Impact of Coconut Production On The Environment and The Problems Faced by Coconut Producers in Lanao Del Norte Province, Philippines

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Ismail Bulent Gurbuz Mike Macasare Manaros

Uludag University Uludag University


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Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 19, Issue 3, 2019
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952

Ismail Bulent GURBUZ, Mike MANAROS

Bursa Uludag University, Agricultural Faculty, Department of Agricultural Economics, 16059

Bursa, Turkey, Phone: +902242941591, Mobile: +905322837563 E-mails:
[email protected], [email protected]

Corresponding author: [email protected]


Environmental impacts of coconut production may be both positive and negative. Coconut may have a
lesser impact on the environment. However, its negative impact may influence the coconut farming of the
farmers overwhelmingly. The study was carried out in Lanao del Norte Province in the Philippines from
October to November 2016. It was selected purposively for the reason that the majority of the farming
activities is from coconut farming particularly in smallholding farming. A total of 400 respondents were
interviewed using closed-ended questionnaires. It was felt necessary to identify the impact of coconut
production on the environment, the internal and external faced by coconut producers, the factors
influencing the coconut yield, and the practices on coconut productions by coconut producers. The study
revealed that the severe problems encountered by the coconut producers on coconut production for
internal problems were the far distance of the land from farm to market road, intercropping, high cost of
laborers, and low and fluctuating price of coconut product for the apparent problems. Furthermore,
issues such as pests and diseases, difficulties in nut collections, high transportation expenses in marketing
problem, and government taxes for the obvious question were found as severe problems. The regression
results revealed that the educational Attainment, size of the land (in hectare), number of coconut tree
planted per hectare, the distance of the property from the market road, and the frequency of harvesting
nut have a strong influence on coconut production.

Key words: coconut, coconut production, environmental impact, coconut producer, crop, Philippines

INTRODUCTION of Life," from the roots to the leaves of the

tree are potential raw materials for almost
Coconut is a fruit that grows on a coconut everything [8].
tree. It is the seed of the coconut tree. The The coconut was introduced in the Philippines
coconut got its name in the 16th century from by immigrants from the Indo-Malayan
the word ‘coco' which means ‘monkey face' archipelago in the early twelfth and thirteenth
[18]. Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is a centuries [10]. Coconut is a smallholders'
monocot belonging to the family Arecaceae, crop, and a significant proportion of the
subfamily Cocoideae and is the sole species production is usually consumed locally. Since
of the genus Cocos [19]. There are only two the Spanish colonialism, coconut serves as the
significant classifications of coconut such as top agricultural crop produced and used as
tall and dwarf [7]. foods by the native Filipinos. Coconut
Coconut is one of the most useful palms in the symbolizes the farming life of the Filipino
world; every part of the coconut tree has its farmers were over 3.5 million coconut
usefulness. Coconut provides almost of the producers depend on coconut farming directly
basic needs of humankind such as food, or indirectly [8]. The importance of coconut
shelter, medicines, fuel, drink, furniture, has been surprisingly vital where coconut
decorative materials, cosmetics, and many industry employs more than 3 million coconut
others. Hence, it is popularly known as "Tree producers and workers and to 25 million more
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 19, Issue 3, 2019
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
Filipinos working in various coconut-based income and limited influence in the network,
enterprises throughout the country [17]. are slowing down the development of the
Coconut is one of the most important crops industry at large. These factors deprived the
grown in more than 93 countries in the world coconut farming activities of the farmers.
where the main coconut growing areas are On the other hand, cultivating coconut
located in Asia, Oceania, West Indies, Central requires good soil drainage and can adapt to a
and South America and West and East Africa wide range of soil types [5]. Soil erosion is
[19]. It is in fact that these countries are one of the world’s disastrous environmental
dependent on the coconut to some degree problems threatening the sustainable
either as a source of nutrition, employment, development of human beings, particularly
and economic contributor or many times all the agricultural farming activities of the
combined [6]. Philippine is the second largest farmers [24]. One of the surprising
producer and exporter of coconut all around importance's of coconut production especially
the world. According to the Philippine in the production of coconut coir is that it
Coconut Authority (PCA), 68 out of 81 helps restore Mother Nature's beauty and
provinces of the country are coconut areas vigor by rehabilitating agricultural lands and
having 3.517 Million hectares planted to preventing erosion of topsoil [9]. However,
coconut covering about 26 percent of since coconuts require good drainage, it
agricultural land and producing 14.902 billion cannot tolerate flooding or waterlogged
nuts per year [2]. In 2016, coconut areas condition [5].
planted to coconut increased to 1.35% or Hence, it was felt necessary to identify and
3.565 Million hectares [4]. In Northern discuss the impact of coconut production on
Mindanao, Region 10, coconut farming is one the environment, the problems encountered by
of the significant sources of income of the the coconut producers to understand fully the
coconut producers where it has a share of reasons why despite their significant
12.25 % of the total coconut production in the contribution in the agricultural economy they
Philippines [4]. remain as one of the poorest sectors in the
However, trends in coconut production are community. The study will also examine the
decreasing due to several factors. factors influencing the coconut yield of the
Consequently, coconut producers are at a coconut producer.
significant disadvantage. They are the
producers, but they have the least power over MATERIALS AND METHODS
their products. The traders and the processors
mostly benefit from the local coconut market The study was carried out in Northern
profit. Moreover, government policies Mindanao of Philippines particularly in Lanao
concerning the industry serve the interest of del Norte Province. The study area was
the powerful exporter processor more than selected purposively for the reason that
those of the farmers [10]. Despite being part majority of the farming activities is from
of a multi-billion dollar industry, coconut coconut farming particularly in smallholding
producer is among the poorest in the farming and despite the standing of the
Philippines with 60% living at or below the province in coconut production; the area was
poverty line of 20,000₱ (US$444) per year reported as one of the poorest regions in the
[1]. Philippines.
On the other hand, several factors have been Sampling procedures and sample size
affecting the farming of coconut producers in This study involved smallholder coconut
coconut production, particularly in the producers. In the study area, there was 26,077
province of Lanao del Norte in Northern total number of coconut producers. It used the
Mindanao. The farmers are the poorest within stratified random sampling method. Using the
the Philippine agricultural sector and their stratified random sampling, the populations
limited resources, low social protection, low were divided into three strata based on the

Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 19, Issue 3, 2019
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
number of districts. Then, the frequencies of into a vernacular language which is Visayan
each stratum were identified using the number dialect so that the respondents were able to
of coconut producers. The total sample size understand the questions fully and ready to
was then estimated using a proportion [22]. answer it conveniently. Secondary data were
The formula was given below. also used for further understanding of the
study and the discussion of the impact of
n = Np(1 - p)/(N – 1)(d2/z2)+p(1 – p) (1) coconut production on the environment.
Data Analysis
where: Quantitative data were analyzed by the
n is the total sample size, N is the total assistance of Statistical Package for the Social
population (N=26,077), p=0.5 (assumed to be Sciences (SPSS) version 23. Descriptive
the worst-case value, if no estimate of p is characteristics of the coconut producers were
available prior to the survey), d is the presented through frequencies and percentage.
accepted error (assumed to be 5%), and z is For the objectives of this study 5-point Likert
based on confidence level (1.96 for 95%). scale analysis was administered to describe
Using the formula mentioned above, the total the level of problems encountered by the
sample size found to be 378 [26,077*0.25/ coconut producers in coconut production.
(26,076(0.05/1.96) ^2+0.25)]. Hence, to reach Respondents were ask to rate the given
the consistent results a total of 400 sample problems from 1 to 5 point where 1 = Not at
size was used in the survey. The Proportionate all problem, 2 = Minor problem, 3 = Moderate
stratified sampling is used when the number problem, 4 = Serious problem, and 5 = Very
of elements from each stratum about its serious problem. Percentage and frequency
proportion in the total population is selected distributions were used frequency also as
[13]. Therefore, the samples were selected supporting data.
proportionally to the size of each stratum in Also, multiple linear regressions were applied
the population. The formula used was: to determine the factors influencing the
income of the coconut producers in coconut
nh = Nh / N * n (2) production. The case model was specified as
where: In Y = α + β1 X1 + β2 X2 + β3 X3 + β4
nh is the total sample of stratum h, n is the X4 + β5 X5 + β6 X6 + β7 X7 + β8 X8 + β9 X9 +
total sample size (n = 400), N is the total β10 X10 …..+εi (3)
population, and Nh is the total population of
stratum h. Hence, n1 = 223 (14,541 / 26,077 * where:
400), n2 = 137 (8,937 / 26,077 * 400), and n3 Y is a dependent variable, which is the annual
= 40 (2,599 / 26,077 * 400). Simple random income of the coconut producers in coconut
sampling (SRS) was applied to determine production. Β0, β1....β10 = Constants; X1 (Sex
which municipality to be chosen as the study of the respondents); X2 (Age measured in
area. This was used so there were no biases on years); X3 (Marital status); X4 (Education); X5
the sampling procedures. Based on the (Number of coconut trees planted per
fishbowl draw Municipality of Bacolod was hectares); X6 (Size of the land in hectares); X7
selected for the first district, Municipality of (Type of coconut planted); X8 (Topography of
Munai for the second district, and the the land); X9 (Distance of the land from farm
Municipal city of Iligan for the lone district. to the market road); X10 (Frequency of
To reach the objectives of this study, primary harvesting nut).
data was collected using a closed-ended
survey questionnaire. The survey was RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
conducted from October to November 2016 in
the study area. The polls used in this study Demographic profile of the coconut
were in English; however, it was translated producers

Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 19, Issue 3, 2019
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
This section provides the frequencies and yearly salary between 32,001 to 40,000 PHP.
ratios of the demographic profile of the While 15% found to have an annual income
respondents (coconut producers) such as age, of lesser than 24,000 PHP, a small ratio of
sex, marital status, educational attainment, 12% of the respondents have a yearly income
and annual income on coconut production of 24,001 to 32,000 PHP in coconut
(Table 1). production. The results imply that the annual
More than half (51.5%) of the coconut income of the coconut producers in coconut
producers were female while 48.5% were production is meager. A similar study
male. This finding indicates that female revealed that 88.05% categorized to have an
coconut producers have more power owning average yearly salary of 75,000 PHP [20].
coconut land. However, a study by Khalfan
(2015) contradicts this finding in which she Table 1. Demographic profile of the respondents
Demographic profile Frequency Percent
found 91% male and only 9% of female were Male 194 48.5
Sex Female 206 51.5
engaged in coconut production [11]. Total 400 100.0
< 30 years old 41 10.3
The highest frequency of respondents in terms 30 - 40 years old 138 34.5
Age 41 - 50 years old 132 33.0
of age fells into the bracket of 30-40 years old > 50 years old 89 22.3
Total 400 100.0
with a total of 138 coconut producers (34.5%) Single 27 6.8
followed by 132 coconut producers (33%) Marital Status
from the bracket of 41-50 years old. Whereas, Widowed
the lowest frequency of fells into the bracket Primary
of lesser than 30 years old with only 41 Educational
coconut producers (10.3%). This implies that No formal education
most of the respondents engaged in coconut < 24,000 Php
24,001 - 32,000 Php
Annual Income
production were adult ranging from age 30 to In coconut production
32,001 - 40,000 Php
> 40,001 Php
50 years old. Total 400 100.0

