Effects of Re-Heating and Compaction Temperature On Hot Mix Asphalt Volumetrics

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NCAT Report 01-04



L. Michael H. Huner
E.R. Brown

November 2001

277 Technology Parkway • Auburn, AL 36830


Michael H. Huner
Research Engineer
National Center for Asphalt Technology
Auburn University, Alabama

E. Ray Brown
National Center for Asphalt Technology
Auburn University, Alabama

NCAT Report 01-04

November 2001

The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are solely responsible for
the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect
the official views and policies of the National Center for Asphalt Technology of Auburn
University. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.


The need for accurate, consistent volumetric measurements of hot mix asphalt (HMA) has
become increasingly important in the past few years. This change has come about because more
and more states are utilizing volumetrics to design the HMA mixtures and then to evaluate them
during construction. Since volumetrics are now widely used for quality assurance, it has become
a major concern for both the state and the contractor to measure these properties with accuracy
and reliability. Minor changes in volumetric properties may be the difference in whether a
contractor receives full pay or reduced pay for produced mixtures.

It is believed that differences in how mixtures are handled and tested have played a role in
discrepancies between government agency and contractor test results. The objective of this study
was to evaluate the effects of re-heating and compaction temperatures on the volumetric
properties of HMA mixtures. These effects were studied with two experiments. In the first
experiment, mix was compacted after 0, 3 and 20 hours storage. In the second experiment, mix
was compacted at three different temperatures; standard target compaction temperature for the
grade of asphalt cement in the mixture, target-14°C and target+14°C. These two conditions
generally vary from laboratory to laboratory and are believed to cause changes in mixture
properties. Fine and coarse graded mixtures comprised of granite and sandstone aggregate with
PG64 and PG76 binder were compacted with the Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC) and
their volumetric properties measured.

Huner & Brown



Michael H. Huner and E.R. Brown


In the hot mix asphalt (HMA) construction industry, the need for accurate, consistent volumetric
measurements has recently become more important. Since more states are relying on volumetric
properties to both design the mixture and then to evaluate the final product during the
construction phase, the need for reliable test results has become a necessity. Volumetrics are
being widely used to determine the pay a contractor will receive for constructed HMA.

It is believed by some that discrepancies between agency and contractor test results may be
partially related to re-heating mixture samples that have cooled below compaction temperatures.
Also, when re-heating mixtures, the compaction temperature, if not closely monitored, could be
inaccurate and thus cause more deviation. The effect of these two issues needs to be looked at
more closely to determine if they significantly affect sample volumetrics.
Hot Mix Asphalt Volumetrics

There are three volumetric properties most commonly measured to evaluate the physical
characteristics of HMA (1): voids in total mix (VTM), voids in mineral aggregate (VMA), and
voids filled with asphalt cement (VFA). These mixture properties are explained in Figure 1 and
defined as follows:

Va air Mair

VMA Vfa asphalt Mbe

Vb Mb

Vmb Vba absorbed asphalt

entrapped air Mmix

aggregate Magg

VMA = Volume of voids in mineral aggregate Mmix = Total mass of asphalt mixture
Vmb = Bulk volume of compacted mix Mb = Mass of asphalt binder
Vmm = Voidless volume of paving mix Mbe = Mass of effective aggregate binder
Vfa = Volume of voids filled with asphalt Magg = Mass of aggregate
Va = Volume of air voids Mair = Mass of air = 0
Vb = Volume of asphalt binder
Vba = Volume of absorbed asphalt binder
Vsb = Volume of mineral aggregate (by bulk specific gravity)
Vse = Volume of mineral aggregate (by effective specific gravity)

Figure 1. Components of a Compacted HMA Specimen (2)

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Voids in Total Mix (VTM) - The total volume of the small pockets of air between the
coated aggregate particles throughout a compacted paving mixture, expressed as a percent of
the volume of the compacted paving mixture.

Voids in the Mineral Aggregate (VMA) - The volume of intergranular void space between
the aggregate particles of a compacted paving mixture that includes the air voids and asphalt
cement not absorbed into the aggregates.

Voids Filled with Asphalt Cement (VFA) - The volume of the VMA, expressed as a
percentage, that is filled with asphalt cement.

These properties are measured during mix design and production of HMA.

In quality control and quality assurance methods the different ways in which mixtures are
handled prior to testing is believed to play a role in the variability between governmental agency
and contractor measured properties. One common reason given for these differences has been the
effect of re-heating the HMA mixture prior to laboratory compaction. There are two reasons for
re-heating of the mixture. One reason for re-heating the mixture is a result of transporting the
sample to the laboratory for testing, while the second occurs when either referee or verification
samples must be tested. Referee samples are taken and set aside for possible testing when case
discrepancies occur between contractor and agency results. These samples will have cooled for
hours or even days. In order to compact these mixtures they must be re-heated to compaction
temperatures. The method used to reach that temperature is believed to have an effect on the
properties of the mixtures. Some states have established standard procedures for this process in
an attempt to reduce variability, however problems and discrepancies may still occur. Methods
of re-heating used by three state DOTs are provided below.

Alabama Method (3):

Where feasible, both the contractor and the government agency perform testing on site at the
plant producing the mixture. However, in some cases the agency or the contractor may transport
their samples over some distance to another laboratory. When this occurs the distance traveled
might be far enough to allow the mixture to cool sufficiently to require re-heating prior to
compacting samples. Samples are typically tested at the contractors plant site, however, this can
not always be done. Although the samples are packed in insulated containers to minimize heat
loss, the travel time may be 1 to 2 hours or longer. When this happens, the mixture may require
re-heating to achieve the proper test temperature. A referee system is also sometimes used which
requires re-heating. Referee samples are sometimes stored for as long as one week before they
are tested.

North Carolina Method (4, 5):

In North Carolina, 150 pounds of mix is sampled from a truck and split into four quarters. Half
of the material is taken by the contractor while the other half goes to the state. These two
portions are then split again by each party with half tested and the other half retained for re-
testing if discrepancies result. The contractor’s samples are tested onsite while the state usually
transports their samples to another location for testing. The distance traveled typically takes
from 30 to 45 minutes, which allows cooling that usually requires re-heating to achieve a
workable condition. The contractor as well as the state retain material from their samples in case
differences occur. These retained samples require re-heating to a workable temperature for
splitting and additional heating to compaction temperature.

