Social Context of Norse Jarlshof

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A Thesis

Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the

Louisiana State University and
the Arts and Science College
In partial fulfillment of the
Requirements of the degree of
Master of Arts


The Department of Geography and Anthropology

Marcie Anne Kimball
B.S., Northwestern State University of Louisiana, 2000
August 2003

The author is grateful to her major professor Dr. Rebecca Saunders, Associate

Professor of Anthropology, and her thesis committee members Dr. Paul Farnsworth,

Associate Professor of Anthropology, and Dr. Miles Richardson, Professor of

Anthropology, all of Louisiana State University. The author is also grateful to Dr. Gerald

Bigelow, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Southern Maine, and

to Mr. Stephen Dockrill, Director of Old Scatness Excavations, and to Dr. Julie Bond,

Assistant Director of Old Scatness Excavations, for their guidance and assistance. The

author would also like to thank The Shetland Amenity Trust for its generous financial

contributions during her stay in Shetland and Robert Paulsell for his assistance with the




LIST OF TABLES..….........................................................................................................v

LIST OF FIGURES..…………………………………………………………………..…vi


CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................1


2.1 Geography..........................................................................................................4
2.2 Prehistory...........................................................................................................7
2.3 History..............................................................................................................10

CHAPTER 3. THE VIKINGS…..……………………………………………………….13

3.1 History of Viking Raiding and Colonization………………………………...13
3.1.1 Finland and Russia…………………………………………………14
3.1.2 England…………………………………………………………….14
3.1.3 Ireland……………………………………………………………...15
3.1.4 Manx Kingdom and Scotland……………………………………...15
3.1.5 The European Continent…………………………………….……..16
3.1.6 The Faroes, Iceland, and Unsuccessful Colonies…………………..17
3.1.7 Viking Literature…………………………………………………...18
3.2 Reasons For Raiding........................................................................................18
3.2.1 Population Pressure and Internal Strife…………………………….19
3.2.2 Religion…………………………………………………………….20
3.2.3 Allure of Foreign Wealth………………………………………..…20
3.2.4 Creating Alliances and Status…………………………………...…21
3.2.5 Conclusion………….……………………………………………...22
3.3 Shetland Viking Homeland…………………………………………………..23
3.4 Firehouses and Longhouses……………………………………………….…25
3.5 Theories Concerning the Change From Firehouses to Longhouses…………28
3.6 Clustering Over Time………………………………………………………..33
3.6.1 Odal Law, Clustering, and Environment…………………………..33
3.6.2 Land Management Practices……………………………………….34
3.7 Summary……………………………………………………………………..36

CHAPTER 4. THE PICTS AND THE NORSE…………………………………………38

4.1 Archaeological and Literary Evidence of the Presence of the Picts in Shetland
at the Time of Norse Arrival..................................................................................39

4.1.1 Archaeological and Literary Evidence of the Presence of the Picts at
Jarlshof at the Time of Norse Arrival…… ………………………...……41
4.1.2 On the Dearth of Shetland Viking Age Sites…………………....…41
4.2 The Interaction of the Picts and the Norse in Shetland..............................…..42
4.2.1 Phases of Settlement…....……………………………………….…43
4.3 Archaeological Evidence for the Interaction Between the Norse and the Picts
in Orkney………………………………………………………………………...46
4.3.1 Skaill, Deerness, Orkney...................................................................47
4.3.2 Buckquoy, Mainland, Orkney...........................................................50
4.3.3 Brough of Birsay, Orkney.................................................................51
4.3.4 Pool, Sandy, Orkney.........................................................................52
4.3.5 Saevar Howe, Birsay, Orkney...........................................................53
4.3.6 Howe, Stromnes, Orkney..................................................................53
4.3.7 Conclusion........................................................................................53

CHAPTER 5. JARLSHOF………………………………………………………………55
5.1 History of Excavations…………….................................................................56
5.2 Hamilton’s Research........................…............................................................57
5.2.1 Phase I……………………………………………………………...59
5.2.2 Phase II……………………………………………………………..63
5.2.3 Phase III……………………………………………………………65
5.2.4 Phase IV…………………………………………………………....67
5.2.5 Phase V…………………………………………………………….68
5.2.6 Phase VI…………………………………………………………....71
5.2.7 Phase VII…………………………………………………………...73
5.2.8 The Medieval Farm………………………………………………...74
5.2.9 The “Jarlshof” Building……………………………………………75
5.3 Subsequent Research.......................................................................................75
5.3.1 The Houses…………………………………………………………76
5.3.2 Outbuilding 1A…………………………………………………….79
5.3.3 Chronology………………………………………………………...80
5.3.4 Underwater Archaeology…………………………………………..81
5.4 Hamilton’s Research as a Beginning...............................................................83

CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSIONS…...……………………………………………….……85

WORKS CITED…………………………………………………………………………94



Table 1. The Pre-Viking Phases of Jarlshof……………...……………………………...57

Table 2. The seven phases of Viking Jarlshof and successive constructions…………...60


Figure 1. The main islands of Shetland and the surrounding waters…...…………...…....5

Figure 2. Shetland and surrounding regions…...................................................................5

Figure 3. A typical Shetland landscape...............................................................................7

Figure 4. The regions of Norway……………………………………….....................….24

Figure 5. Orkney sites that evidence interaction between Viking and Picts.....................46

Figure 6. Examples of combs associated with House1, Site 2, Skaill, Orkney...……….47

Figure 7. House 1 and House 2 of Site 2 at Skaill, Orkney………...…………...............48

Figure 8. House 3 of Site 2 at Skaill, Orkney …..............................................................49

Figure 9. A Type B comb fragment from Phase IV and a high-backed comb fragment
from Phase V, Buckquoy, Orkney……………………………………………………….51

Figure 10. Jarlshof..……….........................................................................................….55

Figure 11. Jarlshof location….....................................................................................…..56

Figure 12. Jarlshof master plan….....................................................................................58

Figure 13. Phase I of Norse Jarlshof.................................................................................61

Figure 14. The Norse area of Jarlshof...............................................................................61

Figure 15. House 1 of Norse Jarlshof...............................................................................62

Figure 16. Phase II of Norse Jarlshof................................................................................64

Figure 17. House 2 of Norse Jarlshof..……………………………………………….…64

Figure 18. Phase III of Norse Jarlshof ………………...………………………………..65

Figure 19. House 3 of Norse Jarlshof ………………….……………………………….66

Figure 20. Phase IV of Norse Jarlshof .………………………………………………....67

Figure 21. Phase V of Norse Jarlshof …………………………………………………..68

Figure 22. House 6 of Norse Jarlshof …………………………………………………..69

Figure 23. House 7 of Norse Jarlshof ……………………………………….…...……..70

Figure 24. House 8 of Norse Jarlshof ………………..…………………………………71

Figure 25. Phase VI of Norse Jarlshof………………………………………………......72

Figure 26. Phase VII of Norse Jarlshof……………………………………….…………73

Figure 27. House 5 of Norse Jarlshof...…………………………………………………73

Figure 28. Houses 1, 5, 6, and 7 of Jarlshof……………………...……………………...78

Figure 29. Rock platform underlying the waters of the coast of the Jarlshof site……....82


A series of excavations from 1897 to 1951 showed the site of Jarlshof in Shetland

to have been occupied by proto-Pictish, Pictish, and Viking peoples. These inquiries

culminated in J.R.C. Hamilton’s 1956 monograph Excavations at Jarlshof, Shetland. In

the years since the writing of the monograph, much new information has come to light

that relates to the time periods found at Jarlshof. The concern of this thesis is how the

new findings relate to Viking Age Jarlshof and how Viking Age Jarlshof relates to this

new information.

In order to set Viking Age Jarlshof into its overall historical context regarding

Shetland, a geographic and historical summation of Shetland is given. In order to set

Jarlshof broadly within the sphere of Viking movements, the history of, and the reasons

for, Viking activity are recounted. Next, specific aspects of Viking Age Shetland are

examined. The evidence for the interaction of the Vikings with the native Picts is then

reviewed. The relevant details of Jarlshof are then presented, along with the findings of

recent studies that have been conducted that specifically relate to Viking Age Jarlshof.

Various studies, especially new archaeological finds, are used to set Viking

Jarlshof into its social context and to hypothesize about the history of the site itself. The

major conclusions of this inquiry are: Vikings raiding was a product of a transitional

stage of economy; the Shetland Norse came from an as yet unspecified region of Norway;

the replacement of firehouses at Jarlshof by longhouses may be related to a greater

reliance on trade and taxation; the clustering of houses at Jarlshof may be evidence of the

antiquity of land management of Shetlanders as recorded in more recent centuries; three

stages of Viking colonization that were first hypothesized for Orkney, i.e., pioneering,

consolidation, and establishment, are also applicable to Shetland; sites in Orkney also

demonstrate that Jarlshof is not unique in the ambiguity of evidence for interaction

between the Picts and the Norse; Jarlshof may have been subjected to particularly

aggressive Norse activities.

Chapter 1

Due to extensive erosion of a nearby shoreline in 1897, the site of Jarlshof in Shetland

was discovered to contain much more than one ruined building dating to the sixteenth century.

A series of excavations over the next 50 years revealed that the site contained architecture of the

proto-Pictish, Pictish, and Viking cultures. These investigations culminated with a series of

excavations conducted by J. R. C. Hamilton from 1949 to 1951. Hamilton ended these inquiries

with the monograph Excavations at Jarlshof, Shetland, published in 1956, which is the best

extant source of the findings at the site.

Though Hamilton does give an excellent summation of the work that had been done at

Jarlshof, he does not delve into the placement of the site into the wider social context of Shetland

as a whole or of the Northern Isles. When he does, he notes basic trends and draws conclusions

from them with little input from information outside of Jarlshof; most of these conclusions are

concerned with the proto-Pictish and Pictish occupations of the site, not the occupation of the

Norse. In general, Hamilton suffered from a lack of data to compare with his Jarlshof findings.

Since his time, a great deal of new information on Viking archaeology has become

available. New sites, especially those in the Orkneys, reveal settlement patterns (which correlate

well with medieval literature), the links between these sites and Viking homelands, the

interaction between the Norse and the Picts, and the subsequent history of Viking settlement.

Some of this information can be directly compared to that found at Jarlshof. Indeed, some data

from other sites can supplement gaps in the Jarlshof data; gaps created due to a lack of modern

methods of excavation and analysis at the time Hamilton’s study. Much of this new data

indicates that the Norse occupation of Jarlshof was thoroughly enmeshed in the changes of the

time. All of it reveals the complex strands of culture that met and mingled on the Shetland


This thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter 2 and the first half of Chapter 3 give

necessary background details. Chapter 2 details basic information regarding Shetland, including

its geography, prehistory, and history. Knowledge of Shetland archaeology and history is

important for the placement of Jarlshof in general and Viking Age Jarlshof in particular in the

unfolding of Shetland’s chronology.

The first half of Chapter 3 gives a broad description of the series of Viking raids.

Whereas Chapter 2 places Jarlshof in its local timeline, this information places Jarlshof in a

larger regional and extraregional context. It summarizes the theories regarding the reasons for

Viking raids and proposes a new viewpoint based on a combination of viable, complementary

hypotheses. The second half of Chapter 3, as well as Chapter 4, contains the research portions of

this paper. The second half of Chapter 3 discusses Viking Age Shetland and present research

that elucidates Jarlshof’s role in Viking activities. Place name evidence is used to hypothesize

upon the original homeland of those that settled in Shetland. A brief history is given regarding

the role of longhouses in Europe throughout time. Theories concerning the change from

firehouses to longhouses at Jarlshof are then discussed. The increase in residential buildings

through the Viking Age is then explained, as well as the implication of this trend for the

subsequent history of Shetland.

Chapter 4 concerns the interaction of the Vikings and Picts of both Shetland in general

and Jarlshof in particular. Place name and limited archaeological evidence are used to support

the hypothesis that the Picts were still residing in Shetland at the beginning of the Viking Age.

An hypothesized set of phases of settlement is reviewed, and literary, place name, and Shetlandic

archaeological evidence are found to support this theory. Archaeological evidence from sites

outside of Shetland is also shown to support this pattern of invasion by revealing the close social

interaction between the Picts and the Norse.

Chapter 5 begins with a concise summary of the location of Jarlshof and a history of the

excavations performed at this site. It then briefly describes the archaeology of the site prior to

the Viking invasion. Next, it gives a detailed description of the Viking Age buildings of

Jarlshof. It concludes with a summary of recent work that directly relates to the site, including

reinterpretations or confirmation of original interpretation of some of the buildings.

Finally, Chapter 6 summarizes the conclusions reached in the previous chapters.

Chapter 2
Shetland: Geography, Prehistory, and History
Though sharing a geography similar to that of nearby lands, as well as elements of

history, Shetland’s location provides a unique perspective on the ways in which climate

affects societies and on the ways that migrating peoples affect established societies. In

the middle of this struggle is intertwined the story of the Vikings.

2.1 Geography
Composed of about 100 islands that extend approximately 100 kilometers from

south to north, Shetland (Figure 1) lies 320 kilometers to the west of Norway and 150

kilometers north of the Scottish mainland; the Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian sea

encompass its western and northern shores, while the rest is bordered by the North Sea

(Figure 2). One of these bodies of water is almost always visible from every spot on the
islands. Lerwick, the capital of Shetland, is located at 60° 46’ N. 0° 51’ W. At the

winter solstice, the sun is present for only 5 hours 39 minutes. Conversely, at the

summer solstice the day is 18 hours 48 minutes. Even though the sun sets, the sky is

never completely dark at this time of year, creating what is known as ‘simmer dim’

(Small 1983:20-24).

The year-round temperatures of Shetland are remarkably mild compared to other

regions of similar latitude. This is due to the persistent westerly and south-westerly

winds that are a result of the Polar front combined with the jet-stream, as well as warm

water provided by the North Atlantic Drift. Though snow can be seen on the ground for
20 days a year on average, the lowest average temperature for any month (3.3° C in

February) is still above freezing. July and August have the warmest average
temperatures at a mean of 11.9° C. The temperature in summer has been known to reach

up to 28° C. Summer also brings fog and humidity with yearly averages that range from

85% to 89%. Though usually not heavy, precipitation occurs on 248 days of the year on

Figure 1. The main islands of Shetland and the surrounding waters (redrawn after
Crawford 1984:41).

Figure 2. Shetland and surrounding regions (redrawn after Espenshade 1995:142).

average. The overall wind speed averages 27 kilometers per hour, though the gales that

take place on 56 to 57 days on average occur mostly in winter (Small 1983:23-25).

The total land area of Shetland is 352,319 acres. Only a small percentage of this

is arable (3.4% as measured in 1931) (Fenton 1978:2). When seasonal weather is

favorable, crops are quite productive. Particularly cold and wet summers, however, have

been known to create devastating famines (Small 1983:24-25).

The rolling landscape, which at some points ascends over 300 meters, was formed

prior to the last glaciation, which retreated 10,000 years ago (Butler 1998:3; Small

1983:20). This Ice Age event erased any possible evidence of local glaciation and fine-

tuned the Shetland topography by widening valleys and creating rock basin lakes. Since

its dissipation, peat growth has been practically uninterrupted (Small 1983:21-22), aided

by Shetland’s tendency towards “soil leaching, acidification, and podsolisation.” The

Early Holocene (8,000-3,000 B.C.E./10,000-5,000 B.P.) only saw sparse woodland

growth in Shetland due to salt spray (B.C.E. - Before Common Era; B.C.E. dates are

equal to B.C. dates). In the Late Holocene (3,000 B.C.E. – Present/5,000 B.P. - Present),

the conditions that supported peat growth caused even these trees to disappear. In the

third millennium, the islands contained large tracts of “podsolised peaty soils, blanket

peats, and species-poor heathland or acid grassland.” In other words, it was becoming

the landscape that it is today (Figure 3). Though this environment was bound to occur

naturally due to Shetland’s moist climate, humans sped up the process by clearing woods

for agriculture, which began in the third millennium B.C.E. In addition, a switch to the

dependency on pastoralism occurred in the late Neolithic (ca. 2,200-1,800 B.C.E./ca.

4,200-3,800 B.P.) and Bronze Age (ca. 1,800-800 B.C.E./ca. 3,800-2,800 B.P.). Burning

was employed to produce sufficient grasslands required by large herds of domesticated

animals. While the short-term effect on the ecology of the land was positive, the long-

term effect of this burning was to encourage the growth of heather and blanket peat,

worsening the already poor quality of soil. Colder winters with increased precipitation

may have occurred ca. 500-750 C.E./1,450-1,200 B.P., giving peat growth another boost

(C.E. – Common Era; C.E. dates are equal to A.D. dates). The manuring and draining of

land, however, may have prevented peat from overgrowing in some areas (Butler 1998:5-


Figure 3. A typical Shetland landscape.

2.2 Prehistory
Stone was the building material of choice in Shetland until recent modernization,

due to its abundance and also due to the lack of trees. The spread of peat and the

accompanying soil acidification caused the removal of many early agriculturists from

their lands, and later people tended to rely on pastoralism more than crops. The use of

building material that does not decay combined with a lack of plowing that would have

destroyed the remains of past peoples gives Shetland a high density of archaeological

sites (Turner 1998a:1).

