River Cities Reader #1007 - March 2023
River Cities Reader #1007 - March 2023
River Cities Reader #1007 - March 2023
2 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.
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overnor JB Pritzker told reporters education program,” explained a Demo-
a few weeks ago that he was con- cratic Party of Illinois official. The state
cerned about some local school and party will be “shedding light on the fact
library board races. that there are candidates supported by
“There are organizations that are these national extremist groups that are
anti-LGBTQ, that are racist, they’re anti on their ballot.”
Muslim, that are supporting candidates “We want to make investments that
for these local boards. And they’re trying actually have some real effect at spreading
to take over at a local level and build up the word about these extremist candi-
candidates at the local level that they can dates,” the official said.
then run for the state legislature and for The party’s preferred candidates will
other offices.” receive on-the-ground help, like “cutting
Far-right groups such as Awake Illinois turf” for door-to-door canvassers. But
morphed from fighting school-based they’ll also receive assistance with their
COVID mitigations into battling so- messaging, plus the state party will spon-
called “woke” ideas like Critical Race sor or help with direct-mail and digital
Theory (which isn’t taught anywhere), sex ads, as well as opposition research.
education, and local drag story-reading. The state party has been working on
The group once referred to Governor this plan for weeks and has reached out
Pritzker as a “groomer.” to local county parties, state central
Awake Illinois claimed last week that committeepersons, grassroots groups,
they’ve identified more than 70 candi- and unions (mainly the teachers and
dates, although the group’s political com- AFSCME), not only for help with can-
mittee reported having just $100 in cash didates and identifying the radicals, but
in January and it often grossly exaggerates also with knowledge of important issues
its real-life prowess. in the targeted districts.
But the environment out there is hot These races are not partisan in the
right now, with national activists includ- traditional sense because candidates often
ing Charlie Kirk holding local events and run on local slates. So mailers paid for
stirring up passions. The Illinois Policy by the Democratic Party of Illinois could
Institute has a private “Parents Union” generate a backlash. But DPI is saying
Facebook group that focuses on school that they’ll mainly be communicating
board elections and sharing informa- “to a base audience” of fellow Democrats.
tion and ginning people up as much as The party also says they’ll be deferring to
possible. local “partners” on “where to be involved
Local Republican Party organizations louder than other areas.”
are also jumping into races, including “A lot of these people, this was their first
in McLean County, which has become a time running for office,” the party official
hotbed of radicalization. Palatine’s high said. While some have political experi-
school district is also attracting local GOP ence, they are “looking for some guidance
assistance, where some residents are up in on how to structure their campaign, what
arms about the local school board adopt- kind of timeline to follow, how to target
ing sex-education standards. “Together voters. So we’re providing them with that
we can gain a majority on the board and sort of campaign expertise.”
put a stop to the sexualization of chil- Without intervention, the party official
dren in our schools,” read one recent said, “We could easily see ourselves elect-
door-hanger. ing numerous extremist folks to these
When told of local Republican Party positions that have a ton of power.”
support for some of these candidates and “Our values are on the line,” the official
asked what he intended to do about it, claimed.
Pritzker said, “We are supporting candi- This is an unprecedented move, but per-
dates that are standing up for freedom.” haps we’re in unprecedented times. And
But with an April 4 election date looming, it’s exactly the sort of thing the governor
that plan hadn’t yet been in plain sight. has been saying for years that the state
The plan is now coming into more party should be focusing on: Building the
focus. The Democratic Party of Illinois party up from the bottom and focusing
began by initially looking at 400-some resources on much more than legislative
races and then identifying more than and statewide contests.
100 what they call “fringe” candidates
in 60 different school-board districts. Rich Miller also publishes Capitol Fax, a
All of those districts and most of those daily political newsletter, and CapitolFax.
candidates will be targeted in what party com.
officials say will be a “robust” campaign.
“It’s going to be very much a voter
6 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.
WORDS FROM THE EDITOR By Kathleen McCarthy The net result would be to relinquish U.S. sov- COVID pandemic. That said, Mr Roguski’s robust
ereignty whenever a “potential health emergency” body of work has made it possible to review the
All Eyes on the International Health is declared by the WHO’s director general. Unless
aggressively challenged by member countries not
International Health Regulation amendments so
that we can decide for ourselves what we consider
Regulations Proposed Amendments wishing for a foreign centralized authority manag-
ing health emergencies by proxy, U.S. citizens need
unacceptable. Americans should not, and I do not,
consent to WHO authority over any medical deci-
t took nearly three years for the COVID pan- impact medical and science journals, is an indict- to expressly declare their refusal to comply with sions, personal or otherwise.
demic to reveal itself as less lethal to humans ment of public health and the medical industrial such an unconstitutional usurpation by a foreign
than almost all influenzas, as 99.97 percent of all leadership, globally. organization, asserting their own constitutionally The Top 10 Amendments to the International
humans survive a COVID infection. Additionally Extreme mitigations, such as shuttering Main protected authority and insisting congress issue Health Regulations That Need to Be Opposed
COVID is characterized as nonlethal to human Street businesses, combined with an aggressive the necessary challenges and legislation to prevent
children, unlike influenza that, according to the covert collaboration of suppression, with its cal- its adoption. By James Roguski JamesRoguski.substack.
CDC, takes the lives of hundreds of children every lous injustice and absurd politicization of some- The amendments are a direct assault on every com/p/50-really-bad-amendments
year. To date, there is not a single childhood death thing as apolitical as a global pandemic, targeted country’s sovereignty and self-determination,
that can be conclusively attributed to COVID-19. small-to-medium-sized businesses for closure. therefore must be summarily rejected by its 1) CHANGE FROM ADVISORY TO MAN-
It is apparent that a cartel of misguided public This unjust burden provided an effective economic citizens, including the U.S., regardless of political DATORY: Change the overall nature of the World
health authorities, including the World Health bulldozer, initiating a predictable chain reaction of affiliation. For once, leave partisanship out of it. Health Organization from an advisory organiza-
Organization (WHO), the U.S. National Health supply shortages and production incapacities for This is far too important for a political squabble tion that merely makes recommendations to a gov-
Institute (NIH), Center for Disease Control critical needs such as food, energy, fuel, and basic that requires a resolute national stand. erning body whose proclamations would be legally
(CDC), and Food and Drug Administration needs that continues to escalate while most Ameri- The February/March 2023 IHR working group binding. (Article 1 and Article 42)
(FDA), unleashed provably detrimental extreme cans do precious little to intervene. delegates include participation by our own U.S. 2) POTENTIAL RATHER THAN ACTUAL
mitigations that had planetary negative conse- Lockdowns, quarantines, and isolation mitiga- delegates: Health & Human Services (HHS) EMERGENCIES: Greatly expand the scope of
quences, resulting in far more death and destruc- tions denied children their education for nearly Secretary Xavier Beccera, HHS Deputy Director the International Health Regulations to include
tion than COVID-19 ever could. two years, with heartbreaking consequences The of Global Affairs Colin McIff, and HHS Assistant scenarios that merely have a “potential to impact
Contributing mightily to the lost trust for public emotional damage continues to present with Secretary of Global Affairs Loyce Pace. Secretary public health.” (Article 2)
health authorities worldwide are the experi- increased drug use, overdoses, confusion, and fear, of State Antony Blinken also named Pamela 3) DISREGARD FOR DIGNITY, HUMAN
mental injections that have been largely forced leading to depression and suicides amid growing Hamamoto (former EU Ambassador under RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS: Seek to remove
on panicked populations, driven to hysteria by mental and physical health issues, not to mention Obama and current Chief of Mission to the United “respect for dignity, human rights and fundamen-
media’s relentless fear-mongering and maniacal the profound insecurities triggered from observ- Nations) to the IHR negotiating team, and also tal freedoms of people.” (Article 3)
messaging on behalf of public health authorities ing adults severing lifelong relationships, or the to the working group for the Pandemic Preven- 4) ALLOCATION PLAN: Give the Director
that promoted these injections as safe and effective sudden social/political divisions among family, tion, Preparedness, and Response Treaty of 2024, General of the WHO control over the means of
vaccines and boosters, even though there is no friends, and schoolmates that weren’t there before. a separate document altogether that requires our production through an “allocation plan for health
persuasive proof that such claims are true, then Meanwhile, mainstream media and big tech vigilance, as well. products” to require developed states parties to
or now. embraced an enhanced and lucrative role as dis- The clever work-around strategy for the U.S. supply pandemic response products as directed.
And sadly, these reapers are not finished, seminate of government propaganda like never Constitution, an otherwise formidable obstacle (Article 13A)
having just approved COVID-19 experimental before. Drenching audiences 24/7 in combined to ceding sovereignty to foreigners, is to adopt 5) MANDATORY MEDICAL TREAT-
injections for inclusion on the childhood immu- torrents of debilitating fear and incoherent the final amendments with a simple majority MENTS: Give the WHO the authority to require
nization schedule with zero clinical trials proving politicization effectively anchored pandemic vote of the select delegates present. This adoption medical examinations, proof of prophylaxis, proof
safety or efficacy for this age cohort, especially propaganda, successfully influencing acceptance would immediately give the new IHR the force of of vaccine and to implement contact tracing, quar-
long term! The only logical explanation for such of extreme mitigations that included tyrannical law, legally binding member countries to its new antine, and TREATMENT. (Article 18)
an unjustified action against children at statistical bio-medical compliance that had the additional charter on a provisional basis. Normally such 6) GLOBAL HEALTH CERTIFICATES:
zero risk from COVID is securing for Pfizer and destabilizing benefit of societal fissures that can substantial revisions would require each member Institute a system of global health certificates in
Moderna full indemnity from liability for harm now be exploited. county’s legislative approval before official adop- digital or paper format, including test certificates,
caused by the jabs, including harm to adults, if the The only positive to come from such a focused tion becomes legally binding. The ‘provisional vaccine certificates, prophylaxis certificates,
jabs are listed on the childhood immunization campaign of behavior manipulation is that social- basis’ clause allows an immediate enactment and recovery certificates, passenger locator forms and
schedule per the National Childhood Vaccine media platforms have finally been exposed for enforcement of the new regulations until indi- a traveller’s health declaration. (Articles 18, 23, 24,
Safety Act of 1986. the hyper-partisan, suppressive frauds they are, vidual countries sort it out for themselves later … 27, 28, 31, 35, 36, and 44 and Annexes 6 and 8)
Since 2013, once the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act manufacturing accounts’ pretend followers, likes, if they sort it out. 7) LOSS OF SOVEREIGNTY: Would
was repealed, it was no longer illegal to propa- posts, dislikes, and trends to create twisted fictions Most countries will likely remain unaware empower the Emergency Committee to override
gandize U.S. citizens. The 2013 Smith-Mundt that so many rely on for their identity and sense of of the sea change, let alone its impact, until the decisions made by sovereign nations regarding
Modernization Act enabled the Fourth Estate, the social acceptance. first time the WHO declares an emergency, or a health measures and would make the Emergency
people’s watchdog, to become the instrument of potential emergency, whichever will justify the Committee’s decisions final. (Article 43)
unbridled government propaganda. Media now Health Emergency Management Is Negotiat- most funding on demand from member countries 8) UNSPECIFIED, POTENTIALLY ENOR-
broadcasts and publishes whatever government ing Global Governance Unless We Prevent It on the hook for supplying such funds. MOUS FINANCIAL COSTS: Redirect unspeci-
sanctioned narratives (whether fact or fiction or Now Imagine the WHO, under the dictatorial con- fied billions of dollars to the Pharmaceutical
both), scripted messaging, and political protec- The political fallout from COVID mismanage- trol of current Director General Tedros Adhanom Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex with no
tion is ordered under a blanket of feigned national ment has also resulted in politiopaths wishing to Ghebreyesus, declaring a “potential emergency” accountability. (Article 44A)
security. offload the responsibilities for health emergencies and commandeering U.S. resources to redirect 9) CENSORSHIP: Greatly expand the World
In addition, unconstitutional criminal conduct to the World Health Organization (WHO) in an “supplies” to countries of Tedros’ choosing. Or Health Organization’s capacity to censor what
by an array of government agents colluding with all-too-familiar cowardly dodge, not unlike our mandating additional COVID experimental jabs they consider to be mis-information and dis-
mainstream and social-media co-conspirators Ukraine engagement (and many more conflicts manufactured in China, for which the CDC and information. (Annex 1, page 36)
to surveil, target, and suppress need-to-know before it) with no congressional “Declaration of FDA no longer require clinical trials for safety or 10) OBLIGATION OF DUTY TO COOPER-
information from public consumption, includ- War” as dictated in the U.S. Constitution. efficacy. ATE: Creates an obligation to build, provide, and
ing the censorship and deliberate discrediting of To that end, the WHO is meeting with specific Thanks to the herculean efforts of James maintain IHR infrastructure at points of entry.
Americans who disseminate it, regardless of how delegates chosen from the 196-member countries Roguski, below is a list of 10 entirely unacceptable (Annex 10)
credentialed, is going un-prosecuted, thereby con- to discuss the 300-plus proposed amendments amendments currently on the table for negotiation
tributing to a flagrant lawlessness that is danger- submitted throughout 2022 to significantly in Geneva. Mr Roguski has followed this mostly Readers can find a wealth of information on
ously destabilizing. upgrade the International Health Regulations secretive, often confusing usurpation of emer- all the proposed amendments, with a country-
Still, the universe has rules and truth will (IHR) and WHO’s role in managing health gency health management by the WHO, endorsed by-country review of the International Health
always out. Always. The authorities’ aggressive emergencies, globally. The amendments would by the World Bank, the World Economic Forum Regulations. Roguski also covers the pending
suppression of alternative information, its overt purportedly transform the IHR from mere guid- (WEF), to name a few global stakeholders. proposed new Pandemic Protection Prepared-
lack of transparency, its adamant refusal to pub- ance to legally binding governance authority using Again, these IHR amendments would cede ness and Response Treaty of 2024. These are two
licly debate the controversies plaguing most things a loophole that would permit adoption of the total authority to the World Health Organiza- separate international documents and should not
COVID, and the contributory corruption of high amendments on a “provisional basis.” tion, a centralized global organization in Geneva, be confused.
Switzerland, that failed miserably in managing the James Roguski’s work can be found at
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 7
JamesRoguski.substack.com. His Web sites interventions (methods, procedures and treat- the risks are found to outweigh the potential After ensuring that the potential subject has
include: RejectDigitalEnslavement.com, Stop- ments). Even the best proven interventions must benefits or when there is conclusive proof of defini- understood the information, the physician or
TheWho.com, StopTheGlobalAgenda.com, and be evaluated continually through research for tive outcomes, physicians must assess whether to another appropriately qualified individual must
ExitTheWho.com. their safety, effectiveness, efficiency, accessibility continue, modify or immediately stop the study. then seek the potential subject’s freely-given
and quality. Vulnerable Groups and Individuals informed consent, preferably in writing. If the
Patients’ Dignity, Human Right,s and 7) Medical research is subject to ethical 19) Some groups and individuals are particu- consent cannot be expressed in writing, the non-
Freedoms Are Internationally Recognized and standards that promote and ensure respect for larly vulnerable and may have an increased likeli- written consent must be formally documented
Legally Upheld all human subjects and protect their health and hood of being wronged or of incurring additional and witnessed.
