Operating Instructions Flowsic600 Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter en Im0011355

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Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter

Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter

for Custody Transfer
and Process Applications

MEPAFLOW600 CBM and Firmware V3.6.xx

Document Information Glossary
Product Abbreviations used in this manual
Product name: FLOWSIC600 act. actual (under operating/flowing conditions)
AGC Automatic Gain Control
Document ID ANSI American National Standards Institute
Title: Operating Instructions FLOWSIC600 ASCII American Standard Code for Information
Part No.: 8010458 Interchange
Version: 4-0 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Release: 2016-07
ATEX Atmosphères Explosifs: Abbreviation for Euro-
Publisher pean standards that govern safety in poten-
SICK Engineering GmbH tially explosive atmospheres
Bergener Ring 27 · D-01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla · Germany AWG American Wire Gage
Tel.: +49 35 20552410 CBM Condition Based Maintenance
Fax: +49 35 20552450 CSA Canadian Standards Association
E-mail: [email protected]
DC Direct Current
Trademarks DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung
IBM is a trademark of the International Business Machine DN Nominal Diameter (internal)
Corporation. 
DSP Digital Signal Processor
MS-DOS is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.
Windows is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.  EC European Community
Other product names used in this document may also be EMC Electro Magnetisc Ccompatibility
trademarks and are only used for identification purposes. EN Euro Norm (European Standard)
EVC Electronic Volume Corrector
Guarantee Information
Specified product characteristics and technical data do not serve Ex Potentially explosive atmosphere
as guarantee declarations. HART Communication interface
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IECEx EC system for certification in accordance with
© SICK Engineering GmbH. All rights reserved.
standards for devices for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
MDR Manufacturer Data Record
MEPAFLOW Menu-assisted Parameterization and Diagno-
sis for FLOWSIC600
NAMUR Normenarbeitsgemeinschaft für Mess- und
Regeltechnik in der chemischen Industrie
(now "Interessengemeinschaft Prozessleit-
technik der chemischen und pharmazeut-
ischen Industrie"; ~ Association for
Instrumentation and Control Standards in the
Chemical Industry)
norm. normalized/corrected (under standard condi-
OI Operating Instructions
OIML Organisation Internationale de Metrologie
PC Personal Computer
PTB Physikalisch Technical Bundesanstalt 
(~ Federal Metrology Office in Germany)
Reg. # Register number
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SNR Signal Noise Ratio
SPU Signal Processing Unit
TI Technical Information
VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Infor-
(~ Association of German Electrical Engineers)

2 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Warning Symbols

Hazard (general)

Hazard in potentially explosive atmospheres

Hazard by voltage

Warning Levels / Signal Words

Risk or hazardous situation which could result in severe personal
injury or death.

Hazard or unsafe practice which could result in personal injury or
property damage.

Hazard which could result in property damage.

Information Symbols

Information about the use in potentially explosive


Important technical information for this product

Important information on electric or electronic


Supplementary information

Link to information at another place

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 3

Contents Contents

1 Important Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1 About this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2 Scope of document. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.1 Intended use of the equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4 Authorized staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 General safety instructions and protective measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.6 Dangers due to hot, corrosive and explosive gases and high pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.7 Dangers due to heavy loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.8 Environmental information and instructions for disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2 Product Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1 System components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.1.1 Meter body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.1.2 Ultrasonic transducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.3 Signal processing unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2 Operating modes, meter states and signal output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.1 Operation mode and configuration mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.2 Meter states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.3 Output of pulse signals and status information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3 Self-diagnosis with User Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.4 Data handling in the FLOWSIC600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4.1 Integrated volume counters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4.2 Logbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4.3 DataLogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4.4 Diagnostics Comparison Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.5 MEPAFLOW600 CBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.5.1 System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.5.2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.1 General notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.1.1 Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.1.2 Transport and storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2.1 Measuring location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2.2 Installation configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.3 Mechanical installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.3.1 Choosing flanges, seals and other parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.3.2 Mounting the FLOWSIC600 in the piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.3.3 SPU alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.4 Electrical installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.4.1 General information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.4.2 Cable specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.4.3 Checking the cable loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.4.4 Terminal enclosure on the SPU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.4.5 Operating the FLOWSIC600 in non-hazardous areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.4.6 Requirements for use in hazardous areas with potentially explosive 
atmospheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH


4 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.1 General notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.2 Connecting the FLOWSIC600 to a PC or laptop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.2.1 Connecting the FLOWSIC600 via RS485 / RS232 cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.2.2 Connecting the FLOWSIC600 via RS485/USB converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.3 Connecting to the FLOWSIC600 with MEPAFLOW600 CBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.3.1 Starting MEPAFLOW600 CBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.3.2 Choosing a User Access Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.3.3 Creating a new meter entry in the meter database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.3.4 Online connection: Direct serial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.3.5 Online connection: Ethernet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.4 Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.4.1 Checking identification, operation / design data and firmware version . . . . . . . . . 65
4.5 Field setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.5.1 Disconnecting from the meter and closing the session. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.6 Function test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.6.1 Function test on FLOWSIC600 with LCD front panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.6.2 Function test on FLOWSIC600 with LED front panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.6.3 Function test with MEPAFLOW600 CBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.7 Optional advanced setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.7.1 Configuration and activation of User Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.7.2 Configuration of DataLogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.7.3 Configuring and using the Diagnostics Comparison Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.8 Activation of path compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.9 Sealing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.10 Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

5 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.2 Routine checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.2.1 Comparing theoretical and measured Speed of Sound (SOS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.2.2 Checking the meter health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.2.3 Time synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.2.4 Battery lifespan / capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.3 Maintenance report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.4 Optional data download . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.4.1 Logbook check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.4.2 DataLogs check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

6 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
6.1 General troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
6.2 Indication of meter states, system alarms and warnings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
6.2.1 Checking the "Meter Status" window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
6.2.2 Checking the "User Warnings" window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
6.2.3 Checking the diagnostic meter values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
6.2.4 Battery lifespan / capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
6.3 Generation of a Diagnosis session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
6.4 Meter connection troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 5


7 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
7.1 Conformities and technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
7.1.1 CE certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
7.1.2 Standard compatibility and type approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
7.1.3 WELMEC compliance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
7.1.4 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
7.2 Logbooks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
7.2.1 Overview of event entries in meter logbooks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
7.3 SPU terminal assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
7.4 Connection diagrams for operating the FLOWSIC600 in hazardous areas in
accordance with North American Requirements (NEC, CEC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
7.5 Wiring examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
7.5.1 Intrinsically safe installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
7.5.2 Non-intrinsically safe installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
7.6 Sealing plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

6 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Important Information


1 Important Information

About this document

Scope of document
Safety instructions
Authorised staff
General safety instructions and protective measures
Dangers due to hot, corrosive and explosive gases and high pressure
Dangers due to heavy loads
Environmental information and instructions for disposal
Subject to change without notice

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 7

Important Information

1. 1 About this document

This manual describes the FLOWSIC600 measuring system, which is used to determine
the volumetric flow rate, volume and speed of sound in gases transported in pipelines. It
provides general information on the measuring method employed, design and function of
the entire system and its components, on planning, assembly, installation, calibration com-
missioning, maintenance and troubleshooting. A detailed description of the various system
capabilities, options and settings which will assist in optimizing the meter configuration for
a specific application is also included.
This manual covers standard applications which conform with the technical data specified.
Additional information and assistance for special applications are available from your SICK
representative. However, it is generally recommended that advantage be taken of qualified
consulting services provided by SICK experts for your specific application.
This manual is a part of the FLOWSIC600 device documentation.
Documentation available via www.FLOWSIC600.com or from your local representative:
● FLOWSIC600 MODBUS specification document
● FLOWSIC600 HARTbus specification document
● FLOWSIC600 Technical Bulletin ENCODER Output
Documentation available from your local representative after training:
● FLOWSIC600 service manual
● FLOWSIC600 extraction tool operating instructions

1. 2 Scope of document
This document applies to meters with firmware version 3.6.00 or higher and
extended memory for the storage of e.g. hourly and daily mean values.
The software description in this document applies to MEPAFLOW600 CBM

The following terms will be used for measurands:

Basic abbreviations
Abbreviations used for MEPAFLOW600 CBM
Measurand and units for
LCD-Display of SPU software
Volume at flowing conditions Vf m³ acf Vf m³ cf Vf m³ acf
Volume at base conditions Vb Nm³ scf Vb m³ cf Vb Nm³ scf
Error volume at flowing conditions Ef m³ acf Ef m³ cf Ef m³ acf
Error volume at base conditions Eb Nm³ scf Eb m³ cf Eb Nm³ scf
Total volume at flowing conditions Vo m³ acf Vo m³ cf Vo m³ acf
Volume flow at flowing conditions Qf m³/h acf/h Qf m³/h cf/h Qf m³/h acfh
Volume flow at base conditions Qb Nm³/h scf/h Qb m³/h cf/h Qb Nm³/h scfh
Subject to change without notice

Mass counter M t lbs M t lbs M t lbs

Error Mass Me t lbs M t lbs M t lbs
Mass flow at base conditions Mf t/h lbs/h M t/h lbs/h M t/h lbs/h

8 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Important Information

1.3 Safety instructions

1.3.1 Intended use of the equipment

The FLOWSIC600 measuring system is used for measuring the actual volumetric flow rate
of gases transported in pipelines. It can be used for measuring the actual corrected vol-
ume and the speed of sound in gases.
The measuring system shall only be used as specified by the manufacturer and as set forth
below. Always observe the following information:
● Make sure the use of the equipment complies with the technical data, information
about the permitted use, assembly and installation specifications and ambient as well
as operating conditions. Relevant information is provided in the order documentation,
type plate, certification documents and this manual.
● Any actions for the purpose of maintaining the value of the equipment, e.g. service and
inspection, transport and storage etc., shall be performed as specified.
● Do not expose the equipment to mechanical stress, such as pigging.
● The flooding of the FLOWSIC600 with any liquid (e.g. for pressure or leakage tests) is
deemed improper use. The consequences of such actions can not be foreseen or
estimated. Improper use may result in failure of the ultrasonic transducers and
consequently, failure of the entire flow meter.
Should it be necessary to flood the FLOWSIC600, please contact the manufacturer prior to
doing so. In addition, the following instructions must be strictly adhered to:
 The pressure during flooding may not exceed more than 1,2 times the
nominal pressure (when transducers are assembled).

1.4 Authorized staff

Persons responsible for safety shall ensure the following:
● Any work on the measuring system shall only be carried out by qualified staff and must
be approved by skilled staff responsible for the plant.
Due to their professional training, knowledge and vocational experience, as well as
their knowledge of the relevant standards, regulations, health and safety regulations
and equipment conditions, qualified persons shall be assigned by the person
responsible for personal and plant safety to carry out such work. Qualified persons
must be able to identify possible dangers and to take preventive action in due time.
Skilled persons are defined in DIN VDE 0105 and IEC 364, or comparable standards.
● Skilled persons shall have precise knowledge of process-specific dangers, e.g. due to
the effects of hot, toxic and pressurized gases, gas-liquid mixtures and other process
media, and of the design and working principle of the measuring system and shall have
received and be able to document appropriate training.
Subject to change without notice

● In hazardous areas with potentially explosive atmospheres, wiring and installation shall
only be carried out by staff trained according to EN /IEC 60079-14 and according to
national regulations.

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 9

Important Information

1. 5 General safety instructions and protective measures

Using the equipment for any purpose other than that intended by the manufacturer, or
improper operation may result in injuries and damage to the equipment. Read this section
and the notes and warnings in the individual sections of this manual carefully and observe
the instructions contained therein when carrying out any work on the FLOWSIC600
measuring system.
General instructions to be adhered to:
● Always comply with the statutory provisions and the associated technical rules and
regulations relevant to the equipment when preparing for and carrying out any work on
the measuring system. Pay particular attention to potentially hazardous aspects of the
equipment, such as pressurized piping and explosion protection zones. Always observe
the relevant regulations.
● Always consider local and equipment-specific conditions and process-specific dangers
when carrying out any work on the equipment.
● Operating and service instructions and equipment documentation shall always be
available on site. Always observe the safety instructions and notes on the prevention of
injuries and damage given in these manuals.
● Ensure appropriate protective accessories are available in sufficient supply. Always use
such protective accessories. Check that appropriate safety devices are fitted and
working correctly.

1. 6 Dangers due to hot, corrosive and explosive gases and high pressure
The FLOWSIC600 measuring system is directly integrated into gas-carrying pipelines.
The operating company is responsible for safe operation and for complying with additional
national and company-specific regulations.
In plants with toxic and explosive gases, high pressure or high temperatures,
the FLOWSIC600 measuring system shall only be installed or removed after
the associated piping has been isolated and depressurized (i.e. vented to
The same applies to repair and service work which involves opening any
pressurized component or the explosion-proof signal processing unit (SPU).

Design, manufacture and inspection of the FLOWSIC600 measuring system is
performed in compliance with the safety requirements set forth in the
European Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU. Subject to change without notice

10 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Important Information

1.7 Dangers due to heavy loads

The FLOWSIC600 measuring system must be safely attached to the carrying structure
when being transported and installed.
● Only use lifting gear and equipment (e.g. lifting straps) which is suitable for
the weight to be lifted. Max. load information can be found on the type plate
of the lifting gear.
● The eye bolts attached to the meter body are suitable for the transport of
the measuring device. However, additional loads (e.g. blind covers, filling
for pressure tests or associated piping) must not be lifted and transported
together with the measuring system without the use of additional support
from the lifting gear.
● Never attach lifting gear to the signal processing unit or its mounting
bracket and avoid contact between these parts and the lifting gear.

1.8 Environmental information and instructions for disposal

The FLOWSIC600 components are easily disassembled and do not contain toxic, radioac-
tive or any other environmentally hazardous materials. The instrument consists primarily of
steel, stainless steel, plastic and aluminium, and consequently there are few restrictions
for disposal, except for the printed circuit boards, which must be disposed of as electronic
Subject to change without notice

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Important Information

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12 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Product Description


2 Product Description

System components
Operating states, meter states and signal output
Self-Diagnosis with User Warnings
Data Handling in the FLOWSIC600
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FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 13

Product Description

2. 1 System components
The FLOWSIC600 measuring system consists of the following hardware components:
● Meter body
● Ultrasonic transducers
● Signal processing unit (SCU)
The MEPAFLOW600 CBM software is the user interface used to facilitate configuration and
diagnosis ( pg. 25, 2.5).

Figure 1 FLOWSIC600


Lifting eye Pressure tap


Cover cap

Marking for direction of

flow (forward)
Position of the ultrasonic transducers
(cover cap taken off)
Meter body

2.1.1 Meter body

The meter body consists of a mid section for mounting the ultrasonic transducers, with
flanges on either end. The meter body is made of a single-piece casting or forging, which is
machined on precision equipment to ensure high reproducibility of the geometric
The internal diameter, design of the sealing surface, and standard dimensions of the
flanges are in accordance with the specifications in the key code. The meter body material
is chosen to suit customer requirements. Standard meter bodies are available in carbon
steel, low temperature carbon steel and stainless steel.
Subject to change without notice

The meter bodies can be delivered in several nominal sizes ( pg. 112, 7.1.4).

14 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Product Description

2.1.2 Ultrasonic transducers

The FLOWSIC600 ultrasonic transducers are optimized to suit your application require-
ments. The high quality of the transducer design provides the basis for accurate and highly
stable propagation time measurements with nanosecond precision. These transducers are
of an intrinsically safe design ("ia", with Equipment Protection Level Ga).

2.1.3 Signal processing unit

The Signal processing unit (SPU) contains all the electrical and electronic components for
controlling the ultrasonic transducers. It generates transmission signals and analyzes the
received signals to calculate the measuring values. The SPU also contains several inter-
faces for communication with a PC or standardized process control system.
The volume counters, log books (errors, warnings, parameter changes) and datalogs are
stored in non-volatile data memory (FRAM) together with a time stamp (Logbooks  pg. 118,
7.2.) On system restart, the counter readings that were last saved are restored as the start
values for the volume counters. The FRAM backup provides an unlimited number of writing
cycles and protects the saved data for a minimum of 10 years.
The SPU is equipped with a front panel containing a two-line LCD to display current
measured values, diagnostics and logbook information ( Figure 2). An LED display is
optionally available. The values to be displayed can be selected using a magnetic pen with-
out removal of the window cover .

Figure 2 FLOWSIC600 front panel LCD

Measured values

Control buttons for the magnetic pen

Control buttons for manual use

The power supply and interface terminals are located on the back of the SPU in a separate
terminal section of the enclosure ( pg. 42, 3.4.4).
The electronics are mounted in the SPU enclosure certified to EN / IEC 60079-1 with
Subject to change without notice

protection type "d" (flameproof enclosure). The transducer circuits are of an intrinsically
safe design ("ia", with Equipment Protection Level Ga).

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 15

Product Description

2. 2 Operating modes, meter states and signal output

The FLOWSIC600 has two operating modes ( pg. 16, 2.2.1):
● Operation
● Configuration Mode

In Operation Mode, the meter can have the following meter states ( pg. 17, 2.2.2):
● Measurement valid
● Chck request
● Data invalid

2.2.1 Operation mode and configuration mode

The meter can be operated by the user in two modes: Operation Mode or Configuration
Operation Mode
In Operation Mode, the meter runs in one of the three aforementioned meter states,
depending on the measuring conditions.
Configuration Mode
The Configuration Mode is used to modify parameters that directly influence the measure-
ment and to test the system and output signals. Configuration Mode forces the meter into
the meter status "Data invalid" and the digital output "Measurement valid" is deactivated.
Invalid measured values may be produced. The system continues operation using the
current sample rate and executes all calculations as in the Operation Mode. Frequency
output and analog output may represent test values and do thus not necessarily indicate
measured values. Any parameter modifications are applied immediately to the running
calculations with the following exception: changes of the sample rate or of the configura-
tion of the serial interface are applied after the meter is switched to Operation Mode.
If the meter is in Configuration Mode and there have been no activities either
on the LCD display or via MEPAFLOW600 CBM for more than 15 minutes, the
meter automatically switches to Operation Mode.

Subject to change without notice

16 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Product Description

2.2.2 Meter states Status: Measurement valid
The meter status "Measurement" is the standard meter status of the FLOWSIC600.
Frequency outputs and current output are updated cyclically and indicate the actual
volume and volume flow rate. In addition, the analog signal can indicate the actual flow
rate, corrected volumetric flow rate, SOS (speed of sound) or VOG (velocity of gas). The
digital output "Direction of flow" is updated in accordance with the direction of the
volumetric flow. The digital output "Measurement valid" (active) represents the status of
the measurement. Positive (forward) and negative (reverse) volumetric flow rates are
integrated and saved in separate internal memory sections.
The MODBUS interface allows the query of all parameters and signals at any time without
interfering with the function of the system.
Each measurement initiated by the system controller includes one full transit time
measurement with, and one against the direction of flow on each path. The result of each
measurement is written to a mean value memory to be used in further calculations. The
size of this memory block and thus the device response delay can be modified through the
parameter in register #3502 "AvgBlockSize". If no result can be calculated due to poor
signal quality, this measurement is registered as an invalid attempt in the mean value
memory. The mean value is formed in a variable averaging process including all valid
measured values in the memory.
If the number of invalid measurements on a path exceeds a predefined limit (Reg. #3514
„Performance“), the measuring system activates the meter status "Check request". Status: Check request
This meter status becomes active if one measuring path has failed and the adaptive path
failure compensation has been activated. The multi-path FLOWSIC600 system is able to
compensate for this failure. Measurement is continued with reduced accuracy and the vol-
ume is still counted in the volume counters. If a path fails while the path failure compensa-
tion is not active, the measuring system will activate the "Data invalid" status.
Moreover the meter status "Check request" becomes active when the system alarms 2002
("No HART communication to temperature transmitter"), 2003 ("No HART communication
to pressure transmitter"), or 2004 ("Maximum pulse output frequency exceeded") become
active (table  pg. 118, 7.2.1). Status: Data invalid
If the quality of received signals is deficient in one or more measuring paths or the logbook
is full or the measured value is out of the calibration range, the SPU must mark the
measured value invalid and activate the meter status "Data invalid". The measured volume
is counted in the error volume counter. However, the SPU will cyclically attempt to re-
establish valid measurements. As soon as the signal quality and number of valid
measurements meet the required criteria, the SPU will automatically change back to the
"Measurement valid" or "Check request" status.
Subject to change without notice

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 17

Product Description

2.2.3 Output of pulse signals and status information


Pulse output signals can be customized as shown in the following table.

Table 1 Pulse output

Signal behavior
Output signal / LCD / port
Measurement status Check request status Configuration Mode Data invalid*
Pulse Inverted with error
output signal **

Phase Positive
shift flow rate
90 ° ***

flow rate

Separate Positive
outputs flow rate
for reach

flow rate

Single pulse output


* The meter can be configured to output a fixed frequency if the meter has the status
"Data invalid". The frequency to be output in this case can be configured (0-6 kHz) in Reg.
Subject to change without notice

#3034 "ErrorFreq".
** Default setting on delivery.
*** Optional setting on customer request.

