Earth-Fault Compensation Controller EFC60m: Proven Proven
Earth-Fault Compensation Controller EFC60m: Proven Proven
Earth-Fault Compensation Controller EFC60m: Proven Proven
It is possible to calculate the resonance curve by in- During a tuning operaƟon the ASC is adjusted by a
jecƟng a current at fundamental frequency into the small amount. Measuring the coil-posiƟon as well as
zero sequence system of the network and to measure the neutral-to-ground voltage during the adjustment
the vectors of both the neutral-to-ground voltage and operaƟon, the controller computes the detuning factor
the injected current. It is therefore not required to v, the asymmetry factor k and the damping factor d,
change the coil posiƟon. This protects the adjustment which determine the resonance curve of the neutral-
mechanism in case of ŇuctuaƟng neutral to ground to-ground voltage. Taking into consideraƟon a custom-
voltage against too frequent use. er seƩable under- or overcompensaƟon, the controller
calculates the necessary posiƟon and directly
Where a network is essenƟally symmetrical and the
adjusts the ASC to the calculated value. In order to
neutral-to-ground voltage extremely low, it is possible achieve a high tuning accuracy, the controller moves
to increase the neutral-to-ground voltage by using the the coil beyond the resonance point, if allowed to do
current injecƟon permanently so that changes of the so (Vo <Vmax). This is parƟcularly necessary for small
network conĮguraƟon provide a reliable signal for the displacement voltages and voltage ŇuctuaƟons due to
controller (inverse operaƟon mode). interference eīects.
Fig.3: Current injecƟon into zero sequence system Fig. 4: control with coil adjustment
In the EFC60m this method may be used as a backup,
The fundamental frequency injecƟon can be acƟvat-
ed alternaƟvely to the mulƟ-frequency method, if the e.g. in the event of current injecƟon failures.
neutral to ground voltage is suĸciently stable.
x Analogue output modules 0...20 mA for external x AddiƟonal parallel inductance L2 in order to in-
indicaƟon of coil posiƟon and neutral to ground crease the injected current (L2 externally mount-
voltage. ed)
Fig. 5: EFC60m
Easy operaƟon by means of an integrated 7“ Colour- remotely from the controller, if a communicaƟon
Touchscreen. This display can principally be installed over Ethernet is possible.
Terminal program E-SoŌ for MicrosoŌ Windows for Easy adapƟon to individual network condiƟons by Ňexi-
parameter seƫng and on-site operaƟon via PC as well ble parameterisaƟon and changeable pre – set factory
as for remote control over Ethernet . values.
Fig. 9: EFC60m—dimensions
Mechanical Data
Dimensions EFC60m Rack
Width 483.0 mm
Height 133 mm
Depth 388 mm (incl. handles)
cut-out for front mounƟng : Width 450 mm, Height 134 mm
necessary gap below and above : min. 1 HU (44 mm)
Weight 18 kg
The current is injected into the zero sequence system via a A residual current device (RCD) must not be used in
suitably rated power auxiliary winding of the arc suppres- the 230 V AC power supply, because there is no gal-
sion coil. The current injecƟon device essenƟally consists of vanic separaƟon between current injecƟon device and
a current limiƟng inductance, thyristor and a control unit. the grounded power auxiliary winding.
E 657 08.08