River Cities Reader #981 - January 2021

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Top 10
from 2020
p. 4

Above: Scene from the movie “The Trial of the Chicago 7”. Below: Photo of Iowans protesting COVID-19 mitigations at the state capitol January 11, 2021.

as News
p. 12

Over 300 20 from '20: Local Music

Things to Do Best Albums & Bandcamp
in the Calendar Short Releases Sampler
Visual Arts - Music - Literary Arts - Bailjack, Faith in Jane, Condor & K1ng Supr3m3, Aubs.,
Theatre - Dance - Comedy - Museums Jaybird, Pit Lord, Havukruunu, Narcos Troll Trax,Chaircrusher,
- Lectures - Meetings - Courses - Kids. Family Band, S.T.O.P., Smoulder & More. dead lizard grin, Bezos Guillotine.
Starts on page 7. Starts on page 9. Starts on page 16.

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Protesting Propaganda JAN 2021
Since 1993 PRINTED MONTHLY #981
2 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 981 • January 2021 Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com

Vol. 28 · No. 981



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Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 980 • December 2020 3

Can Adam Kinzinger Tack Moderate and LET’S STOP HIV TOGETHER
Survive in the Divided State of Illinois?

“T his isn’t their Republican Party which don’t look at all moderate when they
anymore!” Donald Trump Jr run statewide here. Kinzinger has voted with
declared on January 6 during a Trump 92 percent of the time and definitely
fiery speech near the U.S. Capitol. has a conservative record.
“This is Donald Trump’s Republican Party,” But, man, those statements could erase a
the President’s son insisted. “Today, Repub- whole lot of whatever can be thrown at him if
licans, you get to pick a side for the future of he decides to run for governor or U.S. Senate,
this party. I suggest you choose wisely.” especially in a state that Trump twice lost by
And then, later in the day, all heck broke 17 points.
loose. A large number of furious cretins One should never make predictions during
stormed the United States Capitol in an times of massive upheaval and change, so let’s
attempt to stop a legitimate presidential elec- not anoint him yet. Plus, we’ve all seen politi-
tion from being certified. Five people died in cians rise like rockets only to fall like meteors.
the resulting melee, including one member of And I’ve seen plenty of very solid, hard-work-
the U.S. Capitol police force. ing candidates fail simply because they lived
Freshman Illinois U.S. Representative in the “wrong” district or state.
Mary Miller (R-15) spoke at a rally that same With that being said, Kinzinger has a sharp
day and made a bizarre comment about how wit and obviously knows how to land a hard
Adolf Hitler was right about kids being the punch.
future. Kinzinger won a McLean County board
Both Miller and U.S. Representative Mike seat when he was just 20 years old and then
Bost (R-12) represent southern Illinois, and joined the Air Force after college and went
after Congress reconvened that evening, they on to fly missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
voted against certifying the presidential elec- He won his first congressional race against
tion results. an incumbent Democrat, and then soundly
Bost and U.S. Representative Darin defeated a longtime Republican incumbent in
LaHood (R-18) signed on last month to a post-remap primary. The dude has serious
a doomed attempt to convince the U.S.
Supreme Court to overturn the election
I was impressed with the way he rhetori-
cally knocked Governor JB Pritzker back on
Picture a world
without HIV stigma.
While U.S. Representative Rodney Davis his heels last month over the LaSalle Veterans’
(R-13) did not go as far as his three GOP Home debacle, where 35 residents died of
colleagues, he has been an ardent President COVID-19. Then again, Kinzinger has not
Trump supporter for the past four years. exactly been out front about warning his
Those are not the public faces the party constituents to take precautions during the
needs in the Chicago suburbs. And you pandemic. The virus was raging through the
simply can’t win statewide in Illinois without surrounding community when it found its
carrying that region. way into the facility.
U.S. Representative Adam Kinzinger
(R-16), on the other hand, has made a national
The money to fund the Republican Party
is in the Chicago area, where most corporate We can all stop HIV stigma by speaking
up against stigmatizing words or actions.
name for himself by occasionally yet force- types tend to shun the far-right’s views. Those
fully criticizing the president, and he has folks are definitely not going to want to reside
stepped up his game ever since it became clear in Donald Trump’s GOP going forward, no
that Trump lost the election. He took it to a matter what the President’s son says. They
much-higher level on the day of the insurrec- may be eager to embrace someone such as
tion, however. Kinzinger.
But Kinzinger went so far out on a limb
“I outright condemn this garbage,” Rep-
resentative Kinzinger said of Representative on Trump (even calling for his removal from
office) that he may have seriously damaged
Miller’s speech. He called the storming of the
U.S. Capitol a “coup attempt.” He slammed
fellow Republicans for refusing to certify the
his chances of winning a statewide primary.
And even if he does win that round, a signifi-
results. And he said the President is a “weak, cant chunk of his party’s base might angrily
self-absorbed man” who was attempting to choose to skip over him in a general election.
“overthrow the will of the people.” Keep watching.
“He is no longer the leader of our party,”
Rich Miller also publishes Capitol Fax,a
Kinzinger said of Trump. “And our party
must reject these treasonous acts.” daily political newsletter, and CapitolFax.
Back when then-Congressman Ray
LaHood (Darin’s father) was thinking about
running against Governor Rod Blagojevich, New Column Published Weekly at
I wrote that “moderate” Washington D.C.
Republicans usually have voting records
4 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 981 • January 2021 Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com

MOVIES By Mike Schulz

20 for 2020: Favorites

from the Year in Movies
want to put 2020 behind us as much as of subtle and operatic styles should have
you all likely do. So in lieu of a lengthy yielded a mess, and the film, like the Amer-
intro to my annual Movies of the Year ica viewed in Lee’s presentational mirror,
article, this time with downbeat com- occasionally is a mess. Just like messy
mentary on delayed releases and shuttered America, though, it’s also glorious, directed
cineplexes and the potential demise of the with spectacular energy and imagination
traditional film experience and everything and, at just over two-and-a-half hours,
else we don’t want to reflect on, what say we lacking a single boring moment. Watching
just skip to the good stuff? Netflix’s June release now, it’s easy for your
And in terms of this year’s account, it’s all heart to momentarily sink at the first sight
good stuff. (The included titles, I mean, not of Boseman, whose work in this and Ma
necessarily the way I’ve written about them.) Rainey’s Black Bottom would have made him Norm Lewis, Clarke Peters, Isiah Whitlock Jr., and Delroy Lindo in Da 5 Bloods
Because 2020 was so bad for so many rea- the actor of the year even if he hadn’t tragi-
sons, I simply don’t have it in me to deliver cally passed. Yet Boseman’s commanding of the afflicted musician; the forthright, “kids,” and while the latter categorization
my usual “10 Worst” addendum or other portrayal instantly lifts you right back up, heartrending performances of Olivia Cooke is questionable, it’s not entirely inappropri-
catty listings of inane flicks … even though as does the sheer chutzpah of Lee’s epic that and current, wholly deserving Best Support- ate, either.) But if lovely tales of literal and
it should be remembered that 2020 did give frequently echoes The Treasure of the Sierra ing Actor front-runner Paul Raci; a pungent, figurative brotherhood are what you and
us Dolittle and a reboot of Fantasy Island by Madre and Apocalypse Now and can proudly tactful narrative that keeps finding ways your family are in the mood for, you really
mid-February, so I guess we shoulda seen stand shoulder to shoulder with both. to upend expectations. Yet it’s the sublime, couldn’t do much better. Director Dan
the next 10 months coming. If Da 5 Bloods is joy mixed with pain, unnerving sound design that most fully Scanlon’s Onward begins with the goofiest
Instead, I’m doubling down on my tradi- David Byrne’s American Utopia – Lee’s creates a brand-new cinematic universe, of premises, with two elfin siblings (endear-
tional Top 10 with a Top 20 for 2020, and at concert film of the musician’s limited-run essentially putting you in Ahmed’s head ingly voiced by Avengers Tom Holland and
no extra cost, am including them in pairings 2018 Broadway event – is almost nothing through all of his character’s unfamiliar, Chris Pratt) taking a road trip to find the
that might make for outstanding double- but joy, a shot of cinematic adrenaline to the terrifying negotiations with his encroaching magical solution to their deceased father
features. With the exception of Promising heart that could’ve woken up Pulp Fiction’s deafness. The sound, or lack thereof, is scary missing the top half of his body. Yeah: I
Young Woman, which is still at the Daven- Uma Thurman if no one was able to find that as hell. By the closing credits, it also emerges know. In addition to all manner of clever
port cineplex and will be available for home syringe. A blend of Byrne’s solo composi- as a state of grace. and hysterical high jinks, however, this
viewing on January 15, all of the excellent tions, Talking Heads favorites, and tunes At no point does such calm invade I’m occasionally manic yet severely underrated
works below are either streaming on various borrowed from other artists performed by Thinking of Ending Things, the new mind-f- charmer proves to be a trenchant and, in the
services or readily rentable or both. So set the headliner and 11 stunning ensemble -- by writer/director Charlie Kaufman. Its end, emotionally overwhelming story about
some time aside, visit your providers and/or members, the repertoire’s performance storyline is even more deceptively simple a young man finding the dad he always
whip out those holiday gift cards, and let’s alone would make the movie worthwhile. than Sound of Metal’s: A young woman wanted in the brother he never fully appreci-
get cracking! But Lee proves every bit the visual stylist (Jessie Buckley) joins her boyfriend (Jesse ated. I laughed like mad at this thing before
here that he is in his personal joints, giving Plemons) for a trip to his parents’ house, and I started bawling like a baby, and while Soul
1) Da 5 Bloods and David us every conceivable camera angle (plus a after their visit, they drive home. If, how- may have been Pixar’s more adventurous
Byrne’s American Utopia. few inconceivable ones) and making every ever, you’re familiar with Kaufman’s Being 2020 release, this was the more satisfying
song distinctive, with “Hell You Talmabout” John Malkovich, Adaptation, and Eternal one.
Last spring, Spike Lee unveiled his short a vociferous rallying cry and “Toe Jam” a Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, you know that Blood doesn’t connect the brothers in
film New York, New York – a loving trib- showcase of barefoot beauty to give Taran- can’t be the whole story. And hoo-doggie is director/co-writer Kelly Reichardt’s First
ute, with Frank Sinatra’s iconic crooning tino the shakes. For my part, I was all but it ever not, this twisting tale of relationship Cow. But unpasteurized milk sure does.
as accompaniment, to Lee’s hometown, its shaking with delight during the 105 minutes confusion, personal identity, and the endless Excepting a brief prelude that ultimately
empty pandemic-era streets, and the heroic of American Utopia. Clubs may be closed, mysteries of memory so fascinatingly elusive brings this tender, quietly gripping saga full
health-care workers striving to make the city but that doesn’t mean you can’t stream Lee’s and bizarre that a brand-new genre – horror/ circle, the film is set in 1820 Oregon as John
the beautifully bustling metropolis it once winner in your living room, scoot the furni- comedy/mystery/drama/epitaph? – seems to Magaro’s Caucasian cook and Orion Lee’s
was and will again be. Running just over ture, crank up the volume, and dance. be originating right in front of you. Even if Chinese entrepreneur find the answer to
three minutes, this mini-movie is practically you appreciate it, you may not like the film their financial straits, and their loneliness,
flawless. Which makes it merely the third- 2) Sound of Metal and I’m on a first watch; I’m pretty sure I didn’t. But in fresh milk they pilfer from their frontier
best Spike Lee joint released in 2020. Thinking of Ending Things. I’ve found no other 2020 release more fun to community’s only cow. This might make
I’m hard-pressed to offer a definitive rank- return to and try to unpack. And in a year Reichardt’s film sound as silly as Onward.
ing of the other two. Da 5 Bloods is certainly Movies at their finest, and even their that, in so many ways, made no sense what- Yet amidst the smashingly honest period
the more ambitious project – a combination not-so-finest, can transport us to different soever, the senselessness of I’m Thinking of detail and the legitimate tension surround-
war drama, action adventure, treasure hunt, worlds. Never before have I found myself in Ending Things somehow wound up making ing the men’s scheme, what most fully
jungle thriller, mordant comedy, elegy for worlds quite like the ones we were invited perfect sense. It’s a Kaufman-ian world. emerges is an ode to friendship as beauti-
lost Black lives, and celebration of slow yet into with this riveting pair of releases. In We’re just continuing to wrestle with it. ful and inspiring as any I’ve seen in years,
unstoppable progress. Also a master’s class general outline, director/co-writer Darius and one boasting the year’s most haunting,
in screen performance, with the extraor- Marder’s Sound of Metal might read as 3) Onward and First Cow. moving final image – a tableau so sad yet so
dinarily impassioned and fearsome Delroy generic uplift, telling of a punk-band sweet that not a day has passed over the last
Lindo reuniting former Vietnam troops drummer and recovering addict facing his An odd-seeming double-feature, to be month in which I haven’t thought about it.
(Clarke Peters, Norm Lewis, and Isiah “Shi- worsening and irreversible hearing loss. sure, as one is an animated Pixar slapstick This is one hell of a moo-vie. (So sorry for
i-i-i-i-it!” Whitlock Jr.) in a search for hidden It might have played as that, too, if not for and the other is the most low-key of live- that one.)
gold and the remains of their fallen squad about a thousand caveats: Riz Ahmed’s shat- action indie dramas. (First Cow’s synopsis
leader (Chadwick Boseman). This mash-up tering, emotionally transparent portrayal on Prime lists its genres as “drama” and
Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 980 • December 2020 5
4) Palm Springs and Borat mask-less fair-goers in rousing, horrifying personal argument for and against its titular 7) Gretel & Hansel and The
Subsequent Moviefilm. choruses of “Wuhan Flu.” The song may not document as it currently stands should be Invisible Man.
get performed at the Oscars, but for Subse- required – and treasured – viewing for his-
Almost inarguably the two most 2020 quent Moviefilm, Baron Cohen and Bakalova tory scholars, curious students, feminists, Man, the year in cineplex horror flicks was
movies of 2020. An ingenious, hilarious, absolutely deserve a couple of ‘em. anti-feminists, anyone who enjoys a good off to such a great start, wasn’t it? Over the
charming, unexpectedly touching narrative- laugh, anyone who enjoys a good cry, anyone last weekend in January, we were treated to
feature debut for director Max Barbakow 5) Hamilton and What the who’s ever voted, and anyone with a pulse. director Oz Perkins’ Gretel & Hansel, and
and screenwriter Andy Siara, Palm Springs Constitution Means to Me. (That should cover most of us, right?) There it was a treat that was also quite the trick: a
casts Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti (in was literally no one I saw on-screen last year macabre, unsettling, sometimes deeply scary
a hopefully star-making role) in their own The line between what’s considered a that I wanted to have a beer with more than rendition of the centuries-old folk tale that
tetchily romantic take on Groundhog Day, movie and what’s considered television Heidi Schreck. Damn you, 2020 … coulda managed to effectively freak us out within
playing inevitable lovers for whom every keeps shrinking, and was certainly destined had a memorable date there … . the narrow confines of a PG-13 rating. The
day is literally, maddeningly the same. And to in 2020 – a year in which the majority of film is gorgeously designed, with the woods
while the filmmakers couldn’t have foreseen what we watched was at home and, accord- 6) The Personal History of reminiscent of those in The Witch and the
the global pandemic coming, this imagina- ing to the Los Angeles Film Critics Associa- David Copperfield and Emma. “gingerbread” lair like something out of
tive spin on a familiar formula landed at just tion Awards, the cinematic high point was Midsommar, but with more grossly lavish
the right time in July, because it frequently Steve McQueen’s Prime Video anthology After nearly 10 months spent largely tchotchkes. Robin Coudert’s nerve-racking
felt, and still feels, as though we’ve all been series Small Axe. (I hereby demand a re-vote in hibernation, I’m forced to ask myself a score is like what you hear milliseconds
cast in Groundhog Day – just one not nearly that will bestow that organization’s 2017 really embarrassing question: Why didn’t before a panic attack. And Gretel & Hansel
as funny as Bill Murray’s, or Samberg’s and Best Picture prize on David Lynch’s Twin I read more books? Maybe because, unre- is phenomenally well-acted by Sophia Lillis
Milioti’s. The film is streaming on Hulu, and Peaks reboot.) So. Are the captured, cannily pentant cinephile and lazy-ass that I am, and Sammy Leakey as the hungry siblings
even if you watched Palm Springs previ- crafted performances of Lin-Manuel Miran- I knew that they’d eventually be turned and Alice Krige as the haggard crone who
ously, it’s worth taking in at least the first 15 da’s iconic Founding Fathers musical, which into movies, and these two releases – both feeds them, and wants to feed on them. Per-
minutes again – now that you know what’s debuted on Disney+, and Heidi Schreck’s of them enjoyed at Davenport’s blessedly- kins’ insidious nightmare truly put the eerily
going on – just to experience Samberg’s lauded stage memoir, which premiered on still-open cineplex – felt akin to devouring alluring Grim in this Grimm.
physical and verbal wonders as he takes in Prime, movies or TV? Or, given that both hundreds of pages of wondrous prose in tidy Then, over the last weekend in Febru-
the party and flirts with Milioti for perhaps were recorded in front of live Broadway two-hour chunks. The Personal History of ary, we got writer/director Leigh Whan-
the millionth time. Actors have won Oscars audiences, are they actually theatre? David Copperfield, by director Armando nell’s The Invisible Man, and it was likely
for less than half of what Samberg does in I don’t know. I don’t really care. Few Iannucci and co-adapted by Simon Black- only the nationwide closing of theaters
that scene. entertainments last year gave me quite as well, initially made me feel guilty, given that kept this propulsive, unapologetically
Sacha Baron Cohen’s and director much pleasure as this two-fer of presen- that I’d never before read Charles Dickens’ #MeToo shocker from becoming the huge
Jason Woliner’s astonishingly ballsy Borat tational hybrids: theatrical productions classic and regretted it the instant the film hit it deserved to be. On a return viewing
sequel, meanwhile, may have been initially edited like movies that I saw on TVs … ended. Why didn’t anyone tell me Dickens’ the other night, watching Elisabeth Moss’
conceived as a comedic provocation and and “coincidentally” in an election year, story was so fun? And if they did, why was serially abused Cecilia desperately try to
mock-doc bullhorn to inspire Democratic both Constitution-minded! By this point, I too stupid to believe them?! Having come convince anyone that her presumed-dead
voter turnout. (For what it’s worth, after after so many years of pop-culture discus- to terms with my foolishness, however, I’m husband was actually alive but unseen, I was
a handful of viewings, I actually do think sion and dominance, I’m not sure anything currently thrilled that this Copperfield is the reminded that while the first two-thirds of
Rudy Giuliani was merely tucking his shirt more needs to be said about the cultural only one in my brain, because, right now, I the film are stellar, the third third is kind of
into his pants … but that doesn’t mean I touchstone and national treasure that is really don’t want to imagine anyone other perfunctory. But as someone who routinely
don’t enjoy arguments to the contrary.) Yet Hamilton – except maybe to say that director than Dev Patel as David, or Tilda Swinton misses seeing movies with crowds, I very
what turned out to be the film’s most satisfy- Thomas Kail’s movie (or “movie”) version as Betsey Trotwood, or Hugh Laurie as Mr. much do whenever I think back to the col-
ing material – barring, that is, absolutely of The Life and Times of Alexander looks Dick, or Benedict Wong as Mr. Wickfield … lective Invisible Man gasp that greeted the
everything involving breakout star Maria far better than filmed theatre usually looks . (Memorable though he is, I could almost sight of an airborne knife in a restaurant
Bakalova as Borat’s gradually enlightened and it sounds absolutely divine. Watching it replace Ben Whishaw as Uriah Heep, if only seconds before it slit a woman’s throat, or the
daughter Tutar – found Kazakhstan’s most is like if your all-time-favorite soundtrack to erase the idea of Paddington Bear as such creeping giggle – the aural equivalent of a
clueless fictional journalist contending suddenly showed up in human form and just a repellant asshole.) shudder – as Whannell’s camera suggested a
directly with the health crisis in America, wanted to hang. As for What the Constitu- Meanwhile, thanks to the frequency with presence that only Moss, in one of the year’s
holing up with surprisingly welcoming tion Means to Me, author/star Schreck’s which it’s been filmed over the past quarter- most wrung-out, emotionally naked perfor-
QAnon supporters and leading scores of and director Marielle Heller’s profoundly century, I have a bunch of other Emmas in mances, could sense. That screening came
my head. Yet director Autumn de Wilde’s with a lot of shrieking. Here’s hoping we can
Emma. (period included) is unquestionably all shriek together again soon.
the one I enjoy most – a deliciously randy
and laugh-out-loud-funny Jane Austen 8) Promising Young Woman
adaptation that, due to the easy and alert and Another Round.
chemistry of Johnny Flynn and The Queen’s
Gambit sensation Anya Taylor-Joy, is also We’re not always asked to like movie
the most swooningly romantic version of protagonists. Usually, though, we’re at least
this tale I’ve yet experienced. (This one has asked to understand them, and these first-rate
a killer supporting cast, too, with deserved December releases are topnotch examples of
special mention going to Bill Nighy, Mia films you can enjoy without simultaneously
Goth, Gemma Whelan, and the divinely applauding their leads’ more-than-question-
dotty Miranda Hart.) For added ticklish- able behavior. Writer/director Emerald Fen-
ness, the rich, pastel-heavy color schemes in nell’s Promising Young Woman would, you’d
both Emma. and David Copperfield make think, boast an empathetic lead: a 30-year-old
the films look like they’re taking place inside (Carey Mulligan’s Cassie) who works out a
tremendous birthday cakes. So you can have previous trauma by acting fall-down drunk at
your English lit and eat it, too. bars only to turn the tables on the “nice” guys
who offer to take her home … by which they
generally mean their home. Yet from our first
Orion Lee and John Magaro in First Cow view of her after a presumed “conquest” – Is
6 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 981 • January 2021 Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com