If present at all, a Mesolithic population would have been the earliest human

residents of the Shetland Islands. The evidence for such a people, though, is restricted to

the fact that the red deer was commonly hunted by Mesolithic peoples in Britain and that

the change in flora in Shetland around 5,500 B.C.E/7,500 B.P. may indicate an

abundance of this grazing animal (Butler 1998:6). Any direct indication of Mesolithic

residences may have been washed away by the rise in global sea level, since the preferred

habitat of Mesolithic peoples was that of coastlands (Small 1983:25). Numerous,

potentially Mesolithic, stone tools, the origin of which has yet to be identified with any

certainty, have also been found in Shetland (Turner 1998b:140). In brief, a Mesolithic

residence in Shetland cannot be confirmed or denied.

The prehistory and history of successive occupations of different cultures in the

Shetlands can be seen in domestic architectural styles. However, the earliest definitive

evidence of human habitation yet discovered in the Shetlands is a dike at Shurton Brae

that dates to 3,500 B.C.E./5,500 B.P. (Turner 1998a:2). By the beginning of the

Neolithic (3,000 B.C.E./5,000 B.P.), cairns and oval stone houses were spread throughout

the islands. The cairns date to the third millennium B.C.E./fifth millennium B.P., while

the oval buildings are usually dated to the third and second millennia B.C.E./ fifth and

fourth millennia B.P. (Whittle 1985:1). On the basis of comparative evidence, the

agriculturalists who constructed these buildings island hopped to Shetland from Scotland

(Small 1983:25).

In contrast to the Neolithic, Shetland has a paucity of Bronze Age (1,800-800

B.C.E./3,800-2,800 B.P.) sites. The Bronze Age culture of Scotland is only apparent at a

few sites, such as Jarlshof, by distinctive buildings. Otherwise, because a clear

distinction between Bronze Age and Neolithic pottery is often difficult to draw, Bronze

Age settlement in the Shetlands remains poorly understood (Small 1983:25-26).

In the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.E., an apparently peaceful migration of Iron

Age people to the islands took place. This is represented by “open settlements and small

enclosed farmsteads” (Cunliffe 1974:216; Small 1983:26-27). Somewhat later, a “proto-

Pictish” people (Sutherland 1994:16), who constructed “ring forts,” invaded. By 200

B.C.E./2150 B.P., these proto-Picts developed their forts into brochs (Small 1983:27).

Brochs are dry-stone, circular structures, which lack any opening with the exception of a

small doorway. Three feet typically separate the double-skinned walls from each other.

Galleries inside the walls were linked by staircases (Cunliffe 1974:219-221). About

eighty brochs have been discovered in Shetland. Since Shetland is currently a part of

Scotland, this country can claim to possess all known brochs.

Overlapping in time with the brochs were aisled round houses, circular buildings

with a hearth in the center and radial partitions. Brochs went out of use by the second

century C.E. (1850 B.P.), which is approximately when wheelhouses were beginning to

be produced (Cunliffe 1974:216). Wheelhouses are much like round houses, except that

the partitions butt against the main wall so that no aisle encircles the building. The result

is that their inner space takes on a trefoil shape.

Wheelhouses continued to be in use until the arrival of the Vikings. As the people

of Scotland at this time also shared wheelhouses (as well as artifactual similarities), and

as the people of Scotland at this time were Picts, the people of Shetland at this time are

also conclusively Picts (Small 1983:27; Sutherland 1994:16). According to mainstream

theory, the Picts were a people of Celtic culture (even if the population mixed with non-

Celtic people when it migrated into “Pictland”) who lived north of the Forth-Clyde valley

in Scotland (including the Scottish isles) from 297 to 843 C.E/1,653 to 1,107 B.P. The

incipience date is taken from the first mention of the Picts as “Picti” by the Roman

historian, Eumenius. However, they were previously known to the Romans by a different

name, and Celts in general may have been in Scotland as early as 500 B.C.E/2,450 B.P.

The terminal date of Pictish occupation marks the date when the Picts on the Scottish

mainland were overrun by a Celtic people from Ireland, which effectively obliterated

Pictish culture in this region (Sutherland 1994:xvi, 25)

The migration of the Vikings to Shetland began about 790-810 C.E/1,160-1,140

B.P. (though some scholars debate the date) (Small 1983:28). Shetland (as well as the

Orkneys) would have made an ideal stepping stone for raids on and migrations into Great

Britain (Roesdahl 1991:210-211), reviving these islands from their previous peripheral

status (Small 1983:28). Due to the lack of written records from the Viking period,

nothing regarding the use of these islands in Viking raids can be said unequivocally.

Available evidence does indicate that most of the Pictish culture was either obliterated or

absorbed by the Norse settlers who subsequently took over the islands. Debate rages as

to what extent obliteration or absorption took place (to be discussed in detail below).

2.3 History
The environmental richness of the Orkney Islands enabled it to become the center

of the region under Viking control in north Britain (which also included the Hebrides,

islands on the north-west tip of Britain, and Caithness on the northern tip of Scotland).

Few sources are informative regarding the early centuries of Shetland’s history under the

Norse. Outside sources do state that until 1195 C.E., Shetland was an earldom of

Orkney. In 1195, Shetland came under the direct rule of Norway for purposes of tax and

tribute. It was returned to the earldom of Orkney in 1379 C.E. When Sweden and

Norway were brought under the rule of Denmark in 1397 C.E., the Shetlands also became

part of Denmark (Small 1983:28-29). In 1469 C.E., the Danish princess Margrethe

married the Scottish King James III. Not having enough money for her dowry,

Margrethe’s father pledged the Shetland Islands to Scotland until he was able to obtain

the funds (Roesdahl 1991:214). He was not able to do so. Though attempts have been

made since to reclaim the islands for Denmark, Scotland has refused to cooperate, and the

Shetlands remain a part of Scotland today (Small 1983:29).

Some Scotsmen moved to Shetland even before it became a part of Scotland

(Small 1983:29). The official transfer to Scotland, however, opened the way for Scottish

immigrants; later, it allowed individual Scottish “lairds” (lords) to claim large portions of

the country that had previously been owned by those who worked the land. By 1700

C.E., the residents of Shetland who did not belong to the lairds’ families were tenants

under them. The rent required by the lairds increased through time. In the 1800’s, large

numbers of people were removed from the land that they had occupied or tilled or grazed

so that the lairds could have these lands for their personal uses. Many Shetlanders were

forced to leave the islands altogether. The complaints of tenants in the 1870’s to the

Scottish government promoted investigations into the current state of life in these islands.

The Liberal government, which was in power at the time, passed an act in 1886 C.E. that

declared that the tenants should have the security of tenure, as well as reimbursement for

improvements that they made to the buildings they occupied. Scottish concern for the

well being of, as well as their curiosity about, Shetlanders continued to increase in part

because of studies done on and books written about the islands. With ships traveling

more frequently to and from mainland Scotland in the later half of the nineteenth century,

however, many inhabitants left the island to find more secure work than could be

provided by fishing and farming (fishing may have begun to replace farming as the

principal subsistence focus during the Norse occupation; see Chapter 4) in a region where

poor weather sometimes too easily created famine. Shetland’s population decreased until

the 1960’s, when the discovery of oil created new, well-paying jobs, encouraging people

to stay on or return to the islands. Inevitably though, a change will occur when the oil is

depleted (Nicolson 1990:19-25, 35-36, 168-172, 191-194).

Whether politically a part of Norway, Denmark, or Scotland, Shetland is its own

place historically and culturally. Once the Norse and (pre-laird) Scotsmen had settled

down, though their respective cultures were different, both groups were Shetlanders, who

developed a lifestyle that suited the islands. The subsequent fusion of these two people

was reinforced by their struggles with the lairds. The way of life that developed became

known as crofting. In this system, crops, animal husbandry, and fishing were combined to

create a decent living. Generally, on-shore jobs were the responsibility of the women,

while the more dangerous offshore tasks were that of the men. This was reinforced by

the amount of fish required by the lairds as part of their tenants’ rent. By this time, fish

were the most important commodity produced in Shetland (Nicolson 1990:21, 50-52,


Crofters were organized into townships in which cropland was divided through

the system of “runrig”. Under its rules, arable land was divided into rigs or strips, with

alternating strips worked by different people. This was done to give each family more or

less equal access to all the different qualities of land in the country—no single family or

group of families, then, could control the best land. The result was a complicated system

in which each family had land dispersed throughout the farm or township. Though

complex, it was seen as fair, especially since one piece of land was seen as equal to

another only when it could produce an amount equal to the other. While requiring much

cooperation, this system was not a cooperative (Nicolson 1990:51, 53; Thomson 1998).

This synopsis of Shetland’s prehistory and history provides a background from

which the settlement at Jarlshof can be appreciated. It indicates that Jarlshof is

extraordinary in its preservation of Viking Age remains and for the wealth of remains in

general, and it therefore embodies a long portion of Shetland’s human occupation. This

history also gives an indication of the unique way in which the culture of the islands

developed. Though greatly influenced by the Scottish lairds, much of this development

has its roots (as will be seen) in the Viking Age.

Chapter 3
The Vikings

The term “Viking” may be derived from “Vik,” which may have been a harbor in

southern Norway that became central to raiding expeditions. Vik was definitely a word

in Old Norse that meant bay or harbor; in Old English, it also meant “refuge.” From this

term came the phrase “a-viking,” as in to go a-viking or raiding a distant town.

Technically, the term Norse refers to those people who spoke Old Norse (the Germanic

people of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark). While Viking refers to those Norse who

traveled abroad as marauders of foreign lands and often as conquerors of them, the term

is only applied when the land was previously inhabited. In recent times, the term has

been used in a much broader sense to refer to all the speakers of Old Norse during the

“Viking Age” (Fitzhugh 2000:14).

3.1 History of Viking Raiding and Colonization

Archaeologists, as well as social anthropologists, see the Viking Age as the last

stage of the Iron Age. Historians, on the other hand, see it as the beginning of the high

Middle Age (Myhre 1998:3-4). The Viking Age is typically viewed as starting in 793

C.E./1157 B.P. with a raid on the Lindisfarne monastery in England. Identifying a

beginning date for the Viking Age, however, is complicated by a several factors. Some

raiding recorded slightly prior to 793 may or may not have been caused by Vikings; and

eastward expansion of Scandinavians began prior to this date. In addition, some types of

artifacts associated with the Viking Age date to the mid-eighth century or perhaps earlier

(Myhre 1998:5; Roesdahl 1991:9-10). Concerning this last objection, some scholars state

that “Viking activity,” i.e., raiding and settling, should define the Age and that the C.E.

793 date is appropriate (Myhre 1998:6).

3.1.1 Finland and Russia
The Norse traveled eastward into Finland and Russia, beginning at least as early

as the mid-seventh century. In this expansion, they were probably more interested in

wealth from trade and tribute, rather than from raiding. The inland waterways allowed

them to travel as far as the Byzantine Empire, though sometimes this required a portage

to the next river. These eastward-traveling Vikings also came to rule the Eastern Slavs

and founded the kingdom of Kiev (Edgren 2000:103-106; Roesdahl 1991:277-282). The

first true raids, however, occurred to the west.

3.1.2 England
The first definitive Viking raid was that on the English Lindisfarne monastery in

793. The initial raid on Ireland came two years after this. The next few decades brought

many more raids on both west Britain and Ireland. The focus shifted to England in the

830s. Monasteries were the typical targets, with some monasteries raided multiple times.

One result of this was the recording of these occurrences by the monks who witnessed

them (Batey and Sheehan 2000:127-129).

Vikings overwintered in England for the first time in 850. It was not until 865,

however, that their goals changed from looting to occupation (Batey and Sheehan
2000:130). From this year until 876, an army of perhaps 2,000 to 3,000 men marched

across England in a zigzagging line, conquering it piece by piece. This campaign finally

ended when many of the Vikings settled in Northumbria and began to set up a permanent

community. Place name evidence testifies that the colonizers were a mixture of Danes

and Norwegians (Roesdahl 1991:247, 334-336). One more attack was attempted not long
after Northumbria was settled, but the counterattack was successful enough to draw it to a

standstill (Batey and Sheehan 2000:131).

In 885, “Danelaw,” the area under Norse control, was officially established over

much of England. Over the years, battles that weakened Danelaw over particular regions

continued to take place between the Norse and the Anglo-Saxons. In 954, the death of

the Viking King, Erik Bloodaxe, finally caused its demise (Batey and Sheehan


When silver ceased to flow from the east around 980, Vikings turned their

attention back to Britain. In 1016, however, Cnut of Denmark managed to become the

king of all of England, after which he put an end to the raiding and attempted to atone for

the grievances of the English caused by Viking violence and domination. Cnut’s son,

Edward, who had been ruling England, died in 1066. Shortly afterwards, William the

Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, became king of England after Norman victory at the

Battle of Hastings. This victory was the last of the attacks that the Norse perpetrated on

Great Britain and continental Europe (Roesdahl 1991:209, 250-258; Morris


3.1.3 Ireland
The Vikings first overwintered in Ireland in the 840s. The Irish military

responded, often victoriously. Beginning about 915, the Vikings established several

trading towns along the east coast of Ireland. The urban character of this particular type

of settlement pattern is unique for the Norse (Batey and Sheehan 2000:129-131, 134-


Like England, Ireland was influenced by both the Danish and the Norwegians,

and both of these countries became involved in local politics. Though they were not able

to dominate a large portion of the land as they did in England, the Vikings in Ireland took

part in inter-tribal warfare. Sometime, they even found themselves on opposing sides

(Loyn 1995:34-36; Roesdahl 1991:240).

3.1.4 Manx Kingdom and Scotland

When the Isle of Man and Scotland were first colonized is unknown (Roesdahl

1991:211). When the Vikings arrived, these two countries were inhabited by tribal Celts

(Sutherland 1994:26). Thus, no towns existed prior to their arrival, and the Vikings did

not create any; their settlements were rural in nature. They took control of the entirety of

Man, resulting in the most complete merging of Norse and Celtic populations of the era.

This Manx kingdom eventually contained Scotland’s western islands (Roesdahl

1991:211, 214, 216-220). Archaeological evidence, however, is scarce in this kingdom,

with the exception of the Isle of Man, where a few buildings have been excavated. There

is also little evidence of Viking settlement on the coastal areas of mainland Scotland

(Batey and Sheehan 2000:131, 138; Roesdahl 1991:218). Outside of the Manx kingdom

and mainland Scotland, linguistic and place name evidence demonstrate the complete

conquest of the Orkney and Shetland island groups (Roesdahl 1991:212).

3.1.5 The European Continent

In 799, the first recorded attack on the Frankish Empire took place. The Vikings

concentrated on Frisia, a province of the empire “that stretched from southern Denmark

to the western Netherlands” (Price 2000:116). This aggression came as a shock because,

previously, the Norse had been peaceful traders. In the 830s, when the focus of raiding

shifted away from Ireland, forces previously in Ireland also moved to Frisia. From 834 to

837, Danes raided and burned the Frankish town of Dorestad once a year. In 837, an

army led by Emperor Louis the Pious put an end to this raiding, along with a brewing

local rebellion. His death in 840, however, plunged Frankia into a civil war that lasted

for three years. Not only did the Viking attack as never before, but their involvement in

local politics sometimes led to different groups of Viking assaulting each other (again).

By the time the war ended, the Vikings were in an even stronger position to raid the

territory. Except for when paid not to attack, the raids continued in full force until the

Frankish emperor, Charles the Bald, put into action a full-scale response in 862 by

blocking rivers and making alliances with Vikings so that they would attack other

Vikings. In 865, the Vikings transferred their focus to England until 879 (see above for

intervening events in England). The Frankish Empire split in 887 when Charles was

dethroned. The new leaders, Odo in the west and Arnulf in the east, lead military

campaigns and established fortifications to drive away the Vikings (Price 2000:116-121).

Norse interest in the region was renewed in 896, particularly around the Seine

River. They were granted land around Rouen in 911 on the condition that they would

stop raiding and protect the vicinity from other raiders. They did not, however, follow

this agreement, and their leader, Rollo, led more raids around the Seine. William

Longsword, Rollo’s son, expanded Viking territory. In 933, a treaty that created the

province of Normandy solidified the borders of this territory. By this time, the Norse

were protecting the area, as they were supposed to do originally. The archaeological

evidence points to a quick assimilation of the Normans into Frankish culture (Price


3.1.6 The Faeroes, Iceland, and Unsuccessful Colonies

Some regions that the Norse settled were not taken by force because the lands

were uninhabited before their arrival. The Faeroe Islands were colonized, probably by

Norwegians, around the same time as the Shetlands were invaded by the Vikings (see

Chapter 2). Changes in native vegetation of the kind that result from human activities

indicate that people were present in the seventh century. No artifacts have been found

from this period though, and medieval literature states that the islands were first occupied

about 825 (Arge 2000:154). Also according to medieval literature, the Norse began

colonizing Iceland in 870, which had been empty up to that point with the exception of a

few Irish hermits (Miller 1990:13-14). Geology shows that this date is approximately

correct. About 871, a volcanic explosion covered the island in ash; layer of debris can

still be found in most parts of Iceland, a foot or two under the current ground surface.

The oldest sites are found to have been established not long after the eruption

(Vésteinsson 2000:164).

