SAMS 101 Ways To Use Your Signal Generator 1963

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101 ways to use your


Indlonapolls • New York



101 ways to use your


Copyright © 1959 by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.,

Indianapolis 6, Indiana. Printed in the United States
of America.

Reproduction or use, with express permission, of

editorial or pictorial content, in any manner, is pro­
hibited. No patent liability is assumed with respect
to the use of the information contained herein.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 59-12557


Signal-generator instruction books sometimes have a

family resemblance to oscilloscope instruction books. This
resemblance is found in such assertions as "the field of
application of the instrument is limited only by the know­
ledge and resourcefulness of the user." This assertion is

Experience proves that knowledge and resourcefulness

cannot be obtained by reaching out into thin air, but only
by "going through the mill" and after many years of prac­
tica f experience.

Radio and television servicing is a highly competitive

business. Technicians cannot afford to spend a twenty- or
thirty-year apprenticeship. Today's technician desperately
needs immediate access to the knowledge that comes with
long experience.

101 Ways to Use YOU?' Signal Genemto?' recognizes this

urgent need and offers an all-out effort to meet it.



U1 To Check Frequency Calibration of a Signal Generator 11

U2 To Check the Frequency Stability of a Signal Generator
Against Line-Voltage Variations 12
U3 To Calibrate a Signal Generator Against a Quartz Crystal
Oscillator 13
U4 To Calibrate a Signal Generator Against WWV Transmissions 14
US To Calibrate a Signal Generator Accurately at 3.579545 me 15
U6 To Make Wavelength Checks of Signal-Generator Output . 16
U7 To Check a Signal Generator for Uniformity of Output. 17
U8 To Minimize a Harmonic Output from a Signal Generator . 19
U9 To Check the Modulated RF Output from a Signal Generator 20
U 10 To Check the Audio Signal Output from a Signal Generator
for Sine Waveform 23
U 11 To Check the Frequency of the Audio Signal Output from a
Generator 24
U 12 To Check the Attenuator Action of a Signal Generator . 25
U13 To Calibrate the Attenuator of a Signal Generator . 26
U 14 To Calibrate the Output from a Signal Generator in Microvolts 28
U 15 To Calibrate the VHF Output from a Signal Generator . 29
U 16 To Check a Signal Generator for Leakage 31
U 17 To Measure Input Capacitance of an RF Rectifier Probe 32
U 18 To Check a VTVM for RF Rejection . 33
U 19 To Check the Frequency Response of VTVM 34
U20 To Align the Front End of a Field-Strength Meter 34
U21 To Align the IF Amplifier in a Field-Strength Meter . 36
U22 To Adjust the Range Controls of a Relative Field-Strength
Meter 37
U23 To Check the Frequency Response of an Oscilloscope 37
U24 To Check an Oscilloscope for Modulated High-Frequency
Burst Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 38
U25 To Use a Signal Generator as a Heterodyne Frequency Meter 39


U26 To Determine Whether a TV Antenna is Matched to a Lead-in 41

U27 To Measure the Characteristic Impedance of a Sample of Co-
axial Cable 43


U28 To Measure the Characteristic hnpedance of a Sample of

Twin-Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . 43
U29 To Check the Efficiency of an Interference Filter . 44
U30 Tq Modulate a Broadcast Signal on Another Carrier Frequency 4S
U31 To Modulate a Color TV Signal on Another Carrier Frequency 46
U32 To Measure the Resonant Frequency of a Tuned Stub . 47


U33 To Check the Selectance Ratio of a Receiver 49

U34 To Detennine the Antenna Detuning Effect 50
U35 To Tracka Replacement Ferrite Antenna . . . . Sl
U36 To Measure the Sensitivity o f an AM Broadcast Receiver S2
U37 To Inject a Signal into the Loop Antenna of a Transistor Radio 52
U3B To Check the Tracking of the Preselector Circuits 53
U39 To Determine the finage-Rejection Ratio of an AM Receiver 54
U40 To Check the image-Rejection Ratio of an FM Receiver 55
U41 To Check the Input impedance of FM Receiver 56
U42 To Track the Head-end Circuits in a Multiband Receiver . 5B
U43 To Check a Receiver for Whistle Modulation 60
U44 To Substitute a Generator Signal for a Dead Local Oscillator 60
U45 To Track the Oscillator in a Transistor Radio 61
U46 To Check an IF Amplifier for Regeneration 61
U47 To Check for Miller Effect in the IF Amplifier 62
U48 To Check for Open IF Screen Capacitors 64
U49 To Make a Quick Test for Nonlinear IF Amplifier Operation 64
USO To Determine the Q of a Single IF Stage . 65
US 1 To Check for Regeneration and Oscillation in Transistor Ra-
dios (Neutralizing Adjustments) .. . . . . .. . . . . .. 66
U52 To Check the Quieting Level of an FM Receiver . . 67
U53 To Check an FM Receiver for AM Rejection . 68
U54 To Make an Over-all Audio Fidelity Test of an AM Radio . 68
U55 To Check the Frequency Stability of a Receiver Against Line-
Voltage Variations .......................................... 70
U56 To Check an FM Receiver for Immunity to Line Pickup . 71
U57 To Check the Maximum Undistorted Output of a Transistor
Radio . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ..................... 72
U58 To Check the Thermal Stability of a Transistor Radio . . . 73
U59 To Measure the Input bnpedance of a Transistor Audio Am-
plifier . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . 74


U60 To Make Signal-Injection Tests in a TV Receiver . 75

U61 To Use an AM Generator as a Signal Source in Signal-Tracing
Tests .... . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . 76


U62 To Check the Adjacent-Channel Selectivity of a TV Receiver 77

U63 To Check the Image-Frequency Rejection of a TV Receiver 78
U64 To Check the Frequency of a Local Oscillator 79
U65 To Check the IF Rejection of a TV Receiver 79
U66 To Peak-Align an IF Amplifier . BO
U67 To Locate an Intermittent by Using Noise-Modulated Carrier
Method (RF and I F Amplifiers) 82
U68 T o Make Single-Stage IF Tests (Shunt-Resistant Method) 83
U69 T o Check the Frequency Response o f a Video Amplifier (Two-
Generator Method) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
U70 To Determine the Dynamic Range of a Video Amplifier . 8S
U71 To Check for Even-Harmonic Distortion in a Video Amplifier 86
U72 To Check a Video Amplifier for Odd-Harmonic Distortion 87
U73 To Check for Parasitic Oscillation in a Video Amplifier . 88
U74 T o Check for Open Screen and Cathode Bypass Capacitors in
a Video Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 89
U7S T o Locate an Intermittent i n a Video Amplifier . 90
U76 T o Locate a n Intermittent b y Using Noise-Modulated Method
(Video Amplifier) 90
U 77 T o Make a n Over-all Frequency-Response Test o f a T V Re-
ceiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
U78 T o Make an Over-all Signal-Channel Test for a Transient
Ringing 92
U79 T o Align a Split-Sound System i n a TV Receiver 93
U8 0 T o Align a Reflexed Sound I F Amplifier 94
U81 To Align a Delta Sound Circuit 95
U82 T o Check the AGC Action o f a T V Receiver 96
U83 To Check t h e Over-all Chroma-Channel Response 96
U84 To Adjust a Color-Subcarrier Trap 97
U85 To Check the Y-Amplifier Frequency Response 98
U 86 T o Substitute a Generator Signal for a Dead Color-Subcarrier
Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 99
U87 To Check Stability of Color Sync Lock 100


US8 To Measure the Value of a Capacitor... 102

US9 To Measure the Value of a Small Capacitor. 103
U90 To Measure the Distributed Capacitance of a Coil . . 1 04
U91 To Check the Characteristics of a Tuned Transformer . lOS
U92 To Test for the Polarity of the Transformer Windings (in-
phase or out-of-phase output) .. . .
. . . 106
U93 To Measure the Impedance of a Voice Coil 107
U94 To Determine the Impedance Ratio of an Audio-Output Trans-
fu=R 1�
U95 To Check a Push-Pull Audio-Output Transformer for Balance 110


U96 To Measure the Input Impedance of an Audio Amplifier . 111

U97 To Measure the Phase Shift Between the Input and Output
of an Audio Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 112


U98 To Make a Search-Voltage Check for Harmonics in a High-

Frequency Waveform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . 114
U99 To Use a Signal Generator as a Wireless Record Player . . 115
UIOO To Use a Signal Generator as a VFO . . . . . . . 116
UIOI To Use a Signal Generator as an Audio Oscillator 116

Signal generators are used in practically all service shops.

A signal generator is usually considered to be a limited instru­
ment, useful only for alignment and signal-substitution tests.
As a matter of fact, a signal generator is a most versatile in­
strument, with an unexpectedly wide field of use.
You can use your signal generator to localize intermittents;
to check for open bypass capacitors; to check amplifier distor­
tion; to determine the dynamic range of an amplifier; to meas­
ure image-rejection ratios; to check high-frequency impedances;
to test FM receivers for AM rejection; to modulate broadcast
signals, black-and-white TV signals, or color TV signals on an­
other carrier frequency; to localize regeneration; to check for
Miller effect; to make over-all audio-fidelity tests; to check for
frequency stability of receivers against line-voltage variations;
and to make numerous other special tests described in this book.
A service shop should have the best signal generator possible,
within the limitations of the budget. A wider range of test work
is possible with the more elaborate types of generators. However,
if suitable techniques are used, even a simple signal generator
can perform a surprisingly large number of useful tests.
The better types of signal generators cover all bands on pure
fundamentals. Output is reasonably uniform at all output fre­
quencies. Calibrated attenuators, which provide a known output
level in microvolts, add further utility to the instrument. Modu­
lating facilities vary widely among the different types of gener­
ators. In the simpler instruments, the oscillator is directly modu­
lated; as a result, spurious frequency modulations occurs, in
addition to the desired amplitude modulation. In the better gen­
erators, wide-band modulators are provided which operate inde­
pendently from the oscillator. The more elaborate generators
often include crystal-calibrating facilities. The output frequency
can be accurately adjusted to the desired value. Frequency drift
is controlled closely in the higher-priced instruments. Band­
spreading provides less critical adjustment of the tuning dial.
Better immunity is provided against frequency change due to
line-voltage variations.

The important point is to know your instrument. If you know
its capabilities and limitations, you can obtain full service and
avoid false conclusions caused by operating the generator beyond
its capabilities.
You will find it advisable to have at least two signal gener­
ators on hand. An AM generator is suitable primarily for AM
and FM receiver tests. On the other hand, the higher frequen­
cies required in TV work are better accommodated by a gener­
ator designed for a pure fundamental output over the VHF
Although the title of this book is 101 Ways to Use Your Signal
Generator, there are many other applications in which signal
generators can be used together with other test instruments.
Interested readers are referred to the companion volumes, 101
Ways to Use Your Sweep Generator, 101 Ways to Use Your
Oscilloscope, and 101 Ways to Use Your VOM and VTVM.


To Check the Frequency Calibration of a Signal Generator

Equipment: Radio receiver with tuning range over the required

Connections Required: Couple the signal-generator output to the
receiver input terminals with a small capacitance.
Procedure: Tune the radio receiver to various stations of known
frequencies. Set signal generator to obtain a zero beat
against the station carrier.
Evaluation of Results: At zero beat, the signal generator has
an output frequency equal to that of the station carrier

A signal generator usually has harmonic output. Hence, you

will also obtain a heterodyne "squeal" and a zero beat when
the generator is tuned to one-half the station frequency, one­
third the station frequency, etc. The fundamental "squeal" is
the loudest. The harmonic beats are useful because one station
of known frequency can be used to calibrate several generator
bands. This is also a useful test for determining the frequency
stability of the generator over a period of time. If the generator
has good thermal stability, the beat note will not vary appre­
ciably when the generator is operated for several minutes. On
the other hand, a poor signal generator will show rapid and
severe frequency drift.


Test setup.


Calibration of V H f Signal Generator

A VHF signal can be calibrated in broadcast station and the AM radio.

a manner similar to the one in Ul. Likewise, an FM or communications
A TV station signal and a TV re- receiver can be used to calibrate the
ceiver are used in place of the AM generator at other frequencies.

To Check the Frequency Stability of a Signal Generator
Against Line-Voltage Variations

Equipment: Radio receiver and Variac.

Connections Required: Connect the Variac between the signal
generator and the power line. Lay the output cable from
the generator near the antenna lead of the radio receiver.
Procedure: Tune in a station signal on the receiver. Tune signal
generator for audible beat against station signal. Adjust in­
put voltage to the generator with the Variac.
Evaluation of Results: The beat tone varies if the signal-generator
frequency changes with the line voltage. A good signal gen­
erator provides a constant output frequency over a reason­
able variation of line voltage, such as from 100 to 115 volts.

Test setup.


To Calibrate a Signal Generator Against a Quartz Crystal


Equipment: Quartz crystal oscillator, demodulator probe, and

Connections Required: Feed generator and oscillator outputs to
the input of the demodulator probe. Connect earphones to
probe output.
Procedure: Tune signal generator and listen for heterodyne beats
in the phones. Zero beat indicates that the fundamental or
a harmonic of the generator is at the same frequency as the
fundamental or a harmonic of the oscillator.
Evaluation of Results: The strongest heterodyne whistle is ob­
tained when the fundamental of the generator beats with
the fundamental of the oscillator. The fundamental vs. har­
monic beats are progressively weaker. Hence, a wide range
of calibrating points can be obtained from a single 1-mc
crystal, for example.

If a 1-mc crystal is used, its harmonics are 2 mc, 3 mc, 4 mc,

etc. If the generator is tuned to 100 kc, its tenth harmonic beats
against the crystal fundamentaL Hence, the generator can be
calibrated at frequencies much lower than those of the crystal

Teat letup.

• 01

Demodulator probe circuit.



Probe Output Can Be Amplified

In the method in U3, an audio am­ greater sensitivity and permits check­
plifier and a speaker may be used ing with higher harmonics from the
in place of the earphones. Thi& gives generator and the oscillator.


External Cali brating Equipment Not Required With

TV Calibrator-type VHF Signal Generator

Some VHF signal generators have at any time by switching the instru­
complete built-in calibrating facili­ ment to the Calibrate position. Audi­
ties. Therefore, no external equip­ ble zero beats are then obtained at
ment is required for frequency cali­ each O.25-mc interval along the dial
bration procedures. This type of signal without changing any connections.
generator is also called a television This type of generator is somewhat
calibrator. A typical instrument is easier to use than the simpler types,
provided with 2.5 mc,O.25-mc, and particularly in critical applications
4.5-mc crystals; a modulator; and an requiring frequent calibration of the
audio amplifier with a speaker. The output.
accuracy of the output can be checked

To Cal ibrate a Signal Generator Against WWV Trans­


Equipment: Radio receiver with suitable tuning range.

Connections Required: Loosely couple generator output cable
to antenna lead-in of receiver.
Procedure: Tune in the WWV transmission. Adjust generator
for either fundamental or harmonic beat with WWV carrier.
Evaluation of Results: The carrier frequency accuracy of a WWV
signal is better than one part in 50,000,000.

WWV maintains eight transmitters near Washington, D.C.

Transmissions are continuous, twenty-four hours a day. Fre­
quencies are as follows:


Carrier Frequency, Mc Audio Modulation, Cps

2.5 440
10 440 and 4000
15 440 and 4000
20 440 and 4000
25 440 and 4000
30 440

To Calibrate a Signal Generator Accurately at 3.579545 Mc

Equipment: Color TV receiver in good operating condition and

O.OOI-mfd blocking capacitor.
Connections Required: Connect blocking capacitor in series with
generator output cable. Apply the generator output to the
input of the receiver video amplifier.
Procedure: Advance generator output to maximum. Tune gener­
ator in vicinity of 3.58 mc while watching screen of color
picture tube.
Evaluation of Results: Generator is tuned accurately to 3.579545
mc when a solid color field is displayed on the picture-tube
screen. The field may fluctuate from red to green to blue,
but will remain a solid color when generator is tuned to
the exact color-subcarrier oscillator frequency.

If generator is mistuned to one side of the subcarrier oscillator

frequency, moving or stationary rainbows can be seen on the
picture-tube screen. A stationary rainbow occurs at each "side­
lock" frequency. A sidelock frequency is removed from the color­
subcarrier oscillator frequency by an integral number of hori­
zontal scanning intervals. Thus, a single stationary rainbow can
be seen if the generator is tuned to 15,750 cycles above or below
3.579545 me.



Typical picture detector and video·amplifier circuit.

Solid color field. Rainbow display.

To Make Wavelength Checks of Signal-Generator Output

Equipment: No. 18 bare copper wire, 4" X 4" copper plate,

steel measuring tape, VTVM, and high-frequency probe.
Connections Required: Connect signal-generator output to an
open-wire line constructed from the copper wire, as shown
in the following illustration. Space the two wires approxi­
mately one inch apart. Drill two holes through the copper
plate to accommodate the wires. Connect high-frequency
probe at input of open-wire line. Feed probe output to
Procedure : Slide copper plate along line for a null reading on
VTVM. Note this position by marking wire with ink. Next,
slide plate farther along wire, passing through a peak read-


ing on the VTVM and along to the next null reading. Mark
the second null reading on the wire. Finally, measure the
distance between the marks with the measuring tape.
Evaluation of Results: The distance between the marks is a half
wavelength. The distance between nulls in inches can be
converted to frequency in megacycles by dividing inches
into 5905. Thus, me = 5905/inches. This method is particu­
larly useful over the VHF range. Wavelengths can be meas­
ured to an accuracy of approximately 0.5% with this method,
provided the measurements are made with exacting care.

If the signal generator does not have appreciable output, or if

the VTVM does not have sufficient sensitivity, use a suitable
high-frequency amplifier between the generator and the line.


Test setup.

To Check a Signal Generator for Uniformity of Output

Equipment: Rectifier probe, YOM, transistor, 47-ohm resistor,

3000-ohm resistor, and 6-volt battery.
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the ac­
companying diagram.
Procedure: Operate YOM on one of its lower DC current ranges.
Tune signal generator through its various bands while watch­
ing meter indication.


Evaluation of Results:. A good signal generator has a very small

variation of output signal level over a wide frequency range.

