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International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends

Volume 5, Issue 1, Jan-Feb-2019, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

Survey on Energy Efficient Clustering and

Routing Protocols of Wireless Sensor Network
Priyanka Dubey Dr. S. Veenadhar Dr. Sanjeev Gupta
Dept. of Computer Science &Engg. Dept. of Computer Science &Engg Dept. of Computer Science &Engg
Rabindranath Tagore University Rabindranath Tagore University Rabindranath Tagore University
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
[email protected]
Abstract - The past few years have witnessed increased interest in the potential use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in a
wide range of applications and it has become a hot research area. However, the resource constrained nature of sensors raises
the problem of energy. This paper focus on the detailed survey on major clustering techniques LEACH, PEGASIS, and TEEN.
This article strongly examines about the advantages and limitations of different routing protocol with its recent research
issues. Here research work carried out by different researcher in this field of WSN is also detailed. This paper summarizes a ll
set of routing algorithms with comparison of on the basis advantage and disadvantages of each algorithm.

Index Terms- Cloud Computing, Load balancing, Machine Learning, Soft Computing, Virtual machines.

A sensor network is defined as being composed of a large
number of nodes with sensing, processing and
communication facilities which are deployed either inside
the phenomenon or very close to it. Each of these nodes
collects data and route this information back to a sink. The
network must possess self-organizing capabilities since the
positions of individual nodes are not predetermined.
Cooperation among nodes is the dominant feature of this
type of network, where groups of nodes cooperate to
disseminate the information gathered in their vicinity to
the user [1] as shown in fig 1. As it is shown here there are
several sensor nodes scattered randomly and the data
content of individual sensor nodes gets collected in the
sink. Then through internet the user can view the data
collected by the network.

A sensor node is made up of four basic components as Figure 1 an example of a WSN.

shown in the figure a sensing unit, including one or more
sensors for data acquisition [2], a processing unit, a II.WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK
transceiver unit and a power unit. They may also have
application dependent additional components such as a
The design of routing protocols in WSNs is influenced by
location finding system, a power generator and a
many challenging factors. These factors must be overcome
mobilizer. Sensing units are usually composed of two
before efficient communication can be achieved in WSNs.
subunits: sensors and analog to digital converters (ADCs).
In the following, we summarize some of the routing
The analog signals produced by the sensors based on the
challenges and design issues that affect routing process in
observed phenomenon are converted to digital signals by
the ADC, and then fed into the processing unit. The
1. Node deployment- Node deployment in WSNs is
processing unit, which is generally associated with a small
application dependent and affects the performance of the
storage unit, manages the procedures. A transceiver unit
routing protocol. The deployment can be either
connects the node to the network. One of the most
deterministic or randomized. In deterministic deployment,
important components of a sensor node is the power unit.
the sensors are manually placed and data is routed through
Power units may be supported by a power scavenging unit
pre-determined paths. However, in random node
such as solar cells.
deployment, the sensor nodes are scattered randomly

© 2019 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 5, Issue 1, Jan-Feb-2019, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

