Study of Romanian Folklore
Study of Romanian Folklore
Study of Romanian Folklore
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Folklore Institute.
Romaniaoffersthe folkloristmaterialsprobablyunparalleledanywhere
in Europefor richnessand diversity,not only muchthat has alreadybeen
collectedandpreserved,but also a greatdealmorethatexists aliveand
functional in the countrysideitself. Manycircumstancesof Romania's
historyencouragedthe developmentandsurvivalof folk culturalelements
not to be found elsewherein such varietyand quantity.The chief con-
tributing factors have been the ancient Dacian settlers and Roman
conquerorsof the land, the successiveforeignrulingpowers,the long-
establishedconglomeratesof ethnic strains,strongregionalsuboultures,
the antiquityand continuityof traditionalculture,the uniquenessof this
Romancelinguisticislandin EasternEurope,and the relativegeographic
and politicalisolationof Romaniarightup to the presenttime.
As a resultof suchhistoricalconditions,the modernSocialistRepublic
of Romania,althoughrapidlyindustrializing, and strugglingto becomea
moreindependentsocial and economicentity,retainsin countlessways
the vestigesof peasantsocietyand a tradition-directed
the value of the folk materialsthemselvesis a scholarlytraditionin
Romaniathat goes back at least as far as in WesternEuropefor all the
chief folk genres.This traditioncontinuesin one of the best organized
and supportedfolk researchprogramsin EasternEurope,whichsustains
a networkof institutes,archives,museums,publications,and research
activities.Also to be consideredpresentlyis the active popularizingof
folklorein Romaniavia the national"Houseof Folk Creation"and local
"housesof culture,"throughtravelingfolkloreensemblesS andin festivals,
contests,radioand televisionprograms,and publicationsfor the general
13 RomulusVulcanescu,MaEtilepopulare(EdituraAcademiei,1969).
14 "Atlasuletnografical Romaniei,"a specialissue of REF(14, 1969)devotedto various
aspectsof work on the atlas. Seven articleswith Frenchsummaries.
15 AnuarulArchiveide Folelor.
18 The scholar who is especiallyinterestedin folk music should be aware that some
importantteachingand researchprogramsare conductedat various conservatoriesin
Romania. However, I did not have the opportunityto look into these institutions.
80 Mihai Pop, "Metode noi iIl cercetarea structurii basmelor," Folelor Literar 1
(Timioara, 1967): 5-12. English summary.See also Mihai Pop, "Aspectsactuels des
recherchessur la structuredes contes," Fabula9 (1967): 70-77.
81 N. Constantinescu,"Modeltraditionalsi improvizatiein basm, " FolelorLiterar2
(Timitoara, 1968): 115-123;Stanca Fotino, "Modelarein basmul fantastic,"REF 14
(1969): 315-329.Frenchsummary.
82 V. I. Propp, Morfologiabasmului(EdituraUnivers, 1970).
83 Al. Amzulescu,BaladepopulareromaneEti(EdituraPentru Literatura,1964).
84 Adrian Fochi, Miorita: tipologie, circulatie,geneze, texte (Editura Academiei,
96 Lucilia Georgescu,"Relatialauta-cobzain picturilemanastirilordin Moldava de
Nord," REF 12 (1967): 133-145.
97 Gottfried Habenicht, "Caracteristicistilistice zonale ale semnalelorde bucium,"
REF 12 (1967): 261-276.Frenchsummary.
98 A. Vicol, "Un constructormueclean de fluiere,"REF9 (1964): 293-307.
99 It was explainedto me that the firsttwo volumesconstitutethe plannedanthology
of Romanian folk music proper. The "third volume," which is expertly edited by
Emilia Comiseland OvidiuBirlea,is a separateprojectwhich "Electrecord"saw fit to
issue in the sameformatas the others,probably(mayit be suggested)for good business
reasons. Colindealso appearin volumetwo, but thereis no overlappingof textsbetween
the two volumes, and both are fine collectionsin their own right.
As earlier explained, what Americanscall ';folklife' (in Romanian
"ethnography" and s;folkart")is a sulXectdistributedratherhaphazardly
amongvariousinstitutesand specialists.As a result,thereare numerous
publicationsof both basic materialsand studiesproducedby folklorists,
ethnographers,art historians, museum researchers,popularizersand
others,and all of theseworksare usefulin one way or another.
A good book to beginwithis Arta populara romaneascaproducedby a
team of specialistsunderthe generaldirectionof Paul Petrescuof the
Instituteof Art History.l07After an introductorychapter on folklife
102 Vera Proca-Ciortea?"Cltevadocumentegraficeprivindjocul popularrominesc,"
RF7 (1962): 79-88.
103 Ernest Bernea, "Introducereteoretica la
studiul obiceiurilor,"REF 13 (1968):
379-388.French summary.
104 Mihai Pop, ';Nuntadin satul Seliste,"RF 3
(1958): 47-78.
105 Vasile Adascalitei,"Joculcerbuluim
Moldava,"REF 13 (1968): 421-438.
106 Nicolae Radulescu "Sulul un obicei inedit din ciclul calendaristic,"REF 14
(1969):3-25. Frenchsummary.
107 Artapopulararombneasca (EdituraAcademiei,1969)