University of The Poonch Azad Kashmir Pakistan Annual Report

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July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018

Prof. Emertus Dr. M. Rasul Jan

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Table of Contents
Foreword................................................................................................................................... 5
Executive Summary................................................................................................................ 6

Academic Programmes...................................................................................... 8

Institutional Linkages...................................................................................... 13

Quality Assurance Enhancement Cell (QEC)....................................... 17

Access....................................................................................................................... 21

University Governance.................................................................................... 41

Strengthening....................................................................................................... 51

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences..................................................................... 59

• Department of Agronomy.......................................................................... 60
• Department of Entomology........................................................................ 64
• Department of Food Sciences and Technology....................................... 69
• Department of Horticulture....................................................................... 72
• Department of Plant Breeding and Molecular Genetics......................... 74
• Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences.................................... 76
• Department of Plant Pathology.................................................................. 79

Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences............................................. 81

• Department of Livestock & Poultry Production...................................... 82

• Department of Veterinary Basic Sciences................................................. 85
• Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences............................................ 90
• Department of Veterinary Pathobiology................................................... 92

3 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Faculty of Basic & Applied Sciences.............................................................. 94

• Department of Botany................................................................................. 95
• Department of Chemistry......................................................................... 102
• Department of Mathematics..................................................................... 107
• Department of Physics.............................................................................. 113
• Department of Zoology............................................................................. 116
• Department of Geology............................................................................ 120
• Department of Computer Science........................................................... 121

Faculty of Management Sciences and Humanities................................... 124

• Department of Economics........................................................................ 125

• Department of English.............................................................................. 126
• Department of Sociology.......................................................................... 127
• Department of Islamic Studies................................................................. 129
• Department of Psychology....................................................................... 130
• Department of Commerce........................................................................ 131
• Department of Business Administration................................................ 133

Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences..................................................... 135

• Department of Eastern Medicine............................................................. 136

• Department of Pharmacy.......................................................................... 138

Faculty of Engineering and Technology..................................................... 142

• Department of Electrical Engineering.................................................... 143

Director of Sports.............................................................................................. 145

Finance.................................................................................................................... 153

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 4

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

The University of The Poonch, Rawalakot was established in
2012 according to the aspiration of the people Poonch division
under a vision, mission statement and a set of core values. I am
pleased to share with you that in a very short span of time we
have achieved many mile stones.
Academically all our programs like Engineering, Pharmacy,
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Eastern medicine and surgery
have been accredited by the relevant accreditation bodies. NOC
have been issued for all our ongoing M.Phil and Ph.D programs.
On infrastructure side one academic and one administration block have been
added to the existing Shams Abad campus, while contract has been awarded to an
international firm for the construction of Infrastructure at Tarar campus including an
academic block, administration block, a library and a Girls hostel. Construction work is
in progress on all units simultaneously.
We are privileged to have qualified and committed teaching staff at University of
the Poonch, Rawalakot and to have such a bright and broad-ranging student cohort that
enabled us to create an academic environment, functional administration, semblance of
discipline and peace on the Campuses. Our faculty members are making a noticeable
impact across the country and beyond, through their teaching and research; our students
are receiving national recognition for their academic, co-curricular and extracurricular
achievements and research works. By fulfilling our academic mission, together we are
realizing the vision of University of the Poonch, Rawalakot.
Achieving excellence in higher education is our main focus and we remained
committed to excellence in teaching, research and service. These services are highlighted
throughout the report using a balanced scorecard approach, focused on organizational
vitality, process improvement, quality of services and financial stewardship. The
University remains committed to strengthen the faculty and staff vitality by promoting
the professional growth of all members of the campus community.
I am also very grateful to all the honourable members of University of the Poonch,
Rawalakot Senate, Syndicate, and Academic Council for their valuable contribution in
the University affairs. I also acknowledge with deep gratitude, the support extended by
the Chancellor office, HEC, particularly by the Chairman and the Executive Director. I
heartedly acknowledge the support from my entire team for building University of the
Poonch, Rawalakot.
Prof. Emeritus M. Rasul Jan PoP, SI
Vice Chancellor

5 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Executive Summary
University of the Poonch, Rawalakot took another step forward in the light of its
mission, in pursuit to be a prominent public sector university in the state recognized for
its global perspective, diverse and supportive learning environment, having international
reputation in research and creative discovery and emphasis on leadership development.

The university strives to provide maximum access to higher education to the

students. During the year, the overall enrolment of the University was 4,768. Out of the
overall enrolment of the University was 4,768 at undergraduate level, 1,884 at graduate,
and 2,301 at post-graduate, 304 at M.Phil and 52 at Ph.D level.

In order to provide opportunities for the enhancement of qualifications of existing

faculty members to Ph.D or equivalent and to increase number of faculty members
having advanced qualifications in fields of relevance, the University of the Poonch,
Rawalakot extends full as well as partial assistance to its faculty members for higher
studies. University of the Poonch encourages and supports each and every one of its
faculty members. They are provided opportunities to build their capacity in diverse
areas, from subject knowledge to teaching methodologies and communication skills.
This is achieved through organization and participation in seminars, workshops,
conferences, trainings and study tours, at national as well as international level. The
faculty is also encouraged to develop knowledge repositories in the form of local,
national and international research publications.

Faculty of the University has been involved in enhancing their scientific knowledge
and technical skills. The purpose was achieved by organizing and participating in 291
conferences, seminars and workshops etc. In addition, a total of 21 trainings were
received and / or imparted, both at national as well as international level. University
of the Poonch, Rawalakot has been strengthening academic and research linkages as
well as creating new ones with institutions both national and international. Teacher’s
research projects, to the tune of Rs. 12.0 million by HEC. Apart from that, the HEC

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 6

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

has provided a total of Rs. 600 million for miscellaneous activities. The University
assessed 350 students in the affiliated colleges. During the year, development projects
worth Rs. 800 million have completed. Projects worth Rs. 20 million are in the pipeline
and projects worth Rs. 25 million were approved with the kind support of the Higher
Education Commission.

In addition, recently established Quality Enhancement Cell is actively engaged in

activities leading towards the achievement of institutional quality. One of the major
activities was the initiation of Self-assessment Process under the Self-Assessment Model.
Financial support to the tune of Rs. 2 million was extended to 2.5 for the students of
the University by the need based fellowship, merit scholarships from recurring grant,
financial aid and University distributed 468 laptops under Prime Minster laptop
distribution scheme. Meetings of the statutory bodies were held regular basis for
functioning and to ensure their contribution in smooth running of the University.
Directorate of Sports remained actively engaged in Sports activities. The University
teams not only took part at various local and national games but the Directorate of
Sports in collaboration with HEC, organized several sports events on local, provincial
and national level where numerous distinctions were achieved by the University.
Student societies are the principle vehicles through which various activities on campus
are triggered, give vent to the students’ feelings and enhance the vision of the youth
in nation building process. All these societies in year round activities pursued their
assigned objectives.

7 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Academic Programmes
A Semester System of education is being practiced at University of the Poonch,
Rawalakot. An academic year is divided into two semesters namely;spring and fall, each
of a minimum duration of 16 weeks of teaching. The spring and fall semesters start on
the first Monday falling in the month of March and September in each calendar year.
There is a gap of two weeks between the semesters, and the exact dates are decided in
a meeting of Deans/Directors and Chairpersons, taking the factual position (prevalent
at that time) into consideration. Bachelor Programmes are announced once a year in
Fall Semester and MA/M.Sc. in Spring Semester only, whereas, admissions to Ph.D,
M.Phil, M.Sc., MBA and Computer/IT, Diplomas/Short Courses are offered once in a
year. All the programmes follow semester system except short courses. The University
offers admission to its programmes in following six Faculties:

1. Agricultural Sciences 4. Medical and Health Sciences

2. Veterinary and Animal Sciences 5. Engineering and Technology
3. Basic & Applied Sciences 6. Management Humanities and Social Sciences

Duration of Degree Programmes

Total duration for all degree programmes

Programme Duration (Years)

B.Sc. (Hons.), Agri. 4
M.Sc. (Hons.), Agri. 2
Ph.D. 5
BS 4
M.Sc. 2
Pham-D 5
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering 4
MBA 3.5
M.Com 2
M.A 2

9 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

Departments Academic Programmes
Agronomy B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Hons.), PhD
Entomology B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D
Food Sciences &Technology B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D
Horticulture B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D
Plant Breeding and Molecular Genetics B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D
Plant Pathology B.Sc. (Hons.) M.Sc. (Hons.)
Soil and Environmental Sciences B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Hons..), Ph.D
Agricultural Economics B.Sc. (Hons.)

Faculty of Veterinary & Animal Sciences

Departments Academic Programmes
Livestock & Poultry Production DVM
Veterinary Clinical Sciences DVM
Veterinary Pre-Clinical Sciences DVM

Faculty of Basic & Applied Sciences

Departments Academic Programmes
Botany BS., M.Sc.
Chemistry BS., M.Sc.
Physics BS., M.Sc.
Mathematics BS., M.Sc.
Zoology BS., M.Sc.

Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences

Departments Academic Programmes

Eastern Medicine BEMS
Pharmacy Pharm-D

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 10

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Department Academic Programme
Electric Engineering B.Sc. (Electrical Engineering)

Faculty of Management Humanities and Social Sciences

Departments Academic Programmes
Administrative Sciences BBA, MBA, M.Com.
Economics M.Sc.
English M.A
Sociology M.A

11 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Institutional Linkages
Collaboration with Selcuk University Turkey
A Memorandum of Understanding was mutually signed by the Selcuk University,
Turkey and University of the Poonch, Rawalakot (UPR). They agreed to collaborate in
the following areas / programs:
➢ Joint teaching and research projects at both universities
➢ Mutual visits of professors, researchers and experts to exchange ideas in various
fields of interest
➢ Exchange of information in the form of books and scientific journals
➢ Electronic education (E-learning) through creation of web and video based
courses/programs in order to enhance mutual graduate and undergraduate
➢ Joint scientific seminars and workshops between the two universities in either
Iran or Pakistan
➢ Joint Master and Ph.D research programs
➢ Mutual students exchange between the two universities and efforts to issue
dual degrees
➢ Joint sports competitions among students in different fields and aspects
between the two universities on regular basis
➢ Any other areas of co-operation as agreed by both parties from time to time.

Memorandum of Understanding with Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of

Science & Technology
On 2nd February 2018, The Vice Chancellor of University of the Poonch,
Rawalakot, Prof. Emeritus M. Rasul Jan PoP, SI and the Rector GIKI, Topi, KPK signed
a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the context of the technological & Strategic
Partnership between the two institutes. This new MoU serves as a framework to initiate
deeper cooperation between UPR and GIK in the areas of research, student and staff
exchanges, and outreach activities. The mentioned agreement creates a framework for
diverse joint academic activities, including exchange of students and academic staff, joint
research activities, participation in academic meetings, and exchange of publications
and academic materials. Liaison offices will be established in both universities to
develop and promote cooperation and the joint activities are expected to begin before
the end of the spring term.

13 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Memorandum of Understanding with COMSATS

The Vice-Chancellor of University of the Poonch, Rawalakot, Prof. Emeritus
M. Rasul Jan PoP, SI and Rector, COMSATS, exchanged a memorandum of understanding
that will see the two institutes explore opportunities in areas of multi-disciplinary
research. The two institutions of higher education have tentatively identified areas in
sciences, computer sciences, physics and even electrical engineering, with plans for
student and faculty exchange a part of terms of the MoU, which is valid for five years.
The new agreement creates a framework for diverse joint academic activities, including
exchange of students and academic staff, joint research activities, participation in
academic meetings, and exchange of publications and academic materials. Liaison
offices will be established in both institutes to develop and promote cooperation and
the joint activities are expected to begin before the end of the spring term.

Memorandum of Understanding with Halal Research Council

The Vice Chancellor of University of the Poonch, Rawalakot, Prof. Emeritus M.
Rasul Jan PoP, SI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the authorities of
Halal Research Council for the mutual cooperation for the development and certification
of Halal food industry in Azad Jammu & Kashmir.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 14

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Quality Assurance
Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)
The Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan has been emphasizing
the importance of higher education through establishing and implementing Quality
Enhancement Cells (QECs) in public and private sector universities of the country.
University of the Poonch, Rawalakot also took this initiative in 2012 as per HEC’s
guidelines. The basic purpose of establishing QEC is to promote the culture of quality
education through self-assessment programmes that may further enhance the quality
of academic standards, which will ultimately lead to improvement in students’ learning,
teaching environment and research capabilities. The QEC helps in identifying the
impediments, if any, to overcome these to enhance quality education and promoting
good practices, thus, achieving excellence in teaching, learning and research productivity.
The cell is responsible for initiating assessment and evaluation of the programmes
offered in different departments of the University. It provides necessary support to all
departments in preparing Self-Assessment Report (SAR) of the academic programmes
which is an important feedback for the management to bring further improvements.


Achieving excellence in quality education environment through implementation of

standardized procedures and best practices in learning and research.

QEC Aims

Quality Promotion

The development of quality program and to institutionalize a culture in higher

education and commitment to continuous quality improvement.

Capacity Development

The development and implementation of initiatives to build and strengthen the

capacity for high-quality provision at institutional, program and individual level.

17 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Faculty Assessment
Measurement of the expected outcome/performance from individual faculty
member through internationally evaluated and tested procedures after having
provided the requisite teaching research infrastructure and facilities.

Departmental Reviews
Measurement of the performance of each Academic Department/ Institute/Center
through conducting annual review based on the standard parameters set for this

Regular assessment and review of University of the Poonch, Rawalakot in order
to ensure the quality of the teaching staff and the teaching and training provisions
provided to the students.

Visits of Accreditation
During the year 2017-18 National Accreditation Councils evaluated the following
different degree programme of University of the Poonch, Rawalakot.

➢ Pharmacy Council of Pakistan visited the Department of Pharmacy.

➢ Pakistan Engineering Council visited the Department of Electrical Engineering.
➢ Pakistan Computer Council visited the Department of Computer Sciences and
evaluated the Software Engineering Programme.
➢ National Agricultural Council visited the Department of Plant Pathology.

NOC granted by HEC for Sciences Programmes

During the year 2017-18 Higher Education of Pakistan granted no objection
certificate for the M.Phil Programme in following subjects.

➢ Physics
➢ Chemistry
➢ Botany
➢ Mathematics
➢ Zoology

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 18

S. No. Name of Department Session Program Semester Male Female No. of Section Class
Faculty students Rooms
2017-19 M.Phil 1st 5 19 24
2016-18 M.Phil 3rd 9 11 20 1
2017-19 M.Sc. 1st 17 36 53
2016-18 M.Sc. 3rd 30 67 97 2
2017-21 BS 1st 18 40 58
2016-20 BS 3rd 11 40 51 1
2015-19 BS 5th 9 41 50 1
2014-18 BS 7th 12 36 48 1
Total 111 290 401
2017-19 M.Phil 1 4 10 14

2016-18 M.Phil 3rd 1 14 15 1
2017-19 M.Sc. 1st 6 57 63
2016-18 M.Sc. 3rd 11 88 99 2
2017-21 BS 1st 3 39 42
i. 2016-20 BS 3rd 4 34 38 1
Zoology 2015-19 BS 5th 5 34 39 1
2014-18 BS 7th 4 32 36 1
Total 38 308 346
2017-19 M.Phil 1st 4 6 10
2016-18 M.Phil 3rd 4 13 17 1
2017-19 M.Sc. 1st 24 35 59

Faculty of Basic & Applied Sciences

2016-18 M.Sc. 3rd 45 58 103 2
2017-21 BS 1st 20 41 61
Poonch, Rawalakot
University of The

2016-20 BS 3rd 13 31 44 1
Mathematics 2015-19 BS 5th 10 10 20 1
2014-18 BS 7th 9 16 25 1

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

Total 129 210 339
S. No. Name of Department Session Program Semester Male Female No. of Section Class
Faculty students Rooms
2017-19 M.Phil 1st 6 9 15
2016-18 M.Phil 3rd 10 5 15 1
2017-19 M.Sc. 1st 21 22 43
2016-18 M.Sc. 3rd 52 51 103 2
Physics 2017-21 BS 1st 20 22 42
2016-20 BS 3rd 27 20 47 1
2015-19 BS 5th 20 16 36 1
University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

2014-18 BS 7th 8 17 25 1

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

Total 164 162 326
2017-19 M.Phil 1st 5 8 13
2016-18 M.Phil 3rd 8 14 22 1
2017-19 M.Sc. 1st 6 36 42
2016-18 M.Sc. 3rd 5 45 50 1

Botany 2017-21 BS 1st 0 12 12
2016-20 BS 3rd 0 10 10 1
2015-19 BS 5th 0 9 9 1
2014-18 BS 7th 2 2 4 1
Total 26 136 162
2017-21 BS 1 13 0 13
Geology 2016-20 BS 1st 42 0 42 1
2015-19 BS 3rd 57 0 57 1
2014-18 BS 5th 51 1 52 1
Total 163 1 164
2017-21 BS(CS) 1 43 16 59
Computer Science/ 2016-20 BS(CS) 3rd 42 21 63 1
Software Engineering
2015-19 BS(CS) 5th 56 25 81 1
S. No. Name of Department Session Program Semester Male Female No. of Section Class
Faculty students Rooms
2017-21 BS(SE) 1st 25 18 43
2016-20 BS(SE) 3rd 27 19 46 1
2015-19 BS(SE) 5th 15 2 17 1
2014-18 BS(SE) 7th 10 5 15 1
2017-19 MCS 1st 11 39 50
2016-18 MCS 3rd 13 80 93 2
Total 282 245 527
Faculty Grand Total 2265
2017-21 B.Sc. 1 72 8 80
2016-20 B.Sc. 3rd 56 17 73 2
2015-19 B.Sc. 5th 64 5 69 2

ii. Agriculture 2014-18 B.Sc. 7th 88 14 102 2
2017-19 M.Phil 1st, 2nd 16 2 18
2016-18 M.Phil 3rd, 4th 24 13 37

Faculty of Agriculture
Ph.D 19 33 52
Total 339 92 431
Faculty Grand Total 431
2017-22 DVM 1 37 6 43
2016-21 DVM 3rd 50 10 60 1
2015-20 DVM 5th 44 5 49 1
2014-19 DVM 7th 33 7 40 1
iii. DVM
2013-18 DVM 0 0 0
Poonch, Rawalakot
University of The

Faculty of
Veterinary &
2012-17 DVM 10th 78 8 86 1

Animal Sciences
Total 242 36 278

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

Faculty Grand Total 278
S. No. Name of Department Session Program Semester Male Female No. of Section Class
Faculty students Rooms
2017-21 B.Sc. 1st 40 0 40
2016-20 B.Sc. 0 0 0
2015-19 B.Sc. 5th 35 0 35 1

iv. Electrical 2014-18 B.Sc. 6th 35 0 35 1
Engineering 2013-17 B.Sc. 8th 36 0 36 1

Faculty of
Total 146 0 146
Faculty Grand Total 146
University of The

2017-21 B.Sc. 1st 40 0 40

Poonch, Rawalakot

2016-20 B.Sc. 0 0 0

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

2015-19 B.Sc. 5 35 0 35 1
2014-18 B.Sc. 6th 35 0 35 1
2013-17 B.Sc. 8th 36 0 36 1
Total 146 0 146
Faculty Grand Total 146

2017-22 Pharm-D 1st 23 34 57
2016-21 Pharm-D 3rd 19 40 59 1
2015-20 Pharm-D 5th 34 33 67 1
D. Pharm 2014-19 Pharm-D 7th 23 22 45 1
2013-18 Pharm-D 9th 28 25 53 1
Total 127 154 281
2017-22 BEMS 1st 7 16 23
2016-21 BEMS 3rd 7 18 25 1
2015-20 BEMS 5th 11 14 25 1
2014-19 BEMS 7th 11 24 35 1
Eastern Medicine 2013-18 BEMS 9th 3 11 14 1

Faculty of Health Sciences

2017-19 M.Phil 1st 0 0 0
2016-18 M.Phil 3rd 2 0 2 1
Total 41 83 124
Faculty Grand Total 405
S. No. Name of Department Session Program Semester Male Female No. of Section Class
Faculty students Rooms
2017-21 BBA 1st 70 23 93
2016-20 BBA 3rd 36 15 51 1

BBA 2015-19 BBA 5th 36 12 48 1
2014-18 BBA 7 22 15 37 1

2017-21 MBA 1st 4 9 13
2016-20 MBA 3 20 35 55 1
2015-19 MBA 5 28 32 60 1
2014-18 MBA 7 6 6 12 1

2017-19 M.Com 1st 21 17 38

Commerce 2016-18 M.Com 3 25 25 50 1
42 88
2017-19 M.Sc. 1st 6 27 33
2016-18 M.Sc. 3 10 63 73 1
Economics st
2017-21 BS 1 3 7 10
2014-18 BS 7 6 3 9 1

2017-19 MA 1st 16 42 58

Faculty of Management, Humanities and Social Sciences

2016-18 MA 3 24 73 97 2
2017-21 BS 1 13 50 63

English 2016-20 BS 3 10 46 56 1
Poonch, Rawalakot
University of The

2015-19 BS 5 8 33 41 1
2014-18 BS 7 5 14 19 1

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

Total 76 258 334
S. No. Name of Department Session Program Semester Male Female No. of Section Class
Faculty students Rooms
2017-19 M.Sc. 1st 4 16 20
Sociology 2016-18 M.Sc. 3 5 45 50 1
Total 9 61 70
2017-19 M.Sc. 1 0 25 25
2016-18 M.Sc. 3rd 2 96 98 2
Psychology 2017-21 BS 1st 3 19 22 1
2016-20 BS 3rd 3 20 23 1
University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

2014-18 BS 7th 0 9 9

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

Total 8 169 177
2017-19 M.Phil 1 19 6 25
2016-18 M.Phil 3rd 14 6 20 1
Islamic Studies
2017-19 M.A 1st 2 4 6
2016-18 M.A 3 2 19 21 1

Total 37 35 72
Faculty Grand Total 1235
2017-21 BS(CS) 1 21 12 33
Kahuta Campus
2017-21 BS(EDU) 1st 12 31 43
Total 33 43 76
Grand Total 2264 2572 4836 83 0
University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

List of Internees under National Internship Programme (NIP)

The Following are the lists of faculty members accommodated in different
departments at University of the Poonch under National Internship Programme (NIP),
an initiative of Government to provide the youth an opportunity of training to enhance
their professional skills. The main objective of the program is to harness the energy and
motivation of educated youth by providing them financial relief.

Name Father Name Registration No.

Muhammad Yousaf Cheema Abdullah Khan Cheema 3410148704271
Muhammad Zubair Khalid Mehmood 3460204163423
Nabeel Ahmad Nazir Ahmad 3460256844591
Muhammad Faisal Haji Muhammad Mansha 3640251343793
Bilal Arif Muhammad Arif 3740489822317
Huma Naz Aman Ullah Khan 3740548045336
Tayyaba Lateef Muhammad Lateef 4130436830996
Javaid Riffat Khan Riffat Hussain Khan 6110105154469
Mehreen Shoukat Shoukat Ali 8110245172622
Syeda Saman Nizarat Syed Nizarat Hussain Shah 8120346062992
Sohrab Qayyum Abdul Qayyum Khan 8210115653317
Zia Ur Rehman Zulfiqar Haider Khan 8210121781607
Abid Hussain Abid Khawaja Muhammad Ashraf 8210140431061
Arshad Iqbal Muhammad Iqbal Khan 8210168368493
Samina Irshad Muhammad Irshad 8210242690622
Syed Ali Turaab Bukhari Zail Ul Abideen Bukhari 8210333834037
Khawaja Faheem Haider Khawaja Ghulam Haider 8220123760005
Sughra Mehmood Mehmood Ahmed 8230133474302
Maria Fazal Muhammad Fazal 8230144796140
Mewish Razzaq Abdul Razzaq Khan 8230156861830

27 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Name Father Name Registration No.

Rafia Munir Bhatti Munir Hussain Bhatti 8230162191684

Muhammad Haseeb Fazal Muhammad Fazal 8230178705763
Humera Mehmood Khawaja Mehmood Ahmed 8230192216222
Anum Aziz Khawaja Muhammad Aziz 8230198913698
Simina Begum Muhammad Farooq Khan 8230204317644
Nagina Muneer Muhammad Muneer 8230209042658
Hammad Ali Muhammad Kazeem 8230210805529
Anam Hayat Muhammad Hayat 8230215880810
Sobia Rashid Muhammad Rashid Khan 8230222388566
Asma Hayat Muhammad Hayat 8230228839776
Farzana Kosar Arshad Khan 8230239510274
Muhammad Sarfraz Maqbool Hussain 8230242194207
Anam Abdul Rehman Abdul Rehman 8230243621772
Farhat Khurshid Muhammad Khurshid 8230244803800
Maryam Zulfiqar Zulfiqar Haider 8230247765290
Muhammad Faheem Khan Muhammad Ibrahim Khan 8230251385711
Toseer Afsar Muhammad Afsar 8230251620281
Muhammad Tahir Younas Muhammad Younas Khan 8230291949017
Hamza Tariq Tariq Mehmood 8230291987135
Hamid Ghulam Ghulam Rasool 8230293362781
Zohra Ayub Muhammad Ayub Khan 8230295604296
Durrya Rafaquat Rafaquat Hussain Iqbal 8230299032424
Sumayya Siddique Muhammad Siddique Khan 8230301902298
Ghazanfar Jamil Muhammad Jamil Khan 8230303776113

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 28

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Name Father Name Registration No.

Sidra Binte Khalid Khalid Javed 8230304747930
Aiman Noor Muhammad Mahmood Khan 8230305026982
Gulshan Nazir Muhammad Nazir Khan 8230305357774
Asad Azam Muhammad Azam Khan 8230306376647
Humaira Abid Abid Hussain Khan 8230306426002
Sundas Mushtaq Muhammad Mushtaq Khan 8230307057528
Hifsa Khan Shamim Ashraf Khan 8230307850260
Isma Jamil Muhammad Jamil 8230307880736
Kamila Hafeez Muhammad Hafeez Khan 8230308333790
Muhammad Talha Khan Muhammad Sohail Khan 8230308625279
Atsham Saeed Muhammed Saeed Kayani 8230308911133
Asees Saddique Muhammad Saddique Khan 8230309750811
Ahtsham Ilyas Muhammad Ilyas Khan 8230311320671
Benish Yousaf Muhammad Yousaf Khan 8230314405768
Uroosa Nisar Mohammad Nisar Khan 8230314505884
Kashuf Shafi Muhammad Shafi Khan 8230316901392
Quwatul Mateen Asif Hayat 8230317654348
Seemab Shiraz Muhammad Shiraz Khan 8230317882887
Sonia Habib Muhammad Habib Khan 8230318347200
Kashaf Niaz Muhammad Niaz Khan 8230319079920
Saba Najeeb Muhammad Najeeb 8230321106470
Qurrat Ul Ain Muhammad Sadiq Khan 8230324809154
Amina Khurshid Muhammad Khurshid Khan 8230324814596
Nadia Shabeer Muhammad Shabeer Khan 8230324924282
Aqsa Javid Muhammad Javid 8230325892914
Nosheen Saleem Muhammad Saleem Khan 8230326688464

29 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Name Father Name Registration No.