creating an infrastructure in an ad hoc manner. If the 6. Transmission Media- In a multi-hop sensor network,
resultant distribution of nodes is not uniform, optimal communicating nodes are linked by a wireless medium.
clustering becomes necessary to allow connectivity and The traditional problems associated with a wireless
enable energy efficient network operation. Inter-sensor channel (e.g., fading, high error rate) may also affect the
communication is normally within short transmission operation of the sensor network. In general, the required
ranges due to energy and bandwidth limitations. bandwidth of sensor data will be low, on the order of 1-
Therefore, it is most likely that a route will consist of 100 kb/s. Related to the transmission media is the design
multiple wireless hops. of medium access control (MAC). One approach of MAC
design for sensor networks is to use TDMA based
2. Energy consumption without losing accuracy-sensor protocols that conserve more energy compared to
nodes can use up their limited supply of energy contention based protocols like CSMA (e.g., IEEE
performing computations and transmitting information in a 802.11). Bluetooth technology [32] can also be used.
wireless environment. As such, energy conserving forms
of communication and computation are essential. Sensor 7. Connectivity- High node density in sensor networks
node lifetime shows a strong dependence on the battery precludes them from being completely isolated from each
lifetime [1]. In a multi hop WSN, each node plays a dual other. Therefore, sensor nodes are expected to be highly
role as data sender and data router. The malfunctioning of connected. This, however, may not prevent the network
some sensor nodes due to power failure can cause topology from being variable and the network size from
significant topological changes and might require being shrinking due to sensor node failures. In addition,
rerouting of packets and reorganization of the network. connectivity depends on the, possibly random, distribution
of nodes. • Coverage: In WSNs, each sensor node obtains
3. Fault Tolerance- Some sensor nodes may fail or be a certain view of the environment. A given sensor’s view
blocked due to lack of power, physical damage, or of the environment is limited both in range and in
environmental interference. The failure of sensor nodes accuracy; it can only cover a limited physical area of the
should not affect the overall task of the sensor network. If environment. Hence, area coverage is also an important
many nodes fail, MAC and routing protocols must design parameter in WSNs.
accommodate formation of new links and routes to the
data collection base stations. This may require actively III.RELATED WORK
adjusting transmit powers and signaling rates on the In this literature, different techniques about WSN are
existing links to reduce energy consumption, or rerouting studied. Earlier research has tried up to a certain extent to
packets through regions of the network where more energy overcome the problem of energy consumption and
is available. Therefore, multiple levels of redundancy may network stability using energy efficient techniques.
be needed in a fault-tolerant sensor network. However, still, energy consumption and network stability
is the primary challenging issue in Wireless Sensor
4. Scalability- The number of sensor nodes deployed in Network. Therefore, this work propose a technique of
the sensing area may be in the order of hundreds or energy harvesting in clustering based Wireless Sensor
thousands, or more. Any routing scheme must be able to Network to prolong network lifetime and network stability
work with this huge number of sensor nodes. In addition,
sensor network routing protocols should be scalable LEACH is a well-known clustering based protocol [2]. In
enough to respond to events in the environment. Until an LEACH sensor nodes are organized into the cluster. Each
event occurs, most of the sensors can remain in the sleep cluster has cluster head and member nodes. Cluster heads
state, with data from the few remaining sensors providing in each cluster are selected randomly. The main
a coarse quality. disadvantage of LEACH is that if a sensor node with less
residual energy is selected as cluster head would die
5. Network Dynamics-Most of the network architectures quickly; ultimately the whole cluster would become non-
assume that sensor nodes are stationary. However, functional. LEACH performs local processing to reduce
mobility of both BS’s or sensor nodes is sometimes the amount of data being transmitted to the BS, therefore
necessary in many applications [19]. Routing messages reducing energy consumption and improving network
from or to moving nodes is more challenging since route lifetime.
stability becomes an important issue, in addition to energy,
bandwidth etc. Moreover, the sensed phenomenon can be In [3] this study, a game theory-based dispersed Energy
either dynamic or static depending on the application, e.g., Harvesting-Aware (EHA) algorithm is proposed, which
it is dynamic in a target detection/tracking application, represents the behaviors of sensors as a game. This effort
while it is static in forest monitoring for early fire analyses the energy expenditure rate and energy-
prevention. harvesting rate of every sensor node at different times. In
this approach, the high harvesting energy sensor nodes

© 2019 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 5, Issue 1, Jan-Feb-2019, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

