The Hyperledger - Vision Presentation

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The Hyperledger

Blockchain 101
What are Blockchain
Encompasses both distributed
ledgers and smart contracts.
What is a
Distributed Ledger?
An append-only system
of record or log of transactions.
Cryptography for
Integrity & Privacy
Software standards keep everyone in the
shared ecosystem in sync.
Distributed Ledgers
in Action
All businesses participating in a commercial
ecosystem need a ledger to contain a
record of transactions. It is vitally important
to know that your copy of the ledger is
identical to others’ in the network.
Example Scenario

Everyone in a room has a book Someone calls out item number Then two people call out item
with the instructions to write down one and everyone writes it down. number two at the same time, but
entries as they get called out. the item number differs.

There needs to be a process for When all agree on the outcome Whether this happens in a small
who wins, and the loser gets to of an entry, the next link in that scale or the size of the internet,
try to call out item number three. ledger can be written. that is the spectrum for how a
distributed ledger can work.
What is a Smart
The code or any complex program
stored and executed on a blockchain.
Smart Contracts
in Action
Imagine a farmer based in Sacramento,
California buys an insurance agreement that
protects them from extreme weather condition. If
temperatures reach more than 100 degrees for
100 days, they get reimbursed 10,000 USD.
With manually-triggered contracts/ledgers
widely operated today, the insurer might find a
way to back out of, procrastinate or dispute this
If a Smart Contract is in place, the script in the
ledger would rule that on that 100th day of 100+
degrees, the 10,000 USD would be automatically
withdrawn. With an automated process, like it or
not, the insurer cannot back out.
Myth Debunked:
Blockchain ≠
Cryptocurrency is an application
that sits on top of blockchain.
Not the other way around.
Why Business
All over the global market there
are ledgers that organizations and
individuals alike must trust.
Early Adopter Industries

Financial Services Supply Chain Healthcare

The Deciding Factor
in Whether a Society
Can Function
The Need for Trust
The 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer, an annual
survey of 33k people in 28 countries, reveals that
the trust in key institutions continues to decline.
For blockchain, 2018 needs to be the year of scale
done well.
Without trust, the system fails. The onus is on
businesses to prove that it is possible to act in
the interest of shareholders and society alike
and show that free markets can succeed for all
if businesses work with the people.
The Trust Protocol
The way internet technologies
tend to get developed is a
partnership between three
organizations: standards, global
governance and implementors,
like Hyperledger.
Introducing Hyperledger
A global, cross-industry consortium
of communities advancing business
blockchain technologies.
Hosted by
Dedicated to building sustainable ecosystems
around open source projects, The Linux
Foundation is working with the global
technology community to solve the world’s
hardest problems through open source and
creating the largest shared technology
investment in history.
Some of the game-changing initiatives hosted by
The Linux Foundation include:
The Hyperledger
This technology is young.
It is still early days.
2 88K+ 5 5 2
Years since launch Commits Tools Frameworks 1.0 Production Releases

250+ 9 140+ 730+ 11.2M+

Members Active Community Meetups Contributors Lines of code across
Working Groups Worldwide Hyperledger projects
Parallels With the
Early Web
Blockchain technologies are in the early stages
of a 20-year, if not a 50-year, adoption and
maturation cycle. Many compare blockchain
today with 1995 and the Web.
The Hyperledger
Blockchain promises to change the way
business is conducted and transactions are
executed across industries. Precisely how, and
the pace at which, each of these industries
adopts blockchain will surely vary.
There will never be one global chain-of-all
chains that all industries convert to.
Similar to The Linux Foundation, Hyperledger also
has a modular approach to hosting projects. Think
of Hyperledger as a greenhouse for developing
business blockchain projects from Hyperledger Labs
(seed) to stable code ready for production (fruition).
All are invited to contribute to the greenhouse;
collectively advancing industry goals of distributed
ledger and smart contracts.
Modular Approach
Flexible Modification Common Functional Re-use of Common
of Any Component Modules and Defined Building Blocks

Extensible Diverse Developer Rapid

Codebases Community Experimentation
Community Stewardship and Technical, Legal, Marketing, Organizational Infrastructure

Permissionable smart Permissioned with Decentralized identity Mobile application focus Permissioned & permissionless
contract machine (EVM) channel support support; EVM transaction family


