Multiple Sclerosis: Assay of Free Immunoglobulin Light Chains

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Review Article

Annals of Clinical Biochemistry

2017, Vol. 54(1) 5–13
! The Author(s) 2016
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0004563216652175

Multiple sclerosis: assay of free immunoglobulin light


DB Ramsden

Over the past five years, a number of papers have appeared describing the assay of free immunoglobulin light chains in
cerebrospinal fluid to assist in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. The assay of kappa free immunoglobulin chains is being
advocated as a technically simpler and cheaper quantitative alternative to the qualitative detection of oligoclonal bands.
This article reviews the analytical and clinical characteristics of these immunoglobulin free light chain assays and places
them in their historical context and possible future developments.

Analytical systems, clinical studies, immunoassay, laboratory methods, laboratory methods, neurological disorders
Accepted: 23rd April 2016

MS (SPMS). Most commonly, patients present with a

Introduction single incidence of an MS-like symptom, clinical isolated
In the last few years, a spate of papers has appeared con- syndrome (CIS). Many of these convert to clinically def-
cerning the assay of free immunoglobulin light chains inite MS (CDMS). Approximately 10% of patients, usu-
(FLCs) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for the diagnosis of ally older patients, present with continuous manifestation
multiple sclerosis (MS). This review attempts to assess the of the disease – primary progressive MS (PPMS).
relevance of this methodology in the context of current The diagnosis and monitoring of MS pose a number
practice. MS is an autoimmune disease affecting approxi- of problems. These include:
mately 150 per 100,000 in white Caucasians in developed
countries. The disease commonly presents in young adult- (a) differential diagnosis of MS;
hood/early middle age and adversely affects life expect- (b) prediction of those patients with CIS who will con-
ancy. The fundamental disease process is one of vert to CDMS;
demyelination of nerves in the central nervous system (c) prediction of periods of relapse in RRMS;
and spinal cord. This is thought to arise from an imbal- (d) prediction of conversion of RRMS to SPMS.
ance between activated effector and regulatory T cells;
however, B-cells are also involved.1 These, together with
weakening of the blood–brain barrier (BBB), contribute Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research, The Medical School,
to the presence of immunoglobulin molecules in the CSF. University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
The most common form of MS is where symptoms
Corresponding author:
appear for a time then decline – Relapsing – Remitting DB Ramsden, Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research, The Medical
MS (RRMS). Over time, this may progress to where School, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK.
symptoms are continuous – secondary progressive Email: [email protected]
6 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 54(1)

