Proposal For Racism

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Group assignment on

“Research proposal”
Title: the impact of racism in Ethiopia
Group members

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Contents page

contents page
Literature review
Objective of the research
Delimitation/scope of the
Project schedule and budget
Reference or bibliography

List of abbreviations
Cpl: corporal military rank

GDP: gross domestic product

FDRE: federal democratic republic of Ethiopia

EHRC: Ethiopian human right commission

This proposal has been completed by group leader with the help of group members at
management department students involved in gathering information and preparing the
questionnaire. We all the group members wish to express the sincerest gratitude most especially
to the persons whose names mentioned below.
Dr. mikle, the instructor of our class, for answering any time for any doubt we have about the
proposal writing.

Cpl/ Ahmed nuru, for assessing our proposal and giving constructive criticism like adviser.
Friends and Classmates, for not leaving us through the most difficult part of this research study.

To almighty GOD for giving us strength and health.

Racism is the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or
qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another. Racism
enters into every Ethiopian home and every citizen whether he/she is official or not. Nowadays
this cases trauma and fuss for our people. In Ethiopia Racism becomes the root case in which
politicians use and hold it by their right hand to influence and playing the political game.
Because of this most civilians fall into civil war and disagreement with one another especially
between different ethnic groups and regions. This project is going to address the problem of
locality and negativity thinking among us which leads us to racism as well as this project will
inform and give information to any government official involved on this stuff.

This project plays an important role for settling disputes and creating common ground, common
national ideology, unity and peace among nation nationality and peoples of Ethiopia. This
project fulfills a need in which what Ethiopia needs at this time, what she needs a son who loves
her and fights for sake of her, what she needs a daughter who can teach and spread patriotism for
her children. This projects specifically studies on the behavior that we should have and the
national ideology that we must follow for national interest so that this makes the studies different
from the previous ones.

Quantitative approach was used to explore and understand the spread of racism in Ethiopia. This
quantitative study explored animosity, revenge, gossip and other negative facial feelings. Fifteen
participants fulfill the above negative feelings among twenties. Data collection took place using
questionnaire (10 questions) .The participants were randomly selected from different ethnic
groups or nations so that they are asked about the feeling they had on the other group or nation.

Administrative bodies and the ruling government

a) must know that Racism is rapidly spreading in our country

b) a big national- wide project must be established to diminish racism
c) should call citizen instead of nation nationality and peoples in the constitution or any
d) Also in the national id only citizen should be there also in the vehicles id (et) and etc.
Institutes, families and every citizen of Ethiopia all must know

a) that country is greater than everything, peace is before everything and that every human is
brother and sister
b) our country is enough for us irrespective of the population we have
c) Negative thinking is bad for ourselves and the diversity we had is color of our country just
like rainbow.

In the history of Ethiopia there is no genuine, well documented and officially known genocide or
any other attack of racism. Unfortunately genocide is becoming accustomed to hear every day
from social Medias. The impact of racism on economy, politics, employment, authority,
education, culture and other social interactions has not yet been clarified in Ethiopia. So in this
study, we are going to investigate how racism is being badly spread throughout the country and
how it is trapping the economic-political development of our country.

The effect of racism on the political view is obvious and real. The massive genocide in Ethiopian
history is this year’s crime at Mikadra(Tigrai region) on the Amharan people living there. It was
reported that over 900 citizens was killed in one day by local racists or junta. There was also
genocide at Benshangul Gumuz on Amhara people every day it is been reported till now. And at
a lot of places in Ethiopia are shading blood of their own citizen. Especially people live from
another region in case of work they suffer a lot of problems.

a) They feel inferior by the officials there because lack of equal treatment
b) Now a day’s region is taken as country if someone moves to another region is like comes
from another country
c) Due to intervention of greedy politicians citizens are taken as wood for fire the fire is
d) Lots of women and children are died because of racism plotted by some of the politicians
e) Due to this an outside enemy is attacking as on borders.

Racism also has an impact on the economic section. As an Ethiopian investment commission
commissioner (lelisi nemi) reported that “since 2008e.c to this year over 400 investments have
demolished and only one percent of those have the chance to be recovered”. If someone is
treated regarding to his color, clan, or region, the right person will not be sit on the right place.
This will lead the country to corruption, discrimination, civil war, distraction and poverty. In
Ethiopia this is what is happening right now. Massive investment areas, organizations, buildings,
airports, roads and towers are being destroyed in this year. Business areas like banks,
telecommunication, farming places, hotels, industries and shops have been closed. Collectively
all this crisis causes a vital role for the declining of the country income and the GDP.
And the venom of racism also touches the distribution of authority and unemployment. Power
will be held by the hand of some ethnic group or family. Recently as the prime minster of
Ethiopia speaks about the present issues that inside FDRE Defence force most of the authority
and rank (over 60%) were only from those came from tigrai region. The same thing is done on
the employment. In a very critical and best job, the job seeker has been hired if he speaks the
manager’s local language or if he is the family member or same region.

Literature review
Racism can occur at different levels. The individual or interpersonal level: This includes
everyday racism that happens with speech, glances or actions. The institutional or systemic
level: involving organizations like governments and the education or justice system. Systemic
racism can be unintentional it is often caused by hidden biases in policies, practices and
procedures that result in unequal opportunities and outcomes for people based on race. 

