Suitable Method For Capital Cost Estimation in Chemical Processes Industries
Suitable Method For Capital Cost Estimation in Chemical Processes Industries
Suitable Method For Capital Cost Estimation in Chemical Processes Industries
class 3, if good results were achieved in class determined by inserting factors on equipment Process type EF
4. cost. U se of the Lang Factor [2] is the simplest Solid 3.1
In this class, the cost of equipment is method as shown in equation 2. Solid + Fluid 3.63
multiplied by factors to estimate the total
Fluid 4.7 4
plant cost. The cost of equipment can be TP C = (TEC) X (E.F)
attained by direct quoting from (equation 2) Table 2 — EF V alues v s. Process Type
manufacturers or by estimating methods. for its installation is 2860$. The DFC factor
Equation 1 can also be used to estimate Where TP C is total plant cost, TEC is total ranges 2.4 - 4.3 (with instrument) and 2 - 3.5
the cost of equipment. The (e) value is given equipment cost and EF is a factor that relates (without instrument) for different equipment.
for some equipment as well as chemical to the process type, the EF values are given in The total direct field cost of the plant is the
processes by W.D. Bassel [1]. For equipment, table 2. sum of the DFC for each equipment and the
a key parameter such as surface area for heat total plant cost can be calculated as shown in
exchangers or flow rate for pumps is used In figure 2, a comparison of TP C costs Table 3-B on page 24.
instead of capacity as in equation 1. for different processes type is shown, the TEC
is equal to 100 in this figure. For example for a DFC equal to 100, the
The Hand method [2] is another EFE total project cost is 185.56, according to
Equipment Factored Estimation (EFE) method in which specific factors are specified equation 3 as shown in table 3-B. R eferring to
Method in each discipline for equipment. An example table 4 gives one the other cost items of
In the equipment factored estimation is shown for a heat exchanger in table 3. equation 3.
(EFE) method, having the cost of main If we have a heat exchanger with 1000$ The factors in table 3 and equation 3 are
equipment, the total plant cost can be cost (f.o.b), the total direct field cost (DFC) given for illustrative purpose only. The real
values differ depending on the regional
conditions for installation. It is possible to
calculate the cost of each discipline and
compare it in different projects by this
CBM = Cp* FBM Figure 2 — TPC for Different Processes According to Lang Factor Method (TEC = 100)
(equation 4) 7 = material factor; 8 = labor factor; 9 = Which FBM0 is the module factor for
in which, freight and insurance factor; 10 = overhead non-base case, Fp is the correction factor for
CBM = Bare module cost of equipment factor; and 11 = engineering factor. pressure and Fm is the correction factor for
(direct plus indirect costs)
material. B1 and B2 are calculated on the
Cp = Equipment cost in base case (carbon The bare module cost includes the
basis of fixed investment components
steel material at atmospheric pressure) direct and indirect cost only and doesn't
(equation 6) which obtained for different
FBM = Module factor (a factor that includes include contingency and auxiliary services
equipments in specified ranges [6]. Usually
all direct and indirect costs) each component costs.
the equipment cost (CP) is obtained by
of fixed capital investment can be considered For example, if one has the cost of a heat
as a factor of equipment cost. For example exchanger in a base case (with carbon steel parametric models with a cost relation as
the required material cost (CM) is calculated material and operating at ambient pressure) shown in figure 8.
as shown in equation 5. equal to 10000 $ then for (αM = 0.7, αL =
log10 CP = K1 + K2 log10 A + K3 (log10A)2
0.37, αFIT =0.08, α0 = 0.7, αE = 0.15) the
(equation 8)
CM = αMCP bare module cost can be calculated from
(equation 5) equation 4 to equal to 31800 $. in which A is a key parameter of
equipment and the pressure correction factor
And then the FBM can be written as shown in To obtain the equipment cost in a non-
(FP)can be calculated by a relation as shown
equation 6. base case, using the following as shown in
equation 7. in equation 9.
FBM = (1+αM7) (1+ αL8+ αFIT9+ αLα0+ αE11) log10 FP = C1 + C2 log10 P + C3 (log10P)2
FBM0 = (B1 + B2FpFm)
(equation 9)
(equation 6) CBM = CP * F BM
0 0
(equation 7)
The coefficients K1, K2, K3, C1, C2, C3
are given for different equipment [5].
Direct Field Labor Cost (DFL) = 0.25 * DFC By totaling the above module cost for
Indirect Field Cost (IFC) = 1.15 * DFL equipments, the total module cost can be
Total Field Cost (TFC) = DFC + IFC (equation 3) obtained. To calculate the total plant cost one
Home-Office Cost (HOC) = 0.3 * DFC needs to add the auxiliary services and
Other Project Cost (OTC) = 0.03 * DFC + 0.15 * (TFC + HOC) contingency costs, so 15 percent of the
Total Project Cost (TPC) = OTC + TFC + HOC module cost is considered for contingency,
Maples R.E. Petroleum Refinery
Process Economics,
Edition,2000, ISBN.0-87814-779-9.