If the signal generator has a high output, the transistor am­

plifier is not required. However, many signal generators have a
low output which will not operate a VOM satisfactorily in this

--UI -f,"-
Test setup.

r Ci -'"'
;;;-"'-"'"' - O TP T
U U Rectifier probe circuit.


Generator Output Cable Should Be Terminated in

I ts Own Characteristic Impedance

When the test described in U7 is Terminate the output cable with a

made, the uniformity of output at composition resistor R. The cable im­
high frequencies will be greatly im­ pedance is usually 50 or 75 ohms. In
proved by terminating the generator the test of U7, best termination is
output cable in its own characteristic indicated by flattest output from the
impedance, as shown in the follow­ generator.
ing. At high frequencies, the physical Whenever the output cable is to be
length of the output cable becomes a applied at a circuit point where DC
substantial fraction of the operating voltage is present, insert a blocking
wavelength. Unless the output ca­ capacitor in series with the "hot"
ble is properly terminated, standing lead of the ca.ble to avoid DC voltage
waves will dev�lop in "it. The cable drain-off. This not only avoids im­
will act like a parallel-resonant cir­ pairment of receiver circuit opera­
cuit at some frequencies and like a tion, but may also provide immunity
series-resonant circuit at other fre­ from damage to the generator output
quencies. Correct termination makes circuit or the receiver circuit due to
the cable purely resistive at all fre­ heavy DC current flow.


Terminating resistor connected to generator



Terminated Output Cable May Be Any Length

Users of signal generators sometimes teristics. There is a very slight at­

wish to use output cables of extended tenuation of signal through a long
lengths for greater operating conven­ cable. However, for cable lengths up
ience. It is sometimes asked whether to 10 or 15 feet, the attenuation is
long output cables change the char­ imperceptible. On the other hand, if
acteristics of a test signal. If a cable a long cable is incorrectly termi­
is terminated in its own characteris­ nated, it will cause severe peaks and
tic impedance, it may be any length dips in the signal output, even at low
without changing the signal charac- test frequencies.

To Minim ize the Harmonic Output From a Signal Generator

Equipment: Resistors and capacitors.

Connections Required: Connect the resistors and capacitors into
a low-pass filter network, as shown in the following illus­
Procedure: Use the method in U7 to check output from signal
generator. Increase the values of R and C until the gener­
ator output drops to approximately 25% of its direct output
level. Larger values of R and C are required for low test
Evaluation of Results: R ,
Rl, R2, Cl, C2, and C3 form a low-pass filter network for
harmonic suppression. When the R and C values of the filter
are chosen to attenuate the total output approximately 75%,
the harmonics present are attenuated much more than the
fundamental. This facilitates tests in which a pure sine-wave
output is required from the signal generator.



Filter connected to generator output.


Filter Provides No Advantage If Spurious Outputs

Are Lower Than the F u ndamental Frequency

The beat oscillator principle was used Therefore, the filter network shown
in a few older signal generators to in US is not feasible because it will
obtain a wide frequency coverage at weaken the fundamental with respect
low cost. Such generators had a large to the lower-frequency spurious out­
number of spurious outputs. Some of puts. On the other hand, the method
the spurious outputs have a lower shown in Note 24 is applicable.
frequency than the beat fundamental.

To Check the Modulated RF Output From a Signal Gen­


Equipment: Demodulator probe and audio amplifier.

Connections Required: Connect test setup as shown in the fol­
lowing diagram. R is a terminating resistor (see Note 4) .
See U3 for construction of demodulator probe.
Procedure: Operate signal generator on modulated RF output.
Note change in tone and level from amplifier as signal gen­
erator is tuned through its various bands.
Evaluation of Results: Most signal generators are arranged for
30% modulation of the RF output voltage. The modulating
frequency is usually 400 cycles. If the modulation is uniform
over the output frequency range, a constant-level, 400-cycle
tone is heard from the audio amplifier as the generator is
tuned. Any variation in level of the tone indicates that either
the RF output is rising or falling, or the percentage modu­
lation is rising or falling, or both. To determine whether
the RF output level is constant, see U7. Any variation in


tone quality as the generator is tuned indicates that the

modulation waveform is distorted. A good modulator gives
a pure 400-cycle tone at any RF output frequency.

Test setup.


Percentage of Modulation Is Adjustable i n Some Generators

Some signal generators have a con­ a DC scope, as explained in the com­

trol for varying the percentage of panion volume, 101 Ways to Use Your
modulation. In the usual tests, this Oscilloscope. The percentage of mod­
control should be set for approxi­ ulation can also be measured with a
mately 30% modulation. However, you demodulator probe and VTVM. as ex­
may find in U9 that the control re­ plained in 101 Ways to Use Your
quires readjustment because the per­ VOM and VTVM. However, a VTVM
centage of modulation changes from check is less informative than a DC
one end of an RF band to the other scope check, because a VTVM gives
end. Accurate checks of the percent­ no information concerning possible
age of modulation must be made with waveform distortion.


I ncreasing Maximum Output From a Signal Generator

Some signal generators, designed pri­ essary to have appreciable output

marily for AM radio receiver align­ from the generator" The high output
ment, have a relatively low output. can be accomplished by eliminating
The low output prevents overloading the output attenuating pads or di­
of the receiver, because it is custom­ viders in the generator. Refer to the
ary to align AM receivers at maxi­ circuit diagram in the instrument
mum sensitivity. On the other hand, instruction book for the attenuating
in some applications such as imped­ means employed.
ance and component tests, it is nec-


External Modulator Often Useful i n Modulated R F Test Work

When the internal modulator of a than 400 cycles are required, the ex­
signal generator is unsatisfactory, or ternal modulator shown in the fol­
when modulating frequencies other lowing diagram can be used. The


modulator requires suitable levels of with a DC scope, as explained in the

signal from both the signal genera­ companion volume, 101 Ways to Use
tor and the audio oscillator. The most Your Oscilloscope.
satisfactory determination is made


Construction of an external

NOTE 1 0

Signal Generator Uses a Low-Resistance Attenuator

Beginners sometimes ask why a low­ system becomes quite Jow. To real­
resistance attenuator (50 or 75 ohms, ize a workable attenuator, we must
300 ohms maximum) is used in a lower its resistance to a point where
signal generator. The answer is that its value is only a fraction of the ca­
stray capacitances and input capaci­ pacitive reactance in the output sys­
tances of the circuits under test would tem. Likewise, the input capacitance
make the generator unusable if a of a circuit under test (C2) shunts
high-resistance attenuator were em­ the attenuator and tends to bypass
ployed. This is shown in the accom­ the generator signal. The resistance
panying illustration. The attenuator of the attenuator must be low enough
is shunted by the total generator out­ that the shunting effect of capaci­
put capacitance Cl. At higher fre­ tances Cl and C2 is negligible; other­
quencies, the reactance of the stray wise, the attenuator will not function
capacitance in the generator output properly.


The shunting effect o f the generator output
capacitance and the circuit input capacitance.


To Check the Audio Signal Output From a Signal Gener­

ator for Sine Waveform

Equipment: Capacitor, resistor, and AC VTVM.

Connections Required: Connect capacitor and resistor (suitable
values as determined to give easily readable scale indica­
tions) in series across generator output. Connect the VTVM
across the resistance as shown in Test 1; then reverse the
connections of R and C, and connect the VTVM across the
capacitor as shown in Test 2. Finally, measure the gener­
ator output voltage as shown in Test 3.
Procedure: Observe voltage reading in each of the three tests.
Evaluation of Results: The three voltage readings, represented
as line lengths, should fit together as a right-angled triangle.
If a right triangle is not formed, the audio output voltage
does not have a true sine waveform.

The positions of R and C are reversed in the first two tests,

so that the VTVM can operate its ground return at true ground
potential. Thus, possible error caused by improper ground return
is avoided.

Test 1.

Test 2.

Test 3.

Test setup.


Plot of voltoges.

To Check the Frequency of the Audio Signal Output From
a Generator

Equipment: O.05-mfd capacitor, 7960-ohm resistor, and AC VTVM.

Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the fol­
I�wing diagrams.
Procedure: Operate the signal generator on 400-cycle audio out­
put. Measure the drop across the resistor, as shown in Test l.
Then measure the drop across the capacitor, as shown in
Test 2.
Evaluation of Results: If equal voltages are measured in the two
tests, the audio output frequency is 400 cycles. On the other
hand, if unequal voltages are measured, the frequency is
not 400 cycles. The accuracy of this test depends upon the
accuracy of the capacitance and resistance values.

If the output frequency is 400 cycles, unequal voltages will

be measured if harmonics are present. A test for harmonics is
described in UIO.

Test 1.

Test 2.

Test setup.


NOTE 1 1

Check for Frequencies Other Than 400 Cycles

If the audio output frequency from where,

a signal generator is not 400 cycles, VK is the voltage drop across the
the frequency can still be found from resistor,
the measurements made in un. Cal­ V(' is the voltage drop across the
culate the frequency from the for­ capacitor.
mula: As previously noted, the output
f = 400V./V" must have a sine waveform; other­
wise, the test results will be in error.

To Check Attenuator Action of a Signal Generator
Equipment: Rectifier probe, VOM, transistor, 47-ohm resistor,
3000-ohm resistor, and 6-volt battery.
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the ac­
companying diagram.
Procedure: Observe meter reading as the attenuator is reduced
to progressively lower settings.
Evaluation of Results: The meter reading should decrease as
the attenuator setting is reduced. If the reading decreases
at first and then increases as the attenuator setting is further
reduced, the attenuator is faulty. This is more commonly
found at high RF frequencies and is caused by internal RF
leakage in the generator, which permits RF voltage to flow
around the attenuator to the output cable.
Accessory external attenuators are available for use with signal
generators. These attenuators give known values of attenuation
at frequencies from zero to 250 mc. The more elaborate attenua­
tors provide a range from zero to 80 db in 1-db steps.

Test setup.


NOTE 1 2

60-Cycle Hum Voltage in Output of Signal Generator

You will sometimes find SO-cycle hum two reasons. First, the tolerances on
voltage in the output of a signal gen­ capacitors and resistors (10% or 20%)
erator. You can check for hum volt­ make it difficult to select fixed values
age by using the test setup shown in for all the components. The relative
the following diagram. To minimize values in the two branches are criti­
60-cycle hum voltage, use the par­ cal for complete hum rejection. Sec­
allel-T Re network, as shown. This ond, variations in loading of the net­
network provides complete attenua­ work output change the required
tion when correctly adjusted. It is values somewhat. Note that the par­
advisable to use two potentiometers allel-T network shown will com­
(instead of two fixed resistors) in pletely reject SO-cycle hum, but not
the two branches of the network, for its harmonics.

Checking for 60-cycle hum voltage. Parallel-T R-C network.

To Calibrate the Attenuator of a Signal Generator (Atten­
uation in Steps of X 1 0)

Equipment: IF amplifier, DC bias box, and VOM.

Connections Required: Connect bias box to AGC (or AVC) line,
as shown in the following diagram. Connect VOM (or
VTVM) at detector output. Connect signal-generator output
to point A, and then to point B.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to frequency of IF amplifier.
Apply maximum generator output at point A and note meter
reading. Next, apply maximum generator output at point B
and note stage gain. Adjust bias box for a meter reading ten
times higher at B than at A (stage gain of 10 times) . Then
reduce attenuator setting of generator to obtain same meter
reading at B that was obtained at A when maximum gen­
erator output was used.


Evaluation of Results: The setting of the attenuator that gives

the same meter reading at B is marked x 0.1. This setting
gives an output that is 0.1 of maximum. We use an IF
amplifier in this test because the YOM or VTVM would not
give a readable indication with 0.1 of maximum output from
the generator.


Calibrating X 0.01 and X 0.001 Steps on the Attenuator

The X 0.01 step on the attenuator is with the generator signal applied at
determined in the same manner as C, reduce the attenuator setting until
the X 0.1 step (see UI3). With the the meter reading is the same as with
attenuator set to the X 0.1 position, a X 0.1 signal applied at B. This re­
apply the generator output to point duced setting of the attenuator is the
B and note the meter reading. Next X 0.01 position. We determine the X
shift the generator output to point C. 0.001 position of the attenuator in the
Adjust the DC bias box for a gain of same manner, by level tests at points
10 times in the second IF stage. Then, C and D.

NOTE 1 4

Modulated H u m Output From Signal Generator

Poor power-supply filtering, heater­ speaker. Carefully note the difference

cathode leakage in an oscillator tube, between modulated and unmodulated
and other similar faults cause hum­ hum in the generator output. Unmod­
modulated output from a signal gen­ ulated hum in inaudible when the
erator. To check for modulated hum, foregoing check is made. Modulated
connect the output cable from the hum passes through the RF and IF
signal generator to the antenna-input sections of the receiver. Unmodu­
terminals of a broadcast receiver. Set lated hum will become audible if the
generator controls for CW output. generator output is applied at the
Tune generator to the operating fre­ audio-amplifier input. On the other
quency of the receiver. If modulated hand, modulated hum is not audible
hum is present, a 60-cycle or 120- when the signal is applied directly
cycle hum will be heard from the at the audio amplifier input.


Unmodulated hum voltage. Modulated hum voltage.


Blocking Capacitor Often Needed in Making Tests

Few signal generators have a block­ ing capacitor will be necessary. Other­
ing capacitor in series with the "hot" wise, the generator output circuit will
lead of the output cable. Hence, such drain away the DC voltage. This often
a blocking capacitor may have to be disturbs the circuit operation, and
added. If a generator signal is in­ may damage the circuit components
jected into a receiver circuit in which or attenuator in the generator.
DC voltage is present, a series block-

To Calibrate the Output Fram a Signal Generator in Micro­


Equipment: VTVM with peak-to-peak, high-frequency probe.

Connections Required: Connect output cable from signal genera­
tor to input of peak-to-peak probe.
Procedure: Set generator attenuator to X 1 (maximum output)
position. Note voltage reading on VTVM scale.
Evaluation of Results: One volt is equal to 1,000,000 microvolts.
Hence, the typical maximum output from a signal generator
may be 100,000 microvolts. The output on the x 0.1 step
would then be 10,000 microvolts; on the x 0.01 step, 1000
microvolts; and on the x 0.001 step, 100 microvolts.

If the generator has a very low output, a low-range VTVM is

required to obtain an accurate measurement.


Measuring generator output.

NOTE 1 6

Calibration o f Attenuatar i n Rms Microvolts

The method discussed in U14 pro­ 2.83 to obtain the rms voltage. For
vides calibration of the generator at­ a complete discussion of waveform
tenuatar in peak-ta-peak microvolts. voltages, see the companion volume,
If desired, the calibration may be 101 Ways to Use Your VOM and
converted to rms microvolts. We di­ VTVM.
vide the peak-la-peak voltage by


Generator Attenuators Are Usually Reactive

Signal generators usually have at­ at other frequencies. For this reason,
tenuators which are reactive, par­ the generator should be calibrated at
ticularly at higher frequencies. Con­ the most often-used frequencies, such
sequently. attenuator calibrations at as 455 ke, 10.7 me, 23 me, and 44 me.
one frequency are generally invalid

To Cal ibrate the VHF Output From a Signal Generator

Equipment: Field-strength meter and balun (see Note 18) .

Connections Required: Connect signal-generator output to balun,
and connect balun to antenna input terminals of field­
strength meter.
Procedure: Tune signal generator and field-strength meter to
desired test frequency. Note field-strength meter reading in
microvolts as generator attenuator is adjusted to various
Evaluation of Results: The generator output wilJ usually vary
widely over the various VHF channels unless the generator


is relatively expensive. Hence, the calibration must be

checked on each channel of interest.

The better field-strength meters indicate microvolt levels with

reasonable accuracy. On the other hand, relative field-strength
meters do not give accurate microvolt readings.


rn Test setup.

o 0

NOTE 1 8

Balun I s a Voltage-Doubling, I m pedance-Matching Device

A balun constructed from line sec- ance to the double-ended, 300-ohm

tions is a voltage-doubling, imped- impedance. The impedance is stepped
anee-matching device. A line-section up four times and the voltage is
balun suitable for RF tests on all doubled. In other words, we have
VHF channels is shown in the fol- transformer action. Therefore, a balun
lowing illustration. The balun con- is a line-section transformer.

neets the 75-ohm generator imped-


75" �==��������o
1501\. LINE SE CTION ���

A l ine-section balun suitable for RF tests on all V H F


NOTE 1 9

Stepping Down I mpedances With Line-Section. Baluns

As shown in the following illustra­ a balun always work into a matched

tion, a line-section balun can be op­ load. For the example shown, this
erated in reverse to step a higher load is 37.5 ohms. If a balun works
impedance down to a lower imped­ into a bad mismatch, strong standing
ance. The balun gives a 4-to-l step­ waves will be present and will make
down in impedance and a 2-to-l step­ the tests invalid.
down in voltage. It is essential that


::; ;:::==::::.
�Z .

z· 1501\ 37. 5 1'\.


A balun for stepping down impedances.

To Check a Signal Generator for Leakage

Equipment: Radio receiver with a suitable tuning range.
Connections Required: None.
Procedure: Remove output cable from generator. Cap the output
connector, so that the output terminal is completely sur­
rounded by grounded metal. Set the signal generator for
modulated RF output. Tune generator to same frequency as
Evaluation of Results: If the signa) generator has negligible leak­
age, no tone will be heard from the speaker of the receiver
(even when receiver is operated at high gain) . If leakage
is evident, try to locate the leak by turning the generator in
different directions. If high leakage is apparent when the
generator is some distance from the receiver, check to see if
external metal components, such as the tuning dial, are
properly grounded.


