6 kOe) [205].
6.11. U ferrites
Until recently there were no magnetic characteristics reported for Co2U, except that it had a planar
anisotropy. In 2001 Pullar et al. characterised Co2U fibres which had Ms of 51.5 A m2 kg1 and a low Hc
of 47 kA m1 with a low remnant magnetisation of Mr/Ms = 0.26 [76], and in 2004 Lisjak et al. reported
Co2U with Ms of 51.5 A m2 kg1 and Tc = 434 °C [245]. They also reported a variable Hc between low
values of 14 kA m1 to high values of 127 kA m1 in samples made from high-energy milling and sub-
sequent reaction of the stoichiometric oxides, and Hc increased with decreasing calcination tempera-
ture and with increasing milling time. Co2U made via a stearic acid sol–gel method with a small grain
size of 50 nm had Hc = 21 kA m, had a maximum Hc of 30 kA m1 when the grain size reached 80 nm,
and as the size increased to 180 nm, Hc decreased linearly to 22.5 kA m1. The reduction below
80 nm was attributed the onset of superparamagnetism below the critical domain size of 80 nm
[83,390]. Ms increased with grain size from 41 to 64 A m2 kg1, but these NPs had a highly non-stoi-
chiometric surface, which would effect the magnetic properties of such small particles.
All the other U ferrites are axially orientated, and Zn2U has a K1constant of 1.4 106 erg cm 3 giv-
ing a moderately strong HA of 764 kA m1 (9.6 kOe) [8]. Due to the large molecular size it has 60.5 lB
[8], a saturation magnetisation of 54.9 A m2 kg1 [23] and the Curie point is around 400 °C [8]. Zn2U
single crystals were reported to have Ms = 53 A m2 kg1 and HA = 799 kA m1 [391]. Lisjak et al.
[245,392] reported Tc = 404 °C and Ms = 55–59 A m2 kg1 in Zn2U, with Hc varying between 14 and
86 kA m1 in polycrystalline samples made from high-energy milling and subsequent reaction, and
40 kA m1 in samples made from topotactic reactions between M and Y ferrites. They also reported
that Ni2U has Tc = 454 °C, Ms = 46 A m2 kg1, and Hc = 30 kA m1 [245], while Sudakar et al. found sim-
ilar values for Ni2U of Tc = 426 °C, Ms = 48.1 A m2 kg1, but a very different high coercivity of
145 kA m1 [25], which could be due to an undetected hard ferrite impurity, or a much smaller grain
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1273
Table 13
RT magnetic properties of some U ferrites.
size (<1 lm) near the critical domain size. The magnetic properties of the pure Cu2U and other impure
U ferrites recently reported by Chandra Dimra et al. are shown in Table 13. The Co2U, Mn2U and Mg2U
ferrites had particularly low coercivities of 68 kA m1, and low Mr/Ms ratios of 60.10 making them
very soft ferrites, and these are the smallest coercivities reported for U ferrites [246]. The Mg2U and
Co2U ferrites showed multiple Curie points, probably due to the existence of a Z ferrite minor phase.
These impurities may also have reduced Ms values.
The detailed magnetisation loops of Sr4Co2U have not yet been published, but it seems to have a Tc
of 450 °C, and is a very soft magnet. It was reported as showing two Neel temperatures, a ferrimag-
netic ordering below 420 °C showing uniaxial characteristics, and that the MCA rotates from uniaxial
towards the hexagonal plane below 80°C, in a manner similar to Mg2Y and Sr3Co2Z at RT [34].
Dielectric losses occur in materials due to the damping of the vibrations of electrical dipoles, and as
well as intrinsic losses due to crystal structure, extrinsic losses due to impurities, porosity, and grain
boundaries in polycrystalline materials, dominate at higher frequencies, causing a great decrease of
permittivity in most materials at MW frequencies. However, the effective magnetic permeability, leff,
is virtually independent of frequency, but there is a critical frequency, fc, above which leff falls rapidly
as a function of frequency1 due to eddy current losses. This generally has a lower value for materials
with a higher permeability, but is also related to the resistivity and thickness of the material. The crit-
ical frequency is given by the equation
fc ¼ ð7:1Þ
p li d2
where R is the specific electrical resistance of the piece of material, li the initial permeability and d the
thickness of the material. Despite being resistive materials however, the ferrites still have a limiting
frequency [393].
This is because in ferrites fc is also connected to magnetic spin effects, so there is a gyromagnetic
critical frequency, fg, also known as the spin relaxation frequency. This is determined by the gyromag-
netic ratio, c, which is the ratio of the magnetic moment to torque for an electron, and is therefore
independent of the dimensions of the sample. The gyromagnetic ratio has a value of 0.22 MHz m A1,
and fg is given by the equation
1274 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
0:1cM s
fg ¼ ð7:2Þ
where Ms = the saturation magnetisation [394]. This equation is true for all ferro- and ferrimagnetic
materials, but in good electrical conductors the effect is swamped by eddy current effects [395].
The eddy currents also increase exponentially with temperature, but they are negligible at room tem-
perature in materials with a good resistance such as most hexagonal ferrites, except those containing
significant amounts of Fe2+ [396].
anisotropy fields are H/ and Hh respectively, and these are connected to the anisotropy constants K1, K2
(Hh) and K3 (H/). The resonance condition is given by
2pfr ¼ c ðHh H/ Þ ð7:5Þ
and literature values for Hh and H/ will therefore give an indication of the FMR frequency expected for
the Z, Y and W hexaferrites studied here. Typically Hh is much larger than H/.
In a perfect single crystal, any shift in fr should be purely dependent on the orientation of the ap-
plied field relative to the crystal structure, giving a very narrow FMR peak. However, in polycrystalline
sample with randomly oriented crystallites, the orientation varies through all possibilities, broadening
the resonance absorption. Even an oriented polycrystalline sample will have demagnetising effects at
pores, grain boundaries and inhomogeneous areas, broadening FMR, and an additional DC field will
exist at such imperfections, inducing magnetic poles at the surfaces of such features, also contributing
to FMR line broadening [1]. As FMR line width is related to magnetic losses, with a more lossy material
having a broader FMR, in most real materials these extrinsic processes dominate and determine FMR
line width. While a single crystal may have an FMR line width as low as 101 kA m1, for polycrystalline
ferrites it will be >103 kA m1 [1].
MW and FMR measurements of ferrites are usually made either on a solid ferrite block waveguide
of certain dimensions, or on a composite of ferrite particles in a dielectric medium, often a paraffin
wax, pressed into a toroidal shape. The effective permeability of the composite is measured, and as
the properties of the wax are known, the permeability of the ferrite can be extracted from a suitable
mixture equation. The Lichtenecker equation is usually applied to measurements if the loading of the
ferrite in the wax composite is a low volume fraction, but it has been shown that for high volume frac-
tions (>30%) either the Bruggeman effective medium theory, or ‘‘quasi-crystalline approximation with
coherent potential’’ theory (QC-ACP, also known as GKM, after Gyorffy, Korringa and Mills) are much
more accurate [398].
7.2. M ferrites
The FMR frequency (fr) of BaM was first characterised as being around 50 GHz [8], and has since
been reported as 43 GHz [399] and 46 GHz at zero field, increasing as a field is applied unless it is ap-
plied at angle of more than 70° to the c-axis in an oriented sample [400]. The smallest line width for a
perfect BaM sphere is 1.2 kA m1, and in polycrystalline BaM is tens of kA m1 wide [401]. In light-
weight mullite/quartz hollow microspheres (2–3 lm) coated with first a layer of TiO2 and then BaM
by sol–gel methods (total coating 100 nm), fr was reduced to 8.2–8.5 GHz [402]. Random BaM and
SrM fibres were measured by Pullar et al. [72], loading the crushed fibres as 30 vol.% in a paraffin
wax toroid and measured by the Nicholson and Ross technique as detailed in their paper [403]. They
found that both ferrite samples had low permeabilities <2, and that BaM and SrM had fr values of
43.5 GHz and 50 GHz respectively.
As the MCA changes from axial to planar in BaFe122xCoxTixO19, so fr also decreases in a more-or-
less linear fashion from 50 GHz for x = 0 (BaM) to <1 GHz for x = 1, allowing fr to be tailored over
a wide range by careful substitution. For x = 1, l0 = 20, peaking at 300 MHz, and l00 = 16 with
fr = 500 MHz [45], whereas for x = 1.15, fr = 350 MHz and l00 = 85 [199], indicating that fr lowers with
x as l00 increases. The FMR frequency drops with increasing substitution until the anisotropy becomes
planar, at x = 1.3 for CoTiM, at which point rotation in the plane gives the possibility of strong domain
wall relaxation, raising the FMR considerably to several GHz [334]. Similarly, fr also decreases in
SrFe122xCoxTixO19, from 50 GHz for x = 0 (SrM) to <1 GHz for x = 1.5 (Fig. 39) [404]. For BaFe9.6Co1.2-
Ti1.2O19 sintered at 970 °C, a permeability of 35 was obtained [405]. In 2 wt.% bismuth-doped BaFe9.6-
Co1.2Ti1.2O19 sintered at 950 °C/5 h, with a grain size of 40–200 nm, fr was shifted to 1 GHz and
permeability increased from 6 to 16, with a resistivity >108 X cm [406].
1276 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
A wide range of similar substituted ferrites have also been made using other 4+ ions and TM2+ ions,
which also have an FMR range tuneable by degree of substitution. If iridium or ruthenium are used
instead of titanium the material becomes planar at a much lower substitution level, therefore raising
the FMR to a greater extent. In BaCoxIrxFe12xO19 the ferrite changes to a planar anisotropy by x = 0.4,
giving a minimum value for fr at this point. With increasing values of x = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 the FMR
frequency fr = 16 GHz, 2 GHz, 5 GHz and 7 GHz respectively, and it has a rigid canted ferrimagnetic
structure that is insensitive to temperature changes [407]. When Zr4+ was substituted instead of tita-
nium to make BaCoxZrxFe122xO19 (x = 0–1.2), it remained uniaxial up to x = 0.6, with fr > 14 GHz, the
measurement limit for this article, although fr was calculated from the anisotropy and being 28 GHz
for x = 0.4. The measured fr was at 4.5 and 5 GHz for x = 0.8 and 1.2 respectively, and the x = 0.8 sample
has also possessed the lowest coercivity [349].
7.4. Y ferrite
For Co2Y, the large HA of 2228 kA m1 in the easy cone results in a weak FMR at fr = 5.7 GHz [8].
Pure Co2Y was reported as having a permeability of 4 and FMR at 1 GHz, with a substantial increase
in permeability up to 15 and a slight reduction in FMR frequency for x = 0.8, in the zinc-substituted
Ba2(Ni1xZnx)2Fe12O22 ceramic [408]. Co2Y fibres, powdered and measured as 30 vol.% in a wax toroid
[403], showed a broad FMR between 6 and 7 GHz, and a possible small FMR at 1.3 GHz, with l 3
below fr [75]. Pure Zn2Y was reported to have a permeability of 20 below an apparent small FMR at
100 MHz, with another fr seeming to approach just above 1 GHz [409]. When Cu was substituted
for Zn l was decreased to 15 with a slight increase in fr, and in Ba2Zn1.22xCo2xCu0.4Y ferrite, perme-
ability decreased and the FMR around 100 MHz disappeared with increasing Co2+ substitution, attrib-
uted to an increase in anisotropy and a decrease in domain wall motion [409]. When sintered to
1150 °C, with a grain size >1 lm, Ni2Y and Zn2Y only showed single FMR peaks at fr = 5 and 3 GHz
respectively, but when sintered at 1300 °C the grain size increased to 4–5 lm, allowing FMR due to
domain walls as well, giving diffuse peaks at 1.2 GHz in both cases, and second peaks at fr = 6.4 and
3.0 GHz, respectively [410].
Both the real and imaginary parts of permittivity of Co2xZnxY are reported to increase as the Zn
concentration increases [398,411]. For Ba2Zn1.6Co0.4Y sintered at 1200 °C/5 h, l was 2 before FMR
at 1 GHz, and er was >9 pre-FMR coming down to 7 afterwards [398]. In a study of Ba2Zn2(1x)Co2xY
it was found that as x (Co content) increased from 0 to 1, permeability decreased from >10 to 2 and fr
increased from several hundred MHz to over 1 GHz [267]. Zn1.22xCo2xCu0.8Y (x = 0–0.1) showed a
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1277
clear double resonance peak at 100 MHz and 1 GHz for Zn1.2Cu0.8Y, yet the lower frequency peak dis-
appeared as Co was substituted for Zn, becoming almost unobserved even at levels as low as x = 0.05.
This is attributed to two mechanisms contributing to the permeability, domain wall motion and mag-
netisation rotation. Y ferrites with high Zn content have relatively low planar anisotropy, so domain
wall motion competes with it at low frequencies, causing the lower frequency resonance. Co increases
the magnetic anisotropy greatly, so the domain wall motion becomes dominated by it, and fr moves to
a higher frequency as well [362]. Not only does it seem remarkable that such a small amount of substi-
tuted Co2+ can have this effect, but the same paper also reports that an increase in sintering temper-
ature of Zn1.2Cu0.8Y from 1025 °C to 1150 °C greatly increases permeability from 10 to 35 before these
resonance features take effect, and with a simultaneous increase in the lower frequency resonance,
and a reduction of the resonance frequency to <100 MHz. In this case it is attributed to an increase
in grain size and reduction in porosity and grain boundaries easing domain wall motion, an effect
which is increased with sintering temperature [362]. Contradictory results have recently been re-
ported, stating that as the sintering temperature of Zn1.2Cu0.8Y was reduced from 1100 to 900 °C, l
decreased from 20 to 10 below 3 GHz [405]. BaNi2xCoxFe16O27 prepared at 1250 °C, where x = 0–
1.4, had very low permeability values of 1 at GHz frequencies, but exhibited a vague resonance
and absorption effect between 32 and 40 GHz for x = 0.2 and 26.5–33 GHz for x = 0.4 [384].
7.5. Z ferrite
For Co2Z, HA = 1035 kA m1 in the easy plane [8], computing to fr between 1.3 GHz and 3.4 GHz. In
early FMR studies of Co2Z it was found that the real permeability was around 9 until it peaked at
1.1 GHz with a value of l0 = 13. The imaginary permeability peaked with a maximum value of
l00 = 8 at a FMR frequency of 1.2 GHz, in a ferrite with a density of only 4.6 g cm3 (86% sintered)
and a resistance of 7 107 cm. An impurity of 1% Fe2O3 increased the permeabilities considerably
(l0 = 19) and resulted in a slightly denser product (4.8 g cm3, 90%), but it also increased the conduc-
tivity of the sample (2 102 cm). This lowered the FMR frequency so that l0 had a peak value of 20 at
700 MHz, and l00 peaked at 14 at the sub-GHz frequency of 900 MHz [45].
Normally Co2Z has FMR at 1.4 GHz, considerably lower than the calculated resonance frequency of
3.4 GHz. This is often blamed on shape and stress anisotropy, but it could also be caused by the pres-
ence of other phases, such as W, or by Fe2+ ions causing electron hopping to Fe3+ and resulting in in-
creased conductivity. Firing in an oxygen rich atmosphere should result in less Fe2+ ions existing as
they are oxidised to Fe3+, and indeed a partial pressure of only 0.1 MPa O2 was enough to produce sin-
gle phase Co2Z at 1300 °C with a higher FMR frequency of 1.8 GHz [412]. Other studies on coprecip-
itated Co2Z have shown that it has an extremely narrow firing temperature stability range with
Fe3+ converting to Fe2+ in extended firings, and that the cooling conditions have a great effect on
FMR frequency. In a rapidly quenched from the firing temperature FMR occurred at only 700–
800 MHz, in a sample cooled down at 100 °C/h this was extended to 1.5 GHz and in a sample cooled
under an oxygen atmosphere fr = 1.7 GHz [199]. Very dense Co2Z was achieved at only 890 °C/2 h with
an addition of 8 wt.% PbO–B2O3 glass, and this had a very good permeability for the sintering temper-
ature of 4 at 500 MHz, an extremely high DC resistivity 1010 X cm, a specific temperature coefficient
of permeability between 25 °C and 100 °C <5 106 °C1, and a reasonable quality factor up to
800 MHz, with fr > 1 GHz [258]. Sol–gel derived Co2Z fibres sintered to 1250 °C, powdered and dis-
persed as 30 vol.% in a wax toroid, where found to have a high permeability of >12 below fr, and a
sharp FMR occurred at 1.3 GHz [403], while the Co2Z doped with 0.67 mol% Ca2+ and sintered at a low-
er temperature of 1200 °C had a much lower l < 5 and a broader FMR around 1.3 Hz [75].
It has been found impossible to obtain fully dense and perfectly oriented Co2Z, and this too has an
effect of lowering the FMR frequency below the theoretical maximum. In a well oriented sample made
from the coprecipitation of salts and fired to 1270 °C an FMR frequency of 1.9 GHz was achieved, and
this was accredited to the material behaving as if it were a single crystal, with no domain wall contri-
butions, because of the high anisotropy [229]. The size of the grains of Co2Z also has an effect on the
FMR of the material, due to variations in the shape demagnetising effects. It was found that the FMR
frequency increased as particle size decreased, so that fr = 1.0–1.2 GHz for very large 200–600 lm
particles, 1.1–1.3 GHz for 100 lm grains and 1.6–1.8 GHz for 10–25 lm grains [413]. It was also
1278 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
shown that in oriented Co2Z, l increased from 12 for unoriented to >30 for a fully oriented Co2Z sam-
ple [414].
There was a substantial increase in permeability up to 13 and a reduction in FMR frequency to just
below 1 GHz in zinc-substituted Ba3(Co1xZnx)2Fe24O41 for x = 0.6 [408], and generally as x (Zn con-
tent) increases, so fr decreases and permeability increases, up to l = 15 for CoZnZ (x = 1) sintered at
1200 °C [368]. However, when Zinc was substituted for Fe3+ to intentionally create a semiconductive
Ba3Co2Fe24xZnxO41 ferrite, it was found that permeability decreased from 12 for x = 0 to 6 for x = 0.6
[415]. A detailed study was made by Wang et al. of Bi-doped, Cu-substituted Ba3Co2xCuxFe24O41 sin-
tered to over 95% density at only 900 °C. As either Bi2O3 content increased from 1 to 4 wt.%, or as x
increased from 0 to 0.6, density and permeability increased (to maxima of 5.2 g cm3 and 6.6 respec-
tively for x = 0.6 with 4 wt.% Bi2O3), and resistivity and fr decreased with x, although they were still
unusually high at 1.1–4.8 109 X cm and 1.4–1.8 GHz [265]. In Co2xCuxZ (x = 0–0.8) sintered at
1100–1150 °C, the density increased with increasing x from 5.05 to 5.22 g cm3, and the grain size
was between 1 and 2 lm for all samples. Similarly permeability increased from 4.2 to 7.0 up to fr,
which decreased from >1 GHz to 400 MHz with x. Dielectric constant also increased with x, from
16 to 20, and remained constant up to the dielectric relaxation at <1 GHz, and the samples had high
DC resistivities in the order of 109 X cm, although it did decrease with x, attributed to the coexistence
of Cu+ and Cu2+ ions [370]. When Co2+ and Fe3+ were substituted with Fe2+ and Cr3+ to make Ba3-
Co2xFe24+xyCryO41, it was found that for values of x = 0.2 and y = 0.6, planar anisotropy had been in-
creased, resulting in a larger Ms in the easy (planar) direction with a reduction in fr to 1 GHz and a
maximum permeability of 21 [416]. Ba3Co1.4Fe24.6O41 sintered at 1300 °C has recently been reported
to have l = 30 throughout the MHz region, and with the addition of Bi2O3 as a sintering aid, l = 5 could
be obtained when sintered at only 950 °C, a temperature suited for multilayer LTCCs [405]. Co2Z doped
with 0.8 wt.% Nb2O5 and sintered at 1260 °C was found to have a very high l of >30, but with fr re-
duced to 300 MHz, and further niobium addition decreased both l and fr [417]. This was attributed
to Nb5+ diffusing into the Z lattice and increasing densification and initial grain growth, but inhibiting
massive DGG from occurring by forming as Nb2O5 on grain boundaries at 1260 °C.