The WHO, in cooperation with government rights. harm. All vulnerable groups and individuals All medical research subjects should be given
and public health authorities in the U.S. and 8) While the primary purpose of medical should receive specifically considered protection. the option of being informed about the general
around the world, violated patient dignity, human research is to generate new knowledge, this goal Scientific Requirements and Research outcome and results of the study.
rights, privacy, freedoms, and self-determination can never take precedence over the rights and Protocols Use of Placebo
as defined in various international treaties, interests of individual research subjects. 21) Medical research involving human subjects 33) The benefits, risks, burdens and effective-
accords and documents, based on a corona viral 9) It is the duty of physicians who are involved must conform to generally accepted scientific ness of a new intervention must be tested against
disease that posed no threat to 99.97 percent of in medical research to protect the life, health, dig- principles, be based on a thorough knowledge those of the best proven intervention(s), except in
Earth’s human population. These violations were nity, integrity, right to self-determination, privacy, of the scientific literature, other relevant sources the following circumstances:
made more egregious as mandated experimental and confidentiality of personal information of of information, and adequate laboratory and, as Where no proven intervention exists, the use of
injections ignored established legally binding research subjects. The responsibility for the protec- appropriate, animal experimentation. The welfare placebo, or no intervention, is acceptable; or
international rules for experimentation on human tion of research subjects must always rest with the of animals used for research must be respected. Where for compelling and scientifically sound
subjects, including non-negotiable “Informed physician or other health care professionals and 22) The design and performance of each methodological reasons the use of any interven-
Consent” as provided for in the Nuremberg Code never with the research subjects, even though they research study involving human subjects must tion less effective than the best proven one, the
of Conduct (1947) and Geneva Convention (1948). have given consent. be clearly described and justified in a research use of placebo, or no intervention is necessary to
In furtherance of individual medical protec- 10) Physicians must consider the ethical, legal protocol. determine the efficacy or safety of an intervention.
tions, the Declaration of Helsinki provides ethical and regulatory norms and standards for research Research Ethics Committees And the patients who receive any intervention
principles for medical research involving human involving human subjects in their own countries 23) The research protocol must be submitted for less effective than the best proven one, placebo, or
subjects. It was adopted by the 18th Assembly as well as applicable international norms and stan- consideration, comment, guidance and approval no intervention will not be subject to additional
of the World Medical Association in Helsinki, dards. No national or international ethical, legal or to the concerned research ethics committee risks of serious or irreversible harm as a result
Finland, 1964. Ten of the original principles regulatory requirement should reduce or eliminate before the study begins. This committee must be of not receiving the best proven intervention.
come from the Nuremberg Code of Conduct, with any of the protections for research subjects set transparent in its functioning, must be indepen- Extreme care must be taken to avoid abuse of this
other principles were culled from the Declaration forth in this Declaration. dent of the researcher, the sponsor and any other option.
of Geneva. Below are several of the paragraphs 11) Medical research should be conducted in undue influence and must be duly qualified. It Post-Trial Provisions
from the Helsinki Declaration that appropriately a manner that minimizes possible harm to the must take into consideration the laws and regula- 34) In advance of a clinical trial, sponsors,
deserve attention, if just for proper perspec- environment. tions of the country or countries in which the researchers and host country governments should
tive. The Helsinki Declaration in its entirety can 12) Medical research involving human subjects research is to be performed as well as applicable make provisions for post-trial access for all partici-
be found at RWMaloneMD.substack.com/p/ must be conducted only by individuals with the international norms and standards but these must pants who still need an intervention identified as
the-declaration-of-helsinki appropriate ethics and scientific education, train- not be allowed to reduce or eliminate any of the beneficial in the trial. This information must also
ing and qualifications. Research on patients or protections for research subjects set forth in this be disclosed to participants during the informed
World Medical Association Declaration healthy volunteers requires the supervision of a Declaration. consent process.
of Helsinki – Ethical Principles for Medical competent and appropriately qualified physician The committee must have the right to monitor Research Registration and Publication and
Research Involving Human Subjects (1964) or other health care professional. ongoing studies. The researcher must provide Dissemination of Results
13) Groups that are underrepresented in medi- monitoring information to the committee, 36) Researchers, authors, sponsors, editors and
Preamble cal research should be provided appropriate access especially information about any serious adverse publishers all have ethical obligations with regard
1) The World Medical Association (WMA) to participation in research. events. No amendment to the protocol may be to the publication and dissemination of the results
has developed the Declaration of Helsinki as a 14) Physicians who combine medical research made without consideration and approval by of research. Researchers have a duty to make
statement of ethical principles for medical research with medical care should involve their patients in the committee. After the end of the study, the publicly available the results of their research on
involving human subjects, including research on research only to the extent that this is justified by researchers must submit a final report to the human subjects and are accountable for the com-
identifiable human material and data. The Decla- its potential preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic committee containing a summary of the study’s pleteness and accuracy of their reports. All parties
ration is intended to be read as a whole and each of value and if the physician has good reason to findings and conclusions. should adhere to accepted guidelines for ethical
its constituent paragraphs should be applied with believe that participation in the research study will Privacy and Confidentiality reporting. Negative and inconclusive as well as
consideration of all other relevant paragraphs. not adversely affect the health of the patients who 24) Every precaution must be taken to protect positive results must be published or otherwise
2) Consistent with the mandate of the WMA, serve as research subjects. the privacy of research subjects and the confidenti- made publicly available. Sources of funding, insti-
the Declaration is addressed primarily to physi- 15) Appropriate compensation and treatment ality of their personal information. tutional affiliations and conflicts of interest must
cians. The WMA encourages others who are for subjects who are harmed as a result of partici- Informed Consent be declared in the publication. Reports of research
involved in medical research involving human pating in research must be ensured. 25) Participation by individuals capable of not in accordance with the principles of this Dec-
subjects to adopt these principles Risks, Burdens, and Benefits giving informed consent as subjects in medical laration should not be accepted for publication.
General Principles 16) In medical practice and in medical research, research must be voluntary. Although it may be Unproven Interventions in Clinical Practice
3) The Declaration of Geneva of the WMA most interventions involve risks and burdens. appropriate to consult family members or com- 37) In the treatment of an individual patient,
binds the physician with the words, “The health Medical research involving human subjects munity leaders, no individual capable of giving where proven interventions do not exist or other
of my patient will be my first consideration,” and may only be conducted if the importance of the informed consent may be enrolled in a research known interventions have been ineffective,
the International Code of Medical Ethics declares objective outweighs the risks and burdens to the study unless he or she freely agrees. the physician, after seeking expert advice, with
that, “A physician shall act in the patient’s best research subjects. 26) In medical research involving human informed consent from the patient or a legally
interest when providing medical care.” 17) All medical research involving human subjects capable of giving informed consent, each authorized representative, may use an unproven
4) It is the duty of the physician to promote subjects must be preceded by careful assessment potential subject must be adequately informed intervention if in the physician’s judgment it
and safeguard the health, well-being and rights of predictable risks and burdens to the individuals of the aims, methods, sources of funding, any offers hope of saving life, re-establishing health or
of patients, including those who are involved in and groups involved in the research in comparison possible conflicts of interest, institutional affili- alleviating suffering. This intervention should sub-
medical research. The physician’s knowledge and with foreseeable benefits to them and to other ations of the researcher, the anticipated benefits sequently be made the object of research, designed
conscience are dedicated to the fulfillment of this individuals or groups affected by the condition and potential risks of the study and the discom- to evaluate its safety and efficacy. In all cases, new
duty. under investigation. Measures to minimize the fort it may entail, post-study provisions and any information must be recorded and, where appro-
5) Medical progress is based on research that risks must be implemented. The risks must be con- other relevant aspects of the study. The potential priate, made publicly available.
ultimately must include studies involving human tinuously monitored, assessed and documented by subject must be informed of the right to refuse to
subjects. the researcher. participate in the study or to withdraw consent to [Editor’s Note: Appreciation goes to Dr. Robert
6) The primary purpose of medical research 18) Physicians may not be involved in a research participate at any time without reprisal. Special Malone for providing this 1964 Helsinki Declara-
involving human subjects is to understand the study involving human subjects unless they are attention should be given to the specific informa- tion to his subscribers. RWMaloneMD.substack.
causes, development and effects of diseases and confident that the risks have been adequately tion needs of individual potential subjects as well com/p/the-declaration-of-helsinki]
improve preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic assessed and can be satisfactorily managed. When as to the methods used to deliver the information.
8 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.
By Mike Schulz
The Everything Bagel, with This is an Oscars year that feels ripe for a
crazy-ass upset, and if one doesn’t happen
SAG recipient Fraser, though The Whale’s
lack of a Best Picture nomination still gives
t feels odd to preface a lengthy article BEST PICTURE Playing it safe, though, I’m going with DGA Banshees is a viable contender. But if voters
devoted to my predictions for the 95th All Quiet on the Western Front champs the Daniels, especially consider- are itching to reward the film somewhere,
Annual Academy Awards by asking you Avatar: The Way of Water ing BAFTA winner Edward Berger isn’t they do have another option … .
to not listen to me. But this year? If you want The Banshees of Inisherin an option, and Spielberg’s Globes moment
to win your Oscars pool? Don’t listen to me. Elvis appears to have come and gone. Beyond BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS
I mean, you can listen to me a little. With Everything Everywhere All at Once which, who doesn’t want to see these film- Angela Bassett, Black Panther: Wakanda
voting for ABC’s 2023 ceremony – hosted The Fabelmans making besties hug each other on national Forever
by Jimmy Kimmel and scheduled to air at 7 TÁR television? Hong Chau, The Whale
p.m. CT on Sunday, March 12 – taking place Top Gun: Maverick Kerry Condon, The Banshees of Inisherin
from March 2 through 7, nearly all of the Triangle of Sadness BEST ACTRESS Jamie Lee Curtis, Everything Everywhere
Oscars’ significant precursors have already Women Talking Cate Blanchett, TÁR All at Once
announced their winners. We know the The Academy Awards’ preferential-ballot Ana de Armas, Blonde Stephanie Hsu, Everything Everywhere All
victors of the Golden Globes and the Critics system that was initiated more than a decade Andrea Riseborough, To Leslie at Once
Choice Awards (CCA), as well as the Pro- ago has made Best Picture an obscenely Michelle Williams, The Fabelmans The smart money is on one of two per-
ducers Guild of America (PGA) and Direc- tough category to correctly predict; you Michelle Yeoh, Everything Everywhere All formers overdue for career-achievement
tors Guild of America (DGA). (The Writers not only have to figure out what title voters at Once recognition: Globe and CCA winner Bassett,
Guild will announce its recipients on March like most, but more importantly, what they Upon leaving my April screening of who would no doubt give an emotional
5, but as nine-time Oscar contenders The like second- and third-most. Sometimes EEAaO, I texted a friend saying that Yeoh tribute to Chadwick Boseman, and Curtis,
Banshees of Inisherin and All Quiet on the this works in a cineplile’s favor (Parasite, was going to win this category. His reply – who co-stars in the presumptive Best Picture
Western Front weren’t even eligible, the Moonlight); sometimes in a populist’s “If you say so” – implied that he wasn’t at all winner and gave a killer speech at SAG.
WGA prizes are hardly the bellwethers that favor (CODA, Green Book). But this year, convinced. Ten months later, especially in The thing is, though, the Oscars rarely go
the producers- and directors-branch laurels Everything Everywhere feels like the option light of her recent SAG triumph, I’d still be for career-achievement wins in the acting
are.) More importantly, we know the cham- that covers both terrains, being just weird totally in the tank for Yeoh … if Blanchett’s races anymore. Just ask Glenn Close and
pions of the two awards bodies that have and autuer-y enough to make movie geeks movie didn’t land this past fall and instantly Sylvester Stallone. Acknowledging the last
significant overlap with a large percentage of happy, and just sentimental and accessible boast one of the most thoroughly astonish- time this category was so agonizingly tough
Academy members: the British Academy of enough – and with terrific box office, to boot ing screen performances of all time. I’d be to predict, which was 15 long years ago, I’m
Film & Television Awards (BAFTA), and the – to make Regular Folk happy. Unless voters thrilled to be wrong on this guess; Yeoh is consequently thinking Condon gets the
Screen Actors Guild Awards (SAG), which, go strangely BAFTA-y and choose to reward magnificent, and it’s been 21 years since Tilda-Swinton-in-Michael-Clayton prize: an
for the first time since 1998, didn’t overlap All Quiet, I truly can’t fathom a loss for Halle Berry became the Oscars’ first, and Oscar awarded to a best-in-show performer
on their choices at all. Four actors won at the CCA, PGA, DGA, and SAG-ensemble only, Best Actress who wasn’t Caucasian. (and BAFTA victor) whose much-nominated
BAFTA, and a completely different four won champ EEAaO, whose victory would also BAFTA honoree Blanchett, however, doesn’t movie likely won’t win any other Academy
at SAG. have the benefit – as CODA and Parasite and merely feel likely. She feels undeniable. Awards. And if Martin McDonagh nabs a
Although rare, this is a happenstance Moonlight did – of leaving viewers awfully Screenplay trophy, Condon’s winning crite-
that should occur with greater frequency: happy when they see the film’s team gath- BEST ACTOR ria is easily amended: It’ll be the Mo’Nique-
Where’s the fun in preordained Oscar ered onstage for the final win of the evening. Austin Butler, Elvis in-Precious prize instead.
champs? But it also makes the fool’s Colin Farrell, The Banshees of Inisherin
errand of predicting a lot trickier, and far BEST DIRECTING Brendan Fraser, The Whale BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR
less reliable. Does Brendan Fraser’s teary, Martin McDonagh, The Banshees of Paul Mescal, Aftersun Brendan Gleeson, The Banshees of
overwhelmed speech at SAG trump Austin Inisherin Bill Nighy, Living Inisherin
Butler’s standing ovation at BAFTA? Does Dan Kwan, Daniel Scheinert, Everything As with TÁR, I left Elvis, and Butler’s Brian Tyree Henry, Causeway
Michelle Yeoh’s obviously popular SAG vic- Everywhere All at Once thunderous portrayal within it, thinking I’d Judd Hirsch, The Fabelmans
tory give her an edge over the force of nature Steven Spielberg, The Fabelmans just seen the no-contest winner of a leading- Barry Keoghan, The Banshees of
that is Cate Blanchett in TÁR – especially Todd Field, TÁR performer Oscar for 2023. But unlike with Iunisherin
when you consider that Blanchett herself has Ruben Östlund, Triangle of Sadness TÁR, I’m not seeing a truly credible threat Ke Huy Quan, Everything Everywhere
appeared to be rooting for a Yeoh win? And for this prize. I mean, maybe the beloved All at Once
WTF is going on with Supporting Actress Had Quan won at BAFTA, I would’ve sug-
this year, where the victors have been all gested that this was a victory so assured you
over the map? Much as I’d love to tout my could bet your kids on it. But it was Keoghan
“expert” bona fides, I’m as at-sea as anyone who emerged victorious. So I’ll instead sug-
regarding what’ll transpire on March 12 … gest that you bet your neighbors’ kids on it.
even though, if I were a betting man, putting
some dough on Everything Everywhere All BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY
at Once for a number of high-profile wins The Banshees of Inisherin, Martin
wouldn’t be the dumbest idea in the world. McDonagh
So please take these guesses with a grain Everything Everywhere All at Once, Dan
of salt, and know that among the 23 catego- Kwan, Daniel Scheinert
ries, I’ll be more than content if I manage The Fabelmans, Steven Spielberg, Tony
to predict, say, 15 of them with accuracy. Kushner
Be sure to visit RCReader.com on March 13 TÁR, Todd Field
to experience me either crowing or eating Triangle of Sadness, Ruben Östlund
crow. A true coin toss between EEAaO and
Banshees, and I’m only going with the
former because McDonagh’s work resembles
Jamie Lee Curtis and Michelle Yeoh in Everything Everywhere All at Once a number of his previous creations, and
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 9
Kwan’s and Scheinert’s resembles nothing Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
ever seen before. Top Gun: Maverick
Your absolute safest sure thing of the
BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY night. I’d suggest putting all your money on
All Quiet on the Western Front, Edward it through some potentially suspect betting
Berger, Ian Stokell, Lesley Paterson site, but the odds are so overwhelmingly in
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, Rian Way of Water’s favor that even if you won,
Johnson you’d likely be the one forced to pay out.
Living, Kazuo Ishiguro
Top Gun: Maverick, Ehren Kruger, Eric BEST MAKEUP & HAIRSTYLING
Warren Singer, Christopher McQuarrie All Quiet on the Western Front
Women Talking, Sarah Polley, Miriam The Batman
Toews Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
I should be feeling more confident in this Elvis
pick than I am, given that the previously The Whale
nominated Polley has been an admired Brendan Fraser’s morbidly obese counte-
movie figure for a quarter-century now, nance is inarguably impressive. But consid-
and that her film likely got a Best Picture Austin Butler in Elvis ering how much has been made of the Whale
nod largely because of its screenplay. But actor forced to (infrequently) move about
AQotWF’s BAFTA win makes me cautious. have no reason to think the deal ain’t gonna category. in a 300-pound fat suit, does this qualify
Then again, Women Talking wasn’t even be done. as makeup, or is it a costume? I’m thinking
nominated at BAFTA. Then again again, that BEST COSTUME DESIGN equally confused voters might instead opt
might indicate that film folk aren’t terribly BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE Babylon for Elvis here, which checks off the weight-
fond of this Mennonite drama. This category FILM Black Panther: Wakanda Forever gain box – the last five winners in this
will be a true nail-biter to the end … and All That Breathes Elvis category all employed pounds-adding pros-
I’m someone who reflexively bites his bails All the Beauty & the Bloodshed Everything Everywhere All at Once thetics – and has the added benefit of period
already. Fire of Love Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris hairstyles and making Austin Butler, if not a
A House Made of Splinters Really, for the pink suit alone. But as I dead ringer, at least a reasonable facsimile of
BEST ANIMATED FEATURE Navalny recall, there are others. The King.
Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio Lots of deserving candidates here.
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On (Y’know … so I’ve heard.) Only one of them, BEST SOUND BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish though, is about a Russian opposition leader All Quiet on the Western Front The Elephant Whisperers
The Sea Beast who claims to have been poisoned at the Avatar: The Way of Water Haulout
Turning Red behest of Vladimir Putin. Never underesti- The Batman How Do You Measure a Year?