Line Cord Should Be Well Filtered

High leakage from a signal generator of RF chokes and bypass capacitors.

sometimes occurs if the line cord is The chokes are connected in series
not well filtered. Filtering prevents with the line, and the bypass capaci­
the escape of high-frequency volt- tors are shunted from the line to the
ages, and is accomplished by the use generator case.

lilll E Q U I P M EN T

To Measure the Input Capacitance of an R F Rectifier



Equipment: Rectifier probe, calibrated variable capacitor or as­

sortment of small fixed capacitors, transistor amplifier (op­
tional) , and VOM.
Connections Required: Connect generator output cable directly
to rectifier probe input. Feed probe output to transistor
amplifier (if used) . Apply amplifier output (or probe output)
to VOM. For second test, insert capacitor (s) in series with
probe input.
Procedure: Operate signal generator on a frequency of 100 kc
or higher. Note scale reading on VOM. Next, insert capacitor
in series with probe to reduce VOM reading to one-half. The
value of the inserted capacitor is equal to the input capaci­
tance of the probe.

If the signal generator has a high output, the transistor ampli­

fier is not required. However, the output of many signal genera­
tors is too low for satisfactory indication directly on a VOM.

Test 1.

Test 2.
Test setup.


NOTE 2 1

Zero-Set Adjustment o f a YOM

An accurate determination of one­ current. This current causes appre­

half maximum indication cannot he ciable zero offset on a very low cur­
obtained from the test in U17 unless rent range, such as 50 microamperes.
the meter is zero-set. It is possible to In such case, you can use the me­
obtain a very small resting current chanical zero-set adjustment of the
through the meter by selection of a VOM to cancel the leakage-current
low-leakage transistor. On the other indication.
hand, there is always a small leakage

To Check a VTVM for RF Rejection

Equipment: VTVM and high-frequency amplifier.

Connections Required: Connect terminated output cable from
signal generator to input terminals of high-frequency ampli­
fier. Connect DC probe from VTVM to output terminals of
Procedure: Set VTVM to its lowest DC voltage range. Observe
meter indication, if any.
Evaluation of Results: A good VTVM does not respond to a high­
level RF voltage when operated on its DC voltage function.

An IF amplifier in a radio or TV receiver, or the vertical ampli­

fier in a scope, are convenient high-frequency amplifiers for
this test.

Checking RF rejection of VTVM.


To Check the Frequency Response of a VTVM

Equipment: High-frequency amplifier and VTVM with AC probe.

Connections Required: Connect terminated output cable from
signal generator to amplifier input terminals. Feed amplifier
output to AC probe of VTVM.
P,·ocedure: Adjust signal-generator output for nearly full-scale
deflection on first VTVM range. Then set VTVM for next
higher voltage range and note whether the voltage reading
changes. Repeat this two-step procedure at increasingly
higher frequencies.
Evaluation of Results : The upper useful frequency limit of the
VTVM occurs when a different voltage is read as the VTVM
is switched to an adjacent range.

The range-switching method of test is used because the output

of most service generators is not uniform over a wide range of
freq uencies. A wide-band scope amplifier is useful, in this test,
at frequencies up to 4 or 5 mc. The RF amplifier of communica­
tions-type receivers can be used at still higher test frequencies.
An amplifier is required because the output voltage available
from most generators is inadequate for checking a VTVM.


Test setup.

To Align the Front End of a Field-Strength Meter

Equipment: Field-strength meter, balun (see Note 18) , VTVM,

and bias box.
Connections Required: Connect balun to output cable of signal
generator. Feed balun output to antenna input terminals of


field-strength meter. If field-strength meter has AGe, over­

ride the AGC bias with -1 volt DC. Connect VTVM to
"looker" point on RF tuner.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to picture-carrier frequency
of channel under test. Align RF trimmers for peak reading on
meter. Tune signal generator to sound-carrier frequency of
channel under test. If meter reading decreases, make com­
promise adjustments of RF trimmers until equal readings
are obtained at both the picture-carrier and the sound-carrier
Evaluation of Results: Repeat the foregoing procedure on each
active channel. Equal meter readings usually cannot be ob­
tained on all VHF channels at picture-carrier and sound­
carrier frequencies. Hence, make compromise RF adjust­
ments to equalize response on all channels as much as pos­

' !�"
'--+---+---f '�

I i'

Schematic of a typical RF tuner.


To Align the I F Amplifier in a Field -Strength Meter

Equipment: Field-strength meter, VTVM, and bias box.

Connections Required: Disable local oscillator in RF tuner. Con­
nect output cable from signal generator to floating tube shield
over mixer tube. Apply -3 volts of override DC bias to the
AGC line (if field-strength meter has AGC) . Connect VTVM
at output of second detector.
Procedure: Set signal generator to IF frequency of field-strength
meter (23 mc or 44 mc) . Peak the IF coils for maximum in­
dication on VTVM. (The field-strength meter can be used
instead of a VTVM, unless the meter operates from the AGC
line.) Finally, make a regeneration-or-oscillation test, as fol­
lows: Reduce the override bias to -1 volt, and reduce the
generator output to avoid overload. Watch for a sudden jump
in the meter indication. A jump to an abnormally high output
indicates feedback trouble.
Evaluation of Results: The IF amplifier in a field-strength meter
is usually aligned for narrow-band response and maximum
gain, unless instability occurs at low AGC bias levels. In
such case, the IF coils must be stagger-tuned sufficiently to
obtain stable operation at low signal levels.



Typical IF and detector circuits for a field-strength meter.


To Adjust the Range Controls of a Relative Field-Strength

Equipment. Field-strength meter.

Connections Required: Connect output cable from signal genera­
tor to anten'na input terminals of field-strength meter.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to operating frequency of field­
strength meter. Set meter to its lowest sensitivity range. Ad­
just generator output for 1/10th full-scale indication. Next,
switch field-strength meter to R X 10 range. Adjust R X 10
range control for full-scale indication. Then reduce output
from signal generator for l/lOth full-sca.le indication. Switch
field-strength meter to R X 100 range. Adjust R X 100 range
control for full-scale indication.
Evaluation of Results: This procedure provides relative tracking
of the field-strength meter ranges. On the other hand, it does
not indicate microvolts. Calibration for field strength in
microvolts can be made from a calibrated signal generator

To Check the Frequency Response of an Oscil loscope

Equipment: Auxiliary signal generator, oscilloscope, crystal

diode, and 100-ohm resistor.
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the ac­
companying diagram.
Procedure: Set the signal generators to a reference frequency,
such as 10 me. Slowly tune one generator from the reference
frequency to higher frequencies, such as from 10 to 15 me.
Observe vertical deflection on scope screen.
Evaluation of Results: Useful frequency range of scope extends to
point at which the vertical deflection starts to drop off. For
example, if one generator is set to 10 mc and the vertical
deflection starts to drop off when the auxiliary generator is
tuned to 14 mc, the scope has a flat response up to 4 me.


This method is useful for tests above the audio-frequency range

only. Below 50 kc, depending upon the generator construction, the
two generators will start to "pull" and "lock." The beat output
will then drop to zero.

Test setup.

To Check an Oscil loscope for Modulated H igh-Frequency
Burst Response

Equipment: Oscilloscope, square-wave generator, crystal diode,

100-ohm resistor, and RF choke.
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the fol­
lowing diagram.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to check frequencies, such as
1 mc, 3 mc, and 5 mc. Set square-wave generator to approxi­
mately 15-kc output.
Evaluation of Results: Scope should show good transient re­
sponse, with flat base line between bursts and with flat tops
on bursts.

A scope which displays a good 15-kc modulated, 3-mc burst

response is adequate for color TV service. A more severe test
can be made by increasing the square-wave frequency to 100 kc.

Test setup.


Example of good transient response.

To Use a Signal Generator as a Heterodyne Frequency

Equipment : High-frequency unit to be checked (such as grid­

dip meter) , demodulator probe, audio amplifier, and speaker.
(A good signal tracer can be used in place of the probe,
amplifier, and speaker.)
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the ac­
companying diagram.
Procedure: Tune signal generator for zero beat from speaker.
The frequency indicated by the signal generator is then equal
to the frequency of the high-frequency source under test.
Evaluation of Results: The accuracy of frequency determination
depends upon the accuracy of the signal generator. Also note
that harmonics from the generator and from the unit under
test cause additional zero beats. However, the strongest beat
is obtained when a fundamental beats against a fundamental.

If grid-dip meter is being checked, construct a pickup loop-as

shown-to couple the grid-dip meter to the probe. Use as loose a
coupling as practical.


Test setup using demodulator probe, audio amplifier

and speaker.

Test setup using a signal tracer.

Coupling grid·dip meter to probe.


To Determine Whether a TV Antenna Is Matched to a

Equipment: 300-ohm resistive pad, double-ended demodulator

probe, transistor amplifier (see U7) , and VOM.
Connections Required: Connect test setup as shown in the fol­
lowing diagram. Keep all RF leads as short as possible.
Procedure: Tune signal generator through the TV channel under
test (from the picture-carrier frequency to the sound-carrier
frequency) and note the meter reading.
Evaluation of Results: The meter reading does not change if the
antenna is matched to the lead-in. On the other hand, a bad
mismatch causes a wide variation in the meter reading as the
generator is tuned from the picture-carrier frequency to the
sound-carrier frequency.

This test must be made with an RF signal generator having a

relatively low harmonic output. Otherwise, the test results will
be invalid. Some signal generators cover the TV channels on
second, third, or fourth harmonics, and are unsuitable for this
test. Therefore, a generator having pure fundamental output on
the VHF channels should be used.


3OO.n. ....


Test setup.

Double-ended demodulator probe cir­



How to Take the Generator Characteristic Into Account

The test in U26 is straightforward if shown in U7. The test in U26 is gen­
the generator has a uniform output erally a useful test in checking ad­
over the channel tested. On the other justment of Q bars, distribution sys­
hand, if the generator output is not tems, and couplers. (Also see the
uniform, the generator characteristic companion volumes, 101 Ways to Use
must be taken into account. The gen­ Your Sweep Generator and 101 Ways
erator characteristic is determined as to Use Your Oscilloscope.)


U H F Output From AM or VHF Generators

AM and VHF signal generators usu­ there is almost as much UHF voltage
ally have a weak harmonic UHF out­ on the outside as there is on the in­
put, which is generally not useful. side of the output cable. Special UHF
Aside from its very low level, this signal generators are available, which
U H F output is uncontrollable by are suitable for alignment of UHF
means of the attenuator in the gen­ tuners, converters, etc.
erator. Leakage usually is high, and


To Measure the Characteristic I mpedance of a Sample of

Coaxial Cable

Eq1tipment: Assortment of composition resistors, RF probe, tran­

sistor amplifier (see U7) , and VOM.
Connections Req1tired: Connect equipment to sample of cable, as
shown in the accompanying diagram.
Procedure: Tune RF generator through a band of approximately
15 me. Observe any change in the meter reading.
Evaluation of Results: When the value of R gives uniform meter
indication over the test band (or gives the generator char­
acteristic) , this value is equal to the characteristic impedance
of the coax cable.

For this test, the generator need not have a pure fundamental


__ _________(!�!'�E�� §_�::_"=_��GJ__________ _

Measuring characteristic impedance of coaxial cable.

To Measure the Characteristic I mpedance of a Sample of

Equipment: Assortment of composition resistors, RF probe,

transistor amplifier (see U7 ) , and VOM.
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the ac­
companying diagram.


Procedure: Tune RF generator through a band of approximately

15 mc. Observe any change in the meter reading.
Evaluation of Results: When the value of R gives uniform meter
indication over the test band (or gives the generator char­
acteristic) , this value is equal to the characteristic impedance
of the twin-lead.

In this test, the generator output impedance is mismatched to

the twin-lead impedance. However, a match is not required to
the generator, and a simple test setup can be used.

Measuring characteristic impedance of twin lead.

To Check the Efficiency of an I nterference Filter

Equipment: TV receiver, interference filter, and balun (see

Note 8) .
Connections Required: Connect output cable of signal generator
to input of balun. Connect output of balun to antenna input
terminals of TV receiver. In second part of test, insert inter­
ference filter between output of balun and antenna input
terminals of receiver.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to the frequency that the filter
is to reject. Use modulated RF output. Observe the bar in­
terference on the picture-tube screen. In second part of test,
observe screen for reduced or eliminated interference pat­


Evaluation of Results: If suitable filters are used, it is possible to

greatly reduce or eliminate interference at any frequency
outside the operating channel. On the other hand, it is im­
possible to eliminate co-channel interference because the
picture will be deteriorated by the same amount that the
interference is reduced. However, interference near the high
end of the operating channel can often be attenuated con­
siderably without excessive picture degradation.

To Modulate a Broadcast Signal on Another Carrier Fre­

Equipment: Broadcast radio receiver.

Connections Required: Connect audio output from receiver to
Ext. Mod. terminals of signal generator.
Procedure: Tune receiver to AM broadcast station. Tune signal
generator to desired carrier frequency. Adjust receiver
volume control for un distorted modulation.
Evaluation of Results: Output from signal generator can be con­
nected to another radio receiver tuned to the generator fre­
quency, in order to check the modulator operation. This ap­
plication provides wide flexibility in shop work when a
limited number of broadcast signals are available from the

Test setup.


To Modulate a Color TV Signal on Another Carrier Fre­



Equipment: Color TV receiver and external modulator (see

Note 9) .
Connections Required: Connect video signal output from receiver,
and RF output from signal generator, to modulator input.
The video signal must be taken from a low-impedance point
in the receiver circuits (such as an unbypassed video cathode
resistor) ; otherwise, the color burst and chroma signal will
be seriously attenuated.
Procedure: Tune in a color TV broadcast. Tune signal generator
to desired RF carrier frequency.
Evaluation of Results: Modulator output can be connected to an­
other color receiver input to check the modulator action.
Good modulator action requires that suitable chroma and RF
signal levels be applied to the modulator diode.

An external modulator is required to "rebroadcast" a color TV

signal, because full 4-mc bandwidth is needed. This method can
also be used for black-and-white receivers.


i - �

____ ::DEO AMP

Telt letup.


To Measure the Resonant Frequency of a Tuned Stub

Equipment: Two 120-ohm resistors, one 75-ohm resistor, stub
(constructed from 300-ohm line) , two trimmer capacitors,
double-ended demodulator probe (see U26) , transistor ampli­
fier (optional) (see U7) . and VOM.
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the fol­
lowing diagram.
Procedure: Tune signal generator while watching meter indica­
Evaluation of Results: The resonant frequency is indicated by a
dip to minimum in the meter reading. The stub can be tuned
by the two trimmer capacitors Cl and C2. The smaller the
value of these capacitors, the sharper the trap response.

This test cannot be madc with a generator having strong

spurious outputs.

Measuring resonant frequency of tuned stub.



Resonant Circuit Minimizes Spurious Generator Outpuh

Spurious outputs from a signal gen­ transformer is tapped down approxi­

era tor can be minimized by use of mately 90% to match the low imped­
a resonant circuit, as shown in the ance of the coax output cable. The
accompanying diagram. A resistor R disadvantage, in most instances, is
of approximately 75 ohms is shunted that the resonant circuit must be re­
across the generator output cable. tuned when the generator frequency
The secondary of the antenna coil or is changed.



____ u OUTPUT



tl=i-�- �- OUTPUT

Use of resonant circuits to reduce spurious



To Check the Selectance Ratio of a Receiver

Equipment: VTVM or VOM with decibel scale.

Connections Required: Connect signal-generator output cable to
antenna input terminals of receiver. Connect voltmeter across
voice coil of speaker (or across primary of output trans­
former, using the Output function of the VOM) .
Procedw-e: Tune receiver to 600 kc. Adjust signal generator to
same frequency. Operate generator on modulated RF output.
(Avoid overloading receiver.) Note db reading on meter.
Next, adjust signal generator 10 kc off frequency (610 or
590 kc) . Do not change attenuator setting. Note reduced db
indication on meter. Test is customarily repeated at 800,
1000, and 1400 kc.
Evaluation of Results: The selectance ratio is the ratio of db read­
ings on-frequency and 10 kc off-frequency.

A poor selectance ratio is caused by misalignment or by an

inadequate number of tuned circuits in a receiver. A poor ratio
can also be caused by faults which lower the normal Q of the
tuned circuits.



Dummy Antennos for Auto Radio Tests

Dummy antennas for auto radio tesl- ice noles. Three typical dummy an-
ing are not as standardized as those tennas for audio radio work are
for other classes of receivers. It is ad- shown in the accompanying diagram.
visable to consult the receiver serv-

160 M M F
� !-----<>
� 80K
100 MMF

4 0 MMF

Dummy antennas for auto radio tests,

To Determine the Antenna Detuning Effect

Equipment: SOO-mmf variable capacitance, 20-microhenry coil,

400-mmf fixed capacitor, 400-ohm resistor, and VOM (or
Connections Required: Connect components to form a dummy
antenna, as shown in the following diagram. Connect dummy
antenna between output cable of signal generator and an­
tenna input terminals of receiver. Connect voltmeter across
speaker voice coil.
Pmcedure: Operate signal generator on modulated RF output.
Set variable capacitor to approximately 200-mmf capacitance
(standard dummy antenna value) . Tune signal generator for
maximum indication on meter. Next, increase the variable
capacitance to maximum; retune signal generator to deter­
mine whether resonant frequency of receiver has changed.


Repeat test with variable capacitor set to nearly minimum

capacitance. Finally, repeat test with variable capacitor
Eva lnation of Resnlts: Resonant frequency of receiver should not
change in any of the three tests. If it does change, the con­
verter circuit is not adequately decoupled from the antenna
input coil.


Test setup.

To Track a Replacement Ferrite Antenna

Equipment: VTVM.
Connections Required: Connect VTVM to AVC line in receiver.
Place signal-generator cable near ferrite antenna unit (or
use several turns of wire to loop-couple the generator
output) .
P1'Ocedure: Tune the generator to approximately 1,300 kc, and ad­
just trimmer on antenna tuning capacitor for maximum meter
reading. Next, tune the generator to approximately 600 kc,
and adjust slug in ferrite antenna unit for maximum meter
reading. Finally, repeat the procedure to eliminate possible
interaction errors between trimmer and slug.
Evaluation of Results: The ferrite antenna unit is properly
tracked when no further improvement in output can be
obtained by repeating the foregoing procedure.

As in all alignment applications, the test signal must be kept

well below the overload point to insure accurate adjustments.
Overload causes a broad and indefinite resonance indication.


