F3-Flow Through A Nozzle

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1 Topic 1
2 Introduction 1
3 Theory 2-4
4 Objective and Hypothesis 5
5 Apparatus and Materials 6
6 Methodology 7-8
7 Results and Calculation 9-16
8 Discussion 17-18
9 Conclusion 19
10 Reference 20
KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report

F3- Flow Through a Nozzle

Nozzle is a device that used to measure the flow rate of fluids in a pipe or conduit of varying
cross-sectional area, and it can be used to direct or modify the flow of a fluid. Nozzles are frequently
used to control the rate of flow, speed, direction, mass, shape, and the pressure of the stream that
emerges from them. In a nozzle, the velocity of fluid increases at the expense of its pressure energy
and can be used to gather data for process improvement in manufacturing environments.

Figure 1.0 Apparatus use

Source: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/impact-of-a-fluid-jet-experiment.726911/

In this experiment, the flow rate of nozzle is determined by using different type of vane. The
basic principle of jet pump is the transfer of energy and momentum from one stream of fluid to
another. The increase of velocity and the resulting reduction in pressure at the nozzle exit. (Santhosh
Kumar Gugulothu, Shalini Manchikatla, 2014). The jet of water is directed to hit the vane with a force
that exerted on the vane by the jet of water. The amount of force exerted on the vane is depends on the
diameter of the jet shape and the fluid flow rate which is also depends on whether the vane is moving
or stationary but in this experiment a stationary vane is used.

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report

The equation of the momentum is based on the Newton’s 2nd law of motion which states that
the total external forces applied to control volume of fluid in any direction equal to the rate of change
of impetus of this direction. The outer forces include the element of the weight of the fluid and of the
forces exerted outwardly upon the boundary surface of control volume. If a vertical water jet moving
with velocity strike the vane in vertical direction, force will be exerted on the target by the impact of
jet and applying momentum equation in x- direction. Consider a vane symmetrical about the x-axis
and let the mass of the flow rate in the jet be m with the velocity of the jet that enters the control
volume in the x-direction to be V i. A jet of fluid flowing at the along the x-axis with the velocity
strikes the vane and is deflected by it through angle β, so that the fluid omits the vanes with the
velocity, Vn inclined at an angle β to the x-axis. Meanwhile, the pressure that exerted on the surface of
the jet is atmospheric while the effect of gravity, changes in elevation and in piezometric force in the
jet from hitting the vanes to omit are neglected. If this force on the jet in the x direction be denoted by
Fx, then the momentum equation in the x-direction is
F x =M m (V n cosβ −V i)
Fx = Force in x direction (N)
Mm = Flow rate of mass(kg/s)
Vn = Velocity exit nozzle (m/s)
Vi = Velocity when water strike the vane (m/s)
β = Angle of the vane (°)

The impact force on the vane is opposite to equation 1

F=M m (V i−V n cosβ )
For the impact force of flat plate vane, the angle is β= 90° and cos 90°= 0 so the equation 2
will become
F=M m V i
For the impact force of hemisphere vane, the β is assumed to be 180° and cos 180°= -1 so the
equation 2 will become
F=M m (V i +V n )

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report

Finally, for impact force of the cone vane, the β is assumed to be 45° and cos 45 °=
√2 so the
equation 2 will become
F=M m (V i + √ V n)
Since the changes in elevation on jet speed and loss of speed due to friction is neglected, the
velocity will be Vi=Vn. Then to find the maximum force the equation 4 and 5 for hemisphere vane and
cone vane will become
F=2 M m V i
2+ √2
F= Mm V i
Going back to equation 1 to find the momentum of the jet and denoted momentum with
symbol J which is the rate of flow of momentum
J=M m V i
For the flat vane, from the equation 3 the momentum is equal to the force
For the hemisphere vane, from equation 6 the force is twice the momentum
F=2 J
Finally, for the cone vane, from equation 7 the force is
F=1.707 J
Assuming there has no splashing or rebound of water from the surface. The velocity of the jet
is calculated using the formula
V n=
Vn = Velocity exit nozzle (m/s)
Q = Rate of flow of the fluid (m3/s)
A = Area of the jet (m2)

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report

Since the impact of the fluid to the vane is lesser than the nozzle velocity due to the
interchange of the potential energy to kinetic energy. The equation to calculate the impact velocity is
shown below
V 2i =V 2n−2 gh
h = Height of vane above nozzle (m)
g = Gravity acceleration (m/s2)
Vn = Velocity exit nozzle (m/s)
Vi = Velocity when water strike the vane (m/s)

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report


The objective of this experiment is to determine the momentum experimentally through
impact of jet experiment. Beside that it also is to investigate the reaction force produced by the impact
of a jet of water on to various target vanes and determine the flow rate using nozzle. The hypothesis of
this experiment is the force exerted on the vane is directly proportional to the rate of the momentum.