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Colorado Method (6):

Quality Control issues are handled in Colorado with procedures similar to most other states, i.e.,
both the state and the contractor measure mixture properties. The samples taken by the state for
payment purposes are referred to as regional samples. These samples are taken, along with the
contractors samples, at the paver. They are transported to either a regional lab or to a mobile lab
as dictated by travel distances. In these instances, travel times up to two hours will likely require
re-heating. Since the contractor’s sample is taken at the paver, some re-heating might also be
necessary. Other samples that are taken periodically are for the state central laboratory to verify
test results from regional laboratories. The samples often are stored for days before they are
Previous Re-Heating Work

Not much has been done in the way of researching the effect of re-heating on HMA properties.
Only one source could be located that made mention of this issue and how it may or may not
affect results. An analysis (7) was done on collected QC/QA data in the state of Alabama for
Superpave Mixes. The objective of the study was to compare variability and accuracy in
achieving target production values for Marshall and Superpave mixes. Part of the study looked at
the possible effect of re-heating on air void percentages (VTM). Contractors compacted samples
at plant sites, but mix for ALDOT samples required transport to division laboratories where re-
heating was required prior to compaction. The mean air void percentage of over 600 contractor
measurements and over 300 ALDOT measurements, shown in Table 1, differed by only 0.01
percent. This difference is insignificant. However, there were several other uncontrolled
variables associated with the statistics and more direct comparisons are needed to definitively
establish the influence of re-heating.
Table 1. Comparison of Contractor and ALDOT Voids for 1997 Superpave Projects (7)
Agency No. of Mean Air Voids Stan. Deviation
Measurements (%) (%)
Contractor 605 3.92 0.99
ALDOT 325 3.93 1.05

Compaction Temperature Variability

When mixtures are re-heated for compaction, another issue develops that may affect the final
properties of compacted samples. This issue is control of the test temperature. Only one of the
three above states, Colorado, mentions a standard procedure for re-heating (6). North Carolina
defines only the temperature to produce a workable condition for quartering (4). If samples are
not controlled carefully during re-heating, they could either be accidently overheated or held at
an elevated temperature longer than necessary. These problems could often occur without the use
of standard re-heating procedures. Either of these situations could affect the final mixture
properties. Also, if care is not taken, the temperature at which the mixture is compacted might be
either higher or lower than the target compaction temperature. If no standard procedure is
followed for re-heating nor for selecting compaction temperature, the chance that discrepancies
will occur between contractor and agency test results is high.
Temperature and Compactability
Because of asphalt cement viscosity changes with temperature, mix compaction temperature is
important. However, one study performed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, NCHRP 9-
10 (8), showed surprising data that indicated little change in density with change in compaction
temperature. Samples were compacted at temperatures from 155°C to 80°C and measured to
determine VTM, VMA, and VFA percentages. Table 2 shows the limited data that was

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developed. This data showed that although the asphalt cement viscosity changed by three orders
of magnitude between 80°C and 155°C, compaction temperature had little to no effect on
volumetric properties of the compacted samples. Because there was some concern with the
methods which were used in the pilot study, a second evaluation was carried out. This time
other modes of laboratory compaction were utilized along with the SGC. In this second study,
similar mixture samples were compacted on four different compactors utilizing three different
compaction temperatures. These test temperatures were 160°C, 115°C, and 80°C. The results of
this work, as illustrated in Figure 2, showed that all four compactors differed in terms of
sensitivity to temperature, with the SGC being the least sensitive. It was also mentioned in this
report that some had expressed concern that the SGC applied too much compactive effort (8). If
this information is correct, then the allowable range of compaction temperatures may be broader
for the SGC than is currently specified.
Table 2. Volumetric Properties of Mixtures Re-Compacted with the SGC at Decreasing
Temperatures (@Ndesign) (8)
Coarse Gradation, Limestone
Temperature, °C Air Voids, % VMA, % VFA, %
155 4.3 14.5 70.3
145 5.1 15.2 66.3
130 4.5 14.6 69.5
115 4.7 14.8 68.5
80 4.8 14.9 67.7
Fine Gradation, Crushed Gravel
155 4.2 14.9 72.1
145 3.7 14.5 74.6
130 4.0 14.7 73.1
115 3.6 14.4 74.9
100 3.7 14.5 74.6
80 4.2 14.9 71.9


The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of both re-heating and compaction
temperature on volumetric properties of HMA mixtures. The primary focus was to determine
how storage (cooling) and re-heating of the mixture to its respective compaction temperature
affected volumetric properties. Also, as a secondary focus, the effect of inaccurate compaction
temperatures was studied to determine if lack of temperature control might increase the chances
of mixture property variability. All mixtures were compacted with the Superpave Gyratory
Compactor (SGC) with a consistent compactive effort of 100 gyrations. After compaction,
mixture volumetric properties were determined.

This study consisted of compacting various mixtures at three temperatures with the same
compactive effort to determine their volumetric properties. In order to consider a range of
mixtures, two aggregate sources, two gradations, and two grades of asphalt cement were utilized.

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NCAT - Fine 4.3%



Air Voids, %

60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Temperature, C

Marshall C.O.E. GC Hveem SGC

Figure 2. Effect of Temperature on Air Voids Measured after Compaction Using

Different Compaction Methods for HMA Containing a Fine Crushed Gravel
Mixture (7)

The aggregate sources differed in moisture absorption percentages, one high and the other low.
The two gradations were a coarse-graded and a fine-graded Superpave gradation. Two grades of
asphalt cement were a PG64-22 and a PG76-22. Three storage times (0, 3 and 20 hours) were
used throughout the study. Storage time refers to the additional time a mixture was allowed to sit
at room temperature (approximately 25°C) after an initial four-hour aging.

