Activity 1

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EDUC 200

Filename: EDUC200_exercise#1

General Instructions: Write your answer on the space provided. Strictly no erasures.
A. Indicate which are qualitative and which are quantitative by writing QL or QN

QL 1. Bank account number QL 11. Place of birth

QN 2. Daily expenditure in pesos QN 12. Number of books owned
QN 3. Weight in pounds QN 13. Age in years
QL 4. Year of entry in the university QL 14. Blood type
QL 5. Student classification QL 15. Course or degree program
QN 6. Number of students in a class QL 16. Socio-economic status
QL 7. Province or city where a person lives QL 17. Type of high school attended
QN 8. Amount of time it takes to assemble a QN 18. Score in a Stat quiz
computer QN 19. Intelligence quotient level
QN 9. Rating of a newly elected president QL 20. gender
QL 10. Effects of good teaching strategies

B. Determine which are discrete and which are continuous by writing DS or CN

DS 1. Number of enrolled subjects CN 10. Number of nurses who went abroad last
DS 2. Age as of last birthday year
CN 3. Neck girth in inches CN 11. Intelligence quotient level
CN 4. T.V. advertising cost DS 12. Score in a Stat quiz
CN 5. Tuition fee DS 13. Number of glasses of water intake
CN 6. Time to complete a math exam DS 14. Year of birth
CN 7. Population in a particular area in the CN 15. Amount of sales in a business
Philippines CN 16. Speed of a car in kph
CN 8. Weight of newspapers recovered for CN 17. Baking temperature
recycling CN 18. Weighted average grade
CN 9. Number of consumers of product A CN 19. Daily expenditure in pesos
DS 20. Teacher’s performance rating

C. Identify the level of measurement (ordinal, nominal, ratio, interval)

ordinal 1.Teacher’s performance rating nominal 16. Number of books owned

interval 2.Weighted average grade ratio 17. Annual family income
nominal 3.Taxpayer’s identification number ratio 18. Speed of a car in kph
ratio 4. Baking temperature interval 19. Intelligence quotient level
nominal 5. Bank account number ratio 20. Amount of sales in a business
nominal 6. GSIS I.D. number nominal 21. Score in a Stat quiz
nominal 7. The number of passengers in a bus nominal 22. Age in years
ordinal 8. Political position nominal 23. religion
nominal 9. Religion of a person nominal 24. address
interval 10. Number of kilos of rice harvested in a month nominal 25. occupation
ratio 11. Body temperature ordinal 26. Academic rank
interval 12. Salary of workers ratio 27. Blood pressure
nominal 13. Country and province of birth ratio 28. Land area
ratio 14. Number of hours spent for studying ratio 29. Size of shirt
ratio 15. Weekly stipend or allowance nominal 30. Civil status

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