The study used four categories such as single, Source: Own calculation.
married, divorced, and widowed to identify
the marital status of the respondents — the Geographic profile of the coconut producers
survey results that the most significant The geographic pattern of the respondents
proportions of the coconut producers were includes the size of the coconut farm, the
married (83.3%). A small percentage of 6.8% number of coconut trees planted, type of
were single, 5.3% were widowed, and 4.8% coconut tree planted, the topography of the
were divorced. This may be interpreted that land and the distance of the property from the
married coconut producers are highly farm to the market road were presented into
dependent on coconut farming for their frequencies and ratios (Table 2).
families. A similar study proved this finding The Table 2 shows that 37.8% of coconut
[11]. producers own a coconut farm between 2.5 to
Almost half (49%) of the respondents had 3 hectares while 34.5% own between 1.5 to 2
basic education. While 24.8% had a hectares. It was further shown that the lowest
secondary school, 23.8% had no formal proportion of 11.3% of the coconut producers
training. It can be interpreted that illiteracy of owns lesser than 1.5 hectares.
the coconut producers is low. A small ratio of Majority of the coconut owners (65.8%)
the respondents had finished the higher planted more than 150 coconut trees per
education level where 2% finished hectares while the small number of coconut
undergraduate school, and 0.5% finished post- owners (5.5%) planted less than 50 trees per
graduate school. hectares. Of the coconut land own by the
The study further revealed that about 41% of coconut producers, it was shown that 48.5%
the respondents have an annual income of own a plain topography of the property.
greater than 40,000 Philippine pesos (PHP) While 40.3% own a coconut farm located on
followed by 31% of the respondents having a the mountainside. A vast majority of the
coconut owners (70.3%) own a coconut farm
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 19, Issue 3, 2019
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
with a distance of more than 500 meters away non-food coco products remain stable in the
from the farm to market road. industrial markets [19]. The demands for
soaps, detergents and other cleaning agents
Table 2. Geographic profile of the coconut producers and personal care products which used oleo-
Geographic profile Frequency Percent
< 1.5 hectare 45 11.3 chemicals are almost unlimited [9]. The husks
1.5 - 2 hectare 138 34.5
Size of the coconut farm 2.5 - 3 hectare 151 37.8 are generally considered as a waste product,
> 3 hectare 66 16.5
Total 400 100.0 however utilizing this waste can turn into by-
< 50 trees 22 5.5
Number of coconut tree
50 - 100 trees 43 10.8 products such as rope, mattress filling, and
101 - 150 trees 72 18.0
planted per hectare
> 150 trees 263 65.8 coir [21]. The coir product extracted from
Total 400 100.0
Plain 194 48.5
coconut husk can helps to restore Mother
The topography of the land
Rocky ground
Nature’s beauty and vigor by rehabilitating
agricultural lands and prevents erosion of
< 100 meters
100 - 300 meters
topsoil [9].
The distance of the land from
farm to market road
301 - 500 meters
> 500 meters
Furthermore, production of fiberboards from
Total 400 100.0 unripe green coconut coir and fibers may
Source: Own calculation. reduce the environmental burden related to
husks disposal [14]. It has been reported that
Type of the coconut planted
the coconut industry globally generated as
This section identifies the variety of coconut
much as 408,216,000 tons of husks in 2013
planted by the coconut producers to their land.
[14]. A study has mentioned the variety of
The recognized two varieties were tall and
environment-related uses of activated carbon
dwarf. Other natural coconut planted trees
produced from coconut shell charcoal [23].
were the hybrid and the so-called queen
Moreover, this activated carbon can be used
coconut tree.
in some applications of water purification, gas
The Table 3 shows that the majority of the
masks, solvent recovery, and odor control, air
coconut producers (66.5%) planted a tall
purification in closed rooms, wastewater
variety; which is the widely known variety of
treatment plants and de-chlorination [23].
coconut tree. Only 4.5% of coconut producers
On the other hand, Coconut crop production
planted a dwarf variety. While 18.5% planted
results in many environmental aspects,
coconut tree so-called queen coconut, 10.5%
including the use of large volumes of water
planted a hybrid coconut variety. On the other
for irrigation, land use transformation, and
hand, a parallel study revealed that 51.2% of
fertilizer use [14]. Monoculture farming
the coconut producers had planted queen
becomes an issue in areas where coconuts are
variety of coconut however 32.4% of the
grown [15]. Growing coconut tree as a mono-
coconut producers have planted the tall
crop promotes an environment of low crop
variety of coconut [25].
diversity that can be damaging to the
Table 3. Type of coconut planted to coconut land
environment and risky for farmers [3]. As the
Type Frequency Percent coconut tree ages, it becomes less productive,
Dwarf coconut 18 4.5
Tall coconut 266 66.5 and this leads to farmers to plant more
Queen coconut 74 18.5
Hybrid coconut 42 10.5 coconut trees [15]. Consequently, it leads the
Total 400 100.0
farmers to use chemical fertilizers to boost
Source: Own calculation.
their productivity; hence it can take a
Impact of coconut production on the significant toll on the soil [15]. Moreover,
environment when chemical fertilizers are introduced, it
Literature have revealed that coconut products can be a threat to local biodiversity as well as
or by-products have less effect on the land, water and air health [15]. It has been
environment. It has been established that the revealed in a study that the coconut oil
coconut palm tree wastes have minimal extracted from copra, the dried kernel of the
impact on the environment [16]. Coconut coconut is associated with little environmental
products do not destroy the situation where pollution [23].

Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 19, Issue 3, 2019
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
Factors affecting coconut production workers had trouble in collecting the
This section presents the internal and external harvested nuts. Hence, it lessens the
factors that affect coconut production in production of coconut since the accumulated
Lanao del Norte. The internal factors will may not be found in the collections of nuts.
mainly focus on the problems encountered in The study further shows that infertility of the
the production, marketing, management, and coconut tree was considered as a moderate
labor during the coconut production. On the problem with 29.0% of coconut producers
other hand, government taxes, indiscriminate considered it while at least 15.0% of coconut
cutting of coconut trees, the low and producers considered the issue as not a
fluctuating price of coconut product, coconut problem at all. This is probably because 88%
monopoly, and natural disasters will be of the coconut producers do not use any
considered external factors. fertilizer to help boost coconut productivity
Production Problems [1].
The findings (see table 4) show that pests and 28.3% of coconut producer considered the
diseases considered by the coconut producers decline of the coconut tree as a minor problem
as a severe problem they encountered. It was only. However, 25.8% of coconut producers
found by 32.3% of coconut producers that stated the issue like a severe problem while
pests and diseases were a serious problem. 6.5% reported it as not a problem at all. It has
While 31.5% confirmed it as a severe been revealed in a similar study that old age
problem, a small ratio of 4.3% of coconut of coconut palms had a significant
producers did not confirm as a problem at all. contribution towards the low production of
In line with this findings discussed that coconut yields [11].
infestation of pests and diseases were one of On the other hand, the majority of the coconut
the risks that lead to a downgrading of the producers (64.3%) confirmed that infertility
quality of coconut product like coconut oil of the land did not show to be the problem at
and decrease the quantity of the coconut all. Only 2.5% and 4.5% indicated the issue
production [18]. like a severe and severe problem respectively.
A problem in nut collection was also found as In contrast, other literature showed that low
a serious problem. This problem was attested coconut productivity is generally associated
by 28.0% of coconut producers as a severe with farmers' dependence on inherent soil
problem while 7.8% did not confirm it as a productivity [5].
problem at all. This implies that coconut

Table 4. Level of Problems Encountered by Coconut Producers on Production (n=400)

Not at all problem Minor problem Moderate problem Serious problem Severe problem Description of the
Problems Mode
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) problem

F % F % F % F % F %

Pests and Diseases 17 4.3 38 9.5 90 22.5 129 32.3 126 31.5 4 Serious

Problems in nut
31 7.8 83 20.8 97 24.3 112 28.0 77 19.0 4 Serious

Infertility of the
60 15.0 76 19.0 116 29.0 64 16.0 84 21.0 3 Moderate
coconut tree

The senility of the

26 6.5 113 28.3 79 19.8 79 19.8 103 25.8 2 Minor
coconut tree
Infertility of the
257 64.3 90 22.5 25 6.5 18 4.5 10 2.5 1 Not at all

Source: Own calculation.

Marketing Problems problem they encountered. This problem was

The table 5 shows that the coconut producers attested by 33.5% of coconut producers while
considered the far distance of the land from about 10.3% did not consider it as a problem
the farm to the market road as a severe at all. This suggests that the government
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 19, Issue 3, 2019
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
should increase its agricultural infrastructures and motorcycle (21.3%). This is in line with a
in the province. Farm to market road projects similar study that multiple channels of
should be the priority to lessen the burdens of distribution of coconut products found to be
the coconut producers in delivering their the second-ranked problem encountered in
coconut products to the market area. marketing coconut [25].
32.3% of coconut producers considered high The findings in table 5 further revealed that
transportation was a severe problem they the seasonal price variation to be a minor
encountered. While 30.8% of coconut problem. It was considered by about a half of
producers found the issue like an acute (49.5%) coconut producers. While 11.3% did
problem, a small ratio of 5.5% did not not consider the problem as a problem at all.
consider it as a problem at all. This is Seasonal variation of prices indicated to be
probably because the roads in the area are one of the problems that existed in marketing
deplorable. A parallel study found high coconut found [25]. On the other hand, other
transportation cost not a problem in marketing similar literature revealed that the unstable
the coconut [20]. price of copra was a severe problem
A majority of 43.0% of coconut producers encountered by the coconut producers [20].
considered multiple channels of distribution Whereas, a vast majority of coconut producers
of coconut products as a moderate problem. (70.5%) considered that limited market
While 27.5% found it as a serious problem, information was not a problem at all. Only
only 3.0% did not think it as a problem at all. 5.3% and 3.5% thought the issue as a serious
It has been observed that the medium of the and severe problem respectively. This finding
transportations used by the coconut producers suggests that coconut producers have
during the coconut production was delivery important knowledge about the market
truck (46.5%), animal cart (26%) (Using scenario in the province of Lanao del Norte.
carabao; a water buffalo, a cow, or a horse),

Table 5. Level of Problems Encountered by Coconut Producers on Marketing (n=400)

Not at all Moderate Very serious
Minor problem Serious problem Description of the
Problems problem problem problem Mode
(2) (4) problem
(1) (3) (5)
F % F % F % F % F %

Distant distance of the land

41 10.3 54 13.5 89 22.3 82 20.5 134 33.5 5 Very Serious
from farm to market road.
High transportation
22 5.5 65 16.3 61 15.3 129 32.3 123 30.8 4 Serious

Multiple channels of
12 3.0 30 7.5 172 43.0 110 27.5 76 19.0 3 Moderate

Seasonal price variation. 45 11.3 198 49.5 53 13.3 57 14.3 47 11.8 2 Minor

Limited market information 282 70.5 56 14.0 27 6.8 21 5.3 14 3.5 1 Not at all

Source: Own calculation.

