Controlling Phase Transition in Monolayer Metal Di
Controlling Phase Transition in Monolayer Metal Di
Controlling Phase Transition in Monolayer Metal Di
Abstract. We applied the generalized Bloch theorem to verify the ground state
(most stable state) in monolayer metal diiodides 1T-XI2 (X: Fe, Co, and Ni), a family
of metal dihalides, using the first-principles calculations. The ground state, which can
be ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, or spiral state, was specified by a wavevector in
the primitive unit cell. While the ground state of FeI2 is ferromagnetic, the spiral
state becomes the ground state for CoI2 and NiI2 . Since the multiferroic behavior
in the metal dihalide can be preserved by the spiral structure, we believe that CoI2
and NiI2 are promising multiferroic materials in the most stable state. When the
lattice parameter increases, we also show that the ground state of NiI2 changes to
a ferromagnetic state while others still keep their initial ground states. For the
last discussion, we revealed the phase transition manipulated by hole-electron doping
due to the spin-spin competition between the ferromagnetic superexchange and the
antiferromagnetic direct exchange. These results convince us that metal diiodides
have many benefits for future spintronic devices.
1. Introduction
Recently, multiferroic properties in materials bring great attention from point of view of
both theoretical aspects and experimental researches [1, 2, 3]. These properties happen
due to a combination of the magnetic and dielectric orders appearing in the same phase.
It then leads to extraordinary applications in spintronics especially for the data storage
devices [4, 5, 6]. However, coupling between those two orders to generate multiferroic
behavior, in general, is very weak. A possible resolution to encounter this problem is
to introduce the magnetically-induced ferroelectricity in some frustrated helimagnets
which leads to the so-called giant magnetoelectric properties [7].
Previous authors reported that the multiferroicity in some layered metal dihalides
may appear in the spiral (SP) structure [8, 9]. This is triggered by the ferroelectric
polarization induced by the magnetic SP structure, thus combining the ferroelectricity
and magnetism in the same state. However, there are no sufficient reports if monolayer
two-dimensional metal dihalides may also possess the SP ground state. Former authors
only tabulated the ferromagnetic (FM) state or the antiferromagnetic (AFM) state as
the most stable state and excluded the SP ground state [10, 11]. It can be understood
since exploring the SP state needs a very large unit cell, especially for a long period,
thus yielding high computational cost. The SP state itself is a typical helimagnetic
state with a fixed cone angle [12]. Some applications of the SP structure can be seen in
constructing the domain wall [13, 14, 15].
Metal dihalides are layered compounds due to a weak van der Waals (vdW)
interaction between layers. In the two-dimensional system, the magnetic order in these
materials ignores the Mermin-Wagner theorem which prohibits magnetism due to a
strong suppression from the thermal fluctuation. This happens because the vdW type
yields the magnetic anisotropy to keep a long-range magnetic order that overcomes the
thermal fluctuations, thus leading to the intrinsic ferromagnetism [16, 17]. Therefore,
it is believed that the two-dimensional metal dihalides are more prominent than any
other two-dimensional materials such as graphene and MoS2 , which have no intrinsic
ferromagnetism. Besides, we are also allowed to exfoliate the layered structure into a
stable monolayer structure [18]. In the monolayer limit, the magnetism in the metal
dihalides can be tuned either by strain [19] or by Hubbard U [20]. It has also been
reported that the magnetism in the monolayer metal dihalides exhibits a topological
insulator [21] and a half-metal [22].
Our purpose is to explore the SP ground state in the monolayer metal diiodides XI2
(X: Fe, Co, and Ni), one of the families of metal dihalides, by utilizing the generalized
Bloch theorem (GBT), which is widely used to investigate the SP ground state in some
materials [23, 24, 25, 26], to minimize the high computational cost. The interesting
case of metal diiodides, CoI2 and NiI2 exhibit multiferroicity for the layered structures
[27, 28]. In this case, we use a primitive unit cell that consists of a 3d transition magnetic
atom and two non-magnetic I atoms. We set a flat spiral formation instead of a conical
spiral to include the FM, SP, and AFM states as the most stable states. These states
will be assigned by a spiral vector from the rotation of the magnetic moment of the
magnetic atom.
