Tutorial For Merging Satellite-Based Precipitation Datasets With Ground Observations Using Rfmerge

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Tutorial for merging satellite-based precipitation datasets with

ground observations using RFmerge

Oscar M. Baez-Villanueva∗ Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini†

Juan Diego Giraldo-Osorio Ian McNamara

21 May 2020

1 About
This vignette describes a basic application of the RFmerge function to create an improved precipitation
dataset by combining two different satellite-based precipitation products with ground-based observations and
user-selected covariates (i.e., digital elevation model and Euclidean distances to rain gauge stations).
We use as case study Valparaiso (Chile), as an example of how to generate this product at daily temporal
scale and at 0.05◦ spatial resolution, from January to August 1983. This example requires the following data
from the user:
i) time series of rainfall observations,
ii) metadata describinf the spatial coordiantes of the rain gauges,
iii) the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data version 2.0 (CHIRPSv2),
iv) the Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks -
Climate Data Record (PERSIANN-CDR), and
v) the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM-v4) digital elevation model (DEM).
In addition, Euclidean distances are also used as covariates, but they are automatically computed within
RFmerge as the Eucalidean distances from each rain gauge station to every grid-cell within the study area.

2 Installation
Install the latest stable version (from CRAN):

Alternatively, you can also try the under-development version from Github:
if (!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")

[email protected]
[email protected]

3 Setting up the environment
1. Load other packages that will be used in this analysis:

2. Load the RFmerge package, which contains the main function used in the analysis and required datasets:

4 Loading input data

First, daily time series of rainfall observations in 34 rain gauges located in Valparaiso will be used for this
example, from 1983-01-01 to 1983-08-31, which are available in the ValparaisoPPts dataset provided in
the RFmerge package (for your own application, this dataset might be read from a CSV file or a zoo file).
In addition, the ValparaisoPPgis dataset contains information about the IDs and spatial coordinates of
each one of the rain gauges (for your own application, this dataset might be read from a CSV file). Finally,
ValparaisoSHP stores the sf polygon defining the outer borders of the study area (for your own application,
this dataset might be read from an ESRI shapefile).

Secondly, we need to load the satellit-based precipitation datasets and other covariates. For this example,
CHIRPSv2 (Funk et al., 2015) and PERSIANN-CDR (Ashouri et al.,2015), at a spatial resolution of 0.05◦ , are
used as dynamic covariates (in this context, dynamic means time-varying covariates). The Digital Elevation
Model SRTM-v4 (DEM), also with a spatial resolution of 0.05◦ , is used as a static covariate to account for the
impact of elevation on precipitation(in this context, static means that this covariate does not change in time).
chirps.fname <- system.file("extdata/CHIRPS5km.tif",package="RFmerge")
prsnncdr.fname <- system.file("extdata/PERSIANNcdr5km.tif",package="RFmerge")
dem.fname <- system.file("extdata/ValparaisoDEM5km.tif",package="RFmerge")

CHIRPS5km <- brick(chirps.fname)

PERSIANNcdr5km <- brick(prsnncdr.fname)
ValparaisoDEM5km <- raster(dem.fname)

5 Basic exploratory data analysis

The two multi-band geotiff files provided in the RFmerge package do not store the date of the precipitation
estimate as name of the corresponding layer. Therefore, before any exploratory analysis, we would give
meaningful names to each band (layer) in CHIRPS5km and PERSIANNcdr5km:
#ldates <- hydroTSM::dip("1983-01-01", "1983-08-31")
ldates <- seq(from=as.Date("1983-01-01"), to=as.Date("1983-08-31"), by="days")
names(CHIRPS5km) <- ldates
names(PERSIANNcdr5km) <- ldates

Then, we want to visualise the first six rows of the spatial metadata:



## 1 P5101005 -70.8000 -32.0836 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## 2 P5111002 -71.0300 -32.1567 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## 3 P5101006 -70.7833 -32.1836 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## 4 P5100006 -70.7839 -32.2261 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## 5 P5100005 -70.7100 -32.2286 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## 6 P5111001 -71.1386 -32.2528 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
Plotting the daily precipitation time series for the first station (code: P5101005 ).
main <- paste("Daily precipitation for the station", ValparaisoPPgis$Code[1])
ylab <- "Precipitation [mm]"
x.ts <- ValparaisoPPts[,1]

#hydroTSM::hydroplot(x.ts, pfreq="o", main=main, ylab= ylab)

plot(x.ts, main=main, ylab= ylab, col="blue")

Daily precipitation for the station P5101005

Precipitation [mm]


Jan Mar May Jul Sep

Plotting the accumulated precipitation estimates for the first eight months of 1983 from CHIRPS and
PERSIANN-CDR, and overlying the boundaries of the study area (only its first attribute):
chirps.total <- sum(CHIRPS5km, na.rm= FALSE)
persiann.total <- sum(PERSIANNcdr5km, na.rm= FALSE)

plot(chirps.total, main = "CHIRPSv2 [Jan - Aug] ", xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude")
plot(ValparaisoSHP[1], add=TRUE, col="transparent")