Racialized people have faced major disadvantages, culturally, socially, economically and

even politically because of discrimination. Racial discrimination is a legally prohibited act. It
happens when any distinction, conduct or action, whether intentional or not – is based on
a person’s race and has the effect of imposing burdens not imposed upon others. 

systemic racial discrimination are still deeply embedded in many institutional cultures policies
practices and procedures this becomes more apparent when we look at employment trends youth
aged 15 to 24 who are not racialized have an unemployment rate of 16 percent youth who are
racialized have a much tougher time finding jobs with an unemployment rate of 23 percent on
top of that racialized people are disproportionately likely to be working in low wage jobs of
people living in poverty who are aged 25 to 64 racialized people are much more likely to have a
university certificate or degree in fact 32 percent of racialized people living in poverty have a
high level of education compared to 13 percent for non racialized people Couple this with the
fact that 22 percent of racialized people live in poverty twice the rate of non racialized people
and it becomes apparent that the impacts of racial discrimination are still being felt today.

Cultural racism manifests as societal beliefs and customs that promote the assumption that the
products of a given culture, including the language and traditions of that culture, are superior to
those of other cultures. It shares a great deal with xenophobia, which is often characterized by
fear of, or aggression toward, members of an out group by members of an in group In that sense
it is also similar to communalism as used in South Asia.
Cultural racism exists when there is a widespread acceptance of stereotypes concerning different
ethnic or population groups. Whereas racism can be characterized by the belief that one race is
inherently superior to another, cultural racism can be characterized by the belief that one culture
is inherently superior to another.
Because of racism at different regions Ethiopia is in crisis currently. Some of the reports
released recently are.
a. At Benshangul region over 100,000 peoples have been migrated to amhara region
thousand are died. This happens because of those who are from benshagul
clan(native at the region) they want to kill and torture any one out of their race
b. Following hachalu hundessa death 123 citizen died and over 500 enjured.
c. Fire at many places .
d. Also at Mikadra over 900 civilians executed

Objective of the research

1. This study aims to find out if there is racism in Ethiopia
2. This study seeks to examine the extent to which racism spreads in Ethiopia
3. This research aims to assess how racism affects socio-economic activities.

In our study we hypothesized that nowadays racism and discrimination is widely spreading
everywhere in Ethiopia. The increase of unemployment and illiteracy and greedy politicians
might be causes for the increase of racism in our country. Because when some politicians cant
hold power in democratic way they try to get by force so they used to spend money on the
unemployed man power and make them brainwashed. And also we hypothesized that there is a
negative correlation between racism and peace, racism and development. Hence our primary goal

a. Will be to test whether the extent of racism in Ethiopia has positive relation with
unemployment and increase of greedy politicians or not.
b. to check the amount of racism
c. to inform and alarm every government body and citizen about the evil act racism

The survey will consist of 10 multiple questions. The sampling technique we plan to apply is
simple random sampling on our campus. This is the simplest and less biased probability
sampling procedure method. The aim will be to conduct the survey from students at Addis Ababa
University, Business College which comes from three major regions (Amhara, Tigrai and
Oromia) each with 20 students from 7-10 January 2021 between 16:00 to 17:00. So that the
participants shall be divided by race (region). First shall identify the participant students where
they come from (which region) by just asking another person or those we know before.
Participants will be given 10 minute to fill the survey regarding on what they really feel about
the questions. We will get the response of 60 participant students with proper and emotional
answers, so that the results will be included in the analysis.

For the probability sampling and quantitative study we will use questionnaires to get complete
and accurate information from the5respondent. The restricted questionnaires will be sent to a
respondent through paper (print). One of our team recommends that we should use telegram to
spread questions, later we will use one of the two ways. The questionnaire will contain the same
information for the three kinds of participants.
The questionnaire that we have prepared for primary data (quantitative) is shown below. The
respondent will start by filling the region where he comes from.


Q1. Do you ever think that the people of your region are more civilized and special than

A. Yes
B. No

Q2. Do you believe that your region is not equally treated by others in Ethiopian History?

A. Yes
B. No

Q3. The peoples from your region; Are they suffering or oppressed by others now?

A. Yes
B. No

Q4. Do you believe that people from other region does not respect and love yours region?

A. Yes
B. No

Q5. Would you mind now if you go to any other region and live there for some time?

A. Yes
B. No

Q6. In which region you think of racism is there?

A. Amhara
B. Oromia
C. Tigrai
D. Others
E. All

Q7. Do you believe that most of the government officials in Ethiopia are racist?
A. Yes
B. No

Q8. Do you have racist friends?

A. Yes
B. No

Q9. Would you allow your child to have friends of different race?

A. Yes
B. No

Q10. Do you think that Ethiopia has lost many investments due to racism act?

A. Yes
B. No

Delimitation or scope of the study

The main focus of this project will be to ensure and clarify the presence of racism with its
impacts in Ethiopia. This study has limitation of time, place and budget. The samples are only
taken at Addis Ababa University Business College; because of so many things like corona, civil
war we are not able to widen the study and sample areas . Although this project will be used as a
source or information for government and at the same time to anyone who read it and practice

Project schedule and budget

Project task Assigned Actual Materials Birr/unit

to date/hour used
Writing the Name1 From 1-3 Internet --
introduction and January
background of study
Collecting Literature Name2 From 3-4 Internet --
review about racism January
The methodology and Name3 From 5-10 Papers, --
questionnaire January printer and
preparation. 7 taxi.
Managing ,Editing and Name4 Submitting Laptop --
submitting. date
 Wikipedia
 BBC news
 EHRC(human right commission)
 , personal web page
 TIKVAH-ETH Ethiopia(telegram channel).

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