Blockchain framework As-a-service deployment Model and build View and explore data on Ledger interoperability
benchmark platform blockchain networks the blockchain
A permissionable smart contract machine. The
first of its kind when released in December,
2014, Burrow provides a modular blockchain
client with a permissioned smart contract
interpreter built in part to the specification of the
Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
Intended as a foundation for developing
applications or solutions with a modular
architecture, Hyperledger Fabric allows
components, such as consensus and
membership services, to be plug-and-play.
Tools, libraries, and reusable components
for providing digital identities rooted on
blockchains or other distributed ledgers so
that they are interoperable across
administrative domains, applications, and
any other silo.
A business blockchain framework
designed to be simple and easy to
incorporate into infrastructural projects
requiring distributed ledger technology.
A modular platform for building, deploying, and
running distributed ledgers. Hyperledger
Sawtooth includes a novel consensus algorithm,
Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET), which targets
large distributed validator populations with
minimal resource consumption.
Architecture of
Hyperledger Projects
Architecture of Hyperledger Projects

Available Tools A Team of Developer Volunteers Infrastructure from

● Common software license: ● Build code in the open The Linux Foundation
Apache v2 ● Manage individual roadmaps ● Executive Director
● Common IP framework: the and release schedules ● Business Operations
Developer Certificate of Origin ● Responsible for following ● Technical Staff for Security,
● Collaboration tools (Gerrit, Jira, Hyperledger policies and Ecosystem and Community
Chat, email) requirements Development
● Promotion and branding ● Align modular code with other ● Communications Staff for
● Security processes and projects Marketing, PR and Events
practices for bugs ● Legal Counsel
● Membership Sales
Create enterprise grade software Provide community-driven Build technical communities
open source, distributed ledger infrastructures to develop blockchain and shared
frameworks & code bases that are open, neutral and ledger POCs, use cases, field trials
to support business transactions supported by technical and and deployments
business governance

Educate the public Promote our communities

about the market opportunity taking a toolkit approach with
for blockchain technology many platforms and frameworks
Use Cases
Hyperledger embraces the full spectrum of
industry use cases, especially enterprise
scenarios with widely varied requirements for
decentralization, trust, continuity and
confirmation times. Each represents a potentially
unique optimization point for the technology.
Cross-Border Payments
Cross-Border Payments

The Challenge The Collaboration The Technology

Transferring money across A global team of developers from The blockchain trial was built on
international borders is still Hyperledger members SWIFT, ANZ, Hyperledger Fabric and is now ready
complicated, time consuming and BNP Paribas, BNY Mellon and Wells for its next phase of testing.
expensive. Fargo create a cross-border POC. built
with Hyperledger Fabric.
Healthcare Records

The Challenge The Collaboration The Technology

Blockchain could be used to provide Members like Change Healthcare, Hyperledger Composer offers a set of
patients' with more control over their Gem, Hashed Health, Patientory and APIs, a modeling language and a
healthcare information and who it is Kaiser Permanente are leading the programming model to quickly define
shared with. open Hyperledger Healthcare Working and deploy business networks and
Group to bring commercial blockchain applications that allow participants to
adoption to the healthcare industry. send transactions that exchange
Medical Licensing
Interstate Medical Licensing

The Challenge The Collaboration The Technology

Interstate medical licensing is Hyperledger members Hashed Health A blockchain-based registry, built
complex, and the provider directories and the State of Illinois have using Hyperledger Fabric, streamlines
and claims adjudication processes implemented a pilot program to the sharing of smart contracts and
need increased trust and identify opportunities to improve the medical credential data to automate
transparency. efficiency and accuracy of these workflow associated with interstate
processes in Illinois. and multistate licensure.
Seafood Supply
Chain Traceability
Seafood Supply Chain Traceability

The Challenge The Collaboration The Technology

Blockchain technologies are being Hyperledger member Intel is Leveraging Hyperledger Sawtooth, IoT
used in the fishing industry to drive collaborating with the broader sensors attached to any object (like
fish catch towards more ethical community to implement a modern fish) can trace ownership, possession,
practices. approach to seafood traceability. and telemetry parameters to record
the seafood journey from ocean to
Supply Chain
Diamond Supply Chain

The Challenge The Collaboration The Technology

The Kimberley Process Certification Hyperledger members SAP Ariba and The distributed ledger diamond track
Scheme established in 2003 to IBM are collaborating with Everledger and trace system using Hyperledger
prevent conflict diamonds is a long, on a pilot to prevent blood diamonds Fabric v1.0 allows everyone in the
paperwork-heavy process with a from entering the supply chain. industry to write to it, from miners,
history of fraud from missing distributors and retailers, using the
documents. light pattern that is unique to every
diamond to create an ID.
Digital Identity

The Challenge The Collaboration The Technology

As of 2017, only 44% of Filipinos were The Bankers Association of Philippines The POC used Hyperledger Indy to
utilizing bank accounts, hampered by (BAP), in partnership with Hyperledger develop a platform that streamlines
inefficient "Know Your Customer" laws. member Amihan and a coalition of new account onboarding, allowing
major banks, undertook a POC to test consumers to enter information once
a nation-wide self-sovereign ID in a digital and privacy-preserving way.
Real Estate
Real Estate Transactions