A substitution of strontium for barium in Co2Z increased the FMR from 1.4 to 2.5 GHz, [418], but
substitution with lanthanum reduced fr [229]. Sr-substituted (Ba1xSrx)3Co2Z (x = 0–0.8, sintered at
1250 °C/4 h, >5.1 g cm3) had a very low resistivity of <103 X cm, and although resistivity increased
with x, fr remained unchanged at around 1 GHz. When SiO2 was added (<2 wt.%) density actually de-
creased, but resistivity increased by two orders of magnitude (although still relatively low), and fr in-
creased with increasing SiO2 addition towards 2.5 GHz, while permeability decreased from 15 to 4.2 at
900 MHz [225]. This was attributed to the SiO2 forming a magnetically inert, highly resistive inter-
granular layer, this demagnetising layer reducing permeability but increasing shape anisotropy, and
therefore fr. Similarly, Ba1.5Sr1.5Co2Z with 2 wt% PbO–Cu2O glass sintered at 1100 °C/4 h (90% dense)
had a permeability of 7–8 and fr of 1 GHz [262]. The RE ion-doped iron-deficient Z ferrite systems
3(Ba0.5Sr0.5)O2CoO0.05Gd2O310.8Fe2O3 and 3(Ba0.5Sr0.5)O2CoO0.05Tb4O710.8Fe2O3, sintered to
1200 °C, had increased permeabilities as high at 15, but with fr reduced to 1 GHz, and both of these
features were attributed to the larger grain size of the RE doped Z ferrites. When sintered at only
1150 °C to reduce the grain size, permeability was reduced to 8 but fr occurred at >1.8 GHz for the
Tb-doped Z ferrite [371]. The undoped, non-stoichiometric Ba1.5Sr1.5Co2Fe21.6O37.4 sintered at
1200 °C had permeability of 2 and fr > 1.8 GHz, and it has also been reported that as strontium substi-
tutes for barium in oriented Co2Z samples permeability decreases from 18 to 6 for Sr3Co2Z, and that fr
increases to 3 GHz [226].
7.6. W ferrite
The HA of Co2W was reported as 1687 kA m1 [373], but there are few reported FMR frequencies for
Co2W, and there have been few published studies of FMR data for this material. Powdered Co2W fibres
were reported as having a broad maximum in l00 between 1 and 3 GHz as l0 decreases to half of its
previous value of 3.5, but no clear FMR peaks were observed [75,403]. Co2W was reported as having
a very low permeability of 2 and FMR at 3 GHz, with an increase in permeability to 7 and a reduc-
tion in FMR frequency to 1 GHz for x = 0.5, in the zinc-substituted Ba(Co1xZnx)2Fe16O27 ceramic [408],
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1279
and the real and imaginary parts of permeability of Zn2xCoxW increase with increasing Co concentra-
tion [411]. In La3+ substituted Ba1xLaxCo2W (x = 0–0.2) sintered at 1250 °C/3 h, it was found that
increasing x increased fr of a rather broad and diffuse resonance from 2 to 4 GHz, with improved
MW absorbency between 0.5 and 15 GHz with increasing x. All samples had a permeability of 2 at
1 GHz [374]. BaFe2W has no reported resonance and a low l0 = 3 [45], but BaZn2W has a high FMR
of 34 GHz [399]. In Zn2xCoxW, permeability increases and fr decreases with increasing x, and a clear
FMR was seen around 0.8 GHz for x = 0.3 and 0.6 [398].
7.7. U ferrite
The first reported FMR frequency of a U ferrite was in 1968, for single crystal Zn2U, showing reso-
nance between 30 and 40 GHz with a width of 16.7 kA m1 [23], with seemingly no investigations for
35 years afterwards, despite it being noted that they would be suitable as MW resonators in the KA
band, at 26–40 GHz, in 1969 [391]. However, recently there has been a surge of interest in the micro-
wave properties of U ferrites, related to their excellent MW absorbing properties at higher GHz fre-
quencies. Lisjak states on her webpage that Zn2U has FMR at 30 GHz and Co2U has FMR at 1 GHz
[419], and (Ba13xLa2x)4Co2U with x varying from 0.10 to 0.20, has been reported to have FMR between
9 and 11 GHz, while permeability and magnetic loss decreases with x, with very low values of l00 <0.03
for x = 0.2 [249]. BaLa2hCo2U (x = 0.25, h = vacancy) has a small FMR around 9.2 GHz, and equally low
losses [250]. Mixed (Zn–Co)2U ferrites with the formula Ba4Zn2xCoxU, where x = 0.5–2, where re-
ported to have FMR between 1 and 1.3 GHz, with a small increase with increasing zinc content
[420], and real and imaginary permeability increased with increasing amounts of Co [411,398]. Meena
et al. have made the Ba4Co2xMnxU ferrites, and found that l0 increases from 0.6 at x = 0 to 1.5 for
x = 2. A clear FMR was observed for Co2U (x = 0) at 8.5 GHz, and this increased to over 9 GHz as x in-
creased to 1. However, for the samples with x > 1, no distinct FMR peak was seen, but rather multiple
broad but small peaks between 9 and 12 GHz [247]. These blurred multiple resonances were tenta-
tively attributed to the possible presence of undetected secondary phases, and the initial increase
in l and fr with x to the higher magnetic moment of Mn2+ (5 lB) compared to Co2+ (3 lB), and higher
resistance resulting in lower eddy current losses.
The same authors also measured Mn2xZnxU, which showed a decrease in l with x, except for x = 2
(Zn2U), which showed a very strong FMR at 11.73 GHz just after a steep increase in l0 from 1.2 to 1.6.
The other sample showed multiple small but broad resonances between 8 and 12 GHz, and x = 1 had
the largest magnetic losses [248]. Zn2U also has a low temperature coefficient of resonant frequency,
having a shift of <5 MHz between 55 to +85 °C (=35 kHz/°C = 1.3 ppm/°C at 26 GHz) [391]. In a study
of Ba4ZnxCo2xU with x = 0–2 sintered at 1200 °C, Haijun et al. reported that while permittivity was
11 for all samples except x = 2 (Co2U, which had er 16 at 100 MHz, dropping towards 11 at GHz
frequencies), permeability was 1.3 for Co2U, 2.1 for Zn2U and peaked at 3.7 for x = 1.5, and fr in-
creased from 609 MHz for Zn2U (x = 0) to 1.32 GHz for x = 1.5, with no FMR observed at all for Co2U
[420]. These FMR values reported for pure Zn2U from the mixed (Zn–Co)2U studies are clearly very dif-
ferent from the high values reported for standard ceramic samples, for reasons which have never been
explained. As P5+ was substituted into Ba4(Co15xP2x) U (x = 0–0.2), FMR shifted to a higher frequency
and then disappeared altogether at x = 0.2, although the magnetic losses (l00 ) were extremely low
7.8. X ferrite
Ba2ZnxCo2xFe28O46 hexaferrites with x = 2:0; 1.6, 1.2, 0.8, 0.4 and 0.0 prepared by the citrate sol–
gel process showed a small decrease in fr with an increase in Zn content, low permeability values
between 2 and 3.5, and a generally poor FMR response around 1 GHz. For Co2X fr = 1.2 GHz with a per-
meability of 2.5, and for Zn2X fr = 0.7 GHz with a permeability of 3.6 [421]. In a follow-up paper, the
same authors give permittivity values of 10 and a dielectric resonance at 4.8 GHz for all values of x
sintered at 1200 °C. They also give sub-GHz permeabilities of 2 for Zn2X, 3 for Co2X and 5.5 for
x = 0.8, and fr values rising from 728 MHz for Zn2X to 1.20 GHz for Co2X, with fr = 968 MHz for
x = 0.8 [241]. In this latter sample, x = 0.8, they also noticed a second resonance peak at around
1280 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
4 GHz, which was unexplained, and in the samples fired to 1100 °C, which contained BaM as an impu-
rity phase, the fr values were slightly higher, due to the increased anisotropy contribution of the M
The dielectric properties as well as magnetic properties are very important for many high fre-
quency applications of hexaferrites, particularly if they are to become integrated chip components.
The key properties of interest for many applications are resistivity and permittivity (dielectric con-
stant, e, or relative permittivity, er, is a measure of how easy it is to establish, or ‘‘permit’’, an electric
flux in a material), which in general should both be as high as possible at as higher frequency as pos-
sible. As with permeability, a complex permittivity can be measured consisting of real (e0 ) and imag-
inary (e00 ) components, from which dielectric resonance and losses can be calculated. The metal cations
and the oxygen anions form dipoles, creating an intrinsic dielectric polarisation. The dominant con-
duction mechanism in ferrites is electron hopping between Fe2+ and Fe3+.
Well sintered samples of BaM, SrM and CaM (the later doped with 4 mol% La2O3) were found to
have er of 10, 20 and 15 respectively when measured at 10 GHz, and the CoxTix-substituted ver-
sions had similar values, with er decreasing slightly as x increases. Interestingly, from the measure-
ments of e0 and e00 , CaCoxTixFe122xO19 (with 4 mol% La2O3) seemed to show a clear dielectric
resonance at 10 GHz for x = 0.8 and 8.75 GHz for x = 1 [175].
Pure Co2Z has a dielectric constant of <20, resistivity of 1–2 107 X cm, and consequently high
dielectric loses of tand 0.2 up to 1 GHz. By comparison, Cu substituted Z ferrite, Ba3-
Co2(1x)Cu2xFe24O41 where x = 0.05–0.25 sintered at 1120 °C, had permittivity of 25–30 and dielectric
loses an order of magnitude lower, even up to 1 GHz. This was attributed by Zhang et al. to the con-
ductivity being half of that of the pure Co2Z, the Cu2+ reducing Fe2+ formation both by lowering sin-
tering temperature (Fe3+ ? Fe2+ + e is a high temperature process), and to the Cu2+ creating
internal stresses that reduce electron hopping [422]. Therefore, maintaining a low conductivity is a
key property in improving the dielectric properties of hexaferrites. Similarly, the dielectric constant
at low (MHz) frequencies was shown to be greatly increased when Mn3+ was substituted for iron
atoms in Ba3Co2Fe24xMnxO41, as manganese reduces the amount of Fe2+ ion present in a buffering
reaction where Mn3+ + Fe2+ ? Mn2+ + Fe3+ [423]. Ba3Co1.6xZnxCu0.4Fe24O41 had a permittivity of 31
(at 400 MHz) and a resistivity of 3.5107 X cm for x = 0.15 when sintered at 1125 °C/4 h [369].
In a study of the effects of cation deficiency on the formation of the Y phase, it was seen that for
Ba2Zn0.6Co0.6Cu0.8Fe12xO221.5x, resistivity reduced with temperature at a much lower rate in the defi-
cient ferrites (x = 0.5–1) than in the stoichiometric Y ferrite (x = 0) [214]. This was assumed to be be-
cause cation deficiency will restrain the variation of charge on Fe ions, and any deficiencies will tend to
gather at grain boundaries, where they form a more resistive surface, further impeding conduction. A
higher degree of sintering will reduce amount of grain boundaries (reducing this insulating effect), and
the higher temperatures usually required for greater sintering will also increase Fe2+ formation. It was
observed that the deficient Y ferrites were much better sintered and had larger grains that the stoichi-
ometric Y at equivalent temperatures, especially at lower temperatures up to 1000 °C, after which
DGG began. The permittivity of all the samples was approximately the same, keeping a constant value
for both stoichiometric and deficient samples between 10 and 500 MHz, with no evidence of dielectric
resonance below 1 GHz, although the measurements suggested that a resonance may be approaching
above 1 GHz. The deficient ferrites had slightly larger permittivities than the stoichiometric sample
because of their higher densities (porosity greatly reduces er), being 17–18 and 14–17 respectively.
Permittivity of 14–16 was reported for Zn2xCoxY ferrites, decreasing with x, and with no obvious
dielectric resonance between 0.1 and 6 GHz [398].
The complex permittivity spectra of Co2xMnxU measured between 8 and 12 GHz showed a reason-
able e0 of 21 for x = 0 (Co2U), and this dropped significantly to <17 with increasing x. For x = 0–0.5, a
very small dielectric resonance peak was seen around 8.5 GHz, indicating a high dielectric loss.
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1281
Fig. 40. Complex permittivity spectra for Co2xMnx U (a and b) [247] and Mn2xZnxU (c and d) [248].
However, for x = 1–1.5, small and broad multiple resonance peaks were observed, increasing in size
with x, and for x = 2 (Mn2U) a very sharp dielectric resonance peak was clearly seen at 11.8 GHz
(Fig. 40a and b) [247]. This indicates a much lower dielectric loss, and hence greater resistivity, in
Mn2U, and is a feature rarely seen in ferrites, which tend to be relatively conductive compared to many
good dielectric ceramics. Furthermore, this peak also coincides almost exactly with the small FMR
peak seen in Mn2U by the same authors at 11.9 GHz, suggesting the possibility of coupling between
these two properties. The same authors measured Mn2xZnxU, and all samples showed multiple broad
resonance peaks between 8 and 12 GHz, except for x = 1, which also had a larger grain size >20 lm and
much higher magnetic losses [248]. As seen in their other paper, the pure Mn2U had a very sharp
dielectric resonance at 11.89 GHz, with a pre-resonance e0 of 15, indicating low dielectric losses
(Fig. 40c and d). Interestingly, x = 2 (Zn2U) had an even stronger, but broader, dielectric resonance
at 11.75 GHz, with a pre-resonance e0 17, and the x = 1.5 sample had a sharp, but smaller, resonance
around 11.3 GHz, and a lower e (Fig. 40c and d). Once again, these peaks coincide with peaks in FMR,
small for x = 0 and 1.5, but a much stronger FMR at 11.73 GHz for the pure Zn2U, suggesting coupling
of these two strong resonances. e0 of 15 was reported for Zn2xCoxU, with a slight dielectric reso-
nance 4.4 GHz [398]. The same reference gives a lower e0 of 13 for Zn2xCoxW, and no dielectric res-
onance between 0.1 and 6 GHz. In lanthanum-substituted (Ba13xLa2x)4Co2U (x = 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2),
partial substitution of Ba2+ by La3+ increased e0 , but increased e00 to a greater extent, the increased elec-
tron hopping from La3+ ions raising the dielectric loss [249]. A similar effect was seen in P5+ substi-
tuted Ba4(Co15xP2x)U (x = 0–0.2) [250].
It has been reported that BST aids sintering of Z ferrites, increasing density, but also promotes the
formation of BaM as a minor phase impurity [424]. The effect of a Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) additive on the
complex permeability and permittivity of Co0.4Zn0.6Z was investigated in the range of 1 MHz-1 GHz.
1282 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
BST is a dielectric perovskite used in many electronic applications at MW frequencies, e.g. as a capac-
itor or frequency filter, and it has a very high er of 1000 [425]. At levels of 0.1–1.5 wt.% both perme-
ability and permittivity were improved, but the BST also encourages grain growth. This paper appears
to report e > 100 (as opposed to 10 for Co2Z) and l as high as 35 at hundreds of MHz, and a decrease
of the fr to <1 GHz. However, none of these samples appear to be pure phase Z ferrite, with either a
coexistence of the Y phase, or the higher levels of BST forming BaM and perovskite impurity phases,
which will have strongly affected the magnetic and dielectric properties, especially at higher frequen-
cies. Therefore, these results are not at all easy to interpret [426].
ME materials provide coupled magnetic and electrical phenomena. That is, a magnetic field affects
the electrical polarisation, and an electrical field affects the magnetisation. This can also affect non-fer-
roic properties such as permittivity, permeability or resonant frequencies, and can be via a direct stim-
ulus due to an applied field, or an indirect stimulus through the application of voltage or stress. MF
materials have direct coupling between their ferroic properties (exhibiting reversible hysteresis in
an applied field), such as ferromagnetism, ferroelectricity, and/or ferroelasticity. ME and MF properties
often overlap, but not all ME materials are necessarily MF.
There has been an explosion of interest in such materials in recent years [427–429], as they have a
multitude of potential applications, such as:
However, to date much research has concentrated on single phase (MF) materials: a single material
that has both ferromagnetic and ferroelectric properties, with direct coupling between them. Unfortu-
nately, single phase MF materials are inherently very difficult to produce [430]. This is because the
conditions that lead to good ferromagnetic properties are opposed to those that lead to good ferroelec-
tric properties. The factors that create magnetisation (aligned spin of electrons) and dielectric proper-
ties (polarisation of atoms) do not tend to coexist. In most cases, single phase ME/MF materials exhibit
useful properties only at very low temperatures (<50 K), or very high applied fields (>1 T).
Another possibility is to study two phase ME/MF materials. In this case, a product property concept
is used, where the combined materials have a property (the ME coefficient, a, from ME coupling)
which does not exist in the individual materials. Therefore, there has been increasing interest in recent
years in ME coupling in composite materials composed of magnetostrictive and piezoelectric phases.
Such systems show strong ME interactions that are orders of magnitude stronger than in single phase
ME materials [431]. ME coupling can be caused either by magnetic or electric fields. The magnetic
phase of a composite subjected to a magnetic field adjusts its geometry to minimise anisotropy energy
(magnetostriction), and this will cause a strain that affects the polarisation of the ferroelectric phase
due to piezoelectricity, which can generate a current. In case of an electric field as a stimulus, a reverse
piezoelectric effect and an inverse magnetostriction (Villari effect) are responsible for ME output.
Thus, ME coupling is a product property of magnetostrictive and piezoelectric phases of the compos-
ite. Commonly the ME effect is quantified in two ways:
electrical mechanical
ME effect ¼ units of a ¼ V cm1 Oe1
mechanical magnetic
magnetic mechanical
MEII effect ¼ units of aII ¼ Oe cm V1
mechanical electrical
Here the ME effect is when an electric field is applied, and MEII is when a magnetic field is applied. CGS
units are still commonly used for a, although strictly speaking the SI units are s m1, where
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1283
1 mV cm1 Oe1 = 5.54 ps m1. More details on the complex measurement of these ME coefficients
can be found in work by the UK National Physical Laboratory and Oakland University [432].
Much work has been done on thin film composites, where strain effects between two nanolayers of
ferromagnetic and ferroelectric materials can demonstrate indirect ME coupling. However, direct cou-
pling measurements have proved problematic in such materials, and fully reversible MF phenomena
are found to be rare. Poor stoichiometry control and lattice mismatch inducing strain further compli-
cate thin films. The alternative is bulk composites, where both direct and indirect coupling phenom-
ena may coexist depending on the type of composite and intimate mixing at the micro or nanolevel.
Bulk composites could include thick films, tapes and bilayers, particulate-solution based coating,
fibres or nanoself-assembly.
Fig. 41. (a–c) 0–3, 2–2 and 1–3 type composite structures. (d) Calculated ME coefficient a33 for variation in fibre aspect ratio for
a composite of CoFe2O4 fibre (50%) in a BaTiO3 matrix. Aspect ratio of 1 = spherical particles, i.e. a 0–3 type composite. Modelled
using non-self-consistent approximation and micromechanics methods [436].
A ME composite made of CoFe2O4 NPs dispersed in a BT sol–gel made core@shell NPs, preventing con-
duction between the ferrite grains and maintaining a well dispersed ferrite phase, and this showed a
d33 piezoelectric coefficient 6 times higher, and a three times larger, than samples that were just
milled together [440].