The new society of Iceland was organized as a commonwealth, which ended

when it came under Norwegian rule in 1262 (Thorláksson 2000:175). Though Norse

people are still in Iceland today, other colonies did not meet with success. At the

beginning of the second millennia, Icelanders began a colony in Greenland. The reasons

for its failure in the mid-fifteenth century are not completely understood. Worsening

weather conditions in Greenland’s already harsh climate may have combined with a

lessening of population pressure in Iceland due to plague, so that those surviving in

Greenland emigrated back to Iceland (Lynnerup 2000:292-294). The Norse also reached

North America proper from Greenland. Though one Norse encampment has been found

at L’anse Aux Meadows in Newfoundland, literary and archaeological evidence indicate

that a North American colony was not successful for any length of time. The sagas (see

below) attest that conflicts with skraelings, i.e., the previous inhabitants of the land, had

much to do with this failure (Wallace 2000:208-216).

3.1.7 Viking Literature

A fascinating body of literature was produced by Icelanders during the Medieval

period. This work is the result of the recording of Icelandic oral literature (Sigurdsson

2000:186). This body of work and Norse archaeology are the sources for most of our

knowledge of the culture history of the Norse in the Viking Age. While some of its

accounts of bishops were recorded when the events happened, all other narratives were

recorded at a significant time after they are supposed to have occurred (Fridriksson

1994:2-3), and thus are not necessarily reliable. Because of this, the Viking era inhabits a

liminal stage between prehistory and history that has been dubbed proto-history (Miller

1990:44-46). The conditions that created this transitional stage in Norse chronology also

created the conditions that resulted in the Viking raids.

3.2 Reasons For Raiding

Archaeological evidence indicates that the Norse were traders before they were

marauders and conquerors. Throughout the Viking Age, some Norse probably continued

trading with Europe, as attested by the sagas. One person could even easily change his

role as needed (Postan 1973:148-149). Why did anyone risk his good relations and even

his life by raiding? The simple and immediate answer is that that it was lucrative (Price

2000:117). The conditions that existed in Norse and other European societies that

contributed to raiding, however, are much more complex, and the picture is still not

entirely clear.

3.2.1 Population Pressure and Internal Strife

Previously, one of the most popular theories for Viking raiding cited population

pressure as the primary cause. Some scholars still argue for this, at least concerning

Norway (Sawyer 2000:29). The warming trends that started before and extended into the

Viking Age and increased cereal production may have promoted an increase in

population throughout the Norse world. Botanical evidence exists for this increase.

Population pressure may be especially significant with respect to Norway. Prior to the

Viking period, Denmark and Sweden may have been somewhat politically centralized,

while Norway was still controlled by chieftains. As such, redistribution was still an

integral part of its economy; redistribution included the giving of precious gifts to loyal

underlings. Also prior to the Viking period proper, wealth was flowing into Norse

regions from trade, mercenary expeditions, and possibly from pirate activities. An

abundance of native resources due to beneficial weather conditions may have provided

wealth to purchase foreign treasure. Such conditions would have resulted in an increase

in the number of competing chieftains. Those who were not successful, as well as their

underlings, may have sought fame and fortune elsewhere (McGovern 1980-81:288-290).

According to Myhre (1998:11-16), however, archaeology, has yet to demonstrate

that settlement expansion took place immediately prior to or during the early Viking Age

(before 1000). Even areas in Norway that had been abandoned in the sixth and seventh

centuries were not resettled. Neither were non-agrarian resources, such as iron,

soapstone, slate, reindeer, and elk, exploited more at this time than in previous eras.

Rather than overpopulation in general, overpopulation in selected classes may

have been a contributing factor. While the Norse did not practice primogeniture, the

eldest son did have more inheritance rites than other sons did. Rather than breaking up

farms and risk ruining their own farms and the farms of their relatives, some younger

sons may have decided to seek status by exploiting regions away from home (Loyn


3.2.2 Religion
Some monks of the day blamed the fact that the Norse (for the most part) still

practiced their indigenous (“heathen”) religion for Norse assaults on British monasteries

(Batey and Sheehan 2000:127). The Norse, however, were not the only aggressive

people in Great Britain at this time. The Irish tribes also fiercely fought each other.

Sources that were not so blatantly biased as those left by the monks demonstrate that no

clear separation of Norse and Irish aggression during the Viking Age can be made

(Sawyer 1982:361). The more biased accounts demonstrate that the destructive power of

the Viking was exaggerated for “literary reasons or because of nationalistic fervour”

(Roesdahl 1991:191-192). The main reason that monasteries were targeted for plunder is

probably that much easily portable wealth was stored in these building (Batey and

Sheehan 2000:128). Whether or not the Viking ever ransacked monasteries with the

intention of desecrating religious buildings cannot be said for certain. If this is so, they

probably did this to revolt against social changes that would be brought about if the

missionaries in their homelands were successful (Loyn 1995:15).

3.2.3 Allure of Foreign Wealth

Another source of concentrated wealth was the trade towns that were emerging in

northern Europe and western Asia at the beginning of the period. However, many of

these towns were in politically unstable areas (with the exception of the Byzantine

Empire). This made the trading towns relatively easy to plunder (Roesdahl 1991:189).

One “item” that the Viking took by force was probably much easier to obtain by

raiding than by negotiation, because of the lack of people selling the item. This item was

slaves. Even after the Vikings settled in a conquered territory, the settlers needed slaves

and often took them by force (Loyn 1995:17-18).

3.2.4 Creating Alliances and Status
The driving forces behind Viking raiding were probably buried deep in Norse

society itself. As noted above, at the beginning of the Viking period, Norway was

composed of chieftaincies for which redistribution of costly items was important in

maintaining alliances. Though more politically centralized, the situation was not much

different in Denmark and Sweden. Important areas of all three countries were unified at

different times through the Viking age. As long as the regions of a kingdom remained

independent (i.e., maintained regional laws), they were able to overthrow unpopular

rulers and cause the disintegration of kingdoms. The aristocracy, however, was

accumulating more power with the passage of time. By the end of the Viking period, the

countries of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark had solidified (Jorgenson 2000:72-75;

Roesdahl 1991:64-65). Alliances of the upper class through much of this period,

however, were still held together by the giving of gifts. Rings were an especially

common gift. The wearing of such a gift displayed one’s loyalty. Raiders often stole

items that were such appropriate gifts, for instance swords, jewelry, or other items that

could be made into jewelry or cut up for dispersal. Therefore, a major reason behind the

Viking raids was to obtain items to build or maintain political alliances (Batey and

Sheehan 2000:130; Jorgensen 2000:72). The emphasis on status is reflected in poetry and

rune stones (carvings written in the native script that commemorate the lives of

individuals), which speak of people who directly acquired higher rank through raiding or

of powerful people who sent others to raid for them (Roesdahl 1991:188-189).

Another hypothesis for the development of Viking raiding states that it may have

been a simple extension of a pre-existing local pattern; in other words, prior to the

“Viking Age,” instead of invading foreign lands, the Norse assaulted each other. The

harshness of this possibility is made more understandable when considering that, as

exhibited by the sagas, in this society that forthrightness of one’s intentions and actions

(e.g., plundering) was much more honorable than manipulation (e.g., stealing secretively)

(Dubois 1999:137).

3.2.5 Conclusion
Ultimately, a combination of the above theories probably explains the scenario

better than any single theory. The circumstances (already mentioned) at the turn of the

ninth century made expansion of raiding more profitable (Roesdahl 1991:189-190). In

addition to this, consolidation of power was taking place in the Norse homelands

(Jorgensen 2000:75). If the Norse had been raiding each other, this would no longer have

been permitted, and the attacks may have been turned outward.

The consolidation of power also probably displaced many previously high-

ranking people (a particular problem if, as stated previously, more wealth was being

created through the warming trend of the time) and generally created grudges because of

the strictness of the new hierarchy. This would have given people a reason to find a new

home. One saga (discussed below) indicates that this shift was the reason that Iceland

and Shetland were settled by the Norse (Roesdahl 1991:188).

With the organization of various European powers came the strength necessary to

impede the Vikings to a point at which their activities were no longer profitable. In the

case of Frankia, this occurred in the first half of the tenth century. In the case of England,

Denmark itself halted raiding in the first half of the eleventh century. In both cases, the

Vikings either then dispersed or settled. Norse society also became more integrated into

the rest of European affairs. The conversion to Christianity played no small role in this

(Loyn 21:1994). The most important internal factor that brought the Viking Age to an

end, however, is undoubtedly the change in economy. The power once maintained

through gift giving was now held through relatively anonymous regulation and taxation

of trade by the now politically centralized governments of Norway, Sweden, and

Denmark. Not only was violence no longer beneficial to the economy, it was detrimental

(Hedeager 1994:138-139).

3.3 Shetland Viking Homeland
From where did the Norse immigrants to Shetland emigrate? As mentioned

earlier, most of the texts concerning the Viking Era were written after the fact. Though

Shetland has no saga of its own, its settlement is mentioned in Egil Skallagrimsson’s

Saga. According to this saga, residents of Norway fled when King Harold Fairhair was

in the process of consolidating power. Among their stopping places was Shetland

(Fenton 1978:12). Swedish Vikings tended to travel eastward, while Danes did not

become widely involved in Viking activities until after the settlement of Shetland

(Wainwright 1962:141). On one hand, this is not a specific answer, as Norway

encompasses a wide region. On the other, Sweden and Denmark did produced Vikings,

so settlers potentially could have come from these countries.

The particular dialect of Norse that developed on Shetland is known as Norn.

This language survived until the eighteenth century (Roesdahl 1991:214). At the end of

the nineteenth century, Jakob Jakobsen found that more than 10,000 Norn words survived

in the Shetland vocabulary. On the basis of comparison, Jakobsen pronounced that the

settlers’ homeland was southwest Norway (Figure 4, regions I, II, III). Jakobsen also

noted that Shetland had healthy trade links with Norway until the early nineteenth

century, and this was the reason why Norn was closer to Norwegian than was Icelandic or

Faeroese (Nicolson 1990:40). That recent interactions and linguistics studies based on

current languages may have given the false appearance of Norse migration from

southwest Norway did not occur to him (Crawford 1987:115).

Place names tend to change less with time that does the rest of language. Thus,

one might look for Danish or Swedish linguist elements in place names for evidence of

Norse migration from those countries. In Shetland, the Danish element –thorpe does

rarely occur. The name itself refers to a “secondary, outlying settlement” (Crawford

1987:115). Several names, such as Dainaberg, may make reference to the Danes. Such

place names, though, were most likely given by non-Danes who saw Danish settlers in

Shetland as unusual. All other available place name evidence confirms that the Norse in

Shetland came from Norway. Specifically, it concentrates on Møre in central Norway

(Figure 4, region IV) (Wainwright 1962:141-146).

Figure 4. The regions of Norway (redrawn after Wainwright 1962:145)

Another source of information concerning the origin of the Shetlanders comes

from physical anthropology. The contents of 50 graves on St. Ninian’s Isle from a

cemetery in use from the Viking Age to the eighteenth century were used in a comparison

of skulls from Shetland and Norway (Berry 1974). The study found that the Shetlanders

“diverge[d] considerably” when compared to all of Norway (Berry 1974:355). When

compared only with fifty skulls recovered from the district of Jaeren, the divergence

shrinks greatly. The Jaeren skulls, which come from medieval ossuaries, may themselves

represent an older Norwegian population that was pushed inland by later Iron Age

people. Jaeren is located in the district of Rogaland (Figure 4, region II), which is within

the same region Jakobsen believed the Norse settlers to have come (Berry 1974:346-347,

355). Without skulls from elsewhere in Shetland to compare with those of St. Ninian’s

Isle and of Norway, whether all Viking Shetlanders emigrated from Jaeren is unknown.

3.4 Firehouses and Longhouses

During the Viking Period of Jarlshof, two significant architectural changes took

place. One is the clustering of residential building (discussed below); the other is a

change in these buildings from firehouses to being longhouses.

The Icelandic sagas commonly refer to the Viking dwelling as a skáli or firehouse

or fire-hall. This building was almost uniform throughout the Norse realm at the

beginning of the Viking period (though debate continues to this day concerning whether

the longer walls of the buildings in some regions were actually curved or whether this

effect is an illusion brought by degradation of the structures). As shown by House 1 at

Jarlshof, a skáli consisted of one elongated rectangular room. A long rectangular hearth

—a longfire— ran through the middle. Along the two extended sides of the building

were benches, used for sitting during the day and sleeping at night as told in Grettir’s

Saga. Two rows of posts placed along the inside edges of the benches supported the roof.

In regions such as Norway and Iceland, turf was the common building material (Simpson

1967:49-50; Stoklund 1984:98, 100; Urbanczyk 1992:84-85, 88). As seen in Shetland,

walls could also consist of an earth core with stone faces.

The symbolic importance of certain elements of the skáli is indicated in sagas that

recount the removal of the “high seat pillars” to a new home. Though no saga gives a

description of these pillars that were a part of the most important seat in the house, they

do state that the pillars were often thrown overboard by early settlers to Iceland. The

immigrants would then colonize the spot where the pillars landed. Thus, a portion of the

settler’s old home was used in an omen for the building of a new home.

The symbolic importance of the skáli is also greatly emphasized by their

continued use in areas where they were not economical. One such region is Greenland,

which did not have the trees (or an alternative fuel source, such as peat) to feed the large

hearth. Such persistence is not unique to the Norse, as immigrants in all times and places

may be comforted by the familiarity not just of the construction but also of the symbolic

meanings that inform how one should act (Stoklund 1984:98, 100). The uniformity of

dwellings at the beginning of the Viking period is also indicative of “cultural integration,

a harmony regarding the goals, norms and values of life” (Stoklund 1980:122).

In time, Norse housing diverged, as widely separated Norse adapted to specific

conditions. Yet, the separate settlements continued to influence each other. Longfires

went out of use by Phase V of Jarlshof (as will be seen). This change in hearths may be

taken as evidence for the influence of the European Stube or stofa (Bigelow 1987:34), a

room whose original use is uncertain (Stoklund 1984:101). What is known is that it

spread through the Norse regions as an adjunct to the house that functioned as a “daily

room,” whereas the skáli became a “bedroom” (Urbanczyk 1992:85).

Much more significant at Jarlshof is the switch from firehouses to longhouses. A

longhouse is a building that houses both humans and livestock, and inhabitants can move

from one part to the other without stepping outside (Fenton 1982:231). The change at

Jarlshof (and elsewhere) is also accompanied by the abandonment of the use of

outbuildings. The name “longhouse” is a literal translation of the Welsh term (ty hir) for

such a building (Beresford 1979:124)

The late Viking Age Norse were not the first to build longhouses. The Iron-Age

(Pre-Viking) Norwegians also used them. By the Viking Age though, the byre (where

cows were housed) was separate from the human dwellings, with the exception of a few

houses in northern Norway (Myhre 1998:13). Longhouses may be much older than this,

though. There are long rectangular buildings of timber, wattle, and daub, on the

continent in the Rhineland and in the Alpine region from the Neolithic. They were first

thought to be simply barns that were divided into two parts but are now thought to be

longhouses (Bradford 1979:309-310). Longhouses may also been discovered in pre-

Common Age Denmark. All the houses considered are indeed long in length, compared

to their width. One such house was divided in two by a clay partition. One other does

not evidence a partition, but one end contained the remains on animals killed in the fire

that destroyed the house. In yet another, however, the animals and humans may have

lived together. At two others, there is nothing to indicate the presence of animals

(Roussell 1934:40-43). Examples have also been found in Germany in the seventh and

eighth centuries (Beresford 1979:125). Given this tantalizing but slim evidence of

longhouses at early dates throughout western Europe, it is possible that longhouses

diffused into Scandinavia in the Iron Age (Fenton 1978:114; Ingstad 1977:157).

In both Shetland and the Orkneys, archaeological evidence shows Norse usage of

longhouses to be after that of firehouses (Fenton 1978:114). The same is true of Iceland

and Greenland, where longhouses appeared in late medieval times (Fenton 1982:231;

Fenton 1985:171). The practice of housing livestock with humans carried on unaltered in

Shetland and the Orkneys (with regional variations) until the nineteenth centuries (Fenton

1978:114-115). In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the longhouse also became

widespread in mainland Britain (Beresford 1978:125). With the evidence that the earliest

longhouses were built in the eleventh century or twelfth century during Phase V, those at

Jarlshof are among the first in British Isles (Beresford 1979:125). Interestingly, buildings

at Underhoull (on Unst, Shetland) exhibit a pattern opposite that of Jarlshof and of

Britain, Iceland, and Greenland. First, a longhouse was built. Later, the same structure

was used for human occupancy only, with outhouses nearby (Fenton 1982:231; Small

1982:247-248). Because of its exceptional nature, the progression of structures at

Underhoull will be considered an anomaly, indicative of something idiosyncratic at that


Longhouses in thirteenth and fourteenth mainland Britain may in part be

connected to the practices of Anglo-Saxon ancestors in Germany (Ingstad 1977:157). The

forces that instigated the change at Jarlshof, however, as well as in the more northerly

isles, are uncertain. Conjectures, of course, abound.

3.5 Theories Concerning the Change From Firehouses to Longhouses

Diffusion, environment, cultural values, and economy have all been cited as

possible causes for the change from firehouses to longhouses. The longhouse appears

inconsistently in time and space. It cannot be clearly defined as belonging to or

originating with a particular group(s). The possibility exists that it was brought from

mainland Britain, as noted above. At present, however, lack of data renders this

hypothesis impossible to prove or disprove (Bigelow 1987:33; Fenton 1978:114).