We confirm that the ground state of CoI2 and NiI2 is an SP ground state, in good
suitability with the layered systems [27, 28]. Meanwhile, we show an FM ground state
in FeI2 , which also confirms a half-metallic behavior as reported in Ref. [29]. When we
enhance the lattice parameter, the SP ground state of NiI2 changes to the FM ground
state, thus showing a sensitivity of state to the large lattice parameters. Meanwhile,
FeI2 and CoI2 still preserve their ground states, showing the robustness of state to the
lattice parameters. However, the magnetic moment for all the systems seems robust
to the lattice parameter. Based on these results, we assure that multiferroicity in the
metal dihalides should also occur in the monolayer systems.
For the last session, we display the dependence of ground state on hole-electron
doping, which reveals the phase transition of state in the certain interval of doping.
Since the phase transition depends on the competition between the FM superexchange
and AFM direct exchange, we show a simple mechanism of how the phase transition
occurs. The interesting case is that the FM ground state can be changed to the SP
ground state by applying hole doping. Therefore, we believe that introducing doping
may also achieve the multiferroic properties in the monolayer metal dihalides.
2. Computational Details
The crystal structure of monolayer 1T-XI2 (X: Fe, Co, and Ni) is depicted by Fig.
1(a). The primitive unit cell shown by a parallelogram contains a transition metal X
atom (cation) and two I atoms (anion). In the bulk layered structures, FeI2 and CoI2
crystallize into a CdI2 structure (P 3m1), but CoI2 does into a CdCl2 structure (R3m)
[30]. To avoid the layer-layer interactions in the z- axis, we assigned a vacuum distance
of more than 17 Å. Meanwhile, we specified the experimental lattice parameters of
4.04 Å for FeI2 , 3.96 Å for CoI2 , and 3.89 Å for NiI2 [10]. In the periodic lattices, we
established the lattice vectors
a a√
a = aêx , b = êx + 3êy , (1)
2 2
and the corresponding reciprocal lattice vectors
2π 2π 4π
A= êx − √ êy , B = √ êy , (2)
a a 3 a 3
where a defines the lattice parameter.
The computations were carried out in a 20 × 20 × 1 k-point sampling by a
linear combination of pseudo-atomic orbitals (LCPAO) approach [31, 32] combined
with the norm-conserving pseudopotential [33] as implemented in the OpenMX code
[34]. For treating the electron-electron interactions, we selected the generalized gradient
approximation (GGA) according to Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof [35] with an energy
cutoff of 200 Ryd. For the basis sets, we used an abbreviation snpmdafc, which means
that s, p, d, f are the primitive orbitals and n, m, a, c are the number of orbitals. We
set s3p3d3 for Fe atom, s3p3d3f2 for Co atom, s3p3d2f1 for Ni atom, and s2p2d1 for I
atom. In addition, the cutoff radii as the confinement at the atomic site, beyond which
the orbitals vanish, are 4.0 Bohr for X atom and 7.0 Bohr for I atom. The choices of
basis sets and cutoff radii are the minimum requirements to get converged results with
good accuracy.
To use the GBT via density functional theory (DFT), we introduced a wavevector
q into an LCPAO [36]
" !
1 X X ↑ 1
ψµk (r) = √ ei(k−q/2)·Rn Cµk,iα ξiα (r − τi − Rn )
N n iα 0
X ↓ 0
+ e Cµk,iα ξiα (r − τi − Rn ) , (3)
n iα 1
Figure 1. (Color online) Crystal structure of monolayer 1T-XI2 from top view (a).
Here, the FM and AFM ground states are achieved by assigning φ = 0 (b) and φ = 1
(c), respectively.
where ξiα describes the localized orbital. To create the spiral configurations, the
magnetic moment of metal atom is rotated from site to site obeying [37]
cos (ϕ0i + q · Ri ) sin θi
sin (ϕi + q · Ri ) sin θi .