The default setting for "Check request", "Configuration" and "Data invalid" is "normally

18 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Product Description

Table 2 Status output

Signal behavior
Output signal / LCD / port
Measurement status Check request status Configuration Mode Data invalid
"Check request" "active / inactive" *
"active / inactive" * "undefined" "undefined"
Status signal Compensation of
Measurement valid
path failure
Status Status
"Direction of flow" "active / inactive" * "active / inactive" *
"undefined" "undefined"
Status signal Positive or negative Positive or negative
direction of flow direction of flow
Status Status
"Warning" "undefined" "undefined"
"active / inactive" * "active / inactive" *
LCD display +V 123456 m³ 1234 m³ E FLOWSIC600 +V 123456 m³ E
-V 1234 m³ Configuration -V 1234 m³
Display flashing Display flashing
● Measured value, diagnosis information and parameters
● Measuring data logging, diagnosis and configuration through the MEPAFLOW600
Serial port RS485 CBM software
● Connection with external process control equipment through implemented MODBUS
protocol (data polling)

*The "active" or "inactive" state can be assigned to the electric switch status "normally
open" or "normally closed" by configuration in the MEPAFLOW600 CBM software (adjust
settings for Reg. #5101 on the "Parameters" page.).
The output signal designation is described inthe Technical Information.
The LCD display can display measured values, parameters, messages and other informa-
A flashing letter in the upper right corner of the LCD display indicates that a logbook con-
tains unacknowledged logbook entries. Depending on the type of entry this will be:
● "I" for Information
● "W" for Warning
● "E" for Error
After acknowledging all new entries, the letter stops flashing. For details see  pg. 94, 5.4.1.
Subject to change without notice

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 19

Product Description

2. 3 Self-diagnosis with User Warnings

During normal operation, the ratios of sound and path velocities, amplification values, per-
formance, and signal-to-noise ratios are continuously monitored. If these values exceed
set limits (customized User Warning limits), a warning signal will be generated. This allows
immediate measures to be taken to address a problem which could potentially impact
measurement quality. A message in the Warning Logbook documents the time of the event
and the specific User Warning limit which was exceeded.
● The "Warning" signal does not affect the functionality of the meter.
● All User Warning parameters - except for the parameter ‘Min. VOG for warn-
ings" - can be configured in the User Access Level "Operator" and without
switching the meter to the Configuration Mode.
A User Warning becomes active only if a User Warning limit has been continuously
exceeded for a certain time (specified in the parameter "Warning duration and averaging
for warnings" in the Configuration tab of User Warnings).
During commissioning or operation, the User Warning limits can be adapted and activated
or deactivated in the "User Warnings" window in MEPAFLOW600 CBM to suit individual
application requirements ( pg. 72, 4.7.1).

Figure 3 Button "User" in the MEPAFLOW600 CBM main system bar, "User Warnings" window

Opens the "User

Warnings" window

System warnings
see Technical Information

Path warnings
see Technical Information
Subject to change without notice

20 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Product Description

2.4 Data handling in the FLOWSIC600

2.4.1 Integrated volume counters

The FLOWSIC600 is equipped with integrated volume counters which can be displayed
both on the LCD display and in MEPAFLOW600 CBM.

Integrated volume counters

Volume counter Abbreviation

Volume at flowing conditions (forward) + Vf
Volume at flowing conditions (reverse) - Vf
Error volume at flowing conditions (forward)1 + Ef
Error volume at flowing conditions (reverse)1 - Ef
Total volume at flowing conditions (forward) + Vo
Total volume at flowing conditions (reverse) - Vo
Total volume at flowing conditions (all) Vo

Last hour/day registers

Volume counter Abbreviation

Forward volume of last hour Last hour forw.
Reverse volume of last hour Last hour rev.
Forward volume of last day Last day forw.
Reverse volume of last day Last day rev.

Additional counters in meters with integrated Electronic Volume Corrector (EVC)

Volume counter Abbreviation

Volume at base conditions (forward) + Vb
Volume at base conditions (reverse) - Vb
Error volume at base conditions (forward)1 + Eb
Error volume at base conditions (reverse)1 - Eb

Mass counters

Mass counter Abbreviation

Mass counter (forward) +M
Subject to change without notice

Mass counter (reverse) -M

Mass total (forward) M+
Mass total (reverse) M-
Error Mass (forward)1 Me+
Error mass (reverse)1 Me-
1 see Technical Information

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 21

Product Description

2.4.2 Logbooks
Important system events are stored in three logbooks in the SPU memory of the meter.
Each logbook entry consists of a running index number, the event, a time stamp and the
acknowledgement status. Entries in Custody logbook [1] and Warning logbook [2] also
include the volume counter readings valid at that time. The events are logged continuously
in order of occurrence into one of the three logbooks:
● Logbook 1 (Custody logbook [1], max. 1000 entries)
● Logbook 2 (Warning logbook [2], max. 500 entries)
● Logbook 3 (Parameter logbook [3], max. 250 entries)
Every logbook has its own index counter. Logbook entries are classified on the LCD display
according to the event type.
Event types in logbooks

Display Event type

E Error
W Warning
I Information
A list of possible logbook entries can be found in the table ‘Overview of event entries‘ in the
Appendix, see  pg. 118, 7.2.1.
Logbook overflow
If a FLOWSIC600 is configured as a custody meter, the volume counters stop if
Custody logbook [1] and/or Parameter Logbook [3] is full. The meter status
"Data invalid" is activated. The measured values are now counted in the error
volume counter.
If the FLOWSIC600 is not configured as a custody meter, all logbooks are per default con-
figured to be overflowing. This means the index number continues increasing, and after the
logbook has reached its maximum number of entries, each new entry overwrites the oldest
If the logbook overflows, the oldest data will be lost. Regularly saving the
logbook entries to the database via MEPAFLOW600 CBM ( pg. 94, 5.4.1) and
deletion of entries in the meter itself prevents data loss. If entries are deleted
via MEPAFLOW600 CBM, the logbook index counter on the meter is reset.
Index counter overflow :
The index number displayed in the LCD display runs up to 9999 and then overflows. In
case of an index overflow, all logbook entries are deleted and all logbook index counters
Acknowledging entries
Subject to change without notice

Each entry can be acknowledged manually on the LCD display (see Technical Information)
as well as in MEPAFLOW600 CBM ( pg. 95, It is possible to acknowledge individ-
ual entries or all entries at once.

22 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Product Description

2.4.3 DataLogs1
For firmware version 3.4.03 and higher, the FLOWSIC600 provides two DataLogs (Hourly
Log and Daily Log). They save averaged measured values and are stored in the SPU‘s non-
volatile memory (FRAM). All data can be downloaded and exported to Excel files with
MEPAFLOW600 CBM ( pg. 97,

The following sections describe the default configuration of the DataLogs. The
DataLogs can be configured to best suit your application  pg. 75, Hourly Log

The Hourly Log logs hourly diagnostic values by default (dataset type "Diagnostic
Values", pg. 50, Table 11) for the forward flow. As long as the flow is valid and the VOG is
above Vmin all diagnostic and flow values are averaged over one hour and saved every full
hour. The Hourly Log stores these values for more than a month (38 days) by default. They
are then overwritten with new values. Daily Log
The Daily Log logs the daily volume counter values by default (dataset type "Volume Coun-
ters"  pg. 50, Table 12) for the forward flow. All flow values are averaged over one day and
saved at the (configurable) Accounting Hour ( The Daily Log stores these values
for approximately 2 years by default (1 year and 361 days). They are then overwritten with
new values.
DataLog Storage Cycle
Hourly Log and Daily Log can be configured to save entries in a storage cycle of: 3 min, 5
min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 12 hours or 24 hours.
If a DataLog is set to a Storage cycle of 12 or 24 hours, the accounting hour takes effect. DataLog storage behavior
Hourly Log and Daily Log can be configured for the following storage behavior:
● Overflow (Default)
● Stopping
Storage Behavior "Stopping"
If a DataLog is configured with the storage behavior "Stopping", a warning will
be shown in the Meter Status Table when the DataLog is full. See  pg. 90,
5.2.3. Types of datasets stored in the DataLogs

Hourly Log and Daily Log can be configured to store one of the following type of dataset:
● Diagnosewerte
● Volumenzähler
● Standardvolumenzähler
● Massenstromzähler
Subject to change without notice

1 This feature may be deactivated. Please contact your SICK representative.

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 23

Product Description

2.4.4 Diagnostics Comparison Log1

The Diagnostics Comparison Log provides a comparison between current diagnostic val-
ues (current fingerprint) and those of a reference time (reference fingerprint, for example,
at time of commissioning). Since the diagnostic values (dataset type "Diagnostic Values",
see Technical Information  Table 11) are velocity-dependent, it is necessary to use a veloc-
ity-adaptive comparison. Five gas velocity range classes are calculated from the velocity
range of the meter. The current diagnosis values are stored in Current Classes 1 to 5, while
the reference values are stored in Reference Classes 1 to 5.
Reference values are collected after the meter has been commissioned or after the
classes have been cleared. Reference values are stored in the Reference Classes 1 to 5. If
a Reference Class is filled with an entry, the next valid entry is stored into the same velocity
range but in the corresponding Current Class (e.g. if Reference Class is filled, the next
value from within this velocity range will be stored in Current Class 1). During operation,
the Current Classes are continually overwritten with new entries. The Reference Classes
stay unchanged until they are manually cleared.
Per default the Diagnostics Comparison Log operates bidirectional, saving separate data
for both flow directions. The values are stored in the gas velocity classes 1 to 5, depending
on the gas velocity.

Figure 4 Diagnostics Comparison Log

Subject to change without notice

1 This feature may be deactivated. Please contact your SICK representative.

24 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Product Description


Most data provided by the FLOWSIC600 (like readings, logbook entries and parameters)
can be accessed via the LCD display of the meter. However, the MEPAFLOW600 CBM soft-
ware provides a more user friendly access to diagnostic, configuration and measurement
data of the flow meter.Software installation

2.5.1 System requirements

● Microsoft Windows XP/Windows 7
● Min. 1 GHz CPU
● Min. 512 MB RAM
● USB- or serial interface
● Screen resolution min. 1024 x 768 pixel (optimal display resolution 1280 x 1024 pixel)
MEPAFLOW600 CBM can be used for all firmware and hardware versions of the
FLOWSIC600. The availability of the software features depends on the firmware version of
the connected FLOWSIC600.
A product CD containing the MEPAFLOW600 CBM software is included in delivery of the
FLOWSIC600. Insert the product CD into your CD-ROM drive to install the software.
Download from www.flowsic600.com
MEPAFLOW600 CBM can be downloaded free of charge from www.flowsic600.com
website. Select the Software tab and follow the download instructions.

Administration rights are required for installing the MEPAFLOW600 CBM

software. Ensure that the database path specified is one for which users of
MEPAFLOW600 CBM have write access.
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FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 25

Product Description

2.5.2 Overview
The MEPAFLOW600 CBM software supplies a menu-based user interface with many
features for the diagnosis of the FLOWSIC600 system. It allows the access to all system
parameters, displays diagnostic information in charts and graphs, generates reports (i.e.
Maintenance reports) and data files (records, logs) which can be exported and can be used
for data analysis. The MEPAFLOW600 CBM meter database allows online and offline
management of parameters, reports, session files and logbooks.

Figure 5 MEPAFLOW600 CBM graphical user interface

Opens the "Meter
Status" page
Opens the "User
Warnings" page

Main system bar with
Key navigation

Software Features
(see next page)

Status bar
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26 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Product Description

Software features
Main readings bar Description
Meter Status Window displaying the current Meter Status.
Window for the display of the User Warnings and for the configuration of the User
User Warnings
Warning Limits and the Diagnostic Comparison Limits.
Key navigation Description
Assistant for establishing online and offline connections between MEPAFLOW600
CBM meter database and FLOWSIC600.
Diagnosis Session Quick creation of session files for diagnostic purposes.
Data recorder Tool for the recording and playback of current, future or cached readings.
Access to Hourly Log, Daily Log and Diagnostics Comparison data saved in the
DataLogs meter. Data can be exported to Excel. The Diagnostics Comparison Report can be
printed or exported as PDF.
Meter logbook Access to meter logbook and logbook entries saved to meter database.
Overview of higher level meter information: Counter readings, identification and
location of meter and display of readings (e.g. flow rate) in graph.
Detailed diagnostic page with graphs for velocity of gas, speed of sound (SOS),
Meter values path performance, AGC, signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR), turbulence, profile symmetry
and user selectable readings (e.g. flow rate). Summary of device status.
Maintenance report Assistant for the creation of Maintenance reports.
Overview, access and management of the meter database saved on the PC.
Includes all meter data and sessions with entries for all changes of parameters,
Meter explorer changes of the operating mode, measurement records (including diagnosis
sessions) and maintenance reports. Functions for export, import, creation and
deletion of meter data.
Go to Operation Mode / Go to Operation Mode switches: "Operation Mode" for normal operation or
Configuration Mode "Configuration Mode" for writing information (i.e. parameters) to the meter.
Access to program settings for the individual adjustment of the program
Program settings
appearance and setup (e.g. settings for file path, memory, unit system and layout).
Access to all meter parameters. Assistant for comparing current parameter
settings with previous ones.
Save cache Saves the historical data from the PCs memory (cache) to a record.
SOS Calculator A theoretical SOS can be calculated for a specific gas composition.
The calibration wizard guides the user through the calibration procedure with
Meter calibration
automated processes to write the information to the meter and generate reports.
Field setup The field setup wizard guides the user through the commissioning procedure.
Firmware update Assistant for installing firmware updates.
I/O check The I/O check wizard guides the user through a test of all meter outputs.
Path diagnosis Access to path diagnosis and graphs of received signals.
Overview, access and management of all reports stored in the meter database. The
Report manager report manager enables the creation of Trend reports from saved records and
maintenance reports.
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FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 27

Product Description

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28 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH



3 Installation

General notes
Mechanical installation
Electrical installation
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3. 1 General notes

3.1.1 Delivery
The FLOWSIC600 is delivered in a pre-assembled condition in a sturdy package. When
unpacking the device, check for possible damage in transit. Pay particular attention to the
interior of the meter body, any visible transducer components and the sealing surfaces on
the flanges. Any damage must be documented and reported to the manufacturer
Also check the shipment to ensure all components are included. The standard meter ship-
ment is comprised of:
 FLOWSIC600 measuring system (meter body with signal-processing unit and
 MEPAFLOW600 CBM operation, configuration and diagnosis software
 Operating Instructions,
 Manufacturer Data Report (MDR)

To guarantee safe and reliable operation of the measuring equipment, make
sure the actual site conditions match the information provided on the labels on
the meter body and SPU (see Figure 6).

Figure 6 FLOWSIC600 labels and marks

Main type plate on the SPU

 pg. 136, Figure 62

Flange dimensions

Type plate at meter body see

 pg. 136, Figure 63
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3.1.2 Transport and storage

Only use lifting gear and equipment (e.g. lifting straps) which is suitable for the
weight to be lifted. Max. load information can be found on the type plate of the
lifting gear. It is strongly recommended to use only the eye bolts when lifting
the meter by itself. To lift the FLOWSIC600 please pay attention to Figure 7.

During FLOWSIC600 transport and storage operations, make sure that:

 The meter is firmly secured at all times
 Measures are taken to avoid mechanical damage
 Humidity and ambient temperature are within specified limits ( pg. 113, Table 9).
If the device is to be stored outside for more than one day, sealing surfaces of the flanges
and the interior of the meter body must be protected from corrosion, e.g. with Anticorit
spray (not required for stainless steel meter bodies). The same measure shall be taken if
the meter is to be stored in dry condition, but for more than a week.

Due to natural temperature fluctuation in the course of a day, or if the meter is
transported to a place with different temperature and humidity conditions,
moisture may condense on any material. Carbon steel surfaces may corrode if
left unprotected.

Figure 7 Lifting requirements

45 °
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3. 2 Installation
Generally, the installation arrangement is specified during the project planning phase,
before installation of the system. Nominal size, material and type of flange should there-
fore be in accordance with the design of the measurement facility. It is particularly
important that the meter inlet and outlet is of the same internal diameter as the adjacent
Fastening bolts, nuts and flange seals used must be suited to the operational conditions,
and comply with legal regulations and relevant standards.
The installation requirements were evaluated according to the flow
disturbance sensitivity tests according to
● OIML R 137-1&2, 2012 "Gas meters", Annex B and
● ISO 17089-1, 2010, "Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits -
ultrasonic meters for gas - Part 1: Meters for custody transfer and
allocation measurement.", 5.9.3 Installation requirements and flow profile

Any deviation from the planned design of the FLOWSIC600 and installation
arrangement shall be agreed upon with the supplier and documented prior to
installing the meter.

3.2.1 Measuring location

General requirements:
● The FLOWSIC600 can be installed in customary straight inlet and outlet pipes. The
adjacent pipes must have the same nominal size as the meter body. The internal
diameter can be obtained from the table (see Technical Information) based on the
flange rating and the Standard. The max. permitted difference of the internal diameter
of the inlet pipe from that of the meter body is 3%. Any welding beads and burs on the
flanges of the inlet pipe shall be removed.
● The meter body may be installed in a horizontal or vertical position. In case of horizontal
installation, the meter body shall be aligned so that the planes formed by the
measuring paths are in a horizontal position. This minimizes dirt in the pipeline from
entering the transducer ports. Vertical installation is only possible if the measuring
system is used for dry, non-condensing gases. The gas flow must be free from any
foreign material, dust and liquids. Otherwise, filters and traps shall be used.
● Do not mount equipment or fittings which may adversely affect the gas flow directly
upstream the FLOWSIC600.
● Seals at the flange connections between meter body and pipeline must not protrude
into the pipeline. Any protrusion into the flowing gas stream may change the flow profile
and thus the measuring accuracy may be adversely affected.
● Pressure transmitter shall be connected to the pressure tap provided ( pg. 14, Figure 1).
The pressure tap can be a 1/8, 1/4 or 1/2 inch NPT (female) port, depending on meter
size and customer requirements.
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● For the leak-proof connection on the pressure line, a suitable thread sealing agent (e.g.
PTFE tape) must be used when the pressure connection adapter is screwed in. After
Installation and Commissioning the leak-tightness must be checked. All leaks must be
repaired. Temperature probes shall be arranged as shown in  Figure 8 and  Figure 9.

32 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH


3.2.2 Installation configurations

The choice of the installation configuration (see  Figure 8 and  Figure 9) depends on type
and extent of the flow disturbance at the installation position.

Possible installation
Type of disturbance (distance upstream < 20 DN)
Elbow, reducer Configuration 1 or 2
Double elbow out of plane, T piece
Gas pressure controller with/ without noise
abatement trim
Configuration 2
Diffuser with swirling flow

When configuration 2 (with flow conditioner) is used, the velocity of gas must
not exceed 40 m/s (131 ft/s) in the pipe.

Unidirectional use

Figure 8 FLOWSIC600 installation in the pipeline for unidirectional use

10 DN 1.5 .. 5 DN

Configuration 1

5 DN 3 DN DN
min. 2 DN min. 3 DN 1.5 .. 5 DN

Configuration 2

Flow conditioner Temperature measuring port

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Bidirectional use
Two straight pipes are to be installed in the inlet and outlet sections if the meter is to be
used bidirectionally. The temperature measuring point is to be located downstream of the
FLOWSIC600, seen in the direction of predominant use. The temperature measuring point
must not be installed more than 8 DN from the meter.

Figure 9 FLOWSIC600 installation in the pipeline for bidirectional use

10 DN FLOWSIC600
5 ..8 DN 5 .. 8 DN

Configuration 1

5 DN5 DN
min. 2 DN min. 3 DN min. 3 DN min. 2 DN
1 .. 5 DN 1 ..5 DN
Configuration 2a

Flow conditioner

Alternative temperature measuring points

10 DN 10 DN
Configuration 2b min. 2 DN min. 7 DN min. 7 DN min. 2 DN
Applicable for meters min. 5 DN min. 5 DN
marked with an asterisk
(*) in  Table 10,
»Meter sizes according
to metrological type

Alternative temperature measuring points

Flow conditioner

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3.3 Mechanical installation

Work on the pipelines to prepare for the installation of the gas flow meter is not included in
the scope of delivery.
It is recommended to use the following tools, equipment and supplies for installation of the
● Lifting gear or fork lift (with sufficient capacity to lift meter or meter-piping assembly)
● Box wrench with size suitable for flange installation
● Thread seal (e.g. PTFE tape) and flange gaskets
● Bolt lubricant,
● Leak detection spray
● Always observe the general safety regulations and safety instructions given
in Section 1 when carrying out any installation work.
● The FLOWSIC600 must only be mounted on depressurized and vented
● Take all necessary precautions to avoid local or plant-specific dangers.

3.3.1 Choosing flanges, seals and other parts

Use pipeline flanges, bolts, nuts, and seals that withstand the maximum operational
pressure and temperature, as well as ambient and operational conditions (external and
internal corrosion) for the flange connections. For installation lengths and flange
dimensions, see MDR.
● Always strictly observe the safety instructions for the installation of
pressure equipment including the connection of several pressure
components set forth in the local or national relations and standards or
Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU.
● Installation staff must be familiar with the directives and standards
applicable for pipeline construction.
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3.3.2 Mounting the FLOWSIC600 in the piping

An arrow on the meter body indicates the main direction of flow. It is recommended to
install the FLOWSIC600 as indicated by this arrow if the meter is to be used for
unidirectional flow applications. If the meter is to be used in the bidirectional mode, the
arrow indicates the positive direction of flow.
Installation work to be carried out
● The lifting eyes are designed for transporting the meter only. Do not lift the
FLOWSIC600 using these eyes when additional loads (such as blind covers,
filling for pressure tests or piping) are attached (also see  pg. 31, 3.1.2)
● Never attach lifting gear to the signal processing unit or its mounting
bracket and avoid contact between these parts and the lifting gear.
● The FLOWSIC600 must not turn over or start to swing while being trans-
ported. Flange sealing surfaces, SPU housing and transducer cover caps
may be damaged when the lifting gear is not attached properly.
● Take suitable measures to prevent damage to the meter when carrying out
any other work (welding, painting) near the FLOWSIC600.

 Position the FLOWSIC600 at the desired location of the pipeline using the lifting gear.
Only use the lifting eyes provided to lift and transport the device. If lifting straps are
used, wrap them around the meter body.
 Check for correct seating and alignment of the flange gasket after installing the flange
bolts, but prior to tightening.
 Align the FLOWSIC600 such that the offsets between inlet pipe, meter body and outlet
pipe are minimized.
 Insert the remaining fastening bolts and tighten the nuts cross-wise. The tightening
torque applied must not be lower than specified in the project planning.
 Mount the pressure sensing line between pressure tap and pressure transmitter.
 Fill the pipeline and check the installed FLOWSIC600 and piping connections for leaks.
NOTICE: Observe allowed pressure change
 The pressure change within the measuring section must not exceed
0.5 MPa/min in order to protect transducers and seals.

It is recommended to perform a leak test in accordance with the relevant

regulations and standards after completion of the mechanical installation.

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3.3.3 SPU alignment

The signal processing unit (SPU) can be turned so that the display can be easily read and
that cable routing is facilitated (see  Figure 10). A stop on the housing prevents the SPU
from being turned by more than 330° to prevent damage to the cables that come from the
meter body.

Figure 10 Positioning the SPU.

Signal processing unit
1. 2. 3.

