Earthquake Response of Linear Systems: Expected Outcome

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Expected outcome:
1. Students can determine deformation response of SDF systems due to earthquake
ground excitation.
2. Students can determine internal forces of SDF systems due to earthquake ground
3. Students can plot a response spectrum of earthquake ground motion and use
response spectrum to determine peak response of SDF systems.
4. Students can create a design response spectrum from given parameters for the site of

One of the most important applications of theory of structural dynamics is in

analyzing the response of structures to ground shaking caused by an earthquake. This chapter
deals with linear systems, which are elastic systems, so we will refer to them by linearly
elastic systems.

6.1 Earthquake excitation

For engineering, the time variation of ground acceleration is the most useful way of
defining the shaking of the ground during an earthquake. Ground acceleration appears on the
right-hand side of equation of motion when an SDF system is subjected to ground excitation.

A basic instrument, called strong motion accelerograph, records three components of

motions including two horizontal components and one vertical component. Acceleration is
vector quantity in 3-D space that varies with time. It requires three components to define a
vector in 3-D space.

In the past, i.e., late 1900s, recording instruments do not record ground motion
continuously all the time. It is triggered to start recording when the first waves of earthquake
arrive because there may not be any strong ground motion for months. But after arrival of
digital era, there have been significant advances in earthquake monitoring equipment and
abundant recording stations around the world.

Figure 6.1 Modern accelerometer

Figure 6.1 shows a picture of a modern digital force-balanced acceleration sensor

which can record three axes of ground acceleration at high sampling rate (about 200 Hz
meaning 200 data points per second). It has high sensitivity such that it can detect
acceleration as small as 10-5g (or 0.001%g).

Before 1990s, strong recorded ground motions were very rare because numbers of
instruments were limited and they were not located near the origin of earthquakes. After 1994
Northridge, California; 1995 Kobe, Japan; 1999 Turkey and Taiwan earthquakes, hundreds of
strong motion records became available.

Earthquake ground motions are irregular in nature and they vary widely in terms of
amplitude, duration, frequency content, and wave form. The peak acceleration can be more
than 1g and duration of the strong phase may be as short as a few seconds or as long as a few
minutes (Fig. 6.2).

The factors that affect characteristics of ground motion at a location are

1) Source (magnitude, fault mechanism)
2) Path (distance from epicenter, geology, direction)
3) Site (soil condition at the location considered)

Figure 6.2 Ground motions recorded during several earthquakes based in part on Hudson
(1979) (Source: Chopra, 2012)

6.2 El Centro ground motion

The earthquake ground motion in the north-south component recorded at the El

Centro station during Imperial Valley earthquake on May 18, 1940 will be used for
discussion in this chapter (Fig. 6.3).

Acceleration is specified at very small time interval (0.005-0.02 sec) to capture the
highly irregular variation with time. The velocity and displacement time history were
obtained by integrating the acceleration time history, but some adjustment is required as the
initial velocity and initial displacement may not be zero if the recording started by triggered.
This adjustment is called “baseline correction.”

ugo  0.319 g

u go  35.97 cm sec

u go  20.74cm

Figure 6.3 North-south component of El Centro ground acceleration, velocity, and

displacement history from Imperial Valley earthquake in 1940.

6.3 Response of linear SDF systems to a ground motion

Equation of Motion

For a linear SDF system subjected to ground motion excitation ug  t  , the motion of

the mass is governed by the equation

mu  cu  ku  mug  t  (6.1)

Dividing by mass m on both sides, we obtain

u  2nu  n2u  ug  t  (6.2)

For a given ground acceleration ug  t  , the response u  t  depends on the natural

frequency n (or period Tn ) and damping ratio  of the system. Thus, two systems with the

same Tn and  will have the same response u  t  even if one of them has more mass and

stiffness than the other as long as the ratio between k and m are the same (Fig. 6.4).

Figure 6.4 Two SDF systems subjected to ground excitation both governed by the same
equation of motion Eq. (6.1) or (6.2)

Response history

For a given ground acceleration ug  t  , the deformation response of an SDF system

depends on its natural frequency and damping ratio. The response u  t  of an SDF system

can be determined from numerical procedure as discussed in Chapter 5.