There have been several investigations of bulk ceramic composites containing M ferrite and BT. The
component ferroic phases are well known for their excellent magnetic and piezoelectric properties
respectively. Pure BT exhibits peaks in er at 398, 273 and 183 K as it changes from cubic ? tetrago-
nal ? orthorhombic ? rhombohedral, with the largest peak in er around Tc of 398 K when it changes
from paraelectric (cubic) to ferroelectric (tetragonal) [425]. Although this effect is greatly reduced in
the composites, peaks can clearly be seen in the plots at all frequencies around 400 K (Tc of BT) indi-
cating that the composites have still retained a degree of ferroelectricity. This allows for the possibility
of some kind of ME coupling by applying a voltage to the dielectric, or changing permittivity by apply-
ing a magnetic field.
Srinivasan et al. have investigated BaM – lead zirconium titanate (PZT) bilayer single crystal het-
erostructures, which exhibited FMR at 50 GHz under a field of 0.6 T, with a narrow peak width of
1 MHz with a quality factor of 50,000. This peak could be tuned to slightly higher frequencies with
the application of a voltage (a shift of +8 MHz with 10 kV cm1), and an increase in absorption
[441]. This represented a ME coupling (df/E) of 0.8 MHz cm kV1. However, this was much smaller
than the calculated ME coupling coefficient of 22 MHz cm kV1, and only represented a total shift of
80 ppm of the 50 GHz frequency. This ME coupling was strain-mediated by the piezoelectricity of
the PZT. Aluminium substituted M ferrite-PZT bilayers were also investigated, using BaAl2Fe10O19 sin-
gle crystals. These showed FMR at 100 GHz, and exhibited a similar tuneability of 8/+6 MHz with
an applied voltage of /+8 kV cm1, albeit with a higher applied field of 1 T [442]. The same team
have also recently investigated SrM, SrAl0.8Fe11.2O19 and SrAl1.2Fe10.8O19 – PZT bilayer composites,
and found that while with SrM there is almost no induced ME voltage with magnetic field, with
increasing Al3+ substitution the ME coupling increases greatly, at reasonably low fields of 0.2 T, giving
induced ME voltages of >2.5 mV for SrAl1.2Fe10.8O19 [443]. This resulted in a ME coupling coefficient of
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1285
8 mV cm1 Oe1 for both AC and DC magnetic fields. They also found that unlike the other bilayers,
these samples all showed a linear ME response in both AC and DC magnetic fields, as long as these
fields were applied in the plane of the uniaxial M ferrite crystal. This could allow the development
of dual AC/DC magnetic field sensors.
Srinivas et al. have recently reported BaM-BT composite ceramics made from mixed powders
sintered at 1300 °C/5 h. These were made with varying ratios of BaM:BT, and there was no indi-
cation of the phases reacting. As the ferrite content increased the conductivity increased, polari-
sation decreased, Ms increased, and Hc decreased slightly, and the ferroelectric hysteresis loop
also became more narrow and less well defined. ME coupling was measured, and although it de-
creased greatly with increasing BaM, for 25% BaM-75% BT the ME output was 1.45 mV with fields
between 0.6 and 10 T [444]. The ME output vs. applied field was non-linear, and showed a hys-
teresis when the field was reversed (Fig. 42a). The authors claim that this non-linear ME effect is
evidence of a MF property with composition up to 40% BaM via a piezoelectrically-induced polar-
isation, at room temperature, but with a large (>0.5 T) applied magnetic field. P was 3.48 and
2.54 lC cm2, with a remnant polarisation of 0.59 and 0.39, and coercive electrical fields of
4.47 and 2.35 kC cm1, for the ferroelectric hysteresis loops of the 20% and 40% BaM composi-
tions, respectively [445].
BaM-BT composite ceramics were also investigated by Karpinsky et al. [446,447], who experienced
similar problems with the conductivity increasing greatly in BaM-rich composites. They studied the
samples by PFM and MFM, and showed the piezoelectric hysteresis loops of the composites
(Fig. 42b), although greatly reduced compared to pure BT, were still evident, and measured a greatly
decreased peak in er around the Tc of BT at 400 K in 10% BaM samples. The Ms of BaM was diluted as
expected by BT, with little effect on Hc. They demonstrated that an electrical field of 25 V applied over
an area of 2 lm2 resulted in a change in the magnetic phase map obtained by MFM. This represented a
magnetic domain wall movement of 100 nm, around the domain size of BaM, a stress mediated effect
from the piezoelectric–magnetic coupling of the BaM-BT, and yielded a low ME coupling coefficient of
0.1 mV cm1 Oe1 for the 50% BaM sample. Subsequent work by the authors on BaM-BT and SrM-BT
ME composites is on-going, and has shown MFM evidence of changes in the magnetic properties of a
BaM grain when a voltage is applied locally to a specific neighbouring piezoelectric grain (Fig. 42c),
proving there is local nanoscale ME coupling between the two. These experiments were all carried
out, and ME coupling demonstrated, at room temperature and with no applied magnetic fields
In studies on Co2Z ferrite sintered in air at high temperature (1300 °C/6 h) to encourage oxygen
deficiency as Fe3+ ? Fe2+, it was found the Z ferrite can become semiconducting with a very high me-
tal-like e0 of >1500 below the dielectric resonance that occurs at 200 MHz, beyond which permittivity
turns negative due to its high conductivity. A substitution of Fe3+ by Zn2+ increased conductivity, e0 and
the degree of dielectric resonance (still at 200 MHz), as Zn3+ formed preferentially at some iron sites,
increasing the amount of Fe2+ and hence its semiconductivity. When combined with YIG (yttrium iron
garnet) in a two-slab composite material (YIG having a negative permeability around the FMR fre-
quency, which can be increased from 2.9 and 3.9 GHz by applying an increasing magnetic bias), a
potentially very interesting left-handed material with both negative permeability and permittivity
was produced between 2.7 and 3.7 GHz, when a field of 42–67 kA m1 was applied [415]. Such left
handed materials have potential applications in novel MW and optical devices, and more interest in
similar meta materials (e.g., negative refractive index materials) based on hexaferrites is sure to devel-
op in the future. A two slab composite of Co2Z – PMN-PT (lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate,
PbMg0.33Nb0.67O3–PbTiO3, a mixed perovskite ferroelectric/piezoelectric) has also been made. With
an applied electrical field of 6 kV cm1, it exhibited a permeability change of 16%, measured from
an induced magnetic field of 0.0038 T, giving a tuneability of 2.7% per kV cm1. This should induce
a similar magnitude change in the FMR frequency, although this was not demonstrated in the article.
However, it was shown that when the electric field was applied to the PMN-PT slab there was a small
increase in the FMR line width of +2.6%, and a decrease in FMR field from 0.084 to 0.080 T, showing
that there was piezoelectric-magnetostrictive ME coupling between the two slabs. This was calculated
to equal an FMR tuneability of 41.6 MHz/kV cm1 [448].
1286 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 42. (a) ME output vs. applied magnetic field for (B) 25% BaM–75% BT, (C) 50% BaM–50% BT and (D) 75% BaM–25% BT
composites by Srinivas et al. [444]. (b) Piezoelectric hysteresis loops of BT, 90%BT–10% BaM and 50% BT–50% BaM composites
measured by PFM by Karpinsky et al. [447]. (c) MFM images showing change in magnetic phase before and after a neighbouring
BT grain was locally poled with 90 V, 700 nm from the grain boundary with BaM. The black and red signals show the change
induced in magnetic order by poling, measured along the lines on the MFM images. Previously unpublished results by D.V.
Karpinsky, R.C. Pullar and A.L. Kholkin.
Fig. 43. The Ba2Zn2Fe12O22 structure, showing the iron and zinc polyhedra and the sites of the large barium cations (black
spheres). The arrows indicate directions and magnitude of parallel spins in the collinear ferromagnetic structure. The magnetic
S and L blocks are shown on the left of the structure. The S block contains the barium irons and iron tetrahedra, while the L block
contains no barium and zinc tetrahedra. However, ordering normally occurs in which an amount of iron and zinc swap
tetrahedral sites, to give FecZn1c in the S block and ZncFe1c in the L block. The standard physical structure S and T blocks of Y
ferrite are indicated on the right of the structure [451].
magnetic superexchange interactions), which are present in all hexaferrites. This long-range helical
magnetic ordering occurs in other types of crystal as well, but so far the hexaferrites are unique in that
this can occur at RT, and the review by Kimura gives more details of these non-collinear spiral magnets
[449]. Note that these materials may not strictly be ferroelectric (and therefore are not strictly MF),
although a MF phase plays a key role in the magnetic-field induced polarisation – it may be better
thought of as a ME response driven by phase competition. They could be called ‘‘spin-driven ferroelec-
trics’’. The direction of the induced polarisation can be switched through a magnetoelectric annealing
procedure, an effect suggesting a potential application as an unusual non-volatile, low-power memory
device. If such an effect can be achieved at low applied fields, this behaviour could be potentially used
as either a magnetically rewritable ferroelectric memory, or an electrically rewritable magnetic
The first hexagonal ferrite that was discovered, by Kimura et al. in 2005, to be a single phase MF
material was single crystal Ba2xSrxZn2Fe12O22Y ferrite [360]. This was previously described by
Momozawa et al. as consisting of alternate layers of two kinds of magnetic spin blocks, the S block
which contains barium or strontium atoms, and the L block which does not (Fig. 43 and Fig. 44a)
[450]. Within these blocks the Fe spins are collinear. When x = 0, in Ba2Zn2Y, the material shows a nor-
mal collinear ferrimagnetic order, in which the effective magnetic moments of the S and L blocks (lS
and lL) are parallel and oppose each other at 180° (as in no. [5] in Fig. 44c). However, as Sr2+ replaces
the larger Ba2+, the superexchange interactions across the S and L block boundaries of the Y ferrite
structure alter, and a non-collinear magnetic structure develops for values of x = 1.0–1.6, in which
the angle between lS and lL is less than 180°. In the Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22 (x = 1.5, BSZY) ferrite, the
angle between the moments is actually 83.4° at 8 K, increasing with temperature until it becomes
180° by 319 K, as indicated by [1] in Fig. 44b and c. At values of x > 1.6, a collinear antiferromagnetic
order with equal antiparallel moments exists. It was also discovered by Momozawa et al. that this
helical spin structure could be modulated by the application of a magnetic field B perpendicular to
the c-axis, changing through several intermediate commensurate magnetic spin phases until finally
becoming a collinear ferromagnetic structure at B = 2.2 T (at 8 K) [450]:
Helical ! Intermediate I ! Intermediate II ! Intermediate III ! Collinear
00:025 T 0:070:11 T 0:180:3 T 0:32:2 T >2:2T
1288 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 44. (a) Schematic crystal structure of Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22, where S and L refer magnetic structure blocks of the Y ferrite.
The pink lines show weak antiferromagnetic coupling between Fe(4) and Fe(5) via superexchange, and the inset box shows
competing strong and weak superexchange mechanisms. (b) Magnetic phase diagram. Grey area corresponds to phase
boundaries. Field B applied perpendicular to the c-axis. (c) Proposed models for the evolution of magnetic structures by
applying B perpendicular to the c-axis [450]. The long and short arrows indicate lL and lS, respectively. The numbers below
each model corresponds to those of the magnetic phases in (b). X represents the Néel temperature of 326 K. Reproduced from
Kimura et al. [360].
The exchange interaction between the S and L blocks is weak and, as a consequence, the relative direc-
tions of the total spins of the blocks change with the external magnetic field and with temperature,
leading to a complex magnetic phase diagram. The B–T magnetic phase diagram between 8 K and
300 K derived by Kimura et al. [360] is shown in Fig. 44b, and the magnetic spin structures for each
phase proposed by Momozawa et al. [450] are shown in Fig. 44c. It is important to note that the heli-
cal, intermediate II and III, and collinear phases are all obtainable at room temperature.
Of course, this in itself would not make BSZY a MF material, but Kimura et al. reported a clear hys-
teretic relationship between changes in magnetisation, magnetocapacitance (De), ME current (JME)
and electrical polarisation (P) with a change in applied magnetic field B (Fig. 45) [360]. This was par-
ticularly apparent for the phase changes between the intermediate II–III phases at 0.3 T (large peaks in
De and JME) and the intermediate III-collinear phases at 2.2 T (smaller peaks in De and JME), and a very
large peak in P of 150 lC m2 for the intermediate III phase (at 1 T, 10 K). Furthermore, after poling
with E = 220 kV m1 to measure P, the polarisation was retained even in the absence of an applied
electrical field E, and the sign of P could be reversed by poling an opposite E, thus demonstrating a
ferroelectric-like switchable polarity when a magnetic field B = 0.3–2.2 T was also applied, and the
intermediate III phase was present. These properties were also measured with temperature, and while
in general they decreased with increasing temperature, De showed a maximum at 50 K and P at 30 K,
and the field B at which the peaks occurred increased with temperature, requiring B = 1 T at 130 K to
induce the ferroelectric-like intermediate III phase.
Although it can be seen in the magnetic phase diagram that the intermediate III phase should be
present at room temperature at applied fields of B = 0.8–1.2 T, spontaneous P was measureable only
up to 110 K. Above this temperature conductivity became too great to permit poling by E, but magnet-
ocapacitive measurements showed that the ferroelectric-like phase can exist up to over 300 K. BSZY
also displayed an additional type of ME coupling, magnetically rotatable ferroelectric polarisation.
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1289
Fig. 45. (a) M, (b) De, (c) JME, and (d) P of Ba0:5Sr1:5Zn2FeY as a function of B at 10 K. (e–g) Expanded views of a potion of (a–c),
respectively. (h) Schematic experimental configurations. Measured at 10 K. For the measurement of JME (ME current),
E = 220 kV m1 was continuously applied during the measurement to keep the crystal as single ferroelectric domains in the
intermediate phases [360].
The direction of P was perpendicular to both B and the c-axis, and the polarisation could be rotated
continuously in the hexagonal plane by changing the direction of B. This was also demonstrated by
rotating B (1.1 T) through 30° steps in the plane, starting with it perpendicular to E (which was also
in the plane), where P had a maximum value of 150 lC m2. As B was through 90° so it was parallel
to E in the plane, P was reduced to zero, and changed to 150 lC m2 when at 180 ° to E [360]. This
continuous rotation of P using B provides the interesting possibility of novel devices based on a mag-
netically controlled electro-optical response, analogous with liquid crystals where the polarisation
direction is controlled by E.
Ab initio–calculated exchange interactions showed that the magnetism in BSZY is highly sensitive
to the Fe and Zn ion distributions, and as a result the region of existence of the non-collinear spin
structures, and hence of ferroelectricity, is rather narrow. Iron ions completely occupy four octahedral
sublattices, while two tetrahedral sublattices 6cT and 6cS are filled partially by zinc and partially by
iron (Fig. 43). The fraction of Fe in the 6cT sublattice is equal to the fraction of Zn in the sublattice
6cS, and the required value of this fraction, c, for the non-collinear phases to exist is 0.44–0.62
[451]. This is around c = 0.5, which corresponds to a random distribution of Fe and Zn, and if such con-
trol could be achieved, the authors suggest that ferroelectricity may be found not only for a single con-
centration of strontium, but in a much broader class of hexaferrites compounds. Chai et al. have
reported that the room temperature resistivity of BSZY single crystals increased by more than three
orders of magnitude (to 105 X cm) upon being subjected to an optimised heat treatment, that included
1290 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
post-growth annealing in a flowing O2 atmosphere at 900 °C/8 days, followed by slow cooling at a rate
of 50 °C/h [452]. This was attributed to the removal of oxygen deficiencies, and for ordering to achieve
a c value of 0.661. This reduced conductivity allowed them to measure De and P to over 300 K, and
they were able to chart the ferroelectric phase diagram as well as the magnetic phase diagram up
to the Néel temperature. While their magnetic phase boundary broadly matched that of Kimura
et al., they were surprised to find that the ferroelectric phase diagram did not match it at all at higher
temperatures – the low field ferroelectric phase boundary moved abruptly toward B = 0.01 T at 280 K
and remained there up to 310 K, until it disappeared above 315 K. This was assumed to be the helical
spin ordering Néel temperature, above which the ferroelectric phase ceases to exist.
This was an unexpected finding that the ferroelectric phase required very small applied magnetic
fields of only 0.01 T to exist above 270 K. Below 220 K, the magnetic and ferroelectric phases bound-
aries virtually coincide, even in the as-grown crystal regardless of heat treatment, but the phase
boundaries of intermediate III clearly deviate above 220 K and in the low-B regions, suggesting that
the ferroelectric phase becomes independent of the intermediate III phase near the spin ordering tem-
perature. The authors suggest that the ferroelectric phase in BSZY can be associated with a canted or
transverse conical spin configuration. At temperatures below 220 K, the intermediate III phase seems
to almost coincide with this canted conical phase. However, as the temperature increases, the spin
anisotropy required to confine the spin moments within the plane will be naturally weakened. In such
a situation, it is highly likely that the canted conical spin structure starts to appear at a much lower B
than the intermediate-III phase, explaining why the phase boundaries separate. This remarkable result
showed that in a resistive ferrite a single phase MF material could be obtained at room temperature
with a very small applied field of only 0.01 T.
Polycrystalline BSZY ceramics where made by Kamba et al. from a citrate gel, calcined at 1100 °C
and sintered at 1100 °C/72 h in air. They found that subsequent slow cooling at 6 °C/h between
1100 and 900 °C, followed by cooling to room temperature in 90 min, produced a ceramic with con-
ductivity several orders of magnitude lower than rapidly cooled polycrystalline samples or annealed
and slowly cooled single crystals [453]. This was attributed to reduced oxygen deficiency. Despite this,
the ceramics were still more conductive than the O2 annealed sample of Chai et al., and their electrical
properties could not be measured above 250 K. Consequently, their phase diagrams resembled those
of Kimura et al., the polycrystalline ceramics requiring a field of 0.5 T near zero K and 1 T at 250 K
to induce the intermediate III phase. The permittivity of the slow cooled ceramic increased greatly
above 100 K as metal-like conduction occurs, but this occurred at only 50 K for the other samples.
It was also found that if aluminium is substituted for iron, the ME properties of
Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12xAlxO22single crystals can be efficiently tailored by the Al-substitution level. As x
Fig. 46. Schematic illustration of the rotating magnetic moments in the L and S blocks of Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe1xAlxFe12O22for the (a)
helical (x = 0) and (b) heliconical (x = 0.08) phases under in-plane B = 0 T and 10 mT. k0 is the spin modulation wave vector
parallel to [0 0 1] [454].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1291
increases, the critical magnetic field for switching electric polarisation is systematically reduced down
to an extremely small 10 mT (100 G), and the ME susceptibility is greatly enhanced to reach a giant
value of 2 104 ps m1 at an optimum x = 0.08 [454]. It is suggested that this giant magnetoelectricity
occurs because the Al substitution progressively stabilises a longitudinal heliconical state, as opposed
to the helical spin phase seen in unsubstituted BSZY (Fig. 46). This has recently been confirmed for
x = 0.08, where a small amount of substitution by Al3+ reduces anisotropy to the benefit of ME prop-
erties, but more than 8% substitution causes too much loss of anisotropy [455]. The stabilisation of this
ferroelectric phase at near-zero magnetic field is one of the most important steps for the application of
these type of MF materials, and this was the first singe phase MF material that could switched at room
temperature by a small magnetic field. Nickel has also been substituted for zinc to make Ba2xSrxNi2Y
single crystals, and it was found that for x = 1.5, and to a lesser extent for x = 1.25, when a magnetic
field was applied in the hexagonal plane a non-collinear ME intermediate state existed between 10
and 250 K for x = 1.5. A large ME induced polarisation of 160 lC m2 was measured at 30 K for
x = 1.5 at a field of 0.3 T, but although the ME intermediate phase existed until 250 K, ME effects could
not be measured above 100 K, as resistivity became too high. By annealing the samples at 900 °C/
8 days and then cooling under O2 at a rate of 50 °C/h, a more resistive sample was made which had
measurable ME induced polarisation up to 175 K [456].