As much as I’d love to follow my heart and mate Oscars voters’ propensity to reward a Elvis The Martha Mitchell Effect
predict Marcel, I have to concede that the movie in hopes of the winner giving a devas- Top Gun: Maverick Stranger at the Gate
only thing Academy voters likely love more tating speech. And this year, do not under- It seems weird that Maverick (The Movie With any Oscars category, it’s probably
than this talking shell is Guillermo del Toro estimate the possibility of voters wanting to That Saved Movies!) might actually leave not the smartest idea to base your prediction
– and only one of them would show up at hear a full-throated defense of Ukraine. the Oscars ceremony empty-handed, and on the only nominated title you’ve seen. But
their ceremony and give a speech. this category is probably the likeliest place the gorgeously photographed, hauntingly
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY for the film to be acknowledged. But as with scored, deeply emotional Netflix release Ele-
BEST ORIGINAL SONG All Quiet on the Western Front Best Cinematography, it’s never wise to bet phant Whisperers is so good that you don’t
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, “Lift Me Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of against a period war film for Best Sound – necessarily want to watch its competitors.
Up” Truths even if, because most people will have seen
Everything Everywhere All at Once, “This Elvis this Netflix title on their TVs, laptops, and BEST LIVE-ACTION SHORT
Is a Life” Empire of Light phones, the AQotWF nominees will have to An Irish Goodbye
RRR, “Naatu Naatu” TÁR hope that voters’ devices had awfully good Ivalu
Tell It Like a Woman, “Applause” Elvis’ Mandy Walker would be the first sound quality. Le Pupille
Top Gun: Maverick, “Hold My Hand” woman to win an Oscar in this category. But Night Ride
In this category, the nominees include war flicks are tough to beat here – especially BEST ORIGINAL SCORE The Red Suitcase
Lady Gaga, Rihanna, David Byrne, Diane when the images are as striking and harrow- All Quiet on the Western Front Dark comedy on the Emerald Isle, and
Warren, and Wakanda Forever director ing as BAFTA victor James Friend’s. Babylon a winner at BAFTA. So: a shrink-wrapped
Ryan Coogler. Enjoy watching them all The Banshees of Inisherin Banshees of Inisherin with fewer severed
smile and applaud – and with absolutely no BEST FILM EDITING Everything Everywhere All at Once digits.
vindictiveness – when M.M. Keeravaani and The Banshees of Inisherin The Fabelmans
Chandrabose receive the trophy for “Naatu Elvis I’d be more willing to lean toward Babylon BEST ANIMATED SHORT
Naatu.” The movie’s leads are reportedly Everything Everywhere All at Once in this category if composer Justin Hurwitz’s The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, & the Horse
willing to do their insane dance number TÁR music cues didn’t keep reminding me of The Flying Sailor
in tuxes. Trust me: You will not want to Top Gun: Maverick similar melodies and chord progressions Ice Merchants
make the live performance of this song your At certain points, there’s more editing he employed for La La Land. Instead, I’m My Year of Dicks
excuse for a bathroom break. going on in 30 seconds of EEAaO than there opting for Volker Bertelmann’s anything- An Ostrich Told Me the World Is Fake & I
is in a full two-ish hours of any of its com- but-All-Quiet sonic thunder, which wasn’t Think I Believe It
BEST INTERNATIONAL FEATURE petitors. The Daniels’ achievement makes era-appropriate at all, but certainly escalated Because producer J.J. Abrams’ short won
FILM Whiplash look like a freaking oil painting, the tension, oppression, and dread. Though at BAFTA, netted four of the International
All Quiet on the Western Front, Germany we might spare a passing thought for The Animated Film Association’s prestigious
Argentina, 1985, Argentina BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN Fabelmans’ John Williams, who will soon be Annie Awards, and features Idris Elba and
Close, Belgium All Quiet on the Western Front the loser of 48 Academy Awards. Maybe the Gabriel Byrne among its vocal cast, I’m
EO, Poland Avatar: The Way of Water five Oscars he already has can cheer the poor reluctantly going with TBtMtF&tH. But
The Quiet Girl, Ireland Babylon guy up. if the all-time-greatest Oscar-nominated
The nine nominations amassed by Berger’s Elvis film title I’ve ever head – that would be
World War I epic suggest that its win here The Fabelmans BEST VISUAL EFFECTS AOTMtWIF&ITIBI – wins without my pre-
is a done deal. And because the majority of It would be unusual for the Oscars to not All Quiet on the Western Front
dicting it, I’ll never stop kicking myself.
precursor prizes have been split between the reward at least one movie I absolutely can’t Avatar: The Way of Water
not-nominated RRR and Decision to Leave, I stand. I’m fine with it happening in this The Batman
10 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.
Through April 6, 2023
Explore the full listings for all these and more events at www.rcreader.com/calendar
Your event listing in print and online has been complimentary since 1993!
Send your events to [email protected]
VISUAL ARTS Stitching & More, every Wed. except the 2nd of the month; Crayon Creations Art Show, an open-submission art show Toho seed beads to learn… Beadology Iowa, 5:30pm Tue
work on… River Valley District Library, 1pm Wed Apr 5 celebrating all things… Moline Public Library, Sat Mar 18 Mar 7
thru Sat Apr 1
Openings & Gallery Events Free Senior Day at the Figge Art Museum, all seniors age Wheel Throwing 2, Wednesdays thru Mar. 29; with
60 and up receive free admission, as… Figge Art Museum, Young Artists at the Figge: North Scott School instructor Laura Warner; this class is… Figge Art Museum,
Artist Talk: Heidi Draley McFall, join us for an artist talk 10am Thu Apr 6 District, exhibit of works by student artists; Sponsor:… 5:30pm Wed Mar 8
with Heidi Draley McFall… Figge Art Museum, 6:30pm Thu Figge Art Museum, Sat Mar 25 thru Sun Apr 2
Mar 2 Drawing: Pen & Ink, Thursdays thru Mar. 30; with instructor
Exhibits & Shows Laura Warner; join our… Figge Art Museum, 9:30am Thu
Free Senior Day at the Figge Art Museum, all seniors age Classes Mar 9
60 and up receive free admission, as… Figge Art Museum, Young Artists at the Figge: Pleasant Valley School
10am Thu Mar 2 District, exhibit of works by student artists; Sponsor:… Spring Landscape, Thursdays thru Mar. 23 with instructor Maker Night, with instructor LaToya Lewis; an open studio
Figge Art Museum, thru Sun Mar 5 Brad Bisbey; discover fresh… Figge Art Museum, 11am Thu night for makers… Figge Art Museum, 6pm Thu Mar 9
Member Opening: Heidi Draley McFall, Figge members Mar 2
are invited to mingle with artist Heidi Draley… Figge Art Artists of African Descent, Quad City Arts and Azubuike Maker Night, with instructor LaToya Lewis; an open studio
Museum, 5pm Thu Mar 2 African American… Quad City Arts Center, thru Fri Mar 17 Watercolor Painting Animals, Tuesdays & Thursdays thru night for makers… Figge Art Museum, 6pm Thu Mar 9
Mar. 30; with instructor Pat Bereskin;… Figge Art Museum,
Thursdays at the Figge, weekly programs featuring artists, Decolonial Intervention, Mexican/Latinx multidisciplinary 8:30am Thu Mar 2 Gyrls Night Out: Cosmic Flora, with instructor Alyssa
curators, scholars, and community partners to… Figge Art artist Tlisza Jaurique will… Figge Art Museum, thru Thu Apr 6 Jakowchuk; create diamond shaped earrings out of…
Museum, 6:30pm Thu Mar 2 thru Thu Apr 6 Wine and Art: Printing on Fabric, with instructor Rowan Beadology Iowa, 5:30pm Fri Mar 10
Mother, Goddess, Crone: The Art of Maria Cusumano, Schussheim-Anderson; explore printing techniques on fabric;
Sporting Fashion Trivia Night, get ready to put your exhibit by the late St. Ambrose University… Figge Art work… Figge Art Museum, 6pm Thu Mar 2 Flamingo Rising, with instructor Karen Kubby; this project
game face on! Gather your… Figge Art Museum, 5pm Fri Museum, thru Thu Apr 6 uses two drop peyote… Beadology Iowa, 10am Sat Mar 11
Mar 3 Creative Acrylic Painting, Fridays thru Mar. 24; with
Sporting Fashion: Outdoor Girls 1800 to 1960, the instructor Laura Warner; after an… Figge Art Museum, Happy Little Trees, with instructor Allen Halloway; paint
B100 Girls Night Out at the Figge, featuring live M=music exhibit highlights ensembles worn by women… Figge Art 5:30pm Fri Mar 3 picturesque landscapes like the ones… Figge Art Museum,
from the Figge’s Quad City Bank &… Figge Art Museum, 5pm Museum, thru Thu Apr 6 10am Sat Mar 11
Sat Mar 4 Naked Color Theory, Mar. 4 & 5; with instructor Nina Weiss;
The Warner Foundation Collection: History in the through visuals,… Figge Art Museum, 10am Sat Mar 4 Wire Art with the Wire Artery: Two-Day Workshop,
Voices of the Stones Trunk Show, join Carole and Mary Painting, the exhibit gives insight into our country’s… Figge Mar. 11 & 18; with instructor Jazzmyn Phillips; a 2-part… Figge
as they travel from the Tuscon… Beadology Iowa, Sat Mar 4 Art Museum, thru Thu Apr 6 Oil Painting Saturdays, with instructor David Anderson; Art Museum, 2pm Sat Mar 11
and Sun Mar 5 learn to see, draw, and understand… Figge Art Museum,
Veiled: The Art of Heidi Draley McFall, based near 9:30am Sat Mar 4 thru Sat Mar 25 Woven Cuff w/ Middle Stone, with instructor Cheryl
Quilting by the River, work on your quilting projects with DeWitt, Iowa, Heidi Draley McFall… Figge Art Museum, thru Weatherford; students will use two gauges of… Beadology
other quilters in the… River Valley District Library, Wed Mar 8 Thu Apr 6 St. Patrick’s Apparel, bring your party crew’s green shirts Iowa, 11am Sun Mar 12
thru Thu Mar 23 to Studio 321 and… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch,
Zaiga Minka Thorson: Storms & Silver Linings, local 6pm Mon Mar 6 Stacked Textured Rings, with instructor Maggie Joynt;
Stitching & More, every Wed. except the 2nd of the month; artist Zaiga Thorson will create a site-specific… Figge Art learn to texturize brass and sterling;… Beadology Iowa,
work on… River Valley District Library, 1pm Wed Mar 8 thru Museum, thru Thu Apr 6 Spring Landscape, Tuesdays thru Mar. 28; with instructor 5:30pm Mon Mar 13
Wed Mar 29 Brad Bisbey; discover fresh… Figge Art Museum, 6pm Tue
Young Artists at the Figge: Muscatine School District, Mar 7 March Southwest Craft: Clothespin Cuties, create
Sporting Fashion: Outdoor Girls 1800-1960 Tours, exhibit of works by student artists; Sponsor:… Figge Art adorable dragonflies using clothespins and googly eyes; free;
take a docent-led tour of the latest traveling exhibition: Museum, Sat Mar 11 thru Sun Mar 19 Wheel Throwing 1, Tuesdays thru Mar. 28; with instructor for… Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 6pm Tue
Sporting… Figge Art Museum, Sun Mar 12 thru Sun Mar 26 Laura Warner; this class… Figge Art Museum, Tue Mar 7 Mar 14
Mississippi Valley Quilter’s Guild Exhibition, in
Craft-Tea, crafters aged 16 and up are invited to bring celebration of National Quilters Week, the… Figge Art Chevron Beaded Bracelet through Kirkwood Spring Break Kids’ Class Mug Rug Coaster Creations,
your… Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Thu Mar 16 Museum, Tue Mar 14 thru Sun Mar 19 Community College, with instructor Karen Kubby; use with instructor Alyssa Jakowchuk; learn methods of bead
stitching and… Beadology Iowa, 1pm Tue Mar 14
Mississippi Valley Quilters Appreciation Night, join
us for Mississippi Valley Quilters Appreciation Night at the… Mindful Making, with instructor Anna Richards; this class
Figge Art Museum, 5pm Thu Mar 16 offers opportunities for self-expression… Figge Art Museum,
6pm Wed Mar 15
Young Artists at the Figge Recognition Day:
Muscatine School District, held in conjunction with the Spring Break Kids’ Class Beaded Bugs, with instructor
exhibit of works by student… Figge Art Museum, Sun Mar 19 Alyssa Jakowchuk; learn methods of 3-D glass bead…
Beadology Iowa, 1pm Thu Mar 16
Quad City Symphony Orchestra: Women in Music, in
honor of Sporting Fashion, the QCSO will present a… Figge Creation Studio Workshop: Glass Etching, after
Art Museum, 5pm Thu Mar 23 watching an instructional video from the Library’s
Creativebug subscription,… Bettendorf Public Library, 9am
Artist Talk: Tlisza Jaurique, join us as Chicano artist and Sat Mar 18
philosopher Tlisza Jaurique speaks… Figge Art Museum, 6pm
Thu Mar 30 Felting with Victor: Fringed Pendant, with instructor
Victor Schmidt; use your felting skills to create… Beadology
Sporting Fashion “March Madness” Night & Tour, Iowa, 10am Sat Mar 18
join us for the second of three Friday night tours… Figge Art
Museum, 5pm Fri Mar 31 Ombre Fringed Wrapped Hoops, with instructor Zanetta
Hoehle; this class is an opportunity to… Beadology Iowa, 1pm
Young Artists at the Figge Recognition Day: North Sun Mar 19
Scott School District, held in conjunction with the exhibit
of works by student… Figge Art Museum, Sun Apr 2 Introduction to ProCreate, Mondays thru Apr. 17; with
Joe Gatto's Night of Comedy @ Adler Theatre -- March 10 instructor Emma Hubner; students will… Figge Art Museum,
Artful Conversations, join the conversation at this fun and 5pm Mon Mar 20
informal session where… Figge Art Museum, 1pm Wed Apr 5
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 11
Create Your Own Sketchbooks, Wednesdays thru Apr. Wine & Art: Adult Finger Painting, with instructor Amy Quad City Symphony Orchestra Masterworks V: Fierce Greenmore, a concert in the Brown Bag Lunch Series; the
12; with instructor Annie Peters; students will… Figge Art Nielsen; enjoy a variety of studio classes… Figge Art Museum, Females, our celebration of women in music commences Greenmore… Bettendorf Public Library, noon Fri Mar 10
Museum, 6pm Wed Mar 22 6pm Thu Apr 6 with Joan Tower’s… Adler Theatre, 7:30pm Sat Mar 4
Pony Bradshaw - poolblood, concert with the country,
Cupped Copper Earrings through Kirkwood Smooth Groove, just steps away from the casino floor.; free; rock, and blues singer/songwriter, with dream-pop…
Community College, with instructor Alyssa Jakowchuk;
participants will learn to stamp and… Beadology Iowa, 2pm MUSIC for information,… Edje Nightclub at Bally’s Casino, 7pm Sat
Mar 4
Raccoon Motel, 8pm Fri Mar 10
Wheel Throwing 1, Tuesdays thru Apr. 25; with instructor TobyMac - CROWDER - Cochren & Co. - Tasha Layton - Bill Callahan - Pascal Kerong’a, concert with the singer/ Adam Weiner, concert with frontman of Low Cut Connie;
Laura Warner; this class… Figge Art Museum, Tue Apr 4 Jon Reddick - Terrian, concert with the Grammy-winning songwriter and guitarist who has also recorded… Raccoon $20… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Tue Mar 14
contemporary-Christian and rap artist on his… Vibrant Arena Motel, 7pm Wed Mar 8
Drawing Fabulous Faces, Wednesdays thru Apr. 26; with at the MARK, 7pm Fri Mar 3 Opera Quad Ciites, join the Moline Public Library and
instructor Gloria Burlingame; earning facial “construction,”… Joe Marcinek Band - Jason Hann, blues, funk, Opera Quad Cities for… Moline Public Library, 7pm Tue Mar
Figge Art Museum, 6pm Wed Apr 5 Banda Machos, concert with the Technobanda musicians psychedelia, and jazz fusion, featuring a set by… The 14
from the Mexican state of Jalisco; $25, $300 for a table of 10; Redstone Room, 8pm Thu Mar 9
Wheel Throwing 2, Wednesdays thru Apr. 26; with for tickets and information, call 563-328-8000; Rhythm City St. Patrick’s Day Family Concert with Bucktown
instructor Laura Warner; this class… Figge Art Museum, Casino Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Avenue, Davenport Opera Quad Cities 101: Opera by the Numbers - Duets, Revue, the Bucktown Revue plays Irish tunes for this year’s
5:30pm Wed Apr 5 IA, Rhythm CityCasino.com, 8pm Sat Mar 4 Trios, Etc., Opera Quad Cities will present a free, 30- to St.… LeClaire Community Library, 6pm Wed Mar 15
40-minute… Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Thu Mar 9
Drawing Mountains Out of Molehills, Thursdays thru Class of ’82, an event in Yabba Dabbas’ House of Glass Chicago Farmer & the Field Notes - Wolfskill & the
Apr. 27; with instructor Lura Warner; join our… Figge Art Winter Jam Free… The Rust Belt, 7pm Sat Mar 4 Open Mic Nite w/ Jacob Hemenway, on the 2nd & 4th Wild, concert with the touring folk musicians, featuring an
Museum, 9:30am Thu Apr 6 Thursdays of the month; play… Zeke’s Island Cafe, 8pm Thu opening set… The Redstone Room, 8pm Thu Mar 16
Ghost Town Blues Band, horns, harmonies, and Mar 9 and Thu Mar 23
Watercolor Painting Florals, Thursdays thru Apr. 27; with homegrown instruments combined with an energetic and… Feature Artist Nite, free; for information, call 563-326-
instructor Pat Bereskin; join our… Figge Art Museum, 8:30pm Moline Viking Club, 5pm Sat Mar 4 Deep Galactic Bass Sessions: Vol. 2, a night of EDM 1333… Zeke’s Island Cafe, 8pm Thu Mar 16
Thu Apr 6 dubstep with multiple DJs; $15-25; for… The Redstone Room,
7pm Fri Mar 10
Continued On Page 12
12 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.
