Feminist Criminology
Feminist Criminology
Feminist Criminology
Cultural criminology emerged in the mid-nineties with defining texts
written by Jock Young, Keith Hayward, and Jeff Ferrell, among others.
Since its inception, it has been criticized for its shallow connections with
feminist theory. While in theory cultural criminology clearly
acknowledges the influence of feminist scholarship, it has in practice
often only superficially ‘added’ on gender and sexuality to its scholarly
investigations. Yet, as we argue, research identified with cultural
criminology has much to gain from feminist theory. This article reviews
a range of cultural criminological scholarship, particularly studies of
subcultures, edgework, and terrorism. We investigate three themes
significant for feminist research: masculinities and femininities, sexual
attraction and sexualities, and intersectionality. Such themes, if better
incorporated, would strengthen cultural criminology by increasing the
explanatory power of resulting analyses. We conclude by advocating that
feminist ideas be routinely integrated into cultural criminological
cultural criminology, feminist criminology, feminist criminology
scholarship, gender and sexuality, edgework, terrorism
Common Grounds
Before proceeding, a body of already extant scholarship that indicates
growing connections between cultural and feminist criminology needs to
be acknowledged. Seal’s (2013) research on Western media coverage of
the 2012 arrest of the band members of the Russian feminist punk band
Pussy Riot is an example of self-identified “feminist cultural criminology.”
Recognizing the (cultural) criminalization of the band members and their
self-conscious use of imagery and style as a cultural criminological case
study par excellence, Seal explores the changing meaning of the female
protestor in the media as she has been situated in wider geopolitical
discourses. Seal draws on Alison Young’s (1990) argument in Femininity
in Dissent that the female protestor is negatively represented as unruly and
shows that this was not the case for the Western media coverage of Pussy
Riot and their arrests. Rather than depicting the band members as
disruptive, or trivializing or ignoring their outspoken feminism, Seal
(2013) argues that Western media painted these women in a predominantly
positive light. Central to understanding the positive reception is Pussy
Riot’s relationship to post–Cold War Western discourse on Russia. In this
context, Russia is depicted as an authoritarian regime repressing political
dissent and artistic expression. At the same time, the Western media’s
support of Pussy Riot allows for a narrative that promotes gender equality
as a central value of Western societies (Seal, 2013).
Nonetheless, specifying more precisely what is (or could be) a feminist
cultural criminology remains absent in Seal’s work. O’Neill’s (2010)
research on the regulation of sex work in the United Kingdom offers a
clarification of feminist cultural criminological analysis. O’Neill’s work
has two objectives: (a) to develop participatory methodologies of
research that produce politically inclusive forms of knowledge in tune
with policy questions and (b) to overcome binary thinking that currently
dominates feminist debates about sex work. Here, positions that argue for
sex work to be reframed as work/labor under capitalist societies are
juxtaposed with those emphasizing exploitation of (female) sex workers
as victims of patriarchal power relations.
Drawing on the research of Nancy Fraser (2004), O’Neill (2010)
argues for the simultaneous recognition of female sex workers’
subjectivities and of the material conditions within which they work. In
so doing, she combines both feminist and cultural criminological
approaches; cultural criminology provides the basis for O’Neill’s cultural
materialist analysis and informs her participatory and politicized
methodological approach. Indeed, O’Neill’s treatment of the “historical,
cultural, and emotional experiences of the people involved” (p. 219)
resonates with Jock Young’s (2011) concept of the criminological
imagination. O’Neill further argues for the necessity of using the
category of intersectionality to provide—without reverting to binary
thinking—a comprehensive and refined analysis of how both materiality
and redistribution, as well as recognition and identity, profoundly
challenge sexual and social inequalities.
The above illustrations from “feminist cultural criminology” show that
there are intersections between feminist theory and cultural criminology.
Nonetheless, we argue that analytic attention to gender, sexuality, and
intersectionality is relatively marginal in the majority of cultural
criminological research to date. This tendency reproduces a
heteronormative masculine lens that paradoxically blunts the potential
analytic strength of cultural criminology. To make our argument, we
begin by looking at cultural criminological research involving cultural
norms of masculinities and femininities.
A second theme further shows how work in cultural criminology could
benefit from according ideas culled from feminist theory. Here, we turn
to the role of sexuality in everyday “cultural” life and the extent to which
this is often acknowledged, or may be overlooked, in many cultural
criminological analyses. Indeed, cultural criminology offers a lens
through which behaviors recognized as meaningless or self-destructive
can be understood as exciting; it is an approach that accords actors the
capacity to derive pleasure from actions otherwise quickly deemed
“deviant.” Yet many studies within cultural criminology have not
sufficiently grappled with questions of sexual desire and attraction as
these interact with gender-influenced risk-taking and other meaning-
making ventures. Then too, at times, cultural criminologists seem to
perceive erotic desires and thrills as identical for men and women rather
than investigating culturally gendered differences in how diverse
sexualities develop and are experienced.