Management Problems of the coconut land. This implies that coconut

When the levels of the problems encountered producers do not want to engage more on
in the management aspect were analyzed intercropping. The main bottleneck in the
(Table 6) the study indicates that the problem adoption of optimum management practices in
in intercropping management was a severe the coconut-based farming system (CBFS)
problem considered by 29.8% of coconut particularly in intercropping is that the small
producers. On the other hand, 25.8% found farmers are burdened with substantial costs of
the problem as not a problem at all. This production as well as in the marketing of their
probably due to the facts that the majority of produces [12]. Further study revealed that
the respondents do not have a tenant in their coconut producers face insufficient land for
land. It has been observed that 41% of the intercropping [11].
coconut producers hired a tenant to take care
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 19, Issue 3, 2019
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
Moreover, according to the findings of the owner and the tenant equally. The study
study, the percentage sharing of income found revealed that sharecropping was considered
to be a moderate problem; this was considered by 24.5% of coconut producers as a minor
by 25.0% coconut producers. While 22.8% problem. However, 23.3% and 18.5% of
and 23.3% of coconut producers felt the issue coconut producers considered the issue as a
as a serious and very serious problem serious and very serious problem while 19.5%
respectively, 12.3% did not consider it as a did not consider it as a problem at all. This
problem at all. This suggests that coconut may be interpreted that sharecropping is not
producer who had hired a tenant on their standard management practices in the
coconut land had experienced a problem with province.
their tenant with regards to tenancy The study further revealed that tenure-
agreements on sharing of coconut yield. arrangement on duties and responsibilities
The problem in coconut sharing of costs and was not a problem at all according to 29.5%
expenses of the coconut production indicated of coconut producers who considered it.
to be a minor problem. While 23.5% of However, while 28.8% considered it as a
coconut producers considered the issue as a minor problem a small ratio of 7.0%
small problem, 13.3% did not think it as a considered the problems as a very serious
problem at all. It was observed that the problem. This implies that coconut producer
traditional practices of coconut producers in has no problem with tenants’ performances of
Lanao del Norte were the expenses during the duties and responsibilities during the coconut
coconut productions are shouldered by the production.

Table 6. Level of Problems Encountered by Coconut Producers on Management (n=400)

Not at all Moderate Very serious
Minor problem Serious problem Description of the
Problems problem problem problem Mode
(2) (4) problem
(1) (3) (5)
F % F % F % F % F %

Problems in Intercropping 103 25.8 25 6.3 74 18.5 79 19.8 119 29.8 5 Very Serious
Percentage sharing of
49 12.3 67 16.8 100 25.0 91 22.8 93 23.3 3 Moderate
Problems in coconut
sharing of coconut
53 13.3 94 23.5 80 20.0 89 22.3 84 21.0 2 Minor
productions’ costs and
Problems in Sharecropping 78 19.5 98 24.5 57 14.3 93 23.3 74 18.5 2 Minor
Tenure-Arrangement on
118 29.5 115 28.8 85 21.3 54 13.5 28 7.0 1 Not at all
duties and responsibilities
Source: Own calculation.

Labor Problems serious problem. A similar study revealed the

Based on the results in Table 7, it indicates same results [25].
that the high cost of labors was considered by Also, the results indicated the problem on
45.0% coconut producers as a very serious unskilled workers was found to be a minor
problem encountered. While 27.3% problem and considered by 29.0% coconut
considered the problem as a serious problem a producers. On the other hand, while 27.0%
small proportion of 2.3% considered it as not considered the problem as an average 15.5%
a problem at all. A similar study found that did not consider it as a problem at all. The
high cost of labors is one of the prime study further revealed that inadequacy of the
problem faced by coconut producers in coconut workers during the working period
Tamilnadu, India [25]. found to be a minor problem considered by
The small duration of work, however, was 27.8%. Only 6.5% did not consider it a
found to be a moderate problem which 28.8% problem at all. However, 25.3% and 26.8% of
of coconut producers considered it. While coconut producers considered the problem as
27.8% considered the problem as a minor a serious and very serious problem. This
problem only 5.8% considered it as a very implies that most of the respondents found the
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 19, Issue 3, 2019
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
problem as an alarming problem. A similar of the workers as not a problem at all while
study supports this finding that inadequacy of 10.0% and 10.8% considered the problem as a
the coconut workers was a prime problem serious and very serious problem.
encountered by the coconut producers [25].
Furthermore, a great majority of coconut
producers (58.8%) considered the migratory

