Raven Labs Headphone Amp Manual

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PHA-1 S/N 0633 Mint Condition

The PHA-1 is a professional unit that can be used as a headphone practice amp,
versatile preamp, or to create your own mix in the studio. The PHA-1 will allow up
to two players to plug in and practice together while monitoring their sound via the
dual stereo headphone jacks.

The left and right mix volumes adjust the levels of the external source, providing
the ultimate environment for silent rehearsing, solo or with a fellow musician. Make
sure you are in key by hooking up a tuner to the Auxiliary send. The sound of your
instrument can be tailored using the 3 band EQ.

Immediately noticable will be the sound quality, dynamic range and lack of
annoying hiss. The PHA-1 will faithfully reproduce anything from a 5 string bass to
the variety of sounds from a synthesizer.

Are you done practicing and ready for the gig? The PHA-1 makes the ideal buffer
between your instrument and amp. The high input impedance assures that ALL of
you instruments tonal characteristics reach your audience. As well, the PHA-1 will
provide additional gain and tone adjustments. The Auxiliary send and Stereo mix
inputs can now act as a side chain effects loop. Being on a "side chain" insures the
integrity of the natural sound of your instrument, while lowering the overall noise
created by your effects unit. Use the Line Out to send the signal to your amplifier.

The PHA-1 is powered by a pair of 9 volt batteries. Battery installation is easy using
the battery compartment on the outside of the chassis. No "unassembly" is
required. Battery life will be around 50 hours.

Front Panel Features

High Gain Input
Low Gain Input
Volume Control
Bass EQ Control
Midrange EQ Control
Treble EQ Control
Stereo Left and Right Mix controls
On/Off Power Switch
Rear Panel Features
Two Stereo Headphone Outputs
Mono Line Out jack
Auxiliary Send Output
Stereo/Mono Mix input jack
Stereo/Mono Mix In selector switch
Dual 9 volt battery holder
A/C Adaptor (Optional)
*All measurements taken with fresh 9 volt batteries.Power source: Dual 9 volt
batteries. Over 50 hours life expectancy under normal use.Frequency Response:
-3dB from 30Hz to 60KHzDistortion Preamp/Line Out: 0.008% @ 1KHz, +4dB
Headphone Amp: 0.06% @ 1KHz, +4dB @ 75 Ohms
Noise: -85dB typical (Tone Controls in "flat" position)

Maximum Gain: 7.5X (17.5dB)

Maximum Input Level: 2 volts RMS

Input Impedance:Hi & Lo Inputs: 3.9 Meg ohms

Left and Right Mix In inputs: 20K ohms minimumMaximum Output Preamp/Line Out
only: 3.2 volts RMS
Headphone Out, 75 Ohms Impedance: 2.2 volts RMS (65 milliwatts)Output
Impedance: Line Out, Auxiliary Send: 100 ohms
Hi and Lo Inputs Gain Difference: The Low input has 3.5dB less gain.Resistors: 1%,
1/4 watt. Capacitors: Mylar (German Wima)Chassis: Steel, powder coated.

Dimensions: 6.7" W x 1.75"H x 6"D

Weight: 2 lbs., 3 oz.

Raven Labs PHA-1 Owner's Manual

The Professional Instrument Preamp/Headphone Amp from Raven Labs offers the
musician a personal practice amplifier and preamp with sonic qualities and features
that we feel are the finest and most useful in the marketplace. The precision
electronics are powered by two nine-volt batteries in a +/- configuration and are
housed in a black texture powder coated chassis. Only the very best components
are used, including mylar capacitors, 1% resistors, Beldon cable, dual wiping IC
sockets, and a double sided plated through circuit board. Entirely hand made in

To get the most enjoyment out of your unit, please read the entire owners manual
before operating. Thanks so much for putting your faith in our products.

Front Panel Features

Two 1/4" jacks are provided and will accept a variety of both active and passive
instruments. The 4 Meg Ohm input impedance insures that ALL the information
your instrument has to offer gets heard. Both inputs are independent and can be
used simultaneously. The "HI" jack has 3 dB more gain than the "LO" input. If you
are hearing distortion that can't be corrected by turning down the Volume or EQ
section, try switching to the "LO" input jack.
This function controls the level of both the HI and LO inputs. It does not affect the
MIX input. It is located in the circuitry after the EQ section. If you hear some
distortion and it is not corrected by turning down the volume, try adjusting the tone
section or using the "LO" input jack. As well, check the batteries in the PHA-1 and
your source (instrument).

