Cronusfit One Seven Five: Hang Clean and Press

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CronusFit One Seven Five

20-30 Miles of Running every week, building towards longer sustained aerobic
capacity and improvement in the 8-10km race distances. Your race pace is your
10km pace. For those new to middle distance running, this program will
introduce recovery runs following interval sets, which will be increasingly
difficult. Individually, completing a 400-1200m interval at a 10k race pace doesn't
seem difficult, but adding recovery intervals only paced :20 slower will stress
your breath control.

Lifting will continue to focus on basic movements, maintaing lean muscle

development with the overall goal of performing in military training, school(s), or

Weights are based off 1RM. Rest between each set is :60 and 2:00 between parts.
Add weight for no regrets.

Week 1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

60% Back Squat 4x8 4x8
Hang Clean and Press Deadlift 4x8 Bench 4x8 Snatch Girp Row 4x8 2 Rounds - 50x DU + 40x KBS
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
DB Box Step Up 4x10 DB Press 4x10 Lunge 4x10 Dips 4x10 Wide Grip Chin Up 4x10 53/44 + 30cal AAB, then 2x
METCON 40/30/20 and 2x 30/20/10
8AMRAP - 50x Double Under + 10x 10EMOM - 15x Push Ups 3RFT - 21x Burpees + 18x KBS METCON 4AMRAP - 20m Sprint + 10m Sled Every 2min for 10min - 15cal AAB +
Pull Up + 15x Box Jump 24/20 53/42 + 15x Wall Ball Shots 20 Push 10x DL 185/155
30min Easy Run 3-Mile Tempo + 10min Cool Down 40min Run :30 Race Pace + 1:00 Easy for 20min Conversational Pace 5k Race Pace
Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning

Week 2 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

58-60% Back Squat 4x10 4x10
Hang Clean and Press Deadlift 4x10 Bench 4x10 Snatch Girp Row 4x10 10 Rounds Not for Time: 10x Push
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
Romanian DL 4x12 Shrug 4x12 Good Morning 4x12 Flys + Pull Over 4x12 Lat Pull + DB Row 4x12 Press #95 + 10x Hang Power Clean
100 Slam Balls for Time #25/20 10x KBS #53 + 50x Double 10AMRAP 5x Pull Up + 10x Push As many wall balls straight as you METCON 6x2min Rounds - 10x TTB + 20x
Under…20/40…30/30…40/20…50/ Up + 15x Air Squat can *pace yourself #20/14 KBS #53 + 5x DB Thruster #40/30
30min Easy Run 10
1-Mile Race Pace + 15min 40min Run 1-5-1 Pyramid of Race Pace w/1:00 2.5-Mile Easy Run 8x 400m Hard + 400m :25 slower
Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning
Conversational Pace Easy between sets

Week 3 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

62-65% Back Squat 5x8 5x8
Hang Clean and Press Deadlift 5x8 Bench 5x8 Snatch Girp Row 5x8 30 EMOM: 20m Sled Push #220
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
Leg Curl + Ext. 5x10 Lat/Front Raise 5x10 Front Rack Lunge 5x10 Cable Fly 5x10 Pull Up 5x10
5 Rounds Not for Time: 20x Cable 400m Walking Lunge 6AMRAP - 8x Alt KB Snatch #53 + METCON 12EMOM - 12x Perfect Push Up 6 Rounds :45 Rest Between Sets -
Crunch + 20x Push Up + :20 Wall Sit 10x Ankle to Bar + 18x Double 25 Decline Crunches
30min Easy Run 3.5-Mile Tempo + 5min Cool Down Under
40min Run 6x 800m Repeats + 50m Walk 25mn Conversational Pace 10x 400m Hard + 400m :25 Slower
Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning

Week 4 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

58-60% Back Squat 5x10 5x10
Hang Clean and Press Deadlift 5x10 Bench 5x10 Snatch Girp Row 5x10 Post Run - :60 Max Effort Pull Ups +
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength :60 Max Effort Push Ups + :60 Max
Hexbar DL 5x12 Z Press 5x12 Lunge 5x12 Flys + Pull Over 5x12 Upright Row 5x12
METCON 20 EMOM - 1) 15x Push Up 2) 20m 100 Unassisted Situps 5RFT - 10x Burpee Box Jump + 10x METCON 10EMOM - 10xAb Wheel 4RFT - 20x Wall Ball + 15x Burpee +
Shuttle Sprint (5m) METCON METCON Power Snatch #75 + 10x Wall Ball Shots METCON 10x DB Deadlift #75/#55
30min Easy Run 10min Warm Up + 10min Tempo + 40min Run 2-4-6-8 min hard with 1-2-3-4 45min Conversational Pace 8k Race Pace
Conditioning Conditioning 20min Conversational Conditioning Conditioning Recovery Run Conditioning Conditioning