In addition, the effect of compaction temperature was studied by compacting identical samples at
three different compaction temperatures. The temperatures used in this phase of the study were
the standard compaction temperature for the specific asphalt grade being tested and the standard
compaction temperature ±14°C. These temperatures were 135, 149 and 163°C for the PG64-22
binder and 149, 163 and 177°C for the PG76-22 binder to simulate compaction temperatures that
are too high and too low.

The overall work plan for this study consisted of five tasks. In general, the work involved
compacting different mixtures first by utilizing various storage times and then at different
compaction temperatures. These compacted samples were then tested to measure their
volumetric properties. Volumetric properties were next compared to determine if processing and
testing variables had any significant effects. However, before any mixtures could be tested,
asphalt contents were selected to give 4.0 percent air voids when compacted with 100 gyrations
of the SGC. Each phase is discussed in detail in the following sections. Figure 3 shows the
overall test plan that was followed.

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Development of Mix Designs

The first step in the test plan was to develop mix designs for each of the mixtures. The two
aggregate types, two asphalt cements, and two gradations created eight different mixture
combinations. Three point designs were performed to determine asphalt contents that provided
4.0 percent air voids (VTM) in each of the eight mixtures.

B le n d G ra d a tio n s:
F in e-G rad ed
C o arse -G ra d ed
A sp h a lt G ra d es: A g g reg a te S o u rces:
P G 6 4 -2 2 L o w -A b s. G ran ite
P G 7 6 -2 2 S B S H igh -A b s. S an d sto n e

P h a se I: P e rfo rm M ix D esig n s
O p tim ize A sp h alt C o n ten t fo r E ach
M ix tu re at 4 .0 % A ir V o id s

S u p e rp ave G yrato ry C o m p acto r

N d esig n = 1 0 0 g yra tio n s

P h a se III: E ffect of C o m p a ctio n

P h a se II: E ffect of R e-H ea tin g T em p era tu re
M ix , A ge a n d S to re 2 0 k g M ix tu re M ix an d A ge 2 0 k g M ix tu re
S to rage T im es:0 , 3 a n d 2 0 h o u rs C o m p a ctio n T em p e ratu re:
T arget an d ± 1 4 °C
E ach M ix tu re /S to rage T im e :
3 S a m p les C o m p acted to 1 0 0 g yr. E ach M ix tu re/T em p eratu re:
2 S am p les S p lit fo r M ax G ra vity 3 S am p les C o m p a cte d to 1 0 0 g yr.
2 S am p les S p lit fo r M a x G ravity

P e rfo rm T e stin g o n G y ra to ry P ills P erfo rm T estin g o n G y ra to r y P ills

a n d M a x G ra v ity S a m p les a n d M a x G ra v ity S a m p les

B u lk S p e cific G ra vity B u lk S p ecific G ra vity

T h eo retical M ax . S p e cific G ra vity T h eo retica l M ax . S p ecific G ravity
P erc en t A ir V o id s, V T M P ercen t A ir V o id s, V T M

P erfo rm D a ta A n a ly sis
R ep o rt W ritin g

C o m p ariso n B e tw ee n M ix tu re
V o lu m etrics an d T est V ariab les

Figure 3. Flow Chart of Project Test Plan

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Mixing and Short-Term Aging

Because 20,000 gram samples were required for evaluating storage time and compaction
temperature, equivalent size samples were used in the design phase. For each mixture
combination, three 20,000 gram samples were prepared, each at different asphalt cement
contents. Once mixed, each of the large samples was placed in a pan for short term oven aging,
as required by Superpave mix design procedures (AASHTO PP-2-99). All samples were placed
in a forced-draft oven for four hours at 135°C to simulate production aging. Because of the need
for a large pan size, the surface area requirement was not met. The AASHTO specification calls
for a 21kg/m2 mass to pan area ratio while these large pans with 20,000 gram samples had a mass
to surface area of approximately 53kg/m2.
Quartering Test Samples
Once the 20,000 gram sample had completed its four hour short-term age, it was pulled from the
oven and rapidly quartered into four approximately equal portions. Out of each of three of the
portions, 4800 gram samples were weighed out while two 1200 gram samples were taken from
the fourth portion. The 4800 gram samples were compacted on the gyratory and the two 1200
gram samples were used to determine maximum mixture specific gravity. Once weighed into a
pan, all test samples were then placed into another forced-draft oven and heated to the specific
compaction temperature for the grade of asphalt cement in the mixture. The time needed to heat
to compaction temperature after quartering was 20 to 30 minutes. The samples were closely
monitored to minimize the time exposed to excess temperatures.
Superpave Gyratory Compaction
When the 4800 gram samples reached compaction temperature, they were compacted with 100
gyrations in the Superpave gyratory compactor. This gyration level is the compactive effort for
3.0-30 million ESALs. After compaction, samples were cooled overnight before being tested.
The 1200 gram samples were also pulled from the oven once they reached compaction
temperature and left to cool prior to maximum specific gravity testing.
Optimum Asphalt Content Determination
The gyratory compacted samples were tested according to AASHTO T-166 to determine bulk
specific gravity. The 1200 gram samples were tested according to AASHTO T-209 to determine
their theoretical maximum specific gravity. Since there were three sets of maximum gravity
samples, each at different asphalt cement contents, the effective specific gravity of the aggregate
was determined for each asphalt content and then averaged. This average effective gravity was
used to back calculate maximum specific gravities for each asphalt cement content used in the
design. With these two values, the bulk and maximum gravities, the air voids (VTM) in each
sample were determined. The three samples for a given blend combination were prepared at
different asphalt cement contents to bracket the target of 4.0 percent air voids. The optimum
asphalt content was determined from these results.
Effect of Storage Plus Re-Heating

In this portion of the study, the effect of re-heating on HMA volumetrics was evaluated. The
goal of this part of the study was to simulate what happens to mixtures during QC/QA work on
paving projects. When samples are taken, some are split down to testing size and tested
immediately, others may be either transported to another laboratory for quartering and testing or
stored for possible testing on a later date. Therefore, in this phase sample storage times were
varied prior to compaction.
Storage Times
The storage time refers to the amount of time that each mixture was allowed to cool at room
temperature after its initial four hour short-term aging process prior to heating to compaction
temperature. Storage times of 0, 3 and 20 hours were used. The zero (0) storage time means that