Rashda Kosar Bagh Hussain Khan 8230327069016
M. Zohaib Bin Manshad Muhammad Manshad Khan 8230327215541
Nazish Parveen Khushi Muhmmad 8230328112278
Ayesha Razzaq Muhammad Razzaq Khan 8230329097216
Sidra Jhangir Muhammad Jhangir Khan 8230329923678
Aqsa Ashraf Muhammad Ashraf Khan 8230331005374
Nayyab Rizwan Muhammad Rizwan 8230331053242
Faizan Sadiq M Sadiq Khan 8230332603699
Rubab Rasham Muhammad Rasham Khan 8230332827570
Huma Sabir Muhammad Sabir Khan 8230334662102
Asma Rahim Abdul Rahim 8230336116470
Sara Hameed Abdul Hameed Khan 8230337264382
Walid Akram Muhammad Akram Khan 8230337621783
Jhanzeb Khan Pir Muhammad Khan 8230337717901
Hina Ashiq Ashiq Hussain 8230338172508
Amna Mustafa Ghulam Mustafa Khan 8230342132662
Kiran Sabir Muhammad Sabir Khan 8230344507586
Munim Kabir Muhammad Kabir Khan 8230345629347
Nadia Khadam Khadam Hussain 8230346139126
Ghzala Fazal Muhammad Fazal 8230348244894
Zahida Akhtar Abdul Hussain Khan 8230351178318
Amir Khalid Muhammad Khalid Mahmood 8230353434373
Alisha Sehar Sohrab Khan 8230354079078
Usman Bin Khadim Khadim Hussain Khan 8230354781253
Huma Khan Sardar Ijaz Ahmed Khan 8230354872082

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 30

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Name Father Name Registration No.

Saima Kosar Amir Azam 8230354913002
Shahida Begum Misri Khan 8230357353982
Nouman Shabir Shabir Ahmed 8230358992467
Sadaf Nazir Muhammad Nazir Khan 8230359174970
Saba Tariq Muhammad Tariq Khan 8230359807192
Aansa Mazoor Manzoor Khan 8230359928822
Assma Rasheed Muhammad Rasheed Khan 8230360962862
Qaiser Hussain Shah Zakar Hussain Shah 8230361346589
Ahsan Iltaf Iltaf Hussain 8230363604793
Ruqia Siddique Muhammad Siddique Khan 8230364139482
Summra Ishaq Muhammad Ishaq Khan 8230364717450
Zaryab Ali Khan Mehmood Ahmad Khan 8230366959699
Rahban Riaz Muhammad Riaz Khan 8230367822257
Arneeb Sajjad Muhammad Sajjad 8230367874896
Tayyaba Anwar Muhammad Anwar Khan 8230368234152
Madiha Ashraf Muhammad Ashraf Khan 8230369989962
Fatima Akbar Ghulam Akbar 8230372401126
Mahran Sadiq Muhammad Sadiq Khan 8230374234617
Syeda Sehar Iftikhar Syed Iftikhar Hussain Shah 8230375531474
Areel Bin Khalid Khalid Mehmood 8230375636301
Kiran Shabir Muhammad Shabir Khan 8230375733062
Sidra Khursheed Muhammad Khursheed Shahid 8230377716542
Faisal Sharaf M Sharaf Khan 8230378761603
Sidra Ayub Muhammad Ayub 8230379680568
Muhammad Anis Aftab Aftab Azam 8230380440697

31 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Name Father Name Registration No.

Noshirvan Adil Pervez Akhtar Kiani 8230382819013
Rabiya Irshad Muhammad Irshad Khan 8230387154614
Tuba Latif Muhammad Latif Khan 8230387710396
Samreen Ismail M Ismail Khan 8230392542138
Kiran Mumtaz Muhammad Mumtaz Khan 8230392556148
Sadia Basharat Basharat Hussain 8230392907760
Robab Mehmood Mehmood Hussain 8230393783142
Fouzia Sarwar Muhammad Sarwar Khan 8230393970544
Aasma Arif Muhammad Arif Ejaz 8230394283652
Ifsha Arif Muhammad Arif Khan 8230394891918
Sehrish Razzaq Muhammad Razzaq Khan 8230395206370
Ieeman Khan Fazal Hameed 8230397641878
Mussarat Bashir Muhammad Bashir 8230397968298
Faran Akbar Mir Akbar Khan 8230398779291
Asad Altaf Altaf Hussain 8230399382105
Maria Habib Muhammad Habib Khan 8240114509410
Sajida Mehboob Mehboob Hussain 8240132545366
Sidra Asghar Muhammad Asghar Khan 8240158069734
Sobia Ashraf Muhammad Ashraf Khan 8240182703674
Muhammad Ahsan Naseer Muhammad Naseer 8240182773339
Faiza Nargus Khadim Hussain 8240187846094
Rozina Afzal Muhammad Afzal Khan 8240197244182
Aneela Azad Muhammad Azad Khan 8240405696366
Syed Saqlain Hyder Bukhari Syed Akhtar Hussain Bukhari 8260103461841
Tayyeb Imtiaz Imtiaz Ahmed 8260203415127

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 32

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Laptop Schame
Name Father Name Gender Department Degree Program
Rana Zain Raza Rana Asad Ali Male Agronomy Ms / M.Phil
Muhammad Zubair Khalid Mahmood Male Agronomy Ms / M.Phil
Nabeel Ahmad Nazir Ahmad Male Agronomy Ms / M.Phil
M. Nasir Ashraf Muhammad Ashraf Male Agronomy Ms / M.Phil
M. Faisal Haji Muhammad Mansha Male Agronomy Ms / M.Phil
Arslan Ahmed Sana Ullah Male Agronomy Ms / M.Phil
Rafia Munir Bhatti Munir Hussain Bhatti Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
Faizeen Riaz Muhammad Riaz Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
Nadia Khadim Khadim Hussain Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
Samina Irshad Muhammad Irshad Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
Salma Ijaz Khawaja Ijaz Ahmed Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
Rumana Arif Muhammad Arif Khan Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
Sonia Sarwar Muhammad Sarwar Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
Yasir Mumtaz Abbasi Mumtaz Ahmed Abbasi Male Botany Ms / M.Phil
Sonia Javid Javid Iqbal Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
Zarqa Latif Abdul Latif Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
Babar Aziz Muhammad Aziz Khan Male Botany Ms / M.Phil
Babar Aziz M. Khalil Khan Zia Male Botany Ms / M.Phil
Huma Yousaf Muhammad Yousaf Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
Tauqeer Sardar Sardar Khan Male Botany Ms / M.Phil
Junaid Anjum Ch Ghulam Hussain Male Botany Ms / M.Phil
Saiqa Nazir Muhammad Nazir Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
Sahrish Arif Muhammad Arif Khan Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
Humaira Kousar Muhammad Rashid Khan Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
Javid Akhter Muhammad Karim Khan Male Botany Ms / M.Phil
Shahla Wahid Muhammad Wahid Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
M. Mustafa Javed Mohammad Afsar Javed Male Botany Ms / M.Phil
Iqra Liyaqat Liyaqat Hussain Female Botany Ms / M.Phil
Ehzaz Ahmad Zahoor Ahmed Male Botany Ms / M.Phil
Amina Khurshid M. Khurshid Khan Female Chemistry Ms / M.Phil
Muhammad Sajid Mir Ahmed Male Chemistry Ms / M.Phil
Iqra Ghulam Rasool Ghulam Rasool Female Chemistry Ms / M.Phil
Binish Qayyoum Ch. Abdul Qayyoum Ch. Female Chemistry Ms / M.Phil
Rabia Aziz Abdul Qayyum Nazar Female Chemistry Ms / M.Phil

33 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Name Father Name Gender Department Degree Program

Fazia Begum Sher Muhammad Khan Female Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Sayeda Faiza Sakhavat Sakhavat Hussain Shah Female Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Bushra Ibrahim M Ibrahim Khan Female Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Shazia Latif Muhammad Latif Female Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Aamra Rafiq Malik Muhammad Rafiq Malik Female Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Sajid Mahmood Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Male Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Tariq Ahmed Jummah Butt Male Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Basharat Iqbal Hasan Muhammad Male Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Muhammad Yasir Khan Muhammad Azim Khan Male Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Kamran Haider Misri Khan Male Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Sobia Ashraf M. Ashraf Khan Female Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Nida Saleem Muhammad Salim Khan Female Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Syed Ahsan Elahi Bukhari S. Zain Ul Abidin Bukhary Male Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Muhammad Shahid Muhammad Irshad Khan Male Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Muhammad Absar Khan Muhammad Saeed Khan Male Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Waqas Khan Sher Ahmed Khan Male Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Sadaf Azad Muhammad Azad Khan Female Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Amna Tariq Muhammad Tariq Khan Female Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Sakina Khatoon M. Iqbal Hussain Male Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Rudaba Sahrish Jabeen Ashiq Hussain Female Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Amina Khalil Khalil Ahmad Female Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Nazish Parveen Khushi Muhammad Female Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Rashda Kosar Bagh Hussain Khan Female Chemistry MS/M.Phil
Asad Ali Mukhtar Ahmad Male Entomology MS/M.Phil
Abdul Rafeeh Shakeel Shakeel Ahmad Khokhar Male Entomology MS/M.Phil
Jawaad Iftikhar Iftikhar Hussain Minhas Male Entomology MS/M.Phil
Aquib Mateen M. Mateen Hashmi Male Entomology MS/M.Phil
Samreen Arshad M. Arshad Khan Female Entomology Ph.D
Khawar Nazir Muhammad Ishaq Male Entomology MS/M.Phil
Arshad Iqbal Muhammad Iqbal Khan Male Entomology MS/M.Phil
Shamaila Arif Muhammad Arif Khan Female Entomology Ph.D
Afshan Khaliq Khan M. Khaliq Khan Male Entomology Ph.D
Alveena Naseem Muhammad Naseem Khan Female Food Sciences & MS/M.Phil
Raja Mubashar Javed Raja M Javed Naz Male Food Sciences & MS/M.Phil

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 34

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Name Father Name Gender Department Degree Program

Hashmat Ullah Farid Ullah Male Horticulture MS/M.Phil
Syed Riaz Hussain Syed M. Shafique Shah Male Horticulture MS/M.Phil
Abid Hussain Abid Kh. M. Ashraf Male Horticulture MS/M.Phil
Javaid Riffat Khan Riffat Hussain Khan Male Horticulture MS/M.Phil
Bilal Arif Muhammad Arif Male Horticulture MS/M.Phil
Mehreen Shoukat Shoukat Ali Female Horticulture MS/M.Phil
Mehfooza Shagufta Gilani Ghayas Ud Din Shah Female Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Mansoor Ahmed Alam Din Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Saqib Ahmed Muhammad Naseer Khan Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Tahir Sultan Sultan Muhammad Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Shaban Safeer Abbasi M. Safeer Khan Abbasi Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Raja Naweed Dawood Raja M. Dawood Khan Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Sahibzada M. Kashif Imdad Hussain Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Enab Bashir Bashir Hussain Khan Female Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Sajid Mehmood Muhammad Rahim Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Muhammad Umar Walayat Hussain Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Saadia Shafique Muhammad Shafique Female Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Atif Hussain Muhammad Farooq Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Hafiz M. Naveed Tabassum Khan Muhammad Khan Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
M. Anwar Ul Mustafa Muhammad Sharif Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Rizwan Ul Haq Muhammad Sohrab Khan Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Noureen Waheed Waheed Akhter Female Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Uzma Azam Muhammad Azam Female Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Hafiz Salik Shakeel Shakeel Ahmed Khan Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Atif Taseer Taseer Ahmed Khan Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Abdul Basit Muhammad Rashid Male Islamic Studies MS/ M.Phil
Mudassar Iqbal Shabir Ahmad Khan Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Shumaila Alam Khan Sher Alam Khan Female Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Shazan Musa Musa Khan Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Arsal Karim Fazl Karim Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Ziaullah Rahmat Ullah Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Muhammad Rustam Kala Khan Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Abdul Tawab Muhammad Sadiq Male Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Shazia Begum Ghulam Mustafa Khan Female Islamic Studies MS/M.Phil
Muhammad Zamir Khan Khan Muhammad Khan Male Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Jhanzeb Khan Pir Muhammad Khan Male Mathematics MS/M.Phil

35 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Name Father Name Gender Department Degree Program

Shaista Khanum Sher Ahmed Khan Female Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Muhammad Naeem Muhammad Shareef Male Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Sadia Nasim Muhammad Nasim Khan Female Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Nafeesa Saleem Muhammad Saleem Female Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Kashif Mehmood Khurshid Ahmed Male Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Javeria Iqbal Gardezi Syed Iqbal Hussain Gardezi Female Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Misbah Kanwal M. Munshi Khan Female Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Durryah Rafaquat Rafaquat Hussain Iqbal Female Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Naghma Dilpazir M. Dilpazir Female Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Attia Khushi Khushi Hussain Female Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Sehrish Naseem Muhammad Nasim Khan Female Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Muhammad Tahir Shreef Muhammad Shreef Male Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Saba Kamal Muhammad Kamal Female Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Madeeha Javid Muhammad Javid Khan Female Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Mehwish Akhtar Muhammad Akhtar Javed Female Mathematics MS/M.Phil
Asn Khurshid Hussain Female Physics MS/M.Phil
Huma Khan Sardar Ijaz Ahmed Khan Female Physics MS/M.Phil
Safia Aslam Muhammad Aslam Khan Female Physics MS/M.Phil
Nasir Bashir Chughtai M. Bashir Khan Chughtai Male Physics MS/M.Phil
Khan Qurat-Ul-Ain Akhlaq Hussain Female Physics MS/M.Phil
Muhammad Shafique Alam Sher Male Physics MS/M.Phil
Wajid Mussarat Mussarat Hussain Male Physics MS/M.Phil
Saqib Kaleem Muhammad Kaleem Khan Male Physics MS/M.Phil
Faiza Shaukat Shaukat Hussain Female Physics MS/M.Phil
Rana Gul Muhammad Kazeem Male Physics MS/M.Phil
Muhammad Aumeer Khan Sardar Abdul Razzaq Male Physics MS/M.Phil
Khawaja Fahim Haider Khawaja Ghulam Haider Male Physics MS/M.Phil
Zulqarnain Habib Sardar M. Habib Khan Male Physics MS/M.Phil
Sohaib Swar Muhammad Swar Khan Male Physics MS/M.Phil
Muhammad Saddam Khan Jan Muhammad Khan Male Physics MS/M.Phil
Fatima Jannat Jannat Hussain Khan Female Physics MS/M.Phil
Muhammad Arif Muhammad Yousif Male Physics MS/M.Phil
Toseer Afsar Muhammad Afsar Male Physics MS/M.Phil
Farah Mahmood Mehmood Nawaz Female Physics MS/M.Phil
Muhammad Amjad Mushtaq Ali Male Plant Breeding & MS/M.Phil
Molecular Genetics

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 36

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Name Father Name Gender Department Degree Program

Imran Ali Muhammad Iqbal Male Plant Breeding & MS/M.Phil

Molecular Genetics
Muhammad Yousaf Cheema Abdullah Khan Male Plant Breeding & MS/M.Phil
Molecular Genetics
Umar Mukhtar Mukhtar Ahmed Male Plant Breeding & MS/M.Phil
Molecular Genetics
Naveed Nazir Muhammad Nazir Khan Male Plant Breeding & Ph.D
Molecular Genetics
Raja Mustansar Shakil M. Shakil Khan Male Plant Breeding & Ph.D
Sobia Ashfaq Muhammad Ashfaq Khan Female Plant Breeding & PhD
Molecular Genetics
Shaista Fiaz Muhammad Fiaz Female Plant Breeding & MS/M.Phil
Molecular Genetics
Muhammad Najeeb Muhammad Munir Khan Male Plant Pathology MS/M.Phil
Muhammad Tahir Younas Muhammad Younas Khan Male Plant Pathology MS/M.Phil
Summra Ishaq Muhammad Ishaq Khan Female Soil & Environmental MS/M.Phil
Areel Bin Khalid Khalid Mehmood Male Soil & Environmental MS/M.Phil
Izhar Ul Haq Wilayat Khan Male Zoology MS/M.Phil
Shamsa Kanwal Muhammad Rashid Khan Female Zoology MS/M.Phil
Anees Ahmed Sheikh Ghulam Hussain Sheikh Male Zoology MS/M.Phil
Samia Batool Zulfiqar Hussain Shah Female Zoology MS/M.Phil
Adeela Tabassum Muhammad Bashir Khan Female Zoology MS/M.Phil
Anisa Bibi Fazal Hussain Female Zoology MS/M.Phil
Iffat Mushtaq Mushtaq Ahmad Female Zoology MS/M.Phil
Summeya Ghous Muhammad Ghous Khan Female Zoology MS/M.Phil
Mumtaz Hussain Khushhal Male Zoology MS/M.Phil
Lubna Nazeer Muhammad Nazeer Khan Female Zoology MS/M.Phil
Faiza Nargus Khadim Hussain Female Zoology MS/M.Phil
Sajida Mehboob Mehboob Hussain Female Zoology MS/M.Phil
Bushra Rashid M.rashid Khan Female Zoology MS/M.Phil
Iram Mushtaq Mushtaq Ahmed Female Zoology MS/M.Phil
Urooj Khalid Khalid Mehmood Female Zoology MS/M.Phil
Zaheen Akhtar Niaz Muhammad Khan Female Zoology MS/M.Phil
Yamna Anwar M. Anwar Khan Female Zoology MS/M.Phil

37 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

List of Co-Curriculum Activities Form July 2017 to July 2018

S. No Activity/Event Date
1. Karwan-e-Yaqjehti (Quetta) August 11 - 16 2017
2. Independence Day of Pakistan 14-08-2017
3. Cultural Day 16-08-2017
4. Inter Departmental Speech / Easy Writing Competition 24-10-2017
5. AJ&K Level Inter University Speech Competition Feb 10 - 20 2018
6. Inter Faculty Qirrat & Naat Competition 07-06-2018
7. Inter Faculty Debate Competition 05-07-2018

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 38

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

University Governance
University’s good governance can also be judged by the regular meetings of Statutory
Bodies. Registrar Office, during 2017 and 2018, regularly conducted meetings of the
Senate, Syndicate, Academic Council, Selection Board, Advance Studies and Research
Board to discuss and decide policy and common matters.

Advance Studies and Research Board

The Advanced Studies & Research Board (ASRB) is the highest body which deals
with the promotion of advanced studies and research in the University. The purpose
of the Board is to recognize, facilitate and promote research and scholarships at the
University. The University has a reputation of academic excellence based on impressive
record of achievements both in teaching and research. During first year, The University
of Poonch established ASRB. Comprising of following members.

S. No Name of Member

1. Prof. Emeritus M. Rasul Jan Pop, SI

Vice Chancellor
2. Prof. Dr. Khalid Mehmood
Dean, Faculty of Agriculture
3. Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid
Dean, Faculty of Basic & Applied Sciences
4. Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Ahmad
Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Technology
5. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fareed Khan
Dean, Faculty of Management & Social Sciences
6. Prof. Dr. Khawaja Farooq Ahmed
Dean, Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences

7. Dr. Zulfiqar Hussain Kuthu

Dean, Faculty of Veterinary & Animal Sciences

8. Prof. Dr. Muzzamil Hussain Siddiqui

Department of Agronomy

41 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

9. Professor Dr. Habib Ahmed Rathore

Department of Food Sciences & Technology

10. Dr. Imtiaz Hussain , Associate Professor

Department of Food Sciences & Technology

11. Dr. Nighat Akram, Assistant Professor

Department of Islamic Studies

12. Dr. Shabnam Shahida, Assistant Professor

Department of Chemistry

13. Prof. Dr. Siddique Awan

Directorate of Advanced Studies & Semester Affairs

14. Prof. (R) Dr. Yousaf Ali Ch

Directorate of Quality Enhancement Cell

15. Dr. Mohsin Zafar

Deputy Director Advanced Studies & Semester Affairs

Meetings of Board were held as per following schedule

i. 2nd Meeting 15-06-2017

ii. 3rd Meeting 19-09-2017
iii. 4th Meeting 13-12-2017
iv. 5th Meeting 23-04-2018
v. 6th Meeting 12-06-2018

Academic Council

The Academic Council has the responsibility for reviewing all University academic
programs and related matters. The Council receives reviews from various departments’
proposals and policy decisions regarding their respective programs. Academic Council
is a policy-recommending body, which initiates studies and reviews in consultation
with the respective faculty boards. It has the authority to make recommendations to the
Vice-Chancellor’s office on all important matters related to the academic programs and
mission of the University.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 42

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

No. Name Category

1. Vice-Chancellor
University of the Poonch, Rawalakot
2. Dean
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
3. Dean
Faculty of Basic & Applied Sciences
4. Dean
Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences The Deans of all Faculties are
5. Dean the Members
Faculty of Management, Humanities & Social Sciences
6. Dean
Faculty of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
7. Dean
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
8. All Chairmen All Heads of the Departments
9. Five members representing the Departments,
Institutes & the Constituent Colleges (Through
Election/Representation Committee)
Five Professors including Emeritus Professors
(Through Election/ Representation Committee)
10. Prof. Dr. Habib Ahmed Rathore
Department of Plant Breeding & Molecular Genetics
Faculty of Agriculture
11. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Siddique Awan
Department of Food Sciences & Technology
Faculty of Agriculture
12. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Safdar Anjum
Faculty of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
13. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rafique Khan
Chairman, Department of Zoology
14. The Registrar
The University of Poonch, Rawalakot
15. The Controller of Examinations
University of the Poonch, Rawalakot Ex-officio Member
16. The Librarian Member
17. Director, Quality Enhancement Cell
University of the Poonch, Rawalakot Member (Non-Voting)

The following meetings of the Academic Council were held wherein various
decisions such as curriculum revision, appointment of faculty on the Board of Studies,
opening of new department, finalizing the admission criteria and cases of the same
nature were approved.

43 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

The meetings of the Academic Council during the Year 2017-18 were held as per
following schedule:

i. 7th Meeting 04-04-2017

ii. 8th Meeting 07-07-2017
iii. 9th Meeting 08-03-2018

Selection Board
The Selection Board is responsible to consider the applications received in
response to the University’s advertisements and recommends the suitable candidates
for appointments on various academic as well as administrative positions in BPS-17
and above. The selection on academic positions is endorsed by external referees in the
relevant field. The short-listed candidates are also evaluated in terms of effectiveness in
four principal fields such as: i) teaching, ii) research work, iii) service; and, iv) personal
biodata. During 2017-2018 two meetings of the Selection Board were held during the
year 2017-18 as per following schedule.

Selection Board Meetings

i. 8th Meeting 26th September 2017
ii. 9th Meeting 19-20 December 2017
iii. 10th Meeting 8th May 2018

Finance and Planning Committee

The Finance & Planning Committee is a recommending body of the financial matter
of the University. The Finance & Planning Committee gives recommendation on matters
related to finance. Followings are the member of Finance & Planning Committee;

Members of the F&P Committee

No. Name Category

Prof. Dr. Rasool Jan (PSI)
2. Advisor Finance – Higher Education Commission, Islamabad
3. Secretary Finance and Planning Govt. of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad
4. Secretary, Higher Education, Govt. of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 44

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

5. Mr. Muhammad Shamim Khan

Treasurer/Director, P&D/Secretary, F&P Committee

6. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Farid khan


7. Dr. Imtiaz Hussain


Meetings of Finance & Planning Committee were held during the Year 2017-18 as
following schedule

5th Meeting 15-07-2017

45 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

The Syndicate is the recommending body of the University. The Syndicate considers
the recommendations of Academic Council and Finance & Planning Committee on
matters related to concerned body. Followings are the member of Syndicate.
Members of the Syndicate
No. Name From To Tenure
1 Vice-Chancellor
University of the Poonch, Rawalakot Chairman Syndicate
2 The Dean
Agricultural Sciences
3 The Dean
Basic & Applied Sciences
4 The Dean
Medical & Health Sciences The Deans of all Faculties
are the Members
5 The Dean
Management, Humanities & Social Sciences
6 The Dean
Veterinary & Animal Sciences
7 The Dean
Engineering & Technology
Three Professors/Associate Professor /Assistant Professor: (Through Election)
8 Dr. Habib Ahmed Rathore
Department of Food Sciences & Technology
Faculty of Agriculture
9 Dr. Abdul Khaliq
Assistant Professor
Department of Soil & Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture
11 Principals
All Constituent Colleges NIL
12 The Registrar
University of the Poonch, Rawalakot Secretary Syndicates

13 The Treasurer
University of the Poonch, Rawalakot Ex-officio Member

14 The Controller of Examinations

University of the Poonch, Rawalakot Ex-officio Member

15 Director, Quality Enhancement Cell Member Syndicate

University of the Poonch, Rawalakot (Non-Voting)

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 46

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

The meetings of Syndicate were held wherein discussed various policies and
decisions were taken on matters related to academic and administrative functioning of
the University. During the year 2017-18 meetings of syndicate were held per following

Meetings of Syndicate
i. 12th Meeting 10-08-2017
ii. 13th Meeting 01-03-2018

The Senate is the executive body of the University which exercises general
supervision over the affairs and management of the property of the University. The
Senate considers the recommendations of Syndicate, Selection Board, Academic
Council and Finance & Planning Committee on matters related to concerned body.
Followings are the members of the Senate.

Members of the Senate

# Name of Member
1. President AJ&K/Chancellor UPR
Chairman Senate
2. Vice Chancellor
University of the Poonch, Rawalakot
3. The Chairperson OR Nominee,
Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, Sector H-9, Islamabad
4. The Secretary Higher Education
Govt. of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad
5. Prof. Dr. Khalid Mehmood
Dean Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Poonch, Rawalakot
6. Sardar Naeem Ahmed Shiraz
Secretary (R) Govt. of AJ&K
7. Prof. Dr. Manzoor Hussain Khan (SI),
Founder, Vice Chancellor, University of the Poonch, Rawalakot, AJ&K
8. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Masoom Yasinzai,
Rector, International Islamic University, Islamabad

47 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

9. Sardar Muhammad Rahim Khan

Secretary (Retd) of the Govt. of Azad Jammu & KAshmir
10. Mr. Justice Hamid Durrani
Ex-Justice, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa High Court, Peshawar
11. Prof. Dr. Azra Yasmin
Department of Environmental Sciences
Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
12. Prof. Dr. Maqsood Ahmed
MUST, Mirpur
13. Dr. Imtiaz Hussain
Assistant Professor Department of Food Science & Technology
Faculty of Agriculture
14. Mr. Muhammad Shahzad Khan
Assistant Professor Department of Commerce
Faculty of Management, Humanities & Social Sciences
15. Mr. Waqas Nasim
Lecturer Department of Geology
Institute of Earth Sciences, Mong
Faculty of Basic & Applied Sciences
16. The Director
Quality Enhancement Cell, UPR
17. The Registrar
Secretary Senate
University of the Poonch, Rawalakot

Senate Meetings
During the year 2017-18 meetings of the Senate were held per following schedule.

i. 8th Meeting 02-03-2017

ii. 9th Meeting 28-08-2017
iii. 10th Meeting 23-12-2017

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 48

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Physical Infrastructure
Development Projects / Construction projects
A Mega Project entitled “Strengthening of the University of Poonch, Rawalakot
AJ&K” was approved by the Govt. of Pakistan through Higher Education Commission
(HEC), Islamabad costing Rs 844.914 million. Main features of the project along with
current status are given below;

Sr # Description Approved Current Status

Cost (Rs m)
1. Construction Work 533.908
The construction work has been awarded
02 Academic Blocks, 01 Library,
to M/S CCS Comservice Pakistan Solutions
01 female hostel (Pvt) Ltd. The construction company
has mobilized on site with all necessary
01 Administration Block
machinery and equipment and the work is in
Boundary Wall and External progress with a fast pace.
Development 1. Construction of boundary wall at
Shamsabad Campus alongwith pavements
has been completed.
2. Construction of boundary wall at
Chhottagala Campus is in progress.
2. Laboratory Equipment 154.389 Laboratory Equipment worth Rs
140 million have been provided to
strengthen all the laboratories including
Hi-Tech Lab.
3. Literature 6.500 Books costing Rs. 6.500 million provided
to all Faculties
4. Furniture and Fixture 42.002 Furniture amounting to Rs. 6.000 million
provided to existing departments
5. Operational Vehicles 30.700 07 Vehicles including 04 Buses, 01 Hiace
for Faculty, 01 Ambulance and a Car
6. Project Coordination Staff 15.775 PD + Project Engineer
7. Teaching Aid Requirements 18.800 Necessary items provided to existing
9. Contingencies 9.866 MOU signed with SCO, Media laid and
internal survey is in process
As per demand.
Grand Total: 844.914 —

51 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

More than 60% of the projects cost will be spent on provision of Academic and
other infrastructure to be constructed on newly acquired land at Tarar. The approved
scope of work encompasses Master Planning, construction of 01 Academic Blocks, 01
Girls Hostel for 200 students, 01 Administration Block and 01 Central Library. Total
covered area to be constructed is more than 165,000 SFT. Upon completion of this
project, all the University campuses and offices currently operating in rented buildings,
will be shifted to its own premises.



Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir approved a project “Acquisition of land

and Provision of Immediate Needs to Strengthen the Faculty of Veterinary & Animal
Sciences (FV&AS) for University of the Poonch Rawalakot at Rawalakot, AJ&K” costing
Rs. 347.797 million.

Sr # Description Approved Current Status

Cost (Rs m)
Total 332 Kanal lands at Taraar has to be
acquired. Possession of land completed and
1 Purchase of Land 276.026 payment made to the concerned and work
order of Road.
• Construction of Livestock compound at
Khaigala has been completed.
• Construction of Academic Block is 100%
2 Civil Works 36.936 • Construction of Boundary Wall at Tarar is
90% completed.
• Work order of Road by AJK has been

3 Lab Equipment 25.657

4 Teaching Aid Requirements 2.859
5 Literature 0.500 Procured to facilitate the Faculty of
6 Furniture & Fixture 2.413 Veterinary & Animal Sciences to achieve the
target of accreditation successfully.
7 Remodelling of Existing and new Labs 1.978
8 Contingencies 1.428
TOTAL : 347.797

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 52

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

The scope of project includes acquisition of 332 Kanals of land at Tarar. The Civil
Work costing Rs. 36.936 million comprises of construction of livestock compound at
Khaigala, Construction of Academic Block for FV&AS and Construction of Boundary
Wall for land acquired at Tarar.
Possession of land completed and payment made to the concerned persons.
Construction of livestock compound at Khaigala has been completed. Construction of
Academic Block is 100% completed. However, Construction of Boundary Wall at Tarar
is in progress.



The Government of Pakistan through HEC has approved a project “Establishment

of Sub-Campuses of Public Sector Universities at District Level (Umbrella Project
HEC) for University of the Poonch, Rawalakot at Rawalakot, AJ&K at Haveli (Forward
Kahuta)” Costing Rs. 5206.280 million.
Faculty and supporting staff has been hired. Computers, Furniture, Books and all
other allied facilities have been provided. Rs. 56.110 million has been released so far.
2nd semester is in Progress at Haveli Campus.



On request of the UPR, Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir included a project
“Acquisition of Land for the Establishment of Sub-Campuses, University of the Poonch,
Rawalakot, AJ&K” Costing Rs. 98.000 million in ADP 2016-17 with an allocation of
Rs 27.872 million. Currently, the project has been suspended by the government of
AJ&K. The project is expected to be taken up in FY 2018-19.



Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir has taken up the construction of road
connecting Tarar and Chhottagala Campuses of University of the Poonch Rawalakot

53 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

in project titled “Reconditioning & Resurfacing of Khaigala Banjosa Trarkhal Road

Including University to Chhottagala Road Portion Length 25 Km District Poonch
(AJ&K)” costing Rs. 399.983 million

The work order costing Rs 142.00 million has been issued.



To cater day to day increasing need of academic spaces, the University has initiated
Construction of an Extension Block for Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences costing
around Rs 29.000 million. The area of the said block is about 21000 sft.

The structure of the block is completed and finishing work is 90% Completed.


Laboratories of the followings departments have been furnished and re-modelled

during the last year:

• Faculty of Agriculture
• Faculty of Health Sciences
• Department of Electrical Engineering
• Department of Software Engineering
• Department of Computer Sciences



• Construction of a multi-purpose hall having area of about 4500 sft for 400
• Construction of Field Office for Transport Section
• Construction of Boundary wall and External Development Works for
Shamasabad Campus
• Construction of Site Office at Tarar Campus

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 54

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

• Providing and Fixing Tough Tiles / Pavers for Housing Colony & Guest House
Shamasabad Campus


• Construction of Pre-Cast Boundary Wall for Chhotta Gala Campus

• Construction of Main Gate for Shamasabad Campus
• Construction of Pre-Cast Boundary wall for Tarar Campus
• Construction of Toilets with Masjid at Agriculture Campus University of the
Poonch, Rawalakot
• Installation of Optical Fiber Cable
• Barbed Wire has installed
• Foot Path has Completed
• Land scarping has completed

55 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Web Portal
The University of The Poonch Website
During 2017, University of the Poonch’s official website (web portal) was launched
as the newly, enhanced and developed gateway enabling users to access their online
university services. UPR’s website enables users to access their university email account,
journals and other online services at any time via web browser. The portal features are
frequently updated, targeted content delivered to the individual user so that users could
see the news, announcements and campaigns relevant to their role within the university.
The Web Portal team is currently engaging with the university community over the
coming months to develop contents and approve its functionality to help schools and
other departments to utilize the increased potential of this new development.
The use of UPR website comes mainly from prospective students as well as from
current enrolled Masters, M.Phil and Ph.D students including members of staff, scholars
and researchers generally reflecting the demographic make-up of the University

Web Team
Dr. Adnan Idris, Assistant Professor (Department of Computer Sciences)
Mr. Faheem Yaqoob, Research Associate (Department of Computer Sciences)

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 56


Agricultrual Sciences

Veterinary & Basic and

Animal Sciences Applied Sciences

Humanities Medical
and Social and Health
Sciences Scineces

Engineering & Technology

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

Faculty of Agricultural
Sciences is the main
faculty of University of the
Poonch, Rawalakot. The
institution was primarily
set up in 1980 as one of
the constituent campuses
of the university of
Azad Jammu & Kashmir
with main campus at
Muzaffarabad, to cater
the needs of Agricultural
graduates in private and public sector. Within thirty Eight years, the Agriculture Faculty
got tremendous progress in Faculty and technical manpower development. Most of the
staff members hold Ph.D and Post-Doc degrees from various countries of the world
including Australia, UK, USA, Germany, China, Russia, Malaysia, Bangladesh and
Pakistan. Presently, the Faculty is the best among the national agricultural institutions
in terms of teacher’s qualification and training as well as their worldwide exposure and
research endeavours. The faculty of Agriculture enjoys a prominent status among the
University in terms of research achievements and quality publications. The healthy &
competitive environment within the Faculty is envisaged to earn international fame


• Agronomy
• Entomology
• Food Sciences and Technology
• Horticulture
• Plant Breeding and Molecular Genetics
• Plant Pathology
• Soil and Environmental Sciences
• Agricultural Economics

59 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Agronomy
Modern crop production is the application of the principles of physical, biological
and social sciences for growing of domesticated plants to meet the diversity of
human needs in a profitable manner. It is a continuous challenge to increase the crop
yields to remain ahead of human population increase. The dynamic process of crop
production is facing the challenge of global climate change now. New potent crop
varieties and technologies must be searched for the survival of ever increasing people
on limited resource base under various climatic conditions. The continuous concern
in crop production is to use optimally the resources necessary for crop production in
a sustainable manner. The sustainable use of resources implies current utilization in an
optimum way saving their productivity for the use of future generations.

Dr. Muzammal Hussain Siddiqui Ph.D
Mr. Muhammad Jamil Ph.D Scholar
Dr. Khalid Mehmood Ph.D
Dr. Muhammad Shehzad Ph.D
Dr. Aqeel Ahmed Ph.D
Dr. Muhammad Aamir Iqbal Ph.D
Mrs. Sadaf Khalid M.Sc. (Hons)

1. Muhammad Aamir Iqbal, Muzammil H. Siddiqui, Sher Afzal, Zahoor Ahmad,
Qaiser Maqsood and Rana Dildar Khan, 2018. Forage productivity of cowpea
[Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp] cultivars improve by optimization of spatial
arrangements. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 9 (1). (IF 0.60).
2. Khalid, S. M. Shehzad, F. Zahoor, K. Mubeen, A. Ahmad and E. Ali.2018.
Parthenium hysterophorus Herbage Mulching: Potential Source of Weeds Control
in Soybean (Glycine max). Planta Dainanha, 36(1). (IF 0.891).
3. N. Sarwar, Atique-ur-Rehman, O. Farooq, K. Mubeen, A. Wasaya, W. Nouman,
M. Zafar Ali, M. Shehzad. 2017. Exogenous application of Gibberellic acid
improves the maize crop productivity under scarce and sufficient soil moisture
condition. Cercetări Agronomiceîn Moldova, (Hec Regonized). 4: 65-73.
4. Rehman, F.U. Hussain, R. Qamar, M. Ali, M.S. Zamir, S. Iqbal, M. Shehzad,
N. Masood and H.M.R. Javeed. 2017. Efficacy of herbicides in controlling

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 60

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Parthenium hysterophorus L. in spring maize (Zea mays L.). Quality Assurance

and Safety of Crops & Food, 9(2): 213-220. (IF 0.891).
5. Shahid Iqbal, Christian Thierfelder, Haroon Zaman Khan, H.M.R. Javeed, M. Arif
and Muhammad Shehzad, 2017. Maximizing maize quality, productivity and
profitability through a combined use of compost and nitrogen fertilizer in a semi-
arid environment in Pakistan. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst, 107(2):197-213. (IF 1.897).
6. Khalid, S. M. Shehzad, F. Zahoor, K. Mubeen, A. Ahmad and E. Ali, 2018.
Parthenium hysterophorus Herbage Mulching: Potential Source of Weeds Control
in Soybean (Glycine max). Planta Dainanha, 36(1). (IF 0.891).
7. Khalid Mehmood, Jiu-yu Li, Jun Jiang, M.M. Masud & Ren-kou Xu. 2017. Effect
of low energy-consuming biochars in combination with nitrate fertilizer on soil
acidity amelioration and maize growth. Journal of Soil and Sediments, 17:790–
799. (IF 2.52).
8. Ren-yong Shi, Jiu-yu Li, Jun Jiang, Khalid Mehmood, Yuan Liu, Renkou Xu and
Wei Qian. 2017. Characteristics of biomass ashes from different materials and
their ameliorative effects on acid soils. Journal of Environmental Sciences. http:// (IF 2.92).
9. Khalid Mehmood, Jiu-yu Li, Jun Jiang, Ren-yon Shi, Zhao-dong Liu & Ren-kou
Xu. 2017. Amelioration of an acidic Ultisol by straw derived biochars combined
with dicyandiamide under application of urea. Environmental Science and Pollution
Research. DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-8373-2 (IF 2.74).
10. Abdulaha-Al Baquy, Jiu-Yu Li, Chen-Yang Xu, Khalid Mehmood, and Ren-Kou
Xu. 2017. Determination of critical pH and Al concentration of acidic Ultisols for
wheat and canola crops. Solid Earth, doi:10.5194/se-2016-126, 2016 (IF 3.89).
11. M Abdulaha-Al Baquy,Jiu-Yu Li, Jun Jiang, Khalid Mehmood, Ren-yong Shi,
Ren-kou Xu. 2017. Critical pH and exchangeable Al of four acidic soils derived
from different parent materials for maize crops. Environmental Science and
Pollution Research, (IF 2.74).
12. Muhammad Aamir Iqbal, Muzammil H. Siddiqui, Sher Afzal, Zahoor Ahmad,
Qaiser Maqsood and Rana Dildar Khan. 2018. Forage productivity of cowpea
[Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] cultivar improves by optimization of spatial
arrangements. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 9(2):203-219. (IF 0.61).
13. Muhammad Aamir Iqbal, Asif Iqbal and Rana Nadeem Abbas. 2018. Spatio-
temporal reconciliation to lessen losses in yield and quality of forage soybean

61 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

(Glycine max L.) in soybean-sorghum intercropping systems. Bragantia, 77(2).

(IF 0.709).

14. Muhammad Aamir Iqbal, Brandon J. Bethune,Asif Iqbal, Rana Nadeem Abbas,
Zubair Aslam, Haroon Zaman Khan and Bilal Ahmad, 2017. Agro-botanical
response of forage sorghum-soybean intercropping systems under atypical spatio-
temporal patterns. Pakistan Journal of Botany,49(3): 987-994 (IF 0.69).

15. Asif Iqbal, Muhammad Aamir Iqbal, Amir Iqbal, Zubair Aslam, Muhammad
Maqsood, Zahoor Ahmad, Muhammad Umer Farooq, Ghulam Abbas and
Muhammad Faisal, 2017. Boosting forage yield and quality of maize (Zea mays L.)
with multi-species bacterial inoculation in Pakistan. Phyton International Journal
of Experimental Botany,86: 84-88. (IF 0.18).

16. Zahoor Ahmad, Shazia Anjum, Muhammad Aamir Iqbal, Hafiz Saeed-ur-
Rehman, 2018. Foliar applied potassium enhances fiber quality, water relations and
yield of cotton. Journal of Agricultural Research, 56(1): 17-25 HEC Recognized

17. Khalid, S.M. Shehzad, F. Zahoor, K. Mubeen, A. Ahmad and E. Ali.2018.

Parthenium hysterophorus Herbage Mulching: Potential Source of Weeds Control
in Soybean (Glycine max). Planta Dainanha, accepted (IF 0.891).

1. Certificate of Participation in Conference, Ultimate Solution of Food Security
and Climate Change, held on March 13-15, 2018 at Department of Soil Science,
2. Certificate of Participation in Conference, Challenges and Opportunities to
Boost Agriculture in Changing Climate’’ held on March 26-28, 2018, College of
Agriculture, BZU, Bahadur Sub Campus, Layyah.
3. Certificate of Participation in Conference, Climate Change threats to Agriculture
and Food Security held on November 22-24, 2017 at University of Agriculture,
4. Certificate of Participation in Conference, Challenges and Opportunities to Boost
Agriculture in changing climate held on March 29-30, 2017 at the College of
Agriculture, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Bahadur Sub Campus, Layyah.
5. Certificate of Participation in Seminar, Soil ,Water and Nutrient Conservation in
Mountainous Agriculture held on 2017, at Soil Science Society of Pakistan”.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 62

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

1. Approved from HEC, Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Fodder
and Grain Yield of Maize in Rawalakot Rs. 0.6 million.

2. Approved from HEC Impact of biochar, organic manures and root intermin-
gling on productivity and silage quality of forage medics (Medicago polymor-
pha L.) and quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) companion crops Rs. 0.6

1. International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI), USA Award.

2. International Plant Nutrition Institute Scholars Award.


S. No Name of Name of Title of Thesis

student Supervisor

1. Muhammad Dr. M. Influence of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth

Sajid Munir Shehzed and Yield Attributes of Soybean (Glycine max L.)
Under Rain-fed Conditions of Rawalakot, Azad

2. Muhammad Dr. M. Physiological and biochemical characteristics of

Zakriya Shehzad drought stress tolerance in maize genotype (Zea
mays L.)

3. Muhammad Dr. Shahzed Influence of Manganese and Zinc on Growth and

Muzzammal Yield of Maize (Zea mays L.) Under Rain-fed
Sharif Conditions of Rawalakot

4. Saida Komal Dr. Aqeel Influence of different rates of organic and

Ahmed inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield and quality
of fodder sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)

63 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Entomology
The discipline of Entomology was initiated immediately with the inception of the
Agriculture Faculty at Rawalakot during the year 1980 and is contributing greatly in
academic and research life of the faculty since then. The students graduating from the
department are serving in Government departments as well as the private sector of
agriculture especially in pesticide companies. The students and staff research is focused
on local problems of insects from the last many years especially in fruit, vegetables and
forest trees as well as green forages of Azad Jammu & Kashmir. Few funding projects
from various national agencies have been completed by the staff and an HEC project is
in progress to solve the local problems of insects.
The Department started its Post-Graduation, M.Sc. (Hons.) in 2006 and Ph.D
program in 2007. The Department offers undergraduate and Post–Graduate Programmes.
Till now 199 students have graduated as B.Sc. (Hons.) Agri. And 30 students have been
awarded M.Sc. (Hons.) degree. 3 Ph.D scholars have been awarded Ph.D degree. First
Ph.D of University of the Poonch, Rawalakot has been produced from the department
of Entomology and one Ph.D scholar has submitted his Ph.D thesis. At present 8, Ph.D,
10 M.Sc. (Hons.) and 30 B.Sc. (Hons.) students are working for their degrees.
The department is emphasizing on biodiversity integrated pest management (IPM)
programme because of the after effects of pesticides and their residual effects in the
environment. The IPM includes cultural, mechanical and biological control of the
insect pests instead of using the synthetic chemicals which are impairing the human
health and polluting the environment rendering irreversible damage all over the world.

Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood Ph.D
Dr. Ansa Tamkeen Ph.D
Dr. Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh Ph.D
Dr. Muhammad Imran Ph.D
Dr. Junaid Rahim Ph.D
Sardar Muhammad Abdul Ghaffar M.Sc. (Hons)
Naila Nazir M.Sc. (Hons)

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 64

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

1. Muhammad Asghar Hassan, Imran Bodlah, Meenakshi Bharti and Khalid
Mahmood. 2018. An updated checklist of Blow fly Fauna (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
of Pakistan with New Records for Country. Halteres, 9: 1-5.
2. Muhammad Amin, Khalid Mahmood, Imran Bodlah, Muhammad Rahim Khan,
2017. New Additions to Pakistans’ Aphididae (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea). Sarhad
Journal of Agriculture 33 (4) 551-518
3. Muhammad Asghar Hassan, Kumar Ghorpade, Khalid Mahmood, Anjum
Shahzad, Noor Fatima, 2017. Perliminary studies on the Syrphidae (Diptera) of
Poonch district, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. Oriental Insects, 51 (4): (0.238)
4. Muhammad Amin, Khalid Mahmood, Imran Bodlah. 2017. Aphid Species
(Hemiptera: Aphididae) infesting Madicinal and Aromatic Plants in Poonch
Division of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. The Journal of Animal and Plant
Sciences, 27(4): 1377-1385.
5. Muhammad Imran, Munir Ahmad, Muhammad Naeem, Khalid Mahmood,
Muhammad Nasir and Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh, 2017. Are colony developmental
stages of bumblebee, Bombus rerrestris (Hymenoptera: Apidae) affected by different
concentrations of sugar and honey solutions? International journal of Industrial
Entomology, 34 (2) 1-9.
6. Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh, Munir Ahmad, Muhammad Asif Aziz, Muhammad
Naeem, Khalid Mahmood, Muhammad Nasir, Muhammad Imran. 2017. Food
Plants and bionomics of indigenous Bumblebee, Bombus haemorrhoidalis Smith
in Rawalakot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir of Pakistan. International Journal of
Biosciences, 11 (1): 89=96.
7. Muhammad Asghar Hussan, Imran Bodlah, Khalid Mahmood and Ansa Tamkeen.
2017. New Distributional Records of Black Scavenger Flies (Diptera: Sepside) from
district Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan. Asian Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 5 (2) : 51-55.
8. Muhammad Asghar Hassan, Khalid Mahmood, Khawar, Noor Fatima and
Muhammad Awais Aslam. 2017. Faunistic work on the Hover flies (Diptera:
Syrphidae) of District Narowal, Pakistan. Journal of Entomology and Zoology
Studies, 5 (1): 626-630.
9. M. Iqbal, M.R. Khan, Z.A Palh. I. Ahmed, K.Mahmood, Ansa Tamkeen. 2017, Field
evaluation of Bio- and synthetic pesticides against jassid on okra Sind Univerity.
Res. Jour. (sci.Ser), 49:715-720
10. Mehmood-ul-Hassan, Muhammad Ibrahim Tahir, Muhammad Azeem,
Muhammad Sajid, Awais Ali, Muhammad Imran, Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh,

65 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Muhammad Irfan and Muhammad Imran, (2017). Effect of Mechanized Verses

Conventional Tillage and Cropping Systems on Weeds Biomass. Transylvanian
Review, 25(20): 5099-5105.
11. Mahwish Raza, Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh and Sakhi Muhammad (2017).
Pesticides usage by Farmers; A case Study of District Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Inter. J.
of Agron. and Agri. Research, 11(4):1-5
12. Muhammad Imran, Kanwal Haneef, Munir Ahmad, Muhammad Nasir and
Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh (2017). Comparative Toxicity of Insecticides against
Two Important Insect Pests of Cauliflower Crop. Asian Journal of Agriculture and
Biology, 5(2): 88-98
13. M.Sc. (Hons.)/Ph.D student produced (2017-18)

Sr. No. Name of student Name of supervisor Title of Thesis

1 Usman Zubair Prof. Dr. Khalid Taxonomy, Population Dynamics and
Mahmood Altitudinal Distribution of Fruit Fly Species
(Diptera:Tephritidae) from Poonch Division
of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
2 Usman Naseer Prof. Dr. Khalid Invasion potential of Fruit Fly in division
Mahmood Poonch Azad Jammu & Kashmir
3 Usman Afzal Prof. Dr. Khalid Systematic position of Eumastacide
Mahmood (orthoptera) from Poonch divison of Azad
Jammu & Kashmir
4 Muhammad Amin Prof. Dr. Khalid Biosystematics of Aphids (Homopter;
(Ph.D) Mahmood Aphidoidea) from Poonch Division of Azad
Jammu & Kashmir and Pakistan.
5 Fahad Nazir Dr. Ansa Tamkeen Biodiversity of ground beetles (Coleoptea:
carabidae) from district Mirpur Azad
Jammu and Kashmir.
6. Arshad Iqbal Umer Ayyaz Aslam Behavioral Changes in Bumblebee with
M.Sc..(Hon) Sheikh Variation in Spatio-Temporal Variation in
District Poonch.
7. Tayyaba Naseem Muhammad Imran Evaluation of Sensitivity Level of Honey Bee
M.Sc..(Hon) Apis meliifera to neonicotinoid Insectisides
8. Almas Khurshid Dr. M. Rafique Khan Biodiversity of Dung Beetles from Poonch
division of Azad Jammu & Kashmir
9. Waqar Chamman Dr. M. Rafique Khan Biodiversity of Vespidae from Bagh & Haveli
Azad Jammu & Kashmir
9. Muhammad Dr. M. Rafique Khan Biodiversit of Wasps (Hymenuptia: vespdae)
Qasim, Ph.D from Multan Division, Punjab, Pakistan

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 66

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot


1. Dr. Khalid Mehmood participated in Three days training workshop for program
evaluators of National Agri. Education Accreditation Council and HEC 28-30
September, 2017.

2. Dr. Khalid Mehmood participated in 3rd workshop on “Capacity Building” by

HEC 04-09 February, 2017.

3. Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh and Muhammad Imran participated in Prospects of

Modern Beekeeping in Pakistan at Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University
Rawalpindi. 4th April to 6th April , 2017. PMAS-AAUR.

4. Naila Nazir participated in 7th National Workshop on sustainable and Integrated

Management of Insect Pest and Diseases of Crop 19-19 December, 2017 (NIAB)

5. Naila Nazir participated in International Seminar & Training Workshop on

CRISPR/Cas based Genome editing 19-20- September, 2017(UAF)

6. Naila Nazir participated in 37th Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International) at

GCU Faisalabad 28 Feb.-02 March, 2017.

7. Muhammad Gaffar participated in National workshop on intellectual property

protection inventions related to Agriculture & Animal Sciences, University of
Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 09-10 October, 2017 Lahore.


1. Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood. Ecology and conservation of Paraconophyma

kashmiricum from Poonch division of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. (completed).
Muhammad Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (International), US Dollar

2. Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh, Eco-conservation of bees and through parasitism

management in Himalayan range of Sakardu, Pakistan by using citizen science.
(0.76 Million), The Rufford Foundation UK.

67 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

3. Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh, Ecology and Conservation of Bumblebees in Poonch,

Aazad Jammu and Kashmir. (0.35 Million), MBZ species conservation UAE.
4. Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh, Indigenous bumblebee’s ecology and risks associated
with parasitism in Rawalakot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. (0.5 Million), HEC,
5. Muhammad Imran, Comaprision of Lethal and Sub-lethal toxicity of neonicotinoids
and its effect on olfactory learning Apis meliifera, HEC, Pakistan.

Departmental Activities
1. Developed Departmental Collaboration with School of Natural and Environmental
Science University of Newcastle Upon Tyne (Final Stages)
2. Developed a collaboration with 1-Bol and (Pak-Bol) Project.
3. Developed linkages Agriculture Department GB.
4. Developed linkage with Agriculture Department of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, to
conduct research with reputed growers.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 68

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Food Science and

The department was established in 1980 in the Faculty of Agriculture, Poonch,
Rawalakot. Since its existence, this department always remained in leading position and
produced hundreds of professional food technologists. Currently, serving at national
and international level of having very good reputation. There is a constant demand for
food technology graduates, both men and women. This demand is created by the high
percentage of foods marketed in processed form rather than as fresh or raw products.
The Department of Food Sciences and Technology offers both undergraduate and post-
graduate degree programs designed to give basic and technical training in preparation
for work in such industries as meat, poultry & fish processing, dairy and milk processing,
beverages, fruit & vegetable processing, fat & oil processing & sugar technology. Superior
students are encouraged to undertake post graduate study since great opportunities are
now open to food scientists & technologist with advanced degrees in research and as
technical manager in food industries.

The department of food science & technology provides impressive range of

research facilities and supportive environment where students can enhance their
research potential and develop their career. Our vibrant research staff specialist in food
microbiology, post-harvest, food & water safety and quality offer training and research
supervision on different food related issues. There is one central laboratory in the
Department of Food Sciences & Technology which is equipped with necessary facilities.


Prof. Dr. Habib Ahmed Rathore Ph.D

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Siddique Awan Ph.D
Dr. Imtiaz Hussain Ph.D
Dr. Imran Hayyat Ph.D
Dr. Saima Rafiq Ph.D
Mr. Bilal fazil M.Sc. (Hons)
Saiqa Bashir M.Sc. (Hons)
Dr. Saira Ishaq Ph.D

69 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

1. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Siddique Awan, Repairing and Maintenance of Laboratory
Equipments by HEC Rs. 0.3 million.
2. Dr. Saima Rafiq, Development of functional and shelf stable Yogurt from buffalo
Milk, by HEC 0.6 million.
3. Dr. Saira Ishaq, Evaluation of food safety and hygiene condition in street food area
of Rawalakot Poonch AJK, funded by HEC 0.6 million.


1. Prof. Dr. Habib Ahmed Rathore, Shield and Certificate in the recognition on
successfully supervising and producing a Ph.D scholar by President of Azad Jammu
& Kashmir /Chancellor

2. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Siddique Awan, Production of Novel Endopdygalacturonare

from Native and Microbial Strains for its potent Food Biotechnological applications

3. Dr. Saiam Rafiq, Best Paper Award by NIFSAT, UAE. M. Phil. / Ph.D. Student
produced (2017-18)

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 70

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

S #. Name of Student Name of Supervisor Tittle of Thesis

1. Saira Ishaq Prof. Dr. Habib Effect of Preservation Techniques on the
Ph.D Ahmed Rathore Physico-Chemical Composition and
Antioxidant Activity of Edible Plant
(elaeagnus umbellate sonchus oleraceus,
mentha longifolia) of Poonch Azad Kashmir.
2. Shahida Sadiq Prof. Dr. Habib Effect of Edible Chitosan Coating
(M.Sc.. Hons.) Ahmed Rathore on Carrot (Daucus carota L.)
3. Zahid Ameen Prof. Dr. Habib Evaluation of Physico-Chemical
M.Sc. (Hons) Ahmed Rathore Properties of Walnut Kernel and its
Milk from District Haveli AJK.
4. Nagina Rafique Prof. Dr. Muhammad Production of Noval Exopolygalacturonase
Ph.D Siddique Awan and its Potent Biotechnological Application
in Fruit Juice Processing.
5. Mohsin Rasheed Dr. Imtiaz Hussain Assessment of Processing Suitability,
Physico-chemical and Functional
Characteristics of Jam prepared from
Quince Fruit Collected from Poonch AJK.