Observe the responses u  t  of three SDF systems with the same damping ratio 2%,

but different natural period of vibration (Fig. 6.5a). The time required for an SDF system to
complete a cycle of vibration when subjected to earthquake ground motion is very close to its
natural period of vibration.

For these cases, the one with longest natural period has the largest peak deformation.
This trend is not necessarily true over the entire range of natural periods.

Compare another three SDF systems, all with the same natural period of vibration of 2
sec but different damping ratio of 0, 2, and 5% (Fig 6.5b). The time required for an SDF
system to complete a cycle of vibration is similar for all three cases, but the amplitude
always decreases as damping ratio increases. This trend is consistent with the study of
response to harmonic and pulse excitations.

Once the deformation response history has been evaluated by dynamic analysis, the
internal forces can be determined by static analysis of structure at each time instant. By the
concept of equivalent static force f S , which is a basis of earthquake load in building design


f S  ku  t  (6.3)

where k is the lateral stiffness of the frame. k  n2 m

f S  mn2u  t   mA  t  (6.4)


A  t   n2u  t  (6.5)

A  t  is called “pseudo-acceleration” (Fig. 6.6). The equivalent static force equal

mass time pseudo-acceleration, not the total acceleration ut  t  . A  t  is obtained by

multiplying u  t  by n2   2 / Tn  .

(a) (b)

Tn  0.5sec,   0.02 Tn  2sec,   0


2.67 in.

Tn  1sec,   0.02 Tn  2sec,   0.02

Deformation u (in.)

5.97 in.
7.47 in.

Tn  2sec,   0.02
Tn  2sec,   0.05

5.37 in.

7.47 in.

Figure 6.5 Deformation response of SDF systems to El Centro ground motion.

Internal forces

For a one-story frame, the internal force can be determined at any time instant by
static analysis of the structure subjected to the equivalent static lateral force f S  t  at the

same time instant (Fig. 6.7).

Base shear Vb  t   f S  t   mA  t  (6.6)

Overturning moment M b  t   h  f S  t   hVb  t  (6.7)

where h is the height of the frame.

Tn  0.5sec,   0.02

Pseudo acceleration A (g)

Tn  1sec,   0.02


Tn  2sec,   0.02


Figure 6.6 Pseudo-acceleration response of SDF systems to El Centro ground motion

f S (t)

V b(t)
M b(t)

Figure 6.7 Equivalent static force concept

6.4 Response spectrum concept

First introduced by M. A. Biot (1932), the response spectrum method is a central

concept in earthquake engineering. It provides a convenient mean to summarize the peak
response of all possible SDF systems to a particular component of ground motion.

A plot of peak value of a response quantity as a function the natural vibration period
Tn or frequency n or cyclic frequency f n is called “response spectrum.” Each plot is for a

fixed damping ratio  . Engineers prefer to use Tn rather than n because Tn is more

A variety of response quantity can be defined.

Deformation response spectrum uo Tn ,    max u  t , Tn ,  


Relative velocity response spectrum uo Tn ,    max u  t , Tn ,  


Acceleration response spectrum uot Tn ,    max ut  t , Tn ,  


Deformation response spectra

The peak value of deformation time history response of an SDF system with natural
period Tn due to a particular ground excitation can be plotted as a point on the deformation

response spectra. The peak value of deformation is denoted by

D  uo  max u  t  (6.8)

If many of such analyses are repeated for many SDF systems with different natural
periods Tn but a fixed damping ratio  , the deformation response spectra can be constructed

for the range of Tn considered. Similar spectrum for other value of damping ratio can be

constructed in a similar manner.


üg (g)

2.67 in.
Deformation u (in.)

5.97 in.