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no cooling time was allowed between aging and heating to compaction temperature. These
samples might represent samples that are typically quartered and tested immediately after
sampling. The three hour samples represent samples that are transported to another laboratory
before quartering and testing. The twenty hour samples might represent referee or verification
samples that may be tested after several days of storage. The 3 and 20 hour samples were left in
their aging pans, but covered with aluminum foil during the storage phase.
Quartering and Re-Heating of Samples
The zero storage time samples were pulled from the oven after the four hour short-term age, split
into three 4800 gram gyratory and two 1200 gram maximum gravity test samples, and placed
into another oven for heating to compaction temperature. The 3 and 20 hour storage time
samples had cooled and had to be re-heated to achieve a workable condition for quartering.
These samples were placed into the aging oven in the large aging pans. They were covered with
aluminum foil during the re-heating stage so as to minimize oxidation of the mixture.
Obviously, the 3 hour samples had not cooled completely to room temperature, and did not
require as long to re-heat. The re-heating times used for the 3 and 20 hour samples were 2 and 4
hours, respectively. Once workable, these samples were quartered and placed into another oven
for heating to compaction temperature. Once in the compaction oven, all test samples took
approximately 30 minutes to achieve compaction temperature.
Gyratory Compaction and Testing
After gyratory test samples reached compaction temperature, they were compacted in the
Superpave gyratory with 100 gyrations. They were allowed to cool overnight before measuring
their bulk specific gravities. For each combination of aggregate type, asphalt cement grade,
blend gradation, and storage time, three samples were compacted. Along with these three
gyratory samples, two maximum gravity samples were tested. The average maximum gravity
value determined from testing was used to calculate the percent air voids for each compacted
specimen. Also, VMA and VFA calculations were performed. Thus, for each of the eight
material combinations, nine samples were compacted (3 at 3 different storage times).
Effect of Compaction Temperature

In the third part of the study the effect of compaction temperature was evaluated. During QC/QA
testing, inaccurate control of compaction temperature could very well occur. It has always been
assumed that the compacted density of HMA is very dependent upon the temperature. As was
shown in Figure 2, the percentage of air voids achieved by the Marshall hammer decreased from
approximately 10.3 to 7.1 when increasing the compaction temperature from 80 to 160°C. This
figure also showed that compaction with the SGC is less sensitive to temperature than with
Marshall hammers. Therefore, the compaction temperature of these laboratory prepared mixes
was varied to determine whether or not poor control would significantly increase the variability
of volumetric properties.

Three 20,000 gram samples were prepared for each of the eight mixture combinations. Once
mixed, these samples were aged for the standard four hours at 135°C, removed from the aging
oven and split into three 4800 gram and two 1200 gram samples. The samples were then
immediately heated to compaction temperature and compacted.

The three compaction temperatures used were the target temperature for that specific binder
grade and ±14°C. The maximum gravity test samples were also heated to the standard
compaction temperature prior to testing. For each of the eight mixture combinations, three sets of
three gyratory test samples, differing only by compaction temperature, were prepared. The six
maximum gravity test samples for each mixture were averaged and used for volumetric

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Data Presentation (Coding System)

In order to delineate the different mixtures used in the project a coding system was developed.
The coding system used for both graphical and tabular presentations throughout the paper is
shown in an example as follows:

LOW = Aggregate Type (Absorption Characteristic)
64 = Binder Type (Superpave Performance Grade)
F = Blend Type (Gradation: Fine or Coarse Graded)
Mix Design Results

Table 3 shows asphalt contents for 4 percent air voids, as well as corresponding VMA and VFA,
for the eight different mixture combinations. The data in Table 3 shows that although the
percentages of VMA in the sandstone mixtures (the high absorptive mixes) are considerably
lower, the optimum asphalt contents are higher than those of the granite mixtures. This is
primarily a result of the absorptive nature of the sandstone requiring more asphalt cement. Thus,
the percentages of VFA are also lower for the sandstone mixtures.
Table 3. Optimum Mixture Properties for Eight Research Mixtures
Optimum Mixture Properties
Mixture Asphalt Content for VMA, % VFA, %
Type 4.0% VTM
LOW-64-F 4.5 14.0 71.0
LOW-64-C 5.1 15.2 75.0
LOW-76-F 4.5 14.3 72.5
LOW-76-C 4.9 14.9 72.5
HIGH-64-F 5.6 10.6 63.0
HIGH-64-C 5.3 10.8 62.0
HIGH-76-F 5.5 10.6 63.0
HIGH-76-C 5.2 10.6 62.0

Effect of Re-Heating Data

In the re-heating phase of the study, samples of each of the eight mixture combinations were
compacted with the SGC after being subjected to different storage times. Each sample was
exposed to the same amount of short-term aging prior to storage, and compacted at the same
temperature using the same number of gyrations. The storage time, as stated previously, refers to
the amount of time that a sample is removed from the short-term aging oven and allowed to cool
at room temperature before being quartered into test samples for compaction. The storage times
evaluated were 0, 3, and 20 hours. Since the samples were allowed to cool, re-heating was a
necessity to achieve a workable condition for quartering. Also, after quartering, the test samples
had to continue to be heated to reach compaction temperature. The temperature used in this
phase was the target temperature for the specific grade of asphalt cement being used. Volumetric

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property averages are shown in Tables 4-6 for each storage time evaluated.