that blood? Is it merely ketchup from the over bystander brains and forcing them to do
(metaphoric?) hot dog she’s devouring? – we their bidding, the film finds Andrea Risebor-
never really know whether Cassie deliv- ough and Christopher Abbott in fantastic,
ers deserved just-desserts or frighteningly nerve-shredding form. But if the actors are
homicidal revenge, and I’ve rarely been so memorable, the visuals are un-erasable,
torn between wanting to give a movie’s (anti?) and the sobering intensity of the narrative
heroine an empathetic hug and wanting to is complemented by harrowing sounds and
call the cops. Fennell’s film and Mulligan’s sights (so much blood!) as transfixing as they
wonderfully cagey portrayal, however, make are upsetting. In case you were curious, yes:
the point moot, and ultimately meaningless. Brandon is the son of the legendary David
You should want to do both. Cronenberg, a maestro of queasy imagery
The purported heroes of director/co-writer augmented by thematic richness. Clearly, the
Thomas Vinterberg’s Danish-language apple didn’t fall far from the tree. And the
dramedy Another Round are even less easy apple has razor blades in it.
to rally around, and that might be surprising
considering that the four of them – including 10) The Boys in the Band and
the film’s peerless lead Mads Mikkelsen – are The Trial of the Chicago 7.
longtime high-school teachers. Of course,
they’re also high-school teachers who’ve Steven Soderbergh may have officially
decided to conduct an exercise in full-time claimed the moniker with December’s HBO
day-drinking, even if that means advising Max release, but either of these exuberantly
one of their students to get loaded before an chatty, male-centric entertainments could
important exam. Surprisingly, it kind of goes also have been titled Let Them All Talk. (The
well for the kid. And even though you can’t actual Let Them All Talk with Meryl Streep
necessarily say the same for our quartet of and Candice Bergen and Dianne Wiest, by
soused instructors, it certainly goes well for the way, is also totally worth watching.) Joe
us, as Vinterberg’s fascinating character study Mantello’s The Boys in the Band is the direc-
that’s also a study of Denmark’s unhidden tor’s adaptation of playwright Matt Crowley’s
drinking culture delivers devastating lows groundbreaking stage piece concerning
and exquisite highs, none higher than the gay frenemies and the most uncomfortable
awe-inspiring work of Mikkelsen. You’ve seen birthday party ever. The 1968 material may
him weep blood in Casino Royale and feast be dated, but the film itself is bliss: a fantasti-
on human flesh in Hannibal, but you’ve never cally loving, angry, impassioned argument
seen anything like what he does in Another for acceptance enacted by the 2018 Broadway
Round’s final minute. Unless, that is, you saw revival’s sublime cast of Zachary Quinto,
Baryshnikov dance in middle age. Then you Matt Bomer, Andrew Rannells, Charlie
at least have an idea. Carver, Robin de Jess, Brian Hutchison,
Michael Benjamin Washington, Tuc Wat-
9) The Vast of Night and kins, and the unimpeachable Jim Parsons. If
Possessor. this year’s competition were weaker, Parsons
would be a solid contender for the Best Actor
It was all too easy, in 2020, to watch movies Oscar. Also if the movie were considered
from a reclined position on your couch. It a “real” movie, and not a TV movie. So an
took intensely special ones to make you sit Emmy will have to do.
up on that couch and say, “Who-o-oah … The Academy Awards’ Best Supporting
what is this?!” I enjoyed that unanticipated, Actor category, meanwhile, could be stuffed
sensationally rewarding feeling with both twofold with castmates from Aaron Sor-
of these genre flicks that proved far more kin’s The Trial of the Chicago 7 and would
powerful than I was prepared for. A succinct still barely contain all of this courtroom
text from a friend – “See it now.” – convinced drama’s viable contenders. I’m presuming
me to check out the period sci-fi The Vast of that Netflix’s October release – an explora-
Night after it began streaming in May. Having tion of the lead-up to, and aftermath of, the
nothing better to do, I gave it a shot. I’ve since riots surrounding Chicago’s 1968 Democratic
given it several more, and as per usual after Convention – will be getting lots of renewed
so many shots, I’m now completely drunk. attention in the wake of recent events in our
What a stupendous low-budget thrill this is! nation’s Capitol. But even with history getting
A simple, elegant tale of a possible alien inva- the usual, occasionally troublesome Sorkin-
sion in the Leave It to Beaver ‘50s, director/ ian polish here, the writer/director’s dynamic
co-writer Andrew Patterson’s ultra-confident direction and snappy editing rhythms would
debut opens like P.T. Anderson and closes make Chicago 7 worth revisiting any time,
like Spielberg, and features some of the most as would its almost embarrassingly stacked
jaw-dropping tracking shots I’ve ever seen. I cast boasting (deep breath) Eddie Redmayne,
have no earthly idea how Patterson made this Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Mark Rylance, Jeremy
thing, let alone for a reported $700,000. But Strong, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Frank
I’ll be first in line for whatever he comes up Langella, John Carroll Lynch, Alex Sharp,
with next. No prompting from pals required. Ben Shenkman, Kelvin Harrison Jr., and, for
I’ll probably also line up for anything less time than you want, Michael Keaton. Oh
Brandon Cronenberg does, even though, in yeah, and Sacha Baron Cohen, who’s an invig-
regard to his sci-fi/horror freakout Possessor, orating live-wire as Abbie Hoffman. If Sorkin
one viewing might be enough – it’s not like had only found room for Maria Bakalova, this
I’ll have forgotten anything about it before a thing woulda been perfect.
potential round two. Telling of assassins who
carry out their missions by effectively taking
Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 980 • December 2020 7

Covering January 14, 2021 - February 11, 2021

Your event listing in print and online has been complimentary since 1993!
Send your events to [email protected]
NOTE: All events listed are confirmed at time of publication. Please check with the venue ahead of arrival to ensure status of each event.

VISUAL ARTS T.J. Dedeaux-Norris Presents the Estate of Tameka $4-10; for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art Museum, McColm Museum Galleries; Tue.-Fri. 10am-4pm,… Muscatine
Jenean Norris, Dedeaux-Norris will use this exhibition to 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Thu Art Center, thru Thu Feb 11
establish an artist’s estate and retrospective for recently Feb 11
Openings & Gallery Events deceased persona Tameka Jenean Norris; exhibit includes Votes for Women: A Portrait of Persistence, exhibit held
fabric assemblage paintings, videos, music and works on Blakelock: By the Light of the Moon, the exhibit in conjunction with the 100th… Muscatine Art Center, thru
Virtual Family Day - Your Way!, featuring activities related paper.; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-8pm, Sun. noon-5pm; features eight exceptional artworks by Blakelock from the Thu Feb 11
to “New American Scene”; your free registration grants your $4-10; for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art Museum, museum collection; born in 1847, his early paintings were
family two weeks of access to a virtual lineup, which means 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Sun highly detailed landscapes inspired by Hudson River School Great Cover Ups: Quilts of the Nineteenth & Twentieth
you can choose your day to play!; free family activity packets Jan 31 painters; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-8pm, Sun. noon- Centuries, exhibit of quilts that are part of… Muscatine Art
will be available for pickup at the museum for each registrant 5pm; $4-10; for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art Center, Sat Feb 6 thru Thu Feb 11
that selects them; for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge 2020 Vision: You Are Here, You Are Not Alone, this Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org,
Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum. exhibition provides several chances for visitors to participate Sat Jan 16 thru Thu Feb 11
org, 10am Sat Jan 16 and contribute in person or from home, and offers Classes
opportunities to think, reflect, and create in the present Americans in Paris: Grant Wood and Marvin Cone’s
Virtual Curator Talk: Vanessa Sage – Blakelock, moment with clarity, and with 2020 vision; Tue.-Sat. 10am- 1920 Trip to Paris, for three months in the summer of… First Thursday w/ Katy: Recycled Magazine Flowers,
join Assistant Curator Vanessa Sage as she discusses 5pm, Thu. 10am-8pm, Sun. noon-5pm; $4-10; for information, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, thru Thu Feb 11 create fun projects to decorate your home or give as…
Blakelock’s dynamic paintings, his place in art history, and call 563-326-7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Muscatine Art Center, 5:15pm Thu Jan 14
his connections to the National Academy of Design as a lead Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Thu Feb 11 Art in Roman Life, over 50 works, including coins, glass
up to the upcoming “For America” exhibition; registrants vessels,… Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, thru Thu Feb 11 Kids Saturday Workshop with Julie Near: Jackson
will receive a Zoom link the day of the event for access; for Drew Morton - Pete Mauney - Mid-Century Artifacts, Pollock, ages 7-14 will learn a little art history and then…
information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. multi-media and sculpture exhibitions; $1 for parking;… Beyond the Prairie: Midwestern Art from the Muscatine Art Center, 1:30pm Sat Jan 16
2nd St., Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 6:30pm Thu Quad City Arts Art @ the Airport, thru Thu Feb 11 Collection, exhibit showcases the work of artists inspired…
Jan 21 Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, thru Thu Feb 11 Red Barn Studio w/ Vada Baker: Winter Pines
Keith Kaziak - Elaine Rexdale, exhibits of installations by Watercolor, with step-by-step instruction on how to
Virtual Panel Discussion – Queering Chronologies, Wisconsin artist Kaziak… Quad City Arts Center, thru Thu Grant Wood: From Farm Boy to American Icon, the complete your project; $13.50-15;… Muscatine Art Center,
Archiving Identities: A Conversation, Dedeaux-Norris Feb 11 installation reflects the depth of the… Cedar Rapids Museum 1:30pm Sun Jan 17
will be joined by Mel Lewis, PhD, Chair, Humanistic Studies of Art, thru Thu Feb 11
at MICA and Associate Professor of Black/Ethnic Studies & New American Scene: Recent Acquisitions to the Life Drawing 3rd Sunday, with instructor Gary
Gender/Sexuality Studies at Maryland Institute College of Art, Figge Collection, works by Regionalists such as Grant Wood Marvin Cone: An American Vision, a single-gallery Burlingame; artists from all over the QC… Bereskin Gallery &
and Kerrie Cotten Williams, Manager of Special Collections at and Thomas Hart Benton, who depicted rural communities, exhibition that serves as an… Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, Art Academy, 1pm Sun Jan 17
DC Public Library; for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge and artists such as Edward Hopper who were focused on life thru Thu Feb 11
Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum. in the city; with works by Adolph Rosenblatt, Rose Frantzen, Virtual Event: Visible Mending Workshop, over eight
org, 6:30pm Thu Jan 28 and Mark Messersmith; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-8pm; Mauricio Lasansky: Master Printmaker, artistic takes on weeks, we’ll talk about visible mending and practice…
Sun. noon-5pm; for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art the venerated Iowa City… Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, thru Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 2pm Tue Jan 19
Virtual Artist Performance: A Eulogy for Tameka Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, Thu Feb 11
Jenean Norris, join us for the virtual video release of Artist thru Thu Feb 11 Take Home Workshop: Faux Stained Glass, teens and
T.J. Norris’s performative “funeral” for recently deceased Muscatine’s Pearl Button Industry from the adults can pick up a Take Home Workshop… Bettendorf
artistic persona Tameka Jenean Norris; for information, call Seen and Heard: The Art of Empowerment, exhibit Permanent Collection, exhibit in the Musser-McColm Public Library, Thu Jan 21
563-326-7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport focusing on the major contributions of female artists over the Museum Galleries; Tue.-Fri.… Muscatine Art Center, thru Thu
IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 6:30pm Sun Jan 31 past 100 years, with featured artists including Marisol, Grace Feb 11 Red Barn Studio w/ Vada Baker: Nightingale Cactus in
Hartigan, Louise Nevelson, Lee Krasner, Allison Saar, and Bloom, with step-by-step instruction on how to complete
others; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-8pm, Sun. noon-5pm; Virginia Myers: Landscapes, exhibit in the Musser- your project; $13.50-15;… Muscatine Art Center, 1:30pm Sun
Exhibits & Shows Jan 24

Seating by Design, curated by Professor Monica Correia, In-Studio Class: The Art of Lego, Mondays thru Mar. 1,
the exhibit features a range of innovative furniture designs for grades 2-5, with instructor Sam… Bereskin Gallery & Art
created by 24 former students of the University of Iowa’s 3D Academy, 6pm Mon Jan 25
Design MFA, MA, and BFA programs; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm,
Thu. 10am-8pm, Sun. noon-5pm; $4-10; for information, call In-Studio Class: Portrait – Acrylic, Thursdays thru Feb. 25,
563-326-7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport with instructor Brad Bisbey; demystify the… Bereskin Gallery
IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Sun Jan 17 & Art Academy, 11am Thu Feb 4

125! 125 Masterworks from the Collection, this Take Home Workshop: Macrame Keychain, teens and
exhibition looks at 125 masterpieces drawn… Cedar Rapids adults can pick up a Take Home Workshop… Bettendorf
Museum of Art, thru Sun Jan 17 Public Library, Thu Feb 4

