Formación para La Investigación Marianita 2

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Research Training

School of Physics, Faculty of Science

Industrial University of Santander
We Build Future

Two-dimensional movement

Oscar Daniel Castellanos Mariño - electronic engineering

Mariana robayo nieto - systems engineering
Cristian Suarez - electrical engineering

He who knows knows and he who does not know learns

Pipe albarraca
We know as parabolic shot to the activity or movement that exerts a
projectile launched into the air with a respective angle speed and
acceleration and that the force of gravity that exerts on it is what
causes its curvature.
It is known the complexity of this movement to analyze it theoretically
due to the multiple variables that are handled and the main objective is
to maximize the ways to analyze it by means of the software and to
understand it in a better way.
It will also understand a very important aspect regarding the maximum
horizontal range of this projectile and will analyze its changes
regarding the angles all this can be analyzed in a better way thanks to
the help of a simulator also very similar to tracker in which by taking
data will give us the respective theoretical answers to better
understand this maximum range

In this laboratory project will analyze the movement in two dimensions

that corresponds to the parabolic motion will be analyzed data obtained
from a video recorded and mounted on a software called tracker which
will help us to measure the distances take reference points and
understand more easily this movement and different factors such as
maximum range and its relationship with the angle for it will take the
experimental data and run through the software.

It will also have the help of a simulator and with this as its name says
can simulate the movement and have more accurate data as it could
be its maximum range. All this together will lead us to a better
understanding of the movement in two dimensions and also to the
handling of software and simulators to help these problems

The laboratory will consist of 6 fundamental components which

will be:
- Methodology and equipment: This component will
explain in detail how the project implementation process
was carried out.

- Data processing: In this section everything related to the

data will be summarized and tables will be attached in order
to analyze them.

- Analysis of results: In this aspect, as its name says,

the data obtained will be analyzed and compared with
the theoretical ones, the relationship of the graph with
the variables of the problem will be analyzed and it will
be the partition for the conclusions.

- Conclusions: in this aspect we will take the balance of

what was learned theoretically and experimentally to get
the final idea of what was learned from the research

- References: and finally in the references will be

attached all the places from where we obtained
information for the realization of the project
Tabla 1 Trayectoria del proyectil1



t [s ] x [m] y [m] v x [m/s] v y [m/ s] v [m/ s] a x [m/s2 ] a y [m/ s2 ]

0,000 0,000 1,038 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

0,033 8,773*10 1,155 2,559 3,071 3,997 0,000 0,000

0,067 0,171 1,243 2,266 2,413 3,310 -4,386 -15,67

0,100 0,239 1,316 2,193 2,047 3,000 -3,760 -12,53

0,133 0,317 1,379 2,120 1,608 2,661 -5,640 -13,79

0,167 0,380 1,423 1,755 1,097 2,069 -4,890 -15,28

0,200 0,434 1,452 1,712 0,571 1,804 2,445 -13,45

0,235 0,497 1,462 1,926 0,143 1,931 1,831 -14,67

0,268 0,565 1,462 1,901 -0,366 1,936 3,668 -14,06

0,302 0,624 1,438 2,120 -0,877 2,294 -0,627 -16,29

0,335 0,707 1,404 2,047 -1,389 2,474 1,253 -15,67

0,368 0,760 1,345 1,974 -1,974 2,792 -1,880 -18,17

0,402 0,838 1,272 2,120 -2,559 3,323 0,627 -14,41

0,435 0,902 1,175 1,901 -2,997 3,549 0,000 -13,16

0,468 0,965 1,072 2,120 -3,363 3,975 6,893 -17,55

0,502 1,043 0,950 2,413 -4,167 4,815 4,386 -25,69

0,535 1,126 0,794 2,413 -5,118 5,658 0,627 -27,57

0,568 1,204 0,609 2,413 -5,995 6,462 -1,880 -11,28

0,602 1,287 0,395 2,339 -5,995 6,435 0,000 0,000

0,635 1,360 0,210 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Tabla 2 Parámetros curvas 2

y vs t -7.966 3.798 1.024
y vs x -1.721 1.738 1.016
Table 4 Horizontal range

vi =25[ m/s ]

1 Help!
y i=0 [m]
θ[° ] 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60
x max [m] 21.81 31.89 40.95 48.85 55.23 59.93 62.81 63.78 62.81 55.23
y i=20 [m]
θ[° ] 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60
x max [m] 61.789 67.22 72.14 76.25 79.28 80.98 81.16 79.69 76.50 64.97


Among the expected results, it is sought to have an approach to concepts such as: find the
maximum height, position, speed, acceleration, etc; and analyze the data obtained, through
Tracker and the simulator where the graphic part of the parabolic movement was represented and
likewise it was possible to find the different data that the table asked us, being very practical tools
when using them. When tabulating the information in the data table, the respective procedures
were carried out through the formulas in order to tabulate the obtained result and thanks to these
tools the data would be handled more precisely.

Regarding the data obtained, it was seen that thanks to the good explanation in the different
videos of the module, the execution of the experiment could be carried out in a correct way and
some logical data was obtained.When obtaining the data, we understood that the margin of error
was almost non-existent.

We can conclude that with the management of these applications it is much easier to carry out the
execution of a laboratory and obtain the most accurate data!
In conclusion, the solution of the parabolic shot problem can be
highlighted through the video mounted in the software, thanks to this
we could calculate their respective variables to be able to compare
them later, also with their graphs.

On the other hand, in order to have been successful in its realization it

was necessary to understand the handling of this software that if it was
used in a correct way it worked very well and the theoretical thing was
going to coincide with the practical thing,
We can say that thanks to the help of the software it facilitated us a
little more the solution of the experiment since its tools were very
practical to be able to understand its variables and to analyze its data
also the help of the simulator was very good to understand in a better
way what is the horizontal reach and we can the importance of these
programs for the cognitive and academic development of each student
in the subject

- Learn how to handle the software in order to solve parabolic
movement problems in the future
- Checking the maximum range of a projectile and comparing it
with a theoretical result
- Analyze the experimental forms of the variables of a parabolic
shooting exercise such as speed, position and acceleration

Como ya sabemos el movimiento en dos dimensiones o llamado

movimiento parabólico es un poco complejo de analizar ya que tiene

many variables apart from those of the problem itself as it could be the
air resistance, all this would be simpler if the variables were taken
separately as for example the constant acceleration, but we must take
into account that it will not always be like that.
The advance that can be offered with this project is to facilitate the
understanding of all this to the people by means of a software since
this same one was in charge of analyzing the data and to show the
results that being verified are very similar to the theoretical ones and
therefore they have sense

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