One of the most widely accepted environmental explanations for the inception of

longhouses is the cooling trend that began in the thirteenth or fourteenth centuries. In

longhouses, humans benefited from the warmth of livestock. This explanation, however,

is problematic because not only are the first longhouses estimated to have appeared 100

to 200 years prior to “The Little Ice Age” (a widespread cooling in this region of the

world), but people in Iceland and Greenland did not begin constructing buildings with

humans and cattle under the same roof until sometime after the beginning of climatic

change. Even then, direct communication between human and livestock regions of the

house was typically lacking (Bigelow 1987:33; Urbanczyk 1992:86).

Another environmental theory concerning the adoption of the longhouse is that

shortages of fuel forced the change in housing. The immigrants to Iceland and Greenland

quickly used the wood supplies of these islands; after this, they had no readily obtainable

fuel source for fires. With respect to these regions, no reason exists to reject the theory

that housing changed in order to keep the inhabitants warm. Shetland had no supply of

wood, other than driftwood, to decimate. The source of fuel that it proffered was peat.

Peat is abundant in Shetland, and it is still sometimes used as fuel today. No fuel crisis is

known to have occurred in Viking times to facilitate the change in architecture in these

islands (Urbanczyk 1992:86; Bigelow 1987:33).

Another theory explaining the adoption of the longhouse appeals to status.

Bigelow (1987:33) states that, because cows were prestigious items, they were subject to

special treatment, such as having the privilege of living with and being warmed by their

keepers. On the other hand, the Orkneyinga Saga refers to skáli (firehouses) in

association with high status. By the modern era, no such connotation exists; the modern

Norwegian word skåle means “a shed, hut or shack” (Lamb 1997:14). Whatever high

status longhouses may once have had, it had disappeared in more recent times. In the

eighteenth century, a minister who was visiting Shetland remarked that cohabitation with

cattle in longhouses was a mark of the lower class (Fenton 1978:114; Fenton 1985:170).

To look at the architectural changes in a general sense: when people create

colonies, there may be a simplification of ranking as the new society organizes itself.

This new egalitarianism may be result of several forces, one of which is that colonists

may come as a group from a particular social class. With reference to Shetland, many of

those that led the move to these islands had to have had some wealth, as they necessarily

owned ships (Fenton 1978:19). If the sagas are to be believed, they would have also had

a stake in protecting the previous social structure, which was less hierarchical than the

one that was evolving in Scandinavia. Other social classes, however, especially slaves,

may have come with them, so inequality would have remained.

In theory, another reason for increased egalitarianism would be the relatively

small initial population, which required less hierarchy to regulate it. With the

accompanying social reorganization of new colonies, old roles may become obsolete as

new opportunities arise; that is, new positions may have become available within the new

society. The nature of the migration also affects the social outcome—the less ordered the

move, the more likely the possibility that people can change their ranks. Will and skill

also come into play in these more fluid circumstances as they could not in a longer

established society.

Inequality will return, however. Assuming the colony is successful, the

population will grow. The larger the population, the greater the resulting social

stratification. Growing stratification will of course produce various signatures of the

upper and lower classes. As noted earlier, similarity in architecture tends to signify

similarity of goals. In the case of Shetland, the change in architecture from firehouses to

longhouses may be indicative of diverging social classes.

Both of the cultural theories may have been correct for different regions. They

are, however, mutually exclusive, so only one should apply to Jarlshof. According to the

first, the adoption of longhouses at Jarlshof is indicative of higher status. According to

the second, it is characteristic of a lower status. The former, though, is based on literary

evidence much closer to the time in question than the linguistic observation and the

minister’s observation, which may be a product of a later development.

Few other pieces of evidence give any clues, and may only serve to complicate

the argument. As discussed earlier, Viking Jarlshof may have had relatively high status in

the region because it may have been a favorable resting point for travelers from Norway

to mainland Britain and vice versa. Ships stopping at this point could leave either east or

west in order to avoid the tide-race. Therefore, it was potentially a good trading site.

One the other hand, Crawford (1984:40) claims that the Dynrost region would generally

have been avoided due to the danger of the tide-race. Perhaps the most paradoxical

evidence with regards to class, however, is the archaeological material itself. Few

artifacts found at the site were “exotic imported material” (Morris 1985:215). The only

other indication of status at the site was the presence of pig remains. Bigelow (1985:120)

hypothesized that pigs may have been high status domesticates because pigs are an

animal that produces nothing useful to humans besides meat and are often destructive to


The explanation with the most evidence for the architectural change concerns the

economy (Bigelow 1987:33). The faunal evidence at Sandwick demonstrates that cattle

bones became increasingly common in the twelfth through the fourteenth centuries. Most

of these bones are from young calves. The scant faunal evidence available from Jarlshof

indicates much the same thing. This suggests that cattle were used more for milk

production than for meat. Keeping cows warm greatly increases their milk production.

Thus, longhouses may be correlated with increased milk production in the twelfth

century. This increase not only coincides with the estimated introduction of longhouses

(late eleventh century to early twelfth century during Phase V at Jarlshof) but is

contemporaneous with the introduction of taxes and tithing in the late eleventh and early

twelfth centuries, which were paid mainly in butter and cloth.

Subsistence studies were not of much concern at the time Jarlshof was excavated.

Only the species of the bones found and the general location in which they were found

were recorded. This record is relegated to an appendix in Hamilton’s Excavations at

Jarlshof, Shetland (Hamilton 1956:212-215) and subsistence is not further discussed.

Thus, when investigating questions of economy, information from Jarlshof is wanting.

The site can only be compared with sites that have undergone more thorough

investigations, but direct comparisons are limited.

In relation to economic trends at Jarlshof, it should be noted that currently a

controversy exists regarding the possibility of an increase of the importance of fishing in

Orkney and Shetland at the beginning of the Viking Era (Donaldson, Morris, and

Rackham 1981:77). Another controversy also exists regarding the possibility of a greater

frequency of fishing during the Viking Era. Evidence from Jarlshof gave the first clues

regarding these issues—primarily that larger fish were caught at the beginning of the era

and that the number of steatite line sinkers recovered increased from Phase V onward

(Donaldson, Morris, and Rackham 1981; Hamilton 1956:157). Other Scottish sites (Old

Scatness, Shetland [Nicholson 1998:108-109; 2002:71], Underhoull, Unst, Shetland,

Buckquoy, Orkney [Donaldson, Morris, Rackham 1981:77], Skaill, Orkney [Nicholson

1997:245], Freswick Links, Scotland [Morris, Batey, and Rackham 1995:190-191], and

Robert’s Haven [Barrett 1997:634]) have since been excavated, but give contradictory

evidence if these sites are to be viewed as part of one system. Moreover, the arguments,

not the least of which includes recovery methods and survival of remains (Morris

1985:228), surrounding this issue deserve an essay to themselves. Only a brief summary

can be given here.

One explanation of why fishing may have increased in the middle of Norse

occupation simply relies on the scarceness of arable land and the onset of “The Little Ice

Age” (Bigelow 1992:19). Another, much more involved conjecture, posits that the

increase was due to the transition of Shetland from a subsistence economy to one that

created surpluses that allowed for increased interaction with regions outside of Shetland,

namely in the form of trade, taxes, and tithes (Bigelow 1985:116, 119, 123;1992:17-19).

In this theory, Bigelow relies heavily on evidence from the site of Sandwick and its

comparison to Jarlshof. In the 11th century, fish and line sinkers were deposited with a

greater frequency at Sandwick than previously. In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries,

line sinkers for a specialized form of fishing were created. Many small fish (saithe) that

were used for local consumption were recovered. Larger fish (cod) were also deposited

at the site. This type of fish could have been utilized in trade or taxes. As discussed

above, an apparent increase in milk production also took place at Sandwick, as evidenced

by the increase in calf bones. An increase in imported objects or artifacts that copy

objects that could have been imported also contribute to the idea of interaction with those

outside of Shetland.

Norse regions outside of the Northern Isles are known to have increased their

participation in the fish trade during the Middle Ages (11th through the 15th centuries).

Norway and Iceland could only grow limited amounts of cereals even in good years, so

fish was often traded for grain. As is hypothesized for Shetland, the proceeds from trade

in Norway also came to support the government through taxes (Barrett 1997:616;

Perdikaris 1999:388-391, 395). Interestingly, this accords with the supposition (Chapter

2) that the Viking Age ended with the transition from a gift economy to a one based on

wealth through trade and taxation. Britain and continental Europe also had a demand for

fish for reasons ranging from military use to Lenten food (Barrett 1997:616).

3.6 Clustering Over Time

Over time, more contemporaneous human dwellings came to be present at

Jarlshof. Hamilton recognized this as the result of the division of land through

inheritance according to odal or udal law (1956:136). This aspect of the site deserves

more detailed attention.

3.6.1 Odal Law, Clustering, and Environment

Odal law was a Norse system of land ownership and inheritance with its roots in

ancestral Germanic law (Larson 1935a:vii). One version of this system was incorporated

into the Gulathing laws, which were written down in the eleventh and twelfth centuries

and which applied to western Norway and later to Shetland. According to these laws,

odallers were a distinct class with rank above that of non-land holding freemen and below

that of nobility. The odaller had “complete ownership of the land” (Robberstad 1983:49-

51); i.e., no one else of higher rank had control over the use of the land. One became an

odaller when he managed to use a piece of land for three to five generations, keeping all

other people who might want the land away from it by force. Once under the domain of

an odaller, land was passed down through inheritance. If present, land was passed to the

children. The heid-bule or main house passed to the eldest son. Other sons received

outland, i.e., land beyond the immediate area of the heid-bule, so as not to break up the

region belonging to the heid-bule. Daughters also received outland, but only half as

much as the sons (Fenton 1978:22, 30). (The complete order of inheritance is complex,

and an implication of this is detailed below.) Though possession of land by an odaller

was “complete,” the odaller and his extended family were the ones considered to own the

land. If the odaller sold it, steps could be taken by the extended family to “redeem” the

land (Larson 1935b:424).

These laws would have naturally followed the Norse to new colonies. Whether

odallers assumed that their old rights applied to their new estates immediately and

whether previous non-land holders could become odallers immediately is not known

(Fenton 1978:22).

The clustering of houses at Jarlshof and elsewhere in Shetland in later times (see

next subsection) has been seen as “peculiarly Scottish.” (Small 1968b:9); this

characterization is reinforced by the single Viking farmsteads scattered throughout the

Faeroes, Iceland, and Greenland. While a Scottish influence is not without possibility at

this early date, no reason exists to assume that this is the reason for the clustering.

Rather, similar conditions in mainland Scotland and Shetland could have led to similar

settlement patterns. Both regions have small patches of arable land. The rest is only

suitable for pastoralism (and hunting in the cases of mainland Scotland). Farmers would

want to settle near the arable land but not on that land itself. Thus, if a separate patch of

arable land did not exist for every nuclear family, then families had to live close to each

other (Fenton 1978:22-23; Small 1968b:10).

Jarlshof is a testament to the rate at which the population of Shetland grew,

whether by immigration or through the native birth rate. This growth is also testified by

place names, which indicate that the islands were fully settled by 900-1000 (Phase III)

(Bigelow 1989:185) (discussed more fully in Chapter 4).

3.6.2 Land Management Practices

Jarlshof may contain evidence of the antiquity of the land management practices

that developed in Shetland, and provides a basis for understanding the antiquity of

settlement patterning in the area from the Viking Age to the Industrial Revolution. The

period from 1750 to 1830 demonstrates pattern of land use that appears to have

developed unimpeded since the beginning of the Viking age. This pattern is more of a

system of rules than a consistent method through which each region was organized.

Three levels of organization occurred: the tenant or household, the house or farm, and the

township. A township was all the farms in a particular region. The farm itself may have

been made up by one or more households. The households of one farm lived close

together and shared the land that belonged to their farm though the method of runrig. In

this system, most arable land (and possible grazing land exclusive of hill pasture) was

divided into a series of strips. Potentially, every other strip could be worked by a

different household. Runrig was not convenient but was seen as fair, since one piece of

land could only be equal to another when it could produce an equal amount of crop. Just

as households were runrig with neighboring households, farms could become runrig with

other farms in their township (Leask, Bradley, and Bradley 1998:85; Thomson 1998).

The reason for this is examined below.

Like the multiplication of houses at Jarlshof, the runrig of farms and township is

believed to have developed through inheritance. In 1790, Rev. John Morison observed

that the splitting of farms was the result of the Lairds efforts to keep as many people on

their properties as possible, so that the tenants could fish for them. Initially, Lairds did

not dictate the manner in which households were to share the land amongst themselves.

Thus, a system originated from the tenants in order to cope with many people on one

piece of land, i.e., runrig. Lairds eventually attempted to break up the system because

they could not keep track of it (Thomson 1998:112, 123). Just as with the layout of

houses at Jarlshof, the households that shared one farm or township in the eighteenth and

nineteenth centuries were clustered together on one piece of land. Given that this

clustering in both Viking and more modern times are related and given that the system of

land management is a folk custom, older than that which the Scottish Lairds wished to

impose, then runrig may have it roots in the days of Jarlshof. Thus, the clustering of

houses at Jarlshof, which exists on no other Viking sites found in Shetland thus far, takes

on addition importance in understanding the history of these islands.

The situation is especially interesting with respect to inheritance laws. As stated

above, the Gulathing laws outline a rather complicated order of inheritance. The folk

rules for inheritance were so complex that the transcriber of the law states at one point

that “the kinship of men can take so many forms that no one can draw up a complete

order of inheritance” (Larson, trans.1935:110). Perhaps, the complexity of land

management was partially related to the complexity of these laws.

3.7 Summary
The Viking Age occurred during a liminal time period. At the beginning, Norse

society was becoming more organized and was expanding its influence beyond previous

limits. The economy at this time was such that it led the Norse to attempt to take

advantage of the rest of Europe; the political situation in the rest of Europe made it

relatively easy for the Vikings to do so. By the end of the period, however, the growth

experienced by the European powers completed the organizational shift that had begun

centuries before. With this, all European societies became more integrated. This

included the Norse, whose society moved into a mutually beneficial relationship with

neighboring countries of its day.

Shetland is an integral part of the Viking story. In it own unique way, it was

subject to all the goings-on and changes in the Viking Era. It was invaded (mostly) by

Norwegians, who at first constructed traditional Scandinavian houses. The architecture

of dwellings changed over time from firehouses to longhouses. The exact cause(s) for

this may never be known, but it may be part and parcel of the end of the Viking Era, the

very thing that brought the Norse to Shetland. The evidence at Jarlshof that an increase

in fishing took place through the Viking Era, though far from conclusive, accords well

with this hypothesis.

Clustering of buildings also occurred early in the Norse history of Shetland. This

is due to an increase in population, the scarcity of arable land, and the need to reside next

to it. In historical times, odal law, Germanic inheritance laws, seems responsible for the

breaking up of arable land into strips that were worked by different people. This system

of land management, known as runrig, possibly stretched back to the very beginning of

Norse Shetland.

Chapter 4
The Picts and the Norse

One of the major issues of the Vikings’ social role in Shetland is whether or not

(and, in the event, to what extent) they interacted with an earlier population on Shetland.

Some scholars have theorized that no Picts were in the islands at the time of Norse

arrival, partly because the Vikings took over so thoroughly. Unfortunately, the Norse

did not write about themselves during times of settlement. Therefore, the longer and the

more widespread Scandinavian influence was in a region, the less likely historical

documents were created concerning Viking times. For instance, in England and Ireland,

historians recorded Viking raids, and these accounts have survived partly because the

Norse did not decimate the native people or destroy their culture. Norse culture, however,

apparently came to pervade the Shetland Islands once the Viking invaded. Since the

Norse did not leave behind historical documents from this time period, there is no written

record addressing the presence or absence of an indigenous population. Even if there had

been a Pictish population present, the Pictish methods of recording contemporary events

would not have been as technologically advanced as those of British historians (Bigelow

1992:13; Morris 1985:210). So, the scant literary, place name, and archaeological

evidence that are available regarding Shetland must be scrutinized in order to determine

what it can show about the possible interactions between the Norse and the Picts.

First, the archaeological and literary evidence for the presence of a Pictish

population at the time of Norse arrival will be reviewed. Then, the nature of the

interactions of the two peoples will be examined. This examination will include place

name, literary, and archaeological evidence for the stages of Norse settlement. It will

conclude with a discussion of other sites that contain evidence for interaction between the

Picts and the Norse.

4. 1 Archaeological and Literary Evidence for the Presence of the Picts in Shetland
at the Time of Norse Arrival

As mentioned earlier, Egil Skallagrimsson’s Saga states that residents of Norway

fled when King Harold Fairhair was in the process of consolidating power. Among their

stopping places was Shetland. In this account, all of the departing Norwegians settled

areas that were deserted (Fenton 1978:12). The Historia Norvegiae, however, states that

the newcomers had to defeat the native population (Roesdahl 1991:211-212). If this were

the case, the superior sea power of the Norse combined with the land focus defense of the

Picts and their probable “loose tribal nature” mostly likely contributed to the victory of

the Norse in the case of conflicts (Small 1968b:4-5).

Also in favor of the absence of the Picts (or their decimation) are the observations

of historical domination of indigenous peoples. When a population is subordinated, a

recognizable portion of their culture does survive. Place names, for instance, are

commonly not replaced by the dominant culture. The one case in which almost no native

linguistics remained was in Tasmania, where the indigenous population was obliterated

(Richards 2001:72).

