Solid-Phase Partitioning of Mercury in Artisanal Gold Mine Tailings From Selected Key Areas in Mindanao, Philippines, and Its Implications For Mercury Detoxification

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WMR0010.1177/0734242X17753534Waste Management & ResearchOpiso et al.

Original Article

Waste Management & Research

Solid-phase partitioning of mercury in

2018, Vol. 36(3) 269­–276
© The Author(s) 2018
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artisanal gold mine tailings from selected
DOI: 10.1177/0734242X17753534

key areas in Mindanao, Philippines, and its

implications for mercury detoxification

Einstine M Opiso1, John Paul J Aseneiro2, Marybeth Hope T Banda1

and Carlito B Tabelin3

The solid-phase partitioning of mercury could provide necessary data in the identification of remediation techniques in contaminated
artisanal gold mine tailings. This study was conducted to determine the total mercury content of mine wastes and identify its solid-
phase partitioning through selective sequential extraction coupled with cold vapour atomic absorption spectroscopy. Samples from
mine tailings and the carbon-in-pulp (CIP) process were obtained from selected key areas in Mindanao, Philippines. The results showed
that mercury use is still prevalent among small-scale gold miners in the Philippines. Tailings after ball mill-gravity concentration
(W-BM and Li-BM samples) from Mt Diwata and Libona contained high levels of mercury amounting to 25.024 and 6.5 mg kg-
1, respectively. The most prevalent form of mercury in the mine tailings was elemental/amalgamated mercury, followed by water

soluble, exchangeable, organic and strongly bound phases, respectively. In contrast, mercury content of carbon-in-pulp residues were
significantly lower at only 0.3 and 0.06 mg kg-1 for P-CIP (Del Pilar) and W-CIP (Mt Diwata), respectively. The bulk of mercury in
P-CIP samples was partitioned in residual fraction while in W-CIP samples, water soluble mercury predominated. Overall, this study
has several important implications with regards to mercury detoxification of contaminated mine tailings from Mindanao, Philippines.

Gold extraction, mercury remediation, small-scale mining, heavy metal speciation, mine tailings

Received 20th October 2017, accepted 13th December 2017 by Editor in Chief P Agamuthu.

With an estimated 15 million artisanal and small-scale gold mines Mercury is an extremely toxic compound, not only to the sur-
(ASGM) in more than 70 countries, mercury contamination of the rounding ecosystem, but also to the health of the small-scale min-
soil, sediments and water bodies in these mining areas is a very ers, their families and other individuals living close to the mining
serious environmental problem (Velásquez-López et al., 2011). operation. It is released into the environment during amalgama-
This is primarily because ASGM still employ amalgamation, a tion by careless handling, disposal to inadequate tailings pond,
process whereby mercury is either added into the ‘heavy’ products direct discharge to rivers, direct vaporization and many others
of gravity concentrators (e.g. sluice boxes and panning) or directly (Orbeta et al., 2000). Several individuals who have either devel-
into the ball mill during grinding to agglomerate the liberated fine oped adverse symptoms or died owing to mercury poisoning had
particles of gold forming relatively large mercury–gold amalgams
that could be recovered by hand. Because mercury is always added
1Geoenvironmental Engineering Group, Central Mindanao University,
in excess to recover as much of the gold as possible, amalgamation
Bukidnon, Philippines
eventually produces mercury-contaminated mine tailings and 2Material Science Research Group, Central Mindanao University,

waste waters. Although amalgamation had recently been replaced Bukidnon, Philippines
3Division of Sustainable Resources Engineering, Hokkaido University,
by cyanidation processes like carbon-in-pulp (CIP) or carbon-in-
Sapporo, Japan
leach (CIL), the majority of ASGM worldwide, including the
Philippines, still employ mercury for gold recovery (Appleton Corresponding author:
et al., 1999, 2006). Swain et al. (2007) estimated that around Einstine M Opiso, Geoenvironmental Engineering Group, Civil
Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Central Mindanao
1000 t of mercury is released into the environment annually by University, Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon, Philippines.
ASGM owing to poor mining practices. Email: [email protected]
270 Waste Management & Research 36(3)

