Presentacion Telvent

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Smart Information for a Sustainable World

Oil and Gas

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Our Mission

Our Solutions


Main References

Contact Data

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Our Mission

Our Solutions


Main References

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Our Mission

“Providing global services and

solutions for the integrated
management of the oil and
gas industry: production,
transport, and distribution;
making possible, together with
our clients, the big challenge of
creating a sustainable world
es parte de for future generations.”
Our Mission

Our Solutions


Main References

Contact Data

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Smart Information for a Sustainable World

Business Areas

Supervisory and information management of the production,

gathering, and delivery of oil & gas to processing facilities and
all aspects of safe operations, measurement, contract
management, and storage for onshore and offshore fields.

Supervisory control and information management of the transmission

and high pressure distribution of oil & gas products, from the refinery
to the major markets. Leak detection and location, power
optimization, batch tracking nomination, and contract management.

Supervisory control and information management of low

es parte de pressure distribution from the regional local distribution
companies (LDC) to their retail customers. Demand forecasting,
safety, security, inventory, and contract management.
Smart Information for a Sustainable World

From the oil/gas field to the consumer

Exploration & Production
Upstream Marketing
Tar Sands Surface Mine
Off-Shore (Mining/Extraction/Up- Gasoline Stations
Grading) (Gasoline & Diesel)
Residential &
Commercial (Heating Oil)
(Aviation Fuel)
Pipelines Oil Pipeline

Processing Marine Terminal
& Storage Power
Crude Oil Tankers (Fuel Oil)

Oil & NGL Midstream

Pipelines Distribution
Pump Stations Downstream
es parte de

Refined Products
Refinery Pipeline Truck Terminals
Where we come from, where we go

Operation and business

Outsourcing and consulting
Control and monitoring

es parte de

Technological Evolution
Product and Solutions
ERP Integration
[Consultancy, Integration and
Information Systems Operations] OSISoft PI


DTN Energy Trader

[Market Intelligence] Business
DTN Marketer decisions

DTN Supplier
[Pipeline Operations, Logistics and
Revenues] POLARIS

[Fuel Terminal Automation] Terminal

Automation (G3) Process
[Gas Measurement] knowledge
[Gas Day Operations]
GDO Strongly Integrated
[Real Time Gas]

[Gas Device Interface] RTG

[Liquids Management System] GDI Operational

[Simulation, Modelling, Leak Detection, LMS

Power Optimization and Training] SimSuite

[System for Control and Data @Web

es parte de
Acquisition [based in
Windows or Unix] Raw data
[Fiber optic, satellite, etc]
[Remote Terminal Units:
Saitel 100, Saitel 2000DP,
Saitel DR, gasCAT, subCAT]
Our solution

SAP Integration

TELVENT Certification


Field Gas Commercial

Measurement Accounting
Devices Control Logistics

Measurement Contracts Receivables

Pressure Control
Validation Nominations Payables
Flow Control
Adjustment Allocations Ledger
es parte de
Balancing Billing Financial
Reporting Reporting
Smart Information for a Sustainable World

Liquids Solutions Suite

Real-Time Operational Applications
Pipeline (SSP)
SimSuite Pipeline
Liquids Simulation Applications for Pipeline
Modeling, Design & Analysis, Training

Revenue Accounting Application
es parte de
Liquids Management System (LMS)
Characteristics and Functions
Automatic calibration
Tanks management
Pipe status vigilance
Packages planning and monitoring
Scrapers monitoring
Leak detection (mass balance)
Pumping stations optimization

es parte de
Pipeline Simulation
What is SimSuite?
The most advanced and precise simulation system
Multiphase transient pipe flow simulation software
Mathematical Model in installations
Pipe/Valves/Compressors/Pumps/Control System
Liquid / Gas / Biphase
SimSuite Usefulness
Real time modeling
Operators and users training
Analysis and design of installations
Operation Planning
Leak detection
Load predictions
Lots, anomalies, and scrapers monitoring
Pipelines packing
es parte de
Status estimation and evolution simulation (look-ahead)
Incidences analysis
Training simulation
Power Optimization – determines energy and cost of pipeline
Our Mission

Our Solutions


Main References

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Clients Oversees

Caspian Pipeline Consortium

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Our Mission

Our Solutions


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Control System Solutions and Field Solutions