7.47 in.
Time (sec)



Figure 6.8 (a) El Centro ground acceleration; (b) deformation response of three SDF systems
with Tn  0.5, 1, 2sec and   2% ; (c) deformation response spectrum for   2%

6 - 10
Pseudo-velocity response spectrum

Pseudo-velocity ( V ) is a response quantity having unit of velocity but not the actual
relative velocity between the mass and the ground. It is just a product of deformation and
natural frequency n :

V  n D  D (6.9)

Pseudo-velocity is related to the peak value of strain energy Eso by

mV 2
Eso  (6.10)
derived from

ku 2 kD 2 k V / n 
mV 2 (6.11)
Eso  o   
2 2 2 2

It is important to note that pseudo-velocity is not the same as peak relative velocity uo . But

their values are similar in certain circumstances, e.g, 0.2sec  Tn  5sec and   20% .

Pseudo-velocity response spectrum (Fig. 6.9b) is a plot of V as a function of the

natural period Tn or natural frequency n of the system.

Pseudo-acceleration response spectrum

Pseudo-acceleration ( A ) is used for easily computing equivalent static force (Eq. 6.4).
 2 
A D 
n  D (6.12)
 n 

Pseudo-acceleration A has unit of acceleration but it is not acceleration of the mass,

which should be total acceleration ut . That is why it is called “pseudo.” However, peak
pseudo-acceleration A has the same value as total acceleration ut when   0 . Otherwise,
their peak values are still similar for lightly damped SDF systems with small to moderate
natural periods.

Peak pseudo-acceleration A is related to the peak value of base shear Vbo as

6 - 11
Vbo  f So  mA  w (6.13)

where w is the weight of the structure, and g is the gravitational acceleration.

Thus, A / g may be interpreted as the base shear coefficient or lateral force

coefficient. It is used in building codes to represent the coefficient that is multiplied to the
total weight of the building to compute base shear force as earthquake load (Fig. 6.9c).







Figure 6.9 Response spectra (  2%) for El Centro ground motion: (a) deformation
response spectrum; (b) pseudo-velocity response spectrum; (c) pseudo-
acceleration response spectrum

6 - 12
Combined D-V-A spectrum

Because the three quantities are related through

A Tn 2
 V  n D or A V  D (6.14)
n 2 Tn

They can be combined in one plot and three different quantities can be read from three
different axes. Such a four-way plot in logarithmic scale is called a “tripartite plot.”

Figure 6.10 Combined D-V-A response spectrum for El Centro ground motion;   2%
(Source: Chopra, 2012)

V can be read from the vertical axis, while A and D can be read from diagonal axes
(Fig. 6.10). This is basically a plot of pseudo-velocity V versus natural period Tn in log-log

scale and two diagonal scales are added to facilitate reading of A and D. Combined D-V-A
response spectra for El Centro ground motion are plotted for damping ratio of 0, 2, 5, 10, and
20% to cover the range of damping ratio in practically real structures (Fig 6.11). The
response spectra are plotted for a wide range of natural period Tn from 0.02 to 50 sec.

6 - 13
Figure 6.11 Combined D-V-A response spectrum for El Centro ground motion;
  0, 2, 5, 10, and 20% (Source: Chopra, 2012)

Peak structural response from the response spectrum

If the response spectrum is available for a given ground motion, the peak value of
deformation and internal forces can be readily determined.

T T 
uo  D  n V   n  A (6.15)
2  2 

f So  kD  mA (6.16)

No further dynamic is required. Only static analysis of structure subjected to the equivalent
static force provides the peak values of internal forces during response to the given
earthquake (Fig. 6.7).

Vbo  f So  kD  mA (6.17)

M bo  hVbo (6.18)

6 - 14
Example 6.1

A 12-ft-long vertical cantilever, a 4-in.-nominal-diameter standard steel pipe, supports

a 5200-lb weight attached at the tip as shown in Fig. E6.1a. The properties of the pipe are:
outside diameter, do = 4.500 in., inside diameter di = 4.026 in., thickness t = 0.237 in., and
second moment of cross-sectional area, I = 7.23 in4, elastic modulus E = 29,000 ksi, and
weight = 10.79 lb/ft. Determine the peak deformation and bending stress in the cantilever due
to the El Centro ground motion. Assume that  = 2%.