The Challenge The Collaboration The Technology

In some cases of corruption, the move The winning team at the Consensus HyperProperty shows that
to government-owned centralized 2017: Building Blocks Hackathon, built Hyperledger Fabric can be used to
databases backfired, and digital an online property banking and guarantee who owns what properties.
histories of land titles were eradicated, acquisition game utilizing Hyperledger Decentralizing databases and turning
properties seized and handed over to Fabric with IBM Bluemix. to DLTs track land titles could keep
oil companies. governments accountable and create
a more trustworthy system, even in
instances where the individual actors
may not be trusted.
Music and Media
Music and Media Rights

The Challenge The Collaboration The Technology

Dot Blockchain Media (dotBC) is Although not a member of Data is maintained across a distributed
building a music content rights registry Hyperledger, dotBC is able to leverage network that utilizes Hyperledger
that will help musicians express their the open source Hyperledger Sawtooth. dotBC's blockchain
rights and wishes for commercializing Sawtooth platform for recording its implementation is a foundation for
their art in an interoperable file format. content rights registry for the media music and media rights expression
industries. into the works themselves.
Green Assets
Green Assets Management

The Challenge The Collaboration The Technology

Generating carbon assets more General Hyperledger member Energy Blockchain technology, like the use of
efficiently, helping to build a green, Blockchain Labs partnered with Hyperledger Fabric here, is expected
low-carbon and environmentally- Premier member IBM on the world’s to become an important means for
friendly future in China. first blockchain-based green assets effective control of carbon emissions
management platform. based on in China, the world's largest source of
Hyperledger Fabric. carbon emissions. Carbon asset
development, is one of the most
popular ways of encouraging
enterprises to decrease emissions and
use low carbon emission technology.
Letters of
Letters of Credit

The Challenge The Collaboration The Technology

The LOC process is a difficult one to Institutions in Singapore, including Asian markets have been deploying
automate due to the sheer number of Monetary Authority of Singapore, and developing various solutions for
network participants involved. several banks and Standard LOC based on Hyperledger Fabric.
Chartered, as well as China CITIC Blockchain provides a common ledger
Bank and Minsheng bank have come for LOC and presents a modernized
together to use blockchain to create a opportunity; the LOC is stored on the
LOC system. One of the first blockchain, and once spent, is marked
transactions of this kind in China saw a as such so that the value of the letter
100 million letter of credit transaction cannot be spent again.
be completed without a hitch.
Food Trust
Food Trust

The Challenge The Collaboration The Technology

The food network is a complex Walmart, and a group of retailers and By making a shared ledger accessible
distribution and processing ecosystem food companies such as Unilever, to each party in the supply chain, all
involving farms, distributors, retailers Nestlé and Dole, have teamed up with food processing steps can be
and consumers, which make it difficult IBM to explore how to apply recorded and stored on the
to assure food provenance. blockchain technology like blockchain, including digital
Hyperledger Fabric to their food compliance documentation, test
supply chain. results and audit certificates to
improve transparency and efficiency
across the food network.
Digital Trade
Digital Trade Chain

The Challenge The Collaboration The Technology

Today, banks live in a competitive A consortium of major world banks is a blockchain-based
world. Small and mid-sized businesses including: Deutsche Bank, HSBC, KBC, international trading system that
generated 85% of employment growth Natixis, Rabobank, Société Générale, enables accurate trading posture
in Europe in recent years, but only Santander, UniCredit and Nordea information, order to settlement
~50% of them have access to formal control, risk coverage, track and trace
credit. The Digital Trade Chain options
exemplifies how blockchain can bring
the required trust and transparency to
a new business network and
associated business model.

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Check out our code repositories Get the latest development Search for open bugs, or report
updates from the wiki a new one, in our bug database
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Are you using Hyperledger software to build blockchain apps, POCs or solutions?
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Business Blockchain Components Glossary
Consensus Layer Data Store Abstraction Policy Services
Responsible for generating an Allows different data-stores to be Responsible for policy management of
agreement on the order and confirming used by other modules. various policies specified in the system,
the correctness of the set such as the endorsement policy,
of transactions that constitute a block. Crypto Abstraction consensus policy, or group
Allows different crypto algorithms or management policy. It interfaces and
Smart Contract Layer modules to be swapped out without depends on other modules to enforce
Responsible for processing transaction affecting other modules. the various policies.
requests and determining if
transactions are valid by executing Identity Services APIs
business logic. Enables the establishment of a root of Enables clients and applications to
trust during setup of a blockchain interfere to blockchains.
Communication Layer instance, the enrollment and
Responsible for peer-to-peer message registration of identities or system Interoperation
transport between the nodes that entities during network operation, Supports the interoperation between
participate in a shared ledger instance. and the management of changes like different blockchain instances.
drops, adds, and revocations. Also,
provides authentication and

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