Mid Exam - Pakistan Studies
Mid Exam - Pakistan Studies
Mid Exam - Pakistan Studies
Course : Pakistan Studies Course Code: GS-413 Examination: Mid Term Spring 2021
*Student Name:
Total Marks: 30 (30% Weightage)
*Registration #
*Student Email/ Whatsapp no: Instructor: M.FAISAL KHALIL
a) Define Ideology,why Ideology is important for a Nation. (5)
b) Pakistan is surrounded by four neighbour coutries , justify their Strategic and Economic Importance.
Q#3. a)Elaborate the early problems of Pakistan,how they affected the future,s Constitutional
development?. (5)
b. Muslims of the Subcontinent felt the need of a separate party for their Political Representation and
established ALL INDIA MUSLIM LEAGUE (AIML 1906). Comment.(5)
Solution#3 (to be typed here by the student)
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