Black Stories, the show comprises major works by artists… First Thursday w/ Katy: Marbled Paper, create fun
Des Moines Art Center, thru Sun Jan 17 projects to decorate your home or give as… Muscatine Art
Center, 5:15pm Thu Feb 4
Haitian Masterworks, significant works from the Haitian
collection by Hector Hyppolite, Wilson Bigaud, Nacius In-Studio Class: Artist with Special Needs Classes,
Joseph, Georges Liautaud, Frantz Zéphirin, and Edouard Fridays thru Apr. 23, with instructor Pat Bereskin; drawing
Duval-Carrié, among others; mediums including painting, and… Bereskin Gallery & Art Academy, 3pm Fri Feb 5
beading, metalwork, and mixed media sculpture will be
included; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-8pm, Sun. noon- In-Studio Class: Drawing & Illustrating Animals
5pm; $4-10; for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art for Children, Saturdays thru Feb. 27, with instructor Pat
Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, Bereskin; students will… Bereskin Gallery & Art Academy,
thru Sun Jan 24 10:15am Sat Feb 6

Pat Halverson: Woods & Water, painting exhibition by In-Studio Class: Handbuilding for Kids, Saturdays thru
the local artist and naturist… Bereskin Gallery & Art Academy, Feb. 27, for grades K-8, with instructor Claire… Bereskin
thru Wed Jan 27 Pat Halvorson: Woods and Water. Gallery & Art Academy, Sat Feb 6
Through January 27 at Figge Art Museum.
8 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 981 • January 2021 Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com

Call for Entry: Quarantine Art Exhibition, all artists

artists in concert; $25-35; for tickets, call 844-852-4386;

CLASSES residing within a 250-mile radius… Quad City Arts Center, Rhythm City Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
thru Sun Feb 11 Davenport IA, RhythmCityCasino.com, 6:30pm Sun Jan 31
In-Person Class – Musical Theatre: Ages 10+, Mondays
Virtual Concert Conversations – Quad City Symphony thru Mar. 8; musical theatre class develops storytelling and…

In-Studio Class: Painting the “Water” in Watercolor Orchestra Masterworks IV: The Italian Symphony, Davenport Junior Theatre, 5:15pm Mon Jan 18
Painting, Saturdays thru Feb. 27, with instructor Pat QCSO concert-goers are invited to attend informal pre-
Bereskin; taking the… Bereskin Gallery & Art Academy, concert conversations to… Adler Theatre, 1pm Sun Feb 7 In-Person Class – Musical Theatre: Ages 5-6, Mondays
8:30am Sat Feb 6 Virtual Opera: Salome, an encore presentation of thru Mar. 8; musical theatre class develops storytelling and…
CROpera’s 2010 production of Strauss’ classic… Cedar Rapids Virtual Performance – Quad City Symphony Orchestra Davenport Junior Theatre, 4pm Mon Jan 18
Kids Saturday Workshop with Julie Near: Chinese Opera Theatre, 7pm Thu Jan 14 Masterworks IV: The Italian Symphony (2pm), featuring
New Year, ages 7-14 will learn a little art history and then… Linda Phan, 2019 QCSYE Concerto Competition Winner, on In-Person Class – Puppetry: Ages 8+, Mondays thru Mar.
Muscatine Art Center, 1:30pm Sat Feb 6 The Cleverlys, a one-of-a-kind comedy/music blend violin, Rossini’s “Sonata… Adler Theatre, 2pm Sun Feb 7 8; students explore the creative and fun… Davenport Junior
coming from the remote part of the Ozark Mountains near Theatre, 6:45pm Mon Jan 18
Red Barn Studio w/ Vada Baker: Lovely Little Piggies Cane Spur, Arkansas; $25; for tickets, call 844-852-4386; Virtual Opera: Operatini, world premiere of a series of
Watercolor, with step-by-step instruction on how to Rhythm City Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., songs on the theme… Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre, 7pm Thu Virtual Class – Greek Squad: Ages 7-9, Mondays thru
complete your project; $13.50-15;… Muscatine Art Center, Davenport IA, RhythmCityCasino.com, 7pm Thu Jan 21 Feb 11 Mar. 8; Greek out over all your favorite… Davenport Junior
1:30pm Sun Feb 7 Theatre, 5pm Mon Jan 18
Virtual Presentation – 7 with Kevin Live: Chris

McKhool, Kevin Maynard hosts a live interview with the In-Person Class – Broadway Beats!: Ages 3-4, Tuesdays
Calls for Entry band leader… Quad City Arts Center, 7pm Thu Jan 21 thru Mar. 9; our youngest performers explore storytelling
through… Davenport Junior Theatre, 4pm Tue Jan 19
Quad City Arts Annual Call for Proposals, Quad City Dinner with the Cleverlys, indulge in some of your favorite Winter Reading Challenge: Books Like Us, open to
Arts invites artists residing within a 250-mile… Quad City Arts comfort foods while enjoying… Riverside Casino Event kids, teens, and adults; read whatever you want... Rock Island In-Person Class – Musical Theatre: Ages 10+, Tuesdays
Center, thru Mon Feb 1 Center, 7pm Fri Jan 22 Public Library – Main, Thu Jan 14 thru Fri Feb 5 thru Mar. 9; musical theatre class develops storytelling and…
Davenport Junior Theatre, 6:45pm Tue Jan 19
Seeking Applications for Quad City Arts Dollars Virtual Concert: Sultans of String, virtual dinner-and- Gotta Read ’Em All! Winter Reading Program, children
Grants, applications are welcome from individual artists, show experience with the folk/rock string trioin Quad City… in PreK-6th grades can register at the… Moline Public Library, In-Person Class – Musical Theatre: Ages 7-9, Tuesdays
K-12… Quad City Arts Center, thru Sun Jan 31 Quad City Arts Center, Wed Jan 27 Mon Jan 18 thru Thu Feb 11 thru Mar. 9; musical theatre class develops storytelling and…
Davenport Junior Theatre, 5:15pm Tue Jan 19
Nu Metal Revival 2020: Saliva - Powerman 5000 - Virtual Author Visit with Lori Rader-Day, join us via
Adema - Flaw (6:30pm), gold- and platinum-selling metal Zoom as Rader-Day, Edgar Award-nominated and Anthony Peter Pan: 3rd-8th Grade Musical Theatre, Thursdays
Award-… Moline Public Library, 1pm Tue Jan 19 thru Apr. 24; our students will learn all of… The Spotlight
Theatre, 4:30pm Tue Jan 19
Virtual Book ’Em Mystery Book Club, we will be meeting
on Zoom; books are provided on… Moline Public Library, Virtual Class – Voice Over: Ages 10+, Tuesdays thru
1pm Tue Jan 19 Mar. 9; from the voices of your favorite… Davenport Junior
Theatre, 4:30pm Tue Jan 19
Virtual Contemporary Books Discussion Group –
Ada Blackjack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic, In-Person Class – Musical Theatre: Ages 7-9,
an online discussion of Jennifer Niven’s book; free; for Wednesdays thru Mar. 10; musical theatre class develops
information,… Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm Wed Jan 20 storytelling and… Davenport Junior Theatre, 4pm Wed Jan
Virtual Contemporary Books Discussion Group: Go,
Went, Gone, an online discussion of Jenny Erpenbeck’s book; In-Person Class – Scenic Design: Ages 11+, Wednesdays
free; for information,… Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Wed thru Mar. 10; get your inner artist ready and… Davenport
Jan 20 Junior Theatre, 5:30pm Wed Jan 20

Virtual Event – Book Club @ Night: Miracle Creek, a In-Person Class: Teen Acting, Wednesdays thru Mar. 10; a
GoTo Meeting discussion of Angie Kim’s book; free; for… great way to get theatrical… Davenport Junior Theatre, 7pm
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6:30pm Wed Jan 20
Wed Jan 20
Virtual Class – Playwriting: Ages 10+, Wednesdays thru
Virtual Novel Naptime Book Club, the book club for Mar. 10; this class introduces the craft of… Davenport Junior
parents with young children is currently… Moline Public Theatre, 5:15pm Wed Jan 20
Library, 10:30am Wed Jan 20
In-Person Class – Improv: Ages 10-12, Thursdays thru
Virtual Last Monday Book Club, join Rachel through Mar. 11; improv will have you thinking on… Davenport Junior
GoToMeeting for Book Club; each person who… Silvis Public Theatre, 5:30pm Thu Jan 21
Library, 6pm Mon Jan 25
In-Person Class – Improv: Ages 13+, Thursdays thru Mar.
Virtual Book Discussion: The Library Book, a GoTo 11; improv will have you thinking on… Davenport Junior
Meeting discussion of Susan Orlean’s book; free; for… Theatre, 7pm Thu Jan 21
Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 6:30pm Wed Jan 27
In-Person Class – Improv: Ages 7-9, Thursdays thru Mar.
Virtual Alpha Book Club: Black Dogs, an online 11; improv will have you thinking on… Davenport Junior
discussion of Ian McEwan’s book; free; for information,… Rock Theatre, 4pm Thu Jan 21
Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 1pm Mon Feb 1
Virtual Class – American Dialects: Ages 10+, Thursdays
Virtual Event – Local Author: Salvatore Marici, a GoTo thru Mar. 11; from New Yawk to N’awlins, there… Davenport
Meeting event with Marici performing poems from his… Junior Theatre, 6:30pm Thu Jan 21
Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 6:30pm Mon Feb 1
Virtual Class – Magic: Ages 8+, Thursdays thru Feb. 25;
Virtual Pageturners, we will be meeting on Zoom; books award-winning local magician David Casas will… Davenport
are provided on… Moline Public Library, 1pm Tue Feb 2 Junior Theatre, 5pm Thu Jan 21

Virtual Event: World Read Aloud Day, join us on In-Person Class – Acting: Ages 10-12, Saturdays thru Mar.
FacebookLive as one of our librarians reads… Davenport 13; this imaginative, high energy environment provides…
Public Library - Main Branch, 3:30pm Wed Feb 3 Davenport Junior Theatre, 11:45am Sat Jan 23

Virtual Event: Library Lovers Month, join us on GoTo In-Person Class – Acting: Ages 5-6, Saturdays thru Mar.
Meeting as our librarian talks about… Davenport Public 13; this imaginative, high energy environment provides…
Library - Main Branch, 3pm Thu Feb 4 Davenport Junior Theatre, 9am Sat Jan 23

Virtual Book Club – Shorts & Sweets: Guests of a In-Person Class – Acting: Ages 7-9, Saturdays thru Mar.
Nation, an online discussion of Frank O’Connor’s short 13; this imaginative, high energy environment provides…
stories; free; for… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, Davenport Junior Theatre, 10:15am Sat Jan 23
10am Mon Feb 8
Virtual Class – Character Creation: Ages 7-9, Saturdays
Virtual Get Lit: The House, an online discussion of Paco thru Mar. 13; students will learn to push their… Davenport
Roca’s book; free; for information,… Bettendorf Public Junior Theatre, 10am Sat Jan 23
Library, 7pm Tue Feb 9
S.K.I.T. (Spotlight Kids in Training): Grades K-2,
Virtual West End Book Club: The Jane Austen Book Mondays thru Apr. 24; our young students will learn
Club, an online discussion of Karen Joy Fowler’s book; free; foundational… The Spotlight Theatre, 5:30pm Mon Feb 1
for… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 6:30pm Tue
Feb 9
Continued On Page 10
Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 980 • December 2020 9
MUSIC By Loren Thacher

fear. The Glory is my favorite local album of

20 from '20: The Year's Best 2020.

Albums and Short Releases

aqualife, Admiral in Distress
Disorienting, inaccessible and highly origi-
nal bizarro-prog masterpiece laced with odd
brotherhood. Their sound is classic, but humor and references to King of the Hill and
not derivative, heavy rock, rich with guitar Frasier. I attempted a more creative descrip-
interplay that extends the songs into ecstatic, tion of this dense, short album’s contents
soulful rave-ups. They’re not flashy – they’re back in May, but it’s best to let the music
communicating through their instruments, speak for itself.
with the kind of telepathy most bands can
only envy. It’s the result of uncommon Pit Lord, Seasonings in the Abyss
QC metal lifers combine their twin loves
friendship and total dedication to making Condor & Jaybird
music together, with no thought given to any of barbecuing and death metal into one
pretense of “making it.” Spring is Bailjack’s sidesplitting package. The songs are metal
nately, their heavy, acid-fried Southern rock,
second album, my favorite album of 2020, in-jokes but the music is no joke at all – it’s a
delivered with a modern bottom-heavy
and the first proper sonic representation of smoking slab of fun yet brutal riffage crafted
detuned rumble inspired by the Maryland
their heartworn and joyful celebrations and by seasoned metal chefs. This band could
Bailjack doom-metal scene that spawned them, has
lamentations of life, love, and nature. At last and should be huge.

finally been done justice on Mother to Earth.
recap of 2020 is unnecessary for their huge, warm, rising sound can be heard Earthy, whiskey-fueled Southern-rock riffs
on the other side of the Appalachians. Giallows, Almost Alive at Factory
this article. We all know what are garnished with impressive flourishes of
kind of year it was. Its upside liquid lead work, with honest, soul-search- of Fear
was the incredible amount of good music Faith in Jane, Mother to Earth ing, and cosmic lyrical musings hanging in QC horror-rock chameleons score the
Hailed by The Obelisk’s JJ Koczan as “Mary- the air like a celestial crown as the fire of the perfect gig – providing a live soundtrack at
that made its way to the ears of a world that
land’s best-kept secret in heavy rock,” Faith music burns on. Many bands try to tackle a Moline haunted attraction – then record
needed to hear it – perhaps more than at
in Jane come from the same stretch of the ‘70s-style hard rock, but none possess the everything and cherry-pick the best bits for
any other time in recent history. Plenty
Appalachians as Bailjack, with whom they tightness of Faith in Jane, a tightness born their most realized and representative offer-
more was made, despite the circumstances
share a van, a drummer, and many a show. of their lifelong friendship as well as tireless ing to date. Perhaps the most unique band in
and the near-total lack of legitimate live Their influences are a bit more obvious the QC area.
gigging and jamming. This band could be
shows. Most heartening of all, much more and stated – chiefly Black Sabbath, Lynyrd huge given the right opportunity, especially
amazing music is to come. Those who sur- Skynyrd, and the Grateful Dead. The trio considering the awesome power of their
vive the plague years with the will and abil- is best experienced as a live band – without jaw-dropping improvisations. The curious Continued On Page 11
ity to create will bring to the world music of hyperbole the best I’ve ever seen. Fortu- can find some of these the first four volumes
an intensity not known since the advent of of Trippin’ After Supper, an “official bootleg”
commercial sound recording. series available on their Bandcamp page;
In the meantime, we have these quality more volumes will be added continuously
releases to tide us over. Obviously, my own from the nearly bottomless gold mine of
preference for guitar-based rock music has their archives.
colored this list. Suggestions for vital listen-
ing of any genre may be sent to the e-mail Condor & Jaybird, The Glory
address at the end of the article. Progressive, psychedelicized pop-rock from
the youth of the QC’s favorite band. This
Albums: catchy yet sophisticated culmination of
their apocalyptic vision had an eerily timed
Bailjack, Spring release (a fateful Friday, March 13th), yet
Bailjack is four sad dudes from the moun- this only emphasizes their message: It’s the
tains of West Virginia and Maryland whose changing of an era, but there’s no reason to
music isn’t just a vehicle – it’s a bond of Faith in Jane Pit Lord

Happy New Year! We hope 2021 is filled

with sparkle, shine and unconditional love.