CHIRPSv2 [Jan − Aug]

Latitude 600
−33.5 200

−72.0 −71.0 −70.0

plot(persiann.total, main = "PERSIANN-CDR [Jan - Aug]", xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude")
plot(ValparaisoSHP[1], add=TRUE, col="transparent")






6 Preparing input data

6.1 Spatial metadata

In order to use the spatial information stored in ValparaisoPPgis, we first need to convert it into a
SpatialPointsDataFrame, using the latitude and longitude fields, stored in the lat and lon columns:
stations <- ValparaisoPPgis
( stations <- st_as_sf(stations, coords = c('lon', 'lat'), crs = 4326) )

## Simple feature collection with 34 features and 5 fields

## geometry type: POINT
## dimension: XY
## bbox: xmin: -71.625 ymin: -33.655 xmax: -70.4719 ymax: -32.0836
## geographic CRS: WGS 84
## First 10 features:
## 1 P5101005 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## 2 P5111002 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## 3 P5101006 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## 4 P5100006 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## 5 P5100005 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## 6 P5111001 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## 7 P5110003 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## 8 P5111004 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## 9 P5120004 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## 10 P5200006 Regin de Valparaso Los Andes 5304 San Esteban
## geometry
## 1 POINT (-70.8 -32.0836)
## 2 POINT (-71.03 -32.1567)
## 3 POINT (-70.7833 -32.1836)
## 4 POINT (-70.7839 -32.2261)
## 5 POINT (-70.71 -32.2286)
## 6 POINT (-71.1386 -32.2528)
## 7 POINT (-70.9997 -32.2756)
## 8 POINT (-71.0792 -32.3058)
## 9 POINT (-71.2425 -32.3075)
## 10 POINT (-70.7528 -32.3408)
Now, we can plot the DEM with the locations of the rain gauge stations that will be used in the computation
of RF-MEP, and overlying the boundaries of the study area and the stations (only their first attribute):
plot(ValparaisoDEM5km, main="SRTM-v4", xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude", col=terrain.colors(255))
plot(ValparaisoSHP[1], add=TRUE, col="transparent")
plot(stations[1], add=TRUE, pch = 16, col="black")


Latitude 3000
−33.5 1000

−72.0 −71.0 −70.0


6.2 Verification of covariates

Note that for this example we want to produce a merged precipitation product only from January 1st to
August 31th in 1983, i.e., 243 days; therefore, the precipitation products used as covariates have 243 layers
each (one for each day in the time period used ofr the analysis), which is the same number of rows of the
ValparaisoPPts object.

## [1] 243
( nlayers(CHIRPS5km) == nlayers(PERSIANNcdr5km) )

## [1] TRUE
( nlayers(CHIRPS5km) == nrow(ValparaisoPPts) )

## [1] TRUE
Now, we have to verify that the precipitation products and the DEM have the same spatial extent:

## class : Extent
## xmin : -71.85
## xmax : -69.95
## ymin : -34
## ymax : -32
( extent(CHIRPS5km) == extent(PERSIANNcdr5km) )

## [1] TRUE
( extent(CHIRPS5km) == extent(ValparaisoDEM5km) )

## [1] TRUE

and the same spatial resolution:

## [1] 0.05 0.05

( res(CHIRPS5km) == res(PERSIANNcdr5km) )

## [1] TRUE TRUE

( res(CHIRPS5km) == res(ValparaisoDEM5km) )

## [1] TRUE TRUE

6.2.1 Optional: Reprojection into another CRS

If you would like to test the use of Euclidean distances as covariates in RFmerge you need to be sure that
Euclidean distances will be correctly computed from your datasets.
Because ValparaisoPPgis, CHIRPS5km, and PERSIANNcdr5km all use geographical coordinates, we need
first to project their values into a projected coordinate reference system (CRS), i.e., one defined on a flat,
two-dimensional surface.
First, we reproject the rainfall observations from geographic coordinates into WGS 84 / UTM zone 19S
stations.utm <- sf::st_transform(stations, crs=32719) # for 'sf' objects

Second, we reproject the satellite products from geographic coordinates into WGS 84 / UTM zone 19S
#utmz19s.p4s <- CRS("+init=epsg:32719") # WGS 84 / UTM zone 19S
utmz19s.p4s <- sf::st_crs(stations.utm)$proj4string # WGS 84 / UTM zone 19S

CHIRPS5km.utm <- projectRaster(from=CHIRPS5km, crs=utmz19s.p4s)

