3D Wireframes

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3D Wireframes

Wireframes are three-dimensional representations of a grid file. A wireframe is created

by connecting Z values along lines of constant X and Y. At each XY intersection (grid

node), the height of the wireframe is proportional to the Z value assigned to that

node. The number of columns and rows in the grid file determines the number of X

and Y lines drawn on the wireframe.

One advantage of the surface map over the wireframe map is that you can choose the
frequency of the mesh lines (every line, every other, every 5th, etc.). Another advantage is
that you can set the map limits for a surface map, which you cannot do for a wireframe map.
Additionally, surface maps don't show blanked areas, where wireframe maps do. On the other
hand, wireframe maps are vector images (not bitmap images), so the resolution may be better
than for surfaces maps. 
Creating a 3D Wireframe
Use the Home | New Map | 3D Surface | 3D Wireframe command.

Select a grid file in the Open Grid dialog and click Open.

The map is automatically created with reasonable defaults.

Wireframes can display any combination of X lines, Y lines, or Z contour lines. On the wireframe, X
lines correspond to the columns in the grid file and Y lines correspond to rows in the grid file.

The grid limits define the extent of the wireframe. When creating a grid file, set the grid limits to the
desired limits for the wireframe. The wireframe cannot be larger or smaller than the extent of the
grid file. Use the Grids | Resize | Extract or Grids | Resize | Mosaic commands to produce a subset or
to thin a grid file. Use Grid | Spline Smooth to increase the density of a grid file in order to add
additional X and Y lines to the wireframe. Use the Grid | Data command to create a new grid file with
different limits.
New Worksheet
Worksheet windows are a view of the data file and are designed to display, edit, enter,

and save data. The worksheet windows have several useful and powerful editing,

transformation, and statistical operations available. Several import and export options

are available for opening data files from other spreadsheet programs.

Classed Post Map

Classed post maps indicate XY locations with symbols and labels and require Z values in addition to
the XY coordinates. Classed post maps group the data into discrete classes (bins). The data points are
displayed using the symbol assigned to the class. Classed post maps can also include a legend.

The limits of a classed post map are based on the limits of the X and Y coordinates contained within
the associated data file. These limits can be changed if necessary.

Creating a New Classed Post Map

To create a classed post map:

Click the Home | New Map | Classed Post command.

Select a data file in the Open Data dialog and click Open.
The map is automatically created with reasonable defaults.

If the classed post map does not have any symbols in it, the map may not have the correct worksheet
columns specified or may have text instead of numerical values in the worksheet columns. To
determine if this is the case, click on the classed post map to select it. In the Properties window, click
on the General tab. Open the Worksheet Columns section, if necessary. Adjust the X coordinates and
Y coordinates columns. If the columns are specified correctly, check the data file to verify that the
columns contain numeric data. If the data columns are correct, the class post map limits may be
incorrect, preventing the data from being displayed. Click on the Map in the Contents window to
select it. Check the values on the Limits tab.

Create a classed post map in Surfer

A classed post map is a map where symbols are posted at specific XY point locations, and the symbols
are divided into bins by a third numeric value. Each bin has its own specific symbol properties. For
example, you could have all points with a low concentration value colored blue square, all points
with a medium concentration value a green triangle, and all points with a high concentration value a
red circle.

To create a classed post map:

Create a data file with X, Y and Z columns. The Z column is the column that is used to class the points.
It must be numeric.

In the Surfer plot window, click Home | New Map | Post | Classed Post.

Select the data file and click Open.

In the Contents window, select the Classed Post layer, and in the Properties window click the General

Verify the X coordinates, Y coordinates and Z coordinates columns are specified correctly.

To edit the properties for each class (numeric range and symbol properties), click the Classes tab in
the Properties window and click the Edit Classes button.

There are many options to set the class properties (e.g. double click on a specific symbol to edit only
that symbol’s properties, or click on the Symbol button to set global symbol properties or specific a
color gradient for the symbols).

When finished editing, click OK to apply the changes.

Adding a Shaded Relief Map Layer

Adding a shaded relief map layer to the existing semi-transparent map will help

display the elevation behind the contour fill.

To add a shaded relief map layer:
1. Click on Contours-TutorWS.grd in the Object Manager to select the contours.

2. Click the Map | Add | Shaded Relief Layer command.

3. In the Open Grid dialog, select the file TutorWS.grd from Surfer's Samples

folder. If you are not in the Samples folder, browse to it. By default, the Samples

folder is located in c:\Program Files\Golden Software\Surfer 12\Samples.

4. Click Open.

A shaded relief layer is added to the map object in the Object Manager. Notice how

the shadows of the shaded relief map layer help distinguish the topography of the grid


In the Object Manager, you may want to click the check mark next to the ContoursTutorWS.grd or
Shaded Relief-TutorWS.grd layers to toggle the visibility of the maps

on and off.

New Base Map

Base maps display boundaries on a map.

Boundaries can include roads, buildings, streams, lakes, etc. Base maps can be

produced from several file formats.

Empty Base Maps allow you to create a base map with no objects. Objects can be

manually added and removed as neede

Changing Contour Fill Properties

Color fill can be assigned to fill between contour lines.

Displaying Contour Fill

To display contour fill:

1. Click once on the contour map to select it. The contour map properties are shown

in the Property Manager.

2. Click on the Levels tab.

3. Click the next to Filled Contours, if it is not already open.

4. Check the box next to Fill contours. The contour map automatically updates to

display the default grayscale color fill between contours.

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