To Measure the Sensitivity of an AM Broadcast Receiver


Equipmen t : AM signal generator with microvolt·calibrated at­

tenuator, resistor with a value equal to voice-coil impedance,
and AC VTVM.
Connections Requil'ed: Connect output cable from signal gen­
erator, through standard dummy antenna. to antenna-input
terminals of receiver (see U34 ) . Connect resistor to receiver
output in place of the speaker voice coil. Connect VTVM
across resistor.
Procedure: Operate the signal generator on 30r;. modulated RF
output. Tune signal generator and receiver to desired test
frequency. Observe meter reading and microvolt output from
Evaluation of Results: The power in the resistor is given by
E" R, where E is the voltage aCrOSS the resistor. The sensi­
tivity of the receiver is given by the number of microvolts'
input required to obtain 0.5 watt of power in the load resistor.

To I nject a Signal Into the Loop Antenna of a Transistor

Equipment: Five feet of No. 26 insulated wire.

Connections Required: Wind wire into a coil approximately l 'h
inches in diameter. Connect ends of coil to output cable of
Procedure: Couple coil to loop in receiver, as shown in the fol­
lowing diagram. Use modulated RF output from generator.
EvallLation of Results: If hand capacitance is troublesome while
you are adjusting the receiver trimmers, move the coil farther
away from receiver. If signal is too weak, move coil closer
to receiver.

A VTVM can be connected across the volume control as a

convenient output indicator.


Test setup.


To Check the Tracking of the Preselector Circuits

Equipment: Tuning wand and VTVM.

Connections Required: Connect output cable from signal gen­
erator through standard dummy antenna (see U34 ) . Connect
VTVM across speaker voice coil.
Procedure: Operate signal generator on modulated RF output.
Operate VTVM on AC voltage function. Tune signal gen­
erator and receiver to several RF frequencies within the
range of 550 to 1,500 kc. Observe change in meter indica­
tion as powdered-iron end and as brass end of tuning wand
are brought, in turn, into the field of the preselector coils.
Evaluation of Results: If the meter reading decreases when either
the powdered-iron end or the brass end of the tuning wand
is inserted into a preselector coil, the receiver is tracking
exactly. On the other hand, if the meter reading increases,
there is a tracking error. If the increase occurs for the brass
end of the wand, the preselector resonance is too low; if the
increase occurs for the powdered-iron end, the preselector
resonant frequency is too high.

There will usually be a small tracking error at some frequencies

over the tun ing range. Therefore, compromise tracking edjust­
ments must be made, to minimize the over-all tracking error.



/T '
, /'/ '
___ ..L _ _ _ _ _______.J


Preselector circuits in a typical receiver.

lif�1To Determine the Im age-Reiection Ratio of an AM Receiver

Equipment: Audio oscillator, external modulator (see Note 9) ,

and YOM.
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the fol­
lowing diagram.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to operating frequency of re­
ceiver, and note voltmeter reading. Then tune signal genera­
tor to image frequency, and note the lower voltmeter reading.
Evaluation of Results: The ratio of the two meter readings is
the image-rejection ratio of the receiver.

The image frequency in an AM broadcast receiver is usually

the operating frequency ±910 kc, because the IF amplifier usu­
ally operates at 455 kc. Both sum and difference frequencies are
generated in the converter, which makes it possible for the image
frequency to cause interference. The better the preselection in a
receiver, the higher the image-rejection ratio.


Test setup.

To Check the Image-Rejection Ratio of an FM Receiver

Equipment: YOM and audio oscillator (optional) .

Connections Required: Connect output cable of signal generator
to antenna input terminals of receiver. Connect YOM across
speaker voice coil. If signal generator does not have appre­
ciable spurious FM modulation, connect audio-oscillator out­
put leads to Ext. Mod. terminals of signal generator.
Procedure: Operate signal generator on modulated RF output.
Tune signal generator to operating frequency of FM receiver.
Operate YOM on AC voltage or on 'Output function. If a
substantial reading is not obtained on YOM, use audio­
oscillator signal to Ext. Mod. terminals of signal generator.
Advance audio-oscillator output until substantial spurious
frequency modulation occurs, as shown by the YOM. Then
tune the signal generator to the image frequency of the FM
receiver. Again note the YOM reading.
Evaluation of Results: The ratio of the two YOM readings is the
image-rej ection ratio of the receiver.

The image frequencies in an FM receiver result from the fact

that the converter and mixer generate both sum and difference
frequencies. The local oscillator operates at 10.7 mc above or
below the signal frequency. Thus, the image frequency is 2l.4 me
from the desired frequency. The image-rejection ratio is poorest
in receivers with little or no preselection.



Dummy Antenna for Testing FM Receivers

Most modem FM receivers have a a resistive pad like the one in the
3DO-ohm balanced input and are accompanying illustration. A line­
driven from 300-ohm twin-lead. A section balun, as described in Note
suitable dummy antenna consists of 1B, can also be used.

Dummy antenna for FM re­


Alignment and Signal·Substitution Tests

A signal generator is widely used is most conveniently made with an

for alignment and signal-substitution FM sweep generator. A signal gen­
tests in FM receivers. For a discus­ erator is used to mark the response
sion of these topics, see the com­ curve. These methods are explained
panion volume, 101 Ways to Use in the companion volume, 101 Ways
Your YOM and VTVM. Alignment to Use Your Sweep Generator.


Service-type Signal Generators Unsatisfactory for Testing

Communications Equipment

Modern communications equipment, service generators do not have suffi­

such as police and taxicab radio re­ cient stability and accuracy to give
ceivers requires the use of labora­ valid tests.
tory-type signal generators, because

To Check the Input I m pedance of an FM Receiver

Equipment: Delay line, resistor pad, double-ended demodulator

probe (see U26) , transistor amplifier ( optional) , and YOM.
Connections Required: Connect test setup as shown in the fol­
lowing diagram. A 75- to 300-ohm balun may be substituted


for the resistor pad (see Note 18) . The balun doubles the
signal voltage instead of introducing a loss. The transistor
amplifier is not required if the output from the generator
is high.
Procedure: Operate the signal generator on unmodulated RF
output. Tune generator over the operating channel of the
receiver. Observe meter indication.
Evaluation of Results: The meter reading should be constant as
the generator frequency is varied through the operating
channel. Otherwise, a mismatch will be present. When the
lead-in is mismatched to the receiver input, receiver sensi­
tivity will be impaired. The impedance match is adjusted by
proper coupling of the primary and secondary coils in the
antenna transformer.

The signal generator in this test must have a pure sine-wave

output without strong harmonics or other spurious frequencies.
An antenna transformer is always mismatched at any frequencies
that differ widely from the operating frequency. Hence, spurious
frequencies from the signal generator make this test invalid.

Test setup.


"FM Signal Generator" Is An FM Sweep Generator

Technicians often refer to an FM generator and the bench-type "FM

sweep generator as an "FM signal signal generator." A true FM signal
generator." Actually. there is a wide generator is not a sweep generator,
difference between a true FM signal although it provides an adjustable


frequency-modulated signal. The fre­ and contains a spectrum of spurious

quency of modulation and the devi­ frequencies. Note that it is not pos­
ation can he adjusted in a true FM sible to determine the over-all fre­
signal generator. On the other hand, quency response of an FM receiver
an FM sweep generator is greatly with an FM sweep generator. For a
limited. It has only one modulating discussion of the characteristics of
frequency-SO cycles. Also, the out­ typical FM sweep generators, see the
put from a service FM sweep gen­ companion volume, 101 Ways to Use
erator is usually a beat fundamental Your Sweep Generator.


External Modulation of FM Sweep Generator

Beginners sometimes suppose than an 1. Although a loudspeaker-capaci­

FM sweep generator can be used as tor type of modulator operates
a complete FM signal generator by satisfactorily at low frequencies,
external modulation of the deviation such as at 60 cycles, it is almost
device in the generator. For example, impossible to obtain appreciable
if a loudspeaker-capacitor system is deviation at higher audio fre­
used in the generator to obtain FM quencies.
sweep, it is thought that the output 2. The deviation obtained is un­
from an audio oscillator can be used known unless, at each frequency
to energize the system. In fact, some of modulation, a special test set­
FM sweep generators provide for use up is used to measure the devi­
of an external modulating voltage. ation.
Even though a limited range of out­ 3. The stability of the center fre­
put can be obtained in this manner, quency is much less in a beat­
the following limitations will be en­ frequency generator than in a
countered: true FM signal generator.

To Track the Head-End Circuits in a Multiband Receiver

Equipment: VTVM, tuning wand, and dummy antenna.

Connections Required: Connect output from signal generator to
dummy antenna. Connect output from dummy antenna to
antenna input terminals of receiver. Connect VTVM across
AVC line in receiver.
Procedure: Tune generator to operating frequency of receiver.
Set generator to unmodulated RF output. Align front-end
circuits in the usual manner, except do not bend rotor plates


of tuning capacitor to improve the tracking. Insert tuning

wand in RF-amplifier and converter coils to determine
whether tracking is satisfactory. (Make tracking tests at low,
medium, and high ends of tuning range on band.) If the RF
coil tracking needs adjustment, adjust the inductance by
squeezing the turns together or spreading them apart. If the
converter coil tracking needs adjustment, adjust the coil in­
ductance in combination with the converter trimmer for best
tracking. Repeat for each band. When working on a band
having a series oscillator-coil padder (as shown for band C
in the following diagram) , also adjust the padder for best
Evaluation of Results: The head end is properly tracked when the
tuning wand reduces the VTVM reading of each test fre­
quency on each band.
Perfect tracking is not possible in commercial receivers. Hence,
compromise adjustments are made for optimum tracking at low-,
medium-, and high-band responses.

Head-end circuits of a typical multiband receiver.


To Check a Receiver for Whistle Modulation

Equipment: None.
Connections Required: Connect output cable from signal genera­
tor to antenna input terminals of receiver.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to twice the intermediate fre­
quency of the receiver (usually 910 kc) . Vary the generator
frequency ±30 kc from 910 kc while rocking the receiver
tuning dial. Listen for a whistle from the speaker.
Evaluation of Results: If the receiver has good converter opera­
tion, little or no whistle modulation will be heard.

When whistle modulation is abnormally high, check operating

voltages of converter tube.

To Substitute a Generator Signal for a Dead Local Oscillator

Equipment: None.
Connections Required: Connect generator output cable to oscilla­
tor input lead of converter.
Procedure: Use a maximum output from generator. Tune gen­
erator to required oscillator frequency.
Evaluation of Results: The generator output is usually less than
the normal injection voltage to the converter. Nevertheless,
the condition of the receiver can be determined with this


Substituting signal generator for local

oscillator signal.


To Track the Oscillator in a Transistor Radio

Equipment: Five feet of No. 26 insulated wire, and VTVM.

Connections Required: Wind wire into a coil approximately IIh
inches in diameter. Connect ends of coil to output cable of
generator. Co�nect VTVM across volume control.
Procedure: Adjust oscillator trimmer for maximum meter read­
ing with generator and receiver tuned to 1,500 kc. Adjust
oscillator coil for maximum meter reading with generator
and receiver tuned to 600 kc.
Evaluation of Results: Oscillator trimmer and coil should be ad­
justed back and forth several times to obtain best tracking.

Some AM signal generators have preset frequencies of 262, 456,

465, 600, and 1,400 kc. When using this type of generator, substi­
tute 1,400 kc in ·the 1,500-kc test just explained.

To Check an IF Amplifier for Regeneration

Equipment: Isolating resistor, O.OI-mfd capacitor, and YOM.

Connections Required: Connect generator output in series with
isolating resistor (as large a resistance as possible) to input
of the second detector. Connect YOM across voice-coil ter­
Procedure: Tune signal generator for maximum reading on YOM.
Operate YOM on AC volts or on Output function. lIse
modulated RF output from generator. If YOM reading is
undesirably low, use a smaller value of isolating resistance.
Shunt the O.OI-mfd capacitor, in turn, from the grid of each
IF tube to chassis while watching for any change in the
meter reading.
Evaluation of Results: Any change in meter reading when the
grid of an IF tube is bypassed indicates that regenerative
feedback voltage is present at the test point. In this manner,
a regenerative loop can be localized.



01 �

Test setup.

NOTE 3 1

Regenerative Feedback Loops Often Start A t Detector

The test described in U46 is made by ceiver input, and form tunable bird­
injecting the signal voltage at the ies or tweets. In other instances the
second detector, because most regen­ high-level IF input to the second de­
eration starts at the detector. The tector finds its way back, in part, to.
detector is a nonlinear device that an earlier IF stage. We start looking
generates strong harmonics of the IF for sources of regeneration in high­
frequency. In some instances these level, high-frequency circuits first.
harmonics find a path back to the re-

." ,,
To Check for Mil ler Effect in the IF Amplifier

Equipment: DC bias box and YOM (or VTVM) .

Connections Required : Apply a negative DC bias of 3 volts from
box to AVC line. Connect AC voltmeter across voice coil.
Apply modulated IF signal from generator to grid of con­
verter tube. Disable local oscillator.
Procedure: Tune signal generator for m.aximum meter reading.
Reduce AVC override bias to a low value (such as one-half
volt) . Attenuate generator output to avoid overloading IF
amplifier. Again tune signal generator for maximum meter
Evaluation of Results: A maximum meter reading that requires
another setting of the generator tuning dial when the bias


is reduced, indicates that Miller effect is present in the IF

amplifier. Stabilize amplifier operation by separating the grid
and plate leads. Then check the bypass capacitors.


DC Bias Box Required for Certain Types of Tests Only

Although a DC bias box is needed selectivity of a tuned amplifier. As a

in signal-circuit tests requiring con­ test signal is tuned down the side of
trolled bias (such as for Miller ef­ the response curve, the Ave bias
feet) . the override bias is not always decreases and, in turn, increases the
necessary or even desirable in other stage gain. Thus, if override bias
tests. For example. aligning RF and is used in alignment, the measured
IF circuits, making selectance and bandwidth is less than the operating
image-rejection checks, and testing bandwidth. Again, when rejection
for IF rejection require that normal tests are made, the desired evalu­
AVe action be present before a valid ation is in terms of receiver opera­
test can he made. The reason is that tion under normal Ave control con­
Ave action broadens the apparent ditions.


Miller Effect Is Caused by Grid-Plate Capacitance

The Miller effect in an amplifier is causes "walking" frequency-response

caused by grid-plate capacitance. Ex­ curves. Note that the Miller effect is
cessive grid-plate capacitance can be a positive feedback. Even in a well­
caused by a faulty screen-bypass ca­ designed IF amplifier, there is often
pacitor, which reduces the shielding a residual Miller effect, which is off­
effect of the screen grid. It can also set by a suitable value of negative
be caused by dressing grid and plate feedback. The following illustration
leads too close together. The Miller shows the cathode circuit of a typical
effect causes the plate-load reactance IF amplifier. The negative feedback
to be partly reflected into the grid is obtained by use of a 68-ohm un­
circuit. The value of the reflected bypassed cathode resistor. If the re­

reactance varies with the stage gain. sistor should change in value, the
This variation detunes the grid cir­ instability caused by the Miller effect
cuit when the grid bias changes, and may become noticeable.


Cathode circuit of a typical IF am­



To Check for Open I F Screen Capacitors

Equipment: High-frequency rectifier probe, transistor amplifier,

and YOM.
Connections Required: Connect probe and transistor amplifier as
shown in U7. Feed probe output to YOM. Connect generator
output cable to receiver input terminals. Test with probe at
each screen bypass capacitor.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to operating frequency of re­
ceiver. Observe meter reading as probe is connected across
each screen-bypass capacitor.
Evaluation of Results: Any voltage indication on meter when
probe is applied across bypass capacitor indicates the capaci­
tor is faulty.


Alignment and Signal-Injection Applications

of AM Signal Generators

AM signal generators are widely used tests, see the companion volume, 101
for alignment and in signal-substitu­ Ways to Use Your YOM and VTVM.
tion tests. For a discussion of such

Quick Test for Nonlinear I F Amp l ifier Operation

Equipment: YOM or VTVM.

Connections Required: Connect generator output cable to an­
tenna input terminals of receiver. Connect voltmeter from
plate to ground of suspected IF tube.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to operating frequency of re­
ceiver. Advance generator output while watching meter
Evaluation of Results: When the stage starts nonlinear operation,
the meter reading will change. In a Class-A amplifier, the
presence of a signal causes only a slight change in the DC
plate-voltage reading.


To Determine the Q of a Single I F Stage

Equipment: VTVM and RF probe, two 200-ohm resistors, and a

blocking capacitor.
Connections Required: Connect output cable of generator, through
blocking capacitor, to grid of tube preceding the stage under
test. Connect the 200-ohm resistors across primary and sec­
ondary of IF transformer following stage under test. Connect
RF probe and VTVM at plate of the stage under test (see
the following illustration) .
Procedure: Tune signal generator for maximum VTVM reading.
Then tune signal generator below resonance for 0.707 of
peak reading on VTVM. Note generator frequency. Finally,
tune signal generator above resonance for 0.707 of peak read­
ing. Again note generator frequency.
Evaluation of Results. The difference between the frequencies at
0.707 output, divided into the resonant frequency, is the Q
of the circuit: Example: The resonant frequency is 465 kc;
the frequencies of 70.7% output are 460 and 470 kc; divide
10 into 465 to find that Q equals 46.5.

Telt letup.

Response curve.


To Check for Regeneration and Oscillation in Transistor


Radios ( N eutralizing Adj ustments)

Equipment: Five feet of No. 26 insulated wire, and VTVM.

Connections Required : Wind wire into a coil approximately 1 'h
inches in diameter. Connect ends of coil to output cable of
generator. Connect VTVM across volume control.
Procedure: Tune signal generator slowly through the passband
with the receiver tuned to approximately 600 kc. Watch
meter for sudden "kick" at a critical frequency. Vary neu­
tralizing capacitors for stable operation. Repeat test with
receiver tuned to approximately 1,500 kc.
Evaluation of Results: Regeneration causes sharp high peaks in
the frequency response, which result in sudden meter
"kicks." Oscillation paralyzes the receiver, so that no signal
can be passed by the IF amplifier. Transistors are triodes
and have base-to-collector electrode capacitance, just as
triode tubes have grid-plate capacitance. The principle of
neutralizing is the same whether tube or transistor amplifiers
are involved. The neutralizing capacitor (CI in the follow­
ing illustration) may be fixed or variable. If fixed (typical
value, 10 mmf) , its value sometimes must be increased if a
high-gain "hot" transistor is used in the IF amplifier circuit.

