Lesson Plan

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Date: 03.01.2021
Name and Surname: Ceren Savtekin -Teacher
Duygu Merih Tursun-Student1
Betül Özekmekçi-Student 2
Course Teacher’s Name and Surname: Xiaoli Yu
Students’ Level of Proficiency: Pre-intermediate
Students’ Age: 16-17
Class Size: 20 (2 online)
Duration of Lesson: 40’
Institution: A state-run high school

Lesson Topic/Theme: ‘Travel’
Lesson Focus (Teaching Point): Speaking
Materials and Texts Used: Zoom, PowerPoint Presentation, Video, Texts, Visuals

References: 11th Grade MEB Silver Lining, YouTube,

Audio-visual Aids: Power Point Presentation

Anticipated Problems: 1. Internet connection might be of low quality
and might break apart.
2. Students might have hardship focusing on
and contributing to online classes.
Solutions: 1. Checking the internet quality before and
providing students with a recorded material
just in case.
2. Try to make the lesson as interactive as
possible and encourage students to interact
with the help of authentic materials.

Pre-requisite Knowledge: The Simple Past Tense, The Future Tense, Modals
Goal(s): It is aimed that the students will be able to
1) Use past tense efficiently while talking about
past experiences.
2) Talk about their preferences and what they
like/do no like by using modals.
3) Talk about their future plans with the future
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will
1) Understand the teacher’s comments and
make comments on them.
2) Use the given vocabulary when talking
about travelling.
3) Talk about their favorite places to travel
to, their former and future travel plans
and ask about those of others.

Rationale: -Teacher performs a correct use of language and

exemplifies how to talk about “travel” so that the
students know what to do.
-Teacher also shows examples of similar language
use from different sources in order to help students
enhance the topic and the grammar needed better.
-Students should participate effectively and speak
about the topic.
-Grammar skills and listening skills should back up
the target skill, speaking.
-Different sources (Audio-visuals, visuals, texts)
should be used to help students enhance better.


Step Time Tasks (Teacher) Tasks (Students) Interaction Purpose

Lead-in 3-5 The teacher comes to the The students should listen and T<->Ss At this first “warm-up” stage,
classroom, greets the students answer the questions asked by their the teacher tries to set up the
and asks how they are. Then the teacher. interactive lesson “mood” and
teacher explains what will be learn whether the students are
covered in the class and asks if relaxed and ready for the
they have any questions. lesson.

Elicitation 5-8 The teacher asks the students The students listen to the teacher
about whether they like T<->Ss In this stage, the main aim is to
and answer his/her question about
traveling or not. If a student S1<->T present students some
whether they like travelling or not S2<->T
replies, the teacher comments efficiently. If they cannot answer, vocabulary related to travelling
on the answer and then he/she they listen to the teacher’s sample and get the students
answers him/herself as well. If answer and try to answer again. comfortable with the language
no student replies at first, the Then they listen to the teacher and and motivate them to interact.
teacher answers first and asks talk about their favorite kind of
the question again. travelling.
Then the teacher presents
different kinds of trips to
students and asks which one is
their favorite.

The teacher shows the
students a video named “My best Students watch the video and give T-> Ss
This stage aims to get the
Presentation 5 vacation!”. After watching the their own answers with a similar S1<->S2 students familiar with the
video, the teacher asks the use of language as in the video. subject and exemplify the
students about their past travel language use they are expected
experiences and which one was to show with the help of audio-
their favorite. visuals.

In this stage, the students will

do an individual and a group The students read the dialogue In this stage the students are
activity. aloud and form their own answers. provided with various language
Then they read the text together T-> Ss
First, the students will read a input and have the chance to
and give their own answers. Then form their own sentences with
15-20 dialogue named “travel plans”
Practice they look at the travel options and the help of the input. These
together and be asked about
answer questions activities improve the students’
their own plans for travelling.
speaking skills and interaction
Later, the students will be shown skills in general.
several options of travel ideas
and asked questions.
Production 5 In this stage, the students ask T-> Ss
Students choose the questions
each other questions that appear S1<>S2
they want to ask and wait for their In this stage students practice engaging
in the slides and answer the in a more natural dialogue and the
friend to answer.
questions. grammar and vocabulary covered.

The teacher closes the session by

Closure 3-5 T->Ss
asking students if they have any
The students ask their questions if they
questions and thanking them for have any. In this stage it is aimed to figure out if
everything is clear for the students and
their contributions.
clear out any problems.

Contingency The teacher will be looking out for
whether the students are
comfortable with the activities or not
and change the flow of the lesson if

IV. Appendices
PowerPoint Presentation


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