James Study Intro
James Study Intro
James Study Intro
Tauna Meyer
Scripture is from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry
of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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Introduction to James
This is the intro to our study on the book of James and includes some
general setup files and instructions for the whole year’s study, as well
as some study notes and devotions as an overview before we get
started digging in deep!
During 2019 this study will be released in monthly installments. You can
find a list with links to all the available monthly files as well as more
detail on the features listed below at ProverbialHomemaker.com/
• Read the Bible Checklist - Use this to track your reading journey
through the Bible. Each day, you’ll read from this or your own
Bible reading plan before working on James more in-depth.
• Write and Memorize James - This checklist will help you write
and/or memorize the book of James. You may want to print a
copy for each child participating as well.
• Praying for My Family - This is a general aid to help you pray for
your family. Write their names on the left and pray through the
areas on the right until you’ve covered them, them move onto
the next person.
• Prayer Loop - Keep track of your prayers with this checklist. Write
daily prayers on the top and areas or people you want to pray
• Scripture Art Prints & Coloring Pages - Our custom illustrated art
and coloring pages will help you focus on the current passage
this month. There are two illustrations that come in either color for
display or black and white to use as a coloring page.
• Devotion & Pray the Word- Read through our devotion and
prayers focusing on each month’s passage. Perfect for family or
morning devotion time after reading the scripture.
• Draw or Build - While older kids are doing word studies or the
discussion questions, younger kids can write a phrase or
sentence. They can draw something based on the passage or
build it with legos and paste a picture in the provided area on
this page.
• Bible Study Tip of the Day - A tip with resources and ideas for
effective Bible study, such as how to do a word study, what a
concordance is and how to use it effectively, etc.
• Younger kids can listen to the passage and use the Draw/
Build page. Have them pick something that stood out to
them, or a Bible story or personal situation it reminded
them of. Depending on their age they can write/dictate a
phrase or a few sentences about it. Have them draw the
the idea/scene on the page or build it with Legos and
paste in a photo of their creation.
• Practice reciting the scripture every day. Recite all the verses in
the passage you’ve learned so far plus the current verse.
• Invite your kids to help come up with hand motions for key words
in the verses to help you all memorize and recite.
• Laminate the scripture cards or art prints or put them into sealed
ziplock bags and tape them in the shower for recitation/prayer.
• Put the cards on a book ring and practice them together in the
car, at appointments, or before bed time.
• When you tuck your kids in at night, incorporate the prayers that
you have been praying and writing and invite them to do the
same during their own prayers.
• Use the provided scripture puzzles for a simple activity your kids
can use to reinforce their memorization.
The book of James is a favorite among many believers, and for good
reason. It encourages, inspires, and gives us practical insight that
helps put into practice what we learn in scripture. It is a call to action
to the Christian who truly desires to follow Jesus in His footsteps.
James was written by the half brother of Jesus, who was called
James the Just, and was the leader of the church in Jerusalem. He
was eventually martyred after 30 years serving in that capacity.
The book of James takes a slightly different track than some other
New Testament writings, although it’s completely in harmony with the
rest of scripture. James focuses on encouraging believers and
strengthening their resolve in the midst of trials rather than direct
teaching of the gospel, although the gospel message is surely present
throughout. It is a guide for the believer on how their outward works
should reflect and come from a true inner faith, and on how to walk
the Christian walk when it’s not easy.
Who did James have in mind when he wrote this book? (In other
words, who is the audience?)
Is James’ message that our works must reflect our inner heart in
conflict with Paul’s message of salvation through faith alone? Why or
why not?
Additional RESOURCES
Consider looking into some of these additional resources for your
studies throughout the year. They’ll enrich your understanding and
help you get a bigger picture of the book of James! You will find
additional resources for all ages in each month’s printable pack as
well for the topics that we’ll be studying.