been reported in the literature (Williams et al., 1995). In the One complication in the remediation of mercury-contami-
Philippines, for example, Drasch et al. (2001) noted that exposed nated ASGM tailings, sediments and soils is their site-specific
ball mill operators and amalgam smelters in Mt Diwata, nature. This is primarily because ore type, mineral processing
Mindanao, Philippines, complained of metallic tastes, fatigue, and extraction techniques largely vary from area to area in small-
tremors, memory problems, restlessness, weight loss and insom- scale mining operations. Because of this, elucidation of dissolved
nia, all of which are known symptoms of mercury poisoning. It mercury concentration as well as the solid-phase partitioning of
was also reported by Akagi et al. (2000) that children living near this element in each site is crucial for the development of suitable
an artisanal gold processing and refining plant in Apokon, Tagum, site-specific remediation options. Unfortunately, there are no
Davao del Norte, Philippines, were generally underweight, and studies available in literature about the solid-phase partitioning
have gingival discoloration, adenopathy as well as dermatologic of mercury in contaminated ASGM tailings in the Philippines.
abnormalities. Also, treating the source of mercury contamination associated
Like other heavy metals and metalloids, mercury toxicity is with ASGM tailings is the most appropriate and economical way
closely related to its chemical form (i.e. methylmercury is more of dealing with the problem. In this context, this study aims to
toxic than metallic/ionic mercury), while its mobility is strongly determine the total mercury concentration and its solid-phase
dependent on its solid-phase partitioning with different mineral partitioning in ASGM tailings in some selected key areas in
phases in sediments and soils (Bakir et al., 1973; Millán et al., Mindanao, Philippines. The solid-phase partitioning of mercury
2006; Tabelin et al., 2012a, 2012b). One of the most commonly was investigated by sequential extraction coupled with cold
used methods to determine the solid-phase partitioning of mer- vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy (CVAAS). The particle
cury is sequential extraction, a technique that involves treatment size distribution of mercury-contaminated mine tailings was also
of the sample with a series of solvents that specifically attack determined.
certain minerals in the sample matrix (e.g. carbonates, sulphides
and oxides) (Gavilán-García et al., 2008; Tabelin and Igarashi, Materials and methods
2009; Tabelin et al., 2014; Tessier et al., 1979). This technique
has been successfully employed to estimate the mobility and
Study area and sample collection
potential bioavailability of mercury in contaminated soils of the The ASGM tailings samples were collected from Barangay
Idrija mercury mine region (Kocman et al., 2004) and in some Gango, Libona, Bukidnon; Barangay del Pilar, Cabadbaran City,
gold mining areas in Mexico (Gavilán-García et al., 2008). Agusan del norte; and Barangay Mt Diwata (Mt Diwalwal),
Aside from identifying the sources of mercury in contami- Monkayo, Compostela Valley as shown in Figure 1. In the
nated soils and sediments, knowledge of the solid-phase parti- Philippines, the usual process employed by small-scale gold min-
tioning of this element in contaminated ASGM tailings could ers to recover gold is amalgamation during ball milling followed
aid in the development of more efficient detoxification or by the recovery of mercury–gold amalgams by gravity concen-
immobilisation techniques. A high proportion of soluble mer- tration techniques like panning and sluice boxes. Because the
cury in contaminated soils, for example, could be effectively processed ores after ball milling still contain considerable
remediated by soil washing, phytoextraction and electro-reme- amounts of ‘unliberated’ gold, these are sold to other players for
diation approaches. Mercury in soils with high non-available reprocessing using cyanidation (i.e. CIP process). The samples
mercury content can be remediated via stabilisation/solidifica- from Cabadbaran City were collected in an open field of a closed
tion, which mainly involves the mixing of mercury-contami- compound near the processing plant, is already covered with veg-
nated soil or waste with chemical binders, such as cement, etation. The CIP plant in this area stopped its operation for over a
sulphide-/phosphate-based materials, polyester resins or polysi- year because the city government of Cabadbaran banned all types
loxane compounds to create a slurry, paste or other semi-liquid of mining in the area. In the case of Mt Diwalwal, ball mill tail-
phase that is cured into a solid form (United States Environmental ings samples were collected inside a residential quarter, while the
Protection Agency, 2007). Vitrification, thermal desorption CIP residues were obtained in a tailings pond beside the CIP pro-
technology and immobilisation can also be applied when con- cessing plant. The samples from Libona, Bukidnon, were col-
taminated soils contain very high elemental mercury (Wang lected from a common tailings pond, which has already been in
et al., 2012). For dissolved mercury in waste waters, it could be operation for more than 10 years. Table 1 presents the details of
precipitated at around neutral to slightly alkaline pH conditions sample labelling, location and type of tailings collected from
similar to most heavy metals associated with pyrite-rich wastes each site. The sampling method was carried out randomly for
like mine tailings (Tabelin and Igarashi, 2009; Tatsuhara et al., each key area in Mindanao. About 3–7 kg of mine tailings was
2012). Dean et al. (1972), for example, immobilised high con- collected and placed in a Ziploc bag and stored in a sampling
centrations of dissolved mercury as an oxide by precipitation at cooler bag. All precautions for proper sampling were carefully
around pH 7 under oxidising conditions. In case mercury con- followed throughout the sampling processes. The collected sam-
centrations are in trace amounts, it could be immobilised using ples were refrigerated until treatment and analysis commenced.
adsorbents with strong negative surface charges like zeolite Also, the samples were sieved through a 2-mm aperture screen
(Chojnacki et al., 2004) and perlite (Ghassabzadeh et al., 2010). prior to homogenisation and analysis.
Opiso et al. 271

Figure 1.  Map of Mindanao, Philippines, and locations of key artisanal gold mining areas on the island.