Neutralizing capacitance values which are correct for one

transistor are not always correct for replacement transistors. Re­
member also that such circuit faults as off-value resistors or de­
fective capacitors sometimes cause regenerative symptoms. In
reception of broadcast stations, the customer's complaint is either
"poor quality," "poor' quality and whistles," or "no reception on
some stations."

I F amplifier stage of a transistor




Signal I n iection in Transistor Radios

Signal-injection methods can be used through" on a dead stage, with con­

to locate dead stages in transistor ra­ sequent false conclusions. Inject the
dios, in the same general manner as signal at the base of the transistors,
in tube radios. An O.I-mId series working backward from the speaker.
blocking capacitor should be used in Use audio output from the generator
the "hot" output lead from the gen­ to check the AF amplifier. Use mod­
erator. If the generator provides a ulated RF output at IF frequency to
high output voltage (e.g.) on the check the IF amplifier. The 400-cycle
400-cycle audio function), remember tone signal becomes noticeably dis­
that transistors are subject to dam­ torted when the signal is injected
age from overload. A low signal level into a stage having appreciable am­
is also desirable to avoid "feed- plitude nonlinearity.

To Check the Quieting Level of an FM Receiver

Equipment: Signal generator with calibrated attenuator.

Connections Required: Connect output from signal generator to
antenna input terminals of receiver.
Procedure: Advance volume control until the noise level is
clearly audible. Tune signal generator to the same frequency
as that of the receiver. Advance generator output while
listening to receiver noise output.
Evaluation ot Results: The quieting level (limiter threshold
point) is reached when the noise chokes off to a minimum
level that remains unchanged as the generator output is fur­
ther increased. Note the number of microvolts of input re­
quired for quieting action. The level can be compared with
another receiver of the same type known to be in good
operating condition.

lif)' AM-FM

To Check an FM Receiver for AM Rejection


Equipment: AM signal generator and YOM or VTVM.

Connections Required: Connect generator output cable to antenna
input terminals of receiver. Connect voltmeter across voice­
coil terminals.
Procedure: Operate signal generator on modulated RF output.
Tune generator to operating frequency of receiver. Operate
voltmeter on AC voltage or on Output function. Switch
modulation on and off in AM generator while watching for
a change in meter reading.
Evaluation of Results: If receiver has good AM rejection, the
meter reading will not rise when the generator signal is AM­


Service AM Generator May Have Spurious Frequency Modulation

Some service AM generators will operating condition. Note that, when

have spurious frequency modulation spurious frequency modulation is
when set for modulated RF out­ troublesome, you can use an exter­
put (amplitude-modulated output). nal modulator and audio oscillator to
Spurious frequency modulation is advantage. The oscillator in an AM
usually caused by amplitude modu­ generator is usually isolated to some
lation of the oscillator in the gen­ degree from the output circuit. Some­
erator. Amplitude modulation will times electron coupling is used. Or
vary the plate voltage of the oscil­ the output may be taken from a low­
lator tube cyclically. In turn, this impedance circuit point in the oscil­
causes frequency modulation of the lator. In such case, an external AM
output signal. To test for spurious modulator introduces less spurious
FM in the output of an AM gener­ frequency modulation into the sig­
atof, make the test in U53 with an nal (see Note 9) .
FM receiver known to be in good

To Make an Over-all Audio Fidelity Test of an AM Radio

Equipment: Audio oscillator, external modulator (see Note 9) ,

and YOM.


Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the fol­

lowing diagram.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to operating frequency of re­
ceiver. Operate YOM on AC volts or on Output function.
Tune audio oscillator through the audio-frequency range
while watching the meter indication.
Evaluation of Results: A good receiver will have a reasonably flat
response over an audio range from 100 to 10,000 cycles. The
over-all audio fidelity depends upon the bandwidth and align­
ment of the signal circuits, as well as upon the frequency re­
sponse of the audio section.

The audio oscillator should have a reasonably uniform output

over the audio range. Otherwise, its characteristic should be
taken into account. To eliminate sound output from a receiver
under test, disconnect the voice coil and substitute a resistor
with a value equal to the impedance of the voice coiL The voice­
coil impedance is not equal to its DC resistance-check with
manufacturer's specifications.

Test setup.


Audio�Fidelity Test for Receiver With Tone Control

In receivers having a tone control, sponse of only 1,500 cycles at the

the over-all audio fidelity depends minimum setting. Also note that the
upon the setting of this control. more elaborate receivers often have
Hence, '8 comprehensive test requires two controls, one for bass boost and
checks at low, midrange, and high the other for treble boost. The bass­
settings of the tone control. A re­ boost control affects response prin­
ceiver with a top audio response of cipally at low audio frequenciesj the
10,000 cycles at maximum setting of treble-boost control affects response
the tone control may have a top re- principally at high audio frequencies.



Over-all Audio-Fidelity Tes. o f F M Receiver Cannot B e

Made With Usual Shop Test Equipment

An over-all audio-fidelity test of an all audio fidelity can be made. These

FM receiver requires an FM signal sectional tests are as follows:
generator that can be modulated by 1. Proper alignment of the RF and
an audio oscillator. This type of sig­ IF amplifiers.
nal generator generally is not found 2. Correct limiter operation.
in service shops. An FM sweep gen­ 3. Proper discriminator alignment.
erator cannot be used in this test 4. Accurate de-emphasis charac­
because it can be modulated at 60 teristic.
cycles only. Section-by-section tests 5. Flat audio-amplifier response.
which practically insure good over-

To Check the Frequency Stability of a Receiver Against
Line-Voltage Variations

Equipment: Variac or equivalent, audio oscillator, external mod­

ulator (see Note 9) , and VOM.
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the fol­
lowing diagram.
Procedure: Use modulated RF output from signal generator.
Tune generator for maximum reading on meter. Adjust
Variac over lirie-voltage test range. When line voltage is
changed, retune signal generator while watching the meter
Evaluation of Results: If the generator must be retuned to obtain
maximum meter indication, the local oscillator in the re­
ceiver is shifting frequency and is responsive to changes in
the plate-supply voltage.

With constant Variac voltage, also check for weak and strong
output signals from the signal generator. When the A VC voltage
in the receiver changes, the plate-current demand will also
change. This shifts the local-oscillator frequency when power­
supply regulation is poor. The signal generator must be retuned
. for maximum meter indication. This frequency shift is sometimes


confused with Miller effect (see U47) . To distinguish between

the two, check with the IF signal applied to the IF amplifier

Test setup.

To Check an FM Receiver for Immunity to Line Pickup

Equipment: Two O. l-mfd capacitors.

Connections Required: Connect the capacitors in series with the
generator output leads. Apply signal across fuse resistor in
chassis. (If there is no fuse resistor in the receiver, insert
a 4.7-ohm resistor in series with the line.)
Procedure: Operate the generator on modulated RF output. Ap­
ply maximum output from generator across fuse resistor.
Advance receiver volume control.
Evaluation of Results: If audio tone is heard from speaker, the
receiver is not immune to line pickup. Line pickup can be
eliminated by suitable low-pass filtering in the line.

If signal generator does not have substantial spurious FM out­

put, use an audio oscillator for high-percentage modulation from
the Ext. Mod. terminals of the generator. This generates substan­
tial spurious FM.



Test setup.


Receivers in Which Power Line Is Used As Antenna

In some FM receivers the power line here is immunity to line pickup past
is used as an alternate antenna. The the RF filter. Hence, in this type of
line is permanently coupled to the receiver, the 4.7-ohm test resistor
receiver input circuit, and the cou­ should be inserted between the RF
pling point from the line is followed filter and the power supply.
by an RF filter. The consideration

To Check the Maximum U ndistorted Output of a Tran­
sistor Radio

Equipment: Signal generator, VTVM, and signal-injection loop.

Connections Required: Couple output from signal generator to
input of receiver. Connect VTVM from collector terminal
of output transistor to ground.
Procedure: Operate generator on modulated RF output. Operate
VTVM on DC voltage function. Increase output from gen­
erator while observing meter reading.
Evaluation of Results: Maximum undistorted output is reached
when the VTVM reading starts to change.


I I�
Test setup.


To Check the Thermol Stability of a Transistor Radio

Equipment: VTVM and heat lamp.

Connections Required: Connect output from generator to a signal­
injection loop. Couple loop to antenna of receiver. Connect
VTVM to voice coil or output transformer.
Procedure: Operate signal generator on modulated RF output.
Operate VTVM on AC voltage function. Tune for normal
receiver output, and note meter reading. Then warm the
chassis moderately with the heat lamp. (Do not heat the
chassis excessively because the transistors will be damaged.)
Note any change in meter reading. Retune the signal gen­
erator to see whether the oscillator has shifted frequency.
Evaluation of Results: Practically no change in output or in
operating frequency will occur if the stabilizing resistors in
the receiver circuits are of the correct values. On the other
hand, incorrect values of stabilizing resistors will change
the circuit characteristics widely as the temperature changes.

In the conventional grounded-emitter circuit, the resistor be­

tween the emitter and ground is the thermal stabilizing com­


To Measure the I nput Impedance of a Transistor Audio



Equipment: VTVM and 1,000-ohm resistor.

Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the fol­
lowing diagram.
Procedure: Operate signal generator on 400-cycle, audio-output
function. Operate VTVM on AC voltage function. Apply
normal operating signal to receiver. (Do not overload re­
ceiver because transistors may be damaged. ) Measure volt­
age across points A and B. Then measure voltage across
points 1 and 2.
Evaluation of Results: The input impedance is equal to the volt­
age divided by the current. The voltage across points 1 and 2
is the input voltage to the amplifier. The voltage across points
A and B is proportional to the input current to the amplifier.
There is 1 milliampere of input current for each volt across
points A and B. Thus, if we measure 1 volt across points 1
and 2, and 1 volt across points A and B, the input impedance
will equal 1/0.001, or 1,000 ohms.

Test setup.


To Make Signal-I njection Tests in a TV Receiver

Equipment: None. (Audio oscillator, optional.)

Connections Required: Connect output cable from signal gener­
ator between grid of tube and ground, at point of signal in­
jection. Use blocking capacitor in series with "hot" lead of
cable if there is DC at the injection point.
Procedure: Use audio output from generator to inject signal into
video-amplifier circuits. Use modulated IF output for tests
in video IF amplifier. Use modulated RF output for tests in
RF section. The optional audio oscillator can be used to ex­
ternally modulate the signal generator. This gives the bar
patterns shown in the following illustration.
Evaluation of Results : If signal flows through the circuits from
the point of injection to the picture tube, a bar pattern will
appear on the screen. No pattern indicates a dead signal cir­
cuit in the path of signal flow. When an audio oscillator is
used to modulate the signal generator, any desired number
of vertical or horizontal bars can be displayed for linearity

If the signal generator is modulated by a square-wave gener­

ator, the edges of the bars will be sharper.


Typical bar patterns displayed on picture-tube screen when signal generator

is modulated by audio oscill ator.

To Use on AM Generator as a Signal Source in Signal­

Tracing Tests

Equipment: Signal-tracing probe (or transistorized signal-tracing

probe with VOM) . If a conventional signal-tracing probe is
used, a VTVM is a more sensitive indicator.


Connections Required: Connect generator output cable to antenna

input terminals of receiver. Connect probe to voltmeter. Ap­
ply probe successively to grids and plates of IF stages. Probe
can also be applied in video amplifier.
Procedure: Operate the signal generator on modulated RF out­
put, and tune generator to operating channel of receiver.
Avoid excessive signal input to receiver because feed-through
may give a false indication.
Evaluation of Results: A dead stage results in no meter reading.
Readings increase as probe is applied in later stages.

A signal-tracing probe can detune an IF stage in such a manner

that the probe will cause oscillation. The meter reading will then
jump to an excessively high value. If oscillation occurs when the
grid of a tube is being tested, shift the probe to the plate. If os­
cillation occurs when a plate of a tube is being tested, shift the
probe to the grid of the tube.

Voltage-doubler, signal-tracing probe with transistor


To Check the Adjacent-Channel Selectivity of a TV Re­

Equipment: AC VTVM.
Connections Required : Connect output cable from signal gen­
erator to antenna input terminals of receiver. Connect VTVM
from output of video amplifier to ground.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to picture-carrier frequency of
channel to which receiver is set. Use modulated RF output
from generator. Adjust output from gener-ator to obtain nor-


mal output level from video amplifier (typical iy, 100 volts
peak-to-peak) . Next, tune generator in turn to picture-carrier
and sound-carrier frequencies of the adjacent channels. Note
meter reading in each test.
Evaluation of Results: A receiver with good adjacent-channel
selectivity will show no meter reading above noise level on
an adjacent-channel test. On the other hand, receivers with
poor adj acent-channel selectivity will show large meter read­
ings. Adjacent-channel selectivity is best evaluated in terms
of decibels. (See the companion volume, 101 Ways to Use
Your VOM and VTVM).

To Check the Image-Frequency Rejection of a TV Receiver

Equipment: VTVM and rectifier probe.

Connections Required: Connect output cable from signal gener­
ator to antenna input terminals of receiver. Connect probe
to video amplifier output. Feed probe output to VTVM.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to picture-carrier frequency
of receiver channel. Use modulated RF output from gener­
ator. Adj ust output from generator for normal receiver out­
put. Next, detune the generator by twice the IF frequency:
if local oscillator operates above the RF frequency, tune the
generator above the original setting; If local oscillator op­
erates below the RF frequency, tune the generator below
the original setting. Note the meter reading.
Evaluation of Results: No reading above noise level is caused by
application of the image frequency if rejection is complete.


Checking for Second-Image Rejection

The first image signal (U63) is more terference results from a beat be­
likely to cause jnterference in recep­ tween the second harmonic of the
tion than the second image signal. local oscillator and an interfering
However, the second image signal signal that differs from the picture­
can also cause interference. This in- carrier frequency by three times the


IF frequency. A check for second- to a frequency removed from the

image rejection can be made in the operating frequency by three times
same manner as the check described the IF frequency.
in U63, except the generator is tuned

To Check the Frequency of a Local Oscillator

Equipment: Signal generator of the heterodyne frequency meter

type (television calibrator) .
Connections Required: Run test lead from RF test post of gen­
erator to shield over oscillator-mixer tube.
Procedure: Tune generator for zero beat in speaker.
Eva.lua.tion of Results: Local-oscillator frequency is equal to the
dial indication of the generator. For more accurate meas­
urement, calibrate the generator against internal quartz

If the open test lead from the generator picks up objection­

able local AM broadcasts (generator "plays music") , shunt a
lOOK resistor from the test lead to chassis ground. Also note
that oscillator and generator harmonics will both give additional
zero-beat indications. However, the strongest beat will be fun­
damental vs. fundamental.

To Check the IF Rejection of a TV Receiver

Equipment: AC VTVM.
Connections Required: Connect output cable from signal gener­
ator to antenna input terminals of receiver. Connect VTVM
from output of video amplifier to ground.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to IF frequency for the re­
ceiver under test (either 23 mc or 44 mc) . Use modulated
IF output from generator. Adjust output from generator
to obtain normal output level from video amplifier (typi­
cally, 100 volts peak-to-peak) .


Evaluation of Result: A receiver with good IF rejection will

show no meter reading above the noise level. On the other
hand, receivers with poor IF rejection will show large meter

IF rejection tests can be made in the same general manner

for any AM, FM, or communications receiver.

NOTE 4 1

Required Values o f I F a n d Image Rejection

For satisfactory operation in me­ the reading on the db scale. Then

dium- and weak-signal areas, a TV tune the generator to the IF' fre­
receiver should provide a rejection quency and again note the db
of at least 60 db for IF or image reading. A similar test is made by
frequencies applied at the antenna tuning the generator to the image
input terminals. The number of frequency. The difference in db
decibels of rejection can be deter­ readings gives the amount of rejec­
mined from the db scales of a YOM tion. Note that this test can be
or VTVM, which is used in usual misleading unless the signal gen­
alignment procedures. First, tune the erator has a reasonably uniform
signal generator to the picture-car­ output over the range of test fre­
rier frequency of the channel to quencies.
which the receiver is set, and note

To Peak-Align an I F Amplifier

Equipment: VTVM and bias box.

Connections Required: Connect bias box to apply negative DC
voltage on AGC bus. Connect output cable from signal
generator to floating tube shield over mixer tube. Connect
VTVM at output of picture detector.
Procedure: Disable local oscillator. Operate generator on un­
modulated RF output. Operate VTVM on DC voltage func­
tion. Tune signal generator to IF peaking frequencies, as
specified in receiver service literature. Adjust IF coil slug
associated with the given peaking frequency while watch­
ing meter indication.


Evaluation of Results:The IF stage is peak-aligned when maxi­

mum meter indication is obtained.

Peak alignment does not usually give the best possible pic­
ture quality. It is preferable to follow up a peak alignment by
a sweep-frequency test and a modulated square-wave test. Com­
promise adjustments are made on the basis of these tests to ob­
tain the best over-all response. For details of these tests, see the
companion volumes, 101 Ways to Use Your Sweep Generator and
101 Ways to Use Your Oscilloscope.