SCADA System/RTU in the Crude Pipeline Puerto

Rosales / La Plata – YPF in Argentina
SCADA System/RTU at Adma Opco Extraction
Petroproducción – Multi-utility SCADA System in
Security System, Fire and Gas Detection, and
Emergency Shut-down in the complex AKAL-C and
related (13 Platforms)
Security System, Fire and Gas Detection, and
Emergency Shut-down in the complex AKAL-J and
related(9 Platforms)
Security System, Fire and Gas Detection and
Emergency Shut-down in the complex Ixtoc - A
es parte de
Security System, Fire and Gas Detection and
Emergency Shut-down in the complex EPC-78
Supervision and Control, Security and Fire and Gas
Detection in the Maritime Terminal Dos Bocas
Control System Solutions
Biggest National Gas Transport Co. (Snam Rete Gas ) in Italy
SCADA for the gas pipeline – 30.000 Km
Transcanada – SCADA gas pipeline – 22.000 Km
Wiliams Gas Pipeline – SCADA system – 19.200 Km
Transgas – SCADA system – 13.000 Km
Pemex – SCADA for the national natural gas and LPG network
– 12.000 Km
BOTAS –Turkish Gas Transport Co. SCADA for the Turkish Gas
Transport Net - 12.000 Km
DESFA – Gas Transport Company in Greece - SCADA System
for the gas transport net -1.100 Km
SGI – Second Gas Transport Company in Italy - SCADA system –
1.260 Km
GASCO-Gas Transport Company in Egypt -SCADA System for
the gas transport net -3.000 Km
es parte de
OCP (Ecuador) – Heavy Crude Pipeline SCADA for the heavy
crude pipeline
CPC Pipeline – SCADA for crude pipeline – 2.300 Km
Advanced Solutions

Nor Andino – Gas Measurement and Gas Quality Data,

Gas Load Forecasting – Argentina - 1.045 Km
Dominion – Gas Measurement, @WebSuite – USA –
12.000 Km
Transcanada – Gas Measurement System – 22.000 Km
Williams – Gas Measurement Editing System -19.000Km
Pemex – Gas Measurement and Gas Day Operations for
the national natural gas and LPG network – 12.000 Km
Nothern Natural Gas- Gas Measurement and Accounting
System – USA - 16.600 Km
DESFA – Gas Transport Company in Greece- Gas Quality -
1.100 Km
es parte de
Advanced Solutions - SimSuite
Multiple-pipelines Valle de México (Pemex)- Leak detection
(12 pipeline, 750 Km)
Multiple-pipelines Cadereyta (Pemex)Leak Detection (3
pipeline, 275 Km)
Compañía Logística de Hidrocarburos (España) - Leak
detection, packages monitoring – 3.400 Km
Marathon Ashland (USA) - Leak detection, packages
monitoring for 60 pipelines and multiples manufacturers
Pacific Energy Group (USA) - Leak detection, packages
monitoring, and training
Caspian Pipeline Consortium - Leak detection, packages
monitoring, and training
Vung Tau Gas Pipeline Complex (Petro Vietnam) - Leak
detection, Look-ahead, composition monitoring,
packaging, and line energy leak detection, Look-ahead, (3
liquid pipelines, one for dry gas and one for humid gas)
Alyeska Pipeline Service Company - Training simulator
es parte de
Analysis and optimization of operations and design.
Mirant Mid-Atlantic, LLC - Leak detections and products
Caspian Pipeline Consortium monitoring in refined oil pipelines.
Chevron Pipe Line Company - Training station (oil and gas)
Business Solutions - POLARIS

Società Gasdotti Italia (Italy)

Suite, @Web Suite, RTU (250).
1.300 Km, 1,3 bcm storage, more
than 400 Clients, manufacturers
and municipalities.

Gail Limited (India)

POLARIS, @Web Suite, Integration
con 3 thirds SCADA and ERP. 5.400
Km, Pipe and GNL Plants control.

Matharon ASHLAND (USA)

es parte de SCADA Oasys, POLARIS, SimSuite.
6.000 miles, crude and products
Firewall and emergency shut-down system for
Field Solutions – Compression and Reduction Terminals and
Terminal and Pipes Stations

Control System for the Storage Terminal in

Suape (Brasil)

SIMCOT for the Storage Terminals in Avalos and

Mexicali (México)

SIMCOT for the Storage Terminals in

Hermosillo, Tula, Guaymas, Cadereyta, Gómez
Palacio, Rosarito and Mérida (México)

SIMCOT for the Storage Terminals in Cuautla,

Toluca and Cuernavaca (México)
es parte de

SIMCOT for the Storage Terminals in Minatitlán,

Villahermosa, Campeche and Progreso (México)
Control Systems Solutions

Compañía Logística de Hidrocarburos (Spain)