Tool required for

loosening and
tightening the
hexagon socket
head screw:
3 mm Allen key

Loosen the hexagon Position the SPU Tighten the hexagon

socket head screw socket head screw

Do not forget to tighten the hexagon socket head screw after positioning the
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3. 4 Electrical installation

3.4.1 General information

Wiring work (routing and connecting the power supply and signal cables), which is
necessary when installing the FLOWSIC600, is not included in the scope of delivery. The
mechanical installation described in Section  3.3 must be completed first. Comply with
the minimum cable specification requirements set out in Section  3.4.2.
Cable routing
 Keep cables in conduits or laid on cable trays to provide protection from mechanical
 Observe the permitted bending radiuses (generally, min. six times the cable diameter
for multi-conductor cables).
 Keep all connections outside of conduits as short as possible.
 Always observe the general safety regulations and safety instructions given
in Section 1 when carrying out any installation work.
 Installation work shall only be carried out by trained staff and in
accordance with the relevant regulations issued by the operating company.
 Take all necessary precautions to avoid local or plant-specific dangers.

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General connection of the FLOWSIC600

Figure 11 FLOWSIC600 connection diagram

Gas Volume at base
Compressibility factor Z Electronic Volume
Corrector (EVC) /
Heating value Hs Flow Computer (FC)
Energy content

Gas volume at Pressure Temperature

flowing conditions


Service PC / higher-
level control system (Ex i isolating transformer only
required for intrinsically safe
12 ... 24 V DC installation)

Safe area

Hazardous area
classified Zone 1 or Zone 2

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3.4.2 Cable specifications

The cables must
- fulfil the requirements for use in hazardous areas (e.g. set
forth in EN /IEC 60079-14 or other relevant standards).

Power supply 12 … 28.8 V DC

Specification Notes
Type of cable Two conductors Connect shielding (if present) to
ground terminal
Min./ max. cross-sec- 0.5 mm² / 2.5 mm² (20 - 12 AWG)
tional area
Maximum cable length Depending on loop resistance; Peak current 150 mA
Minimum input voltage on the
FLOWSIC600 must be 12 V DC.
Cable diameter 6 ... 12 mm (1/4 to 1/2 inch) Fixing range of the cable glands

Digital output / current output

Specification Notes
Type of cable Twisted pair, shielded Connect shielding at other end to
ground terminal
Min./ max. cross-sec- 2 x 0.5/1 mm2 (2 x 20-18 AWG) Do not connect unused conductor
tional area pairs and prevent them from
accidental short-circuit
Maximum cable length Loop resistance 250 
Cable diameter 6 ... 12 mm (1/4 to 1/2 inch) Fixing range of the cable glands

Serial port (RS485)

Specification Notes
Type of cable Twisted pair, shielded, Connect shielding at other end to
impedance approx. 100…150 ground terminal
low cable capacitance:  100 pF/m
Min./ max. cross-sec- 2 x 0.5/1 mm2 (2 x 20-18 AWG)
tional area
Maximum cable length 300 m at 0.5 mm² (1600 ft for 20 AWG) Do not connect unused conductor
500 m at 0,75 mm² (3300 ft for 20 AWG) pairs and prevent them from
accidental short-circuit
Cable diameter 6 ... 12 mm (1/4 to 1/2 inch) Fixing range of the cable glands

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Only the lower fault current may be used with an internally fed analog output
and use of HART communication.

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3.4.3 Checking the cable loops

Check the cable loops to verify that the cables are connected correctly. Proceed as follows:
 Disconnect both ends of the cable of the loop to be tested. This is to prevent connected
devices from interfering with the measurement.
 Test the entire cable loop between SPU and terminal device by measuring the loop
 If you want to test the insulation resistance as well, the cables must be disconnected
from the electronic module before using the insulation resistance tester.
Applying test voltage to the cables before disconnecting them from the
electronics module will seriously damage the electronics module.

 Reconnect all cables after the loop resistance test.

WARNING: Explosion Hazard
● In non-intrinsically safe installations, the terminal boxes may only be
opened if the system is disconnected from the power supply.
● In non-intrinsically safe installations, the cables may only be disconnected
if the system is disconnected from the power supply.
● The window cover must only be opened if the system is disconnected from
the power supply and only 10 minutes or more after the system has been
switched off, or the area is known to be non-hazardous.

Incorrect cabling may cause failure of the FLOWSIC600. This will invalidate
warranty claims. The manufacturer assumes no liability for consequential
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3.4.4 Terminal enclosure on the SPU

Opening the rear housing cover
 Loosen the securing clip using a 3 mm Allen key.
 Turn the rear housing cover counter-clockwise and take it off.

NOTICE: Lubricant
Only use LOCTITE 8156 as lubricant for front and rear housing cover.

A schematic wiring diagram is provided on the inside of the rear housing cover.

Figure 12 SPU housing

Open the cover

Window cover
Rear cover

Securing clip

Figure 13 Terminal box on the rear of the SPU (see Section  3.4.2 for North American wiring specification equivalents)

Cover for power
supply terminals
Power supply
2 x 1.5 mm2 1
(LiYCY or equivalent) 2

Digital output / current

output Cable feed for internal 10-core
4 x 2 x 0.5 mm2 cable
(Li2YCY [TP] or equivalent)

MODBUS 10-pole terminal block

4 x 2 x 0.5 mm2 for signal inputs and outputs
Subject to change without notice

(Li2YCY [TP] or equivalent)

HSK M type cable glands

M 20 x 1.5 (EU)
or ½ in NPT (North America)

42 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH


Figure 14 Terminal assignment for use in safe areas

Terminal box

Power supply Field connections (10-pole terminal block)


NOTICE: Potential equalization

PE: Potential Equalization terminal must be connected to earth ground.

NOTICE: Device-internal bridge

Terminals 2 and PE are bridged internally, i.e. there is no insulation between PE
and negative potential ( Figure 13).
 This bridge is a firm part of the device and mandatory. It must not be
removed or altered.
 Altering the bridge voids the manufacturer's warranty.

NOTICE: Termination of Modbus lines

Begin and end of the Modbus lines must be terminated.
● Terminal 81/82: Always terminated
● Terminal 33/34: Switchable, terminated ex factory
For detailed information, see Service Manual FLOWSIC600, Section 4.4 "Serial
interface RS485".
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3.4.5 Operating the FLOWSIC600 in non-hazardous areas

Assign the terminals in the SPU terminal box ( Figure 14) in accordance with the following
No. Connection for Function Value Notes
1 Power supply 1+, 2- 12 ... 24 (+20%) V DC
fmax = 6 kHz, configurable pulse duration 0.05 s -
1s With NAMUR
Range: contact for
Variable number of pulses per volume unit connection to
Digital output DO 0 31, 32 switching
2 Passive "closed":
(HF 2) amplifier
0 V  UCE L  2 V, 2 mA  ICE L  20 mA (L=Low) (according to
"open": EN 60947-5-
16 V  UCE H  30 V, 0 mA  ICE H  0.2 mA 6:2000)
Baud rate to be
3 Serial port 33, 34 9600 Baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit set through
(RS485) software
fmax = 6 kHz, configurable pulse duration 0.05 s -
1s With NAMUR
Range: contact for
Variable number of pulses per volume unit connection to
Digital output DO 1 switching
4 Passive 51, 52 "closed":
(HF 1) amplifier
0 V  UCE L  2 V, 2 mA  ICE L  20 mA (L=Low) (according to 
"open": EN 60947-5-
16 V  UCE H  30 V, 0 mA  ICE H  0.2 mA 6:2000)
0 V  UCE L  2 V, 2 mA  ICE L  20 mA (L=Low)
5 Digital output DO 2 Passive 41, 42
16 V  UCE H  30 V, 0 mA  ICE H  0.2 mA
"Check request" (default)
0 V  UCE L  2 V, 2 mA  ICE L  20 mA (L=Low)
Digital output DO 3 Passive 16 V  UCE H  30 V, 0 mA  ICE H  0.2 mA
6 81, 82
"Direction of flow" (default)
(alternative "Warning")
Baud rate to be
Alternative assignment with
9600 Baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit set through
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second serial port (RS485)


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3.4.6 Requirements for use in hazardous areas with potentially explosive

Intended use
The FLOWSIC600 is suitable for use in hazardous areas classified as Zone 1 and Zone 2.
Certification in accordance with ATEX
II 1/2 G Ex de ib [ia] IIC T4
II 1/2 G Ex de ib [ia] IIA T4

Permitted ambient temperature range -40°C to +60°C

EC TYPE Examination Certificate: TÜV 01 ATEX 1766, include 1. to 6. Supplement

IECEx Certification
Gb/Ga Ex de ib [ia Ga] IIC T4
Gb/Ga Ex de ib [ia Ga] IIC T4

Permitted ambient temperature range -40°C to +60°C, optionally - -50°C to +70°C

IECEx Certificate of Conformity: IECEx TUN 11.0001 X

Figure 15 FLOWIC600 components and their type of protection

Aux. power 1+
Power supply Signal processing unit
Compliant with EN/IEC 60079-7

Digital output
33 Pressure-tight
Terminal box "e", "i"

34 compartment "d"
Digital output
52 Compliant with
Field connections
Digital output 41 EN/IEC 60079-1
Digital output


Meter body
Ultrasonic transducers "ia"
Compliant with EN /IEC 60079-11
and EN /IEC 60079-26
Subject to change without notice

1 For use in USA and Kanada, see control drawings see Technical Information.

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 45


Operating conditions for the ultrasonic transducers

The FLOWSIC600 is designed for use in hazardous areas with potentially explosive
atmospheres only under normal atmospheric conditions. The atmospheric conditions must
be within the following ranges:
– Ambient pressure range 80 kPa (0.8 bar) to 110 kPa (1.1 bar)
– Air with normal oxygen content, typically 21% v/v
The ambient temperature must be within the range specified at the SPU type plate,
e.g -40°C to +60°C.

Once the FLOWSIC600 is installed in the pipeline, the meter body becomes a part of the
pipeline. The wall of the pipeline and the meter body is then deemed a zone-separating
barrier. The figure below helps in understanding the different situations for a possible
application and shows what operating conditions apply.

Figure 16 Ex-Zones

Case 1: Zone 1 or 2 ● The pipeline contains a non-

explosive mixture. The gas
mixture may be combustible.
● Gas pressure and gas
Non-Ex zone temperature may be within the
range specified by the tag on the
meter body.

Case 2: ● The area inside the pipeline is

Zone 1 or 2
classified as hazardous area Zone 1
or 2.
● Gas pressure must be in the range
from 80 kPa to 110 kPa (normal
Zone 1 or 2
atmospheric condition)
● Gas temperature must be within the
permitted ambient temperature
range specified by the type plate on
the SPU

Case 3: Zone 1 or 2 ● The area inside the pipeline is

dlassified as hazardous area
Zone 0.
Subject to change without notice

● Gas pressure must be in the

Zone 0 range from 80 kPa to 110 kPa
(normal atmospheric condition)
● Gas temperature must in the
range from -20°C to 60°C.

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Additional requirements for operation of ultrasonic transducer in Zone 0 classified


The FLOWSIC600 is marked with a minimum rating of II 1/2 G Ex [ia] or Gb/Ga Ex [ia Ga].

Operation of ultrasonic sensors in Zone 0

The ultrasonic transducers are suitable for operation in Zone 0 at atmospheric conditions,
i.e. ambient temperature -20 °C to 60 °C and ambient pressure 0.8 bar to 1.1 bar(a). If
ultrasonic transducers with titanium housing are to be used in Zone 0, it must be assured
that the medium does not transport solid parts (like dust or other particles) which could
cause an ignition hazard. Otherwise, transducers made from stainless steel must be used.
After installation and following every de-installation and reinstallation of the ultrasonic
transducers, the seal effect must be appropriately checked. During operation, the leak-
tightness must be periodically checked and the seals replaced if necessary. After de-
installation and before every reinstallation the seals must be replaced according to the
original assembly. Seals can be ordered from SICK (part number and serial number from
type plate at SPU).

The rise in the ambient temperature outside the pipeline due to a hot pipeline
must be taken into account.
The user must ensure that the ambient temperature around the electronics
housing does not exceed the maximum permitted ambient temperature
marked on the type plate of the FLOWSIC600.
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General requirements for installation

– The documentation for hazardous area classification (zone classification) according to
EN/IEC60079-10 must be available.
– The equipment must be verified as suitable for use in the classified area.
– Additional requirements must be observed for use of transducers in Zone 0 as
described above.
– After installation an initial test run of the complete equipment and the plant according
to EN/IEC60079-17 must be performed before regular operation is started.

Requirements regarding cabling

– Cables must fulfill the requirements set forth in EN/IEC60079-14.
– Cables that are subject to exceptional thermal, mechanical or chemical stress must be
specially protected, e.g. by laying them in protective tubing.
– Cables that are not installed fire proof must be flame retardant according to IEC
– Cables for Ex e must comply with EN/IEC 60079-14 section 11.
– Observe the clamping range of the cable glands for cable selection.
– Use Ex e II respectively Ex i II certified cable glands with adequate ingress protection
rating as alternate replacement only.
– For intrinsically safe wiring and an ambient temperature range between 
-20°C to +60°C, the existing metal cable glands may be replaced with light-blue plastic
cable glands (available on request).
– Replace the existing cable glands with suitable cable glands if installation with armored
cables is intended.
– When delivered, the cable glands are secured by default with a sealing plug. If the cable
glands are not used, only sealing plugs with EX e II approval must be used.
– Conduit systems must comply with EN/IEC 60079-14, section 9.4 and 10.5. In
addition, compliance with national and other relevant regulations is required
– "Conduits" according to IEC 60614-2-1 and IEC60614-2-5 are not suitable.
– Conduits must be protected against vibration.
– Use a suitable thread sealant, as detailed in EN/IEC60079-14, section 9.4.
– Protect stranded wires against fraying with ferrules.
– Keep clearance and creepage distances for the connected wires in accordance with
EN/IEC60079 and EN/IEC 60079-11 respectively.
– Connect unused wires to ground or safeguard so that a short circuit with other
conductive parts is excluded.
– Carry out potential equalization in accordance with EN/IEC6079-14
– The meter body and the electronic housing must be connected to the potential
– Where the FLOWSIC600 is installed in a grounded metal duct, no additional grounding
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is required for the meter body. The electronics housing must nevertheless be separately

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Connection of the FLOWSIC600 with associated equipment

The terminal compartment of the FLOWSIC600 complies with the requirements of EN/
IEC60079-7 and 
EN/IEC 60079-11, respectively.
The FLOWSIC600 provides non-intrinsically safe wiring as well as intrinsically safe wiring
with the interconnected associated equipment in the following manner:
1 Power supply connection and all other field connections as non-intrinsically safe wiring
2 Power supply connection and all other field connection as intrinsically safe wiring to Exi
certified equipment in a Zone 1 or Zone 2 classified hazardous area or to [Exi] certified
associated equipment in the safe area.
3 Power supply connection as non-intrinsically safe wiring and all other filed connection
as intrinsically safe wiring.
A combination of intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe wiring for the field connections
is not permitted.
Maximum voltage in the safe area must not exceed 253 V (Um = 253V).
For intrinsically safe wiring:
– The safety-relevant data in the EC Type Examination Certificate and the IECEx
Certificate of Conformity must be observed.
– Intrinsic safety for each circuit must be assessed in accordance with EN/IEC60079-14
section 12.
– The safety-relevant parameters of interconnected equipment must comply with the
following values: Uo < Ui, Io < Ii, Po < Pi, Ci + Ccable < Co, Li + Lcable < Lo
The interconnection of two or more intrinsically safe outputs may require an additional
assessment of intrinsic safety in accordance with EN /IEC60079-11.

Ensure that the cover on the power supply connection is properly sealed for regular
For intrinsically safe wiring, the rear cover can be removed and connecting and disconnect-
ing is permitted while the circuits are live and as long as the safe separation between the
circuits has been kept.
WARNING: Explosion Hazard
● Do not open the enclosure while energized.
● Wait 10 minutes after power has been removed before opening the window
● Do not open the cover of the terminal compartment while energized unless
wiring is intrinsically safe.
● Do not remove the cover of the power supply while energized unless wiring
is intrinsically safe.
● Do not connect or disconnect while circuits are live unless the area is
known to be non-hazardous or wiring is intrinsically safe.
● Do not use the equipment if damaged (includes cables or terminals).
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Terminal assignment
The terminal assignment in the SPU terminal box (see  pg. 43, Figure 14) is the same as for
the installation of the FLOWSIC600 in non-hazardous areas (see table  pg. 44, 3.4.5).
For measurement reasons, the equipotential bonding must, as far as possible,
be identical to the pipeline potential or protective ground/earth. Additional
grounding with the protective conductor via the terminals is not permitted!
The connections of the ultrasonic transducers are intrinsically safe and are safely
separated from one another and from other non-intrinsically safe circuits. The transducers
may be connected and disconnected during operation as long as the safe separation of
circuits has been preserved in every respect. In order to ensure this, the respective
transducer connection cable should be disconnected at both ends (disconnect the
electronics side first, and then if necessary, the transducer side unless the MCX connector
is suitably fixed to prevent any uncontrolled movement). Operation using sensors or cables
not part of the original delivery or with sensors/components from other manufacturers is
not permitted.
Replace backup battery with PANASONIC type BR2032,
Sick part no. 7048533. It may only be replaced by trained staff.

Specific requirements for installation and use in North America

The FLOWSIC600 is intended for use in hazardous areas classified as Class I Division 1
and Class I Zone 1 as follows:
– Cl. I, Div. 1, Groups B, C and D, T4 resp. Cl. I, Zone 1, Group IIB + Hydrogene, T4
– Cl. I, Div. 1 Group D, T4 resp. Cl. I, Zone 1, Group IIA, T4

Further, the FLOWSIC600 is suitable for use in hazardous areas classified as Class I
Division 2 and Class I Zone 2 as follows:
– Cl. I, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C and D, T4 resp. Cl. I, Zone 2, Group IIC, T4
– Cl. I, Div. 2 Group D, T4 resp. Cl. I, Zone 2, Group IIA, T4

– Install in the US in accordance with the NEC.
– Install in Canada in accordance with CEC part 1.
For further details see drawing no. 781.00.02 (see Technical Information).
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Notes for safe operation in hazardous areas

Always observe the temperature specifications for use in hazardous areas.

Approval of the ultrasonic transducers in zone 0 is only valid for operation

under atmospheric conditions.
● Explosion protection: II 1/2G Ex de ib [ia] IIC T4 or II 2G Ex de ib [ia] IIA T4
● Ambient temperature range is from -40°C to +60°C.
● If terminals are assigned with intrinsically safe circuits, it is recommended that the
metal cable glands be replaced with the light-blue plastic ones
● The type of protection for the field connections and power supply connection is
determined by the external circuits that are connected (for options see "Connection
options" above).
● Safety-relevant data for intrinsically safe circuits is provided in the EC Type Examination
Certificate and the IEC Certificate of Conformity.
● Ensure that the cover on the power supply connection is properly sealed. In intrinsically
safe installations, the terminal box can be opened and cables connected and
disconnected while the system is live. In this case the safe separation of the circuits
from each other must be observed.
● If the meter body is insulated, the insulation thickness must not exceed 100 mm. The
SPU housing must not be insulated.
● The standard paint of the FL600 meter body consists of a double layer: Epoxy and
Acrylic RAL9002. This combination is the ideal protection of the meter body against
corrosion. The layer thickness is less than 0.2 mm.
WARNING: Explosion Hazard
The ultrasonic probes are preferably made from titanium.
 Should zone 0 or zone 1 have been defined in the pipeline, operation is
allowed only when ignition hazards caused by impact or friction can be

WARNING: Ignition hazard through electrostatic discharges

Ignition hazards through electrostatic discharges exist when gas flow meters
with special paint and a layer thickness >0.2 mm are used in applications with
ignition group IIC in accordance with ATEX and IECEx.
 For installation, the risk of electrostatic charging of the surface must be
reduced to a minimum.
 Use appropriate caution when performing maintenance and cleaning work.
For example, the surfaces should only be cleaned with a damp cloth.
 A warning sign fitted at the factory identifies this type of device:
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Safety-relevant data of inputs and outputs for ATEX certified FLOWSIC600 only

Power circuit Intrinsically safe Ex ia/ib IIA/IIB/ IIC Non-

Power supply UI = 20 V, PI = 2,6 W 12...24 V DC
Active current output UO = 22.1V UB = 18 V
Terminals 31/32 IO PO Ex ia/ib IIA Ex ia/ib IIB Ex ia/ib IIC UB = 35 mA
[mA] [mW] CO [μF] LO [mH] CO [μF] LO [mH] CO [nF] LO [mH]
Hardware variant
1-5,7/9, A 155 857 4.1 7 163 1
Hardware variant 6, B 87 481 2 7 0.5 4 77 1
Characteristic curve: linear
or for connection to certified intrinsically safe circuits with the following maximum values:
UI = 30 V
II = 100 mA
PI = 750 mW
Internal capacity: CI = 4 nF
Internal inductance: negligible
Digital output For connection to certified intrinsically safe circuits with the following maximum values: UB = 30 V
Terminals 51/52 UI = 30 V IB = 100 mA
Terminals 41/42 II = 100 mA
Terminals 81/82 PI = 750 mW
Internal capacity: CI = 4 nF
Internal inductance: negligible
RS485 Characteristic curve: linear UB = 5V
Terminals 33/34 Uo = 5.88 V IB = 175 mA
Terminals 81/82 Io = 313 mA
Po = 460 mW
Co = 1000 μF for IIA resp. 43 μF for IIC
Lo = 1.5mH for IIA resp. 0.2 mH for IIC
or for connection to certified intrinsically safe circuits with the following maximum values:
UI = 10 V
II = 275 mA
PI = 1420 mW
Internal capacity: CI = 4 nF
Internal inductance: negligible
Ultrasonic transducer Ex ia/ib IIA Ex ia/ib IIB Ex ia/ib IIC
connections Characteristic curve: linear
(for connecting SICK ultra- Max. transmission voltage: U = ±60.8 V Uo = ±51.2 V Uo = ±38.9 V
sonic transducers only) o
Short-circuit current: Io = ±92 mA Io = ±77 mA Io = ±59 mA
Po = 1399 mW Po = 986 mW Po = 574 mW
Internal capacity Ci = negligible negligible negligible
Internal inductance: Li = 20.6 mH Li = 15.5 mH Li = 6.7 mH