Table 4 shows the average percentage of air voids (VTM) for storage time utilized for each
mixture type evaluated. The 0 storage time basically represents a reproduction of the optimum
mixtures as generated by the original mix designs. Although 4.0 percent VTM was targeted in
the mix design phase, the 0 storage time values are slightly different, however, this small
difference had no significant effect. Since production mixtures typically vary from their target
VTM, these void levels were considered acceptable.
Table 4. Average Percent Air Voids vs. Storage Time
Average VTM vs. Storage Time
Mixture Asphalt Storage = 0 hr Storage = 3 hr Storage = 20 hr
Type Content,% (VTM) (VTM) (VTM)
LOW-64-F 4.5 4.8 4.7 4.6
LOW-64-C 5.1 3.5 3.8 4.2
LOW-76-F 4.5 4.4 3.8 4.3
LOW-76-C 4.9 3.7 3.0 3.7
HIGH-64-F 5.6 4.9 5.4 5.1
HIGH-64-C 5.3 5.0 4.8 4.7
HIGH-76-F 5.5 4.0 3.5 4.4
HIGH-76-C 5.2 3.7 3.6 4.0

Average VMA percentages are given in Table 5 for each storage time. The values for the four
low-absorption granite mixtures are fairly normal for Superpave mixes, however, the high-
absorption sandstone mixtures have low VMA values that are typically unacceptable. This low
percentage was not intended, but does give a representation of the effects of storage times on
low-VMA mixtures. Again, the 0 storage times represent the baseline mixture while the 3 and 20
hour samples represent re-heating.

Lastly, the percentage of voids filled with asphalt, VFA, versus storage time is shown for each
mixture combination in Table 6. Since VFA is calculated using both VTM and VMA, it can be
expected that any effect seen in values of voids and/or VMA will also show differences in VFA.
Since all eight mixtures had approximately equal VTM percentages and four of the eight had
much lower VMA percentages, it would be expected that those mixes with lower VMA will also
have lower VFA values.

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Table 5. Average Percent Voids in the Mineral Aggregate vs. Storage Time
Average VMA vs. Storage Time
Mixture Asphalt Storage = 0 hr Storage = 3 hr Storage = 20 hr
Type Content,% (VMA) (VMA) (VMA)
LOW-64-F 4.5 14.8 14.7 14.7
LOW-64-C 5.1 14.9 14.8 15.3
LOW-76-F 4.5 14.7 14.0 14.4
LOW-76-C 4.9 14.5 14.0 14.6
HIGH-64-F 5.6 11.2 11.5 11.5
HIGH-64-C 5.3 11.6 11.3 11.4
HIGH-76-F 5.5 10.6 10.7 11.1
HIGH-76-C 5.2 10.6 10.3 10.7

Table 6. Average Percent Voids Filled with Asphalt vs. Storage Time
Average VFA vs. Storage Time
Mixture Asphalt Storage = 0 hr Storage = 3 hr Storage = 20 hr
Type Content,% (VFA) (VFA) (VFA)
LOW-64-F 4.5 67.3 68.2 68.9
LOW-64-C 5.1 76.4 74.5 72.9
LOW-76-F 4.5 70.1 72.6 70.0
LOW-76-C 4.9 74.3 78.5 74.6
HIGH-64-F 5.6 56.3 53.3 55.5
HIGH-64-C 5.3 56.9 58.1 58.5
HIGH-76-F 5.5 62.6 67.2 60.6
HIGH-76-C 5.2 65.4 64.6 63.0

Effect of Compaction Temperature Data

In the compaction temperature evaluation, samples of each of the eight mixture types were
compacted with the same number of gyrations on the SGC but at three different temperatures.
This evaluation was performed to determine the effect of compaction temperature variation on
volumetric property differences. For each of the eight research mixtures three samples were
prepared at the optimum asphalt content. These three samples were aged for four hours, split into
three gyratory test samples each and compacted utilizing three different temperatures. Thus, nine
samples were compacted for each of the eight research mixtures, three for each of three
compaction temperatures. The temperatures used in this phase were the target temperature for
the grade of asphalt cement used in the research mixture as well as the target temperature ±14°C.
Average volumetric properties are shown in Tables 7-9 for each of the mixture types.

As with the re-heating phase of the study, it was again shown in Table 7 that although the target
VTM was 4.0 percent for each of the mixtures, the measured values for the test mixes did not
always fall right on the target. Regardless, the air void percentages varied less than 1.0 percent
from the target. Since the focus of the study was to determine the effect of temperature variation
of volumetric properties, it was felt that no asphalt content adjustment was necessary. The air

Huner & Brown

void range acquired is adequate to measure differences caused by temperature.

Tables 8 and 9 show the results for VMA and VFA.

The goal of this phase of the work was to determine the effect of the compaction temperature on
the volumetric properties of each mixture type. The results show that there were very little
differences in the VMA and VFA for the various compaction temperatures.
Table 7. Average Percent Air Voids vs. Compaction Temperature
Average VTM vs. Compaction Temperature
Mixture Asphalt Target Temp. Target Temp. Target Temp.
Type Content,% -14° C +14° C
LOW-64-F 4.5 4.1 4.2 4.0
LOW-64-C 5.1 3.3 3.2 3.1
LOW-76-F 4.5 3.4 3.5 3.2
LOW-76-C 4.9 4.1 4.1 3.9
HIGH-64-F 5.6 4.4 4.3 4.2
HIGH-64-C 5.3 5.0 4.5 4.4
HIGH-76-F 5.5 4.0 4.0 4.1
HIGH-76-C 5.2 4.0 3.8 3.9

Table 8. Average Percent Voids in the Mineral Aggregate vs. Compaction Temperature
Average VMA vs. Compaction Temperature
Mixture Asphalt Target Temp. Target Temp. Target Temp.
Type Content,% -14° C +14° C
LOW-64-F 4.5 14.3 14.4 14.2
LOW-64-C 5.1 14.6 14.4 14.3
LOW-76-F 4.5 13.8 13.9 13.6
LOW-76-C 4.9 14.9 15.0 14.7
HIGH-64-F 5.6 11.2 11.1 11.0
HIGH-64-C 5.3 11.3 10.9 10.7
HIGH-76-F 5.5 10.7 10.7 10.7
HIGH-76-C 5.2 10.8 10.6 10.7

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Table 9. Average Percent Voids Filled with Asphalt vs. Compaction Temperature
Average VFA vs. Compaction Temperature
Mixture Asphalt Target Temp. Target Temp. Target Temp.
Type Content,% -14° C +14° C
LOW-64-F 4.5 71.5 70.8 71.8
LOW-64-C 5.1 77.2 78.2 78.7
LOW-76-F 4.5 75.7 74.7 76.4
LOW-76-C 4.9 72.5 72.4 73.7
HIGH-64-F 5.6 60.7 61.2 61.9
HIGH-64-C 5.3 56.0 58.5 59.5
HIGH-76-F 5.5 62.4 62.3 61.9
HIGH-76-C 5.2 62.6 64.0 63.3


