CME 694 494 F2020 Syllabus

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CME 694 / 494 Advanced Topics in

Chemical and Materials Engineering

(Lec A1, Seminar E1)
Fall 2020- September 02 to December 04

Class time: MWF 1:00PM - 1:50PM Location: NRE 1 143


Lianne Lefsrud, PhD, PENG

[email protected]
DICE 12-287
Office Hours: Immediately following class

Course Description:
*3.5 (fi 6) (either term or Spring/Summer, 3-1S-0) An advanced treatment of selected chemical and
materials engineering topics of current interest to staff and students.

Prerequisites: None

TA Information:
Dr. Fereshteh Sattari, [email protected]

Course Objectives & General Content:

The objective of this course is to:1) provide an overview of process safety management principles and tools
that connects with industrial practices; 2) equip students in quantitative risk analysis techniques; and 3)
prepare them through their in-class case study analysis, worked calculations, and term paper to be leaders
in process safety management.

Marking Scheme / Assessment:

Activity Due/Scheduled Weight

In-class participation (attending/watching Every class 15%

lectures, commenting, asking questions)
In-class case study analysis, presentation, and Week of presentation, variable 25%
class leadership
Presentation of your draft paper outline October 7 & 9 5%
(research question, contribution, case outline)
Term paper, first draft November 15 15%

Term paper, final draft December 18 40%

CME 694 - Fall 2019 Page 1

The Faculty recommended grade point average for a 600 level course is 3.3. Instructors have the leeway to
deviate from this average and can assign grades based on their own scheme. All grades are approved by
the department chair (or delegate). The office of the Dean has final oversight on all grades.

Text and References (Mandatory):

Crowl, D.A. & Louvar, J.F. (2019). Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications. Fourth
Edition. Pearson. Available online at:

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

1. Understand the purpose of process safety, the use of leading / lagging metrics, principles of risk
perception/ tolerance, and health and safety principles such as toxicology, industrial hygiene.

2. Describe simple and more complex source models, realistic and worst-case releases, and perform
conservative analysis.

3. Understand air dispersion and the parameters used to describe it, perform calculations using neutrally
buoyant plume and puff models, and understand dense gas dispersion.

4. Understand toxic effect criteria and release prevention/mitigation.

5. Define the fire triangle and understand how to use it to prevent flammable mixtures, characterize
flammability of gases, liquids, dusts, and mixtures.

6. Describe inerting, discuss static electricity ignition hazards and their control, and explain design
concepts to prevent fires and explosions.

7. Identify processes where a chemical reaction hazard might be present, understand a chemical
compatibility matrix, and understand important questions for any chemical reaction.

8. Define hazard identification and risk assessment procedures and use various methods for hazard
identification, evaluation, and risk assessment.

9. Understand and use risk assessment concepts: probability theory, event tree and fault tree analysis,
QRA, LOPA, Bow-tie methods, societal vs. individual risk, risk tolerance criteria.

10. Understand and apply the principles of cost-benefit analysis, evaluation of alternatives, use of
sensitivity analysis, and making recommendations to risk decision-makers.

11. Discuss process safety strategies such as hierarchy of safety, safe operating procedures and work
practices, and designs for process safety.

Previous Examples of Evaluative Materials:

Marking rubric for case study presentations and marking rubric for term paper are available on eClass.

University Policies:
Policy about course outlines can be found in Course Requirements, Evaluation Procedures and Grading of
the University Calendar.
The University of Alberta is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty. Students
are expected to be familiar with these standards regarding academic honesty and to uphold the policies of
the University in this respect. Students are particularly urged to familiarize themselves with the provisions of
the Code of Student Behaviour (online at and avoid any behaviour which

CME 694 - Fall 2019 Page 2

could potentially result in suspicions of cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation of facts and/or participation
in an offence. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence and can result in suspension or expulsion from the

Audio or video recording, digital or otherwise, of lectures, labs, seminars or any other teaching environment
by students is allowed only with the prior written consent of the instructor or as a part of an approved
accommodation plan. Student or instructor content, digital or otherwise, created and/or used within the
context of the course is to be used solely for personal study, and is not to be used or distributed for any
other purpose without prior written consent from the content author(s).

Faculty of Engineering Statement on Safety During Learning Activities:

In all Faculty of Engineering courses, labs, seminars or other learning activities, safety is of paramount
importance. In some cases, laboratory work in a program requires high standards for risk management to
keep potential hazards safely under control. Anyone found to be unable to function safely, due to
intoxication, behavior, or other reasons, in the class, lab, seminar or other learning activity may be asked to
leave or be removed for their and the safety of other participants and instructors. As members, or
prospective members, of the engineering profession, it is your responsibility to identify and inform the proper
authorities of an unsafe work/learning environment.

Did you know that the University of Alberta has various low-to-no-cost services to help students succeed? Visit for information about the academic, wellness, and various other support
services available to U of A students. It's never too early or too late to seek help!