The only biochemical analysis widely used in MS assays are typical non-competitive enzyme-linked
diagnosis historically is the detection of oligoclonal immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) in which the specific
immunoglobulin bands (OCBs); however, from the anti-FLC antibody is the initial capture antibody
beginning of the 21st century, the McDonald criteria coated on the bottom of the wells in a 96-well plate.
for MS diagnosis and its revisions have not included There are no data from a single laboratory that directly
OCB analysis.2–6 Nevertheless, OCB detection is still compare the performances of the different assays, but
frequently carried out, particularly where radiological in what may be considered an aside, Makshakov et al.22
evidence is uncertain. Alongside the detection of OCBs, indicate that their ELISA performed better than a
estimates of the contribution of intrathecal synthesis of nephelometric assay. Further details of the assays are
immunoglobulin G (IgG) to total CSF IgG concentra- available on the manufacturers’ websites, listed at the
tion have been advocated.7,8 Thus, OCB analysis, end of the reference section.
together with intrathecal IgG synthesis quantification, Typical lower limits of detection quoted by
forms the current ‘gold standard’ biochemical method. authors are:
The methods described above have been centred on
the four-chain assembly that is the IgG molecule in (a) <0.1 mg/L for both j and kFLCs,21
CSF. To drive efficient assembly of this molecule, one (b) 0.06 mg/L for jFLC and 0.08 mg/L for kFLC,
of the two types of chain involved should be in excess. with intra-assay coefficient of variation of 4%
Thermodynamics dictates that this is the smaller of the and 4.8% at 0.54 mg/L and inter-assay CV of
two. Consequently, FLCs are synthesized in approxi- 14% and 7.45% at 0.55 mg/L for jFLC and
mately 20% excess of heavy chains. The presence of j kFLC, respectively.23,24
and kFLCs in CSF has been recognized for almost
50 years.9 This has led to the development of a variety
assays for FLCs. From this body of work, the following
were determined:
Analytes, analyte structure and metrics
The ability to quantify FLCs raises the question as to
(i) estimates of the CSF concentrations of the two what analyte(s) is (are) to be assayed, jFLC only or j
light chains,10–14 and kFLCs, and how is (are) this (these) to be employed.
(ii) estimates of their intrathecal synthesis,12 and There is universal agreement that jFLC concentration is
(iii) the elevated concentrations of j and kFLCs in the elevated in CSF from CDMS patients and thus is the
CSF of MS patients.12,15 more important analyte. Some authors do not assay
kFLC concentration. Those who do assay kFLC concen-
Despite this work, compared with OCBs, little interest trations report elevated concentrations in MS CSF cf
was shown in the assay of FLCs in CSF as a diagnostic those in CSF from patients with non-infective neuro-
and/or prognostic tool until recently. The current interest logical diseases, although the relative increase is less
in FLCs has been sparked by the availability of technically than that of jFLC concentration in MS.11,22 In patients
simple assays for j and kFLCs in serum16 and the under- with infectious neurological diseases, the increase in CSF
standing of the significance of the data generated for the kFLC concentration is of similar magnitude to or greater
management of myeloma and other conditions.17–19 than that of jFLC concentration in MS.
Mass spectroscopy analysis of MS CSF showed
jFLCs were present as both monomers and dimers,
CSF FLC assays and analytical sensitivity whereas kFLCs were present primarily as dimers.24
Current assays have analytical sensitivities which cover How jFLC dimers and monomers influence the result
at least the upper segment of the ‘normal’ control in assays is unclear. For example, in nephelometric
ranges of j and kFLC concentrations in CSF assays, where the rate of aggregation of antibody and
(Table 1).20,21 The assays used are based on antibodies antigen is the basis of the assay, does one jFLC dimer
against epitopes on the FLCs that are covered in the bind one or two antibody molecules? Although this may
four-chain assembly that forms the IgG structure. The seem esoteric, the monomer:dimer could affect the result
Binding Site assay uses polyclonal antibodies against in borderline cases. No current literature addresses this
these epitopes, whereas the assays from three other question. The other result from this analysis is surpris-
companies use monoclonal antibodies. The Binding ing, in that out of 56 patients’ CSF, five were found to
Site and Siemens assays are nephelometric assays, have no elevation of jFLC concentration but increased
which typically have the anti-FLC antibody on latex kFLC concentration. This is a high percentage and con-
particles. The assay may be carried out on automated trasts with the results of other recent authors who
nephelometers, allowing multiple samples to be ana- assayed both forms of light chain, but is in agreement
lysed in a short time. The Biovendor and Polygnost with the work of Bracco et al.10
Ramsden 7

Table 1. Concentration of kappa free immunoglobulin light chains in neurological disease.

Number Median Assay Antibody type

Authors Subject group of subjects or meana Range method (assay source)

Hasan Smith et al.22 NNI 90 0.14 0.06–0.79 Neph Polyclonal (TBS)