SCADA for the Oil product pipeline main
and back-up centers – 3.400 Km
Pemex Refinación (México)
SCADA for oil product multiple-pipelines in
Valle de México – 2-568 Km

SCADA system and GMAS for IGDAS - Istanbul

Gas Distribution Co. – 4M customers

SCADA system for the gas distribution network

es parte de of Ankara Municipality )
Gas Projects

es parte de
New integrated SCADA for the major
Customer: Major gas gas transmission company in Italy
transmission company (Snam
Rete Gas )
Country: Italy The client manages the transport of approximately 96% of all
Start year: April, 2007 natural gas in Italy via a nationwide transmission pipeline network
that extends more than 30,000 kilometers.
End year: July, 2010 The client selected Telvent’s Oasys DNA platform to replace
Amount: 2.800 000EUR three separate Scada applications that are currently used to
manage the gas transportation, the gas distribution and RTU
supervision, into one fully integrated Scada application.

The NSI project includes the following features:

One Primary Site (Dispatching) with fully redundant Realtime and
Historical Servers; One Bak-up Site (POE) with fully redundant;
Realtime and Historical Servers; Two Decision Support Sites to
interface with other SRG applications; Up to 20 operator
workstations, 10 Configuration stations and 80 remote users;
Communications with more than 1500 RTU’s; Communications with
Master Terminal Units (MTU); Communications with more than 2000
APS; Communications with 8 external Scada systems;
Communications with other SRG applications like ERP, Flow
Computer Management, Gas Quality, Balance, Forecast, Helpdesk,
es parte de
etc; Videowall interface representing the SRG Gas Network with up
to 5000 dynamic points; Migration of current databases and HMI
schematics into Oasys.
Società Gas dotti Italia prepares for deregulation
and third party usage with a full scope, turnkey
gas solution by Telvent

Customer: Società Gasdotti Italia Società Gasdotti Italia, S.P.A., is the second largest gas company in
Country: Italy Italy, and its largest private gas company: Edison Gas and Edison
Transportation and Storage (T&S) have over 400 industrial and
Start year: 2002 municipal customers using their own pipeline and
End year: Current (2003: end the national pipeline network grid (SNAM) to transport gas
initial contract) throughout Italy.
Amount: 4.600.000 EUR
SGI was looking for a complete solution to comply with the dictates of
deregulation, that included: SCADA, measurement and accounting,
and modeling.
Telvent’s SCADA employs an open architecture and offers the technical
flexibility and adaptability to the Italian market. Telvent also custom-
designed over 250 RTUs that could communicate individually with the
control center through an “IP Cloud”.
For measurement, Telvent provided its GMAS gas applications suite
(details on the specification block below) increasing the scope of
measurement potential and cost savings. However, Telvent’s full
scope solution went even further, with an integrated accounting
es parte de solution – Polaris Gas: integrates contracts, nominations, scheduling,
invoicing and revenue accounting to minimize entry and manual
processes, and add accurate, realtime response to reporting processes.
SCADA upgrade substantially improves
communications and operations along natural
gas pipeline
Customer: DESFA
DESFA is responsible for the importation, transportation and
Country: Greece storage of natural gas, the construction and utilization of the
Dates: 2004 – 2006 National Natural Gas Transportation System, the sale of natural
Amount: 2 400 000 Euros gas to large consumers with an annual consumption of over 10
million c.m., the sale of natural gas to Gas Supply Companies
(EPAs) in which private investors have a 49% holding, and the
distribution of natural gas to areas where gas supply companies
have not been established.
DESFA wanted to upgrade its legacy distributed OASyS V5.2.2
SCADA system and needed a fully integrated system that would
Handle both its SCADA and operational gas management
Using utilities built by the sub-contractor, Catalyst, to port the
existing OASyS V5.2.2 SAMMI displays and the database
configuration to OASyS DNA, the new system achieved: data
integrity during the migration; the cut of overall costs,
enhanced security, alarming; setpoint control, historical data
archives, and better failure protection; improvement of data
es parte de communications between the main and backup control centers.
Telvent added the following applications to the baseline
functionality of DEPA’s SCADA system: Electronic Flow
Measurement (EFM) and Gas Quality Management
BOTAŞ positions Turkey at the crossroads of
east/west gas transmission with a fully
Customer: BOTAS distributed and scalable SCADA solution
Country: Turkey
Start year: 1999
End year: 2008
Amount: 5.700.000 Euros The Turkish National Petroleum Pipeline Transport Corporation
(BOTAŞ), headquartered in Ankara, owns and operates the
National natural gas transmission network in Turkey.