The goal of this study was to determine whether re-heating of HMA or compaction temperature
variability could lead to differences in HMA volumetric properties. In order to determine if any
significant differences could occur, the student’s t-test.
Effect of Storage Plus Re-Heating

In the re-heating phase of the study, three different storage times were utilized which referred to
the amount of time each test mixture was allowed to cool at room temperature before being re-
heated to the standard compaction temperature. The three times evaluated were 0, 3 and 20
hours. Since the 0 storage time represented mixtures that did not experience re-heating, the two
t-test comparisons made for each mixture combination were first between 0 and 3 hours and then
between 0 and 20 hours. Each of the student t-test procedures performed are summarized in
Tables 10, 11 and 12.
Student’s T-Test for VTM Comparisons
When looking at each of the eight individual mixtures, six out of the eight had a significant
difference in either the 0 to 3 hour comparison, the 0 to 20 hour comparison, or both
comparisons. However, some of these statistically significant differences do not show any
practical differences. For instance, the LOW-64-F mixture had VTM means of 4.8, 4.7 and 4.6 at
0, 3 and 20 hours, respectively. These were determined to be statistically different but there is no
practical difference.

By grouping the mixtures based on either their aggregate type, asphalt grade or blend gradation,
only one of the six groups, PG76 mixtures, showed significant differences. Also, as before, this
difference is quite small. Additionally, this difference was only seen between the 0 and 3 hour
storage times and not the 0 and 20 hour. When analyzing all the mixtures together, no significant
difference could be seen in either storage time comparison.

Huner & Brown

Table 10. Results of Student’s T-Test for Storage Time Comparisons of VTM
Mean VTM’s 0 to 3 Hour Comparison 0 to 20 Hour Comparison
Type 0 hrs 3 hrs 20 hrs t-statistic Significant Significant
t-critical t-statistic t-critical
Difference Difference
LOW-64-F 4.8 4.7 4.6 3.536 2.776 YES 3.578 2.776 YES
LOW-64-C 3.5 3.8 4.2 1.460 2.776 NO 3.780 2.776 YES
LOW-76-F 4.4 3.8 4.3 3.511 2.776 YES 2.000 2.776 NO
LOW-76-C 3.7 3.0 3.7 11.000 2.776 YES 1.414 2.776 NO
HIGH-64-F 4.9 5.3 5.1 4.221 2.776 YES 1.789 2.776 NO
HIGH-64-C 5.0 4.7 4.7 1.180 2.776 NO 1.441 2.776 NO
HIGH-76-F 4.0 3.5 4.4 8.660 2.776 YES 3.051 2.776 YES
HIGH-76-C 3.7 3.7 4.0 0.000 2.776 NO 0.795 2.776 NO
LOW Mixtures 4.1 3.8 4.2 1.283 2.074 NO 0.350 2.074 NO
HIGH Mixtures 4.4 4.3 4.5 0.254 2.074 NO 0.670 2.074 NO
PG64 Mixtures 4.6 4.6 4.6 0.262 2.074 NO 0.423 2.074 NO
PG76 Mixtures 4.0 3.5 4.1 3.176 2.074 YES 0.892 2.074 NO
Fine Mixtures 4.5 4.3 4.6 0.789 2.074 NO 0.497 2.074 NO
Coarse Mixtures 4.0 3.8 4.1 0.707 2.074 NO 0.641 2.074 NO
All Mixtures 4.3 4.1 4.4 0.982 2.013 NO 0.725 2.013 NO

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Table 11. Results of Student’s T-Test for Storage Time Comparisons of VMA
Mean VMA’s 0 to 3 Hour Comparison 0 to 20 Hour Comparison
Type 0 hrs 3 hrs 20 hrs t-statistic Significant Significant
t-critical t-statistic t-critical
Difference Difference
LOW-64-F 14.7 14.7 14.7 0.000 2.776 NO 0.500 2.776 NO
LOW-64-C 14.9 14.8 15.3 0.671 2.776 NO 2.353 2.776 NO
LOW-76-F 14.7 14.0 14.5 20.000 2.776 YES 4.243 2.776 YES
LOW-76-C 14.5 14.0 14.6 10.607 2.776 YES 0.707 2.776 NO
HIGH-64-F 11.2 11.4 11.5 2.412 2.776 NO 2.500 2.776 NO
HIGH-64-C 11.6 11.3 11.4 1.180 2.776 NO 1.323 2.776 NO
HIGH-76-F 10.6 10.7 11.2 1.000 2.776 NO 4.276 2.776 YES
HIGH-76-C 10.6 10.3 10.7 1.387 2.776 NO 0.187 2.776 NO
LOW Mixtures 14.7 14.4 14.8 2.444 2.074 YES 0.423 2.074 NO
HIGH Mixtures 11.0 10.9 11.2 0.326 2.074 NO 0.958 2.074 NO
PG64 Mixtures 13.1 13.1 13.2 0.034 2.074 NO 0.154 2.074 NO
PG76 Mixtures 12.6 12.2 12.7 0.445 2.074 NO 0.133 2.074 NO
Fine Mixtures 12.8 12.7 13.0 0.108 2.074 NO 0.209 2.074 NO
Coarse Mixtures 12.9 12.6 13.0 0.375 2.074 NO 0.081 2.074 NO
All Mixtures 12.9 12.7 13.0 0.353 2.013 NO 0.205 2.013 NO