Mi = Mi (4)
cos θi
From Eq. 4, we see that the cone angle θ should be constant while the azimuthal angle
ϕ will be rotated along q direction. Since we want to tune the FM, SP, and AFM states
by q, we apply the flat spiral by setting the initial direction of magnetic moment of
metal atom to θ = π/2. Here, we concern the direction of q along x- axis, which is given
q = φ(A + 0.5B) = φ êx , (5)
where φ = 0 and φ = 1 give the FM state (Fig. 1(b)) and AFM state (Fig. 1(c)),
respectively. Then, the SP state will be generated by specifying φ between 0 and 1. We
also applied the penalty functional to keep θ = π/2.
For the convenience, we divide this section into two subsections, i.e., the non-doped and
doped cases
100 4
80 NiI2 3.5
∆E (meV)
M (µB)
(a) 2 (b)
−20 FeI
0.5 CoI2
−40 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
φ φ
Figure 2. (Color online) Ground states of some metal diiodides (a) and related
magnetic moments (b) for the non-doped case. Here, the ground state is associated
with the minimum energy ∆E = E(φ) − E(φ = 0).
The appearing SP state without any external treatments exhibits a frustrated spin
as the FM and AFM orders compete with each other. This competition of magnetic
orders will lead to one of stable ground states, namely, the FM, AFM, or SP state.
A similar stable SP state also occurs in the monoatomic transition metal chain and
square lattice, which is caused by the spin-spin interaction between the metal atom and
its nearest neighbor [38]. They also showed that the ground state is influenced by the
distance of nearest-neighbor atoms having different configurations of magnetic moment,
for example, the FM and AFM order. Similar discussions on the frustrated spin due to
spin-spin interaction can also be found in Refs. [39, 40]. In the other situations, some
materials require external treatments to produce the SP state, either using the doping
[41] or electric field [42], leading to the new stable form. Nevertheless, these treatments
usually reduce the magnetic moment, thus decreasing the magnetism in the magnetic
In general, the ground state in metal dihalides is influenced by either the AFM
Table 1. Predicted ground states and magnetic moments of metal diiodides from some
DFT calculations for the non-doped case. Here, GS and M denote the ground state
and magnetic moment in units of µB , respectively.
Metal (GS, M)1 (GS, M)2 (GS, M)3
FeI2 (FM, 3.49) (FM, 4.0) (FM, 3.45)
CoI2 (SP, 2.52) (AFM, 3.0) (AFM, 2.23)
NiI2 (SP, 1.38) (FM, 2.0) (FM, 1.53)
Present calculations.
Calculations from Ref. [10].
Calculations from Ref. [11].
Figure 3. (Color online) Schematic illustration of magnetic orders in FeI2 and NiI2
(a) and CoI2 (b).
Figure 3 shows a simple illustration of how the FM superexchange and AFM direct
exchange work due to electron hopping from an X atom to its nearest neighbor X atom
in appropriate with Hund’s rule. For the FM superexchange, the net magnetic moment
of the neighboring X atom (Fe or Ni atom) becomes parallel to reduce the kinetic
energy. This activates the inter-site virtual hopping and thus delocalizes the electrons
over X-I-X. Conversely, when the kinetic energy reduces because of antiferromagnetically
coupled magnetic moments of neighboring X atom (Co atom), it leads to the AFM direct
exchange. Furthermore, when a spin competition happens from these two interactions,
it may frustrate the magnetic moment to generate an SP ground state, as shown in CoI2
and NiI2 .