Um = 235 V: For intrinsically safe installation, maximum voltage in the non-
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hazardous area must not exceed 253 V

52 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH


Safety-relevant data of inputs and outputs for IECEx certified FLOWSIC600 only

Power circuit Intrinsically safe Ex ia/ib IIA/IIB/ IIC Non-

Power supply UI = 20 V, PI = 2,6 W 12 … 24 V DC
Active current output UO = 22.1V UB = 18 V
Terminals 31/32 IO PO Ex ia/ib IIA Ex ia/ib IIB Ex ia/ib IIC UB = 35 mA
[mA] [mW] CO [μF] LO [mH] CO [μF] LO [mH] CO [nF] LO [mH]
All hardware variants 87 481 2 7 0.5 4 77 1
Characteristic curve: linear
or for connection to certified intrinsically safe circuits with the following maximum values:
UI = 30 V
II = 100 mA
PI = 750 mW
Internal capacity: CI = 4 nF
Internal inductance: negligible
Digital output For connection to certified intrinsically safe circuits with the following maximum values: UB = 30 V
Terminals 51/52 UI = 30 V IB = 100 mA
Terminals 41/42 II = 100 mA
Terminals 81/82 PI = 750 mW
Internal capacity: CI = 4 nF
Internal inductance: negligible
RS485 Characteristic curve: linear UB = 5V
Terminals 33/34 Uo = 5.88 V IB = 175 mA
Terminals 81/82 Io = 313 mA
Po = 460 mW
Co = 1000 μF for IIA resp. 43 μF for IIC
Lo = 1.5mH for IIA resp. 0.2 mH for IIC
or for connection to certified intrinsically safe circuits with the following maximum values:
UI = 10 V
II = 275 mA
PI = 1420 mW
Internal capacity: CI = 4 nF
Internal inductance: negligible
Ultrasonic transducer Ex ia/ib IIA Ex ia/ib IIB Ex ia/ib IIC
connections Characteristic curve: linear
(for connecting SICK ultra- Max. transmission voltage: U = ±60.8 V Uo = ±51.2 V Uo = ±38.9 V
sonic transducers only) o
Short-circuit current: Io = ±92 mA Io = ±77 mA Io = ±59 mA
Po = 388 mW Po = 372 mW Po = 248 mW
Internal capacity Ci = negligible negligible negligible
Internal inductance: Li = 20.6 mH Li = 15.5 mH Li = 6.7 mH

Um = 235 V: For intrinsically safe installation, maximum voltage in the non-
hazardous area must not exceed 253 V
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4 Commissioning

General notes
Connecting the FLOWSIC600 to a PC or laptop
Connecting to the FLOWSIC600 with MEPAFLOW600 CBM
Identification Field setup
Function test
Activation of path compensation
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4. 1 General notes
Before commissioning, all activities described in the chapter  »Installation« must be
completed. It is recommended to use a laptop/PC with MEPAFLOW600 CBM software
installed for the commissioning ( pg. 59, 4.3). The commissioning should be documented
with a Commissioning Protocol. The document "FLOWSIC600 Commissioning Protocol" is
content of the FLOWSIC600 shipping on paper and on the product CD.
The FLOWSIC600 is ’wet’ or ’dry’ calibrated when delivered to the end user. The ’dry’ cali-
bration consists of the 3-D measurement of the meter body, zero-flow and speed of sound
test, and other system specific inspections/tests which belong to the manufacturing and
quality assurance process. The ’wet’ calibration is performed at a flow calibration test
stand (calibration test facility).
All parameters, determined by the aforementioned tests, as well as design specific data
are preset and stored in the FLOWSIC600 in a non-volatile memory before delivery. The
design-specific data, which is known before manufacturing the device, will not be changed
during commissioning. This is of special importance if the FLOWSIC600 is officially sealed
after an authorized flow calibration. Generally, the parameters are protected by a
password. Additionally a Parameter write lock in the SPU prevents custody relevant
parameter changes.
NOTICE: Type approval
If the FLOWSIC600 is to be used for custody transfer applications, each
change of parameters and of the Parameter write lock has to be agreed to by
the applicable national authorities.
In all other cases the output parameters of the FLOWSIC600 can be adapted on site by
trained staff.
Commissioning the FLOWSIC600 involves the following steps, regardless of whether the
device is installed at a test facility or at the final measuring location:
● Connecting the FLOWSIC600 to a PC or Laptop ( pg. 57, 4.2)
● Connecting to the FLOWSIC600 with MEPAFLOW600 CBM ( pg. 59, 4.3)
● Identification ( pg. 65, 4.4)
● Field setup ( pg. 67, 4.5)
● Function test  pg. 69, 4.6,
● Optional additional setup ( pg. 72, 4.7)
● Activation of path compensation ( pg. 83, 4.8)
● Sealing ( pg. 84, 4.9),
● Documentation ( pg. 84, 4.10)
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4.2 Connecting the FLOWSIC600 to a PC or laptop

4.2.1 Connecting the FLOWSIC600 via RS485 / RS232 cable

Interface sets for the connection of the FLOWSIC600 with a PC via serial or
USB-interface can be ordered from SICK. See  pg. 58, Table 3.
The FLOWSIC600 serial interface conforms with the RS485 standard. An RS485 /RS232
cable and a 1:1 interface cable (pin 2 – pin 2 and pin 3 – pin 3) are required for data
transfer to PC or laptop (see  Figure 17). Because MEPAFLOW600 CBM, the operation and
diagnosis software for the FLOWSIC600, does not support RTS/CTS data transfer, the
adapter must be able to distinguish between transmission and reception mode
automatically. We, therefore, recommend the use of a serial interface set available from

Figure 17 Wiring example of "MEPA interface set RS485 / RS232" intrinsically safe for DIN rail mounting
Ex zone Safe zone

Fieldbus Isolating
Repeater 1:1
Type 9185
(Company Connection cable

*Possible terminals for the RS485 connection are:

● 33 (+) and 34 (-)
● 81 (+) and 82 (-)
If necessary, the RS485 ports can be assigned to a specific bus address (Reg.
#5020 "DeviceBusaddress"). The service port always has the bus address "1".
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4.2.2 Connecting the FLOWSIC600 via RS485/USB converter

If the PC/laptop does not offer a RS232 serial interface, a USB interface can be used. An
appropriate USB converter is necessary to transform the signal for the RS485 device
interface. The USB converter available through SICK contains a CD-ROM with a software
driver which must be installed before an online connection between the FLOWSIC600 and
the MEPAFLOW600 CBM software can be established.

Figure 18 Wiring example of "MEPA interface set RS485/USB" (Converter, Cable, Terminal plug, CD-ROM with 
software driver), non-intrinsically safe (see also Fig. 104)
Safe zone

Connection cable

*Possible terminals for the RS485 connection are:

● 33 (+) and 34 (-)
● 81 (+) and 82 (-)
If necessary, the RS485 ports can be assigned to a specific bus address (Reg.
#5020 "DeviceBusaddress"). The service port always has the bus address "1".

Table 3 Interface sets for the connection of the FLOWSIC600 to a network

Description Part Number
"MEPA interface set RS485 / RS232" intrinsically safe for DIN rail
"MEPA interface set RS485/USB" (Converter, cable, terminal plug, CD-
ROM with software driver), non-intrinsically safe

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4.3 Connecting to the FLOWSIC600 with MEPAFLOW600 CBM

4.3.1 Starting MEPAFLOW600 CBM

The MEPAFLOW600 CBM software is provided on the product CD shipped with the meter.
It can also be downloaded from www.flowsic600.com. See  pg. 25, for more details on the
 After successful installation, start the MEPAFLOW600 CBM by selecting the
"MEPAFLOW600 CBM" entry in the program group "SICK", created during installation, or
by double-clicking on the desktop icon.

4.3.2 Choosing a User Access Level

 After starting MEPAFLOW600 CBM, the "Connect / Disconnect" page appears with the
"Password" dialog window. ( Figure 19)
 Choose a User access level, activate the corresponding radio button, enter the pass-
word and click the "OK" button.

User access level Password

Operator No password required
Authorized operator "sickoptic"
Service See Service Manual
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Figure 19 MEPAFLOW600 CBM "Connect / Disconnect" page with "Password" dialog window

4.3.3 Creating a new meter entry in the meter database

New meter entries can be created, whether the corresponding meter is
connected to the PC or not. If the meter is connected, MEPAFLOW600 CBM
loads all available parameters from the meter. If the meter is not connected,
an initial master data set is created from the information the user enters (see
Technical Data).
 Open the "Connect / Disconnect" page (Figure 19).
 Click "New". Then follow the instructions on screen.

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4.3.4 Online connection: Direct serial

 Choose a meter and click the "Direct serial" button to establish a serial connection to a
meter which is connected to the PC ( Figure 20).
 Specify the appropriate connection settings in the "Connection settings" window
( Figure 20) and click the "Connect" button to establish an online connection to the
meter. If the connection fails, see  pg. 108, 6.4 for troubleshooting.

Figure 20 Connection settings

Button for establishing a direct serial connection

"Connection settings" window

The parameters shown in the "Connection Settings" window in  Figure 20 are

the default values with which the FLOWSIC600 RS485 interface is configured.
The serial COM port must be individually selected.
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 Edit the fields for the meter identification in the "Add new meter into database" dialog.
The serial number, firmware version and meter type are automatically read from the
meter  Figure 21.
 After the connection has been established, MEPAFLOW600 CBM displays the start
page (can be specified in the Program settings) and the current readings from the

Figure 21 Adding new meter to database

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4.3.5 Online connection: Ethernet

The FLOWSIC600 can be connected to a network via Ethernet with an adapter. This
adapter translates the meter MODBUS communication (ASCII or RTU) to MODBUS TCP.
MEPAFLOW600 CBM supports the MODBUS TCP protocol.
● The Ethernet connection requires firmware V3.3.05 or higher. It provides
the required generic MODBUS protocol on the interface for the MODBUS
TCP adapter.
● The FLOWSIC600 must be connected to a MODBUS ASCII/ MODBUS RTU to
MODBUS TCP adapter, which is connected to a network via Ethernet and
receives a - preferably permanent - IP address.
● The PC with MEPAFLOW600 CBM V1.0.47 or higher installed must be
connected to the network and have uninhibited access to this IP address.
Preparations for online connections via Ethernet
 Make sure one of the serial ports (terminals 33/34 or 81/82) of the
FLOWSIC600 is configured to use Generic MODBUS RTU or Generic
 Make sure the serial port is configured so that the highest baud rate is
used (56000 baud).
 Connect a MODBUS RTU/MODBUS ASCII to MODBUS TCP adapter to the
serial port according to the manual of the adapter.
 Connect the adapter cable to your network.
 Make sure the network assigns a permanent IP address to the adapter.
 Configure the adapter to the network settings (IP address / protocol /
baudrate / gateway etc.) that you want to use (refer to adapter manual).
 Make sure the PC with MEPAFLOW600 CBM has access to the adapter‘s IP
 Make sure you know the MODBUS bus address of the meter.

In case of problems with the network setup, refer to your network administrator.

 Click the "Ethernet" button to establish a connection via Ethernet.

 Specify the IP address of the MODBUS TCP adapter and the bus address of the meter in
the dialog "MODBUS TCP - MODBUS RTU/ASCII gateway settings" ( Figure 22).
 Click "OK" to establish an online connection to the meter.
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Figure 22 "MODBUS TCP - MODBUS RTU/ASCII gateway settings" dialog for online connections via Ethernet

MODBUS TCP - MODBUS RTU/ ASCII gateway settings Button for Ethernet connections


The connection between FLOWSIC600 and MEPAFLOW600 CBM has been
tested with the "MODBUS TCP to MODBUS ASCII/RTU Converter", Model MES1b
by B&B Electronics. This adapter is shipped with a software, which searches the
network for connectable devices and supplies the user with the IP addresses

Table 4 Interface sets for the connection of the FLOWSIC600 to a network

Description Part Number
MODBUS TCP to MODBUS ASCII/RTU Converter 6044004 Subject to change without notice

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4.4 Identification

4.4.1 Checking identification, operation / design data and firmware version

Before commissioning, cross-check the data representing the flow meter with the data in
the test protocols which are contained in the Manufacturer Data Report (MDR). This can be
done on the LCD display (see Technical Information) or - much easier - with
MEPAFLOW600 CBM software:
 Open the "Meter information" page and compare the data in the "Identification" section
( Figure 23) with the data in the check reports of the MDR or, when the meter has been
calibrated, with the calibration and parameter report.

Figure 23 "Meter Information" page

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"Identification" section

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Commissioning Firmware
The FLOWSIC600 firmware is stored on a non-volatile memory (FLASH PROM). The pro-
gram code for the signal processor and system micro-controller are identified by a version
number (Reg. #5002 "FirmwareVersion") and a check sum (Reg. #5005 "ProgramCRC")
and can be verified as mentioned above.

NOTICE: Type approval

If the FLOWSIC600 is used for fiscal metering, the approved firmware versions
and the associated check sums are documented in the national pattern
approval certificates.

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4.5 Field setup

The MEPAFLOW600 CBM software "Field setup" wizard guides the user through the param-
eter configuration during the commissioning of the FLOWSIC600. The wizard consists of 8
pages. For checking the configuration of the SPU outputs refer to the "Instrument Data
Sheet" of the FLOWSIC600, which is included in the Manufacturer Data Record (MDR)
(example see  Figure 24).

The parameter changes performed in the Field setup wizard require the User
Access Level "Authorized operator" (see  pg. 59, 4.3.2).

 To start the Field setup, choose "Tools / Field Setup" from the menu.
 Follow the instructions on screen step by step.

Example of an "Instrument Data Sheet" as contained in the MDR


2 Meter-No.: 3889 56 * Power supply / Power consumption 12 .. 28,8 V DC < 1W
3 Type FL600 57 * Enclosure classification IP 67
4 Meter size 06'' / DN150 58 * Cable entry M20 x 1,5 (3x)
5* Article number ° 59 Hazardous Area Class.

6* TAG number
II 1/2G Eex de ib [ia] IIA T4


8* Order number 01/11-2 60 SPU housing material Aluminium

9 METER BODY ° 61 Ambient temperature (range) °C -40 ... 60
10 Inner pipe diameter mm 147,00 62 Display LCD
11 Overal length (A) mm 450,00 63 Display language Russian
12 Overal height (B) mm 490,00 64 Engineering units Metric
13 Weight kg 130 65 Output and Signal Configuration - Signal processing unit
14 Flow range m³/h 32 ... 2500 66 DO0/AO0 Terminals 31/32 (HF-Pulse) Volume a.c., no pulses when data invalid
15 Number of meas. paths 4 67 Signal configuration NAMUR / normally open
16 Linearity +/- 0.5% of MV 0.1 .. 1 Qmax 68
17 * Repeatability < 0,1% 69
18 Flange design code DIN/EN 1092-1 70
19 Flange class PN100 71
20 Flange face Form B2 72 MOD Terminals 33/34 (RS 485) SICK Modbus ASCII
21 Body material 1.0566 / ASTM A350 Gr. LF2 73 DO1 Terminals 51/52 (HF-Pulse) Volume a.c.
22 Transducers exchangeable under pressure No 74 meter factor 1/m³ 2.880
23 * Transducer cover Aluminium 75 Signal configuration NAMUR / normally open
° 24 Design temperature °C -46 ... 100 76 max. Output 8,2 V / 0,8...6,5 mA
° 25 Design pressure bar (g) 94 77 DO2 Terminals 41/42 (Status) Status Warning
26 Material certificate 3.1 EN 10204 78 Signal configuration NAMUR / normally open
27 * Enclosure classification IP 67 79 max. Output 8,2 V / 0,8...6,5 mA
28 * Surface coating / painting two layers: Epoxy + Acrylic RAL9002 80 DO3 Terminals 81/82 (RS 485) SICK Modbus ASCII
29 * Pressure tapping 1/4" NPT female 81
30 Sensors 82
32 * Sensor material Titan 3.7165 84 Interface 2x RS 485
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4.5.1 Disconnecting from the meter and closing the session

When disconnecting from the meter, a session is stored in the MEPAFLOW600 CBM meter
database. It contains the following data:
● a complete parameter set from the meter at disconnection
● all parameter changes made during Field setup (entries can be viewed in the Meter
● all logbook data (if downloaded)
● the Maintenance Report created on page 8 of the Field setup
This data can be accessed later with the "Meter Explorer", even when you are not directly
connected to the meter.

To disconnect from the meter and to close the session, proceed as follows:
 Go to "Connect / Disconnect" page (select "File / Connect/Disconnect" from menu).
 Click "Disconnect". The "Session description" window opens.
 Describe the activities carried out during the session (e.g. "Field Setup").
 Click OK.

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4.6 Function test

The major system parameters are configured at the factory. The default settings should
allow error free operation of the FLOWSIC600. Nevertheless, correct meter operation
should be verified on site when the meter is installed and is subject to actual operating

4.6.1 Function test on FLOWSIC600 with LCD front panel

The FLOWSIC600 is functioning correctly, if the standard display shows two pages of
measurands and current readings and the pages alternate every 5 seconds. (For operation
and menu structure of the SPU with LCD see Technical Information )
If a current error or warning is active, the display will be interrupted by an error message
every 2 seconds. As soon as the cause of the error/warning has been rectified, the
FLOWSIC600 automatically returns to the standard display.
If the logbooks contain unacknowledged errors, warnings or information, the correspond-
ing letter is displayed in the upper right hand corner and flashes. The letter stops flashing,
once the message has been acknowledged in the logbook. It disappears when the entries
have been cleared from the logbook.
Detailed information on errors is available in the logbook (see  pg. 94, 5.4.1 und see Tech-
nical Information ). See chapter  »Troubleshooting«.

You are advised to check the plausibility of the measured and diagnosis
values, even if the device is functioning properly (see chapter  »Maintenance«).

4.6.2 Function test on FLOWSIC600 with LED front panel

The FLOWSIC600 is functioning correctly when the green status LEDs for each measuring
path installed start flashing periodically approximately 30 seconds after the power supply
is switched on.
If the yellow LED flashes, the FLOWSIC600 works in the operation state ’’Check request’’
with an insignificantly reduced accuracy (e.g. if one path fails).
If the yellow LED lights up permanently, the measurement is invalid. In this case, the error
must be diagnosed (see Chapter 8 of this Manual).
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4.6.3 Function test with MEPAFLOW600 CBM

Performance check
 Once the facility is flowing at the initial flow rate, go to the "Meter values" page to check
the performance of the meter. The performance value should be at least 75% on all
paths. If the velocity of gas is greater than 30 m/s (100 ft/s), the performance values
may be significantly lower.
 Check the Main system bar for system alarms (the symbol on the button "System"
should be green) and warnings (the symbol on the button "User" should be green)
( Figure 25). If there is a yellow or a red symbol, proceed as described on  pg. 100, 6.1.
Zero phase check
 Use the "Path Diagnosis" wizard ( Figure 25) to check the "Zero Phase" parameters of
both transducers on each path (path 1, 2, 3, 4).
Properly adjusted zero phases of the individual paths are the basis for accurate transit
time measurement of the ultrasonic signals. The "Zero Phase" parameter of a path is
properly adjusted, when the green cursor in the signal window is symmetrically within the
two dotted red limit lines and the red asterisk is positioned exactly on the second positive
zero crossing of the received ultrasonic signal ( Figure 26).

Figure 25 "Path Diagnosis" wizard in MEPAFLOW600 CBM

Main system "User" Button

"System" Button

If the zero phase values do not meet the aforementioned criteria, the zero phase needs to
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be adjusted according to angepasst werden (see Technical Information).

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In addition, the validity of the settings should be verified:

 Open the "Meter status" window and go to the tab "Advanced or Path Status" ( pg. 83,
Figure 30). If a lamp for "Time plausibility" is on, it indicates an incorrect zero phase.

Figure 26 Signal window displaying ultrasonic signal in the "Path Diagnosis" page

 Go to the "Meter values" page to check that the measured SOS values are almost the
same at all paths of the FLOWSIC600, and that they differ by less then 0.1%
( Figure 27).
 Switch between display of absolute and difference SOS by clicking the right mouse
button on the SOS graph and using the context-menu.
In the case of very low gas velocities (< 1 m/s or 3 ft/s), there may be more
significant differences between the paths due to thermal stratification. In this
case, the SOS on the upper paths (1 and 2) will be higher than the lower paths.
 Check that the measured SOS deviates no more than 0,3% from a theoretical SOS,
which is calculated from gas composition, pressure and temperature ( pg. 87, 5.2.1).

Figure 27 SOS per path on the "Meter values" page (left: absolute SOS , right: difference to average)
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4. 7 Optional advanced setup

4.7.1 Configuration and activation of User Warnings

When normal operating conditions have been reached, the User Warnings can be
configured to best suit the specific application.
● The User Warnings are preconfigured when the meter is shipped from the
factory (see "Default activation state" and "Default value" see Technical
Informationin the following tables pg. 151, Table 20).
● If there is no need to change the User Warnings, or if you are not sure about
consequences of changes, keep the values as they are or discuss with a
SICK representative.
To configure the User Warning limits, proceed as follows:
 Use MEPAFLOW600 CBM to connect to the meter ( pg. 59, 4.3).
 Open the "User Warnings" assistant from the main system bar by clicking the "User"
button ( ).
 Go to the "Configuration" tab ( , right side).
 Use Dokument Technical Information to plan the configuration of User Warnings to best
suit the specific application.
 Activate or deactivate User Warnings with the check box on the right.
 Edit parameter values in the fields.
 Click the "Write to meter" button.
All User Warning parameters - except for the parameter ‘Min. VOG for warnings"
- can be configured in the User Access Level "Operator" and without switching
the meter to the Configuration Mode.