3865 Elmore Ave. | 563-326-1847 | dolandjewelers.com

CONTINUED River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 981 • January 2021 Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com

In-Person Class – Budding Ballet!: Ages 3-4, Tuesdays In-Person Class – Hip Hop: Ages 7+, Thursdays thru May Brooklyn-Nine-Nine Trivia Night, trivia based on the
THEATRE thru May 18; our tiniest dancers learn ballet fundamentals… 20; students will explore popular basic hip-hop… Davenport Andy Samberg comedy series; for information,… The Tangled
Davenport Junior Theatre, 4pm Tue Jan 19 Junior Theatre, 5:15pm Thu Jan 21 Wood, 9pm Tue Jan 19

In-Person Class – Lyrical Dance: Ages 10+, Tuesdays In-Person Class: Intermediate/Advanced Tumbling, Virtual Presentation: Ecumenical Prayer Service for
Virtual Workshop: Exploding Stories!, Mondays thru. thru May 18; this free and fluid style will… Davenport Junior Thursdays thru May 20; this class is for students who… Our Elected Leaders, led by Reverend Dianne Prichard and
Feb. 22, for grades 2-3; these sessions introduce… Coralville Theatre, 6:30pm Tue Jan 19 Davenport Junior Theatre, 6:30pm Thu Jan 21 Sister Margaret Kruse; we… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat,
Center for the Performing Arts, 6pm Mon Feb 8 7pm Tue Jan 19
Virtual Class – Hip Hop: Ages 5-6, Tuesdays thru May 18; Virtual Class – Yoga: Ages 7+, Thursdays thru Mar. 11; yoga
students will explore popular basic hip-hop… Davenport helps students to gain strength… Davenport Junior Theatre, Volunteers for Symphony Virtual Trivia Night, held in

DANCE Junior Theatre, 4:30pm Tue Jan 19 5:45pm Thu Jan 21 support of the Music Education Programs of the Quad City…
Quad City Symphony Orchestra, 6:30pm Thu Jan 21
Virtual Class – Hip Hop: Ages 7+, Tuesdays thru May 18; In-Person Class – Beginning Ballet: Ages 5-6, Saturdays
Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance Classes, offering students will explore popular basic hip-hop… Davenport thru May 22; dancers continue learning ballet fundamentals Virtual Presentation – Finding Peace: Letting Go of
classes in Ballet Pointe, Modern, Jazz, Tap, Conditioning, Junior Theatre, 5:30pm Tue Jan 19 and… Davenport Junior Theatre, 9am Sat Jan 23 Stress and Worry: Session 2, led by Sr. Linda Greenwood,
Creative… Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance, thru Thu Feb OSF; we will reflect on… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 10am
11 In-Person Class – Beginning Poms: Ages 5-6, In-Person Class – Beginning Tap: Ages 5-6, Saturdays Thu Jan 21
Wednesdays thru May 19; this fun and high energy class… thru May 22; dancers will have a blast making… Davenport
In-Person Class – Intermediate/Advanced Ballet/Jazz: Davenport Junior Theatre, 4:15pm Wed Jan 20 Junior Theatre, 9:15am Sat Jan 23 Virtual Event: Friday Night Jam, join us virtually for board
Ages 7+, Mondays thru May 17; jazz technique is developed games, karaoke, Wii games and… Roosevelt Community
from ballet… Davenport Junior Theatre, 4:30pm Mon Jan 18 In-Person Class – Beginning Poms: Ages 7+, In-Person Class – Budding Ballet!: Ages 3-4, Saturdays Center, 6:30pm Fri Jan 22
Wednesdays thru May 19; this fun and high energy class… thru May 22; our tiniest dancers learn ballet fundamentals…
In-Person Class – Tumbling: Ages 5-7, Mondays thru May Davenport Junior Theatre, 5:45pm Wed Jan 20 Davenport Junior Theatre, 10:15am Sat Jan 23 UFC 257: Poirier vs McGregor 2, rising stars Conor
17; all classes use floor mats with… Davenport Junior Theatre, McGregor and Dustin Poirier met in Las Vegas, both hoping
4pm Mon Jan 18 In-Person Class – Creating Choreography: Ages 11+, to pave their way to a world championship; since then,

In-Person Class – Tumbling: Ages 8+, Mondays thru May

Wednesdays thru May 19; students will get to create their…
Davenport Junior Theatre, 7pm Wed Jan 20 COMEDY McGregor has won titles in two weight classes, while Poirier
secured an interim lightweight crown, both becoming
17; all classes use floor mats with… Davenport Junior Theatre, UFC superstars in the process; free; Rhythm City Casino
5:15pm Mon Jan 18 In-Person Class: Intermediate/Advanced Poms, Open Mic Comedy, on Mondays, on the upper deck; for Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA,
Wednesdays thru May 19; this class is for dancers who… information, call 319-337-6464… Iowa City Yacht Club, 9pm RhythmCityCasino.com, 8pm Sat Jan 23
Virtual Class – Beginning Ballet: Ages 5-6, Mondays Davenport Junior Theatre, 5:15pm Wed Jan 20 Mon Jan 18 thru Mon Feb 8
thru May 17; dancers continue learning ballet fundamentals Black Hawk Hiking Club Hike, to Devils Glen Park,
and… Davenport Junior Theatre, 5:45pm Mon Jan 18 Virtual Class – Tone It Up!: Ages 7+, Wednesdays thru Let’s Do This! Comedy, monthly standup-comedy show; Bettendorf, IA; hike along a wooded area… 2:30pm Sat Jan
Mar. 10; dancers and tumblers alike will love… Davenport for information, call 319-337-6464… Iowa City Yacht Club, 23
Virtual Class – Budding Ballet!: Ages 3-4, Mondays Junior Theatre, 5pm Wed Jan 20 8pm Sat Jan 30
thru May 17; our tiniest dancers learn ballet fundamentals… The Maltese Falcon: 80th Anniversary Screenings, a
Davenport Junior Theatre, 4:15pm Mon Jan 18 Virtual Class – ZOOM-ba Kids!: Ages 3-6, Wednesdays gallery of high-living lowlifes will stop at nothing to get…

In-Person Class – Ballet/Jazz: Ages 7+, Tuesdays thru

thru Mar. 10; this dance aerobics class is great… Davenport
Junior Theatre, 4pm Wed Jan 20 MUSEUMS Rave Cinemas Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, Sun Jan 24 and
Wed Jan 27
May 18; jazz technique is developed from ballet… Davenport
Junior Theatre, 4:45pm Tue Jan 19 In-Person Class – Cheer: Ages 7+, Thursdays thru May 20; Valor & Victory Gardens: WWII in the Hawkeye Library 2GO: Weekly Curbside, place an item on hold
this class works on strong arm… Davenport Junior Theatre, State, the year 2020 marks the 75th anniversary… German and we will bring it… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
In-Person Class – Beginning Ballet: Ages 5-6, Tuesdays 5pm Thu Jan 21 American Heritage Center, thru Wed Jan 27 Library, Mon Jan 25
thru May 18; dancers continue learning ballet fundamentals
and… Davenport Junior Theatre, 5pm Tue Jan 19 In-Person Class – Hip Hop: Ages 5-6, Thursdays thru May Play: The Story of Toys, in this exhibit for all ages, you’ll be Virtual Spice Club: Turmeric, a new take on a cookbook
20; students will explore popular basic hip-hop… Davenport able to see… Putnam Museum & Science Center, thru Thu group; registration comes with… Rock Island Public Library -
Junior Theatre, 4pm Thu Jan 21 Feb 11 Downtown Library, 5:30pm Wed Jan 27

Virtual Presentation – Working with the Enemy: POWs Virtual Presentation – Faith, Farms and Climate: Iowa
in Iowa during WWII, a virtual presentation by Dr. Chad Farmers Helping Solve Our Climate Crisis, led by Matt
Timm; this presentation will… German American Heritage Russell; Russell, executive director of Iowa Interfaith… Our
Center, 2pm Sun Jan 17 Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 9:30am Wed Jan 27

Virtual Presentation – The Fight for North Africa Virtual Presentation – Finding Peace: Letting Go of
1940-43, a virtual lecture by George Eaton; this presentation Stress and Worry: Session 3, led by Sr. Linda Greenwood,
will be presented… German American Heritage Center, 2pm OSF; we will come to… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 10am
Sun Jan 24 Thu Jan 28

Virtual German American Heritage Center Annual Virtual Event – Final Friday Trivia, you can participate
Meeting of Membership, taking place via Zoom; free; for by yourself, with your family at home,… Bettendorf Public
information, call 563-322-8844… German American Heritage Library, 7pm Fri Jan 29
Center, 5pm Tue Jan 26
Black Hawk Hiking Club Hike, to Nahant Marsh,
Virtual Presentation - Hildegard von Bingen: Power Davenport, IA; Nahant Marsh is a 305 acre preserve… 2:30pm
Woman of Medieval Times, we explore her life, work, and Sat Jan 30
music; this presentation will… German American Heritage
Center, 2pm Sun Jan 31 Faithful Pilot Wine Tasting Sunday, sample 15 wines;
for information, call 563-289-4156… The Faithful Pilot Cafe &
Spirits, 3pm Sun Jan 31

OTHER EVENTS Black Hawk Hiking Club Hike, to Illiniwek Forest Preserve,
Hampton, IL; we will meet at the… 2:30pm Sat Feb 6
Davenport Bingo, learn more about Davenport and local
spots… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, Thu Jan 14
thru Fri Jan 29
Virtual Presentation – Finding Peace: Letting Go of
Stress and Worry: Session 1, led by Sr. Linda Greenwood, Virtual Presentation: Children and Nature,
OSF; together we will read… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, presentation by Andrea Faber Taylor, PhD, Teaching Assistant

10am Thu Jan 14 Professor in the… University of Illinois Extension - Milan,
noon Thu Jan 14
Icestravaganza 2021: A Chilling Winter at the Freight
House, enjoy beautiful ice carvings by strolling by… Freight Virtual Presentation – Betty Crocker: Her Cookbook

PRESENTS THE ESTATE OF House, Fri Jan 15 thru Sun Jan 17

Miracle at the Freight House, a holiday pop-up-bar oasis

That Changed How America Cooks, a scrumptious
edition of Community Connections where… Bettendorf
Public Library, thru Sun Jan 24


with over the… Freight House, Fri Jan 15 thru Sun Jan 24
Virtual Presentation: The Great Backyard Bird Count,
Winter Hike, try out snowshoes or lace up your hiking/snow join Naturalist Becky Baugh from the Wapsi River Center to…
boots and… Indian Creek Nature Center, 1pm Sat Jan 16 Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 1pm Tue Jan 19
CLOSING JANUARY 31, 2021 Black Hawk Hiking Club Hike, to Potato Soup Hike, Black Virtual Presentation: Trail Upgrade Plans, join Trail
Hawk State Park, Rock Island, IL;… 2:30pm Sat Jan 16 Manager Jason Bies to learn more about our… Indian Creek
IMAGE: Cross section of 7 exhibition artworks, images courtesy of the artist. © T.J. Dedeaux-Norris Nature Center, 11am Tue Jan 19
Stress-Relief Kit: Bath Salts, learn how to relax and reduce
stress in the Stress… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
Library, 9am Mon Jan 18
Davenport, Iowa • 563.326.7804
www.figgeartmuseum.org Library 2GO: Weekly Curbside, place an item on hold
and we will bring it… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Continued On Page 14
Library, Mon Jan 18
Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 980 • December 2020 11
that the Bandcamp download price for
Continued from Page 9 D.E.B.U.T. is still $77, an apparent typo that
they don’t care enough to fix. Fortunately
Rezinator, Rezinator and fittingly, their circa-1970 blooze blast is
The Davenport trio’s full-length debut is coming on vinyl this year.
typical stoner sludge in all the best possible
ways. The fuzzed-out riffs and doomed
King Gizzard and the Lizard
grooves are dark and sticky as a used tin-foil
pipe, laid down by players who tune low and Wizard, K.G.
play slow because they dig it, not ‘cuz they I’ve never gotten into this absurdly prolific
lack the chops. psych-rock phenomenon. Maybe I hadn’t
sampled enough albums, or maybe this
wildly popular group of Aussie musical
Havukruunu, Uinuos Syömein Sota eccentrics has finally hit the right mixture
The third album by this Finnish black-metal Narcos Family Band Smoulder
for this pop-phobic doomer. K.G. brings
band is as wild and lonely as a Scandinavian all up perfectly. together Eastern microtonal melodies, Extermination Day, If Ingested,
forest. Paganized Marshall inversions of Krautrock, and good ol’ rock; it’s hooky, but Consult a Mortician
classic metal riffs, astounding drumming, Narcos Family Band, Satan’s in just a weird-enough way to click. Catchy, high-energy rock ‘n’ roll poised on
and vocals that alternate between roars Favorites the tip of a three-sided blade where punk,
and chants carry forth the driving music
with the intensity of a death march. But the
They coulda been a weak stoner-metal band
or another faceless punk mess. Instead, they
Short Releases: metal, and classic rock come together.
Recommended for fans of the Stooges and
battle to be fought is internal, as the English added keys and sax and morphed into a glo- Motörhead.
translation of the album’s title reveals: Fer de Lance, Fer de Lance
rious Philthadelphia rock ‘n’ roll racket. Real
Languish, Thy War of My Heart. Never have Murky, acoustic-guitar-laden metal drawing
blood, real pain, and when they sing “I’m
from literature, nature, mythology, and his-
Smoulder, Dream Quest Ends
I heard “inner turmoil and woe and worry ready to die!” you know it ain’t a pose. Anthemic classic metal meets doom trudge,
of life” expressed with such feral yet melodic tory to create four mist-shoruded songs that
with powerful female vocals soaring over-
intensity. would make Dio proud. “Epic” is the only
The B&O Railroad, Wood & Vine & description for this Chicago band’s debut.
head. The Manilla Road cover is a daunt-
Stream & Sky ing propostion, yet the band tackles it with
New Standards Men, I Was a gusto.
The acoustic, down-home side of Bailjack, Daughter Chaos, Daughter Chaos
Starship plus banjo. The quintet spins original folk Pummeling melodic death metal delivered
Hypnotic, slo-burn groove from two songs about the past (shoveling coal, gun- with dazzling skill, providing the heaviest
The Population, “Sacrifice/
“lapsed Iowans” plus Midwestern friends. A fights, the Depression) while reflecting the Anthropocene-Anthropocide”
possible soundtrack to frontwoman Sara
transcendent blurring of drone, space rock, present with bittersweet would-be love songs Two veteran Swederockers join forces
Claudius’ fearsome invocations of the shad-
and doom, moving as slow and steady as a and the fluid, righteous anchor of an electric for two tracks of disgruntled retro-rock,
owy interstellar origins of the human race.
deep-spacecraft on autopilot. The title’s goof upright bass. pumped up with modern anger. Where else
on the Highwaymen song somehow sums it will find you a song combining feral MC5
Regular Size Wayne, DAN garage clang with an ultimatum to kill the
Foul-mouthed, smart-assed hip-hop, alter- rich?
nately filthy and woke, slamming haters,
ignorant locals, and the greedhead rulers Igneous, Eidolon
of Davenport. Key tracks: a first-person ac- Melodic QC instrumental shred-prog trio
count of the invasion of Earth by lazy stoner lays out a debut EP that’s lush and listenable
aliens who stuck around afterward, and a yet heavy enough to satisfy a metal-head’s
libelous eight-minute invective against an taste; your mom might like it. The short
innocent bandmate. songs display each member’s chops without
becoming indulgent or showing off.
S.T.O.P., D.E.B.U.T.
The retro thing was tapped out years ago, but Loren Thacher is a writer and musician based in
northwest Illinois. He also hosts Freewheelin’, a
don’t bother telling this dirty Philly three- Tuesday- and Friday-night radio show airing at 10
piece. They’ll laugh you outta the room with- p.m. locally on 107.7 FM (WQUD Vintage Radio in
Erie, Illinois). Correspondence, recommendations,
Havukruunu out missing a beat of their drunken boogie S.T.O.P and music submissions can be sent to the author at
rock. They take this thing so un-seriously [email protected].

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12 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 981 • January 2021 Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com


Media Masquerading as News

using algorithms, claiming legal privilege naturally, while simultaneously creating
of private incorporation under an umbrella herd immunity.

