Communication Superiority2
Communication Superiority2
Communication Superiority2
Abstract. The paper highlights the current advancements and innovations made
and the way to go in the field of HF Communication in terms of Nature of the HF
channel, contemporary HF models, MIMO based HF links, exploitation of NVIS
antennas, and efforts to achieve a secured HF. HF is here to stay either as an
independent entity or in conjunction with terrestrial / space-based networks. The
reasons justifying this have been elaborated in the Paper. MIMO for HF
communication seems to be a very attractive option and even more so for maritime
application. The HF channel and MIMO seem to be made for each other. MIMO
technique requires multi-path and fading; and the HF channel offers it “on a platter”
in abundance. In this context, the paper aims to clarify the understanding of the
concept of MIMO based HF links.
0010110 Coding Weighting / De mapping 0010110
Modulation Demodulation
Weighting / Mapping Decoding
N Txrs M Rxrs
Fig.1. Diagram of a MIMO wireless transmission system. The transmitter and receiver are equipped with multiple antenna
elements. Coding, modulation and mapping of the signals onto the antennas may be realized jointly or separately.
complexity are added) is largely relies on the presence of rich multipath
responsible for the success of MIMO. which is needed to make the channel
As far as the fundamentals of MIMO spatially selective.
are concerned, they are clearly
explained in [3], an excellent tutorial 15.[4] brings out as to how MIMO
paper. Relevance of the technique to effectively exploits multipath, which is
HF data communications in the Indian present “in abundance” in the HF
Navy is however, the author’s own channel. Thus we can say that MIMO
contribution. It is also discussed as to and the HF channel are “Made For
how the HF channel and the MIMO Each Other”. MIMO exploits the
technique are made for each other, a “negativities” of the HF channel to its
trait which needs to be exploited for advantage. Another point brought
the naval requirement. For a complete home in [4] is that multipath is rich on
treatment, refer to [4]. ships and aircrafts because of the
densely packed equipment on the
14.A high-rate bit stream is external surfaces. This again aids
decomposed into N independent 1/N- MIMO. Thus, MIMO using HF
rate bit sequences which are then communications is best suited for the
transmitted simultaneously using N Navy. It has also been shown that the
antennas. The signals are launched minimum antenna spacing required by
and naturally mix together in the the MIMO technique is easily available
wireless channel as they use the same on ships / aircrafts for the HF band.
frequency spectrum. At the receiver,
after having identified the mixing
channel matrix through training Exploitation Of Near Vertical
symbols, the individual bit streams are Incidence (NVIS)S Antennas.
separated and estimated. A strong
analogy can be made with code- 16.NVIS as a concept was used in the
division multiple-access (CDMA) World War-2 by the Germans. The key
transmission in which multiple users concept is to facilitate HF
sharing the same time / frequency communications in the “Blind Zone” i.e.
channel are mixed upon transmission distances where the ground waves are
and recovered through their unique not able to reach; and the “Sky Waves”
codes. The concept of “Space Time have not yet reached after reflection
Codes” has been elaborately from the atmospheric layers. This
described in [3]. The advantage of translates (depending on the
MIMO is that the unique signatures of propagation and atmospheric
input streams (“virtual users”) are conditions) the zone from 100 kms to
provided by nature in a close-to- about 1000 kms.
orthogonal manner (depending
however on the fading correlation) 17.NVIS only works at frequencies
without frequency spreading, hence at from 2Mhz to 10Mhz. It is imperative
no cost of spectrum efficiency. Another that the signal must penetrate the D
advantage of MIMO is the ability to layer of the ionosphere, and also
jointly code and decode the multiple bounce off the F layer. Lower-
streams since those are intended to frequency signals will not penetrate the
the same user. Note that, unlike in D layer; higher frequencies will not
CDMA where user’s signatures are bounce off the F layer at the sharp
quasi-orthogonal by design, the angles of transmission! (Remember
separability of the MIMO channel the Maximum Useable Frequency, or
MUF?). There are many conventional may not be suitable for the Navy on
designs for a NVIS antenna, one being account of the large distances
shown below. It is evident that this involved.
design, though suitable for the Army
[4]Lt Cdr Shishir B Sahay, “Relevance of MIMO Space Time Coded Wireless
Systems To HF Communications in Indian Navy”, Proceedings, Conference on HF
Communications, Mar 2006, Naval EMC Cell, Mumbai, 2006.
Cdr Shishir B Sahay received his B Sc from the National Defence Academy, Pune
and BE from the Naval College of Engineering, Lonavla. Having completed his M
Tech in Communications from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, he was a
faculty at the Institute of Armament Technology, Pune from 2002 to 05 where he was
teaching Information and Coding Theory, Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes,
Detection and Estimation Theory, Communications and DSP to graduate students.
His interests include design of data modems for the HF and under-water acoustic
channel, HF channel modeling and modeling of anti-aircraft gun and Fire Control
System. He has also attempted detection of surface vessels using statistical signal
processing techniques. Presently, he is posted at the Naval EMC Centre, Mumbai.