Lab 12

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Lab 12: Archimedes Principle

November 16, 2015

Samuel Rodgers
Chris Gerrell

Part 1: Direct
Measure the mass of one of the metal cylinders and label this as its mass in air. Fill the overflow cup with
water and completely submerge the cylinder and label this the mass in water. Calculate the weight in both.
The difference between these is the buoyant force. Subtract weight in water from the weight in air and
record the resultant force. Repeat for the other metal mass.

Part 2: Displacement
Partially fill the graduated cylinder and record the initial volume. Slowly immerse the metal cylinder into
the water. Record the final volume. Calculate the amount displaced and find the weight of the displaced
water, which is the buoyant force. Using this calculate the density of the object. Repeat for the other metal
and the wood.

Part 3: Equation:
Measure the height and diameter of the objects. Find the buoyant force using F B = Vg. And compare
these to the previous values.

of Aluminum: 3600kg/m3

Sample Calculations:

FB Aluminum (N)
FB Brass (N)
FB Wood (N)
0.32 0.0005
0.32 0.0005
0.33 0.01
0.33 0.01
0.24 0.004
0.27 0.003
of Brass: 10300 kg/m
of Wood = 844 kg/m3

Discussions of Results:
This experiment showed that the buoyant force can be found in three different ways. The direct and
displacement method yielded very similar results for both the metal cylinders. This is in contrast to the
equation method. This is possibly the result of the influence of the errors introduced with the measuring
the displacements as well as the density of water is dependent on the temperature. The equation method
yielded the most reliable data and should be used as a base line as it was a theoretically evaluated value.

1. If air is a fluid, why do we not include the buoyant force caused by the displacement of air by the
objects in this experiment? Explain your answer carefully. (Hint: water = 1000 kg/m3, air =1.21 kg/m3)
The buoyant force due to air is negligible. The density of air is 1.2 kg/m3 and therefore not an
important factor.

2. Which weighs more? (Justify your answer by drawing a force diagram for each case.)
a. A tub filled to the brim with water.
b. A tub filled to the brim with water, with a boat floating in it.
c. They weigh the same.

C. they weight the same. The boat will displace an equal amount of mass that will spill over the
side causing the overall weight of the system not to change.

3. A 1000 cm3 gold brick ( = 19.3 g / cm 3 , so mass = 19.3 kg) and a 1000 cm3 aluminum brick ( =
2.7g/cm3, so mass = 2.7 kg) are immersed in water. Which brick experiences the greater buoyant force?
Justify your answer.
Since they are the same volume they will displace the same volume of water so the buoyant force
will be the same.

4. How can a ship made of steel (steel=7.88 g/cm3) float in water?

By having a hull shaped so as to displace its weight in the water.

5. Explain how a hot air balloon flies.

It displaces the colder air, which is less dense than the heated air in the balloon creating a greater
buoyant force.

6. Calculate the buoyant force that would be exerted on the wood cylinder if you held it under water. How
much force must you exert to keep it submerged?
You would have to exert a force equal to the buoyant force.

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