We begin with the first point (i.e., a tendency to mute and overlook the
role of sexualities and attraction) before proceeding to the second (i.e., a
tendency to presume sexual experiences to be relatively the same for men
and women). The first can be exemplified through cultural criminological
accounts of terrorism. In a seminal article on the emotive elements of
terror, Cottee and Hayward (2011) offer compelling yet arguably
incomplete accounts of the appeal of terrorism. They examine narratives
of violence, highlighting excitement and desires for meaning and glory
as underpinning motives. But the extent to which erotic desires shape
perceptions of what is thrilling and meaningful may be analytically
omitted from these authors’ narratives, which tend to take the actor’s
gender and sexuality for granted. For example, Cottee and Hayward cite
Michael Baumann’s autobiographic account of his life as a West German
guerrilla, describing how:
But I’ll starve myself again, for the sense of power over my body.
It’s almost an erotic feeling. Feeling better about your body is
extremely sensuous. (p. 104)
Gailey insists that the erotic pleasure experienced is same as the thrills
sought by graffiti artists and skydivers. Yet this argument does not
explain why young women seek erotic experiences that morph into
hidden and self-directed violence (and self-destructiveness). Pro-ana
subculture seems to manifest women’s desire to experience their
sexualities as independent from those of men. But the physical harm self-
imposed by pro-ana women reveals something more problematic: For
women, whose sexual freedom and sexual expressiveness have
historically been blocked and subordinated in male-centric cultures like
our own, risk-taking pursuits may be both liberating and internally
destructive, rendering pro-ana subculture a violent reaction to a violent
culture of control in ways different than men may experience.
Indeed, as Chan and Rigakos (2002) point out, women who seek
excitement and erotic pleasure in risky encounters have to negotiate not
only risks of physical harm but also a culture hostile to women’s
sexuality. Women’s supposed sexual “promiscuity” is still widely
considered deviant; it is publicly shamed and represented as justifications
for sexual and physical violence, and too often for rape, enacted by men
against women. Thus, female “sexual edgeworkers” are distinct from
male “sexual edgeworkers” in that the former must “carefully negotiate
the structurally imposed line between . . . the Madonna and the whore
image” (Chan & Rigakos, 2002, p. 755). In contrast with men, women
often need to adopt additional/extra strategies of risk-management to
prevent judgment, negative labeling, condemnation, and violence. Far
from being the same as men’s edgework, then, women’s edgework
appears to take place against a different cultural backdrop and within a
different context—and, as such may be differently motivated.
When it comes to a third theme—intersectionality—it should be noted
that efforts have been made within cultural criminology to incorporate
this important and relatively recent emphasis in the unfolding of feminist
theory. Contemporary feminist theory and research have evolved to the
point where studying intersectionality—that is, how gender, sexualities,
race/ethnicity, and class discriminations overlap—has become common.
Feminist scholars have learned to investigate both women’s relative
powerlessness in patriarchal societies and interconnections between
class, race, and gender, that is, multiple and complicated experiences of
oppression and domination that are phenomenologically experienced.
Nonetheless, within cultural criminology, examples can be found both of
scholarship that can gain from a fuller interpretation of intersectionality
and of research admirably attentive to interrelated experiences of race,
class, gender, and sexual biases.
Returning to research on terrorism, the work of Mark Hamm—while
not explicitly using the vocabulary of intersectionality—nonetheless
targets the role of class and race in illuminating the rise of White
supremacist terrorist groups in the United States. In a 2004 article, Hamm
finds that neo-Nazi groups are mostly comprised of young, working-class
White men. Some of the young men have witnessed social decay in their
communities, thereafter drifting into delinquency; others’ lives develop
differently. But attraction often occurs when the young men are
introduced to a subculture that has a specific style and ethos, triggering
“the vitality . . . necessary for skinheads to ‘go berserk’ on their perceived
enemies” (Hamm, 2004, p. 327). Thus, Hamm compellingly makes the
connection between being a young White working-class man in a
postindustrial society and the appeal of militant White supremacy
subcultures. Yet what his analysis overlooks is the extent to which
culturally specific expectations of White working-class men leave some,
who do not fulfill said expectations, more “vulnerable” than others to the
seductions of macho White supremacy. This is where individual
differences, including psychosocially unique biographies, become
relevant—and where cultural criminological study of terrorism forces us
to reckon with the hard fact that those who inflict brutal violence are
complicated indeed, and can differ greatly as to how their personal
histories mix class and racial factors with biases more specifically related
to gender, sexuality as well as personality.