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Button "User" in the main system bar, "User Warnings" assistant with "Status" and "Configuration" tab

"User" Button

"Status" tab "Configuration" tab

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4.7.2 Configuration of DataLogs Using the DataLogs
Starting with firmware version 3.4.00, the FLOWSIC600 provides two DataLogs (Hourly Log
and Daily Log). They save averaged measured values and are stored in the SPU‘s non-
volatile memory (FRAM). All data can be downloaded and exported to Excel files with
MEPAFLOW600 CBM ( pg. 24, 2.4.4.).
Valid flow for DataLog logging
Gas flow values are averaged for the DataLog entry only if VOG is above the
"Min. VOG for warnings" ( pg. 72, 4.7.1) and the flow is in the direction for
which the DataLog was configured. The Flow Time saved for every entry
indicates about how long the gas flow was valid for DataLog Logging during the
storage cycle. For example:
● If the flow was above "Min. VOG for warnings" and in the forward direction
(for a forward configured Hourly Log) for half an hour, the corresponding
Hourly Log data will show a Flow Time of 50%.
● If the flow was above "Min. VOG for warnings" but in the reverse direction
(for a forward configured Hourly Log) for an hour, the corresponding Hourly
Log data will show a Flow Time of 0%.
● If the Flow Time is 0%, all diagnosis related values are shown as 0
(Temperature is 0 Kelvin). Meter Status and Volume Counter values are
shown as usual.

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Commissioning Configuration of DataLogs

The following parameters can be configured on the Configuration tab of the DataLogs page
( Figure 28) to best suit the specific application (for more details see  pg. 23, and
● Type of dataset,
● Storage cycle,
● Storage behavior,
● Active flow direction,
● Accounting hour
● Distribution of FRAM capacity.
Changes to the parameters "Type of dataset", "Storage behavior" or "Direction"
will erase all entries from the DataLog which is changed.
 If configuring these parameters after commissioning, first download and
export all entries according to  2.4.4, to prevent loss of data.
When the meter is shipped, the DataLogs are preconfigured.
Table 5 Standard DataLogs configuration when meter is shipped *
Configuration Diagnostics
Hourly log Daily log
parameter comparison log
Type of Dataset Diagnostic values Volume counters Diagnostic values
Storage cycle 1 hour 1 day 5 min
Storage behavior Overflow Overflow not applicable
Active flow
Forward Forward Bidirectional
Accounting hour not applicable 0 (midnight) not applicable
Max. number of Entries for approx. 38 Entries for approx. 2
20 entries
entries days years

* Depending on location, the DataLogs for the specific FLOWSIC600 may be

preconfigured to fit the requirements e.g. of API, MID or PTB. These settings
may differ from the defaults described here.
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Complete the following steps to configure the DataLogs:

 Go to the DataLogs page (select Meter / DataLogs from menu).
 Choose the Configuration tab (see  Figure 28).
 Switch the meter into Configuration Mode (choose "File / Configuration Mode" from the
 Use the drop down lists to select the parameter settings.
 Click the "Write to meter" button.

Figure 28 DataLogs Configuration tab

tab Disabling DataLogs

To disable a DataLog complete the following steps:
 Go to the DataLogs page (select Meter / DataLogs from menu).
 Choose the Configuration tab (see  Figure 28).
 Switch the meter into Configuration Mode (choose "File / Configuration Mode" from the
 Set the parameter "Storage cycle" to "disabled" for any DataLog that should be
 Click the "Write to meter" button.
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Commissioning Enabling (starting) DataLogs

To enable (start) a disabled DataLog, complete the steps described under  pg. 77,
(Resetting DataLog Parameters to Defaults). Resetting DataLog parameters to defaults

Before resetting DataLog Parameters to Defaults
In MEPAFLOW600 CBM from V1.1.00, DataLog entries are not saved in the
meter database. Before clearing entries from DataLogs, download and export
the entries into Excel ( pg. 96, 5.4.2).
Complete the following steps to reset the DataLog parameters to the defaults:
 Go to the DataLogs page (select Meter / DataLogs from menu).
 Choose the "Configuration" tab (see  Figure 28).
 Switch the meter into Configuration Mode (choose "File / Configuration Mode" from the
 Click "Reset defaults".
The default settings are described in  and 
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4.7.3 Configuring and using the Diagnostics Comparison Log

The Diagnostics Comparison Log can be used to get information on changes in the meter‘s
health (more information  pg. 24, 2.4.4): The Diagnostic Comparison Report, created from
the data of the Diagnostics Comparison Log, facilitates an easy and quick information
about changes in the meter health between two different points of time (e.g. commission-
ing and now) (see Technical Information Diagnostic Comparison Report Check). Using the Diagnostics Comparison Log
The Diagnostics Comparison Log provides a comparison between current diagnostic
values (dataset type "Diagnostic Values", see Technical Information) and those of a refer-
ence time (e.g. at time of commissioning). The current diagnosis values are stored in Cur-
rent Classes 1 to 5, while the reference values are stored in Reference Classes 1 to 5.

To prepare the Diagnostics Comparison Log for the future use, complete the following
steps when the FLOWSIC600 is running under normal operating conditions:
 Go to the "DataLogs" page (choose "Meter / DataLogs" from the menu)  pg. 76,
Figure 28.
 In the "DataLog" selection dialog, activate the check box for "Diagnostics Comparison"
[DataLog1], to download the Diagnostics Comparison data from the meter.
 Click "Export Datalogs" and export the Diagnostics Comparison Data to an Excel File for
future reference.
 Clear all Diagnostics Comparison Log data that may have been collected from the
meter during calibration:
 Choose the "Configuration" tab (see  Figure 28).
 Switch the meter into Configuration Mode (select File/Configuration Mode from
 Click the "Clear Diagnostics Comparison" button and confirm the confirmation
dialog with "Yes".
 Switch the meter into Operation Mode.
 If possible, operate the meter in the Velocity Range Classes 1 to 5 (also see  pg. 79, to fill the Reference Classes with data representing the correct operation of
your installation.

Filling the velocity range classes with valid flow data

● Only stable gas flow conditions will be used to calculate the averaged data
in the Diagnostics Comparison Log. Therefore the set gas velocities should
be well within the class limits and should stay relatively stable for the time
set as storage cycle (default is 5 minutes).
● The parameter DataLogClassStdev (Reg. #3050) sets the allowed standard
deviation for the definition of the gas flow conditions as stable 
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When the reference classes are filled with data representing the usual operation of the
installation, the current classes will be continuously updated, showing the current state of
the meter. Use the Diagnostics Comparison Report (see Technical Information)  pg. 181,
6.4.3, to detect changes in the meter between the diagnostic values in the reference
classes and those in the current classes. Configuring the general conditions for the Diagnostics Comparison Log
The gas velocity class ranges are calculated to optimally cover the operation range of the
meter. The lower limit of the gas velocity range classes is defined by the parameter "Min.
VOG for warnings". The upper limit is defined by "VOG limit".
 View the Diagnostics Comparison data tab, to find the velocity class limits calculated
for the meter.  Figure 4, S. 24 shows an example of a Diagnostics Comparison Log filled
with entries.
 If necessary, configure "Min. VOG for warnings" and "VOG limit" to fit the application
range of your specific FLOWSIC600 on the configuration tab of the User Warnings
window ( pg. 72, 4.7.1).
● Changes to the parameters "Min. VOG for warnings" or "VOG limit" will clear
all data from the Diagnostics Comparison Log!
● Note that the parameter "Min. VOG for warnings", Reg. #7208
"PathCompClassLow", plays an important role in path compensation (see
Technical Information).
● Note that the parameter "VOG limit" also defines the limit for User
Warnings. Configuring the Diagnostics Comparison Log

Complete the following steps to configure the Diagnostics Comparison Log:
 Go to the DataLogs page (choose "Meter / DataLogs" from the menu).
 Choose the Configuration tab (see  Figure 28).
 Switch the meter into Configuration Mode (select File/Configuration Mode from menu).
 Use the drop down lists behind the arrows to select the parameter settings.
 Click the "Write to meter" button.
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Commissioning Configuration of the Diagnostics Comparison limits

The Diagnostics Comparison limits can be activated to make the meter generate a warning
when the difference between the diagnostic values in the reference classes and those in
the current classes exceed the Diagnostics Comparison limit values.
These limits can be activated and configured in the User Warnings window:
 Use MEPAFLOW600 CBM to connect to the meter ( pg. 59, 4.3).
 Open the "User Warnings" window from the main system bar by clicking the "User"
button ( Figure 29).
 Go to the "Diagnostic Comparison limits" tab ( Figure 29).
 Use Tabelle 24 in der Technicaln Information to plan the optimum configuration of the
Diagnostics Comparison limits to best suit your application.
 Activate or deactivate the Diagnostic Comparison limits with the check box on the right.
 Edit parameter values in the fields.
 Click the "Write to meter" button.
All Diagnostics Comparison limit parameters can be configured in the User
Access Level "Authorized Operator" and without switching the meter to the
Configuration Mode.

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Table 6 Diagnostics Comparison limits

Monitored difference
between reference Configurable Default
Notes activation
values and current difference limit value
Profile factor Profile Factor 10% A change of the profile factor value may be caused by contamination,
change blockage or deposits in the line that change the symmetry of the flow
 We recommend to use the default value.
Symmetry Symmetry 10% A change of the symmetry value may be caused by contamination,
change blockage or deposits in the line that change the symmetry of the flow
 We recommend to use the default value.
SOS differences SOS difference 1% The SOS deviation indicates whether or not a path is measuring the
between paths change correct transit time.
 We recommend to use the default value.
Turbulence Turbulence 50% A change of the turbulence value may be caused by contamination,
change blockage or deposits in the line that change the symmetry of the flow Off
 We recommend to use the default value.
SNR (Signal-to-noise SNR change 20dB Interfering noise caused by fittings in the pipeline, valves that are not
ratio) fully open, sources of noise near the measuring location, or defective
ultrasonic transducers may affect the signal-to-noise-ratio.
 We recommend to use the default value.
AGC (Signal AGC change 10dB If the AGCs of a path deviate more than allowed, this can indicate a
amplification) malfunction in the ultrasonic transducers, electronic modules,
transducer cables or parameter settings (signal models, control
 We recommend to use the default value.
1 User Warnings must be activated to become effective on the warning output.
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Figure 29 "User Warnings" window with "Diagnostics Comparison limit" tab

"User" Button

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4.8 Activation of path compensation

If the status bit "Path compensation valid" is "active", then the FLOWSIC600 is able to
compensate a path failure­.
The meter automatically sets this bit to "active" after operating for about 20 minutes with
error free measurement at all paths at a gas velocity between 1 to 8m/s (3.3 to 26.2 ft/s)
and also about 20 minutes at a gas velocity higher than 8m/s (26.2 ft/s).
The status bit "Path compensation valid" is displayed on the "Meter status" page ( pg. 83,
Figure 30).
Determination of path relationships during commissioning
Due to the unique path relationships of each individual installation, every
meter must determine the path relationships during the commissioning
In order to ensure that the system is able to compensate for path failure at
both high and low flow velocities, it is recommended that the FLOWSIC600
meter be run for 20 minutes at low gas velocities (< 8 m/s or < 26.2 ft/s) first
and then for 20 minutes at high gas velocities (> 8 m/s or > 26.2 ft/s) during

Figure 30 "Meter status" page with active "Path compensation valid" status bit

Opens the "Meter

Status" screen

"Path compensation valid"

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4. 9 Sealing
After having completed the commissioning, seal the signal processing unit (if required) in
accordance with the sealing plan ( pg. 132, 7.6).

4. 1 0 Documentation
The commissioning should be documented with a Commissioning Protocol. The document
"FLOWSIC600 Commissioning Protocol" is content of the FLOWSIC600 shipping on paper
and on the product CD.
 File the completed Commissioning Protocol with the Manufacturer Data Record (MDR)

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5 Maintenance

Routine checks
Maintenance report
Optional data download
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5. 1 General
The FLOWSIC600 does not contain mechanically moving parts. The meter body and ultra-
sonic transducers are the only components that come into contact with the gaseous
media. Titanium and high-quality stainless steel ensure that these components are
resistant to corrosion, provided that the meter is installed and operated in accordance with
the relevant specifications. This means that the FLOWSIC600 is a low-maintenance
system. User Warning Limits can be configured to provide early warnings for possible
issues with contamination or blockage. Maintenance is limited mainly to routine checks to
determine the plausibility of the measured values and diagnostic results produced by the
It is recommended that Maintenance Reports be created and filed on a regular basis
( pg. 92, 5.3). This creates a basis of comparable data over time and helps when a problem
requires diagnosis.
The operating conditions (gas composition, pressure, temperature, flow
velocity) of the individual Maintenance Reports should be comparable or
documented separately and taken into account when the data is analyzed.

Routine checks:
 »Comparing theoretical and measured Speed of Sound (SOS)« (pg. 87)
 »Checking the meter health« (pg. 89)
 »Time synchronization« (pg. 90)
 »Battery lifespan / capacity« (pg. 91)

 »Maintenance report« (pg. 92)

Optional data download:

 »Logbook check« (pg. 94)
 »DataLogs check« (pg. 96)
 »Prüfen des Diagnostics Comparison Reports« (see Technical Information)
 »Trendreport« (see Technical Information)
 »Sicherung der MEPAFLOW600 CBM Zählerdatenbank« (see Technical Information)

Optional advanced configurations:

 »Optionale Anpassung der Nutzerwarnungen« (see Technical Information) Subject to change without notice

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5.2 Routine checks

The information displayed on the front panel LCD display of the FLOWSIC600 meter can be
checked to ensure that the system is functioning properly. The MEPAFLOW600 CBM soft-
ware provides a more user friendly way for doing routine checks.

5.2.1 Comparing theoretical and measured Speed of Sound (SOS)

One of the most important criteria for the correct operation of an ultrasonic gas meter is
the consistency between the theoretical SOS, calculated for the actual gas composition,
temperature and pressure, and the SOS measured by the ultrasonic gas meter.
The Speed of Sound Calculator (SOS Calculator) available in MEPAFLOW600 CBM
calculates a theoretical SOS for a specific gas composition at a specified temperature and
pressure ( Figure 31). The calculation of thermodynamic properties is based on the "GERG-
2004 XT08 Wide-Range Equation of State for Natural Gases and other Mixtures". The
algorithms that are implemented in the SOS calculator were developed by the Ruhr-
University Bochum (Germany).

Figure 31 Speed of Sound Calculator with loaded gas composition file

 Use MEPAFLOW600 CBM to connect to the meter ( pg. 59, 4.3).

 Start the SOS calculator from the Maintenance Report or choose "Tools / SOS
Calculator" from the menu ( pg. 92, Figure 35).
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 Enter the gas composition and specify temperature and pressure for your specific
 Click the "Calculate" button.
 If the SOS calculator was started from the Maintenance Report, the calculated value is
automatically copied to the corresponding field in the wizard and to the report.
 Compare the theoretical SOS with the SOS measured by the FLOWSIC600 (see
Figure 32, main system bar).
The deviation between both should be less than 0.1%. If the deviation exceeds 0.3%,
check the plausibility of temperature, pressure and gas composition. Otherwise proceed
according to  pg. 87, 5.2.1.

It is possible to set up a user warning to continuously monitor for a deviation between a

theoretical SOS (written to the meter e.g. by a flow computer) and the current measured
SOS. See -> Section Commissioning, Optional setup of user warnings.

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5.2.2 Checking the meter health

The FLOWSIC600 monitors its own meter health with User Warnings and system alarms. If
the outputs are configured to indicate alarms and / or User Warnings, it is not necessary to
manually check the meter health.
To get visual feedback about the meter‘s health, the "Main system bar" in MEPAFLOW600
CBM provides a compact overview:
 Use MEPAFLOW600 CBM to connect to the meter ( pg. 59, 4.3).
 Check the main system bar for any yellow or red icon ( Figure 32). A red or yellow icon
indicates a potential problem with the meter.
If any of the icons in the main system bar are yellow or red, proceed with checking the
"Meter Status" ( pg. 101, 6.2.1) and the "User Warnings" ( pg. 103, 6.2.2).

Figure 32 Main system bar

Icons for system alarms, User

Measured SOS Warnings and performance

Main system bar

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5.2.3 Time synchronization

All entries in logbooks or datalogs saved in the meter‘s memory (FRAM) are written with a
time stamp containing the meter time. The meter time can be synchronized with a master
clock (e.g. PC clock) via MODBUS or with MEPAFLOW600 CBM.
A synchronization causes a logbook entry in the Custody logbook [1] only if the
time change is greater than 3% of the time elapsed since the last
Synchronization via MODBUS :
The date and the time of the FLOWSIC600 can be set separately by an external write. Each
operation for date and time causes a separate entry in the Custody logbook [1].
Alternatively the synchronization function can be used. To use this method, the date (Reg.
#5007 "Date") and the time register (Reg. #5008 "Time") must be written sequentially
within 2 seconds. The date register must be written first. The write operation can be
accomplished by the MODBUS without setting the FLOWSIC600 into Configuration Mode.
Time synchronization via MEPAFLOW600 CBM
MEPAFLOW600 CBM offers a synchronization function via a button in the "Meter
Information" screen ( Figure 33). The button is marked with a yellow sign calling attention
to the synchronization if the time difference between the meter clock and the PC clock is
greater than 30 seconds.

Figure 33 Synchronization button and meter clock synchronization window

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5.2.4 Battery lifespan / capacity

The Real Time Clock (RTC) of the FLOWSIC600 is buffered by a battery. The manufacturer
states that the battery life span is at least ten years. The remaining battery capacity can be
viewed on the LCD in the first menu level (see Technical Information).

Figure 34 Display of remaining battery capacity on the LCD display

Charge 100%

Because the FLOWSIC600 has no regular maintenance cycle, the system alarm "Battery
lifetime" is generated when the remaining battery life is less than 15%. This alarm forces
the operator to change the battery ( pg. 101, 6.2.1). A logbook entry is also generated.
Optionally, the user can choose an additional user warning for the battery lifespan (see
Technical Information).

The battery may only be changed by trained staff. See  pg. 106, 6.2.4 for
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5. 3 Maintenance report
It is recommended that Maintenance Reports be generated and filed on a regular basis.
This creates a basis of comparable data over time and helps when a problem has to be
The operating conditions (gas composition, pressure, temperature, flow
velocity) of the individual Maintenance Reports should be similar or
documented separately and taken into account when the data is analyzed.

Figure 35 "Maintenance report" wizard

Click to open the

"SOS Calculator"

To create a maintenance report, follow the described procedure:

 Choose "Favorites / Maintenance report" from the menu to open the Maintenance
report wizard ( Figure 35).
 Enter the information (Description, Technician) in the fields provided.
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 Specify the "Collection duration", a timespan, over which live meter data is to be
collected to document the meter‘s state (default: 1 minute).
 Enter the current pressure, temperature and SOS. Use the SOS Calculator to calculate
the SOS for the gas composition ( pg. 87, 5.2.1). The gas composition must be current
and representative.
 Click the "Start" button to start live data collection. Diagnosis data, measured values
and status information will be collected over the specified time span and will be saved
in the meter database.
 Click the "Create report" button. The Maintenance report will be generated and
 Print it and file the copy in the Manufacturer Data Report (MDR) shipped with the

The Maintenance report and the record are stored in the MEPAFLOW600 CBM
meter database and accessible via the "Meter explorer" and the "Report
Manager". Maintenance reports can be exported to an Excel file. If
Maintenance reports have been regularly collected, a Trend report can be
created (see Technical Information).
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5. 4 Optional data download

5.4.1 Logbook check

To prevent an overflow of the logbooks and possible data loss, logbook entries
can be saved to the meter database with the MEPAFLOW600 CMB software.
The entries on the meter can then be deleted.
The "Meter logbook" page shows all logbook entries on the meter and in the
MEPAFLOW600 CBM database. It provides details on each entry and information on the
number of registered events and the remaining memory space.

Figure 36 "Meter logbook" page in MEPAFLOW600 CBM Downloading and saving logbook entries to the MEPAFLOW600 CBM meter database
To download and save logbook entries to the MEPAFLOW600 CBM meter database,
proceed as follows:
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 Use MEPAFLOW600 CBM to connect to the meter ( pg. 59, 4.3).

 Choose "Meter / Meter Logbook" from the menu to open the Logbook page.
 In the dialog "Logbook selection", select the desired logbooks and click "OK".
The logbook entries are now downloaded to the MEPAFLOW600 CBM database. They can
be viewed offline without connection to the meter or share them with others (export the
device or the session).

94 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Maintenance Acknowledging logbook entries on the meter

To acknowledge logbook entries on the meter, proceed as follows:
 Download and save the logbook entries from the meter according to 
 Select the logbook in which entries are to be acknowledged or select "All logbooks" to
acknowledge entries in all logbooks at once.
 Mark the entries to be acknowledged.
 Click the "Acknowledge selection" button to acknowledge the selected entries only or
click the "Acknowledge all" button in order to acknowledge all entries in the selected
logbook(s). Clearing logbooks on the meter
If the logbooks are configured with the storage behavior "rolling", it is not necessary to
clear the logbooks on the meter. When the logbook is full, new entries will overwrite the
oldest entries.
If a logbook is configured with the storage behavior "blocking" (e.g. with custody configura-
tion), a full Custody logbook [1] will activate the meter status "Data invalid". In this case it
is recommended to clear the logbooks.
The following preconditions must be met to clear logbooks on the meter:
● The Parameter write lock must be in the "UNLOCKED" position (see Techni-
cal Information)
● The user must be in the User Access Level "Service" (password see Service
● The meter must be in Configuration Mode.
To clear the logbooks on the meter, proceed as follows:
 Choose the User Access Level "Service" ( pg. 59, 4.3.2).
 Download and save the logbook entries from the meter according to 
 Select the logbook to be cleared or select "All logbooks" to clear all.
 Switch the meter to Configuration Mode (choose "File / Configuration Mode" from the
 Click the "Clear meter logbook" button and confirm the warning with "OK".
 Switch the meter to Operation Mode.
 If the Parameter write lock was unlocked prior to clearing the meter logbook, follow all
necessary procedures to bring the meter to back to its original state.
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5.4.2 DataLogs check

Starting with firmware version 3.4.00, the FLOWSIC600 provides two DataLogs (Hourly Log
and Daily Log). They save averaged measured values and are stored in the SPU‘s non-
volatile memory (FRAM). All data can be downloaded and exported to Excel files with
MEPAFLOW600 CBM ( pg. 73, on configuring the DataLogs.).