PERSIANNcdr5km.utm <- projectRaster(from=PERSIANNcdr5km, crs=utmz19s.p4s)
ValparaisoDEM5km.utm <- projectRaster(from=ValparaisoDEM5km, crs=utmz19s.p4s)

Third, we reproject the polygon with the boundaries used to define the study area from geographic coordinates
into WGS 84 / UTM zone 19S (EPSG:32719):
ValparaisoSHP.utm <- sf::st_transform(ValparaisoSHP, crs=32719)

Fourth, we create a new data.frame with the expected metadata, i.e., at least, ID, lat, lon:
st.coords <- st_coordinates(stations.utm)
lon <- st.coords[, "X"]
lat <- st.coords[, "Y"]

ValparaisoPPgis.utm <- data.frame(ID=stations.utm[["Code"]], lon=lon, lat=lat)

You might want to skip (at your own risk) this reprojection step when the study area is small enough to
neglect the impact of using geographic coordinates in the computation of Euclidean distances.

7 Running RFmerge

7.1 Covariates

Now, we can create the covariates object to be used in the RFmerge function. For doing this, we will create a
list object with the different covariates. Please note that the order and name of the covariates in the
list is not important.
covariates.utm <- list(chirps=CHIRPS5km.utm, persianncdr=PERSIANNcdr5km.utm,

7.2 Setup

Finally, if you want the resulting merged files be written into disk you need to define the output directory
(drty.out) before running RFmerge. Then, you can run the RFmerge function as follows:
Without using parallelisation (default option):
drty.out <- file.path(tempdir(), "Test.nop")
rfmep <- RFmerge(x=ValparaisoPPts, metadata=ValparaisoPPgis.utm, cov=covariates.utm,
id="ID", lat="lat", lon="lon", mask=ValparaisoSHP.utm,
training=0.8, write2disk=TRUE, drty.out=drty.out)

Detecting if your OS is Windows or GNU/Linux, and setting the ‘parallel’ argument accordingly:
onWin <- ( (R.version$os=="mingw32") | (R.version$os=="mingw64") )
ifelse(onWin, parallel <- "parallelWin", parallel <- "parallel")

## [1] "parallel"
Using parallelisation, with a maximum number of nodes/cores to be used equal to 2:
par.nnodes <- min(parallel::detectCores()-1, 2)
drty.out <- file.path(tempdir(), "Test.par")
rfmep <- RFmerge(x=ValparaisoPPts, metadata=ValparaisoPPgis.utm, cov=covariates.utm,
id="ID", lat="lat", lon="lon", mask=ValparaisoSHP.utm,
training=0.8, write2disk=TRUE, drty.out=drty.out,
parallel=parallel, par.nnodes=par.nnodes)

## Warning in RFmerge.zoo(x = ValparaisoPPts, metadata = ValparaisoPPgis.utm, :

## Invalid argument: 'cov' and 'mask' have different CRS. Please ensure they
## actually have the same CRS !!.
## [ Creating the training (80%) and evaluation (20%) datasets ... ]
## [ Computing the Euclidean distances to each observation of the training set ...]
## [ Parallel initialization ... ]
## [ Number of cores/nodes detected: 4 ]
## [ Number of cores/nodes used : 2 ]
## [ Parallelisation finished ! ]

7.3 Expected outputs

If RFmerge run without problems, and write2disk=TRUE, the following output files will be stored in your
user-defined drty.out directory:
i) the rain gauge stations used as training and evaluation datasets; and
ii) the final merged product (individual GeoTiff files).
The aforementioned resulting objects will be stored within drty.out as follows:
• Ground_based_data/Training/: In this directory, time series and metadata used to train RF-MEP will
be stored as a zoo file (Training_ts.txt), and a text file (Training_metadata.txt), respectively.
• Ground_based_data/Evaluation/: This directory will store time series and metadata not used in
training the Random Forest model, but that are available for evaluating the performance of the results
in an independent evaluation dataset. The Evaluation_ts.txt and Evaluation_metadata.tx files
are stored as zoo and CSV files, respectively)
• RF-MEP/: This directory will store the individual GeoTiff files produced by the RF-MEP algorithmn,
using the same spatial resolution as the selected covariates.