CME 694 - Fall 2019 Page 3

“30.3.2 Inappropriate Academic Behaviour
From the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering
30.3.2(2) Cheating
Students PLEASE READ. It is your responsibility to be aware
30.3.2(2)a No Student shall in the course of an examination or
of and understand the implications of contravening the University
other similar activity, obtain or attempt to obtain information
of Alberta’s Code of Student Behaviour.
from another Student or other unauthorized source, give or
attempt to give information to another Student, or use, attempt to
All suspected infractions identified by Faculty, TAs, Markers and
use or possess for the purposes of use any unauthorized
Exam Invigilators will be:
1) Investigated by the responsible Faculty member delivering
30.3.2(2)b No Student shall represent or attempt to represent
the course including an interview with the student.
themself as another or have or attempt to have themself
a) A second Faculty member will be present at the time of
represented by another in the taking of an examination,
the interview.
preparation of a paper or other similar activity. See also
b) The student is entitled to an advisor sourced from the
misrepresentation in 30.3.6(4).
Office of the Student Ombuds during such an interview.
30.3.2(2)c No Student shall represent another’s substantial
2) If the outcome of (1) warrants, then it will be referred to the
editorial or compositional assistance on an assignment as the
Office of the Dean for investigation and possible disciplinary
Student’s own work.
30.3.2(2)d No Student shall submit in any course or program of
a) The student will be invited to meet with the Associate
study, without the written approval of the course Instructor, all or
Dean, Dr. Joseph for an interview.
a substantial portion of any academic writing, essay, thesis,
b) The student is entitled to an advisor sourced from the
research report, project, assignment, presentation or poster for
Office of the Student Ombuds during such an interview.
which credit has previously been obtained by the Student or
c) The Associate Dean will decide on a sanction weighing
which has been or is being submitted by the Student in another
the evidence “on the balance of probabilities”.
course or program of study in the University or elsewhere.
3) The student has the right to appeal any sanction imposed
30.3.2(2)e No Student shall submit in any course or program of
through the University Appeals Board.
study any academic writing, essay, thesis, report, project,
assignment, presentation or poster containing a statement of fact
The following is selected content from the Code of Student
known by the Student to be false or a reference to a source the
Behaviour that students should be particularly aware of, ref:
Student knows to contain fabricated claims (unless
“CODE OF STUDENT BEHAVIOUR”, updated July 1, 2018
acknowledged by the Student), or a fabricated reference to a
“30.3.2 Inappropriate Academic Behaviour
Plagiarism can also be cheating (two counts in one)
30.3.2(1) Plagiarism
Plagiarizing within the context of assignments, papers, lab
No Student shall submit the words, ideas, images or data of
reports, tests and examinations is also an attempt to take
another person as the Student’s own in any academic writing,
academic advantage over others in the same class; such that a
essay, thesis, project, assignment, presentation or poster in
better grade may be achieved, and hence may also be subject to
a course or program of study.”
a charge of cheating.

Dispelling some of the myths that lead to plagiarism “30.3.6(5) Participation in an Offence

a) It is not OK to use someone else’s words or work No Student shall counsel or encourage or knowingly aid or
without appropriate citation and referencing but claim assist, directly or indirectly, another person in the commission of
that you are ‘honouring them’ by using their words. any offence under this Code.”
b) It is not OK to put references at the end of a piece of
work but not cite the reference at the end of the specific “30.3.4 Inappropriate Behaviour towards Individuals or
section of paraphrased text or vice-versa. Groups
c) It is not OK to use a figure, table or graph from
someone else’s work without appropriate citation. 30.3.4(1) Disruption
d) It is not OK to put a verbatim quote in quotation marks
or italics and not to cite the reference at the end of the 30.3.4(1)a No Student shall disrupt a Class in such a way that
quote, or vice-versa. interferes with the normal process of the session or the learning
e) It is OK for you to work with a person or group on an of other Students.” Comment: This includes use of laptops,
assignment, lab report or project as long as your phones and working on assignments distracting others
solution or submission for grading was worked and
written independently of the person or group. "30.3.4(6) Violations of Safety or Dignity
f) No assignment, lab report or project submission from
one student should show strong similarity in written 30.3.4(6)a No Student shall have sexual or physical contact with
style or calculation layout to another student. another person without that person’s consent.
g) It is not OK to work with someone else on an 30.3.4(6)b No Student shall physically abuse another person,
assignment or lab report or paper and submit an threaten any other person with physical abuse or cause any
identical or highly similar document for grading. other person to fear physical abuse.
h) A momentary lapse in judgment is not an excuse. 30.3.4(6)c No Student shall create a condition which endangers
or potentially endangers or threatens the health, safety or
wellbeing of other persons.