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report


Apparatus Pictures
Volumetric hydraulic bench

Figure 2.0
Flat vane
Cone vane
Hemisphere vane

Figure 2.1
Impact of a jet (H8)

Figure 2.2
Jockey mass

Figure 2.3

Figure 2.4

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report

This experiment is carried out by using the impact of jet apparatus (H8), which was designed
to be equipped with H1D Volumetric Hydraulic Bench by TechQuipment (TQ). The dimension of H8
is 720mm × 520mm × 470mm and consist of a transparent cylinder, which contain a vertically tapered
nozzle and a test plate. The nozzle produced a high velocity jet of water which hits the test plate. The
experiment uses three different vane shape which are the flat vane with a diameter of 74mm,
hemispherical vane with a diameter of 60 mm and a conical vane. Meanwhile the Volumetric
Hydraulic Bench that provides a circulated water supply by a pump and a water measurement feature
that measures the volume of water in a tank of capacity of 35 litres.
Before the experiment starts, the impact of jet apparatus (H8) is installed properly to the
hydraulic bench. All the apparatus parameters which is the diameter of the nozzle, cross sectional area
of the nozzle, height of the vane above the nozzle tip, distance from centre of vane to pivot of the lever
and the weight of the jockey is calculated and recorded.
First, the hemisphere plate is installed to the jet impact apparatus. The jockey is placed at the
lever and balanced the lever before opening the flow control valve to obtain the datum. Then the water
is set to the maximum flow rate that the Volumetric Hydraulic Bench can provide and adjusted the
lever until it balanced, the hole in the tank is closed by putting the stopper to let the water filled the
tank. The time to fill 15 litres of water in the tank is recorded. Then the time is taken again for another
5 readings of the different placement of the jockey with reduction of 20 mm in between. As the jockey
is displaced to a new reading, flow control valve is adjusted to restore the lever to its balance position.
As the lever has been balanced, the time to fill 15 litres of water in the tank is recorded. All the time
taken is recorded for each jockey placement and tabulated in Table 1.0.
The experiment was then repeated by replacing the hemisphere plate with the cone plate and
flat vane. For the cone plate the jockey displacement has a reduction of 20 mm between reading where
the flow control valve is adjusted to restore the lever to its balance position. All the time taken for the
cone plate was recorded in Table 2.0 and then experiment continued with flat vane with the same
procedure. The displacement of the Flat vane has a difference of 10 mm. All the time taken for flat
vane is also recorded and tabulated in Table 3.0.
The velocity when water strike the vane, V i is calculated using the Equation 13, and using
Equation 12, the velocity exit nozzle, V n is obtained. The force exerted by the jockey is calculated
using F=M×h𝑦 where M is the mass of jockey, h is the distance for centre of vane to pitot of lever and
y is the distance of jockey. The flow rate of mass is then calculated using J= M m×Vi.

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report

Graph of nozzle velocity, Vn against impact velocity, Vi is produced to compare between the
three different vane shapes to collect 15 litres of water. Graph of force developed in different vanes
with relation to the rate of momentum is developed in order to compare the effect of the angle of
deflection in each of the vanes on the force exerted. A graph of impact velocity, V i to jockey distance,
y for various vane shapes is drawn to compare between the energy produced.

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report


Flat Vane
Table 1.0 Velocity of flow, momentum & force with varying jockey displacement for flat vane with
jockey distance of 95 mm
Jockey Final Time Momentu
Datu Volum Vn Vi (ms- Force
distanc distanc 3
taken Q (m3s-1) -1 1
m, J
m (m) e (m ) (ms ) ) (N)
e, y (m) e, y (m) (s) (kgms-1)
0.00046 5.977
0.095 0.181 0.086 0.015 31.95 5.9199 2.78 2.78
9 6
0.00044 5.635
0.095 0.171 0.076 0.015 33.89 5.5742 2.47 2.47
3 5
0.00040 5.116
0.095 0.161 0.066 0.015 37.33 5.0486 2.03 2.03
2 1
0.00037 4.730
0.095 0.151 0.056 0.015 40.37 4.6577 1.73 1.73
2 9
0.00032 4.153
0.095 0.141 0.046 0.015 45.98 4.0702 1.33 1.33
6 7
0.00028 3.681
0.095 0.131 0.036 0.015 51.88 3.5868 1.04 1.04
9 3