Wednesday, March 22, 8 p.m. 7pm Sun Mar 19 Enumclaw - Nitefire, concert with the indie rock band from
Tacoma, Washington, featuring… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Sun
The Rust Belt, 533 12th Avenue, East Moline IL The Edgar Crockett Trio’s Tribute to “Heroes of the Apr 2
Horn”, Polyrhythms Third Sunday Jazz Matinee & Workshop
Series in Becherer Hall presents… Rivermont Collegiate, 5pm Quad City Symphony Orchestra Masterworks VI:
Sun Mar 19 Mahler One, we conclude our Masterworks Season with
Sergei Prokofiev’s evanescent and… Centennial Hall,
Andy Shauf - Katy Kirby, concert with the Canadian singer/ Augustana College, 2pm Sun Apr 2
songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, featuring a set…
Raccoon Motel, 7:30pm Mon Mar 20 Andrzej Kozlowski, pianist Kozlowski performs Chopin:
Ballade No. 1 & 3 |… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
Songwriters Roundtable, bring your instrument of choice, Library, noon Tue Apr 4
a copy/copies of your lyrics,… The Redstone Room, 6pm Mon
Mar 20 The Last Ten Seconds of Life - Vomit Force - Cell - Rig
Time - Concrete Sleep - Crimson Clean Sweep, co-
Journey - Toto, the diamond-selling Rock & Roll Hall of presented by River + City Collective; $15-20… Skylark Concert
Famers perform on… Vibrant Arena at the MARK, 7:30pm Studio, 5:30pm Tue Apr 4
Tue Mar 21
The Sloppy Boys - Dear Blanca, concert with the Los Feliz,
They Are Gutting a Body of Water - Knifeplay, concert California-based party rock band comprised of… Raccoon
with the touring alternative rockers, featuring a set by… Motel, 7pm Tue Apr 4
Raccoon Motel, 7pm Tue Mar 21
Weedeater - Adam Faucett - Telekinetic Yeti, concert
Lettuce, funk musicians perform in their “Unity Tour” with the stoner metal band formed in Wilmington, North…
celebration of their eighth… The Rust Belt, 8pm Wed Mar 22 Raccoon Motel, 7:30pm Wed Apr 5
erforming in support of their latest Due mainly to positive word of mouth, Let-
Jake McVey, concert with the country singer with a small- (hed)p.e. - Crazy Town X - Adema - Tantric, concert with
album Unify, a 70-minute record that tuce began developing significant followings town work ethic… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Thu Mar 23 the rockers on their Nu Metal Madness Tour… The Rust Belt,
Live for Live Music raved “emanates in New York City, San Francisco, Chicago, 7pm Thu Apr 6
Church of Cash: Johnny Cash Tribute, concert with the
brotherhood, evokes oneness, and embodies and Tokyo, and they released their first CD premier Johnny Cash tribute show band featuring… Raccoon For King & Country, concert with the Christian pop duo
inspiration in the face of adversity,” the funk Outta Here in 2002, followed by their Live Motel, 8pm Fri Mar 24 composed of Australian brothers… Vibrant Arena at the
artists of Lettuce bring their national tour to MARK, 7pm Thu Apr 6
in Tokyo album recorded at the Blue Note Jeremy Short, with an orange mustache, golden voice and
East Moline venue The Rust Belt on March in 2003. Five years later, drawing heavily cherry red Gibson… The Redstone Room, 8pm Fri Mar 24 Reggae Night, experience the warm reggae vibes with your
22, their 2022 release also inspiring Glide from many of the leaders of the 1970s funk favorite Island food and… Zeke’s Island Cafe, 7pm Thu Apr 6
One Night of Queen, salute to Freddie Mercury and Queen
magazine to rave that the group “does more movement, Lettuce released their second performed by Gary Mullen… Vibrant Arena at the MARK, 3pm
than enough here to solidify their well-earned
status as one of today’s leading fun-and-funk
studio album Rage!, which featured covers of
Curtis Mayfield’s “Move on Up” and Charles
Fri Mar 24
Tanya Tucker, concert with the legendary country-music
bands.” Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm singer/songwriter; $35-65; for information and tickets, call Big/Little Bookclub, a book club for Littles (kids in 3rd
Composed of Adam “Shmeeans” Smirnoff 563-328-8000; Rhythm City Casino Resort Event Center, 7077 through 5th… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue
Band’s “Express Yourself”. In 2011, Lettuce Elmore Avenue, Davenport IA, Rhythm CityCasino.com, 8pm Branch, 6:30pm Thu Mar 2
(guitar), Nigel Hall (keyboards, Hammond played on the Royal Family Ball tour with Fri Mar 24
B-3 organ, piano), Adam Deitch (drums/per- Soulive and accompanied on select shows by The Butterfly Effect, a discussion of Rachel Mans
Hayes Noble - Running Man - Road Soda - Educational McKenny’s book with the Adult… LeClaire Community
cussion), Erick “Jesus” Coomes (bass), Ryan Rashawn Ross of the Dave Matthews Band, Davis, 2-2-1 Press presents a concert with the 18-year-old Library, 6:30pm Mon Mar 6
Zoidis (saxophone), and Eric “Benny” Bloom and it was during this tour that they began multi-instrumentalist from northwest… RIBCO, 8pm Sat
Mar 25 The Personal Librarian, a discussion of Marie Benedict
(trumpet), Lettuce began in the summer of playing new songs that would be featured and Victoria Christopher Murphy’s book… Rock Island Public
1992, when its original founders attended a on the band’s next album, 2012’s Fly! Since Identity Crisis, just steps away from the casino floor; free; Library - Downtown Library, 1pm Mon Mar 6
for information,… Edje Nightclub at Bally’s Casino, 7pm Sat
music program at Boston’s Berklee College then, the group has released five additional Mar 25 The Tobacco Wives, a discussion of Adele Myers’ book with
of Music as teenagers. Brought together by albums including last summer’s Unify, with the Pageturners discussion… Moline Public Library, 1pm Tue
the influence of various funk acts including Roots & Boots 90’s Electric Throwdown: Sammy Mar 7
Crush hitting the number-one position on Kershaw - Collin Raye - Aaron Tippin, one night, one
Herbie Hancock, Earth, Wind & Fire, and Billboard’s jazz chart and number five on the band, with all three country musicians on… The Rust Belt, Tiny Beautiful Things, a discussion of Cheryl Strayed’s
Tower of Power, the band jammed through- Heatseekers chart, and Elevate was nomi- 8pm Sat Mar 25 book with the Between the… Davenport Public Library -
Eastern Avenue Branch, 6:30pm Wed Mar 8
out that summer before going their separate nated for a Grammy Award for Instrumental Trackstar the DJ, an evening with the DJ known for his
ways. But in the fall of 1994, its members Album of the Year. prolific mixtape… Raccoon Motel, 8pm Sat Mar 25 Bluebird, Bluebird, a discussion of Attica Locke’s book with
the Mystery Book… Bettendorf Public Library, 9:30am Sat
reconvened as undergrads at Berklee and Lettuce brings their “Unify Tour” to East Up Close with the Figge: Women in Music, in honor of Mar 11
attempted to play at various Boston jazz Moline on March 22, admission to the 8 p.m. the Figge’s major exhibit “Sporting Fashion: Outdoor… Figge
clubs, reportedly asking club owners and Art Museum, 7:30pm Sat Mar 25 The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, discussion of
show starts at $30, and more information Ursula K Le Guin’s shot story with the… Davenport Public
other musicians if they would “let us play,” and tickets are available by visiting Willi Carlisle - Willy Tea Taylor, concert with the folk Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 10am Mon Mar 13
giving birth to the moniker Lettuce. TheRustBeltQC.com. singer, songwriter, and playwright hailed as… Raccoon Motel,
7pm Sun Mar 26 The Venice Sketchbook, a discussion of Rhys Bowen’s
book with the West End… Davenport Public Library -
Heads in Motion: A Talking Heads Tribute, concert with Casket Robbery - Illusion of Fate - Pitlord - Empty Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm Tue Mar 14
Music the 10-piece tour de force of intensity and… The Redstone Grave, rockers perform in a concert co-presented by
Room, 5pm Sat Mar 18 River+City Collective; $10-15… Skylark Concert Studio, The Waiting, a discussion of Keum Suk Gendry-Kim’s book
6:30pm Wed Mar 29 with the Get… Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Tue Mar 14
Joe Hertler & the Rainbow Seekers, concert with the
Taylor Swift Night w/ Angela Meyer - Ariel touring rock band from Michigan; $15… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Plastic Picnic, concert with the indie rock band based in When Women Were Dragons, a discussion of Kelly
McReynolds, tribute to the Grammy winning superstar, with Sat Mar 18 Brooklyn, New… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Wed Mar 29 Barnhill’s book with the Novel Naptime… Moline Public
an opening set… Raccoon Motel, Thu Mar 16 Library, 9:30am Wed Mar 15
Oh What a Night! A Musical Tribute To Frankie Valli & Protomartyr - Titus Andronicus, Detroit-based rockers
Samuel Locke Ward - Chrash - Liv Carrow, concert with the Four Seasons, a blockbuster musical revue directed by perform in support of their most recent album “Ultimate… Lady Killers, a discussion of Tori Telfer’s book with the
the Iowa-based singer/songwriter, featuring sets by Chrash award-winning Broadway producer/director Michael… Adler Raccoon Motel, 7pm Thu Mar 30 Overbooked Book… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount
and… Raccoon Motel, 8pm Fri Mar 17 Theatre, 2pm Sat Mar 18 Street Branch, 6:30pm Thu Mar 16
CJ Parker, concert with the 22-year old multi-instrumentalist
Twista - Mario Canon - Hariq - Styles Dim - Daja Marie, Reba McEntire - Terry Clark - The Isaacs, country-music hailing from Davenport; $10-12;… The Redstone Room, 8pm Kepler’s Witch: An Astronomer’s Discovery, discussion
celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with the hip-hop, rap, and R&A… superstar in concert, performing with special guests Terry Fri Mar 31 of James A. Connor’s book with the German American…
The Redstone Room, 9pm Fri Mar 17 Clark… Vibrant Arena at the MARK, 6:30pm Sat Mar 18 German American Heritage Center, 10:30am Sat Mar 18
Fool House: The Ultimate 90’s Dance Party, an evening
3 on the Tree, just steps away from the casino floor; free; Shamrockin’ o’Pardy: Phyllis & the Sharks - Far Out of onstop sing-alongs, party throwbacks and choreographed Book Babes Plus One Book Discussion Group, join a
for information,… Edje Nightclub at Bally’s Casino, 7pm Sat 283 - Vital Signs, Chevin’s Kitchen & Catering will be taking dance moves;… The Rust Belt, 8pm Sat Apr 1 lively discussion about a pre-determined book, with the…
Mar 18 care of your… Kavanaugh’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 1pm Sat Mar 18 Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 6:30pm Tue
Quad City Symphony Orchestra Masterworks VI: Mar 21
Dan Haughey St. Patrick’s Day Event, a morning matinée T.I., concert with the Grammy Award-winning rap artist Mahler One, we conclude our Masterworks Season with
of traditional Irish music and wit, featuring Dan… Dead Poet’s Clifford Joseph Harris Jr., who has sold more than 10 million Sergei Prokofiev’s evanescent and… Adler Theatre, 7:30pm Harlem Shuffle, a discussion of Colson Whitehead’s book
Espresso, 10am Sat Mar 18 albums in the US alone; $55-100; for information and tickets, Sat Apr 1 with the Book ’Em… Moline Public Library, 1pm Tue Mar 21
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 13
How High We Go in the Dark, a discussion of Sequoia and live music by Soul Storm; with heavy hors d’oeuvres,
Nagamatsu’s book with the Contemporary Books… cash bar, fund-a-need, and silent auction; dressy casual
Bettendorf Public Library, 6:30pm Wed Mar 22 attire recommended; $75/person, $500/table of eight, $150
VIP tickets; for information, call 563-326-7504; Rhythm
The Lost Apothecary, a discussion of Sarah Penner’s book City Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Avenue,
with the Brown Bag… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Davenport IA, Rhythm CityCasino.com, 7pm Sat Apr 1
Avenue Branch, 1pm Wed Mar 22
Blake Burkhart, standup comedian performs in the
The Savvy Ally, a discussion of Jeannie Gainsburg’s book Tomfoolery on Tremont series; $12… Renwick Mansion, 7pm
with the Rooting Out… Moline Public Library, 6:30pm Wed Sun Apr 2
Mar 22
The Underground Railroad, a discussion of Colson
Whitehead’s book with the Contemporary Books…
Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm Wed Mar 22
Narwhal: Revealing an Arctic Legend, from their
Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law, a discussion of Mary depiction in the 1500s as… Putnam Museum & Science
Roach’s book with the 2023 Environmental Book… River Center, thru Thu Apr 6
Action, 7pm Tue Mar 28
Preserving a Dyeing Art: German Blueprint, discover
Make the Connection: A DEI Book Club, book club the history of Blaudruck, a traditional folk-art that… German
boasting literature that will spark engaging, insightful and… American Heritage Center, thru Thu Apr 6
Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 6:30pm Tue Mar 28
Indigo Tie Dye Workshop, learn the basics of tie-dyeing
The Hundred-Foot Journey, a discussion of Richard C. Dionne Victoria Milton's Zen: Gawd in Artists of African Descent with indigo; participants will receive… German American
Morais’ book with the Southwest… Rock Island Public Library @ Quad City Arts Center -- through March 17 Heritage Center, noon Sat Mar 4
- Southwest Branch, 4:30pm Tue Mar 28
Grumpy Old Men: The Musical, stage adaptation of the Neighbors to the North: German Influence in New
Adult Book Club, join us for books, snacks, and hit Walter Matthau/Jack Lemmon comedy; Fri.,… Circa ’21 Ulm, MN, just like Davenport, Iowa, New Ulm Minnesota…
conversation on the first… LeClaire Community Library, Dinner Playhouse, Wed Mar 15 thru Wed Apr 5 German American Heritage Center, Sun Mar 12 thru Thu
6:30pm Mon Apr 3 ComedySportz Quad Cities, on Fridays and Saturdays; the Apr 6
Small Mouth Sounds, Bess Wohl’s drama in which six return of the Quad Cities’… The Spotlight Theatre, 7pm Fri
Ordinary Grace, a discussion of William Kent Krueger’s runaways from city life… Brunner Theatre Center, Augustana Mar 3 thru Sat Apr 1 Cottage Window Watercolor Workshop, Katey Geest
book with the Alpha… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown College, Thu Mar 16 thru Sun Mar 19 will guide students through watercolor painting techniques;
Library, 1pm Mon Apr 3 David Koechner’s “The Office” Trivia Show, trivia paint… German American Heritage Center, 10am Wed Mar
Much Ado About Nothing, the Prenzie Players’ show hosted by the comedian’s TV alter ego Todd Packer; 15
The Violin Conspiracy, a discussion of Brendan Slocumb’s presentation of William Shakespeare’s comedy classic, for ages 21+; $35; for tickets and information, call 563-328-
book with the Pageturners discussion… Moline Public directed… Village Theatre, Fri Mar 17 thru Sat Mar 25 8000; Rhythm City Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Basket Weaving Workshop, students will weave their
Library, 1pm Tue Apr 4 Avenue, Davenport IA, Rhythm CityCasino.com, 5pm Sun own Easter basket out of dyed… German American Heritage
Anywhere but Here, debuting drama about a young gay Mar 5 Center, noon Sun Mar 19
Poetry Reading with Emily Kingery, celebrate National costume designer returning to… The Mockingbird on Main,
Poetry Month with local poet and St. Ambrose… Davenport 8pm Fri Mar 24 thru Sat Apr 1 David Koechner, an evening of standup with the touring Pysanky Egg Workshop, Ukrainian-style Easter eggs,
Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6pm Thu Apr 6 comedian, Second City alum, and actor from comedies or pysanky, are eggshells that are decorated… German
Rent, Jonathan Larson’s Pulitzer Prize- and Tony-winning including “The Office” and “Anchorman”; for ages 21+; $35; American Heritage Center, noon Sat Mar 25
rock musical, directed by… Quad City Music Guild - Prospect for tickets and information, call 563-328-8000; Rhythm
THEATRE Park Auditorium, Fri Mar 24 thru Sun Apr 2 City Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Avenue,
We Will Rock You, post-apocalyptic musical-comedy revue comics trying out new material… Village Theatre, 7pm Sun
featuring more than 20 hit Queen songs;… Circa ’21 Dinner Mar 12 thru Sun Mar 26 Me & You & Everyone We Know, Miranda July’s 2005 tale
Playhouse, Fri Mar 3 thru Sat Mar 11 of a lonely, single-parent shoe salesman and an… Figge Art
Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance Classes, offering Bored Teachers: We Can’t Make This Stuff Up!, an Museum, 6:30pm Thu Mar 9
Are We There Yeti?, Haus of Ruckus’ new Johnny-and- classes in Ballet Pointe, Modern, Jazz, Tap, Conditioning, evening with the funniest teacher-comedians in the world
Fungus comedy featuring conspiracies, avalanches, Creative Movement, and Adult Ballet, for ages 3 to adult; all all… Adler Theatre, 7pm Fri Mar 17 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, screening of the Danny
puppets,… St. Ambrose University Studio Theatre, 7:34pm Fri classes taught by the company’s professional dancers; for Kaye/Virginia Mayo film in the Afternoon… Davenport Public
Mar 3 thru Sun Mar 12 information and to register, call 309-786-2677… Ballet Quad Comedy Open Mic Night, hosted by Danny Franks; $5 Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 2pm Thu Mar 9
Cities School of Dance, thru Thu Apr 6 admission; to sign up to perform, e-mail Johnathan Condit
My Fair Lady, Lincoln Center’s touring production of the at [email protected]; Rhythm Movie Matinees at the Library, For March Mummy
classic Lerner & Loewe… Adler Theatre, 7:30pm Wed Mar 8 Eisenhower Dance Detroit, performance with the City Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Avenue, Madness, we’ll be playing a PG animated… LeClaire
contemporary dance troupe and Quad City Arts… Figge Art Davenport IA, Rhythm CityCasino.com, 7:30pm Thu Mar 30 Community Library, 3pm Tue Mar 14
Writing and Composing the Amazing 10-Minute Museum, Wed Mar 22
Musical, register by Mar. 6 for Mar. 10 & 11 class;… Black GIT Improv, the improv team began in Rock Island in 1997 Science Friday: Logan’s Run & Soylent Green, double
Hawk College - Quad City Campus, 7pm Fri Mar 10 and… The Black Box Theatre, 7:30pm Sat Apr 1 feature of the science-fiction classics presented by Cinephile
Cinema;… Rozz-Tox, 7pm Fri Mar 17
Live from QC…It’s Saturday Nite!, a benefit for Gilda’s
Club Quad Cities featuring comedian James “Murr” Murray
Continued On Page 16
*Rates disclosure and repayment example: Rates are stated as Annual Percentage Rate (APR). The APR you receive depends on credit history, loan term, loan amount, and other factors using DuTrac’s standard credit
underwriting and creditworthiness criteria. Rates are subject to change without notice. All loans are subject to approval. Does apply to real estate, home equity or business loans. Membership with DuTrac is required.