Participation of Faculty in Conferences/ Semesters/ Work and Trainings

1. Comprehensive Reduction and elimination of POPS in Pakistan, Organized by

Environment and climate change Unit, UNDP and Ministry of Climate change,

2. International conference on Food of Animal Origin 30-31 March 2017, held by


3. Recent Trends in food Processing and Technology, UVAS, Lahore, 15-16 Nov, 2017

4. Soil, water and nutrient conservation in Mountains Agriculture 10, July, 2017, The

5. Training on Food Safety by HACCP FOOD Safety Level 1-2

71 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Horticulture
With the foundation of University College of Agriculture at Rawalakot as a constitute
college of University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir in 1980, Department of Horticulture
is playing a key role in study and research. In the Faculty of Agriculture, graduate
programme as B.Sc. (Hons.), major in Horticulture was started with its establishment.
Department of Horticulture is the first to start post graduate programme as M.Sc.
(Hons.) classes in 1998 and so far more than 120 students has completed their M.Sc.
(Hons.)/M.Phil. degrees from this department. In 2004, it has been given a status of full
fledge department. Now Ph.D programme has also been initiated and presently number
of graduate, postgraduate and Ph.D students are perusing their degree programmes
in the department. Presently, there are four Professors, one Associate Professor, three
Lecturers and one Research Associate. Eight research projects have been completed so
far and two mega projects about eleven millions earned by the two Faculty members
(Prof. Dr. M. Jamil Ahmed and Prof. Dr. Maqsood Ahmed) funded by HEC are going
on. Two green houses have been installed under Faculty Development Project, with
ample space for the research activities. One progeny garden of various temperate
fruits has recently been established at new campus in this department. More than 180
research articles in the impact factor, international and HEC recognized journals have
been published so far, are in the credit of faculty members of this department.

Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah M.Sc. (Hons)
Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid Ph.D
Dr. Noosheen Ph.D
Dr. Mehdi Maqbool Ph.D
Mr. M. Raiz Khan M.Sc. (Hons)
Mrs. Fozia Kiani M.Sc. (Hons)
Mr. Abid Yaqub M.Sc. (Hons)
Zahid Hussain Khan M.Sc. (Hons)

1. Ahmad, K.S., Hamid, A., Nawaz, F., Hameed, M., Ahmed, F., Deng, J., Akhtar, N.,
Wazarat, A. and Mahroof, S. 2017. Ethnopharmacological studies of indigenous
plants in Kel village, Neelum Valley, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. J. Ethnobio. Ethnomed,
13:68 (IF 0.7).
2. Akhtar, N., Hameed, M., Hamid, A., Nawaz, F., Ahmad, K.S., Deng, J., Mehmood,
A., Segavia, C., Shahnaz, M.M., Khan, A.Q. 2017. Effects of nickel toxicity on

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 72

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

morphological and physiological aspects of osmoregulation in Typha domingensis

(Typhaceae) populations. Limnology, DOI. 10.1007/s10201-017-0529-8. (IF 0.9).
3. Akram, M., Hussain, S., Hamid, A., Majeed, S., Chaudary. S.A., Shah, Z.A., Yaqoob,
A., Kayani, F., Arif, U., Fareed, K., Jamil, F., Mehmood, Z., Basher, S., Arif, A.A.,
Akhter, N. 2017. Interactive effect of Phosphorus and Potassium on growth, yield,
quality and seed production of Chilli (Capsicum annum L.). J. Hortic., 4: 192-197.
(IF 0.73).
4. Shazia, A., Khan, M.R., Ahmed, S.D., Khan, M.F., Hamid, A., Shah, A.H., Ali, G.M.
2017. Molecular cloning and transcript profiling of ascorbate oxide gene at different
growth developmental stages from therapeutically important plant seabuckthorn
Hippophae rhamnoides L. Pak. J. Bot., 49: 1143-1154. (IF 0.947).
5. Shehzad, I., Maqbool, M., Zahid, N., Shah, Z.A., Ahmed, M.J., Hamid, A., Yaqoob,
A., Shehzad, M.A. 2018. Effect of organic fungicides on sooty blotch, flyspeck and
quality of apple cv. Banki grown in Rawalakot, AJK. Pure and Applied Biology. In
S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis
1 Saba Bashir Syed Zulfiqar Physicochemical Attributes Of Nine Land Races of
Ali Shah Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Under Rainfed Conditions of
2 Muhammad Syed Zulfiqar Growth, Yield And quality of cauliflower (Brassica
Nadeem Ali Shah oleraceae L.) as influenced by nitrogen application
and hand weeding practices
3 Ayaz Ahmed Syed Zulfiqar Interactive Effect Of Nitrogen And Potassium On
Arif Ali Shah The Growth And Yield Broccoli (Brassica oleraceae L.)
Under Rawalakot Conditions
5 Naveed Akhtar Syed Zulfiqar Interactive Effect Of Different and organic phosphorus
Ali Shah sources on yield quality and phosphorus uptake of
okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) Under Rawalakot
6 Sajid Majeed Prof. Dr. Abdul Multilocational evaluation of two advanced lines
Hamid chilllies for growth quality & yield parameter.
7 Zerfishan Prof. Dr. Abdul Assessment of fruit quality and seed prodcation in
Mehmood Hamid two advanced lines of chillies (capsicum annuum L.)
as influenced by varying levels of phosphorus
8 Faiza Jamil Mr. Abid Yaqub Comparative study for yield performance of oyster
Mushroom (Pleurotus spp.) spawned on different
substrates Under Rawalakot Conditions

73 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Plant Breeding and

Molecular Genetics
The University College of Agriculture (UCA) Rawalakot, one of the constituent
campuses of the University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir was established in 1980, now
upgraded to University of the Poonch, Rawalakot, Plant Breeding and Genetics was
started as a major discipline and is contributing in teaching and research since then.
Since 1990, the department excelled in research with start of collaborative research
project with ODA/British Council, UK and established the best laboratory with modern
facilities for biotechnological research. The department has completed five research
projects funded by HEC, PSF, ODA, MINFAL, Agri Canda/PARC and three projects
(HEC, PSF and AJK University) are ongoing with funding of about Rs. 15 million. The
department has a dedicated and well qualified staff including 4 Ph.Ds and Post Docs in
the leading frontiers of modern genetics. The research capabilities of the department have
been recognized by high standard research publications nationally and internationally.
Two members of the staff have been awarded the best researcher awards during the past
few years. Similarly, the two members of staff had been given prestigious status of Ph.D
supervisor by the Higher Education Commission, Islamabad. The department has a
unique status in the sense that it had the privilege of hosting one highly qualified foreign
faculty professor in recent past. The department has the honour of producing first Ph.D
from The University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad.

Muhammad Fareed Khan Ph.D
Muhammad Ilyas Khan M.Sc. (Hons)
Shahid Iqbal Awan Ph.D
Saima Shafique M.Phil
Shafique-ur-Rehman M.Sc. (Hons)

1. Tariq, H., S.I. Awan, T. Razzaq, R. Azim, S. Arif, S. Habib and M.F. Khan. 2017.
Comparative analysis of total flavonoid content in various wheat (Triticum aestivum
L.) landraces in rainfed conditions of Rawalakot. International Journal of Research
in Pharmacy and Science, 7(3): 23-30.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 74

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

2. Awan, S.I., S.D. Ahmad, L.A.J. Mur and M.S. Ahmed. 2017. Marker-Assisted
Selection for Durable Rust Resistance in a Widely Adopted Wheat Cultivar
“Inqilab-91”. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 19(6):1319–1324.
Impact Factor (2016): 0.746

3. Adnan Rasheed, Muhammad Ilyas, Taj Naseeb Khan , Nausherwan Nobel Nawab,
Israr Ahmed , Muhammad Mazhar, Anwar Ahmed Khan, Nosheen Kabir, Anisa
Intikhab. 2017. Genetic Association and path coefficient analysis among yield and
yield related traits in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon MILL.). International Journal
of Biosciences. 11 (5) : 21-26.

S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis
1. Syeda Okasha Prof. Dr. M. Assessment of Physico-Chemical Diversity in Wheat
Javed Fareed Khan Genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) under Rainfed
2. Uroosa Ajmal Prof. Dr. M. Assessment of Morpho-Physiological Diversity and
Fareed Khan Adult Plant Resistance for Yellow Rust in Wheat
(Triticum aestivum L.)
3. Fakhra Hafeez Prof. Dr. M. Assessment of Physico-Chemical Diversity and
Fareed Khan Rust resistance in commercial Wheat varieties
(Triticum aestivum L.)
4. Javeria Ejaz Prof. Dr. M. Correlation and path analysis of Physico-Chemical
Fareed Khan characteristics in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum
L.) Varieties
5. Adnan Rasheed Mr. Muhammad Estimation of Heterosis and Genetic Association for
Ilyas yield and yield related traits in Tomato (Solanum
lycopersicon Mill.)
6. Yasir Majeed Dr. Shahid Iqbal Assessment of genetic diversity in spring wheat
Awan varieties for seedling vigour traits under artificially
induced acid rain stress
7. Zahida Akhtar Dr. Shahid Iqbal Estimation of variability for physico-chemical traits
Awan in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under high
yellow rust pressure
8. Sania Shouket Mr. Shafiq-ur- Physico-Chemical Response of Alfalfa and Rye gbass
Rehman genotypes to poly ethylene glycol induced grougt
stress at seedling stage
9. Anwar Ahemd Mr. Shafiq-ur- Genetic Diversity for Morpho-Chemical Traits and
Khan Rehman Acid Rain Tolerance in Alfalfa and Tye grass varieties
at Rawalakot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir

75 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Soil Science and

Environmental Science
This is the need of the day to safeguard the precious, non-renewable natural
resources and enhance their productivity on sustainable basis. With the foundation of
University College of Agriculture at Rawalakot as a sub campus of University of Azad
Jammu and Kashmir in 1980, Department of Soil Science was established. Since then
it added grace not only to the College of Agriculture but also contributed a significant
role in uplifting of the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (UAJ&K) among
national Universities. During 2003-04, after the promotion of College of Agriculture
as Faculty, Department of Soil Science emerged as a sign of excellence with regard to
teaching and research. Since 1999, department has started postgraduate and doctoral
programs. The department of Soil Science is actively engaged in research activities on
different aspects of soil i.e. Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition, Integrated Plant Nutrient
Management System, Soil Microbiology and Soil Quality and Legumes introduction and
establishment. The department, by now, has completed five research projects funded by
Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF), HEC, and UAJ&K. At present, four research projects
funded by different organizations are in progress. The department also offers handsome
stipends to competent students for these projects. The Departments has well qualified
and dedicated teachers. The contribution and dedication of the staff towards research
is reflected though quality research papers in international peer reviewed Journals.
The dedications of the faculty members have also been recognized by various national
organizations, since a number of faculty members have won prestigious national awards
(Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (AvH), Best Scientist of the year, Best Teachers
cum Researcher Award and Star Laureate Award etc.).
The Department of Soil Science is intensively engaged in developing trained
human resource base, conduct basic and applied research in the relevant field, and
provide advisory service to farmers, NGOs and the relevant agro-based industry. The
department has the potential to impart short term training to farmers and in service
agri-personnel, pertaining to the technological development and resource management.

Dr. Abdul Khaliq Ph.D
Dr. Nasir Rahim Ph.D
Dr. Mohsin Zafar Ph.D
Dr. Majid Mahmood Tahir Ph.D
Dr. Aqila Shaheen Ph.D
Miss. Almas Khizer (Part Time) M.Sc.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 76

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

1. Rahim, N., Abbasi, M.K., and Hameed, S, 2017. Variability in the growth and
nodulation of soybean in response to elevation and soil properties in the Himalayan
region of Kashmir-Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 49 (1): 237-247. (IF 0.658)
2. Aqila Shaheen, Rabia Tariq and Abdul Khaliq. 2017. Comparative and Interactive
Effects of Organic and Inorganic Amendments on Soybean Growth, Yield and
Selected Soil Properties. Asian J Agri & Biology 5 (2): 60-69.
3. Hamayun Shaheen, Yasir Saeed, Muhammmad Kaleem Abbasi and Abdul Khaliq.
2017. Soil Carbon Stocks along an Altitudinal Gradient in Different Land-Use
Categories in Lesser Himalayan Foothills of Kashmir. Eurasian Soil Science, 50:
432-437. (IF 0.86)
4. R schrrets, S Recouse, C Aita, M M Tahir, Al schu, SJ Gialorrini. 2017. Crop resiue
quality and soil type influence the priming effect but not the fate of crop residue C.
Plant and Soi, 414: 229-245. (IF 3.02)
5. M M Tahir, S Recous Celso Aita, IC Pfeifer Sandro José Giacomini, 2018. Field 13
C pulse Labeling of Pea Wheat, and Vetch plants for subsequent root and shoot
decomposition studies, Brazilian Journal of Soil Sciences. (IF 0.86)
6. Zafar, M., Tiecher, T., Capoane, V., Troian, A. and Santos, D.R. 2017. Characteristics,
lability and distribution of phosphorus in suspended sediment from a subtropical
catchment under diverse anthropic pressure in Southern Brazil. Ecological
Engineering. 100: 28-45 (IF 2.914)
7. Khaliq, A., Zafar, M., Abbasi, M.K. and Hussain, I. 2017. Soil-plant micronutrients
dynamics in response to integrated fertilization under wheat–soybean cropping
system at Rawalakot, Pakistan. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, DOI:
10.1080/03650340.2017.1376245 (IF 2.137)
8. Zafar, M., Rizwan, M.S. and Shahid, M. 2017. Introduction of composted rock
phosphate and poultry manure enhance winter wheat phosphorus use efficiency,
grain yield and soil quality. Journal of Plant Nutrition (Taylor & Francis UK)
accepted (IF 0.510)
9. Tiecher, T., Minella, G.P.J G., Caner, L., Evrard, O., Zafar, M., Capoane, V.,
Rheinheimer, D. 2017. Quantifying land use contributions to suspended sediment
in a large cultivated catchment of Southern Brazil (Guaporé River, Rio Grande do
Sul). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. (IF 0.140)
10. Le Gall, M., Evrarda, O., Dapoigny, A., Tiecher, T., Zafar, M., Minella, J.P.G., Laceby,
J.P. and Ayrault, S. 2017. Tracing sediment sources in a subtropical agricultural

77 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

catchment of Southern Brazil cultivated with conventional and conservation

farming practices. Land Degradation and Development, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2662
(IF 3.145)
11. Zafar, M., Tiecher, T., Capoane, V., Troian, A. and Santos, D.R. 2017. Characteristics,
lability and distribution of phosphorus in suspended sediment from a subtropical
catchment under diverse anthropic pressure in Southern Brazil. Ecological
Engineering (IF 2.740)
12. Santos, D.R., Gonzatto, R., Zafar, M., Brunetto, G. and Tiecher, T. 2018. Residual
effect of surface-applied lime on soil acidity properties in a long-term experiment
under no-till in a Southern Brazilian sandy Ultisol. Geoderma, 313: 7-16. (IF

S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis
1 Saba Mansuf Dr. Aqila Shaheen Evaluating the Effect of Compost, Wheat Straw
and Sawdust on Soil Structural Stability, Plant
Available Water on Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)

2 Mahran Sadiq Dr. Nasir Rahim Nodulation, Yield and Nitrogen Accumulation on
Mashbean (Vigna Mungo L.) in Response to
Rhizobium inoculation

3 Shahida Begum Dr. Majid Nitrification Inhibition Potential of Selected

Mahmood Tahir Medicinal Plant Materials Incubated under
Laboratory conditions

4 Muhammad Dr. Abdul Khaliq Growth, Nodulation, Yield and

Sarfraz Nutrient Uptake of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) in
Response to Phosphorus and Molybdenum

Conference/Workshop/Seminars attended/organized
Participations in conference, Ultimate Solution of Food Security and Climate
Change, Soil Science Conference Faisalabad.

1. Dr. Abdul Khaliq, Improvements in Yield, Quality and Economics of Saffron
(Crocus sativus) Through Integrated Nutrient Management (INM), Agriculture
Linkage Program (ALP)-PARC, Islamabad.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 78

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Plant Pathology

The discipline was started with the start of the University during the year 1980;
however, it gained the status of major discipline later during the year 1995. The student
and staff research is focused on local plant disease identification, disease biology
and control practices using conventional and advanced techniques friendly to the
environment. The research has been accomplished in the identification, classification
and cultivation of local mushroom species of edible nature. It is worth mentioning that
the mushrooms of Azad Jammu & Kashmir have been explored first time and about
8 new species have been identified. The specimens have been preserved in National
Museum and the information published in international journals of repute. Plant
pathology basically deals with the plant diseases and physiological disorders incited
by fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, and mollicutes and also deals with study of
edible fungi called mushrooms. Plant diseases had proved serious threat to agricultural
economy since ever it was started. Efficient management of the disease ensures the future
food security and economical growth of the agriculture sector. In Plant Pathology the
students get familiar with the diseases of field crops, vegetables, orchards, ornaments
and their control.


Prof. Dr. Riaz Ali Shah Gardezi Ph.D

Dr. Muhammad Tariq Khan Ph.D
Abdur Rehman M.Sc. (Hons.)
Raja Basharat Mahmood M.Sc. (Hons.)
Dr. Shazia Shahzaman (IPFP) Ph.D
Mr. Mussadiq Hussain (Part Time) M.Sc. (Hons.)


Muhammad Tariq Khan, Anjum Munir, Tariq Mukhtar, Johannes Hallmann and
Holger Heuer, 2017. Distribution of root-Knot nematode species and their Virulence
on Vegetables in northern temperate agro-ecosystems of the Pakistani administered
territories of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.Journal of Plant Diseases and protection,

79 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Conferences/Seminar/Workshop and Training

1. Prof. Dr. Riaz Ali Shah Gardezi Participated in Meeting of Phytopathological

Society University of Punjab Lahore.

2. Dr. Muhammad Tariq Khan Participated in 5th International Workshop for

“Capacity in Building in nematology NARC” held in university of Karachi.

S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis
1. Rubia Kanwal Prof. Dr. Riaz Morphological and Taxonomical Characteristic of
Ali Shah Amanitaceac and Russulaceac and Related Species.
2. Madiha Khaliq Prof. Dr. Riaz Morphological and Taxonomic Evaluations of Wild
Ali Shah Mushrooms of Family Tricholomatecea and Related
3. Syed Zanib Dr. Muhammad Distribution of Root –Knot Nematodes on summer
Ali Gardezi Tariq Khan Vegetables in District Bagh, AJK
4. Abu Daud Distribution of Root –Knot Nematodes on summer
Ahmad Khan Vegetables in District Sudhnoti, AJK
5. Sidra Khursheed Raja Basharat Bioefficacy of Plant Extracts Against Early Blight
Mahmood (Alternaria Solani)of Potato.
6. Anila Azad In-Vitro and In-Vivo Management of Late Blight of
Potato (Phytophthora infestans) by Using Aqueous
Extracts of Medicinal Plants
7. Mehr-un-Nisa Mussadiq Hussain Mycoflora Associated with Seeds of Cereal Crops
(Wheat and Maize) Grown in District Poonch and
their Inhibitation Through Fungicisdes

Department Activity

Zero visit of HEC accreditation council to the department has been carried out.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 80

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Faculty of Veterinary and

Animal Sciences
The Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences started in the Faculty of
Agriculture, Rawalakot Campus in the year 2006. Later during November 2011,
the department was upgraded as Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. The
professionals qualified from the Faculty, shouldered the responsibilities of providing
skilled leadership in the development of livestock / poultry. They are contributing to
the scientific advancement in the livestock sector. In future, it will start other important
allied fields such as fish and aqua culture (4 year degree programme) in Azad Jammu
Kashmir. Faculty of veterinary and animal sciences is producing almost 60 DVM
graduates annually and variety of other allied fields in future.


• Livestock & Poultry Production

• Veterinary Basic Sciences
• Veterinary Clinical Sciences
• Veterinary Pathobiology

81 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Livestock &

Poultry Production
The Department of Livestock and Poultry Production was established under the
umbrella of Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science in the year 2012. The department
of Livestock and Poultry Production is actively engaged in imparting education and
hands on training in the fields of molecular genetics, quantitative genetics, management
and production of various species of livestock especially large and small ruminants,
poultry farm management, housing, breeding, feeding, disease control and animal
nutrition etc. The department offers courses on livestock production and management,
poultry science, animal nutrition, animal product technology, animal breeding and
genetics at undergraduate level (DVM). Department also offers courses to one year’s
diploma course in Livestock Farm Managers programme. The department also has
a close liaison with the Pakistan Poultry Association (PPA) and leading poultry and
livestock farmers, breeders, poultry and livestock feed millers and hatchery men and
has formulated a Working Group in order to discuss problems faced by poultry and
livestock industry and formulation of viable strategies.

Dr. Zulfiqar Hussan Kuthu Ph.D
Dr. Kashif Awan M.Sc.
Dr. Asif Mahmood M.Sc.
Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmad M.Sc.
Dr. Imran Ahmed M.Sc.
Dr. Abdul Jabbar M.Sc.
Dr. Waqas Ahmad M.Sc.


1. Adnan Nazir, Aziz Ullah Memon, Shahzad Akbar khan, Zulfiqar Hussan Kuthu,
Faisal Rasool, Zulfiqar Ahmed, Imran Ahmed Asim Shamim and Atif Aziz (2017)

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 82

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Study on the Effects of Antibiotic (Lincomycin) and Feed Additive (Niacin) on the
Growth of Broilers, Global veterinaria: 18 (5): 335-342.

2. Ahmed Z, Khan SA, Nawaz M, Shamim A, Waqas M, Mohi-uddin I, Ahmed I,

Kuthu ZH, Rasool F(2017). Effect of slow release urea supplemen-tation (optigen®)
on the production performance of Kaghani Sheep. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 5(4): 155-

3. N.Chen, J. Huang, A. Zulfiqar, R.Li, Y.xi, M. Zhang, R. Dang, X. Lan, Chen, Y.

Ma and C.Lei, (2018) population structure and ancestry of Qinchuan cattle, short
communication. doi:10.1111/age.12658.

4. Z. H. Kuthu1,2, K. Javed2, M. E. Babar2, A. Sattar3 and M. Abdullah2 ESTIMATION

TEDDY GOATS. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 27(5).

5. Muhammad Mukhtiar1, Syed Umer Jan2*, IhsanUllah3, Rahman Gul, Abid

Hussain1, Essa Ali4, IzharUllah1, Abdul Jabbar5, Muhammad Akram, Sibghat
Mansoor7 and Muhammad Farid Khan. Interaction of palladium inorganic salt
and organic complex with glutathione content of liver homogenate. Pak. J. Pharm.
Sci., Vol.31, No.2(Suppl), March 2018, pp. 727-731.

5. Muhammad Mukhtiar, Syed Umer Jan*, Ihsan Ullah, Abid Hussain,Izhar Ullah1,
Rahman Gul2, Essa Ali4, Abdul Jabbar5, Zulfiqar Hussan Kuthu, Muhammad
Wasim and Muhammad Farid Khan. The role of Glutathione, Cysteine and
D-Penicillamine in exchanging Palladium and Vanadium metals from albumin
metal complex. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.30, No.6 (Suppl), November 2017, pp. 2405-

6. Kuthu ZH*1, A Javed2, K Awan1, N Ahmad2 and A Ahad3. A Study on Phenotypic

and Genetic Correlations betweenBirth Weight and other Growth Traits in Teddy
Goat. J Dairy Vet Anim Res 2017, 5(5): 00158.

7. Hamid Mustafa1*, Waqas Ahmad Khan2, Huson J. Heather, ZulfiqarHussain

Kuthu4, Kim EuiSoo5, Adeela Ajmal1, Noor Ul Ainand Tad S. Sonstegard.
Performance of bovine high density SNPs genotyping array in indigenous Pakistani
cattle breeds. Pure and Applied Biology.

83 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

8. Hamid Mustafa1, Waqas Ahmad Khan2*, Zulfiqar Hussain Kuthu, Adeela Ajmal1,
Khalid Javed1, Noor Ul Ain4, Ahmad Ali and Muhammad Zeeshan. Analysis
of FecG gene in lohi sheep breed using PCR-RFLP technique.Pure and Applied
Biology. Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp292-295.

9. M. Mobashir, G. Habib, M.I. AnjumI. Gaul, N.Ahmad, A Moees and A. Mahmood.

Herbage production and nutritive value of alpine pasture in upper Kaghan valley
KPK, Pakistan. Journal of animal and applied sciences. 27(5):2017. page 1472-1478.

10. Ahmed Z, Khan SA, Nawaz M, Shamim A, Waqas M, Mohi-uddin I, Ahmed I,

Kuthu ZH, Rasool F(2017). Effect of slow release urea supplemen-tation (optigen®)
on the production performance of Kaghani Sheep. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 5(4): 155-

Research Project

1. Dr. M. Moen-u-din ( collabration with Dr. Zulfiqar Hussain Khuttu) , Establishment

of center for livestock genetic, breeding genomics from HEC.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 84

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of
Veterinary Basic Sciences
Dr. Abid Hussain, Ph.D
Sajid Mahmood Sajid, M.Sc.
Mubashar Khaliq, M.Phil
Saqib Saleem, M.Phil
Abdul Haseeb, M.Phil

Research Projects
Asim Shamim; Screening of Livestock Population for Ticks and Tick Borne
Diseases in Some Selected Districts of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan (5.00 million).Pakistan
Agricultural Research Council Agricultural Linkages Programme (ALP) Submitted

1. Asim Shamim, Muhammad Sohail Sajid, Muhammad Nasir Khan, Muhammad
Saqib. 2016. Phenotypic Marker Based Evaluation of Resistance to Haemonchus
contortus in Teddy and Beetal Goat Breeds of Punjab, Pakistan. Int J Agric and Bio.
IF (0.758).
2. M. Shoaib, M. A. A. Shah, M. U. Hassan, A. Shamim, M. A. Zafar, A. Riaz, M.
A. Khan .2016. Prevalence of the Gastrointestinal Helminths Parasites in Bovine
Population of Different Zone of Rawalpindi District of Punjab, Pakistan. Pakistan
Journal of Science. 69 (1):1-6. HEC Recognized. ISI indexed.
3. Murtaz ul Hassan, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal, Aaysha Riaz, Asim Shamim, Faisal
Ayub kiani, and Muhammad Baig (2016). Prevalence and Chemotherapy of Warble
Fly Infestation in Goat Population of District Khushab, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal
of Science. 68 (2):1-6. HEC Recognized (ISI indexed).
4. Zeba Shahnaz, Farhana Riaz Chaudry, Asim Shamim, Muhammad Arif
Zafar,Murtaz ul Hassan, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal, Aaysha Riaz.(2016). Soft Tick
(Argas persicus) Infestation at Government Layer Farms of Pothwar Region of
Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Entomology and Zoological Studies. 4(4): 664-667. ISI

85 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

5. Asim Shamim, Murtaz ul Hassan, Arfan Yousaf, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal,

Rao Muhammad Siddique, Muhammad Abubakar (2015). Occurrence and
Identification of Emeria Species in Broiler Birds Rearing under Traditional System.
Journal of Animal Science and Technology. 57: 1-4. BMC Group. Peer reviewed.