7.4 Evaluation

After running RFmerge we will use the evaluation dataset of rain gauge observations to evaluate the performance
of RF-MEP at observation not used in the merging procedure. For this purpose, we will create a stack with
the obtained merged product and will import the time series and metadata from the evaluation set:
ts.path <- paste0(drty.out, "/Ground_based_data/Evaluation/Evaluation_ts.txt")
metadata.path <- paste0(drty.out, "/Ground_based_data/Evaluation/Evaluation_metadata.txt")

eval.ts <- read.zoo(ts.path, header = TRUE)

eval.gis <- read.csv(metadata.path)

# promoting 'eval.gis' into a spatial object (in order to be plotted)

( eval.gis.utm <- st_as_sf(eval.gis, coords = c('lon', 'lat'), crs = 32719) )

Visualisation of one day of precipitation using RF-MEP, and overlying the boundaries of the study area (only
its first attribute)::
plot(rfmep[[11]], main="RF-MEP precipitation for 1983-01-11", xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude")
plot(ValparaisoSHP.utm[1], add=TRUE, col="transparent")
plot(eval.gis.utm, add=TRUE, pch = 16, col="black")

The total amount of precipitation over Valparaiso for January to August 1983 according to RF-MEP, and
overlying the boundaries of the study area (only its first attribute)::
rfmep.total <- sum(rfmep, na.rm= FALSE)

plot(rfmep.total, main = "RF-MEP [Jan - Aug]", xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude")

plot(ValparaisoSHP.utm[1], add=TRUE, col="transparent")

First, we will compare RF-MEP (and the two precipitation products used as covariates) with the rain gauge
data from the evaluation set. To extract the RF-MEP precipitation values at the gauge locations, we will use
the extract function from the raster package:
coordinates(eval.gis) <- ~ lon + lat

rfmep.ts <- t(raster::extract(rfmep, eval.gis))

chirps.ts <- t(raster::extract(CHIRPS5km.utm, eval.gis))
persiann.ts <- t(raster::extract(PERSIANNcdr5km.utm, eval.gis))

To evaluate the performance of RF-MEP and the products used in its computation, the NAsh-Sutcliffe
efficiency (NSE) will be used. The optimal value for the NSE is one.
# Defining a function to compute the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency(NSE)
NSE <- function(sim, obs) return( 1 - (sum((obs - sim)^2)/ (sum((obs - mean(obs))^2)) ) )

sres <- list(chirps.ts, persiann.ts, rfmep.ts)

nsres <- length(sres)
nstations <- ncol(eval.ts)
tmp <- rep(NA, nstations)
nse.table <- data.frame(ID=eval.gis[["ID"]], CHIRPS=tmp, PERSIANN_CDR=tmp, RF_MEP=tmp)

# Computing the NSE between the observed rainfall measured in each one of the raingauges
# of the training dataset and CHIRPSv2, PERSIANN-CDR, the merged product `rfmep`:

for (i in 1:nsres) {
ldates <- time(eval.ts)
lsim <- zoo(sres[[i]], ldates)
nse.table[, (i+1)] = NSE(sim= lsim, obs= eval.ts)
} # FOR end

Finally, a boxplot comparing the performance, in terms of KGE’, of the merged product in comparison to the
original SREs used as covariates will be produced:
# Boxplot with a graphical comparison
sres.cols <- c("powderblue", "palegoldenrod", "mediumseagreen")
boxplot(nse.table[,2:4], main = "NSE evaluation for Jan - Aug 1983",
xlab = "P products", ylab = "NSE'", ylim = c(0, 1), # horizontal=TRUE,
legend("topleft", legend=c("CHIRPS", "PERSIANN-CDR", "RF-MEP"), col=sres.cols, pch=15, cex=1.5, bty="n")

8 Full vignette
In order to reduce the package dependencies for CRAN, this vignette was built with reduced functionality.
The full vignette can be found here.

9 Software details
This tutorial was built under:
## [1] "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)"
## [1] "R version 4.0.0 (2020-04-24)"
## [1] "RFmerge 0.1-10"

10 References
1. Ashouri, H., Hsu, K.-L., Sorooshian, S., Braithwaite, D. K., Knapp, K. R., Cecil, L. D., Nelson, B. R.,
and Prat, O. P. (2015). PERSIANN-CDR: Daily Precipitation Climate Data Record from Multisatellite
Observations for Hydrological and Climate Studies, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,
96, 69–83, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00068.1.
2. Baez-Villanueva, O. M.; Zambrano-Bigiarini, M.; Beck, H.; McNamara, I.; Ribbe, L.; Nauditt, A.;
Birkel, C.; Verbist, K.; Giraldo-Osorio, J.D.; Thinh, N.X. (2020). RF-MEP: a novel Random Forest
method for merging gridded precipitation products and ground-based measurements, Remote Sensing
of Environment, 239, 111610. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2019.111606.
3. Funk, C., Peterson, P., Landsfeld, M., Pedreros, D., Verdin, J., Shukla, S., Husak, G., Rowland, J.,
Harrison, L., Hoell, A., and Michaelsen, J. (2015) The climate hazards infrared precipitation with stations-
a new environmental record for monitoring extremes, Sci Data, 2, 150 066, doi:10.1038/sdata.2015.66.
4. Hengl, T., Nussbaum, M., Wright, M. N., Heuvelink, G. B., & Gr"{a}ler, B. (2018). Random forest as
a generic framework for predictive modeling of spatial and spatio-temporal variables. PeerJ, 6, e5518.


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