Week 5 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

60% Back Squat 4x12 4x12
Hang Clean and Press Deadlift 4x12 Bench 4x12 Snatch Girp Row 4x12 40EMOM - 1) 200m Run 2) 15m
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
RDL 4x10 I/Y/Ts 4x10 Overhead Lunge 4x10 Dips 4xMax Chin Up 4xMax Dual DB Lunge #45 3) 40x Double
METCON Under 4) 8x Hang Power Clean and
5RFT - 15x Burpee + 10x Pull Up + 5x 8 Rounds Not for Time - 20x Abmat 8 Rounds NFT - 5m Lateral Jump + 5m Forward METCON 300x Double Unders + 200x Sit Ups 8AMRAP - 25x KBS #72/53 + 15x
METCON METCON METCON Jump + 5m Lateral Jump + 5m Rear Jump METCON Press
Strict Press #75 Sit Ups + :30 Plank + 100x Push Ups Wall Ball + 2x Sandbag Clean #100
30min Easy Run 15min Warm Up + 10min Race Pace 40min Run 5min Warm Up + 15min Race pace + 5-Mile Conversational Pace 3x 1200m Race Pace Repeat + 800
Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning
+ 5min Cool Down 15min Cool Down Recovery Run
Week 6 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
58-60% Back Squat 5x12 5x12
Hang Clean and Press Deadlift 5x12 Bench 5x12 Snatch Girp Row 5x12 Post Run - 100 Burpees (10min time
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
Good Morning 5x10 Curl + Press 5x10 DB Lunge 5x10 Dip + Tricep Ext. 5x10 Pull Down + Lat Raise 5x10 cap)
Post Run - Tabata Burpees Post Run - Tabata Push Ups Post Run - Tabata Box Jumps METCON Post Run - Tabata Wall Ball Post Run - Tabata Pull Up

30min Easy Run 3k Race Pace 40min Run 1-1-2-2-3-3-4-4-5-5 Min Race Pace + 45min Conversational Pace 10k Race Pace
Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning
:60 Recovery Run

Week 7 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

63% Back Squat 4x8 Hang Clean and Press 4x8 Deadlift 4x8 Bench 4x8 Snatch Girp Row 4x8 PreRun - 100 Perfect Pushups
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
RDL 4x10 Lat/Front Raise 4x10 Kang Squat 4x10 Fly + Pull Over 4x10 Pull Up 4xMax
5RFT - 12x Dual KB DL #72 + 20m Lunge + 10AMRAP - 20m Sled Push #185 + METCON 150 Tire Strikes METCON Post Run - 15-12-9-6-3 FS 100m Total Dual DB Lunge (Every
20m Sprint + 15x Wall Ball Shots #185/155 + Toes to Bar two steps complete 4x Power Clean)
30min Easy Run 10min Warm Up + 3x5min Race 40min Run 5k Race Pace 60min Easy Run 1k Race Pace + 10min Cool Down
Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning
Pace + 3min Recovery Run

Week 8 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

65% Back Squat 5x8 5x8
Hang Clean and Press Deadlift 5x8 Bench 5x8 Snatch Girp Row 5x8 Post Run - 2min Max Push Ups,
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
Sumo Deadlift 5x10 5x10
Hammer Curl + Press Lunge 5x10 Dips 5xMax Wide Grip Chin Up 5x10 2min Max Sit Ups, 2min Max Pull
5RFT - 15m Tire Flip + 10x GHDSU + Post Run - 5AMRAP 10m Sled Push METCON Pre Run - 15EMOM 1) 12x Box Jump 2) Post Run - 3x Max Double Under in METCON 12EMOM - 3x HSPU + 8x TTB
Accessory METCON 8x Box Step Up #45 3) 4x Sandbag METCON
5x Pull Up #225 + :15 Rest :60
30min Easy Run 5k Race Pace 40min Run 3k Race Pace 50min Conversational Pace 800m / 1200m / 1200m / 800m
Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Race Pace + 400m Recovery Run
Week 9 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
60% Back Squat 4x10 Hang Clean and Press 4x10 Deadlift 4x10 Bench 4x10 Snatch Girp Row 4x10 PreRun - 200 Sit Ups (as few sets
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
RDL 4x12 Shrug 4x12 Box Step Ups 4x12 Flys + Pull Over 4x12 Upright Row 4x12 as possible)
6RFT - 10cal Row + 10x Wall Ball + 3x 3AMRAP 1..2..3..4.. Burpee + 100x Slam Ball for Time METCON PreRun - 8AMRAP 20x TTB + 12x Post Run - 150 Decline Crunches
10x Power Clean #95 Pull Up Push Press #75 + 12x Floor Press
30min Easy Run 20min Warm Up Run + 15min 40min Run :60 Race Pace + :60 Recovery Run 50min Easy Run 10k Race Pace
Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning
Tempo Run x 36min
Week 10 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
62% Back Squat 5x10 Hang Clean and Press 5x10 Deadlift 5x10 Bench 5x10 Snatch Girp Row 5x10 30EMOM - 1) 5x Tire Flip 2) 30x
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
Good Morning 5x12 Lat/Front Raise 5x12 Leg Curl 5x12 Dips 5xMax Wide Grip Chin Up 5x12 Double Under 3) 10x Pull Up
6RFT - 10x Box Jump Over + 10x Dual METCON 16EMOM 1) 10x Wall Ball Shots #30 2) METCON Post Run - 100 Burpees for Time METCON Every 3min for 12 - 12cal AAB + 12x 3RFT - 10x Sandbag Ground to
METCON 20x Push Up 3) 15x Leg Raise 4) 12x METCON
KB SQT #52 + 20m Sprint Sandbag Clean + 10x TTB Shoulder + 30x Slam Ball #40
30min Easy Run 5k Race Pace + 10min Recovery 40min Run 15min Warm Up + 5min Race Pace + 10min 45min Easy Run 3x 2k Race Pace + 800 Recovery
Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conversational + 10min Race Pace Conditioning Conditioning
Run Run

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