assist with the low harvesting energy sensor nodes to keep data of malicious node to every some other nodes in the
the connectivity of the sensor network. The proposed network. The efficiency of suggested mechanism as
algorithm first builds a beginning topology based on the throughput of the network does not decay in existence of
Directed Local Spanning Sub graph (DLSS) algorithm. the black holes.
Then every sensor node tries to and an adjacent node that
covers up the remote neighbor of sensor node by adjusting In this paper [9], they proposed two possible solutions to
the communication power stepwise. study black hole attack. The first solution is to study
several route to the destination. The second is to apply the
In this paper [4] Audit-based Misbehavior Detection packet sequence number contained in any packet header.
(AMD) can construct paths consisting of highly trusted In study to AODV routing scheme, the second solution is
nodes, subject to a desired path length constraint. When superior and of the route to the destination rely upon on
paths contain misbehaving nodes, these nodes are the pause time at a lowest cost of the delay in the
efficiently located by a behavioral audit process. AMD networks.
detects selective dropping behaviors by allowing the
source to perform matching against any desired selective In this paper [10], they have proposed a solution the
dropping patterns. This is particularly important when end requesting node wait and check the replies from all
to end traffic is encrypted. In the latter scenario, only the neighboring node to find a safe route. It is provide better
source and destination have access to the contents of the performance than the conventional AODV in the existence
packets and can detect selective dropping. of Black holes with smallest additional delay and
In this paper [5], source node verifies the authenticity of
node that initiates RREP by finding more than one route to In this paper [11], they apply a reactive routing protocol
the destination. The source node waits for RREP packet to called as Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV)
arrive from more than two nodes. In ad hoc networks, the routing for examine of the outcome of the black hole
redundant paths in most of the time have some shared attack when the destination sequence number is altered via
hops or nodes. When source node receives RREPs, if simulation. Then, they determine characteristic in order to
routes to destination shared hops, source node can define the normal state from the character of black hole
recognize the safe route to destination. But, this method attack. They proposed training scheme for huge accuracy
can cause the routing delay. Since a node has to wait for detection by modifying the training data in every given
RREP packet to arrive from more than two nodes. time intervals and adaptively specifying the normal state
Therefore, a method that can prevent the attack without according to the changing network environment.
increasing the routing overhead and the routing delay is
required. Bouachir Ons (2016) et. al [13] present that an ORP and
data dissemination protocol for energy harvesting IOT
Deng et. al. [6] has proposed an algorithm to prevent black (EH-IOT) depend on cross-layer constructs that allow
hole attacks in ad hoc networks. According to the across the layers synchronization and coordination among
algorithm, any node on receiving a RREP packet, the routing protocol and the application layer service. The
crosschecks with the next hop on the route to the OMNET++ based extensive simulation of this protocol
destination from an alternate path. If the next hop either showed promising results in terms of meeting application
does not have a link to the node that sent the RREP or requirements of handling urgent traffic and delay tolerant
does not have a route to the destination then the node that traffic seamlessly and ensuring energy usage efficiency.
sent the RREP is considered as malicious. This solution
cannot prevent cooperative black hole attacks. Apart of IV.WSN ROUTING TECHNIQUES
that there are many techniques which are used for the 1. Data-Centric Protocols
security of AODV. In data-centric routing, the sink sends queries to certain
regions and waits for data from the sensors located in the
In this paper [7], they proposed a method uses Intrusion selected regions. Since data is being requested through
Detection using Anomaly Detection (IDAD) to defend queries, attribute based naming is necessary to specify the
against black hole attacks established by both single and properties of data. SPIN is the first data-centric protocol,
multiple black hole nodes. It proved the specific result which considers data negotiation between nodes in order
increases network performance by reducing formation of to eliminate redundant data and save energy [13]. Later,
control (routing) packets including effectively defend Directed Diffusion has been developed. Then, many other
black hole attacks opposed to mobile ad-hoc networks. protocols have been proposed either based on Directed
Diffusion or following a similar concept [14]. This section
In this paper [8], they proposed a method uses describes these protocols in details.
promiscuous mode to find malicious node and transmit the

© 2019 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 5, Issue 1, Jan-Feb-2019, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

