S7Lt-Iiie-9 S7Lt-Iiif-10

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School: MADRID National High School Grade Level: 8

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: LENETTE A. ALAGON Learning Area: SCIENCE

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 18-22 , 2019 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


(2:00-4:00) (7:40-9:40) (2:00-4:00) (7:40-9:40)

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of… characteristics of The learners demonstrate understanding of…
sound. characteristics of light.
B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to… create harmonious music using The learners should be able to… suggest proper lighting
indigenous products. in various activities.
C. Learning Competency Describe how organism transmit, and receive sound of various Relate the characteristics of light such as colors and
Write the LC code for each. frequencies (ultrasonic, audible and infrasonic sound) intensity to frequency and wavelength.
S7LT-IIIe-9 S7LT-IIIf-10
D. Objectives 1. describe how sound waves of different frequencies are 1.Identify the other sources of light and infer that
received. brightness of light is dependent to the distance of the
2. Create harmonious music using indigenous products. source.
2. Identify the characteristics of light in relation to the
characteristics of the other members of the EM
D. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TG pp. 36-38 TG pp. 39-40
2. Learner’s Materials pages LM pp. 38-41 LM pp. 43-50
1st Edition Part 2 1st Edition Part 2
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Picture of ultrasound apparatus/machine, animals like bats or Show pictures of scientists:
Learning Resource dogs, table showing the different frequency range of some Do you know Sir Isaac Newton? What about
(LR)portal sounds. Christian Huygens? Did you meet them in your earlier
Indigenous materials grades?

E. Other Learning Resource

A. Reviewing previous lesson or . What is sound wave? Pretest on light.
presenting the new lesson 2. What are needed in sound production?
3. What are the media for sound transmission?
4. Compare the transmission of sounds in different media
(solid, liquid, gas).
B. Establishing a purpose for the What are the characteristics of sound waves? Show pictures of scientists:
lesson Enumerate the parts of the ears and their functions Do you know Sir Isaac Newton? What about
Enumerate the characteristics of sound. Christian Huygens? Did you meet them in your earlier
What are the different sources of light?

C. Presenting Select 2 students (one who has soprano voice and the other one Game: Give me what I want
examples/Instances of the with bass voice) and let them sing a common song. Ask students to give a light source found in the locality
new lesson What other examples of high-pitch and low-pitch sounds can Example: penlight, candle, alcohol lamp, etc.
you give? Ask them of the different light sources in their place to
Let the students go outside for 5 minutes then let them collect arrive at the concept that there is a variety of light
indigenous materials found in the surroundings. sources.
( or the teacher may assign the students days before to bring Show picture of James Clerk Maxwell.
the materials) Elicit prior knowledge about theory formulated by
Test the materials if they produce sound Maxwell.
D. Discussing new concepts and What are the different classifications of waves according to What are the different sources of light?
practicing new skills # 1 their frequencies? On what factors does the intensity of light depend?
E. Discussing new concepts and What sound characteristic enables us to differentiate one sound What are the different characteristics of light?
practicing new skills # 2 from the other?
F. Developing mastery Reading Activity by group: Let students perform Activity1.Light sources: Langis
G. (leads to Formative LM pp 38-39 kandila or lampara (pages 44-46)
Assessment 3) Let the students perform Activity 3 on the learners’ module on Perform activity 2 My Spectrum Wheel
pages 40-41. (LM pages 47-50)
H. Finding practical application Let the students identify and give the importance of the
of concepts and skills in daily different classifications of sound waves according to their
living frequencies.
Allow the students to perform.
How was your gig? Did you enjoy the activity?
I. Making generalizations and Differentiate infrasonic, ultrasonic and audible sounds Lecturette:
abstractions about the lesson Application: (Show them pictures of ultrasound machine, bats *Sources of Light
hanging on the branches of trees, sonar device, etc.) *Difference between brightness and intensity of light
 What is the function of ultrasound machine?
1. What make up the electromagnetic spectrum?
 How do bats search for their food at night? 2. Compare their wavelengths, frequencies and
 Give some applications of sonar device. energies.
Compare the hearing capacity of older persons to younger ones. 3. What are the different characteristics of light as a
If possible, let the students watch the video presentation about member of the EM wave spectrum?
Human audio Spectrum 4. Why are we not advised to stay under the sun after
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNf9nzvnd1k 9:00 in the morning?
Let them watch the video: The great Gig in the Sky
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxo0OJkbaMY Video Presentation:
The characteristics of light

J. Evaluating learning Paper pencil test Answer the following.

Multiple Choice: Fill in the blanks.
Fill in the blanks. (1) The brightness of light depends on the _________ and
1. The response of the human ear is limited to a range of the _________ from the source.
frequencies of about _______ to 20, 000 Hz. (2) Brightness is qualitative and is dependent on the
2. These frequencies are referred to as _______ frequencies or person’s __________.
sonic frequencies. (3) Brightness can be expressed as luminous intensity
3. Vibrational frequencies beyond 20,000 Hz are called ______ with a unit known as _________.
frequencies. Choose the letter of the best answer. (refer to the
4. Extremely low frequencies are known as _______ frequencies. electromagnetic spectrum shown above)
5. The human ____ is not capable of detecting ultrasonic or 1. Which wave corresponds to region C?
infrasonic sound. a. Visible spectrum
Evaluate students’ performance using the Rubric for Scoring b. Radio
c. Sound
d. X-ray
2. Which wave has the longest wavelength?
a. Radio wave
b. X-ray
c. Gamma ray
d. microwave
3. Which of the following is not an electromagnetic
a. Infrared

b. Radio
c. Sound
d. X-ray
4. Among the electromagnetic wave, which has the
highest frequency?
a. Infrared
b. Radio wave
c. Ultraviolet
d. Gamma rays
5. Light is an electromagnetic wave. Which
characteristic is common in all EM waves?
a. Frequency
b. Amplitude
c. Wavelength
d. Speed

K. Additional activities for Extend your designs to come up with quality instruments using Study table 1 on page 34. Speed of sounds in different
application or remediation indigenous materials for submission. You can be famous with materials
your artworks. *
SUMMATIVE TEST NEXT MEETING… What is bioluminescence?
Name some organisms that are bioluminescent.
Give examples of wireless communication gadgets. How
do those gadgets affect our everyday lives?
Bring all the needed materials listed on page 51 for the
next activity.

A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Master Teacher II

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