Continued On Page 16
14 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.
by some purists to be an elusive milestone.] private landowners. Some are very suspi-
owa is home to some very large trees. One SC: Why is this important to you? SC: How often do you show up to discover cious and distrustful. It would be nice if
Des Moines man equipped with precision MR: It’s all about accuracy. Very often, a giant stump where a suspected champion more people knew that this was a selfless
instruments and a selfless passion pains- height is very exaggerated and considered once stood? thing and I have no ulterior motives. The
takingly documents these giants. Not only to be accurate, official, used in books, or MR: In terms of Davenport … pretty original stuff is almost gone. The past lack
does Mark Rouw humbly volunteer a lot of his published as fact. What I’ve found is heights frequently. The thing about big trees is that of foresight is why it is important to be able
time for this worthy cause, he quietly spends were often exaggerated by tens of feet. I they have no official protection. If the home- to currently answer the question: “How tall
a lot of his own money. Mark spends endless think there’s a need for accurate measure- owner wants them down, they can cut them can a certain species of tree get in this part
hours trekking across Iowa pursuing rumors ments, and there are not a lot of people down if they choose. However, it is hoped of the country?” with an accurate answer.
and requests in search of silent giants. He has here in Iowa doing this. Here in Iowa, we that by designating them as state champions With climate change within the next few
“discovered” and documented numerous really didn’t know how tall these trees got. or significant, it will reduce the likelihood decades, some of the tree species in Iowa are
state champs but has also felt the crushing Some woodlands have been cut down two of them being removed. Since the biggest going to have a tough time surviving. If we
disappointment of arriving too late, only to or three times. For example: white pines. ones are often also very old, and reaching don’t start gathering information, particu-
discover evidence of a giant tree whose shade When I started measuring them in White the end of their lifespan, it is important to larly height potential, now, we may not have
shall never be enjoyed again. If only someone Pine Hollow circa ‘85, the tallest one was have contenders lined up to be the next state another chance. Most of our champion and
had known the significance, maybe the tree 129 feet tall – taller than anything else I had champion. significant trees are in parks, cemeteries, or
would have been celebrated and preserved ever measured. They average about a foot a SC: Who pays you? people’s yards. These open grown trees tend
instead of being destroyed. This is Mark’s year. The last year I measured it, it was about MR: (laughs) Still waiting on that one. to develop girth, but not height. The tallest
mission. 136 feet tall. Then a few years elapsed before I did get a small amount from Des Moines trees are found in timbers. There is so little
Mark recently came to Davenport to do I returned to discover that lightning had Audubon Society. old-growth timber in Iowa that we still don’t
his thing. I joined him. We both had wish killed it. I believe, with some confidence, Beyond that, there has really been little know the height potential of many trees.
lists of possible records and a few “sure that it was the tallest tree in Iowa before it compensation. [Interviewer note: since this
things” to visit. So many trees, so little time! was hit. Some white pines that are still there interview, I and fellow board members of Iowa’s big trees are documented at: Iow-
Potential champion trees are determined by were not as tall back then. These trees are the Iowa Arborist Association voted to fund aDNR.gov/Portals/idnr/uploads/forestry/
a formula combining three precise mea- now 147 feet tall. So I believe that had the Mark $500 annually in his mission.] Big%20Trees%20of%20Iowa%20Web-ready.
surements into a score. The three measure- pdf. Mark has visited and confirmed most
ments are circumference (at breast height, of these champion trees. Let us know if you
four-and-a-half feet), height, and average think you know where a potential champion
crown spread. Mark is meticulously accu- is by e-mailing
rate and notoriously conservative in these [email protected].
measurements, lest there be any subjectivity
or legitimate cause for dispute. We visited
and measured a dozen trees. When the dust PHOTO TO LEFT:
settled, we had “discovered” three new state Northern Red Oak - Quercus rubra - Mea-
champions and one second place. We also sured 5/14/2019 by Mark Rouw, Nominated
remeasured an already documented state by Mark Rouw, Circ.- 16’8”, Height- 95’9”,
champ to discover that it was even larger. Spread- 86.5, Total Points- 317, Champion
I spoke to Mark Rouw recently about his Ranking - Co Champ, Location: Muscatine
mission. Here is that interview: County, Iowa.
SC: Mark, how did you get started with PAGE 15, TOP LEFT PHOTO:
this ... “hobby”? Eastern Cottonwood - Populus deltoides
MR: In the early ‘70s at the Main Library - Measured 11/202/2020 by Mark Rouw
in Des Moines, I saw the National Register and Shane Hammond, Nominated by Bert
of Big Trees. Idevoured all of it. Soon after, I Hemmes and Wayne Fuhlbrugge, Owner
started looking more closely at trees around April Hemmes. Circ.- 29’9”, Height- 85',
town. Actually, before that, after school, I’d Spread- 119’, Total Points- 473, Champion
go down to Birdland Lagoon. There were Ranking - 1st, Location: Franklin County,
large cottonwoods and I would marvel at Iowa.
them. Some were 17 feet in circumference
and 100 feet tall. PAGE 15, BOTTOM LEFT PHOTO:
My dad was an oil salesman and deliv- European Copper Leaf Beech - Fagus sylvatica
ered it, also. In the summer, I’d ride with – Circ. 12'4”, Height 53', Ave. Crown Spread
him and always be looking at big trees. 72”, Total Pionts 218, Champion Rank = 3rd,
We were in Hardin County and saw a big Location – Durant, Iowa.
cottonwood. I got out and measured it. It
was over 20 foot in circumference and I got PAGE 15, RIGHT PHOTO:
pretty excited. I think that was the tree that Yellow Poplar / Tuliptree - Liriodendron tulip-
spurred on this quest … in 1973. ifera - Mark Rouw nominated in November
In 1978, Iowa started its official Big Tree of 2008 and the dimensions were updated
program. There was an article in the Des on 5/5/2021: Circ.- 14’10”, Height- 102’9”,
Moines Register soliciting nominations. A Ave. crown spread- 82’6”, Total Points- 301,
couple weeks later, the results were pub- Champion Ranking - 2nd, Location: Oakdale
lished. I read it several dozen times. That Memorial Cemetery in Davenport, Iowa.
was validation that what I was interested in
was maybe worthwhile.
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 15
16 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.
Movies Movies project or… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library,
2pm Mon Mar 20
OTHER EVENTS 25¢ each, hardbacks are 50¢;… Rock Island Public Library -
Southwest Branch, noon Tue Apr 4
Antique Spectacular Vintage Market Quad Cities, Spice Up Your Life, join us each month as we try a new
available items during the three-day event include:… QCCA spice,… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch,
Expo Center, Fri Mar 3 thru Sun Mar 5 6:30pm Tue Apr 4
Magnificent Mansion Tour, on Fridays; a small-group AARP Tax-Aide/VITA Tax Preparation, on Wednesdays;
guided tour of the mansion; learn… Hauberg Civic Center the Moline Public Library is one of nine… Moline Public
Mansion, 1pm Fri Mar 3 thru Fri Mar 31 Library, 8am Wed Apr 5
Mechanical Tour, on Fridays; learn about the mechanicals Mass on the Prairie, for information and to register, e-mail
of the Hauberg Estate,… Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 6pm [email protected] and call 563-374-1092… Our Lady of
Fri Mar 3 thru Fri Mar 31 the Prairie Retreat, 10am Wed Apr 5
Southwest Book Sale, Children’s items and paperbacks are Scott County Iowa Genealogical Society: Bring and
25¢ each, hardbacks are 50¢;… Rock Island Public Library - Share with Mike Thomas, we’ll spend a brief time looking
Southwest Branch, noon Tue Mar 7 at some of the… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 1pm
Sat Mar 4
Spice Up Your Life, join us each month as we try a new
spice,… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, Why, Black History?: Community Conversations, on
6:30pm Tue Mar 7 Saturdays; participants can expect to learn and discuss in…
Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 10:30am Sat
Bunco with Friends of River Valley District Library, Mar 4
have some fun playing Bunco; for information, call 309-523-
3440… River Valley District Library, 1pm Wed Mar 8 Evangelization: Living Faith with Joy and
Intentionality the Other 167 Hours Per Week, led by
Pink Rubber Galoshes Release, Nerdspeak Brewer will Patrick Schmadeke; this retreat will leave you better… Our
celebrate International Women’s Day with the release… Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 10am Sat Mar 4
Nerdspeak Brewery, 5pm Wed Mar 8
Walking with Holy Women on the Lenten Journey, led
Rhythm Room Trivia Night, hosted By Master by Mary Pedersen, D. Min; the Lenten Journey, the… Our Lady
Entertainment; bring your team and have a fun night of of the Prairie Retreat, 11am Sun Mar 5
trivia with good food and cold drinks; prizes for 1st, 2nd, &
3rd place; sign up at The Resort Club or email Johnathan Self-Paced Citizenship Exam Preparation Resource,
Condit at [email protected]; Rhythm lessons feature videos that allow participants to practice and
City Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Avenue, experience… Moline Public Library, Mon Mar 6
Davenport IA, Rhythm CityCasino.com, 7pm Wed Mar 8
SCORE Workshop: Defining Your Business Idea, in
AARP Tax-Aide/VITA Tax Preparation, on Wednesdays; this interactive program, participants will talk with SCORE
the Moline Public Library is one of nine… Moline Public volunteer… Bettendorf Public Library, 5:30pm Tue Mar 7
Library, 8am Wed Mar 8 thru Wed Mar 29
Gregoria Fraser Goins: A Worthy Subject in Her Own
New Kingdom Trailriders Rock and Roll Bingo, $10 for Right, this public talk provides insight into the compelling
one bingo card for all rounds; with silent… The Rock, 6pm life of… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch,
Fri Mar 10 6:30pm Wed Mar 8
Watts-Midtown Grand Opening/YMCA Open House, How To Fix It: Household Wiring, Learn some home
free; for information, call 309-732-7323… Rock Island Public electrical repairs with staff from K&K Hardware;… Bettendorf
Library - Watts-Midtown Branch, 10am Sat Mar 11 Public Library, 7pm Wed Mar 8
Bettendorf Public Library Chess Club, play in the WOWs & Riveters: Women Workers at Rock Island
all-ages and all-skill-levels chess club; free; for… Bettendorf Arsenal., join the Army Sustainment Command Historians
Public Library, 1:30pm Sat Mar 11 thru Sat Mar 25 as they explore the… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
Library, 2pm Wed Mar 8
Death Cafe, people, often strangers, gather to eat treats,
drink coffee, and… Davenport Public Library - Eastern WOW’s & Riveters: Women Workers at Rock Island
Avenue Branch, 5:30pm Wed Mar 15 Arsenal, join Kevin Braafladt, the Army Sustainment
Command Historian at the Rock… Davenport Public Library -
Illinois Department of Employment Security Job Fair, Eastern Avenue Branch, 6pm Wed Mar 8
representatives from the Illinois Department of Corrections,
Illinois State Police,… Moline Public Library, 10:30am Thu Wharton Through the Years, join Diann Moore for a
Mar 16 presentation on the history of… Moline Public Library, 6pm
Wed Mar 8
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 17
Community Connections - Gladys Black: The Legacy QCMade: Habitat for Humanity, Habitat for Humanity
of Iowa’s Bird Lady, learn some home electrical repairs Quad Cities has built more than 100… Habitat for Humanity -
with staff from K&K Hardware;… Bettendorf Public Library, Quad Cities, 10am Sat Apr 1
1:30pm Thu Mar 9
Scott County Iowa Genealogical Society: Dying to
Storm Spotter Training, hosted by the Rock Island County Discover Records at the Scott County Court House,
Emergency Management Agency and… Moline Public Shar Blevins will share with us the types of records…
Library, 5:30pm Thu Mar 9 Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 1pm Sat Apr 1
The Joy of Forgiveness, led by Sandy Hoenig; forgiving Exploring God’s Creation: Generating Hope and
is the only way to… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 10am Fri Energy, led by Fr. Bud Grant and Connie Mutel; explore
Mar 10 how… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 9am Sat Apr 1
Act of Power, led by Kathleen Collins; explore what is it James Carville and Mary Matalin, James “The
you’ve always… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 10am Sat Ragin’ Cajun” Carville is America’s best-known political
Mar 11 consultants;… Hancher Auditorium, 7:30pm Sat Apr 1
Dante: Our Journey Towards Wholeness – Inferno, “And their eyes were opened”: How to Encounter
join our guide Daniel Christian on a journey to explore… Jesus in the Sacraments, led by Fr. Bob Miller; each
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 3pm Sat sacrament can be a… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 10am
Mar 11 Mon Apr 3
Get a Job! Teen Career Readiness Workshop Self-Paced Citizenship Exam Preparation Resource,
presented by IowaWORKS Title I Youth and Young lessons feature videos that allow participants to practice and
Adult Program, the IowaWORKS Title I Youth and Young experience… Moline Public Library, Mon Apr 3
Adult program will… Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Avenue Branch, 1pm Mon Mar 13 Danny Trejo Talks Tacos, Hollywood, & Redemption,
virtual event in which actor, author, and restaurateur Trejo
Traveling Different: Vacation Strategies for Parents of will… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 7pm
the Anxious, Inflexible, & Neurodiverse, tips to soothe the Tue Apr 4
travel hiccups of any family, especially… Davenport Public
Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 6pm Mon Mar 13 Learning Libby, Libby is the app from OverDrive that allows
you to… Bettendorf Public Library, 6:30pm Wed Apr 5
The Seed Book, a Teaching Memoir, online event led by
Rev. Dr. Carol Vaccariello; a series… Our Lady of the Prairie Doing Business in Bettendorf, join us for this informative
Retreat, 6pm Mon Mar 13 program featuring Assistant City Administrator,… Bettendorf
Public Library, 6pm Thu Apr 6
The Hoovers & Mining, Elizabeth Dinchel explores the
role Herbert and Lou Henry Hoover… LeClaire Community
Library, 6pm Thu Mar 16
The Hoovers & Mining, a presentation in the 3rd Thursdays
at Hoover’s Presidential Library… Davenport Public Library - School Board Candidate Forum, on Thursdays; learn to
Main Branch, 6pm Thu Mar 16 build an effective and efficient School… Illinois Freedom
Alliance, 6pm thru Thu Apr 6
The Reinvention of Work: A New Vision of Livelihood
for Our Time, led by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox, who draws on a Scott County Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting,
rich… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 6pm Thu Mar 16 activities may include voting on actions and conducting
public hearings;… Scott County Administrative Center, 5pm
Conversation Speaker Series: Dr. Greg Rasmussen, thru Thu Apr 6
Rasmussen from Painted Dog Research Trust in Zimbabwe
joins us… Niabi Zoo, 6pm Sat Mar 18 Quad Cities Social Action Committee, for information,
e-mail [email protected]; help protest unfair
Dante: Our Journey Towards Wholeness – Purgatorio, treatment of the elderly… Sippi’s Fine Food and Cocktails,
join our guide Daniel Christian on a journey to explore… 12:30pm Fri Mar 3
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 3pm Sat
Mar 18 Bettendorf City Council Committee of the Whole
Meeting, recorded meetings can be seen at Bettendorf.org
Pathways to the Divine - Protestant: Lutheran, led or City’s Cable… Bettendorf City Hall, 5pm Mon Mar 6 thru
by Rev. Peter Pettit and Rev. Max Franks; Zoom… St. Paul Mon Apr 3
Lutheran Church - Davenport, 6pm Mon Mar 20
East Moline City Council Regular Meeting /
Rugby: More Than Just a Game, Quad City Rugby will Committee of the Whole Meeting, meets on the 1st and
informally teach you about the game… Davenport Public 3rd Monday of every month;… East Moline Council Chambers
Library - Main Branch, 6pm Mon Mar 20 at City Hall, 6:30pm Mon Mar 6 thru Mon Apr 3
Healing Oils of the Bible, led by Dixie Shaff; participants Midwest Corvettes Club Monthly Meeting, join us
will sample the essential oils… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, to discuss Corvettes, friends, and community … Eriksen
10am Wed Mar 22 Chevrolet - Milan, 6:30pm Tue Mar 7
God Does Extraordinary Things Through Ordinary Ward 4 Meeting with Alderperson Jenni Swanson,
People, led by Kelly Ann Seastrand; hear the amazing stories free; for information, call 309-732-7323… Rock Island Public
of… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 6:30pm Thu Mar 23 Library - Watts-Midtown Branch, 6pm Tue Mar 7
QCMade: 7G Distributing, our local Budweiser distributor, Bettendorf City Council Meeting, recorded meetings can
7G represents over 500 different beverage brands,… 7G be seen at Bettendorf.org or City’s Cable… Bettendorf City
Distributing, 3:30pm Thu Mar 23 Hall, 7pm Tue Mar 7 and Tue Apr 4
Dante: Our Journey Towards Wholeness – Paradiso, Silvis City Council Meeting, held on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday
join our guide Daniel Christian on a journey to explore… of each month;… Silvis City Hall, 6:30pm Tue Mar 7 thru Tue
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 3pm Sat Apr 4
Mar 25
Historical Society Meeting, meeting upstairs, all
QC Food Pantry, presented by the World Affairs Council of welcome; free; for information, call 309-523-3440… River
the Quad Cities,… Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Tue Mar 28 Valley District Library, 7pm Wed Mar 8
Rain Gardens & Local Cost Share Programs, Rock Island Committee of the Whole Meeting, held on
Davenport’s Clean Water Manager Amy Kay and local the 2nd Wednesday of the month (subject to… Rock Island
homeowner Gina Haddock will walk… Davenport Public County Office Building, 5:30pm Wed Mar 8
Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6pm Wed Mar 29
Davenport City Council Meeting, the Davenport City
Sacred Grace of Aging, led by Sr. Kathleen Sadler, OSF; find Council meets on the first and third… Davenport City Hall,
grace, blessings, wisdom,… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 5:30pm Wed Mar 8 thru Wed Apr 5
10am Wed Mar 29
Library Board of Trustees Meeting, free; for information,
Sound Advice: How to Help Your Child with SPD, call 563-344-4175… Bettendorf Public Library, 5pm Thu Mar
Autism and ADHD from the Inside Out, personal stories 9
of a pediatric occupational therapist are integrated with…
Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm
Thu Mar 30
Continued On Page 20
18 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.