Take Hamm’s case study of Peter Langan: It illustrates how an analysis
already alive to race and class influences might have further benefited
from taking gender, sexuality, and the psychosocial further into account
(Hamm, 2004). Langan was the founder of the Aryan Republican Army
(ARA) and had a criminal history that included illegal trafficking in
firearms and explosives. In 1992, the FBI pursued him for his
involvement in a plot to assassinate President George H. Bush (Hamm,
2004). In terms of what C. Wright Mills called personal biography,
Langan was born in 1958 to Eugene Langan and Mary Ann McGregor;
he was one of six children and soon became his mother’s favorite child,
receiving “feminine pampering during his formative years” (Hamm,
2004, p. 329). But Hamm does not make clear what he means by
“feminine pampering” and what role, if any, this played in generating
Langan’s delinquency and turn to political violence. Unexplained,
Langan’s relationship with his mother is woven into the narrative of
drifting with the tacit assumption that readers share a singular definition
of masculinity such that a “mama’s boy” who receives “feminine
pampering” needs no further explanation. Presumed is that boys who
have too close of a relation with their mothers turn out to be less-than-
ideal men: In this case, for instance, Langan was sexually confused, an
ARA leader by day and cross-dresser by night (Hamm, 2004).
While there were other factors contributing to Langan’s unraveling,
Hamm returns to Langan’s relationship with his mother. He recounts the
Langan family relocating in 1961 to Saigon where Eugene was involved
in a political plot to assassinate South Vietnam’s president Ngô Đình
Diệm. The family returned to the United States in 1963 where Langan’s
French and Vietnamese fluency and appearance made him a target of
bullying in school: “Almost overnight, he went from being a pampered
mama’s boy to being the victim of hate” (Hamm, 2004, p. 330). While
the turn to sex, drugs, and rock and roll is in many ways in the 1960s
“spirit of the times” (Hamm, 2004, p. 330), there is a persistent hint that
Langan’s delinquency was linked to the loss of his father, and his
“confusion over his newly discovered urge to dress up in his mother’s
clothing” (Hamm, 2004, p. 330). Hamm’s case study is eventually
explained in terms of “a crisis in masculinity” whereby Langan turned to
White Power to gain the respect of other men (p. 336). Problematically,
though, Langan’s “crisis” of realizing a specific masculine ideal is left
unexplored in the article. In fact, what Langan struggled with is a
heteronormative articulation of masculinity, often normalized in White
lower-middle and working-class communities, that left Langan a victim
of bullying as a child in school and of sexual violence as a young man in
prison. Thus, by referring to Langan as a “mama’s boy” without
exploring the ideological content of this term, Hamm inadvertently reifies
the very masculinity that precipitated Langan’s crisis. Simultaneously,
Hamm’s account is left unable to explain with full multidimensionality
the biographical narrative he otherwise quite thoroughly explores.
Langan’s narrative also suggests other problems that might have been
advantageously explored: Not only sexuality but gendered mandates may
have been relevant to his case given hegemonic social expectations of
child-rearing that may have left him especially vulnerable to violence. As
an adult, Langan struggled to live up to rigid codes of gender as well as
sexuality that mutually constitute normative masculinity. Moreover, both
factors arguably help to explain his attraction to right wing militancy.
Langan desired a transgressive and socially stigmatized identity while
desiring a repressive social order wherein such differences are flattened.
Langan’s gender identity crisis in a world hostile to nongender
conformists left him alienated and, in turn, susceptible to right wing
authoritarianism. A violent macho group appeared, then, as an avenue to
relieve the pain of not fitting into the world as well as providing a façade
beneath which he could explore his nonconforming desires.
If Hamm’s work exemplifies cultural criminological scholarship
focused on race and class potentially deepened by greater attention to
gender and sexuality-based norms, the work of feminist criminologists
such as Eleanor Miller and Valli Rajah —both of whom studied
edgework—illustrates research explicitly attuned to gender and sexuality
that also integrates sensitivity to racial and class biases women and men
face. Both Miller and Rajah illustrate that while much cultural
criminological work has not adequately used feminist theory, important
exceptions exist. Thus, Miller (1986, 1991), a feminist Marxist and strong
critic of Lyng, utilizes the edgework concept in her research on female
African American street sex workers who “choose especially risky
hustles” (Miller, 1991, p. 1533). As she contends, women involved with
high-risk encounters are motivated similarly as Lyng’s edgeworkers to
seek excitement, adrenaline rushes, and the achievement of a sense of
control and autonomy in situations otherwise pervaded by everyday
experiences of powerlessness and male objectification.