BOTAŞ's network currently comprised approximately 850km (530mi) of

pipeline, bringing gas from Russia, through Bulgaria, to Turkey, but
plans were in place to expand this network considerably. (10.000 Km)

The scope of the BOTAŞ project is to upgrade and replace the

existing SCADA system and includes the installation of pipeline-
Modeling software provided by Stoner Associates.

Telvent provided a turnkey solution using its advanced UNIX and NT-
based OASyS system, together with its S/3 SCADA NT for local station
Control, sized to handle 750 RTUs and more than 60,000 information
points to accommodate future expansion.
Further system extension was done and successfully ended during
es parte de 2008. Today, Telvent provides to this client the SCADA maintenance
service ,having being worked together for more than 10 years.
Telvent install the SCADA system for the largest
Customer: Gasco gas network in Egypt
Country: Egypt
Start year: 1997
End year: 2007
"The Egyptian Natural Gas Company (GASCO), which is majority-
Amount : 19 000 000 USD owned by the Egyptian government, is the national producer,
processor and distributor of gas products. GASCO owns and
operates a 3000-kilometer high-pressure gas transmission and
distribution pipeline network, with a current capacity of two
billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d).
In 1997, GASCO initiated a comprehensive program to upgrade
and reinforce the existing national gas grid due to the growth in
Egyp´s natural gas industry.
Telvent was awarded the contract for providing GASCO with a
reliable and effective way of monitoring and controlling its gas
transmission and distribution network: real time, distributed and
open OASyS (Open Architecture SyStem) SCADA software.
Fault tolerant monitoring and control equipment will be installed
in GASCO’s Grid Control Center, Emergency Control Center and
es parte de
three Local Control Centers. Telvent will complete all interior
construction of the Control Centers, including the supply of the
latest technology operator consoles.
EGO SCADA System of the Greater Ankara
Municipality’s Gas Distribution Company OASyS
Customer: Greater DNA 7.4
Municipality of Ankara
Country: Turkey
Dates: 2004 – 2008 EGO is the Gas Distribution Utility wholly-owned by the Greater
Amount: 3 600 000 Euros Municipality of Ankara. EGO first began distributing gas in 1988
and since then its network has expanded to cover nearly the
entire municipal area. At the end of 2005, EGO was supplying
natural gas to more than 700,000 residential, as well as 155,000
commercial and light industrial customers, totaling 855,000
customers. This expanded network of EGO needed a fully
automated control and billing system. EGO awarded a contract to
a consortium, in which Telvent was responsible to supply and
implement an integrated SCADA-GIS system on a turnkey basis
and deliver 450 RTUs to the consortium.
In the scope of EGO SCADA System, there are a total of 450 sites
consisting of 18 High Pressure Stations (gas from BOTAŞ), 214
District Regulator Stations, 218 Customer Regulator Stations
covering EGO’s entire Gas Distribution Network.
es parte de
There are over 7.000 status points and 13.000 analog points with
total of over 20.000 information points in the database, which are
integrated with GIS map information.
New SCADA system means improved
operational information, reliability,
Customer: TGN safety and customer service
Tranportadora de Gas del Norte
Country: Argentina
Transportadora de Gas del Norte (TGN) is one of two natural
gas transportation companies operating in Argentina .
TGN owns and operates two natural gas pipelines with a total
length of 4,221 km (2,623 miles) and a delivery capacity of
approximately 27.0 MMm3/d (953.4 MMcf/d). This system is
directly connected to two of the principal producing gas fields in
northern and central-western Argentina, and indirectly to gas fields
located in Bolivia.
TGN’s general system requirements included:
• Integration with specialized third-party applications
• Upgradeability to 200% of initial installed capacity
• Open architecture capable of providing SCADA information to the
entire enterprise
The SCADA system supplied by Telvent satisfied all system
es parte de requirements specified by TGN. A key factor was the ability to
interface with existing hardware based on the significant
investment TGN had made in RTUs, Electronic Flow Meter and
other field equipment. .
Oil Projects

