Module 3 - The Teacher

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The key takeaways are that teachers play an important role as leaders and role models not just in school but also in the community. They are instrumental in implementing educational reforms and influencing others.

Teachers play a vital role in ensuring the success of educational reforms by regularly interacting with students and the community. They also participate in community activities and initiatives to influence others.

Some attributes of teacher leaders in the Philippines include being well-experienced, respected, creative, innovative, knowledgeable, and having a strong propensity for learning. They are committed to developing students and sharing their expertise.

Module 3

The School and Community

Professor : Dr. Ma. Jacqueline B. Patarata

EDN 311 – The Teacher, the School and the Community, School Culture
and Organizational Leadership

I. Objectives -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
II. Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------3-4
III. Pretest------------------------------------------------------------------------4-6
IV. Discussion-----------------------------------------------------------------7-25
A. The School and Its Function----------------------------------7-11
B. The School and Community Relations -------------------11-21
C. The Teacher--------------------------------------------------------21-25
1.Attributes of a Good Teacher--------------------------21
2.The teacher Leadership and Educational
3. The Role of Teacher Leaders------------------------22
4. Teacher leaders Defined ------------------------------22-23
5.Attributes of Teacher Leaders in the
6. Teacher Leadership and Educational
D. RA 9155 and School Leadership---------------------------25
V. Post Test-------------------------------------------------------------------26
VI. Answer Key--------------------------------------------------------------26

VII. References---------------------------------------------------------------27

In this module you will try to internalize your role as future teacher when you delve into the
different functions of teachers not only in school but also in the community. You will also
appreciate how the school utilize social networks for promoting inclusive culture in schools.
Definitely you will be able to:

1. describe the social Identity of a school

2. infer the multidimensionality of a school in a community

3. appreciate the roles of teachers in relation to community and schools;

4. identify practices of teachers that influence effective learning in the Philippines

5. be aware of the significance of the role modelling on the part of teachers;

6. simulate the role of teachers in influencing opinion-makers in the community;

7. recognize how culture, gender, special needs, and equity and equality issues affect the

school and community;

8. identify the mechanisms played by social networks for promoting inclusive culture in



A teacher is a role model not only in school but also in the community. You will
comprehend the complexity yet challenging role of teachers in relation to community and schools.
Perhaps you will also try to imagine how you do wonders as you investigate the tasks of how
teachers influence the behavior of others in the community that you will do the same later as they
lead and participate in different community activities. Reforms are otherwise initiated by teachers in
the community and schools.
In order for these reforms to take place, it is necessary to have teachers who will support
these initiatives. Thus, the need for teacher leaders. Teachers play a vital role in ensuring success
of the implementation of educational reforms in the country for the following reasons : First,
teachers are in close coordination with the students. They regularly interact with the students and
in the performance of their functions as teachers; they also know firsthand how the reforms impact
their students. Secondly, since teachers are the ones who implement the reforms in the classroom,
they are aware of how these new initiatives directly influence or affect the way they teach. Lastly,
Teachers are also in direct communication with various stakeholders. They are in close contact
with colleagues, parents and the community. The relationships with these significant groups allow
them to see how the new initiatives in education affect the various stakeholders.

III. PRETEST -Multiple Choice

Direction. Choose the best answer from among the choices. Write the letter of your choice

before each number.

1. Teaching is a universal vocation. Wherever the teacher is assigned, his or her primary

concern is to ____.

A. earn a good salary C. be the most important person

B. make the students learn D. do self-sacrifice

2. In the 21st century, the fastest development or change that the teacher should catch up
with as a teacher is in the _____.
I. use of technology
II. knowledge of globalization
III. practice of collaboration
A. I C. II and III
B. I and II D. I, II, and III
3. For a Filipino teacher to succeed in teaching in the country and elsewhere in the world, he

or she should ______.

I. master and practice the competencies of the NCBTS (National-Competency-Based

Teacher Standards)

II. be multilingual and multicultural

III. think and act both locally and globally

A. I only C. I and II

B. II only D. I, II, and III

4. As a community leader, which of the following should a teacher NOT do?

A. Support effort of the community to improve their status in life.

B. Make herself aloof to ensure that her decisions will not be influenced by

community politics.

C. Solicit donation from philanthropists in the community.

D. Play an active part in the activities of the community.

5. In a highly pluralistic society, what type of learning environment is the responsibility of the


I. safe

II. Gender-biased

III. Secure

A. I and II C. II only

B. I, II, and III D. I and III

6. Under which teaching strategy does a School’s Division practice of assigning a Girl Scout
to serve as Superintendent of the Day or Mayor of the Day for leadership training fall ?

