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Textured Yarn Technology

Prof. Kushal Sen

Department of Textile Technology
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

General principles involved in the manufacture of textured yarns

Lecture – 03
General principles involved in the involved in the manufacture of textured yarns. .

All right, so we are going to be in this particular lecture, continuing from what we had
done before that is talking about the techniques the principles involved in producing
stretch yards. Now we go further and if you go and check the principles involved in the
manufacture the textured yarns may be on the modified stretch yarn.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:43)

And so if you recall we had talked about stretch yarn which can be produced by Helenca
process; which is a batch process. But it gives you helical structure because we are using
twist, then there is a false twist process the twist is still being imparted, but in a manner
which is slightly different this also gives you the helical structure.

Edge crimping is also a different process does not have a twisting mechanism, but till it
gives you helical structure. And the turbo duo has a twist, but without a twister. It also
gives you helical structures. All these processes which actually have produced stretch
yarns had helical structure
(Refer Slide Time: 01:39)

So, we go to the next step which is the producing the modified stretch yarns. And what
we said basically is that for every application, we would not require a large amount of
stretch. And therefore, we would reduce the stretch and therefore, the name modified.

Because first you produce a stretch yarn and then modify this yarn to get to another thing
which is what we call as a modified stretch yarn. So, this is what we start and hopefully
we will be able to continue and finish this particular requirement. .

(Refer Slide Time: 02:27)

So, the requirement of a stretch yarn as we said is reduce the stretch by to the extent let
us say we reduce it to 100 percent to 150 percent stretch. And the technique that we will
see is something like that.

(Refer Slide Time: 03:01)

The same process which has been used for producing stretch yarn Helenca process which
we understand is the batch process can be used to produce modified stretch yarn as well.
So, we have principally first twisting, then we do setting for some type of a set and then
de twist; this was our original process which was producing a textured yarn. So, now, we
say that after this de twisting we are producing a soft package we try to understand that
soft package means the density of the package is less. That means, the tension during
winding has been less and after that we say another setting treatment. And then we say
we will get a modified textured yarn modified stretch yarn.

So, the question that needs to be answered is as to what have we done we did say that the
temperature requirement for the second setting may be different. And different in the
sense that we are assuming here that we dealing with let us say thermoplastic yarn. If you
do use a thermoplastic yarn, then temperature is the means with the heat is the means in
which you can set; so you will have certain temperature

So, whatever temperature that you set up at the first heating cycle and the next one you
will take less than that temperature. So, all the thing that have been done before are not
going to be washed off. The memory will still remain, but something will happen. So,
what happens actually? Just because we have made a soft packageand just because we
have try to reheat it what exactly has happened in this process. And we are also saying it
remembers the previous memory also. How does the stress get reduced?

(Refer Slide Time: 06:11)

So, the trick is one is a soft package and the other is lower setting temperature. If
suppose the tension was very high during winding, we had seen the stress strain curve
that; is a stretch yarn has a lot of extension which is we will call a stress at a very low
stress very low stress. That means, the winding tension if is above this value, you will
have a flat yarn that is when you wind it will be just like a flat yarn it require that much
stress only to ensure that all the crimps are gone

So, if you have winding tension like normal winding tension which we call as a right
density package. We will get fully stretched yarn while it is on the package. If you do not
heat, then there is no problem if it just stored and you can use it after unwinding it will
start giving you the stretch it will start getting into the memory and give you the helical
structure. But what are we doing now? May be during the winding process, we are
making soft package tension is less than the winding tension and so there is a possibility
that it is not fully stretched.

Let us say I have this is a situation of my stretch yarn. I pull, let us say I pull only
downwards, then we will get extended length. If we have more tension may be we get
fully extended yarn. When we have more winding tension then we will be winding a yarn
like this; if we have less winding tension may be we will be winding a yarn like this is
that ok, can you see that right. And if we have no tension at all, then we would be
looking at a yarn in this shape

So, if I reduce the tension or make to zero to such an extent that this is the straight which
is there, now how do we measure less approximately? I will try to extend it to full length
and then I will allow it to recover. And when it recovers it will go back to this state. So, if
I do not put any tension, then this is the shape in which I will be reheating. If I put full
tension then this is the shape in which I will be reheating. And if I put some tension
which is different than these two values then my yarn would have been extended
partially, so limited extension.