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Table 12. Results of Student’s T-Test for Storage Time Comparisons of VFA
Mean VFA’s 0 to 3 Hour Comparison 0 to 20 Hour Comparison
Type 0 hrs 3 hrs 20 hrs t-statistic Significant Significant
t-critical t-statistic t-critical
Difference Difference
LOW-64-F 67.3 68.2 68.9 2.606 2.776 NO 5.742 2.776 YES
LOW-64-C 76.4 74.5 72.9 2.267 2.776 NO 3.876 2.776 YES
LOW-76-F 70.2 72.6 70.1 15.430 2.776 YES 0.530 2.776 NO
LOW-76-C 74.3 78.5 74.6 14.289 2.776 YES 1.280 2.776 NO
HIGH-64-F 56.3 53.3 55.5 5.325 2.776 YES 1.151 2.776 NO
HIGH-64-C 56.9 58.1 58.5 0.921 2.776 NO 1.466 2.776 NO
HIGH-76-F 62.6 67.2 60.6 9.568 2.776 YES 2.888 2.776 YES
HIGH-76-C 65.4 64.6 63.0 0.500 2.776 NO 1.003 2.776 NO
LOW Mixtures 72.0 73.5 71.6 0.908 2.074 NO 0.338 2.074 NO
HIGH Mixtures 60.3 60.8 59.4 0.226 2.074 NO 0.592 2.074 NO
PG64 Mixtures 64.2 63.5 63.9 0.204 2.074 NO 0.088 2.074 NO
PG76 Mixtures 68.1 70.7 67.1 1.220 2.074 NO 0.476 2.074 NO
Fine Mixtures 64.1 65.3 63.8 0.447 2.074 NO 0.148 2.074 NO
Coarse Mixtures 68.2 68.9 67.3 0.198 2.074 NO 0.315 2.074 NO
All Mixtures 66.2 67.1 65.5 0.427 2.013 NO 0.334 2.074 NO

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Student’s T-Test for VMA Comparisons

In comparing VMA differences for each individual mixture, three of the eight had significant
differences between the mean values at 0, 3 and 20 hours of storage. Only one of the three
mixtures, LOW-76-F, had significant differences between both the 0 and 3 hour comparison as
well as the 0 and 20 hour comparison. However, the difference seen between the 0 and 20 hour
times was small. The other two mixtures, LOW-76-C and HIGH-76-F, showed significant
differences in only one of the two comparisons performed, 0 to 3 hours and 0 to 20 hours,

When grouping the mixtures based on aggregate type, asphalt grade, or gradation only one of the
six groups showed significance, LOW mixtures. However, the difference between the VMA
values in this comparison was 0.3 percent which is again less than the ±0.4 percent tolerance
range. When grouped together, all mixtures were shown to have no significant difference in
VMA values in either the 0 to 3 hour comparison or the 0 to 20 hour comparison.
Student’s T-Test for VFA Comparisons
When analyzing effects on VFA properties, six of the eight individual mixtures had significant
differences in either one or both of the comparisons performed. Only one of the six mixtures,
HIGH-76-F, showed significance in both comparisons made.

When grouped by aggregate type, asphalt grade, or blend gradation, no significance was seen
with any of the six groups in either the 0 to 3 hour comparison or the 0 to 20 hour comparison.
This was also the case for the two comparisons made on the mixtures as a whole, all mixtures.
Effect of Compaction Temperature

In the compaction temperature phase of the study, three different temperatures were targeted
prior to compacting samples. Unlike the re-heating phase of the study, none of these samples
were allowed to cool for any length of time prior to compaction. The goal of this phase was to
determine what, if any, effect variability in compaction temperature made on volumetric
properties of HMA. The three temperatures evaluated were; the standard target compaction
temperature for the specific grade of asphalt cement in the mixture, target temperature -14° C,
and target temperature +14°C. The standard targets used were 149°C for the PG64-22 binder and
163°C for the PG76-22. The two t-test comparisons made for each mixture combination were
first between target and target-14°C and then between target and target+14°C. Details of the
Student T-Test procedures performed and are summarized in Tables 13, 14 and 15.
Student’s T-Test for VTM, VMA and VFA Comparisons
The data in Table 13 shows that (for neither individual mixtures or groups of mixtures) there is
no significant difference seen between VTM properties of samples compacted at either -14°C
below target or +14°C above target compaction temperatures. Just as with the VTM data, Tables
14 and 15 show no significant differences in VMA or VFA for any of the mixture types.

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Table 13. Results of Student’s T-Test for Compaction Temperature Comparisons of VTM
Target -14°C to Target Target to Target +14°C
Mean VTM’s
Mixture Comparison Comparison
Type Target Target Significant Significant
Target t-statistic t-critical t-statistic t-critical
-14°C +14°C Difference Difference
LOW-64-F 4.1 4.2 4.0 0.658 2.776 NO 0.714 2.776 NO
LOW-64-C 3.3 3.2 3.1 0.406 2.776 NO 0.313 2.776 NO
LOW-76-F 3.4 3.5 3.2 0.632 2.776 NO 0.891 2.776 NO
LOW-76-C 4.1 4.1 3.9 0.000 2.776 NO 1.569 2.776 NO
HIGH-64-F 4.4 4.3 4.2 0.394 2.776 NO 0.281 2.776 NO
HIGH-64-C 5.0 4.5 4.4 1.896 2.776 NO 0.530 2.776 NO
HIGH-76-F 4.0 4.0 4.1 0.000 2.776 NO 0.612 2.776 NO
HIGH-76-C 4.0 3.8 3.9 0.562 2.776 NO 0.197 2.776 NO
LOW Mixtures 3.7 3.8 3.5 0.121 2.074 NO 0.968 2.074 NO
HIGH Mixtures 4.4 4.2 4.2 1.016 2.074 NO 0.041 2.074 NO
PG64 Mixtures 4.2 4.0 3.9 0.551 2.074 NO 0.521 2.074 NO
PG76 Mixtures 3.9 3.9 3.8 0.110 2.074 NO 0.396 2.074 NO
Fine Mixtures 4.0 4.0 3.9 0.187 2.074 NO 0.601 2.074 NO
Coarse Mixtures 4.1 3.9 3.8 0.753 2.074 NO 0.367 2.074 NO
All Mixtures 4.0 4.0 3.8 0.529 2.013 NO 0.661 2.013 NO