In 2008 the coexistence of ferroelectric polarisation and spontaneous magnetisation was reported in
Ba2Mg2Y, at zero applied magnetic field and below 200 K, by Taniguchi et al. [457]. There was also a MF
effect, as the reversal of magnetisation by a small magnetic field <0.02 T was accompanied by an electric
polarisation reversal, through the clamping of ferrimagnetic and ferroelectric domain walls. This was
attributed to a change from the collinear spin ferrimagnetic state (Tc = 553 K) to a non-collinear heli-
cal–spiral spin structure below 195 K, in which the spins rotate around the c-axis (the Sm and Lm blocks
in Fig. 47a), in a similar manner to BSZY. As can be seen in the Fig. 47c and d, both magnetisation and
polarisation exhibited stepped hysteresis loops indicating competing phase transitions with applied
Fig. 47. (a) Crystal structure of Ba2Mg2Fe12O22 projected along the b axis. Large green and small red spheres represent Ba2+ and
O2 respectively. Fe3+ and Mg2+ are randomly distributed in octahedral and tetrahedral sites. Lm and Sm are magnetic blocks, in
which magnetic moments of Fe3+ are collinearly aligned. (b) Temperature dependence of magnetisation along the b axis at
0.01 T in a field cooling (FC) process. (c and d) Magnetic field dependence of magnetisation (M) and electric polarisation (P) at
4.3 K in magnetic fields parallel to the b axis, respectively. In this figure the applied field B is labelled l0H. The inset of (c) shows
the M around a magnetic field of H = 0 T. P is parallel to the a⁄ axis. Blue closed circles in (c) represent M measured in the first B-
sweep after zero-field cooling (ZFC). P a is measured in E = 0 after poling by applying an electric field of E = 460 kV m1 [457].
1292 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 48. Magnetic phase diagram of Ba2Mg2Y with applied field B in [0 0 1] direction [458].
magnetic field, and there is a small Mr and significant P (25 lC m2) at zero field (B = 0). P increased to a
sizeable 100 lC m2 with B = 0.02 T at 4.3 K. It was shown that the ferroelectric-like switch in polarisa-
tion occurs in the plane of the crystal, perpendicular to the c-axis about which the helical magnetisation
is oriented, and it was suggested that the change in magnetisation character around 0.13 T was due to a
switch from the helical c-axis magnetisation to the direction of the applied field, as seen with BSZY [457].
However, unlike in BSZY (in which no spontaneous polarisation appeared at B = 0), this indicated that the
magnetic-field-induced ferroelectric-like phase of BSZY is stabilized at zero magnetic field by the sub-
stitution of Mg2+ for Zn2+. Not only can P be reversed by low B < 0.02 T, but it was also possible to perform
a sequential flipping of P by scanning B in the low field range, giving a reversible and reproducible var-
iation of P without noticeable decay in its magnitude over many cycles at 4.3 K [457]. This could lead to a
ferroelectric memory that can be magnetically recorded, though the low resistivity of their sample pre-
vented measurement of this polarisation flip above 30 K. Taniguchi et al. also demonstrated that P could
be reversed from 100 to 100 lC m2 by rotating B through 180 °, as with BSZY, and a field of only 0.25 T
was sufficient to achieve full reversal (at 4.3 K) [457].
Ferroelectric-like behaviour was also reported by Ishiwata et al. in 2008 at almost the same time,
also in single crystals of Ba2Mg2Y under a very low applied field of 30 mT (300 G), below 195 K [458].
They constructed a complex B–T magnetic phase diagram for Ba2Mg2Y from 5 to 160 K, and B up to 4 T
(Fig. 48), and identified several magnetic phase transitions. It is collinear ferrimagnetic below 553 K,
and adopts a non-collinear proper helical screw spin structure in the plane below 195 K (Fig. 49b). The
angle between moments on adjacent blocks is about 70° at 9 K. They also found a spin-reorientation
transition to a longitudinal conical state at around 50 K (Fig. 49c), still with zero applied field, which
showed up as the onset of a spontaneous magnetisation along the [0 0 1] direction, which continued to
increase with decreasing temperature. In addition to the proper helical screw state (and the longitu-
dinal conical state below about 50 K) at B = 0, there are four other kinds of magnetic phases which de-
velop with any applied field. Unexpectedly, three of them (FE1, FE2, and FE3 in Fig. 49) are ferroelectric
phases, and the other one (PE in Fig. 49) is a paraelectric phase, these phases being distinguishable by
observed plateaus in the magnetisation curve, with magnetisation increasing as the phases develop
with increasing applied field, B (at 5 K below):
Fig. 49. (A) Schematic crystal structure of Ba2Mg2Y. The magnetic structure consists of alternate stacks of L blocks (brown) and
S blocks (green) having large and small effective magnetic moments, respectively (lL 2.8 times greater than lS). Illustrations of
helicoidal spins (represented by arrows) (B) with proper helical screw (50 < T < 195 K), (C) longitudinal conical (T < 50 K), and
(D) slanted conical (T < 195 K and B 30 mT) spin structures [458].
The polarisation, P, increased linearly from low values at B 0 to 20 lC m2 for the FE1 phase, then
increased again linearly but much more rapidly from 20 to 65 lC m2 during the FE2 phase, before
forming a plateau of 80 lC m2 for most the FE3 phase, and collapsing to zero at the onset of the non-
ferroelectric PE phase [458]. Interestingly, they did not claim to have measured a polarisation at zero
field and 5 K, suggesting that the longitudinal conical phase is not ferroelectric, but as soon any field
was applied the ferroelectric FE1 phase developed. With further neutron diffraction studies it was
found that the unidentified FE2 phase region actually consisted of three heliconical phases, and that
at least two magnetic phases are able to coexist at fields below 0.5 T [459]. In Zn substituted single
crystals of Ba2(Mg1xZnx)2Y also investigated by Ishitawa et al., the anisotropy can be controlled, with
field and x dependent ME responses – as x increases, the field-induced polarisation decreases rapidly
to near zero at x > 0.3, Ms increases, and there is a change in magnetic anisotropy from conical to pla-
nar at x = 0.66, above which the collinear ferromagnetic structure dominates at all temperatures, as it
also does in field of >5 T for all values of x [460].
The third hexaferrite that was identified as a MF material is the Z ferrite Sr3Co2Fe24O41, or Sr3Co2Z
(SCZ). This ferrite was first reported and characterised by Pullar et al., who noted a strange 2-step room
temperature magnetic hysteresis loop (Fig. 37), for a very soft but highly magnetic ferrite [224]. This
non-monotonic, but graded or step increase in the magnetisation curve, up to a saturation magnetic
field, suggested that it is not a simple ferrimagnet at room temperature. The shape of the magnetisation
curve is actually very similar to that of BSZY, and this drove Kitagawa, Kimura and co-workers to inves-
tigate the potential ferroelectricity of SCZ in 2010 [366]. As they expected, SCZ had a similar helical–
spiral magnetic ordered state and a resultant magnetoelectric effect at room temperature, as the Z
structure contains the same structural components as the Y ferrite. A recent article has demonstrated
that the helical spin effect arises in SCZ through the same process as in the ME Y ferrites: That is, in
terms of the magnetic superexchange between two Fe sites crossing the boundary between the L
and S layers [461]. The Ba ions are near these two sites, and when Ba is substituted by Sr this changes
the Fe–O–Fe bond angle through this boundary, i.e. from 113° in Zn2Y to 118° in BSZY. This causes the
magnetic frustration which stabilises the helical spin states. In Co2Z this angle = 116°, but in SCZ it is
123°. Therefore, this angle is 5° larger in SCZ than in BSZY, and it is suggested that this may enhance
the magnetic frustration, stabilise it to higher temperatures, and increase its ME performance.
1294 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Kitagawa et al. made polycrystalline SCZ ceramics with standard ceramic techniques using stoichi-
ometric oxides, calcined at 1000 °C/16 h, isostatically pressed and sintered in air or O2 at 1200 °C/16 h,
and then cooled slowly at 60 °C/h. SCZ sintered in oxygen exhibited a low-field magnetoelectric effect
at room temperature, with an applied field of 0.2–0.3 T, despite the fact it seemed not to be a pure Z
phase, with some U and W ferrite present. This was because the O2 sintered SCZ had a resistivity of
1.3 109 X cm, enormously greater than the air sintered SCZ with a resistivity of only
6 103 X cm. A low P of only 10 lC m2 was measured at 300 K, peaking at B = 0.25 T, during the
phase in which the magnetisation curve increases more slowly with increasing field, between
B = 0.1–0.7 T. Even at zero applied field (B = 0), a small degree of polarisation remained at room tem-
perature, and er 16.7. The ME current also showed sharp peaks at these two values of 0.1 and 0.7 T
even at room temperature, as a magnetic phase change occurs, with maximum values of 4 lA m2 at
300 K, compared to 10 lA m2 for BSZY at 10 K. At 1 T SCZ became a pure ferrimagnet, but an applied
field of 0.03 T was enough to see a strong ME effect. The measured ME coefficient, a, exceeded
1 1010 s m1 below 0.04 T, and reached a maximum of 2.5 1010 s m1 with a very small applied
field of only 30 mT. The value of amax was more than 50 times larger than the coefficient of a linear ME
effect in Cr2O3. In the air sintered ceramic, a similar effect was seen, but only below 150 K, due to its
greatly increased conductivity. These authors also carried out a sequential switching of the electric
polarisation by oscillating the magnetic field B between 0 and 0.25 T at 300 K, with out any signs of
decay between cycles [366]. The sign of the ME signal can be determined by the sign of the polarity
of the switching electrical field, and the state of the system was maintained in the absence of any
applied electrical or magnetic field, showing promise for applications such as non-volatile memories
controlled and detected by an electrical field.
High frequency ME measurements have also been carried out on SCZ. On a polycrystalline sample
that was quenched after sintering to prevent formation of M, W or Y phases, and then annealed in O2
at 600 °C/6 h to increase resistivity (to 1.43 109 X cm), measurements where carried out up to
4 GHz. When an electric field of 5 kV cm1 was applied parallel to the direction of magnetisation, there
was an increase of permeability from about 3.75 to 5.15 at low frequencies, but by 0.5 GHz the change
in lr was minimal, and with no change above 2 GHz. When an electric field was applied perpendicular
to the magnetisation, a reduction in lr occurred of a similar magnitude [462]. This means that it would
seem that electrical tuning of the broad FMR peak observed between 3 and 4 GHz is not possible,
although non-ME magnetic tuneability would be expected. SCZ was also shown to have an electro-
striction of 7 ppm strain with an applied field of 10 kC cm1, and showed a more-or-less linear strain
response to applied electric field. It has also been shown by RT time domain THz spectroscopy of poly-
crystalline SCZ, that applying a magnetic field of only 0.1 T parallel to the polarising incident THz wave
increased THz absorption over the 1.3–6 THz range, with a particular increase around 5 THz [463].
Applying a magnetic field perpendicular to the incident THz wave had the opposite effect, lowering
the degree of THz absorption. An even greater effect (up to 200% increase) was seen with fields of
0.2 T applied to Ba2Mg2Y, but only at low temperatures and over a narrower THz range [464]. This ef-
fect, known as terahertz magnetochromism, demonstrates that potentially many hexaferrites with
non-collinearly ordered spins may exhibit such THz frequency resonance, irrespective of the presence
or absence of spontaneous electrical polarisation.
Given its structural similarity to Z ferrite, it is no great surprise that Sr4Co2U ferrite has also
very recently been reported as a RT ME material. It also has a cone of magnetisation at RT, and
is a very soft magnet. Highly resistive samples were made by sintering a sample in O2 at
1150 °C, and then post-annealing this at 1000 °C and cooling it down slowly over 24 h, all under
O2, to avoid Fe2+ formation. This gave a ceramic with a high resistivity of 4 G X cm at RT. The
electric polarisation was measured with a magnetic field of 3 T and a perpendicular field of
0.4 MV m1, and the magnetic field swept at 1 T min1. There was almost no polarisation at zero
T, but a rapid rise to 0.2 lC m2 (at RT) at a field of 0.2–0.3 T, and a decrease back to zero at fields
>0.8 T, when the magnetisation becomes almost saturated and the magnetic hysteresis loop closes.
Although two orders of magnitude less than the ME effect seen in Sr3Co2Z, at 73 °C the maximum
induced polarisation is increased to >0.5 lC m2 at 0.3–0.4 T [34]. Furthermore, this induced polar-
isation was close to zero at 80 °C, at which temperature the magnetic moment begins to rotate
towards uniaxial anisotropy. This shows that there may be many more ME and MF hexaferrites
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1295
Fig. 50. (a) The crystal structure and magnetic R and R⁄ blocks, the (b) aligned helical non-collinear spin structure in zero
magnetic field (H), and the (c) tilted and (d) transverse non-collinear spin structures when H is at 45° and 90° to the c-axis,
respectively, for BaFe11.95xScxMg0.05O19 (x = 1.6–1.8). (e and f) show the initial magnetisation (M–H) and curves and induced
polarisation (P–H), when H is at 90° to the c-axis, for x = 1.6. (g) the helical spin state phase diagram [465].
yet to be discovered, with the same ME mechanism, based on non-collinear spins in ferrites with
conical anisotropy.
An M ferrite has also been found to be ME/MF by Tokunaga et al., and it has different behaviour due
to its uniaxial anisotropy. The MF compositions investigated were BaFe11.95xScxMg0.05O19, because
scandium substituted BaM has already been seen to have longitudinal conical spin structures from
neutron diffraction at 77 K. Values of x between 1.6 and 1.8,were chosen, and a substitution of
0.05 Mg2+ was included to reduce conductivity by inhibiting Fe2+ formation. The samples were made
as single crystals [465]. The magnetic structure can be viewed as consisting of two blocks, R and R⁄
(Fig. 50a) With no applied magnetic field, the helical spins aligned along the c-axis, and the spins align
collinearly within each block, but interblock coupling is noncollinear (Fig. 50b). The half cone angle a
is 30° for x = 1.8. However, if a magnetic field is applied at an angle to the c-axis, the spins can exist
canted in a cone at an angle to the axis (Fig. 50c), called the tilted state, and if a field is applied per-
pendicular to the axis, the cones can be perpendicular to the axis (Fig. 50d), called the transverse state.
In all cases, the interblock coupling is non-collinear.
At higher temperatures up to the Curie temperature, the M ferrite has a normal ferrimagnetic struc-
ture. However, below a certain temperature, the non-collinear helical spin states in Fig. 50b–d appear.
For x = 1.6, the ferrimagnetic state undergoes a transition to the non-collinear states below 270 K, with
an associated loss in magnetisation, and the loss is much greater when the magnetic field is aligned
perpendicular to the c axis, due to the formation of these transverse helical spins. The maximum tran-
sition temperature is 370 K for x = 1.75, so this non-collinear magnetic ordering can exist at room tem-
perature. Unfortunately, the low resistivity of the x = 1.75 compound (3 107 X cm at RT) meant that
its ME properties could not be measured and poling was difficult, so all ME measurements were car-
ried out on the x = 1.6 compound. The magnetic (H) and electrical fields were applied at 90a to each
other, and both in the plane perpendicular to the c-axis. The initial magnetisation curves and H in-
duced polarisation are show in Fig. 50e and f, and it can be seen that at first polarisation increases with
H to a maximum, and then decreases to near zero as the magnet saturates. The peak in polarisation
can also be seen as a dramatic change in the magnetisation curve, e.g. at 0.5 T at 5 K, and both the
magnitude of, and H required for, peak polarisation decreases with increasing temperature. In this
transverse state, the polarisability is not reversible – once it is lost, it never recovers, and a virtually
zero polarisation is seen when H is reversed to zero in all cases (Fig. 50f). Above 250 K no polarisation
can be induced for x = 1.6, suggesting that the transverse conical state is less stable than that in the ME
1296 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 51. The different non-collinear spin structures at the domain walls of BaFe10.35Sc1.6Mg0.05O19 at (a) 10 K and (b) 30 K. The
M–H and induced P–H curves are shown, for (c and e) 10 K, and (d and f) 30 K. H was applied at 45° to the c-axis. In (c), the solid
red line is field cooled at 0.025 T, the dashed blue line is zero field cooled [465].
Y ferrites, due to their strongly uniaxial anisotropy. A helical spin state phase diagram is shown in
Fig. 50g. However, when H is applied at 45° causing the tilted state, not only does the polarisation
not decrease all the way to zero, maintaining a value even up to H = 14 T (5 lC cm2 at 5 K), but upon
reversal of the field there is still a polarisation, albeit somewhat reduced. Most strangely, between 20
and 30 K the direction of the polarisation changes from positive to negative.
This can be seen in Fig. 51, where M–H and P–H curves are shown at 10 and 30 K, with H at 45° to form
the tilted state. It can be seen that at 10 K P goes from positive to negative in a hysteresis loop, while at
30 K it forms a butterfly loop, always positive. The was explained as being because at 10 K the domain
wall has a transverse conical structure, and the spiral plane rotates with M. At 30 K, the domain wall
has a proper screw structure and never rotates, instead becoming ‘‘squashed’’ and then increasing again,
but always positive. This effect has not been seen in the other, hexaplana, MF hexaferrites.
9. Hexaferrite composites
To lower the coercivity of BaM while maintaining the high saturation magnetisation for use in mag-
netic recording applications, composite ferrites have been made, in which BaM is coated with 36 wt.%
nanocrystalline superparamagnetic particles of iron oxide, which have zero coercivity. The original M
ferrite had a coercivity of 271 kA m1 and Ms = 70.3 A m2 kg1, and after particles of d-FeOOH
(Ms = 19.7 e A m2 kg1) were added to the surface the composite had an Hc of 182 kA m1 but a much
lower Ms of 45.5 A m2 kg1 [466]. More successful was a coating of superparamagnetic magnetite par-
ticles (Ms = 62.2 A m2 kg1) which gave a composite with Hc = 117 kA m1 and Ms = 58.9 A m2 kg1
[467]. In both cases there must be magnetic coupling interactions between the two components, as
the composite values are less than the simple sum of the component values. It was also found that
in BaM with 36% magnetite the anisotropy had been moved to a preferred magnetisation in a cone
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1297
at an angle of 22° to the c-axis. This could be restored by using a mixed spinel CoxFe3xO4 to make the
composite with x > 0.25, and if x = 1 then Ms was increased to 65 A m2 kg1 [468].
A composite BaM/a-Fe material was made by reducing 100 nm sized BaM, with Hc = 334 kA m1
and Ms = 50.2 A m2 kg1. After reduction at 380 °C/4 h the coercivity had dropped to 39 kA m1 but
the Ms increased greatly to 97.2 A m2 kg1, due to the formation by reduction of a-iron. The paramag-
netic effects of the a-iron also interfered with the superexchange interactions of the ferrite, changing
the magnetic anisotropy from uniaxial to planar, moving through a cone at an angle to the c-axis at
lower reduction temperatures [469].