Cone vane
Table 2.0 Velocity of flow, momentum & force with varying jockey displacement for cone vane with
jockey distance of 95 mm
Jockey Final Time
Datum Volume Vn Momentum Force
distance, distance, taken Q (m3s-1) Vi (ms-1)
(m) (m3) (ms-1) , J (kgms-1) (N)
y (m) y (m) (s)
0.095 0.221 0.126 0.015 31.87 0.000471 5.9926 5.9351 2.79 4.77
0.095 0.201 0.106 0.015 35.45 0.000423 5.3875 5.3233 2.25 3.84
0.095 0.181 0.086 0.015 40.52 0.000370 4.7134 4.6399 1.72 2.93
0.095 0.161 0.066 0.015 44.50 0.000337 4.2918 4.2110 1.42 2.42
0.095 0.141 0.046 0.015 53.11 0.000282 3.5960 3.4993 0.99 1.69
0.095 0.121 0.026 0.015 72.71 0.000206 2.6267 2.4925 0.51 0.88

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report

Hemisphere vane
Table 3.0 Velocity of flow, momentum & force with varying jockey displacement for hemisphere vane
with jockey distance of 95 mm
Jockey Final Time
Datum Volume Vn Momentum Force
distance, distance, 3
taken Q (m3s-1) -1
Vi (ms-1) -1
(m) (m ) (ms ) , J (kgms ) (N)
y (m) y (m) (s)
0.095 0.235 0.14 0.015 31.10 0.000482 6.1410 6.0848 2.93 5.87
0.095 0.215 0.12 0.015 35.14 0.000427 5.4350 5.3714 2.29 4.59
0.095 0.195 0.10 0.015 37.40 0.000401 5.1066 5.0389 2.02 4.04
0.095 0.175 0.08 0.015 41.38 0.000362 4.6154 4.5404 1.65 3.29
0.095 0.155 0.06 0.015 50.90 0.000295 3.7522 3.6595 1.08 2.16
0.095 0.135 0.04 0.015 59.46 0.000252 3.2120 3.1033 0.78 1.57



Velocity of nozzle, Vn (m/s)




Flat Vane

3.0000 Cone vane

2.5000 e vane

2.0000 2.5000 3.0000 3.5000 4.0000 4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000 6.5000
Impact Velocity, Vi (m/s)

Graph 1.0 Graph of velocity of nozzle against impact velocity

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report



Force, F (N)




0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00

Flat Vane Momentum, J (kgm/s) Hemisphere Vane

Cone Vane

Graph 2.0 Graph of force against momentum

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report



Impact Velocity, Vi(m/s)



3.5000 Flat Vane

Linear (Flat Vane )
3.0000 Cone Vane
Linear (Cone Vane )
2.5000 Hemisphere Vane
Linear (Hemisphere Vane )
0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26
Jockey distance, y (m)

Graph 3.0 Graph of impact velocity against jockey distance

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report


Weight of jockey mass, W=mg, W= (0.6) × (9.81)

= 5.886 N
Diameter of nozzle, d= 0.01 m
Cross-sectional area of nozzle, A= πr²
= π × (0.005) ²
= 7.854 × 10 -5 m2
Diameter of centre of vane to pivot of lever, s= 0.15 m
Height of vane above nozzle tip, h= 0.035 m

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report

For Flat Vane,

Flow rate, Q=
= 0.000469 m3s-1
Velocity of nozzle, Vn =
7.854 ×10−5
= 5.9776 m/s
Impact velocity, Vi 2 = Vn 2 – 2gh
= 5.9776 2 – (2×9.81×0.035)
Vi = 5.9199 m/s
Momentum, J = (Q× Vi) × 1000
= (0.000469 × 5.9199) × 1000
= 2.78 kgms-1
Force, F = J
= 2.78 N
*same calculations are applied for other result

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report

For cone vane,

Flow rate, Q=
= 0.000471 m3s-1
Velocity of nozzle, Vn =
7.854 ×10−5
= 5.9926 m/s
Impact velocity, Vi 2 = Vn 2 – 2gh
= 5.9926 2 – (2×9.81×0.035)
Vi = 5.9351 m/s
Momentum, J = (Q× Vi) × 1000
= (0.000469 × 5.9351) × 1000
= 2.79 kgms-1
Force, F = 1.707J
= 4.77 N
*same calculations are applied for other result