of special legislative protection, to divert The absurd recent meme circulating that
hen viewed through a wider lens, techniques. Neutral, balanced news otherwise positive scientific data away from claims the only way to achieve herd immu-
it becomes apparent that the daily reporting has been increasingly replaced by public consumption. Perhaps it is time to nity is via inoculation immunity, or that it is
information the mainstream agenda-driven propaganda delivered to trig- follow the money and identify who benefits medically unethical to permit natural herd
media reports is often woefully inadequate. ger emotions rather than rational responses, from maintaining the status quo? immunity as the WHO suggests, is both
Therefore, it is incumbent upon each of us to effectively steering public attitudes and Twelve months later, there are incongru- biologically and medically inaccurate, bor-
look further, dig deeper, and come at news convictions in a predetermined direction ently low mortality rates (COVID-19 deaths) dering on medical incompetence, especially
from all sides for more in-depth information not unlike Pavlov’s dogs. compared with the number of infections of since immunity to COVID19 is already
that reliably informs our life decisions, our Below is a short list of the underreported SARS2 virus worldwide. African and Asian thought to be widespread by many health
views of current affairs, our civic and politi- or misreported topics and events in 2020, countries’ largest cities with dense popula- experts being censored for advocating such
cal allegiances, and our ability to navigate including several earlier items. Each of tions report perplexing absences of COVID traditional science.
humanity’s problems to find viable solutions. these is contributing to the changing global cases and deaths. Meanwhile, why is inoculated herd immu-
Output is only as good as the input. landscape, yet most Americans are grossly Emphasizing this anomaly are All-Cause nity a global priority for a disease that is not
As Americans, regardless of political unfamiliar with their contexts. Enlarging Deaths, which are not excessive, globally. a lethal threat to 99 percent of the world’s
party affiliation or ideological devotion, awareness and understanding of these topics The All-Cause Deaths remain in line with population? In what universe is it medically
we are all being subtly programmed by can more positively guide our future actions those of prior years, with no statistically rationale to risk an experimental injection of
mainstream media. Twenty-first-century if we are better informed about the path we significant increase in 2020 as would be medicine that does not prevent transmission
news models are rife with misinformation, are collectively being nudged toward. expected in a global pandemic. Perhaps that or illness, but does pose unknown risk for
bias, omissions, and increasingly sophis- What is the downside of questioning is why the CDC established a whole new adverse side effects much greater than the
ticated use of psychological conditioning everything? mortality category that lumps COVID-19 in disease it seeks to minimize, all to prevent a
with influenza and pneumonia. disease that already has a more than 99-per-
The censorship hammer is coming down cent survival rate in humans?
COVID, EVENT 201, and referred to as super spreaders) account for
especially hard and swift relative to vac- The above examples of extraordinary
statistically insignificant transmission of
Media Censorship cine hesitancy, egregiously characterized censorship are categorical and represent
the SARS-CoV2 virus, therefore largely
by media (and some health authorities) as a much larger body of detailed informa-
There is an astonishing amount of essen- incapable of transmitting enough viral load
anti-vaccination. This is media malpractice. tion that, if of no consequence, should then
tial information being censored by broadcast to cause pandemic numbers of true cases of
Hesitancy relative to COVID vaccines are readily and aggressively be addressed by
and social media around the COVID-19 COVID-19 disease.
demonstrably reasonable due to the brand- health authorities and medical professionals,
disease that deserves coverage. The most The prevailing narrative claiming
new messenger RNA technology in vaccines and facilitated by media to responsibly and
powerful means of influencing people’s COVID-19 is a lethal contagion for humans
that have not been FDA approved, rather satisfactorily dispel deepening concerns and
responses to events and data is transparency, has gripped the world in fear for nearly an
have been given emergency use authoriza- insecurities that flow from unsettled contra-
accompanied by open debate amongst the entire year and counting. Finally, thanks to
tion (EUA) only. The completed trials that dictions and controversies.
public itself, and also between experts who time, and to thousands of the world’s most
normally accompany the distribution of new And also to inspire confidence in leader-
are preeminently versed in the matter(s). respected doctors, virology/microbiology
medicines and treatments have been either ship’s otherwise incoherent mitigations, for
Such open discourse strengthens and solidi- researchers, and scientists, reliable peer-
fast-tracked or eliminated altogether for which destructive consequences are also
fies willing, informed public cooperation. reviewed scientific analysis and deconstruc-
COVID vaccines. For many, this is discon- being systematically ignored by a complicit
If only one viewpoint is sponsored to tion of the data behind the COVID narrative
certing and worrisome. media.
the exclusion of legitimate contradictions promises relief from this immobilizing fear.
Also initially missing from informed It is predicted that 1.2 million additional
or controversies, that tactical censorship Mainstream media will not be responsible
consent is that recipients of the Pfizer children under five years old, including
naturally triggers a high degree of skepti- for affirming that COVID’s lethality is not
and Moderna vaccines are automatically 60,000 mothers globally, will die from
cism towards the sponsored viewpoint as any different than prior outbreaks . Nor will
enrolled into two-year experimental trials, starvation/malnutrition due to the lock-
seriously problematic. It suggests that the you hear on the nightly news that the illegal
for which neither vaccine manufacturer downs in their communities – because when
contradictions and controversies cannot be and unconstitutional lock-downs were not
has liability for harm from their vaccines. parents don’t work that day, the family does
overcome, so they must be silenced if the required to protect the most vulnerable: our
Participants will be tracked and monitored not eat.
underlying agenda is to succeed. Nothing in beloved elders with underlying conditions
for two years following their injections, and The United Nations predicts over 300
human nature fosters more resistance and and an infinitesimal number of us who are
their captured data will eventually serve as million more families will fall into extreme
animus than being deliberately and strategi- slightly younger but with serious existing
the requisite human trials. poverty worldwide due to lock-downs and
cally deceived. co-morbidities. And you won’t read in the
Other growing concerns include the withholding of water and food staples, and
Consider the massive coordinated effort daily paper that those who truly died from
seemingly cavalier mixing and matching of medical care. Canadian experts predict 10
by social media to silence contrary evi- COVID-19 comprise less than one percent
doses between Pfizer and Moderna vac- times greater harm from lock-downs than
dence relative to the SARS-CoV2 virus of the entire human population. And more
cinating. How is this medically appropriate from COVID, suggesting that governments
as a lethal pathogen. Misclassification of than ever now, you won’t learn from your
for experimental vaccines? What are the have acted irresponsibly when extending
COVID-19 (an influenza-like disease) as a social-media feed that this non-lethal virus
additional risks associated with such a punt extreme mitigations that do not account for
lethal pandemic threatening humankind is on par with previous viruses which did
of a protocol? New reports are emerging, a much larger relationship between econo-
has wrongly justified extremely harmful not require such extreme measures in 2020.
claiming there is potentially not enough vac- mies and health.
mitigations worldwide. It is now recognized Yet broadcast and social media, sanc-
cine available for second dosing from either Media news anchors and opinion hosts
by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) tioned by bureaucracies, politicians, health
manufacturer, so health officials are encour- are script readers, reporting only what they
own public admission that PCR testing for authorities, and many healthcare facilities,
aging participants to cross-pollinate doses to are given. We have seen this with some
diagnosing COVID uses unreliable param- continue to ignore these positive scientific
ensure the second dose is received. health officials, as well. Comparative com-
eters (higher cycle thresholds), resulting in revisions, which begs the question: Why?
There is also evidence of a condition pilations of thousands of news clips over the
vast numbers of false positive detections of Certainly these findings are worth inves-
known as enhanced pathogen priming, last decade have proven that media scripts
SARS-CoV2 virus and consequently misdi- tigating? Apparently not. Moreover, any
which causes more serious symptoms in are delivered across networks, often word-
agnosing volumes of COVID-19 cases. potential good news that strays away from
those participants who come into contact for-word. Newscasts are choreographed to
This long overdue admission is further the sanctioned COVID narrative as any-
and become ill with the “wild virus,” some- “flood” the public with consistent, repeti-
underscored by WHO’s public conclu- thing but lethal is being systematically shut
thing totally avoidable by allowing popula- tive messaging that is reinforced by public/
sion that asymptomatic cases (mistakenly down. Esteemed professionals worldwide are
tions to absorb and fight the “wild virus” private partnerships messaging in the
censored in near-real time by social media
Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 980 • December 2020 13
marketplace, ultimately conditioning the On the heels of SMMA, Obama issued activities can hide spending in whatever links below.)
public for a desired response. an Executive Order establishing behavior creative means they conjure. In today’s erod- That said, Judge Baraitser did refuse the
“Flooding” the airwaves, Internet, and science departments inside all agencies for ing transparency in government, billions DOJ’s extradition request for Assange, but
personal devices with heavily scripted mes- the purpose of “nudging” the public favor- of documents are classified based on the afterward unceremoniously claimed he was
saging for a predictable response as a strat- ably toward administrative programming flimsiest justification, and this toxic practice guilty and refused him bail. Guilty of what
egy was unveiled at EVENT 201 in October, and regulations. Obama’s Chief of Staff Cass has become an unacceptable obstacle in the exactly? The bail-jumping charge expired
2019. The fully filmed and documented event Sunstein wrote Nudge in 2008, providing public’s ability to see where its tax dollars are long ago. No other charges have been
was hosted by the World Economic Forum, the blueprint for influencing public senti- being spent. brought against Assange in the U.K. – not
John Hopkins, The World Bank, and the Bill ment in a specific direction of acceptance or Accounting Standard 56 permits govern- one. His continued confinement should
& Melinda Gates Foundation. It was a gath- rejection. ment entities to keep two sets of books: one now be considered a government sanctioned
ering of the world’s most powerful players Beginning in 2017, early in the Trump for public consumption, and the accurate kidnapping.
in economics, finance, Big Pharma, gov- Administration, the State Department and one. Congress needs to repeal this sub- The ironic part of this update is that Judge
ernment health authorities, media, public USAID, for whom USAGM carries much terfuge, reform rules around classifying Baraitser denied the extradition request
relations, and other interests that include the water, undertook the largest reorganization documents et al, and implement new best based on the United States’ unacceptable
Rockefeller Foundation and Wellness Trust. in 20 years to establish a public-relations practices for widespread transparency in prison conditions for maximum-security
EVENT 201’s purpose was to simulate a infrastructure for public affairs and public government. prisoners, stating that she could not in good
coronavirus pandemic and “war-game” it diplomacy that pushes narratives directly In the final analysis, there exists no conscious send Assange to a facility where
from stem to stern. The most robust focus to media, who in turn delivers them to the justification for hiding the large majority he would likely die. Yet he continues to vis-
was on its Communications segment, the public as news. This intergovernmental pro- of government activities from the public. ibly deteriorate due to the abysmal condi-
media and public relations component to gramming is now well-funded via our tax Doing so suggests activities that would not tions, including systematic torture, within
control public response via “flooding” with dollars to increase its control of information, be supported by the public at large, therefore the judge’s own jurisdiction’s prison facility
strategic messaging, using “trusted voices” the new currency of the realm. should not be engaged in. The eroding trans- Belmarsh Prison.
and “social influencers.” The last five years have seen a dramatic parency in government is the single largest The more glaring indictments to come
Conveniently, when the simulation devolution of balanced, unbiased, fact-full contributor to corruption. It would instantly out of Assange’s case are those against many
magically went live in January 2020 with news coverage in favor of scripted messag- transform government for the better, and mainstream journalists who have cowered
a real novel coronavirus outbreak (SARS- ing across networks and platforms that is restore the rule of law as a deterrent for bad away from supporting him in his ordeal that
CoV2), most of the templates for cohesive largely fact-less, completely biased, emo- actors. As it stands currently, it’s wide open has epic consequences for press freedoms.
media coverage of a coronavirus pandemic, tionally triggering, and commits sins of for abuse. If Assange does not prevail against the
complete with visuals and high definition omission that can best be described as media U.S. government that desperately wants to
real-time tracking charts, had already been malpractice. Links to sources for the above information can punish him for exposing its criminality and
created for EVENT 201, making an easy It is time for the public to acknowledge be accessed at RCReader.com/y/981-as56. embarrassing conduct, many of these craven
transition for coverage of COVID-19 that is our government’s participation in the use of journalists could be next.
still in use today. psychosocial tools (see Sylvain Timsit’s 10 Julian Assange Update Many of these spineless ingrates have
Media Manipulations for a primer) embed- exponentially advanced their own careers
Over a dozen links to sources for the ded in media’s information dissemination Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, and incomes thanks to Assange’s sharing
above information, including the five and arguably the most important hero
EVENT 201 videos, can be accessed at apparatus to influence our feelings first, fol- the exhaustive files Wikileaks obtained from
RCReader.com/y/981-covid. Readers can lowed by our perceptions, our attitudes, and of free speech in modern times, has been Chelsea Manning (another unparalleled
access all of our COVID-curious coverage finally our assimilation. incarcerated in Britain since 2010 on a single hero in this story) who secreted them from
at RCReader.com/tags/covid. We are losing our cognitive capacity for administrative charge of jumping bail, a the government’s computers, while work-
rationale processing and connecting the misdemeanor that normally results in a ing as a government employee, in order to
The Smith Mundt Moderniza- dots of contextual information that builds nominal fine, certainly not 10 years of soli- expose war crimes and other nefarious con-
tary confinement with no relief. It is nothing
tion Act of 2012 Update on knowledge and experience. Instead, we duct on the part of governments worldwide.
are inundated with far more random frag- short of abuse of power, abuse of process, Assange shared the trove of documents
The Smith Mundt Act of 1948 (SMA) ments of redundant context-less news bites abuse of the law, abuse of human rights, and with other media organizations and govern-
was the only firewall between the public that result in self-absorbed overindulgence ongoing physical psychological abuse of a ment interests, organizing a committee of
and government openly propagandizing of emotional experiences masquerading as human being. editors to go through every document for
Americans. The Act established the rules functional reality. Thanks to no more Smith- On September 18, 2020, Westminster redaction of sensitive or jeopardizing con-
for propagandizing foreigners, but expressly Mundt, we’re subconsciously constantly Magistrates Judge Vanessa Baraitser, even tent. The Guardian journalists ignored this
prohibited such programs domestically. The being emotionally triggered and nudged. though compromised based on well-docu- safeguard and pursued their own interests
act established the Board of Broadcasting Opinions define our truths, instead of prov- mented conflicts of interest, presided over outside of Asange’s purview.
Governors, originally tasked with oversight able facts as compelling evidence defining a the extradition hearing of Assange brought New York Times and Washington Post
of programming familiar to Americans truth. by the United States Department of Justice, journalists won Pulitzers for their cover-
as Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free an inexcusable pursuit of injustice started age of the Wikileaks-files content. Two
Over a half-dozen links to sources for the under Obama, and advanced exponentially
Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), and Office above information can be accessed at Guardian reporters co-authored a book that
of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB). This program- RCReader.com/y/981-sma. Read our original under Trump. actually exposed the classified information
ming was expanded to include Radio Free coverage of Smith-Mundt Act at RCReader. The hearing lasted for two weeks with the DOJ is accusing Assange of releasing,
Asia (RFA), and Middle East Broadcasting com/y/sma. detailed testimony (when the judge allowed claiming it endangered the lives of two intel-
Networks (MEBN). it) for and against Assange. The DOJ’s case, ligence assets – claims that cannot be proven
The Smith Mundt Modernization Act Federal Accounting comprised of 18 indictments under the because not a single person was harmed due
of 2012 (SMMA) was slipped into the 2013 Espionage Act, is surprisingly weak. The to the publishing of Wikileaks.
Standard 56 DOJ’s case is based on conjecture, prov- Still, the United States is prosecuting
National Defense Authorization Act (HR
4310/Sec 1078), removing the prohibition ably false claims, and erroneous time lines, Assange for publishing specific materi-
In October 2018, the government’s Federal
and authorizing the use of propaganda with no tangible evidence to support them. als under a very thin interpretation of the
Accounting Standards Advisory Board
within the United States to propagandize In fact, there is irrefutable evidence to the Espionage Act, even though engaging in
(FASAB) issued a new rule, Accounting
Americans where a national-security inter- contrary that would have sent the prosecu- such activities is common to most journal-
Standard 56, to obscure classified activi-
est is served. It is a gigantic loophole that all tors packing in a true court of justice. The ists, evidenced by the Guardian co-authors
ties from being divulged through required
manner of mischief escapes through. The consequences to freedom of the press, how- publishing the same specific materials in
financial reporting.
Board of Broadcasting Governors was even- ever, can not be overstated should the U.S.
This essentially means that any govern-
tually renamed The United States Agency for Department of Justice prevail. (The details of Continued On Page 15
ment departments that engage in classified
Global Media (USGMA). the case against Assange can be found in the
14 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 981 • January 2021 Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com

Virtual Presentation – Davenport’s Bucktown in John Deere One-Man Show via Zoom Online, Brian Virtual Event – Applying and Interviewing for Federal

LECTURES 1903: “Worst Town in America”, join Jonathan Turner “Fox” Ellis, historian and author, impersonates John Deere, Jobs: Successfully Navigating USAJOBS, presented
for a homegrown turn-of-the-century TMZ episode; free;… founder… Moline Public Library, noon Fri Feb 5 by Ken Elshoff, former GS-0201-12 Federal HR Specialist
Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 6pm Mon Jan 25 (Recruitment/Placement) with… Moline Public Library, 10am
Virtual WWI Lecture Series: Unrestricted Submarine Wed Jan 20
Virtual Presentation: 3rd Thursday at Hoover’s Virtual Presentation: Make It OK to Talk About Mental Warfare & The Zimmermann Note, join Kevin Braafladt,
Presidential Library & Museum featuring Dr. Lindsay Health, with Terry Haru, Ph.D., board president of the the Army Sustainment Command Deputy Historian at… Master Gardener Online Training Winter 2021,
Chervinsky on “The Origins of the Presidential Greater Mississippi… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 6pm Wed Feb 10 the 2020 Master Gardener Online Training will include 13
Cabinet”, the cabinet isn’t in the Constitution, but every 6:30pm Tue Jan 26 modules -… University of Illinois Extension - Milan, Mon Jan
president since… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 25

6pm Thu Jan 21 Virtual Presentation: Twisted Tales of the Quad Cities,
Jeff Adamson of Guys in Ties will take participants on… Virtual Event – Applying and Interviewing for Federal
Virtual Presentation: Find a New Hobby, our librarian Moline Public Library, 2pm Thu Jan 28 Jobs: Acing the Federal Job Interview, presented
discusses why hobbies are important and how they… Virtual Event: Urban Tree Conference, Thursdays by Ken Elshoff, former GS-0201-12 Federal HR Specialist
Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 3pm Thu Jan 21 Virtual Presentation – Scott County Iowa & Fridays thru Jan. 22; the six-day, 18-session virtual (Recruitment/Placement) with… Moline Public Library, 10am
Genealogical Society: Brick Wall Breakthroughs, using conference… University of Illinois Extension - Milan, Thu Jan Wed Jan 27
Virtual Presentation: Job Searching Skills, with Angela actual research problems submitted by webinar attendees, 14 thru Fri Jan 22
Striegel from Black Hawk College; she will share… Bettendorf professional genealogist… Davenport Public Library - Main Webinar – Tackling Taxes, join us as we walk you through
Public Library, 6pm Thu Jan 21 Branch, 7pm Mon Feb 1 the basics of… University of Illinois Extension - Milan, noon
Wed Jan 27

Wine Class: Couples Night, featuring four flights with

small bites; for information, call 563-289-4156… The Faithful
Pilot Cafe & Spirits, Thu Jan 28

Virtual Conference: Gardening in the Air – Winter

Gardening Activities, Wildlife, Food and Nutrition,
experts will present on a wide variety of timely gardening…
University of Illinois Extension - Milan, 9am Sat Jan 30

Coffee & Cuttings, come get your caffeine fix and learn
how to propagate… Vander Veer Botanical Center, 10am Tue
Feb 2

Virtual Class: Introduction to Excel, this virtual course is

suitable for anyone who wants to… Carl Sandburg College,
6pm Tue Feb 2

Virtual Conference: Gardening in the Air – Design,

Vegetables, Fruits and Herbs, and Houseplants, experts
will present on a wide variety of timely gardening…
University of Illinois Extension - Milan, 9am Wed Feb 3

Online Citizenship Test Preparation Course, Thursdays

thru Mar. 25; this course is open to anyone… Moline Public
Library, 10am Thu Feb 4

Scrapbooking, from beginner to expert, this class will

provide advice on… Roosevelt Community Center, 9am Sat
Feb 6

Virtual Class: Cute Crafty Holiday Project, join us

on Zoom, and make your holidays special by… Roosevelt
Community Center, 1:30pm Sun Feb 7

Virtual Class: English Language Acquisition (ELA),

Mondays & Wednesdays thru May 26; this is a beginning/
intermediate-level… Carl Sandburg College, 6pm Mon Feb 8