Table 1.  Sample name, locations and gold extraction methods.

Sample name Sample location Source (gold extraction method)

Li-BM Barangay Gango, Libona, Bukidnon Ball mill tailings
P-CIP Barangay Del Pilar, Cabadbaran City, Agusan del Norte Ball mill tailings and carbon-in-pulp residue
W-BM Barangay Mt Diwata, Monkayo, Compostela Valley Ball mill tailings
W-CIP Barangay Mt Diwata, Monkayo, Compostela Valley Ball mill tailings and carbon-in-pulp residue

Standards, reagents and apparatus possible insights into the distribution of mercury in the various
size fractions.
Chemical reagents (hydrochloric acid (HCl) (37%), nitric acid
HNO3 (65%), magnesium chloride hexahydrate MgCl2•6H2O,
sodium hydroxide pellets NaOH, solid sodium sulphide Determination of total mercury
HNa2S+, glacial acetic acid and standard gold solution (1000 concentration
ppm)) used throughout the study were of analytical grade. Representative samples of ASGM tailings and CIP residues were
Double-distilled water was used throughout the experiment, digested following the standard procedure based on ISO 11466:
and glassware was thoroughly washed with detergent and tap 1995 for total mercury determination. The analysis of mercury
water, soaked in 5% HNO3, triple-rinsed with double-distilled was carried out using CVAAS.
water and dried in a clean oven.

Sequential extraction procedure

Determination of particle size
The solid-phase partitioning of mercury was determined by the
distribution of mine tailings and CIP
sequential extraction procedure employed by Gavilán-García
residues et al. (2008) (Table 2), which was based on the techniques
Particle size determination of samples was carried out using a developed and/or used by five research groups: Tessier et al.
particle size analyser with dynamic light-scattering capabilities. (1979), Di Giulio and Ryan (1987), Wallschläger et al. (1998),
A suspension in water of the samples was prepared as actual Ebinghaus et al. (1999) and Bloom et al. (2003). This sequential
specimens to be measured. The determination of the size frac- extraction procedure is divided into two routes (Figure 2).
tions of mercury-contaminated mine tailings could give Route 1 only has two sequential steps: (1) water soluble species
272 Waste Management & Research 36(3)

Table 2.  The sequential extraction procedure used in this study based on Gavilán-García et al. (2008).

Fraction Extracting solution(s) Extraction process Target phase(s) Potential mercury

(Hg) species
F1 DI water Shaken in a water bath for 120 min Water soluble HgCl2
F2* Aqua regia Heated first at 180 °C for 3 h and then Elemental/ amalgamated Hg
reacted with aqua regia for 15 h amalgam
F2 0.2 M magnesium Shaken in a water bath for 120 min Exchangeable HgSO4 and HgO
chloride (MgCl2) Hg
F3 HCl (conc.) Shaken in a water bath for 120 min Strongly bound Hg bounded to
Hg Fe/Mn oxides
F4 0.2 M NaOH + 4% Shaken in water bath for 120 min with Organic Hg Organic Hg
(v/v) solution of NaOH solution followed by another 120
glacial acetic acid min with glacial acetic acid
F5 Saturated solution of Shaken in water bath for 24 h Sulphide HgS
Na2S fraction
F6 HNO3 conc. and HCl Digestion with concentrated HNO3 and Residual Hg HgSe and residual
(conc.) HCl at 85 °C for 45 min

Figure 2.  Flowchart of the sequential extraction procedure to determine the solid-phase partitioning of mercury.