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report

For hemisphere vane,

Flow rate, Q=
= 0.000471 m3s-1
Velocity of nozzle, Vn =
7.854 ×10−5
= 6.1410 m/s
Impact velocity, Vi 2 = Vn 2 – 2gh
= 6.1410 2 – (2×9.81×0.035)
Vi = 6.0848 m/s

Momentum, J = (Q× Vi) × 1000

= (0.000471 × 6.0848) × 1000
= 2.93 kgms-1
Force, F = 2J
= 5.87 N
*same calculations are applied for other result

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report

The objective of the experiment is achieved in which the flow rate is determined. In this
experiment, three types of vanes are used which are flat vane, cone vane and hemisphere vane. During
the experiment, water of volume, 0.015 m 3 is collected in the measuring bucket and the collection time
is recorded. From rough observation, water flows faster for flat vane since the time taken to collect the
volume is the shortest among the other vanes. Nevertheless, calculations have to be made for a better
clarification. Therefore, to get the flow rates, volume of water is divided by the collection time. From
the result tables, for the first seconds, hemisphere vane has the highest flow rate followed by cone
vane, and flat vane. However, for the next seconds, flat cane has the highest flow rate followed by
hemisphere vane, and cone vane.
Next objective which is the determination of the momentum through impact of jet experiment
is also achieved. From the calculations, we know that momentum is calculated by using the formula,
Momentum, J = (Q× Vi) × 1000
Q is flow rates
Vi is impact velocity

From the result tables, the highest momentum produced is when hemisphere vane is used.
When value of momentum is known, then only force can be calculated. From graph 2.0, force is
directly proportional to momentum. This makes the highest force produced is when hemisphere vane
is used while the lowest force produced is when flat vane is used. According to Patil, (as cited in
Hossain et al., 2018), it was found that experimentally force exerted by jet on hemispherical vane was
more than that of flat plate and almost double to that of flat plate force. Thus, our result and hypothesis
are acceptable.
Moreover, the investigation of the reaction force produced by the impact of a jet water on to
various target vanes is done. Based on the investigation, when the flow rates increase, the force
resulted from the impact of the jet on the vanes increase too. This is because, water is used to generate
a force and the forced water is impacted on a surface which in this experiment, is the target vane.
Consequently, it can be said that the impact is depends on the water itself specifically, the flow rate.
Nanayakkara (as cited in Hossain et al., 2018) said that when water jet velocity is higher, force exerted
on to the target vane is higher too. From this, our investigation is acceptable.

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report

This experiment is important since flow through nozzle has a wide range of applications
which include steam, air, water, vapour, gas, chemical substances and high temperatures. Although
this experiment is almost accurate, few problems still be encountered throughout the experiment. This
includes parallax error that happened during taking the reading of jockey distance and volume . Other
than that, systematic error existed when there has some leaking during the experiment due to lack of
maintainance and causing the time taken to collect 15 litre water to be not precise. Beside that is
human error who the observer took the reading of volume while recording the time. The precaution
steps that need to be done is the reading should be taken several time to obtain the average result so
that we can mimnimise the error and the apparatus should be check before use.

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report


In this experiment, there are three types of vanes which are flat vane, cone vane and
hemisphere vane. In conclusion, the force exerted on the vane is directly proportional to the rate of the
momentum. From this experiment, the value of momentum for hemisphere vane, flat vane and cone
vane are 2.93 kgms-1, 2.78 kgms-1 and 2.79 kgms-1 respectively. The highest value of momentum is
recorded is when using the hemisphere vane.

KNS 2591 Civil Engineering Laboratory 3
Laboratory Report

Elementary Civil Engineering (2017). Measurement of Impact of Jet on Flat Plate Vane and
Hemispherical Cup lab report. Retrieved from
Hossain, Farzad & Morshed, Afshana & Sultana, Rifat & Islam, Md. (2018). Measurement of Flow
Rate and Impact Force on Different Vanes through Impact of Jet. International Journal of Modern
Research in Engineering & Management (2581-4540). 1. 22-28.
Santhosh Kumar Gugulothu, Shalini Manchikatla (2014). Experimental and Performance Analysis of
Single Nozzle Jet Pump with Various Mixing Tubes. Retrieved from


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