The lateral stiffness of this SDF system is

3EI 3(29 103 )7.23

k   0.211kip/in.
L3 (12 12)3

The total weight of the pipe is 10.79 × 12 = 129.5 lb, which may be neglected relative to the
lumped weight of 5200 lb. Thus

w 5.20
m   0.01347 kip-sec 2 /in.
g 386

The natural vibration frequency and period of the system are

k 0.211
n    3.958 rad/sec Tn  1.59sec
m 0.01347

From the response spectrum curve for ζ = 2% (Fig. E6.1b), for Tn = 1.59 sec, D = 5.0 in. and
A = 0.20g. The peak deformation is

uo  D  5.0 in.

The peak value of the equivalent static force is

f So  w  0.20  5.2  1.04 kips

The bending moment diagram is shown in Fig. E6.1d with the maximum moment at the base
= 12.48 kip-ft. Points A and B shown in Fig. E6.1e are the locations of maximum bending

6 - 15
Mc 12.48  12  4.5 / 2 
 max   46.5 ksi
I 7.23

Thus, σ = +46.5 ksi at A and σ = −46.5 ksi at B, where + denotes tension. The algebraic signs
of these stresses are irrelevant because the direction of the peak force is not known, as the
pseudo-acceleration spectrum is, by definition, positive.


Figure E6.1 Structure, response spectrum, and internal forces for Example 6.1
(Source: Chopra, 2012)

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Example 6.2

The stress computed in Example 6.1 exceeded the allowable stress and the designer decided
to increase the size of the pipe to an 8-in.-nominal standard steel pipe. Its properties are do =
8.625 in., di = 7.981 in., t = 0.322 in., and I = 72.5 in4. Comment on the advantages and
disadvantages of using the larger pipe.

3  29  103  72.5
k  2.112 kips/in.
12 12 

n   12.52 rad/sec Tn  0.502sec

From the response spectrum (Fig. E6.1b): D = 2.7 in. and A = 1.1g. Therefore,

uo  D  2.7 in.
f So  1.1 5.2  5.72 kips
M base  5.72 12  68.64 kip-ft

 max 
 68.64 12  8.625 / 2   49.0 ksi

Using the 8-in.-diameter pipe decreases the deformation from 5.0 in. to 2.7 in. However,
contrary to the designer’s objective, the bending stress increases slightly.

This example points out an important difference between the response of structures to
earthquake excitation and to a fixed value of static force. In the latter case, the stress would
decrease, obviously, by increasing the member size. In the case of earthquake excitation, the
increase in pipe diameter shortens the natural vibration period from 1.59 sec to 0.50 sec,
which for this response spectrum has the effect of increasing the equivalent static force f So .

8-in. column: Tn=0.502 sec


4-in. column: Tn=1.59 sec


Figure E6.2 El Centro pseudo-acceleration response spectrum for  = 2%

6 - 17
Example 6.3

A small one-story reinforced-concrete building is idealized for purposes of structural

analysis as a massless frame supporting a total dead load of 10 kips at the beam level. The
frame is use in a building located on sloping ground (Fig. E6.3). The beam is much stiffer
than the columns and can be assumed to be rigid. The cross sections of the two columns are
10 in. square. Their lengths are 24 ft and 12 ft for the left and right sides, respectively.
Determine the peak displacement, peak total base shear and shear forces in the two columns
due to the El Centro ground motion. Assume that the Young’s modulus of concrete is 3000
kip/in.2 and damping ratio is 5%.