Mixed BaM/spinel ferrite compounds were also made from the glass crystallisation method at
800 °C, using the spinels CoFe2O4, NiFe2O4, ZnFe2O4, Co1xZnxFe2O4 and Ni1xZnxFe2O4. All of these
were found to increase Ms except NiFe2O4, and usually the higher the Ms of the spinel the higher
the Ms of the composite. NiFe2O4 has a lower Ms than BaM, and the sum of the compounds gave a low-
er net Ms for this material. The non-magnetic ZnFe2O4 was the exception, as the zinc ion prefers the
tetrahedral sites in the M structure to such an extent that they displaced Fe3+, raising Ms as a result.
The coercivity was also raised with increasing spinel addition, especially in the case of the very hard
CoFe2O4 [470]. The incomplete hydrothermal decomposition of BaM with a strong reducing agent re-
sulted in the decomposition of some of the BaM to Fe3O4 to form a composite with stacked single-
domain plates of the two ferrites, intergrown on a nanoscale [471]. The combination of their soft
and hard magnetic properties could be tuned by varying relative composition, with potential applica-
tions as magnetic hyperthermia biomedical materials.
Mixed ceramic phase composites of 20% Ni0.6Zn0.2Cu0.2Fe2O4 spinel ferrite in Co2Z were made, where
the two ferrites remained as discrete phases when sintered at 1020 °C/4 h with a density of 4.75 g cm3
[472]. This composite had a high permeability of up to 9 and FMR at around 1 GHz, despite the low sin-
tering temperature. An in situ composite composed of ceria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals
(Ce-TZP) and La{Co0.5Fe0.5(Fe0.9Al0. 1)11}O19 was synthesised from a powder mixture of Ce-TZP,
La(Fe0.9Al0.1)O3, Fe2O3, Al2O3, and CoO [473]. The dense Ce-TZP dispersed with plate-like La{Co0.5Fe0.5
(Fe0.9Al0. 1)11}O19 crystals as a second phase were formed after sintering from 1250° to 1350°C. The sat-
uration magnetisation of the insitu composite Ce-TZP/La{Co0.5Fe0.5(Fe0.9Al0. 1)11}O19 was proportional to
the mass fraction of the hexaferrite second phase in Ce-TZP. The coercivity of the composite with a 20
mass% of second phase decreased from 728 to 201 kA m1 after the pulverisation of the composite.
Although not exactly composites, highly porous BaM foams have been made, with the aim of filling
the 0.5–1 mm pores with another material (semi- or superconductors, polymers, etc.) to form a hybrid
structure. Unfilled foams are also light weight, and have low thermal expansion and conductivity. The
foams were made using the replication technique, in which a 50% porous polyurethane foam was filled
with a slurry of oxides as a template, and then removed by pyrolysis in air (650 °C). The samples were
then sintered at a very high temperature of 1400 °C/2 h, and compact samples made at the same temper-
ature for comparison [474]. Pure BaM phase was made, and the sample consisted of vey large grains,
many around 10 lm, but some over 100 lm in diameter, as DGG had occurred at the high temperatures,
although apparently with no decomposition of the BaM phase (Fig. 52d). Foams were made with 30 and
80 pores in.1, and the pores were all interconnected, with few cracks in the struts. In the foam with
30 pores in.1, the pores were 0.5–1 mm wide, with a porosity of 90 vol.%, and the grains were of a sim-
ilar size to the compact (Fig. 52a and b). In the foam with 80 pores in.1, the pores were 0.1–0.3 mm wide,
and it had a porosity of 85 vol.% [475]. The magnetisation loops of the foams and the compact are shown
in Fig. 52f, and if can be seen that they all had quite high Ms values of 63 and 55 A m2 kg1 for the compact
and foams respectively, but low Hc and Mr values due to the large grain growth in all samples. The two
foams were almost identical, with Hc = 64 kA m1, slightly larger than the compact due to the open
structure hindering superexchange coupling. Foams were also made at the slightly lower temperature
of 1300 °C using a B2O3 sintering aid, and Hc was increased to 167 kA m1 with 0.5 wt.% B2O3 [476].
Ferrite-polymer composites have their attractions, as apart from ease of manufacture and forming
into shapes, the polymer can reduce dielectric loss, especially at low frequencies, while having little
effect on MW absorption and FMR. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF (–CH2CF2–), e = 5 at 10 MHz) is a
1298 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 52. SEM images of BaM foams sintered at 1400 °C/2 h with (a and b) 30 pores in.1 and (c) 80 pores in.1, and (d) the
sintered BaM compact [474,475]. (e) Photograph of a 4 cm block of the sintered BaM foam [474]. (f) Magnetisation curves for
the compact and foams sintered at 1400 °C [475].
Table 14
Changes in e0 , dielectric loss (tan de), l0 , magnetic loss (tan dl), ratio of e0 :l0 and miniaturisation factor (1/(lrer)1/2) for
polypropylene ER182-Co2Z composites [480].
1 GHz and permeability was 3–5 at 100 MHz with FMR occurring >1 GHz, with the lower values
being for the smaller sized ferrite particles [478].
SrM and BaM composites with polyethylene have been prepared by Lisjak et al., from stoichiome-
tric spray-dried oxides, sintered at 1150 °C, mixed with a 1/3 or 2/3 volume ratio with polyethylene,
and flame sprayed to make the composites. Ms decreased with composition as would be expected, and
Hc remained high in the composites, up to 190 and 318 kA m1 for the BaM and SrM composites,
respectively. er was 3 and lr 1 for all composites, and fr was around 45 and 50 GHz for the
BaM-2/3 and SrM-2/3 coatings, with an absorption of >80% for BaM-2/3 below 50 GHz [479].
Composites of Co2Z in a modified polypropylene (ER182) matrix were measured up to 1 GHz with
volume fractions between 20.6 and 43%. Although only measured from 10 MHz to 1 GHz, below the
FMR ff of Co2Z, it could be seen that l00 was rising towards a resonance at 1 GHz. The permeability
was low (1.35–1.5) in the composites at lower frequencies, compared to 12 for the bulk ceramic,
but l0 was approaching 2 at 1 GHz, and as expected it increased with increasing ferrite content in
the composite. The 43% Co2Z composite had low magnetic losses of 0.0085 at 100 MHz, rising to
0.077 at 1 GHz, compared to 0.6 for the pure Co2Z at only 100 MHz. Complex permittivity and dielec-
tric loss increased with increasing Co2Z content, and decreased with frequency, with no resonance
seen in the permittivity spectra. The measured values for the various Co2Z-polymer composites are
shown in Table 14 [480].
Polyanaline (PANI, –C6H4–NH–C6H4–NH–) is a crystalline conducting polymer, which also has
excellent environmental stability (about as reactive as silver), simple synthesis, and controllable con-
duction through variation of the oxidation state via doping. PANI is also ferromagnetic, with a low
Ms = 5.3 A m2 kg1 and a reasonably hard magnetic Hc = 153 kA m1 [481]. This obviously makes it a
very interesting polymer for making hexaferrite composites. BaM NPs were reacted with PANI in a
one step process, to make PANI-coated BaM particles around 200 nm diameter. As the amount of PANI
increased relative to BaM, the Ms reduced as expected, but the reflection losses of the PANI-BaM com-
posites could be tuned between 7 and 16 GHz by varying the thickness of the PANI layer [482]. 300 nm
SrM and SrFe122x(ZnZr)xO19 particles have been coated with PANI shells to make composite particles
of about 0.5–1 lm diameter. Their magnetic properties were dominated by the M ferrite cores, so
although Ms decreases greatly with PANI content, the composites maintain a hard magnetic nature
[483]. BaM-BT/PANI composites have also been made, based on 50:50 wt.% mixtures of BaM and
BT. It was shown that the composite had electronic transition and interaction between the ceramics
and PANI components, and that the PANI affected the MW absorption of the ceramics, lowering the
frequencies slightly of the absorption peaks, and increasing the degree of absorption compared to just
the mixed ceramics, at around 8 and 32 GHz. However, the most interesting result was that the com-
posite material masked the detection of heat signatures on IR thermal imaging. A plate coated with
various materials was placed in front of a black body at a point where the temperature was
1000 °C, and the thermal image was taken at mid-wave IR (3.5 lm) and long-wave IR (8–12 lm).
As can be seen in Fig. 53, the PANI and individual ceramics, while better than polyethylene, had little
effect on the heat signature, whereas both the mixed ceramics by themselves, and the ceramic/PANI
composite, had a great effect, lowering both peak and average temperature signals considerably [484].
The effect was slightly better for the composite than for the mixed ceramics. This was due to an ME
effect from the mixed ceramics and the composite dissipating the IR energy, and give rise to the pos-
sibility of simultaneous MW and thermal shielding and stealth capabilities in such ME materials.
1300 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 53. (a) Mid-wave IR (3–5 lm) and (b) long-wave IR (8–12 lm) thermal images of polyethylene (PE), PANI, individual BT
and BaM ceramics, a mixed 50–50 wt.% BaM-BT ceramic, and a BaM-BT/PANI composite. The value in parentheses is the
maximum and average temperature in °C [484].
The first report to combine CNTs with hexaferrites to enhance the magnetic properties of the hexa-
ferrites was by Shakirzianov et al. in 2009 [485]. They showed that a composite of 70% Sc-doped BaM
in a dielectric polymer with a small amount of CNTs absorbed at between 8 to 15 dB over a fre-
quency range of 10–23 GHz, and the CNTs also increased the attenuation bandwidth. SrM coated
MWCNTs were made in 2010 by firstly treating the MWCNTs in nitric acid to modify their surface,
and then mixed with nitrates (Fe:Sr = 11.5) and combusted via a citrate route. The obtained powders
were then calcined at 850 °C/2 h, and the single phase SrM particles were 10–30 nm in diameter. With
higher concentrations of MWCNTs the SrM formed along the nanotubes, and as this increased the 1 D
aligned nature of the SrM, it also increased Hc slightly in the material [486]. No values were given for
the amounts of CNT used in this work. When CNT-BaM composites with different doping ratios were
investigated between 2 and 18 GHz, it was found that the microwave absorption properties of the
composite improved with increasing amounts of CNT. When CNTs were 6 vol.%, the maximum reflec-
tion loss of a 3 mm sample reached 30.8 dB at 10.5 GHz [487].
Ghasemi et al. have published several articles on hexaferrites-CNT nanocomposites since 2010.
MWCNTs were added to BaFe9Mn0.5Co0.75Ti1.5O19 NPs previously made by a sol–gel process as 2, 3
and 4 vol.% of the ferrite. Not surprisingly, the CNT decreased the Ms of the ferrite, both due to volume
dilution and induced surface strain effects. However, there was also a large effect on the MW absorp-
tion of the ferrite. The pure ferrite showed a 20 dB absorption bandwidth between 16.5 and 19 GHz,
with two definite resonance peaks around 17 and 19 GHz, of 37 and 42 dB, respectively [488]. As
the amount of CNT increased, the overall absorbance improved between 16 and 19 GHz, and the fre-
quency of these two peaks decreased slightly, but their magnitude increased greatly, to 56 dB with
4 vol.% CNT (Fig. 54a). This occurs because of a match between the dielectric losses from the CNT and
the magnetic losses from the ferrite. Similar nanocomposites were made with BaFe9Mg0.5Co0.75Ti1.5O19
NPs produced from a reverse micelle process (10–15 nm), mixed with 1–5 vol.% CNTs. These showed a
similar decrease in Ms with increasing level of CNT, but also a significant reduction in Hc with increas-
ing CNT content, which was not satisfactorily explained by the authors (Fig. 54b). These Mg substi-
tuted M ferrites also showed resonance at lower frequencies of 9–11.5 GHz, again with two peaks
around 9.5 and 11.5 GHz, but much lower absorbance of <10 dB for the pure ferrite up to peak values
<40 dB with 5 vol.% CNT [489]. A TEM image of these nanocomposites is shown in Fig. 54c. Ghasemi
has also reported MWCNTs coated with thin films of SrFe122x(Cr0.5Al0.5)xO19 [490] and
SrFe122x(Zn0.5Sn0.5)xO19 [491], also made from a sol–gel process, to give a uniform ferrite layer
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1301
Fig. 54. (a) Reflection losses (imaginary part of permittivity) for (c) BaFe9Mn0.5Co0.75Ti1.5O19 NPs, and (d–f) BaFe9Mn0.5Co0.75-
Ti1.5O19 – CNT nanocomposites with 2, 3 and 4 vol.%, respectively [488]. (b) Magnetisation loops for BaFe9Mg0.5Co0.75Ti1.5O19
NPs with 0–5 vol.% CNT [489]. Inset box shows an expansion of the central part of the loop. (c) TEM image of
BaFe9Mg0.5Co0.75Ti1.5O19 – CNT nanocomposite [489]. (d) SrFe122x(Zn0.5Sn0.5)xO19 coated MWCNT [491].
30 nm thick (Fig. 54d). These showed similar tends in magnetic and MW behaviour to the
SrM/MWCNT/PANI composites were made from citrate-gel-derived SrM sintered at 900 °C/4 h,
mixed with the other components in the ratio SrM:MWCNT:analine of 1 g:1–2 g:2 ml. The finished
composites consisted of either agglomerations of MWCNTs coated in SrM/PANI, with some agglomer-
ations of just SrM/PANI. The 10 nm MWCNTs were coated with an uneven layer of SrM/PANI, giving
nanocomposites between 20 and 40 nm thick, with a MWCNT core (Fig. 55). The magnetic properties
of these composites were very interesting, and are also shown in Fig. 55. The MWCNTS by themselves
were soft magnets with a very low Ms of 0.4 A m2 kg1, so small that above 0.3 T diamagnetism started
to reduce the magnetisation, and with no measurable Hc. The SrM was a good quality material with a
high coercivity, and PANI was as reported in Section 8.2. However, in the composite although Ms was
greatly reduced, partly due to SrM volume dilution effects, Hc was actually increased to 593 kA m1,
close to the maximum values reported for SrM. It was suggested that the PANI prevented the forma-
tion of large aggregates, and as a result the SrM became single domain at a dimension near the opti-
mum for maximum coercivity. The conductivity increased from 2.5 to 6.6 to 7.2 S cm1, as the
MWCNT content increased from zero to 1 g to 2 g, respectively, and the dielectric properties were poor
as a result [492].
1302 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Sample Hc / kA m-1 Ms / A m2 kg-1 Mr / A m2 kg-1
SrM 489.1 63.7 38.9
MWCNT - 0.4 -
PANI 152.4 5.3 -
SrM / 2g MWCNT
593.4 8.9 5.3
SrM / 2g
Fig. 55. TEM image of SrM/2 g MWCNT/PANI nanocomposite, and the magnetic properties of the nanocomposite and its
components [492]. The y-axes (M) of the magnetisation loops are not to scale with one-another.
SrM coated oxidised-CNTs were also made using a citrate gel method, to give a nanocomposite con-
taining 2 wt.% CNTs. With increasing reaction time at 80 °C (6–30 h), the SrM coating became increas-
ingly dense, uniform and smooth, helped by the prior surface treatment of the CNTs, and
ultrasonication to break the CNTs into shorter fibre lengths [493]. CNTs have also been used as a dis-
posable template to make 25 nm spherical BaM NPs, by filling the CNTs with a BaM citrate precursor,
which were then calcined at 1200 °C to obtain the ferrite NPs [494].
It has been shown that properties such as thermal and electrical conductivity, and magnetic, elec-
trical, optical behaviour can be enhanced in fibrous form [495]. The dielectric constant e⁄ of a fibre
composite material depends not only on the e of the two composite components, but also on their
geometry. The composite’s e⁄ can only be estimated, but if the geometry of the components is known
the estimate approaches the true value, and this rule is also applicable to other properties, such as
magnetic moment [496]. Dielectric properties are independent of the particle size or anisotropy of
the fibre material, but for other properties which are so effected, such as magnetisation, this must also
be accounted for.
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1303
If the fibres are continuous and unidirectional, purely independent material properties such as e,
thermal conductivity and density can be calculated from the rule of mixtures as purely additive. That
is, the composite density, qc, can be written as
qc ¼ V m qm þ V f qf ð9:1Þ
where qc is the composite density, qm and qf the matrix and fibre densities and Vm and Vf are the ma-
trix and fibre volume fractions of the composite. A property such as thermal or electrical conductivity
would approach the value of the most conductive material of the two, for example the metal in a me-
tal-ceramic composite or the ceramic in a resin-ceramic composite [497].
Similarly, if a stress was applied parallel to the continuously aligned fibres the elastic modulus, E,
will also behave in a purely additive fashion, unless the applied load is so large that the matrix de-
forms and a non-linear stress–strain curve develops [498]. In this case the less stiff composite compo-
nent contributes little to the elastic modulus of the composite, Ec, so for a fibre reinforced composite
qc ffi V f Ef ð9:2Þ
On the other hand, if the load is applied perpendicularly to the fibre alignment, each matrix compo-
nent acts independently, so in this case
1 Vm Vf
¼ þ ð9:3Þ
Ec Em Ef
Therefore continuously aligned unidirectional fibres produce anisotropic effects in directionally ef-
fected properties, with the strength and stiffness being highest parallel to the axis of alignment [497].
This has also been proved true for the magnetic permeability, l, of an aligned fibre, provided any
demagnetising effects between individual fibres are ignored, as it can be for a composite with a vol-
ume fraction below the percolation threshold (less than 15–30%) [499]. The permeability, leff, of a fi-
bre aligned parallel to an incident magnetic field can be calculated from
ðl 1Þeff ¼ V f ðl 1Þ ð9:4Þ
Whereas for a fibre aligned perpendicular to the incident field,
V f ðl 1Þ
ðl 1Þeff ¼ ð9:5Þ
½1 þ ðl 1Þ=2
The change in the magnitude of the property at a varying angle between parallel and perpendicular to the
axis of alignment is not a linear one, as can be seen in the varying strength of the layers in a 0°/30°/60°/90°
pile E glass reinforced epoxy composite, where each successive layer of aligned fibre is rotated by an angle
of 30°. The tensile strength in the 0° pile (parallel) is 7 times that of the 90° pile (perpendicular), but the
30° pile is only 2.5 times as strong and the 60° pile only 1.2 times stronger when the load is applied par-
allel to the 0° pile [497]. In the case of magnetic permeability, to get a good estimate of the total effective
permeability contributions from all alignments of the fibre must be added. If a fibre is at an angle to the
field it can be resolved into parallel and perpendicular components and the effective permeability will be
the sum of these components. It is clear that in a fibre at an angle of 45° degrees to the incident field the
contribution of the parallel component will be greater than that of the perpendicular component, so the
effective permeability at 45° will have a value closer to that for the parallel fibre [499].
For fibres randomly oriented in a plane, where the plane = xy, it is a more complicated case but is
has been shown [500] that e can be given, in the plane and perpendicular to it in the axis z, as:
2V f ðez ðef em Þ
ez ¼ em þ ð9:6Þ
ez þ ef
V f ðef em Þðef þ 3ex Þ
ex ¼ ey ¼ em þ ð9:7Þ
2ðex þ ef Þ
Therefore, the attractions of producing composite materials with aligned hexaferrite fibre components
are clear, for potentially directionally enhancing magnetic, and hence also MW, effects. This would
also apply to MF or ME hexaferrite or composite fibres.
