SHLT Sci 7 Q3 WK 1 Ok

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Subject SCIENCE Grade 7 Level JHS Quarter 3 Week 1

MELC Describe the motion of an object in terms of Competency Code S7FE-IIIa-1

distance or displacement, speed, or velocity,
and acceleration

K- differentiate distance and displacement
S- compute the distance traveled by the object and its displacement
A- perform assigned tasks with compassion and understanding

Name ______________________________ Section _____________ Date ________

School ______________________________ District ____________________________

A. Readings/Discussions

Distance and displacement are two quantities that may seem to mean the same thing yet
have distinctly different definitions and meanings.

 Distance is a scalar quantity that refers to “how much ground an object has covered”
during its motion.
 Displacement is a vector quantity that refers to “how far out of place an object is”; it
is the object’s overall change in position.

To test your understanding of this distinction, consider the motion depicted in the diagram
below. A physics teacher walks 4 meters East, 2 meters South, 4 meters West and finally 2
meters North.


2m 2m


Even though the physics teacher has walked a total distance of 12 meters, her displacement is
0 meters. During the course of her motion, she has “covered 12 meters of ground” (distance =
12 meters). Yet when she finished walking, she is not “out of place” -i.e. there is no
displacement for her motion (displacement = 0 m).

Displacement, being a vector quantity must give attention to direction. The 4 meters east
cancel the 4 meters west; and the 2 meters south cancels the 2 meters north. Vector quantities
such as displacement are direction aware. Scalar quantities such as distance are ignorant of
direction. In determining the overall distance traveled by the physics teachers, the various
directions of motion can be ignored.

Let’s understand the concept of distance with the help of the diagram below:

Distance here will be = 4m + 3m + 5 m = 12 m

Let’s understand the concept of displacement with the help of the diagram below:

If an object moves from A position to B, then the

object’s position changes. This change in position
of an object is known as displacement.

Distance refers to the length of the entire path

that the object travelled.

Displacement refers to the shortest distance

between its point of origin (position A) and its
point of destination (position B) no matter what
path it took to get to that destination.

The idea that a description of motion depends on the reference frame of the observer has been
known for hundreds of years. The 17th-century astronomer Galileo Galilei was one of the first
scientists to explore this idea. Galileo suggested the following thought experiment: Imagine a
windowless ship moving at a constant speed and direction along a perfectly calm sea. Is there
a way that a person inside the ship can determine whether the ship is moving? You can extend
this thought experiment by also imagining a person standing on the shore. How can a person
on the shore determine whether the ship is moving?

Galileo came to an amazing conclusion.

 Only by looking at each other can a person in the ship or a person on shore describe the
motion of one relative to the other. In addition, their descriptions of motion would be
 A person inside the ship would describe the person on the land as moving past the ship.
 The person on shore would describe the ship and the person inside it as moving past.
 Galileo realized that observers moving at a constant speed and direction relative to
each other describe motion in the same way.
 Galileo had discovered that a description of motion is only meaningful if you specify a
reference frame.

Grasp Check

Imagine standing on a platform watching a train pass by. According to Galileo’s conclusions,
how would your description of motion and the description of motion by a person riding on the
train compare?

A. I would see the train as moving past me, and a person on the train would see me as
B. I would see the train as moving past me, and a person on the train would see me as
moving past the train.
C. I would see the train as stationary, and a person on the train would see me as moving
past the train.
D. I would see the train as stationary, and a person on the train would also see me as
B. Exercises

Exercise 1

Directions: Use the diagram to determine the resulting displacement and the distance
traveled by the skier during these three minutes.

Example: distance from A to B = 180 m

Distance travelled from B to C = ___________
Distance travelled from C to D = ___________
Total Distance = ______________
Displacement = ______________
Exercise 2

Directions: What is the coach’s resulting displacement and distance travel?

Example: Distance from A to B = 35 yards Displacement A to C = 15 yards, left

Distance from B to C = ______________ Distance from C to D = _________________

Distance from B to D = ______________ Displacement = _______________________
C. Assessment/Application/Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2020)

Directions: Answer the following problems in your notebook.

1. A whale swims due east (from 0 km) a distance of 5 km, turns around and goes due west for
2 km and finally turns around again and heads 4 km due east.

a. What is the total distance traveled? ____________________

b. What is the displacement (change in position)? __________________

2. Complete the table below. Based on the given motions, give the distance traveled and the
object’s displacement.
Motion Distance traveled Displacement
An object moves from point 1 to point
4 then reverses and ends at point 2.
An object moves from point 1 to point
5 then reverses to point 2.
An object moves from point 1 to point
3 then reverses to 0.
An object moves from point 3 to point
5 and then reverses to point 1.
An object moves from point 2 to point
4 and reverses to point 2.

D. Suggested Enrichment/Reinforcement Activity/ies

Looking at Motion from Two Reference Frames

In this activity you will look at motion from two reference frames. Which reference frame is

 Choose an open location with lots of space to spread out so there is less chance of
tripping or falling due to a collision and/or loose basketballs.
 1 basketball

1. Work with a partner. Stand a couple of meters away from your partner. Have your
partner turn to the side so that you are looking at your partner’s profile. Have your
partner begin bouncing the basketball while standing in place. Describe the motion of
the ball.
2. Next, have your partner again bounce the ball, but this time your partner should walk
forward with the bouncing ball. You will remain stationary. Describe the ball's motion.
3. Again have your partner walk forward with the bouncing ball. This time, you should
move alongside your partner while continuing to view your partner’s profile. Describe
the ball's motion.
4. Switch places with your partner, and repeat Steps 1–3.
Grasp Check

How do the different reference frames affect how you describe the motion of the ball?

A. The motion of the ball is independent of the reference frame and is same for different
reference frames.
B. The motion of the ball is independent of the reference frame and is different for
different reference frames.
C. The motion of the ball is dependent on the reference frame and is same for different
reference frames.
D. The motion of the ball is dependent on the reference frames and is different for different
reference frames.



Prepared by: RUMELL E. ENGBINO

Edited/Reviewed by:

Education Program Supervisor – Science


For the Teacher

Advise the students to read the Reading and Discussion portion before they attempt to answer the
practice exercises. Let the learner go through the parts sequentially to help them understand the
topic easily.

For the Learner

Read thoroughly and understand the Self-Learning Home Task from the first part to the last part.
By doing so, will help you understand better the topic. If you still have enough time, do it twice
for more understanding.

For the Parent/Home Tutor

Assist your child and make sure that he/she reads the Self-Learning Home Task from the
beginning up to end, to ensure proper understanding of the concepts, Don’t feed the answer to
your child. Let him/her do it his own.

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