Bettendorf Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting,
free; for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@
bettendorflibrary.com… Bettendorf Public Library, 5pm Thu
Jan 14

Moline Public Library Board Meeting, agendas are

available prior to the meetings; minutes are available…
Moline Public Library, noon Thu Jan 14

Virtual Kiwanis Meeting, on Mondays; meeting via Zoom;

free; for information, call 309-732-7323… Rock Island Public
Library - Downtown Library, 11:45am Mon Jan 18 thru Mon
Feb 8

Rock Island Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting,

with time for public comment provided at the beginning
of… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 5pm Tue
Jan 19

Quad Cities Mississippi Valley Ski and Social Club

(QCMVSC), most meetings include an invited speaker,
interesting presentation, or fun… Granite City Food &
Brewery, 7pm Mon Feb 8

Bettendorf Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting,

free; for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@
bettendorflibrary.com… Bettendorf Public Library, 5pm Thu
Feb 11

Moline Public Library Board Meeting, agendas are

available prior to the meetings; minutes are available…
Moline Public Library, noon Thu Feb 11

Continued On Page 17
Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 980 • December 2020 15
Black Box Voting took on the mission suggested to vendors that all of the ‘toggles’ well-established “liberal” is not the main
Media Masquerading as News to explain fractional vote counting and for turning on and off the various options point. If the grants had come a from “conser-
(Continued from Page 12) weighting, including other weaknesses that on voting machines be put into a single file, vative” donor, the insult to voters as a whole
their book before Assange released the compromised election integrity, and how to and that file be approved by the state election would be equally egregious. There is no place
Wikileaks files to the public at large. recognize anomalies that indicate problems authorities and then required to be used in for private funding of public election offices
with computerized voting systems. The elections in that state.” to manage our votes. The acceptance of such
Links to sources for the above information can election watchdog organization published Black Box Voting’s Fraction Magic video funds, with all manner of strings attached
be accessed at RCReader.com/y/981-sma.
All of our coverage of Julian Assange can the essay “Fraction Magic: The Decimaliza- series can educate voters, and is useful in defined in the terms of the grants, has
be found at RCReader.com/tags/assange. tion of Votes” and the companion video understanding aspects of the 2020 claims of crushed the confidence of voters whose city,
“Detailed Vote Rigging Demonstration.” election interference and fraud. Links to the county, and state election officials partici-
Election Machines Fractional The Reader engaged University of Iowa videos and our 2016 coverage are available at pated in the scheme. Not only did it evidence
computer-science professor and author RCReader.com/y/fractionmagic. poor judgment during a hotly contested
Voting (Black Box Voting) of Broken Ballots: Will Your Vote Count Center for Tech and Civic Life and Zuck- and divisive election, but accepting such
Considering that the country is sharply Douglas W. Jones to analyze Black Box erberg’s Funding Interference in Elections corruptible cash demonstrates indifference
divided over claims of election interference Voting’s allegations. Dr. Jones affirmed that In September, mere weeks before the toward an entire swathe of voters for whom
and fraud, it would be instructive to revisit fractional voting was indeed an option in November 2020 general election, Scott these elected officers have sworn an oath to
the Reader’s 2016 coverage of Black Box these systems. Countians learned of a stealth partnership essentially provide fair and clean elections.
Voting’s research into fractional or weighted He wrote, “GEMS and all the other vot- between Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and There are lawsuits pending in Iowa, Wis-
vote counting entitled “Vote Weight- ing-system vendors’ election-management wife Priscilla Chan with the Center for consin, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania,
ing Option Calls Election Integrity into systems contain a huge number of optional Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) to funnel $350 North Carolina, Texas, and Arizona chal-
Question.” features that can be toggled on and off in million in grants to various states’ city and lenging the legitimacy of accepting private
Princeton University had recently each jurisdiction. Generally, a state will county election offices to finance the effort funds for a public purpose, in this case elec-
completed a study and analysis of Diebold approve a voting system for use in that state to get Democrats to the polls. Scott County tions, that is mandated to be paid for by tax-
electronic voting machines/systems (now if, in principle, it can be configured to follow received $426,000, twice its annual budget payers, and protected by our Constitution,
Dominion and by association ES&S). Back the law of that state. It then falls to local elec- for elections. and also via federal and state legislation.
then, computerized voting was a revolution- tion officials to figure out how to set the zoo While CTCL claims its grants were More to come on the Center for Tech
ary departure from paper ballots. of option toggles for the machine to conform bipartisan in scope, the details, geographical & Civic Life, especially as a provider of
The Princeton study found alarming to the law. precision, and documented uses of the funds election-data analytics that is likely shared
vulnerabilities that persist today, one of “The kinds of things you can toggle suggest otherwise. The money was distrib- with their patrons such as Facebook, Google,
which was the discovery of fractional vote include ballot rotation, abandoned ballot uted in targeted states where such large infu- Rockefeller Brothers, and a host of other
counting, where one vote is counted as some rules, and straight-party voting. In this con- sions of cash could provide better resources high profile foundations and organizations.
fraction of a vote for a candidate and tabu- text, weighted voting is just another option to get out a more robust vote in the form of
that needs to be turned off in public elections absentee and mail-in ballots. Links to sources for the above information
lated as such. can be accessed at RCReader.com/y/981-ctcl.
in the United States. For over a decade, I’ve The fact that Zuckerberg is a




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16 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 981 • January 2021 Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com

MUSIC By Max Allison

Local Music Bandcamp Sampler Troll Trax, death metal vocals. Attack from the Tub
approach their one-and-a-half minute
The Cave Comp track here with a similar progressive inten-
K1ng Supr3m3, around 30 minutes, Supr3m3 makes sure
to load each track with enough twists and sity, conveyed especially in the fiery drum
https://trolltrax.bandcamp.com/al- performance loaded with syncopated
ジャンプドライブ breakdowns to keep us steadily grooving
along with him. Highlights such as “Spirit
bum/the-cave-comp cymbal hits and triple-speed kick drum
https://kingsupreme.bandcamp.com/ Gun” make the most of a spread of over- work. Toasted let things stretch closer to

album/- lapping sampled sound sources, including classic d-beat death metal a la Swedish
ou gotta appreciate a well-curated
whirls of wistful organ, lush passages of progenitors Entombed, complete with
compilation for its ability to rope

orchestral strings, and that wailing siren in that tinny yet lacerating guitar tone in the
avenport-based producer K1ng the background that can’t help but call back together the disparate threads
vein of the legendary Boss HM-2 – com-
Supr3m3 breaks out the crates and to Donuts-era Dilla. Though these would of a scene and demonstrate exactly how
plete with vocals that sound like a dead
gathers together a network of dusty all essentially serve as perfect beats for an many different artists are working within
ringer for Nile’s Karl Sanders. Overall, an
samples and fluid drum patterns for ジャン MC to coast over, the presence of vocal a similar idiom, even in a relatively com-
exciting preview of a compilation sure to
プドライブ (Japanese Katakana for “Jump samples and turntable scratches here helps pact geographic zone. Rock Island-based
be bloated with other unimaginably foul
Drive,” which might lead us to believe that them ascend to the level of engaging listen- label Troll Trax Studios nail this synergy
these tracks were sourced from a particu- metal pleasures.
ing on their own terms as “instrumentals.” with The Cave Comp, which lands March
larly packed flash USB stick). The instru- 1 as a CD release. The tracks that the label
mental beat tracks on display here cull already has uploaded to Bandcamp prove
from a wide array of sources, from Nas’ extremely promising for the state of the
classic “It Ain’t Hard to Tell” (“I excel /
full comp, as they spread their disgusting
then prevail”) to a number of seamless
flips from what sound like particularly tentacles through the realms of rapid-fire
windswept movie soundtracks, to bursts of grindcore bangers and technical death
sax-laden smooth jazz. The samples form metal beatdowns. Arachnoid Membrane
only one part of the puzzle here, as the stuff a ballistic level of guttural intensity
percussive structures that they drape over and head-spinning riffage into the one
prove to be just as compelling and expertly minute running time of “Encephalon,”
programmed. Volleys of 808 bass and which churns with the energy of vin-
crisp toms mesh together with bone-thick tage Pig Destroyer – if you replaced J.R.
snares and rapid hi-hat patterns that evoke Hayes’ voice with something a little closer
modern trap, footwork, and juke. Though to the gargled, unintelligible school of
the full release breezes by effortlessly in

Aubs., to hear him drop references to his com- Chaircrusher, out its welcome over its seven minute
munity in the Quad Cities, when a Pepsi presentation, as Williams allows each
Aubizms II Challenge blind listen would probably place Sinedub and Other synth line to air out and warp together
him somewhere in the L.A. scene that sur- into novel configurations, tracing ghosts
https://poeticaubs.bandcamp.com/al- rounds Brainfeeder and its many offshoots. Numbers of melody alongside more purely textural
bum/aubizms-ii-2 The production throughout proves just as elements. His drum programming pos-
inspiring as Aubs.’ rapping. His beats float https://chaircrusher.bandcamp.com/ sesses a similar narrative flair as it shifts

over bright vibraphone lines, elegant piano
album/sinedub-other-numbers-2 from steady kick patterns into more skit-
ock Island rapper/poet/producer
bar jazz, and even disembodied passages tering passages animated by a muted

Aubs. has appeared in the Reader’s
of textural noise that sound like the wind loved Iowa City producer Chaircrush- hi-hat that hits like the click of a drum-
pages before, but his album Aubizms
ripping through a highway tunnel. When er’s previous full length effort, 2020’s stick on a wooden chair. “Acorn Squash”
that landed in December definitely feels like
he lets the percussion elements totally drop DAY DAY. But it’s clear that the artist ups the ante with a series of lead voices
a level up for his practice. His approach on
and coasts in almost-acapella zones, he (born Kent Williams) has been woodshed- that sound like chiming dulcimer tones,
the mic strikes a balance between the styles
acutely focuses our attention before throw- ding hard for the tracks that appear on his all planted over squelching baselines and
of hyper-literate, tongue-twisting rap in the
ing a stuttering beat back into the mix. forthcoming Sinedub & Other Numbers. melodic swells of synth drift.
orbit of, say, Busdriver, and a brand of more
stream-of-consciousness, purposefully Though we’ve reached an era when the
arrhythmic rhyming that skirts closer to the busy IDM production of touchstones like
best of slam poetry. Aubs. has a great ear for Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, and Autechre
incorporating a poetry-inspired syntax and almost seem like relics of the past (even
rhythmic approach into the context of more as all of these artists continue to release
Stones Throw-esque production. He isn’t new music), it takes a contemporary pro-
afraid to let a bar crumble before our ears ducer like Chaircrusher to remind us that
and break into spoken sentence structures, any expertly constructed, multi-layered
before winding his way back into more techno track still has the capacity to thrill
labyrinthine internal rhymes. His com- and surprise us, no matter where it comes
mand of the flow of each bar comes to the from. “Way Station,” the album closer
fore when he lets individual phrases drape that currently sits on Bandcamp for your
from one measure to another, or when he listening pleasure, lives up to the “dub”
punctuates a rhyme with a single word that part of the album’s title with its washes
stands alone in a bar, kicking us as a firm of heavy bass and delay-drenched lead
caesura in an otherwise chaotic rhyme voices — veering closer to Basic Channel
scheme. It’s refreshing, even surprising, and its offshoots. The track never wears
Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 980 • December 2020 17

HEALTH volunteer-from-home activities… Davenport Public Library -

Main Branch, 6:30pm Tue Jan 19

dead lizard grin, synth elements, proves just as captivat- Virtual Event: Resolution Yoga, Illuminate Healing Studio
will demonstrate Yin Yoga with a sound… Davenport Public
Virtual Event – Baby Storytime, on Tuesdays; join us on
Facebook for a special Storytime… Davenport Public Library -
ing for listeners to sink into and f loat
Princess Dismal
Library - Main Branch, 6pm Thu Jan 14 Main Branch, 10am Tue Jan 19 and Tue Jan 26
away for a while. A track titled “The
COVID-19 Testing Site, on selected dates beginning at Virtual Event: Write Something New, on Tuesdays; meet
Zero Point” sits at the heart of Princess 8am in the parking lot; no appointment or… TaxSlayer Center, with the Young Adult Writing Group; help… Bettendorf
https://deadlizardgrin.bandcamp.com/ Dismal, and winds through a side-long, Sat Jan 16 thru Thu Jan 28 Public Library, 6pm Tue Jan 19 and Tue Jan 26
album/princess-dismal 18-minute slab of dissonant drone and Meditation in Life Zoom Class, join meditation teacher Preschool Kit: Winter Fun!, pick up a Preschool Early
ghostly synth leads that ups the inten- and clinical therapist Evan Harris for this… Moline Public Literacy Kit… Moline Public Library, Tue Jan 19 thru Sat Jan

Library, 1pm Mon Jan 18 30
sity level a few notches above the title
o spread of the Reader’s local-
track(s). The track ’s extended narra- Zoom Chair Yoga, on Tuesdays; Daina Lewis, a Registered Virtual D&D: Waterdeep – Dungeon of the Mad
music coverage would be com- Yoga Teacher, will teach… Moline Public Library, 10am Tue Mage, for ages 12-18; ur group will meet every other week…
tive finds room for electronic banshee
plete without a fresh entry from Jan 19 thru Tue Jan 26 Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 4:30pm Wed Jan 20
howls in no regularly discernible tonal-
Rock Island’s resident ambient/drone Drums Alive!, Drums Alive is a program that fosters a Virtual Preschool Storytime, for ages 3-5; feed your
ity, angelic pad passages that land closer
kingpin Terry Skaggs, a.k.a. dead lizard healthy balance… Roosevelt Community Center, 5:30pm preschoolers’ need to learn and… Moline Public Library, Wed
to a major key bliss-out, and widescreen Wed Feb 3 Jan 20
grin. He bills his December release
workouts that fill the stereo spread with
Princess Dismal as “an assemblage from Virtual Event – After School Kids Lab, on Wednesdays;
quivering synth voices.
the past year featuring pieces that didn’t KIDS’ STUFF we will post a fun science experiment, craft,… Bettendorf
Public Library, 3pm Wed Jan 20 and Wed Jan 27
find homes in other releases,” and we
Creativity Lab: Bunny Bowls, grades K-5 can learn the Virtual Event: Storytime Live from the Library, on
can consider ourselves lucky that these basics of this paper art… Moline Public Library, 3:30pm Thu Wednesdays, for ages 3-5; a live storytime from our…
takes made their way out into the public. Jan 14 Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Wed Jan 20 and Wed Jan 27
The two part title track stretches over Teen DIY To Go: Mew Year Shrinky Dink Keychains, Virtual Event: Storytime Live!, on Wednesdays; we’ll read
the course of 25-plus minutes that ulti- make some super fun new keychains/charms out of shrinky stories, sing songs, share interactive games &… Davenport
dinks that… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, Thu Public Library - Main Branch, 10am Wed Jan 20 and Wed
mately prove even more spectral than Jan 14 Jan 27
most of his other recent work, as both
Little Makers to Go, on Thursdays; kits will include a special Little Sprouts, bring your Little Sprouts to the Conservatory
parts highlight virtually empty spreads craft for the… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 4pm for some fun… Vander Veer Botanical Center, 10:30am Thu
of single synth tones that crest into view Thu Jan 14 thru Thu Jan 28 Jan 21
in long, slow waves of activity. Skaggs’ Virtual Event – Tales for Tots, on Thursdays; storytime for Teen Online Book Club: P.S. I Like You, a Zoom
attention to detail in the sculpting and young children and their caregivers; new video… Bettendorf discussion of Kasie West’s book; free; for information,…
Public Library, 10am Thu Jan 14 thru Thu Jan 28 Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 4pm Thu Jan 21
presentation of his synth voices ensures
that even the more minimal side of his Virtual Event: Bedtime Stories with Nonna Angie, Virtual Event: PNG Snow Globes, for grades 4-12; ake
on Thursdays; get cozy in your pajamas and settle in… your own winter snow globe; free;… Moline Public Library,
craft, presented mostly without con- Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 7pm Thu Jan 14 thru 3:30pm Mon Jan 25
trasting sound sources or interlocked Thu Jan 28
Virtual Event: PJ Party Storytime, for ages 3 & up and
Virtual Storytime, on Tuesdays & Thursdays; free; for their families; click on… Moline Public Library, Tue Jan 26
information, call 309-732-7323… Rock Island Public Library -
Downtown Library, 10:30am Thu Jan 14 thru Thu Jan 28 Virtual Event: Choose Your Own Adventure Book
Bezos Guillotine, brutality. Tracks such as “[unknown
Winter Reading Challenge: Books Like Us, open to
Club, for ages 6-11; every week we will read or finish…
Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 6:30pm Wed Jan 27
transmission]” showcase somewhat kids, teens, and adults; read whatever you want... Rock Island
BEZOS GUILLOTINE @ more straightforward guitar playing, as Public Library – Main, Thu Jan 14 thru Fri Feb 5 Creation Studio: Grab-and-Go – Pom Pom Pets, pick
up a bag of supplies full of materials to… Bettendorf Public
minor chords curlicue off into a bed of Virtual Book Talk/Unboxing, on Fridays; join Miss Ranell
Library, 11am Mon Feb 1
voices that seem to be sampled, at least for either a book talk… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
Library, 10:30am Fri Jan 15 thru Fri Jan 29 Park ‘n’ Craft! Library2Go: Bee Mine Pencil Cup, hosted
in part, from Twin Peaks. (A track titled by the Rock Island Public Library; meet Library2Go at…
https://deadlizardgrin.bandcamp.com/ “The Perc in the Fisholator,” a play on Virtual Event: STEM Fridays, on Fridays; join Miss Holly Lincoln Park, 2:30pm Mon Feb 1
album/princess-dismal Jack Nance’s delivery of “There’s a fish in
each Friday at 2:00 pm… Davenport Public Library - Main
Branch, 2pm Fri Jan 15 thru Fri Jan 29 Storytime for Littles Virtual Storytime Room, on
the percolator!” from Twin Peaks, gives Mondays, for ages 0-3; nurture your baby and toddler’s…