Table 7. Level of Problems Encountered by Coconut Producers on Labor (n=400)

Very serious
Not at all problem Minor problem Moderate problem Serious problem Description of the
Problems problem Mode
(1) (2) (3) (4) problem
F % F % F % F % F %

High cost of Labors 9 2.3 26 6.5 76 19.0 109 27.3 180 45.0 5 Very Serious

Small duration of work 67 16.8 111 27.8 115 28.8 84 21.0 23 5.8 3 Moderate

Unskilled workers 62 15.5 116 29.0 108 27.0 67 16.8 47 11.8 2 Minor

Inadequacy of workers 26 6.5 111 27.8 55 13.8 101 25.3 107 26.8 2 Minor

Migratory workers 235 58.8 40 10.0 42 10.5 40 10.0 43 10.8 1 Not at all

Source: Own calculation.

External problems encountered by the coconut producers. 29.5%

The findings (Table 8) indicated that low and considered this problem as a moderate
fluctuating price of coconut product was problem. While 11.0% considered this
found to be a very serious problem problem as a very serious problem 14.0%
encountered by the coconut producers. Of the thought it is not a problem at all.
total coconut producers, more than a half Indiscriminate cutting of coconut trees
(52.5%) indicated the problem as a very indicated to be a minor problem were 37.5%
serious problem while a small proportion of of coconut producers considered this problem.
0.8% reported it as not a problem at all. The Of the total coconut producers, only 7.0%
government tax imposed by the local thought the problem as a very serious problem
government is a serious problem. This finding while 9.3% viewed it as not a problem at all.
was considered by 29.0% coconut producers Further findings found that natural disasters
while only 8.0% considered the problem as were not a problem at all where a significant
not a problem at all. The finding suggests that majority (68.0%) of coconut producers
local government should lessen the tax considered it. While 12.3% considered the
imposed on coconut producers particularly on problem as a minor problem, 5.5% and 9.3%
the smallholder coconut producers. considered it as a serious and very serious
The findings further indicated that coconut problem.
monopoly was a moderate problem

Table 8. Level of external Problems Encountered by Coconut Producers (n=400)

Very serious
Not at all problem Minor problem Moderate problem Serious problem Description of the
Problems problem Mode
(1) (2) (3) (4) problem
% % % % %
Low and fluctuating price of
3 0.8 27 6.8 62 15.5 98 24.5 210 52.5 5 Very Serious
coconut product
Government taxes 32 8.0 76 19.0 97 24.3 116 29.0 79 19.8 4 Serious

Coconut monopoly 56 14.0 98 24.5 118 29.5 84 21.0 44 11.0 3 Moderate

Indiscriminate cutting of
37 9.3 150 37.5 101 25.3 84 21.0 28 7.0 2 Minor
coconut trees
Natural disasters 272 68.0 49 12.3 20 5.0 22 5.5 37 9.3 1 Not at all

Source: Own calculation.

Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 19, Issue 3, 2019
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
Factors influencing the income of the The findings further revealed that size of the
coconut producers land owned by the coconut producers had a
The results revealed in the regression analysis high influence (p<0001) on their income in
indicate that sex of respondents had no coconut production and showed a more
significant influence (p=0.938) on the income significant relationship to the dependent
of the coconut producers and it had a negative variable (β=0.452). This finding implies that
relationship (β =-0.006) to the dependent an increase of the hectare of the land owned
variable. This result is probably because most by the coconut producers the higher the
of the coconut owners were female. possibility that their income would increase
Age of the respondents indicated no by 0.452. Literature argued that an increase in
significant influence (p=0.285) on the income the land under improved technologies would
of the coconut producers and had a negative increase coconut yield [11].
relationship to the dependent variable (β=- The number of coconut tree planted to
0.056). This implies that the increase of the coconut farm indicates a greater influence
age of the coconut producers the income of (p<0001) on the income on coconut
the coconut producers decreased by 0.056. production and carries a positive relationship
The marital status of the respondents showed to the dependent variable (β=0.593).
no significant influence (p=0.392) on the Therefore, an increase in the number of
coconut producers' income, but it has a coconut trees planted on the coconut farm
positive relationship (β=0.057). This is maybe income on coconut production would increase
because the majority of the coconut producers by 0.593.
were married. It implies that family When the type of coconut planted to coconut
responsibilities matter most. farm was analyzed, it showed no significant
Table 9 indicated further that the educational influence (p=0.481) on the income on coconut
attainment of the respondents have a production. However, it has a positive
significant influence (p=0.050) on the income relationship with coconut yield (β=0.035).
of the coconut producers and shows a positive This is probably because the tall variety is
relationship between the dependent variable widely planted coconut.
(β=0.057). This means that additional year of The topography of the land was found to have
the education by the coconut producers their no significant influence (p=0.080) on the
income on coconut production would increase income on coconut production but had a
by 0.057. This result is in line with the study positive relationship to the dependent variable
by Khalfan (2015) in which he found that (β=0.089). Based on the demographic results
education had a high influence on income of this study about the topography of the land,
[11]. the majority of the respondents owned plain
coconut land.

