Speaking Lesson Plan

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Vietnam National University-HCMC Group Group 6: Phạm Anh Thuỳ An

University of Social Sciences and Humanities Nguyễn Hà Thanh Ngân

Faculty of English Linguistics and Literature Nguyễn Khánh Văn
Department of English Language Teaching

UNIT 8: Sightseeing
(The focus: speaking)

1. Description of the class

Level: pre-intermediate
Description of the students: (background information of the students) Adult learners who have a
native language that is not English and are at level of B1 of the Council of Europe's CEFR.
Class size: 40 Schedule: Tuesday 6-6:45pm

2. Textbook:
Logan, S. and Thaine, C., 2015. Real listening & speaking 2. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

3. Previous lesson:
- Unit: 8
- Topic: Holiday accommodation
- Language focus/Sub-skills: ask about different kinds of accommodation
understand information about accommodation
describe rooms and objects

4. Objectives
- Main objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to show
their understanding about what others are saying and that students are

- Subsidiary objectives: Students will obtain a particular number of lexical

units related to outdoor activities.

5. Methodology
- Task-based learning: Task-based learning offers an alternative for language
teachers. In a task-based lesson the teacher doesn't pre-determine what language
will be studied, the lesson is based around the completion of a central task and
the language studied is determined by what happens as the students complete it.

- Communicative language teaching: The communicative approach is based

on the idea that learning a language is successful when it requires the ability
to communicate true meaning. When learners engage in authentic
communication, their natural language acquisition strategies are activated,
allowing them to learn how to use the language.
6. Detailed description of the plan
Stages & Objectives Class activities Explanation Possible/ Anticipated
Timing (For (plus teaching aids, techniques used, etc.) (Explain why and how these expected problems &
example: activities/ techniques/ aids answers to solutions
warm-up, pre Teacher Students will help T & Ss obtain the exercises (KEY)
reading, while lesson objectives)
reading, post
reading; …)

Warm-up - To review the - Prepares an activity - Review old lesson - Teacher prepares lesson on KEYS If Students can
old lesson to review: quickly then listen to the ppt 1. visit not guess the
CROSSWORDS Teacher’s instructions Students base on the clues to aquariums words after
- Instructs Students to - Take part in the activity guess the words. 2. go sailing showing the
the activity: Students who give the correct 3. go bungy pictures,
+ Each word will answer without showing jumping Teacher gives
have 1 or 2 clues Teacher’s pictures will be 4. go 1 or 2 more
and a picture awarded a bonus. skydiving clues
+ Students only get 5. visit zoos
bonuses when 6. see
giving answer dolphins
from the clue
(without seeing

Pre-teaching - To lead to the - Asks Students to - Work in pairs to make a - Students do the task Teacher
new lesson work in pairs to talk small dialogue gives in order to see how the
about some responses from their friends
interesting activities are. Then Teacher leads to
they have the new lesson.

While speaking - To learn - Shows a short - Identify the - Through clips, - Stude
new expressions clip of 2 reactions in differences between the 2 students are introduced the nts cannot find
of showing an identical situations. ways speakers showing the
interest conversation. interest dissimilarities -
> Give
students 2
more minutes
to think. If
they still
cannot find the
teacher shows

- Asks students - Underline - Through this KEYS

to read the passage and expressions the speaker exercise, students get familiar Ah ha
underline words or used to show his interest with the expressions Oh all right
expressions Calum Oh wow
used to show his

- To - Plays the - Listen and choose - Listening to the KEYS - Stude

imitate native track for listening the correct answer tracks, students copy native b nts fall or rise
speaker’s - Listen and repeat speaker's intonation intonation
intonation the expressions wrong ->
models again

- Gives an - Take notes and - Through the lesson,

overview of all remember to apply for students memorize the
expressions later exercises expressions and comprehend
when to use them.

Post teaching -Helps students ACTIVITY 1: EX 3 ACTIVITY 1: -By giving students the real KEYS ACTIVITY 1:
reviews the page 39 -Listen to the audio, reply situation of real conversation ACTIVITY 1: If students
lesson today - the -Opens the audio and show their interest. will help them get closer to the b.ok cannot clearly
EXPRESSIONS -Gives students the most natural English c.ah ha show interest,
to show interest possible answers. environment. d.all right Teacher
- To give them a e. yeah models again.
few more extra ACTIVITY 2:. -By working in a group, f.wow
expressions ACTIVITY 2 -Join the quiz in groups, students can share the answers ACTIVITY 2:
besides ways in -Divides class in small write the answers in the with each other, they can learn ACTIVITY 2: Those who
the lesson. groups, then starts the answer sheet. from friends and review the 1.C don't join the
Quiz designed on PPT -Submit at the end of the lesson together. 2.B quiz with the
Screen Quiz to earn Bonus. 3.A team will get
(RULES: 4.B Minus(es), and
+ The PPT 5.C have to do a
contains an personal
audio or minitest after
video saying that to recheck
some words, what they have
students have learnt from the
to listen and lesson.
choose the
answer (A, B
or C)
+ Each question
will be played
ONCE only)
-Corrects answers after
the quiz.
(*The groups with the
highest points will
earn 4 bonuses for
each member, the
second one will earn 3
bonuses, the third one-
2 bonuses, and the
others will earn 1

7. Extra activity: None

8. Evaluation: Through the short videos which students make as homework assignments.
9. Homework/ Assignments : 1. Students work in groups and make a short video (3-5 minutes) about the topic “WHAT YOU WOULD DO FOR THE NEXT SUMMER VACATION”,
using the vocabulary and expressions they have learned. Deadline: 2 weeks after this day.
2. Read the audio script on page 93 and underline words or expressions Calum used to show his interest.
10. Appendices: Logan, S. and Thaine, C., 2015. Real listening & speaking 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 38-39

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