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Table 14. Results of Student’s T-Test for Compaction Temperature Comparisons of VMA
Target -14°C to Target Target to Target +14°C
Mean VMA’s
Mixture Comparison Comparison
Type Target Target Significant Significant
Target t-statistic t-critical t-statistic t-critical
-14°C +14°C Difference Difference
LOW-64-F 14.3 14.4 14.2 0.548 2.776 NO 0.714 2.776 NO
LOW-64-C 14.6 14.4 14.3 0.455 2.776 NO 0.234 2.776 NO
LOW-76-F 13.8 13.9 13.6 0.487 2.776 NO 0.755 2.776 NO
LOW-76-C 14.9 15.0 14.7 0.196 2.776 NO 1.835 2.776 NO
HIGH-64-F 11.2 11.1 11.0 0.221 2.776 NO 0.318 2.776 NO
HIGH-64-C 11.3 10.9 10.7 2.229 2.776 NO 0.574 2.776 NO
HIGH-76-F 10.7 10.7 10.7 0.277 2.776 NO 0.229 2.776 NO
HIGH-76-C 10.8 10.6 10.7 0.588 2.776 NO 0.218 2.776 NO
LOW Mixtures 14.4 14.4 14.2 0.082 2.074 NO 0.933 2.074 NO
HIGH Mixtures 11.0 10.8 10.8 1.096 2.074 NO 0.139 2.074 NO
PG64 Mixtures 12.8 12.7 12.6 0.200 2.074 NO 0.170 2.074 NO
PG76 Mixtures 12.5 12.5 12.4 0.010 2.074 NO 0.104 2.074 NO
Fine Mixtures 12.5 12.5 12.4 0.061 2.074 NO 0.170 2.074 NO
Coarse Mixtures 12.9 12.7 12.6 0.231 2.074 NO 0.108 2.074 NO
All Mixtures 12.7 12.6 12.5 0.142 2.013 NO 0.195 2.013 NO

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Table 15. Results of Student’s T-Test for Compaction Temperature Comparisons of VFA
Target -14°C to Target Target to Target +14°C
Mean VFA’s
Mixture Comparison Comparison
Type Target Target Significant Significant
Target t-statistic t-critical t-statistic t-critical
-14°C +14°C Difference Difference
LOW-64-F 71.5 70.8 71.8 0.678 2.776 NO 0.849 2.776 NO
LOW-64-C 77.2 78.2 78.7 0.432 2.776 NO 0.263 2.776 NO
LOW-76-F 75.7 74.7 76.4 0.741 2.776 NO 0.840 2.776 NO
LOW-76-C 72.5 72.4 73.7 0.155 2.776 NO 1.563 2.776 NO
HIGH-64-F 60.7 61.2 61.9 0.276 2.776 NO 0.306 2.776 NO
HIGH-64-C 56.0 58.5 59.5 2.074 2.776 NO 0.526 2.776 NO
HIGH-76-F 62.4 62.3 61.9 0.085 2.776 NO 0.440 2.776 NO
HIGH-76-C 62.6 64.0 63.3 0.614 2.776 NO 0.155 2.776 NO
LOW Mixtures 74.2 74.0 75.1 0.151 2.074 NO 0.836 2.074 NO
HIGH Mixtures 60.4 61.5 61.7 0.894 2.074 NO 0.106 2.074 NO
PG64 Mixtures 66.4 67.2 68.0 0.235 2.074 NO 0.233 2.074 NO
PG76 Mixtures 68.3 68.4 68.8 0.030 2.074 NO 0.170 2.074 NO
Fine Mixtures 67.6 67.3 68.0 0.112 2.074 NO 0.270 2.074 NO
Coarse Mixtures 67.1 68.3 68.8 0.345 2.074 NO 0.155 2.074 NO
All Mixtures 67.3 67.8 68.4 0.214 2.013 NO 0.294 2.013 NO

Huner & Brown


Within the limits imposed in this study (three and 20 hours storage time plus re-heating), storage
time plus re-heating had no significant effects on the volumetrics of samples compacted with 100
gyrations of the Superpave gyratory compactor. This indicates that having to re-heat the mix
prior to compaction has no effect on volumetrics. Only two binder types were evaluated, others
may show an effect.

This study also showed that increasing or decreasing the compaction temperature by 14°C also
had no effect on volumetrics. Other studies have shown similar results.

It is believed that the reason re-heating and modifying the compaction temperature had no
significant effect was due to the fact that the Superpave gyratory compactor is really a constant
strain compactor. The gyration angle is set at 1.25° and this is basically applied regardless of mix
stiffness. So as the mix gets stiffer the load required to achieve the 1.25° angle is simply
increased. In effect, mixes at lower temperatures are compacted with higher compaction effort
since the strain is the same and the load is higher.


1. Roberts, F.L. et. al., Hot Mix Asphalt Materials, Mixture Design and Construction.
NAPA Education Foundation, Lanham, Maryland, Second Edition, 1996.
2. Superpave for the Generalist Engineer and Project Staff. Federal Highway
Administration, Participant Manual, NHI Course No. 13152, Publication No. FHWA HI
97-031, July 1997.
3. Phone Interview. Clint Quillin. HMA Laboratory Supervisor. Alabama Department of
Transportation. Bureau of Materials and Tests. August 11, 2000.
4. Asphalt Technology, Construction, Quality Control & Assurance Training Manual. North
Carolina Department of Transportation, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2000.
5. Phone Interview. Christopher Bacchi. Assistant Asphalt Design Engineer. North Carolina
Department of Transportation. Materials & Tests Unit, Construction & Maintenance,
Operations, Division of Highways. August 14, 2000.
6. Phone Interview. Bill Schiebel. Asphalt Program Engineer. Colorado Department of
Transportation. August 15, 2000.
7. Parker, Frazier and Shabbir Hossain. Collection and Analysis of QC/QA Data for
Superpave Mixes. National Center for Asphalt Technology, April 1999.
8. Bahia, H.U. and D.I. Hanson, “A Project NCHRP 9-10 Superpave Protocols for Modified
Asphalt Binders,” Draft Topical Report (Task 9), Prepared for: The National Cooperative
Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council,
May 2000.


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