6. Nizhat Sultana; Asim Shamim, Muhammad Siddique Awan, Usman Ali, Murtaz ul
Hassan, Rao Muhammad siddique (2015). Dynamic Distribution of Hard Tick in
Livestock Population of Tehsil Hajira District Rawalakot Azad Kashmir. Advances
in Animal and Veterinary Science. 3(8): 1-5. Peer Reviewed.

7. Mohsin Nawaz, Sajid Mahmood Sajid, Zulfiqar Ahmed, Muhammad Waqas,

Tanveer Ahmed, Abid Hussain, Abrar Mohi-ud-Din, Asim Shamim, Muhammad
Zubair and Imran Khalid (2015). Anti-Tick Activity of Leaves of Azadirachta
Indica, Dalbergiasisso & Morus Alba against Rhipicephalus microplus (Acari:
Ixodidae). Acta Parasitologica Globalis 6 (1): 60-64. Peer Reviewed Open Access

8. Asim Shamim, Anisa Mushtaq, Murtaz ul Hassan (2015). No record of lice

(Pthiraptera) distribution and abundance in traditionally managed buffalo and
cattle in Rawalakot Azad Kashmir Pakistan. Journal of Entomology and Zoological
Studies 3(3): 328-330. ISI indexed.

9. Muhammad Arif Zafar, Murtaz-ul-Hasan, Aayesha Riaz, Asim Shamim,

Muhammad Farooq Iqbal and Arfan Yousaf (2015). Comparative Therapeutic
Evaluation of Partial Excision of Lesions and Administering Autogenous Vaccine
along with Immune-Modulators for the Treatment of Bovine Papillomatosis.
Veterinary Sciences Research and Reviews, 1(1): 6-9. Peer Reviewed Open Access.

10. Idrees M, Ahmad M, Gul ST, Ahmad I, Sallam MA and Zubair M, 2016. Effects of
Asphaltum (Shilajit) combined with vitamin E and selenium on the reproductive
parameters of female rabbits. Pak Vet J, 36(1):31-34. Impact factor 0.822

11. Muhammad Zubair, Sajid Mahmood Sajid. Effects of Clomiphene citrate on

Reproductive System of Birds and Mammals. Veterinary Sciences: Research and
Reviews, 2015 1(1);2.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 86

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

12. M. Zubair, M. Ahmad, H. Jamil & F. Deeba. Toxic effects of arsenic on semen
and hormonal profile and their amelioration with vitamin E in Teddy goat bucks.
Andrologia; Accepted: January 14, 2016 doi: 10.1111/and. 12564. Impact factor

13. Syed Ali Abid Bukhari, Shujait Ali, Muhammad Zubair, Ijaz Ahmad, Ubaid-Ur
Rehman, 2016. Effect of clomiphene citrate and human chorionic gonadotropin
(hCG) on ovulation induction in prepubertal Sahiwal heifers. Asian Pacific Journal
of Reproduction. 5(3); 232-235 (ISI indexed)

14. Muhammad Zubair, Effects of asphaltum (Shilajit) on male reproductive system

(mini review).; Spatula DD. 2016; 6(3):0-0. DOI: 10.5455/spatula.20160413015359

15. Shuja Hakim, Muhammad Zubair, Maqbool Ahmad, Shafia Tahseen Gull , Ali
Murtaza, and Saqib Umar, 2016. Effect of Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin on
Libido, Pre and Post Freezing Semen Parameters in Cholistani Bulls. International
Journal of Livestock Research; 6 (4), 65-72.

16. Muhammad Ikram-ul-Haq, Maqbool Ahmad,Muhammad Zubair, Shafia Tehseen

Gul, Muhammad Imtiaz Bashir. Effects of Asphaltum (Shilajit) on Scrotal
Circumference and Semen Quality Parameters of Adult Lohi Rams..Journal of
Entomology and Zoology Studies 2016; 4(2): 559-563. (ISI indexed)

17. Syed Mazhar Hussain Shah, SHujait Ali, Muhammad zubair, humajamil, Nazir
Ahmad. Effect of Supplementation of Feed with Flaxseed (Linumusitatisimum) Oil
on Libido and Semen Quality of Nilli-Ravi Buffalo Bulls, 2016. Journal of Animal
Science and Technology DOI 10.1186/s40781-016-0107-3. (ISI indexed)

18. A.U. Baber, M. Ahmad, M. Zubair, S.T. Gul and A. Murtaza Effects of additin of
taurine and manganese in extender on post thaw semen quality of sahiwal bulls.
Pakistan Journal of Science (Vol. 68 No.3 September, 2016).

19. M. Zubair, M. Ahmad, M. K. Saleemi, S. T. Gul, N. Ahmad, S. Umar. Protective

effects of vitamin E on sodium arsenite-induced toxicity, testicular measurements
and histopathological studies of testes in Teddy goat bucks. ANDROLOGIA
Accepted: 12 July 2016. Impact factor 1.441

87 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

20. Muhammad Zubair, Maqbool Ahmad, Huma Jamil and Farrah Deeba, 2016.
Dietary Vitamin E Supplementation: A Strategy to Combat Arsenic Induced
Toxicity in Teddy Bucks. Pak Vet J, 36(4): 455-459. Impact factor 0.82

21. Muhammad Zubair, Mubashir Ali Khaliq, Review on Effects of Dietary Poly
Unsaturated Fatty Acids on Semen Quality of Birds and Mammals. Asian J Agri
Biol, 2016, 4(4): 134-139.

22. Dr. Abid Hussain Molecular characterization of coagulase gene of S. aureous

isolation from mastitiic river buffaloes JAPS 26;2 2016- 408-414

23. Dr. Abdul Jabbar Additive effect of Nigella sative and zingiberofficinalehebal
mixture on performance of chlisterole profile of broiler. 2016. Phillip Agri Journal
99(4) 408-413.

Conference/Workshop/Seminar attended

1. Participated in International Entomological Congress and one exclusive day on

current scenario and management of pink bollworm organized by Department
of Entomology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan on 16th to
18th December, 2016.

2. Participated in conference on sustainable crop and animal production systems

organized by Pakistan agricultural scientist forum, The University of Haripur,
Haripur on 08-10 December, 2016.

3. Attended conference on Thinking Climate Change Adaptation in Water and

Farming on 28-30 November, 2016 held at climate change centre, The University
Agriculture Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan.

4. Participated in National one day seminar ‘‘One Health’’ held at University Of

Agriculture Faisalabad, August 08, 2016.

5. Asim Shamim, Faisal Rasool, Mohsin Nawaz, Shahzad Akbar khan, Zulifqar
Ahmed, Muhammad Sohail Sajid, Muhammad Imran, Hafiz Muhammad Rizwan,
Waqas Ahmad, Murtaz ul Hassan. An Evidence of Myiasis in Lamb of District

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 88

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Poonch, Azad Kashmir: A Case Study. Presented at conference on sustainable crop

and animal production systems organized by Pakistan agricultural scientist forum,
The University of Haripur, Haripur on 08-10 December, 2016.

6. Training Workshop “Cite While You Write” on February 18-19, 2016 at UAF.

7. Basic to modern assay methods for chemical and biological analysis of bioactive
molecules on June 22, 2016 at University of Poonch, Rawalakot.

8. Hands –on practical training on tools used for next generation sequencing based
microbiome and sequencing data analysis on 14-15 December, 2016 at UVAS.

9. International Conference of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and biomaterial on

February 22-24, 2016 at UAF. Abstract

10. Agro-Vet Conference “Progressive Agro-Vet Sector; a key to Prosperous Pakistan

on April 24, 2016 at Khayyam Banquet Hall, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

11. Participated and presented paper in conference on sustainable crop and animal
production systems December 8-10.2016 at university of Haripour

12. International conference on bioscience and biotechnology, 2016 Sri Lanka

Colombo. 12-14 January, 2016.

13. Work shop on equality diversity and tolerance December, 2016 organized by
Pakistan centre of excellence.


Muhammad Zubair 2016, Basics of Veterinary Andrology; ISBN. 978-3-659-94637-0.,

Lambert Academic Publishing.

89 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Veterinary
Clinical Sciences
The Department of Veterinary Clinical Science was established under the umbrella
of Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science in the year 2012. Animals and poultry
are kept for milk, meat and also valued for fresh skin, hide, horns, blood and bone
meal. Various diseases affect the health of animals and decrease the production of
animals, therefore, treatment of diseases is essential for maintaining high standard of
animal health and its products. Recent advances and discovery of new technology and
equipment enables diagnosis of disease in animal to be carried out rather easily which
otherwise was impossible in the past. Due to these facts clinical sciences have their
important role in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of various animals.


Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Ph.D

Dr. Muhammad Zubair Ph.D
Dr . Abid Hussain PhD
Dr. Abdul Aziz M.phil
Dr. Shaista Fazil M.phil

1. Muhammad Zubair, Maqbool Ahmad, Zafar Iqbal Qureshi, 2017. Review on
Arsenic Induced Toxicity in Male Reproductive System and its Amelioration.
aNDROLOGIA DOI: 10.1111/and.12791, (IF 1.441)
2. Muhammad Zubair, Saqib Umar, Saleem Akhtar, Zahid Iqbal, Mahmood Sajid,
Muhammad Kaleem and Ubaid-Ur-Rehman. 2017. Effects of Clomiphene Citrate
(CC) and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on hormonal profile, serum
biochemical constituents, and oxidative stress in pre-pubertal Sahiwal heifers
Shujait Ali, Indian J. Anim. Res., Accepted: (IF 0.14)
3. Muhammad Zubair, Christopher Joseph Martyniuk and Aqeela Shaheen. Rising
level of arsenic in water and fodder: a growing threat to livestock and human
populations in Pakistan (Review). Toxin Reviews,
1348360 Accepted. (IF 0.79)

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 90

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

4. M. Ali, M. Ahmad, S.T. Gul, M. Zubair, I. Ahmad and S. Ali. 207. Role of selenium
and vitamin E in lactose based extender on semen cryopreservation of buffalo bull
(bubalus bubalis). Pakistan Journal of Science (Vol. 69 No. 2 June, 2017). HEC
5. M. Zubair, 2017. Review on Toxic Effects of Arsenic with relation to Clinical Signs
in Different Animals. Asian J. Agri & Biol. 5(1): 32-37. HEC Recognized
6. Muhammad Zubair, 2017. Review on Effects of dietary vitamin E on male
reproductive system. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction, 6(4): 145-150. (ISI
7. Muhammad Zubair & Christopher Joseph Martyniuk, 2018: A review on hemato-
biochemical, accumulation and patho-morphological responses of arsenic toxicity
in ruminants, Toxin Reviews, DOI: 10.1080/15569543.2018.1442347. (IF 0.79)
8. Zubair M, Ahmad M, Saleemi MK, Gul ST, Jamil H and Umar S, 2018. Effects
of vitamin E on hemato-biochemical constituents, kidney parenchyma and tissue
accumulation in sodium arsenite exposed Teddy goat bucks. Pak Vet J, 38(1). (IF

Conference/Workshop/Seminars attended/organized

1. Muhammad Zubair participated in 4th International Conference and Industrial

Exhibition on Dairy Science Park (DSP 2017); held on November 1 - 5, 2017 Venue:
Selçuk Üniversitesi, Konya, Turkey;
2. Muhammad Zubair participated in Intellectual property protection for the
intervention related to agriculture and animal sciences 9th-10th October 2017
organized by UVAS.
3. Muhammad Zubair participated in Veterinary clinical procedures in large and
small animals on 4-15 December 2017 organized by UVAS and PVMC.
4. Muhammad Zubair participated in advanced surgical and clinical skill on 11-15
December by PVMC.


1. Muhammad Zubair was awarded of travel grant by Pakistan science Foundation

of RS 116164 NO.PSF/P&D/TG-ND (165)/17 to attend the 4th International
Conference and Industrial Exhibition on Dairy Science Park (DSP 2017); held on
November 1 - 5, 2017 Venue: Selçuk Üniversitesi, Konya, Turkey.

91 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Veterinary
The department is actively engaged in teaching undergraduate and diploma
courses. The department primarily deals with the teaching and research activities on
various pathogens of veterinary and public health importance. There is great diversity
of pathogens including viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and other parasites which lead
to huge economic losses and public health issues. Proper knowledge of these pathogens
is pre-requisite to control the diseases and to minimize the economic losses in livestock
sector. The department has well established Microbiology laboratory for demonstration
of the undergraduate students. Pathology and Parasitology laboratories are under the
process of development. Recently, Prof. Dr. Zafar Iqbal Chaudhry has been appointed
as professor in the department which has a vast experience of teaching, research and
administration. Surely, his appointment will enhance the quality of teaching and
research activities and hopefully, postgraduate classes will be started in the department
in near future.


Dr. Shahzad Akber Ph.D

Dr. Asim Shamim Ph.D
Dr . Faisal Rasool Ph.D
Dr. Ibrar Muhidun M.Phil
Dr. Tanveer M.Phil
Dr. Aniasa Mushtaq M.Phil


1. Asim Shamim, Muhammad Sohail Sajid, Muhammad Nisar Khan, Muhammad

Saqib. (2017). Isolation of Seven Peptides from Crude Somatic Antigen Of
Haemonchus Contortus Through Sds Page. Indian Journal of Animal Research.
20(1) 1-4.

2. Muhammad Sohail Sajid, Zafar Iqbal, Asim Shamim Hafiz Muhammad Rizwan
(2017). Distribution and abundance of ticks infesting livestock population along

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 92

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Poonch, Rawalakot

Karakaram highway from Manshera to Gilgit, Pakistan. Journal of Hellenic

Veterinary Medical Society 68: (1)51-58

Conference/Workshop/Seminars attended/organized

1. Dr. Asim Shamim participated in Intellectual property protection for the

intervention related to agriculture and animal sciences.


S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis

1 Shoaib Hussain Dr. Asim Shamim Determination of Multiple Anthelmintic Resistance
against haemonchus contorts in Sheep in Azad
Jammu and Kashmir

93 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Faculty of Basic & Applied Sciences

The Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences (FBAS) has been established recently
(February 2103) in the University of Poonch, Rawalakot Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The
Faculty comprises of the following 05 different departments.

The FBAS at Poonch University will work for the creation and application of
knowledge in disciplines and to communicate scientific understanding to students,
peers, and the communities we serve. The FBAS will try to equip students with technical
knowledge, skill and ability; motivating them to think creatively, helping them to act
independently and take decisions accordingly in all their scientific pursuits and other
endeavours. Faculty strives to equip and empower its students and faculty members
to contribute to the development of the society and the Nation. Presently, Faculty is
offering two years M.Sc. Program and about 260 students have been enrolled for this
semester. In the near future, the Faculty will offer BS (Hons.) 4 years program in various
cutting edge areas of science and technology according to the need of the society and
the industry.


• Botany

• Chemistry

• Mathematics

• Physics

• Zoology

• Geology

• Computer Sciences

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 94

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Botany
The department is aimed at introducing the quality higher education to meet the
modern challenges of the world. The department provides useful opportunities to the
students in various fields of plant sciences. It offers different courses of studies at the
undergraduate and post-graduate levels to cater the human resource requirements for
teaching and research in the fields of education, agriculture, environmental, NGOs in
pharmaceutics and other industries. The department of Botany is trying to develop
a large and productive research and teaching group in plant sciences. The faculty
members are working in many specialized fields of plant sciences and are endeavouring
to enhance our knowledge of the plant world. The State of Azad Jammu and Kashmir
is rich in flora which covers a variety of plants. The department initially emphasize on
using local flora in lectures and teaching materials in laboratory classes. Field study trips
formed an integral part of the Botany courses. These trips are arranged to familiarize
the students with the rich diversity of the subtropical, temperate, and alpine flora and
help them to understand.

Dr. Kh. Shafique Ahmad Ph.D
Dr. Ansar Mehmood Ph.D
Dr. Sajjad Hussain Ph.D
Abdul Qadir Khan M.Phil
M. Faraz Khan M.Phil
Anita Maqbool M.Phil
Aneela Ulfat M.Phil

1. Khawaja Shafique Ahmad*, Mansoor Hameed, Abdul Hamid, Fahim Nawaz,
Muhammad Sajid Aqeel Ahmad, Farooq Ahmad, Jiabin Deng, Imtiaz Hussain,
Bushra Hafeez Kiani, Sana Fatima. 2017. Beating cold by being tough: Impact of
elevation on leaf characteristics in Phleum himalaicum Mez. endemic to Himalayan
Territory. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum.. (IF: 1.364)
2. Luisa Custodio, Saira Asif, Khawaja Ahmad, Gokhan Zengin, Marina Catunda
Baessa, Maria Rodrigues, Catarina Pereira, Tamára Santos, Nuno da Rosa Neng,
José Nogueira, Luísa Barreira, Joao Varela, Haroon Ahmed, Saleem A Boukhari,

95 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Adriano Mollica, Waqas Kayani. 2018. A comparative study of the in vitro enzyme
inhibitory and antioxidant activities of Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. And
Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poiret from Pakistan: new sources of natural products for
public health problems. South African Journal of Botany, Accepted (IF: 1.427)
3. Deng JB, G Gao, KS Ahmad, XQ Luo, FT Zhang, S Li & RW Yang. 2018. Evaluation
on genetic relationships among China’s endemic Curcuma L. herbs by mtDNA.
Fyton International Journal of Experimental Botany, In press (IF: 0.18)
4. Khawaja Shafique Ahmad*, Abdul Hamid, Fahim Nawaz, Mansoor Hameed,
Farooq Ahmad, Jiabin Deng, Noreen Akhtar, Ambreen Wazarat and Sehrish
Mahroof. Ethnopharmacological studies of indigenous plants in Kel village, Neelum
Valley, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. J. Ethnobiol Ethnomed. 13:68, DOI 10.1186/
s13002-017-0196-1 (IF: 1.903)
5. Akhtar N, Hameed M, *Ahmad KS, Nawaz F, Hamid A, Mehmood A, Shahnaz
M, Khan AQ. 2017. Effect of nickel toxicity on structural and functional aspects of
osmoregulation in of Typha domingensis Pers. populations. Limnology, 18: 1-13: (IF: .913)
6. Akhtar N, *Ahmad KS, Hameed M, Nawaz F, Hamid A, Segovia-Salcedo C,
Mehmood A, Shahnaz MM. 2017. Leaf anatomical and biochemical adaptations in
Typha domingensis pers. ecotypes for salinity tolerance Bot. Sci., 95:1-15. (IF: .496)
7. Khawaja Shafique Ahmad, *Mansoor Hameed, Sana Fatima, Muhammad Ashraf,
Farooq Ahmad, Mehwish Naseer, Aneela Zahoor, Iftikhar Ahmad. 2017. Tribe
Andropogoneae from Neelum Valley, Zad Jammu and Kashmir: Phylogeny based
on Morpho-anatomy. Pak. J. Bot. 49(SI): 73-82. (IF: .658)
8. Fahim Nawaz, M. Naeem, M. Akram, M.Y. Ashraf, K.S. Ahmad, B. Zulifqar, H.
Sardar, N. Shabir, S. Majid, M.A. Shahzad, I. Anwar. 2017. Seed priming with KNO3
mediates biochemical processes to inhibit lead (Pb) toxicity in maize (Zea mays L.).
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. doi:10.1002/jsfa.8347. (IF: 2.463)
9. Mehwish Naseer, *Mansoor Hameed, Muhammad Ashraf, Aneela Zahoor, Farooq
Ahmad, Sana Fatima and Muhammad Sajid Aqeel Ahmad, Khawaja Shafique
Ahmad and Mishal Iftikhar. 2017. Photosynthetic response in buttonwood
(Conocarpus erectus L.) To salt stress. Pak. J. Bot. 49: 847-856. (IF: .658)
10. Noreen Akhtar, Khawaja Shafique Ahmad, Mehwish Hina, Omey Habiba,
Muhammad Muslim Shahnaz, Hina Kanwal, Aisha Ilyas, Abida Kausar. 2017.
Morpho-physiological and anatomical modifications in different ecotypes of Typha
domingensis Pers. under cadmium stress. Pak. J. Bot. Accepted. (IF: .658)

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 96

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

11. Ansar Mehmood and Ghulam Murtaza. 2017. Impact of biosynthesized silver
nanoparticles on protein and carbohydrate contents in seeds of Pisum sativum L.
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 17: 334-340. (IF 0.95)
12. Sidra Nasar, Ghulam Murtaza, Ansar Mehmood, Tariq Mahmood Bhatti. 2017.
Green approach towards synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Ficus palmata leaf
extract and their antibacterial profile. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 51(9):
811-817. (IF 0.7)
13. Noreen Akhtar, Mansoor Hameed, Abdul Hamid, Fahim Nawaz, Khawaja Shafique
Ahmad, Jiabin Deng, Ansar Mehmood, Claudia Segovia‑Salcedo, Muhammad
Muslim Shahnaz and Abdul Qadir Khan. 2017. Effects of nickel toxicity on
morphological and physiological aspects of osmoregulation in Typha domingensis
(Typhaceae) Populations. Limnology, DOI 10.1007/s10201-017-0529-8. (IF 0.9)
14. Ansar Mehmood, Ghulam Murtaza, Tariq Mahmood Bhatti and Rehana Kausar.
2017. Phyto-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Melia azedarach L. leaf
extract: Characterization and antibacterial activity. Arabian Journal of Chemistry,
10: S3048-S3058. (IF 4.55)
15. Ansar Mehmood and Ghulam Murtaza. 2017. Application of SNPs to improve
yield of Pisum sativum L. (pea). IET Nanobiotechnology, 11(4): 390-394. (IF 1.5)
16. Tariq Saiff Ullah, Syeda Sadiqa Firdous, Ansar Mehmood, Hamayun Shaheen and
Muhammad Ejaz Ul Islam Dar. 2017. Ethno-Mycological and Nutritional Analysis
of Some Wild Edible Mushrooms from Western Himalayas, Azad Jammu and
Kashmir. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. International Journal of
Medicinal Mushrooms, 19(10): 949-955. (IF 1.3)
17. Sajjad Hussain, Ghulam Murtaza, Ansar Mehmood and Rizwana Aleem Qureshi.
2017. Conservation of indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants of Western
Himalayan region Rawalakot Azad Kashmir Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, 30(3): 773-782. (IF 0.65)
18. Sajjad Hussain, Ghulam Murtaza, Ansar Mehmood and Rizwana Aleem Qureshi.
2017. Conservation of indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants of Western
Himalayan region Rawalakot Azad Kashmir Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, 30(3): 773-782. (IF 0.65)
19. S. Hussain, G. Murtaza and R. A. Qureshi 2016. Floristic studies of angiosperms
of Rawalakot Azad Jammu and kashmir Pakistan. The Journal of Animal & Plant
Sciences, 26(6): 2016, Page: 1696-1709

97 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

20. Noreen Akhtar, Mansoor Hameed, Abdul Hamid, Fahim Nawaz, Khawaja Shafique
Ahmad, Jiabin Deng, Ansar Mehmood, Claudia Segovia‑Salcedo, Muhammad
Muslim Shahnaz and Abdul Qadir Khan. 2017. Effects of nickel toxicity on
morphological and physiological aspects of osmoregulation in Typha domingensis
(Typhaceae) Populations. Limnology, DOI 10.1007/s10201-017-0529-8. (IF 0.9)
21. Muhammad Asif Tahir, Rizwan Sarwar, Sajid Safeer, Imran Hamza, and Muhammad
Faraz Khan Anatomical variations in stomatal attributes of selected species of
family Asteraceae. in
Plant Sciences, vol 7, issue 12, p.10-14, 2017 (2017002)Saeed Khalil, Mubahshrah
Munir Sajid Safeer Rizwan Sarwar, Ahmed Faraz, Composition of Algal Flora
from Mahasheer National Park AJK, Pakistan. Department of Botany, PMAS Arid
Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Journal of Resources Development
and Management ISSN 2422-8397 An International Peer-reviewed
Journal Vol.32, 2017
Book Chapter
Nawaz F, S. Majeed, K.S. Ahmad, M. Aqib, M. A. Shahzad, M. Aurangzeb and
M. Shahbaz. “Sulfur Species: Key regulators of abiotic stress tolerance in plants”.
In “Reactive Oxygen, Nitrogen and Sulfur Species in Plants: Production,
Metabolism, Signaling and Defense Mechanisms”. Wiley Publishers. ISBN

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 98

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis
1. Tayyaba Zubair Dr. Kh. Shafique Evaluation of Anticancer Activities of Selected
Ahmad Medicinal Plants from District Bagh Azad Kashmir
2. Sehrish Mahroof Dr. Kh. Shafique Effect of Altitude and Season on Anatomy,
Ahmad Physiology and Biochemistry of some selected
Medicinal Plants
3. Ambreen Dr. Kh. Shafique Structural and Functional Adaptations in some
Wazarat Ahmad differentially adapted high Altitude Grasses from
District Poonch, Rawalakot Azad Kashmir
4. Nasir Iqbal Dr. Kh. Shafique Anatomical and Physiological Characterization of
some Sedges from District Kotli Azad Kashmir
5. Ali Akbar Dr. Kh. Shafique Phytochemical Activities in Milkvetch (Astragalus
Ahmad psilocentros Fisch.) and Japanese Shikimi (Skimmia
laureola dc. Sieb.) Plants from Sudhan Galli, District
Bagh, Azad Kashmir
6. Sidra Asghar Dr. Kh. Shafique Ethnopharmacological Studies of Indigenous Plants
Ahmad in Ourah Gali, District Sudhnoti, Azad Kashmir
7. Laraib Najeeb Dr. Kh. Shafique Ethnopharmacological Investigations of Native
Ahmad Plants in Chatter village, District Bagh, Azad
8. Hina Sharif Dr. Ansar Effect of Greensynthesized Silver Nanoparticles on
Mehmood Growth and Biochemical Attributes of Soybean
(glycine max l.)
9. Shaista Shabbir Dr. Ansar Mehmood Biogenic Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using
Ulmus wallichiana Planch. Leaf Extract and their
Biological Activities
10. Najma Anwar Dr. Ansar Mehmood Phytotoxic Effect of Biologically Synthesized Silver
Nanoparticles on Seed Germination and Growth of
Mung Bean (Vigna radiata l.)
11. Safina Begum Dr. Ansar Mehmood Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical Screening of
Plantago Major l. And Plantago lenceoleta l. From
Rawalakot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir
12. Abid Hussain Dr. Ansar Mehmood Bio-Fabrication of Silver Nanoparticles using Olea
Ferruginea Royle and their Antibacterial and
Antioxidant Applications
13. Firdous Baytab Dr. Ansar Mehmood Characterization of Debregeasia Salicifolia (roxb.
Ex d. Don) for its Pharmacognestic Study from
District Sudhnoti, Azad Jammu and Kashmir

99 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis

14. Anab Saddique Dr. Ansar Mehmood Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical Investigation
on Cascuta Reflexa from Rawalakot, Azad Jammu
and Kashmir
15. Amna Mustafa Abdul Qadir Khan Geographic Impact on Morphology and Genetic
Diversity of Vibernum Species from AJK
16. Maria Saleem Abdul Qadir Khan Morphological and Molecular Characterization of
Genus Prunus from Poonch AJK
17. Aqsa Mir Alam Abdul Qadir Khan Phytochemical Evaluation and Genetic Diversity
Assessment in Artemesia Species from Poonch AJK

Participation of Faculty Members in Conferences/Seminars/Workshops

and Trainings (2017-2018)
1. “Plant resources: current trends, changelings and solutions” on March 23-27, 2018
at Islamia College Peshawar, Pakistan.
2. Seminar on Instrumental & Intrinsic Values of Biodiversity. May, 25, 2017. Chief
Organizer. Department of Botany, University of Poonch, Rawalakot.
3. One day workshop on “Approaching towards Comprehensive Elimination of
Persistent Organic Pollutants (PoPs) in Pakistan, organized by UNDP, Pakistan At
PC, Hotel Muzaffarabad on December 18, 2017.
4. 1st International Conference on Conventional and Modern Approaches in Plant
Sciences, November 28-29, 2017, organized by Department of Botany, University
of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
5. Two-Days Workshop on Nanomaterials Research, Fabrication and Applications,
held on October 12-13, 2017, organized by department of chemistry, University of
Hazara Mansehra, Pakistan.
6. One-day seminar on Soil, Water, and Nutrient Conservation in Mountaineous
Agriculture, on July 10, 2017, organized by Soil Science Society of Pakistan, The
University of Poonch Rawalakot, AJK.
7. Dr. Ansar Mehmood participated and presented a Paper in 7th International and
16th National Conference on “Plant Resources: Current Trends, Challenges and
Solutions” on 23-27 March, 2018.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 100

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

8. Dr. Ansar Mehmood organized a seminar on “Instrumental and intrinsic value

of Biodiversity” in Department of Botany University of Poonch, Rawalakot on 25
May, 2017.