Some place name evidence does exist for a Pictish presence about the time that

the Vikings arrived. The island names of Unst, Fetlar, and Yell are not Norse, and they

may even be pre-Celtic. The name for a Celtic priest, papar, is present in some island

names such as Papa Stour, as well as in names for features of the landscape (Crawford

1987:104, 211; Brøgger 1929:61). The component of petta that appears as part of the

names for features of the landscape probably refers to the Picts (Crawford 1987:211).

Such places are particularly prone to having “tales of supernatural things” attached to

them (Brøgger 1929:60). This may be a product of the supernaturalization of the

previous population, as happened in Orkney. In contrast to the Shetlands, however, in

Orkney, fanciful stories about these people survived to be recorded. For instance, the

Historia Norvegiae states that the Picts in Orkney became weak at noon. This

phenomenon is a repeating element in Celtic folklore (Crawford 1987:211).

Unfortunately, very little recognizable Pictish culture has survived in Shetland,

though a general dearth of information regarding original Pictish culture exists (Richards

2001:72). What is known regarding their culture indicates many similarities with the

Norse. For instance, both had writing, and burial practices were often similar (Ritchie

1974:31). They may have had other similarities that eased Pictish assimilation and hid

their previous presence, though all evidence indicates that artifacts are typically

diagnostically distinct. (Note that the identification of Pictish artifacts and architecture is

often a process of elimination. The approximate time frame and regions that Picts

occupied is generally known. Archaeological evidence from this time and region, when

it cannot be attributed to other people, is credited to the Picts.) Another possible reason

for the lack of recognizable Pictish culture, besides the theory that no Pictish population

was on the island ca. C.E. 800, is that the population of the islands was small compared

to the incoming population (Bigelow 1989:185). Considering the archaeological

evidence for an abundant population in earlier times, the complete absence of people at

later times seems (at least to some scholars) extreme (Bigelow 1992:13-14).

Some archaeological evidence not associated with habitation sites also points to

the presence of the Picts. On St. Ninian’s island, a hoard of Pictish treasure was hidden

beneath a church. Such hoarding is commonly taken to be a reaction to the threat of

Viking activity (Roesdahl 1991:213). More importantly, a stone on the island of Bressay

has writing both in runes (Norse script) and ogham (Celtic script) (Richards 2001:73).

4.1.1 Archaeological Evidence of the Presence for the Picts at Jarlshof at the Time of
Norse Arrival
The evidence for interaction between the Picts and Norse at Jarlshof is slim but

present. One type of artifact may represent this. Small stone disks of similar size, which

are considered pot lids, were found in the Wheelhouse Phase and continued into the

Viking Phases. These pot lids have also been found at other Pictish sites. The Norse had

similar artifacts in Norway and in other parts of Shetland that were over twenty

centimeters in diameter and that may have been used as baking griddles. Those found at

Jarlshof and at Pictish sites, however, are for the most part consistently smaller than all

those found outside of the British Isles (Bigelow 1992:15)

In the case of the rectangular structure built next to Huts 1 and 2 (see Chapter 5),

Hamilton interpreted the mixture of pre-Norse and Norse features to be evidence of the

mingling of the indigenous people with the newcomers (Hamilton 1956:88). In the case

Building 1D, he took the mixture of pre-Norse and Norse artifacts as a sign of the

native’s subjugation to the newcomers (Hamilton 1956:111).

4.1.2 On the Dearth of Shetland Viking Age Sites

There is a severe dearth of Viking Age sites in Shetland. Only three or four sites

other than Jarlshof contain Viking structures (at Underhoull on Unst [Small 1964-66;

Small 1968a]; Sandwick on Unst [Bigelow 1985]; Da Biggins on Papa Stour [Crawford

1979; Crawford 1984]; and possibly Old Scatness [Dockrill 1998:75]). Only one of these

sites is from the Early Viking period (Bigelow 1992:10). None show interaction between

the Picts and the Norse (Bond et al., in press). This lack of sites continues to be a

mystery. Construction work of the past two centuries should have accidentally

uncovered some structures. Except for Old Scatness, it has not. Also, in Iceland,

middens associated with long vanished structures have often been found. In Shetland, no

such middens have been uncovered. Pagan graves, which are archaeologically valuable

because of their grave goods, are likewise only rarely identified (Bigelow 1992:10, 12).

Typically, the lack of Viking remains is blamed on the reuse of buildings (such as will be

seen at Jarlshof), the reuse of the stones themselves for new buildings, and the reuse of

land for new buildings. These destructive processes, plus the fact that current

populations are located on the same plots of land as past peoples, makes Norse sites, and

particularly early Norse sites, elusive (Small 1967-8:155). Future investigation will

disclose whether this is a result of poor recognition and reporting or whether Viking

Period structures and middens are truly lacking (Bigelow 1992:12).

4.2 The Interactions Between the Norse and the Picts in Shetland

The presence of a population in Shetland at the beginning of the Viking Age is

commonly accepted, though sometimes still debated. A more complex (and more

interesting) question is the nature of the interaction of the indigenous and incoming


All Viking Age settlements (with the exception of those in the Faroes, which had

not been settled previously) in Britain are located on top of earlier sites. The Norse may

have been utilizing the productive man-made soils that had been created in times past

(Bond et al., forthcoming). In Shetland, where so little of the land is arable, all farming

inhabitants would have settled near such land (but not necessarily on the best parts)

(Small 1968b: 10). In the case of an aggressive incoming population, this would

naturally lead to old areas of occupation being claimed by the immigrants. This seems to

be born out by the archaeological evidence. However, the literary and linguistic evidence

may show a more complex picture.

4.2.1 Phases of Settlement

After studying the evidence in Orkney and concluding that the Picts were present

when the Norse arrived, Buteux (1997:262) modeled three stages of interaction between

the Picts and the Norse. The first is the “pioneer stage,” which would consist mainly of

raiding and trading and perhaps winter camps. Orkney, like Shetland, is also often

thought to have been a convenient stopping place for raiders on their way to mainland

Britain. This first stage would leave few archaeological remains. The second is the

“consolidation stage,” in which the Norse would have begun to make permanent

settlements but not to encroach greatly on Pictish ways of life. The third stage is the

“establishment stage,” in which the Norse would have dominated, abolished, and/or

absorbed the Pictish people and culture (Buteux 1997:262). When applying this model to

Shetland, the story told in Egil Skallagrimsson’s Saga may be referring to the parts of the

islands that were uninhabited at the time the Norse first settled, i.e., at the consolidation

stage (Fenton 1978:12). This saga also mentions that Orkney is one of the supposedly

deserted areas that was settled. As will be seen in detail below, the natives were not only

present on these islands but also had some kind of established relationship with the

newcomers. Historia Norvegiae, on the other hand, may refer to the later establishment

stage (Fenton 1978:16).

Relevant to proving the existence of these three stages in Shetland is place name

evidence. Place name evidence was being used even before the discovery of Jarlshof in

an attempt to establish the chronology of settlement over all of the Northern Isles.

Difficulties with this include determining when a name first came into use and the

possibility of names being “recycled,” even though periods of popularity for names can

be determined. Complications also arise in the translation of names when a region

experiences a change in dialect. Place name analysis as utilized today tends to focus on

relatively small regions, such as farms and townships. Data from smaller areas may one

day be useful in generalizing over larger areas (Bigelow 1992:10-11; Nicolaisen 1983:73-


Despite these difficulties, place names may be useful, especially when used as

corroborating evidence. (The data concerning the following theory will not be analyzed,

as the author is not a linguist.) One theory, which has been proposed by Nicolaisen

(1969), simply states that by C.E. 900-1000 all land suitable for growing or grazing had

been taken (and renamed) by the Norse (Bigelow 1989:185). Nicolaisen’s theory is

based on the idea that the distribution of place names correlates with the history of

settlements. Place names with the element -sta- were common at the beginning of the

Viking Age, and such names can be found throughout Shetland and nearby areas of

Viking settlement, such as Orkney, mainland Scotland, and the Hebrides (islands to the

west of Scotland). These names reflect the earliest settlements in these areas. The next

chronologically significant place name element is -set-. Lack of this element in Icelandic

place names means that it probably came into use before C.E. 870. Since the name was

probably also used for some decades after its initial incipience, Nicolaisen (1969:12)

estimates that it was most commonly used from C.E. 880 to 900. Names with this

element saturate the Shetland Islands. Thus, they may represent “consolidation and

expansion” (Nicolaisen 1969:12,17). Assuming that the date of greatest popularity is

correct and that the name element would still be in use for some time after popularity

began to wane, then it may also be estimated that the settlement of Shetland was

complete by C.E. 1000 (Bigelow 1989:185).

While not necessarily conflicting with Nicolaisen’s conclusions, Small (1972)

includes archaeology with place names to broaden the database. According to Small, all

broch sites correlate with “good land,” i.e., land that can be farmed. The oldest place

names (those with the element -sta-, which are approximately forty in number) are

generally not located on the good land. When they are, they are located away from

brochs. Only two exceptions exists, one of which is on Unst and one of which is on

Fetlar, and no archaeological proof is present to support early Norse settlements at either

of these places. Jarlshof, whether it had been taken over from the Picts by the Norse or

had been abandoned prior to Norse arrival, contains the only substantial evidence for an

early Norse settlement established on a site that had also been inhabited by the natives.

Additional place name studies show that, towards the end of the ninth century,

Norse settlement had expanded and apparently outnumbered brochs by three to one.

Generally, though, the two types of settlements remained separate. From this evidence,

Small (1982:242-246) concluded that natives still lived around the brochs at this time.

Small’s evidence does seem to indicate that Shetland did experience separable

consolidation and establishment stages. The settlements of the consolidation stage seem

to have proliferated in the ninth century. In the late ninth century, the Norse

outnumbered the Picts, though they did not yet encroach upon Pictish regions. The

establishment stage came later, wiping out Pictish culture beyond recognition. The major

exception to this pattern of settlement is Jarlshof, which was a Pictish site that was used

by the Norse in the ninth century. Perhaps Jarlshof was subject to particularly aggressive

early settlers.

4.3 Archaeological Evidence for Interaction Between the Norse and Picts in Orkney
For further information concerning the interactions of the Norse and the Picts,

sites other than those on Shetland must be examined. This, of course, assumes that the

circumstances in other regions, namely Orkney, are comparable to those in Shetland.

This assumption (examined above) is made on the basis that, in both Shetland and

Orkney, the preceding Pictish culture was effectively obliterated by Viking newcomers.

The Orkney sites (Figure 5) that evidence interactions between Viking invaders and the

indigenous Picts are examined below.

Figure 5. Orkney sites that evidence interaction between Viking and Picts (redrawn after
Hunter 1986:14).

4.3.1 Skaill, Deerness, Mainland Orkney
This complex is actually composed of six different sites. Though they are distant

from one another, these components can be considered in combination because together

they were continuously occupied from the early Iron Age to the sixteenth century. Sites 5

and 6 are pre-Viking. Sites 1, 3, and 4 are Viking and Medieval. Site 2 may show a

continuation from the Picts to the Norse (and later to the Medieval era). Hair combs

(Figure 6) associated with the earliest structure at Site 2 are Pictish. The architecture is

most probably not Norse (Figure 7, left), as it is not rectangular and no benches were

found along the walls. Therefore, the architecture may be assumed to be Pictish. If this

is so, then the establishment of House 1 may be concurrent with the abandonment of one

of the other Skaill sites. Based on the artifacts, the house may have been constructed in

the eighth or ninth century (Edwards 1997:76-77; Gelling 1984:12-17). The possibility

exists, however, that House 1 was a specialized form of Norse dwelling (Edwards

1997:78; see also Weber 1993:170).

Figure 6. Examples of combs associated with House1, Site 2, Skaill, Orkney (redrawn
after Gelling 1984:29).

At a later point, the dwelling was remodeled to form House 2 (Figure 7, right).

Though possibly only a temporary dwelling (because of the haphazard construction), it

featured benches and a hearth, which suggests that it was a residence for some time.

Figure 7. House 1 (left) and House 2 (right) of Site 2 at Skaill, Orkney (redrawn after
Gelling 1984:14, 18).

Finds were “few and undiagnostic,” though the benches may indicate that the Vikings

were responsible for the renovations (Gelling 1984:17-19; Edwards 1997:78).

House 3 (Figure 8) was built on the remains of House 2 some time after it was

abandoned. House 3 is characteristically Norse: it was rectangular, had benches running

along the longer walls, and had a long hearth. (If the previous house was meant as a

temporary dwelling, then the permanent one that was built while House 2 was in use has

yet to be found.) The most interesting aspect of House 3 is that Norse artifacts are

embedded in its walls. The presence of these artifacts is most probably due to residents

of House 1 or 2 or another that has not yet been found (Gelling 1984:19).

Figure 8. House 3 of Site 2 at Skaill, Orkney (redrawn after Gelling 1984:21).

The ambivalence that accompanies the early levels at Skaill is interesting in itself

as regards the Pictish-Norse interface. Colonization is a “process and not an event.” This

process may be evident in this ambiguity (Edwards 1997:76-77).

The hair combs from Skaill present some potentially less ambiguous information

concerning this interface. Half of all that were found were made from reindeer antler.

Reindeer do not seem to have survived in Scotland and England after 8300 BP.

Therefore, the antler would have been brought by the Norse. While some of the combs

were made in the Norse fashion, some were carved in a native style. Most significantly, a

native comb made of antler was found at Site 6. No Norse habitation is known to have

occurred at this site, but Site 6 may have been occupied while the Norse were in

residence at Site 2 (Buteux 1997:263; Weber 1993:161, 171).

4.3.2 Buckquoy, Mainland Orkney

Though about half this site has eroded away, the extant remnants contain evidence

of a sequence of buildings occupied from the seventh to the tenth centuries. This

construction took place in a restricted area and sometimes used the remains of older

buildings as the basis for new ones. Phases I-II are Pictish. The building from these

phases, which are each composed of several cells or compartments, are unusual but not

unique, and the artifacts are characteristically Pictish. Phases III-V are Norse. The Norse

buildings include a dwelling house, a byre, and a barn. Most of the artifacts are

characteristically Norse. The Viking Age Norse, however, used steatite instead of

pottery, and pottery identical to that found in the Pictish levels was found in all the Norse

Phases. One such sherd was found in Phase III, though this may be due to commingling

between earlier and later layers. Phase IV, however, contained three Pictish sherds, and

Phase V contained one (Ritchie 1977:174-179, 182, 186, 189).

Also in the Norse layers were found a Pictish high-backed comb and several

fragments of type B combs (Figure 9) (Ritchie 1977:196; Weber 1993:171). High-

backed refers to a comb that is “single sided with tooth segments extending above the

connecting plate” (Curle 1982:21). Type B combs resemble a Pictish type of comb

dubbed Type A, except that “they are longer; the teeth are not graduated and do not

usually extended to the end of the comb, where there is a narrow vertical band; their

connecting plates are not beveled and are semi-elliptical in form; their decoration is less

ornate” (Curle 1982:56-57). Type-B combs do not seem to be Pictish or Norse. Though

bearing a resemblance to English combs, they could possibly be the product of a

combination of Pictish and English styles (Curle 1982:57-58). The high-backed comb

was analyzed as “probably” being made of reindeer antler, as were some of the Type B

combs (Weber 1993:171).

Figure 9. A Type B comb fragment (top) from Phase IV and a high-backed comb
fragment (bottom) from Phase V, Buckquoy, Orkney (Ritchie 1977:196).

4.3.3 Brough of Birsay, Orkney

The Brough of Birsay is a relatively tiny island off the coast of mainland Orkney,

not far from the Point (i.e., peninsula) of Buckquoy. A series of habitations occurred at

one area of the island stretching from Pictish times, through Norse, and into the 12th

century, when a church was constructed (Weber 1993:165).

The Norse layers were clearly defined into lower, middle, and upper horizons.

For the most part, they were also clearly distinguishable from the Pictish horizon (Curle

1982:15). The earliest of the Norse buildings (16a) may have utilized previous Pictish

constructions. This is surmised from the fact that it was “directly aligned...on pre-Norse

features,” and it adopted a former ditch as an outflow drain. What is so significant about

this building is that no perceptible lapse of time took place between the two occupations,

“even to the extent of continuing active working function” (Hunter 1986:89, 112).

In the Pictish horizon, two combs of reindeer antler were recovered (Weber

1993:165). Four native high-backed combs were also recovered (Curle 1982:50), as well

as two double-sided Type-B combs that were manufactured of reindeer antler (Weber

1993:165). Many other Pictish artifacts were located in the Norse layers: nineteen small,

bone hipped pins; four bone pins with iron shanks; a bronze pin; a bronze penannular

brooch; and an iron bell. Most of these artifacts came from the lower Norse horizon

(Curle 1982:50). Native pottery occurred in both early and later Norse periods (Hunter


4.3.4 Pool, Sandy, Orkney

This site was first occupied from the fourth millennium B.C.E. to the late third or

early second millennium B.C.E. After a period of abandonment, this site was reoccupied

by the Picts in the fifth century. The first indication of a Norse presence is a sub-

rectangular (10 x 5 m) structure, which was built utilizing pre-existing ruins. The

dimensions and lack of remaining internal features do not show it to be a Viking house

proper. The artifacts (which are not specifically described by Hunter [1990:189])

associated with its occupation are a mixture of native and Norse types. No date can be

assigned to the structure. A previously constructed Pictish roundhouse is known to have

been leveled in the eleventh century and integrated into a Viking dwelling (Hunter

1990:178-179, 189-190).