NI 17 0.25 0.06–4.47
RRMS 21 8.01 0.14–29.12
CIS 21 8.08 0.06–26.03
Senel et al.20 NNI 77 0.013 0.004 -0.025 ELISA Monoclonal (BioVendor)
NB 17 1.5 0.64–2.24
CDMS 20 0.62 0.38–1.34
CIS 77 0.13 0.014–0.72
Duranti et al.56 NNI 33 0.07 0.04–0.33 Neph Monoclonal (Siemens)
NI 24 0.095 0.02–2.31
CDMS 23 1.08 0.14–11.7
Arneth and Birklein25 NNI 42 0.43a 0.05–4.59 Neph Polyclonal (TBS)
NI 24 4.4a 0.06–28.3
CDMS 44 4.3a 0.38–27.1
Presslauer et al.30 Control 45 0.18 0.13–0.22 Neph Polyclonal (TBS)
Encep/Men 41 0.55 0.32–1.27
CDMS 70 4.62 1.41–10
CIS 29 2.95 1.39–8.65
Desplat-jégo et al.21 NNI 33 0.9 0.03–2.91 Neph Polyclonal (TBS)
8 1.32 0.49–12.8
CDMS 33 1.26 0.33–14.6
CIS 15 1.18 0.28–6.89
Makshakov et al.51 NNI 43 0.05 0.032–0.076 ELISA Monoclonal (PLSP)
NI 16 0.45 0.189–0.59
CIS-MS 98 0.45 0.225–0.965
CIS-NMS 41 0.11 0.004–0.27
CDMS: clinically definite multiple sclerosis; CIS: clinical isolated syndrome; CIS-MS: clinical isolated syndrome converting to multiple sclerosis within 2
years; CIS-NMS Clinical isolated syndrome not converting to multiple sclerosis within 2 years; Encep/Men: encephalitis and meningitis; Neph:
nephelometry; NB: neuroborreliosis; NNI: non-inflammatory neurological disease, NI inflammatory neurological disease other than MS; RRMS:
relapsing – remitting multiple sclerosis; TBS: the binding site; PLSP: Polignost Ltd.

Metrics used to assess clinical relevance include: (d) Another estimate of intrathecal synthesis
obtained from plots of CSF QFLC against
(a) CSF FLC Concentration CSF total protein ratio (CSF albumin)/(serum albumin) (Qalb) using a
dividing line described by equation (4a)
½CSF FLC:½CSF protein23 ð1Þ which gives the theoretical contribution of FLCs
diffusing from the blood into the CSF across
(b) FLC Quotient (QFLC),20,22,25,26 the BBB to CSF total (FLC) – theoretical QFLC
(Theor QFLC) – separating patients displaying intra-
QFLC ¼ ½CSF kFLC=½serum kFLC ð2Þ thecal synthesis (above the line) from ones not
doing so25,26
(c) jFLC Index, an estimate of jFLC intrathecal
synthesis,21 Theor QFLC ¼ a=ðb sqrtðQ2alb  b2 Þ  cÞ ð4aÞ

kFLC Index ¼ ð½CSF kFLC=½serum kFLCÞ= where a, b and c are arbitrary constants
ð½CSF Albumin=½serum AlbuminÞ (e) A modified version of (d) using equation (4b),
which takes into account the fact that
ð3Þ jFLCshave a lower molecular weight than
8 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 54(1)

albumin,27 from patients with (a) other neurological diseases, (b)

