Guzman, John Wayne Assessment On The Vision and Goal of The University of Northern Philippines

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The University of Northern Philippines has been the center for excellence in Tertiary

education in the province. The university is guided with its vision and mission statements to set

purposes, goals and values not only to the institution, to the employees, but to the students as


The university is envisioned to make it a globally recognized university in a heritage city

by 2030. Being the center for excellence in tertiary education in the province, the vision

statement is well-written. A vision states the future of an institution and what it aims to achieve

over a period of time, thus the vision stated contains all of the relevant and essential elements for

it to be effective. The time frame set for the achievement of the vision statement which is ten

years from now, is specific, time-bound and attainable. Furthermore, the university also aims to

expand its scope, not only to the province, to the country but globally as well. There are already

evidences of its expansion globally as evidenced by the growing number of foreign enrolees in

the university.

On the other hand, the University’s mission is to produce globally skilled and morally

upright professionals instilled with rich cultural values, challenge that every learning

institution is faced with. Since a mission statement is timeless, it should also contain more

complex goals like what the institution does for its students, employees, to the community and

to the world. Therefore, UNP’s mission statement is related to what a mission statement

should have. Since it is one of the centers for quality education, the university should produce

professionals not only trained with standards and skills. However, professional should not

only possess skills, but attitude as well, the reason why the scope of the mission tackles both
skills and moral-cultural values to produce effective and efficient graduates, and in the long

run, professionals.

From the university’s vision and mission statement, the College of Public

Administration derived its college goal, which is to develop effective leaders in government

and non-government organizations and to stimulate knowledge production and management.

Since every colleges have different goals set, the CPAD is very specific with its goal. The relationship

of leadership and service was well emphasized, and both government and non-government service was

mentioned. Moreover, its goals to initiate knowledge production as well as management are

appropriate in making public service more effective.

In summary, a conclusion can be made that the university’s vision and mission statement,

together with the CPAD’s goal is S.M.A.R.T. ; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-


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