Rigid beam and mass = 10 kips / (386 in./sec2)



Figure E6.3 Frame with unequal-length columns on a slope


1. Compute the natural vibration period.

The beam is assumed to be rigid and the rotation of column top is restrained by the
beam, so the lateral stiffness of each column is kcol  12 EI L3 and the frame lateral stiffness

is sum of kcol :

12  3  103 104 /12  12  3  103 104 /12 

k  
12 12   24 12 
3 3

 10.047  1.256  11.303 kips/in.

n   20.89 rad sec
10 / 386
Tn   0.301sec

6 - 18
2. Determine peak displacement and pseudo-acceleration from response spectrum   5% in
Fig. 6.11
uo  D  0.67 in, A  0.757 g

3. Compute peak total base shear and shear forces in the short and long columns.

Vb  w   0.757 10 kips   7.57 kips
Vshort  kshort uo  (10.047)  0.67   6.73kips
Vlong  klong uo  (1.256)  0.67   0.84kips

Observe that both columns go through equal deformation. Undergoing equal

deformations, the stiffer column carries a greater force than the flexible column; the lateral
force is distributed to the elements in proportion to their relative stiffnesses. The shorter
column is therefore prone to damage before the longer column.

Response spectrum characteristics

From Fig. 6.11, we can observe that response spectra for all values of damping ratio
become closer as natural periods approaches zero or large values. And we can notice that
pseudo-acceleration A approaches the value of peak ground acceleration ugo at very short

period and deformation D approaches the value of peak ground displacement ugo at very long

period. Therefore, we indicate these limiting values in the plot of response spectra (Fig. 6.12)
to confirm this trend.
If we plot the response spectra in term of normalized quantities: A / ugo , V / u go , and

D / u go in Fig. 6.13, we can see that pseudo-acceleration is about constant in short period

range and is amplified from peak ground acceleration ugo by up to ten times for undamped

systems and amplification reduces as damping increases. Similarly trend can be observed for
pseudo-velocity amplified from peak ground velocity ugo in the medium period range, and

deformation amplified from peak ground displacement ugo in the long period range.

6 - 19
Figure 6.12 Response spectrum (  0, 2, 5, and 10%) and peak values of ground
acceleration, velocity, and displacement for El Centro ground motion (Source: Chopra, 2012)

Figure 6.13 Response spectrum for El Centro ground motion plotted with normalized scales
A / ugo , V / u go , and D / u go ; (  0, 2, 5, and 10%) (Source: Chopra, 2012)

6 - 20
If we focus on the curve for 5% damping ratio only (Fig. 6.14), which is quite
smoother than the curve for undamped system, we could simplify the response spectrum for
5% damping ratio as multiple linear segments in log-log scale. These linear segments are
connecting between points a, b, c, d, e, and f, sequentially. This is an idealized response
spectrum and is so called “smooth spectrum.”

The range of period shorter than period at point c (Tc) is called “acceleration-sensitive
spectral region” as segment b-c represents constant pseudo-acceleration that is amplified
from peak ground acceleration ugo by an amplification factor that depends on damping ratio.

The more damping, the less amplification.

The range of period longer than period at point d (Td) is called “displacement-
sensitive spectral region” as segment d-e represents constant deformation that is amplified
from peak ground displacement ugo by an amplification factor that also depends on damping

ratio, but this amplification is less than that of pseudo-acceleration.

The range of period between point c and d is called “velocity-sensitive spectral

region” as segment c-d represents constant pseudo-velocity that is amplified from peak
ground velocity ugo by an amplification factor that also depends on damping ratio, but this

amplification is in between than that of pseudo-acceleration and deformation.

The natural period corresponding to points a, b, c, d, e, and f are Ta , Tb , Tc , Td , Te ,

and T f , respectively. The values for these periods for El Centro earthquake ground motion

are shown in Fig. 6.14. These points and periods are different for other ground motions
depending on magnitude of earthquake, distance from source, and local soil condition.

Tc , which is transition from acceleration-sensitive spectral region to velocity-

sensitive spectral region, tends to increase as magnitude of earthquake increases; and Tc also

increases when the ground condition is softer soil. Tc are short for earthquake ground motion

recorded as long distance from earthquake source, which is often called “far-fault ground
motions.” They tend to increase to longer periods for ground motion near the source of
earthquake, i.e., near-fault ground motions.

This Tc is called TS in the ASCE7 standard regarding design loads for buildings.

