Newton's Mathematical Explanations About Gravitation Galileo's Experiment On Gravitations

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Galileo's experiment on Newton's Mathematical

Gravitations explanations about Gravitation

-Young Galileo, perched atop the -Newton’s law of gravitation, statement

Leaning Tower of Pisa, drops that any particle of matter in the
cannonballs of different weights to see universe attracts any other with a force
if all objects fall at the same rate. It's a -Both are about gravity varying directly as the product of the
story that's easy to remember, but masses and inversely as the square of
-Both uses an analysis and based
whether it actually took place is the distance between them. In symbols,
on science with the use of
debatable. Nonetheless, Galileo did the magnitude of the attractive force F
different experiments and also
perform some ingenious experiments is equal to G (the gravitational
on gravity while at Pisa and also is constant, a number the size of which
duly celebrated for his many thought -Galileo determined the laws of depends on the system of units used
experiments. Here, conduct virtual gravity and explored the laws of and which is a universal constant)
versions of experiments with falling motion on earth. Armed with multiplied by the product of the masses
objects, projectiles, inclined planes, these solidified theories of (m1 and m2) and divided by the square
and pendulums. dynamics, while Newton proved of the distance R: F = G(m1m2)/R2.
that the force that acted on Isaac Newton put forward the law in
-Galileo's conclusion from this thought
planets and moons was the same 1687 and used it to explain the
experiment was that no force is needed
force that caused a stone to fall observed motions of the planets and
to keep an object moving with
to the ground: gravity. their moons, which had been reduced
constant velocity. Newton took this as
to mathematical form by Johannes
his first law of motion.
Kepler early in the 17th century.

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