RPH (25 Feb 2019) - Sains KSSM DLP 1a

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Week 8
Day Monday
Date 25 February 2019
Class 1 Lily
Time 11.00 – 12.20 pm (2 Masa)
Subject Science
Theme 2 – Maintenance and Continuity of Life
Learning Content Introduction to Scientific Investigation
Content Standard 2.1 Cell – structure, function and organization
Learning Standard  Explain that living things are made up of cells that carry out life’s functions and undergo cell
 Demonstrate the preparation of slides of animal cells and plant cells using the correct procedures.
EMK o Language
o Nature sustainability
o Noble Values
o Science & Technology
o Patriotisme
o Creativity & Innovation
o Entrepreneurism
o Information technology & communication
I-Think Circle Map Bubble Map Double Bubble Map Brace Map Tree Map
Bridge Map Flow Map Multi-flow Map
KBAT Application Analysing Evaluating Creating
Scientific Process Characterize Comparing Differentiating Collecting Classifying
Skills Observing Predicting Evaluating Analysing
Scientific & Noble  Interested & curious about the nature and surroundings
Values  Realize that Science is one of the ways to understand nature
Teaching Aids Textbook Workbook Handout LCD/ Laptop Others : _____
Learning Activities Engagement  Teacher asks a few students to explain what they Teacher exploits the
know about cells and howcan they be similar to way students think
bricks that can form a tough wall.

Exploration  Teacher explains to the students show cell division Teacher discuss the
using various forms of multimedia presentation. subject at hand with
The formation of cancerous cells is discussed. students

Explanation  Students are divided into groups and are given a Students will present
task to discuss (handouts). their findings to the
 Students discuss the process of cell division and class & with teacher’s
how the cancer cells formed. guidance

Elaboration Teacher ask few students to elaborate their fndings. Teacher will make
Teacher shows a video of how to prepare animal and sure that students get
plant cells. the correct
understanding about
the subject being
Evaluation Students are given some related questions taken from Source: Science Form
the workbook. One KSSM (DLP)
Important Teacher summarise how living things are made up of cells that carry out life’s
functions and undergo cell division.

Reflection ____/____ students achieved the standard

____/____ students can complete the drills given
____/____ students that need extra help & remedial lesson from the teacher
Lesson cannot be carried out and will be done at the next session because
Extra tasks/ drills for Remedial : Homework Drill
students Reinforcement : Homework Drill
Enrichment : Homework Drill

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