Earth-Fault Compensation Controller EFC60m: Proven Proven

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Earth-Fault Compensation Controller



Application Control Algoritm
In resonant grounded power distribuƟon networks Determining the resonance peak by
the neutral point of the network is connected to earth
by means of a stepless adjustable inductor. If the res- MulƟ-Frequency Current-InjecƟon
onance circuit formed by the adjustable inducƟve coil By means of a thyristor the 50 (60) Hz injecƟon cur-
and the earth capacitance of the network is tuned to rent can be pulsed quickly. This generates side bands
or close to resonance, the fault current is greatly re- around the 50 (60) Hz main frequency. The evaluaƟon
duced in case of a line-to-earth fault (earth fault). In of the side frequencies makes this method immune to
most cases the arc caused by the fault current is exƟn- network interferences.
guished without the need to switch oī the faulty part
of the network.
As the Arc Suppression Coil (ASC) and the earth capac-
itance form a resonance circuit, the neutral-to-ground
voltage of the network depends on the value of the
inductance of the ASC and reaches a maximum when
the ASC is tuned to resonance. The ASC can be tuned
automaƟcally by evaluaƟon of the voltage maximum
of the resonance curve (by coil adjustment) or by im-
pedance-measurement of the resonance circuit (by
current injecƟon).
Fig. 1: pulsed 50Hz injecƟon current
Due to
to the
shareof of cables
cables thetoday networks
networks today
n more symmetric, so that the peak resonance ak
re which is caused by the natural network net-
w consequently decreases. On the oth- h-
e hand, interferences, e.g. caused by load fluctuaƟons
er ons
o decentral generaƟon, increase. The neutrall to
ground e
voltage, which is the only control criteria for the
automaƟc controller therefore looses its quality. Con-n-
t problems probably lead to excessive stress on the
trol e
mechanism of the ASC and / or to annoying error mes- s-
Since the mulƟ-frequency current injecƟon enables Fig. 2: generated frequency spectrum
network analysis with frequencies, diīerent from the In addiƟon, by evaluaƟng at least two frequencies, a
operaƟng frequency, the EFC60m proves to be a com- calculaƟon of the total capacitance or inductance of
pact new control device, which is extremely resistant to the zero sequence system can be performed, taking
network interferences. into account possibly exisƟng Įxed coils or decentral


Determining the resonance peak Determining the resonance peak by
by 50 (60) Hz - Current-InjecƟon minor coil movement

It is possible to calculate the resonance curve by in- During a tuning operaƟon the ASC is adjusted by a
jecƟng a current at fundamental frequency into the small amount. Measuring the coil-posiƟon as well as
zero sequence system of the network and to measure the neutral-to-ground voltage during the adjustment
the vectors of both the neutral-to-ground voltage and operaƟon, the controller computes the detuning factor
the injected current. It is therefore not required to v, the asymmetry factor k and the damping factor d,
change the coil posiƟon. This protects the adjustment which determine the resonance curve of the neutral-
mechanism in case of ŇuctuaƟng neutral to ground to-ground voltage. Taking into consideraƟon a custom-
voltage against too frequent use. er seƩable under- or overcompensaƟon, the controller
calculates the necessary posiƟon and directly
Where a network is essenƟally symmetrical and the
adjusts the ASC to the calculated value. In order to
neutral-to-ground voltage extremely low, it is possible achieve a high tuning accuracy, the controller moves
to increase the neutral-to-ground voltage by using the the coil beyond the resonance point, if allowed to do
current injecƟon permanently so that changes of the so (Vo <Vmax). This is parƟcularly necessary for small
network conĮguraƟon provide a reliable signal for the displacement voltages and voltage ŇuctuaƟons due to
controller (inverse operaƟon mode). interference eīects.

Fig.3: Current injecƟon into zero sequence system Fig. 4: control with coil adjustment
In the EFC60m this method may be used as a backup,
The fundamental frequency injecƟon can be acƟvat-
ed alternaƟvely to the mulƟ-frequency method, if the e.g. in the event of current injecƟon failures.
neutral to ground voltage is suĸciently stable.