And what I do? I do limited extension by making a soft package I have reduced the
tension, but not to the zero level. So, it will be partially stretched not fully stretched
while it has been wound so you control here. So, you control your tension winding
tension this will be controlled and it has to be quite accurate also. Because you know
very small amount of stress is required to extend it further. So, within the small area or
small limits that we have we would have to be working. And then in this state let us say
in the case of thermoplastic I reheat

So, the changes that will take place in this yarn in the reheating cycle will be in the state
which is different from the original state. So, we know that in a thermoplastic yarn the
setting is reversible if you go to this higher temperature again all decreases that you may
have formed can be removed. And similarly all that you have done in the first step can
also be removed. And so we do not want to remove it we want to partially modify. And
this is the process we partially modified.

Now, what happens is that why this is reduced stretch. Because now the new position is
this position, the new position is this position the new position. And if I extend this
further so this can go up to this limit because the fiber is same yarn is the same which is
the maximum stress limit. And so when I will say remove the load it will go back to this
position and not this position you see it will not go here it will go up to this position.

So, reduced stretch so you think now so simple trick that you wind at a lower winding
tension, take it back to the auto plate at a temperature which is lower than the previous
one so you are not wanting to wash off all the memory, but only part of it. And you get
set in a new configuration which now cannot; obviously, percentagewise will be able to
stretch only this much right and so reduce stretch.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:29)

So, by using a Helenca process, we are able to get modified stretch yarns all right; how
much stretch again depending on how much winding tension. Can we do something in
the false twist texturing also which is a continuous process? Just to revise we have a feed
roll, you are feeding the yarn, then you have a heater, the yarn moves over the surface of
the heater, gets heated to a particular temperature. And then it gets cooled there is a
twister which is twisting the twist flows down the twist flows down all right up to the nip
of the roller feed roller and above the twister it is getting untwisted.

So, you get start with the parallel bundle of filament and theoretically you are getting out
also as a parallel bundle of filament. Only thing that has happened in between is in this
region you had twisted yarn, you had a heater and you also were able to cool it down.
That is important that you cool it down before untwisting ok. So, this is how we produce
stretch yarn. So, you want to do modified stretch yarn. So, now, we have two heaters one
is called the primary heater other is called the secondary heater

So, up to this point which is the cooling part you have same thing. I have shown some
bends the bends can be there bends may not be there it is a line diagram ok. Actually
machine may be different that depends on whatever you want. And therefore, this is a
double heater machine, but it is the continuous process and we wanted it a continuous
process. So, we are not making packages in between. So, it also has the primary heater,
the cooling zone and the cooling can happen in this area also without any problem and
then there is a twister ok

And this twister; obviously, the twist flows from here in exactly the same way it goes out
then goes down all the way to the nip roller nip of the roller ok. In between you have
heated and cooled and now untwisting. So, in a normal case we would have withdrawn
the yarn from here. But now what are we doing? We are passing it through another heater
which is called the secondary heater. And then there is another set of rollers here which is
in between we have the secondary heater of course, there will be space this also will have
chance to get cool, but And what do we remember now here? In the case of the Helenca
the temperature requirements in this heater and the temperature let us say t 1 temperature
one versus t temperature 2. So, the temperature 2 of the secondary heater is less than the
temperature of the primary heater that is one condition which can be met. How do we
meet the second condition? The second condition was if you remember the second
condition was the soft package. So, we do not have a package here; the heater and it is a
continuous process. At this point everything should be done finished. So, what are going
to do?

So, if this zone we will give over feed and what does this overfeed do? It has less tension
and therefore, the yarn is not fully extended. And because the yarn is not fully extended
therefore, it is going to be set in a partially extended condition in the secondary heater.
And if time temperature other conditions are optimum, then modification will take place,
is it clear? Anything that you have any difficulty in conceptualizing this part? No issues
and then of course, you wind.