A. Panel discussion C. Simulation

B. Symposium D. Dramatization

7. Which does NOT belong to the group of alternative learning systems.

A. Multi-age grouping C. Non-graded grouping

B. Multi-grade grouping D. Graded education

8. Where are multi-media resources and computers, which is the most favorable result of the

optimal use of educational media technology.

A. Interactive learning C. Speed learning

B. Increase learning D. More interesting learning

9. Which according to RA 9155 is considered as the “heart of the formal education system”?

A. The pupil C. The classroom

B. The Teacher D. The school

10. In RA 9155, a school head has two roles, namely administrative and _____.

A. guidance counselor C. Health officer

B. instructional leader D. facilitator of learning


A. The School and Its Function

A school is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning
environments for the teaching of students (or "pupils") under the direction of teachers. Most
countries have systems of formal education, which is commonly compulsory. In these systems,
students’ progress through a series of schools. (Wikipedia).
According to Pawilen,2019, a school is not just a place for learning, but a community of
people committed to develop human potentials with a goal of attaining positive social
Nowadays, the whole community really benefit the function of the school to the point of being or
doing custodial services while parents go to work. Of course, the school has Manifest and Latent
What are the other functions of Schools ?
B. The School and Community Relations

A famous African Proverb says:


It is said that the school and the community are the mainspring of effective and
powerful forces that can create a wholesome climate for mutual gains and betterment ( ).
This means that in any way they can forge a kind of partnership where both are willing to share
information as well as responsibilities to the best interest of the students while in school or when
dealing with members of the community. You noticed that anyone in the community is more than
willing to offer much-needed assistance to the school or teachers in terms of resources while the
teachers on the other hand are equally committed to spend time and effort and even expertise in
serving the school and the community. We observe that a strong bond or alliance is established to
foster strong academic practices in the school, civic-mindedness and public accountability in the
community. More of the school partnership in the community will be discussed here.
1. The Teachers, Parents and Community
Indeed, parents are considered first teachers of kids at home. They inculcate values, right
attitudes and values that will be needed by the children as they grow and associate with other
classmates in school. The development of values are beneficial to kids when they play and work
with neighbors and the community at large.
On the other hand ,the teachers continue to enrich the student’s experiences at home. In the
end, the contrived attention and efforts of both “custodians” are accorded by the community. Thus
government officials and professionals are also motivated to participate in school’s undertakings.
Significance of Partnership between Teachers-Parents in school community.

Group Activity :

After knowing the roles of Parents and the

community in school, how will you resolve
the followings problems in school:
1. Given the chance to request a
dialogue with the parents, how will
you approach them in the following cases:
a. Students have incomplete assignments, oftentimes not understood.
b. A student is observed to be negative or indifferent to bis classmates’
c. A student is always involved in cases of misbehavior.
2. How do you “face” a dialogue with:
a. unreceptive parents?
b. receptive parents?
3. Choose the most desirable behavior that must be developed among our children in
school and at home.
4. How should well-behaved students be given due recognition?

2. The School and Community

The school is usually located at
the heart of the town or city. With the watchful eye
by the members of the community, everyone would
witness what the school personnel is doing and
even the students whether at play or work, will feel
proud of their school. In return the community will
also show gratitude to the school by keeping the
school’s surroundings clean and comfortable for the students and whenever possible would share
resources when needed.

Guidelines in Doing Community Survey of Resources

1. Seek permission from the Barangay chair or Secretary to do survey.
2. Secure the available information for the Barangay secretary or do interview using
the net.
3. If given the chance, have an opportunity to go around the barangay for
4. Interview also some folks to confirm your observation.
5. Document the said query.

Activity 1: Community Inventory Of Resources

Name of School in a
Name of the Barangay :
Name of Town/ Municipality :
Name of the Province/City :