Full support for the DataLogs is provided by MEPAFLOW600 CBM V1.1.00 or


Figure 37 DataLogs page with opened tab for Hourly Logs


for update for export

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Maintenance Downloading and exporting of DataLog data

To download and export the data from your FLOWSIC600, complete the following steps:
 Use MEPAFLOW600 CBM to connect to the meter ( pg. 59, 4.3).
 Go to the DataLogs page (choose "Meter / DataLogs" from the menu).
 In the dialog "DataLog selection", select those DataLogs that you want to view and/or
export and click "OK".
 Now the DataLogs page is displayed with the data from the meter (see Technical Infor-
 If you select a DataLog entry, its time stamp and the meter status (see below) is shown
in the middle section.
 To update the data from the meter, use the button "Read DataLogs".
 To export DataLog data to an Excel file (.xls), use the button "Export DataLogs".
For more options and configuration, see Technical Information.
Meter status
In every DataLog entry, a condensed meter status information is saved. It
shows all meter status information that became active during the storage cycle
- even if it was for the shortest period of time.
If a meter status information bit is shown active in a DataLog entry, the
logbooks will contain a corresponding entry with more information.
 Always check the logbooks, if you require more information about the meter
status information in the DataLogs.
Flow weighted diagnostic information in DataLog data
The datasets do not contain any diagnostic information for gas velocities
below the value for the parameter Vmin (Reg. #7036 "LowFlowCutOff"). The
"Flow time" value shows, for what percentage of the duration of the storage
cycle the flow was above Vmin and in the flow direction specified for the
All diagnostic information is flow-weighted. Clearing entries from DataLogs

If the DataLogs are configured with the storage behavior "rolling", it is not necessary to
clear the entries from the DataLogs on the meter. When the DataLog is full, new entries will
overwrite the oldest entries.
If a DataLog is configured with the storage behavior "blocking", the DataLog will stop sav-
ing new entries when it is full and a yellow light will indicate the full DataLog on the meter
status table ( pg. 101, 6.2.1). In this case it is recommended to clear the entries from the
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To clear all entries from a DataLog, complete the following steps:

 Go to the DataLogs page (select Meter / DataLogs from menu).
 Choose the Configuration tab.
 Switch the meter into Configuration Mode (choose "File / Configuration Mode" from the
 Click the "Clear" button for the DataLogs from which you want to clear entries.
 Switch the meter into Operation Mode.

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6 Troubleshooting

General troubleshooting
Indication of meter states, system alarms and warnings
Generation of diagnosis session
Meter connection troubleshooting
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This chapter provides solutions for problems highlighted by routine tests during
maintenance ( pg. 87, 5.2) or the function tests after commissioning ( pg. 69, 4.6).
If the cause of the problem cannot be localized, it is recommended to use the
MEPAFLOW600 CBM software to record the current parameter set and diagnosis values in
a diagnosis session file ( pg. 107, 6.3) and send this to a local SICK representative.

6. 1 General troubleshooting
Problem Possible causes Actions
● No display  Check the input voltage at terminals 1
● No pulse fre- and 2.
quency Faulty power supply  Check cables and terminal connections.
● No active status Caution
signal Take the relevant safety precautions!
 Create a diagnosis session according to
Defective device  pg. 107, 6.3 and contact your local SICK

6. 2 Indication of meter states, system alarms and warnings

The FLOWSIC600 gives information about alarms and warnings in the following ways:
● The LCD display indicates active system alarms or warnings. If a current error or
warning is active, the display will flash and a message will be displayed with a message
number in the upper right corner ( pg. 118, 7.2.1 for more details on LCD error
● A status output can be configured to indicate if the meter status "Data invalid", the
meter status "Check request" or the "Warning" status become active.
● The pulse output can be configured to indicate if the meter is in Configuration Mode or
if the meter status "Data invalid" becomes active.
● The meter status registers can be read via MODBUS (see document "FLOWSIC600
Modbus Specification").
● The MEPAFLOW600 CBM software can be used to check the meter health. System
alarms and User Warnings are indicated in the Main system bar.

It is recommended to use MEPAFLOW600 CBM to get further information on the meter‘s

 If the meter indicates "Data invalid" or "Check request" follow  pg. 101, 6.2.1.
 If the meter indicates "Warning", follow  pg. 103, 6.2.2.
 To do a more detailed check of the meter health (see „Technical Information“
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6.2.1 Checking the "Meter Status" window

The "Meter status" window in MEPAFLOW600 CBM displays an overview about the meter's
status and operation.
 Use MEPAFLOW600 CBM to connect to the meter ( pg. 59, 4.3).
 Click on the "System" button in the main system bar to open the "Meter status" window
( Figure 38).
 Check the general "Meter Status" section (marked in Figure 38) for yellow or red lights.
Meter status light Causes Actions
Green light "Measure- Measurement is valid, meter is operating correctly.
ment valid"
Red light "Measurement Measurement is invalid and / or the  If the meter is in Configuration Mode, choose "File / Operation
valid" meter is in Configuration Mode. Mode" from the menu to switch it to Operation Mode.
The measured volume is counted in  Otherwise proceed according to  pg. 107, 6.3.
the error volume counter.1
Yellow light "Check One or more paths have failed or  Proceed according to  pg. 107, 6.3.
request" another problem affects the mea-
surement accuracy.1
Yellow light "User Warn- A User Warning Limit was  Check the User Warnings according to  pg. 103, 6.2.2.
ing Limit exceeded". exceeded.2
Red light "Path failure" One or more paths have failed.  Proceed according to  pg. 107, 6.3.
1 See  pg. 17, 2.2.2 for more details on meter states.
2 See  pg. 20, 2.3 for more details on User Warnings.

 If there are no yellow or red lights in the general "Meter Status" section you can check
the following other sections (also marked in Figure 38) for yellow or red lights.
Meter status light Causes Actions
Yellow light "Logbook Logbook contains unac-  Download and check all logbook entries according to  pg. 94,
contains unack. entries" knowledged entries.
Red light for any Logbook The logbook in question is Download and check all logbook entries according to  pg. 94,
"full" configured to "blocking"  Clear the meter logbook according to  pg. 95,
and is full of entries.  Consider reconfiguring the logbook to "rolling" (Parameter Page).
If your meter is configured according to PTB requirements a full Custody
Logbook [1] will activate the meter status "Data invalid".
 Download and check all logbook entries according to  pg. 94,
 Clear the meter logbook according to  pg. 95,
Yellow light for any Data- The DataLog in question is  Check the DataLog 1 leeren
Log "full" configured to "blocking"  whether the DataLog is to be configured as "rolling" 1.
and is full of entries.
Yellow light "Battery Lifes- After 8.5 years this  See  pg. 106, 6.2.4 for more details.
pan (change battery)" warning is activated to  Contact trained staff or your SICK representative.
force the user to change  Trained staff: Change the battery according to the procedure described in the
the battery. Service Manual
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Figure 38 Main system bar with "System" button and opened "Meter Status" window
Opens the "Meter
Status" window

Main system

General "Meter Status"


Indication if logbook(s) section
contain(s) unacknowledged

Battery change "DataLogs"


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6.2.2 Checking the "User Warnings" window

The "User Warnings" window displays an overview about the User Warning status.
 Use MEPAFLOW600 CBM to connect to the meter ( pg. 59, 4.3).
 Click on the "User" button in the main system bar of the MEPAFLOW600 CBM screen to
open the "User Warnings" window ( Figure 39).
 Check the window for yellow lights and proceed according to Technical Information.

Figure 39 Main system bar with button "User" and opened "User Warnings" window
Opens the "User
Warnings" window
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6.2.3 Checking the diagnostic meter values

The "Meter values" page displays detailed diagnostic information:
 Use MEPAFLOW600 CBM to connect to the meter ( pg. 59, 4.3).
 Choose "Meter / Meter values" from the menu to call up the "Meter values" page
( Figure 40).
 Check the "Meter values" page for any yellow or red graphs or yellow or red indicators in
the Main system bar. Yellow or red indicates a potential problem.
If any of the graphs or any of the icons in the main system bar are yellow or red, proceed
with checking the "Meter Status" ( pg. 101, 6.2.1) and the "User Warnings" ( pg. 103, 6.2.2).

Figure 40 "Meter values" page

Main system bar

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Problem Possible causes Actions

Implausible sepeed of Gas composition, Check gas composition, pressure and temperature.
sound pressure or temperature Create a Diagnosis Session according to  pg. 107, 6.3 and contact your trained
measurement is staff or your local SICK representative.
Different speed of sound Faulty transducer or Create a Diagnosis Session according to  pg. 107, 6.3 and contact your trained
in the individual paths electronic module staff or your local SICK representative.
Trained staff: Replace the transducer(s) (see Service Manual, Chapter 7).
Temperature-induced stratification can result in differences between the individual
paths, especially with very low flow (higher temperatures generate higher speeds of
sound). Even if the plant is being filled or if it is shut down, different speeds of sound
may occur in the individual paths as a result of stratification.
Lower signal-to-noise Damaged transducer Create a Diagnosis Session according to  pg. 107, 6.3 and contact your trained
ratio and reception sen- staff or your local SICK representative.
sitivity Trained staff: Replace the transducer(s) (see Service Manual, Chapter 7).
Increased number of Additional sources of Check the measurement plausibility and number of rejected measurements and, if
rejected measurements noise due to a valve that necessary, eliminate noise sources.
in individual paths is not fully open, fit- Create a Diagnosis Session according to  pg. 107, 6.3 and contact your trained
tings, noise sources staff or your local SICK representative.
near the device
Increased receiver sensi- Different gas composi- No action required on the device
tivity (AGC) tion or process pressure
Transducer(s) are dirty Create a Diagnosis Session according to  pg. 107, 6.3 and contact your trained
staff or your local SICK representative.
Trained staff: Clean the transducer(s) (see Service Manual, Chapter 7)
Increased number of Additional noise Eliminate noise sources
rejected measurements sources
in all paths Gas velocity outside the
measuring range
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6.2.4 Battery lifespan / capacity

Because the FLOWSIC600 has no regular maintenance cycle, a user warning will be
automatically generated if the remaining battery life is less than 15%. After 8.5 years, a
warning is generated which forces the operator to change the battery. The battery may only
be changed by trained staff. The procedure for changing the battery is described in the
Service Manual. For further information on warning settings see Technical Information.

Figure 41 Flashing message on the LCD display, prompts to change the battery

LifeSpan Battery

Figure 42 "Battery Lifespan" status bit in "Meter Status" window

Lifespan" status

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6.3 Generation of a Diagnosis session

If it becomes necessary to generate a Diagnosis session for remote support, follow the
procedure described below:
 Start the MEPAFLOW600 CBM software and establish an online connection to the
meter (see  pg. 59, 4.3 for all necessary preparations).
 Choose "Tools / Diagnosis session" from the menu or click the "Diagnosis session" item
in the Key navigation ( Figure 43)

Figure 43 "Diagnosis session" generation

session" item

 Specify a file name. (The file path is set according to the program settings. If necessary,
specify a different path.)
 Click the "Save" button.
 MEPAFLOW600 CBM will now download the logbooks from the meter and generate a
Diagnosis session with all relevant data. The entire process usually takes about three
minutes. If the logbooks contain a lot of entries, the process may take longer.
 Email the Diagnosis session file to your SICK representative for support.
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6. 4 Meter connection troubleshooting

Meter not found at initial connection/connection lost during session
 Check all cables and the hardware. Check also the correct installation of the adapters
(see  pg. 57, 4.2.1 and  pg. 58, 4.2.2).
 Attempt to re-establish connection via "Connect to Meter" window.
 Use the options in the window displayed to make MEPAFLOW600 CBM search with
wider options (  Figure 44), especially if parameters (e.g. the baud rate) may have been

If necessary, the RS485 ports can be assigned to a specific bus address (Reg.
#5020 "DeviceBusaddress"). The service port always has the bus address "1".

Figure 44 "Meter not found" dialog for the specification of wider search options.

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7 Appendix

Conformities and technical data

Connection diagrams for operating the FLOWSIC600 in hazardous areas in
accordance with North American Guidelines (NEC, CEC)
Wiring examples
Sealing plan
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7. 1 Conformities and technical data

7.1.1 CE certificate
The FLOWSIC600 has been developed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the
following EU directives:
● Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU
● ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU
● EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
● MID Directive 2014/32/EU
Conformity with above directives has been verified and the device has been marked with
the CE label. The specific designation of the pressure equipment demanded according to
the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU under part 3.3 and 3.4 can be found in the
MDR of the FLOWSIC600.

7.1.2 Standard compatibility and type approval

The FLOWSIC600 conforms to the following norms, standards or recommendations:
● EN 60079-0, EN 60079-1, EN 60079-7, EN 60079-11, EN 60079-26
● OIML R 137-1, 2006, "Gas meters, Part 1: Requirements"
● OIML D 11, 2004, "General requirements for electronic measuring instruments"
● A.G.A Report No. 9, 2007, "Measurement of Gas by Multipath Ultrasonic Meters"
● API 21.1 "Flow Measurement Using Electronic Metering Systems"
● ISO 17089-1, 2010, "Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - ultrasonic meters
for gas - Part 1: Meters for custody transfer and allocation measurement."
● BS 7965, 2009, "Guide to the selection, installation, operation and calibration of
diagonal path transit time ultrasonic flow meters for industrial gas applications.
2“ Type approval for commercial or custody transfer has been granted by the relevant
authorities, e.g.:
– Germany: PTB (Physikalisch-Technical Bundesanstalt), code number 7.421 / 03.05
– Netherlands: NMI (Netherlands Meetinstituut), code number B35
– Canada: Measurement Canada, Approval No. AG-0521
– Switzerland: Metrologie und Akkreditierung Switzerland, Appr. No. CH-G4-04404-00
– Europe: MID Approval, DE-08-MI002-PTB005

7.1.3 WELMEC compliance

The interfaces and the software of the FLOWSIC600 have been designed non-reactive in
terms of the Eichordnung, Anlage 7 "Messgeräte für Gas" (calibration regulations, Annex 7
"Gas Meters") and the requirements of the WELMEC regulation 7.2, and documented
completely in document "Interface description".
The test results were archived in a traceable manner and can be provided on request.
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Figure 45 Common key code (for short description of meter design, indicated on Type Plate* and Instrument Data Sheet**)

Type Code FLOWSIC600

Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Key code FL600- - -

Path configuration
1-Path 1 P
2-Path 2 P
4-Path 4 P
1+1-Path redundant 1 R
2+2-Path redundant 2 R
4+4-Path (Quatro) 4 R
4+1-Path (2plex) 5 C
2-Path crossed 2 X
4-Path crossed 4 X
2-Path Special 2 S
2 Overall length
2D 2 D
3D 3 D
4D 4 D
5D 5 D
6D 6 D
Shortened Meter body S D
Other size X D
3 Nominal size
2" / DN 50 0 2
3" / DN 80 0 3
4" / DN 100 0 4
6" / DN 150 0 6
8" / DN 200 0 8
10" / DN 250 1 0
12" / DN 300 1 2
16" / DN 400 1 6
Other size # #
4 Connection flange type
ASME B16.5 / ASME B16.47 (>24") C L # # # #
DIN EN 1092-1 P N # # # #
GOST 12815-80 / 12821-80 / GOST-R 54432-2011 P N # # # #
NORSOK L 005 N K # # # #
Grayloc G R X X # #
EN 1759-1 C L # # # #
Other type X X X X X X
5 Connection diameter
Schedule #### S C # # # #
Specified in [mm] (DIN) # # # # . #
6 Flange type / sealing face
Raised Face (ASME B16.5 / B16.47) R F
Ring Type Joint (ASME B16.5 / B16.47) R J
Form B1 (EN 1092-1 / 1759-1) B 1
Form B2 (EN 1092-1 / 1759-1) B 2
Form # Inlet / Form # Outlet (EN 1092-1 / 1759-1) # #
Version V# (GOST 12815-80 / 12821-80) V #
Type T# (GOST-R 54432-2011) T #
Special design X X
7 Material
Carbon Steel 0
Stainless steel 1
Duplex 3
Superduplex 4
Superaustenit 5
Aluminium 6
Other material X
8 Connection for Extraction Tool
Yes Y
No N

9 ULTRASONIC TRANSDUCER (Will be selected by SICK on the basis of the technical data ) _ _


None 0
CSA Group D T4 1
CSA Group B, C, D T4 2
ATEX IIA T4, M20x1.5 3
ATEX IIC T4, M20x1.5 4
ATEX IIA T4, 1/2 NPT 5
ATEX IIC T4, 1/2 NPT 6
IECEx IIA T4, M20x1.5 7
IECEx IIC T4, M20x1.5 8
IECEx IIA T4, 1/2 NPT 9
11 Power supply
12 ... 24V DC D C
12 Data outputs
Hardware variant 1 (4 digital outputs) 1
Hardware variant 2 (1 analog current output and 3 digital outputs) 2
Hardware variant 4 (1 analog current output and 2 RS485) 4
Hardware variant 5 (with integrated EVC, p- and T-transmitters externally power supplied, I/O board with DSP) 5
Hardware variant 6 (with integrated EVC, p- and T-transmitters internally power supplied, I/O board with DSP) 6
Hardware variant 7 (same as hardware variant 1, but with LowPressureAnalogBoard) 7
Hardware variant 8 (same as hardware variant 2, but with LowPressureAnalogBoard) 8
Hardware variant 9 (same as hardware variant 4, but with LowPressureAnalogBoard) 9
Hardware variant A (same as hardware variant 5, but with LowPressureAnalogBoard) A
Hardware variant B (same as hardware variant 6, but with LowPressureAnalogBoard) B
13 HART-Protocol (By selection of hardware variant 2 and 8 only)
Yes Y
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No N
14 Front panel
15 *
Custody transfer design meter
Yes Y
No N

Rev. 1.12 # … to be specified by SICK

* … only design of USM, no restriction to type approval

2013/05 ( 4P; 5C; 4R --> Y / other path configurations --> N)


* See  pg. 136, Figure 63

** The Instrument Data Sheet is included in the Manufacturer Data Report (MDR).

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7.1.4 Technical data

Type approval
The information in this section may differ from the type approval which is valid
for the FLOWSIC600 in your country.
Please use your national type approval for the FLOWSIC600.
Table 8 Common meter sizes and flow rates
Actual flow rate Actual flow rate
Max. Velocity*
Nominal Size [m³/h] [ft³/h]
Qmin Qt Qmax1 Qmin Qmax 1 [m/sec] [ft/sec]
DN 50 (NPS 2) 4 13 400 140 14,000 65 213
DN 80 (NPS 3) 8 32 1000 280 35,000 65 213
TYPE APPROVAL DN 100 (NPS 4) 13 50 1,600 460 56,000 60 197
DN 150 (NPS 6) 20 80 3000 710 106,000 50 164
DN 200 (NPS 8) 32 130 4500 1,130 159,000 45 148
DN 250 (NPS 10) 50 240 7000 1,770 247,000 40 131
DN 300 (NPS 12) 65 375 8000 2,300 282,000 33 108
DN 350 (NPS 14) 80 375 10000 2,830 353,000 33 108
DN 400 (NPS 16) 120 600 14000 4,240 494,000 33 108
DN 450 (NPS 18) 130 650 17000 4,600 600,000 33 108
DN 500 (NPS 20) 200 975 20000 7,070 707,000 33 108
DN 600 (NPS 24) 320 1500 32000 11,300 1,131,000 33 108
DN 700 (NPS 28) 400 2000 40000 14,100 1,414,000 30 98
DN 750 (NPS 30) 400 2000 45000 14,100 1,590,000 30 98
DN 800 (NPS 32) 400 2400 50000 14,100 1,767,000 30 98
DN 900 (NPS 36) 650 3750 66000 23,000 2,333,000 30 98
DN 1000 (NPS 40) 650 5000 80000 23,000 2,828,000 30 98
DN 1050 (NPS 42) 1300 6000 85,000 46,000 3,004,000 30 98
DN 1100 (NPS 44) 1400 6500 90000 49,500 3,181,000 28 92
DN 1200 (NPS 48) 1600 7000 100000 56,600 3,535,000 27 89
1 Qmax can be limited by the working pressure and attenuation of the gas medium

*When a configuration with flow conditioner is used, the velocity of gas must
not exceed 40 m/s (131 ft/s) in the pipe.
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Table 9 Technical data

Meter characteristics and measuring parameters
Measured variables Flow rate, volume at flowing and base conditions, gas velocity, speed of sound
Number of measuring paths 2, 4, 4+1, 4+4
Measuring Principle Ultrasonic transit time difference measurement
Measured medium Natural gas, N2, O2, air, C2H4, vapor, process gases
Measuring ranges Actual flow rate. 4 ... 400 m³/h / 1,600 ... 100,000 m³/h
Measuring ranges depending on nominal pipe size
Repeatability < 0.1 % of reading
Accuracy Error limits
2-path version 1 ≤ ±1%
4-path version 2 ≤ ± 0.5%
Dry calibrated
4-path version 2 ≤ ± 0.2%
After flow calibration and adjustment with constant factor
4-path version 2 ≤ ± 0.1%
After flow calibration and adjustment with polynominal or piece-
wise correction
1 Within range Qt ... Qmax with straight inlet/outlet section of 20D/3D or with flow straightener
2 Within range Q ... Q
t max with uninterrupted inlet/outlet section 10D/3D or with flow
straightener 5D/3D
Diagnostics functions Integrated device diagnosis and extended diagnosis use software MEPAFLO600 CBM
Gas temperature –40 °C ... +180 °C
On request: –194 °C ... +280 °C
Operating pressure 0 bar (g) ... 250 bar (g)
On request: Up to 450 bar (g)
Nominal pipe size 2" ... 48" (DN 50 ... DN 1200)
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature ATEX, CSA –40 °C ... +60 °C
IECEx –40 °C ... +70 °C
Optional IECEx –50 °C ... +70 °C
Storage temperature –40 °C ... +70 °C
Ambient humidity ≤ 95% relative humidity
Conformities AGA Report No. 9
API 21.1
OIML R137-1
ISO 17089-1
BS 7965
Type approvals: MID, Measurement Canada, GOST ...
Ex approvals IECEx Gb/Ga Ex d e ib [ia Ga] IIA T4
Gb/Ga Ex d e ib [ia Ga] IIC T4
Ultrasonic transducer, intrinsically safe
Subject to change without notice

ATEX II 1/2G Ex de ib [ia] IIA T4

II 1/2G Ex de ib [ia] IIC T4
Ultrasonic transducer, intrinsically safe
NEC/CEC (US/CA) Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C, D T4
Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4
Class I, Division 1, Group D T4
Class I, Division 2, Group D T4
Ultrasonic transducer, intrinsically safe
Electrical safety CE
IP classification IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 113


Outputs and interfaces

Analog output 1 output (optional):
4 ... 20 mA, 200 Ω
Active/passive, electrically isolated
Digital outputs Up to 3 outputs:
30 V, 10 mA
Passive, electrically isolated, open collector or acc. to NAMUR (EN 50227), 
fmax = 6 kHz (scalable)
Interfaces RS-485 (2x, for configuration, measured value output and diagnosis)
Bus protocol MODBUS ASCII
Operation Via meter display and software MEPAFLOW600 CBM
Dimensions (W x H x D) See dimension drawings
Weight Depending on device version
Material in contact with media Low-temperature carbon steel, stainless steel, Duplex steel
Electrical connection
Voltage 12 ... 28.8 V DDC
For active current output: 15 ... 28.8 V DDC
Power input ≤1W
Scope of delivery The scope of delivery is dependent on the application and the customer specifications.