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Figure 6.14 Response spectrum for El Centro ground motion shown by solid line together
with an idealized (smooth) version shown by a dashed line; =5% (Source: Chopra, 2012)

Most importantly, for systems with very short period, Tn  Ta =0.035 sec, pseudo-

acceleration A approaches ugo for all damping ratio and D is very small. This trend is

understood based on physical reasoning that a very short period system is very rigid and
moves together with the ground. From the response history of an SDF system with
Tn  0.02sec due to El Centro ground motion, we can observe that the deformation is very
small and total acceleration is approximately equal to the ground acceleration and equal to
negative of pseudo-acceleration (Fig. 6.15). From equation of motion,

u  2nu  n2u  ug  t 

because the system is very rigid, if we assume that u  0 , we have

u  2n u  n2u  ug  t  implying that A  t   n2u  t   ug  t   u t   ut  t 

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And, if we assume further that u  0 then we have

A  t   ug  t   ug  t   u  t   ug  t 


ugo  0.319 g Tn  0.02sec,   0.02

uto  0.321g

 (c) Note that this plot has reverse direction of y-axis as A  t   ut  t 

 A  0.321g

Figure 6.15 (a) El Centro ground acceleration; (b) total acceleration response of an SDF
system with Tn=0.02 sec and =2%; (c) pseudo-acceleration response of the
same system; (d) rigid system

For very long period system, Tn  T f  15sec , D approached ugo for all damping

ratios and A is very small. This case is concerned with very flexible systems where the mass
essentially stays still while the ground at the base moves rapidly (Fig. 6.16). The deformation
equal to ground displacement with opposite sign u  t   ug  t  . The total acceleration is

close to zero ut  0 .

6 - 23

Tn  30sec,   0.02

u go  8.4in.


u go  8.23in.

Figure 6.16 (a) El Centro ground displacement; (b) deformation response of SDF system with
Tn=30 sec and =2%; (c) very flexible system.

In summary from above observations, a response spectrum can be divided into three regions:
1) For the very short period region, Tn  Ta , A is equal to ugo . For Tb  Tn  Tc , A may be

idealized as constant at a value equal to ugo amplified by a factor depending on  . This

region ( Tn  Tc ) is called “acceleration-sensitive region.”

2) For the very long period region, Tn  Td , D equals to ugo . For Td  Tn  Te , D may be

idealized as constant at a value equal to ugo amplified by a factor depending on  . This

region ( Tn  Td ) is called “displacement-sensitive region.”

3) For intermediate region, Tc  Tn  Td , V may be idealized as constant at a value equal to

ugo amplified by a factor depending on  . This region is called “velocity-sensitive


6 - 24
Effect of damping on response spectrum

The effects of damping vary with spectral regions. Damping is most influential in the
velocity-sensitive region ( Tn  1sec ). Effect of damping is stronger for smaller damping

values. If damping ratio increases from 0 to 2%, reduction of response is greater than when
damping ratio increases from 10 to 12%. If the ground motion is nearly harmonic, e.g.
Mexico City 1985, the effect of damping will be more significant than short duration pulse-
like ground motion (Fig. 6.2).

Figure 6.17 Reduction of peak pseudo-acceleration for El Centro ground motion

as damping ratio increases from 0 to 20% for Tn =0.2, 0.5, 1, 3, and 5 sec

6.5 Elastic design spectrum

Ground motions at the same location during different earthquake events can be
significantly different. Characteristics of ground motions depend on several factors including
magnitude of earthquake, fault mechanism, distance of site from earthquake fault, geology
and travel path of seismic waves, and the local soil conditions.

Figure 6.18 shows response spectra of earthquake ground motions recorded at El

Centro due to three different earthquake events in 1940, 1956, and 1968.

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Figure 6.18 Response spectra for the north–south component of ground motions recorded at
the Imperial Valley Irrigation District substation, El Centro, California, during earthquakes of
May 18, 1940; February 9, 1956; and April 8, 1968. ζ = 2%. (Source: Chopra, 2012)

The response spectrum to be used for structural design should not be for a specific
ground motion, but it rather represents possible ground motions based on statistics of many
ground motions. Figure 6.19 shows the typical design response spectrum for calculating
earthquake loads to be used in design of a new building according to ASCE 7-16 standard.
This spectrum is smoother than a response spectrum for an individual ground motion as
compared in Fig. 6.14. In ASCE 7, damping ratio is assumed to be 5% in general unless it is
recommended to be other values, e.g., steel structures or tall building should use damping
ratio less than 5%.