Virtual Event: Kid Craft 101 – Epic Paper Snowflake, Moline Public Library, Mon Feb 1 and Mon Feb 8
hen we last heard from Iowa this away.) Elsewhere, “Ghost Breath (Ice make your very own gigantic, humongous, epic snowflake
Hell Edit)” strips away the layers of pure to hang… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 3pm Sat Virtual Event – Preschool Storytime, on Mondays;
Cit y’s experimenta l/dark Jan 16 ages 3-5 are invited to attend these 30-minute sessions…
ambient explorer Bezos Guil- noise to zero in on a more concentrated Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Mon Feb 1 and Mon Feb 8
palette of stuttering percussive blips, and Virtual Event: Story and a Craft – The Hat, stop in and
lotine (spectacular name, right?) on pick up all the supplies to make… Davenport Public Library - Virtual Play & Grow/Baby Lapsit, for ages 0-18 months;
his mid-2020 effort Ghost Breath, his what sounds like a guitar chugging up Main Branch, 10am Sat Jan 16 we will be doing baby bounces,… Rock Island Public Library -
practice seemed to center more directly and down a mutant scale through ever- Downtown Library, 10:30am Tue Feb 2
Park ‘n’ Craft! Library2Go: Sled Bowling, hosted by the
on his prepared guitar performances more-disfiguring effects processing. Rock Island Public Library; meet Library2Go at… Lincoln Park, Virtual Event – Baby Storytime, on Tuesdays; join us on
2:30pm Mon Jan 18 Facebook for a special Storytime… Davenport Public Library -
somewhere in the neighborhood of the Main Branch, 10am Tue Feb 2 and Tue Feb 9
more abrasive parts of the catalogs of Virtual Event: Pokémon Training Camp, prepare for
winter reading, and develop skills for agility, discipline,… Virtual D&D: Waterdeep – Dungeon of the Mad
Kevin Drumm or Keith Rowe. On this Moline Public Library, 3:30pm Mon Jan 18 Mage, for ages 12-18; ur group will meet every other week…
new release, which seemingly origi- Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 4:30pm Wed Feb 3
Storytime for Littles Virtual Storytime Room, on
nates as a performance planned for a Mondays, for ages 0-3; nurture your baby and toddler’s… Virtual Event: Yoga and Stories, join us online and
live-stream event, BG stretches out and Moline Public Library, Mon Jan 18 and Mon Jan 25 experience your favorite stories told with… Bettendorf Public
Library, 10am Wed Feb 3
tinkers around with a menu of other Virtual Event – Preschool Storytime, on Mondays;
sound sources, from plaintive piano ages 3-5 are invited to attend these 30-minute sessions… Virtual PNG Forensic Science: Chromatography,
Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Mon Jan 18 and Mon Jan 25 for grades 4-12; learn how forensic scientists use
lines, to walls of absolutely excoriating chromatography to solve… Moline Public Library, 3:30pm
harsh noise distortion, to ghostly vocal Gotta Read ’Em All! Winter Reading Program, children Wed Feb 3
in PreK-6th grades can register at the… Moline Public Library,
samples. The variety here works in the Mon Jan 18 thru Thu Feb 11 Virtual Event – After School Kids Lab, on Wednesdays;
artist’s favor, as the contrast between we will post a fun science experiment, craft,… Bettendorf
Virtual Event: Sew Fun! Pikachu Stuffie, for ages 8-12; Public Library, 3pm Wed Feb 3 and Wed Feb 10
the more overtly blown-out segments this will be created by using basic… Moline Public Library,
and the shorter, more legible inter- 3:30pm Tue Jan 19 Virtual Creation Studio: Grab-and-Go, pick up a bag of
supplies full of materials to… Bettendorf Public Library, 11am
ludes gives listeners an ear break before Virtual Event: Teen Advisory Board Meeting, TAB Thu Feb 4
blasting them once again with peals of members participate in an online teen programming,
Continued On Page 23
18 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 981 • January 2021 Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com

Crossword TCH IT
FAKE NEWS • JANUARY 19, 2021 Dec. 15 Answers: Page 19 WA

Schulz’s Review of
the Latest Movies On Demand


Denis Villeneuve’s sci-fi sequel is an
overwhelming dazzler of such intricate
plotting, grand themes, visual wonder,
and technical and performance-based
pleasures that even though I was
wiped out by the finale, I felt instantly
ready to watch it again.

This brisk, unexpectedly trenchant
marital comedy finds Will Ferrell
giving his strongest film performance
since 2006’s Stranger Than Fiction,
and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who’s in
staggeringly fine form, is hilarious and
heartbreaking in equal measure.

ACROSS 63. Elvers DOWN 57. _ -Hoop

1. Hair dye 64. Wager 1. License plate 59. City in Italy A SIMPLE FAVOR
5. Place for storage 65. Part 3 of quip 2. Siege of Troy story 60. Hebrew letter: Var. With the ideally matched Anna Kendrick
10. Roll 66. _ volatile 3. Peer 61. Having branches
15. Remnant 67. Spiritual teacher 4. Book page size 62. Yale or Root and Blake Lively at their comedic best,
19. Down to a ship’s 70. Furry creature 5. Shocks: Var. 66. Flower-of-Jove Paul Feig’s irresistible mystery-comedy
hold 72. Crams 6. In-box and out-box genus dispenses clever plotting, riotous
20. Madrid museum 73. Mimics 7. High 68. Fracas
21. One of the 75. Some bonds, 8. Notion: Prefix 69. Invites punchlines, and physical slapstick it’s
Pointer Sisters for short 9. Mawkish 71. Safe travel org. a nonstop grin interrupted only by
22. Comfort 77. Kind of water 10. Hit 72. Lennon or occasional, gut-busting cackles.
23. Derisive com- 78. A greeting 11. _ Pavlovich Lithgow
ment 79. Type Chekhov 74. Chinese puzzle
24. Less saturated, 80. Groove-billed 12. Miss 75. Pole
as a color bird 13. Abbr. in citations 76. “Do _ others ...”
25. Prized chordo 81. Part 4 of quip: 14. Tenpounder 77. Dip
phone, for short 5 wds. 15. More to eat 78. Attention-getter
26. Native Canadian 86. Twinkler 16. Eddo 82. Midday
27. Start of a quip by 88. Allfather, a god 17. Like hand-me- 83. Ike’s initials
Frank Sinatra: 4 89. Descartes or Coty downs 84. Exchange
wds. 90. Kelly or Wilder 18. Drone 85. Relating to tillage
31. _ darning needle 91. Orchestral com 28. French 87. Sequoia Catch your favorite movies
32. _ there, done that position: 2 wds. philosopher 92. Joke of a kind
33. Punkah 93. Sweetheart 29. Mil. rank 93. Threadlike and shows from ABC, NBC, CBS,
34. Begley and 95. Marquee notice, 30. Whey-faced 94. Fragrant necklace
Sheeran for short 35. January 95. Pottery pieces FOX, STARZ®, ENCORE® and more.
35. Body part 96. Horse’s color birthstone 97. Spares in a boot
37. Like a tabby 97. Fastened 36. Lean 98. Oily fish Plus, watch over 19,000 titles
42. Domesticate 98. Influenced 37. Piffle 99. Evergreen genus at the press of a button!
44. Rescue (with 101. End of the quip: 38. On a pension: 100. Station
“out”) 5 wds. Abbr. 101. Dummy
45. Beseeches 107. Middling: Hyph. 39. Cut 102. Mountain in
46. Except 108. Doctor: Prefix 40. At any time Thessaly WANT EVEN MORE? VISIT
47. Part 2 of quip: 109. Horse opera 41. Judge 103. Lash
4 wds.
52. A letter
110. _ palm
112. And
42. Plains dwelling
43. Of an Olympian
104. Lab burner
105. Travel a
53. Abbr. on an 113. Goes for the 44. Canada’s national certain way & CLICK ON TV EVERYWHERE!
envelope gold animal 106. Great Barrier
54. Praying figure 114. Area 45. Thailand, once Island
55. A state: Abbr. 115. GUI element 47. Uncommon 107. Sink
56. Unit of heat 116. Willing 48. Kindred group 111. Reply: Abbr.
58. Kinswoman 117. Strike out 49. Heartless
60. A pronoun 118. Some shoes 50. Perfect places
61. Come again 119. Mousers 51. Common abbr.
Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 980 • December 2020 19

Movie Reviews By Mike Schulz • [email protected]

Lassos, Fanny exuberant athletic competition that’s

like the whole of the Summer Olympics

Packs, and All

squeezed into a tidy, 10-minute package
(and a sequence that makes you wish the
entire movie were set in this Amazonian

That Jazz
landscape). There’s a Spider-Man-esque
thrill to watching Wonder Woman sail
through the air using her golden lasso as
WONDER WOMAN 1984 an upgraded web-slinger. And Kristen

Wiig does what she can with her initially
here might be a perfectly valid, mousy, eventually feral gemologist
comic-book-related reason for Barbara Minerva. She’s too reminiscent
this that I neither know about nor of Michelle Pfeiffer’s Selina “Catwoman”
really care about. But seriously: Why, Kyle in Batman Returns and the climac-
in director Patty Jenkins’ sequel to her tic CGI makes Barbara look like she’s
2017 smash, are we watching a Wonder ready to launch into a hearty chorus of
Woman adventure set in the mid-’80s? “Jellicle Cats,” but Wiig at least lends the
Being an ageless Amazon, of course, role an amusing comic intensity that’s
Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman 1984
the superhero disguised as anthro- otherwise lacking.
pologist Diana Prince can exist in any But the “Monkey’s Paw” narrative is theatrical release earlier in 2020, Soul rhythms also seem glaringly out-of-sync
post-World War I period and still look lame beyond belief, the wish-fulfillment debuted on Disney+ on Christmas Day.) with the actual vocal performances
exactly like her portrayer Gal Gadot, return of Pine’s Trevor merely feels like The animation, particularly in the film’s delivered by Foxx, Daveed Diggs, Angela
and I do understand that positioning a a calculated box-office decision/contrac- realistically rendered New York locales, Bassett, Questlove, and additional tal-
world-saving mission in the middle of tual obligation, and far too much of the is traditionally gorgeous; the music – ents, leaving me dry-eyed when I should
the Reagan era explains why our lead movie’s ridiculously bloated two-and-a- jazz compositions by Jon Batiste, score have been my usual Pixar-ian blubbery
doesn’t ask for assistance from Henry half-hour running length is devoted to by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross – is wreck. And I couldn’t help noticing
Cavill’s Superman or Ben Affleck’s the generic megalomania of Pedro Pas- superb; the narrative twists are copious. that while Soul’s comedic diversions
Batman. Based on Wonder Woman 1984, cal’s über-villain Max Lord; Pascal hams (Kudos to the advertising team that has are frequently inspired, the dialogue
though, the setting doesn’t add anything up a storm and is still the least interesting carefully kept details of the film’s soul- itself isn’t; this might be the first time
beyond presumed kitsch appeal: Look person on-screen. Nothing about Wonder swapping plotting a secret.) But while I I’ve laughed at Pixar’s set-ups but not
at all those silly rolled-up sleeves! And Woman 1984 comes off as essential or in don’t want to be a Grinch about things, at the punchlines. If you have access
fanny packs! And shopping malls with- any way contributes to its leading char- I was still largely and rather strangely to Disney+, Pixar’s latest is definitely
out a single Starbucks! And while it’s bad acter’s growth or the franchise’s world- underwhelmed by Pixar’s latest stop- worth a watch. If you don’t, though, and
enough that nothing of decade-appro- building expansion, and the dully rote and-smell-the-roses adventure; it’s an are consequently forced to wait for the
priate historic or cultural significance action scenes feel like filler within a comic- animated smoothie that blends Rata- movie’s home-video debut, don’t sweat
has the slightest bearing on this new book outing that’s nothing but filler. It’s touille, Inside Out, Coco, and other titles it. Successively binge-watch a few other
film’s tinny plot, isn’t there something a maybe worth noting that 1984 gave us yet never quite acquires a taste of its Pixars and you’ll get the gist … as well
little, shall we say, less-than-enlightened Ghostbusters, Gremlins, The Karate Kid, own. as, for my money, far heartier doses of
about Wonder Woman’s ultimate moral- Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom, This As that description suggests, part of sobbing and giggling than you’ll get
ity crisis considering it stems from our Is Spinal Tap, Amadeus, Romancing the my issues with the film might simply from Soul.
heroine carrying a torch for the same Stone, Beverly Hills Cop, Sixteen Candles, lie in its familiarity, even though it’s
guy for 65 years? Diana Prince bid a Splash … . Even 36 years ago, WW84 certainly novel that Pixar has finally December 15 Crossword Answers
teary adieu to Chris Pine’s pilot Steve would have been boring in comparison. devoted a movie to a (mostly) human
Trevor right before WWI ended. There landscape populated almost entirely by
wasn’t even one dude around to capture SOUL African-American characters. But in the
this formidable woman’s romantic atten- case of Soul, that, too, proves problem-
tion until the debut of The Cosby Show?! Considering how many sequels the atic, because while you’d rightfully
I’m tempted to say that the best thing studio has lobbed at us over the past expect the story to hinge on the experi-
about Jenkins’ followup – currently 10 years, an original Pixar outing is ences of Joe, it’s also too much about the
playing at the Davenport cineplex and nothing to sniff at, and I really did have experiences of 22, a talkative, exasper-
streaming on HBO Max – is that it a good time at directors Pete Docter’s ating afterlife figure who learns just as
finally opened given all those pandemic- and Kemp Powers’ Soul, the tale of an many – if not more – life lessons and
caused delays, as I’m pretty sure I’ve up-and-coming jazz musician (Jamie speaks in the chatterbox voice of Tina
been seeing trailers for this thing since Foxx’s Joe Gardner) who dies on the Fey. (Given the recent heat Fey took for
Thanksgiving weekend in 2019. There same day that his career potentially 30 Rock’s racial attitudes and blackface
are, however, a few additional perks. One explodes, and is determined to be routines, this might not be the right time
is the prelude set in Diana’s childhood reunited with his body after entering for her to be stealing Jamie Foxx’s on-
home of Themyscira – an entertaining, the afterlife. (Originally scheduled for screen thunder.) Fey’s practiced sitcom
20 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 981 • January 2021 Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com

to Artificial
Emily Postal mean-girling on you, there’s a bit of a problem.
Psychologist Joyce Benenson explains that
Bright red lipstick is my trademark. It “women honestly do not believe they com-
makes me feel attractive and confident: pete with one another.” This belief helps them
ready to take on the world. A female friend compete far better – with more social and
criticizes me at parties about my leaving a psychological leeway to do rotten things – than
lipstick mark on my glass, even when it’s a if they were aware of their competitive nature.
plastic cup. She says it’s disgusting, often Benenson observes, “Nothing works better than
when guys are listening. Is this her prob- self-deception” to give a woman the upper hand
lem or bad etiquette I need to change?
– Girl Unpowered
in conflicts of interest with other women while Fruit
helping her avoid retaliation.
While from boyhood war games on, to
According to annoyed caterers ranting be male is to be openly competitive, Benen- Made to
online, lipstick on glass has staying power
second only to nuclear garbage and nightmare
son finds that girls and women get outraged Order
when they see another being unapologetically
party guests (“But there was no checkout time ambitious. Sure, there are social alpha girls,
on the invitation!”). So it’s possible this woman girls who have more power – like to choose
is a well-meaning etiquette activist acting on which new girl in school will be the group’s
behalf of beleaguered dishwashing staff every- kickball for the year – but girls long to be seen
where. Except – wait, she also bashes you when as “nice,” and nice girls don’t stand out above
you’re drinking out of a plastic cup, and I’m the others. Girls who dare show superiority or
guessing the garbagemen don’t get miffy when boast set themselves up as targets of girl-group
there’s a lipsticked Dixie cup next to the corpse punishment.
in the dumpster they’re emptying. Looking at your situation through the lens
Your experience reminded me of a mean- of female competition suggests an approach:
girling a friend got when she was 11. A cute pulling her aside and being assertive one-on-
French boy sat next to her during the school one. If you instead do this publicly, it gives her
assembly. She was basking in crushy happiness an audience to play to, allowing her to act all
when the girl in front of her turned and gave her wounded that you’re so “mean” to her when
the dagger-eye. “You’re ugly,” she announced she’s, yes, just trying to help! Supposed public
and turned back around. Luckily, French Boy meanness on your part might also energize her
was kind of awesome, and as my friend sat there to seek revenge, like with post-event whispers
speechless – feeling head-to-toe soggy-diapered about your attention-seeking with the “trashy”
in shame – he pointed at the mean girl and lipstick that reels in all the boys.
made the hand-twirly “she’s nuts” sign. Assertiveness is at its most powerful when it’s
Girls and women are rarely so direct – so brief, firm, and unapologetic. A helpful guiding
openly and transparently aggressive. Though principle is security expert Gavin de Becker’s
men compete openly and even proudly for line, “No is a complete sentence.” So for exam-
mates, jobs, and social status, psychologist ple, you could say: “Stop making comments
Anne Campbell finds that female competition about my appearance. My lipstick or whatever.
is usually “covert” (meaning hidden or cam- Now. No more.” Expect her to make excuses,
ouflaged and easily denied or explained away). but don’t engage with her. Just say: “We don’t
Basically, it’s like poison gas. You only learn need to talk about it. Just stop.” This shows her
you’re under attack when you’re writhing on the you won’t be a compliant victim.
floor seeing the tunnel at the end of the light. Ideally, this experience will serve as a
Campbell believes this strategy – avoiding
Coffee Drinks Too!
template for dealing with ugly “helpfulness”
direct confrontation that could lead to physical from women. Despite women’s reputation as
retaliation – evolved to protect women’s repro- the kinder, gentler sex, we just come off that
ductive machinery and keep them alive to feed way because female aggression goes around in
and care for children. Women’s indirect aggres- a disguise. If the Miss America pageant really
sion plays out in sneaky sabotage tactics like wanted to showcase women’s special abilities,
using malicious gossip to get another woman they’d have a talent competition with each
ostracized and noxious criticism like you’re contestant using sneaky psychological warfare
experiencing (often dressed up as “I just want to to destroy her social and romantic rivals – like
help!”) to shame hot women in sexy little outfits by suggesting a competitor heal the world with
into going around in more tarplike attire. some comfort-eating. (“Give pizza a chance!”)
As for how you get a mean girl to stop
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©2021, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. New column published weekly at RCReader.com
Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 980 • December 2020 21