1304 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
As shown in the previous section, it has been predicted that properties such as thermal and elec-
trical conductivity, and magnetic, electrical and optical behaviour could be enhanced in material in
fibrous form. This is because a continuous fine fibre can be considered as effectively one-dimensional,
and it does not behave as a homogeneously distributed powder or sintered monolith. Although the
intrinsic magnetisation of the material is unaffected, the effective magnetisation of an aligned fibre
sample should be greater when a field is applied parallel with fibre alignment compared to when ap-
plied perpendicularly to fibre alignment [495]. The permeability and permittivity of pure cobalt metal
fibres (at GHz frequencies, random alignment, 25 lm length) has been shown to depend upon diam-
eter, their values increasing as fibre diameter was decreased from 3 to 1.5 lm [501]. Short iron fibres
(2–5 lm diameter, 10–30 lm length), were shown to have microwave permeability and permittivity
values between 14% and 127% greater when aligned parallel to the applied field than when parallel to
it [502], and Nb2O5:TiO2 single crystal fibres were found to have permittivity many times greater par-
allel to the fibre axis than perpendicular to it [503]. Single crystal SrM nanowires were grown by
hydrothermal synthesis of NPs under a 0.35 T magnetic field, which resulted in nanowires 100 nm
diameter and 2.5 lm long. The nanowires had Ms values of 59.3 A m2 kg1, 36% higher than NPs made
without the magnetic field, but an identical low Hc < 120 kA m1 [504]. The Taylor–Ulitovski method
for the continuous fabrication of microwires coated by glass, known since the 1950s, forms glass-cov-
ered metal wires in a one-step melt spinning process, which have similar diameters to the ceramic
polycrystalline fibres – an excellent review of the initial investigations into the magnetic properties
of such wires has been published by Chiriac et al. [505]. Zhukov et al. have recently employed this
method to produce long, thin ferromagnetic microwires, consisting of a tiny metallic nucleus (1–
30 lm in diameter) coated by insulating glass-coating sheath (1–10 lm in thickness) [506]. The soft
magnetic properties obtained in these Fe- and Co-rich microwires was explained as a consequence
of the induced magnetic anisotropy, from the simultaneous action of large internal stresses and the
axially applied magnetic field. A stress dependent giant magneto inductive effect has been found of
600% in Co67.05Fe3.85Ni1.4B11.55Si14.5Mo1. 65 amorphous microwires, with nearly zero magnetostriction
and optimal geometry [507].
However, there has been little research into the electromagnetic properties of fine ceramic fibres
(<10 lm diameter), and the magnetic properties of hexagonal ferrite fibres were first investigated
by the author. Pullar et al. reported a series of ferrites in the form of polycrystalline, continuous blow
spun fibres produced rapidly and en-mass from a modified industrial process, not individually drawn
metal wires or gel fibres pulled from a viscous gel. The difference between wires and fibres is not easy
to define, but a good general definition of a wire is ‘‘a slender rod or filament of drawn metal’’. whereas a
fibre is ‘‘a specific form of chemically gelled fibrous materials manufactured into sheets, rods, tubes, and the
like’’. The fibres produced by Pullar et al. are in the form of a random ‘‘wool-like’’ mass, or as aligned
fibre blankets or sheets, they cannot be separated or produced individually, and are characterised only
as a bulk product. Consequently, magnetostatic interaction between the fibres, misorientation of indi-
vidual fibres, and shape anisotropy effects cannot be assessed for these materials, although work on
magnetic microwires [508] has shown that significant differences may exist between the properties
of individual fibres and blankets.
Pullar et al. reported the synthesis of a range of random and aligned hexagonal ferrite fibres, includ-
ing BaM and SrM [71,72,77,156,304], Co2Y [73,75,155], Co2Z [75,155], Co2W [74,75,155], Co2X [76]
and Co2U [76] hexaferrites, as well as haematite (a-Fe2O3) and magnetite (Fe3O4 spinel) fibres
[509], all blow spun from an aqueous inorganic sol–gel precursor. The fibres had diameters between
3–7 lm, and were collected as both continuous random fibres [357] and well aligned blankets (fibre
length >30 cm). Images of some aligned fibre blankets are shown in Fig. 56, and they all had an align-
ment of >80% within ±20°, the best being Co2Z with over 97.7% within ±20° and 75.6% within ±10° of
the fibre axis [75].
In all cases the gel fibres were smooth and parallel-sided, with linear shrinkage >25% and a weight
loss >45% when sintered up to 1250 °C. Although density was impossible to measure without destroy-
ing the fibres, their surface area reduced from >30 m2 g1 to <1 m2 g1 upon heating to 1000 °C, with a
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1305
Fig. 56. SEM images of aligned hexaferrites fibres by the author, showing (a) BaM sintered at 1000 °C, (b and c) Co2Y sintered at
1000 °C, (d) 0.67% Ca-doped Co2Z sintered at 1200 °C, (e) Co2Z fibres sintered at 1250 °C, and (f) Co2W fibres sintered at 1200 °C
(SEM image mislabelled). In (e and f) DGG has induced a waviness in the individual fibres but not compromised alignment,
corresponding loss of porosity, suggesting they were well sintered [155]. This was supported by the
SEM images, which showed that M ferrite fibres consisted of densely-packed micron-scale grains
(Fig. 57a), and the Co2Y fibres of randomly-oriented thin hexagonal plates (which often appeared to
be needles when viewed end-on), up to 5 lm in diameter at 1000 °C (Fig. 57b), which became thicker
hexagonal plates up to 10 lm diameter and several microns thick at 1200 °C. The Co2Z ferrite fibres
heated to 1000 °C consisted of a mixture of micron-sized BaM and micron-range hexagonal plates
of Co2Y (Fig. 57c), but with the formation of the Z phase at 1250 °C DGG occurred. This led to the for-
mation of greatly elongated hexagonal plates, which could be the width of the entire fibre and tens of
microns in length, but only 1 or 2 microns thick (Fig. 57d). This compromised the strength of the indi-
vidual fibres, but due to bonding between neighbouring fibres the resilience of the blankets on the
macroscale was still surprisingly good. The Co2W and Co2U fibres exhibited a similar degree of DGG
1306 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 57. SEM images by the author of the microstructure of hexaferrites fibres, showing (a) BaM sintered at 1000 °C (7000
magnification), (b) Co2Y sintered at 1000 °C (5000 magnification), (c) Co2Z sintered at 1000 °C, when it still consists of mixed
M and Y phases (2000 magnification), and (d) Co2Z fibres sintered at 1250 °C, where DGG has occurred alongside formation of
the pure Z phase (2000 magnification). Size of grains indicated by the scale bar. Note that (c and d) are the same fibres at the
same magnification, with just an increase in sintering temperature changing the microstructure.
Fig. 58. The alignment effects on magnetic properties of M ferrite aligned fibres [304].
at 1200 °C and 1250 °C, but the Co2X and 0.67 mol% CaO-doped Co2Z had no such DGG at 1200 °C, and
has maintained a much better fibre integrity.
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1307
The magnetic properties of random and aligned fibres were measured and compared, and as ex-
pected the random fibres had magnetic properties equivalent to that of powdered fibres or sintered
powders made from the sol–gel precursors [357]. For the aligned fibres, those aligned parallel to
the applied field had Ms values slightly higher than those of the random fibres, whilst fibres aligned
perpendicular to the field had Ms values 62% and 75% lower, for BaM and SrM respectively [304]. There
was no significant change in Hc between random or aligned fibres of any orientation, and fibres aligned
45° and parallel to H had identical hysteresis loops (Fig. 58). This non-linear decrease in Ms with
increasing deviation from the fibre alignment is a feature seen in other alignment-dependent proper-
ties of fibres (see Section 9.3). This effect may also be enhanced by the imperfect alignment of the fi-
bres, as although least 80% were aligned within ±20° of the axis of alignment, many were not aligned
directly along that axis, causing a spread of the alignment effect. There was virtually no change in Hc or
Mr with alignment (Fig. 58). As Mr varies greatly with orientation of domains, with the ratio Mr/Ms
being close to 1 along the c-axis in oriented BaM, but reduced to 0.5 in randomly oriented samples,
the individual grains were clearly not oriented magnetically, and the alignment effects observed were
purely due to fibre alignment, and not orientation of grains in the applied field. Therefore, properties
along the axis of alignment were superior when compared to measurements perpendicular to the axis
of alignment, giving a directionality to the magnetisation in an otherwise randomly oriented polycrys-
talline ferrite material (Fig. 58). The magnetic properties of other aligned hexaferrite fibres will be re-
ported in the near future.
Composites were successfully made of these fibres based on both polymer resin and paper matri-
ces. Many potential applications will involve the use of aligned fibres in a composite (aligned fibres
will also have a greater volume fraction than random fibres in any composite materials), and they have
potential applications in electronics, data storage, security and tagging (RFID), and EM wave absorbing
BaM fibres with a diameter of 6 lm were made by an aqueous citrate gel method [510], with or-
ganic spinning aids added, and 350 nm diameter solid and hollow BaM fibres were made by electros-
pinning, and then sintered at 700 °C [511]. Although these later fibres were aligned, they showed a
much smaller difference when Ms was measured parallel and perpendicular to the fibre axis, and they
had a low Ms of 50 A m2 kg1 due to their nanocrystallinity. The fibres were made hollow through a
two step heat treatment: in step 1, they were heated to 400 °C/30 min at a rate of 40 °C/min. This gave
a dense outer shell, and upon subsequent heating to 700 °C, Ostwald ripening causes outward mass
migration of the smaller inner crystallites to produce the hollow structure (Fig. 59). SrM nanofibres
have also been made by electrospinning, using poly (vinyl pyrolidone) as a spinning aid, to produce
random fibres. These were then sintered to produce SrM at 750 °C/2 h, with a grain size of 40 nm
forming a pearl necklace-like fibres between 40 and 100 nm diameter. These had Ms = 57 A m2 kg1
and Hc = 385 kA m1, increasing to Ms = 59 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 521 kA m1 with a grain size of
60 nm when sintered at 900 °C [512]. These were surprisingly high Hc values for such small domains,
and the peak Hc at 60 nm suggested that below this critical single domain size the SrM is starting to
approach the paramagnetic state. When these SrM nanofibres were substituted with La–Zn to make
Sr1xLaxFe12xZnxO19 (x = 0–0.5, calcined at 900 °C/2 h), as the grains size decreased with x from 50
to 40 nm, so did Hc from 413 to 219 kA m1 [513]. However, Ms peaked at x = 0.2, with a value of
72 A m2 kg1, considerably higher than the pure SrM nanofibres, but still with a much reduced
Hc 325 kA m1, due to the decrease in diameter to 44 nm. The same authors have also reported
Al3+ substituted SrAlxFe12xO19 nanofibres with an increased Hc of 617 kA m1 and reduced Ms of
25 A m2 kg1 for x = 2 [514]. It can be expected that essentially one-dimensional hexaferrites, such
as the micro- and nanofibres discussed above, will be of significant importance for the development
of functional micro- and nanodevices in the future.
Song et al. have published a series of articles in 2010 detailing he preparation of M ferrite hollow
fibres drawn from a citrate gel to produce fibres of 1–4 lm diameter, and up to 10 cm length, but not
as aligned blankets. 1 lm BaM fibres sintered between 750 and 1050 °C had grain sizes between 38
and 72 nm, surface areas between 38 and 22 m2 g1 and pores from 6.5 to 4.1 nm, respectively, and
the fibres sintered at 750 °C had Ms = 51.7 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 232 kA m1 [515]. They also made
BaxSr1xM hollow fibres sintered at 1000 °C, in which Ms and Hc decreased from 67 to 56 A m2 kg1
and 440 to 320 kA m1 respectively, as x went from zero to 1 (increasing Ba content) [516]. SrM hol-
low fibres were around 4 lm diameter, with the fibre walls being about 1 lm thick, and had a Ms of
53.5 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 387 kA m1 when sintered at 1100 °C/2 h. Again, these showed little variation
in magnetic properties when measured parallel or perpendicular to the fibre axis, but the fibres were
wavy and poorly aligned compared to those reported by Pullar et al. (Fig. 60) [517]. Song et al. made
SrM/Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 composite fibres 2 lm diameter drawn from a citrate sol–gel precursor, which
had submicron ferrite grains of both phases, and a composite Hc = 44.1 kA m1, Mr = 13.9 A m2 kg1
and Ms = 66.5 A m2 kg1 (Mr/Ms = 0.21) when sintered at 1150 °C [518] (see Fig. 60).
They have also reported SrM/SrSiO3 composite nanofibres made by electrospinning a viscous solu-
tion of nitrates and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS), with SrSiO3 content between 0 and 44 wt.% in the
fibre fired at 800 °C/2 h [519]. XRD patterns showed poorly crystalline SrM with an amorphous back-
ground, which grew larger as the SrSiO3 content grew larger, suggesting it was a non-crystalline phase.
The nanofibres were <150 nm diameter, with 50 nm grains in the pure SrM fibres (Fig. 61a), and a
Fig. 61. SEM images of (a) pure SrM nanofibres and (b) 38 wt% SrSiO3/62 wt% SrM nanofibres. TEM (c) and HRTEM (d) images of
SrM nanofibres with 44% SrSiO3. (e) RT magnetic hysteresis loops of SrSiO3/SrM nanofibres (% SrSiO3 indicated). Plots of
variation in Hc with (f) grain size and (g) SrSiO3 content at RT and 77 K for SrSiO3/SrM nanofibres. All fibres fired to 800 °C/2 h
decreasing grain size with increasing levels of SrSiO3 (Fig. 61b) down to 7 nm for 44% SrSiO3, observed
by HRTEM (Fig. 61c and d). The fibres with >32% SrSiO3 appear smooth and dense, with improved
mechanical properties. The magnetic measurements of the fibres are shown in Fig. 61e-g, and it is
clear that Hc decreases greatly with decreasing grain size (increasing SrSiO3 content). The fibres are
a hard magnetic materials between 13% and 32% SrSiO3 (Hc = 359 ? 200 kA m1 at RT) as grain size
1310 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
decreases from 25 ? 17 nm. Then, with 38 % SrSiO3 (14 nm) Hc reduces massively to a soft 16 kA m1,
and with levels of 41% and 44% SrSiO3 the fibres become fully superparamagnetic, with a greatly re-
duced Ms from 28 to 9 A m2 kg1, all at RT. This transition from ferrimagnetic to superparamagnetic
between 32% and 38% SrSiO3, representing a reduction in grain size from 17 to 14 nm, is even more
apparent in the measurements taken at 77 K. This shows that the critical domain size at which SrM
becomes superparamagnetic is <15 nm in these fibres, and the fibres with 44% SrSiO3 had a grain size
of 7 nm, Ms = 7 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 5 kA m1. It should be noted that the amorphous SrSiO3 phase did
not greatly reduce magnetisation more than would be expected as a compositional effect (Ms = 54, 38
and 31 A m2 kg1 with 13%, 24% and 32% respectively, at RT), but allowed a control over grain size, and
that these effects are largely due to the domain size of the SrM. Nevertheless, the chemical composi-
tion of the composite will also affect these results, which is why the critical domain size is so low here.
The same team recently reported dielectric/magnetic composite 1:1 SrTiO3/SrM nanofibres, also elec-
trospun, with diameters of 120 nm. These had excellent magnetic properties when calcined at 950 °C
[520]. Another group has made electrospun thermoplastic ester elastomer fibres were coated with a
SrM citrate-gel precursor and calcined at 800 °C to produce SrM microtubes and 200 nm diameter
nanorods, although these had low aspect rations after processing and no longer resembled fibres. A
Fe:Sr ratio of 11 was required to produce a single phase M ferrite without a-Fe2O3 as well, and the
product has low Hc values between 150 and 205 kA m1 [521].
For the purposes of this section we will consider nanoparticles (NPs)/nanocrystals (NCs)/nanoscale
artefacts to be below 100 nm in dimension, and disregard thin films, as this subject would be deserving
of a review all of its own. When at the sub-100 nm scale, the NPs are below the critical minimum domain
size for maximum coercivity, and Hc will decrease greatly with decreasing grain size as the domain size
at which the hexaferrites become superparamagnetic is being approached. Normally, any ferromagnetic
or ferrimagnetic material undergoes a transition to a paramagnetic state above Tc. Superparamagnetism
is the random flipping of magnetisation in single domain particles, which can happen if the thermal en-
ergy is greater than the anisotropy energy, and happens above a temperature known as the blocking
temperature (Stoner–Wohlfarth Theory). As this temperature increases with volume, in a particle that
is small enough it can come down to useful temperatures, e.g. below 273 K so a material is superpara-
magnetic at room temperature. In this superparamagnetic state, magnetisation can randomly flip direc-
tion so that it appears to average zero in the absence of an applied magnetic field. An external magnetic
field is able to magnetise the nanoparticles, which still have a large magnetic susceptibility so they can
show a significant magnetisation, but they will have no hysteresis and magnetisation will pass through
zero (i.e., Hc = 0, Mr = 0). Ms is also usually considerably smaller than for the ferrimagnetic form, as sur-
face effects dominate in such a small particle, and thermal fluctuations of magnetic moments cause sur-
face spin canting and non-collinear spin effects. Therefore, as the particle size decreases below the
critical domain size for maximum Hc, the blocking temperature decreases, and as the critical size for
superparamagnetism at a given temperature nears, Ms decreases and Hc approaches zero. Eventually
Hc will equal zero and there is no hysteresis, and therefore negligible Mr, as a truly superparamagnetic
state is reached. This should happen at a domain size of around 10–20 nm for BaM.
One obvious limitation of this is that superparamagnetic NPs cannot be used in applications that
require Mr, such as data storage, and this puts a minimum size limit on hexaferrites for such applica-
tions. However, superparamagnetic hexaferrites are still of great interest for other potential applica-
tions, where a switch between a magnetic ‘‘on’’ and ‘‘off’’ state would be required. Magnetic NPs above
the critical grain size for superparamagnetism could be used for high density information storage.
Nanoscale self assembly during synthesis or processing opens up intriguing new avenues for explora-
tion. Biomedical applications of magnetic NPs are constantly increasing, such as MRI contrast agents,
hyperthermia (heating targeted tissues with NPs under an applied magnetic field to between 41 and
46 °C to kill cancer cells), target drug delivery and cellular imaging. Several clinical trials have already
been undertaken using magnetic NPs to detect liver and lymph node tumours, as well as inflammatory
and degenerative diseases [522]. The NPs investigated so far for biomedical uses have been a- and
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1311
c-Fe2O3, Fe3O4,CoO and spinel ferrites. MgFe2O4 NPs with Ms = 15.3 A m 2 kg1 and Hc = 5 kA m1, and
diameters between 20 and 50 nm, have proved to be idea for magnetic hyperthermia applications
[522]. Obviously the high frequency properties and resonance losses of hexaferrites (generating local-
ised heat) make hexaferrite NPs interesting candidates for biomedical applications, although the prob-
lem of barium or strontium retention within the human body is an issue for in vivo treatments.
For BaM, the critical domain size below which Hc rapidly decreases as the superparamagnetic state
is approached is usually taken to be around 60 nm [523], although this can vary greatly with chemical
composition, morphology, strain and defects. In the SrM–SrSiO3 composite fibres discussed in Section 9
is was as low as 15 nm [519], and in SrM made at 15 and 40 nm Ms increased from 2.4 to 75 A m2 kg1,
suggesting the critical domain size is between these two values [524]. The BaM NPs with diameters of
50–100 nm, made by the enhanced microwave auto-combustion process in Section 3.9, had
Ms = 64.1 A m2 kg1 and a low Hc of 20 kA m1 [100]. The critical domain size is reported as being
around 90 nm for Co2Z NPs made from a stearic acid sol–gel, which appeared to be single phase
Co2Z at only 950 °C with Ms = 44 A m2 kg1 and a peak Hc of nearly 30 kA m1 for the 90 nm diameter
particles [525]. This decreased to 15 kA m1 when the size was only 60 nm at 850 °C, and the NPs still
appeared to be Z ferrite from their XRD pattern. Stearic acid sol–gel synthesised Co2X NPs with a very
small size of 20 nm had a very low Hc of 10 kA m1, which rose to a maximum of 27.5 kA m1 at a
size of 45 nm, after which it decreased linearly [82]. This suggests the critical domain size is around
50 nm for Co2X. Co2U NPs were also made by the stearic acid sol–gel process, and with a size of
50 nm Hc was a minimum of 20 kA m1 [83]. These results suggested that Co2U becomes superpara-
magnetic below the critical domain size of 80 nm [390]. However, these X and U NPs had a highly non-
stoichiometric surface, which will effect the magnetic properties of such small particles, and Ms in-
creased linearly with grain size, suggesting the surface effects were important. The stearic acid sol–
gel methods does appear to be a simple process for making relatively monodisperse hexaferrites
NPs, and the sizes of the Co2X and Co2U NPs were confirmed by three methods: TEM, XRD line broad-
ening (suggesting there were single NCs) and surface area measurements. Nanocrystalline single
phase SrM powder of around 10 nm diameter was obtained at only 250 °C from a sol–gel precursor
when fired in an oxygen atmosphere [179], and SrM NPs made from a microemulsion process
(Fe:Sr = 11) and calcined at 700 °C were 50–100 nm in diameter, with Ms = 55 A m2 kg1 and
Hc = 39 kA m1, although they still contained traces of a-Fe2O3 [526]. In a sol–gel technique with stea-
ric acid as the chelating agent, single phase BaM crystallised from the precursor at 700 °C, and 20 nm
NCs were formed using stearic acid which were superparamagnetic [154]. It should be noted that
many articles report nanoscale ferrites based purely on the crystallite size derived from the Scherrer
equation of XRD line broadening. This does not necessarily relate to the grain size, and only papers
with SEM/TEM or superparamagnetic evidence of NPs are considered here.