9. Dr. Ansar Mehmood attended and read a paper entitled “Effect of SA on biochemical
attributes of Triticum aestivum L. seedling under lead stress” in 6th National and
15th International Conference on Dynamic trends in plant sciences: Fostering
environment and food security SBK Women University Quetta, Pakistan

10. 1st International Conference on Conventional and Modern Approaches in Plant

Sciences, November 28-29, 2017, organized by Department of Botany, University
of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

11. Seminar on Instrumental & Intrinsic Values of Biodiversity. May, 25, 2017. Chief
Organizer. Department of Botany, University of Poonch, Rawalakot.

12. Participated and presented poster in one-day conference entitled “Antibiotics:

discovery, resistance and alternatives” on Tuesday 15 August 2017.

13. Presented poster entitled “Ethnomedicine of Kashmir Himalayas: A potential

hotspot for anti-infective drug discovery in a symposium organized by Emory
Antibiotic resistance center on January 11, 2018.

Project (Completed)
1. Dr. Kh. Shafique ahmad Structural and functional adaptations in differently adapted
ecotypes of some high altitudinal grasses from the Poonch District, Azad Kashmir,
Pakistan by Higher Education Commission
2. Dr. Ansar Mehmood Indigenous uses and biological activities (with and without
silver nanoparticles) of some important medicinal plants of Poonch, Azad Kashmir
by Higher Education Commission

Departmental Activity
3. The Faculty Members and students of Botany Department actively participated in
oral presentations in 1st International Conference on Conventional and Modern
Approaches in Plant Sciences, November 28-29, 2017, organized by Department of
Botany, University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

101 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Chemistry
Newly established Department of Chemistry was started on March, 2013 in city
the campus. The aim of establishing the Department is to train manpower to meet the
academic and development challenges faced by the nation. Department introduced
modern quality & higher education to the selected young scholars throughout the
State of AJK and Pakistan. The department of Chemistry provides a stimulating
environment for research and teaching learning with highly qualified and research
oriented Ph.D and M.Phil faculty members. Faculty members are working in many
specialized fields of Chemistry and are endeavouring to enhance the knowledge of the
Science. Members of the teaching staff have completed research projects with the support
of various national funding agencies, whereas, currently some new research projects are
in progress. The department of chemistry started two years M.Sc. programme and also
planning to start BS, M.Phil and Ph.D Programme. The department provides training in
four mainstream areas of chemistry i.e., biochemistry, inorganic, organic and physical
chemistry. The Department of chemistry having a facility of various equipments i.e;
(UV, AAS, GLC, HPLC). The department is also furnished with library which fulfils the
requirement of M.Sc. and BS programmes.

Dr. Qaiser Abbas Bhatti Ph.D
Dr. Syed Mubashar Sabir Ph.D
Dr. Shabnam Shahida Ph.D
Dr. Faiz Ali Ph.D
Dr. Naveed Iqbal Ph.D
Dr. Faiza Rehman Ph.D
Ms. Fozia Bibi M.Phil
Mr. Khurram Liaqat M.Phil
Ms. Summaya Khalid M.Phil
Ms. Mehrosh Islam M.Phil

1. Hepatoprotective activity and phenolic profile of Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb.
Fruit extract. SM Sabir, JBT Rocha, ML Athayde, AA Boligon, Pakistan Journal of
Pharmaceutical Science, 30, 2017 (5):1551-1556.((I.F = 0.58).

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 102

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

2. Antioxidant activities and phenolic profile of Baccharis trimera, a commonly used

Medicinal plant from Brazil. SM Sabir, ML Athayde, AA Boligon, JBT Rocha,
South African Journal of Botany 2017,113:318-323.( (I.F = 1.43).
3. Sedimentation assisted preparation of ground particles of silica monolith and their
C18 modification resulting in a chromatographic phase of improved separation
efficiency. Ashraf Ali, Faiz Ali, Won Jo Cheong. J. Chromatogr. A 1525(2017)79-86.
(I.F = 4.7).
4. High Efficiency Robust Open Tubular Capillary ElectrochromtographyColumn
for the Separation of Peptides. Faiz Ali, Won JoCheong. Bulletin of the Korean
Chemical Society 37 (8), 1374-1377. (I.F = 0.98).
5. Preparation of Partially Sub-1 µm Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Silica Monolith
Materials as Highly Efficient Stationary Phases in Reverse Phase Liquid
Chromatography. Faiz Ali, Won Jo Cheong, Behisht Ara, First International
Conference on Emerging Trends in Material Sciences February 2018. Islamia
College University Peshawar.
6. Separation of Peptides and Proteins in Tryptic Digest of Cytochrome c by Novel
Step Elution Approach in Open Tubular Capillary Electrochromatography. Faiz
Ali, Won Jo Cheong, Behisht Ara. 7th International Conference and Exhibition
on Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques. J Anal Bioanal Tech.DOI:10.4172/2155-
9872.C1.024. Orlando, USA. (I.F=2.1).
7. Evaluation of Antidiabetic Potential of Steroidal Alkaloid of Sarcococca Saligna.
Naeem Ullah Jan, Amjad Ali ,Bashir Ahmad, Naveed Iqbal, Achyut Adhikarie,
Inayat-ur Rehman, Abid Ali ,Safdar Ali, Azra Jahan, Hamid Ali, Ijaz Ali, Anwar
Ullah, Syed GhulamMusharraf, Journal of Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
(2018),100, Pages 461-466 (I.F= 2.7).
8. Oxidative removal of brilliant green by UV/S2O8, UV/HSO5 and UV/H2O2
processes in aqueous media: A comparative study, Rehman, F., Sayed, M., Khan, J.
A., Shah, L. A., Shah, N. S., Khan, H. M., Journal of hazardous materials, (Accepted,
2018, (I.F= 6.1).
9. Degradation of Crystal Violet Dye by Fenton and Photo-Fenton Oxidation
Processes. Rehman, F., Sayed, M., Khan, J. A., Shah, L. A., Shah, N. S., Khan, H.
M., & Khattak R. ZeitschriftfürPhysikalischeChemie. (Accepted, 2018. (I.F = 1.2)
10. Renoval of Crystal Violet Dye from Aqueous Solution by Gamma Irradiation.
Rehman, F., Murtaza, S., KHAN, A., & Khan, H. M., Journal of the Chilean Chemical
Society, 2017, 62(1), 3359-3364. (IF = 0.9)
11. Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Sulfonated Polyimide with Varying
Chemical Structure for Fuel Cell Applications, Khurram Liaqat, Wajid Rehman,

103 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Shaukat Saeed ,Muhammad Waseem, Srosh Fazil, Muhammad Shakeel, Peng

Kang, Solid State Ionics, 319, 2018,141-147. (IF = 2.354).
12. Improving Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Polyimide by
Incorporating Vinyltriethoxysilane Functionalized Graphene oxide, Srosh Fazil,
Shaukat Saeed, Muhammad Waseem, Wajid Rehman Masroor Bangesh, Khurram
Liaqat, Polymer Composites-2017, Wiley Online Library. (IF = 2.314).
S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis
1. Sundus Sehar Dr. Qaisar Abbas Interaction of Di-Ruthenium Tetra Carboxylate with
Bhatti Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone
2. Muneeba Almas Dr. Qaisar Abbas Effect of Physic-Chemical and Mechanical
Bhatti Treatment on the Adsorption of Polyvinyl
Pyrrolidone over Smectite (Di-octahydral)
3. Asma Rahim Dr. Qaisar Abbas Interaction of Di-Ruthenium Tetra Carboxylate with
Bhatti Polyethylene Glycol
4. Amna Pervaz Dr. Qaisar Abbas Interaction of Di-Ruthenium Tetra Carboxylate with
Bhatti Polyvinyl Alcohol
5. Ishrat Fatima Dr. Qaisar Abbas Synthesis and Characterization of Organosilver
Bhatti Nanoparticles and their Evaluation for Medical
6. Yasir Dr. Syed Mubashar Antioxidant Activities and Inhibitory Effect of
Sabir Angelica Gluca Against Lipid Peroxidation in
Mice Liver
7. Amina Sabir Dr. Syed Mubashar Antioxidant Activities and Phytochemical Screening
of Cannabis Sativa
8. Sobia Sarwar Dr. Syed Mubashar Antioxidant Activities and Phytochemical Screening
Sabir of Curcuma Longa
9. ShahidaYounis Dr. Shabnam Sol Gel Synthesis of Metal Oxide for Resistive
Shahida Switching Applications
10. Rubab Akhter Dr.Shabnam Synthesis and Characterization of P-type ZnO
Shahida Nanowires for Opto Electronic Devices
11. Asad Saleem Dr. Shabnam Laser Breakdown Spectroscopy for the Analyses of
Shahida Ajwa Dates
12. Muhammad Nabil Dr. Shabnam Shahida Synthesis of Biologically
Active Dithiocarbamate and its Complexes with Late
Transition Metals
13. Syeda Sehar Dr. Naveed Iqbal Effect of Extraction Methods on Biological Activities
Iftikhar of Yellow Himalayan Raspberry

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Poonch, Rawalakot

S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis

14. Bushra Hamid Dr. Naveed Iqbal Effect of Extraction Methods on Biological Activities
of Bathu (Chinopodium album) Collected from
different localities of KPK
15. Saba Mazhar Dr. Naveed Iqbal Effect of Extraction Methods on Biological Activities
of Injeer (Ficuscarica) collected from different
localities of Kashmir
16. Arjumand Dr. Naveed Iqbal Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from
Shaheen Turmeric and its Antimicrobial Activity
17. Robab Ms. Fozia Bibi Metal Nanoparticles Supported Graphene: Synthesis
Mehmood and its Catalytic Application
18. Syed Khurum Ms. Fozia Bibi Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Cr (III)
Zakir Oxidation

Conferences/Seminars/Workshops and Trainings: (Total=11)

1. Three Days International Conference on “Plants :Their Chemical and Biological
Applications for Today and Tomorrow, Organized by Department of Botany,
University of Gujrat, Pakistan, on 12-14 April 2017. (Dr. Qaiser Abbas Bhatti).
2. Two days Training Workshop on Persistent Organic Pollutant and their Implications
in Pakistan, Organized by Ministry of Climate Change and UNDP 18-19 December
2017 at Muzaffarabad (Dr. Qaiser Abbas Bhatti).
3. Instrumental and Intrinsic Values of Biodiversity. Seminar Organized by
Department of Botany, University of Poonch, held on May 25, 2017. (Dr. Qaiser
Abbas Bhatti, Dr. Shabnam Shahida, Ms. Fozia).
4. Soil, water and Nutrient conservation in Mountainous Agriculture. Seminar
organized by Soil Science society of Pakistan, Department of Soil Sciences,
University of Poonch, held on July 10, 2017 Pakistan. (Dr. Qaiser Abbas Bhatti,
Dr Shabnam Shahida).
5. Workshop on getting published in reputed international journals, Organized by
University of the Poonch, Rawalako on 3rd May 2017 (Dr. Qaiser Abbas Bhatti, Ms.
6. 1st National Science Conference 2017 on “Science for the Betterment of Humanity,
Organized by The Government Sadiq College Women University, Bahawalpur,
Pakistan, on 4th-6th May 2017, (Dr. Shabnam Shahida).

105 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

7. Two Day Workshop on “Hyphenated Techniques: A new Trend in Analytical

Sciences” Organized by University of Kotli, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, on 14-15th
June, 2017, (Dr. Shabnum Shahida).

8. 9th Chemistry Conference 2017 on “Chemistry in Engineering and Life Sciences”

Organized by Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology, Islamabad
Pakistan, on 19-21st September, 2017,Oral Presentation (Dr. Shabnum Shahida,
Ms. Fozia).

9. National Symposium on “Emerging Trends in the Extraction of Plant Bioactive

for Nutrapharmaceutical Developments” Organized by University of Sargodha,
Chemistry Department, Pakistan (Dr. Shabnam Shahida).

10. Workshop on Consultative Workshop on Climate Change Strategies and Action

Plans for AJ&K, Organized by Department of Agricultural and Forestry, AJK,
Pakistan, in Rawalakot International Hotel, on 22 March 2018. (Dr. Faiz Ali).

11. First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Material Sciences, Organized

by Islamia College University, Peshawar, on February 2018. (Dr. Faiz Ali, Dr. Qaiser
Abbas Bhatti, Dr. Faiza Rehman)


1. Dr. Faiz Ali, Synthesis of Silica Monolith Particles and their Modification with
Polymer Coating for the Extraction of Heavy Metals by HEC Completed in
December 2017.
2. Dr.Shabnam Shahida, Offline Preconcentration of Heavy Metals On Solid Supports
Impregnated With Active Ingredients of Medicine HEC. Pakistan Completed in

Departmental Activity

1. One Week Training Workshop on Civil defense and Rescue ,Organized by

Department of Chemistry on 2nd – 5th October 2017.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 106

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics started functioning in 2013 with the establishment
of University of the Poonch, Rawalakot and is committed to train students to meet
the demand and developing careers in teaching and other government and public
sector organizations. The Department promotes advanced learning methodologies and
persistently strives to develop creative thinking skills in students in order to prepare
them to take effective decisions on the basis of applying the mathematical methods.
M.Sc. in Mathematics offered by the department is a two year programme comprising
four semesters. The Department is also imparting education at the level of BS (4 years)
programme. The courses taught at the department are of international standard which
are designed in such a way that they have applications in daily life as well as in different
fields of Science and Engineering. The Department of Mathematics aims at education
in the major areas of mathematics: Algebra, Analysis, Topology, Geometry, and Applied


Dr. Qamar Din Ph.D

Dr. Muhammad Asad Iqbal Ph.D
Mr. Muzamil Hussain M.Phil
Farnaz Akhtar M.Phil
Mr. Muhammad Atique Khan M.Phil
Mr. Aamar Abbas M.Phil
Mr. Muhammad Safeer M.Phil
Mr. Waqas Ishaque M.S

1. T. Ali, M. A. Khan, A. Kilicman, Q. Din, On the Refined Hermite-Hadamard
Inequalities, Mathematical Sciences and Applications E-Notes, 6 (1) (2018), 7-14.
2. Q. Din, M. Hussain, Controlling chaos and Neimark-Sacker bifurcation in a
host-parasitoid model, Asian Journal of Control, (2018), DOI: 10.1002/asjc.1809,
3. Q. Din, A. A. Elsadany, S. Ibrahim, Bifurcation analysis and chaos control in a
second-order rational difference equation, International Journal of Nonlinear
Sciences and Numerical Simulation, accepted, (2018). (IF=0.89)

107 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

4. Q. Din, Bifurcation analysis and chaos control in discrete-time glycolysis models,

Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 56(3)(2018), 904-931. (IF=1.308)
5. Q. Din, T. Donchev, D. Kolev, Stability, Bifurcation Analysis and Chaos Control in
Chlorine Dioxide-Iodine-Malonic Acid Reaction, MATCH-Communications in
Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 79(3)(2018), 577-606, (IF=3.139)
6. Ghaus ur Rahman, Q. Din, F. Faizullah, F. M. Khan, Qualitative Behavior of a
Second-Order Fuzzy Difference Equation, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems,
34(1)(2018), 745-753. (IF= 1.261)
7. Q. Din, A. A. Elsadany, H. Khalil, Controlling Chaos and Bifurcations in Discrete-
Time Population Models, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2017 (2017),
Article ID 3476913, 1-3. (IF=0.711)
8. Q. Din, M. A. Khan, Period-doubling bifurcation and chaos control in a discrete-
time mosquito model, Computational Ecology and Software, 7(4) (2017), 153-166.
9. Q. Din, Controlling chaos in a discrete-time prey-predator model with Allee effects,
International Journal of Dynamics and Control, (2017), DOI: 10.1007/s40435-017-
10. Q. Din, Qualitative analysis and chaos control in a density-dependent host-
parasitoid system, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, (2017), DOI:
11. U. Saeed, M. Ozair, T. Hussain, Q. Din, Fractional-Order Vector-Host Disease
Model, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems: Series B:
Applications & Algorithms, 24(2017), 97-111. ISI
12. Q. Din, U. Saeed, Bifurcation analysis and chaos control in a host-parasitoid
model, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 40(14)(2017), 5391-5406,
13. Q. Din, M. Asif Khan, Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and chaos control in a modified
Nicholson-Bailey model, Acta Universitatis Apulensis, 49(2017), 93-109.
14. Q. Din, A. A. Elsadany, H. Khalil, Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and chaos control
in a fractional-order plant-herbivore model, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and
Society, 2017(2017), Article ID 6312964, 1-15. (IF=0.711)
15. Q. Din, Complexity and chaos control in a discrete-time prey-predator model,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 49(2017), 113-
134. (IF=2.834)

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Poonch, Rawalakot

16. Q. Din, Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and chaos control in Hassell-Varley model,

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, (2017), 23(4). 741-762,
17. Q. Din, O. A. Gumus, H. Khalil, Neimark-Sacker Bifurcation and Chaotic
Behaviour of a Modified Host–Parasitoid Model, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A,
72(1)(2017), 25-37. (IF=1.432)
18. Q. Din, Dynamics of a host-pathogen model with constant mortality rate, Nonlinear
Analysis: Modelling and Control, 22(2)(2017), 173-187. (IF= 1.07)
19. Q. Din, Global stability and Neimark-Sacker bifurcation of a host-parasitoid model,
International Journal of Systems Science, 48(6)(2017), 1194-1202. (IF=1.97)
20. Q. Din, Global Stability of Beddington Model, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical
Systems, 16(2)(2017), 391-415. (IF= 0.766)
21. S. T. Mohyud Din, M. Asad Iqbal, M. Shakeel, A Study for Steady Nanofluid Flow
between Parallel Plates, Engineering Computations, 34 (8) (2017), 2514-2527.
22. M. Asad Iqbal, M. Shakeel, S. T. Mohyud Din, M. Rafiq, Modified Wavelets
Based Algorithm for Nonlinear Delay Differential Equations of Fractional Order,
Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 9 (2) (2017), 1-8. (IF=0.827)
23. M. Asad Iqbal, M. Shakeel, A. Ali, S. T. Mohyud Din, Improved Wavelets Based
Technique for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Optical and Quantum
Electronics, 49 (2017), DOI 10.1007/s11082-017-1001-z. (IF=1.055)
24. S. T. Mohyud Din, M. Asad Iqbal, U. Khan, X. J. Yang, MHD Squeezing Flow
between Two Parallel Disks with Suction or Injection via Legendre Wavelet-
Quasilinearization Technique, Engineering Computations, 34(3) (2017), 892-901.
25. M. Asad Iqbal, A. Ali, S.T. Mohyud-Din, U. Khan, Modified Chebyshev Wavelet
Picard Technique for Thin Film Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluid down an Inclined
Plane, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical
Sciences, In Press, (2018). (IF=0.425)
26. M. Shakeel, M. Asad Iqbal, S.T. Mohyud Din, Modified Extended Exp-function
Method for System of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Defined by Seismic
Sea Waves, Pramana Journal of Physics, In Press (2018), IF=0.52
27. M. Shakeel, M. Asad Iqbal, S.T. Mohyud Din, Closed Form Solutions for Nonlinear
Biological Population Model, Journal of Biological Systems, In Press (2018), IF=0.39

109 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

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Poonch, Rawalakot

28. M. Usman, M. Hamid, U. khan, S. T. Mohyud Din, M. Asad Iqbal, W. Wang,

Differential Transform Method for Unsteady Nanofluid Flow and Heat Transfer,
Alexandria Engineering Journal, In Press, (2017). ISI
29. M. Asad Iqbal, U. Saeed, S. T. Mohyud Din, Modified Legendre wavelet method for
fractional nonlinear generalized Burger-Fisher equation, Mathematical Sciences.
Accepted, (2017). ISI

Participation of Faculty Members in Conferences/Seminars/Workshops & Trainings:

1. Dr. Qamar Din presented a paper entitled “Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and chaotic
behaviour of a modified host-parasitoid model” at 1st International Conference on
Mathematics and Physics (ICMP) 2017, held on February 14th-16th, 2017 at Air
University Islamabad.
2. Dr. Qamar Din presented a paper at COMSATS Attock in a workshop entitled
“Advancements in Pure & Applied Mathematics” held on 20-21 April, 2017.

S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis
1 Sabah Javad Dr. Qamar Din Bifurcation Analysis of a Predator-Prey System with
MONOD-Haldane Functional Response.
2 Shakoor Ahmed Dr. Qamar Din Behavior of Discrete-Time Prey-Predator Model
with Generalized Predator.
3 Irum Moon Dr. Qamar Din Stability Analysis of a Host-Parasitoid Model
4 Shabina Najeeb Dr. Qamar Din Global Stability of a Plant-Herbivore Model
5 Muhammad Dr. Qamar Din Global Stability of some systems of Exponential
Asif Khan Difference Equations
6 M. Salman Khan Dr. Qamar Din Dynamics of some Systems of Second-Order
Rational Difference Equations
7 Amna Bibi Dr. Qamar Din Discretization and qualitative Behavior of
Fractional-order Lotka–Volterra Model
8 Shahid Ashraf Dr. Qamar Din Dynamics of Fractional-Order Hastings–Powell
Food Chain Model and its Discretization
9 Mushtaq Hussain Dr. Qamar Din Global Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of some
Host-Parasitoid Models
10 Maria Habib Dr. Qamar Din Stability and Bifurcation of a Discrete-Time Host-
Parasitoid Model

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 110

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Poonch, Rawalakot

S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis

12 M. Izhar-Ul-Haq Dr. Qamar Din Dynamical Behavior of Plant-Herbivore Models
with Food Limitations and insect Out Breaks
13 Amna Arif Mr. M. Atique Khan Qualitative Behavior of an Influenza Virus Model
with Disease Resistance
14 Mehvish Azam Mr. M. Atique Khan Analysis of an SIRI Epidemic Model with Nonlinear
Incidence and Latent Period
15 Sadia Qayyum Dr. Hammad Khalil Dynamical Study of Vector-Borne Disease:
Analytical Study and Numerical Investigation
16 Zobia Gulzar Dr. Hammad Khalil Fractional Order Partial Differential Equations:
Spectral Analysis and Numerical Simulations
17 Ishrat Fatima Dr. Hammad Khalil Adomian Decomposition Method for Solving new
Fourth-Order Emden-Fowler Type Equation
18 Nozila Akram Dr. Hammad Khalil A New Method Based on Jacobi Polynomials for
Solutions of Fractional Two-Dimensional Heat
Conduction Equation
19 Rabia Sadiq Dr. Hammad Khalil Approximate Solution of Integral and Integro
Differential Equations
20 Riffat Rashim Dr. Hammad Khalil Existence and Uniqueness Properties of Coupled
System of Multi Point Boundary Value Problems
21 Ghazala Nazir Dr. Hammad Khalil Application of Bernstein Polynomials Solution of
Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem
22 Muhammad Dr. Hammad Khalil Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Investigation
Shahid of Chlamydia Disease Model
23 Muhammad Dr. Qamar Din Qualitative Behavior of a Prey-Predator Model with
Aqib Abbasi Crowding Effects
24 Syed Furqan Dr. Qamar Din Bifurcation Analysis and Controlling Chaos in
Gillani Discrete-Time Predator–Prey Systems
25 Sadaf Khaliq Dr. Qamar Din Complexity and Chaos Control in Discrete-Time
Hindmarsh–Rose Models
26 Zubair Hussain Dr. Qamar Din Bifurcation and Control for a Discrete-Time Prey-
Predator model
27 Muhammad Dr. Qamar Din Complex Behavior of Discrete-Time SIR Epidemic
Zahid Khan Models
28 Sarfraz Ahmed Dr. Qamar Din Complexity and Chaos Control in Discrete-Time
Khan Gonorrhea Models
29 Amjad Mumtaz Dr. Qamar Din Qualitative Behavior and Controlling chaos in a
Discrete Prey-Predator Model with Square Root
Functional Response

111 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

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Poonch, Rawalakot

S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis

30 Abdul Hafeez Dr. M. Asad Iqbal Differential Transform Method for MHD Flows
31 Tahir Khalil Dr. M. Asad Iqbal Analytical Solution of Nanofluid Flows by Variation
of Parameters Method
32 Saima Shabir Dr. M. Asad Iqbal Radiation Effects in a Viscous Fluid Through a
Semi-Porous Curved Channel Embedded in a
Porous Medium with Convective Boundary
33 Anum Zulfiqar Dr. M. Asad Iqbal Combined Effect of Thermal Radiation and Heat
Generation in MHD Flow of Nanofluid Over a
Curved Surface
34 Balqees Yousaf Dr. M. Asad Iqbal Effects of Joule Heating on Flow of a Ferrofluid in a
Semiporous Curved Channel
35 Amjid Rashid Dr. Hammad Khalil Modeling Approach to a Quantitative Analysis of
Zika Virus
36 Syeda Shabana Ms. Farnaz Akthar Flow on a Stretching Sheet in a Magnetic Field with
Batool Chemically Reactive Species
37 Majid Mahmood Ms. Farnaz Akthar Analysis of Second Grade Fluid under the
Qureshi Influence of Thermal Radiation

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 112

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Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Physics
The Department of Physics is established in 2013. The department is committed
to train the next generation of physicists. The department is established on the
revolutionary idea that it must embrace both teaching as well as investigation. The
Department of Physics is aiming to offer courses to undergraduate and post-graduate
students that cover the broad fundamentals as well as advanced level necessary for study
in physics and related fields. The department is also committed to put strong emphasis on
research projects in the field of Electronics, Particle Physics, Condensed Matter Physics,
Spectroscopy as well as Bio-Physics. Currently, the department has launched two year
M.Sc. programme. The offered courses provide a strong theoretical background along
with experimental projects in the field of Physics and Technology. Keeping the needs
of Pakistan, research has been made an integral part of all programs to encourage and
promote the research activity in the region and particularly in the university.


Dr. Ghulam Asghar Ph.D

Dr. Yousaf Iqbal Ph.D
Dr. Mian Akif Safeen Ph.D
Mr. Muhammad Rashad Khan M.Phil
Mr. Muhammad Iftikhar M.Phil
Mr. Azhar Ahmed M.Phil
Miss Zubia Aziz M.Phil
Mr. Raja Naveed Ahmed M.Phil
Mr. Waqar Hussain Shah M.Phil
Beenish Najeeb Khan M.Phil
Misbah Javed M.Phil


1. Ghulam Asghar, M. Irshad, N. A. Niaz, S. Nasir, M. S. Awan, G. H. Tariq, M. Anis-

ur-Rehamn, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 12(3) (2017) 797-
2. Iqra Tanveer, S.U. Rahman, Mohammad Faheem, Ghulam Asghar, Muhammad
Munir, Humera Mehmood, Pakistan Journal of Radiology, 27(4)(2017) 353-357.