Now playing on
In this slapstick party that's
well-worth crashing, the script
gives Jacob Latimore and
Tosin Cole plenty of oppor-
tunities to share friendly and
engaging rapport, and a
bunch of recognizable talents,
especially Scott “Kid Cudi”
Mescudi, spoof themselves
with majestic panache.
Reviews are from previously published reviews in the River Cities’ Reader.
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. RCReader.com/Support. FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 19
You’ll Smile
brains splatter so that they barely miss
the camera. A rainfall of coke gives
our titular anti-heroine the strength to
come back from the dead. And despite
COCAINE BEAR Cocaine Bear’s many trashy, unapolo-
getically disgusting wonders, I’d trade
fter we’d viewed its trailer and them all for even more scenes of Margo
learned its title, I’m not sure it Martindale demurely trying to seduce
even mattered whether Cocaine Modern Family’s Jesse Tyler Ferguson
Bear ever arrived as a legitimate release (!) before involving herself in the nasti-
for paying audiences. Wasn’t it already, est, most hilariously awful ambulance
in our minds, the greatest so-bad-it’s- ride I’ve seen in at least a decade of
awesome B-movie we’d ever hope to see moviegoing. Cocaine Bear is kind of
in our lifetimes? I mean, come on! It’s exactly what you think it’s going to be.
Keri Russell in Cocaine Bear
a bear … on cocaine! Samuel L. Jackson At its finest, though, it’s significantly
could only dream of headlining a comic have been, I had a surprisingly agree- Baloo in the Robert Downey Jr. role. better than it deserves to be, principally
thriller with a conceit so outrageously able time – and so did a high-schooler Obviously, “bear jacked up on blow” because the Cocaine Bear that we’re all
silly yet so inarguably ingenious. And friend of mine, and my 50-something still isn’t much of a narrative on which there to see doesn’t, in truth, deliver
part of me still wishes that director Eliz- bestie, and my octogenarian mother, an entire 95-minute movie can rest, the majority of the movie’s delights.
baeth Banks and screenwriter Jimmy who was stoked to see the movie ever and one of the biggest unanticipated Not when we’re allowed the beautifully
Warden had kept their feature-length since its preview played before our pleasures of Cocaine Bear is that the tragicomic sight of Ehrenreich sobbing
entertainment a figment of our collec- screening of 80 for Brady. If it takes decidedly cheeseball-disaster-f lick into his plate of dive-bar penne, and
tive imagination, like that plethora of a massive black bear high on blow to subplots engulfing its premise are all Liotta getting exactly the comeuppance
faux drive-in titles that peppered Tar- unite the generations in this manner, at least moderately amusing in their he deserves, and Convery and Ferguson
antino’s Grindhouse, or those comically by all means bring on Cocaine Bear 2: own right. Better still, they suggest meeting at adjoining locales 100 feet in
nightmarish sitcom credits implying an Grislier & Grizzly-er. that legitimate thought and, dare I the air in the most half-baked of f light
actual Too Many Cooks. Not that it matters – or maybe it’s say, wit were involved in their employ- plans: “Bears can’t climbs trees!” / “Of
Yet as I’m mostly happy and only a part of the film’s inherent appeal – but ment. Keri Rusell may be portraying a course they can!” / “Then why are you
wee bit disappointed to report, Cocaine Warden’s script is inspired by a true devoted, heroic mom desperate to save up here?!”
Bear does indeed exist, and manages to story in which drug smuggler Andrew two kids from the bear’s clutches, but
nail its unassumingly tricky goal with C. Thornton II, in 1985, jettisoned she plays this archetype in the loud- For reviews of Ant-Man & the Wasp:
unexpected skill. It’s hard to imag- bricks of coke out of his plane before est hot-pink jumpsuit you’ve ever seen, Quantumania, Jesus Revolution, Magic
ine a cinematic tone more difficult to attempting a parachute escape that and the kids who need saving (the Mike’s Last Dance, 80 for Brady, Knock
intentionally pull off than so-bad-it’s- went tragically wrong. (In the first of hilarious Christian Convery and The at the Cabin, The Amazing Maurice,
awesome, given that most works of this many celebrity cameos in Banks’ movie, Florida Project breakout Brooklynn Your Place or Mine, You People, and
variety – with Tommy Wiseau’s The said smuggler is played by Matthew Prince) not only handle themselves just other recent releases – plus a recap of the
Room the eternal 21st-century example Rhys, who doesn’t live long enough to fine, but take a pre-attack moment to 95th Academy Awards on March 12 –
– are only acknowledged as such after be reunited with his The Americans co- experiment with, and loathe, cocaine. visit RCReader.com/movies.
they’ve already been judged, and largely stars Keri Russell and Margo Martin- (They maybe shouldn’t have tried to eat
condemned, by the public. Aim for dale.) A number of those bricks, in this it.) The wonderfully matched O’Shea
laughs too broadly, and your film will telling of the tale, landed in Georgia’s Jackson Jr. and Alden Ehrenreich may February 7 Crossword Answers
appear to be dumbing down the natural Chattahoochee-Oconee National be goons hired by Ray Liotta’s kingpin
intelligence of its participants, treat- Forest. A bear consequently consumes to find his missing kilos of coke, but
ing everyone – audience included – like a bunch of them. And although, in Real they’re allowed unanticipated depths
saps. Aim for accidental naïveté, and Life, the black bear that apparently of feeling. Isiah Whitlock Jr. may be
the results are likely to look merely ingested all those drugs basically curled playing his umpteenth aggrieved detec-
inept, with none of the accompanying up in a ball and died without having tive, but he’s never before been one
fun. (Off the top of my head, I’d name the time or inclination to harm anyone, with a major soft spot for a miniature
2016’s Independence Day: Resurgence that’s not the behavior exhibited by our pooch who resembles the bottom half
as an example of the former, and 2015’s titular character. Befitting a coke fiend of a mop. (I’m still astounded, though,
Jupiter Ascending as an example of the in the mid-’80s, she wants more, and that Banks and Warden couldn’t find a
latter.) But while Banks’ and Warden’s she wants it now, and she’ll annihilate place for Whitlock’s signature read-
outing is both less stupid that it could anyone who stands in her way. Picture ing of “Shi-i-i-i-i-i-i-it,” because this
have been and less stupid than it should Less Than Zero, but with a ravenous thing gives him at least a half-dozen
20 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.
Moline Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting,
agendas are available prior to the meetings; minutes are
available… Moline Public Library, noon Thu Mar 9
Bettendorf School District Battle of the Books,
Quad Cities Mississippi Valley Ski and Social Club Bettendorf School District Battle of the Books for 4th
(QCMVSC) Meeting, held on the 2nd Mon. of the through… Bettendorf Public Library, 5:30pm Thu
month; most meetings… D’Lua Bar & Restaurant, 7pm Mar 2
Mon Mar 13
Figge Art Class for Kids, an art class where you will
Rock Island City Council Meeting, Public Comment learn and create; free;… River Valley District Library,
is held at the beginning of City Council… Rock Island City 4:30pm Thu Mar 2
Hall, 6:45pm Mon Mar 13 and Mon Mar 27
PNG Photography, ages 10-18 learn how to take the
Moline City Council Committee of the Whole best possible photos… Moline Public Library, 6pm
Meeting / Regular Meeting, meets in Council Thu Mar 2
Chambers; the formal City Council meeting is… Moline
City Hall, 6pm Tue Mar 14 and Tue Mar 28 Reading Assistance Dogs, children have the
opportunity to read aloud to dogs from… Bettendorf
Riverdale City Council Meeting, held on the 2nd and Public Library, 6pm Thu Mar 2
4th Tuesday of the month;… Riverdale City Hall, 7pm Tue My Fair Lady @ Adler Theatre -- March 8
Mar 14 thru and Mar 28 Teen Advisory Board (TAB), teens can share ideas
386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 8am thru Low Impact Exercise, Mon., Wed., & Fri. 9-10am, and give input in decisions on… LeClaire Community
Scott County Board of Supervisors Committee of Thu Apr 6 Tue. 11am-2pm, Thu. 11am-noon; $2/person;… CASI Library, 5pm Thu Mar 2
the Whole Meeting, the board will review legislative (Center for Active Seniors), Fri Mar 3 thru Wed Apr 5
actions, administrative items, and contracts; for… Scott Bob Gaston New Horizons Band Practice, on Baby Storytime, on Thursdays; a special storytime
County Administrative Center, 8pm Tue Mar 14 and Tue Thursdays; $2-5; for information, call 563-386-7477… Bell Choir, on Mondays; $2/person; for information, for babies birth to 12… Davenport Public Library -
Mar 28 CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 12:30pm thru Thu call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), Eastern Avenue Branch, 10am thru Thu Apr 6
Apr 6 10am Mon Mar 6 thru Mon Apr 3
Coal Valley City Council Meeting, held on the first Downtown Pop-up Story, on Thursdays; our Children
and third Wednesdays of each month;… Coal Valley Card Embroidery, on Thursdays; learn how to create Shuffleboard, on Mondays; $2/person; for and Youth Services staff will be… Rock Island Public
Village Hall, 6pm Wed Mar 15 fun embroidery greeting cards… CASI (Center for information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Library - Downtown Library, 10am thru Thu Apr 6
Active Seniors), 9am thru Thu Apr 6 Active Seniors), 1pm Mon Mar 6 thru Mon Apr 3
Davenport City Council Committee of the Whole Movers & Shakers Storytime!, on Thursdays; for kids
Meeting, the Davenport City Council meets on the first Caregivers Support Group, on the 1st & 3rd Thu. Ugly Quilts, on Mondays; volunteer group; no sewing ages 0 to 5 and their… Moline Public Library, 9:30am
and third… Davenport City Hall, 5:30pm Wed Mar 15 of the month; $1/person;… CASI (Center for Active experience necessary; free; for… CASI (Center for thru Thu Mar 30
Seniors), 4:30pm thru Thu Apr 6 Active Seniors), 9am Mon Mar 6 thru Mon Apr 3
Rock Island County Board Regular Meeting, all Story Times at RVDL, on Mondays and Thursdays; a
meetings are open to the public, but may be… Rock Free Senior Day at the Figge Art Museum, for Zumba Toning, on Mondays; $3/person; for fun and educational Story Time with… River Valley
Island County Office Building, 5:30pm Tue Mar 21 seniors age 60 & up on the first Thursday… Figge Art information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for District Library, 10:45am thru Thu Apr 6
Museum, 10am thru Thu Apr 6 Active Seniors), 10:15am Mon Mar 6 thru Mon Apr 3
Rock Island Public Library Board of Trustees Tales for Tots: 0-3 Storytime, on Thursdays; an
Meeting, agendas and minutes are posted on our Hand and Foot, on Thursdays; $2/person; for Canasta, on Tuesdays; $2/session; for information, enriching activity time for children ages birth…
website in accordance… Rock Island Public Library - information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), Bettendorf Public Library, 6:30pm thru Thu Apr 6
Downtown Library, 5pm Tue Mar 21 Active Seniors), 1pm thru Thu Apr 6 1pm Tue Mar 7 thru Tue Apr 4
Preschool Storytime, Tue.-Fri.; ages 3-5 are invited
Midwest Corvettes Club Monthly Meeting, join us Line Dancing, on Tuesdays & Thursdays; $2/person; Chair-Based Exercise, on Tuesdays; $3; for to attend these 30-minute sessions… Bettendorf
to discuss Corvettes, friends, and community … Eriksen for information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Public Library, 10am thru Thu Apr 6
Chevrolet - Milan, 6:30pm Tue Apr 4 Active Seniors), 10am thru Thu Apr 6 Active Seniors), 9am Tue Mar 7 thru Tue Apr 4
Teen Library Council, join us for a meeting to plan
Milestones AAA Meal Site, Mon.-Fri; meals must be Knitting & Crocheting, on Tuesdays; volunteer upcoming teen events,… East Moline Public Library,
make customized tote bags using infusible ink, the…
Moline Public Library, 3pm Wed Mar 8 and an indus-
ollowing his graduation from West
Colorful Crafternoons, on Wednesdays; make a new Point, Lieutenant Napoleon Buford trial school for
colorful project each week; this… Davenport Public
surveyed the Rock Island and Des liberated slaves,
Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 3:30pm Wed Mar 8
thru Wed Mar 29 Moines rapids on the Mississippi River and prosecuted
in the late 1820s. The rapids were a major dishonesty
Southwest Library Toddler Tales, on Wednesdays;
build early learning skills in your preschooler ages… obstacle for steamboats navigating the river among his own
Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 11am above St. Louis. According to a U.S. Corps subordinates.”