I. Location of the Barangay

1. Distance from the college /University where you are enrolled: _____
2. Distance from the City (Km.): _______
II. Physical Feature of the barangay
1. Lowland
2. Upland
3. Mountainous
4. Coastal
III. Facilities (Check the available facility)
1. School
2. Plaza
3. Health Center
4. Market
5. Cooperative Store
7.Community Center
8. Sports facility- basketball,
tennis , (etc.)
9. Electricity
10. Drinking water supply
11. Library
12. others (Pls. indicate)
IV. Agricultural Resources :
1. Rice fields
2. Cornfields
3. Cocofarm
4. Sugarcane fileds
5. Fruit trees
6. Forest trees
7. Banana plantation
8. Livestock
9. Fisheries
V. Commercial Resources
1. Sari-Sari stores
2. Trading Center
3. Banks
4. Cooperatives Stores
5.Product sales
6.Others (pls. Indicate)
VI. Development Programs
1.Brigada Eskwela
2. Clean and Green
3. Peace and Order
4. Others (Pls. indicate)
VII. Annual Community Activities
1.barangay Fiesta
2. Community Festival
3.Sports Festival
4. Search for Ms. Barangay
5. Christmas Celebration
6. Others (Pls. indicate)
VIII. Other Significant data of the Barangay

Activity 2: Utilization of the Community Resources

This time interview and document a
certain teacher of that school and find out how the
said resources are being utilized by the teachers.

A. Community Resources Utilized in Classroom

Subjects in School Community Resources Utilized

Social Studies


Other subjects:

B. Guide Questions for interview

1. What school activities do you conduct that allow participation of the people in the

2. Are there community activities that join? Identify: ______________

Do your students join in the said activities?
3. What learnings do your students gain from the said activity?

4. What does the community benefit from joining

in your school activities?

5. Are the lessons taught in school being

transferred to the homes or community?

6.Document and summarize your findings.

C. How is the Teacher Viewed in the Community ?

Randomly select 5 members of the community under survey. Use the instrument below to
Guide You. (Identify members including Barangay Officials).
Name : _________ Position in Barangay :____________________

1. Do you come to a teacher when seeking advice for a solution of a problem?

2. Do you cooperate when teachers request you to do something for the school?

3. Do you consider the teacher as a respected person in the

4. Do teachers help in the improvement of your community?
5. Do teachers serve as models in their behavior in the
6. How best will you describe all teachers in the school?

D. Reflection :
After doing the survey, what realizations would relate to you of becoming a
teacher? Do this Report
From the gathered information/data,
1. Describe the school’s location: (include area, neighbors-the community and important

2. Identify problems originating from the community that are experienced by the teachers in
school in terms of :
a. traffic and transportation
b. availability of water and lighting system
c. security measured for children

3. On what occasions do school and community officials get together? ( Cite the occasion
and purpose )

4.Identify some learning resources existing in the community that the school can visit for
mutual assistance and enjoyment.

5. How is the community assisted by the school in return?

6. Enumerate some instructional materials that could be obtained from the community.

7. How will you show gratitude for the assistance and cooperation extended by the
community leaders and members?

E. Reflection 2:
Below are the findings of the study of Rosita Navarro et al, in 1994. The responses are
coming from the community group consisted of parents (26%), non-government organizations
(24%), Principal and asst. principals (23%), business and industry sectors (21%) and school
superintendent (6%).
Findings on :
Community perceptions on the Role of Teachers in the Community.
Teachers are perceived to be :
1. very important in a community
2. respected in a community
3. help in the community to some extent.
Community Perception on Beliefs and Attitudes about Teachers and Teaching
The Community respondents strongly agreed that teachers :
1. help develop the moral character of children.
2. are second parents
3. are assets to the community
The respondents agreed with 12 beliefs and attitudes, as follows :
1. The most intelligent child should be encouraged to enter the teaching profession.
2. Teacher sets moral standard of the community.
3. Teachers make good parents.
4 Men should be encouraged to enter the teaching profession.
5. The teaching professi9on is among the lowest paid.
6.Teachers should be paragon of virtue.
7.Children obey and respect their teachers.
8. Teachers play an important role in disciplining children.
9. Praising boosts a child’s self-confidence.
10. A teacher is a child’s model.
11. Child’s interest in studies depends upon his/her teacher.
12. Parents entrust children’s welfare to teachers.
The respondents are doubtful regarding the item on “Female teachers generally
become old maids”.
The respondents also disagreed with the item : “Teachers may inflict physical
punishment on children”.
1. which research finding is most interesting to you? Why? (get individual answers).
2. With which findings do you agree? Disagree? Why?
3. So much is expected of a teacher. Does this give you a message on how you are going
to spend your period of pre-service education?
4. The findings reveal that teachers are perceived to be respected in the community. Is this
respect demanded of others or something earned by you?
5. The research was conducted in 1994, Has the picture changed after more than 2
decades? Any hypothesis?
6. Share your group answers with the class.

Read Article XI in the Code of Ethics for Professional teachers bearing the teacher’s role in
relation to the state, the community, the school, the parents and business.