Bass, Midrange and Treble controls are provided for tailoring the sound to your
liking. They affect only the source at the input jacks and not the Mix Input. Each
control can provide up to +/- 12 dB of cut or boost. Flat (no boost or cut) position
is when the knob indicator line points to the "0" setting on the front panel.

The Bass control is centered around 80Hz, Mid Range at 800Hz, and Treble at
2KHz. The bandwidths of each control are different and chosen for their musical

The EQ can be fun to experiment with while playing along with pre-recorded music.
Use the Bass to add a solid foundation, or the Mid to bring out your instrument in
the mix, and the Treble to add a certain sibilance overall. What may work for an
overall sound with other instruments may be completely different from listening to
just yourself individually.


These adjust the level in your headphones of the signal coming from the "Mix In"
input on the back panel. Both controls must be turned up regardless if the mix
signal is stereo or mono for sound to be heard in both sides. They do not affect the
signal coming from the input jacks.

Note: If you are using the PHA-1 as a preamp, the "Aux Send" and "Mix In" can act
as a side chain mono effects loop. Use the MIX L to adjust the level of the effects
unit present at the LINE OUT jack.When using headphones, the Aux Send and Mix
In can function as a stereo effects loop. See Rear Panel Features for more

Pushing the power switch in turns on your product as indicated by the red LED
lighting. Be sure and turn off the PHA-1 when not in use to extend battery life.

Rear Panel Features

Lifting up and out removes the drawers that hold the two 9 volt batteries that
operate your unit. Be sure and observe correct polarity during installation. If your
PHA-1 does not turn on after installation, immediately turn the power switch off and
recheck polarity. Always use quality batteries. Battery life is expected at 50+ hours.

Will accept either a stereo or mono signal. The level in the headphones is adjusted
by the Mix L and R controls on the front panel. The level at the Line Out is
controlled by the Mix L only. Input impedance is 20K ohms minimum.

To play along with pre-recorded music: Using the stereo patch cord provided, plug
the mini phone plug end in the "line out" or "headphone out" of your source (CD
player, cassette deck, etc.) and the 1/4" (larger) end in the Mix In jack; Adjust the
Stereo/Mono switch accordingly; Use the Mix L and Mix R controls on the front
panel to adjust the level in the headphones.

Use the Volume to adjust the level of your instrument with the pre-recorded music.
If you are having trouble, make sure all units are on, connections are correct, and
volumes are up (i.e. headphone level on CD or cassette when using headphones

Located before the EQ section, the Aux send can be used to hook up a tuner, etc.,
or, when using an effect, run a patch cord to the input of your effects unit. The
output of the effects goes to the Mix In jack. Only the signal at the input jacks is
present at the Aux jack.

Note: If you are using the PHA-1 as a preamp, and using an effects unit, use the
Mix L to adjust the level of your effects present in the Line Out jack.

When using the PHA-1 as a preamp, use the Line Out to send a mono signal to the
input of your amplifier. The level is adjusted by the Volume control on the front
panel. See above for more information when using an effects unit.

Use a high quality pair of headphones having an impedance of 16 ohms or greater
and can handle at least 50 milliwatts (.050 watts). The best match for the PHA-1 is
around 75 ohms. When using TWO pair of headphones, they cannot be less than 35
ohms apiece and should have an equal impedance. When using two unmatched pair
of headphones, the lower impedance will sound louder. Remember, the headphones
are the last link in the chain and
can make or break the sound you're looking for.

This is the rare, legendary Raven Labs PHA-1 all-battery headphone amp / preamp
designed and built by Steve Rabe, founder of SWR. It has a remarkably clean, clear
tone and can be used as a full-fledged preamp or practice amp with headphones,
no power cord required. This unit runs off 2 9v batteries or an optional AC adapter.
It also has a stereo mix capability to practice along with a stereo 1/4" input with
mono switch.

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