Subject to change without notice

114 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH


Criteria applicable to meter when used in accordance with metrological type approval
Table 10 Meter sizes according to metrological type approval
Measuring range (Qmin [m³/h]) Max. flow
Meter factor
Meter size rate Qmax
size [pulses/
1:100 1:80 1:50 1:30 1:20 [m³/h]
DN 80 G100 8 160 45000
G160 8 13 250 28800
G250 8 13 20 400 18000
G400* 8 13 20 32 650 11100
DN 100 G160 13 250 28800
G250 13 20 400 18000
G400 13 20 32 650 11100
G650* 13 20 32 50 1000 7200
DN 150 G250 20 400 18000
G400 20 32 650 11100
G650 20 32 50 1000 7200
G1000 20 32 50 80 1600 4500
G1000E 32 2200 3272
G1600* 20 32 50 80 130 2500 2880
DN 200 G400 32 650 11100
G650 32 50 1000 7200
G1000 32 50 80 1600 4500
G1600 32 50 80 130 2500 2880
G1600E 32 40 3600 2000
G2500* 32 80 130 200 4000 1800
DN 250 G1000 50 80 1600 4500
G1600 50 80 130 2500 2880
G2500 50 80 130 200 4000 1800
G2500E 50 5000 1285
G4000* 50 80 130 200 320 6500 1110
DN 300 G1600 80 130 2500 2880
G2500 80 130 200 4000 1800
G4000 65 80 130 200 320 6500 1110
G4000 E 65 7800 920
DN 350 G1600 80 2500 2880
Subject to change without notice

G2500 80 130 200 4000 1800
G4000 80 130 200 320 6500 1110
G4000 E 80 7800 920

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 115


Measuring range (Qmin [m³/h]) Max. flow
Meter factor
Meter size rate Qmax
size [pulses/
1:100 1:80 1:50 1:30 1:20 [m³/h]
DN 400 G2500 130 200 4000 1800
G4000 130 200 320 6500 1110
G6500 120 200 320 500 10000 720
G6500 E 120 12000 600
DN 450 G4000 130 200 320 6500 1110
G6500 130 200 320 500 10000 720
G10000 130 16000 450
DN 500 G4000 200 320 6500 1110
G6500 200 320 500 10000 720
G10000 200 320 500 800 16000 450
G10000 E 200 20000 360
DN 550 G6500 200 320 500 10000 720
G10000 200 320 500 800 16000 450
G16000 200 25000 288
DN 600 G6500 320 500 10000 720
G10000 320 500 800 16000 450
G16000 320 500 800 1300 25000 288
G16000 E 320 32000 225
DN 650 G6500 320 500 10000 720
G10000 320 500 800 16000 450
G16000 320 500 800 1300 25000 288
G16000E 320 32000 225
DN 700 G6500 500 10000 720
G10000 500 16000 450
G16000 500 25000 288
G25000 400 500 40000 180
DN 750 G6500 500 10000 720
G10000 500 16000 450
G16000 500 25000 288
G25000 400 500 40000 180
DN 800 G10000 500 800 16000 450
Subject to change without notice

G16000 500 25000 288

G25000 400 500 40000 180
DN 850 G16000 800 25000 288
G25000 800 40000 180
G40000 650 800 65000 111
DN 900 G16000 800 25000 288
G25000 800 40000 180
G40000 650 800 65000 111

116 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH


Measuring range (Qmin [m³/h]) Max. flow
Meter factor
Meter size rate Qmax
size [pulses/
1:100 1:80 1:50 1:30 1:20 [m³/h]
DN950 G16000 1300 25000 288
G25000 1300 40000 180
G40000 800 1300 65000 111
DN 1000 G16000 1300 25000 288
G25000 1300 40000 180
G40000 650 800 1300 65000 111

● Any flow rates given above are also valid in the bidirectional mode.
● G-classes marked with an asterisk (*) must only be used in configuration No. 2 (see
 pg. 33, 3.2.2).
● G-classes marked with an (E) have an extended max. flow rate (max. flow velocity vmax =
36 m/s) related to commonly established turbine meter G-classes.
● The transition flow Qt is based on the flow range the meter is designed for according to
the main plate. It is:
- for a flow range of 1:20 Qt=0.20 Qmax and
- for a flow range of 1:30 Qt=0.15 Qmax and
- for a flow range of  1:50 Qt=0.10 Qmax
● Higher values for Qmin and lower values for Qmax are admissible provided that
Qmin 0.05 Qmax.
● Another meter factor is admissible if the frequency at the pulse output is selected
<6 kHz for 1.2 Qmax.

WARNING: Explosion Hazard

Do not open the window cover unless the area is known to be non-hazardous.
Subject to change without notice

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 117


7. 2 Logbooks
1 Classification of logbook entries
The entries are distinguished into three classes and identified by the initial character in the
first line.
● "I"information
● "W"warning
● "E"error/ malfunction
2 Type of occurrence
● "+"point of time identifying the beginning of a status
● "-"point of time identifying the end of a status

7.2.1 Overview of event entries in meter logbooks

Message No.
Details Logbook LCD Text
on LCD
Custody logbook [1]
E+System 0001
NO DSP communication NO DSP-Communic.
3002 1
E-System 0001
NO DSP-Communic.
E+DSP 0001
Reading invalid
3003 Measurement invalid 1
E-DSP 0001
Reading invalid
E+Firmware 0001
CRC invalid
3004 Firmware CRC invalid 1
E-Firmware 0001
CRC invalid
E+Parameter 0001
CRC invalid
3005 Parameter CRC invalid 1
E-Parameter 0001
CRC invalid
E+Parameter 0001
#XXXX range error
3006 Parameter out of range 1
E-Parameter 0001
#XXXX range error
E+PathComp. 0001
Failure during storage of path compensation Storage error
Subject to change without notice

3007 1
parameter E+PathComp. 0001
Storage error
E+System 0001
ClockTime inval.
3008 Meter clock time invalid 1
E-System 0001
ClockTime inval.

118 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH


Message No.
Details Logbook LCD Text
on LCD
E+Logbook 1 0001
3009 Custody logbook [1] overflow 1
E-Logbook 1 0001
E+Count.ac 0001
CRC invalid
3011 CRC volume counter (a.c) invalid 1
E-Count.ac 0001
CRC invalid
E+Count.sc 0001
CRC invalid
3012 CRC volume counter (n.c) invalid 1
E-Count.sc 0001
CRC invalid
E+System 0001
3013 Transit time mode activated 1
E-System 0001
E+System 0001
No signature key
3014 No signature key 1
E-System 0001
No signature key
W+PathError 0001
Path 1 2 3 4
2001 Path failure 1
W-PathError 0001
All paths OK
W+HART T 0001
No HART communication to temperature No communication
2002 1
transmitter W-HART T 0001
No communication
W+HART P 0001
No HART communication to pressure No communication
2003 1
transmitter W-HART P 0001
No communication
W+PulseOut 0001
Maximum pulse output frequency exceeded 6000 Hz exceeded
2004 1
(6kHz) W-PulseOut 0001
6000 Hz exceeded
W+EVC 0001
EVC para.invalid
2005 EVC parameter invalid 1
W+EVC 0001
Subject to change without notice

EVC para.invalid
W+EVC 0001
EVC module error
2006 EVC hardware error 1
W+EVC 0001
EVC module error
I Power ON 0001
1001 Flow meter power ON 1
dd/mm/yy mm:ss
I Set Time 0001
1002 Meter clock adjusted 1
dd/mm/yy mm:ss

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 119


Message No.
Details Logbook LCD Text
on LCD
I+Meas.Mode 0001
Configurat. ON 1
1003 Configuration Mode active 1
I-Meas.Mode 0001
Measurement ON 1
I Update FW 0001
1004 Firmware changed 1
3104 -> 3200
I Logbook 1 0001
1007 Custody logbook [1] erased and initialized 1
Reset and Init
I Count.ac 0001
1014 Overflow volume counter (a.c.) 1
I Count.sc 0001
1015 Overflow volume counter (s.c.) 1
I Reset E 0001
1016 Error volume counter cleared 1
01/01/07 10:47
I Reset V 0001
1017 All volume counters cleared 1
01/01/07 10:47
I+InitError 0001
Initialization error  Default parameter DefaultParaLoad
1027 1
loaded I-InitError 0001
I+Airtest 0001
1029 Air test mode activated 1
I-Airtest 0001
Not active
Warning logbook [2]
I Logbook 2 0001
1008 Warning logbook [2] erased and initialized 2
Reset and Init
I+Logbook 2 0001
1010 Warning logbook [2] overflow 2
I-Logbook 2 0001
I DataLog 1 0001
1018 DataLog 1 cleared 2
I DataLog 2 0001
1019 DataLog 2 cleared 2
I DataLog 3 0001
1020 DataLog 3 cleared 2
I+DataLog 1 0001
Subject to change without notice

1021 DataLog 1 overflow 2

I-DataLog 1 0001
I+DataLog 2 0001
1022 DataLog 2 overflow 2
I-DataLog 2 0001

120 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH


Message No.
Details Logbook LCD Text
on LCD
I+DataLog 3 0001
1023 DataLog 3 overflow 2
I-DataLog 3 0001
I+DataLog 1 0001
CRC invalid
1024 DatenLog 1 CRC error 2
I-DataLog 1 0001
CRC invalid
I+DataLog 2 0001
CRC invalid
1025 DatenLog 2 CRC error 2
I-DataLog 2 0001
CRC invalid
I+DataLog 3 0001
CRC invalid
1026 DataLog 3 CRC error 2
I-DataLog 3 0001
CRC invalid
I+Userlimit 0001
1028 Customer limit exceeded 2
I-Userlimit 0001
Limits OK
Parameter logbook [3]
I Parameter 0001
1005 Parameter changed 3
Change Reg3001
I Parameter 0001
1006 All parameters to default (Reset) 3
Reset all
I Logbook 3 0001
1009 Parameter logbook [3] erased and initialized 3
Reset and Init
I+Logbook 3 0001
1011 Parameter logbook [3] overflow 3
I Logbook 3 0001
Subject to change without notice

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 121


7. 3 SPU terminal assignment

Connection in accordance with ATEX IIA

Figure 46 Terminal assignment in accordance with ATEX IIA

power supply
alimentation 2 (-)
UB = 12..24V DC
EEx e Um=253V EEx ib [ia] IIA
4 ...20 mA active Uo = 22,1V Ui = 30V
31 digital out 0 (HF2) passive
Io = 155mA Ii = 100mA
Po = 857mW Pi = 750mW
32 sortie digital 0
fmax = 6 kHz
Co = 4100nF
Lo = 7mH RL<250R
RS 485 Uo=5,88V Io=313mA Po=460mW Co=1000µF
33 U=10V
i I=275mA
i P=1420mW
i Lo=1,5mH
34 PROFIBUS PA Uo=30V Io=100mA Pi=750mW

passive Usat < 2V 2mA < IL< 20mA

51 digital out 1 (HF1)
sortie digital 1 Ui = 30V Ii = 100mA
52 fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR Pi = 750mW

digital output 2 passive Usat < 2V 2mA < IL< 20mA

41 sortie digital 2
Ui = 30V Ii = 100mA
42 NAMUR Pi = 750mW

digital output 3 passive Usat < 2V 2mA < IL< 20mA

81 sortie digital 3 NAMUR
Ui = 30V Ii = 100mA
Pi = 750mW
82 Uo=5,88V Io=313mA Po=460mW Co=1000µF
RS 485 U=10V
i I=275mA
i P=1420mW
i Lo=1,5mH

For further details see user manual

and EC Typ-Examination Certificate
TÜV 01 ATEX 1766 X

Connection in accordance with ATEX IIC

Figure 47 Terminal assignment in accordance with ATEX IIC

power supply
alimentation 2 (-)
UB = 12..24V DC
EEx e Um=253V EEx ib [ia] IIC
4 ...20 mA active Uo = 22,1V Ui = 30V
31 digital out 0 (HF2) passive
Io = 155mA Ii = 100mA
Po = 857mW Pi = 750mW
32 sortie digital 0
fmax = 6 kHz
Co = 163nF
Lo = 1mH RL<250R
RS 485 Uo=5,88V Io=313mA Po=460mW Co=43µF
33 U=10V
i I=275mA
i P=1420mW
i Lo=0,2mH
34 PROFIBUS PA Uo=30V Io=100mA Pi=750mW

passive Usat < 2V 2mA < IL< 20mA

51 digital out 1 (HF1)
sortie digital 1 Ui = 30V Ii = 100mA
52 fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR Pi = 750mW

digital output 2 passive Usat < 2V 2mA < IL< 20mA

Subject to change without notice

sortie digital 2
Ui = 30V Ii = 100mA
42 NAMUR Pi = 750mW

digital output 3 passive Usat < 2V 2mA < IL< 20mA

81 sortie digital 3 NAMUR
Ui = 30V Ii = 100mA
Pi = 750mW
82 Uo=5,88V Io=313mA Po=460mW Co=43µF
RS 485 U=10V
i I=275mA
i P=1420mW
i Lo=0,2mH
For further details see user manual
and EC Typ-Examination Certificate
TÜV 01 ATEX 1766 X

122 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH


Connection in accordance with ATEX /IECEx IIA

Figure 48 Terminal assignment in accordance with ATEX IIA

power supply
alimentation 2 (-)
UB = 12..24V DC
Ex e Um=253V, Ex ia IIA
4 ...20 mA active Uo = 22,1V Ui = 30V
31 digital out 0 (HF2) passive
Io = 87mA Ii = 100mA
Po = 481mW Pi = 750mW
32 sortie digital 0
fmax = 6 kHz
Co = 2000nF
Lo = 7mH RL<250R
RS 485 Uo=5,88V Io=313mA Po=460mW Co=1000μF
33 U=10V
i I=275mA
i P=1420mW
i Lo=1,5mH
34 PROFIBUS PA Uo=30V Io=100mA Pi=750mW

passive Usat < 2V 2mA < IL< 20mA

51 digital out 1 (HF1)
sortie digital 1 Ui = 30V Ii = 100mA
52 fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR Pi = 750mW

digital output 2 passive Usat < 2V 2mA < IL< 20mA

41 sortie digital 2
Ui = 30V Ii = 100mA
42 NAMUR Pi = 750mW

digital output 3 passive Usat < 2V 2mA < IL< 20mA

81 sortie digital 3 NAMUR
Ui = 30V Ii = 100mA
Pi = 750mW
82 Uo=5,88V Io=313mA Po=460mW Co=1000μF
RS 485 U=10V
i I=275mA
i P=1420mW
i Lo=1,5mH
Note: Use this cover only for the associated enclosure
marked with Serial no.:

For further details see user manual

and Certificate TÜV 01 ATEX 1766 X
resp. IECEx TUN 11.0001 X

Connection in accordance with ATEX /IECEx IIC

Figure 49 Terminal assignment in accordance with ATEX IIC

power supply
alimentation 2 (-)
UB = 12..24V DC
Ex e Um=253V, Ex ia IIC
4 ...20 mA active Uo = 22,1V Ui = 30V
31 digital out 0 (HF2) passive
Io = 87mA Ii = 100mA
Po = 481mW Pi = 750mW
32 sortie digital 0
fmax = 6 kHz
Co = 77nF
Lo = 1mH RL<200R
RS 485 Uo=5,88V Io=313mA Po=460mW Co=43μF
33 U=10V
i I=275mA
i P=1420mW
i Lo=0,2mH
34 PROFIBUS PA Uo=30V Io=100mA Pi=750mW

passive Usat < 2V 2mA < IL< 20mA

51 digital out 1 (HF1)
sortie digital 1 Ui = 30V Ii = 100mA
52 fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR Pi = 750mW

digital output 2 passive Usat < 2V 2mA < IL< 20mA

41 sortie digital 2
Ui = 30V Ii = 100mA
42 NAMUR Pi = 750mW

digital output 3 passive Usat < 2V 2mA < IL< 20mA

81 Ui = 30V Ii = 100mA
Subject to change without notice

sortie digital 3 NAMUR Pi = 750mW

82 Uo=5,88V Io=313mA Po=460mW Co=43μF
RS 485 U=10V
i I=275mA
i P=1420mW
i Lo=0,2mH
Note: Use this cover only for the associated enclosure
marked with Serial no.:
For further details see user manual
and Certificate TÜV 01 ATEX 1766 X
resp. IECEx TUN 11.0001 X

For CSA SPU Assignment  S. 127, »Control drawing 781.00.02 (page 4)« and following.

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 123

7. 4

1 2 3 4
Figure 50
Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C and D, Temp. Code T4, Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D, Temp. Code T4 Division 1 / Zone 0 / Zone 1 installation
Class I, Zone 1, Group II B + Hydrogene, Temp. Code T4, Class I, Zone 2, Group II C, Temp. Code T4

1. Maximum non-hazardous area voltage not to exeed 125V

1 (+)
D 2. In the US install in accordance with the NEC (ANSI/NFPA 70) and D
2 (-) GND ANSI/ISA RP 12.6.)

3. In Canada install in accordance with the CEC part 1

US-Transducer 31
32 4. [ Exia] is defined as Associated Equipment
Up to 8 [Exia] Terminals 33
for Ultrasonic Transducers 5. WARNING: Substitution of components may impair Intrinsic Safety.
manufactured by SICK only 34
with the following 51 6. For Entity Installation, use CSA certified safety barriers or other
Entity Parameters 52 CSA certified Associated Equipment that satifies the following
41 condtions:
Voc <= Vmax, Isc <= Imax., Ca >= Ci + Ccable, La >= Li + Lcable.
Voc=38.9V 42 See drawing no. 781.00.02 page 4 for Entity parameters
Isc=59mA 81
Control drawing 781.00.02 (page 1)

GND 82 Connector
C La=0.03mH SPU-LINK Divsion 1 / Zone 1 Explosion Proof installation C
(Option only)
Isc=130mA Field Terminal Installation: Binary outputs 1, 2 and 3
Ca=600nF Pulse output: Terminals 51, 52
Connector La=1mH
US-Transducer Config. output: Terminals 41, 42
Power Supply: Terminals 1(+), 2(-)
Error output: Terminals 81, 82
Vin=12V to 24V
Vin= 30V
Iin= 60mA to 150mA
Iin= 100mA
Class I, Zone 0, Class I, Zone 1, Group II B + Hydrogene, Temp. Code T4 Current output 4-20mA: Terminals 31,32
Group II B + Hydrogene, Data-Interface (RS485): Terminals 33, 34
Temp. Code T4 Vin=5V
1 (+)

2 (-) GND
B Division 2 / Zone 2 installation B

US-Transducer 31
32 1. Install in accordance with the CEC or NEC.
Up to 8 [Exia] Terminals 33
for Ultrasonic Transducers 2. WARNING: Explosion Hazrad - Do not disconnect equipment unless power
manufactured by SICK only 34
has been switched off or the area is known to be non - hazardous.
with the following 51
Entity Parameters 52 3. WARNING: Explosion Hazard - Substition may impair suitability for
41 Class 1, Division 2
Voc=38.9V 42
Isc=59mA 81 issued by
Ca=3.4nF Sick Engineering GmbH
82 Control Drawing MKO
La=0.03mH GND Connector Bergener Ring 27
SPU-LINK 01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla
(Option only) Format: A4
Voc=12.3V Drawing No. Rev.:
Isc=130mA 781.00.02 2.0
18-Jul-2012 _
Connector La=1mH von 6
US-Transducer FLOWSIC600-x-x-B-x-x (Gas groups B, C, D) Page 1

1 2 3 4
Connection diagrams for operating the FLOWSIC600 in hazardous
areas in accordance with North American Requirements (NEC, CEC)

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Subject to change without notice
Subject to change without notice


Figure 51

1 2 3 4

Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D, Temp. Code T4, Class I, Division 2, Groups C and D, Temp. Code T4 Division 1 / Zone 0 / Zone 1 installation
Class I, Zone 1, Group II B, Temp. Code T4, Class I, Zone 2, Group II B, Temp. Code T4

1. Maximum non-hazardous area voltage not to exeed 125V

1 (+)
D 2. In the US install in accordance with the NEC (ANSI/NFPA 70) and D
2 (-) GND ANSI/ISA RP 12.6.)