(F1), and (2) elemental species (F2*). The value of elemental/ the general flow of the sequential extraction procedure used in
amalgam (F2*) was obtained by subtracting the concentration this study.
extracted in F1 and the concentration of mercury in the residue
F2 from the total mercury concentration. In comparison, Route
2 divided mercury into six fractions: water soluble species (F1), Results and discussion
exchangeable species (F2), strongly bound species (F3), organic
Particle size distribution of mine tailings
species (F4), sulphide fraction (F5) and residual (F6). For mer-
cury in the sulphide fraction (F5), this was obtained by subtract-
and CIP residues
ing F1, F2, F3, F4 and F6 from the total mercury concentration Regardless of the site, almost all of the samples passed through a
since excess sulphide from F5 could generate interference dur- 75-μm aperture screen after drying and homogenisation. In gen-
ing CVAAS analysis (Gavilán-García et al., 2008). All experi- eral, tailings from the ball mill have bigger particles than the CIP
ments were done in triplicates to ascertain that differences and residues. For example, Li-BM had a D80 of 25 μm, while W-CIP
trends observed were statistically significant. Solutions for had D80 of 0.2 μm (Figure 2). These results are to be expected
mercury determination by CVAAS were preserved by adding because regrinding is required to liberate more gold prior to the
HNO3 (2% (v/v)) and AuCl3 (1 ppm of gold). Figure 2 presents CIP process. Comparison of the two CIP residues also showed
Opiso et al. 273

Figure 3.  Particle size distributions of tailings and CIP residues.

that the sample from Barangay Mt Diwata, Monkayo, Compostela This is because when mercury-contaminated wastes are disposed
Valley, have finer particles (D80 = 0.2 μm) than those from of into aquatic bodies like rivers, mercury could be bio-assimi-
Barangay Del Pilar, Cabadbaran (P-CIP) (D80 = 0.4 μm). These lated by aquatic organisms like fish and shellfish, and converted to
results could be attributed to differences in the mechanical the more toxic methylmercury, which has carcinogenic properties
strength of rocks hosting the ore of gold. In addition, Li-BM and as well as immunological, reproductive, renal, cardiovascular and
P-CIP samples showed gap-graded distribution of particles, while hematopoietic toxicity (Appleton et al., 1999). The reported
the samples from Mt Diwalwal (W-BM and W-CIP) exhibited median concentrations of mercury in the blood of ASGM workers
well-graded distribution of particles (Figure 3). are significantly higher than those living downstream in Monkayo,
Philippines (Drasch et al., 2001).
On the other hand, CIP residues from Del Pilar (P-CIP) and
Total mercury content of tailings and CIP
Mt Diwata (W-CIP) have less than 1 mg kg-1 concentration of
residues mercury with total mercury concentrations of 0.3 and 0.06 mg
The results of the total mercury determination confirmed the pres- kg-1, respectively. The abrupt reduction of mercury concentration
ence of mercury in ASGM tailings and CIP residues. The ball mill from ball mill tailings to CIP residues suggests that mercury is
samples from Libona (LiBM) and Mt Diwata (WBM) showed released during the continued processing of gold. This release of
high levels of mercury with total mercury concentrations amount- mercury from the ball milling tails during CIP is facilitated either
ing to about 6.5 and 25.024 mg kg-1, respectively. These values far by physical (e.g. reduction in size) and/or chemical (i.e. solubisa-
exceeded the acceptable local and international standards for ele- tion by CN-) processes as explained previously. A previous study
mental and methylated mercury in residential soil and even for by Shaw et al. (2006) showed that CN- mobilised mercury from
parkland and commercial land use. The higher mercury content of the tailings and transported it through the pore-water as mercury–
ball mill samples compared with the CIP residues could be attrib- cyanide complexes (predominantly Hg(CN)2). Thus, the release
uted to two things: (1) mercury ‘trapping’ of the larger particles of of mercury into the surrounding aquatic environment is directly
the ball mill samples (de Andrade Lima et al., 2008); and/or (2) dependent on the rate of CN- leaching (Shaw et al., 2006).
dissolution of mercury by cyanide (CN-) during CIP (Nsimba, However, these complexes are relatively weak and would disso-
2009; Velásquez-López et al., 2011). Also, the high mercury con- ciate under mildly acidic conditions (pH 4 to 6) (Nsimba, 2009).
tents of tailings mean that these wastes are hazardous, not only to Unstable metal-cyanide complexes could also adsorb common
the gold miners, but to residents living downstream of the mines. mineral components of soils and sediments, such as the oxides of
274 Waste Management & Research 36(3)