Between periods T0 and TS (comparable to Tb and Tc in Fig. 6.14), the pseudo-

acceleration (called spectral acceleration in ASCE 7) is constant and is defined by a

parameter S DS . This stands for design spectral acceleration at short period (=0.2 sec), which

came from a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis at the site of building construction
considering all possible sources that could produce earthquake ground motions at the site.
First, the spectral acceleration SS is determined such that there is probability of 2% in the

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next 50 years that there is occurrence of an earthquake producing spectral acceleration at
Tn  0.2sec greater than SS . Or it is often said that SS has 2% probability of being

exceeded in the next 50 years. This SS also represents a shaking intensity with return period

of 2475 years and this is also called “maximum considered earthquake” (MCE) level. SS is

to be adjusted for soil condition by a factor Fa and multiplied by a factor 2 3 which

discounts the intensity to be suitable for design of normal building which corresponds to
approximately 10% probability of being exceeded in 50 years, or 475 years return period
earthquake. The adjust spectral acceleration is S DS which is used to define the elastic design

spectrum as shown in Fig. 6.19.

2 2
S DS  Fa S S S D1  Fv S1
3 3


Figure 6.19 Typical design response spectrum for calculating earthquake loads to be used in
design of a new building according to ASCE 7-16 standard.

Another parameter that defines the spectral acceleration in the velocity-sensitive

spectral region between period TS and TL in Fig. 6.19 is S D1 . It is design spectral

acceleration at period of 1 sec and it is obtained from S1 for MCE earthquake and adjusted

for site class by factor Fv and also multiplied by 2 3 . In the velocity-sensitive spectral

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region, pseudo-velocity is constant so pseudo-acceleration Sa decreases as period Tn

increases as the function Sa  S D1 Tn .

At period TL defined in ASCE 7, it is the transition point from velocity-sensitive

spectral region to displacement-sensitive spectral region, or point d in Fig. 6.14. Beyond this
point to longer periods, the spectral acceleration varies with period Tn as the function

Sa  S D1  TL Tn2 .

On the other end of the spectrum where period approaches zero, the pseudo-
acceleration would approach the peak ground acceleration ugo . Here it is assumed that the

spectral acceleration S DS for 5% damping ratio is amplified from the peak ground

acceleration ugo by a factor of 2.5, the the peak ground acceleration ugo is assumed to be

ugo  S DS 2.5  0.4 S DS .

Table 6.1 Short-period site coefficient, Fa (ASCE 7-16, 2017)

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Table 6.2 Long-period site coefficient, Fa (ASCE 7-16, 2017)


1. A steel pipe vertical cantilever with 3m long supports 1.5 ton weight at the top as
shown in Fig. P6.1. The properties of the pipe are: outside diameter of 17cm; inside
diameter of 15cm; thickness of 1cm, Young’s modulus E  200, 000MPa ; and weight
of 28.23 kg/m. Compute the peak deformation and the bending stress in the cantilever
due to El Centro ground motion with   5%

Steel pipe

Figure P6.1

2. A one-story building with massless frame supporting a dead load of 5 ton at the beam
level as shown in Fig. P6.2. The frame is 7m wide and 3.5m high. The column has

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30cm  30cm cross section. The young modulus of concrete is 21,000MPa, and the
damping is assumed to be 5%. The building is designed using design spectrum of El
Centro ground motion (Fig. 6.11). Determine the design values of lateral deformation
and bending moments in the column if the beam stiffness is much larger than the
column, so the beam is assumed to be rigid in flexure.

5 ton

3.5m 30cm

Figure P6.2

3. Repeat Problem 2 if the beam stiffness is much smaller than the column, so the beam
stiffness can be ignored. Discuss on the influence of beam stiffness on design

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