1.1 Sensor Protocols for Information via Negotiation wide gradient field. Thus, in case that a query is generated
(SPIN) - The idea behind SPIN is to name the data using it can be then sent on a random walk until it finds the
high level descriptors or meta-data. Before transmission, event path, instead of flooding it throughout the network.
meta-data are exchanged among sensors via a data As soon as the event path is discovered it can be further
advertisement mechanism, which is the key feature of routed directly to the event. On the other hand, if the path
SPIN. Each node upon receiving new data, advertises it to cannot be found, the application can try re-submitting the
its neighbors and interested neighbors, means those who query or flooding it. The RR can be a good method for
do not have the data, retrieve the data by sending a request delivering queries to events in large networks [12].
message. SPIN's meta-data negotiation solves the classic
problems of flooding such as redundant information 2. Location-Based Protocols
passing, overlapping of sensing areas and resource In this section, location-based protocols for WSNs, is
blindness thus, achieving a lot of energy efficiency. presented. They are based on two principal assumptions
There is no standard meta-data format and it is assumed to  It is assumed that every node knows its own network
be application specific. There are three messages defined neighbors positions.
in SPIN to exchange data between nodes. These are: ADV  The source of a message is assumed to be informed about
message to allow a sensor to advertise a particular the position of the destination.
metadata, REQ message to request the specific data and 2.1 Distance Routing Effect Algorithm for Mobility
DATA message that carry the actual data. Details of it can (DREAM)-It is a proactive protocol and each Mobile
be studied from [13] .In SPIN, topological changes are Node (MN) maintains a location table for all other nodes
localized since each node needs to know only its single- in the network [12]. To maintain the table, each MN
hop neighbors. SPIN is not used for applications such as transmits location packets to nearby MNs in the sensor
intrusion detection, which require reliable delivery of data network at a given frequency and to far away MNs in the
packets over regular intervals. sensor network at another lower frequency. Since far away
MNs appear to move more slowly than nearby MNs, it is
1.2 Directed Diffusion (DD)- DD is an important not necessary for a MN to maintain up-to-date location
milestone in the data-centric routing research of sensor information for far away MNs. Thus, by differentiating
networks. The idea aims at diffusing data through sensor between nearby and far away MNs, DREAM attempts to
nodes by using a naming scheme for the data. DD suggests limit the overhead of location packets.
the use of attribute-value pairs for the data and queries the
sensors in an on demand basis by using those pairs. In 2.2 Geographic and Energy Aware Routing (GEAR):
order to create a query, an interest is defined using a list of Unlike previous geographic routing protocols, GEAR does
attribute-value pairs such as name of objects, interval, not use greedy algorithms to forward the packet to the
duration, geographical area, etc. The interest is broadcast destination [18]. Thus, it differs in how they handle
by a sink through its neighbors. Each node receiving the communication holes. The GEAR uses energy aware and
interest can do caching for later use. The nodes also have geographically informed neighbor selection heuristics to
the ability to do in-network data aggregation. The interests route a packet towards the target region.
in the caches are then used to compare the received data
with the values in the interests. 2.3 Minimum Energy Relay Routing (MERR) –
Location-It is based on the idea that the distance between
The interest entry also contains several gradient fields. A two nodes that transmit data is very important [19]. This
gradient is a reply link to a neighbor from which the distance is closely related to the energy consumed on the
interest was received. Hence, by utilizing interest and entire path, from the source to the base station, Thus, in
gradients, paths are established between sink and sources. MERR each sensor seeks locally for the downstream node
Several paths can be established so that one of them is within its maximum transmission range whose distance is
selected by reinforcement. DD is highly energy efficient closest to the characteristic distance.
since it is on demand and there is no need for maintaining
global network topology. However, DD cannot be applied As soon as a sensor has decided to use the next hop, it
to all sensor network applications since it is based on a adjusts its transmission power to the lowest possible level
query-driven data delivery model. Details of DD can be such that the radio signal can just be received by the
studied from [13]. respective node. This can minimize the energy
consumption. If the distances between each pair of sensors
1.3 Rumor Routing (RR)- RR is a compromise between are all greater than the characteristic distance, each sensor
flooding queries and flooding event notifications. The will select its direct downstream neighbor as the next hop
main idea of this protocol is to create paths that lead to node.
each event. unlike event flooding which creates a network-

© 2019 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 5, Issue 1, Jan-Feb-2019, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