Stabilization of I F·Amplifier Frequency Response

When an IF amplifier is peak­ pacitors require critical lengths of

aligned, the peaking frequency connecting leads in order to resonate
sometimes will change considerably the capacitor at the IF frequency.
when the override bias is reduced Difficulty can also result from
from -3 volts, for example, to -1 changed values of unbypassed cath­
volt. This is caused by regeneration ode resistors in both 23-mc and
(positive feedback). Difficulty re­ 40-mc IF amplifiers. Grounding
sults from unsuitable replacement of points of all replacement parts in
screen bypass capacitors (particu­ 40-mc IF amplifiers should be made
larly in 40-mc IF amplifiers ) . In to original locations, so that feed­
some capacitors the inductance is back due to common ground im­
l�w enough that no special precau­ pedances is avoided.
tions are required. Other bypass ca-

Telt Signal Can Be Injected at Mixer Grid, But Not at Mixer Plate

Instead of injecting an IF test sig­ quency response of the receiver will

nal by means of a floating tube be seriously distorted. This distor­
shield over the mixer tube, some tion occurs because the: mixer plate
technicians prefer to inject the sig­ load is designed to work out of the
nal at the mixer grid (point X in plate resistance of the mixer tube.
the accompanying illustration) . This When the generator output cable is
is a satisfactory method and is help­ applied at Y, the mixer plate load
ful when the output from the gen­ works out of a very low resistance­
erator is quite weak. On the other approximately 75 ohms. Hence, Cl,
hand, beginners sometimes make the Ll, and C2 no longer develop a
mistake of trying to inject the IF normal resonant response. Instead,
test signal at the mixer plate, as the resonant response is largely
shown at point Y. This is not a "swamped out" by the low source
satisfactory signal-injection point for resistance of the generator.
alignment purposes because the fre-



MIXER {.;\ .. TO 1ST

@ @ Mixer plate circuit.

--, ®:I:

Adjacent-Sound Trap Should Give 40-Db Rejection

Receivers used in medium- and other words, observe the reading on

weak-signal areas must have adja­ the decibel scale when the genera­
cent-sound traps to obtain interfer­ tor is tuned to the picture-carrier
ence-free reception. Adjacent-sound frequency. Then observe the reading
traps are aligned for minimum re­ on the decibel scale when the gen­
sponse at the adjacent-sound fre­ erator is tuned to the adjacent-sound
quency. The rejection provided frequency. There should be a differ­
should be at least 40 db if the ence of at least 40 db between the
trap is operating properly. The num­ two readings. For a further discus­
ber of decibels of rejection can be sion of decibels and scale factors,
observed Irom the YOM or VTVM see the companion volume, 101 Ways
used in alignment procedures. In to Use Your VOM and VTVM.

To Locate an Interm ittent by Using No ise-Modulated Car­
rier Method ( RF and IF Amplifiers)

Equipment: Earphones and blocking capacitor.

Connections Required: Connect earphones in series with block­
ing capacitor across video amplifier output. Connect gener­
ator output cable to antenna input terminals of receiver.
Procedure: Operate signal generator on unmodulated RF output.
Tap suspected components in IF and RF sections, and listen
for a microphonic modulation of the noise signal in the ear­
Evaluation of Results: A potential intermittent that does not
open or short during the test is sometimes microphonic.
Even a small contact-resistance variation causes the noise
modulation on the CW signal to change considerably. This
is heard in the earphones when the potential intermittent
is vibrated by tapping.


The audio section of the TV receiver is not too useful in this

test because small amplitude variations are rejected by the ratio

To Make Single-Stage I F Tests (Shunt-Resistance Method)

Equipment: 200-ohm resistors, AGC bias box, and VTVM.

Connections Required: Connect a 200-ohm resistor across each
IF coil winding except the stage under test. (Resistors can
be provided with test clips for easy connection and dis­
connection.) Connect bias box between AGC line and ground
to apply negative DC bias to line. Connect generator output
cable to floating tube shield over mixer tube. Disable local
oscillator. Connect VTVM at output of video amplifier.
Procedure: Operate generator on modulated RF output. Operate
VTVM on AC voltage function. Tune generator for maxi­
mum meter reading and for one-half maximum readings on
either side of resonance.
Evaluation of Results: The resistors flatten the response of the
shunted stages and reduce the stage gain to approximately
unity. The generator indicates the peaking frequency of the
stage under test at maximum meter indication. The band­
width of the single stage is given by the frequency sepa­
ration of the half-voltage points.

Test setup.

To Check the Frequency Response of


Video Amplifier
(Two-Generator Method)

Equipment: Two signal generators, VTVM, and demodulator

probe (see U3) .
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the fol­
lowing illustration.
Procedure: Set one signal generator to the IF frequency (such
as 23 me) . Slowly tune the other signal generator over a
5-mc range (such as 23 to 28 me) . Observe meter reading
over the video passband.
Evaluation of Results: The two signal-generator outputs beat in
the picture detector to form a video frequency signal. The
generator, which is tuned over the 5-mc bandwidth, should
have a reasonably uniform output over the band. The video
amplifier response should be reasonably flat from zero fre­
quency (both generators tuned to 23 mc) to 3.5 or 4 mc.
Serious peaks or dips in the response are caused by such
circuit faults as off-value load resistors, defective bypass
capacitors, or faulty peaking coils.

The socket should be removed from the picture tube, so that

the input capacitance of the probe substitutes for the input
capacitance of the picture tube. Likewise, a VTVM with an
external probe is preferred, instead of a VTVM with a built-in
high-frequency rectifier. The external probe minimizes the ca­
pacitance shunted across the output of the video amplifier.

Test setup.

To Determine the Dynomic Range of a Video Amplifier

Equipment: Two signal generators, VTVM, and demodulator

probe (see U3) .
Connections Required: Inject generator signals at grid of first
IF amplifier (as shown in the following illustration) , to
obtain a high-level, video-frequency test signal. Connect DC
voltmeter from plate of video amplifier tube to ground.
Procedure: Tune signal generators approximately 2 mc apart
but within the IF passband. Advance generator outputs
until DC voltmeter reading starts to change. Then connect
demodulator probe to VTVM and measure the signal out­
put voltage from the video amplifier.
Evaluation of Results: Two IF frequencies 2 mc apart are beat
through the picture detector to form a high-level, video­
frequency signal. The video amplifier shows DC plate-voltage
change at onset of amplitude distortion. Corresponding video­
signal voltage is measured with a high-frequency probe and
a VTVM. The dynamic range of the video amplifier (range
of undistorted output) is from zero volts to the peak volt­
age measured at the picture tube in this test. The peak-to­
peak dynamic range is twice the peak-voltage range. The
dynamic range determines the picture contrast that can be
obtained without distortion. (See picture-tube manual for
video driving voltages required for full picture contrast.)
The accuracy of the peak-voltage reading in this test depends
upon the response of the probe. Since the characteristics of crystal
diodes vary considerably, it is desirable to check the calibration
of the probe-and-meter arrangement by using a known source of
RF or IF sine-wave voltage.


u -.

Test setup. '-
_ _-'- ____________ J



I ncreasing the Dynamic Range of a Video Amplifier

The dynamic range of a video am­ life will be shortened. A tube with
plifier can be increased by raising higher gm provides a . greater dy­
the plate and screen voltages on the namic range at a given plate volt­
tube and by adjusting the grid bias age. For measurements of plate and
to the best operating point. On the screen dissipation values, see the
other hand, the plate and screen dis­ companion volume, 101 Ways to Use
sipation ratings for the tube must Your YOM and VTVM.
not be exceeded because the tube

'iDI To Check for Even-Harmonic Distortion in a Video Amplifier

Equipment: Two signal generators, VTVM, and special high­

frequency probe.
Connections Required: Inject generator signals at grid of first
IF amplifier. Construct probe as shown in the following
diagram. Mount diode in a snap holder so that its polarity
can be easily reversed. Connect probe from plate of video
amplifier to ground.
Procedure: Measure output voltage from video amplifier with
the high-frequency probe and the VTVM. Then reverse the
crystal diode in the probe and repeat the measurement.
Evaluation of Results: Any difference between the two meter
readings indicates even-harmonic distortion. Even harmonics
cause the positive and negative half-cycles of a reproduced
sine wave to have different peak voltages. To distinguish
between distortion in the IF amplifier and distortion in the
video amplifier, also make the test at the picture-detector
output. If even-harmonic distortion is found here, the most
usual cause is overloading of the last IF stage.

The probe cannot simply be turned over in this test, because

a VTVM has an extensive ground system which would seriously
load the video amplifier output and cause a highly inaccurate
measurement. Hence, we reverse the crystal diode in the probe.


Z70MMF 200K

High-frequency, rectifier-probe
� �r--r---W�
-- - -- -[:PUT


Elimination of Cross-Ta l k Voltages in Receiver Tests

When signal-generator tests are made tice to pull the horizontal-oscillator

-in TV receiver circuits, an output tube because the horizontal-output
from the amplifier will sometimes be tube often depends upon signal­
observed, even when the generator developed grid bias-the tube can
output is reduced to zero. Spuriou� draw excessive screen and plate
outputs are usually caused by cross current in some instances when the
talk of the horizontal and vertical drive is removed. With the sweep
sweep circuits into the signal cir­ circuits disabled. a voltmeter will
cuits. Cross talk can be eliminated by still indicate a small output from
pulling the horizontal- and vertical­ high-gain circuits because of noise
output tubes during signal-circuit voltages.
tests. Note that it is not good prac-

To Check a Video Amplifier for Odd-Harmonic Distortion

Equipment: 50-ohm resistor, O.002-mfd capacitor, two signal gen­
erators, VTVM, and rectifier probe (see U3) .
Connections Required: Connect capacitor and resistor in series.
Shunt the R-C combination across an unbypassed cathode
resistor in the video output stage. Connect generator out­
puts to grid of first IF amplifier. Connect probe and VTVM
across R, then across C, then across the combination. (See
the following.)
Procedure: Tune signal generators approximately 2 mc apart,
but within the IF passband. Advance outputs to obtain de­
sired output from video amplifier. Then observe the meter
readings obtained in the foregoing three tests.
Evaluation of Results: The three voltage readings, represented
as line lengths, will form a right-angled triangle if there
is no harmonic distortion. If harmonic distortion is present,
a right-angled triangle will not be formed.





Test setup. Plot of voltages.


Odd-Harmonic Check When Video Amplifier

Has N o Unbypassed Cathode Resistor

When the video amplifier does not ment. Therefore, other means of test­
have an unbypassed cathode resis­ ing will be required. A useful method
tor, no low-impedance signal check drives the video amplifier with a dif­
point is available. Meter tests are ferentiated square wave, and indi­
not practical in the plate circuit be­ cates the reproduced waveform on a
cause of the circuit loading imposed scope screen. (See 101 Ways to Use
by the necessary R-C test arrange- Your Oscilloscope.)

IIUI To Check for Parasitic Oscillation in a Video Amplifier

Equipment: Two signal generators and VOM.

Connections Required: Connect output cables from signal gen­
erators (through blocking capacitors) to the grid of the
first IF tube. Open the grid-leak return in the video am­
plifier circuit and insert the DC microammeter, as shown
in the following diagram.
Procedure: Tune signal generators within IF passband but to
frequencies approximat",ly 2 mc apart. Advance outputs
from generators until full output is obtained from video
amplifier, and note microammeter reading.
Evaluation of Results: As full video amplifier output is ap­
proached, noticeable grid-current flow can be observed.
However, grid-current flow should remain small and should


increase slowly as the generator signal level is increased.

A sudden jump in grid-current flow indicates that there
is parasitic oscillation in the stage. Parasitic oscillation
causes additional picture distortion, over and above the
compressed grays resulting from nonlinear distortion.

----1� VIO'O:.P E8
Measuring video amplifier grid cur­

To Check for Open Screen and Cathode Bypass Capacitors
i n a Video Amplifier

Equipment: Two signal generators, high-frequency probe, and

Connections Required: Apply outputs from signal generators to
grid of first IF tube, with blocking capacitors in series with
the "hot" generator leads. Connect high-frequency rectifier
probe across bypass capacitor under test. Feed probe output
to VTVM.
Procedure: Tune both signal generators to frequencies within
the IF passband but with a 3-mc frequency separation.
Advance generator outputs for normal video amplifier out­
put. Observe meter reading (if any) when probe is ap­
plied across bypass capacitor under test.
Evaluation of Results: An appreciable voltage indication on the
VTVM indicates a faulty bypass capacitor.

Video-amplifier cathode resistors are sometimes partially by­

passed so that a high-frequency boost can be obtained. The
amplifier becomes progressively degenerative at lower video
frequencies. Hence, we make the test at a relatively high video
frequency of 3 mc.


To Locate an Intermittent in a Video Ampl ifier


Equipment: VTVM, Variac, and heat lamp.

Connections Required: Connect generator output cable to an­
tenna input terminals of receiver. Connect VTVM at out­
put of video amplifier.
Procedure : Operate the signal generator on modulated RF out­
put, and tune the generator to the operating channel of the
receiver. Operate the VTVM on its AC function. Power the
receiver from the Variac. Adjust Variac for maximum line
voltage to receiver, as specified in receiver service litera­
ture. Make the following tests while watching the VTVM
1. Tap each component in the video amplifier sharply.
2. Move each connecting wire slightly.
3. Jar and rap the chassis moderately.
4. Shine a heat lamp on the various components.
5. Turn the receiver off and on several times in suc-
Next, adjust Variac for minimum line voltage, as specified
in receiver service literature; and repeat the preceding five
Evaluation of Results: An intermittent is indicated by a sudden
change in the meter reading.
This method is also useful for locating intermittents elsewhere
in the signal circuits, such as in the IF and RF sections.

To Locate an I n termittent by Using the Noise-Modul ated
Method (Video A m pl ifier)

Equipment : Demodulator probe, earphones, and blocking ca­

Connections Required: Connect output cable (use blocking ca­
pacitor) from signal generator to picture-detector output
lead. Apply demodulator probe across video amplifier out­
put. Connect output cable from demodulator probe to ear­


Procedure: Tune signal generator to approximately 3 mc. Oper­

ate signal generator at maximum output. Tap suspected com­
ponents in video amplifier circuit, and listen for microphonic
modulation in the earphones.
Evaluation of Results: A potential intermittent that does not
open or short during the test is sometimes microphonic.
Even a small contact-resistance variation causes the noise
modulation on the CW signal to change considerably. This is
heard in the earphones when the potential intermittent is
vibrated by tapping.

The foregoing method of locating a potential intermittent can

also be applied to radio receivers.

To Make an Oyer-all Frequency-Response Test of a TV

Equipment: Audio oscillator, external modulator, auxiliary AM

signal generator, and VOM with rectifier probe.
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the ac­
companying diagram.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to picture-carrier frequency
of receiver. Set audio oscillator to 60 cycles and observe
the meter reading. Next, gradually increase the audio­
oscillator frequency to its top frequency while watching
for a changed reading on the meter. Finally, disconnect
the audio oscillator from the modulator input and substi­
tute the auxiliary AM signal generator. Observe meter read­
ings as the generator frequency is gradually increased to
4 mc. (The results can be plotted on graph paper, if desired.)
Evaluation of Results: The frequency response obtained in this
test is the combined response of the RF, IF, and video sec­
tions. It is the response that is basically associated with
picture quality. For best picture quality, the over-all re­
sponse should be reasonably fiat from 60 cycles to 4 mc.


If the outputs from the audio oscillator and auxiliary signal

generator are not uniform, the generator characteristics must
be taken into account before a valid test can be obtained.

Test setup.


Modulator circuit.

To Make an Over-all Signal-Channel Test For Transient

Equipment: Square-wave generator, crystal diode, and 300-ohm

Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the ac­
companying diagram.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to picture-carrier frequency.
Set square-wave generator to successive test frequencies,
such as 10, 50, 100, or 500 kc. Observe pattern on screen
of picture tube.
Evaluation of Results: If there is no ringing in the signal circuits,
the edges of the bar pattern will be clean and sharp. On the
other hand, when ringing occurs, the edges will either be
blurred or will consist of a series of black and white border
lines. Ringing is minimized by good alignment of the RF


and IF amplifiers and by proper adjustment of the video

amplifier circuits.

I---'�------ -am
Test setup.

Typical bar pattern.

To Align a Split-Sound System in a

TV Receiver

Equipment: VTVM.
Connections Required: Connect output cable from signal gener­
ator to floating tube shield over mixer tube. Connect VTVM
across grid-load resistor of sound limiter.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to sound IF frequency of re­
ceiver. Adjust slugs in the sound IF transformers (or coils)
for maximum meter readings.
Evalaution of Results: Proper alignment is obtained when all
sound IF circuits are peaked for maximum output.

Unless the signal generator is crystal-calibrated, do not change

the generator tuning until all of the sound IF traps have been
adjusted. This is a common mistake made by beginners because
of the difficulty in resetting the generator to exactly the origi­
nal frequency. Hence, disconnect the VTVM from the limiter


and connect it to the picture-detector output. Adjust the sound

IF traps for minimum meter reading. This insures that the
sound IF circuits and traps are aligned to the same frequency,
even if the generator is not set to exactly the specified frequency.

To Align a Reflexed Sound IF Amplifier

Equipment: VTVM and generator with a 4.5-mc crystal.

Connections Required: Connect output cable from signal gener­
ator to floating tube shield over mixer tube. Connect VTVM
to limiter grid, to permit checking input to FM detector.
Connect VTVM to picture-detector output, to permit check­
ing input to video amplifier.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to specified peaking frequen­
cies for IF circuits (AI and A2 ) . With VTVM connected
at picture-detector output, peak Al and A2 for maximum
output at required peaking frequency. Next, tune signal
generator to picture-carrier IF frequency, and switch the
4.5-mc crystal on. With VTVM connected to check FM de­
tector input, peak A3 and A4 for maximum output.
Evaluation of Results: Adj ustments Al and A2 are independent
from A3 and A4 unless the circuits are too far out of align­
ment. For most accurate alignment, the foregoing procedure
should be repeated.

-. ....�
.. 1!Ol
� - V�D;�

Reflexed video IF and sound IF amplifier circuit.

To Align a Delta Sound Circuit

Equipment: VTVM and signal generator with crystal-calibrating

Connections Required: Apply generator output signal to grid of
video amplifier tube in receiver. Disable local oscillator.
Connect VTVM at plate of FM limiter-detector tube (point
X in accompanying diagram ) .
Procedure: Operate VTVM on DC voltage function. Tune signal
generator accurately to 4.5 mc. Peak adjustments Al and
A2 for maximum meter reading. Next, tune signal gener­
ator accurately to 4.563 mc. Peak adjustment A3 for maxi­
mum meter reading.
Evaluation of Results: Note meter reading when signal gener­
ator is tuned accurately to 4.475 mc. Then note meter read­
ing when generator is tuned accurately to 4.5 mc. Finally,
note meter reading when generator is tuned accurately to
4.563 mc. The output should increase uniformly between
these limits-that is, the reading at 4.5 me should fall half­
way between the readings at the limit frequencies. Make
compromise adjustments, if necessary.