4.3.5 Saevar Howe, Birsay, Mainland Orkney

This site has clearly distinguishable Pictish and Norse horizons (i.e., time passed

before the site’s reoccupation), so the associated structures do not demonstrate the way in

which the Pictish and Norse interacted. Many of artifacts recovered from Saevar Howe

are unprovenienced because of the unrefined techniques used to excavate the site. The

artifacts, however, still contribute to the present argument. Two (possibly three) combs

are high-backed combs of reindeer antler. One other (possibly two) of reindeer antler is a

Type-B comb (Hedges 1983:81; Weber 1993:166).

4.3.6 Howe, Stromnes, Mainland Orkney

No Viking-Age occupation took place at this site. This is significant in that, in a

Pictish phase that is dated from the fourth to seventh (possibly as late as the ninth)

century, one native comb of reindeer antler was found. Two other combs were also

possibly of reindeer antler (Weber 1993:170). The presence of reindeer antler in a Pictish

context with no possibility of later Viking disturbance indicates that the Picts were

obtaining antler from the Norse.

4.3.7 Summary

All the above sites give reasonable indications of interactions between the native

and incoming populations. While the Pictish influence inevitably disappeared at each

over time, a relationship of some type did seem to typically take place (i.e., the

relationship between them was not only of raiders and victims). The indeterminable

nature of the buildings of the Pict-Norse interface some of these sites (Skaill, Pool)

demonstrates that the ambiguity of those at Jarlshof is not unique. Structure 16a at the

Brough of Birsay potentially demonstrates the dominant relationship of the Norse, in that

they appear to have seized the building while it was still in use by the Picts.

As stated above, colonization is a process and not an event. This process may be

said to be one of “directed contact”, i.e. the Norse imposed changes on the Picts in their

interactions with them (Spicer 1961:520). This imposition caused the Pictish culture in

the Orkneys and Shetland to gradually disappear altogether. This process is similar to

that which has been proposed for some Native American groups in their interactions with

Europeans. Its begins with a voluntary incorporation of elements of a foreign society;

this ultimately culminates in the forced assimilation of the people to the foreign influence

(Spicer 1961:532).

Pictish artifacts found in Norse layers and Pictish combs made of reindeer antler

(no matter where they are found) are the best indicators of close social interactions

between the two. (The preference for reindeer antler may be due to the decline in red

deer [Weber 1993:172].) For the most part, they (even Type-B combs) do not indicate

whether the Picts ever lived in the same areas as the Norse or whether they were

peripheral “both metaphorically or physically” (Crawford 1987:146-148). Hipped pins,

however, which are “the most typically Pictish of all the finds on the Brough” of Birsay,

may offer another clue. These pins have a “swellings” beneath their “ball-heads” that is
designed to prevent slipping of clothing (Curle 1982:19). Such pins are not believed to

have been of any use to the Norse. Therefore, their presence in Norse levels at the

Brough of Birsay indicates that at this site that the Picts and Norse were living together

(Weber 1993:171).

Chapter 5

The site of Jarlshof (Figure 10) is located on the east side of the West Voe of

Sumburgh, a bay opening to the south in southern Sumburgh. One of the most fertile

regions of Shetland, Sumburgh is located on southernmost tip of the mainland (Figure

11). The regional name for the ruin that was the only building visible at the site until the

late nineteenth century was “de Laird’s Hoose.” Sir Walter Scott translated this into Old

Norse as “Yarlshof” for his book The Pirate (later written “Jarlshof,” but pronounced the

same) (Hamilton 1956:1-2).

Figure 10. Jarlshof (photograph taken by Steven Dockrill; used with permission)

Figure 11. Jarlshof location (redrawn after Hamilton 1956:2)

5.1 History of Excavations

Towards the end of the nineteenth century, the erosion that had been occurring on

the west side of the site for centuries was hastened by a sequence of storms, exposing

previously hidden structures. From 1897 to 1905, the owner of land, Mr. Bruce,
undertook excavations in order to investigate them. His efforts exposed a broch, two

wheelhouses, and a courtyard wall. Recognizing the importance of the site, the Bruce

family gave it to H. M. Office of Works in 1925 (Hamilton 1956:6-7).

Further investigations by the Office of Works revealed that the site was quite

extensive. This lead Dr. A. O. Curle to make a series of excavations from 1931 to 1935

in which he uncovered much of the Late Bronze Age portion of the site, as well as

evidence of Norse occupation. In 1937, Professor V. G. Childe and Miss B. Laidler

excavated an area next to the Bronze Age settlement in order to obtain a complete

sequence of events at the site. After the Ministry of Works acquired an additional portion

of the site from the Sumburgh Estate Co., Dr. J. S. Richardson revealed further Norse

remains. His investigations were stopped short in September 1939 by war (Hamilton


J. R. C. Hamilton undertook additional excavations from 1949 to 1951. At the

end of these, he published Excavations at Jarlshof, Shetland. This book collated all the

information available to him into one comprehensive volume (Fojut 1998:19; Hamilton


5.2 Hamilton’s Research

The first settlement at Jarlshof occurred during the Late Bronze Age (Table 1).

The resulting “village” was a sequence of circular structures, the earlier of which have an

amoeba-like shape to their inner dwellings (Figure 12). Two major occupations took

place during the Late Bronze Age. Buildings I – IVa were built during the first; after

enough time had passed for these to be covered by sand, Buildings IVb - IV, along with

two souterrains (underground chambers), were constructed (Hamilton 1956:18-24, 32-


Table 1. The Pre-Viking Phases of Jarlshof.

Occupation Period in Time Structures Built Previously Built Structures That
Went Out of Use
Late 1800 B.C.E. – Buildings I *– IVa
Bronze Age Before Buildings
Late After Buildings I - Buildings IVb - IV and two Buildings I – IVa
Bronze Age IVa – 800 B.C.E. souterrains

Iron Age 200 B.C.E. – 300 Broch, with courtyard; a later Buildings IVb- IV and the
C.E. aisled round-house souterrains

Iron Age 300 – 800 C.E. Wheelhouses 1 – 4; later, Broch

(Pictish) Passages Houses I and II; later,
Hut 1; later Hut 2

*Roman and Arabic notations

follow Hamilton (1956)

Figure 12. Jarlshof master plan (redrawn after Hamilton 1956).

After this village was abandoned, it became covered with wind-blown sand.

Later, Iron Age people from mainland Scotland migrated to Shetland and built a broch

with a courtyard next to the earlier remains (Figure 12, the wall to the north of W1, W2,

and A). Only half of this broch remains today; the other half has been eroded by the sea

(Hamilton 1956:44-46).

Not long after the erection of the broch, an aisled round house and a byre (later

overlain by a wheelhouse) were constructed. This round-house was not completely free-

standing, as one section followed the broch wall (Hamilton 1956:48, 54-55). This was

followed by a succession of wheelhouses built by a people who emigrated from northern

Scotland. While these people continued to use a portion of the round-house, they

constructed Wheelhouse 1 (Figure 12), which experienced two levels of repavement over

its lifetime (Hamilton 1956:58-60). The new-comers also reduced the broch in height.

Shortly after the construction of Wheelhouse 1 and this reduction, several other

wheelhouses were built. Of these, Wheelhouse 2 holds the most information. Five

periods of occupation were uncovered, each of which was separated by sand blows. At a

later time, Wheelhouse 3 was constructed inside the broch. The presence of Wheelhouse

4 is indicated only by its four remaining piers (Hamilton 1956:66-75).

At a later point, Passage House I (Figure 12), a subterranean dwelling with a stone

revetment, was built to the northwest of Wheelhouse 2 and provided the entrance into this

wheelhouse. Wheelhouse 1 was also occupied when this passage house was in use. A

similar building, Passage House II, was built to the east of the Wheelhouse 4 and

provided an entrance into it (Hamilton 1956:77, 80-83). Next, Hut 1, a semi-

subterranean structure, was built at the far western edge of the site. After it was deserted,

Hut 2 was constructed to the southeast. The western entrance into this structure was later

blocked by a rectangular building. In shape, this rectangular building resembles the

Norse structures that were to follow. The partial remains of this building, however, show

that it was constructed in the fashion of pre-Norse buildings, i.e., “with a basal course of

uprights carrying horizontal masonry.” It also had a rectangular Viking hearth inside of

it. Unfortunately, if any artifacts were recovered from this structure, Hamilton did not

report them (Hamilton 1956:85-88).

If the site had been deserted at the time of Viking arrival, then it had not been

abandoned for long (Hamilton 1956:129). Norse occupation of Jarlshof went through

seven distinguishable phases (Figure 12, Table 2). On the basis of evidence from graves

in the Orkneys and the Hebrides, Hamilton (1956:93, 106) dated the beginning of Viking

settlement to C.E. 800.

5.2.1 Phase I
Five buildings were constructed during the first phase (Figure 13). The main

building is dubbed the Parent Farmstead House 1 (Figure 14) because this was the first of

the Norse residential structures to be built. This was a typical house of the Viking Period.

Table 2. The seven phases of Viking Jarlshof and successive constructions.
Phase Period in Time Structures Built Structures That Went
Out of Use

I From ca. 800 C.E. to House 1*, Period I; Building 1A;

mid-ninth century Building 1B; Building 1C;
Building 1D

II From mid-ninth century House 2, Period I; Building 1E; Building 1A

to either the end of the Building 1F
ninth century or
beginning of the tenth

III From either the end of Addition to House 2; Barn south Building 1E
the ninth century or of Building 1B; House 3, Period I
beginning of the tenth
century to the first half
of the eleventh century

IV From first half of the Outhouse 4 Building 1F

eleventh century to
second half of the
eleventh century or the
twelfth century

V From the second half of House 1, Period II; House 2, Building 1B

the eleventh century or Period II; House 3, Period II;
twelfth century to the Outhouse 4 altered; House 6,
twelfth or thirteenth Period I; House 7, Period I;
century House 8

VI From the twelfth to House 1, Period II altered; House 2; House 3;

thirteenth century; or House 1G; House 6, Period II; Outhouse 4
just the thirteenth House 7, Period II

VII Thirteenth century and House 1, Period III; House 5; House 8; Building 1C;
possibly fourteenth House 6, Period III; House 7, East building of House
century Period III 1G

Post-Norse; Built in the late Medieval Farm All previous buildings

Medieval thirteenth or early
fourteenth century

Historical Sixteenth century to Jarlshof Medieval Farm

Period seventeenth century

*Roman and Arabic notations

follow Hamilton (1956)

Figure 13. Phase I of Norse Jarlshof (redrawn after Hamilton 1956:Figure 51).

Figure 14. The Norse area of Jarlshof. Building in the foreground is the Parent
Farmstead House 1.

All walls but the north were manufactured with an earth core and stone facing on both

sides; the north wall was made from alternating layers of earth and stone for protection

against wind and cold. Almost all walls of the subsequent Norse buildings at Jarlshof

were constructed with an earth core and stone facing on both sides (Hamilton 1956:107).

Figure 15. House 1 (same as Building 1 in Figure 13) of Norse Jarlshof (redrawn after
Hamilton 1956:108).

House 1 has ample evidence of postholes for the support of a roof; these are

typical features of Norse houses (Figure 15, Period I). The structure was altered twice

during its use-life. The northwest room was used as a kitchen during its first period, as

evidenced by an oven and a hearth that heated stones to be put in the oven. In the living

room and running next to the north wall, a stone curb testifies to the bench that ran along

this wall. Along the opposite wall is a single slab that is a similar distance from the south

wall, which indicates that another bench occupied that space. In-between these benches

was a long, rectangular, stone-lined hearth or langeldr (also refered to as a longfire).

Again, such benches and hearths are typical of Viking houses of the time (Hamilton


To the west of House 1 are the remains of a small, square structure, Building 1A.

The most outstanding feature of Building 1A is a langeldr. Hamilton hypothesized this

structure to have been a bathhouse or hof (a heathen temple). The bathhouse theory is

unlikely on account of the “carefully constructed langeldr,” so Hamilton (1956:110)

opted for the hof theory (see Section 4.3.2 for further discussion).

Building 1B was constructed northwest of Building 1A (Figure 13). This

structure had a central hearth, as indicated by four large stones in the center of the

structure. Among these was a smaller stone that exhibited pockmarks two inches in

diameter, indicating that it had been used as an anvil. Fifty-two fragments of iron slag

associated with the hearth were also found. On this evidence, 1B is presumed to have

been a smithy.

To the northwest of Building 1B, Building 1C was constructed (Figure 13). A

lack of features in Building 1C and the presence of a stamped floor led to the conclusion

that this was a byre or space for housing cattle or sheep.

To the southwest of Building 1C, Building 1D was constructed (Figure 13).

Building 1D overlay the pre-Viking huts described above. Though only a langedr and

portions of two walls remain, the building is significant because it was constructed in the

same manner as the buildings constructed prior to the Viking arrival. A mixture of pre-

Viking (“bone pins, numerous slate implements and stone pounders”) and Viking (“Norse

loomweights, spindle whorls and bone pins”) artifacts were also recovered from this

structure (Hamilton 1956:110-111).

The artifacts recovered for the whole of Phase I include, steatite loomweights,

pebble loomweights, steatite vessels, line sinkers, sandstone and slate discs or pot lids,

claystone and steatite spindle whorls, claystone and steatite beads, stones with drawings

(including people, ships, and an animal), and bone awls, needle cases, combs, and pins,

as well as bronze pins (Hamilton 1956:116-128).

5.2.2 Phase II
Phase II (Figure 16) is dated to the mid-ninth century on the basis of artifacts in

the earliest deposits (Hamilton 1956:137). During this phase, Building 1A, the hof,

originally constructed in the first Norse phase of Jarlshof, was torn down. Three new

building were also constructed. One of these was another house, House 2, though not

much remains of this feature (Figure 17, Period I). Only a few postholes (the locations of

which are not given in the original map) could be detected. Paving does seem in evidence

in the northern portion of the north room and in the central region of the north room,

indicating that this room was a byre (housing for cows and sheep) (Hamilton 1956:130-


Figure 16. Phase II of Norse Jarlshof (redrawn after Hamilton 1956:Figure 61).

Figure 17. House 2 of Norse Jarlshof. Location of postholes for House 2 not indicated in
original map (redrawn after Hamilton 1956:131).

To the northwest of House 1, Building 1E was constructed (Figure 16). Building

1E consisted of two rooms that were both paved with stones (Figure 16). For this reason

and because of the “black and greasy” soil in between the layers of paving, this structure

is believed to have been a stable, i.e., housing for horses (Hamilton 1956:132-133).

To the south of the western end of House 1, Building 1F was constructed (Figure

16). Only the west wall and parts of the interior of Building 1F survive, and even these

sections of the structure were not in good condition. The diminutive size of the structure

and the possible presence of benches may indicate that this was a latrine (Hamilton


The artifacts recovered for Phase II include pebble loomweights, steatite vessels,

stone discs or pot lids, sandstone and steatite spindle whorls, bone pins, and steatite

beads, as well as one of glass (Hamilton 1956:135-136).

5.2.3 Phase III

Based on the lack of refuse on the floor of House 2, Hamilton (1956:137,154)

asserted that Phase II was relatively brief, and that Phase III (Figure 18) began in either

Figure 18. Phase III of Norse Jarlshof (redrawn after Hamilton 1956:63).

the last decades of the ninth century or the first decades of the tenth century. During

Phase III, Building 1E went out of use, two structures were built, and an addition was

made to House 2. The augmentation to House 2 was cobbled (and so was used for

sheltering livestock) and was divided into two compartments later in its life (Hamilton


One of the new structures was built to the west of House 1 and south of the

smithy (1B). In the vicinity of this structure was a “rectangular stone setting” that bears a

strong resemblance to modern haystack bases used by Shetlanders. This building is

presumed to have been a barn (Hamilton 1956:140).

House 3 (Figure 19, Period I), the other building constructed during Phase III,

Figure 19. House 3 of Norse Jarlshof (redrawn after Hamilton 1956:139).

underwent extensive renovations during its lifetime, which accounts for at least some of

its disjointed look. The internal features are difficult to determine, but during its first

period, it was divided in two like House 2. Peat ash, suggesting the presence of a hearth,

indicates that the southern portion was the living area, and paving in the northern portion

of the north room suggests that it was a byre (Hamilton 1956:137-138).

The artifacts recovered for Phase III include pebble loomweights, steatite vessels,

steatite line sinkers, stone discs or pot lids, steatite spindle whorls, a bone spindle whorl,

a sandstone spindle whorl steatite and glass beads, stone with line markings, bone needle

cases, bone awls, bone pins, bone combs, a bronze pin, and an iron fishing hook

(Hamilton 1956:142-153)

5.2.4 Phase IV
Phase IV (Figure 20) was a minor stage that saw the abandonment of Building 1F

and the erection of Outhouse 4 to the west of House 3. Outhouse 4 was paved and was

not built before the first of half the eleventh century, based on associated artifacts. No

specific use for the building is conjectured (Hamilton 1956:154-155).

Figure 20. Phase IV of Norse Jarlshof (redrawn after Hamilton 1956:Figure 71).

The artifacts recovered for Phase IV were few. They consisted of two pebble

loomweights, twenty-six unidentifiable steatite fragments, and an unidentifiable slate

fragment (Hamilton 1956:156).