es parte de
SCADA system at Adma Opco´s extraction

Customer: ADMA OPCO

Country: U.A.E
Start year: 2008
End year: 2010
Amount: 7 500 000.U SD
ADMA-OPCO (Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company) is a
well known company located in Abu Dhabi, UAE. ADMA
OPCO operates two of the largest offshore oilfields in the
world, Zakum and Umm Shaif. Telvent was awarded for the
Installation of its SCADA system, but also a DCS system in the
two main platforms (super-complex) Plus 94 extraction

es parte de
Control and Backup Dispatching for the Spanish
Oil Pipeline

Customer: Compañía
Logística de Hidrocarburos The Hydrocarbon Logistics Company operates a complex net of
Country: Spain refined products pipelines along the whole Spanish geography.
Amount: 2 400 000 Eur The net consists on more than 3.400 km of pipe with a diameter
of six and fourteen inches. The pipeline provides services to
approximately 40 stations, 37 supplies terminals, and 3 airports.
There are also 160 automated line valves located along the net.
Telvent, backed by a strong and wide experience in this type of
systems developed the "New Pipeline Dispatching for the
supervision and control of the CLH net in Spain”, that transports
refined crude oil products.
The Project consists on the design, development, supply, installation,
beginning, and technical assistance, of the Central Information System
for Supervision and Control, that centralized the information of 46
RTUs located in the header, pumping, and product reception stations,
moreover 160 RTUs located in line valves and oil pipeline
es parte de
ASAS Project: SimSuite Application
Customer: Cia. Logistica de
Hidrocarburos, S.A.
Country: Spain
Start year: August 2005
End year: February 2009
The Hydrocarbon Logistics Company S.A. (CLH), is the leading
Amount : 1.800.000 EUR company in Spain for oil products transport-storage, and
combustible and aviation lubricants distribution.
CLH have a Dispatching Center with a SCADA OASyS system
supplied by Telvent that manages and controls the automatic
systems of all the installations, so it can access every system to
possible incidences, 24 hours, 365 days a year.
The aim of this new project is providing CLH leak detection
applications and product control along the whole CLH pipeline,
and the supply of training to its operators.
Telvent provides CLH its SimSuite Pipeline Solution, with the
following applications:
1. Leak Detection.
2. Batch Tracking.
3. Training System.
es parte de 4. Engineering Applications: Look Ahead and Predictive Model.
Caspian Pipeline: Full-scope pipeline
Caspian Pipeline Consortium
management with
Customer: Caspian Consortium
advanced leak detection & training simulation
Geographical zone: East
Europe The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) combines the
cooperative efforts of the governments of the Russian
Dates: 1999 – 2004 Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Sultanate of Oman
Amount: 7 000 000 Euros and a group of international oil companies including Chevron,
Mobil and Lukarko, among others, representing the largest
industrial development venture operating a 1500 km oil
pipeline from the rich Tengiz oil fields in Western Kazakhstan,
to those along the Caspian Sea and on to the Black Sea coast
in Russia.

With strict environmental standards, Telvent provided and

-Simsuite: leak detection and modelling.
-S/3 SCADA, integrated with the SimSuite.

Furthermore, it was provided:

-A consistent interface.
-Conversion to Russian from English
es parte de -Redundant communications: Fibre optic and satellite; backup
control centre; redundant leak detection; controller
workstations in each of the pump stations.
Caspian Pipeline Consortium
CPC (Caspian Pipeline Consortium)
 Private-Public Consortium
 Own, operate and maintain 1,500 km pipeline
 650,000 barrels per day

Goal: Increase throughput to 1.4M b/d (revs of more than $2B/year)

 Adding 10 pump stations
 6 new storage tanks
 New offshore loading system

The Solution
 Upgrade and expansion of SCADA
 Upgrade and expansion of Leak
es parte de
Detection and Operator Trainer
 USD 130M Direct award, 5-year
A Long and Successful Partnership!

1980’s 1990’s 2000’s Today …

Point Solutions: Consolidation of NA Development

Kanab Operations: Partner:
Bakersfield Selected as Co-development of 130 MUSD direct award
technology partner new products Upgrade of Telvent
for SCADA Platform Expand solution systems (SCADA, Leak
Co-engineered new scope Detection, Trainer, …)
generation solution Power Optimization, New scope & responsibility
Leak Detection / (telecoms)
Simulation, Trainer Positioning: partnership
for IT solutions
es parte de

Persona de Contacto:
Ing. Roberto O. Fernández Indiveri

Av. San Martin 5020,,

(B1604CDY) - Florida, Buenos Aires
Tel móvil : +54 11 55939611
Tel: +54 11 4730 84 00
Fax: +54 11 4000 79 77
es parte de

[email protected]

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