Wed Mar 8 thru Wed Apr 5 In 1865, he
of Engineers report, “His maps, though gen-
Teen Anime Club, watch Japanese animation, eral, were quite accurate, considering that was brevetted
have snacks, and socialize with others interested… major general
Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, he made his surveys in February, with a foot
6:30pm Wed Mar 8 thru Wed Mar 29 of ice and nine inches of snow covering the of volunteers
river.” “For gallant
Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; pop in anytime
between 3 and 5pm for… Davenport Public Library - Buford moved to Rock Island in the early and meritori-
Fairmount Street Branch, 3pm Wed Mar 8 thru Wed 1840s shortly after Rock Island was incor- ous service
Apr 5
porated as a town. He would be a promi- during the
Teen Role-playing Club: Predation, on Wednesdays; nent manufacturer, President of the Federal Rebellion.”
each month we will explore a different rule… After the
Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm Wed Mar 8 thru Wed Union Bank of Rock Island and President
Mar 29 of the Rock Island and Peoria Railroad. war, Buford
With the declaration of war in 1861, the served as
Toddler Storytime, on Wednesdays; we’ll sing songs,
dance, and read fun stories;… Davenport Public state of Illinois answered President Lin- superintendent
Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 10am Wed Mar 8
coln’s call for volunteers. Buford was placed of the Federal
thru Wed Apr 5
in command of the 27th Illinois Volunteer Union Mining
CreaTEEN Crafts: Henna Tattoo Art, natural henna Infantry although he had retired from the Company in
paste it leaves beautiful markings on the skin… Colorado,
LeClaire Community Library, 5pm Thu Mar 9 military 26 years before. He was now 54
years old. special United
Creativity Lab: Tissue Paper Printmaking, we will States com-
make prints using tissue paper and water; grades… The regiment saw their first action only
Moline Public Library, 7pm Thu Mar 9 months after it had been organized, when missioner of
his men formed the right wing of the Indian affairs,
Harry Potter Party, join us at Hogwarts as we play
trivia, make potions… East Moline Public Library, 4pm attacking force at the Battle of Belmont, and special
Fri Mar 10 Missouri. According to the Report of United States
Dungeons & Dragons, play the beloved fantasy the Illinois Adjutant General 1861-1866: commissioner
tabletop roleplaying game; free; for information,… “Under the inspiration of its brave Colonel to inspect the
River Valley District Library, 4pm Fri Mar 10 thru Fri completed
Mar 24 [Buford] it drove, in the midst of a perfect
hail of bullets and canister shot, the enemy Union Pacific
Cuentos y Cantos / Stories & Songs, bilingual Railroad.
English/Spanish storytime co-hosted by Mister Joe from his camp in utter rout, capturing two
and guest reader… Davenport Public Library - Eastern brass field pieces which it immediately The later
Avenue Branch, 10am Sat Mar 11
manned and turned upon the retreating years of his life
enemy.” were spent Buford's tombstone in Chippiannock Cemetery, Rock Island, IL
Continued On Page 22 in Chicago
22 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.
Life-Size Game Night: Among Us, we all become
tantly, the tone was there, faithfully replicating
arch in the Quad Cities sees the return Andy Powell, the band’s remaining found- the ‘70s studio sound for perhaps the first time
of spring, or something like it. It also ing member, was one of the first hard rock since their heyday. These details matter; atten-
brings a wide variety of live music, guitarists to use a Gibson Flying V, years before tion to sound and song selection can mark the
from past masters and new faces. My top live heavy metal icons such as Michael Schenker difference between a bar-quality show and a
picks for March fall into each category, from and K. K. Downing made it a visual staple of performance worthy of a band’s heritage. Last
returning rock veterans to debut performances hard rock. It was with that V in hand that a year’s show fell firmly in the second category,
in the Quad Cities. 20-year-old Powell walked onstage during and with the band’s heavy touring in the time
British rock legends Wishbone Ash are a Deep Purple soundcheck in 1970, making between, Wishbone Ash’s Common Chord Sam Locke Ward and band
returning to the Redstone Room at Common the ludicrous and potentially lethal deci- stop is sure to be on the level with anything
Chord (formerly River Music Experience) sion to plug in and initiate a jam with Ritchie passing through Davenport’s Adler Theatre in new music hasn’t waned, even if they need to
for the second year in a row, their March 7 “Noodles McPsychopath” Blackmore, a man 2023. sit down for a chunk of the evening. Running
appearance falling one day shy of one year as well-known for his violent temper as for his Sam Locke Ward is back on the road for the Man are old blood flowing through some new
since last year’s superb show. Attendance was riffs and destructive onstage antics. Instead of first time in years and is visiting Davenport’s veins – four QC music lifers with a West Coast
slight last year; my companions and I had sentencing the young Powell to evisceration- Raccoon Motel on March 17 with hand-picked transplant on vocals, playing driving, hook-
paid peasants’ admission, but were upgraded by-Stratocaster, Blackmore put Wishbone Ash local support from Rock Island’s Chrash and laden, brooding rock and roll that rings of
to a free (!!!) table due to the light house. We in touch with Deep Purple’s management, Moline’s Liv Carrow. Happy Hearts, his new past punk tinnitus while pointing their amps
made little use of it; within minutes of the first earning them their big break through the most collaboration with Half Japanese founder Jad toward the future. Educational Davis are a
song, we were drawn irresistibly to the front of unlikely means imaginable. Fair, is a giddy, disturbingly positive celebra- bizarro electro-fusion of Krautrock grooves
the room, remaining there for the entire set. It was also with that V in hand that Powell tion of romance as far removed as possible and aggro-Dada vocals spiked with early-Devo
Consensus among the old-timers was that it and original Ash guitarist Ted Turner forged from the minimalist red-state rage of Bubble- basement tension. Creeping out the yuppies
was their best local show in years. a sound that is now ubiquitous in rock and gum Necropolis, my favorite release of 2022. and college kids in Madison must be getting
The power of this current incarnation of metal, that of the harmonized dual lead Given Ward’s incredible artistic range, no old, as they’ve been making steady sojourns
Wishbone Ash may well come from their guitars. No other hard-rock band had ever predictions are offered as to what he and his into the area in recent months.
acknowledgment of the past. Last year’s tour sought to combine two guitars into a single new band have in store, save a one-of-a-kind Hayes Noble is new blood flowing from
was a celebration of the 50th anniversary of nuanced voice before Wishbone Ash released rock-and-roll experience marked with biting old veins into the power tubes of an igno-
their 1972 album Argus, with set lists draw- their 1970 debut. Thin Lizzy and Iron Maiden humor and deep emotion. rantly loud Sunn Model T. The 18-year-old
ing heavily from that breathtaking nexus of were avowed fans, and an influence on Lynyrd Self-described as “phantom rock” and just released his debut Head Cleaner, a quick
hard rock, folk, melody and Old English lore, Skynyrd has been claimed; I asked the framed “quirky pop,” Chrash play clanging, catchy collection of ‘90s sounds à la Sonic Youth and
and a complete performance of the full album painting of Allen Collins outside the Redstone and topical punk rock; folk singer Liv Carrow’s Dinosaur Jr., with a little dash of AmRep noise
at a show in Des Plaines, Illinois. This year Room if this was true, but he preferred to speak songs are in turn gentle, foreboding, melan- and enough youthful energy to give the songs
they’re marking the 50th anniversary of the through his Firebird. choly, and poignant. Taken as a package, the St. the kick they need. He’s rolling down from
Live Dates album, kicking off the tour with a Celebration and recognition of Wishbone’s Patrick’s Day show is far removed from any- the hills of Galena for his first QC appear-
performance of that album in its entirety of past is reflected not only in their song choices, thing else staged in the QC on that drunken ance. The Cities’ drunkest (functional) punks
Daryl’s House, the club owned by Daryl Hall but in instrumentation, as well. Along with Friday; if only there were a way to surrepti- are opening; Road Soda are a slingshot blast
(yep, that Daryl Hall) in Pawling, New York, Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac, Wishbone Ash tiously run an audio feed into some of the bars from the Davenport gutter, a proper and rude
which has hosted the Live from Daryl’s House were one of the first bands to use the visually- in Davenport, with a video feed run back into awakening with a fresh record and tow. Grab
Web series since 2014. striking Orange Amplifiers, blending them in the Raccoon Motel. Now that would be a show. World’s Greatest Disappointment and stash it
Wishbone Ash possess a legacy seldom the studio with smaller Fender combo amps to The RIBCO show on March 25 is recom- quick before you spill beer all over it during
acknowledged outside of musician circles. get their distinctive guitar sound. Powell and mended for aging punks whose enthusiasm for their set.
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Through April 6, 2023
April Print Edition Deadline:
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2020/09/04 (Fri)
(2) Class of ’82 – The Rust Belt, 533 12th
Ave., East Moline IL
Jeff Spradley – O’Keefe’s Pub & Grub,
1331 5th Ave, Moline IL
The Guess Who – Riverside Casino
Event Center, 3184 Highway 22,
Open Mic Night w/ Kyle Cord (6pm) –
Green Tree Brewery, 309 N. Cody Rd.,
Rock Island IL
Shamrockin’ o’Pardy: Phyllis & the
Academy of St Martin in the Fields Crooked Cactus – Rhythm City Casino Joe Marcinek Band – Jason Hann – Riverside IA LeClaire IA Sharks – Far Out 283 – Vital Signs –
w/ Gary Hoffman – Hancher Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Jack Watson Quartet – The Grape Life Smidley – Dominic Angelella – Kavanaugh’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 1228
Auditorium, 141 East Park Rd., Iowa Ave., Davenport IA Davenport IA Wine Store & Lounge, 3402 Elmore Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa 30th St., Rock Island IL
City IA Every Avenue – Makeout – Unwell Open Jam Night – My Place the Pub, Ave., Davenport IA City IA Surf’s Up Saturday (11:30am) – Zeke’s
Alan Morrison and Rebecca Casad (5pm) – Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington 4405 State St., Bettendorf IA The Jason & John Experience – Taylor Swift Night w/ Angela Meyer – Island Cafe, 1509 N Harrison St.,
(6pm) – Twin Span Brewing, 6776 St., Iowa City IA Open Jam Night (6pm) – Denny O’s, Headquar ters Muscatine, 2108 Ariel McReynolds – Raccoon Motel, Davenport IA
Championship Dr., Bettendorf IA Gaelic Storm – Englert Theatre, 221 307 10th Ave, Fulton IL Grandview Ave., Muscatine IA 315 E. Second St., Davenport IA T.I. – Rhythm City Casino Resort Event
Blue October – The Rust Belt, 533 12th East Washington St., Iowa City IA Open Mic Night w/ Antone Burton – Mark Hestness (6pm) – Nerdspeak A Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport
Ave., East Moline IL
Dogs in a Pile – Gabe’s, 330 E.
Ghost Town Blues Band (5pm) –
Moline Viking Club, 1450 41st St.,
Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd
St., Davenport IA
Brewery, 7563 State St., Bettendorf IA
Masma Dream World – Drekka – Post
Tony Hoeppner & Friends – The Grape
Washington St., Iowa City IA Moline IL Open Mic Nite w/ Jacob Hemenway Doom Romance – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Angela Meyer – The RailYard Life Wine Store & Lounge, 3402
Eli Winter – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., Got Your Six – Hawkeye Tap Sports – Zeke’s Island Cafe, 1509 N Harrison Third Ave., Rock Island IL Restaurant & Bar, 205 Washington Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
Rock Island IL Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., St., Davenport IA The Student Body – Riverside Casino Ave., Lowden IA The Ultimate Roy Orbison Tribute
Head for the Hills – Miles Over Davenport IA Opera Quad Cities 101: Opera by and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Ariel McReynolds (5pm) – Crawford – Ohnward Fine Arts Center, 1215 E
Mountains – The Redstone Room, Identity Crisis – The Gypsy Highway the Numbers – Duets, Trios, Etc. Riverside IA Brew Works, 3659 Devils Glen Rd., Platt St., Maquoketa IA
129 Main St, Davenport IA Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., – Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Surf’s Up Saturday (11:30am) – Zeke’s Bettendorf IA Whiskey Business – The Luck y
Leo Kottke – Englert Theatre, 221 East Davenport IA Learning Campus Dr., Bettendorf IA Island Cafe, 1509 N Harrison St., Avey Grouws Band – The Gypsy Frog Bar & Grill, 313 N. Salina St,
Washington St., Iowa City IA Jada Vance – Riverside Casino and Golf Davenport IA Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust McCausland IA
Not Petty: Tom Petty Tribute Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside FRIDAY (10) Tony Hoeppner & Friends – Green St., Davenport IA
(6:30pm) – The Gypsy Highway Bar
& Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport
Mo Carter – Green Tree Brewery, 309 N. Amateur Selectors: Low Tide w/ Liv
Tree Brewery, 309 N. Cody Rd.,
LeClaire IA
Bottom Shelf Whiskey – Denny O’s,
307 10th Ave, Fulton IL SUNDAY (19)
IA Cody Rd., LeClaire IA Carrow – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., Toxic Blonde – The Gypsy Highway Bar Donovan Gustofson – Hollar’s Bar and 3Way Radio (5pm) – Route 30 Slots &
Open Jam Night – My Place the Pub, Murnau – Louisiana Drifter – Denny Rock Island IL & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport Grill, 4050 27th St, Moline IL Cocktails, 2000 E Rock Falls Rd., Rock
4405 State St., Bettendorf IA O’s, 307 10th Ave, Fulton IL Angela Meyer (6pm) – Front Street IA Irish Jam – Rhythm City Casino Resort Falls IL
Open Jam Night (6pm) – Denny O’s, Quad City Symphony Orchestra Brewery, 208 E. River Dr., Davenport Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., Daryl Robinson (3pm) – John & Alice
307 10th Ave, Fulton IL
Open Mic Night (5:30pm) – Tuggers
Masterworks V: Fierce Females
– Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St.,
Crash Test Dummies – Carleton SUNDAY (12) Davenport IA
The Quebe Sisters – Bishop Hill
Butler Hall - University of Dubuque
Heritage Center, 2255 Bennett St.,
Burger Bar & Ale House, 201 N. Main Davenport IA Stone – Englert Theatre, 221 East Angela Meyer – Joe Stamm – Whiskerz Creative Commons, 309 N Bishop Hill Dubuque IA
St., Port Byron IL Smooth Groove – Edje Nightclub at Washington St., Iowa City IA Pub, 215 5th St., Lacon IL St., Bishop Hill IL The Edgar Crockett Trio’s Tribute to
Open Mic Night w/ Antone Burton – Bally’s Casino, 777 Bally Blvd., Rock DJ & Karaoke Night – Denny O’s, 307 Bix Beiderbecke Birthday Party Samuel Locke Ward – Chrash – Liv “Heroes of the Horn” – Rivermont
Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd Island IL 10th Ave, Fulton IL (3pm) – Columbus Club, 1111 W. 35th Carrow – Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Collegiate, 1821 Sunset Dr.,
St., Davenport IA Surf’s Up Saturday (11:30am) – Zeke’s Deep Galactic Bass Sessions: Vol. 2 St., Davenport IA Second St., Davenport IA Bettendorf IA
Reggae Night – Zeke’s Island Cafe, Island Cafe, 1509 N Harrison St., – The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, The Dollyroots – The Von Tramps – St. Paddy’s with Andrew Jacob & Lisa Michigan Rattlers – Small Houses
1509 N Harrison St., Davenport IA Davenport IA Davenport IA Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second St., Lyn – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, 321 – Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second St.,
Tyler Richton & the High Bank Boys Eric Gales – Ally Venable – Wildwood Davenport IA E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Davenport IA
FRIDAY (3) – Scott Stowe – RIBCO, 1815 Second
Ave., Rock Island IL
Smokehouse & Saloon, 4919 B
Walleye Dr. SE, Iowa City IA
Eric Gales – Ally Venable – Wildwood
Smokehouse & Saloon - Iowa City,
Twista – Mario Canon – Hariq – Styles
Dim – Daja Marie – The Redstone
My Politic – Bishop Hill Creative
Commons, 309 N Bishop Hill St.,
Alex Fischbach – Hawkeye Tap Sports WonkZilla’z Zombie Experience – Greenmore (noon) – Bettendorf Public 4919 B Walleye Dr. SE, Iowa City IA Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA Bishop Hill IL
Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr., John Daniel Lane (2pm) – Carl
Davenport IA
With Killer of Giants: America’s #1
Ozzy Tribute – Potential Spam. – Bettendorf IA Sandburg State Historic Site, 313 E
Alla Boara – First Presby terian Rascals Live, 1414 15th St., Moline IL The Jason & John Experience – 3rd St, Galesburg IL Andy Shauf – Katy Kirby – Raccoon
Church of Davenport, 1702 Iowa St., Hollar’s Bar and Grill, 4050 27th St, Noah G. Fowler – Tyler Weaver (6pm) Motel, 315 E. Second St., Davenport
3 on the Tree – Edje Nightclub at Bally’s
Davenport IA
Douglas & Tucker Duo – The Grape SUNDAY (5) Moline IL
Levi Craft – Hawkeye Tap Sports
– Bishop Hill Creative Commons, 309
N Bishop Hill St., Bishop Hill IL Casino, 777 Bally Blvd., Rock Island IL IA
Songwriters Roundtable (6pm) –
Life Wine Store & Lounge, 3402 Claud – Hank (6pm) – Ragged Records, Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Angela Meyer – Green Tree Brewery,
The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
The Hackensaw Boys – Raccoon Motel,
418 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA
Quad City Symphony Orchestra
Davenport IA
Passion – Riverside Casino and Golf
TUESDAY (14) 309 N. Cody Rd., LeClaire IA
Basketball Divorce Court Album Davenport IA
315 E. Second St., Davenport IA
Jada Vance – Riverside Casino and Golf
Masterworks V: Fierce Females
(2pm) – Centennial Hall, Augustana
Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside
Adam Weiner – Raccoon Motel, 315 E.