other neurological inflammatory diseases and (c)
Theor QFLC ¼ b sqrtðððQalb þ cÞ=aÞ2  1Þ ð4bÞ non-neurological non-inflammatory disease. Table 1
summarizes the results from seven groups of authors.
a, b and c are empirical constants A quite wide range of values is quoted, even for the
(f) Intrathecal FLC fraction (jFLCIF), a fourth esti- control groups (neurological conditions – non-inflam-
mate of intrathecal synthesis.28 This method first matory) and the CDMS groups. These two patient
estimates the theoretical upper limit of jFLC dif- groups are the easiest to compare because they are
fusion through the BBB (jFLCLim) by reference to the most clinically homogeneous. The high jFLC con-
albumin diffusion centrations in CSF in the CDMS groups are the dom-
inant feature. An elevated jFLC concentration is not
kFLCLim ¼ 0:9358  QAlb0:6687 ð5aÞ unique to MS; however, as Presslauer et al.30 pointed
then calculates local jFLC synthesis (jFLCLoc) by out, most of the other diseases that do present with a
subtracting the theoretical from the actual CSF high CSF jFLC concentration have dissimilar clinical
concentration, characteristics to MS.
The CIS groups have varying numbers of patients
kFLCLoc ¼ ðkFLCRatio  kFLCLim Þ  kFLCSerum who progress to CDMS and the inflammatory non-
ð5bÞ MS, neurology disease groups in the majority of cases
are composed of varying numbers of different diseases.
and finally expresses the estimate of intrathecal These facts probably account in large part for the dis-
synthesis as a percentage of total CSF jFLC con- parity in levels reported by the different authors. As a
centration (jFLCIF) consequence of this diverse nature, half the reports
show the median (or mean) jFLC concentration of
kFLCIF ¼ ðkFLCLoc =kFLCCSF Þ  100 ð5cÞ the inflammatory, non-MS neurology disease group to
be notably lower than that of the MS group, with the
other half reporting values very similar to or higher
The disproportionate elevation of CSF jFLC con- than that of the MS group. Only Senel et al.20 and
centration cf kFLC concentration is the most common Presslauer et al.30 have sufficient numbers to segregate
phenomenon in CDMS and CIS cases (Table 1), but the inflammatory non-MS, neurology disease group
there is no agreement as to how this should be used. into individual diseases, jFLC concentration being
Examples of the use of each metric are present in the higher in neuroborreliosis20 and lower in encephalitis/
current literature. Zeman et al.27 surveyed numerous meningitis30 cf CDMS.
metrics and found that several of them, including Table 2 summarizes clinical sensitivity and specificity
simple ones were good estimates of intrathecal synthe- reported by authors who used different metrics. All sup-
sis. Although it may be argued that considering port the concept that a high value for the relevant
whether CSF jFLC concentration is elevated without jFLC metric supports a diagnosis of MS, assuming
considering intrathecal synthesis does not in itself allow the appropriate clinical context. This contention is
one to differentiate among causes of the increase, this strengthened by the findings of the latest, multicentre
logic is equally true if estimates of intrathecal synthesis trial.28 Furthermore, almost all recent authors claim
alone are considered. Thus, in practical terms, the that, for MS diagnosis, their jFLC metric has sensitiv-
simplest metric may be all that is required to confirm ity and specificity which are equal to or better than that
diagnosis of MS in the majority of instances, because of using the OCB ‘gold standard’. An illustration of the
the diverse clinical picture between MS and other dis- potentially greater sensitivity of FLC assays cf OCB
eases with elevated FLCs and OCBs. Elevated kFLCs assays is the account by Goffette et al.31 who reported
may be considered chiefly as marker of infection. the detection of jFLCs in the absence of OCBs.
Nevertheless, in cases where the diagnosis of MS is A minority of authors claims that a k index adds
unclear, kFLC concentrations may need to be taken extra definition to the sensitivity,29 whereas the major-
into account.29 Further consideration regarding the ity does not. Given that the numbers of cases reported
choice of metric is given in the Conclusions section. are small, this latter point awaits resolution.

Clinical sensitivity and specificity and Prognostic value of free light chain
differential diagnosis of MS metrics: CIS conversion
The first clinical objective in assessing the worth of Prediction of CIS conversion to CDMS is the second
FLC assays is to distinguish patients with CDMS major objective of CSF assays, but the literature on
Ramsden 9

Table 2. Clinical sensitivity and specificity of CSF free immunoglobulin light chain assay in multiple

References Metric Cut-off Sensitivity Specificity, %

Presslauer et al.28 Kappa index 5.9 95% 95

Hasan-Smith et al.23 [Kappa] 0.87mg/L 96.2% 98.1
[Lambda] 0.57 mg/L 60.4% 98.1
[Kappa] þ [lambda] 1.47 mg/L 96.2% 98.1
[Kappa]/[Lambda] 0.975 94.2% 98.1
Bernadi et al.30 [Kappa] 0.56 mg/L
Kappa index 7.82 95%
[Lambda] 0.31 mg/L
Lambda index 4.36 83%
Kappa and lambda indices 100%
Duranti et al.56 Kappa index 12 95% 91
Desplat-jégo et al.21 Kappa index 20 69.7% 81.8
Makshakov et al.22a [Kappa] >0.103 mg/L 92.9 88.8
QFLC >0.0083 88.24 89.5
Fischer et al.25b [Kappa] 0.5 mg/L 93.8%
[x]: concentration of variable x.
Determined by ROC analysis between CIS-MS and control group.
Demonstration of intrathecal kappa FLC synthesis in MS.