180 3.8
4.0 Å
160 4.04 Å
4.1 Å 3.7
140 4.2 Å
120 3.6
∆E (meV)
M (µB)
60 3.4
40 4.0 Å
3.3 4.04 Å
20 (a) (b) 4.1 Å
4.2 Å
0 3.2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
φ φ
0 2.8
3.92 Å 3.92 Å
−5 3.96 Å 3.96 Å
4.1 Å 2.7 4.1 Å
−10 4.2 Å 4.2 Å
∆E (meV)
M (µB)
−20 2.5
−25 2.4
−35 (c) (d)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
φ φ
30 3.87 Å 3.87 Å
3.89 Å 3.89 Å
4.1 Å 1.7 4.1 Å
20 4.2 Å 4.2 Å
∆E (meV)
M (µB)
(e) (f)
−20 1.2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
φ φ
Regarding the metal dihalides, our previous studies reported that the ground state
of metal dichlorides can be tuned by varying the lattice parameter [48, 49]. So, our
next investigation is to check if the ground state of metal diiodides can also change
due to varying the lattice parameter. Figures 4(a, c, e) display the ground state of
metal diiodides with respect to the lattice parameter. As for FeI2 and CoI2 , the ground
states are robust to the lattice constant. However, we see a change of state from the
SP state to the FM state, which means that the ground state of NiI2 is sensitive to the
lattice parameter. Regarding the magnetic moment in Figs. 4(b, d, f), all the magnetic
moments remain stable for all the lattice parameters, indicating that all the systems
possess a high spin state. This state happens due to a weak ligand that the energy
difference between t2g and eg in the metal atoms is so weak. This implies that the
electron will occupy the empty orbital first by following Hund’s rule. Note that varying
lattice parameter may also lead to a low spin state, as occurred in the fcc iron [50, 51].
∆E (meV)
5 FeI2
3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3
Lattice Parameter (Å)
A more detailed dependence of the ground state of metal diiodides on the lattice
parameter can also be seen in Fig. 5. As for FeI2 and CoI2 , there is no transition
of ground state as the lattice parameter increases. This also implies that FeI2 is a
robust ferromagnet. A different situation occurs in NiI2 , namely, the FM ground state
is preferred at the large lattice parameter. However, for all the lattice parameters, our
calculations show that the FM state (AFM state) is more stable than the AFM state
(FM state) for FeI2 and NiI2 (CoI2 ). This indicates that FeI2 and NiI2 (CoI2 ) are still
controlled by the FM superexchange (AFM direct exchange). We will see in the next
subsection that this control can be changed by hole-electron doping.
M (µB)
3.3 x = 0.0 (e/cell)
(a) (b) x = 0.4 (e/cell)
−50 x = −0.4 (e/cell)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
φ φ
60 2.6
x = 0.0 (e/cell)
x = 0.4 (e/cell)
40 x = −0.4 (e/cell) 2.5
∆E (meV)
0 M (µB)
−40 2.2
M (µB)
as the hole (electron) doping increases, which leads to either the SP or AFM ground
state. At this situation, the FM superexchange (AFM direct exchange) performs in the
range of x ≤ −0.1 e/cell (x > −0.1 e/cell). As for NiI2 , the FM superexchange wins
against the AFM direct exchange for both the non-doped and doped cases, which is
preferable to the SP or FM ground state. For this case, only the FM superexchange
proceeds for all doping.
As illustrated in Fig. 8, introducing the doping lets the Coulomb repulsion to
control the occupation of electron in each X site, where the electron concentration can
be either reduced by hole doping or increased by electron doping in the 3d orbital. When
80 CoI2
∆E (meV)
Jij (meV)
0 (c)
−0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Doping x (e/cell)
Figure 7. Magnetic phase transition of XI2 (X: Fe, Co, and Ni) with respect to
hole-electron doping x. Here, we define the total energy difference ∆E = E(φ =
0) − E(φlowest ) (a) the ground state φ = φlowest (b), and the exchange parameter
Jij .
the FM superexchange wins against the AFM direct exchange (Jij > 0), the kinetic
energy reduces as the magnetic moments of nearest neighbor X atoms become parallel
and the electron over X-I-X becomes delocalized. This condition occurs by increasing
the electron doping for all the systems as shown in Fig. 7(c). On the contrary, when the
hole doping increases for FeI2 and CoI2 , the kinetic energy also reduces if the magnetic
moments of nearest neighbor X atoms become antiparallel, thus dominated by the AFM
direct exchange (Jij < 0). It also becomes the electron over X-I-X delocalized. As for
NiI2 , the FM superexchange still does exist as hole doping increases, thus indicating a
robust ferromagnet with respect to the doping.
4. Conclusions
This research was performed by using a personal high computer and available facilities
at Universitas Negeri Jakarta. We hereby state that this research is an independent
work without any fundings.