113 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

3. Misbah Javed, Saeed Ur Rahman, Iqra Tanveer, Ghulam Asghar, Shazia Fatima,
Mohammad Fahim, Pakistan Journal of Nuclear Medicine (PJNM), 7(2017) 18-23.
4. Kashif Safeen, V. Micheli, R. Bartali, G. Gottardi, Akif Safeen, Hafeez Ullahand N.
Laidani Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (1369-8001), 66(2017) 74-80.
5. Kashif Safeen, V. Micheli, R. Bartali, G. Gottardi, Akif Safeen, Hafeez Ullahand N.
Laidani, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (1369-8001), 72(2017) 99-105.
6. Kashif Safeen, V. Micheli, R. Bartali, G. Gottardi, Akif Safeen, Hafeez Ullahand N.
Laidani Thin Solid Films (0040-6090), 645 (2017) 173-179.
7. Khan, Ayaz Arif, Muhammad Qadeer Khan, Mazhar Iqbal, Adeel Younas Abid,
Abdul Rauf Khan, Yousaf Iqbal, Rashid Mahmood, and M. Nasir Khan, Journal of
Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 28(14) (2017) 10357-10364.
8. Ayaz Arif khan, M. Javed, A. Rauf Khan, Yousaf Iqbal, Asif Majeed, Syed Zahid
Husain, S. K. Durrani, Material Science Poland, 35(1) (2017) 58-65.


S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis

1. M. Naeem Khan M. Iftikhar Doping Effect of Chromium-Samarium on
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Strontium
2. Sadia Latif M. Rashad Khan Radon Concentration and Annual Effective Dose
Measurement in Different Drinking Water Sources
from District Poonch, Azad Kashmir
3. Ahsan Irshad M. Rashad Khan Comparative Elemental Analysis of Ajwa Dates
(Phoenix Dactylifera from Saudia Arabia) with other
dates (Phoenix Dactylifera) from Iran and Pakistan
by LASER Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
4. Ghalib Hussain Dr. Ghulam Asghar Synthesis and Characterization of Non-Evaporable
Mughal Getter thin Films of “Ti-Al-Zr” and “Ti,Zr” for Ultra
High Vacum
5. Misbah Javed Dr.Ghulam Asghar Measurement of Radiation doses and Cancer Risk
Estimation in the Practice of Nuclear Medicine
6. Iqra Tanveer Dr.Ghulam Asghar Measurement of Radiation Doses in CT Scan and
Health Risk Estimation
7. Sajjad Shaukat Dr.Ghulam Asghar Analysis of Toxic Metals contamination in Fruits
Available in local Market of Palandari Region using
Particle Induced X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy

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Poonch, Rawalakot

S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis

8. Amjad Hussain Dr.Ghulam Asghar Green Synthesis of Metallic Nanoparticles for Drug
Khan Delivery
9. Sidra Asri M. Iftikhar Effects of Cobalt-Samarium Substitution on Barium
Hexaferrite Synthesized by Sol-gel Method

1. Dr. Ghulam Asghar, Synthesis and Characterization for high frequency application
funding by HEC.
2. Dr. Farooq Khan, Dynamics and optical properties of Hybrid quantum
optomechanical system funding by HEC.

Departmental Activities which needs to be highlighted

The department had an active participation in several national/ international conferences
given below.
1. Dr. Mian Akif Saffen participated in “International Conference of Solid State
Physics” on 10-14 December, 2017 at University of Punjab Lahore.
2. Dr. Yousaf Iqbal participated in “1st International Conference on Emerging
Trends in Material Science” on 27 February – 1st March, 2018 at Islamia
College Peshawar.

115 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Zoology
The Department of Zoology was established during March, 2012 and is one of the
four departments in the Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences. Zoology is center to our
understanding of the world. Zoologists seek to discover the fundamental principles that
underpin animal life, focusing on the diversity, function and evolution of animals and
thus providing the scientific basis for our knowledge both of the creatures with whom
we share this planet and of ourselves. Zoology is a large, multi-disciplinary Department,
that conducts research and teaching in areas like Molecular Biology, Biochemistry,
Toxicology, Biotechnology, Physiology, Endocrinology, Developmental biology/
embryology, Reproductive Physiology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Human Genetics,
Fisheries and Wildlife.

The department strives to create an environment that enables teaching and research
to attain high levels of excellence. We intend to deliver knowledge which is both basic
and applied and orientates our graduates for the challenges in job market i.e; teaching,
research and industry. We would like to gear our Department to showcase pure Zoology
research. The Department is interested in regular research ties with institutions like,
PARC/NARC, National Institute of Health, Nuclear Institute of Agriculture and Biology,
and National Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering. The department is
also interested to hold regular seminars by noted scientists for the benefit of its research
students and faculty.

Muritorious Prof. Dr. M. Rafique Khan Ph.D
Dr. Nausheen Irshad Ph.D
Dr. Majid Mahmood Ph.D
Dr. Ali Muhammad Ph.D
Ms. Fouzia Aziz M.Phil
Mrs. Zeenat Jannat M.Phil
Mr. Muhammad Touseef M.Phil
Mrs. Tasleem Akhtar M.Phil
Mrs. Saima Batool M.Phil
Mrs. Fouzia Saeed M.Phil
Ms. Rahna Ghias M.Phil
Mr. Siyab Maroof Khan M.Phil

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 116

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Poonch, Rawalakot


1. Tariq Mahmood, Faraz Akrim, Nausheen Irshad, Riaz Hussain, Hira Fatima,
Shaista andleeb and Ayesha Aihetasham. Spatial distribution and illegal hunting
of the Indian pangolin (Maniscrassi caudata) in Potohar Plateau, Pakistan. 2017.
Oryx. (1F=1.6)

2. Nausheen Irshad, Imran Yousaf, Tariq Mahmood and Saeed Awan. Occurrence
of common leopard (Panthera pardus) in Abbaspur area, district Poonch, Azad
Jammu and Kashmir. 2017. Pakistan Journal of Zoology (IF=0.44)1https://doi.
org/10.17582/ journal.pjz/2017.49....

3. Majid Mahmood and Muhammad Asim Anwar. 2017. Analysis of resistance

mutation in reverse transcriptase domain of hepatitis B virus from patients
of Islamabad, Pakistan. Journal of Unexplored Medical Data 2:60-4 DOI:

4. Majid Mahmood. 2017. Hepatitis B Virus Genotype in Pakistan. Advanced Research

in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 5(5) DOI: 10.19080/ARGH.2017.05.555673.

5. Ali, S., S. Akhter, H. N., Falk Melzer,I. Khan, H. ElAdawy, M. Irfan, A. Muhammad,
M. W. Akbar, S. Umar, Q. Ali, M. N. Iqbal, A. Mahmood and H. Ahmed. 2017.
Seroprevalence and risk factors associated with bovine brucellosis in the Potohar
Plateau, Pakistan. BMC Research Notes., 10: 73.

6. S. Irum, H. Ahmed, B. Mirza, K. Donsknow-Lysoniewska, A. Muhammad,

M. Qayyum, S. Simsek. 2017. In Vitro and In vivo anthelmintic activity of extracts
from Artimisia Parviflora and A. sieversiana. Helminthologia., 54(3): 218-224

7. Majeed. Z, Z. Ajab, A. Zuberi, S. Akthar, A. Muhammad. 2017. Meristic variations

and skeletal deformities in natural population of Putitor Mahseer, Tor putitora
(Hamilton, 1822). Iranian Journal of Fisheries Science. DOI 10.18869/acadpub.
ijfs. Published (online available).

117 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis
1. Ghazal Mehmood Dr. Majid Mahmood Detection and Quantification of Heavy Metals in
Well/Bore and Tape Water of District Poonch,
Bagh and Sudhnoti
2. Asia Ismaeel Dr. Majid Mahmood Detection and Quantification of Heavy Metals in
Spring Water of District Poonch, Bagh and Sudhnoti
3. Sumaira Mumtaz Dr. Majid Mahmood Detection and Quantification of Heavy Metals in
Rain Water of District Poonch, Bagh and Sudhnoti
4. Nasir Iqbal Dr. Majid Mahmood Incidence of Rabies and Dog Bites in Northern
Districts of Azad Jammu and Kashmir
5. Muhammad Dr. Majid Mahmood Genetic Variation and Study of Micro-Biota
Aamir Riaz Associated with Diabetic Foot Disease
6. Aamir Pervaiz Dr. Majid Mahmood Mutational Screening of Prothrombin F2 Gene in
Human Thrombophilia Patients of Pakistani Origin
7. Sanwal Aslam Dr. Majid Mahmood Seasonal Variation in Testicular Volume and
Seminal Parameters
8. Iffat Karim Dr. Ali Muhammad Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasmosis in Different
Host of District Palandri, AJK
9. Munaza Javid Dr. Ali Muhammad Seoepidemiology of Different Strains of Malaria in
District Poonch, AJK
10. Rubab Amin Dr. Ali Muhammad Seroepidemiology of Hypodermosis in District
Poonch, AJK
11. Ushba Gul Dr. Ali Muhammad Detection of Multiple Anthelmintic Resistance in
Goats of AJK
12. Saba Sadiq Dr. Ali Muhammad Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in
Small Ruminants in District Poonch, AJK
13. Anam Abdul Dr. Ali Muhammad Seroprevalnce of Brucellosis in Rural Women of
Rehman District Poonch, AJK
14. Maria Akhter Dr. Nausheen Irshad Food Habit and Population Estimation of
Mongoose in Banjosa, AJK
15. Farhat Azam Dr. Nausheen Irshad Fruit Damage Assessment of Bats in Hajira, AJK
16. Muhammad Dr. Nausheen Irshad Assesment of Crops Damage by Indian Porcupine
Bashir Khan in District Bagh, AJK
17. Muhammad Dr. Nausheen Irshad A Preliminary Studies on Avian Fauna of Banjosa,
Umar Khan AJK
18. Shahid Iqbal Mrs. Zeenat Jannat A Preliminary Survey of Fish Consumption in
Azad Kashmir

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Poonch, Rawalakot

S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis

19. Mahnaz Kanwal Mrs. Zeenat Jannat Physicocgemical and Biological Analysis of Water
of River Poonch Azad Kashmir
20. Righat Talib Mrs. Zeenat Jannat Impact of Water Quality on the Distribution of
Fish Fauna in Mahl Stream Bagh Azad Kashmir
21. Amna Nazir Ms. Fouzia Aziz Study of Environmental Isolates if Enterococci for
Bacteriocin Production Partial Purification and

Conferences/Seminars/Workshops and Trainings

1. Oral Presentation Titled “Hunting Record of Wildlife from Talgran, Muzaffarabad,

Azad Jammu and Kashmir” on 26-28 August, 2017 at Kathamandu, Nepal.
2. Poster Presentation in 38th Congress of Zoology, held at Department of Zoology,
University of the Punjab, Lahore on 27th February to 1 March, 2018.
3. Actively Participated Oral presentation in 38th Congress of Zoology, held at
Department of Zoology, University of the Punjab, Lahore on 27th February to 1
March, 2018.
4. Seminar on “Conservation of Natural Resources and Current Trends in Zoological
Research” held at Department of Zoology, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir,
Muzaffarabad, AJK on 22 March, 2018.

Dr. Ali Muhammad, Epidemiology. Diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal
nematodes of Goats of AJK, Pakistan by HEC.

119 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Geology
Keeping in view the need of time, all the campuses of the University of Azad Jammu
and Kashmir were upgraded as independent universities. Similarly, the Agriculture
College has also been upgraded during last financial year as the University of the Poonch
Rawalakot, AJ&K. This independent university is rendering education to the Students
of State of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, refugees from occupied Kashmir and people from
different areas of Pakistan in different disciplines. To expand and strengthen this newly
established university, different new institutes/ departments are inevitable to be started.


Prof. Dr. Muhammad Irshad Khan Ph.D

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rustam Khan Ph.D
Waqas Nasim M.S.
Amir Asghir M.S.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 120

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Computer Sciences

The centre for Computer Science was established in Sep. 2002. The project was funded
by Ministry of Sciences and Technology (MOST) under the scheme “Establishment of
Centre for Computer Sciences and Information Technology at Rawalakot and Kotli”.
The Centre started BS (CS) programme to cater the requirements of national market
demand and equip the youth with professional skills to groom their careers. During the
short span of time since the inception of Centre for CS & IT at Faculty of Agriculture,
Rawalakot, it has emerged as sound component of faculty and initiated Postgraduate
Diploma and other short courses to share technology education amongst the masses.
The centre was upgraded to department in 2011. The program of BS (CS) is designed to
provide necessary skills in understanding computer working. Its curriculum highlights
the concepts, technologies, and problems in the area. The department has recently
started holding national seminars to exchange and enhance knowledge.


Mr. Adnan Idris Ph.D Scholar

Sofia Kanwal M.S.
Shamaila Hayat M.S.
Irfan Irfan Javed M.S.
Lubna Zafar M.S.
Kanwal Mehmood M.S.
Adnan Ahmed Rafique M.S.


1. A Idris, A Iftikhar, Z ur Rehman, Intelligent churn prediction for telecom using

GP-AdaBoost learning and PSO undersampling, Cluster Computing, 1-15, 2017
IF: 2.04

2. A Muhammad, A Idris, Francisco Martinez-Alvarez, Talat Iqbal Seismic Indicators

based Earthquake Predictor System using Genetic Programming and AdaBoost
Classification, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, April 2018 In Press

3. Z Rehman, A Idris, A Khan, Multi-Dimensional Scaling based grouping of known

complexes and intelligent protein complex detection, Computational Biology and

121 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Chemistry, 74, pp. 149-156,, June 2018

IF: 1.437

4. S Saeed, A Idris, L Hussain, IA Awan, Analyzing the Dynamics of Particulate

Matters (PM) using Nonlinear Dynamical Techniques and Predicting the Behaviour
Based on Robust Regression Models, International Journal of Compute Science
and Network Security, 11(6), 2017

5. K Mahmud, M Usman, Dynamic Trust Evaluation of Learning Objects, IEEE

International Conference on Communication Technologies (COMTECH), 195-
200, 2017

6. Anam Naseer, Waseem Shahzad, and Arslan Ellahi. “A Hybrid Approach for Feature
Subset Selection using Ant Colony Optimization and Multi-Classifier Ensemble.”
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 9.1 (2018):

Joining of Ph.D Faculty in DCSIT

Dr. Zahid Mahmood has joined the Department of Computer Sciences and
IT. The inclusion of a PhD faculty member in DCSIT will certainly strengthen the
faculty, which will lead to enhance the quality academics in the department. Dr. Zahid
Mahmood completed his Ph.D from University of Science & Technology Beijing, China
in December 2017. He has published 17 research article in SCI, EI, and International
conference. Currently he is working as a reviewer of well reputed ELSEVIER Journals.
Moreover, the inclusion of PhD faculty will pave the way to start MS Program.

Department of Computer Sciences and IT has fulfilled the HEC criteria in terms
of availability of number of PhD faculty members in the department to start MS/MPhil
degree program. Thus DCSIT is now looking forward to start the MS program in fall
2018. The start of MS program will initiate the research activities in the department,
moreover it will provide youth of the area an opportunity to acquire the higher education
at door step.

Addition of a new computing laboratory in DCSIT

Department of Computer Sciences & IT, has been equipped with two state of the
art computing labs, which comprises of more than 140 latest computing machines,
including Ci5 amd Ci7. Now DCSIT has built a new lab, with forty computing machines

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 122

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

and 20 digital trainers. The addition of third computing lab will improve the student
computer ratio in DCSIT and students will have adequate computing facilities to
concentrate on their skill development.

Participation in Sports Week

Students of DCSIT participated in sports week and won the following prizes in
different events.

1. 1st position in badminton interdepartmental competition

2. 1st position in Hockey interdepartmental competition

3. 2nd position in Athletics

NCEAC’s visits DCSIT for Accreditation of BS (CS) & BS (SE)

National Computing Education and Accreditation Council (NCEAC) visited

Department of computer Sciences and IT, on April 30, 2018 for the field audit of BS
(CS) and BS (SE) degree programs. In-Charge Department Dr. Adnan Idris presented
the detailed briefing about the academic and administrative affairs of the department.
NCEAC program evaluators appreciated the prevailing academic environment of the
department and presented valuable recommendations for further improvement start of
MS degree program in DCSIT.

123 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Faculty of Management Sciences and

The faculty of Management Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences has started
functioning since March 11, 2013. The faculty consists of the department of Economics,
department of English, department of Sociology, department of commerce and the
department of Business Administration. Presently the departments of Economics,
English, Sociology and Commerce are offering two years (Four Semesters) Master
degree programs. Four years BS programmes are likely to start soon. The department
of Business Administration offers four years Bachelor course and two years, three years
and three and half years Masters courses in Business Administration. The mission of
the faculty is to strive to achieve the broader objectives of the UPR, namely, to develop
human resources with knowledge and skill to contribute towards the prosperity of the
nation, to provide excellent teaching and research facilities of international standards
to the students and to engage in problem oriented research by using available resources
with interaction of stake holders. The faculty is committed to the objective of keeping
the knowledge of the students at par with the leading universities in Pakistan. The
faculty is devoted to learning with creativity and dedication using latest learning and
managerial practices. With integrity and resolve we are committed to educate our
students to become useful and responsible citizen of society at large.


• Economics

• English

• Islamic Studies

• Sociology

• Administrative Sciences

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 124

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Economics
Department of Economics has been established in January 2013 with the primary
objective to endeavour to prepare scholars equipped with appropriately blended
knowledge of the mainstream economics. The ultimate objective is to study the basic
concepts of the economic and financial system of different countries. The Department
of Economics is organizing the academic programmes of the institute. The faculty is
expanding vertically and horizontally. It has been offering the academic programs at
Bachelor (B.Sc. Honours and M.Sc. in Economics), initially in Economics from the date
of its establishment. Later on, new programmes shall be added from time to time, like
the Post-Graduate Diploma, M.Phil and M.Phil leading to Ph.D in Economics.
Our programmes are designed to be totally up to date and current in terms of the
requirements of the market. This is illustrated not only by the content and design of the
programme, the teaching philosophy and its vision but also by the fact that we keep on
updating the course contents regularly according to market needs.
Our mission is to produce managers in the fields of Finance, and Economics for
the 21st century who could face the ever-changing requirements of modern digital
economics. The faculty strives to produce the manpower that shall contribute towards
the development of Pakistan.
Musrat Nazir M.Phil
Aysha Parveen M.Phil
Sobia Hafeez Kiani M.Phil
Amara Akram M.Phil
Fahim Altaf M.Phil
Conference/Workshop/Seminars Attended/organized
a. Seminar on “Ideal Social Economy” arranged by the collaboration of
department of Economics and Sociology at Faculty of Management and Social
Sciences UPR AJK.
b. Seminar on “Career Building” arranged by the collaboration of department
of Economics and PEBCA company at Faculty of Management and Social
Sciences UPR AJK.
a. Musarat Nazir Organizer Sport Week 2017
b. Ayesha Praveen Organizer Sport Week 2017
Departmental Activities
a. Meeting “Boards of Studies Department of Economics” UPR AJK
b. Active Participation in “Book Fair “in collaboration with Creative Books at
Faculty of Management and Social Sciences UPR AJK.

125 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of English
Masters in English is a two years program that has been divided into four semesters.
The department offers a wide range of courses keeping in mind the importance of
both traditional and innovative trends regarding English Language and Literature. A
comprehensive study of the history of both English Language and Literature enables
students to understand that how different political, social, economic, religious and
educational elements have influenced English language & Literature in the course of
their developments. A detailed study of Classics in Drama, Novel, Prose, Fiction and
Criticism enables the students to understand the basic concepts of Literature. Apart from
literature, there is also a focus on linguistics. An in depth study of sound system, word
formation, syntactic structures and meanings help students to comprehend that what
is language, and how it operates. The emerging fields of linguistics i.e. Sociolinguistics,
Psycholinguistics, Phonetics and Phonology etc. are also included in the scheme of
study. English is a compulsory subject from class nursery to graduation in our education
system and there is a great demand of English teachers. In order to equip our graduates
with the skill of effective teaching, ELT (English language teaching) is highly focused. In
order to develop the research skills in the students, research methodology is also taught.
This course not only helps and enables students to choose thesis as an optional subject
in the fourth semester of masters but also opens a gateway for their higher studies.


Shahida Akbar M.Phil

Mahwish Ashiq M.Phil
Umer Altaf M.Phil
Sehrish Khan M.Sc.
Riffat Razzaq M.Phil
Muhammad Kalim M.Phil
Nighat Khursheed Ph.D Scholor
Aamna Anwar Ph.D Scholor

Departmental Activities

Board of Study of Department of English held at October 05, 2017 and scheme of
studies and contents were reviewed, revised and approved from the board of Faculty
and Academic Council.

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Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Sociology
The social instinct of man is his inborn quality. Therefore, all the social scientists
agree that man is a social animal. It tries to explain why people act as they do. It is an
explanation of human action and interaction that focuses on our social life and as a result
sees humans as being enormously flexible in what they are capable of doing. Its ultimate
purpose remains to understand the social existence of man in society. Sociologists
investigate the structure of group, organization and societies and how people interact
with this context. Since human behaviour is shaped by social factors, the subject matter
of Sociology ranges from the intimate family to the hostile groups, from the division of
labour, race, gender and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture and from
Sociology of work to the sociology of sports. In order to look at human diversity across
space and time, a few courses have been included from the sister science; Anthropology,
which investigate the innumerable design that people have created for social living:
the various ways in which they get food and shelter, organize into families and other
associations, governs themselves, engage in peaceful and bellicose relations with
their neighbours, practice sorcery, worship Gods, or explain the universe. Obviously,
sociology shares these interests with Anthropology.


Dr. Adeel Ifikhar Ph.D

Dr. Nighat Younas Ph.D
Shazia Siddique M.Phil
Maria Ali M.Phil
Mavish Farooq M.Phil


1. Rizwana Muneer, Nighat Younas, Saira Afzal “Problems of Occupational Women:

A case Study of Village Chhottagala, Rawalakot published in Science International
Multidisciplinary Journal Recognized by HEC in “Y” category.
2. Usman Ahmded Qadri, Saeed Suleiman Hassan, Nighat Younas “Factors affecting
Organizational Commitment and its impact on Core Employees; An empirical
investigation in Textile Industry of Lahore ; Pakistan business Review “PBR”

127 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Vol. 21 No. 1 Index ECONLIT and EBSCO New York and HEC approved X
Category Journal.

Conference/Seminar /Workshop and Training

1. Seminar on “Ideal Social Economy” arranged by the collaboration of department of

Economics and Sociology at Faculty of Management and Social Sciences UPR AJK.

1. Awareness Seminar on “Hepatitis as an epidemic in district Poonch Rawalakot”

arranged by the collaboration of department of Sociology at Faculty of Management
and Social Sciences UPR AJK.

Seminar “Quest for the development” organized by National Defense University

Islamabad at president house Muzaffarabad in collaboration with AJK Government

Departmental Activities

1. “Book Fair” organized by the Department of Sociology in Collaboration with

Creative Books at Faculty of Management, Humanities and Social Sciences UPR
on 24-25 September 2017.

2. “Fun Fair” organized by the Department of Sociology in order to generate funds

for the Help of Burma Muslims at Faculty of Management Humanities and Social
Sciences UPR on November 2nd 2017.

3. Dr. Nighat Younas Organizer Sport Week from department of Sociology, Faculty of
Management Humanities and Social Sciences UPR AJK.

4. 45 Thesis supervised by all teaching Faculty on different Social Issues.

5. Field Work arranged by the department in Collaboration with National Rural

Support Program NRSP Evaluative studies were conducted on different components
of NRSP Project in district Poonch.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 128

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Islamic Studies

The Master of Islamic Studies (M.A) is targeted to provide students with Islamic,
social, technical and academic contemporary needed to participate effectively in the
community. It involves a focused study in various branches of Islamic knowledge in
order to pave them a way for practical applications of Islamic knowledge and solution
of current issues.


Dr Nighat Akram Ph.D

Dr. Abdul Rehman Khan Ph.D
Muhammad Kaleem M.Phil
Sajida Ulfat M.A


Dr. A. Rehman, (2017) Islamic Studies Al-Qalam Research journal, Punjab


Participation of Faculty in Conference / Seminar / Workshop

Two days’ workshop on “IHL” organized by ICRC with collaboration of Islamic

Shariah academy Islamic International University Islamabad on 13-14 February. 2018,
in PC Hotel Karachi. Attended by Dr. Abdul Rehman

Departmental Activities

1. Meeting of Selection board

2. One day Seminar on “ Zakat based ideal economy’ on 17 November 2017 organized
by Dr. Nighat Akram and Dr. Abdul Rehman, Prof. Dr. Abdul Khaliq from MUST
delivered his talk on the “Zakat based ideal economy”.

129 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Psychology
There has been a tremendous demand for starting classes in M.Sc. Psychology, as
this facility was not available in this whole region of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. In year
2013 UPR decided to start M.Sc. Psychology program to provide a great opportunity
to interested students to make their future bright. A package of latest courses has been
developed to equip the students with the latest techniques and concepts in the field of
Psychology. The academic calendar is divided into two semesters every year. The M.Sc.
programme has been approved by Vice Chancellor of University of Poonch. M.Sc. course
work spreads over four semesters. There are two non-teaching but compulsory courses
Internship and Research Projects. Internship during the winter vacations provides an
opportunity to the students to establish a contact with the real professional world in
their respective areas of specialization. During the fourth semester, student submits
a write-up on his/her work experience during the internship. The evaluation is by the
in-charge at their concerned workplace, the internship supervisor, and a senior faculty
member’s of respective area of specialization in viva voce examination. For research
project, each student opts for an independent individual research under the supervision
of a teacher. The supervisor for the research is assigned to the student during the third
semester so that they could start working on topic of common interest well before time.
Evaluation of the research work is done through viva voce examination by a panel
of experts consisting of an external examiner, the supervisor, director, and research


Sehrish Naeem M.Phil

Abdur Rab Tariq M.Phil

M.Amjid M.Phil

Maria Bashir M.Phil

Tehmina Aziz M.A

Sanam Naz M.A

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 130

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Commerce
In order to provide the sound background in the field of Commerce, we have
started B.Com (Hons.) 4 years programme. The need of the day also demands Honours
programme in Commerce. This programme is highly demanded in the market as well
as keeping in view the importance which has a rapidly growing field and needs well
specialized personnel in the field of business & industry. The B.Com (Hons.) degree
programme will provide the strongest foundation of specialized knowledge to meet the
acute need of skilled commerce graduates in the market

There has always been need of persons with a good command of finance and
accounting. Personnel with sufficient knowledge of their fields mostly succeed in
getting very attractive jobs in different departments in both public and private sectors.
Though finance and accounting as their major fields; they find good place in many other
walks of professional life like industry, trade and corporate bodies. They can scratch an
attractive career in financial institutions. Corporate bodies, stock exchange and NGOs
also have an ample place for them and due to their subject combination at graduate and
masters levels they find their way very clear in there directions.

Abdul Latif M.Phil
Ishfaq Habib M.Phil
Sehrish Bashir M.Phil
Nagina Jamil M.Phil
Jamila Khurshid M.Phil


Gulfam Khan Khalid Baghoor, Abdul Wahid, Iffat Rasool and Abdul Latif ’s paper
“Development and Validation of Corporate Humane Sustainability” Pakistan Business
Review) Vol 20 No 4. PBR is a research journal indexed in ECONLIT and EBSCO New
York and is an HEC approved X category journal.

Conference/Seminar /Workshop and Training

Gulfam Khan Khalid Baghoor, Iffat Rasool, Abdul Wahid, and Abdul Latif ’s
“Corporate Sustainability–Scale Development Study” presented in conference at 12th

131 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

International Conference on Education and Information Management (ICEIM-2018).