Analogously, in her study of poor, drug-using and largely African
American and Puerto Rican women who experience habitual domestic
abuse by their male partners, Rajah (2007) identifies activities she calls
“edgework-resistance.” In attempting to rebel against the constraints and
patriarchal control of their intimate partners, women overtly and covertly
“resist” in borderline zones of safety-and-relative danger; they undertake
small acts of defiance and disobedience, aware that they risk physical
harm should their partners retaliate violently. Acts of edgework-
resistance thus draw on “context-specific” knowledge such as partner’s
habits, weaknesses, strengths, dislikes, and/or probable reactions; if
accomplished successfully, such acts provide for “embodied rewards”
(Rajah, 2007, p. 201) like experiences of autonomy and self-
Both Rajah and Miller show that by engaging in edgework, women use
agency in eliciting emotional pursuits and visceral pleasures within
situations marked by their relative powerlessness; these situations
thereby allow for enactments of control. However, women who engage
in edgework are not simply “mimicking” men, as in the critique presented
above, but develop specific social practices shaped by the combination
of their multiple, “intersectional” experiences of oppression. This can
result in women’s resistance to one specific form of oppression all the
while their practices are subtly reproducing another. As Rajah points out,
the women in her study are forced to negotiate between resistance and
financial dependency to their male partners, and between cultural
imperatives that assign responsibility to women for preventing domestic
abuse while demanding that they maintain the stability of a relationship.
By acting in stereotypical feminine ways while high risk-taking, women
may contribute to the maintenance of the current gendered social order
(analogously to how, in male-dominated edgework, masculine gender
stereotypes are also reproduced). In addition, Miller emphasizes that the
illegal sex work subject of her study is a high-risk situation almost by
definition; given dangers of arrest and/or physical violence by men, this
is so regardless of whether women seek or avoid risky situations. In both
cases, women’s edgework is not a “desired choice” but must be
understood in the context of structural inequality, economic
marginalization, and dependency; without a sense of gender, race, and
class intersectionality, both of their case studies would be only partially
explanatory. For it is because of multiple overlapping social factors that
these examples of women’s edgework involve risks that “far exceeds
those of working- and middle-class white men” (Miller, 1991, p. 1532).
Consequently, edgework practices have very different cultural meanings
depending on gender, sexuality, race, and class; while “experimentally
and in terms of social psychological impact, edgework might be
functionally equivalent across [different societal] groups,” the “structures
of oppression to which [edgework] responds are unique” (Miller, 1991,
pp. 1533-1534).
Such attentiveness to intersections of class, race, and gender in Miller’s
and Rajah’s accounts allows for a necessary refinement of the edgework
concept by making visible both women’s relative powerlessness in
contemporary society and their attempts to control or resist multiple
forms of oppression. Men’s edgework (and “masculine” edgework)
needs to be analyzed with a similarly sophisticated sense of
multidimensionality, and with analogous sensitivity to men’s experiences
of power and powerlessness as both shape their risk-taking pursuits and
Cultural criminologists often emphasize this perspective’s advantages as
a “free intellectual space” for the critique of orthodox criminologies.
Indeed, cultural criminology offers progressive analyses and “invitational
openness” (Ferrell et al., 2015, p. 25) that is friendly toward feminist
endeavors and critical of male-dominated societies’ historical sexism. It
is exactly in this spirit that this article has offered an equally friendly
critique, calling for gender to become a regular and not “added on”
component of cultural criminology’s theoretical program and empirical
investigations. To date, albeit with some exceptions, cultural criminology
has tended to “add on” considerations of gender and sexuality rather than
according both key places in its research and scholarly investigations. In
turn, however unintentionally, this lack of gender awareness risks
mimicking the effects of sexism itself through the unwitting
incorporation of a hegemonic, “masculine” analytic lens.
Moreover, the above problem hinders the ability of the perspective to
fully grasp the complexity of cultural dynamics as they influence, and are
influenced by, also distinctively cultural mediations of gender and sex.
While cultural criminology has succeeded in exemplifying Clifford
Geertz’s concept of thick description, offering detailed accounts of social
actors’ everyday lives in both ordinary and extraordinary moments, it
may have not accorded gender and sexuality their due as these affect the
multidimensionality of human practices. This relative overlooking of
gender and sex as units of analysis presents a problem given the
perspective’s intention of elucidating the emotive bases of deviance and
transgression. For the attractions of crime cannot be fully explained
without accounting for hegemonic codes of femininity and masculinity,
and for societal repression of desires and emotions. Thus, while
conventional studies of crime and transgression can and should learn
from the cultural criminological approach, cultural criminology can
enrich its own otherwise rich interpretive powers by moving gender and
sex—as objects of analysis—from its margins to its center.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship,
and/or publication of this article.
We thank the reviewers for their helpful feedback, Lynn Chancer and
Dan Douglas for their editorial suggestions.
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Author Biographies