Hydrothermal synthesis is gaining interest as a relatively controllable way of making true hexafer-
rite NPs. The hydrothermal synthesis of an extremely barium-rich mixture of FeCl3:Ba(OH)2:BaCl2 in
the ratio of 1:3:3 were reacted at 140–200 °C/12 h resulted in some BaM NPs, which were separated
from Fe2O3 and hydroxide/hydrate compounds by washing with HCl. The average diameter (measured
by TEM) of the NPs increased from 9 to 15 nm as reaction temperature increased, and XRD showed
them to be single NCs [527]. The yield was also claimed to increase with temperature, although no
details of this are given and it is suspected that all yields were low, and after a critical reaction period
(>12 h) a significant grain growth occurred. The product consisted of the small platy NPs and larger
nanorods, 50 nm long, the proportion of which increased with synthesis temperature. However, these
two phases could be separated by centrifuging, and details are given of this process. The separated, as-
synthesised NPs had Ms = 10 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 18.3 kA m1 when 9 nm, and Ms = 15 A m2 kg1 and
Hc = 47.0 kA m1 when 15 nm. The volume of these NPs was 1 nm3, a similar dimension to the unit
cell volume of BaM, so surface demagnetisation effects dominated and greatly reduced Ms, but Hc was
still surprisingly large for such small NPs.
Several articles referred to earlier in this review mention the synthesis of nanopowders, or NPs but
with a wide range of sizes (large polydispersity). However, the really exciting developments in nano-
scale synthesis involve the wet synthesis of hexaferrite NPs or NCs using capping agents to limit the
reaction, and therefore the size, of the NPs. If such NPs are very monodisperse (little variation in size),
they will tend to self assemble as well. Barium and iron nitrates coprecipitated at room temperature,
1312 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
with polyacrylic acid (PAA) as a capping agent to limit particle size (ratio of Fe:Ba = 11), resulted in
highly monodispersed NPs with an average diameter of only 4.5 nm with a standard deviation of
0.8 nm. Pure BaM crystallised from the amorphous nanoparticles at 700 °C, to form BaM nanocrystals
between 23 and 34 nm in diameter that agglomerated after the burning off of the PAA. After heating to
800 °C the crystallinity improved, and the size range increased to 49–82 nm. SQUID measurements
gave Ms = 36.9 and 60.8 A m2 kg1 and Hc = 9.3 and 17.7 kA m1 for the nanoparticles heated to 700
and 800 °C, respectively, demonstrating that despite their high Ms value the nanocrystals were still
approaching superparamagnetic with a very low coercivity even up to 80 nm diameter [528]. The form
of the iron oxide precursor has also been reported as having a great effect on the size of the resultant
ferrite powder – when made from a mixture of BaCO3 and goethite (a-FeO(OH)) powders heated to
675 °C/1 h, 100 nm NPs of pure phase BaM resulted, with good ferrimagnetic properties
(Ms = 60 A m2 kg1, Hc = 358 kA m1, Mr = 0.5) [529].
To prepare uniform, monodisperse NPs, the nucleation and growth stages must be separated.
Therefore, after initial nucleation, a state must be reached where no new nucleation occurs, but a
Fig. 62. TEM images of (a) 50 3 nm BaM platelets synthesised at 280 °C/5 h [89], and well monodisperse BaM NP discs
<10 3 nm diameter synthesised at (b) 80 °C/24 h viewed from the top, and (c) 120 °C/24 h viewed edge-on showing the (002) BaM
planes, made by hydrothermal nanosynthesis [530]. (d) RT magnetisation curves of Ba NPs synthesised at 80–140 °C/24 h [530].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1313
process of continuous dissolution and reprecipitation on existing crystallites limiting the growth of
the crystallites. This final size can be controlled by the amounts of precursors, reaction conditions,
and concentration of the solution. Drofenik et al. have made well monodisperse BaM NPs with diam-
eters below 10 nm via hydrothermal synthesis, the first truly superparamagnetic BaM NPs reported.
They initially produced reasonably monodisperse hexagonal platelets 50 nm wide and 5 nm thick
(Fig. 62), from a c-Fe2O3-Ba(OH)2 precursor with Fe:Ba ratio of 4 and a low concentration of <1 wt%
in a sodium hydroxide solution [89]. This was heated in a sealed autoclave in a hydrothermal reaction
at 280 °C/5 h to form pure BaM NPs, which had a lowered Ms of 40 A m2 kg2, and an even smaller Hc
of 96 kA m1 than expected for their domain size, due to poor crystallinity. However, BaFe4O7 tended
to form if Fe:Ba <4, and a-Fe2O3 if >4, and they also found that when the solution was diluted to less
than 1/4 of the original concentration, BaFe4O7 formed as well. Having noticed that concentration of
the precursor solution had a great effect on particle size in hydrothermal synthesis, and that a large
excess of hydroxyl ions ðOH : NO 3 ¼ 30Þ drastically reduced the synthesis temperature, they then
discovered that the addition of a surfactant such as oleic acid (commonly used as a capping agent
in nanosynthesis) could arrest secondary recrystallisation and particle growth of the resultant NPs
[90]. Drofenik et al. have now optimised this process to such an extent that they can produce well
monodisperse NP discs <10 nm wide and 3 nm thick (Fig. 62) in an autoclave at extremely low tem-
peratures between 80 and 120 °C/24 h, with a sample concentration of 0.4 mol L1 Fe3+, in a highly
concentrated sodium hydroxide solution with a Fe:Ba ratio of 5, and no capping agents required
[530]. The highly basic solution encouraged the formation of the tetrahydroxoferrate (III) complex
ion, [Fe(OH)4], which tends to associate in iron-rich aggregates, and thus formed BaM in the correct
conditions, despite the highly non-stoichiometric mix. They also found that an increase in precursor
concentration had no effect on particle size, and suggested that the release of large amounts of OH
in the BaM formation process encouraged nucleation and growth of new BaM NPs, thus preventing
Ostawld ripening and grain growth. The NPs made at 120 °C were shown with TEM to be discs
7 nm wide and only 3 nm thick (Fig. 62), not much higher than the Ba unit cell (2.318 nm), with
the c-axis oriented perpendicular to the plane of the disc. TEM and EDS confirmed their composition
to be pure BaM, although XRD patterns had very broad or missing peaks due to their small grain size.
The NPs made at 80 and 100 °C where superparamagnetic, with no measureable Hc, and as synthesis
temperature increased to 120 °C the NPs began to have magnetic hysteresis and Ms increased from 2
to 10 A m2 kg1, still a very low value due to the domination of surface magnetism effects (Fig. 62)
Such monodisperse NPs can be easily coated in silica shells by the Stöber process (using hydrolysed
tetraethyl-orthosilicate, or TEOS), to create hybrid ferrite@SiO2 core–shell NPs. This silica shell is
Fig. 63. TEM images by the author of 80 nm ferrite NPs coated with a 10 nm shell of silica, to make 100 nm ferrite@SiO2 core–
shell NPs. The false colour image shows the silica shell (green) around the ferrite core (red).
1314 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
hydrophilic, biocompatible, and can be easily functionalised with a wide range of organic, metallo-or-
ganic, luminescent, biological and bioactive compounds, for applications in biomedicine and sensing.
The thickness of the shell can be determined by the conditions of the Stöber process (Fig. 63). BaM
nanorods were made by adding polymethylmethacrylate to a citrate gel of BaM, drying it and firing
it directly to 850 °C/1 h without a prior combustion stage. The as-synthesised material was claimed
to consist of nanorods 60 300 nm, although from the published SEM images it does seem that at
least some of these are hexagonal plates viewed sideways on. The authors explain a mechanism
whereby PMMA microspheres coated with a layer of precursor gel slowly decompose to gas over
230–430 °C, collapsing to an oval and then tubular shape under gravity as the volume decreases. Cer-
tainly the PMMA template does effect the morphology of the grains, as does changing the ratio of
PMMA to BaM [531].
It should be mentioned that present knowledge concerning the ecotoxic effects of nanomaterials is
very limited and needs to be investigated more fully. There are many fears in the general public about
nanomaterials, some justified and some not, and it becomes particularly relevant if hexaferrite NPs are
to have wide spread use, or be used in in vivo biomedical applications. Many materials are particularly
harmful to aquatic species. The toxicity of various metal oxides, ferrites (including SrM) and CNTs, was
examined and bioassayed across several taxonomic aquatic groups including decomposers (bacteria),
primary producers (micro-algae), as well as primary and secondary consumers (micro-invertebrates
and fish) [532]. Of all the materials investigated, SrM was the least harmful along with C60, and less
harmful than either CNTs or TiO2 NPs, for example. YIG, and Ni/Zn and Cu/Zn spinel ferrites were
all more toxic than SrM, especially to invertebrates. Most of the materials tested were toxic, but
SrM was only harmful (the lowest rating) at high levels of 10–100 mg/L to two groups tested (MARA
bacteria and H. Attenuata invertebrate secondary consumers), and was non-toxic to all the others,
including fish. This indicates that hexagonal ferrites which do not contain problematic TM ions will
be relatively non-harmful NPs in real-world applications.
Magnets are used in a multitude of applications, for example motors, generators, transformers,
actuators and sensors, information storage, mobile communications, transport, security, defence
and aerospace, diagnostic devices and to focus electron beams. The most used magnetic materials
are ferromagnetic metals and alloys or ferrimagnetic ceramics. Of the ceramics, by far the most used
are hexagonal ferrites, and some of their multitude of applications are shown in Fig. 64. The total num-
ber of patents and papers on hexagonal ferrites are shown by country in Fig. 65, and it can be seen that
US 58.0%
Total of 3012 Hexaferrites Patents
Japanese 22.0%
European 11.1%
World 5.1%
UK 3.8%
PR China 14.9%
USA 12.1%
France 8.3%
Japan 8.0%
India 7.3%
Russia + USSR 7.1%
Germany 5.8%
UK 4.8%
Iran 4.1%
Spain 4.0%
Italy 3.9%
S Korea 2.6%
Egypt 2.4%
Brazil 2.1%
Ukraine 2.1%
Czech Republic 2.0%
Mexico 1.8%
Romania 1.6%
Rest of World 5.1%
Fig. 65. Top, total hexaferrites patents broken down by Patent office, and bottom, total hexaferrites scientific articles, broken
down by country of authors (data from Scopus).
the US dominates the patents market. Some Asian countries such as China and Japan have been seri-
ously involved in hexaferrites research for decades, as was the Soviet Union. However, the newer rap-
idly emerging economies such as China, India and Brazil are becoming increasingly important players
(and in the case of China the major contributor) of research into hexagonal ferrites, driven largely by
mobile communications and defence needs, and are challenging the traditionally more technological
Western countries and Japan and Korea.
The best permanent magnets are made from alloys of rare earth metals, especially neodymium, but
due to increasing scarcity, and more or less a single source of production (97% of rare earth metals
come from China, and they have started to sell the higher cost manufactured magnets rather than
the raw materials), the cost of rare earth magnets has increased by up to 500% recently, and will con-
tinue to rise [533]. Permanent magnets made from hard ferrites are not as good as alloys, but they are
far cheaper and easier to make, and hexagonal ferrites are used in all of the applications mentioned
1316 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
above. Permanent ferrite magnets are usually made as either sintered magnets (a pressed ceramic
powder) or bonded magnets (made as a composite by extrusion or moulding) – see Fig. 66. Bonded
dust magnets, made of BaM in an elastic or plastic binder to make a plastoferrite (see Section 12.4)
which is easily workable and can be cut into any shape, are familiar to all of us as fridge magnets, both
on and inside the door. Magnetic materials for good permanent magnets need to be hard magnetically,
and resistant to demagnetisation. Therefore, they need to have stable domains, and must have a large
remanence and coercivity. A large, square loop with a high energy product is also preferable, so more
energy is needed to demagnetise the material. The M ferrites are ideally suited to such applications.
In the 1970s hard ferrites took the lead over alloys in world production, with 80,000 tonnes man-
ufactured in 1977 [143]. Common uses of ceramic M ferrite magnets are in loudspeakers, windscreen
wiper motors and other small electric motors, relays, clocks, magnetic separators, correction magnets
in cathode ray tubes, magnetrons, used to direct electrons into a spiral path and generate microwaves,
dynamos and holding magnets. In 1974, 65% of permanent magnets were used in the communications
industry (and 70% of those as loudspeaker magnets), 20% for brake coupling and sealing devices and
15% in dynamos and motors. Today the most common uses for hard hexaferrites are still as permanent
magnets in refrigerator seal gaskets, microphones and loud speakers, small motors for cordless appli-
ances and in automobile applications (a modern car may contain over 100 small hexaferrite-based
motors and sensors). For this reason, M hexaferrites account for over 90% of the total permanent mag-
netic materials manufactured globally [534], with 50 g of BaM alone produced for every man, woman
and child on the planet each year [1]. Soft hexaplana ferrites are also very important as cores for RF
transformers and power supplies, especially at higher frequencies, and new materials with much low-
er power losses are now required to save energy. In 1999 the M ferrite world market was worth $4.8
billion (57% of the permanent magnet market) [535], and they were still the most economically impor-
tant permanent magnets in 2007 (Fig. 67). Even though they are much less expensive that neodymium
magnets, especially with the large recent increases in cost and production of Nd magnets, ferrites are
still extremely valuable permanent magnets because of the huge volumes produced (Fig. 68), account-
ing for 34% of the global sales of $11 billion in 2010 [536].
Global sales of all permanent magnets have been predicted to rise to over $20 billion by 2020, with
over one million tonnes of ferrite produced annually. Two increasingly important markets globally for
permanent magnets are in motors for electric-powered cars, and generators in wind turbines. As the
scarcity and cost of neodymium magnets increases, hard ferrites will become economically more
attractive as magnets for these applications, despite their inferior properties, especially for smaller
wind turbines.
In our modern world there is constantly an increasing demand for signal processing devices in mo-
bile communications, radar detection and instrumentation, satellites and GPS, wireless communica-
tions and fee collection, security and defence, aerospace, and automotive and anti-collision
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1317
applications. Furthermore, the operating frequencies are always moving progressively higher, from
MW to millimetre wave, requiring the use of hexagonal ferrites. The US, international and military
standard frequency bands and the uses of the MW spectrum are shown in Fig. 69, and those of partic-
ular interest for applications of hexagonal ferrites are between 1 and 110 GHz. Various regions within
each band are reserved for radar (civilian aeronautical, marine and meteorological), mobile, wireless
and fixed telecoms, satellites, GPS and radiolocation, broadcasting, space research and astronomy. Mil-
itary use also covers these bands, and military interest includes imaging through solid objects and EM
disabling systems.
Depending on the applications, either hard or soft ferrites can be required. However, for use at MW
frequencies the MW dielectric losses must be minimised, which often requires the ferrite to be a good
electrical insulator and have a moderate permittivity to allow a full penetration of the electrical field.
As we have seen this can be a problem with the hexaferrites, and one solution has been to fabricate
ferrite components on a superconducting substrate to eliminate conductor losses [538], or as a com-
posite in a non-conductive matrix. Some of the most important hexaferrite MW applications are as
non-reciprocal devices such as antennas, circulators (that only allow the circulation of the signal in
one direction around a circuit, also known as duplexers) and isolators (that allow the signal to go for-
wards, but absorb it if it reflects back), which enable the use of one component to transmit and receive.
They effectively switch between transmitting and receiving. Magnetostatic MW devices such as delay
lines, filters (multilayer inductors), resonators, and non-linear devices (e.g., power limiters) can be
tuned over a broad operating frequency range by external fields. More details on microwave ferrites
and their applications can be found in the review by Ozgur et al. [1]. EM absorbers and RAM are dis-
cussed in Section 12.5.
Often the ferrite is expected to do work, enhancing the magnetic field as an electrical current is
passed through it. Such devices include the cores of electromagnets, motors, transformers, and gener-
ators, using AC currents. As the magnet must be cycled through the hysteresis loop continually and
rapidly, so the energy product of the loop should be as low as possible. Hence a small coercivity
1318 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
Fig. 68. Percentage sales for types of material of total global permanent magnet market, worth $11 billion, in 2010 [536].
and remanence is desirable, but the material must also have a high magnetic saturation and perme-
ability to generate a sufficient induced magnetisation. Therefore, the ferroxplana ferrites are ideally
suited for such applications, as despite being soft magnets from the rotation of the anisotropy within
the plane or cone of magnetisation, they also have high magnetic permeabilities. Self biasing devices
have a variable permeability which can be tuned by applying an external field, usually from a solenoid,
which adjusts the anisotropy field. Such devices require ferrites which have high Ms, high Mr so they
retain the bias when the field is removed, but a low Hc so a small field is required to vary the bias.
Much more detail can be found on the theory and characteristics of passive MW ferrite devices in
the second part of the review by Ozgur et al. [539].
The material must also have a high electrical resistivity and a rapid realignment of domains in re-
sponse to high frequency magnetic fields to minimise the energy losses. If the frequency of the applied
field is too high the domains cannot realign each cycle causing the device to overheat due to dipole
friction. At higher frequencies there is also more heating due to the completion of more cycles per sec-
ond, resulting in the loss of more energy. Most hexagonal ferrites have a high resistance and therefore
very low eddy current losses, so they are well suited for high frequency applications, at radio and
microwave frequencies, especially if the remanence is raised. The total loss in MW devices is mainly
determined by magnetic damping from FMR, so development of hexaferrites with narrow FMR line-
widths to limit these losses is a major goal. As is stands, most MW applications (apart from absorp-
tion) use off-resonance frequencies away from FMR to minimise losses, where the off-resonance or
effective line-width is more relevant.
Although BaM has been widely used for various microwave device applications for several decades,
the next-generation of such devices must be smaller, weigh less, and be more efficient. A recent trend
in microwave technology is the integration of ferrite passive devices (e.g., circulators, isolators, phase
shifters, filters, etc.) with semiconductor active devices (e.g., amplifiers, switches, and signal process-
ing devices) onto a single planar system platform such as a Si wafer. This meets the demands of
increasing systems integration, while also reducing device profile, volume, and weight. This necessi-
tates the growth of high crystal quality ferrite films on semiconductor substrates. It has been demon-
strated that high crystal quality is responsible for low microwave losses in ferrite films. Because of
chemical reactivity, interfacial diffusion, poor lattice matching, and complications related to the high
temperatures needed for the deposition of ferrites, the growth and processing of highly-oriented BaM
films on semiconductor substrates remains a significant challenge. These process temperatures, typ-
ically 900 °C, lead to the degradation of most semiconductor materials. LTCC or NP hexaferrites need
to be developed as an alternative to deposited thin films.