Johor Bahru, Malaysia, April 06-08, 2018.

Ashfaq Habib “Dynamics Linkages among the world stock markets and their
impact on Chinese stock market” 7th IEEE conferences on logistics, informatics and
service sciences, 24-27 July Tokyo Japan, CPCI, Web of Sciences

Ashfaq Habib “Non-linear relationship between working capital and profitability”

Journal of Tekstilec 2018, ESCI and Scopus Index Journal

Ashfaq Habib, Manufacturing Exports, Profitability and Working Capital Human

System Management Journal, ESCI and Scopus Index, Accepted and Publish in next
volume in June

Departmental Activities

Board of Study of Department of Commerce held at October 05, 2017 and scheme
of studies and contents were reviewed, revised and approved from the board of Faculty
and Academic Council.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 132

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Business Administration

Business Administration is exclusively a job oriented professional programme. The
students holding this degree always get a ready market welcome for their reception.
As the study programme of this course is very rich with respect to its contents so our
graduates get chance to render their services in different professions and departments


M. Shahzad Khan MBA

Aftab Tabassum M.Phil
Zafar Azam M.Phil
Zahid Latif M.Phil
Lubna Jamil M.Phil
Tehmina Rasheed M.Phil
Shahid Iqabal M.Phil
Anam Khan M.Phil
Amna Khalil M.Phil
Anila Nasim Mir M.Phil
Afaf Naeem M.Phil


1. Tabassam A., H, Shujahat H., Hashmi, Faiz U. R.Nexus between Political Instability
and Economic Growth in Pakistan Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences 230
(2016) 325 – 334
2. Tabassam A., H, Shujahat H., Hashmi, Faiz U. R One Belt One Road: China-
Pakistan Economic Corridor, a Great Game Changer Initiative of the Current
Century (Recently Submitted April 2018)

Participation of Faculty in conference/Seminar/workshops and training

1. International Research Conference on Business and Social Innovation (ircbsi-2018

on March 17-18, 2018, Islamabad Pakistan.

2. 3rd International Conference on New Challenges in Management and Organization:

Organization and Leadership, 2 May 2016, Dubai, UAE

133 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

3. Foundation University Business Research Conference Feb, 2017

4. Business Research Seminar in Foundation University on SPSS and AMOS. April


5. Seminar On “How to do effective and efficient research” February 3, 2017.


Business Plan Competition held at NUML Islamabad on December 26-27, 2017.

356 projects were in competition and 4 students of University of the Poonch under the
supervision of Mr. Abdul Latif Lecturer presented their Business Plans. 20 projects have
been selected for funding and Mr. Rizwan student of MBA 5th semester has successfully
secured project of worth Rs. 1 million from the donor (Pie Venture).

Departmental Activity

Board of Study of Department of Business Administration held at October 05,

2017 and scheme of studies and contents were reviewed, revised and approved from the
board of Faculty and Academic council.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 134

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences

The Faculty of Health Sciences is one of the six faculties in the University of Poonch.
We are health sciences precisely because health and health care are interdisciplinary
and collaborative concerns. Every era of health and health care has had its challenges
to meet, the current era is not different. Together our University has formed the First
Faculty of Health Sciences in State of Jammu and Kashmir and is coming up with
creative responses to health challenges often by finding new ways to collectively work
smarter and deliver the best quality of care, despite fewer resources. Solutions lie in
looking beyond our Faculty to build the interdisciplinary relationships that will make
the difference.


• Eastern Medicine
• Pharmacy

135 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Eastern Medicine

In year 2006 Faculty of Agriculture established Department of Eastern Medicine
which is unique in its kind and has been designed to develop oriental (of East) tradition
of medicine on broad based foundation of modern scientific knowledge. The basic
objective of the programme is to prepare graduates, trained in Eastern Medicine while
having knowledge of all modern trends. The recent global research and knowledge in
the field of traditional, herbal and alternative medicine have greatly enhanced the value
of the programme. The mission to start this degree is to produce BEMS graduate with
knowledge of Eastern Medicine in conjunction with the latest technologies for diagnosis
and management of diseases and health care.

Eastern Medicine is practiced today in Pakistan, India, China, Bangladesh and Sri
Lanka. It is deep rooted in understanding the body as a whole and its treatment by natural
way integrating it with the currently available diagnostic aids. Eastern Medicine today
is contributing many clinical skills and it is cost effective and relatively its medicines are
free of chronic side effects in recommended dosage forms.


Abdul Hamid Khan M.Phil

Dr. M. Usman Khan M.B.B.S, M.Phil
Dr. Naheed Mumtaz M.B.B.S
Iftikhar Ahmed Khan M.Phil
Mehwish Ijaz M.Phil
Irum Zulfiqar M.Phil


1. Effect of Flex Seeds and Pupmkin Seeds mixture on Hypercholestremia (Pakistan

Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences)

2. Basic life Support knowledge of University Students and effect of a single two days
training session. A prospective study. (Pakistan Journal of Medical and Biological

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 136

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

3. Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C in Rawalakot AJK (Gomal Journal of Medical


4. Antipyretic potential of Herbal Coded Formulation (Pyrexol) Gomal Journal of

Medical Sciences

S.No Name of Student Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis
1 Amir Aftab Dr. Muhammad Prevalence Of Hyperuricemia And Ethnobotanical
Akram Survey of Medicinal Plants Used to Treat Gouty
Arthritis In Rawalakot Azad Kashmir.
2 Shaista Mumtaz Dr. Muhammad Prevalence Of Gestational Diabetes and
Akram Ethnobotanical Survey Of Medicinal Plants Used
to Treat Diabetes in Rawalakot Azad Kashmir.
3 Memoona Jannat Dr. Muhammad Phytochemical Screening and Diuretic Activity of
Akram Medicinal Plants of Rawalakot

1. International Seminar on” Development of Eastern Medicine and Healthcare in
Pakistan” International Islamic University Islamabad.

Departmental Activities
1. Hamdard Free Mobile dispensary is serving the under privileged people of
community of Rwalakot.

2. Qarshi dispensary is serving the population around the University and community
of Rawalakot under the department 0f Eastern Medicine.

Dr Muhammad Akram Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C in Rawalakot. Pakistan
Health & Research Council

137 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Pharmacy
The Pharm-D is started to produce a scientifically and technically competent
pharmacists who can apply this education in such a manner as to provide maximum
health care services to patients. Students are provided with the opportunity to gain
greater experience in patient close cooperative relationships with health practitioners.
It is the goal of pharmacy department to prepare pharmacists who can assume and
expanded responsibilities in the care of patients and assure the provision of rational
drug therapy.

The Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D) program has already applied for its
Accreditation by the Council which is the national agency for the accreditation of
professional degree programs in pharmacy.


Dr. Abid Hussain PhD

Dr. Muhammad Mukhtair PhD
Muhammad Imran Qayyum M.Phil
Miss. Naheed Akhtar M.Phil PhD Scholar
Mr. Jawad Zaheer M.Phil
Mr. Izhar Ullah M.Phil
Mr. Asif Mehmood Hashmi M.Phil
Mr. Soaib Said M.S
Miss. Iqra Saleem M.Phil
Miss. Momin Masood M.S
Mr. Nazir Suleman M.Phil
Mr. Saif Ur Rehman M.Phil, PhD Scholar


1. Muhammad Mukhtiar, Syed Umer Jan, Ihsan Ullah, Abid Hussain, (2017). The
role of Glutathione, Cysteine and D-Penicillamine in exchanging Palladium and
Vanadium metals from albumin metal complex Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical
Sciences Karachi. 1011-601X, 30 (6), 2405-2410.
2. Muhammad Akhlaq, Faiza Maryam, Abdelhamid Elaissari, Hashmat Ullah,
Muhammad Adeel, Abid Hussain, (2018). Pharmacokinetic evaluation of

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 138

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

quetiapine fumarate controlled release hybrid hydrogel: a healthier treatment of

schizophrenia. DRUG DELIVERY (Impact Factor 6.4), 2018 (Accepted)
3. M. Mukhtiar, SU Jan, I Ullah, R Gul, Abid Hussain, E Ali, I Ullah, A Jabbar, M
Akram, S Mansoor and MFarid Khan (2018). Interaction of palladium inorganic
salt and organic complex with glutathione content of liver homogenate, Pak. J.
Pharm. Sci., 31(2-Suppl): 727-731.
4. M. Mukhtiar, SU. Jan, MF Khan, N Ullah, Abid Hussain, SR Rehman and M
M Qureshi (2018) Palladium glutathione, N-acetylcysteine, D-penicillamine
conjugation chemistry., Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., 31(1):213-219.
5. M. Mukhtiar, SU Jan, Is Ullah, Abid Hussain, Iz Ullah, R Gul, E Ali, A Jabbar5,
ZH Kuthu, M Wasim and MF Khan (2017). The role of Glutathione, Cysteine and
D-Penicillamine in exchanging Palladium and Vanadium metals from albumin
metal complex Pak. J. Pharm. Sci.,30(6-Suppl): 2405-2410.
6. Fahad Said, Muhammad Akram, Amna Sadaqat, Saif Ur Rehman, Sodah Bint
Mustafa, Muhammad Akhlaq, Muhammad Ramzan, Abid Hussain. FREQUENCY
OF HEPATITIS B AND C IN OPD PATIENTS. Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences
October-December 2017, Vol. 15, No. 4.
7. Ali Jan, Javid Iqbal, Marvi Blooch, Abid Hussain, Muhammad Akhlaq, Nisar
Shahwani, Muhammad Siddique, Muhammad Younis (2017). Evaluation Of
Antioxidant And Free Radical Scavenging Activity Of Selected Medicinal Plants
Using Different Models In Swiss Albino Mice. Vol. 4, Issue 10, Page No. 3665-3674,
8. Alam Zeb, Fakhar ud Din, Izhar ullah (s2017). Effective use of nanocarriers as
drug delivery system for the treatment of selected tumors International journal of
nano medicines:12 7291-7309
9. “Prevalence of dysmenorrhea associated with premenstrual syndrome and
management strategies by using medicinal plants adopted by female students” Hafiz
Muhammad Asif, Sabira Sultana, Shifa Shafique, Saeed Ahmad, Khalil Ahmad,
Naheed Akhtar, Abid Hussain, RADS Journal of Pharmacy and pharmaceutical
Sciences, volume:5(3) July- September 2017, ISSN (print):2521- 8514, ISSN
(Online): 2521-8484.
10. Irum Zulfiqar, Muhammad Imran Qayyum (2017). In vitro antiurease activity
of aqueous ethanol Extract of some medicinal plants. Pakistan Journal of science
(vol. 69 ) page No. 1-5

139 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

11. Sadia Gillani, Momina Masood, Triple-component nanocomposite films prepared

using a casting method: its potential in drug delivery: Journal of food and drug
analysis, 2017 in press volume 25.

Conference/Seminar /Workshop and Training

1. Certificate of Participation Workshop on Inculcating Tolerance, Critical

Thinking, Questioning Preconceived Notions And Narratives on Feb 17-19, 2017
Organized By, Centre For Research And Security Studies

2. Participation in One day Conference entitled “Implementation of The International

Standards of Pharmacy Education and Practices In Pakistan” Organized By,
Movement of Associated Pakistani Pharmacists (MAPPS), On the 26th March
2017 at Bling Hotel International, Bostan Road, Multan

3. 2nd international conference on “Recent innovations in Pharmaceutical Sciences”

organized by Riphah International University, 15,16 November, 2017.

4. International Pharmaceutical Conference, Exploring new avenues for Pharmacy

profession, Dated 12-13 February, BZU, Multan

5. Ist National conference on “Emerging trends in pharmaceutical Sciences “Organized

by department of pharmacy University of Malakand KP, Dated 9-11 October,

6. 2nd international conference on “Recent innovations in Pharmaceutical Sciences”

organized by Riphah International University. 15-16 November, 2017.

7. 1st international conference, entitled “New Horizons in Drug Discovery and

Pharmaceutical Sciences’’ Organized by Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Abbottabad University of Science and Technology, April 27-30, 2017.
8. One Day Training On Disaster Management” Kashmir Institute Of International
Relations, Rawalakot AJK, March 18,2017

Book published:

1. Easy approach and guidelines to dispensing pharmacy, Naheed Akhtar, (LAP)

pages 52, 20-04-2017

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 140

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Presented and Published in Abstract Book:

2. Naheed Akhtar, Sabira Sultana, Hira Khan, Atif Ali “Medicinal Plants Combating
Against Cancer-A Green Anticancer Approach” 1st international conference,
entitled “New Horizons in Drug Discovery and Pharmaceutical Sciences’’

Departmental Activities

1. First position Winner of cultural day, 2017

2. Celebration of World Pharmacist Day, September 25, 2017
3. Red Crescent First Aid Training Workshop, August 8-9, 2017.
4. One Day Seminar, Depression needs attentions; August 22, 2017.
5. World Cancer Day, Walk for Social Awareness about Cancer, with collaboration of
Pink Ribbon October 19, 2017
6. Intra Faculty Cricket Tournament, April 1-4, 2018.
7. World Health Day Celebration, April 7, 2018

141 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Engineering is the application of scientific, economic, social and practical knowledge
in order to design, build, and maintain structures, machines, devices, systems, materials
and processes. It may encompass using insights to conceive, model and scale an
appropriate solution to a problem or objective. The discipline of engineering is extremely
broad, and encompasses a range of more specialized fields of engineering, each with a
more specific emphasis on particular areas of technology and types of application.

In this technology-driven era, the socio-economic status of a country is directly or

indirectly gauged by its potent engineering skills. Engineers are the builders of better
world for mankind.

The establishment of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology is a milestone in

the history of Rawalakot, as it will contribute significantly not only the city, but also to
the whole country.

At the Faculty of Engineering & Technology, we offer the best engineering

environment coupled with the intellectual and technological resources. Faculty of
Engineering and Technology is uniquely positioned to educate the technological leaders
of tomorrow. Our goal is to position our engineering graduates to be problem solvers,
project leaders, communicators, and ethical citizens of a global community.

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 142

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Department of Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study
and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. This field first became
an identifiable occupation in the latter half of the 19th century after commercialization
of the electric telegraph, the telephone, and electric power distribution and use.
It now covers a wide range of sub-fields including electronics, digital computers,
power engineering, telecommunications, control systems, RF engineering and signal

Electrical engineering may include electronic engineering. Electrical engineering

is considered to deal with the problems associated with systems such as electrical power
transmission and electrical machines, whereas electronic systems including computers,
communication systems, integrated circuits and radar.

From a different point-of-view, electrical engineers are usually concerned with using
electricity to transmit electric power, while electronic engineers are concerned with
using electricity to process information. The sub-disciplines can overlap, for example
in the growth of power electronics, and the study of behaviour of large electrical grids
under the control of digital computers and electronics.

The Department of Electrical Engineering is the first department started in the

Faculty of Engineering in University of the Poonch, Rawalakot. In a very short period
of time it has established all the labs. Library and all other basic needs for the students.
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) has approved the department after the successful
completion of the zero visits in November 2012.

The mission of the Department of Electrical Engineering is to offer an Electrical

Engineering undergraduate four years program that augments the liberal education
expected of all undergraduates and imparts a basic understanding of electrical
engineering built on a foundation of physical science, mathematics, computing and

Graduates of the undergraduate program are expected to possess knowledge of the

fundamentals of electrical engineering and at least one specialty area. The graduates
are expected to have the basic experimental, design, and communication skills to
be prepared for continued study at the graduate level or for entry level positions that
require a basic knowledge of electrical engineering, science and technology.

143 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Engr. Dr. Waleed Ahmad Ph.D
Engr. Dr. Bilal Ahmad Ph.D
Engr. M. Kashif Aslam M.S.
Engr. Mubashir Hayat Khan M.S.
Engr. Muhammad Ahsan Sadiq M.S.
Engr. M. Muhammad Shafique M.S.
Engr. Irfan Jamshed, M.S.
Engr. Noman Masood, Lab Engineer M.S.
Engr. Qamar Akhtar, Lab Engineer M.S.
Engr. Hissan Hafeez, Lab Engineer M.S.
Engr. Zahid Ur Rahman, Lab Engineer M.S.
Engr. Anum Iftikhar, Lab Engineer M.S.
Engr. Sobia Ashraf, Lab Engineer M.S.

Mubashir Hayat Khan, A joint frame work of face segmentation and head pose
Estimation, “Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science” SCI/
SCIE Indexed.

Conference/Seminar /Workshop and Training

Engr. Mubashir Hayat Khan, Lecturer Participated in workshop on OBE System
held at University of Lahore, Islamabad Campus.
Engr. Muhammad Ahsan Sadique, Participated in workshop on OBE System held
at University of Lahore, Islamabad Campus
Engr. Muhammad Shafique Participation in workshop on OBE System held at
University of Lahore, Islamabad Campus

Engr. Irfan Jamshed:

i. Participated in 02 months HEC MT-FPDP workshop.

ii. Participated in 02 days Science FD workshop in HEC.
iii. Participation in workshop on OBE System held at University of Lahore,
Islamabad Campus

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 144

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Directorate of Sports
Muhammad Younis Khan Director Sports
Miss Naukhba Urooj Director Physical Education

Annual Games 2017-2018

Directorate of sports organized its first Annual games in UPR from 27 of November
2017 to 2nd of December 2017. Events were included in annual games 2017 were:-
• Football
• Volleyball
• Cricket
• Hockey
• Badminton
• Table Tennis
• Athletics
Positions Holders
1. Athletics 100 meters race following students got positions
i. 1st Bilal Majeed (Agri)
ii. 2nd Umar Raza (Agri)
iii. 3rd Usma Bashir (BSCS)

2. Athletics 200 meters race following students got position

i. 1st Usma Bashir (BSCS)
ii. 2 Bilal Majeed
iii. 3rd (Agri)

3. Hammer Throwing
i. 1st Tamoor Raiz (Geology)
ii. 2nd Ahmad Shaha (Agri)
iii. 3rd Raiz Uddin (Agri)

4. Discuss Throwing
i. 1st Raiz Uddin (Agri)
ii. 2nd Tamoor Raiz (Geology)
iii. 3rd Ahsan Mushtaq (Geology)

145 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

5. Jawline throw

i. 1st Rehan Zahoore (Agri)

ii. 2nd Ahmed Shaha (Agri)
iii. 3rd Ashen Mushtaq (Geology)

6. Shot put

i. 1st Tamoor Riaz (Geology)

ii. 2nd Riaz Uddin (Agri)
iii. 3rd Rehan zahoore (Agri)

7. Long Jump

i. 1st Bilal Majeed (Agri) (Geology)

ii. 2nd Rehan Zahoorw (Agri)
iii. 3rd Ahsen Mustaq (Geology)

8. High Jump

i. 1st Bilal Majeed (Agri)

ii. 2nd Rehan Zahoorw (Agri)
iii. 3rd Umer Raza (Agri)

9. Table Tennis

i. 1st Faculty of Agriculture

ii. 2nd Faculty of Management Sciences

10. Badminton

i. 1st Faculty of VAS

ii. 2nd Department of Computer Sciences

11. Position Holders in Major Games 2017

(1) Volley Ball
i. 1st Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
ii. 2nd Faculty of Management Sciences

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 146

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

(2) Foot Ball

i. 1st Faculty of Management Sciences
ii. 2nd Faculty of Agriculture Sciences
(3) Hockey
i. 1st Combine team of BS (CS). DVM and Geology
ii. 2nd Faculty of Management Sciences
(4) Cricket
i. 1st Faculty of Engineering and Technology
ii. 2nd Faculty of Management Sciences

Women Events

1. 100 meter Race final

i. 1st Naila Younus (Basic & Applied Sciences)
ii. 2nd Iqra Hameed (Basic & Applied Sciences)
iii. 3rd Misbah (Management Sciences)
2. 200 meter Race Final
i. 1st Iqra Hameed (Basic & Applied Sciences)
ii. 2nd Khadija Tul Qubra (Management Sciences)
iii. 3rd Sarash (Medical & Health Sciences)
3. Long Jump
i. 1st Umber Sadiq
ii. 2nd Turfa (Agriculture)
iii. 3rd Nazish (Agriculture)
4. High Jump
i. 1st Naila Younus (Basic & Applied Sciences)
ii. 2nd Shazia (DVM)
iii. 3rd Aqsa Hameed (Management Sciences)
5. Discuss Throw
i. 1st Sanam (Medical & Health Sciences)
ii. 2nd Summya (Basic & Applied Sciences)
iii. 3rd Aqsa Hameed (Management Sciences)

147 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

6. Jawline Throw
i. 1st Irum (Computer Sciences)
ii. 2nd Sanam Aslam (Medical & Health Sciences)
iii. 3rd Zahida (DVM)

7. Tag of War
i. Computer Sciences, DVM and Medical & Health Sciences. (Winner)
ii. 1st Combine Team of Management Sciences, Basic & Applied Sciences and

8. Musical Chair
i. 1st Sanam Munnawar (Medical & Health Sciences)
ii. 2nd Ambreen (DVM)
iii. 3rd Walia (Basic & Applied Sciences)

9. Shot Put
1st Sanam Aslam (Medical & Health Sciences)
2nd Turfa (Agriculture)
3rd Summya (Basic & Applied Sciences)

10. Badminton Final

i. 1st Faculty of Management Sciences
ii. 2nd Department of Computer Sciences

11. Table Tennis

i. Memoona Azmat Runner up (Qasim Group)
ii. Sara Mumtaz Winner (Khalid Group)

12. Foot Ball

i. Faculty of Management Sciences (Winner)
ii. Department of Computer Sciences

13. Cricket
i. Faculty of Management Sciences (Winner)
ii. Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences

14. Valley Ball

i. Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences (Winner)
ii. Management Sciences

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 148

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

Azad Kashmir Intervarsity Volleyball Championship

Directratore of Sports University of the Poonch, Rawalakot organized all Azad Kashmir
Intervarsity Volleyball Championship from September 21-22, 2017. Five Universities of
AJK participated in mentioned Championship.
Azad Kashmir Intervarsity Football Championship
Azad Jammu and Kashmir University organized Azad Kashmir Intervarsity Football
Championship, for Male and badminton Championship for Female from April 11-13,
2017. University of the Poonch participated and secured 3rd position in Football.
All Pakistan Inter University Events
• Students who performed well in annual games 2012 were selected by team
selection committee in the following teams for participation in interuniversity’s
championship 2017.
• Foot ball
• Athletics
• Cricket
• Volleyball
• Women Athletics
• UPR team played vital role in all Pakistan inter university football championship
held in Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad from November, 5-9, 2017.
• 14 Universities participated in the championship.
• Although the team did not get the position in this championship however the
team hoisted the flag of the University of Poonch.
• Event was organized at Sarhad University Peshawar on December 16 to 20 2016
• 42 Universities participated in the championship.
• Syed Aqeel Shah (Minister of sports KPK) inaugurated the championship.
• Students Enjoyed by taking part in 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, 2000, 3000 meters
race, long jump, high jump, triple jump, shot put, javelin throw events.

UPR Took active Part in Cricket

All Pakistan Inter university Cricket Tournament was organized at COMSATS IIT
Islamabad, from February 10-15, 2018. Twelve universities from the Islamabad Zone
University of the Poonch participated in championship and won the first match from

149 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

NUML, Islamabad by 85 runs. After a close competition UPR defeated by COMSATS,

Islamabad in quarter final match.
All Pakistan Inter university Volleyball Championship 2017 was organized in Arid
Agriculture University, Rawalpindi from March 5-8, 2018. Fourteen universities from
zone C participated in this event. University of the Poonch won the pole match. In
Quarter Final, the Poonch University beats U.E.T. Taxila by 2-0. UPR Volleyball team
reached in Semi final where after an interesting competition team defeated by COMSAT,
Woman Athletics
Athletics women championship was organized at COMSAT University, Islamabad
on December 10-11, 2017. Our university participated in this event. The opening
ceremony was held in Pakistan Sports Complex Islamabad. All women athletes enjoyed
by taking part in 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, 400 x 4 meter,100 x 4 meter and
3000m steeple chase, long jump,high jump, javelin throw ,shot-put and discus throw. 

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 150

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

University of the Poonch Rawalakot Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Office of the Treasurer (Budget Section)
Budget Estimates 2017-18
(Rs. in Million)
2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18
Resources (B.E.) (B.E.) (R.E.) (B.E.)
1. Opening Balance 25.490 42.943 42.943 50.015
a. Closing balance 22.99 22.99 45.015
b. Additional Supplementary Grant for F.Y 2016-17 19.953 19.953 5.000
2. Grants
a. Federal Government (Annual) 240.956 276.425 276.425 297.025
b. Supplementary / Additional Grant - - 5.000 -
c. Grant for Tenure Track Faculty 8.717 12.013 12.013 18.539
d. Provincial Govt. Grant (AJK) 5.000 4.000 4.000 3.600

Donations - - - -
f. Any Other Grant - - - -
Sub Total: (2) 280.163 335.381 297.438 319.164
3. Own Resources
i. Students Related Income
a. On Campus Student
Tuition Fee 100.434 130.838 138.258 142.258
Other Charges 46.185 60.185 64.196 67.196

Hostel, etc. - - - -
b. Affiliated College/Institution’s’ Students - - - -
c. External (Private) Students - - - -
ii. Other Venues of Income
a. Research Commercialization, Patents - - - -

Consultancy, Testing - - - -

Alumni - - - -
d. Any Other Income 6.360 23.524 23.524 22.524
iii. Endowments 7.200 13.300 13.300 14.945
Sub Total: (3) 160.179 227.847 239.278 246.923
Total Resources: [ A = 1 + 2 + 3 ] 440.342 563.228 579.659 616.102

153 Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report

University of The
Poonch, Rawalakot

B. Expenditure
i. Pay & Allowances - Faculty (BPS) 206.374 246.664 234.808 291,755
ii. Salary / Gratuity - Faculty (TTS) 8,717 12,013 12,013 18.539
iii. Pay & Allowances - Officer / Staff
43.158 47.733 46.882 60.856
[in Teaching Departments only]
iv. Pay & Allowances - Officers / Staff [in all other
71.699 95.413 85.597 105.470
Administrative Departments]
v. Non-Salary Expenditures- Other Charges 140.184 183.373 211.784 193.342
vi. Other Allowances 7.300 9.550 11.050 12.200
vii. Research - 11.360 11.760 17.170
viii. Arrears of Pay & Allowances FY 2011-12 & 3.000 0.300 3.000 4.000
FY 2012-13 & F.Y 2014-15 & F.Y 2015-16
Total Expenditure: [ B-I ] 480.432 609.106 616.894 703.332
Deficit/surplus -40.090 -45.878 -37.235 -87.230
C. Proposed Budget 703.332

S. #
Description Actual Actual B.E R.E B.E
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2014-15 2015-16
1 Opening Balance 0 0 50.038 50.038 39.009
2 Government of AJ&K Grant 70.492 136.085 86.244 100 41.22
Total 70.492 136.085 136.282 150.038 80.229
1 *Acquisition of Land 70.492 81.109 74.149 83.205 41.22
2 Civil Work 0 0 20.722 4.651 17.05
3 Provision of Boundary Wall 0 0 11.514 0 15.235

4 Laboratory Equipment 0 4.938 20.719 16.772 3.947
5 Teaching Aid Requirements 0 0 2.859 2.859 0
6 Literature (Books/Journals, etc.) 0 0 0.5 0.5 0
7 Furniture & Fixture 0 0 2.413 1.982 0.431
8 Remodelling of Existing & New Labs. 0 0 1.978 0.959 1.019

9 Contingencies 0 0 1.428 0.101 1.327
Total: 70.492 86.047 136.282 111.029 80.229

Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 154

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