5.2.5 Phase V

The dates for Phase V (Figure 21) range from the late eleventh or twelfth century

to the twelfth or thirteenth century (Hamilton 1956:168). This phase saw extensive

changes to the site, including the end of the use of the langeldr. Building 1B was torn

Figure 21. Phase V of Norse Jarlshof (redrawn after Hamilton 1956:Figure 72).

down, several other buildings were altered, and several new buildings were constructed.

The first major alteration of House 1 occurred in this phase. The east end was extended

by about 23 feet. and paved in order to turn it into a byre. It was also furnished with a

paved cattle road or féta-gata. The west end of House 1 was expanded. The living room

was contracted in order to enlarge the kitchen, which may have also begun to serve as a

sleeping room (stofa). House 2 was altered to form two compartments, which Hamilton

conjectured were used as compounds for livestock. House 3 was contracted in length.

Like House 1, it was furnished with a paved cattle road and was paved inside, indicating

that it became a byre. Outhouse 4 was abandoned and shortly thereafter altered and

paved, and also became a byre. It was not used as a byre for very long (as shown by the

thin layer of refuse on the paving) and was modified to become a smithy (as shown by

the insertion of a hearth and recovered iron slag). The older smithy was abandoned

during this phase (Hamilton 1956: 158-160).

Three other buildings, Houses 6, 7, and 8, were also erected in Phase V. On the

basis of their size and the artifacts found within them, they are known to be houses. Not

much of the original walls of House 6 Period I (Figure 22) remain, as they were rebuilt in

Figure 22. House 6 of Norse Jarlshof (redrawn after Hamilton 1956:161).

later Phases. This house had a central hearth and traces of benches (only a portion of the

west bench was large enough to be indicated on original map [Figure 22]) along the walls

that ran beside the hearth. A cooking pit (not indicated on original map [Figure 22]),

with burnt stones in situ, was found near the northeast corner of the hearth. This house

may have been divided into two rooms; the interior projection from the west room 15 feet

from the northern gable may indicate a partition (Hamilton 1956:160).

The features of House 7 (Figure 23, Period I) are difficult to reconstruct owing to

later alterations (Periods II and III). However, peat from a central fireplace and benches

(not indicated on original map [Figure 23]) along the walls could be detected (Hamilton


Figure 23. House 7 of Norse Jarlshof (redrawn after Hamilton 1956:162).

Only partial remains of the walls of House 8 indicate its presence. No internal

features (Figure 24 Period II) can be reconstructed because of later construction. This

house only experienced one Period. On the map (Figure 24), Period I refers to the

previously constructed building 1C. Period II refers to House 8. Period III refers to the

extension of House 7 over the area of House 8, after this house went out of use in Phase

VII (Hamilton 1956:164).

Figure 24. House 8 of Norse Jarlshof (redrawn after Hamilton 1956:163).

The artifacts recovered for Phase V include line sinkers, stone discs or pot lids,

steatite vessels, clay pottery sherds, steatite spindle whorl, a bones spindle whorl, glass

beads, stone with line markings, bone pins, and bone combs (Hamilton 1956:164-168).

5.2.6 Phase VI
Phase VI either lasted from the twelfth to thirteenth century or was restricted to

the thirteenth century. In this Phase (Figure 25), Houses 2 and 3 went out of use, House

1G was created, Houses 7 and 8 experienced alterations, and House 1 gained a minor

addition. Two buildings to the north of House 1 were constructed using the partial

remains of Houses 3 and 4. The eastern building is connected to House 1; the western

building is divided into two rooms. Together they make up House 1G. Based on analogy

with Icelandic farms, a platform on the south side of the western half of the west building

may have supported a structure that held hay. This room may have housed sheep or pigs.

The small size of the east building and its lack of a doorway may mean that it was used as

a sty or lambing pen (Hamilton 1956:169-171).

Figure 25. Phase VI of Norse Jarlshof (redrawn after Hamilton 1956:Fig. 79).

As noted, House 6 and 7 both underwent alterations. House 6 was extended to the

north (Figure 22, Period II). The partitions of this addition, along with the greasy feel

and black color of the artifacts found therein, suggest that it contained stalls for livestock.

The older area was still for human use, with new paving being set around the hearth. The

west bench was also refurbished. House 7 (Figure 23, Period II) underwent drastic

alterations. It was widened, connected to the building to the south, and had an extra room

attached to the northern end of the west wall. The building was comprised of a total of

three rooms. The northeastern room, being paved and having evidence for fireplaces,

was presumably a living room. There was, however, no well-defined hearth (Hamilton


The artifacts recovered from Phase VI include steatite lamps, a steatite vessel, a

clay pot, and bone combs (Hamilton 1956:173-174).

5.2.7 Phase VII

Based on artifactual evidence, Phase VII (Figure 26) is dated to the thirteenth and

possibly into the fourteenth centuries (Hamilton 1956:189). In this phase, House 8,

Building 1C, and the eastern portion of House 1G went out of use. Several other

buildings experienced alterations. House 5 (Figure 27) was constructed in this phase. It

had an annex on the north half of its east wall; the main portion had three divisions. The

north division had a floor of compacted earth. The middle section was partially paved.

House 1 entered its third distinct phase. A new building was constructed on top of the

old, using portions of the old wall for building material. The new construction is peculiar

in that it does not have an earth core. The south portion of House 6 was slightly

contracted, and a compartment in the southwest corner was constructed. This may have

been a storeroom. Cobbling was placed between this storeroom and the east wall; the

cobbling runs along the length of the east living room wall. Similar to House 5, House 6

had an annex attached to it on the east side of the north half. House 7 underwent major

alterations. A room was added to the north side. A byre with two cubicles, which may

have taken the place of the south room, was added to the east side. That this was a byre

is indicated by the presence of a drain (used to divert urine from livestock). The byre

partially overlies the disused remains of House 8 and 1C (Hamilton 1956:176-178).

The artifacts recovered in Phase VII include pebble loomweights, stone discs or

pot lids, steatite vessels, steatite line sinkers, slates with line markings, a sandstone lamp,

a bone spindle whorl, a steatite spindle whorl, bone pins, numerous pottery sherds, a

steatite lamp, bakestone fragments, and a glass bead (Hamilton 1956:180-183).

Figure 26. Phase VII of Norse Jarlshof (redrawn after Hamilton 1956:Fig. 80)

Figure 27. House 5 of Norse Jarlshof (redrawn after Hamilton 1956:175).

5.2.8 The Medieval Farmstead

Based on associated artifacts, the next phase of the site was erected in the late

thirteenth or early fourteenth century. Whatever its exact date, it has been shown

stratigraphically to come after Phase VII. This is when the buildings called The

Medieval Farmstead appeared (Figure 12). Hamilton does not include this as a Norse

phase, though the construction is that of stone faces with an earth core. These buildings

went through three periods. For the first, Hamilton asserted that the larger structure (the

eastern one) probably was the dwelling house because of the presence of red peat and

stamped clay on the floor. In the second period, the northern portion of this was rebuilt,

and the building was turned into an outhouse or byre. The internal entrance into the

eastern annex was possibly blocked for a time. The western building appears to have

been a place for drying corn throughout its life, as shown by the presence of kilns

(Hamilton 1956:190-193).

5.2.9 The “Jarlshof” Building

The final phase of the site enters into the historical period. “Jarlshof” (Figure 12)

was built in the sixteenth century by the Earls Robert and Patrick Steward. The building

was in a state of ruin by the end of the next century (Hamilton 1956:194-196).

5.3 Subsequent Research

Various aspects of the Jarlshof site have been investigated since its original

excavation. These investigations have been limited, as only so much can be done without

having to reevaluate the entire site (Forster 1998:24). The data presented in Hamilton’s

Excavations at Jarlshof, Shetland, which is part summary of previous work and part

monograph, may be cleaner than the actual data that he had on hand. In other words, the

data were simplified to present a coherent picture of the site (Fojut 1998:23). No

complete reevaluation of the site, however, may be possible. Not only is Hamilton’s

Excavations at Jarlshof, Shetland the most publicly accessible work that summarizes the

site, it also contains the most information available anywhere regarding the site. When

the Jarlshof artifacts were given to a museum for storage, only the best preserved were

kept. Unfortunately, the small finds numbers (which are used to record the provenience

of each artifact) for these were lost (Forster 1998:3, 24). The primary records of the

excavations are available. Without Hamilton’s input (which is not possible due to the

fact that he is deceased) however, extracting useful information from these records is

difficult (Fojut 1998:23). The possibility of destroyed buildings in the region of the

eroded western portion of the site adds to the complexity that a complete reevaluation

would entail.

Hamilton has come under attack because the methods of archaeology were not as

well developed at the time Jarlshof was excavated as they are today. Hamilton’s work

itself, however, is highly detailed but also clear and concise. Any problems that exist are

strictly due to the methodology of the time, though Hamilton made the most of the

techniques that were available (Forster 1998:23-24).

5.3.1 The Houses

Hamilton’s identifications of structure function at Jarlshof sometimes relied on

the absence rather than the presence of certain features. Given this, and in light of new

data from sites excavated since Hamilton’s report was written, a reexamination of

structure function is warranted. Though the interpretation of structure function is a

difficult topic, at Jarlshof, function can reasonably be limited to structures inherent in an

agricultural lifestyle (Hunter 1986:107).

House 1 Period II and House 6 Period II were interpreted as containing byres on

the basis of ethnographic analogy with eighteenth and nineteenth century Shetlandic

architecture. Like the byres of this time period, the sections of the houses in question had

paved floors with stone-lined drains down the middle. They also did not contain hearths

and had fewer artifacts than those structures for human occupation or use. Archaeology

has since corroborated the argument that these were byres. Structures uncovered in

Iceland and Faroe since 1950 demonstrate that byres, which were identified by stone stall

dividers, had central stone-lined drains (Bigelow 1985:111-112). The byre interpretation

of House 6 has also been bolstered by comparison of the Late Norse phase of the house at

Sandwick. At the byre end of that house, “gable wall blocks of the Sandwick house were

unbounded and inset from the ends of the longwalls” (Bigelow 1987:29). This would

have made the gable easy to take apart and rebuild as needed to remove dung and to place

or remove straw bedding. The arrangement of the gable of the Sandwick house is much

like that of the gable end of House 6.

The northernmost rooms of House 5 and House 7 Period III were not assigned a

function by Hamilton. Bigelow (1985:111-112; 1987:28) makes the case that they were

byres also (though he also states that Hamilton originally said that these rooms were

byres). Bigelow relies on reasoning similar to that of the interpretation for the byres of

House 1 and House 6 —ethnographic analogy with eighteenth and nineteenth century

Shetlandic architecture and a paucity of artifacts.

Hamilton also ascribed a byre function for House 2 and House 3, but this has been

called into question. Hamilton called them byres because of their partial paving, which

would have been convenient for cleaning dung off of byre floors (Small 1968a:65).

Though byres in Iceland and the Faroes were found to have stone-lined drains, they did

not necessary have paved floors. Often, they had hard-packed earth floors instead. House

2 and House 3 did not have drains, the diagnostic characteristic for byres. Therefore,

they probably were not byres (Bigelow 1985:112).

In addition to using features like hearths, benches, drains, and paving to identify

structure function, Hamilton (1956:160-164, 174-176) also used artifact frequency to

identify the human living areas of House 5, 6, and 7. Doubt may be cast upon this

interpretation as this difference could be due to careful cleaning of byre ends. Hamilton’s

view is supported, however, by the finds from the Late Norse (twelfth to thirteenth

centuries) site of Sandwick. The majority (over 90%) of the artifacts that were recovered

were taken from the section of the site interpreted as containing human dwellings on the

basis of the presence of hearths and benches. This suggests that a customary “spatial

organization” dictated the behaviors that took place in various sections of the dwellings.

In other words, the continued human use of these areas (which have similar features) in

each of these buildings caused a large number of deposits, not a lack of cleaning

(Bigelow 1987:28-29).

Certain exterior rooms (Figure 28, a) attached to House 5, House 6 Period III,

House 7, and House 1 Phase II, that were (at least partially) paved, were not assigned a

function by Hamilton. However, one room in House 1G (Figure 28, a) was hypothesized

to be a stable or byre. In contrast, Icelandic sagas indicate that these rooms may have

been indoor privies, as they were easily accessible and had drains (indicated on Figure 28

by the small gaps in the southern portions of the walls of these rooms). Further

excavations may shed light on the interpretation of such rooms. The other exterior rooms

of House 1 and House 7 (Figure 258, b) were originally interpreted as a lambing pen or

sty and a byre, respectively. Hamilton’s hypothesis, however, relied on little evidence.

In fact, these rooms lacked the kind of features that would be useful in interpreting them.

They may have been multi-use rooms or may have simply been areas of storage for food

(Bigelow 1987:29, 31).

Figure 28. Houses 1, 5, 6, and 7 of Jarlshof. The uses of the rooms labeled a and b are
under question (redrawn after Bigelow 1987: 26).

5.3.2 Outbuilding 1A
Hamilton interpreted Outbuilding 1A as a hof (a type of temple according to the

Icelandic sagas) or a bathhouse. Norse archaeology of recent decades has shown that

identifying temples and religious artifacts related to Scandinavian religion is extremely

difficult. The identification of artifacts, such as pendants classified as “Thor’s hammers”

or statues identified with deities (Gräslund 2000:58-60), are, at best, good hypotheses and

at worse random guesses, due to the lack of written material that directly confirms these

identifications. Such potentially religious artifacts were not found anywhere at Jarlshof.

Indeed, “religious” artifacts are absent from all structures previously identified as

temples. During a time that Icelandic archaeologists were enamored with the idea of

finding evidence of pre-Christian religious activity, dozens of temples were identified.

This was partially on the basis of the sagas. They stated that hofs consisted of two

rooms. The smaller was used for the placement of idols, and a larger one was utilized for

sacrifices. These former “hofs” are now simply viewed as farmhouses (Fridriksson

1994:48, 74).

The description of hofs in the literature leaves Hamilton’s classification of

Building 1A as a possible hof suspect. Even more puzzling is that other saga references

mentioned a ceremonial, pagan place called a hörgur. No written descriptions of the

hörgur are given, though the term itself is thought to refer to a pile of stones or a stony

hill. Despite this, various hörgur were identified in Iceland during the same time that

hofs were being recognized. Structures designated as hörgur were square shaped (at

least more so than the “hofs”) and one roomed, just as Building 1A is.

The terms hof and hörgur were recognized among Icelandic archaeologists as

associated with certain types of architecture at least by the late 1800’s (Fridriksson

1994:59-62). Yet, Hamilton was evidently unaware of the other archaeology on religious

structures, even though he briefly compared Building 1A with the hofs of Iceland

(1956:110). Ultimately, no matter what the original designation was or what it should

have been, Building1A cannot be said to have any connections with religion.

Because of its square shape, Hamilton also put forward the possibility that

Building 1A was a bathhouse. He doubted this interpretation, however, because of the

presence of a “carefully constructed langeldr” (longfire) (1956:110). The manner of

construction, not the mere presence, of the hearth must what he was referring to, as

bathhouses needed an open hearth or stone oven to heat up stones on which water was

thrown (Simpson 1967:54, 57).

The only artifacts that were reported to be associated with Building1A were two

bone-combs and an iron spear head (Hamilton 1956:110). Combs seem a likely artifact

in a bathhouse, but a spearhead is less likely. The interpretation of this building as a

bathhouse cannot be confirmed but it cannot be dismissed either.

5.3.3 Chronology
Jarlshof contains the longest building sequence in the Northern Isles. Its artifacts

are potentially valuable in creating a timeline. Steatite, which was commonly used by the

Norse instead of clay and other materials, is particularly important in this respect, as the

stone is present in all seven phases of Norse Jarlshof. Hamilton (1956:188) briefly

discusses the chronology of steatite in terms of the vessels of steatite. The change in the

size and shape of these vessels throughout Norse Phases is still seen as the most

important factor in the steatite chronology. The placement of other steatite items in this

timeline, however, is also significant. This includes the appearance of loomweights in

Phase I (soon replaced by beach pebbles), the increase of line sinkers in Phase V, the

appearance of lamps in Phase VI, and the appearance of bakestones in Phase VII.

Hamilton utilizes Scandinavian studies in his observances of steatite at Jarlshof, as no

studies had been undertaken previously on the stone elsewhere in Britain. He produced

his own classifications of vessels, as others were inappropriate. The general doubt,

however, about the integrity of Hamilton’s data has also cast doubt on the validity of any

chronology deriving from Jarlshof (Forster 1998:30-33).

A comparison of the Jarlshof steatite chronology with the sequence of steatite

from other Norse sites in Shetland, Orkney, and mainland Scotland has been undertaken.

In this study, the distance of Shetland sites from steatite quarries was taken into account.

Also, such stone in Orkney and Scotland is presumed to have come from Shetland. In the

case of Orkney, this is because Shetland is the closest source. In the case of Scotland,

this is because regions further south do not posses related steatite artifacts (Forster

1998:37-50,68, 72). While a chronology for the Northern Isles was not produced, the

study did reconfirm (as much as possible) the validity of the steatite chronology from

Jarlshof. The dates proposed by Hamilton for the seven phases have yet to be confirmed.

They may soon be, at least in part, by comparison with the dating of Scatness, a site

currently under investigation.

Generally, due to lack of additional data, the only major change made to

Hamilton’s timeline is that the period of the Medieval Farmstead has been incorporated

into the Norse period. This is because no major change in lifestyle from that which was

practiced in the previous period can be detected. Thus, the Norse occupation lasted from

ca. C.E. 800 to ca. 1500 (Forster 1998:25).