In digital memories a bit is stored as either 0 or 1, so a square loop with a big remanence is required
to ensure the data remains stored and is not lost accidentally, and a high signal to noise ratio is
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1319
Fig. 69. The standard frequency bands (top) and some uses of the MW spectrum (bottom) [537].
required to reduce error rates. However, in re-recordable memories low saturation magnetisation and
coercivity are required so small fields can be used to overwrite the data. In both cases chemical sta-
bility and longevity of the magnetisation is vital [540]. Traditional commercial products included
audio tape, VCR tape, Professional Hi-8 mm data tape, Sony DAT tape, floppy discs, and rigid or hard
BaM and SrM are used for high density magnetic recording and magneto-optical recording, being
chemically stable and mechanically strong, and with high saturation magnetisations. Oriented ferrites
are used in both longitudinal and perpendicular recording, in which the magnetic anisotropy of the
material is aligned respectively parallel or perpendicular to the recording media. In longitudinal
recording the magnetic media is usually an acicular particulate of single domain size, with the longer
axis aligned parallel with the direction of motion past the recording head, whereas perpendicular
media consist of a polycrystalline thin film with the grains aligned parallel to the direction of motion
1320 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
of the disc, and not the head. However, BaM or SrM films deposited without any substitution have met
several problems for high-density magnetic recording: they have a large positive temperature coeffi-
cient of coercivity, the grain size in such films is in the order of 102 nm, and with a decrease in grain
size the magnetisation becomes thermally unstable, requiring a larger magnetocrystalline anisotropy.
The coercivity of M ferrites is also too high for many recording applications, because a large magnetic
field would be required to record and re-record data, but it was found that in doped M ferrites all these
properties could be tailored with varying substitution [541].
Cobalt–titanium doped M ferrites were first developed for recording by Toshiba in 1982, and they
are particularly suited for use in recording media such as magnetic tape when coated as a thin film
onto a substrate, as the grain size and coercivity can be lowered considerably but without much loss
of magnetisation in the ferrite [333]. It is important that such materials have low switching fields, low
magnetic losses and high signal-to-noise ratios, and all of these criteria are satisfied by the range of
CoTiM ferrites. The ideal substitution level for longitudinal recording in BaCoxTixFe12xO19 was found
to be x = 0.7, with a coercivity of 88 kA m1 [340], which is around the lower limit for this kind of
application [542]. Additions of Cr2O3, ZrO2, or Y2O3 [543], and La–Zn substituted M ferrites [544] were
used to reduce grain sizes down to a few tens of nm, suitable for high density recording media.
Currently, large capacity data storage media are required due to the huge increases in worldwide
data storage volume. Ideal modern high density recording devices need an information density of
>2 GB cm2 (>13 GB per square inch) and a high coercivity, but the grains should be as small as pos-
sible to increase signal-to-noise ratio and bit density, and magnetically isolated from each other to
minimise transition noise [542]. In 2006, in collaboration between Fujifilm and IBM, a world record
in data density on linear magnetic tape was achieved using BaM particles with a density of 6.67 GB
per square inch. In 2010 they demonstrated a new world record in area density on linear magnetic
tape, with an area density of 29.5 GB per square inch with magnetic tape media using BaM nanopar-
ticles (particle volume of 1600 nm3). This is 1/3 of the current smallest usable metal particle volume,
and offers higher coercivity, lower noise, higher frequency characteristics and superior storage perfor-
mance than metal particles. They claim this points to the possibility of developing a single tape car-
tridge capable of holding 35 terabytes, nearly 44 times the current data capacity of today’s industry
most popular standard magnetic tape products [545]. At the beginning of 2011 Fujifilm announced
the commercial production of a data cartridge is manufactured using these BaM particles, with a na-
tive storage capacity of 5 TB and transfer speed of 240 MB s1, a capacity increase of five times their
current 1 TB StorageTrek drive [546]. One of these new data tapes could store the equivalent of 8 mil-
lion books. Even today the date storage tape market is still very large, as tape data libraries consumes
little space and energy compared to had drives, and according to IBM the market was worth $4.8 bil-
lion in 2005, and they predict a growth of up to 8% in 2011.
BaM thin film recording media cannot have a protective coat for wear or erosion resistance, as
these devices need a very low flying height for the recording head. Particulate media magnets are bet-
ter than thin films in so far that they can have a better wear resistance, but they also tend to have low-
er magnetisations. One way around this is to make a composite ferrite consisting of two phases, such
as BaM coated with nanocrystalline c-Fe2O3 or CoFe2O4. The magnetic bubble memory is a recording
device which was first studied in BaM single crystals [547]. If a polycrystalline sample of BaM was ar-
ranged so the c-axis is perpendicular to the hexagonal plane, and it had a small enough particle size,
each grain carried a single bit of information in a cylindrical ‘‘bubble’’ domain. This kind of memory
still has potential for use in computing, if a small enough grain size can be achieved to maximise
the information density.
Recent advances in MF hexaferrites which have ferroelectric-like behaviour at room temperature,
and in which polarisation can be switched by small magnetic fields, could potentially lead to novel
magnetically-rewritable ferroelectric memories and an electrically rewritable magnetic memories in
the future.
12.4. Plastoferrites
Plastoferrites, or bonded magnets, are magnetic composite materials in which a powder of a cera-
mic ferrite is incorporated into a resin or thermoplastic matrix. These have diluted magnetic qualities
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1321
due to their composite nature, but the products are not brittle and fragile, and are hard to break or
crack. They can be cut, stamped and shaped, in a highly mass productive and therefore cheap process,
and complex shapes are possible with a high degree of dimensional precision. These include flexible
sheets (Fig. 70), very long or thin shapes and radially oriented materials, and many electrical compo-
nents are manufactured in this way [143]. In the preparation of resin encapsulated ferrites compres-
sive stress can be induced as the resin sets, and if the material has a negative magnetostriction Mr will
increase at the expense of Hc. Therefore, resins which shrink a lot or harden unevenly should be
avoided, and some resins also generate extreme localised heat as they set, which could affect the mag-
netic properties [114]. Plastoferrites are most familiar as refrigerator door magnets, both the decora-
tive type on the outside and the magnetic sealing strips inside the rim of the door.
The constantly increasing use of devices operating at MW frequencies in our immediate environ-
ment, such as radar and wireless and mobile communications, has resulted in a great increase in
EM interference, as well as in the intensity of this ever-more-present non-ionising radiation. The
has lead to a growing requirement for MW absorbing materials to reduce interference, shield equip-
ment, shield rooms and chambers for EM compatibility (EMC) testing, and to minimise the harmful
effects of EM waves on biological tissues. Ferrites are used as microwave absorbers – they can absorb
the MW energy around the frequency at which FMR occurs. They are already used as EM absorbers to
shield rooms and chambers used for EMC testing of new products and devices at MW frequencies.
Absorbers can be produced as ceramics or as composites, typically plastoferrite tiles for EMC applica-
tions. The EM properties of composites can be effectively tuned simply by varying the volume frac-
tions of the constituent phases. In addition, a synergistic effect between the properties of the
constituent phases may also be observed in some composites. For this reason, magnetic composites
are interesting for microwave applications, and the properties of some composites are discussed in
Section 8.
Modern military radar tend to use the X and K bands (8–40 GHz), often pulsing over a range of fre-
quencies), the shorter wavelengths allowing higher resolution. Radar absorbing paints or coatings
made from ferrites can be used to coat military aircraft for stealth operation, and have also been ap-
plied to ships and both naval and ground-based platforms. They absorb some of the radar signal
beamed at the target, reducing or disguising the radar cross section signature that is then detected
at the other end – it does not make the target totally radar ‘‘invisible’’. This is known as ‘‘stealth’’ or
‘‘low observable’’ technology. There is a huge interest in hexaferrites as RAMs for use in electronic
warfare, particularly tuneable properties or a wide absorption range to cover a large spectrum of fre-
quencies, and enhanced directional properties in oriented or fibrous hexaferrites. These aerospace and
defence needs are currently driving much of the research into more exotic forms of hexaferrites, as
cost is much less of an issue for such applications. However, by its nature, most of this work is con-
fidential or classified, and much is not published in the public domain.
1322 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
There has been a recent increase in interest in the X and U ferrites, as they can be good MW absorb-
ers in the X band (8–12 GHz). In an investigation of the Co2xMnxU system it was found that samples
with a larger Mn content have good absorbing properties in the X band [247]. As can be seen in
Fig. 71a, for x = 1 a maximum absorption of 98.84% (28.4 dB) was seen at 8.5 GHz, with a level of
>96% (14 dB) over the whole X band (8–12 GHz). For x = 1.5 and 2 had multiple resonances over
the X band (Fig. 71b), and x = 2 (Mn2U) showed a strong absorption of 20 dB at 11.88 GHz
(Fig. 71c), the same frequency at which a strong dielectric resonance and weak FMT was observed,
indicating there may be coupling of these properties. In all of these U ferrites the optimum thickness
for an absorber is 1.7 mm, allowing for the possibility of application as an absorbing paint. It has been
shown that thermal spraying techniques such as atmospheric plasma spraying can be used to produce
M ferrite RAM coatings [549]. For the Mn2xZnxU system, the general level of absorption was lower,
with the Mn2U sample again showing a very sharp absorption peak of 99% (20 dB) at 11.98 GHz, very
close to the sharp dielectric resonance peak (Fig. 71d). The Zn2U sample (Fig. 71f) shows a strong
absorption >90% for much of the X band, and has strong absorptions of >99% around 11.3–12.2 GHz,
and the x = 1 sample has the strongest absorption of >98% throughout the X band, and 99.95% (33 dB)
at 122.3 GHz (Fig. 71e) [248]. When La was substituted for Ba in (Ba13xLa2x)4Co2U (x = 0.1, 0.15 and
0.2), partial substitution of Ba2+ by La3+ enhanced electron hopping, which reduced magnetic interac-
tion but led to wide band absorption in the X band. A peak absorption of >96% was measured for all
values of x, with maxima of 99.8% at 8.5 GHz for x = 0.1 in a sample 1.5 mm thick and 99% at 10.2 GHz
for x = 0.2 [249]. A similar level of absorption was seen in P5+ substituted Ba4(Co15xP2x) U (x = 0–0.2),
and it was shown in both systems that by varying the thickness of the layer an absorbance of >96%
could be tuned through the X band (Fig. 72), with thicker layers giving peak absorbance at lower fre-
quencies [250]. This tuneable effect was strongest for fully P5+ substituted Ba4P0.8h1.2U (x = 0.2) and
when 3 Ba2+ had been substituted in Ba1La2hCo2U, where h = vacancy.
Co–Ni–P coated SrM nanopowder was reported to have an improved MW absorption (over 10 dB)
across a wide bandwidth of 13.8 GHz between 5–20 GHz, with a Co5Ni40P8 coating annealed at 400 °C/
1 h in N2 [550]. The combination of MW and IR absorption shown by both BaM-BT ceramic composites
and BaM-BT-PANI composites [484] reveals the potential for stealth and shielding materials that could
disguise both radar and thermal imaging signatures in one composite or coating, and this is a fascinat-
ing area for future study.
Fig. 71. Reflection loss spectra of Co2xMnxU for (a) x = 1.0 and (b) x = 1.5, (c) x = 2 [247], and of Mn2xZnxU for (d) x = 0, (e) x = 1
and (f) x = 2 [248], for different thicknesses of sample in mm.
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1323
Fig. 72. Demonstration of tuneability of MW absorption through the X band with sample thickness for (b) P5+ substituted
Ba4P0.8h1.2U and (c) La3+ substituted Ba1La2hCo2U [250] (h = vacancy).
The great interest in ME and MF materials is the exploitation of the coupling between electric and
magnetic properties. This could lead to a vast array of novel devices for applications such as dual electrical
and magnetic field tuneable systems at MW and millimetre wave frequencies, miniature antennas,
highly sensitive magnetic field sensors, activators and switches, high frequency signal processing devices
(tuneable resonators, filters, inductors, phase shifters, delay lines and attenuators), gyrators and trans-
formers, tuneable EM absorbers and RAM, wireless powering systems, transducers and energy harvesting
[436,551]. To date, the effects seen in single phase MF materials are too weak for practical applications,
and usually only operate at cryogenic temperatures, although the recently explored MF hexaferrites cov-
ered in this review hold potential for the future. Composite materials made of phases with excellent elec-
trical (ferroelectric) and magnetic (ferro-/ferrimagnetic) properties can exhibit much stronger ME
interactions, and already show great promise. There has been relatively little work carried out on hexag-
onal ferrites in this field so it is ripe for exploration, but devices consisting of YIG and a piezoelectric phase
such as PZT, BT or BST have shown high ME coupling constants in the order of hundreds of V cm1 Oe1.
The enhancement of ME effects through resonance coupling also has great potential, especially at high-
power GHz frequencies, and the low magnetic fields required also vastly increases the number of real-
world applications. Non-ferrite ME composites have already been used to detect ac fields of 1012 T
and dc fields of 108 T [436]. They could also be used as current sensors or transformers, especially at res-
onance, where the voltage gain effect is greatly increased. Perhaps most importantly, all these effects can
occur at ambient temperatures, especially in composites. There have recently been some excellent re-
view papers on ME and MF composites [551,436], although not specifically for hexagonal ferrites.
One particular attraction is the electrical field or voltage tuneability of a ME material, as magnetic
field tuning is often relatively slow, noisy and requires a lot of power. Electric field tuning is rapid, re-
quires much less power, and would allow the miniaturization of such devices for integration into a chip
or multilayer component. Such ME interactions are also enhanced around FMR frequencies, and fr can
be tuned by the application of an electric field. Das et al. have recently published their findings on a PLD
(pulsed laser deposition) produced multilayer ferrimagnetic-ferroelectric heterostructures with elec-
trically tuneable FMR at GHz frequencies. This consisted of a 0.5 lm BaM layer on a sapphire substrate,
with a 30 nm Pt layer on top, then a 10 nm MgO buffer layer, then a 4 lm BST layer, and topped with a
50 nm Pt layer, all produced 6900 °C, at LTCC temperatures. This structure has a very low Hc, effective
HA of 1273 kA m1 (16 kOe) and Ms of 50 A m2 kg1, and er = 860 at 100 kHz. er could be tuned down to
825 by applying ±15 V, and FMR frequency at 60 GHz could be shifted up by 30 MHz (500 ppm of fr)
with an applied voltage of 9 V, a tuneability of 3.5 MHz V1 [552].
Most of the composite ME hexaferrite research focuses on two kinds of composite structures:
bonded bilayers, where an applied voltage causes a deformation in the piezoelectric phase that is cou-
pled to a magnetic phase and shifts magnetic or FMR modes, and proximity effects in unbound dual
phase composites, in which hybrid spin-EM waves are created. Such events are equally applicable
1324 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334
in both thin film or bulk/thick film materials, and often the later can offer advantages as they are less
affected by film-substrate induced strain effects. However, problems that need to be overcome in bulk
ME composites are inhomogeneity, porosity, conductivity, defects, coherent interfaces between the
phases, and interdiffusion during processing. Ideally, composites that co-sinter below LTCC tempera-
tures are required for many device applications. Fibre-containing (1–3 type) and more complex geom-
etry ME composite structures should also be investigated in the future. There will also be increasing
interest in heterostructures and nanocomposites in the future. Techniques such as AFM, MFM, PFM
and SQUID magnetometry are ideal for investigating such ME properties. A recently reported tech-
nique of interest is the scanning measurement and mapping of FMR by scanning probe microscope
(FMR force microscopy), using an adapted MFM [553].
BSZY (Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Y) has another kind of ME coupling: magnetically rotatable ferroelectric polar-
isation. Kimura noted that a continuous rotation of the electrical polarisation can be achieved by
changing the direction of an applied magnetic field. This is analogous to the electric field driven polar-
isation rotation seen in some ferroelectrics, such as PbZn0.33Nb0.67O3-PbTiO3, which could result in
ultrahigh piezoelectricity. If the magnetic field is rotated through 360° in the hexagonal plane of BSZY,
not only does the electric polarisation rotate as a function of cos h, but the magnetostriction rotates a
function of cos 2h, reaching a minimum when H is perpendicular to P, and a maximum when H is par-
allel to P (Fig. 73) [449]. A similar rotation of polarisation with H has been reported in Ba2Mg2Y.
although strong up to field of 1T when rotating in the plane, the effect had decayed greatly at fields
of 0.1 T, and showed no effect at 1 T, when rotating perpendicular to plane (Fig. 73), due to the anisot-
ropy involved [554]. This gives rise to potential applications exploiting the coupling of ME and optical
properties (magneto-electrical–optical effect), analogous to the Kerr effect.
Various designs for sensors incorporating ferrites have been proposed, including a humidity sensor
based upon the change of resistance in a copper–zinc ferrite [555]. A device has been proposed, con-
Fig. 73. Left: Electric polarisation rotation accompanied by magnetostriction in Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22. (a) electric polarisation
and (b) magnetostriction against magnetic field angle, at H = 1 T and temperature of 20 K. Solid curves are fit to the function (a)
cos h and (b) cos 2h [449]. Right: Polarisation of Ba2Mg2Y as a function of the rotation angle / of magnetic field with respect to
the [0 0 1] direction and the rotation angle h of magnetic field with respect to the [120] direction. The magnetic field rotates
horizontally (a–d) and vertically (e–h) in the shaded planes shown in (a and e) [554].
R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334 1325
Fig. 74. SEM image of surface-modified oleic acid-coated polymeric microspheres with a magnetic SrM core [182].
sisting of a uniaxial hard ferrite wire or fibre, made with the anisotropy along the wire’s axis, with a
conducting coil wound around it and a BaM magnet at each end, which could detect 0.7 mV per turn of
wire in the coil [556]. A highly porous BaM was made by the citrate process at 900 °C, doped with 1–
5 wt.% Ir3+, which stabilised the high surface area up to 1200 °C. The material was found to be a good
catalyst for the clean combustion of methane [557]. Hexaferrites can also find medical applications, for
example as components in nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and magnetomotive biomedical im-
plants, but the toxicity of some of the component elements, particularly barium, limits their use in
applications where they must be inserted into the human body as particles or fluids. Micron sized
SrM grains have been surface modified with oleic acid to improve their dispersity in water with almost
no loss of magnetisation, and these were subsequently treated with oleic acid to make large (500–
900 lm) polymeric microspheres with a magnetic core, that should be biocompatible (Fig. 74)
[182]. Co2Z coated MFM cantilevers have been used to give improved high-frequency measurements
compared to standard CoCr coated tips, performing imaging up to 2 GHz with resolution of 20 nm
[558]. This could be of particular interest to industry for the imaging, characterisation and quality con-
trol of high density magnetic discs drives and recording heads at high frequencies. Although unsuit-
able for uses as magnets, SrFe12xAlxO19 with high levels of Al substitution are promising for
millimetre wave imaging, which ca be used to penetrate aerosols, dust and fabric, and has obvious
security applications [191].
The author would firstly like to thank Prof. T. Massalski for being a very patient and understanding
editor. Thanks also to D.V. Karpinsky and A.L. Kholkin at CICECO/Aveiro University for providing the
MFM measurements in Fig. 42. The FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia in Portugal) and the
FCT Ciência 2008 program are acknowledged for funding the author during the writing and publica-
tion of this paper. The author would also like to thank the publishers and copy write holders of all fig-
ures from previous sources used in this article, which have been referenced in the relevant figure
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1334 R.C. Pullar / Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191–1334