Second St., Davenport IA
Release Show – Gabe’s, 330 E.
Washington St., Iowa City IA TUESDAY (21)
Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL Pony Bradshaw – poolblood – Drive-by Truckers – Margo Cilker Dan Haughey St. Patrick’s Day Event Journey – Toto – Vibrant Arena at the
IA Surf Zombies – Bishop Hill Creative Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second St., – Engler t Theatre, 221 East (10am) – Dead Poet’s Espresso, 1525 MARK, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL
John Weaver – Hollar’s Bar and Grill, Commons, 309 N Bishop Hill St., Davenport IA Washington St., Iowa City IA 3rd Ave, Moline IL They Are Gutting a Body of Water –
4050 27th St, Moline IL Bishop Hill IL Rabbit Hole – The Gypsy Highway Bar Opera Quad Ciites – Moline Public Danger Zone (3pm) – Code 415 Knifeplay – Raccoon Motel, 315 E.
Ky & Brad – Green Tree Brewery, 309 N. & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport Library, 3210 41st St., Moline IL (8:30pm) – The Gypsy Highway Bar Second St., Davenport IA
MONDAY (6) & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport
Cody Rd., LeClaire IA IA
Logan Springer & the Wonderfully Lillie Mae – Sophie Coyote – Raccoon Ron Tegeler Jazz – The V’ue, 137 5th IA
Dead & Gone – DJ Hillbloom –
Wild Album Release Show – Jason Motel, 315 E. Second St., Davenport Ave. S., Clinton IA Karaoke Night – RIBCO, 1815 Second Karaoke Night – RIBCO, 1815 Second
Carl & the Whole Damn Band – Steve Grismore Jazz Trio – The Grape O’Keefe’s Pub & Grub, 1331 5th Ave,
IA Ave., Rock Island IL Moline IL Ave., Rock Island IL
Soultru – The Redstone Room, 129 Post Sex Nachos – Ava Beathard Life Wine Store & Lounge, 3402 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band – Englert Lettuce – The Rust Belt, 533 12th Ave.,
Main St, Davenport IA Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Eric Whitlock – Denny O’s, 307 10th
(6pm) – Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Ave, Fulton IL East Moline IL
St. Paddy’s: Coppers & Brass – St., Iowa City IA The Student Body Band – Rhythm City Iowa City IA Open Blues Jam (6pm) – Kavanaugh’s
Wandering Wild – Colin Nies & Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Fun DMC – Rhythm City Casino Resort
Open Blues Jam (6pm) – Kavanaugh’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 1228 30th St., Rock
Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
Noel VanDenBosch – Coralville
Center for the Performing Arts, 1301 TUESDAY Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
Underoath – Periphery – Loathe –
Hilltop Bar & Grill, 1228 30th St., Rock
Island IL
Davenport IA Island IL
Three Door Coupe (6:30pm) – The
5th St., Coralville IA Wishbone Ash – The Redstone Room, The Rust Belt, 533 12th Ave., East Greenmore Trio (3pm) – Mulligan’s
St. Patrick’s Day Family Concert with Valley Pub, 310 W 1st Ave, Coal Valley Gypsy Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W.
Southern Rail Band – Rhythm City 129 Main St, Davenport IA Moline IL Bucktown Revue (6pm) – LeClaire Locust St., Davenport IA
Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Victor Dean – Bootleg Hill Honey IL
Community Library, 323 Wisconsin
Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
Tab Benoit – JD Simo – Englert
WEDNESDAY (8) Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA St, LeClaire IA
Heads in Motion: A Talking Heads
Tribute (5pm) – The Redstone THURSDAY (23)
Theatre, 221 East Washington St.,
Iowa City IA
Bill Callahan – Pascal Kerong’a –
Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second St., SATURDAY (11) THURSDAY (16)
Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA
Jeff Theisen – Galena Brewing
Jake McVey – Raccoon Motel, 315 E.
Second St., Davenport IA
TobyMac – CROWDER – Cochren & Davenport IA 3 Day Rain – Hawkeye Tap Sports Chicago Farmer & the Field Notes – Company, 227 N. Main St., Galena IL Jef Spradley (6:30pm) – The Gypsy
Co. – Tasha Layton – Jon Reddick – Collegiate Jaz z Night – The Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Wolfskill & the Wild – The Redstone Jim Perron (2pm) – Donovan Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust
Terrian – Vibrant Arena at the MARK, Smokestack, 62 E. 7th Street, Davenport IA Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA Gustafson (7pm) – Bootleg Hill St., Davenport IA
1201 River Dr, Moline IL Dubuque IA Angela Meyer – The Grove Tap, 108 S Don Gustofson – The Grape Life Wine Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Jeremy Young – Pan–American –
Travis Ried Band – The Gypsy Highway Freedy Johnston – Bishop Hill Creative 1st St, Long Grove IA Store & Lounge, 3402 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Lazy Hex – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third
Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Commons, 309 N Bishop Hill St., Ariel McReynolds – Bootleg Hill Honey Davenport IA Joe Hertler & the Rainbow Seekers Ave., Rock Island IL
Davenport IA Bishop Hill IL Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Feature Artist Nite – Zeke’s Island – Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second St., Open Jam Night – My Place the Pub,
Wilcox & McQuay – Bootleg Hill Honey Karaoke Night – RIBCO, 1815 Second Chamber Music Quad Cities: Anna Cafe, 1509 N Harrison St., Davenport Davenport IA 4405 State St., Bettendorf IA
Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Ave., Rock Island IL Elashvili & Thomas Sauer – Trinity IA The Knockoffs – Hawkeye Tap Sports Open Jam Night (6pm) – Denny O’s,
Open Blues Jam (6pm) – Kavanaugh’s Episcopal Cathedral Parish Hall, 121 Katherine Shewell (6:30pm) – The Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., 307 10th Ave, Fulton IL
SATURDAY (4) Hilltop Bar & Grill, 1228 30th St., Rock
Island IL
W. 12th St., Davenport IA
CJ Ryder & the Past Masters – Rhythm
Gypsy Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W.
Locust St., Davenport IA
Davenport IA
Oh What a Night! A Musical Tribute
Open Mic Night w/ Antone Burton –
Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd
Amateur Selectors: Dimensions of That 1 Guy Presents: In the Gnu City Casino Resort Rhythm Room, Open Jam Night – My Place the Pub, To Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons St., Davenport IA
Disco w/ B Empire & Diamond Life Gnargaverse – Gabe’s, 330 E. 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA 4405 State St., Bettendorf IA (2pm) – Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third Open Mic Nite w/ Jacob Hemenway
– Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., Rock Washington St., Iowa City IA Code 415 – Len Brown’s North Shore Open Jam Night (6pm) – Denny O’s, St., Davenport IA – Zeke’s Island Cafe, 1509 N Harrison
Island IL Inn, 700 N. Shore Dr., Moline IL 307 10th Ave, Fulton IL Rearview – Riverside Casino and Golf St., Davenport IA
Angela Meyer – Bootleg Hill Honey THURSDAY (9) Creamery Road – Denny O’s, 307 10th Open Mic Night (5:30pm) – Tuggers Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside
Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA
Banda Machos – Rhythm City Casino Angela Meyer – Hawkeye Tap Sports
Ave, Fulton IL
Dani Lynn Howe Band – Edje
Burger Bar & Ale House, 201 N. Main
St., Port Byron IL
Reba McEntire – Terry Clark – The FRIDAY (24)
Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Nightclub at Bally’s Casino, 777 Bally Isaacs (6:30pm) – Vibrant Arena at Angela Meyer – Ariel McReynolds
Davenport IA Open Mic Night w/ Antone Burton
Ave., Davenport IA Blvd., Rock Island IL (7pm) – Problems (10pm) – Bootleg the MARK, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL – Headquarters Muscatine, 2108
Billy Dean – Fairfield Arts & Convention Bethann Heidgerken (6:30pm) – The Friko – Free Range – Raccoon Motel, Roger Carlson (5pm) – Rock Island Grandview Ave., Muscatine IA
Gypsy Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Hill Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd St.,
Center, 200 N. Main St., Fairfield IA 315 E. Second St., Davenport IA Davenport IA Hy-Vee Market Grille, 2930 18th Ave., Barefoot & Sunshine – The Grape Life
Locust St., Davenport IA
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Through April 6, 2023
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March 26: [email protected]
Force – Cell – Rig Time – Concrete
Wine Store & Lounge, 3402 Elmore Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust the MARK, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL
Ave., Davenport IA St., Davenport IA SUNDAY (2) Sleep – Crimson Clean Sweep (hed)p.e. – Crazy Town X – Adema
Brooke Byam – Rhythm City Casino The Velies – Bishop Hill Creative BanD Acoustic – Bootleg Hill Honey An Evening with Dan Tedesco – (5:30pm) – Skylark Concert Studio, – Tantric – The Rust Belt, 533 12th
Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Commons, 309 N Bishop Hill St., Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, 4401 7th Ave., Rock Island IL Ave., East Moline IL
Ave., Davenport IA Bishop Hill IL Code 415 – Whiskey Stop, 1726 15th Davenport IA The Sloppy Boys – Dear Blanca – Mission Creek Festival 2023 Opening
CJ Ryder & the Past Masters – Willi Carlisle – Willy Tea Taylor – Ave., East Moline IL Demun Jones – The Rust Belt, 533 12th Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second St., Night: Black Belt Eagle Scout
Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second St., Crooked Cactus – The Gypsy Highway Ave., East Moline IL Davenport IA (7:15pm) – Cat Power (8:30pm) –
3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Hancher Auditorium, 141 East Park
Davenport IA Enumclaw – Nitefire – Raccoon Motel,
Church of Cash: Johnny Cash Tribute
– Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second St.,
Davenport IA 315 E. Second St., Davenport IA WEDNESDAY Rd., Iowa City IA
Open Jam Night – My Place the Pub,
Fool House: The Ultimate 90’s Dance
Quad City Symphony Orchestra
Davenport IA
Cori Barker – Bootleg Hill Honey
TUESDAY Party – The Rust Belt, 533 12th Ave., Masterworks VI: Mahler One
Jordan Danielsen (6:30pm) – The
Gypsy Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W.
4405 State St., Bettendorf IA
Open Jam Night (6pm) – Denny O’s,
Joey Valence & Brae – Gabe’s, 330 E. East Moline IL (2pm) – Centennial Hall, Augustana Locust St., Davenport IA
Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA The Night People – Rhythm City College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL 307 10th Ave, Fulton IL
Funktastic 5 – The Gypsy Highway Bar Washington St., Iowa City IA Karaoke Night – RIBCO, 1815 Second Open Mic Night w/ Antone Burton –
Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077
Ave., Rock Island IL
& Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport
IA WEDNESDAY (29) Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
Quad City Symphony Orchestra
TUESDAY Skeletal Remains – Gabe’s, 330 E.
Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd
St., Davenport IA
Jeremy Short – The Redstone Room, Andrzej Kozlowski (noon) – Rock Washington St., Iowa City IA Reggae Night – Zeke’s Island Cafe,
Casket Robbery – Illusion of Fate – Masterworks VI: Mahler One Weedeater – Adam Faucett –
129 Main St, Davenport IA Pitlord – Empty Grave (5:30pm) – Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St., Island Public Library - Downtown 1509 N Harrison St., Davenport IA
Jim Cook – Hollar’s Bar and Grill, 4050 Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL Telekinetic Yeti – Raccoon Motel, The Jason & John Experience
– Skylark Concert Studio, 4401 7th Davenport IA 315 E. Second St., Davenport IA
27th St, Moline IL Ave., Rock Island IL Surf’s Up Saturday (11:30am) – Zeke’s The Jason & John Experience – The (6:30pm) – The Gypsy Highway Bar
Kris Lager – Bishop Hill Creative
Commons, 309 N Bishop Hill St.,
Karaoke Night – RIBCO, 1815 Second
Ave., Rock Island IL
Island Cafe, 1509 N Harrison St.,
Davenport IA
Palace Tavern, 701 15th Ave., East
Moline IL THURSDAY (6) & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport
Bishop Hill IL Open Blues Jam (6pm) – Kavanaugh’s The Last Ten Seconds of Life – Vomit For King & Country – Vibrant Arena at
Local Showcase: Fishbait – Otros Hilltop Bar & Grill, 1228 30th St., Rock
Outros – Treecloud – Glass Leaf Island IL
Co. – Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Plastic Picnic – Raccoon Motel, 315 E.
Iowa City IA Second St., Davenport IA
Marcy Each – Rachel Roeth – Contrary Titus Andronicus – Country Westerns
Brewing Co., 411 W Mississippi Dr., – Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa
Muscatine IA City IA
Mark Hestness (6pm) – Front Street
Brewery Taproom, Freight House,
421 W. River Dr., Davenport IA THURSDAY (30)
North of 40 – Hawkeye Tap Sports Adam Whitehead – Hawkeye Tap
Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Sports Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne
Davenport IA Ave., Davenport IA
One Night of Queen – Vibrant Arena Danilo Pérez, John Patitucci, & Brian
at the MARK, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL Blade: Children of the Light (6:30
Tanya Tucker – Rhythm City Casino & 9pm) – Hancher Auditorium, 141
Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore East Park Rd., Iowa City IA
Ave., Davenport IA Open Jam Night – My Place the Pub,
Todd Striley & the Noize – Denny O’s, 4405 State St., Bettendorf IA
307 10th Ave, Fulton IL Open Jam Night (6pm) – Denny O’s,
307 10th Ave, Fulton IL
SATURDAY (25) Open Mic & Karaoke – The Rusty Fox
Wine & Alehouse, 1 E 3rd St., Sterling
Angela Meyer – Denny O’s, 307 10th IL
Ave, Fulton IL Open Mic Night – Rhythm City Casino
The Carefree Highwaymen – The Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore
Grape Life Wine Store & Lounge, Ave., Davenport IA
3402 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Open Mic Night (5:30pm) – Tuggers
Daylight Over – The Gypsy Highway Burger Bar & Ale House, 201 N. Main
Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., St., Port Byron IL
Davenport IA Open Mic Night w/ Antone Burton –
Donovan Gustofson – Geneseo Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd
Brewing Company, 102 S. State St., St., Davenport IA
Geneseo IL Protomartyr – Titus Andronicus –
Hayes Noble – Running Man – Road Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second St.,
Soda – Educational Davis – RIBCO, Davenport IA
1815 Second Ave., Rock Island IL Ruby & Donovan (6:30pm) – The
Identity Crisis – Edje Nightclub at Gypsy Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W.
Bally’s Casino, 777 Bally Blvd., Rock Locust St., Davenport IA
Island IL
Jordan Danielsen – Green Tree
Brewery, 309 N. Cody Rd., LeClaire IA FRIDAY (31)
Rob and Gary of the Night People – 3 on the Tree – The Gypsy Highway Bar
Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport
St., Davenport IA IA
Roots & Boots 9 0 ’s E lec t ric Antone Burton – Bootleg Hill Honey
Throwdown: Sammy Kershaw – Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA
Collin Raye – Aaron Tippin – The Belladiva – Riverside Casino and Golf
Rust Belt, 533 12th Ave., East Moline Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside
Slow Rollin – Hawkeye Tap Sports CJ Parker – The Redstone Room, 129
Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Main St, Davenport IA
Davenport IA Code 415 – Parkside Grill & Lounge,
Surf’s Up Saturday (11:30am) – Zeke’s 2307 5th Ave, Moline IL
Island Cafe, 1509 N Harrison St., Empire Wild – Luther College, 700
Davenport IA College Dr., Decorah IA
The Tailfins – Rhythm City Casino Freddy Allen 2&4 Swing – The Grape
Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Life Wine Store & Lounge, 3402
Ave., Davenport IA Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
Toxic Blonde (7:30pm) – Rocks Off Funktastic 5 – Hawkeye Tap Sports
(9:30pm) – Riverside Casino and Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave.,
Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Davenport IA
Riverside IA Jen Craft – O’Keefe’s Pub & Grub, 1331
Trackstar the DJ – Raccoon Motel, 315 5th Ave, Moline IL
E. Second St., Davenport IA Jim Ryan – Hollar’s Bar & Grill, 4050
Up Close with the Figge: Women in 27th St, Moline IL
Music – Figge Art Museum, 225 W. Pickney Evans – The V’ue, 137 5th Ave.
2nd St., Davenport IA S., Clinton IA
Sushi Roll – Rhythm City Casino Resort
SUNDAY (26) Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
Davenport IA
Sunday Funday w/ JP & the Blues
Machine (3:30pm) – The Gypsy
28 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 30 No. 1007 • March 2023 FREE ASSANGE. Know More. Do More. RCReader.com/Calendar.