Table 3.  Solid-phase partitioning of mercury in ASGM tailings of mercury introduced during amalgamation. In comparison,
and CIP residues. relatively low elemental mercury after CIP suggest that most of
Sample Mercury content (μg g-1) mercury added during amalgamation was solubilised by CN-,
which could render mercury mobile in the environment. It should
  F1 F2* F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 be noted that because of the very strong extracting solution used
Li-BM 0.130 5.738 0.101 0.203 0.101 0.227 0 in F2* (i.e. aqua regia), mercury partitioned in this fraction
P-CIP 0 0.254 0 0.022 0 0.016 0.008 included a substantial portion of those found in phases F2–F6. To
W-BM 0.030 24.968 0.013 0.004 0.009 0 0 further identify other possible phases important in the solid-phase
W-CIP 0.001 0.059 0 0 0 0 0 partitioning of mercury, the second sequential extraction route
Note: F1: water soluble; F2: elemental/amalgamated mercury; F2*: (i.e. Route 2) was conducted. Strongly bound (F3) and sulphide
exchangeable species; F3*: strongly bound species; F4*: organic (F5) fractions were also found in Li-BM and P-CIP samples in
mercury; F5*: sulphide fractions; F6*: residual Hg. relatively significant amounts, but these fractions are not a prob-
lem because of their high stability, low solubility and limited bio-
availability (Gavilán-García et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2012).
Mercury in the sulphide fraction was observed only in Li-BM
and P-CIP samples, while residual mercury was only detected in
P-CIP samples. In the former, mercury could be incorporated into
iron sulphide (e.g. pyrite) (Morse and Luther, 1999) while in the
latter, the presence of both strongly bound and sulphide forms of
mercury hints that there is a complex inter-conversion of this ele-
ment from one form to another. In comparison, only water solu-
ble and elemental/amalgamated phases of mercury were observed
in W-CIP samples, in which the latter was the most dominant.
Water soluble (F1), exchangeable species (F2) and organic forms
(F3) of mercury were also detected in Li-BM and W-BM sam-
ples. The presence of mercury in water soluble, organic and
exchangeable forms presents a potential health and environmen-
tal risk since these forms of mercury are easily transformed and
redistributed in the environment (Gavilán-García et al., 2008).
Moreover, the solid-phase partitioning of mercury after depo-
sition into the tailings through small-scale gold mining opera-
tions could be influenced by various environmental factors, such
as pH and temperature, as well as geochemical factors, like
humic acid content of the soil and the presence of microorgan-
isms. For example, mercury in elemental/amalgamated form
Figure 4.  Solid-phase partitioning of mercury in mine tailings could be oxidised to dissolved mercury (Hg+2) (Gavilán-García
and CIP residues for route 1 (A) and route 2 (B). et al., 2008), a cation with high solubility that reacts with chlo-
Note: F1: water soluble; F2*: elemental/amalgamated mercury; F2: ride, oxygen and sulphur to form mercury salts like HgS, HgCl2
exchangeable species; F3: strongly bound species; F4: organic mer-
cury; F5: HgS; F6: residual mercury. or Hg2Cl2 (O’Driscoll et al., 2005). The solubility of mercury
compounds ranges from negligible for HgS, to very soluble par-
ticularly for HgCl2 (Rodríguez et al., 2012). In the case of organic
iron, aluminium, silicon, and manganese, as well as clays, which
mercury compounds, methylmercury is the predominant species
in most systems would inhibit their migrations (Kuyucak and
that could be formed by microorganisms in aquatic environments
Akcil, 2013).
(Ullrich et al., 2001).

Solid-phase partitioning of mercury

The speciation of mercury determines its toxicity, transport path-
ways and residence time in different compartments of the envi- The results of this study have several important implications with
ronment (O’Driscoll et al., 2005). Table 3 presents the level of regards to mercury detoxification of contaminated ASGM tail-
mercury in the different functional phases of tailings and CIP ings and CIP residues in Mindanao, Philippines. First, mercury
residues. The prevalent form of mercury in all types of samples use is still prevalent among ASGM operations to recover gold
was elemental mercury (F2*), as shown in Figure 4, with W-BM through amalgamation, despite its ban in the 1980s. With regards
exhibiting the highest amounts. The very high elemental mercury to this, the government should strictly implement the ban on mer-
in the tailings is to be expected because of the excessive amounts cury use among ASGM operators and limit its proliferation in the
Opiso et al. 275

black market. Specifically, the concerned local government units Dean JG, Bosqui FL and Lanouette KH (1972) Removing heavy metals from
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The authors are grateful to the local government units of Barangay
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Gango, Libona, Bukidnon and Barangay Mt Diwata, Monkayo,
Compostela Valley for their assistance in the collection of the sam- Millán R, Gamarra R, Schmid T, et al. (2006) Mercury content in vegeta-
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Declaration of conflicting interests 3373–3378.
Nsimba EB (2009) Cyanide and cyanide complexes in the goldmine polluted
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the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. sertation), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
O’Driscoll NJ, Rencz A and Lean DR (2005) The biogeochemistry and fate
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