3. In Canada install in accordance with the CEC part 1

US-Transducer 31
32 4. [ Exia] is defined as Associated Equipment
Up to 8 [Exia] Terminals 33
for Ultrasonic Transducers 5. WARNING: Substitution of components may impair Intrinsic Safety.
manufactured by SICK only 34
with the following 51 6. For Entity Installation, use CSA certified safety barriers or other
Entity Parameters 52 CSA certified Associated Equipment that satifies the following
41 condtions:
Voc <= Vmax, Isc <= Imax., Ca >= Ci + Ccable, La >= Li + Lcable.
Voc=51.2V 42 See drawing no. 781.00.02 page 5 for Entity parameters
Isc=77mA 81
Control drawing 781.00.02 (page 2)

GND 82 Connector
C La=0.03mH SPU-LINK Divsion 1 / Zone 1 Explosion Proof installation C
(Option only)
Isc=130mA Field Terminal Installation: Binary outputs 1, 2 and 3
Ca=4μF Pulse output: Terminals 51, 52
Connector La=4mH
US-Transducer Config. output: Terminals 41, 42
Power Supply: Terminals 1(+), 2(-)
Error output: Terminals 81, 82
Vin=12V to 24V
Vin= 30V
Iin= 60mA to 150mA
Iin= 100mA
Class I, Zone 0, Class I, Zone 1, Group II B, Temp. Code T4 Current output 4-20mA: Terminals 31,32
Group II B, Data-Interface (RS485): Terminals 33, 34
Temp. Code T4 Vin=5V
1 (+)

2 (-) GND
B Division 2 / Zone 2 installation B

US-Transducer 31
32 1. Install in accordance with the CEC or NEC.
Up to 8 [Exia] Terminals 33
for Ultrasonic Transducers 2. WARNING: Explosion Hazrad - Do not disconnect equipment unless power

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

manufactured by SICK only 34
has been switched off or the area is known to be non - hazardous.
with the following 51
Entity Parameters 52 3. WARNING: Explosion Hazard - Substition may impair suitability for
41 Class 1, Division 2
Voc=51.2V 42
Isc=77mA 81 issued by
Ca=18nF Sick Engineering GmbH
82 Control Drawing MKO
La=0.03mH GND Connector Bergener Ring 27
SPU-LINK 01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla
(Option only) Format: A4
Voc=12.3V Drawing No. Rev.:
Isc=130mA 781.00.02 2.0
18-Jul-2012 _
Connector La=4mH von 6
US-Transducer FLOWSIC600-x-x-C-x-x (Gas groups C, D) Page 2

1 2 3 4

Figure 52
1 2 3 4

Class I, Division 1, Groups D, Temp. Code T4, Class I, Division 2, Groups D, Temp. Code T4 Division 1 / Zone 0 / Zone 1 installation
Class I, Zone 1, Group II A, Temp. Code T4, Class I, Zone 2, Group II A, Temp. Code T4

1. Maximum non-hazardous area voltage not to exeed 125V

1 (+)
D 2. In the US install in accordance with the NEC (ANSI/NFPA 70) and D
2 (-) GND ANSI/ISA RP 12.6.)

3. In Canada install in accordance with the CEC part 1

US-Transducer 31
32 4. [ Exia] is defined as Associated Equipment
Up to 8 [Exia] Terminals 33
for Ultrasonic Transducers 5. WARNING: Substitution of components may impair Intrinsic Safety.
manufactured by SICK only 34
with the following 51 6. For Entity Installation, use CSA certified safety barriers or other
Entity Parameters 52 CSA certified Associated Equipment that satifies the following
41 condtions:
Voc <= Vmax, Isc <= Imax., Ca >= Ci + Ccable, La >= Li + Lcable.
Voc=60,8 V 42 See drawing no. 781.00.02 page 6 for Entity parameters
Isc=92mA 81
Ca=30nF 82
La=0,03mH GND Connector
C SPU-LINK Divsion 1 / Zone 1 Explosion Proof installation C
(Option only)
Control drawing 781.00.02 (page 3)

Isc=130mA Field Terminal Installation: Binary outputs 1, 2 and 3

Ca=15μF Pulse output: Terminals 51, 52
Connector La=7mH
US-Transducer Config. output: Terminals 41, 42
Power Supply: Terminals 1(+), 2(-)
Error output: Terminals 81, 82
Vin=12V to 24V
Vin= 30V
Iin= 60mA to 150mA
Iin= 100mA
Class I, Zone 0, Class I, Zone 1, Group II A, Temp. Code T4 Current output 4-20mA: Terminals 31,32
Group IIA, Data-Interface (RS485): Terminals 33, 34
Temp. Code T4 Vin=5V
1 (+)

2 (-) GND
B Division 2 / Zone 2 installation B

US-Transducer 31
32 1. Install in accordance with the CEC or NEC.
Up to 8 [Exia] Terminals 33
for Ultrasonic Transducers 2. WARNING: Explosion Hazrad - Do not disconnect equipment unless power
manufactured by SICK only 34
has been switched off or the area is known to be non - hazardous.
with the following 51
Entity Parameters 52 3. WARNING: Explosion Hazard - Substition may impair suitability for
41 Class 1, Division 2
Voc=60.8V 42
Isc=92mA 81 created by
Ca=30nF Sick Engineering GmbH
82 Control Drawing MKO
La=0.03mH GND Connector Bergener Ring 27
SPU-LINK 01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla
(Option only) Format: A4
Voc=12.3V Drawing No. Rev.:
Isc=130mA 781.00.02 2.0
18-Jul-2012 _
Connector La=7mH FLOWSIC600-x-x-D-x-x (Gas group D) Page 3 von 6

1 2 3 4

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Subject to change without notice
Subject to change without notice


Vervielfaeltigung dieser Unterlage sowie Verwertung und Mitteilung ihres
Inhaltes unzulaessig, soweit nicht ausdruecklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhand-
lungen sind strafbar und verpflichten zu Schadenersatz (LitUrhG, UWG, BGB).
Figure 53

Alle Rechte fuer den Fall der Patenterteilung oder GM-Eintragung vorbehalten.

1(+) 1(+)
Entity Parameters Entity Parameters
power supply power supply
Vmax=20V, Imax =200mA Vmax=20V, Imax =200mA
alimentation alimentation
Ci = 4nF, Li = 0.075mH Ci = 4nF, Li = 0.075mH
VB = 12..24V DC 2 (-) VB = 12..24V DC 2 (-)
Maximum non-hazardous area voltage not to exeed 125V Maximum non-hazardous area voltage not to exeed 125V
4 ...20 mA active Voc=22,1V Vmax=30V 4 ...20 mA active Voc=22,1V Vmax=30V
31 digital out 0 (HF2) passive
Isc=155mA Imax=100mA 31 digital out 0 (HF2) passive
Isc=87mA Imax=100mA
sortie digital 0 Ca=77nF Ci=4nF sortie digital 0 Ca=77nF Ci=4nF
32 HART/ 32 HART/
fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR La=1mH Li=0.075mH fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR La=1mH Li=0.075mH

RS 485 Voc=5.88V Isc=313mA Ca=430nF La=0.2mH RS 485 Voc=5.88V Isc=313mA Ca=430nF La=0.2mH
33 Vmax=10V Imax=275mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH
33 Vmax=10V Imax=275mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH
34 PROFIBUS PA Vmax=30V Imax=100mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH 34 PROFIBUS PA Vmax=30V Imax=100mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH

passive Vmax=30V passive Vmax=30V

51 digital out 1 (HF1) 51 digital out 1 (HF1)
Imax=100mA Imax=100mA
sortie digital 1 sortie digital 1
Control drawing 781.00.02 (page 4)

Ci=4nF Ci=4nF
52 fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR 52 fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR Li=0.075mH
digital output 2 passive Vmax=30V digital output 2 passive Vmax=30V
41 sortie digital 2 Imax=100mA 41 sortie digital 2 Imax=100mA


Ci=4nF Ci=4nF
42 NAMUR Li=0.075mH
42 NAMUR Li=0.075mH


digital output 3 passive Vmax=30V Ci=4nF digital output 3 passive Vmax=30V Ci=4nF

Do`nt use this cover for model versions

81 sortie digital 3 NAMUR Imax=100mA Li=0.075mH
81 sortie digital 3 NAMUR Imax=100mA Li=0.075mH
NOTE: Use this cover only for model versions

82 Voc=5.88V Isc=313mA Ca=430nF La=0.2mH

82 Voc=5.88V Isc=313mA Ca=430nF La=0.2mH
RS 485 Vmax=10V Imax=275mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH RS 485 Vmax=10V Imax=275mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH

Class I, Division 1, Groups B,C and D Class I, Division 1, Groups B,C and D
Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D
Class I, Zone 1 Group IIB + Hydrogene Class I, Zone 1 Group IIB + Hydrogene
Class I, Zone 2, Group IIC Class I, Zone 2, Group IIC

FLOWSIC600 -x-x-B-0-x FLOWSIC600 -x-x-B-1-x

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Tag Name Werkstoff Norm-Typ/DIN
gez. 2009-09-28 MKO
gepr. 2010-09-28 Kochan Control drawing
FLOWSIC600 -x-x-B-x-x (Gas groups B, C and D)
Maßstab: Page
781.00.02 Rev. 2.0 4 of 6
Ursprung: Verteildatum:
SICK Engineering GmbH
Bergener Ring 27 Ersatz für:
Ind. Änderung Tag Name Gepr. 01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla Ersetzt durch:

Vervielfaeltigung dieser Unterlage sowie Verwertung und Mitteilung ihres
Inhaltes unzulaessig, soweit nicht ausdruecklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhand-
lungen sind strafbar und verpflichten zu Schadenersatz (LitUrhG, UWG, BGB).
Alle Rechte fuer den Fall der Patenterteilung oder GM-Eintragung vorbehalten.

Figure 54

1(+) 1(+)
Entity Parameters Entity Parameters
power supply power supply
Vmax=20V, Imax =200mA Vmax=20V, Imax =200mA
alimentation alimentation
2 (-) Ci = 4nF, Li = 0.075mH 2 (-) Ci = 4nF, Li = 0.075mH
VB = 12..24V DC VB = 12..24V DC
Maximum non-hazardous area voltage not to exeed 125V Maximum non-hazardous area voltage not to exeed 125V
4 ...20 mA active Voc=22,1V Vmax=30V 4 ...20 mA active Voc=22,1V Vmax=30V
31 digital out 0 (HF2) passive
Isc=155mA Imax=100mA 31 digital out 0 (HF2) passive
Isc=87mA Imax=100mA
sortie digital 0 Ca=500nF Ci=4nF sortie digital 0 Ca=500nF Ci=4nF
32 HART/ 32 HART/
fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR La=4mH Li=0.075mH fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR La=4mH Li=0.075mH

RS 485 Voc=5.88V Isc=313mA Ca=1μF La=1mH RS 485 Voc=5.88V Isc=313mA Ca=1μF La=1mH
33 Vmax=10V Imax=275mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH
33 Vmax=10V Imax=275mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH
34 PROFIBUS PA Vmax=30V Imax=100mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH 34 PROFIBUS PA Vmax=30V Imax=100mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH

passive Vmax=30V passive Vmax=30V

51 digital out 1 (HF1) 51 digital out 1 (HF1)
Imax=100mA Imax=100mA
sortie digital 1 Ci=4nF sortie digital 1 Ci=4nF
52 fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR 52 fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR Li=0.075mH
digital output 2 passive Vmax=30V digital output 2 passive Vmax=30V
41 sortie digital 2 Imax=100mA 41 sortie digital 2 Imax=100mA

Control drawing 781.00.02 (page 5)

Ci=4nF Ci=4nF
42 NAMUR Li=0.075mH
42 NAMUR Li=0.075mH


digital output 3 passive Vmax=30V Ci=4nF digital output 3 passive Vmax=30V Ci=4nF

Do`nt use this cover for model versions

81 sortie digital 3 NAMUR Imax=100mA Li=0.075mH
81 sortie digital 3 NAMUR Imax=100mA Li=0.075mH
NOTE: Use this cover only for model versions

82 Voc=5.88V Isc=313mA Ca=1μF La=1mH

82 Voc=5.88V Isc=313mA Ca=1μF La=1mH
RS 485 Vmax=10V Imax=275mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH RS 485 Vmax=10V Imax=275mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH

Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D

Class I, Division 2, Groups C and D Class I, Division 2, Groups C and D
Class I, Zone 1 Group IIB Class I, Zone 1 Group IIB
Class I, Zone 2, Group IIB Class I, Zone 2, Group IIB

FLOWSIC600 -x-x-C-0-x FLOWSIC600 -x-x-C-1-x

Tag Name Werkstoff Norm-Typ/DIN

gez. 2009-09-28 MKO
gepr. 2010-09-28 Kochan Control drawing
FLOWSIC600 -x-x-C-x-x (Gas groups C and D)
Maßstab: Page
781.00.02 Rev. 2.0 5 of 6
Ursprung: Verteildatum:
SICK Engineering GmbH
Bergener Ring 27 Ersatz für:
Ind. Änderung Tag Name Gepr. 01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla Ersetzt durch:

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Subject to change without notice
Subject to change without notice


Vervielfaeltigung dieser Unterlage sowie Verwertung und Mitteilung ihres
Inhaltes unzulaessig, soweit nicht ausdruecklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhand-
Figure 55

lungen sind strafbar und verpflichten zu Schadenersatz (LitUrhG, UWG, BGB).

Alle Rechte fuer den Fall der Patenterteilung oder GM-Eintragung vorbehalten.

1(+) 1(+)
Entity Parameters Entity Parameters
power supply power supply
Vmax=20V, Imax =200mA Vmax=20V, Imax =200mA
alimentation alimentation
Ci = 4nF, Li = 0.075mH Ci = 4nF, Li = 0.075mH
VB = 12..24V DC 2 (-) VB = 12..24V DC 2 (-)
Maximum non-hazardous area voltage not to exeed 125V Maximum non-hazardous area voltage not to exeed 125V
4 ...20 mA active Voc=22,1V Vmax=30V 4 ...20 mA active Voc=22,1V Vmax=30V
31 digital out 0 (HF2) passive
Isc=155mA Imax=100mA 31 digital out 0 (HF2) passive
Isc=87mA Imax=100mA
sortie digital 0 Ca=2μF Ci=4nF sortie digital 0 Ca=2μF Ci=4nF
32 HART/ 32 HART/
fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR La=7mH Li=0.075mH fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR La=7mH Li=0.075mH

RS 485 Voc=5.88V Isc=313mA Ca=1μF La=2mH RS 485 Voc=5.88V Isc=313mA Ca=1μF La=2mH
33 Vmax=10V Imax=275mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH
33 Vmax=10V Imax=275mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH
34 PROFIBUS PA Vmax=30V Imax=100mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH 34 PROFIBUS PA Vmax=30V Imax=100mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH

passive Vmax=30V passive Vmax=30V

51 digital out 1 (HF1) 51 digital out 1 (HF1)
Imax=100mA Imax=100mA
Control drawing 781.00.02 (page 6)

sortie digital 1 Ci=4nF sortie digital 1 Ci=4nF

52 fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR 52 fmax = 6 kHz NAMUR Li=0.075mH
digital output 2 passive Vmax=30V digital output 2 passive Vmax=30V
41 sortie digital 2 Imax=100mA 41 sortie digital 2 Imax=100mA


Ci=4nF Ci=4nF
42 NAMUR Li=0.075mH
42 NAMUR Li=0.075mH


digital output 3 passive Vmax=30V Ci=4nF digital output 3 passive Vmax=30V Ci=4nF

Do`nt use this cover for model versions

81 sortie digital 3 NAMUR Imax=100mA Li=0.075mH
81 sortie digital 3 NAMUR Imax=100mA Li=0.075mH
NOTE: Use this cover only for model versions

82 Voc=5.88V Isc=313mA Ca=1μF La=2mH

82 Voc=5.88V Isc=313mA Ca=1μF La=2mH
RS 485 Vmax=10V Imax=275mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH RS 485 Vmax=10V Imax=275mA Ci=4nF Li=0.075mH

Class I, Division 1, Group D Class I, Division1, Group D

Class I, Division 2, Group D Class I, Division 2, Group D
Class I, Zone 1 Group IIA Class I, Zone 1 Group IIA
Class I, Zone 2, Group IIA Class I, Zone 2, Group IIA

FLOWSIC600 -x-x-D-0-x FLOWSIC600 -x-x-D-1-x

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Tag Name Werkstoff Norm-Typ/DIN
gez. 2009-09-28 MKO
gepr. 2010-09-28 Kochan Control drawing
FLOWSIC600 -x-x-D-x-x (Gas group D)
Maßstab: Page
781.00.02 Rev. 2.0 6 of 6
Ursprung: Verteildatum:
SICK Engineering GmbH
Bergener Ring 27 Ersatz für:
Ind. Änderung Tag Name Gepr. 01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla Ersetzt durch:

7. 5


Figure 56


5/ 5/
5/ 5/

/ 1 9'& 56 9'& 56
67$+/  67$+/ 
>([LE@,,& >([LE@,,&
Wiring examples

67$+/ >([LD@,,& >([LD@,,& 56

([ 56
 ([ ([ ([
% $ % $
; ;


Intrinsically safe installation

FLOWSIC600 intrinsically safe installation


1<<2 /L<&<Y 73 /L<&<Y 73









0[ (8 RU



FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Subject to change without notice
Subject to change without notice



Figure 57

/ 1


5/ 5/
5/ 5/



,PD[ P$
,PD[ P$
,PD[ P$
,PD[ P$

$ P$ P$ P$ P$



Non-intrinsically safe installation

1<<2 /L<&<Y 73 /L<&<Y 73 LQ1RUWK$PHULFD

FLOWSIC600 non-intrinsically safe installation










FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH


&ODVV,=RQH*URXS,,& 0[ (8 RU
,,*([GHLE>LD@,,&7RU 137 1RUWK$PHULFD


)/2:6,& 6,&. RUGHUQR

1 1 1 7. 6

Figure 58
2 2 2 2 2 2
Sealing plan

Sealing plan, part 1 (cast version)

Side view, front Side view, rear

Front view


1 Placement of seals, SPU cover - front and rear

2 Placement of seals, capping - front and rear
* minimum of two seals per capping

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Subject to change without notice
Subject to change without notice


DN100/NPS4” Side view, front Front view Side view, rear

Figure 59

1 1 1 1

Sealing plan, part 2 (cast version)

1 1


FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Side view, rear
DN80/NPS3” Side view, front Detail X 2*
1 Placement of seals, SPU cover - front and rear
2 Placement of seals, capping - front and rear
* Seal - adhesive tape, minimum of two seals per
capping, screws flush with surface

For DN100, NPS4” from manufacturing year 2004

and DN80, NPS3”

Detail 3
Detail 1 Figure 60

Detail 2

Side view, front Front view Side view, rear

Sealing plan, part 3 (forged version)


Detail 3
1 Detail 1

Detail 2 1 Placement of seals, SPU cover front and rear


FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Subject to change without notice

Figure 61 Sealing plan, part 4


1 2 3 3 2 1
Subject to change without notice

1 Safety hoop
2 Cross pin screw M4 DIN404
3 Seal place for front- and back cover

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 135


Figure 62 Examples: Main type plates on the signal processing unit (right: including conformity label)
SICK Engineering GmbH SICK Engineering GmbH
Bergener Ring 27
D-01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla FLOWSIC600 Bergener Ring 27
D-01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla FLOWSIC600
00 00
Part No. 01 01
Part No.
Serial No. 02
Approval Serial No. 02 DE-08-MI002-PTB005
Year 03 Sign
Year 03 M xx 0102, 0044
Made in Germany Made in Germany
II 1/2G Ex de ib [ia] 12 T4 Tamb 04 20 Tamb 05 21
II 1/2G Ex de ib [ia] 12 T4
04 20 Tamb 05 21 TÜV 01 ATEX 1766 X Kl. M2, E2, IP66/IP67 TÜV 01 ATEX 1766 X
06 22 Tgas 07 23 MPE Kl. 1.0
UN = 12 ... 24 VDC UN = 12 ... 24 VDC
Q max 08 24 Tgas 06 22 Tgas 07 23
Um = 253V, Pi = 2,6W Um = 253V, Pi = 2,6W
Q min 09 25 Ui = 16V, Ii = 200mA pe Check Display Ui = 16V, Ii = 200mA
27 = 10 26 Qmin 09 25
For further details see
Working Pressure
Examination Certificate Haupt- Qt 17 28 For further details see
Range see Display Examination Certificate
TÜV 01 ATEX 1766 X siegel Qmax 08 24 TÜV 01 ATEX 1766 X
15 IP66 / IP67
cp 10 26

Variable Bezeichnung Bezeichnung

00 Typschlüssel Device type
01 Artikelnummer Part Number
02 Seriennummer Serial Number
03 Baujahr Year
04 Min. Umgebungstemperatur Min. Ambient Temperature
05 Max Umgebungstemperatur Max Ambient Temperature
06 Min. Mediumstemperatur Min. Gas Temperature
07 Max. Mediumstemperatur Max. Gas Temperature
08 Max. Durchfluss Max. Flow rate
09 Min. Durchfluss Min. Flow rate
10 Impulswertigkeit K-Factor
11 Baugröße Size
12 Gasgruppe Ex Gas group Ex
13 Modellnummer Model Number
14 - Type approval
15 Verwendung use
16 - Year short (YY)
17 Trenndurchfluss transition flow rate
18 - -
19 - -
20 Einheit zu 04 unit to 04

21 Einheit zu 05 unit to 05

22 Einheit zu 06 unit to 06

23 Einheit zu 07 unit to 07

24 Einheit zu 08 unit to 08

25 Einheit zu 09 unit to 09

26 Einheit zu 10 unit to 10

27 unit Vol unit Vol

28 Einheit zu 17 unit to 17

Figure 63 Example: Type plate on the meter body

Subject to change without notice

Variable Bezeichnung Description

FLOWSIC 600 1 Messaufnehmer Identifikation Meter Body Identifikation
2 Datum Date
ID 1 TS 5
°C 3 Nominale Nennweite mm/inch Nominal Pipe Size mm/inch
Year PS 6 bar
DN/NPS 3 PT 7 bar
4 Gewicht Weight

Weight 4 kg 5 Einsatztemperaturbereich min/max Temperature Range min/max

Fluid Gr. 1 0062 6 Max. Betriebsüberdruck Max. Operating Overpressure
Made in Germany
7 Prüfüberdruck Test Overpressure

136 FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH

Subject to change without notice

FLOWSIC600 · Operating Instructions · 8010458/YUK2/V 4-0/2016-07 · © SICK Engineering GmbH 137


Australia India South Korea

E-Mail [email protected] Israel Spain
Austria 3KRQH 3KRQH
Belgium/Luxembourg 3KRQH 3KRQH
(0DLOLQIR#VLFNEH Japan Switzerland
Brazil 3KRQH   3KRQH
Canada 3KRQH 3KRQH
3KRQH E-Mail [email protected] (0DLOVDOHV#VLFNFRPWZ
Czech Republic 3KRQH   3KRQH
E-Mail [email protected] New Zealand Turkey
Chile 3KRQH 3KRQH  
(0DLO LQIR#VFKDGOHUFRP E-Mail [email protected] United Arab Emirates
China Norway 3KRQH  
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Denmark Poland 3KRQH  
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Finland Romania Vietnam
France Russia
Gemany Singapore
Great Britain Slovakia
(0DLOLQIR#VLFNFRXN E-Mail [email protected]
Hong Kong Slovenia
Hungary South Africa

SICK AG | Waldkirch | Germany | www.sick.com

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