FLC metrics relating to conversion CIS to CDMS is (P < 0.0001). After follow-up, most patients with high
comparatively scarce; therefore, it is relevant to con- CSF jFLC concentration were found to have con-
sider the recent literature on OCB analysis. Within verted to CDMS, whereas more than 70% of those
the past three years, three major studies have been with the lower concentration remained as CIS.
reported. Dobson et al.32 described a meta-analysis of ‘Univariate analysis gave a hazard ratio of 9.13 (95%
71 scientific papers covering 2685 CIS patients of whom CI¼2.8–29.78). These results were confirmed by multi-
1841 were OCB positive and 844 OCB negative. From variate analysis adjusted for sex, age and basal MRI
these data, it was concluded that OCB-positive CIS findings, where the hazard ratio was 6.41; (95%
patients had an odds ratio of 9.88 for conversion to CI¼1.88–162 21.78) (P < 0.003)’.35
CDMS. Subsequently, Kuhle et al.33 with data from Senel et al. followed 77 CIS patients for two years.
1047 CIS patients (conversion to CDMS 59.5%) and They reported that the kappa quotient (equation (2))
Tintore et al.34 with data from 792 CIS patients (con- was higher in CIS patients (n ¼ 39) who progressed to
version to CDMS 57.2%) concluded that the presence CDMS than in those who did not (n ¼ 38). They found
of OCBs was a highly significant prognostic factor. that 86.8% of CIS patients who converted to MS had
Given that OCBs and FLCs arise from B-cell activ- elevated kappa quotients, compared with only 61.5%
ity, it would seem logical to assume that FLC metrics of CIS patients who did not convert (P < 0.001).
would have a similar ability compared with that of They proposed that these data are suggestive of the
either OCBs or estimates of intrathecal IgG synthesis prognostic value of their kappa metric. Nevertheless,
to predict the conversion of CIS to CDMS. This con- when they compared OCB analysis with the kappa
cept is supported by the data of Zeman et al.20 who quotient, their results were: for the kappa quotient –
assessed an estimate of oligoclonal IgG synthesis com- sensitivity 86.8%; specificity 38.5%; positive predictive
pared with a number of FLC metrics in 75 patients. value (PPV) 57.9%; negative positive predictive value
They concluded that CSF jFLC was a reliable pre- (NPV) 75%, and for OCB analysis – sensitivity 89.1%;
dictor of intrathecal synthesis. Villar et al.35 compared specificity 33.3%; PPV 57.4%; NPV 81.3%. They con-
the CSF jFLC concentration of 78 CIS patients – 49 cluded that the kappa quotient was of similar value but
with CSF jFLC concentration above a cut-off of two not superior to OCB analysis in predicting conversion
standard deviations above the CIS mean plus 2 SD of of CIS to CDMS.20 Further support for the fact that a
control group values against those with concentrations high jFLC metric is predictive of CIS conversion to
below this. The group with the higher concentrations CDMS comes from the report of Makshakov et al.22
had a higher probability of conversion to CDMS who followed 141 patients initially presenting with CIS.
10 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 54(1)