Vo neutral to ground voltage Important network parameter :

ECI current injecƟon device v = Ipos—Ires / Ires [%] detuning factor
L inductance of Petersen coil Iv = Ipos—Ires [A] detuning current
Ipos coil posiƟon (stated in Ampere) Ipos [A] coil posiƟon
Ro equivalent resistance, represenƟng losses Ires [A] resonance posiƟon of network
C capacitance of network versus ground d = Id / Ires [%] damping factor
Io zero sequence current (mostly capaciƟve) Id [A] = Vo/Ro damping (residual) current
Iu unbalance current k = Zu * jwC [%] asymmetry factor
Eu equivalent voltage for unbalance current
Zu asymmetry impedance of network


Design features EFC60m

Hardware Hardware OpƟons

x Microprocessor based controller 19“ -rack mount- x AlternaƟve power supply

ed (3 RU), width 84 HP with integrated current
x AddiƟonal external digital inputs

x OpƟmized operaƟon by means of a graphic 7“

x AddiƟonal external digital outputs
LCD touchscreen.

x IEC 61850 Ed2 module (externally mounted)

x Extended operaƟon via PC by means of a terminal
program E-SoŌ
x Assembly variant on mounƟng plate
x IndicaƟon of the digital outputs via customer la-
belled and parameterized LEDs at the front x Assembly variant in electrical cabinet ( outdoor
design for mounƟng at the coil—controller and
x Central acquisiƟon and display of arc suppression coil coil already wired and prepared)
alarms via LEDs at the front
x Variant without current injecƟon (tuning with coil
x USB A and B at the front adjustment)

x Analogue output modules 0...20 mA for external x AddiƟonal parallel inductance L2 in order to in-
indicaƟon of coil posiƟon and neutral to ground crease the injected current (L2 externally mount-
voltage. ed)

Fig. 5: EFC60m



Easy operaƟon by means of an integrated 7“ Colour- remotely from the controller, if a communicaƟon
Touchscreen. This display can principally be installed over Ethernet is possible.

Fig. 6 Resonance curve display at controller and E-SoŌ

Terminal program E-SoŌ for MicrosoŌ Windows for Easy adapƟon to individual network condiƟons by Ňexi-
parameter seƫng and on-site operaƟon via PC as well ble parameterisaƟon and changeable pre – set factory
as for remote control over Ethernet . values.

Fig. 7 Parameter tree in E-SoŌ

Fig. 8 E-SoŌ C-Interpreter for internal PLC-commands


SoŌware SoŌware OpƟons
x easy parameter seƫng, since pre-set factory val- x several controllers within the same network
ues can be adjusted by the user as required. reliable control without mutual inŇuence, no re-
mote connecƟon necessary
x high Ňexibility through soŌware controlled inputs
and outputs, free assignment of digital outputs to x external circuit breaker
diīerent state funcƟons as well as free assignment adjusƟng the ASC to a predeĮned value when the
of digital inputs to diīerent control funcƟons. ASC is switched oī
x powerful PLC—in case special funcƟons are re- x resistor control
quired a powerful PLC is available, which can be
automaƟc resistor control at earthfault
programmed with the help of a C-interpreter.
x Įx coil control
x indicaƟon of operaƟng status via a short text mes-
automaƟc switching on/oī of the Įxed coil
x control at earthfault
x counƟng of various events (e.g. transient earth control back to ideal compensaƟon (v=0) if an
fault) and controller condiƟons for staƟsƟcal eval-
earth fault occurs
uaƟons. Data-Download via USB or Ethernet inter-
face (RJ45) onto PC or directly to a USB—sƟck. x SCADA
x remote parameter changes by means of a PC con- IEC 60870-5-101/103/104
nected via USB or Ethernet. IEC 61850 Ed2 (with opƟonal external hardware
x several parameter levels for adapƟve user seƫngs module)
x SoŌware-Update by USB or Ethernet interface x automaƟc switch Vo>Vmax
(RJ45) from PC or directly from a USB—sƟck. automaƟc switching of a damping resistor during
search operaƟon if V exceeds Vmax
x vectorial trigger
ConsideraƟon of amount and phase angle of Vo as
trigger criterion.


