PG 14, DKT 853: Daniela Testifies No Intent To Bring Civil Suit

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Case 1:18-cr-00204-NGG-VMS Document 853 Filed 03/09/20 Page 14 of 29 PageID #: 13609


AGNIFILO: Because you are going to bring a civil lawsuit, aren't you?


AGNIFILO: You have no intention of bringing a civil lawsuit against Keith

Raniere or NXTVM or anyone else?

DANIELA: That's not something that Thave done or decided, no.

AGNIFILO: I know you haven't done it but you plan on doing it,
Don't you?

AGNIFILO: Why do you have Neil Glazer as your lawyer?

DANIELA: T, initially -- 1 needed counsel to handle the precarious situation

with my little sister Camila and after that, I needed counsel to
interact with officials from the government. 13

AGNIFILO: Mr. Glazer is not a criminal lawyer, right?

DANIELA: I don't know.

AGNIFILO: Do you know that he's Mark Vicente's lawyer too?

PENZA: Objection.

COURT: Sustained.

AGNIFILO: Did you get Mr. Glazer from Mark Vicente?

PENZA: Objection.
COURT: Sustained. 14

13 This is a lie. Daniela did not need Glazer's services to interact with the government concerning
a "precarious situation with [her] little sister Camila" for the simple reason that Daniela did nol
inform the g vernment that she crcnLed a idenlifi cati on card to get Camila into Mcx ic until
she admitted thi s for the fir t time on cross examination . (See 5/30/19 Tr. at 3047-3048 (admitting
telling it for the first time on cross-examination); see also 5/30/ 19 Tr. at 3050 (testifying that she
didn't "remember exactly" when she thinks she told the government about this fake identification
card).) Notably, Camila is not even one of Glazer's .lane Does or clients. The truth is that Daniela
got Glazer from Vicente to sue Raniere.
14 In light of the fact that Vicente had previously testified that he had hired Glazer for potential
civ iI matters against Ran iere, challenging Dan ie la's false testi mony by reference to how she cam e
to hire Glazer, an absolutely appropriate, non-privileged question, would have put the lie to her
testimony. However, the government actively assisted Daniela in concealing the truth from the
jury by objecting to this question and having that objection sllstain ed.


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