The delta sound circuit is a slope detector and also provides

limiting action. The buzz control is set to minimize sync buzz
on a TV station transmission.

The Delta sound detector circuit.


To Check the AGC Action of a TV Receiver


Equipment: VTVM.
Connections Required: Connect output cable from signal gener­
ator to antenna input terminals of TV receiver. Connect
VTVM between AGC line and ground.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to channel operating frequency
of receiver. Advance output from generator while watching
the meter indication.
Evaluation of Results: AGC voltage should increase steadily as
the generator output is increased.

The front-end of a TV receiver usually has clamped AGC.

Clamped AGC does not respond at very low input signal levels.
The IF AGC bias rises before the front-end AGC bias starts to
rise. After a threshold input level is reached, the front-end AGC
bias starts to rise with increasing signal input. The IF AGC bias
continues to rise after the threshold is passed .

To Check the Over-all Chroma-Channel Response

Equipment: Auxiliary signal generator, crystal diode, 300-ohm

resistor, and VTVM.
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the fol­
lowing diagram.
Procedure: Tune generator No. 1 to the picture-carrier frequency
of the channel under test. Tune generator No. 2 to 3.58 mc
and observe meter reading. Then tune generator No. 2 above
and below 3.58 mc until meter reading drops to 71% of the
reading at 3.58 mc. Repeat the test for all three chroma
channels (R, G, and B) .
Evaluation of Results: The distance between the 71% points is
the over-all chroma-channel bandwidth. Good color repro­
duction requires that the chroma channels have a reason­
ably flat response for at least 0.5 mc on either side of the
color-subcarrier frequency. Each time the generator No. 2
frequency is offset another 15,750 cycles, another vertical


rainbow appears on the picture-tube screen. A bandwidth

test frequency of 0.5 mc corresponds to a display of 21 ver­
tical rainbows on the picture-tube screen.



m AC

Test setup.

Pictu re tube pattern.

To Adjust a Color-Subcarrier Trap

Equipment: AC VTVM and 0.01-mfd blocking capacitor.
Connections Required: Connect output cable from signal gener­
ator through blocking capacitor to picture-detector output
lead. Connect VTVM to output of Y amplifier (cathodes of
color picture tube) .
Procedure: Tune signal generator accurately to 3.58 mc. Adjust
slug in subcarrier trap coil while observing the meter reading.
Evaluation of Results: Trap is correctly adjusted when VTVM
reading is minimum.


Some signal generators provide a 3.58-mc crystal output. This

output is accurate and convenient for subcarrier trap adjust­

To Check the Y-Amplifier Frequency Response

Equipment: Auxiliary signal generator, VTVM, and rectifier

Connections Required: Apply signal-generator outputs in par­
allel at input of picture detector. Remove socket from color
picture tube. Connect" rectifier probe between Y-amplifier
output lead and chassis ground. Feed probe output to VTVM.
Procedure: Tune both signal generators to a reference frequency,
such as 40 mc. Then tune one generator from the reference
frequency, through a frequency range of approximately 5 mc
(such as 40 to 45 mc) , while observing the meter.
Evaluation of Results: The Y amplifier should have a reasonably
flat response up to approximately 3 mc (second generator
tuned to 43 mc) . A deep dip in response occurs at 3.58 mc
(second generator tuned to 43.58 mc) if the color-subcarrier
trap is correctly tuned. Some receivers have appreciable re­
sponse past 3.58 mc. Others have negligible response between
3.58 and 4.5 mc. Y-amplifier response tests can be made
more rapidly with a sweep-frequency test, as described in
the companion volume, 101 Ways to Use Your Sweep Gen­

The picture-tube socket is removed so that the input capaci­

tance of the rectifier probe substitutes for the input capacitance
of the picture tube. This permits a more accurate check of the
high video-frequency response. In some receivers, a better check
is obtained by disconnecting the lead from the last IF transformer
to the picture detector diode. This avoids the possibility of the
IF transformer characteristics' impairing the flatness of the ap­
plied test signal.


Telt setup.


Avoiding Spurious Noise and Cross-Talk Voltages i n V-Amplifier Tests

When a test signal is injected at the tal and vertical oscillators.) If the
output of the picture detector, there B voltage rises objectionably when
are, at the picture tube, two P9ssib1e the output tubes are pulled, use suit­
sources of spurious voltages which able power resistors to bleed the B
may mask the test voltage. Noise supply. Also note that some receiv­
voltages can feed through from the ers have blanking pulses applied to
RF and IF amplifiers. To eliminate the Y amplifier from the sweep cir­
the noise voltages, bias off the IF cuits - these pulses are also elimi­
amplifier or pull the last IF tube. nated by pulling the output tubes.
Cross talk from the horizontal- and If you are working on one of the
vertical-sweep circuits can be trou­ rare color chassis having series heat­
blesome. To eliminate the cross talk, ers, dummy tubes must be inserted
pull the output tubes. (It is seldom to maintain heater continuity.
necessary to also "kill" the horizon-

To Substitute a Generator Signal for a Dead Color-Subcarrier

Equipment: None.
Connections Required: Connect output cable from signal gener­
ator, across terminals of 3.579545-mc crystal socket.


P,·ocedure: Tune generator accurately to 3.579545 mc. Use maxi­

mum generator output.
Evaluation of Results: The output from most generators is a
small fraction of the normal crystal output. Nevertheless,
the test will show the operability of the receiver. The color
picture or pattern will not remain in color sync, but can be
freewheeled through sync by careful adj ustment of the

III:,.To Check Stability of Color Sync Lock

Equipment: Auxiliary signal generator, crystal diode, and 300-

ohm resistor.
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the fol­
lowing illustration.
Procedure: Tune in a single rainbow pattern on the screen. Then
rock the dial of generator No. 2 back and forth, and observe
how the rainbow pattern pulls left and right on the screen
before color sync breaks.
Evaluation of Results: The pattern should pull substantially to
the left as the generator is tuned off-frequency in one di­
rection, and then should pull substantially to the right as
the generator is tuned off-frequency in the other direction.
If the rainbow pattern breaks sync easily in one direction,
the color-AFC balance control requires adjustment. If the
pattern breaks sync quickly in both directions, check the
burst-amplifier and reactance-tube circuits.


----- �r Tii
Test setup.


Rainbow pattern in sync. LOll of color sync.


To Measure the Value of a Capacitor

Equipment: VOM.
Connections Requi,·ed: Connect capacitor under test in series
with the generator and VOM, as shown in the following
P,·ocedure: Operate the signal generator on 400-cycle audio out­
put. Advance output to maximum. Operate VOM on its AC
voltage function and on a suitable range. Observe meter
Evaluation of Results: The test setup must be calibrated by us­
ing known close-tolerance capacitors as standards. Prepare a
graph of voltage vs. capacitance, for easy interpolation of
odd values. Compare meter reading with graph data to find
the capacitance of the unknown capacitor.

Test setup.

1 02

To Measure the Volue o f a Small Capacitor

Equipment: Radio receiver, terminating resistor, 100-mmf capaci­
tor, VTVM, and bias box.
e onnections Required: Shunt the 100-mmf capacitor across the
antenna input terminals of receiver. Connect terminated out­
put cable from signal generator, across 100-mmf capacitor.
Connect bias box to AVC line in receiver. In final test, con­
nect the small, unknown capacitor in series with the "hot"
lead from the signal generator.
Procedure: Operate the signal generator on modulated RF out­
put. Operate the VTVM on its AC voltage function. Tune
the signal generator for a reference reading on the VTVM.
Then insert the small, unknown capacitor in series with the
"hot" generator lead, and again note the VTVM reading.
Evaluation of Results: The value of the small capacitor is given
= (E, - E , ) 100 X 10 - "
C is the value in mmf of the small, unknown capacitor,
E, is the VTVM reading with the unknown capacitor in­
E, is the VTVM reading without the capacitor inserted.
Shunting the 100-mmf capacitor across the receiver input ter­
minals makes its input impedance essentially capacitive. Hence,
the test setup operates as a simple capacitive voltage divider
when the small, unknown capacitor is inserted. The result will
be in error to the extent that the receiver does not have a purely
resistive input impedance.
: 1

Test letup.

1 03

To Measure the Distributed Capacitance of a Coil

Equipment: Terminating resistor, at least two small fixed ca­

pacitors with accurately rated values, VTVM, and demodu­
lator probe.
Connections Required: Connect terminated output cable from
signal generator to grid of tube preceding coil. Connect de­
modulator probe across coil. Feed probe output to VTVM
input. Connect fixed capacitors, in turn, across coil.
Procedure: With no shunt capacitor across the coil, tune the
signal generator for a peak VTVM reading. Then connect
a small fixed capacitor across the coil, and again tune the
generator for a peak VTVM reading. Repeat the procedure
with at least one more fixed capacitor having a different
Evaluation of Results: Note the frequency of resonance (peak
reading) in each of the foregoing tests. Calculate the value
of 1/f2 in each test. Plot the capacitor values along the ver­
tical axis of the graph paper (both above and below the
zero point) . Then let each division along the horizontal
axis equal a given value for 1/£2. (The value assigned will
depend upon the values obtained for 1/£2.) Draw a vertical
line from the point where the 1/f2 value falls for the coil
without a shunting capacitor. Then plot the value of each
shunting capacitor against its 1/£2 value. Draw a line be­
tween these points and extend it until it intersects the ver­
tical line from the 1/f2 value for the coil without shunting
capacitor. The point where the lines intersect is the dis­
tributed capacitance of the coil.



Telt letup.

1 04


' 20 TJ9ICal C and f--
i 10
/ ------ n VOlun
0 /
...... b." .. bulld
apac i Tance

0 r-F�I'
....vot... ut oI/r at

- -

Plot of values.

To Check the Characteristics of a Tuned Transformer

Equipment : VTVM, RF probe, terminating resistor, and series

resistor (for value, see below) .
Connections Required: Connect terminated output cable from
generator through resistor R to primary of transformer, as
shown in the following diagram. Connect RF probe across
secondary. Feed probe output to DC input of VTVM.
Procedure: Tune signal generator and observe VTVM reading.
Use maximum output.
Evaluation of Results: The peak indication on the VTVM gives
the resonant frequency of the transformer. There will be
two peak indications if the transformer is overcoupled or
stagger-tuned, or both. The transformer selectivity is given
by the number of cycles between the two O.070-of-peak
readings. The tuned-circuit gain can be found by tuning
the generator for peak reading, and then transferring the
probe to the primary terminals. The ratio of the readings
across the primary and secondary is the gain of the trans­

l OS

The most common error made by beginners in this type of

test is to omit series resistor R. The signal generator has a very
low output impedance. The primary of the transformer cannot
tune normally unless a series resistor R having approximately
the same resistance as the plate resistance of the tube to be used
with the transformer is used. Tube manuals give plate-resistance
value. For example, e. 6SK7 tube has a plate resistance of 120,000
ohms, and a 6J5 has a plate resistance of 7,000 ohms.

Test setup.

± ::rn--:::[:

Low capacitance RF probe circuit.

210 MM' VTVM

To Test for the Polarity of the Transformer Windings ( I n­
phase or Out-of-phase Output)

Equipment : Transformer and VOM.

Connections Required: Connect output cable from signal gener­
ator to one winding of the transformer. Ground (or connect
together) one end of each transformer winding. Connect
VOM across one winding (between points 1 and 2) , then
across the other winding (between points 1 and 3) , and
finally across the "hot" terminals of both windings (between
points 2 and 3) .

1 06

Procedure: Operate VOM on its AC voltage function. Operate

signal generator on its 400-cycle audio output. Note the
meter readings in each of the three tests.
Evaluation of Results: As shown in the following illustration,
the primary and secondary voltages subtract in the third
test if the "hot" terminals have opposite polarity (are out
of phase) . On the other hand, the primary and secondary
voltages add in the third test if the "hot" terminals have
the same polarity (are in phase) .

Test setup.

Plot of voltages for out-af-phose con- Plot of voltages for in-phase

dition. dition.

To Measure the I m pedance of a Voice Coil

Equipment: 3-ohm precision resistor and VTVM.

Connections Required: Connect resistor and voice coil terminals
to generator output cable, as shown in the following dia­
gram. Connect VTVM, in turn, across the resistor and across
the voice coil.
P,·ocedure: Operate generator on 400-cycle audio output. Oper­
ate VTVM on AC voltage function. Observe voltage read­
ings in the foregoing two tests.
Evaluation of Results: The impedance of the voice coil is calcu­
lated by the formula:

1 07

Z"' = - X 3
Z,.• is the voice coil impedance,
E, is the voltage drop across the voice coil,
E" is the voltage drop across the resistor.

The impedance value measured in this test is the 400-cycle

impedance. The voice coil has other impedance values at other
frequencies. However, 400 cycles is a standard reference fre­
quency for the test.

Test setup.

'- -

To Determine the I m pedance Ratio of an Audio-Output


Equipment: VTVM.
Connections R equired: Connect generator output cable to sec­
ondary of output transformer. Connect VTVM to the sec­
ondary terminals of the transformer, and then to the pri­
mary terminals.
Procedure: Operate signal generator on 400-cycle audio-output
function. Note voltage readings across primary and sec­
Evaluation of Results: Divide the secondary voltage by the pri­
mary voltage. Square this value to find the impedance ratio
of the transformer. For example, if one volt is measured

1 08

across the primary and 50 volts across the secondary, the

voltage ratio is 50:1 and the impedance ratio is 2500 : 1.

Test setup. 1
/ 1 _
------- . ..'


Reflection of Impedance by Transformer

The impedance ratio of a transformer pedance ratio means that any value
is determined by its winding ratio. If of impedance connected across one
the winding ratio is 50-to-l, the im­ winding is Tejlected into the other
pedance ratio is the square of the winding by the impedance ratio. This
winding ratio, or 2500-to-1. The im- is shown in the following illustration.

'-../ lOA


Effect of i m pedance ratio on reflected impedance.


Need for Matching Impedances

Impedances must be matched to ob­ impedance of 25,000 ohms is con­

tain maximum power transfer. The nected to the primary; therefore, the
following illustrations show the ef­ impedances are matched, and great­
fect of mismatched impedances. The est circuit efficiency is obtained. In
transformer, in both instances, has illustration B, a tube with a 50,000-
an impedance ratio of 2500: 1. Also, ohm plate impedance is connected to
a lO-ohm load is connected across the primary, and the impedances are
the secondary of each transformer. mismatched.
In illustration A, a tube with a plate

1 09

_� ,on �
(A) Matched impedances. (B) Mismatched impedances.

Matched and mismatched impedances.

To Check a Push- Pull Audio-Output Transformer for Bal­


Equipment: VTVM.
Connections Required: Connect output cable from signal gen­
erator across secondary of output transformer. Connect
VTVM, in turn, betwen primary center tap and each pri­
mary terminal.
Procedure: Operate VTVM on AC voltage function. Operate gen­
erator on 400-cycle audio-output function. Observe meter
reading in each of the two ·measurements.
Evaluation of Results: The primary winding is balanced if equal
meter readings are obtained across each half of the primary.
Unbalance can result from shorted turns, manufacturing
tolerances or errors, or leakage from coil to coil or from
coil to core.

Test setup.

1 10


Impedance o f a Cen ter.Topped Transformer

A push-pull stage works into a Actually, it results from the mutual

center-tapped primary. The imped­ inductance between the two halves
ance ratio of half the primary to of the primary winding. The center­
the secondary is only one-fourth the tapped winding is itself a trans­
impedance of the complete primary former (an autotransformer) . If we
to the secondary , To illustrate this start with the inductance of half the
fact. consider the transformer in the primary, the inductance of the com­
accompanying diagram. The trans­ plete primary will then be 2L+2Lm,
former has 1000 turns on the com­ where Ln. is the mutual inductance
plete primary (tapped at 500 turns) between windings. The coupling is
and 10 turns on the secondary . The is maximum (unity.) , which makes
winding ratio of the complete pri­ L", = L. In other words, the total
mary to the secondary is l00-to-1. inductance of the center-tapped pri­
The impedance ratio of the complete mary is four times the inductance
primary to the secondary is 10,000- of half the primary. Impedance is
to-1 (Z,/Z. = 10,(00) . The winding directly proportional to inductance,
ratio of half the primary to the sec­ since Z = IX". It is essential to keep
ondary is 50-to-l; therefore, the im­ these facts in mind when selecting
pedance ratio of half the primary an output transformer to match a
to the secondary is only 2500-to-1. push-pull stage to a speaker.
(Z" ",/Z. = 2500) . How can this be?

A center-tapped output transformer. z�s

To Measure the I nput I m pedance of an Audio Ampl ifier

Equipment: VTVM and lOO-ohm resistor.
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the fol­
lowing diagram.
Procedure : Operate signal generator on 400-cycle audio-output
function. Operate VTVM on AC voltage function. Measure
voltage E, across amplifier input terminals l and 2. Then
measure the voltage E2 across the lOO-ohm resistor, at ter­
minals A and B .


Evaluation of Results: The input impedance of the amplifier is

calculated by the formula:

lOO E.
Z lnllllt = �
E. is the voltage measured across the input transformer,
E2 is the voltage measured across the lOO-ohm resistor in
series with the input transformer.


Telt letup.

To Measure the Phase Shift Between the Input a n d Output
of a n Audio Amplifier

Equipment: Audio amplifier, terminating resistor, load resistor,

and VOM.
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the fol­
lowing illustration.
Procedure: Operate signal generator on its 400-cycle audio out­
put. Operate VOM on its AC voltage function. Measure volt­
age from points 1 to 2, from points 1 to 3, and from points
2 to 3 .
Evaluation o f Results: Represent the voltages as line lengths,
and fit the three lengths together in a triangle, as shown.
The phase shift between input and output is the angle e.

1 12

The 400-cycle waveform from the generator must be sinusoi­

dal; otherwise, the test will be invalid. If the amplifier distorts
the wavefrom appreciably, the test will be invalid, also.


Test letup.