C. The Teacher
1. Attributes of an effective teacher
2. The Teacher leadership and Educational
The K-12 and other educational reforms in the
Philippine educational system
embodies the special role of teachers in ensuring
the initiatives to improve the teaching-
learning process which are to be implemented
efficiently and effectively. To facilitate the said
reforms, there is a need for teacher leaders who will
ensure the success of its
implementation for the following reasons:
a. The teachers are in close contact with the students, and they know how to impact a
change among them.
b. They are aware of how the said initiatives will affect or influence the way they
c. Teachers are in direct contact with various stakeholders (colleagues, parents and
the community).
3. The role of Teacher leaders in relation to School improvement, student
achievement, and Teacher retention.
4. Different definitions of teacher Leaders
a. exhibit exemplary actions regarded
as means to guide students and
teachers. They manifest professional
dispositions that are worth emulating
and personal traits to motivate others.
b. teacher leaders share resources
(references, instructional materials,
online resources with new ones.
c. act as role models-they not only
notice challenges but address these
challenges by doing research,
applying solutions and sharing these
solutions or practices with others.
d. Teacher Leaders know the curriculum and share his knowledge to others by
ensuring others doing and using the standards of planning, aligning strategies
and using appropriate assessment in the class.
e. Teachers who facilitate the development of other teachers by sharing their
expertise, allow others to observe her class, offer suggestion on how
lessons can be improved.
f. An effective teacher leader accepts responsibilities not only in the
classroom activities but also outside the classroom responsibilities. Heading a
committee, be a representative of the school or even accepting
administrative function.
g. Teacher leaders have sound judgment that uses data before making any
educational decisions.
h. Effective teacher leaders are always a catalyst of change. A person who
always thinks of ways to improve the existing practices in the system.
i. Teacher leaders are life-long learners. They pursue further studies, attend
classes, join workshops, and give priority to continuing professional
development. They inspire
others to learn (Harrison and
j. Teacher leadership is often
equated with administrative
k. Teacher leaders collaborate
with others.
L. Teacher leaders are those
who are well-experienced, respected, creative,
innovative, knowledgeable, strong propensity for learning, committed,
passionate and committed to developing students. They share knowledge
and expertise in the hope of contributing to the professional development
of others.
M. Teacher leaders Take Action-pursue further studies to improve quality of
teaching and student learning. The commitment to improve brings
significant changes in school (Fairman and Mackenzie, 2012)
5. Attributes of teacher Leaders in the Philippines
Oracion in 2014 did mention of the
different attributes of a teacher leader in his study and
it is noteworthy that in the Philippines, personal
attributes are essential in defining teacher leadership.
After the discussion on teacher leadership attributes it
is noted that that these are essential characteristics of
a teacher who have shown propensity to lead others.
These are the leaders who could contribute in effecting
reforms to the betterment of the school and the
Reflection :
1. Are teacher leaders important? Why? Why not?
2. Who are the teachers that you consider as leaders?
3. Why do you consider as their remarkable characteristics or traits that make them teacher
4. As a future teacher, how will you make yourself a leader in your own right?

Activity :
A. Interview two professors. Ask them the
following questions:
* Who do you consider as teacher

* What qualities do you think teacher

leaders should possess?
B. Compare your findings with the definitions given on Teacher Leadership. What can you
conclude? Write your own definition of teacher leadership.
7. Teacher Leadership and Educational Reforms

Activity :.

1. Reflect and answer the following

a. How should schools support
teachers to become leaders?
b. Do you think that the present educational system supports the development of the
teacher leaders? If yes, why? If no, why not?

2. Interview a school administrator and ask the following questions:

a. Does the school have programs that will empower teachers to become leaders?
What are these programs?

b. What can administrators do to encourage teachers to take on leadership roles?

8. R.A. (9155 )and school Leadership


A. Essay :
1.How can schools in the Philippines develop teachers to become teacher leaders?

2. Do you think it is possible for schools

in the Philippines to have a leadership
plan? Why? Why not?
3. What is the essence of RA 9155 ?
4. How do you understand this saying
“ It takes a village to raise a child?”


1. B
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. B

Bilbao,et al, (2015)The Teaching Profession, 3rd Edition, Lorimar Publishing Inc. Philippines
Ecalla, Julmae, Education, Technology ,June 22, 2014
Pawilen al,(2019) The School and The Community, School Culture, and
Organizational Leadership, Rex Bookstore,Inc.

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