Student: (Refer Time: 20:05)

The distance between twister to the feed roller and twister to the winder is same, no this
is not. And this as I said is a line diagram the twister to the this part will depend on
whatever we were doing earlier, from here to here it will depend also on whether you
have been able to heat it to the correct temperature. And then after that you would like in
that condition to be cooled only we do not want winding to also take place while it is hot

So, the distance are not same they are going to be optimized. So, it would depend on
what is the cooling mechanism, what it is the heating mechanism, what type of a yarn is
being used; nylon, polyester, polypropylene, all of them will require different conditions.
And so this will not be same does it answer question, all right.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:23)

So, what did we do? Overfeed, means; limited extension you know. And reheating in this
condition and then you get a modified textured yarn. So, we looking at principle so that
is what we did.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:07)

So, Helenca can be used to modify, false twist can be used to modify. Can we use this
turbo duo process to modify? Can we use?
Student: No.

No, so some answer is coming here is no any other answer any response. Yes.

Student: Yes. .

So, it is called the dichotomy so either you have yes or you have no all right. Why do
you think it should be no. Why should we think that it cannot be done? Because every
time we say yes or no it should be backed up by some reasoning. How many people
actually believe it is no let us put it this way you can raise your hand. How many people
believe it is no. Even the one who proposed is not raising his hand.

That is that is ok. So, what we are saying is there is some confusion. But why should be
there be confusion. Let us say what was our turbo duo process. So, our turbo duo process
essentially was that you had two sets of yarn coming to a zone and they had certain
amount of twist and then they were separated. In between you said we had a heater and
you were; obviously, cooling also is this the process. Now we want to modify this can we
modify now after looking a diagram. We can so what do, we do put a secondary heater it
is a continuous process

Before winding can we put a secondary heater somewhere here yes no. Why not the
cooling is done right so there is enough tension here remember? These yarns are under
tension and this tension should be sufficient enough to remove the yarns from this zone.
If we can remove the yarn therefore, this sufficient tension and. So, your helical structure
is not being seen here it is a fully extended form all right. So, what do we do? So, we go
to have take up you go to have a take up role and then you go to have another take up
role. In between you can think of heater and overfeed

So, the difference is that after twisting and untwisting this is the untwisting process now
you have two strands. So, you are going to have a two heating cycle two heater systems
at least both the yarn must be treated individually now all right. And then work it out you
should be able to get all right. So, as a engineer you can always find a solution in case
you think it is principally correct if you really think the principally it is a wrong idea
then; obviously, you will not find a solution. But if you believe that principally it is it
should be able to done I think this could be a possibility and you would be able to get a
modified stretched yarn, make sense.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:05)

Then we have the edge crimping. Before that what would be the structure of this yarn
helical or something else? We have done nothing so it will be still helical. So, the edge
crimping we recall the edge crimping. So, there is a edge and the yarn is being taken and
there is heating cooling cycle let us assume. So, what do we do? We do not answer this

You will design a process using edge crimping technique to produce a modified stretch
yarn whenever you have time all right. So, should be possible or no. So, only design is an
issue. So, everybody should worry about their own design. Just design it and put in a
note book you do not have to report to anyone. We will find out sometimes.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:21)

So, if you summarize we have modified stretch yarn being produced by all the four
methods. One is called the Helenca multistep process, other is false twist texturing, edge
crimping, turbo duo twist and all of them still give us the helical structure. So, while it is
an interesting thing to note that the stretch yarns do have helical structure even modified
stretch yarn can have helical structure. How much they will stretch depends on whatever
done to them. So, it is not that just because there is a helical structure. Therefore, it will
give you the maximum stretch now you can reduce that also. So, the process is therefore,
will be modified accordingly. Where do we go further?
(Refer Slide Time: 29:11)

MSY; that means, modified stretch yarn. Can we use any of the other technique to get
through the modified stretch yarn? Must remember one thing that we say what can we do
we are expecting the expectation is let us say reduce stretch or the stretch value less all
right. This is also a range the range should vary also there is can you can we use any
other technique any other alternative and that will be interesting to know right. So, let us
see what do have.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:51)