5.3.4 Underwater Archaeology

Jarlshof itself has been investigated only once since Hamilton’s excavation; this

was in the summer of 1972. A team directed by Ian Morrison of the University of

Edinburgh undertook an underwater archaeological expedition to explore the possibility

of the truth of a portion of the Orkneyinga Saga (Morrison 1973:14). The relevant

section of this saga tells of the shipwrecks of Rognvald and Earl Harald on the Shetland

coast. It also tells of a shore from which boats would launch to fish near the dangerous

tide-race (whirlpool) of Dynrost. The location of this tide-race, which is also a good

fishing area, is known. Thus Jarlshof was a likely spot (as shown below) from which to

launch boats (Morrison 1973:112-115).

The underwater team turned up no definitive evidence of Norsemen. Few

artifacts would have survived the centuries in the water, where rough seas and a stony

substrate likely ground most artifacts into indistinguishable bits. Stones from

disintegrated buildings would not be recognizable either, because they were not altered

when used. In addition, no evidence of boat shelters was found at Jarlshof (Morrison


However, the evidence was not entirely negative. Since part of the site was

already known to be eroded, the researchers already knew that the peninsula where

Jarlshof was constructed once extended further than it does today. How far it once

extended, however, was something that was not known. A rock platform underlies the

sandy surface of the site (Figure 29). This rock platform more than likely had the shape

Figure 20. Rock platform underlying the waters of the coast of the Jarlshof site (redrawn
after Morrison 1973:120).

one thousand years ago that it has now. This platform also sets a maximum limit for the

extent of the shoreline. The minimum estimate for the land was obtained using the well

in the broch. The water table, which makes an upward arch from the shore to the inland,

does not at present reach the well. In order for water table to supply the well, the land

would have to have extended further towards the sea, so that underneath the broch the

arch of the water table would be high enough to reach the well. Based on the current sea

level, the minimum extent of the site at the time of the building of the broch is the edge

formed by the seaward edge of the rock platform. (This would be incorrect if the previous

sea level was higher than at present. However, peat beds and man-made structures that

are now submerged show that the sea level was probably lower in the past.) Therefore, at

the time of Norse occupation, the shore was probably further away from the settlement

than at present. In addition, geological evidence points to continual erosion of the

shoreline from the time of occupation into the present (Morrison 1973:122-124).

After studying the other bays in the Dynrost region, Morrison also concluded that

the configuration (as shown in Figure 11) has not changed much since the Viking Era and

that Jarlshof would have been important to the local community because it “offered a

range of complementary roadstead and beaching places” (Morrison 1973:136). It could

also have been important in trade because a short portage would have made it easy to

depart on the east or west coast in order to catch a good wind or avoid the tide-race.

5.4 Hamilton’s Research as a Beginning

Though Hamilton does give an excellent summation in his book of the work that

has been done at Jarlshof, he does not delve into the placement of the site into a wider

social context of Shetland as a whole or of the Northern Isles. When he does, he notes

basic trends and draws conclusions from them with little input from information outside

of Jarlshof, and many of these theories concern occupations other than Norse. Though

the theories were partially a product of capricious imagination (Fojut 1998:22), Hamilton

also suffered from a lack of data to compare with his findings. Since his time, an

abundance of information has become available. Some of this can be compared with data

from Jarlshof, and some can be used to supplement the gaps in the Jarlshof data that were

created due to a lack of more sophisticated methods at the time of excavations. Much of

this data (reviewed in Chapters two through five) indicates that the Norse were

thoroughly enmeshed in the changes of the time. All of the new data reveal the complex

veins of culture that met and mingled on the Shetland Islands.

Chapter 6


This thesis has explored a number of topics relevant to the Viking settlement of

Britain and specifically of Jarlshof. As discussed in Chapter 2, the prehistory and history

of successive occupations of different cultures in the Shetlands can be seen in domestic

architectural styles. Shetland has been inhabited at least since 3,000 B.C.E./5,000 B.P.

The islands have experienced periodic waves of immigrants thereafter, including a proto-

Pictish people around 200 B.C.E./2150 B.P. These peoples built brochs. The Picts that

invaded later constructed their own buildings, including the distinctive wheelhouses. The

Vikings arrived around 790-810 C.E/1,160-1,140 B.P. Shetland also later received

Scottish immigrants, particularly after it became a possession of Scotland in 1469 C.E.

Certain Scotsmen claimed large portions of the islands, demanding exorbitant rents from

their tenants. These tenants adapted to these demands, and to the demands of the climate,

by developing the system of crofting, in which women farmed and men fished. Relief

came to the crofters in the latter half of the nineteenth century through laws passed in

mainland Scotland. Though previously undergoing a period of decline, the population of

Shetland has increased in recent decades because of jobs brought about by oil production.

Shetland is still under the rule of Scotland, though even today a romantic hope remains

for the return of the islands to Denmark.

As discussed in Chapter 3, “liminal” and “transitional” are words that describe the

Viking periods. At the beginning of the era, the peoples of the Norse homelands were

turning their attentions outwards to search for wealth in order to forge alliances. This

search for wealth may have been caused, at least in part, by overpopulation in certain

classes. Younger sons may not have wanted to break up larger farms through inheritance

or may not have been satisfied with their inheritance, so they sought fame and fortune

through other means. Ironically, at the same time, one of the primary forces that pushed

the Norse outwards, i.e., a growing consolidation of political power within the region,

was also producing changes in the economy that would make alliances through the

exchange of valuable goods obsolete. In short, Scandinavia was changing from an

economy that relied on redistribution to one that relied on supply and demand.

Europe itself was going through transitions that made it susceptible and attractive

to attack (even though the Norse had already established trade links with the continent).

Two of the major attractions for the Vikings were the growing trade centers within

Europe and monasteries; both of which had great accumulations of wealth. Europe was

not sufficiently politically organized until the eleventh century to put an end to Viking


Place name and modern linguistic evidence indicate that the Norse settlers came

from Norway, as told by the sagas. Place name, linguistic, and biological evidence give

conflicting evidence concerning precisely where in Norway emigrants derived. Place

name evidence does indicate the presence of a few Danish settlers.

The shape and features of the first house built by the Norse at Jarlshof, a

rectangular building with a long central hearth, two rows of posts, and benches along the

sides, was typical of the Norse in other regions at the time. The building materials,

however, stone walls with an earth middle, were different than those used in other areas,

but were suited to the Shetland environment. The general uniformity of houses at the

beginning of the Viking Age is indicative of a relatively large amount of cultural

homogeneity at the time. The persistence of these houses in regions where they were

uneconomical, such as in Greenland, attests to their symbolic importance.

Longhouses, which replaced these skáli at Jarlshof, were present in parts of

Europe centuries or perhaps millennia prior to their appearance in Viking Shetland.

However, this history is sketchy at best, so not many conclusions can be drawn regarding

invention versus dispersion. It is significant that the longhouses of Jarlshof appear to

have been present before those of mainland Britain, so they could not have diffused from

there. What is of interested concerning other Viking Age regions is that, with the

exception of the Unst example, longhouses appeared after firehouses in all Viking

colonies. Some widespread force(s) must have driven this architectural shift.

Environment, cultural values, and economy have variously been hypothesized as the

cause. While ultimately all these factors may have played a role, evidence at present

favors economic causes. The bones of calves (as found at Sandwick) indicate that cows

were more important for their milk than their meat. Keeping cattle warm in the shared

space of the longhouse would have increased milk/butter production; the surplus could

have been used for taxes. These taxes were first put into place in the late eleventh

century; according to Hamilton’s chronology, this correlates with the beginning of Phase

V, which is when the first definitive longhouses were erected at Jarlshof. As seen in

Chapter 5, this hypothesis is supported by the fact that, during various phases, Houses 5,

6, and 7, and late House 1 of Phase V, were indeed longhouses and by evidence that casts

serious doubt about whether the earlier Houses 2 and 3 had byres. It is also supported by

evidence that attests that during Phase V of Jarlshof, Shetland transitioned to an economy

based on taxes. This correlates with the hypothesis discussed in Chapter 2—that the

Viking Age ended with a switch from a gift economy to an economy based on wealth

through trade and taxation.

Another significant long-term change at Jarlshof was an increase in the number of

residential buildings in use at one time. This attests to a population increase in Shetland,

either through immigration or native births. The restriction of population to areas of land

that were located next to (but not on) arable land undoubtedly lead to the establishment of

tightly spaced houses, as can be seen in Shetland today.

The division of land would probably have followed odal law, the Germanic

system of land ownership and inheritance. The clustering seen at Jarlshof is evidence of

the antiquity of the method of land management in Shetland, called runrig, that was

documented in the historical period. The complexity of this system, which breaks the

land into strips that are used by alternate households, may be rooted in the complexity of

the system of odal law.

As discussed in Chapter 4, the nature of Pictish political organization was more

scattered and rural than that of most of the rest of northern Europe, and the Picts did not

have connections to European powers. Thus, the Pictish population of Shetland and

Orkney succumbed to the Vikings.

As exemplified by the treasure of St. Ninian’s Isle, the Picts of Shetland had

treasure that would have been attractive to raiders. The extent of the raiding on Shetland,

however, is unknown. Wealth through raiding, however, was not the Vikings’ only

concern during the later part of the Viking Period. Vikings also came to control many

areas and eventually colonize them. This was partially in order to continue extracting

wealth from terrified citizens. However, as described in the sagas, this may also have

been due the consolidation of political power in Scandinavia. This consolidation led to

the loss of authority for many of the traditional chieftains, who subsequently left Norway

to develop power bases elsewhere. In addition, and as discussed above, colonizers also

probably included younger sons, who sought their fortune away from their native lands.

Archaeological and place name evidence were reviewed to determine if the Picts

were present when the Norse first arrived in Shetland. Literary evidence was

contradictory, suggesting both that the Picts were residing in Shetland and the view that

the islands were empty. Archaeological evidence is not well developed in this regard, as

a dearth of Shetland Viking Age sites. Very little recognizable Pictish culture has

survived in Shetland. Little is known about Pictish culture, however, so this lack may be

due to lack of recognition.

Buteux (1997) developed a model for the stages of Norse settlement and

interaction with the Picts in Orkney. According to this model, three phases—pioneering,

consolidation, and establishment—took place during their takeover of Orkney. In the

pioneering stage, raiding and trading took place and winter camps may have been

established. This stage left little archaeological evidence. In the consolidation stage, the

Norse began to make permanent settlements but did not encroach greatly on the Pictish

ways of life. In the establishment stage, the Norse would have dominated, abolished, and

absorbed the Pictish people and culture (Buteux 1997:262). Independent literary, place

name, and archaeological evidence indicate that the first Norse settlements were not on

Pictish sites, indicating that, not only were the Picts present at the time of Norse arrival,

but that the three phase model may also apply to Shetland.

There is only limited evidence from Jarlshof that indicates interactions between

the Picts and the Norse. Thus, to gain an understanding of the nature of their contacts,

Orkney sites were examined. The evidence at several sites indicated some sort of

interaction with the natives. Pictish pottery sherds were found in the Norse levels at

Buckquoy and at Brough of Birsay. Other Pictish artifacts came from the Norse levels of

the Brough of Birsay, where the Vikings appear to have immediately appropriated one of

the buildings after its abandonment by the Picts. There was a mixture of native and

Norse artifacts at Pool; the artifacts at Pool were found in a building that could not be

established as Pictish or Viking. Similarly, at Skaill, two buildings were excavated that

could not be assigned to either of these peoples. This is similar to the evidence from

Building 1D. This structure was built using a combination of Pictish and Norse

techniques and contained a mixture of Pictish and Norse artifacts.

The presence of Pictish bone combs on Norse sites may indicate that amicable

trading relationships or possibly even intermarriage existed between the two peoples.

Assuming that evidence from the Orkneys can be applied to Shetland, and taking into

account the apparent separation of Pictish and Norse sites at the beginning of Norse

occupation, the only evidence for Norse hostility to native Shetlanders is their almost

complete disappearance (assuming they were there in the first place). Jarlshof is the only

Shetland site with any evidence indicating that Picts were residing at the site at the time

of Norse take-over. Perhaps Jarlshof was subject to particularly aggressive Norse


In Chapter 5, Jarlshof itself was examined in detail. This site experienced a series

of excavations from the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the second half

of the twentieth century. These excavations revealed a multicomponent site. The first

occupation was by a Late Bronze Age people. The next two settlements were by Proto-

Pictish and Pictish Iron Age peoples. The Vikings followed thereafter.

During their settlement at Jarlshof, the Vikings constructed a long and complex

series of buildings, a series that is broken into seven phases by Hamilton. In the first

phase, a house (House 1, Period I) and several outbuildings (Building 1A, Building 1B,

Building 1C, Building 1D) were constructed. In the second, another house (House 2) was

added, as well as two more outbuildings (Building 1E, Building 1F). In the third, yet

another house (House 3) was built, another outbuilding was constructed (Barn south of

Building 1B), and an addition was made to one of the previously existing houses (House

2). In the fourth phase, an outbuilding was added (Outhouse 4).

In the fifth phase, all of the houses were altered. One was turned into a compound

for livestock (House 2 Period II); another, along with the outhouse built in the third phase

(Outhouse 4), was turned into a byre (House 3, Period II); and the original house was

turned into a longhouse (House 1, Period II). Three new houses (House 6, House 7,

House 8) were also constructed in Phase V. Several outbuildings (Building 1A, Building

1E, Building 1F, Building 1B) had gone out of use between Phases II-V.

In Phase VI, the houses of Phase II (House 2) and III (House 3) and the

outbuilding of Phase IV (Outhouse 4) also went out of use. Also during this phase, the

original house experienced several additions (House 1, Period II with additions, including

House 1G), one of the later houses was turned into a longhouse (House 6, Period II), and

another was attached to a preexisting barn so that the complete structure created another

longhouse (House 7, Period II). In Phase VII, these buildings were severely contracted

(House 1), added onto (House 6), and contracted and added onto (House 7), (to become

House 1, Period III; House 6, Period III; House 7, Period III). Several other buildings

(House 8, Building 1C, Building 1G) went out of use.

On the basis of comparison of artifacts from Jarlshof with others from outside of

Shetland, Hamilton stated that the Norse occupation extended from ca. 800 C.E. to the

late thirteenth or early fourteenth century. The Medieval Farm, which followed the

Viking occupation, may also be considered a part of the Viking occupation, as there was

no discernible change in lifestyle. If so, then the Norse occupation lasted until

approximately 1500 C.E. After this time, one historical occupation took place at the site.

This was when the building dubbed “Jarlshof” was constructed in the sixteenth century.

Hamilton has come under attack because field methods in archaeology were not

as well developed at the time Jarlshof was excavated as they have come to be.

Hamilton’s work itself, however, is highly detailed but also clear and concise. Any

problems that exist are strictly due to the relatively unsophisticated field methods of his

time. Indeed, Hamilton appears to have made the most of the methods that were

available at the time of his excavation.

Some investigations of the site have taken place since its last excavation in 1956.

Several of the buildings or parts of buildings have been reanalyzed (Bigelow 1985;

Bigelow 1987). Portions of House 1, Period II and House 6, Period II have been

reaffirmed as byres, and the northernmost rooms of House 5 and House 7, Period III,

which were not given a function by Hamilton, are now considered to be byres. House 2

and House 3 are no longer considered to contain byres. If true, this further supports the

hypothesis that the longhouse came into use in Phase V. The living areas of Houses 5, 6,

and 7 have been reaffirmed. Some of the exterior rooms of these houses may have been

privies and some may have been for storage of food. In the latter case, this includes a late

room of House 1 (part of the 1G complex) and a late addition to House 7. The

interpretation of Outbuilding 1A as a hof has been discredited. It may have indeed been a

bathhouse, but there is no evidence to prove or disprove this.

Two other studies have been conducted on materials from Jarlshof. One of these

(Forster 1998) reanalyzed the chronology of the site on the basis of the comparison of the

steatite from Jarlshof with that of other Viking sites in Britain. It reaffirmed Hamilton’s

chronology as far as possible. Another study (Morrison 1973) searched for underwater

remains of the site. While no remains were found, data was recovered that contributed to

understanding the minimum and maximum extent of the land in the past.

Some questions concerning Jarlshof will either have to be answered in the future

or may never be answered. For instance, lack of Viking Age Shetland sites and the

dearth of historical records make conjectures regarding class speculative at best. Various

buildings at Jarlshof may also be subject to new interpretations with an increase in

knowledge of other sites.

Much has been revealed regarding Viking Age Jarlshof and its place in the Viking

era since the publication of Hamilton’s monograph in 1956; additional excavation is

adding important new data with which to interpret the site. To state that more

information is needed from other sites has become a maxim in archaeology. For the

reasons just stated, as well as topics of concern not approached in this paper, a demand

for more information about Viking Age Jarlshof will be made for a long time to come.


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Marcie Kimball graduated from St. Joseph’s High School in Plaucheville,

Louisiana, as a co-validictorian in June 1996. She attended Northwestern State

University in Natchitoches, Louisiana, from August 1996 to May 2000. She graduated

magna cum laude with a bachelor of science degree in physics and minors in

mathematics and anthropology. She was admitted in the graduate program of

anthropology at Louisiana State University in August 2000. She is currently a candidate

for the degree of Master of Arts, which will be conferred in August 2003. She will

graduate with a 4.0 GPA.


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