Office of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering Dr. T.G. Joseph, rev. June 2019
CME 694 - Fall 2019 Page 4
30.3.4(6)d No Student shall harass another person. Harassment In many instances, cheating in examinations occurred when
is defined in the Discrimination, Harassment and Duty to students were using washrooms, although some students
Accommodate Policy in UAPPOL, and includes Harassment, access resources in exams in front of invigilators. Students need
Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Racial Harassment. to be aware that the Office of the Dean uses all available
30.3.4(6)e No Student shall use words which threaten violence technology and services to monitor use of unauthorized
or physical abuse to any group or individual whether or not the devices and resources, including IP logs specific to device
group or individual thus threatened knows of such threatening traffic during examination periods. Instructors are encouraged to
words and whether or not the words are employed with a monitor E-class logs and ‘electronic material sharing’ sites during
demonstration, rally or picketing.” exam periods.

“30.3.6 Other Offences Faculty of Engineering rules related to

unauthorized electronic devices in examinations
“30.3.6(4) Misrepresentation of Facts

No Student shall misrepresent pertinent facts to any member of 1. Section 23.5.1(1) Permitted References and Aids, of the
the University community for the purpose of obtaining academic University Calendar states: "Only those items specifically
or other advantage...” Comment: This includes falsely authorized by the instructor may be brought into the exam
claiming ill health to defer examinations or gain extensions facility. The use of unauthorized personal listening,
communication, recording, photographic and/or
“30.3.3 Inappropriate Behaviour in Professional Programs computational devices is strictly prohibited". Any violation of
this is a violation of the Code of Student Behaviour.
30.3.3(1) A Student enrolled in Professional Programs is bound 2. On entering an examination, students must turn off all
by and shall comply with the Professional Code of Ethics unauthorized electronic devices including but not limited to
governing that profession and the practice of its discipline. cell phones, laptops, tablets, watches with internet/storage
30.3.3(2) It shall be the responsibility of each student in a capability, or other audio-visual devices. Invigilators should
Professional Program to obtain, and be familiar with, the remind students to do this before the examination is started.
Professional Code of Ethics relevant to the discipline and all 3. Such devices should be placed in a carrying bag or
amendments thereto as may be made from time to time.” backpack, and placed behind or underneath the student's
chair; or if the room is deemed capable, invigilators may ask
Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of all bags and backpacks be placed in a designated area and
Alberta - APEGA CODE OF ETHICS only retrieved once the examination is completed.
4. Any student in possession of an unauthorized electronic
1. Professional engineers and geoscientists shall, in their device, regardless of perceived action, will be reported by
areas of practice, hold paramount the health, safety and the invigilator and/or instructor for investigation under the
welfare of the public and have regard for the environment. Code of Student Behaviour. All such reports will be referred
2. Professional engineers and geoscientists shall undertake to the Office of the Dean.
only work that they are competent to perform by virtue of 5. Students requiring a washroom break must present their
their training and experience. ONEcard to the invigilator prior to leaving the examination
3. Professional engineers and geoscientists shall conduct room. Invigilators will be responsible for noting such
themselves with integrity, honesty, fairness and objectivity students' names and exact time of departure and return.
in their professional activities. 6. Calculators with storage capability other than approved
4. Professional engineers and geoscientists shall comply with programmable calculators are prohibited in examinations.
applicable statutes, regulations and bylaws in their
professional practices. General rule for unauthorized devices in examinations
5. Professional engineers and geoscientists shall uphold and
enhance the honour, dignity and reputation of their Students should refrain from bringing any
professions and thus the ability of the professions to serve
unauthorized electronic device into an examination room. At
the public interest. the very least no unauthorized device should be on your
person during an examination, but should be secured in your
Unauthorized use of devices & resources backpack or bag out of reach for the duration of the examination.

On-line resources such as “Course-Hero” are considered Study and assignment tips for students
inappropriate resources that students should avoid accessing.
Such resources are the subject of concern by the Office of the
Dean and University Legal Counsel, as content has previously 1. Study in groups, but only to discuss concepts and principles,
been identified as unauthorized use of Faculty of Engineering NOT to complete assignments.
Professors’ intellectual property, including notes & solutions. To 2. Perform assignment calculations and written solutions on
use such resources is both Cheating and Plagiarism. your own – you are only competing with yourself.
3. Take advantage of using the TA scheduled office time to ask
additional questions – if in doubt ask.
Students identified to have used unauthorized devices; such as
4. If colleagues are getting higher grades in assignments, labs,
smart phones, watches and glasses; to access E-class or
exams, remember you are not competing with other
communicate with others via email or social media during an
students only with yourself.
examination have received Cheating sanctions which can
5. If you are tempted to take a shortcut think about this: What
include the loss of the full exam grade value as a minimum, up to
is the value of the assignment or lab or test that I am
a suspension or expulsion from University recommendation.
tempted to cheat or plagiarize to get credit?

Office of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering Dr. T.G. Joseph, rev. June 2019
CME 694 - Fall 2019 Page 5

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