Have you heard of this term may be before stuffer box texturing. It is a very simple thing
it looks like a box therefore, it is a box. You stuff the yarn into this therefore, it is called
stuffer box. Finally, you get something called a textured yarn therefore; it is a processes
stuffer box texturing. So, what do we have in thing? There is a feed roller. So, you have a
feed roller and this pushes the yarn into a box this is the box all right. So, this is our box
and then there is a system with which you can if you push it hard, this can be thrown out
of the box

So, there is a wall being created by let us say door or a flap which; obviously, under
certain is under certain pressure. Let us say the pressure in this area becomes high and
this pressure is low the whole thing called a plug will be moved out will be thrown out.
But you can change the pressure therefore, output from the other side would be would
not be able to just pass through it has to strike. So, the yarn in the beginning let us say
would just be forced and may start collecting here then fold here then the fold here and
so on so forth

The yarn is getting at a particular speed if you keep the mass balance the yarn must also
get out from the other side approximately in the same amount. If you particularly the
extended mass approximately. If suppose this is also thermoplastic material. So, what are
we doing is we must have some way this is called the deformation mechanism; when you
throw against a wall the yarn bends. If the yarn is at room temperature their bending
behavior will be different

If the yarn has been heated then it is bending behavior will be different become soft. So,
that is ok; that means, you have a controller. The pressure at this you have a controller
the speed at which you can throw the thing has a control. So, although this process is so
simple you have to do nothing just keep throwing the yarn into the box yarns. And the
filament there of will bend and so the crimps will be generated. So, the yarn which
comes out will be something like this which means that if you extend it should be
possible for you to extend

If you have set it correctly, then it would recover also ok. So, interesting part, the
interesting is very simple process just throw something in the box it will bend as it bends
you heat it set it and after setting you can remove it under low tension so that the crimps
remain it will get cooled. Let us say there is a conveyer system and then this is collected
winded ok. Now this principle is being used have you if you have seen the staple fiber
making industry. Whether is the viscose industry or the polyester or any other thing will
make staple

So, they use this technique to crimp very simple. Of course, the temperature require may
different then use a polyester yarn or fiber which has a crimp crimps are required is not it
in the fiber for spinning to facilitate spinning carding etcetera you require certain mode
of crimp. So, nature fibers have crimp so synthetic fibers are given the crimp. But those
crimps are not suppose to be very permanent they just suppose to be good enough to
make sure your process takes place and after that they are not so much interested in the

But when you are looking at texturing; obviously, you are interested in the crimp to last.
And here we are not going to be cutting them into staple it still remain a filament yarn. If
you want to cut no problem, but this is hard tool so simple process; so says the amplitude
in a frequency could be controlled by temperature and pressure. So, it is not a completely
uncontrolled process, but definitely all the crimps are not of the same size it could be
randomly. But you would have an average crimp height and average amplitude and

(Refer Slide Time: 35:47)

So, the structure if somebody wants to know is it helical.

Student: No. .

No. So, it is going to be called a planar structure. So, it is approximately just a name. So,
the crimps are bending in the same plane. So, yarn is bending so the plane remains. So,
the bend remains same. So, it is not really helical three dimensional type of structure, but
very simple is not it.

Now, the range the stretch range approximately comes in the same range as we modify
the stretch yarn. So, they come in the category of the modified stretch yarn although you
are not modifying you can give whatever. So, it all stuffer box textured yarn will be in
the range in which the modified stretch yarns are. And one of the reason is they actually
do not have helical structure also all right.

(Refer Slide Time: 36:45)

But after few minutes we will stop. Just talk something about it and then we will move
further. Gear crimping somebody said well you are going to make a crimp so why cannot
I use gears the intermeshing gears to produce the crimps. Exactly why do you want to do
that? Stuffer box whether it making crimps why did do that

So, the argument was that here my frequency and amplitude are in my hand completely
in control. Of course, you can heat the gears of course, you can heat the yarn and push it
inside change will take place. After that before you put any tension you would cool it
right in case we are talking about thermoplastic yarn right, simple.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:51)

It’s structure will be also planar, but same. So, we will stop here today and next time we
will pick it up from here. And take if there are any ma other methods which can also be
used to produce modified stretched yarns, all right. See you later.

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