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY New Columns Weekly at RCReader.com By Rob Brezsny

ARIES (March 21-April 19): As you ripen CANCER (June 21-July 22): Eugene Sue fanatics on Facebook. But to want more silence in ambitious. That’s what the planetary omens are tell-
into a more fully embodied version of (1804-1857) was a popular French author one of history’s greatest pieces of music? That’s per- ing me. So what are the best goals and dreams for
yourself, you will summon ever-greater whose stories often offered sympathetic verse. With this in mind, Libra, and in accordance you to be ambitious about?
discrimination about where to seek your portrayals of the harsh living conditions with astrological omens, I encourage you to seek
inspiration. I trust that you will increasingly divest endured by people of the lower economic class. extra protection from useless noise and commotion AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18):
yourself of any tendency you might have to play Writing generously about those downtrodden folks during the coming weeks – even as you hungrily It’s time to launch Operation Supple
around with just any old mediocre fire. More and made him quite wealthy. I’d love to see you employ seek out rich sources of beautiful information, Watchdog. That means you should be ten-
more, you will be drawn to high-quality blazes that a comparable strategy in the coming year. What sound, and art. derly vigilant as you take extra good care of every-
provide just the right amount of heat and light – services might you perform that would increase one and everything that provide you with meaning
neither too much nor too little. And you will stead- your access to money and resources? How could SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): and sustenance. It means you should exercise rigor-
fastly refrain from jumping into the flames, as you benefit yourself by helping and uplifting others? “Some people expend tremendous energy ous but good-humored discernment about any
glamorously dramatic as that might seem – and merely to be normal,” wrote Scorpio oppressive or demeaning ideas that are flying
instead be a master of deft maneuvers that enable LEO (July 23-August 22): The beautiful author Albert Camus. If you’re one of around. You should protect and preserve the vul-
you to get the exact energy you need. and luxurious fabric known as silk comes those folks, I’m happy to inform you that you have nerable parts of your life, but do so with tough-
from cocoons spun by insect larvae. Sadly cosmic permission to relax. The coming weeks will minded compassion, not ornery overreactions. Be
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Denstu is a for the creatures that provide the raw be an excellent time to explore the pleasures of not skeptical, but warm; breezily resilient but always
major Japanese advertising agency head- material, they’re usually killed by humans harvest- being conventional, standard, ordinary, average, ready to stand up for what’s right. (P.S.: The better
quartered in Tokyo. Annually since 1925, ing their handiwork – either by being stabbed or routine, prosaic, or common. As you expansively you shield yourself against weird surprises, the
its new employees and freshly promoted boiled alive. However, there is a special kind of silk practice non-normalcy, you will enhance your more likely it is you’ll attract interesting
executives have carried out a company ritual: in which manufacturers spare the lives of their health, sharpen your wits, and clarify your surprises.)
climbing 12,388-foot-high Mount Fuji, Japan’s tall- benefactors. The insects are allowed to mature into decisions.
est peak. The theme of the strenuous workout is this: moths and escape. I propose that we make them PISCES (February 19-March 20):
“We are going to conquer the symbol that repre- your spirit creatures in the coming weeks. It’s an SAGITTARIUS (November 22-Decem- The atoms that compose your body have
sents Japan more than anything else. And, once we excellent time for you to take an inventory of every- ber 21): Our lives tend to be shaped by the existed for billions of years. Originally
do that, it will signify that we can do anything.” In thing you do, and evaluate how well it upholds the stories about ourselves that we create and created by a star, they have been part of many forms
anticipation of what I suspect will be a year of career noble principle of “Do no harm.” harbor in our imaginations. The adven- before you. But they are exactly the same in struc-
gains for you, Taurus, I invite you to do the follow- tures we actually experience, the problems we actu- ture as they have ever been. So in a very real sense,
ing: Sometime in the next six weeks, go out in VIRGO (August 23-September 22): “Any ally face, are often (not always) in alignment with you are billions of years old. Now that you know
nature and perform an equivalent feat. time that is not spent on love is wasted,” the tales we tell ourselves about our epic fates. And that, how do you feel? Any different? Stronger?
declared the Italian poet Torquato Tasso. here’s the crux of the matter: We can change the More expansive? More eternal? I bring these
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Today I Although I am sympathetic with his senti- stories we tell ourselves. We can discard tales that thoughts to your attention, Pisces, because 2021 will
received a new e-mail from a Gemini ment, I can’t agree that acts of love are the only reinforce our pain, and dream up revised tales that be an excellent year for you to come to a more pro-
friend who lives in London. It was date- things ever worth doing. Sometimes it’s healthy to are more meaningful and pleasurable. I believe found and detailed understanding of your true
stamped January 15, 2015. Weird! In it, be motivated by anger or sadness or skepticism, for 2021 will be an excellent time for you to attend to nature. I hope you will regularly meditate on the
she talked about applying for a new job at a publish- example. But I do suspect the coming weeks will be this fun work. Your assignment: Be a self-nurturing possibility that your soul is immortal, that your
ing company. That was double-weird, because Feb- a favorable time for you to be in intense devotion to storyteller. identity is not confined to this historical era, that
ruary 2015 was in fact the time she had gotten the Tasso’s counsel. All the important successes you you have been alive and will be alive for far longer
editing job that she still has. Her e-mail also con- achieve will be rooted in an intention to express love CAPRICORN (December 22-January than you’ve been taught to believe.
veyed other details about her life that I knew to be and compassion. 19): Capricorn author Edgar Allen Poe
old history. So why did it arrive now, six years late? named “four conditions for happiness: life Homework: What’s the first adventure you will
I called her on the phone to see if we could unravel LIBRA (September 23-October 22): I in the open air; love of another human embark on when the pandemic subsides? Visit Free-
the mystery. In the end we concluded that her email heard a story about how a music aficio- being; freedom from all ambition; creation.” I’m WillAstrology.com.
had time-traveled in some inexplicable way. I pre- nado took a Zen Buddhist monk to a per- accomplished in three of those categories, but a fail-
dict that a comparable event or two will soon formance of Beethoven’s Symphony No. ure in being free of all ambitions. In fact, I’m eter-
Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny’s
happen in your life, Gemini. Blasts from the past 5. The monk wasn’t impressed. “Not enough nally delighted by all the exciting creative projects
will pop in as if yesterday were today. silence!” he complained. I’m puzzled by that I’m working on. I’m very ambitious. What about
response. If the monk were referring to a busy inter- you, Capricorn? I’m going to contradict Poe and
The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at
section in a major city, I might agree with him, or speculate that your happiness in the coming
the cacophony of a political argument among months will require you to be at least somewhat 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-77

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22 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 981 • January 2021 Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com


T.J. Dedeaux-Norris
Presents the Estate of
Tameka Jenean Norris
Through Sunday, January 31 @ Figge Art Museum
225 West Second Street, Davenport, IA

hat part of yourself must you Tameka Jenean Norris.
hide or bury for another to sur- Dedeaux-Norris was born in Guam and
vive? This question is at the core received their undergraduate degree at the
of the Figge Art Museum’s new exhibi- University of California – Los Angeles,
tion T.J. Dedeaux-Norris Presents the Estate before graduating with an M.F.A. from
of Tameka Jenean Norris, a showcase of the Yale University School of Art in 2012.
(living) University of Iowa assistant pro- The artist has participated in numer-
fessor’s work, and an exhibit, on display ous exhibitions and festivals including
through January 31, designed to explore the at Nasher Museum of Art at Duke Uni-
complex legacy of an artist’s identity after versity in Durham, North Carolina; the
their passing. Yerba Buena Museum in San Francisco;
An American visual and performance the Prospect.3 Biennial in New Orleans;
artist, Dedeaux-Norris uses painting, the Walker Museum in Minneapolis; the
sculpture, and performance art to create Contemporary Arts Museum Houston; and
work about racial identity and the simulta- the Studio Museum in Harlem, New York.
neous visibility and invisibility of blackness Dedeaux-Norris’ works have also been
through cultural appropriation in modern highlighted at the Rotterdam Film Festi-
society. Their work critiques the presence val, the Sundance Film Festival, and Iowa
of the black body in the history of painting City’s Mission Creek Festival, among many
and fine art, and they were listed as among others. Having participated in residencies
“24 Artists to Watch in 2013” by Modern at the Skowhegan School of Painting and
Painters magazine. In their art practice, Sculpture, the Fountainhead Residency, the
Dedeaux-Norris adopts different personae Grant Wood Colony Fellowship, and the
including black academic artist “Tameka MacDowell Colony, Dedeaux-Norris is the
Jenean Norris,” and the distinction 2017 recipient of a National Endowment for
between artist and persona is frequently the Arts grant and is a tenure-track Assis-
blurred in the resulting artworks that are tant Professor at the University of Iowa.
simultaneously autobiographic and drama- T.J. Dedeaux-Norris Presents the Estate
tized. Dedeaux-Norris will use their Figge of Tameka Jenean Norris will be on display
exhibition to establish an artist’s estate through January 31, with regular museum
and retrospective for recently deceased per- hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays
sona Tameka Jenean Norris, whose entire through Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on
body of work – including fabric assem- Thursdays, and noon to 5 p.m. on Sun-
blage paintings, videos, music and works days. Museum admission is $4-10, and
on paper – will be on view, with several more information is available by calling
performances accompanying the exhibi- (563)326-7804 or visiting FiggeArtMu-
tion that celebrates the “life and death” of seum.org.
Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 980 • December 2020 23


JANUARY 14, 2021 - FEBRUARY 11, 2021
Send your live music events to [email protected]
Virtual Event – Tales for Tots, on Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication
Thursdays; storytime for young
children and their caregivers; new
video… Bettendorf Public Library, NOTE: All events listed are confirmed at time of publication. Check with the venue ahead of arrival to ensure status of each event.
10am Thu Feb 4 and Thu Feb 11
Virtual Storytime, on Tuesdays &
Moonshine Run – The Gypsy
Bar, 111 West 2nd St., Davenport IA and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Thursdays; free; for information, call Riverside IA The Rillera Brothers – Riverside Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust
309-732-7323… Rock Island Public BanD – The Gypsy Highway Bar & TUESDAY (19) Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht
Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Casino and Golf Resort, 3184
Highway 22, Riverside IA
St., Davenport IA
Library - Downtown Library, 10:30am Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport
Thu Feb 4 thru Thu Feb 11 IA Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Keep Gabe’s Alive Concert – Gabe’s,
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht
Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA 330 E. Washington St., Iowa City IA
Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar – SATURDAY (30) Code 415 – Harley Corin’s, 1708 State
Virtual Book Talk/Unboxing, join The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Contingency Band – Rhythm City St., Bettendorf IA
Miss Ranell for either a book talk… Ky & Ty Practice Session & Mic
Night – Green Tree Brewery, 309 N. WEDNESDAY (20) Bar, 111 West 2nd St., Davenport IA Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Danger Zone – The Gypsy Highway
Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Cody Rd., LeClaire IA Doug Brundies (6:30pm) – The Tangled Reality – Green Tree Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St.,
Library, 10:30am Fri Feb 5 Open Mic Night – Bootleg Hill Honey Faithful Pilot Cafe & Spirits, 117 N Brewery, 309 N. Cody Rd., LeClaire Fair Warning – The Gypsy Highway Davenport IA
Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Cody Rd, LeClaire IA IA Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., The Dunmore & Newman Group –
Virtual Event – Teen Writing Club, Virtual Opera: Salome – Cedar Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Toxic Blonde – The Gypsy Highway Davenport IA Green Tree Brewery, 309 N. Cody
the club will meet online via Zoom Rapids Opera Theatre, 1120 2nd Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Rd., LeClaire IA
once a month… Davenport Public Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA Davenport IA Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA Freddy Allen & Neal Smith – The
Library - Main Branch, 4pm Fri Feb 5 Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar – Grape Life Wine Store & Lounge,
The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini 3402 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
Virtual Event: STEM Fridays, join The Cleverlys – Rhythm City Casino Bar, 111 West 2nd St., Davenport IA Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Tyler Richton Band – Riverside Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Miss Holly each Friday at 2:00 pm… Beth Kille Band – Rhythm City Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore
Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar –
Davenport Public Library - Main Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Ave., Davenport IA
Highway 22, Riverside IA The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini
Branch, 2pm Fri Feb 5 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht
Frank Martin Busch Band – Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA WEDNESDAY (27) Bar, 111 West 2nd St., Davenport IA

Virtual Lesson: Dirt is Misplaced Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, Ky & Ty Practice Session & Mic SUNDAY (31)
Soil, a program in the Wee Naturalists 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA
Jef Spradley – Hawkeye Tap Sports
Night – Green Tree Brewery, 309 N.
Cody Rd., LeClaire IA
Jordan Danielsen (6:30pm) – The
Faithful Pilot Cafe & Spirits, 117 N Frankie Joe & Kinfolk (4pm) – The SATURDAY (7)
series, led by Peggy Doty,… University Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Open Mic Night – Bootleg Hill Honey Cody Rd, LeClaire IA Gypsy Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Virtual Performance – Quad
of Illinois Extension - Milan, Sat Feb 6 Davenport IA Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Locust St., Davenport IA Cit y Symphony Orchestra
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA Nu Metal Revival 2020: Saliva – Masterworks IV: The Italian
Hug-a-Book: Learning Through Virtual Concert: Sultans of String Powerman 5000 – Adema – Flaw Symphony (2pm) – Adler Theatre,
Play, an at-home activity bingo card,
Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Tangent – The Gypsy Highway Bar & FRIDAY (22) – Quad City Arts Center, 1715 2nd (6:30pm) – Rhythm City Casino 136 E. Third St., Davenport IA
book, and craft especially for the 2-5 Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport Contingency Band (7:30pm) – Jake Ave, Rock Island IL Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore
year old(s)… Rock Island Public Library IA McVey (9:30pm) – Riverside Ave., Davenport IA
- Downtown Library, 9am Mon Feb 8 Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 THURSDAY (28)
SATURDAY (16) Highway 22, Riverside IA
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht TUESDAY (2) Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht
Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Southwest Craft Take ‘n’ Make, Dinner with the Cleverlys –
Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht
create a beautiful heart wreath with Bad Hair – The Gypsy Highway Bar & Riverside Casino Event Center,
paper hearts; free; for… Rock Island Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport
3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA Ky & Ty Practice Session & Mic
Night – Green Tree Brewery, 309 N.
Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Public Library - Southwest Branch, Tue Jason Wells Band – The Gypsy
Feb 9 Beth Kille Band – Riverside Casino
and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22,
Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust
St., Davenport IA
Cody Rd., LeClaire IA
Open Mic Night – Bootleg Hill Honey WEDNESDAY (3) Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht
Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Riverside IA Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht
Virtual Event: Choose Your Own JD Aguilera – Green Tree Brewery, Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Adventure Book Club, for ages 6-11; 309 N. Cody Rd., LeClaire IA Molly Durnin – Hawkeye Tap Sports FRIDAY (29)
every week we will read or finish…
Davenport Public Library - Main
Jim Perron (6pm) – Bootleg Hill
Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd St.,
Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave.,
Cody Hicks – The Gypsy Highway THURSDAY (4) Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht
Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Davenport IA
Branch, 6:30pm Wed Feb 10 Davenport IA Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Open Mic Night – Bootleg Hill Honey
The Muzik Krauts – Rhythm City
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Davenport IA Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA
Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077
Country Traditions – Rhythm City Open Mic Night – Bootleg Hill Honey Virtual Opera: Operatini – Cedar
Virtual Event: Storytime Live Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Rapids Opera Theatre, 1120 2nd
from the Library, for ages 3-5; a live The Night People – Rhythm City
Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA
storytime from our… Bettendorf
Public Library, 10am Wed Feb 10
Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077
Elmore Ave., Davenport IA SATURDAY (23) Danger Zone – Hawkeye Tap Sports
Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar – BanD – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave.,
Davenport IA Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht
The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Dick Danger Band – Riverside Casino
24 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 981 • January 2021 Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.com

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