Plot of voltage•.

,4 - --

1 13

To Make a Search -Voltage Check for H a rmonics in a
H igh- Frequency Waveform

Equipment: Terminating resistor, demodulator probe, and VTVM.

Connections Required: Connect outputs, from source of high­
frequency voltage and from signal generator, to input of
demodulator probe. Feed probe output to VTVM input.
Procedure : Tune signal generator and watch for a "jump" in the
VTVM reading. A rise and dip in indication will be observed
at the fundamental frequency and at the harmonic frequen­
cies in the source voltage. The largest change in reading oc­
curs as the signal-generator frequency is tuned through the
fundamental. The limitation in identification of harmonics
occurs when the harmonic voltage is too small a percentage
of the total voltage for a readable pointer movement to be

The signal generator used in the search-voltage test must have

a good sine-wave output, because generator harmonics will cause
spurious meter indications.

1 14


Test setup.


To Use a Signal Generator as a Wireless Record Player

Equipment: Several feet of wire and a record player.

Connections Required: Connect audio output from record player
to Ext. Mod. terminals of signal generator. Connect a few
feet of wire as a short antenna to the "hot" lead of the gen­
erator output cable. Connect output cable braid to ground.
Procedure: Set signal generator for maximum output. Tune signal
generator to vacant spot on broadcast range. Adjust volume
control of record player for best modulated output from
Evaluation of Results: Ext. Mod. input level is correct when best
reproduction is obtained on a nearby radio receiver. (An AM
receiver must be used; FM and TV receivers are not suit­
able.) The distance over which the arrangement can be used
depends upon the available output from the generator and
the length of the antenna wire connected to the generator
output cable.


Using signal generator wireless record



To Use a Signal Generator as a VFO

Equipment: None.
Connections R equired: Connect output from signal generator to
input of RF amplifier in transmitter.
Procedure: Tune signal generator to desired frequency. If the
transmiter has doubler amplifiers, tune the generator to a
suitable subharmonic of the desired transmission frequency.
Evaluation of Results: The generator operates as a stable VFO,
and permits rapid and accurate shift to another operating
frequency. It is desirable to occasionally calibrate the gen­
erator against a crystal oscillator, and to keep a calibration
chart at hand.


Using signal generator as VFO.

To Use a Signal Generator as an Audio Osc illator

Equipment: Signal generator with built-in crystal oscillator, two

lOO-ohm resistors, and IN82A crystal diode.
Connections Required: Connect equipment as shown in the ac­
companying diagram.
Procedure : Switch crystal oscillator on. Tune signal generator
the desired number of cycles or kilocycles away from the
crystal frequency.
Evaluation of Results: Output from modulator contains the dif­
ference frequency between the genera tor and crystal fre­
quencies. The output is at a low level and, hence, is suitable
for checking fairly high-gain audio devices only.

1 16

The modulator output also contains RF frequencies and the

RF sum frequency of the inputs. However, these RF frequencies
are normally filtered out at the input of the audio device.


Using signal generator as audio oscillator.

1 17
A generator output, microvolts, 28, 29
Adjacent-channel selectivity, TV re­ VHF generator, 29, 30
ceiver, check of, 77, 78 Calibration of generator, at 3.579545
Adjacent-sound trap, alignment of, 82 mc, 15, 16
AGe action, TV receiver, check of, broadcast station method, 11
96 quartz crystal method, 13
Alignment, delta sound system, 95 WWV method, 14, 15
field-strength meter, 34-36 Capacitance, distributed, of coil,
peak, TV IF amplifier, 80, 81 measurement of, 104, 105
split-sound system, 93, 94 input, RF probe, 32, 33
reflexed sound circuit, 95 Capacitor, blocking, use of, 28
AM generator, spurious frequency determining value of, 102, 103
modulation, cause of, 68 IF screen, check for open, 64
AM-FM receiver tests, 49-74 video amplifier bypass, check for
Amplification of probe output, 14 open, 89
Antenna, detuning effect, determina- Characteristic impedance, coaxial ca­
tion of, 50, 51 ble, measurement of, 43
ferrite, tracking of, 51 twin-lead, measurement of, 43, 44
Antenna tests, 41-48 Characteristics of signal generators, 9
Antenna to lead-in match, determi­ Chroma-channel response, check of,
nation of, 41, 42 96, 97
Attenuator Coaxial cable, characteristic imped­
signal generator, resistance of, 22 ance, measurement of, 43
action, check of, 25 Coil, distributed capacitance, meas­
external, 25 urement of, 104, 105
calibration of, 26-30 Color-subcarrier oscillator, substi­
Audio Amplifier, input impedance, tuting generator for, 99, 100
measurement of, Ill, 112 Color-subcarrier trap. adjustment of,
phase-shift in, measurement of, 97, 98
112, 113 Color sync lock, stability check, 100,
Audio fidelity test, AM receiver, 101
68, 69 Color-TV receiver, chroma-channel
FM receiver, 70 response, check of, 96, 97
Audio oscillator, use of signal gener­ color-subcarrier trap, adjustment
ator as, 116, 117 of, 97, 98
Audio output color sync lock stability check, 100,
signal generator, frequency, check 101
of, 24, 25 Y amplifier, frequency response
waveform, check of, 23, 24 check, 98, 99
Audio output transformer, imped­ Communications equipment, signal
ance ratio, determination of, generator for, 56
108, 109 Component replacement, TV IF am­
push-pull, balance check, 110 plifiers, precautions in, 81
Auto radio, dummy antenna for, 50 Component tests, 102-113
Automatic gain control; see AGC Cross-talk, reduction of, 87, 99
Balance, push-pull audio output Delta sound system, alignment of, 95
transformer, check for, 110 Detuning effect, antenna, determina­
Balun, use of, 30, 31 tion of, 50, 51
Bias box, use of, 63 Distortion, even-harmonic, video am­
Blocking capacitor, use of, 28 plifier, check for, 86
Broadcast signal, modulating on dif- odd harmonic, video amplifier,
ferent carrier frequency, 45 check for, 87, 68
Bypass capacitor, open, check for, 89 Bistributed capacitance of coil, meas­
urement of, 104, 105
C Dummy antenna, auto radio, 50
Cable, output, termination of, 18 Dynamic range
output, length of, 19 video amplifier, determination of,
Calibration, generator attenuator, 26, 85
27 increasing, 86

1 19

E FM, description of, 57, 58
Equipment checks, 9-40 frequency calibration, 11-16
Even-harmonic distortion, video am­ leakage check, 31
plifier, check for, 86 output of, increasing, 21
External modulation, FM sweep gen­ selection of, 9, 10
erator, 58 signal tracing tests with, 76, 77
External modulator, construction of, used as audio oscillator, 116, 117
21, 22 used as VFO, 116
used as wireless record player, 115
F uses of, 9
Feedback loop, regenerative, location
of, 62 H
Ferrite antenna, tracking of, 51
Harmonic beats, 1 1
Field-strength meter
Harmonic output, minimizing, 19, 2 0
alignment of, front-end, 34, 35
Harmonics, high-frequency wave-
IF amplifier, 36
form, search voltage check
range controls, adjustment of, 37
for, 114, 115
Filter, interference, efficiency check,
of crystal, 13
44, 45
Head-end circuits, multiband re­
FM receiver, AM rejection check, 68
ceiver, tracking of, 58, 59
dummy antenna for, 56
Heterodyne frequency meter, using
image-rejection ratio, check of, 55
signal generator as, 39, 40
input impedance, check of, 56, 57
High frequency amplifiers, types of,
line pickup immunity. check for,
71, 72
High frequency boost, video ampli­
quieting level, check of, 67
fiers, how obtained, 89
FM signal generator, description of,
Hum voltage, generator output, 26
57, 58
modulated, check for, 27, 28
FM sweep generator, description of,
unmodulated. check for, 27, 28
57, 58
external modulation of, 58
Frequency, generator audio output,
check of, 24, 25 IF amplifier, determining Q of, 65
image, rejection, check of, 78, 79 Miller effect in, check for, 62, 63
rejection, requirements, 80 nonlinear operation, check for, 64
local oscillator, check of, 78, 79 open screen capacitors in, check
resonant, tuned stub, measurement for, 64
of, 47 regeneration in, check for, 61
Frequency calibration, generator, 11- TV, intermittent, location of, 82, 83
16 peak alignment of, 80, 81
Frequency modulation; see FM regeneration in, cause of, 81
Frequency stability, generator, 12 single-stage tests, 83
receiver, 70, 71 IF rejection, TV receivers, check of,
Frequency response, oscilloscope, 79, 80
check of, 37, 38 TV receivers, requirements, 80
over-all TV receiver, check of, IF test signal, TV, point of injection,
91, 92 81
requirements, 91 Image frequency, definition of, 54
TV IF amplifiers, stabilization of, Image frequency rejection
81 TV receiver, check of. 78, 79
video amplifier, check of, 84 r.equirements, 80
VTVM, check of, 34 Image-rejection ratio check, AM re­
Y amplifier, check of, 98, 99 ceivers, 54, 55
FM receiver, 55
G Image signal, effect on reception,
Gain, transformer, test for, 105, 106 78, 79
Generator Impedance, center-tapped trans­
attenuator, 22 former, 111
calibration of. 26-30 input, audio amplifier, measure­
characteristics of, 9 ment of, Ill, 112
checking of, 9-31 FM receiver, check of, 56, 57

1 20

Impedance-cont'd Oscillator, frequency of, check of, 79

input local, substitution generator signal
transistor amplifier, check of, 74 for, 60
voice coil, measurement of, 107, 108 transistor radio, tracking of, 61
Impedance matching balun, 30, 31 Oscilloscope, frequency response
Impedance ratio, audio output trans­ check, 37, 38
former, determination of, high-frequency burst response
108, 109 check, 38, 39
Impedance, need for matching, 109, Output, cable, length limitations, 19
110 cable, termination of, 18
Input. impedance, audio amplifier, maximum undistorted, check for,
measul'ement of, 111, 112 72
transistor amplifier, check of, 74 probe, amplification of, 14
Interference filter, efficiency check, transistor amplifier for, 18
44, 45 signal generator, audio frequency.
Intermediate frequency; s e e IF check of, 24, 25
Intermittent, location of, 82, 83, 90, 91 audio waveform, check of, 23, 24
L calibration of, 26-30
harmonic, minimizing, 19, 20
Lead-in to antenna match, determi- hum voltage, check for, 26
nation of, 41, 42 maximum, increasing of, 21
Leakage, generator, check for, 31 modulated RF, check of, 20, 21
Line cOI"d, filtering of, 31 uniformity check, 17, 18
Line pickup, FM receiver, check for, wavelength check, 16, 17
71, 72
Line voltage variations, effect on P
generator frequency. 12 Parasitic oscillation, video amplifier,
effect on receiver frequency sta­ check for, 88, 89
bility, 70, 71 Peak alignment, TV IF amplifier,
Low-pass filter, use of, 19, 20 80, 81
M Phase shift, audio amplifier, meas­
urement of, 112, 113
Maximum undistorted output, tran­
Polarity, transformer winding, test
sistor radio, check for, 72
for, 106, 107
Miller effect, check for, 62, 63
Power line, use for FM antenna, 72
cause of, 63
Preselector circuits, tracking of, 53,
Modulated hum output, 27
Modulated RF output check, 20, 21
Probe, RF, input capacitance, meas­
Modulating signal on different car-
urement of, 32, 33
rieI' frequency, radio, 45
transistor amplifier for, 16
TV, 46
Probe output, amplification of, 14
Modulation, external, FM sweep gen­
erator, 58 Q
percentage of, 20
Q of IF stage, determination of, 65
variable, 21
Quartz crystal oscillator, use in cali­
whistle, check for, 60
bration, 13
Modulator, extemal, construction of,
Quieting level, FM receiver, check
21, 22
of, 67
Neutralizing adjustments, transistor
radios, 66 Radio frequency; see RF
Noise modulated method, intermit­ Range controls, field-strength meter,
lent location, 82, 83, 90, 91 adjustment of, 37
Nonlinear operation, IF amplifier, Ratio, seleclance, check of, 49
check for, 64 image frequency rejection, AM re­
ceiver, 54, 55
o FM receiver, 55
Odd-harmonic distortion, video am­ Receiver
plifie,", check for, 87, 88 broadcast, antenna detuning effect,
Oscillation, parasitic, video amplifier, 50, 51
check for, 88, 89 image-rejection ratio, determi­
transistor radio, check fo,", 66 nation of, 54


Receiver---cont'd RF rejection check, VTVM, 33

broadcast Ringing, transient, signal channel'
sele�t? nce ratio, check of, 49 check for, 92, 93
sensItivity, measurement of, 52
FM, AM rejection check' 68 S
line pickup immunity check 71 ,
' Search voltage check, harmonics'
72 114, 115
quieting level check, 67
Selectance ratio, check of, 49
frequency stability against line
Selec��ce, of generator, 9, 10
voltage variations 70 71
' Selectlvlty, adjacent-channel' check
multiband, tracking of, 58, 59
. of, 77, 78
transistor, maximum un distorted
Sensitivity, broadcast l-eceiver, meas­
output, check of, 72
urement of, 52
ne� tralizing adjustments, 66
Signal generator
oscillator, tracking of, 61
rege ration and oscillation in,
attenuator, 22
calibration of, 26-30
characteristics of, 9
signal injection tests, 67
checking of, 9-31
therm�l stability, check of, 73
FM, description of, 57, 58
TV, adjacent-channel selectivity
frequency calibration, 11-16
test, 77, 78
leakage check, 31
AGe action, check of 96
output of, increasing' 21
alignment, delta so�nd system ' s�lection of, 9, 10
95 Signal tracing with, 76, 77
IF, peak, 80, 81
used as audio oscillator, 116, 117
re�exed sound IF circuit, 94
used as heterodyne frequency me-
spht-sound system, 93, 94
ter, 39, 40
chroma-channel response, check used as VFO, 116
of, 96, 97 used as wireless record player, 115
color subcarrier trap, adjustment
uses of, 9
of, 97, 98
Signal injection, transistor radio' 67
color sync lock stability, check
loop, transistor radio, 52, 53
of, 100, 101
tests, TV receiver 75 76
IF rejection, check of, 79, 80
Image-frequency rejection, check

Signal substitution iest 56
Signal-tracing probe, t�ansistorized
of, 78, 79 '
over-all frequency response test
' Signal-tracing tests, use of AM gen-
91, 92
tran ent ringing, check for, 92, . erator for, 76, 77
Sme wave, harmonic removal" 19 20
audio, check of, 23, 24
video amplifier checks, 84-91 .
Smgle-stage IF tests, 83
Y amplifier, frequency response
Sound system, delta, alignment of, 95
check, 98, 99
reflex ed, alignment of' 94
Record player, wireless, use of signal spl �t, alignment of, 93, 94
generator for, 115
Reflexed 0und system, alignment of,
SPUriOUS frequency modulation, AM
generator, 68
Spur �ous noise, reduction of, 99
Regene�ation, IF, check for, 61, 62
SpU�l?US outputs, reduction of, 48
translst�r radios, check for, 66 Stablltty, thermal, transistor radio,
Regeneratlve feedback loop. location
check for, 73
of, 62
Stub, tuned, measuring resonant fre­
Rejection, adjacent sound trap 82 quency of, 47
IF, TV rec eiver, check of, 79 80
Sweep generator, FM, description of'
TV receiver, requirements of' 80 57, 58
Resonant circuit, spurious output eli­ FM, external modulation of, 58
mination, 48
Resonant frequency. tuned stub, T
measurement of, 47
RF probe, input capacitance, meas­ Television calibrator use of' 14
urement of, 32, 33 Televi �ion receiver; �ee TV receiver
RF amplifi�r. TV, intermittent, lo­ ��
Test slg ls, IF, points of injection,
catIOn of, 82

1 22

Thermal stability, transistor radio, TV signal, modulating on different

check for, 73 carrier frequency, 46
Tracking, preselector circuits, check Twin-lead, measurement of charac­
of, 53, 54 teristic impedance, 43, 44
Transient ringing
signal circuits, check for, 92, 93 U
reduction of, 92, 93 UHF output, signal generators, 42
Transformer Uses for signal generator, 9
audio output
impedance ratio, determination v
of, push-pull, 111 Variac, use of, 12
determination of, single-ended, VFO, use of gen'erator as, 116
108, 109 VHF generator, calibration of, 12
center-tapped, impedance of, 111 VHF output, generator, calibration
tuned, characteristics, check of, of, 29, 30
105, 106 Video amplifier, frequency response,
winding polarity. test for, 106, 107 check of, 84
Transistor amplifier, probe output, dynamic range, determination of,
18 85
Transistor radio, maximum undis- increasing, 86
torted output, check of, 72 distortion, even-harmonic, check
neutralizing adjustments, 66 for, 86
regeneration and oscillation in; 66 odd-harmonic, check for, 87, 88
signal injection tests, 67 parasitic oscillation. check for, 88,
thermal stability check, 73 89
Transistor signal-tracing probe, 77 bypass capacitors, check for open,
TV receiver tests, 75-101 89
adjacent-channel selectivity test, intermittent in, location of, 90, 91
77, 78 Voice coil impedance, measurement
AGe action, check of, 96 of, 107, 108
alignment, delta sound system, 95 VTVM, RF rejection check, 33
IF amplifier, peak, 80, 81 frequency response check, 34
reflexed sound IF circuit, 94
split-sound system, 93, 94 W
chroma-channel response, check of, Waveform, harmonics in, check for,
96, 97 114, 115
color sync lock stability check, Wavelength check, generator output,
100, 101 16, 17
color-subcarrier trap, adjustment Whistle modulation, check for, 60
of, 97, 98 Windings, transformer, polarity, test
IF rejection, check of, 79, 80 for, 106, 107
image-frequency rejection, check Wireless record player, use of gen­
of, 78, 79 erator as, 115
over-all frequency response test, WWV transmission, use for calibra­
91, 92 tion, 14, 15
signal-injection tests, 75, 76
transient ringing, check fOf, 92, 93 Y
Y amplifier, frequency response Y amplifier, frequency response
check, 98, 99 check, 98, 99

1 23

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