Of these, 98 had converted to CDMS by the end of the concentrations were the best predictor of physical
second year. The group of patients who converted to deterioration.39 Subsequently, Rinker et al., studied
CDMS had a higher median CSF kappa concentration 57 CDMS patients (RRMS 23; SPMS 28; PPMS 6)
(0.45 mg/L, range: 0.225–0.965; P < 0.0001) compared with a median disease duration of 15 years (range 1
with that of those who remained clinically stable to 30 years). Patients were divided into one group
(0.11mg/L, range 0.004–0.27).22 In contrast to the sug- with CSF jFLC concentration 5 1.53 mg/L and
gestion of a positive predictive power for jFLC met- another with <1.53 mg/L. The high CSF jFLC concen-
rics, Desplat-jégo et al. reached the opposite tration group had a higher likelihood of a more severe
conclusion. They followed 12 CIS patients over a disease course than the low concentration group. This
period of 12 months and correlated CSF kappa index was evidenced by a high likelihood of requiring ambu-
with: latory assistance within 10 years and over the disease
course. The group also had greater disability relative to
(a) rate of CIS conversion to CDMS according disease duration, as estimated by a multiple sclerosis
McDonald’s criteria; severity score. They reported that the PPV of CSF
(b) time to conversion to CDMS according jFLC concentration 5 1.53 mg/L was:
McDonald’s criteria;
(c) number of relapses; (a) for requiring ambulatory assistance within 10
(d) number of relapses/length of follow-up; years – 66.7%;
(e) initial and final EDSS score. (b) for requiring ambulatory assistance over the
course of the disease – 88.9%;
They found no correlation between the jFLC index (c) for the likelihood of reaching a multiple sclerosis
and these variables.21 Presslauer et al.36 also claim there severity score >6 was 88.9% with 95%
is no significant difference between the jFLC index of confidence.40
the CIS group converting to MS (mean ¼ 77.8) com-
pared with the stable CIS group (mean ¼ 82.7). These findings contrast with those of Desplat-jégo
et al. who followed a group of 15 CIS patients convert-
Prognostic value of free light chain ing to CDMS. They found no correlation between
jFLC indices and disease progression as judged by:
metrics: CDMS progression
Unlike the value of OCB analysis for predicting (i) time to conversion to MS according McDonald’s
conversion CIS to CDMS, the prognostic value of criteria,
any CSF variable to predict progression of the disease (ii) number of relapses,
once established is open to question. Becker et al.,37 (iii) number of relapses/length of follow-up,
after assessing the results of 409 patients followed up (iv) initial and final EDSS score.21
over 4.5 years concluded that none of 11 clinical and
biochemical parameters predicted disease progress. The findings of Desplat-jégo et al. are in accord with
These included OCBs and IgG index. Similarly, the results of the multicentre Avonex phase III trial
Anagnostouli et al.38 assessed 108 MS patients, com- described by Rudick et al. in which CSF jFLC concen-
paring dysfunction with OCB concentration. They con- tration did not change significantly in either treatment
cluded that the presence of CSF OCBs in their MS or placebo groups over the two year period of the
patients tended to be related to widespread cognitive trial.41 Thus, CSF jFLC concentration did not reflect
changes, specifically worse visual memory (Rey’s com- improvement in the clinical status of patients following
plex figure test-recall; P ¼ 0.006). They proposed that treatment with the drug. Nevertheless, CSF jFLC con-
OCB analysis as a prognostic factor needs further study centration was weakly correlated with Gd lesion
before any firm conclusion can be drawn with regards volume and T2 lesion volume.
to its value.
In contrast to the negative opinions cited above
regarding OCB analysis, early data on FLCs are more
positive. Rudick et al.39 studied 36 patients over a Much interest has been generated by the introduction
median follow-up time of 38.9 months. They evaluated of technically simple, rapid, quantitative assays for
myelin basic protein, IgG synthesis rate, IgG index and determination of CSF j and kFLC concentrations,
j and kFLCs as prognostic factors. Expanded disability allowing the possibility of replacing the technically
status scale, the Ambulation Index, the 9 Hole Peg Test more difficult, time-consuming, qualitative assay of
and the Box and Blocks test were used to assess the OCBs still used in many hospitals for the diagnosis of
disease progression. They concluded that CSF jFLC MS. In turn, the use of these assays has opened up the
Ramsden 11