Table 9. Results of regression for analysis of factors influencing the income of the coconut producers
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 0.633 0.274 2.311 0.021
Sex -0.006 0.081 -0.003 -0.078 0.938
Age -0.056 0.052 -0.048 -1.071 0.285
Marital Status 0.057 0.067 0.030 0.856 0.392
Educational Attainment 0.051 0.026 0.077 1.969 0.050*
Size of the land (in hectare) 0.452 0.054 0.377 8.425 0.000**
Number of coconut tree planted per hectare 0.593 0.048 0.493 12.413 0.000**
Type of coconut planted 0.035 0.050 0.024 0.706 0.481
The topography of the land 0.089 0.051 0.067 1.758 0.080
The distance of the land from the market road -0.122 0.049 -0.089 -2.512 0.012**
Frequency of harvesting nut -0.268 0.063 -0.137 -4.255 0.000**

a. Dependent Variable: Income in copra production

*p ≤ 0.050; **p < 0.0001; R = 0.793; SS = 288.272; MS = 28.827; F = 65.760

Source: Own calculation.

Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 19, Issue 3, 2019
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
Also, Table 9 also indicated that the distance high transportation expenses in marketing
of the coconut land from farm to market road problem and government taxes for the
had a significant influence (p=0.012) on apparent problem. Furthermore, moderate
coconut yield, but it had a negative issues such as infertility of the coconut tree,
relationship to the dependent variable (β=- multiple channels of distribution, percentage
0.122). This finding suggests that when the sharing of income, small duration of work,
distance of the coconut farm is far from the and Coconut monopoly were concluded and
farm to the market road, the coconut yield considered to be alarming problems.
decreases by 0.122. This is may be due to the Also, the regression results revealed that the
high transportation costs associated with educational Attainment, size of the land (in
transporting the finished coconut product. hectare), number of coconut tree planted per
The frequency of the harvest had shown a hectare, the distance of the land from the
tremendous significant influence (p<0001) on market road, and the frequency of harvesting
the income on coconut production, however, nut have a strong influence on coconut
shows a negative relationship to it (β=-0.268). production. To address these problems there is
This finding suggests that when the nuts are a need for the government, non-government
harvested on the early stage, the coconut yield organizations, different stakeholders and all
will decrease by 0.286. actors, in general, to ensure that coconut
producers are subjects to adequate land to
CONCLUSIONS have greater production and productivity.
Based on the discussions and conclusions of
Based on the findings of the study it was this study the following recommendations
concluded that married females dominated were generated and humbly offered.
coconut producers in the Lanao del Norte. (i)The governments should provide training
Most of the coconut producers were and seminars on management of the land and
categorically adult between the ages of 30 to the applications of new technologies on
50 years old. It was further concluded that coconut farming like intercropping, fertilizers,
coconut producers had primary education; seedlings and pesticides that will improve the
however, the illiteracy rate was high. farming of the coconut producers to increase
Moreover, the income of the coconut the coconut yields.
producers on coconut productions found to be (ii)The government should regulate policies
low. that will control the monopolistic setting of
Based on the discussion, there are several coconut price by the dealers and coconut
positive impacts of coconut production on the companies.
environment than its negative effects. (iii)The government must implement a farm
The findings concluded that the severe to market road and other infrastructure
problems encountered by the coconut projects to ease the marketing of coconut
producers in coconut production for internal products.
problems were the far distance of the land (iv)The farmers should be encouraged to
from farm to market road in marketing participate in the programs of the government
problem, intercropping in management and be part of the implementation process.
problem, high cost of laborers in labor (v)Further research on this study are
problem, and low and fluctuating price of supported and highly recommended.
coconut product for external issues
encountered. On the other hand, a severe REFERENCES
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