Technical Data EFC60m
Hardware component Amount
Standard operating
7'' LCD, 800 x 480 pixels (WVGA), Touchscreen,16 LEDs 1
16 LEDs 1
USB-B for SCADA, PC or modem 1
USB-A on the backside 2
RS485, 3 pole connector 2
RJ12 Æ(via converter connector) Æ RS232 for SCADA modem 1
RJ45 for SCADA or PC 1
Analog voltage Input
10 mV ... 230 V AC 50 Hz, rated burden < 0,5 VA
Analog current Input
0 A … 5 A / AC 50 Hz
Analog current Output
for e.g. Vo, coil position 0 ... 20 mA/DC, maximum burden at 20 mA/DC: 800 Ohm
Coil position
Linear potentiometer, 0 ... 200 Ohm or 0 ... 2 kOhm or 0 ... 20 mA/DC - input signal
Digital Inputs
4x potential free input 24 ...... 230V AC/DC (aBE)
15x potential free inputs insulated in groups of terminals 110 … 230V AC/DC (BE) 19
(Optional 15x potential free inputs 24-110V DC are mandatory if power supply 80-130V DC
is used)
Digital Outputs
potential free changeover contact (normal open, normal closed) 230 V AC/DC
max 5 A continuous, max making capacity 1000 VA, max breaking capacity 30 VA
(1x EFC, 2x E-REL)
Digital Outputs
potential free contact insulated in groups of terminals (normal open) 230 V AC/DC
max 5 A continuous, max making capacity 1000 VA,
max breaking capacity 30 VA (5x EFC, 10x E-REL)
Power supply
Standard: 120 - 300V DC 110-230V AC
Optional: 80 – 130 DC 1
!!!!(Observe polarity – internal fuse blows in case of wrong connection)
Power consumption max. 20W
Maximum permissible overvoltage at the voltage inputs 230V AC continuous (2 x Un for 1s)
Maximum permissible over current at the current inputs (1,2 x In continuous, 100 x In for 1s)


Mechanical Data EFC60m

Fig. 9: EFC60m—dimensions

Mechanical Data
Dimensions EFC60m Rack
Width 483.0 mm
Height 133 mm
Depth 388 mm (incl. handles)
cut-out for front mounƟng : Width 450 mm, Height 134 mm
necessary gap below and above : min. 1 HU (44 mm)

Weight 18 kg

Temperatures OperaƟon 0°C... +40°C

Storage -25°C... +55°C
Transport -25°C... +70°C

Max. installaƟon alƟtude

O2000m. a.m.s.l.

Humidity (24 h average) from 5% to 95% acc. IEC 60255-1

ProtecƟon class IP20


Multi-Frequency Current-Injection
The Current InjecƟon Device ECI is used to produce neutral-to-ground voltage is extremely low and no
diīerenƟal measurement values by means of a cur- speciĮc resonance curve is available. In such case the
rent injecƟon into the zero-sequence system. The neutral to ground voltage can be increased by perma-
injecƟon components are integrated inside the EF- nent current injecƟon, so that network changes will
C60m 19“ rack and connected to the control unit. reliably lead to a trigger of the tuning procedure.
Where a network is essenƟally symmetrical the (Inverse mode with 50 Hz permanent current injec-

Fig. 10 Inverse mode of current injecƟon

The current is injected into the zero sequence system via a A residual current device (RCD) must not be used in
suitably rated power auxiliary winding of the arc suppres- the 230 V AC power supply, because there is no gal-
sion coil. The current injecƟon device essenƟally consists of vanic separaƟon between current injecƟon device and
a current limiƟng inductance, thyristor and a control unit. the grounded power auxiliary winding.

Fig. 11 MulƟ-frequency current-injecƟon


Fig. 12EFC60m wiring diagram—standard / page 1


Fig. 13 EFC60m wiring diagram—standard / page 2


Fig. 14 EFC60m wiring diagram—standard / page 3


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