Table 1Comparison of various techniques of WSN node the base station the duration of the steady state phase is
clustering. longer than the duration of the setup phase in order to
Protocol minimize overhead. Cluster head creates a TDMA (Time
LEACH ignores Division Multiple Access) schedule based on the number
Data collection is residual energy of nodes in the group. CDMA (Code Division Multiple
LEACH [16] centralized LEACH is not Access) code is used for random communication inside the
suitable for large cluster. LEACH is not suitable for large network areas.
It cannot 3. Particle Swarm Virtual Coordinates (PSVC)
Eliminates the PSVC [24] is a distributed virtual coordinate assignment
guarantee the
SPIN [17] redundancy of algorithm that employs Particle Swarm Optimization to
delivery of data
data [17]. compute virtual coordinates for geographic routing. The
Energy The routing table selection of the reference nodes and the relaxation steps
GEAR [15] consumption is exchange are similar to Gasping. PSVC computes the coordinates of
balanced. [15] periodically [15] the reference nodes by modeling the hop counts between
Each sensor node the reference nodes as a spatial distance in a manner
in the network has More delay similar to NoGeo. The election of each reference node
MWE[15] a set of minimum Larger overhead floods the net-work, but the cost per reference node is
energy path to Less scalability. approximately O (D) ≈ O (√n), where D is the diameter of
each source node the network and n is the network size. PSVC uses 4
It reduces the reference nodes for 2D networks and 6 reference nodes for
amount of traffic Overhead 3D networks. PSVC converges faster, achieves a lower
TAG [17] hop stretch, and scales well up to large networks of 3,200
transmitted in the increases.
sensor network. nodes compared to NoGeo. Also, PSVC makes no
assumptions on the network topology and can naturally be
extended to three-dimensional (3D) IOT.
1. Greedy Hierarchical Virtual Protocol (HVP) 4. Ant-Based analysis
Greedy Forwarding with Hierarchical Virtual Position Proposed protocol [8] which is based on the Ant Colony
(HVP) [23] algorithm uses the combination of all K-level Optimization heuristic. Initially the forward ants are sent
virtual positions (K>=1) and the geographic positions of to no specific destination node, which means that sensor
nodes in a down-hill fashion. HVP requires nodes to store nodes must communicate with each other and the routing
the geographic positions as well as all the Klevel virtual tables of each node must contain the identification of all
positions of itself and its direct neighbors. A flag level is the sensor nodes in the neighborhood and the
added to the packets to indicate the current level of virtual correspondent levels of pheromone trail. For large
position. The down-hill process is uni-directional to ensure networks, this can be a problem since nodes would need to
that HVP is loop-free. HVP fails if the lowest level virtual have big amounts of memory to save all the information
position (the geographic position) is already used and about the neighboring nodes. The algorithm can be easily
there is no neighbor to make further progress towards the changed to save memory. If the forward ants are sent
destination of a packet. The down-hill process does not directly to the sink, the routing tables only need to save the
need to have a fixed decrement of 1. When using larger neighbor nodes that are in the direction of the sink. This
decrements, less levels of virtual position are needed, that reduces the size of the routing tables and, in consequence,
implies less information storage on nodes. Dynamic the memory needed by the nodes. The quality of a given
decrements can be used when certain level of virtual path between a sensor node and the sink-node, should be
position is missing. determined not only in terms of the distance, but also in
terms of the energy level of that path.
2. LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering
A proposed protocol [4] is an adaptive clustering protocol
To make an energy efficient design for routing protocol in
for distributing energy load among the sensor nodes in
WSN is the major challenge faced now days. The main
network. LEACH uses single-hop routing in which each
aim is to make the sensor to work for long time with less
sensor node transmits information directly to the cluster
usage of energy. Generally the major energy consumption
head or the sink. It works in two phase: 1)The setup phase-
is due to data transfer and reception. Consequently, many
In the setup phase ,the cluster are organized and the cluster
innovative security protocols and techniques have been
heads are selected and each round stochastic algorithm is
developed to meet this challenge. It was obtained that use
used by each node to determine whether it will become a
of dynamic algorithm which handle real time situation
cluster head. 2) The steady state phase- The data is sent to
© 2019 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 5, Issue 1, Jan-Feb-2019, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

without any prior training is highly demanding. Here one 11. Faheem khan, Sohail abbas, Samiullah khan, An
has to separately work for clustering and routing as each Efficient and Reliable Core-Assisted Multicast
module will improve WSN life span. Use of hierarchal Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network,
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13. A Survey on Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor
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Volume 5, Issue 1, Jan-Feb-2019, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

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© 2019 IJSRET

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