question of what FLC metric to use. The answer quotient for the prediction of conversion of CIS
depends in part on the question of why the metric is to CDMS and found that the former was a better
being used – diagnosis of MS or prognosis of conver- predictor. Nevertheless, because the diagnosis of
sion of CIS to CDMS. As can be seen above, groups of MS is such an overwhelmingly important event,
authors have used a variety of metrics, primarily based it may be necessary to consider estimates of intra-
on the jFLC concentration. No consensus has as yet thecal synthesis as well as kappa concentration,
been arrived at as to which to use. Applying the philo- both being viewed in the context of other biochem-
sophical principle advocated by William of Ockham, ical and clinical parameters. All of the above
commonly known as Occam’s razor, proposes that emphasize the fact that consensus guidelines
when faced with a number of options of indeterminate based on data for a large group of patients are
certainty, often the choice of the option with least com- required to indicate which iFLC metric or com-
plexity is the best. This principal suggests that in the bination of metrics, is the optimum. Possibly these
majority of cases it would seem unlikely that the more guidelines should include the consideration of
complex metrics are necessary for a diagnosis of MS to kFLC concentration where the results of MRI
be made. This idea is in accord with the data of Zeman and the chosen kappa metric are inconclusive.
et al.42 who surveyed numerous metrics using the same Despite this area of uncertainty, the properties of
patients’ serum samples and CSF. They found that sev- FLC assay make it an attractive option for CSF
eral of the metrics, including simple ones such as CSF analysis in the short to medium term.
concentration, were good estimates of intrathecal syn-
thesis. Interestingly, Bonnan points out that none of the Thus said, although there is much recent interest in
estimates of intrathecal IgG synthesis are truly accur- FLC assay, the results generated have an air of déjà-vu.
ate, with the best having possibly up to an error of Much of what is now being reported has been reported
20%.43 Similarly, estimates of intrathecal FLC synthe- before. Examples of this are the recognition of the pre-
sis, such as kappa index, by definition must be less dominance of the increased CSF jFLC concentration
technically accurate than kappa concentration, because cf kFLC concentration and the near equality or super-
they contain the errors of this parameter plus those of iority of kappa metrics compared with OCB analysis in
the estimates of serum kappa and albumin and CSF the diagnosis of MS. Twenty-seven years ago Rudick
albumin concentrations. Zeman et al.42 also commented et al. wrote, ‘Our results strongly suggest that free kappa
on the lack of an efficient means of estimating intrathecal light chains in CSF are the single best quantitative assay
kappa synthesis when they proposed their modified for- to support a clinical diagnosis of MS’.45 Whether CSF
mula (equation (4b))42 rather than using for intrathecal FLC quantification has any long-term prognostic value
FLC synthesis the equation originally proposed by is more doubtful. It is in most instances a one-off assay,
Reiber et al. for IgG synthesis.44 Given that: giving a unique insight into B-cell activity at that time.
The likelihood of a second CSF sample being taken is
(a) in molecular terms light chains are synthesized at small. If the level of B-cell activity does not change with
more than twice the rate of the fully formed IgG time, as asserted for CSF jFLC concentration by
and approximately 20% greater than individual Rudick et al.,42 although symptoms might improve fol-
heavy chains, lowing treatment or spontaneous remission, what rele-
(b) IgA and IgM may also be formed by intrathecal vance can CSF jFLC assay have for prognosis once the
synthesis, the synthesis of which further contribute disease is established. Interestingly, the report of Mehta
to total concentration of FLCs in the CSF because et al.46 that urinary excretion of jFLC increased in
of the necessity to synthesize an excess of light periods of relapse has never been replicated, for what-
chains compared with that of heavy chains, and ever reason. Nonetheless, if this were true, and given we
(c) the molecular weight of the light chain used to now have the ability to determine the primary sequence
derive formulae such as that proposed by Zeman of proteins with relative ease, it may be possible to
et al.42 should take into account the mono- monitor the concentrations of intrathecally produced
mer:dimer, estimates of total kappa light chain FLCs specific to the individual patient in an easily
synthesis (free and incorporated into Ig molecules) obtainable fluid. This would be a sophisticated vari-
may give the clearest picture of B-cell activity. ation on the theme of detection of measles, rubella
Nevertheless, such a detailed set of analyses is unli- and varicella zoster antibodies, which can be detected
kely to be carried out in general practice. in a majority of MS patients.47 Nevertheless, until a
Further limited support for the idea that the sim- widely accepted serum or urine biomarker is developed,
plest metric may be all that is necessary comes the absence of which has been illustrated in the recent
from Makshakov et al.22 These authors compared reviews of Housey et al.48 and D’Ambrosio et al.49,
total CSF kappa concentration with kappa emphasis on MRI results in any subsequent modification
12 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 54(1)

of the McDonald guidelines will remain. This is espe- 7. Reiber H and Felgenhauer K. Protein transfer at the blood cerebrospinal
fluid barrier and the quantitation of the humoral immune response within
cially the case because in time there will be increased the central nervous system. Clin Chim Acta 1987; 163: 319–328.
confidence in MRI diagnostic and prognostic protocols 8. Reiber H, Ungefehr S and Jacobi C. The intrathecal, polyspecific and oligo-
in recently issued guidelines by members of the clonal immune response in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 1998; 4: 111–117.
9. Link H. Immunoglobulin G and low molecular weight proteins in human
MAGNIMS group.5,6,50–54 Further, improvements are cerebrospinal fluid. Chemical and immunological characterization with
being made in the ability of software to analyse the ensu- special reference to multiple sclerosis. Acta Neurol Scand 1967; 43(Suppl
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